Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, February 18, 1854, Image 4

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Titers in hit allotted homo
Abirlet, from year to year, genuine Tfirtt,
The thepheril of hi flock j or, as a king
la slyled when most eflectionately praised,
The fnther of hit people. Fuch i hr,
And rich and poor, and young ami o!d, rejoice
Under hia apiritual away. lie halh vouchsafed
To me aome portion of a kind regard
And eomething alaoof hia inner mind
Hath ha imparted, but I apeak of hira
At he ia known to all. Wontuwoatu.
Aire. Sukev Wrinhl. need 125 voars, dicJ
. j E I ' '
in Baltimore on Wednesday.
Judao Moton, U. S. Minister to France,
arrived In Paris on the 9ih inst.
Ha uilin nimiMi ihn alaT. retrurds; not the
-.- , - '
hare--anonymoui scribble rs, temeniber.
Wnallh ! ll.o.Mt. which (rivet COIlletlti 0
t one dollar or thousands.
A man too busy to lake care of his health
. ..i,,; in lmv in take cine of
J9 line a luckiiuujw - j .-
hi 6 tools.
Ho submiis himself to be wen ihrotish a
microscopo who suffers himself to be cans'11
in a passion.
The best bred man is he who is
of dignifiied ease to reconcile him to all sit
nations and sc.ciely.
A Ph !npp nip rehanl at Sacramento, Cu!i
rr,i nil vert 'net that nmoitir his comli re
oeived, he has "dried worms for soup."
The Sacramento Journal estimates that
thirty barrels of cgsi-nnc? were consumed or
drank in that cily on Chiistmas day.
Pearson HarJen, ased 13 years, was diown- j
eJ at Heading on Monday, while skating on
the Schuylkill river.
It is said there ara 16,000 or 17,000 Get- j
mans in Louisville, and the number is in- j
creasing rapidly.
Tho Portsmouth (X. II.) Journal nominates
Edward Everett as tho whig candidate for
the Presidency.
There died at Moscow, on the 14lh of
October, a certain Peter Sosnowsky, uged
122 years 1 month and 25 days.
During 1S53 there were 298,434 tons of
Anlhacite coal received at Boston; being
38,888 tons less than 1852.
A petition has been presented to the New
York Legislature, asking for a law prohibit
ing the use of tobaco except for medical
A violent, storm of thunder and lightning
occurred at Burlington, Iowa, Jan. 20, when
the thermometer was at 20 degrees below
zero. A young man named Joshua Kelly hung
himself last week, in Ludlow, Vt., because
he had his cloths and $14 in bills burnt in
a conflagration.
It is estimated by the census tables that
the number of men engaged in London
alone upon i he omnibuses on Sunday, is as
many as 6000.
"There is a woman at llis bottom of all
mischief," said Joe. '-Yes," replied Char
ley," when I used to get into mischief, my
mother was always at the bottom of me."
Cham, the caricaturist, represent Dumas
seated on a car, wiiting with one hand,
working the crank of a printing press with
the other, and distributing his journal right
and left with his feet.
Two hundred prrsons are alieady employ,
ed in the new straw maufucloiy at Nantucket
some of them being, according to the Mir
ror, "females of the liist families on the
When the mother of six unwedded daugh
ters "regrets that the lime will come when
the dear things must be parted,' it is a sign I
that she would liko to go into mourning on
that account.
This fine stanza is from a poem in the Na
tisnat Era, on the death of Webster ;
How well he fell asleep ! time proud river, widening toward the sea,
Caliniy and grandly, silently and deep,
Life joined eternity.
Temperance in Virginia. The commit
tee of the House of Delegates of Virginia, to
w hich was referred the petitions of numerous
citizens of l he commonwealth, praying for the
passage of a law prohibiting the sale or bar
ter of any intoxicating liqours, under certain
restrictions and penalties, have reported
against the prayer of ihe petitioners. The
Richmond Whig considers this report a prel
ty sure sign that there will be no legislative
enactment on the question this session.
Baby Exhibition. The Committee of the
Southern Central Association have been au
thorized to nflur the following premiums to
be awarded at the next Fair in Augnsta:
Its premium, silver pitcher, S50, for tho
hartilsomeat and finest babe two years old.
SM premium, silver pitcher, $25 for the
handsomet and finest bubs, one year old.
3d premium, silver goblet, tlO, for tho
handsomest and finest babe six months old.
The children to be clothed in domestic fa
brics, the premiums awarded under the di
rection of the executive Committee.
Alas! that in eiir earlkst blush
Our danger first we feel,
And tremble when the rising flush.
lietrnya aome angel seal 1
AUs ! for care aud pallid w
Pit watchers in their turn.
Where heaveu's too fuint and iisnsienl glow
So soon forget! to burn ! O. W. Hi.LUKa.
A Sister's' In'Mence. ,:I was drunk
ouce," naid a young man to us, the other
day, "and 1 shall never forget it. In com
pany with several fellows, 1 was induced to
drink pretty freely, and by the lime I got
home, I scarcely knew where Iwas or what
i ..,1 .toini?. I was put' to bed, and how
long I UiJ there I do not know; but when I
awoke my sister was sitting beside the bed
eugageJ in sewing. The moment her eyes
fell on my face she burst into a flood of leais,
and wept as if hor heart would break. Over
whelmed with shame for my conduct, I
then foimed a resolution that I would never
get drunk again ; I have adherej to it for
gome year and mean it."
Torte Mommies,
flMIE attention of tho Trndo, and others, in
I. want if Ports Monnuics, Pocket Hooks,
Hankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri
ting Desks, llnckgnmmon and Chess Boards,
Chessmen, Pearl, Shell, and Silver Cord Cases,
Work Boxes, Canns, Needle Hooks, Money
Belts, Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor
Strops, Travelling Flssks, and fine Cutlery, to
gether wilh a largo variety of Fauci Goods
which will be sold at tho lowest rates.
Porte Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer,
205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia.
Sept. 17, 1853 tf.
Dealers in
N. E. Corner Fourth and Cherry Streets,
U. VINO enlarged and improved their Store,
ami having the largest assortment of Lamps
in Philadclnhia'city, thev are. now prepared to
ETHEREAL OIL, Phosphene One and Lard
Oil. Lumps. Lanterns of all paterns; Fniicy Hotel
anil Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, Oirandiiles and
Candeleahras, and Urittiiimia Lamps, at the
Manufacturers' lowest prices. Glass Lamps by
the package, at n small advance over Auction
prices. I'teinjf larje M A N ITA CTUli EKS of
Pine Oil, Punning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol,
and (Ihe only true) Phosgene Gas, tlicv can fur
nish these articles lit such prices that Merchants
will find it to their advantage to liny. Call before
going elsewhere, if yon want bargains. Also,
lha Safety Fl id Lamp for sale.
Phila.,' Sept. SI, 1303. ly.
c ii i: a r
Depot nnd Manufactory
G. L . liCILLES. & C O . ,
i h. W. corner Arch mid Second Streets,
a sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower,
Gothic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, are.
to he. had at the lowest priced foi quality of work.
Orders (or Gilt, Plain Store, Lettered and otlicr
Shades executed at short notice.
Merchants and others nie invited to give us a
trial. We will try to jilrase.
Brasses, Trimmings, &c, always on hand.
Remember S. W. corner
Streets, Philadelphia
August 13, 1S53.- Cm.
Important to Coal Dealers.
THE sut'seriliers hereby inform the pul'lic, that
they have entered into parlncreliip under the
firm of Kasc, Heed & Co., for the purpose of
mining, shipping nnd selling coal, delivered at
Snnliury, or at any other point along the Sus
quehanna. They will be ready to deliver coal, well prepa
red, on coi tract or otherwise, at all times, on the
shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms.
Orders received at Shamokin hy
Sunhury, June 4, 1633. ly.
Cheap Watches 05 Jewel rjr,
ViniOLESALE and Retail, nt the "Philudel-
phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 96
North Second Street, corner of Quarry,
Gold Lever Watches, lull jeweled, l curat eases. f'W.IKI
G "Id Leniua l?k. Ml. oil; fine 5-ilyer fMiex'.uclcS.
I r,o
l .on
Silver l.ep. full iewlle.1, S"i.Ui..M Bru
Silver Lever, lull jewl'd 12 I ndies' Hold Pencils, tiuarlters, T.iili er Tea bp'.K'ii?. set,
0..1.1 Speeuu-les. Tint
Gold Pens, with Pencil mid Silver Holder, 1,C0
Cold Finger Kings, 37 cents to fffiO j Watch, plain, LilccnlH; Patent, InJ; l.uuet,
25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war
ranted to he what thev are sold for.
Successors to O. Conrad.
On hand, some Gold utid Silver Levers and
I.rpincs, still lower than the above pricco.
Kept. 10, lSioV ly.
Just Published nnd for Sale
by W.M. McUARTY, Bookseller,
iSunburv, l'a.
The American
Being a collection of approvuJ declarations, writ,
returns and proceedings in the acvvrul actions
now in use in the United fitutis.
By Ilr.rrj, K.-g.,
lpae egis viva vox
With notes and additions, together wilh a i-hor
system ot conveyancing. By A. Jordan, l'res
i.lent Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of
l'a., and Wm. M. Jocl;efeler and M. L.
hindcl, of the bar of Xoilhuniheiland county,
bince the publication of the hook, the following
letter has been received from Jude lYarson of
Uarrisburj :
IlAtinisuL-rtri, June U0, 1853.
After a careful examination of your "Amer
ican pleaders ussistant," I tako pleasure in ex
pressing my entiro approval of the selection and
composition of the precedents thus offered to tho
public. The legal profession in rennsylvania
stands in need of a correct svstem of pleading,
adapted to our habits of buMnos, and the practice
of the courts. Your fo.-nu of declaration.-, being,
to a great extent, founded on the acts of aieinbly,
will be a saving of labor to the pleader, nnd con
duce to safety and brevity in mir p leadings.
ft should be in Ihe hands of every practising
lawyer in our state.
Yours, wilh great respect,
JM1. J. l'E KSON.
Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Kuekclcllcr and M.
L. Shimlfl, Esquires.
fitmhury, July U JSoll.
Mann's Establishment
5 South Sixth Street,
For tho Manufacture and sale of
e'atnit lA'ltcr Copying I'ix-sscs,
Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, &c.
Patent Parchment Paper,
Superior to all others, ami each page printed
A most valuable invention for keeping in a
nook-like foi m, Letters received, Original Invoi
ces, Are.
Phila., April 0, 1S.'3. ly.
FffAHDWARE Table Cutlery, JUiot;
Pocket Knives, 11. mil Saws, Wood Saws
in frames, Axes, Chisels, Door Lroks and Hinges
Hand Bella, Waiters, .c., jnt received and for
sale by I. W. 'l'E NEK A CO
Sunhury, Dec. IS, ISM.
GEli, a fresh aupply just received, and for
tule by
Kuubury, Jon. 10, 1852.
WEE BILLS Juttk-M and ConttaMe Ft-
Q 13 ills handsomely printoj on cartf paper for
die si tliis oOte
SILVKK WATCH EM. A few douhle esse
Enluh Silver WaUhes, fur wlc at very low
prien by
Stiiibury, April 10,
Jt'liXIG KM." ID, Camphene, Sperm and
Whalo Oil, White Lead, Linseed Oil, Tur
pentine. Candles and Soap, just received and for
iale ,y I. W. TE.NER& CO.
fc'uaburv, l, . 10, 153.
Far the Care of
TOCIMtK A COLD, with iibuucmb so ..maws
i.i mo u. y, tunc trie i iikhrt I'Kcriia!. on going io ireu,
uiul wnip it i wtinn, to swcul' during llic iiic,lit.
Koa A liul.u and L', lake il iintrniiiu, ii'ifMinnd eve-
iiiiiu, nrcouui.g io uiiccti'iiiii on tlic li 'tllc, nno inp iuiih-iii-)
will soi.ii b rcinovril. None wili l.nig anfliT frun lliis
trout.le when lin y liml il cun Iwso K-nililv ruled. 1'crsons
ullln-b'd Willi a pc:i1i'il e tiiijli, whicii br.siU? tlirnl of tln-ir
rest ill nixlil, will find, liy taking Ilia iMntriy I'e -loral on
g'ingtibL'd, tlify muy be amu (.rs-mnd, uui'toktn lc p,
unit ivaiacijueutiy rtfrcaliing rest. Ure-jt reliel fn-msnller-in?,
anil mi iiltin'i-ite cure, is till ml, ii t i thuuBJiutJ who ure
thnsnitiicteil, l.y thin invalunh!,. rcinectv.
I-'rulii lis nim-eable rlircls in li.eufi eiiFes. lunny Itud
tliciiisclvi s iiiiwiliing to 1'urcco its u.ho w ticil tho necessity
nti " lias eeancn
i'roiu two ciuiueiil Physicians in
Kavpttkvim.c, Tenn , Apiil lft, ll.
Pir : We have given v.iur t;lien v leettnid tin extensive
hint in our pnieli. e, niid'finit it M s'aipii.B every otlitl re
medy we l,uvu fir car in? uHeeti,n rf the rearn-et ry or
g'"". UKS ijlliMKIl 4 HAMPTON'.
TOSttNGKBP AND l'l l;i.t(JSI'i:AKr.KSthiKr. iiii .ly
is invalualjle, ns by us uetlnn ,n t!ie ihronl nnd lu.igi", wiien
t.lki-ll in mull qiiitnlllies, Itteniovel'iill 1i";iispii.s in n few
li nit", and wonderfully increases the power and tlexiliilily
ni ihe v.aee.
ASTHMA is eencrnlly niin h relieved, and often wholly
cured by t'ln-rry IVeti.ral. lint tliere are sane caso nlv
sthntc. iik to yield entirely to no inc.hcinis. Cheny 1'eeto-
I. n win eurc inein. il tin v can be cured.
BUHNl'lll'I'IS, r Irritation of l':e tliroat nnd npjier
pi I ion of Ihe luii;", may lie cured lv tutiing Cle-a ry l'e t
ml in sui.ill and in-iuent ituscs. 'i'iie unc auKntaLle o;i-
pre'si HI is S'H'll rr!ley..!l.
Hev. I) n t l.ANSINll. of nrnok'yii.Ncw Vorl.. ntntrn:
'I have seen the Clierry t'eei nal cute sni-h e.oies i f
Asthma ami llronetiilis ns lc:uls me to believe il can rarely
tail to cure th 'se diseases."
I-'OU (MUll'l'. liivo nn emetic of nutiinony, to l,e
foli owed by lari:e nnd ireiiueiit docej of the Chi-ri y Peeto
i ni, mil il i' ftiMues the di3ine. Ji taken la Sean ui, it vi!l
Hit ftil to cure.
Will lOPINIi COI'GI! may to broken up ami aooa ca
red by the ue of 1'herry I'uelorjl.
Till'. INri.l'JlNZA is sneedliv removed by tlur rem- -
dy. Xuinerons instnaeeK h ive been notirtl where whole
families weie protected from uny seruiaii eonsenaenees,
wlnle their neul'.bovs, without Ihi' Llieriy reeloi'al, v.a le
eallerini' ironi ihedisease.
Dr. .1. C. Aver: f la:.M. Ohio, lltli .lane, lo'.l.
j wtile to inl'orm von of Ihe truly leiniikal-ie e:le!s of
your ClIKItl, S' l'lli.'TOlt AI. in this pl.iT. and in my
own fanii'v. line of mv danuhtem wan e nnplt:tely eared
in three days of n dreadful Witeor!Nal"oer;n, by tukiier it.
Dr. Means, one of our very best ph i:iei:iiis lieely slates
that he eotinlrs it Ihr Im-fI retu-ily we Inve pntninieiry
diseases, it ti 1 that he has cured nine c.ovs of I'lliiU' Willi
il than any other medicine tie ever n hniuiftei v,l.
Dill el'Tiryiuen ol the IViptisl Church snstliat (hirine;
the run of iM-a.rK.vZA here tliis v. ;m n. he Ii;m re, n ear, s
from I'-ar luedieiue liecould scaiccly Irave believed Kllli
oaf S'-eine.
Yours rcp?-t-i.!ly, J. D. SiNCl.AlU,
lit' I'list'ii.i.lcr.
from the ilitliu'Jit'ishrd PftiftS'ur of Clit mis
try oaf M'tria Mcil:a Ui'trdoiu College.
I hw l'"'Mn1 flu Ciikkuy rri-nuiAi., it iin iiicredu-niM
liuw. a pmvNl'nl rcim-tly f x C"U, umiiMUI), au;l r"l
uiiiiKiry il.M-nsts.
V,MtKt:ii C i.evki.amj, M P-HnvN-uvt-K.
Mcr.'l. . iftr.
The irhhlu cb hratvd l'i-oJf.ror of bnrzrrtj i
the Medical CoUiHt.
ct" York Citil '
..certify the v -mal .-Ui-a.-y
oltAl..' whi.-li I p.i-ih-
... ... . . ii..'...m
'It civ'ps mo nli-amire t
if A VKH Clir.tlHV lKCTitA!
nr!v iKiiiotr il t cure (ItBtMS'-a -i' lli! Tnrtiiit ami l.nnirs
Oiirc.i ui fvrip (iiiisfd tipnti Hie I.uml'S hive hern 1 1
frftrd hv Chi:i:iiy IV.c roi: al in aurh fxiniii f;iM nn
v:in:int lite h-lu'i' thiit a mn-nlv li:s at l-.'h'jtli hrt'ii fimtul
that ran h drprii'lptl mi 1i vuri tin; CtMihn. CM :twl
Ctiif iiinpti'Hi w hirh enrrv frnui mir niitUt iltouvnulti f vtry
v:ir. Ii i.x in.U-rit a inrtlu-ine t" whirli il:e rnMictnl cm
h.k Willi p 'iiti Wir- ".r p'.iuf, j:j 1 t!icy Jt-uit.l n t f:iit l-
uvnil IhrillFt'lv c i it.
Prepared aud soil bif JJME C. A YE 11,
Practical Ch-v,iit Lowell. Mts$.
Sukl in Puulmry l-v II MASKR, an. by
DmffiristH r!icvally tlirii.:;tKmt tlin S'trtt,.
July at), I S.itJ. mnv lv. Nov. 113. 'iii.
5. I?. CrGUL&,
(Successor to A. FIOT.)
Ko. 16' 1 Chcs'M't Strct, Sirnim's liui'din.
Dealer in Musical Insti tnuents of every ilc
scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallet, Davis
& Co's (Boston) Patlst bi si-iissiox Ciiuii.l
AZoliuu and other
L, Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Mclodeons, Martin's
Guitars, Harps, Violins, i-iii:i.T Mrsic, Mvsic
i Books, Ac, &c.
Kesidentr. of Ihe country will l e supplied by
m.n or otherwise with uny music thi-y may
wih, nt as low rates as if purchased in person.
Having one of tin lurgest st.i.--s in the United
states, 1 feel confident of satislviug all who may
fevor ine with a cull or order.
Dealers ill Music supplied on the most liberal
terms. Pianos to let. tci oinl-hand Piau s for sale.
Philadelphia, April 14,
'Eureka, Eureka."
IVJOW for the little oiiin hy will pun tits
' waste luiura auj dayn in IVnit Uktj ctnlt'nvors
lo get prrit'i t pirluios ui their chiiilrcn ami ai'ur
nil Ret iioltiing but a poor, mincrablo caricature 1
W'e would say, roinfl to our
Mid w? will gnar:it.tee t maUo you a perfect
picture, l.y our Ki.r.i t:io (Jiikm ical procesi.
(lint woiliH in from i to 2 sccouOh.
W o ilcly any Ua;.;ucrrean in 1'liUa dclpliia or
elsewhere, to compete with us, an wo aio the
invcntoirt, ami the process is uhiI only in our dif
ferent cslahlUhiin'itU in .ew Knurl.iud aud the
Middle .States. Tor pictures of adult, the wilver
medaU we have received fiom the Ai.icic.iti
Iiiftituto, Xew Voile and l'i anklin, i'hihulclphia,
lti,;et!irr Willi t'.io numerous premiums tVom
County Fair, itt Riiftu'iont proof that they ure
the JXe Plus t'itra of perfection.
We would call particular attention to out
Talbot) pes Daguerreotypes in Oil.
D. t Ciii.i.iv Ar lo", 100 riiestnut Street
Philadelphia. Main ntreet, opposite bite Hamp
den 11'Hise, SpriuglieM und Coliins Uuihlin,
W'cstlield, Mass.
N. IK Our crttal!ilirnent is illuminated by
the brilliancy of our Pictures by Day, and by
Ptofetsar Jfoi .irforcf iafrty Lamps ly JVigtt
"Come ami see."
I'hila., May 23, 165:). ly.
3!ook Awnts Wanted.
AUEXTa WANTED in every town
ii. county in the United States, to sell the l
popular und euleaWe books published, many of
them beautifully illustrated with colored emrra
vinpn; ulso the moat popular worka of T. t&, A K
TII I'll, intludin? "Arthurs Votttgt Library"
Intelligent and enterprising men wi.I tiud this
a pleasant and prafilable bubiuess.
Kor particulars aJJress (pont-paid,)
J. Y UKADLEV, Publinher,
No. 4(j North Fourth istrert,
I'Uiladeljdiia, Pa.
October 1, lt?;i3. 7m.
IIIAIX PIMPS.- A small number of These
CKcclUuit puuiw have bceo received aud are
o tie red ior sate by
Suuburv, June 4, 16.3.
IEWELUV. A nice assortment of Gold and
silver Peacila aud Pens, for sale cheap by
Market street, opposite the Post Orlice
Sunbury, Oct. 8, 16oJ
Dlt. H. II. IIltiBEE'S remedy for coughs,
coKU, and pulmonary dUeaucs. A Bujtply of
this valuable medicine nut received and for sale
by H. B. MASSEK.
Sunbury, June 4t 1653.
F a m i 1 y M e d i c i n c s .
IN oflVrmg t) tho publio the abova mvnlunWn prpp-im-ti
-his, the subscriber would stnlo thtit in oiiRultattmi
with his I'liPiid mul nomo of the most resppcttibln of the
Mmlicul faculty, it wns clefmcti ailvimiblu to ntUT to th
public, a lew prepwrntions of known celebrity, beins; pre
pared with the irrrutpst rnrc, nnd on the innst spientifie
i)hnririCti, as snbsiitutps for the numerous worthless ar-
tirtrt thut tire riHHling the cuintry in the form of Kiiincens
and eriTe U, prpjwicu 1 llie most ignorant nna merceiin
ry persons, intciidt-rl to cure all diseases and fowl fur nunc,
Read and Reflect.
Thnt the Medicine, Mnnafuctiucd by Y. M.BttcitLBT,
Including Ins llnsa I'eptonil for Conghs.
Crrnm t Cunijhr, fir Hheumatism.
Worm Hvmi lr Worms.
T.h'ili V:i.i. fur ilpp.ivetl tneth. diseased rums.
Family J'itls. nr blood Fnrifyor, have born mnre extensive
ly U3l, nod i.ive pivni in to Kitisfuetitin. tlmn any oiher
McdienirN hrf.inMlie public, Iwing prepared with rrjnnl
to tlu-ir ueiiilin:isn me tally woilhy the trial of Ihe aiUiel
ed. fiivc thrm n trud. ,
A ft-w pnweriul rrrisons why the nh ore Merticinea nro
descrvinir ' f nniverwd pntunmire. (In the brut place,
theynru prcroired bv n refiiilar Physiciun, who nnderstuuda
tha'appliration of Medirines, to di'sefes. and coiiRpquenU,
nro nrrfeetly mtie to inkn. (Seeondly.) they have been
nsptl with tuiivei-rtal smcvpm. nnd have given mrre sjitistac
ti-ni th 01 hiiv nther ,M- lirihps oA'errd before the public.
(Thirdly ) tliey ure the only mrd.ctnes thnt nave gnmeu
the r.'ittmn'Te 'i l'ii-ici:nis. where they have been lined;
mid (I'tHHlhlv.) tii-y ore put up in larger imrmtiiira for
th mine price, tb in unv otlicr Medieinrs itl-red to the
pnbiiri f the mine kind. As the sulmeribpr hn n mimber
of CPrtiiicates in liin m'FriRi(n of tho highest nuthnritv,
where they Iwve b-i n us -d with ihe m"Pt siitirlnetry tu
milts. Hp will iiibli!i u few of thym, feeliitp satir-ficd t!i:it
a timl will iiicnre their reconimcndaliim. Try them nnd
satisfy yoiirs'-lf of their superiority over nil others.
llri'd and be Convinced.
We the nnilcrMjruri. having een made ciiuiinted with
the itire.'irii.fl en't'i itig int-i tho Conipouiids kimwu as
Uiekk-v's fii'iiiiv Me-!..-tne8 also Irivirg prefieribed ind
kti.-nvii lli'-in i-i be i-s-l. wilh most anliafactory rcpails;
t.ikr pl".i.ti:rt in s-ij iir that wo believe they fully meet
the design "V which thL-v are recnmnionded.
t: I!. PRICK, M. 1-
WM. AIc.M AliO, !T. T.
Wl,KY II (iKAi: Ml'AltT, itt. V.
M. ii M ;n,i .M u.
Curt of y.ii.-i in ihe side and tough from protected
iJvn Complaint.
Mrs. K'tbrrt Adams, Liboring under Chronic I.tver Com
pluiiit, fiecf.iipaniul wilhn nhort dry ctnfrh pain in the
side and breast, gi-neral ilcbility, l"fs o'f nppetite. alter try
ing nil the usual irin-diis reemnmeinlpd for eoliths niul
disnif.--t ..f ib t i-x, who with no benefit, she was rrcout-nir-ndeil
to tiy t'.e I:, sr rectoral, fn in which, she ml only
derived imui'-diale I 'lit piTinanenl relief.
.I'lhn .(! tti;!. ? n of Mrs. K 'bert Adnins, was nfli'uled
with very Kevere er-ivrh, pain in the side, nnd s rentss
pr n!'ired liv iitfprsant '(? 'Ughinu ; he was induced to try
the Hope l'ect'iral. To use hia own lungnage, t lie first
(bie enali'rd l;ini t't enViy n po'nl night's rtist. In the
in rniiif. ho f.i" ft'rat' il ribotit half pint of matter. He
Ciitiinifd t-i itiiMTove until his eotiirh rulirely lei t. him, :t I
a'M had tin? ib '-t r'r'Mtr.lieiiiit his bicast. whieh -.x
ii-ittir:i!ly wh'.i . He aho Kiya that hr hut iect.niiiini.lrd
it to a ninil r t f )r fiit-wla f r mniil,tr c-'aii'lainis, nnd
in fvery eae it lias Tii'en uaMFiaein'ii. j
The ah )V ptri in residents of the town 'f Danvillr. i
fcehag that they have derived grei.t benehts from th ne
ofihelti'se l'i'ir tm! : iiuJinrizt t'c nb ve stnteiiinnt. f-T
the benetit m wh unv lw itfllietcil in u similar man
ner. OHKAT cpki:.
Las of I 'otic nton . with one Lot tie of Hose Pec
toratt MimP'i'!! W'jit !f-, !' Hush township, N Tthuutber
l.nid e ..f ir n n-i ubi r "f ea.sna it valid, in the lull tf
; t-.Vi. t.'M tiii; u-e "f i;ef vice a isevenj imM the e.n
traeie l: :ii-r tr n:g a nuniber nf reiiied.t.-i, WMh li ' benc
i lit. the w.i entireh n'vi'Tcd by talulig one h 'UltJ cf Kos
t IV T 'l, afier wlnr'!i. she l'r her voire nain. from a
i fre.-ih c Md the contracted, and was an-iin re!ored by the
use i.i an 11iet b ili:-. ; tic then to.'k lour bottles nu ie to
t.ett;;t!ie .1 her Inea-.!, fi iu wliirh she derived the lU 'Kt
derided benefit, end lias been in the enjoyment if excellent
hen! h 1'n.m ihjt time tt the present.
T:i- alt ne Ki.ii. liient is tdiUiiiittl f ft iin Dr. ruisell, the
I'liv.sit'iati who attrinied ht-r ; ni hrr m a her wh i thinks
i P u" w-mM 'I he hviutj at this t Lino if it liml n -t l-ruu i
i f ''-"V''- ' Ijanvdle Ja,,. liS.
si.' nnnlht r MirM Lure J:tct:l.
M.. w 1 I... I...!.... n .n.l L- ,i..a .lli. .
Mrs h.Mimt;! St
Inci. b.-inc t n uutiinil weak aud ilrh
c:il: r'i;s:iliiti,p, '
Wilh il Vt ! y Rt-Vfri
ibk ol" upp-'tite ; a
ilii'F t' which, t
lukius: "n1 I) nili i
-f 1-r.tcr Ik-iUIi ilv
.ry suse.-l lible to e -l.t. was nlllieted :
e nii;li. pain anil S' Teness of the bre-iit,
ler tn-inii a number of the usual reuie- '
;.: dei iveil u benefit, she was cured by
l it se IVet oral ami is ni llic enjo) incut ;
i l-T years previous. .
PanviiV. lire. 1 I".
Hit. Iheivr.KT : 1' unit me t inform yon tlmt my wiff, '
wli 1-4 :t t':-l!'.-iti ;:ii l wvuUly w -nian, LitrTing ini!-T a !
viy u'verc C hiIi wiiit ii:i iiuj s. rrnfcs uf hrc-in, w;i
in -t; ij'ic un.l .tually reiieveit Willi one h -lt!e
v "ir Koso l'ecr. r il than uny oilier nifilicuir site hrnl ever
ti.k'-n. A UN Kit M iiKIDi:.
Jan. I..l-J. SainnH R. WonuV I'nriiiicc, llnl I', int. j
Sni M fcMDr.NCL is Fwon of tub llOaU 1'ector al and J
I'amu.y Im.i..
J.ii:n I'teuT t:licii ..-tvvtrn CliriFimm nml Xw Vcnr ; ;i Y-'i y !. i ' 4- !!. wlri-li fi.ut'.l in a dry linnl in.-o.'-s. nt
1 'ii-;!i. i:t.iin' ;i ure:. I -h .il f l" ('Mill wiiciu vec lie euMu'licil,
wns it-:i-;ril i-ry ii !n-ii ; by ihi time lie hint taken em:
t.nril :i ! ltic. si'.il , tunc i! w;ift lt:iiheii. wn en-
lirc'e i-uvnl. He kIh .iva Ilei' tie luii tnkfi, ie'er:il n.n't
t'Ml.c Ut-thh liot Ti t:ve or l';mittv Piih. ami th it tliy
nrc llic mililrst an.l in tst elR-ciiial iMiti-'ativcs ho has ever
liilo-n. lJanvilli", I, I.V.
Hr lt:-iir tv : Durinif a viii ! inv hn'thcr, in Han-
vilh", I I i ili ti W! sfv-ic C'M, whieli yiitlf'l in a tijilit ;
i liattl ( '.hi'-'i, i'li n r'-u-R tin I j-aiu ft t!:e Ireast, t" r j
! v:iit'h I iis-1 y. nr tl.i' IVet rn!. :inl l'aiiuly Pills, mi l
tnke !'- i--itre i.i r- e 'I'l'Miriiaa: ihe'p, iih tin t.i.l-i.-'t nml
in .ft ;:r.etti il r :m-i!v t have ustil. Y- m. rc-n-ctiniiy. ,
J.Mi:S MtHM'.A, !
J:n. Ofi. t-.V,1. M'inte llarn. I .iu-rue CO. ;
j),-.,r .i : n rci.j;i!.)tn.i oi.'ii t r y-ur 11. ci-t'- ;
nil, pi-unit nit t i h'iv. that I v'S eilcr-ttnlSy etitctl d' n
very w viae c(.u-li wilh pain in the hn-fiM, wilh lefs Ihnu .
half n ln!!!c, n-t-l i!i it I e.nsii!ii it invaluable. You are ;
nt liberty t- in ili" tiii' public it' you pie :e.
JOHN SI'KtJUINIi. (r;rH'rr.) Danville, Ti. !
t .M v -ii Wilinin l;i!.-in:i- under a severe c-mch and nnin '
J in lii.i i le, l'nni a;i iuinry re.-eivfd by n t'iH. wus e it ti r ly ;
I relieved by n Irt'lle t i Ib're I'eetnral A- Cream of Cam"-
plioi. I have dU'i iif-. ymir 1 ainilv riliM, nnd ult'ir ether 1
I cJiiK'di-r them tl.e bos'. u:c.leeiiic t hovo eir usi?tt. I
Jan. H". Ituth Tp., NorthM ei.
Dr. BicUlev : -Sir : As mv wife who wan troubled 1
with dry, hard (' mli. ul.s.) tvuir ISKunaeh, dependent upon
debility, fimihr - I ) if pepsia. was entirely relieved by
uiini; tv( b'.itlfM of yaii ltcHfi Ptctnal, ptniiit me to ha)
that 1 e tnsidcl il an ece lent r medv.
ouu, refp''i ii'.ty. Key Mr. YIM.AItD.
I'.i.t ii Kutheruii Churcii. Diuiviiie. l'a.
liavic-r Ihm-ii tnitd . ii -i jiiu ui my aim (sioiilur to llheii
m itiMtO which deprived me of the free ma of it fr ub mt
I'.nir m Jn"!m. Hy n-i'ir oiiubnttcof Ci'enm of ( umph t
1 v ml I h'atc tkrit I e nsidcr il Ihe beat remedy i tlie
kiiul I In vi evi-r u d in my family, nuJ 1 vu!d freely
iceniiiin ti I it i i ' ihem witii bimiLir nft'cHioi:-.
..urs. resnci-uullv, JONAS VOM
tp., N-Mh'd e.
My wif b1; vj i-nncttl with n vay S'-vrte pain in Io r
ami and k!i ul.ii -,- (t.'i' v.-f'. a -f e--!d) which otsiblrd her
fi' ui.m it, was eur.'d with rubl.intr ol Cream I I uui
ph r. Mn. I'.tilin, my uster-in-Hv., wim nisi eun-d - f
it.'Vir' pnni in il-' h-vid find f e by ubiiic th Ci?;m i f
Camt :i--r TIIO S C. I-'.LldS. Daiivilh. Jan. i'.i, '..-,.
My wife havm-r Khetimritum f the unn fr n iiunilit-r
ni yearn, which prevented her from nuintf it in d int; ln-r
w ik ; niter havi-ni upcnt u -fieat deal of innitey in tr ini;
hili'ivnt renn lir with nt liniHit, wan entirrly cured by
ufiiiir ...ilv inn- t..ti!r .f your Cream of Cuiphr.
W U.I.I AM r.VKN-. Mni.i, loi S. It. Wo.!, 11. IVint.
Jr. Hieki-v : ila i-iy ren-ived n vey Ht-verr iiunrv in
my mdf bv iTdlm-r i-ii a Uul of huy, frmu which I vj uua
Uc to f d.jw my wtrk. was recoinumull o trv n b'tlie
i( Crotiiu
if Cnn.:-h .f, which ntl.-rdnl immnlinte n-lirf.
t ri ra vhh . iwu i;v, .v-mrd f..
wil'fl, - suffeiin-r fi'ttio in tat exi riUMiitiurr m.iii.
tliroiihoiit hei i-ncral tystem, winch prevented htr Horn
.-kepinir (bcinp ec.Tii iih'd by ti Umg nnd prtraettd p II
oi KiekneBs;) or which sho iw.-l tl miinbrr of remdi.-9
wit le nit beiitfii, was vaUruIy relieved bv the nun of Crcum
of Cam; lir. !K(! U. HIM W..
PUJe '11 Deiitl.!, Dan vide, pa.
Child cured of H m! Cuniplaint. and Airue (of iw eais
t-Uuidintj,) by W orm Syrup.
My eliiM beiii!? ntllu teil foi the l:il two yoarn, with
B'Wrl (J-Miij hint nnd A cue until it wax rohterd to tt nu-re
rirletout I 1 1 n iinmb-r "f rcmedifs with n) perni'meut
bent fit, nniil I K'n e. it it b ltle of your Worm Syrup,
an ice which Unit it litis !eeii well, and -rot mute Jlcsiiy.
1 til li.nti rcfoimneiiilLd it to a number of my hii-mls,
mid in every euee it has iu-en satisfaction, I,. I.i;'.
Ar I, iih Kniiijii1 (Merchnnt.) Danville.
I have iiBtd v an Worm rup in my family, and ein
xider it li "t on!y rii't-i'tual, but tho nin.-i pIcaKaiit ai tic! 1
am nepi linied with. JAC(!i HIU.I.H. Dnnvide.
Having lined your Woim Syrup in my fumdy, it b Ips
mv children more than any piepar;!ti"ii of the kind, und is
iilits ploai-mt to tnko. DA M4l!fjA.
Mont ut How, Dimville.
I ha en hi 1 oecasi ui to me your Worm Syiup ia my
family, und pr-tVr if to reiy Vermifuge 1 have used.
1'ltKH. Hl ii, l'rohty alley, Mnmotu co.
Dr. Ilicktcy: Ilavinj? inted yonr woim Setup, mul
Crmiui of CMim.dr.r ami i-'aimly 'Pills in my fumily, they
cave ( d v it .ti.iciioii, and I eonndcr Ihem the mo,t ef
fectual, plearin! rindiM. v hav lent in our family.
JOIINU IMIAN it. UlSlli;.,, Danville.
Dir Hir : We Ihe uiidertdi-nfd be inir iii the employ nf
Metrs. bnn'i-i & Cotnly, ui wliose it ve, you httvean
Agency fa' the fide of your I'timily Medicinen, state that
we nave nan on opportunity ot Kiiowms; the opinions ot
tuitiUTous individuals whc have used them, uud that thev
give g'Miernl silmiaction. We have s ld a iji'eiit many of
your i ni, wmeii ure univ ersally imea. iwirs; very nnkl in
their operation. , , W. 1.K1SIIN 111 u.
Danville, Attest, W M. KXI'J.KIl,
llavmu SriiTvy i f my mitth very ld, I wns indnee l to
(ry a h 'tile of your Toolh Waih. which neted like a eharm,
haubuiiig ivy tnmf, nnd removing nil disease.
JONAT11AV K. HISI1KI., Dnn villa
Di. Biekley : Havius; wtiut wai called idee-rated sore,
niouili, tor wliieh, 1 tried a mimber of remedies wilh no
benefit : I wan nt lust eu red by uMn one bottle of your
Tooth vah. My wife als.) during her c uifiuenu'iit, ws
threat rued with s rr.Ui easts, lumps luviiir nlreudy forncd,
for wliieh siie usd t)i Cream of Camphor, which scatter
ed litem, therebjr prerentine; hr hreasti from irathermir
Ui.O A. ftKOWX,
Veir I nt!ierio Clnreh, Dunvillr, la.
Dr. HuUky. Ilu ina an opportunity of see ins; your
Anti-Se Tbuiie T th VYush ued in bjiuo very seveie ea
ses of seurvey U lh fruins. I enuaiuVr it an exf Unit reme
dy. Yours, respeetfully. CKO. li. OHUWN.
The nlvive iiifdifines nre for s.i!e AVholesale aiitl Ue
tail by W M. DICKI.KY, M. D, Proprietor, Dnnville
AIo I'oi sale bv Uie folluwuiir A-rrut in Von liimK..
laud county, l-'nlms; it UraiU, Sunbury; W A. Knobb.
Aucuatn; W. Farrow, Snydertown ; Tugearr, Kuruian A;
Hart n, I'ukiuos ; KniMin A hnixise, I'unitos; john
Vanaint, Puxin-s; llub Vssiine, Paxil-; Ammnmnn,
ir.MHtei St Co , Siiiimokm; Mrs. Jus. Thomas, SlMiiuokiii
Win. l')iv;clv. ShHiii'kiu: Camnbell At Ki.,,. ,, ,. '
Samuel A. J!er.rtres-er, Poterkhur-r ; Ji.b lamvmuxe.
Hear Can ; Courud enek, Nurtluiinlierlaiiil: Jereiuina
Cr.Hise. Sehnrovei Josiuli Haker, Lewisburir: Julm F
Csslowaud Juuulhaa Z.llrrs. Milton.
Call on th. Aaenls. and s-ei i-,rla. e..
description of the uuiiraou. cures atiiornit bv u. itilfur.
est Mtslietnes. '
June it, ir J-lv
To Your Own Mechanics.
Of the most Fashionable Style.
THE milwrilier rcupprtfully calls tlic attention
of tho public to liiw lnrrjc nml uplcnJid assort
ment of evrry qunlity and price of
which cannot fail to reiommcnd itself topvery one
who will examine it, on account of its durable
workinunsliiu and splendid finish, inailo up of the
best stuck to be had in the city. No effort is
spared in the manufacture of his ware, and- the
inhsr.rihrr is determined to keep up with the
ninny improvements which are constantly being
In iilo. ins stoc k consists ol Mahogany
Solas, Divnit mid t.nungos,
Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards,
and aluo VE.XETIAX ULIMJS, eipiul to 1'hila-
ueipinii inamiLicturc.
PfllTr A P ...
i;r,Lmii,.iun, oi every pattern nnd price,
In short, every artii lc in this line of his business.
He also iiiunut'acUiri's nil hinds and qualities of
incliulin:; vuiicl;cs never before to be had ir
Suiibnry, suili us Mahooasy, Ulai k Walnit
ami Ct'iu.Kii Maple (Jiuxiav : ami Wimishh
ttlAIIiS, ami jAxct I'm mi ,-jToni.s, which are I
of the l-.ilest styles, and warranted to be excelled
l.y none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere.
The subscriber is determined that there shall
be no excuse fur persons to purchase furniture in
the cities, a.4 every confidence can be enterlaincd
nbouk the quality and litiish of his wnro and
His nitidi s will be disposed of on ns Rood
terms as they can he purchased elsewhere. Coun
try Produce Itikeu in payment for work.
11T l.'.N UK it'l'A K I .NO. Having provided
himself with a handsome IIkaiisk, he is now
preparrtl for t'luUrlakin, and atlendins funer
al.'), in this vi. inity, or nt any convenient dis-
j lance iroin tlim place.
t't." The W are 1! oom is in Market Ptreet,
j below Thompson's Store and Vcacr's Tavern.
(il-.tlKUK KENN.
Sunl.ury, Jan. 10, 1R5-J. tf.
Si one ChUits anil I
4JTOilO cullcrn nnd hiliorers call have steady
k employ and a winleis job, (and not work in
the water,') nt the Union and u.iic!i.inna;c
nt (.'hii loan, Union county, IV, midway be
tween Liverpool nnd Xo.-thuinoerland. To la
borers !J 1,55 ler day will be given.
Cliarimnn, t-rpt. 17, II;
Drills, l'aints,
i r.
5 Tons I'iciicIi zim: uliito.
Ill tuns Pure W'liilp l.c.ul.
flOUU Iloxi s Wimlow (jlass.nll ciz.c.
fciuporiiir Poljsli.Cop.iU.'oni l! , l.cntli.
rr iV roil varnisli, wliilc Dt'inur varnish tor China
(i!osf wilh a grnrral asortnit'iil ol' tri-jh anj pure
Also nil llic Patent Mcdic'intta iu general uet
narranled genuine.
Coloreil und lOuanilctl Cilass, See., &c., fora.ile
very low at
.i.ri;i;u vui ukroek's
Unij nixl Paint Moie, Ao. Ki'J M. Sud Street,
X'l! 11,. DLI.P1I IA.
Plivsi'iaiis and Ej(.)ii-'.i i-j:eis nuj'iilicd (louils
sent tn nnv nt" tlie 1 (otrls nr iK-pnt i tVec of thurje.
Phila., May !,'):). ly.
2.5U0 Acres Timber Lund
TrT r. T IT1
r.VKRAI. VAI.l.Alil.i: T It ACTS OP;
TI.MUKIi I. AM), eompiisini,' nhout 2,500
acres, pait ol whiih i- rimmed on 'I'ohyhanna '
Creel;, an 1 l art on. .Muddy Creek, within three 1
miles of I.eliiqh liiver, in 1'enn forest tonshi,
Caihon (.'ouwty, one. of tho i' Coal Counties !
of Penusvlvai.ia, can ho had at a bargain, if up- J
plientiou lie made soon. '
'J'heso lands are thiekly eovered vs ith the best
timber of that region. While it is believed that
7.), 000 ti l t of lumber to t'.ie acre, can be cut from
a lan;r portion of the land, tl.o balance will aver
atrc not uiucii less than this limine. The kinds of
timber found on tho land are Hemlock, ISpruec or
White Cedar, While Oak, While Pine nnd
Chestnut but principally made up of White
Pino nnd Hemlock.
The Tohvhann.i und Muddy Creeks arc large
nnd rapid streams, yielding a xnt nm uut of
water poivrr, and are capable of dihiug a large
number of saw mills. Thev empty into the l.chigh,
which stream, wilh the I.chih Canal all'oids an
outlet to the Most desirable lumber markets.
Tliere i-, too, under contemplation, a railway
leading to ihe cities of New Vo. k and Philadelphia
which runs wilhin ut.e :i7e atiit three quartet x of
Ihe laud. Through ihc.-e avenues lumber fan be
delivered in either of the cities uancd, for about
t?7 per thousand feet thus enabling persons en
gaged in the trade to derive gre iter profits than
attend investments generally.
In addition to the timber, convertible into eve
ry shape of Innihcr, there is much that will an
swer for soars of vessels u sort of timber that
snip builders have been i bliued to purchase iu
Maine, or nt other distant points.
I'nlil-.e most of the lands on the Lehigh there
has, ns yet, been no cubing of tho timber uu Ibis
property. Il stands undislutlicd by the wood
man s ne. Ills, then-tore, the more valuable.
Tho lumber trade of the I.ehigh lias been carried
on to surh nil extent for years past, that a scarcity
if good timber is beginning to be felt. Every
season necessarily ineieases this ilillicully. The
consequence must bo an eucliauieinent of the
value of timber lands. Those uu-eulled tracts
with tho advantage of avenues to p-.arkct, such
as the lands offered for sale, possess, cannot fail
to be the sources of supply hereafter.
Put the laud is not alone valuable for the tim
ber it contains. It is of good quality for farming,
nearly every acre being susceptible of a high
state of cultivation.
Capitalists desiring to make investments, weuld
do w ell to turn their attention to these lands. Kor
furtlur iufjnnation apply to
Oilica in "Mining Register" builJini, Potts
ville, Pa.
August C, 1S5J tf.
r'piIE subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson,
dee'e., late of iho '-Lawrence House," in
Sunbury, resjiectfully informs the friends of her
lale husband, and Ihe public generally, that she
continues to keep the above Hotel, und is well
provided with all things necessary lo accommo
date all who may favor her with their custom,
and therefore solicits their patronage.
Sunbury Oct. 29, 1853 4in.
WT-II.EY'.S COLU7 C.IXVr. An excel-
y lent remeily lor coughs, colds. For sale
si tins otiiee.
December 4, 1852.-
II AND E1LLH neatly printed on newTvpe
promptly executeU at Diia office. Als
blanks, of all kinds on superior paper.
Sunbury, Kb. 14. 1853.
VyALL PAPElt A large aud splendid as
w 1 sortinent of Wall Paper, Window Paper,
aim uu ninnies, just received and lor salo by
Dec. 10. 1S53.
IOK tale at this office, Superior Black Ink,
1 O attle .Metlicitt at Si ets, Pure Essence of
dinger, 85 ceut
At Hie Cabinet Ware Itoom of
Market Square,
Alto at the corner of Fnwn street !f the Railroad
Thankful for the patronage ot his friends nnd
customers lurina the 1 1 years he has been in busi
ness in this place, he solicits from tho public aeon,
tinuanee of their favors. During this period he
has endeavored to keep up wilh the improvements
of the day, and has accordingly extended his bust.
ness in every branch and variety. The public are
therefore invited to the attention or the present
stock of
Manufacture" by
At the Old Stand,
Where in addition to their former stock of th
establishment they now manufacture
Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs
Jxrre Spring Seat Rocking Chairs,
Dressing liurcaus, Centre Tables,
Marble lop Wash stands,
and a variety of other
new style and
Fashtoriafalc B'nrnilurc.
Having secured a Hearse and made the neces
sary arrangements for tho purpose, they are now
prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in
this vicinity or at any convenient distuuee.
Ye and mistresses, an.l huslwmls tou,
Here's furniture of tvery style and hue,
Frmn side li uirds down to kitchen tables,
From rucking clinira to int-kiug cradles
Should y..u not have the leady Johx to pa,
We'll wait awhile for a brighter bitler day,
Or lake potatoes, oats, corn, vcheut and rye ;
Hark, hoop p. -tf. slaves, or lumber vet and dry,
Or any thing but yokes nnd threshing flails,
Fiom pii;s nnd turkiea down to little quails.
Cowie. on then friends, come one aud nil,
Keep trade a moving, so "goes on ths brill."
C? Orders from a distance promptly attended
to nml work ol" all kinds delivered with dispatch.
Snnliury, March 9, 1850. tf
IIoUy Horses, Children's Propellors,
Gigs. Coaches, Barouches, &c.
Manufactured wholesale and retail by
A'o. 64 IH)CK Street,
Orders through tho mail promptly executed
Phila., April 9, 185o ly.
1 1. VKH WAHi:, VI...Us:i!e nu.l Retail nt V'. TUN.
0 Mlt'ONI) .Sl opposite the Mf. Vernon II"""'". ''I
1 .ever W.-itelies. lull jeweleJ. IS k. enw-s. fc-J-.HU; Mvt-r
t.svers. lull jrwelcil, J5IJ.IH1 ; Silver l.cpiws. .icwvU'l.
00 i.ll vvariniitctl to keep ij.vul time-, li.-lil t'rtis tuitl Sil
ver Case. (-I.IKI; Gi.lcl Pencils, Sl.tIO; 'i.'l.l I'iMi-lis
111 Cast-s w-itll eonl (Jnltl JNnis.-is 1 'VV ns .!-", Ac.
AIR ", ahvavsi.n ii.ind a ! assnrtiiient ol' hue
Jew-e'.iy, li.'KI Curl,, (licil.l mi'l Chains, Ciokl Vc
Cli.lhis. l,.iilu's' liulil I'ot, l.'lnins null ll'lt I'ius.
Silver Table .-mi Imiii ll ! flf. les:l. 60 lo .
ff-il , an I Tea, ,7. 1 1 ?(1,"D per s.-t, warraut-tl e.-jicil t
c i:i. All c.vmIh w-ori iitit I'll t. he what thev nr- 'M I a".
t i? W.-iK-hea anil Jewelry repaiicl nnd witrr.inlc'!. j
(V AlK'r.i.Ts s-ut ly mail or e';e, vvii! he pune.
tually nltccickd t . i
I .M. AVW.. Ai-ent,
' No. T2 Xonli Sr.CO.ND Street, opjusiie the .ML Vera "ii i
linns. 1
! Phila., April a:i, l8.-i3.-ly. !
! WM. M'CARTY, Bookseller, !
Rt:sPIX:TIT"l.T.V intorms the inhabitants o!
town und country, I hut he has lalely recei j
ved from Philadelphia, a large addition to his
stock of hooks, in every branch of Literature, und I
in u great variety of 11 hiding. Please call aud .
see them.
Sunbury, Opt. IV, 1 SIS.
No. 12 Sou !h Second Street,
fiold I. ever Watches full jewelled
(Silver Lever do
(Silver l.epino do
tuartier do
('old pens and pencil and silver haldcra
(Silver Tea and 'Pablo Spoons
1'iacelcts, liieast pins Ear rings Ac
Ail w arranted and sold at pi ices as low as any
iu tho cily.
lWciubcr 27. 1S"2 tf.
lluicmliilc Hydraulic Cement.
ft X excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults,
(Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping
dampness from wet and exposed walls,
l'or salo bv
of, aud successor to, lha lute linn of Evi -Smith &
X. E. Comer of Kraut and 'il!w atrect
Philadelphia, Keb. 19, 1S.'.3. ly.
And Three Acres ol'drouml
'I'HE subscriber offers at private sale, his house
-- and three ueres of ground, on llic river Bank
within the limits of the Horough of Sunbury,
now in the occupancy of John Hiissler and orig
inally ownej by Ciias. Ciussler while engaged in
boat building. The improvements ate a
With a Wdl of good Water,
and a good frame stable. There are a nnmher ol
excellent fruit trees on the premises. The prop,
erty is handsomely located and will be sold at a
reasonable price and possession given in April
next. Apply to Cieo- O. Wolker, Esq., of Sun
bury, or to the subscriber nt Selinsgrove.
July 2.1, 1S53. tf.
A. Farm for Sale.
rpilE subscriber oilers for salo his farm,
and allowances! It is situated about three miles
front Sunbury alonjr tho Shainokin creek, and is
in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia
and Suubury Kailroad passes through said farm.
It will be olli red in parts or entire to suit pur
chasers. It can be divided to make three small
farms. The buildings are a I'ARM HOESE, a
good Bank Barn, and two tenant houses.
tpper Augusta. Sept. 10, 1853. tf.
BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank
Mnrt,,ii(TPd 11. null Vvnxiln. U,
Ac, for sale by 11. 13. MASSE H.
Sunbury Awi 28. 1851.
books, ink, and all complete, just received,
and for sale by H. 13. MAS8ER.
Sunbury, June 4, 1SS3.
sive and legal envelopes, for sale bv
Suribury, Jan 10. I85S
eieeuled for tale at thit office, tiagle er
by ihe dozen.
city oi imi.Aur.i.riiiA.
IJ. . Ftanlt notes i.t dis
All solvent hanks van
All solvent hank, , .
llllUUI-; ISI,An
All aolvent banka " s jj.
AllsolTent tnnka J j
M:v vi..,. I
Itnnk of Chiiinlierslnirg 1 dis
Hank of Chester Co. par
II ink of Del Co. Chester pari
Kiiiinni ncTiniiiimrcii
itnnk of Gettysburg
Brink of t.swistrwn,Mt, undtr a"
I ri)HTa
Hmk of Midilletowo 1 lis
Montgomery Co Hjnk par
Hank of Nortliuniberl'nd pm
All lOlTBIlt, link,
M:v JKjtsp y
Helrnlere BlT,k I dis
Commercial Bank a,.
ftiuik of Pitltburg J dis
nans oi jianville p;i
Carlisle Hunk I dis F. tc M.. MMi., ' .1 T"
1 WW" '
Columbia Il k B'ga Co par Meehaiuca' Uk, Niwart
n-iyelstown Bank "f iirl'",oa 51
Faston Hank par'. Veen. Man. Bk r,t l" !!ak J ,i, Morris Co Hank d I
Kxclmnge n'kPitlsbiirg 1 d.sNwark Hk'g , Co dlt
Kxchanre H'k. Hrnneli I rii.iOianne Rlr
Farmers' B it, Hacks Co parlPeopie'a Bk I'attaraoa
Farmers' Hk, Iinr-nster pnr'Frinceton Hank
armers' Hk. Itculinv Salem Hank;,.. - 1.
1'snn lll S..1.,.. 11 .11 !. ... . - ft. .C."r
par Salem Hanking Co,
..niii ,u oj.i . t in... . c, jtj ijana
I. Bk Wynesb Ji, lis State Hank at Camden
Franklin Hit. Wash',, ij.l.s Slate Bk K lizabelhton
llarrislmrr Hank 1 ,li, State Hoik Newark
Ilrme-dale Hunk 1 dis Stale Bk, N. Hrnnatvielc .r
Ijinenster Hunk par.SuMex linnk. Newton I d a
'"""""""'It pir Trenton Banking Co par
Mereh. , Man. Bank 1 dial I'nion Kink. Dover Idn
Mmera' t k, I'otlsvil.'a perl Ysnlievv'left Del Dr Cu lidis
Monong.-ihe l Bank 1 ,l tTlIk notea under S3 I dis
liiylorsv'e Del lrK Co 15 dil DHI.AWAHK.
v estHrmu li R,k pnr'Hank of Jielawara par
yorriMig Illi, tVilkcsli'e p:n I Bunk of Smyrna bar
Jlr;, 1 rlia Delaware City Hank par
ry Ite.ief notes 1 die Hk Wilmir'n 4 Brandyw. par
r. , e...:-'''5- Fanners- Bk St Delaware par
vZ , , .'r,""' k dis t ninii n.nk.-Vilmiintonpar
.V errsuni. Bk. Bangor in.l.s'cy- fn.ler S.Va 1 di
A" vent bunks OHIO.
a ti "AMI'SHini-:. All solvent lianka 9 dis
All a-.lvent , ,,, . j ,y m M,ea U1)dpr j. 4 t
H mk of m Albans S dis All solvent banka g die
All solvent banks J disjlT'L'lideru'a, dis
Tekmendous Excitement .' '.
Cash, Steam, Kleetricity ! !
The Aerial and nil other lines out-done by the
IJslttiiln? l ine of
"CyHO, liaviii-r great faith in rapid sales and
small profits, has just received ana opened
a bir-;e assortment of
At bis Store in Mnr;;et Street, Sunbury, which
ho oilers to the public at the lowest prices.
His stock consists of a general assortment ol
Dry Goods, viz :
Clntht. Carsimers, Cassincts, Jeant, Drillings,
M'lfliiia, Linens. Caliroes, Muslin dt
Laiits, Lawns, Uinhams, Lcrages.
Silk Hats.
A large assortment of Boots and .Shoes, for
Men, Women and Children.
Grof erics,
Sugar, Tea, CoflVp, Molasses, Cheese-, Sp's.
ct-s, Fiih Salt, Plaster.
Viz: Iron and Steel, Xuils, Tiles, flaws, 4.s.
Tea Setts, 1'lutes. Dishes, Cups, Saucers, ie
Whir. Crtiiitl', (iin, Rum, Whisky, Ir.
Country proditeo of all kinds taken iu v
ch.insc at the highest muiket prices.
Jan. 13, IS53. lv.
npiIE EOin iKI'H Edi
lion, wilh One Hundred
Engravings, showing Dis.
eases and Malformations e
the Human System in every
"'I shape and form. 'J'o which
--- is iiuaiu a I rentir.a on lha
l.tscases ol 1 einales, I'ting
of the hijhest int) Pilanc. to
married people, or tho.s
iJJ- ''Vjij' coiileuipl.ilins marriage.
s-i6--' liy liv X) Vutl!'
Let no fatlicr be ashamed to present a coy-v o
tho .IISCI I.AI'H'K lo bis child. It may save
him from an early L-rave. Let no young man or
woman enter into the secret cblisatisus of mar
ried life without reading the POCKET .i:.eC'U
LAPll'H. Let no one Futierin; from haekniep
( 'ouhIi, Pain in tho Side, res-lless nights, nervous
feelings, nnd the whole train of Dyspeptic sensa
ti.iiis, and given np by their physician, bo anothir
moment without eenstilling the -ESCL'L APIUS.
Have the married, or those about to be mat tied
any impediment, read Ibis truly useful book, at
it has been the means ol saving thousands of un
furtunnto creatures from the very jaws of death.
tV Any person sending T WEXTV-I'lVE
CEXTS, enclosed iu a letter will receive out
copy of this book, by mnil, or five copies will be
sent for one dollar. Address. l)n. VV. V01..NG,
Post paid.
June IS, t53. lv.
Jtlut-c eir GooiiaSI
IJI'.SPKCTPULLY informs his friends and
the public generally, dial he has just receired
and opened a late and splendid stock of
at bis Store in Lower Augusta towaship. Hit
stock couoi.-ts of every variety of
Dry (loods, viz :
Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinttts, Vesting, Flan
nels, Mustin, Sc.
A splendid stock of
Such as SilLs, llcrapes, Dt I.aincs, Merintts,
Lawns, Hiiighnms, Ca'icnes, ffc.
A fine assortment for Men, Women At Children.
A large assortment of C'ltUt'KRlEW,
Sl'CH s
Sugar, CufTee, Tea, Molasses, Spicfi, fcc.
Hardware and Queeasware.
B ih, Salt ami Liquors,
It'll! 13
Giii, Brandy, Bum aud Whiskey,
Eesides the largest and most general assort
ment of all kind of ti'oodt lo be had in the country.
All the above mentioned goods will be sold at
such reduced prices as they can not bt jot fer
elsew here.
Country produce of all kinds takei in exchantt
at the highest market prices.
Augusta tvvsp., July '2, 1653. 6ib.
Lumber Yard.
riHE subscriber would respectfully inform ihe
-l citizens of Sunbury, and Xorlhuml erlsne"
and adjoining counties, that he has opened t
Lumber Yard
in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short i!;s'.
tanee East of the Steam Saw Mill, where he bat
now a large amount of S.-.i stntd Pannel J'luiii,
also l'diinel Vuar.l', and all other Boards and
BriLDiNo MiTKKiiL, such as will bt wanted for
building purposes. Also a large amount of
Shingles on hand, which will bt told from fl up
te $S, according to quality and siae. Please give
ut a call and examine our prtet and quality.
X. 13. Farntert who are in want of Shingles
will please call at we will sell to vou low.
J. E. LEJB, Sup.
Sunbury, May IS, 18&-ly.
OLD PENS with and without ctsee, of
vLJtJ vry superior quality, just received.
Also fresh turmlr of Writinc Fluid, for sal
H. li. MASSES.
bunbury, Dec. 57, 1851.
M. tier bottlet for tale by
Sunbury, April, It, 18J1
t of every detcriDtion ri
b BLANK 5 of every description can be bad ky
ap lying at theolice of Ike Aioerieaa.