DESTItf CTIOlf OF Till POPE' OrrRRtNO i TO THE WAaUINdTON MONVMkiNT. About 12 o'clock last night the sentinel near the Monument became conscious of the rubbing of something against the side of his watch box, he at first thought it was bis faithful dog ; but on attempting to open the door, he found it seoured by a rope, which had been drawn tightly around the box. Immediately after, he perceived that some persons were pasting paper over the win' dows. lie sailed to them, and asked what was meant, and was told to hush. He asked if they intended to injure him and received the same reply as be did to all other ques (ions. . He then heated an iron poker in his stove, and pressing it through the door, burned the rope in two, and made his way out. He aoon found that his dog had been poisoned, and was dead, and on examining the ground carefully, he discovered that the beautiful pieces of marble that had been presented to the Monument Association by the Pope, bad been broken into a thousand fragments. ty e nave no iniormanon ot whom suspi cion rests tipon in connection with this deed We aie informed that a very' large number of persona visited the Monument yesterday, and not one-third of them registered '.heir names. We have no doubt a large reward will be offered for the apprehension and con viction of the high handed depredators. Washington Sentinel. Thi Homestead Bill, giving to any free white person, who is the head of a family, or 21 years of age and a citizen of the United States, or a foreigner, if he has made decla ration to become a citizen, a quarter section of vacant government land, provided that he ac'.ually settle on the same, has passed the lower House of Congress, by a vote of 107 to 78. Davis Jewell to be Hvtia.Harrisburg, 27th nit David Jewell, the covicted mur derer at Pittsburg, who was recently respited by Gov. Bigter, is to be hung on Friday, the 24th of March. The Governor signed his 'death warrant on Munday the 6ih iust. The attention of our readers is called to Pofessor Holloway's Advertisement in an other part of our columns. The world wide teuown of his Pills and Ointment are too well known to require much comment from ns; but they are, without doubt, the most effica cious remedies for all the ills which flesh is heir to. Many of our readers have derived immense benefit from nsi ig the Pills in ca ses of bile, and general derangements of the stomach and bowels, and no cutaneous dis ease can resist the curative powers of the Ointment, the effect it has on the human frame is certainly astonishing, MPORTANT Legislative Proceedings. The Legislature had adjourned for nine days, so ns to afford time for all the members to prepare for and enjoy the consolidation festivitiet, and to provide themselves with suitable clothing for the ocrasion, from Rockiiill & VY ils a cheap and fashionable clothing store, INo. Ill Chestnut street, corner of Franklin Place, Philadelphia. Fliila., Jan. 28, 1854 cw. ItlARItlEl), On the 5lh inst.,by Uev. Ii. A. Fishcr,Mr, William J. Herb, to Mis Matilda Fry mike, both of Union county. On the 9th inst , by the samo, Mr Henry Kniss to Miss Sarah Koi.b, both of Augusta On the same day, by the same, Mr. Isaac Wagner, to Miss Mary McPharson, both of Lewisburg. On the 12th inst., by the same, Mr. Peter Heim, to Jlits Matilda Isird, both or lha mokin. On the snme day. by the same, Dr. Jesse John, to Miss Elizabeth Khick, both of Shamokin. On the same day, bv the same, Mr. Rob eiit Teatsworth, to Miss Mariatte Krick, both of Shamokui u i i; i), At Reading, on the 11th iust , Mr. PETER B Ilium, aged 58 years. $l)c ittcirkct Philadelphia Market. March 15, 1854 Flour and Meal. The demand for Flour "for export is limited ; standard brands are la ken at 87 874 per barrel. Sales for city con sumption within the range of $8a$8 75, for common and extra Dranits. liye riuur aim Com Meal are dull. Sales of the foimer at 35 25. Sales of Corn Meal at S3 50. Grain Wheat is in rather belter demand wilh further sales at 81 80 for ted, and $1 90 for white hye is worth 95c per bustiel. Corn is dull Small sales of yellew at 80c, -afloat. Oats are inactive. Sales of Southern at 44 cents, end Pennsylvania at 48 a 50 cents. Whiskey. Is held at 27 cents, in bbis , and at 26 in hhds. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT Wbeat. - iso Tin. .87 Cor. .68 Oats. . . 40 "Potatoes, 50 Ueeswax - .12 Heceled Flax. 25 Butter. 23 Eoos. ... 12 Pore. . . . 8 Flaxseed. . w . . 125 Tallow. .10 New Advertisements. PUBLIC SALE. flHE subsariber about ts change his place of! JL residence, will expose to public vendue on Thursday, the 23d day of March, inst., at 10 o'clock, A. M., at his house in Northumberland, the following Household Furniture; Mahogany Spring-Seated SOFAS &, CHAIRS t MJiogany Tubles, Bureaus & Washstands J wun marine lops, Mahogany t rench Bedsteads, with Curled Hair Matrasses, Puliassis, Fea ther Beds, (ntw,) &.c, all complete. Maple and oak, rush & cane seated Chairs and Sofas. Also, Brussels, Ingrain and Keg Csrpeimg, White Matting lor hail and chambers j together wilh stoves, tables, (or walnut patent aitension.) Bedsteads, Chairs, Glass ware, an entire tet of china, and a general aeeoriiuem oi lUlcheo utensil I'.rm. n,.,L kaowa on the dsy of sale. . , . J- G. CRAIGHEAD. N. D. This furniture having been purchased low for cssh from the very beet manufacturers in New York city will be sold cheap. Kerth'd., March 11, 1&4.Su FOR SALE! THE tubscritwri, Trustees of the Lutheran congregation of Sunbury, will expose to public sale on the first MonJay of April Court next, , ... . r Three Vacant Town Lots, fronting on Deer street US feet, and running back 110 feet, and also an adjoining lot, forty-five feet front on Deer street, and 110 feet deep, on which is erected a ONE STORY BRICK BUILDING, known as the Lutheran School House. Also the old church building. Also the ORGAN of the church. This organ is an excellent instru ment, tni well adapted te a small church. The terms and conditions will be made known on the dsy of sale. OEO. WEISER, 13ENJ. HENDRICKS, Trustees. Sunbury, March 11, 1864 ts. DOCTOR JOSEPH W. CAMERON, T ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of the Borough of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has permanently located himself in said Borough and offers his professional services to those who may wish to employ him. For the present he can be found at Wearers Hotel. Sunbury, March 11, 1854. tf. Notice to Collectors. COLLECTORS in arrears are hereby notified that they will be required to settle up their duplicates by the April Court. Those neglecting this notice will be dealt with according to law. CHA8. WEAVER, ) JOS. NICELY, Com'ssrs. SIMON SNYDER, J Com'ssrs. Office, ) Sunbury, March 11, 1854.- Geo Martin, Clk. ) Bridge Letting. A LETTING will be held at the bouse of Isaac Reader, on the 30th of March, for a Bridge acrose Warrior Run in Lewis township. Proposals will be received from 10 o'clock. until 1 P. M. of said day. Plans and specifications will be exhibited on the day of letting. JHH. VI KAYAK, 1 JOSEPH NICELY, Com'ssrs. SIMON SNYDER, J Coinm'ssrs Office, ice, I II, 1854. $ Sunbury, March In the matter of Partition of the real estate oj James Lemon, deed. JV"OTICE is hereby given that the undersigned L V Auditor, nnnointeil hv the Court of Common Pleas to make distribution ot the moneys raised on the sale of the real estate of James Lemon, late of Point township, dee'd., to and among those legally entitled to the same, w ill proceed to the duties of his appointment, at bis office in the Borough of sunbury, on Monday, the 3d day of April, 1854, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, at which time and place all interested may attend. WM. M. 1(1 iLKtif ELLEK, Auditor. Sunburv. March 11, 1854. 3t. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans Court ol Northumberland county, will be exposed to public sale at the Court House in Sunbury, on Saturday, the 1st day of April 1854, the follow ing described real estate, to wit ; the undivided fourth part of two contiguous Lots of Ground, situate in the Borough of Sunbury, on the south west corner of Blackberry and River streets, on which is erected a Two Story Brick Dwelling House and Kitchen, Ac, now occupied by H. B. Master, Esq., late the estato of Isaac Zeigler, dee'd., and in which his widow Mary Zeigler holds a life estate. To le told at the properly of Emily J. Englo and Norman S. Engle, minort, esch entitled to one eighth part. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms will be made known by HENRY C. EYER, Guardian. By order of the Court, J. P. PURSE L, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, March 1 1, 1854 " SHERIFF'S SALES. Y virtue of a certain writ of Lev. Facial to me directed, will be sold by public sale, on Monday, the third of April, next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at the Court House, in Sunbury, the fol lowing property, viz : all that messuage piece or Parcel of Land, situate in Coal township, Northumberland coun ty, and State of Pennsylvania, bounded as fol lows, to nil: Beginning at a white oak, thence by lands surveyed for Esther Kramer, north eighty eight degrees, east one hundred aid ninety perches to a post, thence by laud surveyed for William tireen and Samuel Clark north two degrees, west one hundred and two perches to stones, thence by lunds surveyed for Thomas Hamilton, south eighty eight degrees, west two hundred and forty-five perches to stones, thence by lands surveyed for M. E. Leverson south thirty degrees, east one hundred and seventeen perches to the place of beginning, containing one hundred and thirty acres and fifty four perches and allowance, cVc, being the same tract of land winch was surveyed for John Carson in the year 1794, and returned as 466 acres, but which upon re-survey by the order of the board of proprietors dated March 6th 1824, was reduced to 131 acres and 54 perches, and which by divers conveyances was vested in the said Charles Wharton partee hereto in Fee. Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as the projicrty of Charles Wharton. ALSO: TY Virtue of a certain writ of Ven. Exp. tome directed will be sold by public Vendue, or outcry, at the same time and place, A Certain Lot or piece of Land, situate in Lower Augusta township, county aforesaid, bounded north by lands of Joseph Gass, east oy la nut ot tieorge Bavidge, south by lands ef Abm. Wolf, and west by land of Joseph Gsss, containing 40 acres more or less, all of which is cleared, whereon are erected a small log House, a log & table, cVc. . Seized, taken in execution and to be sold as 'he property of Valentine HannabacH. WILLIAM B. KIPP, Sheriff. Sheriff's Office 1 Sunbury. March 11, 1854.- J Orphans Court Sale. N pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, I will sell at pub lic sale, at Burr s Hotel in the Borough or Nor thumberland, On FRIDAY, the 31st dsy or MARCH, 1854, at one o'clock, P. M., 1st. A Farm adjoining the Borough of North- umberland, Pa., containing 125 acres, with about 85 acres cleared, with house, barn, 4c, on the same, The above farm is beautifully situated near tne canst, and the line of the Sunbury and trie Railroad, and within five minutes walk of the town of Noithumberland. It is excellent grain land, and has upon it a valuable sand atone quarry. Sd. Also, a Frame House and two lots on Queen street, In the Borough of Northumberland formerly occupied by the Rev. James Ksy, dee'd. 3d. Also, Two and a half acres of land, lying between the canal and the West Branch of the Susquehanna, iu the Borough of Northumber land. Terms on tbisd down, at the time of sale, and the balance in three equal annual payments, with interest psyable yearly. . . JAMES KAY, Acting Executer of Rev. James Kay, dee'd. By order of the Court. J. P. PUR8EL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, March 4, 1854, To be Rented. A (OodDwellins' Houaaln M.rW.l .i,. u bu7-. .,n1u'' ' e effice of the American. II, IQOtSt, SUNBURY AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. SHAMOKIN Collegiate Institute. R. HILL, A. B., PrinoipaL Rev. C. J. EHREHART, A. M. Teacher of Moral and Mental Science, Evu dencts of Christianity, tfc. Teacher of Primary Department. rTMIE first session of this Institution, located at Shamokin, Northumberland county, Pa., will commence on Wxdsxsoat, the 10th day of Mat, 1864. The year will be divided into three sessions of fourteen weeks each, thus allowing a vacation of four weeks in spring and autumn, and one of two weeks during the holidays. The Institution will comprise three departments, A Primari, Academic and Collssiits. The course of instruction in these will be full and thorough, embracing all the branches asually taught in these respective departments. Rates or Totioh i Primary Department, per session, $4,00 Academic " " 6,00 Collegiate ' M $8,00 A large and spacious room has been secured to meet the wants of the Institution, until the necessary buildings are completed. Boarding can be obtained in private families at reasonable rates. The Board of Trustees will spsre no pains or labor, to make Shamokin Collegiate Institute, worthy the patronage and confidence of the com munity. For further particulars, address Kimber Clea ver, Esq., of Shamokin, President of Board of Trustees, or Rev. C. J. Ehrehart of Paxinos, Northumbeiland county. Pa. Shamokin, March 4, 1854. For Sale! THE House and Lot of Ground in Market stroet, now in the occupancy of Miss Jane Finney. Possession will be given immediately. For terms, dec, apply to HENRY DONNEL. Sunbury, March II, 1854. 3t. REGISTERS' NOTICE. jMOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees, ' Creditors and other persons interested in the Estates of the following named persons, that the Executors, Administrators, and Guardians of said Estates have filed their accounts with the Register of Northumberland County, and that the same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said County, on Tuesday, the 4th day of April, A. V., 1854, in the forenoon, for confirma tion and a.lowan'rc. Nathan Irwin, dee'd., settled by his AJui'lor, Thomas Pollock. Frederick Ttchopp, dee'd.. Final Acct. settled by his Adin'rs, Philip & Andrew Tschopp. Adam Daniel, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, John Adam Daniel. Benj. L. Vastine, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tor. Lewis V. Vastine. Henry Lantz, dee'd., Final Acct. settled by his Ex'r, Simon Lantz. John Schleppy, dee'd., settled by his Adin'rs, Conrad Schleppy cV Chas. A. Kutz. Baltzer Bordncr, dee'd., settled by his Adm'rs, Jonathan Ac George Bordncr. Mary Sears, dee'd., settled by her Ex'rs, Thos. Snyder & Robert S. Seers, Anthony Yodcr, dee'd.. settled by his Ex'rs, Peter Yoder 4 Daniel Herncr. Wilson Price, dee'd., settled by his Executor, William H. Muench. Michael Neidig, dee'd., settled by his Adui'r, Samuel S. Wagner. Daniel Latsha, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, John S. & Henry Latsha. John Engle, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r, de bonis non, Philip Weiser. Philip Helrich, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors, Michael, Samuel & Nicholas Helrich. John Eistcr, dee'd.. settled by his Adm'rs, John H. & Jacob II. Eister. William W. Irland, dee'd., settled by his Adm'r, D. L. Irland. Richard Barclay, dee'd., settled by his Ex'tors, Thos. Strawbridge & Roliert A. OilVcn. Jane Rishcl, settled by her Guardian, Marl'm Rishel. Caroline Troxel, settled by her Guardian, George Smith. John Eislei, jr., (Guardian Acct.) ssttled by John Eister, sr., Adm'tor. Simon Follnier, dee'd., settled by his Adm'tor, Philip and Rebecca Fullmer. JOHN P. PUltSEL, Register. Register's Ollice, Sunbury, March 4, 1854.- J LAWRENCE HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA- THE subscriber resjectfully informs the public that she still continues to keep the above named public house, and that she has engaged Air. W eiser SAeglet to superintend the ssmc. She has also received a new supply of good liquors and wines, and trusts that she will be able to give satisfaction to all who may visit her House. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury March 4. 1854. If. Canal Boats for Sale. rjuIE subscribers having retired from the Boating and carrying business, ofl'er for sale Ten First Class Pennsylvaaia CANAL BOATS, All in complete order, having been thoroughly repaireJ, and aro now ready for use. The Boats can lie seen by calling on John Zie'ler, Columbia, Lancaster co., Pa. BINGHAM & DOCK, 276 Market street, Philadelphia. Phila., March 4, 1854 2m. GREAT EXCITEMENT IN EUROPE! The Russian Ministers Have left France and England, and the consequence will no doubt be a serious war, md great rise in the price of grain, eye, out S. SCIINUltMAN $ CO., rilAKE pleasure in informing the citizens of JS. Sunbury, and vicinity, that it has not, nor will not effact the low price of their excellent winter stock of clothing, but that they are now selling off all at first cost. This is no humbug, and tbe only way to find out the truth of it, is to give us a call, when every pains willl be taken to deal at low prices and satifactory to customers. In addition to a good stock of clothing, persons will find at our establishment a fine assortment of Watches, Jewelry, &c, which we claim the right of selling cheaper than any other store of the kind, in this section of the country, Don't forget the name and place, 8, Schnurman & Co., Market street, Sunbury, nearly opposite John Young's Store. We will in a short time recieve our Sprint and Summer stock, which we also intend to sell the most reasonable. Believing our old motto, CASH, to be a good one, we will still adhere to it. The ready John Is always the most com fortable. 8. SCHNURMAN & CO. Punbury, March 4, 1854 08 tf Notice to pay up. ALL persons indebted to Friling oV Grant are respectfully requested to call and par their accounts, on or before the first of April next, as they must have cash to purchase their spring supplies. Sunbury, March 4, 1654. 4t An Apprentice Wanted. ' AN mduetrious boy, between 16 and II years , "f desirous of learning the 8addlery and Harness making business, can find a goad """ y app'juig to tne subscriber. . . t A. J. STROH. Bunbury, Tab. J5, . CIRCULAR. THE subscriber begs leave respectfully to In form his friends and the public generally that he will continue the business of a Cabinet Makers' Finding1 Store, in all its various branches at the old stand, No. 134 South Second St., below Dock st. Philadcl. phis, and respectfully solicits a continuance of the very liberal patronage bestowed upon the late firm ef T. & I Thompson, assuring his friends that every exertion will bo made by himself and those in his employ to merit a continuance) of their much esteemed favor. THOMAS THOMPSON. Phila., March 4, 1854. 6m. . Estate of iTEOOiT'tiiiL TyOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad A' ministration on the estate of Martha Good hart, late of the Borough of Sunbury, decd, have been granted to the undersigned. Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will discharge the same, and those having demands will present them fer settlement F. BUCHER, Adm'tor. Sunbury, March 4, 1854. 6t. 7o thi Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter sessions for the county of Northum berland. The undersiened pt thinner rnnectfnlly snlii-its the Hon. Court to grant him a license to krvp an litli ur Uvern at his old sum! in Georgetown. Fn AXKf.lN FRYKIt. WE the underttjrnpd citizens of Oirpplm-n, b-nie; ac quainted with the t'clllioncr, di certify tltat lie is iif good repute fir hnnrsty and temperance, and thill lie is well pro-vid-d wilh house room ond other convenience for the ac commodation of etrenirers and trnvclris, and thnt an Inn nr tavern there ia neccsrury for the accommodation ol stran gers and travelers. Philip Spata, G. B. Wiser, ftolnmnn ResMer, John Peiler, George YV. Artierpnst, I'hilip Holib, George Spats, Charles Urousoia, Peter B ird, joai-ph Fenstermolier, Jacob Uingcman, Jacob Ureihclbia. Andrew Ditty. Georgetown. March 4, t8'4 3t. To the Honorable the Judees of the Court of Quarter sessions for the county of Northum berland. The nnderiigned peliti.ner respectfully solicits Die Hon. Htrl to gmnl him a decline o seep an mil ur tavern at s old stand in the township of Shnmokiu. CIIAltLKfl XV. BNYDKn. WE the linderiieneil citizens of ShnnloVin township, lieiiie ncniininted with the Petitioner, do certify thnt he ia of grKjd icpute for honesty and teinperaiie, nnd Ihnt he is well provided wtiti riou-e room onn oincr c niveuinneea lor he accommodation 01 aimnger ami travelers, nun mat an nn 01 tavern there is necessory fur the nccominiMlation of strangers and traveleia r . r. ?warlz, l.n.iries i.eiseiinng, jimcs vnunoin, Charlea Mnrtz. II. H. VuMinc, Adam Pimmlg, David Marts, John Fisher. John liuukrl, Jr., Clotwotthy Fisher1 hmajrl Zimmerman, in. H . I'ersing. Keainokin tp., March 4, Ibl. tit. To the Honorable the Judges of the Cyirt of Q'lirter sessions for tne county of Northum berland. The undersigned petiti.tner respectfully solicits the Hon intrt tn cram her n liccnnn to keen an lun or tavern ut her old s'uud in the Uorougli of Sunbury, MARIA THOMPSON. WE the undersigned citizens nf Suulalrv. being ac quainted wilh Ihe Petitioner, du certify thai site is of good pute lor nonesty and temperance, and unit slie Is well provided with house lKm uiul other conveniences for the accommodation of strungera and travelers, and thut an Inn or tavern there la nccctsury for the accoinmodatini ol strangers ond travelers G. M. Yorks, Geo. Martin, .lacoh Yonne, Jno P Puisel, Fred l-azirini, Ira T. Clement, XV. T. Grant, John Haas, Jcn45ouriie, John lluj ers, Win. M. Rockefeller. II. K. Masscr, Sunbury, Malch 4, 18JJ. 3t. 'o the Honorable the Judges if the court of Quarter sessions Jor tlic county of frorthum berlard. The undersigned petitioner icspectfiiny s ilicits the Hon. Court tn grant im a license to keep an lun or uveiil ut hia old slund ill Suamukut township. samitx nnostovs WE the undersigned citizens o5 &lioinnkin township. being acquaietcd with the Petitioner, do certify lint he is of good repute for honesty nnd lempeinnce, and thut he ia well provided with house loom and other couveuieiicea or the acctinnioriiition ol stiangers nuil travelers, ami that n tun or tavern there is necessary for the accommodation I stHiigcrs ami travelers. David Feaglev, John Irfller, Jacob Treiblev, Solomon Fagcley, B. F. I.erch. John ll-dmer, Daniel F. Ililbisli, ihti Henner, Jacob Brosious, Jac 'b II. Kisler, bbas Bro- cioiis, John Kister. Minmokm tp., March 4, IHil. tn. To the Honorable the Judees of the Court of Quarter sessions Jor the county of Joi lluim- be r land. The uudersiened petitioner respeetfullv solicits Ihe Hon. Court to grant him a license to keep an Jnn ur tavern ut is uld stand in the u 'rough ot sunburv. CHARM'S WE.VVKB. WE the undersigned citizens of the Itoroueti of Suuhurv, beiue acquainted with the Petitioner, do eerllfv that he is of food repute for honesty and temperance, and Ihnt he la wull provnled with House ruotn unil other conveniences lor the accommodation of strangers anil Irnvelera, and that an lun or tavern there ia necesgury lor the accommodation of atranjrers and travelcre. It. U. Masser. II. J. olverlon, J. II. Messcr, Jacob Culi'.e, Geo. .Mania, Fred. IjUKarus. Peter It. Masser, Kobt. II. Awl, Jacob Youae, James Heard, Jno. V. Purl, Dnn't. W. Slundel uiihury, Maich, 4. To the Honorable the Judges of the court of Quarter sessions for the county oj Northum berland. The undcrsiened petitioner resneclfullv solicits thelton. Court to ciutit him a license lo keep an Inn or tavern at he old stand tn lower Augusta township. CHARLES S JONES. WE the undersicned citizens of Iiwer Amriista town- ship, being; acquainted with the Petitioner, do certify that he is of pood repute for honesty und temperance, and thut he ia well provided with house room and oiher eotivcnien ees for the accommodation of atnuerers and Inivelera, and that an Inn nr tavern there is necessary for the accommo dation of strangers and tiovclcrs. John bhricht. Joint Colilren. Robert S. Seers. David Shipinan, Peter Yncom, Win Sicj-fried, Morrie T. J-.nea. John Long, William Snyder, Jeremiah StClaii, Pule! II., uauici ruiair. lower Augusta, March 4, 1SS4 31. To the Honurable the Judges of Ihe CouiX of Quarter sessions Jor the county of Northum b:rland. The undersigned prlitinner respectfully e-'licits the Hon. Court to grant turn a license to keep an lun or tavern at Ihe old stand, kept by Win. Farrow, dee'd, at Snydertowii. WILLIAM FARROW, Jr. WE the tmdersiened ciliceus of Sham-dun township. Iteiiig acquainted with the Petitioner, do carlify that he is ol koou repute lor lioucrty and tempt-iaitce, and that he is well provided with house room and . tiler conveniences for the accommodation of slraiiKera and truvelcra, a.d tlial an Inn or tavern there is uecsssuiy for Ihe sccummodatimi of strnnfreia and travclera. nebustisu Bouffhner, Daniel II. Evert, Daniel Pmith, Mnhlen Hoiiehucr, John Moore. Clon ics Hurts, Ira Jones, tin Camplwll, Ceor(t J. Adams, Charles Lciscnriiij;, eph C. Robins, Jacob E, Mueneli. Siiydertown, March 4, 151 31. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter session Jor the county of Northum berland. The undersigned petitioner respectfully solicits tht Hon ourt to (rant tier a lleenae to keen an iuu or luveru at her old aluud in the B'irougli of Suututi y. CATHARINE BOULTON. WE the undersiffuen eitrzensol the lloroueh of Sunburv. being acquainted with the Petitioner, do certify that she is of good repute for honesty and temperance, aad tluit she is well prnvieed with house room and other conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and travclera, and tlutt an Inn or tavern there ia necessary for the accommodation of strangers and travclera. Peter U Masscr, Philip Clark, John G. Bright. Solomon Stroh, Chas J. Ilruuer, James Covert, F.d. Y. Urittit, J. II. Masscr, Gluts. Weaver, II. J. Wolverlon, John ouug, hn uieiner. Sunbury, March 4, !S54.3t. To the Honorable tht Judges of the Court of Quarter sessions Jor tAi county of Northum berland. The underaiened petitioner rcaneetfutlv solicits the Hon. Court to grant him a license to keep au Inn or tavern at his old stand in the Borough of Northumberland. WILLIAM STREATER. WE the undersicned eitiseua of the Borouah of North umberland, being acquainted with the Petitioner, do certify that he ia ol good repute lor honesty sua temperance, and that he is well provided with house room end other con veniences for the aeoommodutlon of strangers and travel era, and that an lna or taveru there ia necessary foi the accommodation of atrangers and traveleia. t t; Morton, m. ruggart, j. t,. nick, M. I. u. witn. tngton, Jamea Taggait, Wni. WiU-ni, Josiak Chapman, John Shrincr., Joseph Priestley, W. T. .Forsyth, John Gust, Joint Wbealluy Nortb'd., Murcu A, 3t. lo the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter sessions for tht county of J'oithunlberlund. The undersigned netitiouer respeel f ullv solicits the Hon. Court torrent hint a license to keep aa tunes tavern at bis okl aland lu tit towu of Bharaokin- WM.M. WEAVER. WE the undeisiffiicd citisena of the tows of Shamokin. being acquainted with the Petitioner, do certify that be ia of auud reiHite for honesty and teiniierauce, and that b is well proved with bouae room and other convenience for tbe BCeomnvoAauon o strangers end liave era, and that an Iuu or leveea there la necessary for the acouuimo-, detion of strangers ana travelers. Ktuia Eisenhart. Sleeken Jiutenbender. Jaa. X Boyd, J. H.Uweea,H. Vaa Gaskeu, Jiiab Reed, Galen 8, Kobiita, John B, Dnuty, Joseph Bind, Daniel Kvert, t. C. liaans, A. R. Flake. &uunuku, Muck 4, 16M.- . Blacksmithing. rTWE subscriber hereby informs the citizens of Suhburv, and the public' generally, that he intends to carry on the KlAcksniltlilng Builnetii on his own account, and that .he has removed his shop from near Clement's store,- to a new shop on the premises of Mark Scupham, in Fawn street, where he will be happy to accommodate all his customers. HENRY PARTON. Sunbury, March 5, 1854. tf. wsioioTi ofpartnerTp." JVOTICE is hereby given that the partnership ' heretofore existing between the subscribers, in the Ulncksmithing business In the Borough of Sunbury, was dissolved by mutual consent, on the 1st of February at The accounts of the late firm will be settled by John Clark. JOHN Cl.AIJK, HENRY PARTON. Sunbury, Msrch 4, 1854. 3U LEATHER. HENRY W. OVERMAN, A'e. 8 South Third Street, below Market, PHILADELPHIA. THE attention of country buyers Is called to the extensive assortment of alt kinds of Finished leather. Moroccos, CalfSkir.s, , Sheep Skins, Ac., constantly on hand and for sale at reduced prlcca. RED AND OAK POLE LEATHER. N. B. All kinds of country leather taken in exenungo lor goods. Phila., Feb. 4, 1854- Sm. MEXICAN GUANO. THE subscribers elTer for sale Mexican Guano of the best quality, well adapted to the soils of Pennsylvania and New Jersey) analsys of which, by a well known chemist, is in our posses sion.. This article is suld it a much lower price than the Peruvian, and will he found fully equal in fertilizing qualities. H. S. BURLING & CO. 101 North Frrnit Street, Philadelphia. Phila., Feb. S5, 1654 3m. Estate of J. C. PERKINS," dee'd.' V OTICE is hceby gixen, that letters of admin- " islration have bon granted to the subscriber, upon the estate of J. C. Perkins, deceased, late of Trevorton. All those knowing themselves in debted to said estate, sre requested to make pay ment, and those having claims, to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement. P. B. MASSER, Adm'r. Sunhnrv, March 4, 1S51. Gt. Assitjiicc? Account. VTOTl Br TICE is herehy given that J. Woods rown, Eiq., assignee of Cornelius McCiin- lcy has filed his account ia the Prothonolary'e ollice, and the same will be presented to the Court for confirm stion at April Term next. . JAM KS BEAKD, 1'ioth'y. Prothonotarj's Office, ) Sunbury. Feb. 85, 1854. J 1,000 Book Agents Wanted" To Sell Pictorial and Useful Works for the Year 1854-. $1,000 DOLLARS A YEAR. "ttliTAjNTED in every section of the United ' Stales, active and enterprising men, to cngiige in the sate of some of the best Books published in the Country. To men of good ad dress, possessing a small capital of from $'25 ta $100, such inducements will be ollercd as to enable them to make from $3 to $5 a day profit. lT The Books published by us arc all useful in their character, extremely popular, and com mand ftirgc sales wherever they are offered. For further particulars, address, (postage paid, K0BEUT SEARS, Pi hlihhkk. 181 William Street, New-York. .rw ork, Feb. 25, 1854. 3t. New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LANING, MAM FACTl ltKltS & IMPMRTERS, No 121 Arch Street, second door above Sixth. Philadelphia, VrHF.KE may be found the largest and hand " soinest assortment in the city. Purchasers from the country will find it to their advantage to call at our store, where they will he suited wilh a superior article at the lowest prices. Bl KTO. it LANING, No. 114 Arch Street, above Sixth, Philadelphia. Phila., Feb. 55 1854. 3m. "EstaTeoTLYDIA H0USEL, dee'd. TAJ OTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the un dersigned upon the estate of I.ydia House), late cf Rush township, Northumberland county, dee'd. All persons having claims sgainst said estate are requested to present them, duly au thenticated, for settlement ; and those knowing themselves indebted to make payment without ilelnv. CHARLES II OVSEL, Adm'r. Rush tp., Feb. 25. 1853 tit. ClT6 THIlfG'AT COST Great lJargains ! ! IN order lo make room for our spring supplies we have commenced from to-day to sell off our Stock of ready ntudc Winter Clothing, at or iginal cost and invite our customers and the pub lic in general who arc in want of warm clothing, to favor us with a call. -'Old Boreas" has not quit us yet fur this winter, and in consequence we will probably have suino cold weather yrt, whereat thick Overcoats will do us signal service. Even if not needed at the moment people will find it advantageous to supply themselves before hand, as we hold out a good oppertunity now to all. Cold bluslerirg spring ia long yet and even through summer a thick Overcoat will come han dy sometimes. We hove a choice lot on hand yet and respectfully invite our patrons to call at 0. EL8BER0 & CO S. Cheap Clothing- Store, Market Street, opposite Ihe Post Office. N. B. Wc will continue as heretofore to sell all goods in our line as reasonable as possible still adhering to our old motto : CHEAP FOR CASH G. ELSBERG dr. Co. 8unbury, Feb. 18, 1854. ValuableProperty for Sale In the Borough of Sunbury ! riHE subscriber oners for sale the following JL property in the Borough of Sunbury, vixi THE HOUSE And two contigious Lota of Ground, on the south west corner of Market Square, now occupied by the subscriber as a store and dwel ling. Also i THE STEAM SAW MILL on the river bank, together with one and a half acres of ground. Also: a double two story frame Dwelling House nnd Lot of Ground, in Elderberry street. Aloo: six acres of ground at lbs Point, adjoining Ihe Susquehanna, on which are erected two frame bouses wagon house, Ac. Alsot A House and Lot of Ground in Cranberry street, near the river, on which lot are also erected three liine kilns. Also A House and half Lot of Ground, on the north east corner of River and Dewberry street, occupied by Augustus Clement. Also I Twenty-Thrco Vacant Lots oat Eldurbsrry street. IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunbury, Jn 14, 1851 if. sSSnsssss CAHII, CilESE. V Co-, Flour, Grain and Lumber -Commision Merchants,' 23 and 85 Spear's Wharf, , Baltimore. x REFERENCES. John Clark, Esq , President Citir-ns' Bank, Ball. A. P. Giles, Esq., Cashier Branklin Uank, " John Ilerlzler' Jr., Esq., Philadelphia. Rogers, Sinnicksnn cV Co., " J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port De posits. J. Wellower k Son Harrisburg. Col. H. C. Eyer, Selinsgrove. J. H. App cV Co., Nsgle, Wingate 4- Ce., Milton. W. W. Cooke, Esq.. Muncy. Simon Schuyler, Esq., " George Bodine, Hughsville, W. Weaver & Co., Montoursville. Gen. Willism F. Packer, WillianisporL T. W. Lloyd, Esq., Csshier, " James II. II tiling, M Lewis G. Huling, " M'Henry & Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Huling, Esq., Lock Haven. G?" Carr, Giese & Co. havo the largest wharf room of any commision house in Baltimore, al ways giving quick dispatch to boats In discharg ing their cargoes. February 11, 1854. 6m. Front Street Wire Manufactory. WATSON k COX, Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth MANUFACTURERS, No. 46 North Front St , Corner of Coomb's Alley, between Market end Mulberry (Arch) Streets, PHILADELPHIA. "JONTINUE to manufacture of superior quut ity, Brass and Iron Wire Sieves of ail kinds; Brass and Copper Wire Cloth for Paper Makers, &c. Cylinders and Patidy Rolls covered in the best manner. Heavy Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers, Sieves for Brass and Iron Founders,. Screen Wire, Window Wire, Safes, Traps, Dish Covors, Coal and sand screens, cVc, Fancy Wire Work of every description. Phila., Feb. 4, 1854. 3m. LEAD, ZINC, IRON PAIXT, OIL AND COLORS, MAlitTJCTCPKn ST FRANCIS S. LEWIS & CO., Represented by Lewis, James Sf Co., 135 South Front Street, PHILADELPHIA. Orders thankfully received punctually attend ed to, guaranteed to give satisfaction, and offered for sale on the most liberal terms. For samples and particulate, please address as above. rhila., Jan. SI, 1854 3m. 1000 TONS No. 1 Super Phosphate of Lime, D1 EBL'RG'S ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. warranted of superior quality, the cheapest manure in the world, i'urmcrs and dealers sup plied at low prices. EXTRA QUALITY LAND TLASTER. 5000 barrels Extra Quality Land Plaster, select ed expiessly for its fertilizing quality. 10,00 bushels of same in bulk. 1,00 barrels Calcined Plaster. 500 barrels Casting Plaster. 100 barrels "Dentist Plaster. PERUVI IN GUANO. This article we offer in confidence to our cus tomers, as equal to any imported, and fur superior to most in the market. 5,000 bags of this superior Guano, for sale at the lowest market rates. Also, Putagnnian Guano, Poudrctte, Ground Charcoal, Ac., &c. C. FRENCH & CO. At the Steam Plaster Mills, junction York Avenue, Crown and Callowhill Sticcta, Phila delphia. Phila., Feb. 4, 1854. 3m. a. M. BARTUOI.OW. O. TIKPANy, IS. I. B. CUARKOX Hartholow, Tiffany 05 Co. IMPORTERS AND DEALERS IN Foreign anil Domestic DRV GOODS, AND AUENTS FOR THE SALE Ot AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, No, 268 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. If our Goods on examination, are not as cheap as they can tie bought in any other market they ... i. r..-.i....,,i. .... s Ualtimore, Nov. lib, I80J. ly. VALUABLE HOUSE AND LOT For Sale!! THE subscriber oilers at private sale his house and lot of ground, situate in the Borough ef Sunbury, on the north west corner of Fawn and Blackberry streets, now in the occapancy of J as. Bcsrd, Esq. The bouse is a two story BllICK DWELLING & KITCHEN, in good order snd condition. For terms spplv to the subscriber, st the Forks of the Plum Creek snd Tulpohocken road. JACOU VF.IMEtt. January 7, 1854. Sin. FRUIT AND" CONFECTIONARY. RUBINCAM &. SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers tit Confectionary of all Kinds, No. 113 North Third St , below Race, Philadelphia. rilHE attention of Dealers is requested to an L exsmination of their stock, which will be found at least equal to any in this city. Foreign Krui.s of all kinds in season. N. I). Orders by mail or otherwise promptly attended to. Phila., Fob. 11, 1854 3m. Look to your Interests ! We will try to please ! ! S. N. THOMPSON nrp ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and BV the public generally, that he has just re ceived at his store, in Market street, Sunbury, below Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimerts, Cassinets, Jeans, Dulling, Muslins, Vesttngs, Linens, Ifc. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin it Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages, Hobts, M'oe.'tns, flannels, It. CUlOCKniES, Sugar, Teas, Cofl'ea, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Suit, "c, olc, otc Hardware, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives & Forks, ft, t. Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES, A large assortment of Boots s .ij Shoes, for men, women and uiiMren. Hat Cits, &c, of vsri jus sixes and styles. Besides a large tnd general assortment ef fashionable goods. Call and examine for jour selves. " CF Country produce ol all kinds taken in exchanga at the highest market p'ices. "Sunbury, H mo. 18&J.4 m. 30, 'ja. THE FAR-FAMED MEDICINE.! HOLLOWAY'S PILLS. These- Pills being eompoeed entirely of meitieinel herlat are of s moat harmlesa nature, while the etnurrtiiiry vir tues they p-awes have rendered them aniverajlly poinjlar in nearly every part of the world. The Immense sitcoeee they hsre met wilh throughout ihti States is most extie. ordinary, owing, It is presumed, to Iheir wondeilul efficact In Ihe cure of Biliinis complaints snd disorders of the Liver end Stomach. Pereone who iersercre In using them in accoriUutee with the duectiuiai, seldom fail lu being restored to health. WKAK.NIOS AND DEBILlTY.-Br.JTOn ATION TO HEALTH OF A GENTLEMAN A OKI) 4,. WH EN AT DEATH'S DOOIt. Copy of a Letter from tht Rev. Chailtt Smith, dated Norton,St. Philips, near Bath, Somer s tshirt, 11th August, 1853. Tn Professor Hoi.iowaT, , Sir. A Ml. Joseph I'uxton, formerly a resilient of His place, bad beeitin s declining stale of health tt dnwsrils of three yeare, gradually wssting eway lo a shadow by nightly prrapiratiuMB and vinl of appetite, which eiins.d gientn ueasineas loliis fiiends, ss lie bd consulted various medical men in Uelh without effect. He at le-t used your Pills, and under providence, was restored lo health by their means. He htely emigrated to New Yolk, end has just written to ear, that he waa never better In heelib, and de sired me to acquaint voo wilh the circumtfince. I uugM also lo mention, thst my wife had derived great benefit from tint uso rtf your Pills. I remain, Sir, yottre respaclfully, CHAttLES SMITH, Dissenting Minister. A PERMANENT CURE OF A DISEASED UVEtt OF MANY YEARS' DURATION. Copy of a Letter from Mr. Gamis, Chemist, Yeovil, to P. ofessor Holloway. Dcai Sir In this district your Pills eimman-J a more 'extensive sale than any other proprietary medicine liefore the public. As e proof of their efficacy in Liver and Bilious Uomplr.ints I mav mention the following ense A lady of this town with wiioml sm pera nially acquainted, for years was a severe sufl'erer from disease of the Liver and (litres tive oreuns; her medical attendant aesured her that he could do nothing to relieve her suflTerinps. and it was not likely aire could survive many months. Tiiis announcement naturally caused great alarm among ber friends and rela tions, and they induced her to make a trial of your Pills, which so Irnpioved hel general heulib lint she waa induced to continue them until she received a perfect cure. This is twelve months ago, and she hns not experienced eny symptoms of relapse, and often deelarea that your Pills have been the means of snving her life. I remain. Dear Sir, yours truly, July 83d, 1853. (.Signed) J . GAMES. These celebrated Pills art vmndtifully effica cious in the following complaints. Ane Dropsy lnftammslton Astlima Dysentery Uilions Complaints Krysipelas -lilotches on the Fenule Irrega Ks-itt larities Jaundice Liver Cora- plnints LunitMieo Piles Rheumatism Rctcntkn of l.'rine ScfM-fnla. or King's Evil It,iwe; Complaints Fevers of ell Colics kinds Consti potion of Fits the B"Wels Gout CimmimptiuM Heud-ntVie lelility Indigestion re Tiimate Stone and Gravel Tic Douloureux Tumours Secnnd.lry Symptoms Ulcere VeiiercalAneeti.ias Wurmsuf all kinds Weakness, from whMever cause Ac, Ac. S.ilitt the I'.staMishmcnt of Professor Hotl.nwsT, St Strnial, (near Temple liar, Imilim.) and also st Ins House in New York. Orders lor Medicines 111 the Slates, addrcs. scd 'T. II jllovroy New York,' will icceive due slleution Sold als l.y nil regpeehihte Inttpgisls t,d Dealers in Med icines tliroiVhoiit the l.'nileil States, in Boxes nt 37 cents, 87 cents, and SI .All cents each. To lie trail Wliolcsule of the priticipul Drug Houses in the Union. v T'icre ia s considerable saving !)' taking Die larger r'r-t. V 1' - Directions fur the guidance of patients ia every il K-ii!ri nre nflixed to eni-h tux. December !M, 1S33, ly. .WSTOCS. WINDOW SHADES. SW STYLES. C. L. MILLER. & CO. I"- MANUFACTURERS 8 WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS In Window Shade. South-west corner of Second and Arch Streets, v PHILADELPHIA.. SUCH as (iotho's Landscapes, Uoiders, Vases, Heroics, Uoqucts, GOLD BORDERS, &c. Of the most beautiful designs nnd perfection of finish in this country, and at such LOW PRICES, As to challenge all competition. BufTand Whitti Hollands, Cambrics, Tassels, Cards, Brasses, &c, in every variety, for City or Country Trade. We invite an examination of our stock, at the Depot, South-west corner ef Second and Arch streets, Philadelphia. January SS, 185-1. 6m. WM. P. POTTS, IMPORTER AND D F. A L E R IN IRON & STEEL, 461 Market street, below 13A, north side, PHIIiADSLPHIA. Phila., Jan. 8, 1854. ly. The British Quarterlies BLACKWOOD'S MAGAZINE. l.KONAnn SCOTT Jt CO , New York, continue to He.publisli ihe following Uiilisb periodicals, vis 1 Til K LONDON QUARTERLY REVIEW (Consei votive.) THE EDINBURGH REVIEW (Whig.) THE NORTH BRITISH REVIEW (Free C'h.) THE WESTMINSTER REVIEW (Liberal.) BLACKWOOD'S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (Tory.) The present critical tnl of Kuropeaji flair will tender tliesa pulitiuations unanally interettiiig daring I tie jwir ISaVl. They will occupy t nnd, He ground between th hastily written iwwi-ilemt, crude speculation, and tiyinc rumor of the datly Jouruul, und ttie ponderous TVme tT the future hl"riiui, written after the living Interest and excitement of the gteit political events shall have patted way. It is l these IVriodicals thnt readers roust kxte for the only realty intelligible nnd reliable hisKKy i rnrreut events, and such, tn uriditiun to their well-established literary, acimitiAr. dud theological character w urge litem upon thcci'iisiticratiim oi the rrading public. Arrangements are In progtpa for the receiptor early sheets fnni the Jtiitish publisher, by which w shall b able to phc? all our Kepiints iu the hnnUs of subscribers, alktut ns siton us they enn be furhished with the foreign co pit's Although this will Invotv a very large outlay on our port, we Shull continue to furnish the rvnodicsis at the same low rates as heretofore, viz ; Per aim. For any one of the four Review fr3 bO t or any two of the four He views - $ 00 For any three of the four Kevicws - 7 00 For ulff--ur of the Reviews - ft Oil For Blackwood's Magazine 3 tx) For niark wood and three Reviews 00 For Jllackwood ond the four Heviewi 10 00 Payments tobe mailt in all cases in advanit. Honey current in the State trhere issued uill be received at par CLUBBING. A discount of twenty-five per eeut. from the above pri ces will I allowed to Clubs ordering four or more eo-nie of any one or inure of the above woikt. Thus: Four copies nf liietrkw'), or of one Review, wi'l be sent ta one address for ! ; four copies cf the four Reviews end Blackwood for t3Uj and so on. POSTAGE. In slltlie pr'iuipsl Cities and T.'Wns. these wrrVs vi!t be delivered, Irrough Aeents, HKEK OK IMSTAGE When sent by nieil, ihe F.ts. uauy pert of the Uniicl Steles will lie but Ttvrllly .Four ttnli e venr for HlAikw,Kl," end tint Twelve trait a year tot h ol the Ueviews. , Reniiit:inces and cnnimnniestinn should always be adUtessed, poet'tnid, to the Puliiishers, LEONARD SCOTT k CO., W GOLD PTUKKT, XKW YOtlK X- B I.. S. 4 Co. Imve rerentlv unlilislicd, and Irjve low fur snle. the "KAlt.MrH S Gt'lDK," bv Henry ftte. nhens, of Kdinburgh, eud I'rof. Norton, of Yale Cillree New Hiivii,o.,mp!eieintwmvls, niel"ctav.i, c i tsimne lWO, H siee! aod CU) woul enaiavuiss, Pi.ce ia muslin bindlilfr, tts. I5T This work Is !ttT the old 'Brwk f the Farn! 111 Norlh Third Street, belotc Race, tHIUBEtiniA. n,,iac'.niers k Wholesala Dpalflv ln li','.' I'.''""' IJvs".g Glessee, rrd?e. V ", i"-.... . Vios,.Twi. Vi.ies, ri..f ' l: 'u"w ems'ies, Weiehca, Cedar ure. Bnule Uru:. nv .v. ' oou euu m.w ware of all lirtJe, at lh Maiiufttcttirera' lowest cash prirfs. ?" fiToK, Jo. SI. Howi. I'lnla., Jan. 81, IbM 3m. HATS AND CAPS.-.. .,,iullj,4 fashionable Silk. WaI ...i ... .t "ur tit G. E1.6BERO rn. ; - Mirkel .treat, opposite t!ie Frt Oiij-, ' Sunbury, Q, 9t ta59
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers