SUNBURY' AMEKICAN AND' SllAiNfOKliS' J OUKNAL. ARRIVAL OF THE PACKET SHir BAVARIA. foltlklttT $40,000 1M AcsTRAt.Mll GotD. First Mail from Melbourne to New York. The Tacket hip Bavaria, Captain Bailey, arrived il New Yuik on Saturday morning 20ih inst . in a parage of eighty-nine days from Melhmirii. Australia. She breuaht 6,000 ounce of Aoslralinn (old on freight, to Adam & Co., and it is estimated that there is in the hands 01 pas. senders at least 4120,000. The Baratia is the first vessel from Mel bourne direct to New York, or our shores, eieent to California. She alo bronchi the first mail direct. This is much needed by American settlers in Australia, as our mails have had to go to England previously, and no papers have reached there except by private hands or ship, unless paid the Id. in E-ijIand, and re-mailed to this country. THE TIRKISII ATII OF FIDELITY. The Vienna correspondent of the London Times, writing upon November 4, says; We have the rleiails of the scene which took place at Shumla, when theoaih of fidel ity was sworn by the army in the presence of the Grand Mufii, who was in his robes of Slate with the Koran in his hand. The oath was that the mm would shod the last drop of their blood in defence of the sovereign J righ's of the Ottoman Thiorte. Omer Pasha addressed a speech to "the Asiatic, Afiican, and European officers and soldiers," after which the Grand Mufti offered up a ptayer, the Amen to which was repealed by the whole, army. The drums then beat, and a prolonged shout of "Long live the Sultan," was raited. Omer Pasha refused to permit the troop to defile before him, saying that ho would not aceppt such a distinguished honor until he had gained a victory over the Rasiiatis. Among the foreigners present .vera Mr. Neale, the British CjiisuI at Varnat son of Baron Bruck's, and General Prim, alio received a splendid charger usa prevent Yom O.ner Pasha. I'RICSU OtllltttAK OF THE YELLOW ivi:n. The yellow fever has broken out afresh, riih greater violence than ever, at Newport, 'la., and the citizens were (lying from the iliiee ai the last accounts. At Lake Providence, La , ten or twelve er cases had occurred, up to I lie 12lh inst , mi' of which were fatal. Among the latter as an old physician, who had nearly reenv red from a previous attack, when he took a lapso and died. At Wilkinson, Miss , seven new cases had .curred at Hie latest accounts. At Shreveporl, La , the fever had also re ipeared. Among its victims was the Hon . 'in. R. Douglas, memb-.-rof the Legislature- Mobile Nov. 24. Alabama U S Senator. The Democrat c lieu? in the Legislatuie of this State lias niinated C. C. Clay for the lung term in i IT S. Senate, expiring in 1859, and Ben nin Fitpatiick for (he short term; expir ' in 1855 the same thul he now holds by pniiitmeut of the Governor. Baltimore. Nov. 26. lenience of a Kidnapper A man by the me of Charles Brown, belonging to Nor k, has been sentenced to three years' iin oilmen! in the Penitentiary, for kidnap- 15. m a it it 1 1: i. n the Lewisburg Chtislian Chapel, evpn of the 20th lilt., by Eld Wm. Lane, Dr. tfis J. M'Neal, of Indiana, and Miss lit A, only daughter of James P. Hobs, Esq. itwisborg. d i i. ii Northumberland, on the 21st ult HEN- II BURR, aged 58 years, i MitTlinbur", on tho 10th ult , wife of Du Shafer, of Lawisburg, aged 87 years, n East Buffalo, on the 17th ult., Miss NCY REES, aged 88 yeaas. (tl)c iUavlids. Philadelphia Market. Nov. 30, 1853. 'Iih Flour market continues firm, and til 1500 bbls. sold for evpnrt, at $6,75 for raiohl brand, and S7.SU per bbl. for a lot ney extra. Hulders now genera1!)- refuse In .M S! figures, and are asking &6.87i.i$7 bid. lor yood shipping brands A mnd h business is doing for the supply of the ilers ami bakers, within the tango of E7a 0 per bill, lor good and extra brands. Flour coi.tiuiies dull at ?5 25 per bbl. I Meal is lower, and a sale of 300 bbls. itry meal was made at S3 50 per barrel, al i steady and firm, and some holders waitiriE the arrival of the Liveipool Tier. About 5000 bushels prime reds at $1.50, and ?i3000 bushels Penitsyl- white al $1.60. Corn is more inquired RafJOOO bushels sbld a 6570 penis for ; 73 cents for mixed lots, and 78 cents aid yello. Oats and Rye, no change, sales limited. hiskev is held rather more firmly. We hhds. at 264 cents, and bbls, at (7a27l t. Baltimore Market Nov. 29 1853. Al.N We note sales of lair to prime at HSalSt cents, and of fair to prime at 155al60 ctf. There veer also durable sales of inferior parcels do. at 2 to 10 cents below the quoted prices rv considerable portion of the Wheal of to dav was leltover unsold. The de- I for Corn was moderately active. We sales of old white at 70a72 cents, and of tie. at 88a02 cts. New yelldw eold at S cam. We heard of no sales ol old w. We quote Pennsylvania Uye al 92a mis, and Maryland Virginia do. at 7580 . Sales of Maryland Oats al 42a44 oil ,r Viroii.ia do at 40a42 cts. 4.1SKEY We hear of sales to-day of mrrels Western Whiskey at 281 rents, -Sales also of bbls at ZS cli. nnur till held at S7a27i cts. XBUftV PRICE CURRENT 140 tkt. . a. ITOIS, TS. s. a. CSEKPi lew. IWil it HP fil. 7 6 40 50 SO 13 8 m 10 25 13 New Advertisements. Look to your Interests ! Wt will try to please f ! S. N. THOMPSON ff I ESPECTFULLY Informs his friends and a the public generally, that he hasjusi n- reived at his store, in Market street, Sunbury, ueiow Weaver's Hotel' an extensive stoca oi FALL AND WINTER GOODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods,-viz : CUths, Cassimeres. Cassinets, Jeans, Drillings Muslins, Veilings, Linens, lee. LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin ie Lnins, Lawns, Ginghams, Berages, Robes, H'oolent, Flannels, IfC. GHOCEUIHS, Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Salt, &c, Ac, &.c ll.i rl unrr, Nails, Screws, Files, Saws, Knives A Forks, 6ic. Queens and Glassware, of various styles and patterns. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Caps, Ac, of various sizes and styles. Besides a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Call and examine for your selves. ITT" Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Sunbury, 11 mo. 26 1853 4 m. 30, '53. New and Fashionable Goods ! I JOHN V. MA 11 T1X, Fashionable Tnilor, Deer Street, one door north of C. J. Bruner,s Law UJjice, Sunbury. HAS just received from Philadelphia, the best and most desirable stock of Goods that has ever been broueht to Sunbury, such as CLOTHS, Consisting in part of black, brown, green, olive and blue. A splendid assortment of v-ES?r &;, such as sntin, velvet. Grenadine silks, plush vel vet, cashmere, Valencia, and a splendid article of white Grenadine for wedding vests. Also- all descriptions of cloth for OVERCOATS. An extensive variety of plain and fancy cassi mers for pantalcons. Common goods for coats, pants and vests, coat bindings and cording; a superior article of NECK TIES AND STOCKS, of the latest style, plain and fancy black cravats, hosiery, suspenders, shirt collars, silk undershirts, drawers, men's drab buck-lined chamois and other gloves, ami trimmings of every description. Also on hand a few articles of READY-MADE CLOTHING, warranted to be erpial to his customer work and superior to Philadelphia manufacture. All per sons buying ready made clothing of me can have them rcapaired gratis in care of ripping or giving out. as I warrant all my articles I return my thanks to the public for their pre vious patronage and respectfully solicit a contin uance of the same. As I am determined not to be undersold, my goods will lie disposed of on the mo.t reasonable terms for cash. Sunbury, Nov. 26, 1853. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IN pursuance of on order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland county, will be exposed to public Sale, on SATURDAY, the 21th of DECEMBER next, on the premises, the following described Real Estate, to wit: Thirty acres oil' of the North East corner of A CERTAIN TRACT OF LAND, situate in Shamokin township, county aforesaid, bounded on the north by land of Daniel Miller, on the east by laud of Nancy Wolvcrtnn, on the saulh, by lands of said Nancy nnd Michael Zim merman, ond on tlic west by lands ol said Mi chael and Philip Pcrsing, containing about two hundred and forty acres in the w hole. Late the estate of William 1'eraing, dee'd. Sale to com mence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, when the terms of sale will be made known by PETER PERSIA G, on of the Ex'rs. 13 v order of the Court, ) J.Nt). P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. Sunbury, Nov. 26, 1853.-ts. INSTALMENT. Onus Si'Huir.iiAN'si RiiLnnin Co. ) IlAitiiisHUiiii, November 18, 1R53. milE STOCKHOLDERS of the Susquehanna -- Rail Road Company are hereby notified that an instalment of Fivs Dul libs per share is called in, payable on or before the 3d day of December next, by those residing in ISaltimore, at Luion Hank or Maryland, Dauphin County. Bank of Middtctow n. Northumberland Co., Hank of Northumberland Uniuii County, Lewishurg Saving Institution. By order of ROBERT S. HOLL1NS, Treasurer. November 26, 1853. 2t. I. BARTItOLOW. O. TIFFANY, JB. I. B. rUABBOJt Hartholow, Tiflany Co. IMPORTBItS AND DKALKRS IN l'orcixii and Dotuetslic DRV GOODS, AND AGENTS foa TIIESALK OF AMERICAN MANUFACTURES, A'o, 268 Baltimore Street, Baltimore. If our Goods on examination, are not as cheap as they can be bought in any other market they may be returned forth with at our expense. Baltimore, JNov. 20, 18oJ. ly. AUDITORS' NOTICE. In lite matter of the partition of the estate of James Lemon, ate a. In the Coutt of Common pleas of Northumber land county. Thomas Lemon et. al. ) No. 21 January Terra vs. 1645 Order of sale, Jesss O. Morton & wife. ) No. 9 August'!' 1853, Notice is hereby given that the undersigned, auditor appointed by the said Court to distribute the moneys raised by sale in the above case, to and among the persons entitled to the same sc cording to law, will attend to the duties of his said appointment on Saturday, the 17th day of Uecember next, at 10 o'clock, A. M. of said day, at the house of Mrs. Maria Thompson in the Borough of Sunbury, at which time and place ail persons interested are untitled to attend. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Auditor. Sunbury, No.. 26, 1853 3u AUDITORS' NOTICE. in the matter of the partition of the Rel estate of t nomas uraut, dec d. In the Court of Common pleas of Northumber land county, No. 42, April Term, A. D. 1853. Kenderton Smith, et. al. 1 The undersignej, vs Auditor appointed by George Grant, et. al. ) the said Court to make distribution of the moneys in Court on said pro ceeding, in partition among the persons entitled to the same, hereby gives notice that be will at tend to the duties of his appointment on Friday, the ICtb day or Decern lie r next at 10 o'clock of said dav. at the House of Mrs. Mans i nompson in the borouuh of Sunbury. at which time and place all persons interested may be present if tbey see proiier. WM. M. ROCKELELLER, Auditor. Suntuy, No?. 26, 1853 St. , Estate of J. P. SHINDEL, deo'd. ( V"OTICE Is hereby given, that letters testa 's v mentary hsva been granted to the subscriliers on the estate of J. 1'. Sliindcl, late of the Borough of Sunbury, dee'd. All those knowing themselves indebted to or having claims agsinsl ssid entile, are requested to make settlement without delay. J. O.L. SHINDEL, E M.L. SHINDEL, J " ,0"' Sunbury, Nov. 88, 1853. 6U To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Quarter sesstom for thi county oj ivorrinm- berland: The midrrtisiiwt pel itioner rsrrpsctfnlly solicits ths Hon. Court hi irraiit him h llrense to kern ail Inn nr tavern In ionltul township, on the Mud leading to Minersville. KOHKRT PAYNE. We Hie undersigned rltisem of Jordan township, in Nortliuniherlaint county, twins seqiminteil wllh Iho I'eti. troner. rio rfrlifv the! he Is of good repute for honesty Slid teimtrnnre, and that he is well provided Willi h iue room and other conveniences for theiiee'innriodnltonof strmitrrrs and travellers, and Hint sh Inn or tavern ihere is uecessary for the necommodntien of strangers nnd truvellers. TV I. tlohner. Ilenrv Hnrti-r. TMsr Welker, Henry Williamson. Miclnel llerk, Joimllien Hwnrtz. Jueoh Hlroiib, Hetijnmin I). Ahlinir, John K. Clnrk, Xrithaniet Srhrielicr, Siinael Veil, John Killing, Henry riiillis. jorJiui tp., iNov 'JO, lo3 :n. PROCLAMATION. OTICE is hereby civen Ihnt a Special Court of Coinnion l'leas, in and fur the County of Northumberland, to commence at I lie Court House, in the tKiroticti til Nuibury, at 10 o'clock, A. M., on Monday the 16th dav of Januaiy next, and will continue ONE WEEK. Jurors nr requested to be punctual in their attendance, at the time appointed agreeable to their nnlices. Given under my hnud at Sunbury, the 26th day of November, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, nnd the Independence of this United States of America the. 78th. WILLIAM 13. KirP, Sheriff. List of Causes. FOH Special Court of Common Tleas of Northumberland County to commence on Monday, the lOtli dav of January next, A. D., lH.Vt. Edmund Winchester vs David Watson. George Shiley vs Ab'm Dunkelberger's ndmr'x Abijah Tlowen vs Wm 11 Thompson Com'tli for Win L Heiuemaii vsT A Dillington William McCnrty vs Samuel Hunter Daniel Rhodes vs Jamb Wcrtman Isaac Holla it Wife vs Ilenrv Lalsha Simon Snyder vs George Snyder n t x. xi -'- I ' . . ifio, ti lv linn ci vjui' ITiIt foe Vd J . . 3 nisliee Washington Mutual In surance Company State Mutual File Insu ranee Company E Kaufman et al Same Alliin Newberry vs Thomas Raser Mahonoy and Sliamokiu Improvement co vs Abraham Tsui Oliver Ii Hilliard vs John Ilartman Jr John W I'eal vs Joseph Dimmiek, et. al. William FoMimtu et al vs John Parks Jane Hogar vs fJporge I'. Iluycrs et al .lolin 1 1 i -1 & Wife vs Nathaniel Saxtons ailm'r Jacob K lihoads vs J Kay rV J Harman Jordan V Wclker for Lodge Kt 2S vs William Fagely Jacob Ililhisli vs Abraham lieuhciidahl Daniel I' llilbisli ns George Apsley Robert l'hilips vs Zerby Kun and Sliamnkin Improvement Company Mary Vickery vs Daniel Latsha's heirs Henry A Lechner vs Joseph Round Win. M. Rockefeller vs Carbon Run Imp Co JAMES HEARD, 1'ioth'y. rrothonntary's Office, Sunbury. Aov. 20, 1853. J This Way ! This Way ! ! This Way 1 ! ! Full suul Winter Goods. miLING & GRANT. RESPECTFULLY inform their customers nnd the public, that they have just receiv ed and opened the hext and cheapest stock of Tall and Winter Goods, at their store in Market souare, Sunbury. Their stock consists of every varie'y of Dry (Joods, viz : Cloths, Cassimeres. Snttinets, Vestings, Flannels, ll'ollens, tfc, And all kinds of Fall & Winter Wear. AIo a splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Lames, Berages, And every variety of coods suitable for La dies wear. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE and QUEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also tin extensive assortment of Hats and Cai's for Mkn and llovs. Also a large assortment of 4iItOC ICK1CS, SlfH AS Sugar, Teas, Coffee, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a fresh supply of DKIT.S AND MKDIC1XF.S. Besides the lareesl and most ueneral assort ineul of all kinds of goods to be hud in this place. Itr Country produce ol all kinds taken in ex change at the highest market price. Sunbury, 7or. 1 IK53. AUDITORS' NOTICE. TOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans Court of Northumlierlaud county, in the matter of the exceptions to the account of Geo. C. Welker, Administrator of Jacob dreuier, deed., will meet at his ollice on Saturday, the 3d dav of December 1853, when all interested may attend if they deem it proper. M. I.. Krtl." UEl., Auditor. Sunbury, Nov. 13, 1 853-- 3U Estate of SAMUEL THOMPSON, dee'd. TOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad 11 ministration have been granted to the un dersigned upon the estate of Samuel Thompson, late ut tlie Borough or Sunbury, dec d. All per. sons having claims against said estate are request ed to present them, duly authenticated, for settlement ; and those knowing themselves in debted to make payment without delay. JHAKIA J JltiMPSOA, Adiu rix Sunbury, Nov. 19, 1853. 6t. Estate of PETER 0BERD0RF, dee'd, NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad- ' ministration on the estate of Peter Oberdorf, late of Lpper Augusta, Northumberland county lecd, hate been granted to the undersigned Therefore all persons indebted to said estate will discharge the same, and those having demands will present them for settlement. All persons indebted to the estate on vendue notes are re quested to call for settlement. PITER OBERDORF, 1 , GEO. OBERDORF, tl1 I'pprr Augusta twsp., Nov. 19, 1SS3 6t. Estate of CHRISTOPHER WOODS, dee'd. late of the Borough of Northumberland, fE'i'TEKS of Administration on the above A named eslata havim? tin omii.l iA debtors and creditor of the same are requested' . can si my otiice in iMortnumberlond, to settle or mane anown llieir claims. WJ DAVID TAGGART. North i, Nov. 19, 1853. 6L HATS AND CAPSA splendid lot of fashionable Silk. Wool and Fur Hats, ... v....... . uuciom, navy and Military G. ELRBERG i, CO. Market street, opposite th Post Office. 5unbury, Oct. 8, J $58 Consumers, look here 1 1 BENJAMIN HEFFNEll RESrECFFt'LLY Informs the citixens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has just re ceived and opened at his new store, in Market street, Sunbury, a handsome assortment of ' Fall nnd Winter Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinet. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO t . CnllroPts, ftliighMm, I.invii, ffloiixtielliic He l.ttlnc and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Iltll (UVfll C. Iroil and Steel, Nails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various style and patterns. Also an assortment of HOOT A. MIOI.S. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Suit, Fish, isc. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. fV Country produce takon in exchange at the highest prices. Sunbury, Nov. 12, 1853. ly. LATEST ARRIVAL OF Fall and Winter Goods. J. P. 8c I. F. KLINE, RESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public in general, that they have received at their Old Stand, in Upper Augusta township, Northumberland county, Pa,, their Fall anJ Winter Goods, and opened to the public a full assortment of MERCHANDIZE, &e., Consisting in part of Cloths, black snd fancy Cassimers, Sattinetts, Flannels, Checks, and all kinds of Winter Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Muslin de Laines, Plaid CaHhincrcs, De beges, Merinos, Bav state Long Shawls, A c. Also a fresh supply of roCCriC. of all kinds, Hardware and Queensware, a fresh supply of Diujis and Medicines. Wooden Ware. Also a largo assortment of Boots and Shoes, suitable for Men, Women and Children. Hals ond Caps, such as Silk, Panama, ond other Hats. Salt, Cheese, Ac. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will lie sold for cosh, or in ex change for country produce, at thehighest market nrice. Upper Augusta, Ativ. a, ib::i. ly ai ;jii. WM, W. HAM BR, No. 99 North 2nd Street, two doors above '.he Ml. i erncn House, Philadelphia. Manufacturer of Pine Oil or Camphene, Fluid, Lard, and Oil LAMPS Chandcleirs and Landelavras, tor LnurcA cs, Stores, Parlors, tec- T HE subscriber would most respectfully invite the attention of storekeepers and the public in general, to his large stock of goods, consisting of the above named articles, which will lie disposed of at the lowest manufacturer's prices Whole- ale and Ketail. Also, best quality of Burning Fluier, Pino Oil or Caniphinc, Globes, Shades, Wicks, &c. N. B. Newell a patent satety Lamps, a new article for sale. Phil.i., Nov. 5, 1853. 3m. " NEW Clock Watchmakers. HIRSCH & CO. 11" AVE just opened a Clock and Watchmaker MM- shop in tlio liuiliiing lately occupied ny J. M. Simpson, near Tencr Sc Co's Store, tit Market Street, Sunbury, Pa., Where they have opened, and will keep constantly on hand, OC2 Hr GZ3 ES 9 Silver & Gold Watches, etc. Also, Jewelry, Consinling "f Gold Breast-pins, Ear and Finger Rings, Medallions, Cutl-inns. Ladies At Uentle inaiis gold and silver pens and pencils. Also, Silver and plated Tea and Table spoons, salt spoons, butter knives, tic, SPECTACLES, Of all sizes, suiting every age. Spy Glasses, Pocket Books, ot ull sizes. Razors, Hair Oil, Ke- vulvers, and other pistols. Brushes, Combs, Soap, &c, &.C. Also, a large stock ot MiimU uI liiMruniriiH ! amongst which are Accordcous, Violins, Flutius, Files, Flutes. CARPET BAGS, Trunks umbrellas, suspenders. All sizes of rea dy made Shirts and Collars ; all of w hich will be sold cheaper than has ever been heretofore sold in Stiiihury. Clocks, Watches, bar and t mger Rings repaired in the best manner and at the shortest notice. Sunbury, Oct. 15, 1833 3in. LA WHENCE 'HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. THE subscriber, widow of Samuel Thompson, dee'e., late of the "Lawrence House," in Sunbury, respectfully informs the friends ef her late husband, ar.d the public generally, that she continues to keep the above Hotel, and is well provided with all things necessary to accommo date all who may favor her with their custom, and therefore solicits their patronage. MARIA THOMPSON. Sunbury Oct. 29. 1S53 4m. PUBLIC SALE! On SATURDAY, the 3d of DECEMBER, neit at the public house ef the subscriber, in Shamtl kin township, Northumberland county, the following proertv, to wit : A VALUABLE FA KM, situate in said township and county, adjoining lands of Irfonard Rotharmol, Huh Teats and others, containing about 4'i acres, more or less. The improvements consist of a two story frame TAVERN STAND, a frame Warn, outbuildings, and also a tenant house. There are two pumps of never failing water at the laveru stand. There are on the premises, two apple orchards, one of these thriving and young. The tavern stand is situated in Siiunlown, with 3 acres of land attached thereto, I lie reai due, 39 or 40 acres, are almost adjoining the tavern stand. The above properly will be (old together or seperate, to suit purchasers. Terms made known on day of sale by MICHAEL BOBB. Snultlown, Nov. IS, 1833. Ut. MMM II4CI, Tlt il Y, W holesala Deal, if fl. er in Confectionary, Fruiuaud liroceriea, No. WU4 MARKET 8treet, abova sixth, south side, next door to Red Lion Hotel, Philadelphia Phils., Oct. 88, 1863 8m. USTICES FEE BILLS For sal. by ', tJP H. B MASSEH. Sunbury, 1801 'it IMPORTANT NEWS ! (Mood Cheaper Hi mi liver II AT THE NEW CLOTHING STORE. Market Street, opposite the Post Office. GELSBERO A. CO. are receiving a splendid assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, the cheapest, best and prettiest ever brought into Sunbury. We have on hand and are adding constantly a fine assortment of FALL & WINTER CLOTHING, continuing psrtly a great lot of Overcoats, dtiuhic coats, business coats, black and fancy cloth, Sati nett, and other coats, too numerous to mention. Also, Black and Fancy Cassimers, Csssinctt and Satiuett Pants, Alo, silk, tatin, clolh, satinett, velvet and other Vests j also a flue supply of all kinds of Underclothing. ALSO A LA HUE ASSORTMENT of Silk Wool and Fur Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, all kinds of Jewelry, Revoking and olher Pistols, travelling bags, trunks. Shirts and Col lars, ami (ien'leinan's fuinirhing goods in gen eral. All of which we oiler .at the lowest cash prices. Please call and look ot our goods ; persons in need of Goods in our linn, will, we are confident, find it to their great advantage to purchaxe from us. We arc bound to uphold our rapidly spread ing reputation of being the cheapest Store in Sunbury. Come and satisfy yourselves of the truth of our motto; cheap for cash. Sunbury, Oct. IS, 1853- tL An Elegant and Durable Hat FOR $3.00, Equal, if not superior to itty now offered. a FOSTER & GLflnARE.ftto Third St., below Chestnut, Hgr PHILADB rillA. OFFER nt very reduced prices the following j LA IIIIO.S' Riding Huts and Bonnets, CHILDREN'S fancy hats, of a II colors. Cloth, Plush, and Glazed Caps, of every varie tv o style. GENTLEMEN'S Driving and Travelling Caps. Soft Hats of every style and finish, at prices to suit all. Also, Young Cents Hats. tlif A general assortment of Ladies' Fancy Furs. Philo., Nov. fi, 1S53. 3m, "ivuiv iJi-o a iaiSii vi ok ii. a DitANcit or THE Clothing Manufactory, OF S. SHNURMAN & CO., Danville, Pa. VVrE jcspecll'ully announce to the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that we have a complete stock of READY-MADE CLOTHING, of every style and quality, to which we invite the attention of purchasers. Our assoitment con sists, in part, of Fancy over-coats. Plain over coats. Dress coals, Frock and Sack coats. Mon key Jackets, Pants and Vents, plain and fancy ! Linen and Muslin Shirts, Under-shirts, Drawers, and over-wholes. Also, Gloves, Stockings, Neck and Pocket Handkerchiefs, Woolen and .s'ilk Hals, Cloth and Oilcloth Caps, Shoes, Boots, Gaiters, Slippers and Carpet Ba's and Trunks, Umbie.las and j everything generally kept in a well supplied j clntiiiug anil gentieinaus lurnisiiiug store. We keep also a good assortment of Accordeons, Jewelry, Ear Rings, Finger Rings, Gold and Silver Pencils, Lockets, all warranted to be good. We sell at the lowest cah prices ; fr our motto is, "Small i'roij and Quid: Sales." We have but one price and no abatement, so that a person is sine to get the woith of his money, whether he is a judge or I he goods or sot. If any article docs not give satitfaclion as to Jit, we will take back the goods and refund the money, provided they are returned on the same day they were purchased, w hen the purchaser resides in town, and in ono week, when he resides in the country. Price the same us at the Danville I Manufactory I l if Call and secure the Bargains. Sunbury, Oct. 8, 1853 tf "ii- IlErMOVAL, VGXKW A CO. hitve removed I rum ISO to UK Chesitut mite i, riiil;lelhiu, where they occupy a new bixI heiiutll'dl St nre, will) tin rlcniit mid well selected Hock of FmUhiki Winter UKY GOODS, uniting which are 200 piece o( Lupin's French Mention mid Cushtnerci nil e'tlitrn, inm SI to ,5u per yard. 100 " TjhUui Fluidi I r luliej nnd children! wear, UK) 1 ' I'.int urmted Lie lnuriauti Caihmerei 4M ' lirocude mid plum Silk oi superior quuhty. UK) " riiiitl Silki. (tf ull the ch nee (uillorm. 2H) dozen Couvomier' he. I'ant Kid (iluvei. IN Ol'H SHAWL ItOOM AKK 300 Splendid Uncha ami Chum Ijiiae Shawl of rh nee patients. 1(H) Shawls of the very blest fuhric nnd tti stpns. HHi Hrorhe aquure ahuwls nf ejupiinile ntvlc uud design 100 ItM l'tuid Itiut- Mm wis from $. to (?I0 IN OI K Cl.OAK KOO.M AH E 31)0 French eli ih Cl inks, T.tltnus and Muniillua of new Paris patiTiis. 1 00 Lyon silk velvet Clonk h of the lcat rtiiike siyle and fimili. Ala i AO p trees 4-1 Iteat Lyon's silk velvets, 'varying in price from i5 to 810 prr yard, and of even' rilr and shmle, for luilie. C ukt of the most choi-e Slmdes tf Hhte, lirown. HI ck, Drah, Olive, Bron zc, from 'J.50 to &J.0O per yi:rd. A Is ), a fine stork ol Ititibns, I'.uitiroideues, in Cupes, Chiuiuettes, Collars. Sleeves. Ac., Sc. 'he whole of the ultove x oda are orTereil and will he s-ild at extremely low prices for v;iU. We are also re reivtiifr hy the week I v ttcaineni. anpphes of novellits from l':ris and Lond in, which ennhles im i-onstnntly tn hove fresh new styles uf the in -st luhioiiulile gmtds U oflrr to our cunt Miicn, AfiXKW A CO., No yfi Chennut sr., one door lcl )W Lighili, Philadelphia. Oct. ao, is.a i Estate of GEORGE WIALL, BecU "117HFKEAS letters of adniiuintralinii on the " eslaleol OEOIftiK WIAIJ,. dee'd.. late of the borough of tSun'iu.y, ISorthumberlaiid county, l'a., have been granted to the sebsa rilier. Notice is hereby ciTen to all pertous iudctcd to saiil estate, to make payment, and those having claims will present thciu for settlement to the sulmerilK-r. who will attend at the public house of Charles eaver, in r unbtiiy, on the fith day of Deccmlier next, or in my absence Mr. David Haupt will act for me. JAMES V, TURNER. .Sunbury. Oct. 29, 18SX 6t. DAVIS & CULIN 1 Dealers in I. A 11 I'M, I.AM I tlNS i IIAMPLIKIt, N. E. Cnrnt'r Fourth and Cherry Streets, PHILADELPHIA. n VtXO enlarged and improved their Store, and having the largest assortment of Lamps in Philadelphia city, thev are now prepared to furnish PIAE Oil, CAMPHENE, BURNING FLUID, ETHEREAL OIL, Phospltene lias and Lard Oil, I. snips, Lanterns of all patents. Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliers, (iirandiiles and Caudcleahras, and Drittannia Lamps, at iho Manufacturers' lowest prices. Class Lamps by the package, at a small advance over Auction prices, licing largo MAN CFA CITHERS of Pino Oil, Hunting Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alcohol, and (the only true) Phosgene lias, thev ran for nish these articles at such prices that Merchants will find it to their adtanlagu to buy. Call before going elsewhere, if you want bargains. Also, tha Snfctv FI id Lamp for sale. Phila.,"Scpt. SI, 1853. ly. Estate of GEORGE ARMSTRONG, dee'd. TVTOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ' ministration have liern grunted to the under signed upon the estate of George Armstrong, late of Upper Augusta township, dee'd. 'Phase knowing themselves indebted to said estate are requested to make payment inimedislcly, and those having claims to present them to JAMES SMITH, Adiu'r. Sunbury, Nov. S 1853 6U JHOES All kinds of Boots Sshoes and slip- peri for sals by G. EL6BERG & CO, Market straot, opposite the Post Office. tWeury, Oct. 8, 1853. Platform Scales, Txiii lnairnV ery Itstrrt Always rigl! 7ViS Aclnouiett' S Ww. grd Sl.nnlard. TlSwW..' Pailrn.t It x, mr,A STALLS, set in any part of the country, at short notice. -AUENJ'S (JEO. W. COLBY, 840 Market t., Philadelphia, E. Y. Bright, Sunbuty. October 50, lfi.r3. 3m New Wall Paper Warehouse. BURTON & LAN IN G, MAX ft tt lMI'OHTKHS, No. 124 Arch Street, second door above Sixth, PHILADELPHIA. w THERE may be found the largest and hand somest assortment in the Citv. Purchasers from tho country will find it to their advantage to call at our store, where thev will he suited with a sunerinr article, at the low est prices. IJURTOX & I.AXIXO. Xo. 124 Arch Street, ubovc Sixth. Tliila., Sept. 17, 1853 3m. P.PZ?. E.ITGIITGS. . W I L S O N , No. 9 South Fourth Street, five daors beloie Market st. hast side, PHILAEHLriXIA. HAS forsalo every variety of WAU, PAPERS, from (1 cents per piece upwards, ineluilin? Fine Latins, Cold and Velvets, imitation Woods, Marbles, &.C. Also a (rrcat variety of new style of Curtain Papers, Fine Bnanl Prints, H order s, Ac. lcalcrs supplied at the lowest rate. Phiia., Sept. 24, 18o3 3m. Cheap Watches 05 Jewelry, "TirHOI.ESAI.E and Retail, at tho "Philadcl ' phia Watch and Jewelry Store," Xo. 00 Xorfh Second Street, corner of Quarry, PHILADELPHIA. nr.M Irf-vir Watehes, fall jewi-lcil. IH mrnt cneit, Ir.tVI (j.ilil lupins tflt. Sil tmlKinc Silver Sw.tuclt. 1.50 Silver l. full jnwlli-d, ?J Winlil Hmi-pi-l. 3.IHI Silver Irt'ViT, lull jewl'U 12 ! adies' ticild iViiriln. 1.HII Sniciior tjiniriieis, ?.Stlypr Tea sjiouiim, aut, 6,00 !pert:irps, 7,mi (iolil Pens, with Peneil and Silver Hokler, l.tlO ('old Finger Rinjis, 3TJ cents to 5'8f) ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12) cents; Patent, 1 8 j ; I.unet, 25; oilier articles in prniiirtion. All goods war ranted to ho what thev are sold fur. STAUFFER V 1IAR1.EY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Cold and Silver Levers snd I.epines, slill lower than the above prices. Sept. 10, 1853. ly. IMFORTANT TO PHYSICIANS LADIES. AND Cd.NFIDKNTK can lie plnewt, t.i the fnlkut rxtent, ill the u nt' tlie Suep.iltrKHA of Mis HcTTfl ul Plnla- (tpliliin. S. i inuiiy tlitiuwiml eime arc kmiwiiol iNilire teliefoi lunik's I'ruiii tin; moMt inteimi. p:iiu ul lnly null nnxiel v ol linittl, miviiiir I'rnni tnr. line ut oilier nniilirnlioiifl nl" an rep'iUili'Hi wtialever. Iteware iifmrtul, fthisa. springs r.f all kinds, and elutie preiarntioii9, ttietrnitunev of wliii-h to injure the imtient, is but too well known to many suf. iert'rs nnd iliyyieiaiin. To 0V"id nil t'ountrrfiets. apply personally or by lellfr to Mrs. B.. No. Wulunt Strpet ; extiumie her Sipiiiilure. nil eurh Supporter, mid lier I 'lilted SliitrK t;n!iyrii(lil lulielfl on eneh lmx. tier Supioi ters nro suurtioiml liy a slnudiii; of tl) ycurs unit als by Ihe I'lirtil tv. eoiiststinn os Uik liiliesl inines in the Vnited Stiiti-s. W'K sknd l;v .Maii. KHr.E. IieRs Moiifsatk. Addrms, wholesale or rrtuil unh-rs. to JAS. UKTTS, Acenl, 3 WnlnulSlreet. Pliiladelpliia. Phils., (Jctolier t, l-v'ut tf. NOTICE TO PASSENGERS. SUNBURY ft MILTON STAGE LINE, nUNNINU IN CONNECTION WITH THE Philadelphia & Sunbury Rail Read. CJTACiES will leave Weaver's hotel, (Sunbury, iJ on the arrival uf the cvenintr cars from Slia niokin, for Northumberland, l.etvisburir, and Millon, arriving at Milton, at about 10 o'clock, P- M. Ketuminrf, St t'es will lc vcaMilton nt 3.', o' clock, A . M arriving at l.cwisbur, at 4 J o'clock, Xorthtiuiberlaud at 5J o'clock and arrive at Sun bury in time to lireakfast, and take passage in the 7 o'clock cars for Shamokin, where stapes will be in tcadincss to tako passengers to Puns ville. arrivim; in time to dine und lake pu.-sjo in the Heading raihond cars for Philadelphia arri ving at Philadelphia at 7) o'clock, game evening. Stages both ways w ill stop at Uurr s hotel, Xorlhumberlatid, Weidensaul's hotel, l.cwisbur, and Egbert's hotel, Milton. Passengers will find ibis the i ni iiTST. most KXFKiirnot's, and most i omioiita uli. line to, and from Philadelphia. n. MISIII.ER. Sunbury, Oct. 15, I S.'.S. tf. Important to Conl Dealers. rMIE subscribers hereby inform tho public, that -- they have entered into partnership under the linn of Kase, Reed & Co., for W: purpose of mining, shipping and selling coal, delivered at Sunbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will lie ready to deliver coal, wcl' prepa red, on cni'tract or otherwise, at all times, on I lie shortest notice, and on the most reasonable terms. Orders received at Shamokin bv KASK, REED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1S53. ly. Shamokin Town Lots. fFMIF Subscriber is now prepuied to exhibit ond dispose of Lots in the new Town-Plat of Shamokin. Persons desirous nf purchasing can ascertain the terms and conditions of sale by calling on the subscriber, at Sliainokin. WM. ATWATER, Agent. Shamokin, Oct. 15, 153. tf; WILLIAM GROVES Ci CO S Upholstery, Ueddi?. t Fea ther Warehouse. S E Corner Second and Arch Streets, PHILADEIPHIA. PRING BEDS, Feather Beds, Hair Mats, s Husk, and Straw M iitlri-ssrs. ( 'nsliioiis. Cots. Comfortable Counterpanes, Sackings, Blankets, c, &c. Constantly on lund or made to order and sold W hclcsale and Retail, on the most favor able terms. FEATHER?, HA U, Ht'SKS, ke , by tho hale or pound. Orders respectively solic ited, promptly executed, and warranted to yive satisfaction. N. B. Mattresses re-made and Feathers re renovated. Phils., Sept. 10, 1853. 3m. ADlEiS DRESS (.GODS Dress SilU, French Merino, Persian Twill, De I. aim s, Do Berage, cashmeres, calico, worked, colars, shimeu-tte, cutis, iVc, just received snd for sale by Sept. 10, 1853. I. W.TENER All) TnDIAN CHOLAGOGDE. An escellenl re- medy for the cure of Fever and Ague, Billious Fever, Intermittent or Remittent Fevers, just re ceived and for sale by I. W. TENER & CD. Suuliury, Sept. 10, 1853. ACKER EL. S. ailed Fisli, Herrings, Dried - Beef, Hams and cheese, just re.ei(,l and for sale by I. W. TENEK CO. Sunbury, Sept. 10, 1M53, 4 Splendid lot of I'arpeling, -'I utile Oil covers. Carpet c) loor Oil Cloth, pet chain, door mats and malting, just received snd for sale by Sept. 10, 1853. I. W. TENER A CO. 100 I S, Shoes. Hats Caps and Gum hoo, juat received and for sale by ' Sept. 10, 1853. I. W.TENER CCV WKITIXO FLUID and lf hnfi E T lopea, tust rocii-ej nd for sub; bv orU la. 1851. ILB.MASSER. iHiprovciucutaj Ahendtl ELI AS I3IIOCXOUS 1TEREHY Informs hiil friends and the public' -" aencrally, that he has just received at his tJld stand, in Market street, opposite Weaver's hotel, An excellent assortment of lOPt-OCCO, F II ENO II CALFSKIN S' French Lastings, And all kinds of Lnings and Shoe finding!!, which he offers to the trsde at reasonable prices'. He also informs his customers ane others, that he still continues the Shoemaking business, gn.f is prepared to do all kinds of work, in a good am? fashionable style, and on reasonable terms. Suuhury, June 11, lfi.")3. ly. C II Fi A P WINDOW Hit Aim Depot and KanftfActory nr G. L. & CO.,- . V. corner Areh nnd Kreond KtrertSf PHILADELPHIA. IVEllY VARIETY OF SMADES, Whole sale and Retail, such as Scroll, Flower," fiotliic, Vignette, Oil and Dry Landscapes, aro' to he had at the lowest prices foi quality of work. Orders (or Oilt, Plain Slo.e, Lettered ar.d 011101 Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and others are invited to give us a tri'd. We trill try to pirate. Brasses, Trimmings, e.c, always on hand. Remember X. W. corner SlSCUXJ) & ARCIt Streets, Philadelphia August 13, ISM.- fim. (ias Fixtures Lamps. HEIDRICK, HORNING & BROTHER, No. 221 North Second Street, abort Vine, PHILADELPHIA. 1 A VINO had many years practical experience in the business, and as all work sold by us is manufactured unileroiir inuncdiatcsiiperviion, we arc enabled to ofler to purchasers superior ar ticles, in every branch of our trade, upon the m st favorable terms. At our store may be found, ir every variety and style of finish, (ias ami T.noi i Chandeliers, Pendants, Side liraekels. for H Churches. &c. the IMPROVED PIN E ' LAMP i also, Fluid. Lor.l and Oil Latins. ' nnilolc., Iloqucto Holders; Parlor. N -Reading Lamps, On hand, Lump (Ilobcs. Wicks, Shades, eve. Al 1. W WARRANTED, OR NO SALE. Facto-;. - Rfi Noli'c St., near 4th. Remember store 221 N". 2d st., next dcor : . Stewart Depuy's carpet store. September 10, lfi,)3. 3m. Porlc Monnaiest POCKET BOOKS, AND FANCY GO( P: PIIHE attention of the T rade, and oilier.. JL want tf 1'orte Monnaics, Pocket B'".!;s Hankers' Cases, Dressing Cases, Portable Wri- ting Desks, Pack gam mini and Chess Ilords, Chessmen, Pearl, 5'hcll, and Silver Cord Cases,' W ork Doxcs, Cabas, Needle liooks, Money liclls. Cigar Cases, Portfolios, Razors and Razor Strops, Travelling; Flasks, and line Cutlery, to gether with a large variety of Fasct Goods, which will be sold at the lowest rates. F. H. SMITH, Porte Monnaie and Pocket Book Manufacturer,- 205 Arch St. below Sixth, Philadelphia. Sept. 17, 185:5 tf. Mann's Fstablishment 25 South Shth Street, Philadelphia. For the Manufacture and sale of E'atciif LiCtfrr Copying I'rcuseii,' Patent METALLIC DAMPENERS, Brushes'; Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copving Ink, e; Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to nil others, and each pago printed PATENT LETTER BINDER, A most valuable invention for keeping in at oook-lil.e foim, Letters received, Original Invoi ces, Ac. Phila., April 'J, ISoX ly. A Farm lor Sale. ''TIIE subscriber oilers for sale his farm, A CONTAINING 3S4 ACRES and allowances. It is situated about three miles! from Sunbtirv along the Shamokin creek, and is in a good state of cultivation. The Philadelphia; and Sunbury Railroad passes through said farm: It will be ollcrcit m parts or entire to suit pur chasers. It can be divided to make three small farms. The buildings are a FARM HOUSE, a' good Bank Bam, and two tenant houses. JOHN FARNSWORTH. Upper Augusta. Sept. 10, 1853. if. liiunhcr Yard. rjlIIE subscriber would respectfully inform the a- citizens of Sunbury, and Nor'thttmterland and ailjoiiiiu ' counties, tha! ho has opened a Lumber Vnrl in the lot fronting on Cranberry St., a short dis tance East of the Stearfi Saw Mill, where lie has now a large amount of .Sensowerf l'aunel Plant; also 1'tWHil lloardi, and all other Boards and Iti li.iiiNii Matkkial, such as will be wanted for building purposes. Also a large amount of Shingles on liarM, which w ill be sold from f6 up to f9, ncccrd'ngto ijuality and sir.e. Please givg us a call and examine our price and quality. N. B. Farmers who are in want of Shingles' will please call as we will sell tq vou low. J. E. LEIJI, Sup. Sunbury. May 28, 1553. ly. notice! VOriCE is hereby given by w undersigned! citizens of the Commonwealth of IVnnsvI vania. that application will be made to the next Legislature of said Commonwealth for the erec tion of a body corporate to he stylrj "Tut So at nt Stviscs' U-k-riTrTi,' Jo lie located in the boroughot Sunbnrv, Norlhnmberland cottntv, with discounting privileges, and with mi if. I ,.r One hundred thousand dollars. Robert H. Awl, Geo. Bright, J,,!in VM, Adam Shissler. Thomas Robins, l)ani,. Drak.. niiller. Frcdk. Lazarus, Geo. 1). Voungiiian 1 . ler B Massi-r, J. W. Frilittp, r T. ' !.!' t Benj. Hendrieks, f,V(). C. Welker, 3. W. 1 . Sunbury, June 85, 1S.13. fji.' Jh)ok . CENTS W Xpjents Wantt d ANTED ill rvrrv l.... i county in tin- United stai i"!i . popular and saleable books publish..,! , , 4 them heiutifullv illuslraled with e. l.,o n vings: also the must popular worksof'J" -'I'll lit, including "Anl,,,rt Cut tag TJlr,., Iiilelligent and enterprising no n wi in ' . .im iiniuuoie nusiness. For particulars address (pi .pi, ) i. W. BRADLEY, Pub!, 1.., No. irt Norlh Fourth l,.'ct. J-luj.lcl,h a, P, Oetolier 1, 1853 7tn. 85oo lunvAiiTTTT JN ASMUC1I , ll,, h Utu A SLimliy times. I Mo h.. ""'''I'.'uur.js.uubu.y Rjilroad 1 do oiler lw ,h0, i..r ,k- a...... lion and .o.,s,-i v, nuy p.ltuu w ua guilty nl such oiteiics. .V1D l.ONGENECKER. Suntury. pt. M 1R53.3. Vr,iJent JEWELRY.-.A ni aortmei Golj . W Pencil, and Pens, for ..I. cheap bv , G, F.I.SUEUG.V CO., buiibuiy, Oct. S, JS.) 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers