SIMM HT AMIHICAW COUNTING HOUSE il.MASA i 1 r r f M4 I. is I- I I 5i ffT Jclt a ! 6 e, 7i e o 10 t ha 11 H lt.1i in IMh I'l1-."' ill V III I I 1a 13, lie, I? ibI'i,p aii-.-j h'3,ai v. ;o,a; Fx. iai'Kll I I I 51 0' 7 " 10 11 A. il,j!l:I 141 15 1 17 11911 I',SJ l as 4 a (l! 7i in 11 ta Ii3 11 1 n in, 1? in ii' aii'ai aa fti ill S5 f I 31 4 8 s' J ilil lilillU t IS 18 jl7 18 I" S3 l 2-1 -3 Ma. a1 '. 7 s! b m iiiSwt la 13 14 IS 10 17 H. in 'Xi 41 ! 41 SI 121 ,'va 7 a.s.a au 3i j ! a! aj 4 ' 7l I Oct. p 111 1112 lit 14 IS is 17 ie man ai sji ZI in S7 1ft SM't .1,1 Mill Ar. SI i 47. as an i II 41 3 4 8 6 7 8 '.' l ll! 14 13 U la-inaoai IS '10117 25,53 47,49 -4 -J 311.31) 1 ll S 3 4 f) I) III 11 Mat- I V s 31 4 s n ,ov. 7i e n in ii I i-3i i:i ; 14 1 I6il7.1l inlSOH 91 W 1 24 ) 80,27,1 J 71 n 13 M.u inii7,iH Ift S, 81,42 21.aii:j 83,30,311,31 I I 1 31 3 BK. il s a' 7 a oho Jit st il 1 r.i ft 7! I 111 -13,13 1411-1 ml7; !lfi Mil-J 81 l?i asso'sr'j . I! ill) Ilialin!ll5 10 17 iti 2.i'9i,-.2 w 4 85 40,47,45 2J 3U (31' I M 1 I ) 0 C t V 1J LIFE'3 BLTTEH M0MEET3. Lif ha! i 1 s moments Of beauty nnl bloom ; 15nl they liuniz like sweet rofs On ihe cilyo of the lomb, Bit-Ming t Vi e y britm us, A luvely as bi iul i They meet 11s when happy, And lunvu us in griuf. Hues of tlio morning, Tin",in ttio ky, Coma on the sunbeams, Anil off will) 1 hem tly. Sh.iilows of evening Hang Boll on 1I10 shore, D.irkness enwiups them, We see them 110 more. So life's better moments In brilliance appear, D.iwuing in bennty, Our journey 10 cheer, Round us they lircer, Like f htidou s of even; Would thill hp, like them, Wialit mell into heaven! STFJ OF ITEM s! The Dear Depaiitcd." Venison. When is an ox, not nn ox 1 When he's turned into a meadow. Tho weather in New Oiluans is unpleas antly warm. A Masonic Lodge was opened in Columbia, on the C3J inst. A Slanderer of the fair sex undertakes to prove that Satan was a woman named Lucy Fir. Nino new ehnrches, it ii said, are now go. ing up or are nearly finished in and near Loudon. Several persons came near jteiishing du ring lha recent snow slonn, in Baltimoie, on Ihe 20, h i i! st . Tho Millerilcs nre looking up a little. The lime fixed for a universal pulling up f hutteis of things ii in May next. Tho Attorney General of Wisconsin has riven it as his opinion that mauler is a bah e . utile offence in that Slate. The fiiow on Monday attained, on an five iage, 11 depth of two feel in Washington City Sleiyhing there is excellent. The entire profits of tome popular London publications are likely to be cut off by th. rising piica of paper. During Dr. Oucken's recent visit to Albany over S3000 wero subscribed to the fund to erect Baptist church edifice in Germany. One of ourcity snobs, of the liyht pan is or der, wa3 arrested by the selectmen of a coun try town, a short time since, as a vapiaut, he having "no visible means of suppoil." Shad have already mado their appearance in tha Delaware river, and several weie caught a few days ago a few miles below Wilmington. Efforts are in progress at Bellefonte, to form a company of twenty-five families o' more for the purpose of emigrating lo the West. Susan Nipper says the Russians have an nwful responsibility resting on thorn for kil. ling the Turks for every Tuik who is killed leaves a dozen widows. The number of letters received by mail at Cineiiinati, during the last quarter, was 413 589. Number received for disliilulioi', 8S2, 755. Diop-leller.a, 21,400. The Scientific American contains a com niunicaiion of F). A. F10M, of Worceler, i:i whicli he claims lo have invented a '-marine locomotive" which will cross the Atlantic 111 four day. At the lasl Court day in Paris, My, the sale of rattle amounted to over 5150,000. Two uuciionrers sol.i over 000 inule, and their iijrgirgata sales amoiinled to S90 9C?. Seveial auctioneeis were busy through ihe day. A Feai PepoRTr.a. The Washmgiou concpoi.ili'iil of ihe .New Voik Express inf 11 tion an evidence of ihe projie-sof the Wo mail' Riliis cilice, that Ilra. I'.iiilnia W. Divis, of ihrt I'liividenco Una, (a 'oina:i's llilns piper ) has been assigned a seat in th rcpiiter' g illury of the U. S. Senate. The liiislund of Mrs. Davis ii a member of the U.iuse. 1'i'rchasr or MouiiT Vkr.non A nmvB. nixiit h is been originated among the ladies ot Viiinia, Ueoi'ju, ami p -iliap one or two of other Souihern Slates for the purchasi of M,ni:.l Vernon by ronlribuijuus, raised thiouvtb ihe agency of the ladies. At Savan nah the ladies held a meeting, atwh.chcuin. iniitees were appointed to present the sub ject lo Ihe people of ihe Slate. A Gentleman leveling Inside a roach, was endeavoiiug with c0n.i1e,.ble earnestness, to impress iwno argument 011 fellow r,- senger who was seated in tha same vehicle, and who appeared lather dull of appiehetJ sion; at lengih, being slightly irritated be rxclaimed : "Why, sir, it's as plain as A B C!" "That rny be," rtufeily replied tha oilier; "but Um DC Ft" This Way I This Way 1 1 This Way I ! ! Full 11 ud Winter Clooils., , DJESPECTFL'LLY infnrm thru- customers ind tlio nulilic. tlmt lliev have ju rsceir. od and opened the mid cheapest stock of Eall and Winter Goads, nt their store In Market square, Sunhu-y. Tlicir stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Ciistimcrer, Satlincl, Vesting, Flannels, Wellcns, ffc, And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. Alo a splendid variety of LADIES RESS & FANCY GOODS, Culicocs, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs, ieragct, nd every variety of goods suitable for La dies wear. Also a lurp.e nr.cortmcnt of HARDWARE p.nd QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt nud Plaster. AU-j h;i extensive assonnicnt of Uau and Cats roil Men and Bots. AU.i a Urge axsoitmrnt of (iftOlXHIDS, siren A3 Suar, Teas, Cofl'cr, Molasses, Spices lC all kinds. A Iso tresh supply of DKUCif AM) yt'.DlClNES. Besides Ihe liiri;ept and most General assort- meiit of all kiiuis of gouda to bu had in this V'f Country produce or nil kinds taken 111 ex c!ia'ir;e at the highest market price. iMinhurv, IS'ov. 13, IS.V.i. U CUIsIN, Dealers in i.ii's, L.WTirRNS & ii:.NDF.t.n:nv ". E. Cnrni'r Fourth and Cherry Strctit, a' rJ A VINO enlarged and improved their Store nn. I havin; tho largest asorlment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, tlicv aro now prepared to furnish PI.NE Oil. UA.M I'll K.A U, EURKIJTO FITIID, nTHEREAl. OIL, Phospher.e Gas and Laid Oil, Lamps, rns ol all palcrns, 1 anry Hotel rind Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Girandoles and Candcluabras, and Brittiiimia Lamps, at the Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small odvaore over Auction prices. Being hrco MAM.TACTCKKRS of Pine Oil, Burning Fluid, Bthrreal Oil, Alcohol, 1 rui (the only true) I'haeno Gas, thev can fnr nish Ihese articles at such prices that Merchants will find il lo their advantage to buy. Call before ciiiiff elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, ill, 1 Safety I'l id Lamp for sale. Phila.,"Sept. 21, lSSS. ly. C II E A r WINDOW SHADE Depot end Ilanufactory OF G. L. 1XLLEB. & CO., S. tV. corner Arch and Second Streets, PfllLAOELPIIA. EVEKY VAKIKTY OK SHADES, Whole sale mid lict.iil, such as Scroll, Flower, Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, aro to be had at the lowest prices fm quality of work. Orders (or Oilt. Plain Store. Lettered and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and others are invited to g"0 us a trial. Il fill try to phast- llrasscs. Trimmings, &c. nlwava on hand. Remember S. W. comer fiECOXD &. AKCI1 Streets, Philadelphia August 13, 1353.- 6111. Important to C'oul Drillers. CtJMil. snhscrilicrs hereby inform the public, that they have entered into partnership under the . ! firm of Kase, Reed cc (o., for the purpose of milling, shipping and selling coal, delivered at Sr uu'.iurv, or at any other pjint along the Sub quchauna. Th.-'y will bo ready to deliver coal, well prepa red, on rniMract or otherwise, at all times, on the bhortent notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at islnniokin bv KAmF., REED CO. fuubury, June 4, 1S.)3. ly. Just Publislied nnd for Sale W.M. McCARi'V, BooWcllcr, Kunbury, Pa. Tl; 3 American PLEADERS' ASSISTANT : TJi-ing a collection of approved declarations, w rits, returns and prorcciliues in the several actions . ., ,. . ,-. , t., nun .il use ti, tiiu t'iiiii:u oiairs. Br Cot.l.INSON nF.F.n, EQ., Ipstu iiis viva vox With notes end addition, logctlier with a shor s;. stem ol conveyancing. Hy A. .Ionian. Pres ident Juile of the Eiuhlh judicial district of Pa., and Win. M. Rockefcler and M. 3 S'.itndcl, of the bar of Northinnbeiland county. Since the publication of the book, the following letter hfis. been received from Juds Pearson ol Harrisbuig I II Annual no, Juno SO, 1S53. Gsxnr.MKS : After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders astistaut," I take pleasure in ex preAfcin; my entire approval nf the selection and composition of the precedents thus offered to the public. The profession in Pennsylvnnia stands in need of a correct svstem of pleading, adnpied to our linbils of busine's, and the practice of toe courts. Your forms nf declarations hoinrr, to. a great extent, f.mnded on the acts of assembly, will be a raving of labor to tho pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in cur pleadings. U should be in the haiida of every practising lawyer in our slate. Yours, with great rerpect, J.N'O.J. PEXRSOX. Hon. A. Jordan, Win. M. Rockefeller and M. I,. S!iindcl, I'squiies. Sunbury, July it 1S33 . Mann's Establishment 25 Sjiif.'i Sixth Street, Pltilatlelijliia. For tho M.iuufuctuie and side of I'att-nt Letter oiijIii-; 5'rossisi, Patent METALLIC DA.MI'ENER, Oil Papers, Blollim Boards, Copying Ink, iScc. Patent Purchnieiit J'aper, LET I Ell COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed PATENT LETTER HINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping in a ncok-lil.e foim, Letters received, Oiiyinal Invoi ces, &-c., April 9, lS.-)3 ly. aOMini'S EaSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, a fresh supply just received, and for sale l y IJ. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Jan. 10. lS.ri2. SEE BILLS. Justices and Coiivla'iles Fee ' Bills handsomely printed on caiif paper for sale at this nllice. flLVER WATCHES A few double case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 12. 18 SI C CRANBERRIES, Ground Nuts. Almonds, J Pecan Nuls, Wall Nuts, Cocoa Nuts, Cream Nuts, Filberts, Raisins, Figs, Citron, Lemons, Candies and Toys, just received and for sale bi Dee. 10. "53. ' I. V. TEN EE & CO JUST received a lot of IUies, Diwd Beef, Chsa, Bii ,J Lemons, by 'unDtiry, Jn S9, i ;3i. L W.TEXERsk CO. SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND S11AMOK1N JOU3VNAL,. CHERRY PECTORAL: Par the Cure of OOTJGH3, COLD 3, nOAR3ENESS, BIIOIX OHITI3, CROUP, ASTif. ma, wnoopiwa-couoH AtX33 CONSUMPTIOW. TO ct'ltl-; A COI.n, witu nsAnAcns asd inrii! cf Ihe hrnlf, Hike the Ciikkht I'tcroH tL on Keiiig to led, an, I wnip up warm, tn Kweat (tiinng Ihe iitglit. Fob a Uol.lf ano Cnf-uii. Inke it ifioriiiiirT. n.ionflnd eve ning, nccoilii' to (titcc1,iii on tlte 1,'iMlc, nnct the dilfieul ) will n be rent ived. Nt'ite will long snlfir from this tri'iihle when ihey Hud it rtin lie go readily cated.! otUietcr) vvnli a ttcjted cntgh, which tirciks them of Ihcir rem ni nurnt, will imd, ly inking the iriK-rry rcciorni on jroinp 1 1 he, I, they tnny he irnre t,l' iftlinl, niihtnkcn sleep, nn,l ronm-qnently r.lfrcshinp rest. Otenl rclicl frotvtsunVr- tne, nun un nilinmre cure, is nil ttl:il l , tmnismiuii who nio thus liflliclfd, liy tins inviilunhle remeiS. l'rotn Its nitrceilile ctreets in these enrei, tnnny find tlicniNi'lvcB tinvvilliiig to forego Us tine whtit tlio necc(ity i-iF " 11:18 cenaen Frmn iwouinineiit rhvsirinni in Kaykttkvili.e, Tfiin , April If, t9fll. ir : We hner eiven vonr (.'herry Vfct'irtil on extennive trial in imr pinriice. and find it to nrpnr's every ollict re inedv wo havo fur curin? nrTveil.nis of Ihe respimt-'ry or gns. llllrl DIKMI'lt HAMl'TU.V. 'romGt:R3 AND PUBLIC HI'HAKI'.ltr) tins remedy is invtilliMhle, (is ty nn ni'tidtinn the threat nnd lunirs, when Liktn in annul quantities, it retnov'snll h mrscncRsin n few h nr, nnd wonilerfaliy increases the power and Bexiti lity et ihe v.'ire, ASTII.M A ispeiiemllv mueli relieved, and efreit wholly e.ircd hy Cherry Pei t irrtt. tint there lire some ti i,h stimtte ns !! ieid eiilirely to n t ineilieinc. t heriy recto ral will enre thein, il" tlicv con he enri d. ItiiUXclllTiS, er irritation of Ihe tltronl nnd upper pfnlitni ot" the liinjis. tnny he cured hv taking Cherry IV to rn! in small and iri-ipienl U,sea. Tlio line 'muriable op- prc-rlon is 8'Kn relieved. Itev. LWSIMJ, of nronklyn.New York, slates: 4,l linvo seen the Cherry t'euiorni euie smc'i cones of Asthma uud Uron'-liilis as feud mo to b-hevo It cun rarely fail to eu,-e Ih'ist- diseases. " roll CItDt.'t'. Hive nn emetic of antimony, to ho followed hy large and frequent dosci! of the Cherry Pecto ml. until i- sahihis the ditease. If laUdi in, it will te t fail to ine. WHOOPING COI.T.II may be broken up and suon ca ret hr Ihe ue rf Cherrv tVetoral. Till'. IM'I.L' i:' V is speedily removed hy tlnsreme dv. Numerous instance have been n iticctl where whole families weio protected from any s-ri us rnnarqaciicrs, while llieir iirishls-rs. without tho' Ch'irry Pectoral, vilo siii IV-: 1 i , rr lr m ihediEeiise, Ur. .1. t). Aver: SALVM.Chio, 11th June, 1MI. 1 write t 1 inform von ol the irclv rciliirkalje cu'cels of your trllirRHV I'KCTOIIA I. in this place, and in my own fiiniihx One of my d inchtern was a- unplen ty eunid in threo days of n llrcadtul WllooriNO Coicll, ny taKinir n. lr. Meaai!, one of our vrty best plivaiclaus ficely l,tti,s tint lie considers it Ihe best remedy we h.ivo pulmonary diseases, nnd lhat he has cured tnoro caties of CfcouP with it than aiiv other medicine he ever ndaiiuistcred. Out ulenryinen of the llnptist Church savsthat daring tlie ran of lvrr.CKz here this ueas ,n. he has seen cures from your medicine he could scarcely have believed K'illi out seeinc. Yours respeetl'u!iv. J. V SIXCl.Atn, Deptty Postmaster. From the ilistinzuifhed rmfcs'or of Chemis try and Aletcriu Mcdttc, iinwduin College. I have found the CntmrtT Pectoral, ns its ineredienls show, a powerful remedy for colds, null ciiughs, and pul monary diseases. Pa 11 her Clevelaxd, M. D. rincXfWiCK. Mr., Feb. S. 1W7. H ll . A l.f.N t'l N K M O l'T. The widdi, celebrated Professor of Surgery tn the Medical Culleae, New York City, sans:- ' ... .. . 1 .' n: . -It sivos me pleasure to eertny tne vnie nno enn-.i- Y ef 'Aves's Ciifbbt PsrTonAL, 'which I consider in-cnii- i orly adnpted toenre diseases of the and l.tiisj.-s." CtiifA of seveie diH.-ases upon the l.mms have w- el- f,.,,,l . CiisHCT PccrotiAl. ill sm h extreme ess, s ns , warran! t!to Ii -bet that 11 reinedv bn at length been found that can be dereitdel r.i t-i cure the r.mcbi. Colds and Conauinpioii which earrv from mr malut tboun.if. every vear. It in inde.-rl a inedieinu to v.-hich the nfflicied can limk wiih cmfulenee f.irMief, and IIipt sliould not lull lt avnil theinnl cs of it. Prepared and sell hy JJMKS C..AYER, Practical Chemist, Loirell, il.s. Sold in Suuhury hy H MASTER, and hy Prusaiits Eonerally throughout Ihe Slate. July 30, 1 .S."i3. ccow lv. Nov. 13. V"J. . GOULD, (Success ir to A. FIOT.) Xo. 1C1 Chestnut Street, Swaim's Building, rnitADElPIXIA. fXTENSIVE ML'! 1C Pi;iil,lSi:EK,and i Dc-ilcr in Musical lniti un.cnls of every de scription. Inclusive Ajent for tho sale of Hallct, Davis &. t'o's (1)0.-toll) I'aIF.NT Sl'Sl'K.NSIO.N LilllUOt Jiuiau and oilier PIAH0S, a ,' L. Cilbc l's Boudoir J'ianos, McloJeons, Martin's l'r"l10rl.v- s"'mU unclislurbcd by llie wood Guiurs. Harps, Violins, Siiklt Mtsic, Mi sic !"n" " oxo' U ," l!',ref"rc. the more valuable. Books. &c, ltc. i 1 he lumber trauc of the Lehigh has been carried ., mill Wosidc.itsof the country will be supplied by otiicruisc with any music tlicv may wib. nt n- t.ov mM n If i,i,R...,,l I,. nor..,.,, l'fivlo . , r l.,..i :.. I '..Ii., I States, ( feel confident of satisfying; all who may fevor me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied cn the most liberal tcm.-i. Pianos to let. Second hand Pian a fur sale. Philadelphia, April U, 1S.i3. ly. Porlc Monnnics, POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GOODS. rstHE attention of the Trade, atid others, In i. want f Porto Monnaica, Pocket Uooka, U a i.Ui rs' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri ting Desks, Backgammon and Chess Boardi, Chessmen, Pearl, .Shell, and Silver Cord Cases, Work Boxes, Cabas, Needle Bonks, Money Belts, Cinr C.iscs, Portfolios, liav.ois and Razor Sirups, Travelling Flisks, and fine Cutlery, to- rgrthcr with a large variety of 1'axci Goons winch w;!l lio sold ot trie Ijwcst lutes, F. II. SMITH, Pjrte Monmiio and Poclict Book MamiftictuTer, 20; Arch Si. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, !Si3 if. Clsciij) Walclu's t)' Jewelry, n WHOLESALE and Retail, at the "Philadel phia Wat.h and Jewelry Store," No, S6 North cecond Street, comer of Quarry, 1-HIX.ADEIiPHIii .' Gold I.ev-er Watctics, lull juvveiei!, IH enrnt cases, SO'O 0 -t-J liiiua If ". Jt "o. I'ine Silver SiSH.uu.-ies. I.Jo livef l.c;i. fell juwllcl, t:'' 'OoUl Ur.tcclcts, 3.0J Silrcr l.cver. t ill juwl'J It! l! mlics' Gold Pencils; l.ilO Superior (.liiaruris, 7. Silver Tea smohs, set, 5,01) O 1,1 !ic-l:ieles, 7.1s O.nd Puis, wall Pencil und Silver Holiler, 1,(i0 Gold Finger Rings, 37J cenlsto $S0 j Watch Glasses, plain, 12 cents; Patent, ISj; Lunct, 25; other arii-hs in proportion. All goods war runlcd to bu what they are sold for. STALFFER& HARI.EY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepiucs, still lower than the shove prices. 'Sept. 10, 1853. ly. TTARDWARE Table Cutlery, A'ur.or., Pocket Knives, Hand Saws, Wood Saws in frames, A.vcs, Chisels, Door Lcoks and Hinges Hand Bells, Waiters, Ac, just received and for sale by I. W.TENER & CO Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1853. fUWN PLMPS.. A small number of these excellent pumps have been received and are onered for sale by II. B. MASSER. Suuhurv, June 4, 1853. I EWELRY. A nice assortment of Gold and Silver Peacils and Pens, for sale cheap by O, ELSBEHG& CO., Market street, opposite tlie Post Office Sunbury, Oct. S. 1S5X nl'RXING FLUID, Camphene, Sperm and Whale Oil, While Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur penliue, Candles and Soap, just received and for sale by I. W. TENER & CO. Sunbury, Dec. 10, 1S53. MARRIAGE CETIFICATE8 handsomely xeouted for sale at this office, single or by tha doien. "Kurekn, Wurelia." ' WE HAVE FOUND It AT LAST, NOW for the little ones. Why will parents waato hours and days In fruitless endeavors to get perfect pirturcs of their children and after all get nothing but a poor, miserable caricature 1 We would say, come to our EXCELSOIR GALLERY and we will guarantee te make you a perfect picture, by our Ki.kctko (tur.MicAL process, that works in from to 3 seconds. We defy any Damicirean in Philadelphia or elsewhere, to compete with us, as wo are the inventois, and the process is used only in our dif ferent establish men's in New England and the Middle States. For pictures of adults, the silver medals we have received from tho American Institute, New York and Franklin, Philadelphia, together with the munrrous premiums from County Fuirs, is sutlicient proof that thry are iho Kt I'lits Ultra of perfection. Wo would call particular attention lo our Talbot v pes Daguerreotypes in Oil. P. C. Collins &. Co., 100 Chestnut Street Philadelphia. Main street, opposite sito Hamp den House. Springfield and Collins' Building, Westfield, V.a,s. N. 1?. Cur establishment is illuminated by Ihe brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by Viofrs.ior llors'faid's fafely Lamps by Xighl "C01110 and see." Thila., May 28, 1853. lv. Stone Cutters nnd Laborers WANTED ! STONE cutters and laborers can have steady employ and a winters job, (and not work in the water.) at the 1'uionand Susquehanna Uriitije at Chapman. I nion county, Pa., midway be tween Liverpool and Northumberland. To la borers !$!,"& per dnv will be Riven. LKISENKINO & F1SHEII. Chapman, Sept. 17, 1853. tf. Drugs, Paints, Oil, Window Glass, fje. 5 Tons French white. 10 tons Pure bite Lead. 5000 Ilexes Window Glass, all sizes. Superior Potash, Copal, Coach .Leath er A lion varnish, white Bcmar varnish for China i Gloss, with 0 general assort mcnt of fresh and pure D11UGS AND MEDICINES. Also till the Patent Mcdicittos in general use, warrantid gcniiirie. I Colored and Knamled Class, etc., &.c, fort.ilo ! viri' low lit ALFRED WILTBERCER'S Tiros and Paint Stoic, No. 1G9 N. 2nd Street, P1IILAUELP11IA. Physicians and Storekeepers supplied Goods sent to anv of ihe Hotels or Depots free of charge. 1'hila., May SS, lti.-:). ly. 2,5U0 Acres Timber Land rUXl.l I A l LE. CEVERAI VALUABLE TRACTS OF l;: . , compi.jini; aoo ,r s.ouu io,t .,f I. eitnte.l nil 1 oliv lla Ii n - .. -.- - Creek, and part on Muddy Creek, within three o i ,.;,; ,, River, in Penn forest township, . , , i' unrooii v-ouniv, one 01 1110 ijicui o.u v otimics I f I'cillisvlvai.ia. tMIl bo llfltl at U bargnill, if un. ; . .. i Ulttlt ua.m i ; piiCHiioii n iuc 11. , I lu-fC lands urc (lucblv covered with tne Vest timber of that region. While it is believed that 75,0110 feel of lumber to the acre, call he cut from a largo portion of ihe luH,l,thc baLincc will aver age nut much less L,an this figure. The kinds of timber found on the land aro Hemlock. Monica or i White Cedar, White Dak, While Pine and Chestnut but piincipally made up of White Pine and Hcmloc!:. 'J'iu Tol'vh.iuna und Mttddv Creeks are large and rapid, jiehliiio u va aiiiouut of water power, siuil aro capable of Timing a huc.o miir.Vr ofsaw n IKn. 'I'hey empty into the Lehigh, which stream, willi tlio l.c' Canal all'jids an outlet to the Most dcMruMo lumber mmk.-;.- Theio is, loo, utiilt r contcmiilalioii. a rnilwov l3ilinn toliie r-it-r-.t r.T '... L- PI,; I l.i. ...I. :..t."' :.i.:.. - :. ... i ., .. ' . .r miii.,1 i mis . ii.iiu v.ik i.titc unit iuicv tjniii itrt MX me. lanu. i nrouun taicsc avenues lumtier can lie delivered in cilhcr of Ihe cities named, for about $7 per thousand feet thus enah'.iii persons en garjcil in the trade to derive grcitcr piolits than htlciid investments generally. In ad.httoii to the timber, convertible intocc- ry shape uf luinl cr, there is much that will an- swer fir spars of vessels a sort of timber that snip. builders hno been ohliircd to pui'chaso in .Vlaine, or at other uu-tant hjuiIh. I'niike mol ol the lands on the I.chi;h there has, ns yet, beeji no culling of the tintln-r on this onto sucn an exieni lor years past, mala scarcity ' h""" w iirSumiuS ia !' nt) I season liccessiiriiy increases tins dillieully. I ne i coiiscqnr ncc must be an enchant cincnt of the value of limber lauds. Those uu-culled tracts with the advantage of avenues to o.aikcl, such as the lands olV...e, for silo, possess, cannot fail lo be the sources of supply hereafter. But the land is not alone valuable for the tim ber it contain:). It is of good quality for farming, nearly every aero being susceplibie of a htli atalc of cultivation. Capitalists desiring to make investments, would do well to turn Iheir attention to these lauds. For fuiilur information, apply to CHAS. M. HALL. Office in "Mining Register" building, Potts viile, Pa. August C, 1S5J. tf. LAWRENCE HOUSE, SUNLURY, PA- nPIIE ulscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson, - t)ece., lata of the "l.nwrence House," in Sunbury, rosj.cclfully informs the friends ef hvr Ute huaUiml, ar.d the public generally, lhat he continues to keep the ubove Hotel, and is well prowded with oil things iiecesnary to nccommo date ull who may fivor tier with their custom, and theicfuio sul.cits tlair patronage. MAKIA THOMPSON. Sunbury OcU 29, IS5.J. 4tn. Jiook. Aleuts Wanted. WANTED in every town and county in the United States, to sell the most pnpuhir and saleable bonks published, mnny of them lie lutiluiiy llliulrateu with colored tngra vinis: aUothe most popular works of T. S, AR TIIUH, inrluding u Arthur s Cottage Library" Intelligent nnd entcrprihing men wi.l find this a plea.tant and pralitalile busiuesj. For particulars aJdrrst (post-paid,) J. W. BKADI-EY, 1'ubIUber, No. 43 North Ponrth street, Philadelphia, Pa. October 1, 1833. 7m. 7 ILK x is COVUIl CMNDY. An excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sals at this nlhce. December 4. 13.'i2. Vf AND DILLS neatly printed'on new type promptly executed at this ollke. AUo blanks, of all kinds on superior paper. Hnnburv, Feb. 14, 1853. rALL PAPER. A large and splendid as- sortnient of Wsll Paper, Window Paiier, and Oil nhadcfl, just received and Tor sale by Dec. 10. 1853. I. W. TENER & CO. "IOR sale at this office, Superior Clack Ink, C ottle Medicine at 35 els, Pure Essence of Ginger, li5 cent 4 RN OLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe- sive and legal envelopes, for sale by H. B. MASSER 8unhury. Jan 10, DR. H. hTIiIG BEE'S remedy for coughs, colds, and pulmonary diseases. A supply of this valuable mediciue just received and for sale by H. B. MASSER. SaaSttrv, Jun4 , 18j3, , CELEBRATED Family M o d i c i n e .' 17f oiTeritif tr th pallia the a1xv inymltinble prrpar. ttoni. the tubM!rilir wtmM fttMls. lhat in fHmtnilfsMlma with hit fue ud and aomn of lh mom rctpectaMe of th Medical faculty, it wsi deinl Atlvivble to ff?r to th publir, n frw prcparntimil of known celebrity, bcinf pre- wiin mo prpiairti mre, mm on trie im irieirt'rie princinle-i, 8i sulsPtuuipa fur the iinmertnin worthleitt fr- tirlrt thtit nre fl-KHlinp the country in the form of pnitRceoii nnu rurr mm, prepnfcti ry me m"st ignnram Dim incrceim ry pcrsom, ttitemlcd to cute nil ilitennes and f hx! for none. Head and Reflect, . Thnt lb Medicine. M:mufnrturcd by W. M., liicludimi hii Hone I'eclornl lor Cnghi. Cream oi Cnnmhor, tor Hheiunatiim. Worm Hyrup for W'nrma. TKtli Wiirili, for dcriiynl teeth, rliwtcd giimi. r unmy rnit, or ukmhj I'tiniyer, invt- in-en in rc eiiensive ly nswl, and hnve piven more Miiufnetiofi, than any other Medicines before tift public, heitiir prennred with reenrd tn their uemliics vie i'uliy wuttny the trial of tha adiicL ed. iivR llicm a (rial. A w poweil'nl rravnna whv the above Hcdicinei ore dc'iviiiff of univcrital int .oiingc. (In Ihe Hrt place, lacy arc (lrepareii hy a regular rhyfieiun, who unucrbUindi the annliealion o' Aiedieiiiea, to d incline, and cnnncnueiitly are Dorferlly mio lo tnk. (Seeondly,) they have been used wiih universal H'leceM, and have piivcn more mitisluc lion than any titln-r Medicinci oliVreil buforc the public ('riiiidly ) they are the only ir.ed.ctnei that have gained the pntioiunre 01' Phvsicimis, where they have Iwcn ust'il nnd (l-'outlhiv.) th"y are put np in hi per rpnntiliia oi the ime price, than any oiher Mrdicinca otiVreil to the public ot tie.- mm kind. ' As the unbueribor ha a number of certilicati a in hm pofftcnion rf Hie biehent auih trity, where they b.ive been un ;d with tho mosi anl.lnetory re anln. lie will pnblish a fcwoflhem, feclinpKatisficd thnt atiialwill insure their reeou'nien(liiti"ii. Try them uud alinfy jonri-vf of their niperioiily over ull olhera. Read and be Convinced. V tb tind-.TMiTiied hnvi'itf been made nennnlntcd with the iiiredjciiia intriinrr hit t the ('oiupnn.idn known an Hiekb'y'S Faniilv Meilicinen also hiving preBeribcd and known thftm l be iit-il, with ninst 6itisubry rcnultn; tiltc p!"iiiii'ft in R'lyinc timt we bi-lieve they fully meet the dtiigti for which tltev arc reennnnendcd. J AS. S'l'HAWKIlltC.J2. M. 1. C II. f'KirK, M. l WW. M.-M AIION. AT. D. II ;i:AitriKAnT, M. D. V, II M ft I,. M. L. H ii. (JliAinilOAKT, M. D. Cure ot pain in the tide and cough from protected hirer Vohiphiiut. Mrt. Robert AtViin;, Inboriny under Chmnic Liver Com plaint, iii-eoinpiuin d wilh 11 t-ir-rt dry C'jnj;h pain in the Hido nnd brea't, general debility, los 01 ripjit-t itfc, alter try mi; nil ihe nsu-il rMnedtcfl rec 'tntnentled lor cnughi and difuMaefi of the ehrt, win) with no benefit. kIi wrts recoin uic tided to try tho Rose I'c-torul. from which, she not only deiive! iiiiineilnt'? Imt yr m jnitt rebel". John Adam?, s -ii of Mn. .vb-,it Adiim, was nfflicted wii!i a vtv" seveie en'M,-!!, pain in Iherde, nnd .ireneas prodneed bv im i f.-ii:! eriibtn'; he was induced to 1 ry the Roue l't-ctoiol. use liia own lansnase, the firat dose enabled him to ri;i-v a lm.h! ti'Cbt' rest. In the morini'B he exieet'irnled atom half pint of mailer, lie r-Mitinued to in:po-e uniil hi coteh entirely left him, it n!.t had th- t (iict ot i'r('ncheiu"rf li bic-iHt. luch was intui;jjiy weak . !(e ti!o t;.y? tiial he haft iceomnumded it ton iiMinhiT of hin fiifiidrf for Mtnilir cuiupliiinn, nnd in every ihm; it ban iriven antislaetion. The ab.ive pev im residents of tha town of Danville, feeling that they bnve derivi-d great bf-urfitn from the use of the It os !V''toral : 11 u t ! 1 iriv;e (be ,ib ve statement, for the benefit oi tii'-s-j w!m unv be atli'eted in a similar man ner. liRMAT CI"KI-:. lossof Yrit'ce restored with one bottle nf Hose ? Mis P'.s-'ii WiiM.irlc, f)f llatsli towiuhip, Noithutnber Innd co., ft-r a liunther n earttriii it v.itnt, in the tall of lrr,0. nt th; life of her voi'-e frin a severe cold she cmi traeicd ; nftir ir ing n nuitii'-'r of remedies, wuh 110 bene (il, ibe wa e-itnt ly restoreil by taking one luttie of It'ise 1 f I'tnn. titter wltieh. n!ie 1 ict tier voire again, from a J fresh cold Kite contracted, and was again icstoreil by the I ue of another hottm-; fIie llien to-.k four boiilca more to iHtrengihen her breast, fr .in wliieh she d"iived the most i ileeidi-d henetir, and ha been in lin eiijaynient of excellent ! health from tint time to lite present, J Thenboie R"itt iiKit is olr.auied frt.m Hr. ruiRcll, (be 1 I'hwtri.-ui wl nitended h-r ; a!i 1 her mother who t)onl:s that ?'ie woni'1 n-t be tivirjj ul Ibis tune if it Irid li"t been ! foi tl;c I'.oFP Pectoral. U tnville. Jan. 2.. 103. ' Ftif an ft her Zttrlr ! C're KJftrted. 1 Mr Sainnel Sreliler, lieinc m a iratttrrd weak and deli ' cat';i:tl'i -a, v ry su.-eepl;b!t 1 c-dil-, wtta nll'K-ud I Wil Ii a ve.-y f-evere e mih. pain tvy. rerenestt of Ihe breatt, d:er froiu'whcb sue derived no benefii, 1 ho wm cured hy lakm- inn b xtiu of II IV-etoral and is 111 the en 'Vinei.t of ( C.,..h t,u r,,r v. t ,ug Ji.iiivil'e Dee ;--,0 I 01 appetite ; n:er iifiiig n nmij'. er of tii usual rem;' n. it(r:,!,v : IVrmit n: to inwnn vmi I'i'.it inv wife. I win) is :i (I'-!kmIi nn I we.-iUly w 'in.i.i, l.ii) riiii umlcr a i very u -vcrv f !uu ll with ;iil vi xf: f'iM, wub ! in re tjiiickly ii,tl ciIfctHiiuy T'-LivclI wiiii ono Ijittle if ; y nr i(ffc i tct-tril tl.nn anv nt.n'f I'lt-flifiMf h'te liml ever j tak-ii. " AllM'.lt .M'HlilPK. ' J:ni. I.-.'J. !S:nmi -l K. V.o ni:,' l-'.nii.u't. Kel I't'int. I tVia-Nij Lvir;"Mi; in ivimi i-v n:c Uu&z 1'ectub.vl and ! V.:.v: v IVu... j J TtiMT tnk'-n lit iwi'i ii ('!"itni'ia nml New var j vs. 'At it vt'ty i l i )!!, w! in :i t!ry .art! iurcbsjut . (- mr:ti. r;n-i: v -i -K ;.l ot' p:'i;i w!'( tifVur lie rnughcil, I w ie.i',v,-! t , in,! U; ity r" e ! ,u.v V- !-,:il t:il en ore t'lii '. 'i H S ilti''. n:i' l y llit- tiii?t' it v :.b liiiitlitd, WAH en. lit-'' t '" I ! f- ,;ir, hiydll-t' h? Ii 19 :.veu hi Vt I ll HfefS i .t un- Ji.-.'iii!i i.'i-Ki.ii.ihvu i.r rnii.iiv I'll!., ainl li.ut thy ! nre ilic iUiMoi:. uii'.l in 'Si ifi'.'t. I unl , iny itu t' lnmever I JJn Birvi.Kv r Ttir iiTsr n visit tn uiy l)r.iiir, in Van Vil.". I tt I1VM' B-'W C '!', W IICM fM'lv'.l 111 II I ! n I C ft, w i : 1 1 it ircicsM mi l iiiijn ot ine bro.-mt, ht v. I y ur It-t-s J .-"-jiU .i.i'l I'amilv l i:t. un, ! wliidi I fi- ila nre in r.'C urn m ist en -c:u-ii t :ne !y 1 luvc tib. J. V "ti?. nvpc-truliv. .1 ?.lUICti.., J til. Ot. If ry. WW-1- H:ucii. Lnziine c. l)rnr Sir : Ab a reeo.n'U-n ! u -n f r v;-tir Ur pccli- ral. i"iiint ine t me. t)r! I w.i pOt-ft;iit"y enrr.l of n ' very vi v uzU wi'li pi: mi i.i tl:o lic .!, wiih ft-rs tlnin I hriir a I) 'ttit, nu i id it 1 rmiiMilef it mv liu.ib.e. uu aio 1 nt lincrty tn m. in- l?ti. pnl.lie u" y.-n p'i- so I .lfl! SINIHUI.Nfi. (dit.f -T.) D-.nvil!... Pa. ! M sin Vuii.ini iinitiiiifr mii!v n f- v-t? c-imjjjIi iiikI pnin in ltt siile, fi..;it ;m innirv rucirivcl ly rall."wjs e-itucly i r.-lievi-J by nlit'tlo of l:so IVt-itimi Crt-ytn t-f I'ain- p'l'i. I linee i iise-l ynif rmnily I'iils, nntl n!t.)frclher c .'JisiJtr titein tlie beat niilL-citi' fl I (nvr ef r Uft'.l. JUW OVKtiDuliF, J;n. Ic:?. tn i 'pp., N.irlhM co. Dr. Itirkley : Sir : As my who wnn tr.mbleil with tlry, lniti i;.Mih. ai.n s mr Moiru-h, (l-peuittnt uptui (-r?'ii!ity, imihr t- UiPnpsia. was entirely n-i:evtit by usi-i- tv l t'llt-R tu" your lioss Pct-f'-rl. pcniiit mc to Buy liiut 1 it :in eve l-.-nl rein. 'v. Yuu;. rt't.-rtin ly. it.'e Mr. WII.I.AKD. I'.iKt m hiitliernn ('luircli, Dnnville. Pa. Ii r.iny l)rn i.n ti pnin ni ivy ntin (sinii! irt Klieu nntinil wiiien i'pi vM me ct' ill tree us.e ot" it fin almut t"inr in niiiift. !;. Hiui;-; one i'i'!f nt' On-uta of niiiplur 1 wniM s!( ll.i I c nsitlrr it ihu lir I rrnu-ily of the kind 1 Jiiiu fvr t ns'-il in n:v ftnnily, nml I woiiict freely v )n.n' -ntl n i i ntiti-m wuii titu'ctioj . Yours, n tf.itetiui.y, .It 'A:? WOl.F. I'dIi tp., Nt nl."tl co. My wife l.i'in t;1iitt"'l Willi a v i- sveir putii in lu-r nrm iutl i n ui'i i (lite viu-t 's "f c-l.i) wnit-li tliKitilnl lnr lmni u-'ti' it, vu3 rnred wiut mldnni ol Crcnm ot I'nin phT .Mid. I '.i Hi it. my siatir-in-litw, was uisvi cnrul f n rft I nni in t ie Imm.I hhl) Lice lv Ufiiir the Lrrnin ot L nniph -r 1 IU !A:-i C. Ill.l.lS, D.nviile. Jun. "JJ, V.. Mv wife li.iv.n iiiKurniiibiii ot tlie una tr a iiupiIht (tf ye.irs. which pre.'enti'il ironi imins it iutiuiitj her w n s ;u u r ivtvi""? 1),mj:i a iM'"ti iiini m iii"iity in ir ma different rcmedira with it benefit, wns entirely t-uicti by KWinz "iily itic i.rnlf f ynnr ri:i:n oi t:ni:'.j'li.)r. tt.i.lA.Al l-.VK.NH, Mni-ir, (or S. lt. WoOtl, II. iv.u:t. Ur. liirl.ii v : (In vim reci ivrtl a vny tifvcre injury in my fill" !v filling ifin l n.l of li ly. I'imiu winch I wuh u:m-1)1- to f"!l v my work, w:u re '.iiniKemicl to try a Ii atle of Cream of fntiir'ti-ir. w!iiih mV .fNtl inunedi'tte relief. OIMI-'KI TII CAltit. Kiibh tp., North'd va. My wit, BniJ'Tin? froia iu st exeruciniiiis; p-iia, Ii m 8n -:ii, whii li preventeil lier from Hr'pinji (lh-j. j tH-c:ttFi'intl hynli'iiv nml protracted 8H-ll ot riekiie.v. ;) ,)f winch he 'iis.Hu mnniier of rrmrdie without !mii:, wan enlirelv reaeVfti bv the use of i'reum of Co'rtplior. M'.O. n MltOV. Su: Tr-'-ii Jjrntit, Du iviile. Pa. cured of U mvl Ci nply m-i. mid Ajrae (o two years t :nihitR.) by V- nn byrup. My ehiltl h-'uii nj:;(i-:ril f r Hie l ist ivt rnrs, with H wel C ni ! iinl an. I Atfiio inn il it was reduced to u nvrs pkelt'ffin. I ti i.-il a nitml er of remedies wiih no permnnrnt benefit, ni,(ii I pav it n t Ule rf your Worm Syrup, since which it has been wtl, run! got quite flfhiiy. 1 ulno have n c numeiided it to u intniber of my frtendi, and in ev tiy cjse it Ii :i ivrn natisij.eiiun. I. A' l.rijiB LumM' .M'Tcliant.) Dnnvillo. I h ive nsr-.l emir rm Syru;i in my family, and cii icVr it not only rtrcctual, but liie nit'ft plc;iMiit article I am ne.jniiiited wiih. jA'(Itl I.AH1KI.S. Uinivilln. Ilju iu-; u?ed ymir Womi Syrup in my fumily, it helps my ehilMten m re ttt.-m any piepnraii n of the kind, and is more to inKe. AHMvliA.. M uit' mii How. Oauvihe. i niyo iiui otvafmni ii use your Worm syrup iu luy iiuiiiiy, anupreitr it in nnv vetiuiiue 1 nave aneit. FKKD. ItiriJ, Fr.iBty Vidley, Moutmir co. Dr. Hiekley 11:iviiij use! y.iur wojui Syiup, ond Cmna o Citnipii. r and Family lMli in my family, they cave go ld Kitifftiettoii, ond I e insider ilicm ihe in.'t rf teciual, ad p!ecitif reni.-id. ii. w have had in our lumilv JnllMi'l'UAX It. ItlSlIKL. Uanytlie. Dear ?if : We tiie uudersignett beiu in the employ of Ajenra. (noyeM V C imy, ut wiiime re, yuu imve an Ateii'y for the sale of y.air FpntiJy .Medicine, stte that we hav e hid tvi "pptirrimity of knowing the opinion of mim-ro'tu iudividii:tl who Jnve umd them, nnd t Imt they irtve ct-netul Mtidiut'tion. Wr have ld u irrfnt many nf vmir Piii, which uio uuivcrullv liked, beine very miJU in their i.pemtiou. ' W. LKISKNRING, Pinvilie, Attest, W M. Kl'.PiJ'.lt, Ilnvmr Setirvv of my m uth very lud, I wns iinluced to try a b 't Ie nf your 'I'ooth Wash. wliiHi acted likeaeliarm, hu'rdeniae my Tunis, nnd rcniovina all tliBcaw. JONATHAN It. R1SIIKI., Danville Df. Hi' kley : Haviutf what was culled ulcerated tore, mouth, for which, I Ui.-d s inimlker of remetlies with uo benefit : I was nl List cured by utiufj one hoi tie of y-ur T.wlb wii-h. My wite uIt during her eontinenieiit, wns thientfiud with iie,lireiiii. lump having alrea-ly f trine,!, for whie she UBrd the Cream t.f Cumnhor, which v -uttered them, thereby preventing her brenKB fmin entberiur. OKO A HROWN, Ncnr I uiliernn Ch jrch, Danville, Pa. Dr. liicklev. H.ivine an pprtunity of aeeins; yur Auti-Seorbutie To ah Waih used in smne very aeveta ea te of seurvev of the tumis. I e iimiiler it nu excellent reme dy Your, repectrully, GV.O. It. UHOWN. Tha atova met lie met nre foi stile Whnleatil and Rc tail by W M. iilClil.KY, M. 1) , Proprietor, Danville Alt.ii Foi rile by the following Amenta in Northumber land e Hintv. Frilmtt 4 (irioit, Sunbnrv ; W A. Knobb, AnifiiitH; V. Farrow, Snydertowu ; Tugparl, FurmaiiiV llitri nt, Pnxiuos ; Fintine Sc ftroue, Puxinoa; John Vaiumit. Pnxini; Hugh Vasiine, puxinoa ; Ammerinan, Kot i St Co , 8hunokni ; Mrr Ja Thomas, bhamokiu ; Win. Fagely. thnmkin; Camplwll & Ktme. Aujiuttu; Huinuel A. HernMrewir, IVersbury ; Jacob Le-nrin, Bjar Gap; Conrad Wenek, Nta-thumlwrlaud ; Jeremiah Cr.mae, 6elingr ws ; Josiah Biker, Lcwisburri Joliu F. Coslowaiid Jotmtlion 'alien. Milton. Call on the Areata, and frt eireohr eontaininff s ftiU detcripth of the nameious turn nciforowd by tbe differ ent Medtc.nes. "AID AND COMFORT," .To Your Own-Itlrchnnics. GEORGE RENN. MANirrACTCRtR OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rT,HE subscriber respectfully calls tha attention x of tho public to his large and splendid assort ment ul every quality and pries of GAl!IsET-WAKI3. which cannot fail to reiommcnd itself toevery ona who w ill examine it, on account of its durable workinitiHhin and splendid finish, mads up of the liest lock to he had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany SolaM IHvniiri and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and uleo VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to riiila- delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. Ho also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never before to he had ir Suuhury, such as Maiiocaxt, Black Walsct AMI Cl lUKIl MaI'LE tJllF.CI A5 J AMU VVlXOSnn CHAIRS, ami i-ajct Piaxo Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber ie determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchae furniture in the cities, as every confidence can he entertained about tho quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavment for work. O UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hr.Anst:, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. TV The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE REKN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. tf. Hobby Horses, Children's Propellors, Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c. Manufactured wholesale nnd retail by & T'JLL, Nu. 64 DOCK Street, Philadelphia. Onlrrs tlirou;;!! the mail -promptly executed- riiila., April U, 1853. lv. CHEAP WATCHES. JEWELHY AND S W.MIB, Wlml.Ki'.e nml Hi-mil ot N.i. 7J.N. SKl'ONU St.. uppiinte the Mt. Vernon llnusc, ti ld l.fV'T W nt-'lics, liill j.-welrd, th k, ensrs, Sr'iP.tlO; t-ilver l.r.-;-rs, full ji-weird. i?l'i.00; Silver I iiuL-s. jewelml. !!, Wl -jii Wiirr.ihteil 1. 1 krp ymul time. O-.liI 1'cliB niul Sil ver l-'-ise, & I , HJ ; li,.iil Pencils. SIMf, H.'M PuiCils aiu Pen Cases Willi jr. i-t r?nlil Penstis I v its $3.,.1-i, Ae. A.s.i, nhvnys.m liand a n n iissnrinienl ol tine fr.'Ut Jew. Ir (i- lil Cuili, liiiiiiil nml l-tt Cli.-iins, UtiM Vebt Chains, Lulies' (iul I I-'nh Chains natl Ue'it Pins. Silver Tahle Svns l'r..inl llo t?lr-. U.-'scrt. SO tn Sit , ami Tea, Sl.T i t.i srr:i,-0 per s.M. Wiirr,-intetl equal to j ci.i All pivnU wnrranleil to l.e u-lnit Ihey ure s .lit l-ir. It Vateli's .nut .tewelrv repiiireit .unl vt-nrrn-ileil. 1 I v" Alt orders sent liy 111.11I r,r otnervvise, will he punr I tn.iiiv alteiid-.-u t.i. M. AVI.-R. A-ent, '.i. ti N'.irili SKCOXR Street, r;.p.ii-.c tiie Ml. Vcrnun li."se. ia., April -21, IfOJ ly. VATCHE3, JEWELRY, &o. JAJIKS 15. FID L KI, 2'o. 12 So!!ltSccoml Stree', PHILADELPHIA. OolJ I.rver V.'uti'hrs lull jrwrlli-J Silver Lever do feilver I. cj.ii. 0 do " IJuarlier do C.'oIJ pi-ns nnd pencil and silver hulders tfilvcr Tea and Tublc Spoons Uriit-clcts. IJ least pins Liar rings Ac. All warranted nnd sold at prices us low as ary in the eiiv. Novemlier 27. 1S52 tf. Rosendalc Hydraulic Cement. A N exeollent articlo for lining CUterns, Vaults, Spring liouses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. . For sale hv CHARLES slIErARD SMITH, of, and successor lo, tlie late linn of Evi Smith ik Son. N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853. ly. A VALUABLE HOUSE And Three Acres of Ground FOB. SALE. HIKE subscriber oilers at private sale, his house -- and three acres of ground, on the river bank within Ihe limits of tlio L)orour;li of Sunbury, now in th" occupancy of John Shisslrr and orig inally owned by Ciias. Gussler while engaged ill boat building. Tho iinprovcnients aie a TWO STORY FRAME HOUSE, ll'ith a Well of good Water, and a good frame stable. There are a number ol excellent fruit trees on the Tho prop, erty is handsomely located and will he sold et a reasonable price and poesnion given in April next. Apply to Geo- C W'elker, Esq., of Sun burv, or to the subscriber at Sclinsgrove. PETER KERL1X. July S.I, 1603 tf. A Farm for Sale. JHE subscriber often for sale his farm, A CONTAl.NINO 284 ACRES and allowances. It is situated about three mile, from Sunbury nion 1; the Shamnkin creek, and is in a good stale of cultivation. The Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm. Il will be oll'ered in parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It can he divided to make three small farms. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a good Dank liarn, and two tenant houses. JOHN FARNSWORT. Upper Augusta. Sept. 10, 1S53 tf. WM. M'CARTY, Bookseller, n ESPECTFULLY informs the inhabitants ot - -town and country, that he lias lately recei ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to his stock of books, in every branch of Literature, and in a great variety of Binding. Please call and see them. Su-.bury, Gept. 17, 1853 TJLANK Parchment Paper Deeda and blank -- Mortgages, bonds, Executions, Summons Ac., for sale by II. B. MASSER. 8unbury,Aurl 26. I8.M ANN'S LETTER PRESSES, with books, ink, and all complete, just received. and f r sale by H. B. MASSER. Putu-ury, Jur.s 4, 163 RANK NOTE TABLE. Prvv.v, ....... J 1 ' CITT Of rBlt.AbKX.PMl "'"I. MAHACAt:at-.- ,A1! solvent banks j j, AM WVITCTll OVIIKS OlIT.T, V muuk ISLAND. All olvent tank, il.? ChnibTbrf 1 dis All scire,, t wfswecTlcUT. iisns ot unester Co. nar Nfw v,- His nnk of OermRiitow, pur I A It wlren, EIIIl S. i t.vsliur 1 di. IT- Uk noteVa- .. . a' Idi. i.nnsoiMiiKiietnwn dis aii ...t ......,,..,,, Bunk nf Nurt huinlnrl'iul ... -'"l is winks Idia nelviilereltank lr.W IL ri in.. ""Jjofl'ittslmr, i PU rriimereiiT fiinlr i J Hmik of IMnvill, M, F.r. .:; ".., .. 1 " Carlisle Hnnk 1 dis F M Min i . P' ColnrnliHl U'k hciM?$FSK ' Doyelstown Bnnk !, M.h nt. ,V. w'k par Knston Hank , Mh.llkofu,,,,"-: iiiinK ,,,, Kiehnne Ifk Pittstinrg I rln Kxehanire Il k, Hrnneli I dis1 Furmere' B'k, Mucks Cn .l meen. ft Man Hk i" . ' Morris r l."'.t " 1 "". P" Newark BkVnl r 1 i! Orm... n...t" ,n- C ! ll -k, Bucks Co pnrlHeopfe's Uk Patterson 1 dis Frmr,' Ik, Ij.nea.ter rwriPrineetot, Bank ,.d" farmer. Ilk, Hemlinjf mr!tnlem It.nkin. Co Fnrm. Bk fchtiylk, Co r.nrtemerret Co Unnk l1? Franklin Ilk ,Vn.ll'l. 1 di. Slate Bk KlinJ, Hnrrishora; Unnk 1 riislstuts Dank N.w.,1 t S'i llrniejidiile Bnnk Ijincsster Bunk par fW Bank. Ne-ton di, Trenton Bankin. Co , liKinoii name nnr Mrrch. Mini. Itnnlt 1 dis I nion Hunk. Dover I ,1,. Vnrilleyv lei D, ,r p.. f ,'! ! Miners' irk, Poitsvills rer Monnntrnlielti Bnnk 1 dir Tnylorsv'e IlelB'r Co IS di. West Branch Bank pur Wynmins Hk, Vilkesb'e par V"rk Bnnk, 1 disl tT'Ilelief notes i dis irT'Bk notes nnderfts idia riKI.AlViii? 1 Rank of D-lsivar, ,r Bnnk of Sniyrna nar Delnwnr City Bank nTr Bk Wiline'ii Brandy w. par Farmers' bk St Delswars par Union Bnnk. Wilniiiatoii par IT" Under r. 1 d MAIE Brink of Whetlnck Silis Mercanlila Bk. Bano-or 1(1 (lis All solvent hanks I ilis NKW lIAMPSIIinE. All solvent hnnks 1 dis MONT.' Bnnk of St Aihaus S dis OHIO. All solvent laniks S dis 17" Bk notes under S'a 4 dis NOKTH CAROLINA. All solvent lainks 8 dis All solvent bruiks " disjtyUnderS's, i dis Tremendous Excitement.'.' Cash, Steam, Electricity ! ! The Aerial and nil other lines out-done by th Lightning line of THA T. CLEMENT. V17"HO, having great faith in rapid sales and " " small profits, bus just received ana opened large assortment of FALL AND WINTER GOODS. At his Slore in Mar:;et Street, Sunbury, which he oilers to the public at the lowest prices. His stock consists of a general assortment ol Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings, Aluslins, Linens, Calicoes, Mtislin de Lains, Lawns, Ginshams, Bcrages. Silk Nats. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Grocorlcn, Sugar, Tea, CofTee, Molasses, Chepse, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz t Iron and Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, &. QUEENS WARE, Tea Setts, Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, fye LIQUORS, Winr. Brnmly, Gin, Rain, Whiskey, ie. 11?" Country produco of oil kinds taken in ex change at the highest market prices. Jan. 15, IS53 ly. nocron THE POCKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVERY ONE HIS OWN PHYSICIAN. rpHE EORTIETH Edi - tion.with One Hundred Engravings, showing Dis eases and .Malformations o the Human System in every shape and form. To which is added a Treatise on tlie Diseases of Females, being of the highest importance t married people, or those contemplating marriage. Hy Or Win. Yotinc- i Let no father be ashamed tn present a copy o I Iho jnsOULAl'IUS tu his child. It may save ! him from an early crave. Let 110 young man or I woman enter into the secret obturations of mar j ried life without reading the POCKET .KSCU I LA PIUS. Let no one sull'ering from haekniep I Cough, Pain in the Side, restless nights, nervous i feelings, nnd Ihe whole train of Dyspeptic sensn I lions, and given up by their physician, bo another j moment without consulting the JiSCULAPH'S. . Have the married, or those about to be married I any impediment, read this truly useful bouk, as it has been the means of saving thousands of un fortunate creatures Irom the very jaws ot death. ty Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by moil, or live copies will I s sent for one dollar. Address, Dn. W. YOUNG, No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. June 13, 1853. ly. Illore Xct Goods!! WILLIAM A. KNOBB, T ESPECTFULLY informs bis friends and the public generally, that he has just received and opened a large and splendid stock of FALL AND WINTER GOODS, at his Store in Lower Augusta township. His stock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz: Cloths, Cassimers, Satlinetts, Vtstings, Flan nets, Muslin, Ife. A splendid stock of LAD1F.S DUESS AND FANCY GOOD?, Such as Silks, Berapes, De Laincs, Merinoes, Lawns, Ginghams, Calicoet, $e. BOOTS AND SHOES, A fine assortment for Men, Women & Children. A large assortment of GIIOC'EKIES, SUCH AS Sugar, Coffee, Tf a, Molasses, Spices, &.C. Hardware and Queens ware. Fili, Salt ami Liquor St'CII AS Ciu, Brandy, Ruin nnd Wbiskry, Besides the largest and most general assort ment of all kind of Goods to be had in the country. All the above mentioned goods will be sold at such reduced prices as they can not ho gol for clsevhere. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Augusta twsp.. July 2, 1853. 6m. Lumber Yard. rpiIE subscriber would respectfully inform tha citizens of Sunbury, and Northumt erland and adjoining counties, that ha ha opened a L umber Yard in tha lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis tance East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he has now a large amount of Seasoned Pannel Plant , also l'annel Boards, and all other Board and Uuiluiko MiTKHisL, such as will be wanted for building purposes. Also a largo amount of Shingles on hand, which will be sold from J6 up to f-8, according to quality and aize. "Please giv us a call and examine our price and quality. N. B. Farmers who are in want of Shingle will please call a w will aril to vou low. J. E. LE1B, Sun. 8unbury, May S8, 1853 ly. C-10LD PENS with and without eases, of M very superior quality, just received. Also fresh .upply of Writing Fluid, for sal by , H. B. MASSES. Sunbury, Dec 17, 1851. 1JATENT BR1TTANIA STOPPERS f. bar bottles for aal by - . . .. B MA8SBK. Sunbury, April. 1, 1851 BLANKS. HJLAXKS of every description can b had Vy SL9 n W at th office of th Amariew.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers