, SUNBUltY AMKlUGAiN AiM) SHAMOK1N JOURNAL IT tvlwv MS IRRY PECTORAL: Par Car af COVOHS, OOX.DS, ana turwnss. bhoii nnTTTd ORODP. AS Til. ZtXA, w ttuurim vv u . AVD CONSUMPTION. TO rt'HK A COI Jl, WITH HtSDSCK M aoB r the b-xly tuke the Imni PicToasi. u going ml" mi) i wrap up warm, u iwal during the nigU. Ko a Goto !d CntruH, lukeil morning, wonanr. ee ni u. n. o un lit to diieet. n,a n Hit ! itlr, aid the ilirnvni. ly will ti i rem -vol None will long aiifl.-r frm tint u le when ihfi fiii'l II can be so readily cured, re" " siHicied w ith fwntcil c .ugh, wliich brent them nl men rest it aieht, wil find, hv taking the Cher.y Pectoral " K -tins I - bed, their miv lie sure "I snuist, nnbiitke steer Lid 0 nseattellllyWrcshmit res. Great lehel frnrosullel in, mi uliuaute cure, n nrf idiil t thousands won an tbiinlflicitd. hy thin invt.li.ahle remedy. . ftim III agreeable sneers in Ihese eases, many n"r thcmselvca unwilling lo forego in uso when the ueccssd; fof U "iiit eenaed. rora two eminent rhyaicians In ,,.., FTKtriviLLi, Tfnn , April Sir !-We hsve given your Cherry Pectoral mi We i ye trial In our p.aMicc, mid find il lo snrms emt 'tiie. medy we have for curtmr ntfecth. of """JVJw.Si; .,' DR9 DIF.MKH ft MAMPIO. TOSINGKRSAND PUBLIC SPKAKKHS tins remed. is invaluable. a hy lie ecti Hi on thelhrwl "d limn. wne taken in mail niian'.ties, itiemovesall hwisc.iess " ' w h airs, mid w Hiderfully increases the power end tlexiii.li ) 'ji& Vmi is generally much relieved, mid often wholb, cured by Cherry Pectoral. Hut tliere lire mt eases so 00 stina.a aa m yield entirely t u medicine, tlieny I ecio ml will cure ihem, ii they win be cured B.ll.NCIHTIi, or irriiatiou of the thr t and upper porli Ml ol' Hie lunira, may be cured bv tikmg Cherry I . Is nib. snail mid ircuneiit doses. The unc .mf.irtubls op press! mi it 'ioii rehei'ed. Kei'. Duel. LA.V'SIN'U, nf Hr Kiklyn.N'ow York, iliitri: 'I have een the Cherry Perioral cuie emh cae of Ai'hmu and Hr MH-liilis n leadt rae tu believe it can rarely fil to cure fh -ee diaeusee." KOli CKOLP. love an emeiieof antimony, tube followed by Inrae and frequent d wi 3 of the Cherry Pectn lal, until i' subSuea the diaeuie. Il taken iiiacuam, it will n.'t fuil to pure. WIIOOPINO COUGH may be br ken up and ion cu red bv the ll of Cherrv Pectoral. TliU INFt.L'K.VZ A isipeert'ly removed l,r Ihia reme dy. Numerous instaiieea have been n it iced where whole families weie protected from any aerioiia consequence, while their neii'hb ra, without the Cherry Pectoral, win u:Turine I'r Mil the disease. Dr. J. C. Aver: 9lm, Ohio, 1 It h June, 185). 1 write to inform yon of the truly remarkable elTet-.t ot your CHI'.RIIV PKCTOHA1. iu thia pjuce. and in my own family. One of niv dnuahters was completely cureil in three ilava of a dreadful WiiooriNo Cotoii, by luWing it )r. Means, one of our very beat p' ysiciaus fieely atotet that he conaidera it the best remedy we have pulm 'ruirv diseases, and that be line cured more cases of Cbovp with it than any o.her mndicine he ever administered. Our clergymen of the Baptist Church anys that during the run of Influenza, here this season, he has seen cures from your medicine he could scarcely have believed Ivith out seeing. Yours respectfully, J. D SINCLAIR, Dcptty Post master. From the distinguished Professor of Chemis try and Mclcria Malice, Boicdoin Cnllepe. I have foui d the CnERxv Pkctobai., as its iiurredieutt show, a poweiful remedy for colds, and eauglia, and pul monary dtscaeea. Pnr.EH Cliveiand, M D. Blivsswict, Me., Feb. 5, IS47. 1)11. VALF.XTIXKMOTT. The tridd y celebrated Professor of Surgery in the Medical College, New York City, says : "It gives me pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of 'Atbs's Cukrrt Pectoral,' which I consider pecnli rlv adapted to cure diseases of the Throat and l.nnirs." Cures of seveie disensea upon Ihe Iuut;s have been ef fected by Chbhry Pucioral in tneh entremn case as warrAiit the lielief that a remedy has nt length been found that cnu bo depended nn to cure the Cottghe, Ci 'ids and Consamptbm which carry from our midst thousands every year. It ia indeed a medicine to which the afflicted can look with confidence for relief, and they ahould not fuil to avail themselves of it. Prepared and fold by JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell. Mass. 8o1d in Siinhnry by II MASSE R, and by Drueemta cpncrnlly tlirouglimtt the Stntp. July 30, 1853. ceow lv. Nov. 13. '52 Improved Lightning Hods. THE auliscribcr has constructed t Lightning Kod on true Philosophical principled, by which buildings supplied wilh them are rendered perfectly secure against destruction by Light niim. The connection and insulation of the rod, as well a the preparation ol 'lie ground rod. is on an . entirely new plan, maUiiB. a more perfect con ductor than any lu rrtoloie in use. J'oraons !cir..ui of s.-uiiii2 their lives and properly Imih ilcsiiui'tion l liglitninij. can have eonJuciors put up lit their !ui din i in li e most subatantiul mai ncr by applying eriucr I'ersonally or by letter to the undersiiicil, at the following prices: for 40 feet 1 inch Copper rods. Gold pla ted points, with solid I'latina tip, $22 00 Forty cents will be charged for every ad ditional foot over forty. For 40 feet J inch Tubular rods, Oold plated points, with solid l'latina tip, $13 50 For 40 feet i inch solid rod. Gold plated point, with Kolid l'latina tip, $12 50 Tr id U. t Silver plated point, $10 00 And Z0 inita for each aildilionnl foot over 40, of tin- three lat-t ii.inieil. All at six mouth s credit, or 10 per cent oil' fir rash. CHEAP LIGHTNING RODS. The suhscriU-r will also put up Lightning Rods similar in every respect lor lliey shall be exactly the same as llioise erected Isstaummer by the Lewistown or I.ewislnirg company, in sue, oint, gluss, connection. Sec., at 12 cent per loot, on six mouths credit or 5 per cent off for ca'i. N. B.-No warrantee given for this description of rods. i. S. MACKEi. Mutoii, July 30, 1853. 2m. Live tu d Help Live!!! Ocr Motto. S. N. THOMPSON i5 ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public generally , that he-has just re ceived at his store, in Suubury, l.elow Weaver's Hotel, a large, handsome and cheap assortment f SPRING AND SUMMER COODS, consisting in part of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cassimers Cassinets, Jeans, Drilling, . tr I- t. . Muslins, rexns, uintns, qc. LADIES DK ESS AND FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Muslin de Liitis, Lawns, Ginghams, lierages, Hobts, $'. cjitotrnn-s, Sugar, Teas, Coflee, Rice, Molasses, Cheese, Spices, Fish, Salt, &c, ice, &c. II a rtl n it re, IVsils, Screws, Files, fcawe, Knives St Forks, etc. ftnef?nsware, of various styles and patterns, BOOTS AND SHOSS, A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for men, women and children. Hats Caps, &c, of various siics and styles. lleside a large and general assortment of fashionable goods. Cull and examine tor your selves. Country proJuce ol all Kinds taken in exhange at the highest market prices. ' 8unbury,4 mo. 30, 1863. Teachers AVanted. APPLICATlOiNS will ha received by the tSeeretary of the Board of Kcliuol Directors. 8uibtiry District, for two Male and two Female teachers, until Thursday, the 1st of rVptember, 1853, at 1 o'clock, P. M., at which time an ex amination of the applicant will take place, and the schools allotted as follows! Iu room No. 4, on mala teacher at 3 00 per month . " No 8, t ' at $25 00 H No S, on female - at 14 00 " No I, - . at I tOO " - D- W. SHIN DEL, be'". Cun'jury, August 6, IK5. 41, Jtlorc "iriv Gooflstf WILLIAM A. KNOUH, R1 ESPECTFI-LLV informs hie friends and il, niil.lir renr al!v. that he has Ihat received .... . t . mil opened r large anu spicnuiu hwk oi . SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS, it his Store ii: 1 ower Autrusla township. His ntock consists of every variety of Dry Goods, viz: Cloths, Cassimers, Sattitietts, Vestings, Flan nels, Muslin, Ift. A splendid stock of LADIKS DliESS AND FANCY GOODS, hirh as Silks, Berates, De Laincs, Merinoes, Lawns, (Unchams, Calicoes, Ifc, SOOTS AND SHOE?, A fine assortment for Men, Women & Children. A targe assoitment of GltOGEItll-S, SUCH At Sugar, CuffVp, Tea, MoIdmh, Spicp, &c. Hardware and Queensware. seen as Gin, Brandy, Hum and Whlskry, - Besides the larccst and most general assort ment of all kind of Goods to be had in the country. A II I,A abnu tnAnlionil tvooila will 1 anbl at . " " e such reduced prices at they can not be got for elsewhere. Country produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Augusta tn-sp.. July i, isa:i. bm. ANOTHER UEVOLUTIOX In the Dry Goods Business. J. F. & X. F. KLINE, ESPECTFULLY announce to their friends and the public in general, that they have taken the Old Sland. in Upper Augusta town ship, Northumberland county, Pa., formerly oc cupied hy Isaac Campbell, & Co., and have just returned from Philadelphia, and opened Jl Aeu and Splendid 1ssorlmtul of Spring and Summer Goods, Consisting in part f Cloths, Cassimers, Rat tinctts, Linens, Checks, and all kinds of Summer Wear. Also a splendid assortment of Ladies Dress Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Lawns, Dcrago de Laincs. Alpacas and Shawls. Also a fresh supply of Groceries of all kinds, Hardware and Quernsware, Drug and Medicines. Also a large assortment of Boots and shoes, suitable for Men. Women and Children. Hats and Caps, such as Panama, Straw, Falni-lcaf and other Hats. Salt, Cheese, & c. Call and See. Cheaper than the Cheapest, All of which will be sold for cash, or in ex change for country produce, at the highest market price. Upper Augusta, April 30, 1850. ly 1 iu p i o v e in e u I s A li e a cl ! ! ELIAS XJROCIOUS HEREBY informs his friends and the public generally, that he hss just received at his old stand, iu Market street, opposite Weaver's hotel, An excellent assortment of INEOILOCCO, FRENCH CALF SKINS, French Hastings, And all kinds of linings and Shoe findings, which he offers to the trade at reasonable prices. He also informs his customers anc others, that he sliil continues the Shocmaking business, and ia prepared to do alt kind of work, in a good and fashionable style, and nn reasonable terms. Suubury, June 11, 1853. ly. GREAT NEWS! A New CLOTHING STORE IN STTNBTJRY. - ELS BERG k CO., respectfully announce 'J to the inhabitants of Northumberland county and the public in general, that they have com menced a new Clothing; Store in Suubury Pa., opposite the l'ot Office, adjoining Mr. Stroll's saddler shop in Market Street. They are just opening a splendid assortment of fashionable Spring and Summer Clothing, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sutinett, Linens, Checked and Fancy Cloth Pants and Coats. ALSO, A fine supply of Silk, Satin and other Vests. ALSO A LARGE ASSORTMENT Of all Kinds of Hats and Caps, Shirts anil Collars and Gentlemen' furnishing Goods in general. All of which will be aold cheaper than cheap at the lowest cash price. The public may rest assured that all Clothing they buy of our Store is made up well, as one of the firm is a practical tailor and our whole Stock of Clothing is made up l y ourselves. Our adhe ring to the cash principle and our extended ac quaintance among New York and Philadelphia Importers of Cloth enables us to sell very cheap. Call and See ; No charge for looking at our Goods. Our Assortment is always kept up as we are constantly gelling fresh supplies. Sunbury. May 7, 1R53. Just Published and for Sale by WM. McCARTY, Bookseller, Suubury, Pa. The American FLEADERS' ASSISTANT : Being a collection of approved declarations, writs, returns and proceedings in the aeveral actions now in use in the Uuiled States. Br Collinson Reed, Esq., Ipsae irgis viva vox With note and addition, together with a short ystem o4 comeyaucing. By A. Jordan. Pies ident Judge of the Eighth Judicial district of Pa., and Win. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shin Jul, of the bar of Northumberland county. Since the publication of the honk, the following letter has lou received from Judge Pt-arson of Harruburg i llisniinr so, June 80, 1853. Gxistlxnix i After a careful examination of your "Amer ican pleaders assistant," I take pleasure in ex pressing my entire approval of the telecliou and composition of the precedent thus vfleied to the public The legal profession in Pennsylvania stands in need of a correct svstem of pleading, adapted to our hahilsof businew, and Ihe practice of the courts. Your forms of declarations being, to a great extent, founded on the acts of astembly, will b a saving of labor to the pleader, and con duce to safety and brevity in our pleadings. It ahould be in the hands of every practising lawyer in our state. Your, with great respect, JNO.J. PEA.KSON. Hon. A. Jordan, Wm. M. Rockefeller and M. L. Shindel, Esquire. Sunbury, July 9 1853 SXVER WATCHES. A few double esse English Silver Watches, or sale at vary low piirea by H. B. MASS If R. Hnnhurv. April IS. 151 tHNOLD'a WRITING FLl'ID ind Adhe sive and legal anvelopea, for sal ly . H. B. MAfcSZR. anbury. Jaa 10, 18SSV . Mtiiin's Establishment 25 South Sixth Street, Philadelphia. For Ihe Manufacture and sale of I'nlinl l-ctur oi)ln freshen, Patent METALLIC DAM PENER1, Brushes, Oil Papers, Blotting Boards, Copying Ink, &c. Patent Parchment Paper, LETTER COPYING BOOKS, Superior to all others, and each page printed. PATENT LETTER BINDER, A mont valuable invention for keeping in a book-like lot in, Letter received, Original Invoi ces. Ac. Philn., April 0, 1853 ly. Important to Coal Dealers. rXIHE snbsrriliers hereby inform the public, that - they have entered into partnership under the firm of Knse. Reed & Co., for the purpose ot mining, shipping and selling coal, ilcim-rcd u 8unbury, or at any other point along the Sus quehanna. They will ho ready to deliver coal, wel' prepa red. on contract or otherwise, nt all times, on Ihe shortest notice, and on the most reasonable term. Orders received at Slintnokin by KAISK, KEED & CO. Sunbury, June 4, 1S5U. ly. LATE ARRIVAL OF CHEAP Spring and Summer Goods. FRILING & GRANT. II ESPECTFULLY inform their customers and the public, that they have just rcceiv ed and opened the heM ami cheapest slock of Spring and Summer Goods, at their store in Market square, Sunbury. Their slock consists of every varic'y of Dry Goods, viz : Cloths, Cnssimercs. Saltinels, Vestings, Flannels. IVollens. tfc, And all kind of Spiinr; & Smnmpr Wear. Also n splendid variety of LADIES DRESS & FANCY GOODS, Calicoes, Ginghams, Chintzes, De Laincs, Bciages, Ami every variety of good suitable for La dit' wear. AIo nn extensive assortment of Hats and Cats for Mkk and Buys. Also a largo assortment of ;ltOC'Dlt IKS, Sl'CM AS Sugar, Tr-as, ColhV, Molasses, Spices of all kinds. Also a large assortment of HARDWARE anl QTJEENSWARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a ticsh supply of DHUGS AND MKDICINK9. Betides Ihe largest an. I inost ueneral assort ment ol all kinds of yoo.ls lo be h;ul in this place. CV Country produce of all kinds taken in ex change at the burliest market price. Sunbury, April 30. 1853. J. E. GOULD, (Successor to A. FIOT.) No. 164 Ches nnl Street, Sivaim's Building. PHILADELPHIA. INTENSIVE MUSIC PUBLISHER, and Dealer in Musical Instruments of every de scription. Exclusive Agent for the sale of Hallet, Davis tc Co's (Boston) Patiint Sixhkiu.i Duiucik Jliolian and other PIANOS, L. Gilbert's Boudoir Pianos, Melodeons, Martin's Guitars, Harps, Violins, Sheet Mfsic, Misic Books, Sic, Arc. Residents nf the country will he supplied by mail or otherwise with any music they may with, at as low rates as if purchased in person. Having one of tha largest stocks in Ihe United states, I feel confident of satisfying all who may fevor me with a call or order. Dealers in Music supplied cn the most liberal terms. Pianos to let. Second hand Pianos for sale. Philadelphia, April 14. 1853. Iv. Emporium ol' Fashion And Gentlemen's FurnisMnfj Goods. JOIIX V. MARTIN, IAS RECEIVED at his establishment, on Deer street, one door north of C. J. Bruucr's law-ofiicc, in Sunbury, the most Splendid and Fashionable ASSORTMENT OF GOODS for gentlemen's wear, that has ever been olle ed in this place. His stock consists in a great varietv nf CLOTHS, Jlmong which are superior Black, Brown, Green, Olive Cltircf, Belgium Cloth, French Cloths. Russinn block. Ste. BLACK AND BROWN CASHMERETS, Black plain doe-shn Cassimeres, Summer and Winter Cassimeres, Ifc. VESTINGS, Black Satins, (a rich article) excellent Marseilcs Buff, White, (Figured and Plain ) Figured Grenadine, superb Watered Silks, and SUMMER GOODS OF ALL VARIETIES, Tweeds, Linens, Cravats. Hoseiry, Plain and Fancy Trimmings, Gentlemen's Collasa, Susneuders, Ac, A., Ac. Call and see hi assortment of goods. He challenge inspection, and politely invites the public to test their quality by procuring the best and neatest coats, pants, vests, Ac, In the coun try. VW A few journeymen tailors can find im mediate situations at Ibis establishment. Rni.biirv. May 21, 1853 3in. NOTICE 'jV'OTICE U hereby civen, that application J will le made to the next Legislniure of Pennslvania. for the incorporation of a company, with discounting; privileges, to lie located in tne borough of Rnnbitrv. in the county of Northum berland, with a capital of One hundred thonsard dollars. In he called tha "Suitjitthanu Saviugt' Intiilntt." Suubury, June C5, 153 6n. notice! TVOTICE Is hereby civen that an application will l- made, at Ihe next regular session o' Ihe Legislature, to charter a company for bank ing and dUcounting purposes, with a capital of two hundred thousand dollar, with Ihe privi lege of extending it to four hundred thousand dollar, to he located in the borouch of Rlllibnrv. Northumberland county, Pa., and to b called "Tux Minus' Bix or SustiiKf." July S. I "S3 6m. COME AND SEE The New and Splendid assortment of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS Just received and for aala bv Ri.nh.irv A4 30. '53. L W.TENER St CO nE NTISTRY. Dr. Vallerchamp an noun res to tha citir.en of Helinsgrove and tr. rinitv. Ihat he will remain at that rdara for a hart tint. . Office, Main street, next door to Dr. Stillsrell' office. - - Sslinsgrov. July M. 1853. 6U frnt NEW STORE. BENJAMIN . 11EFFNEU RESPECFFin.LY Informs the ritiaen of ' Sunbury and vicinity, that he his opened n nw store In the room lately occupied by tienrgi Bright, opposite Bolton's Hotel. He ha just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring and Summer Goods consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. ALSO! Cnllroen. dnlinm:, I.nwiiN, lfloiiNNOlliic Uc l.nltics and all kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of 11 ill ittriti'C. Iron mnl Steel, Naih, &c. Also an excellent assortment of 0.TJEENSWARE. "f various stylo iind pmtetim. Also an assortment nl' I1IIOT1 &. MIOI'S. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt. Fisli, i,e. And a great variety of other articles such as are suitable to the trade, all of which will he aold at the lowest prices. W Country produce taken in exchange at the hinlicBt pri -es. Sutibiiry. May 1, 1852. ly. Drugs, Paints, Oil, AYindow Glass, te. 5 Tina French zinc while. 10 tons Pure White Lead. &000 Botes Window (.ilass.nll sizes. Superior PolHsh.Copal.C'oaeh .Leath er &; Iron varnish, white Demur varnish for China Gloss, with a general assortment of frch and pure DRUGS AND MEDICINES. Also all the Patent Medicines in general use, warranted genuine. Colored and Enamlvd Glass, Ac, Ac, for sale very low ut ALFRED W 1 1 ,T B E Rf " E R'8 Drti4 and Paint Stoie, No. 169 N. 2nd Street, PHILADELPHIA. Physician and Storekeepers supplied Goods sent to any of the Hotels or Depots Irce of charge. Phila., Muv 28. 16.13 ly. CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND 81 1. V Kit WaIIK. Wlinl.-salc nail Retail at No. Ti N. SKfO.NU M.. opimsitf lb,- Sit. Vern al II nisi-, fi ! I Lever W.itelirs. lull jeweltil. IH k. eases, tt'.'-.IKi: Silver Levers, lull jeweled. SI2.C0 ; Silver l,c im-s. jewcleil. 00 all wiirraiiti (I ti kt-ep g-c it time. (1 hi IVhS anil Sil ver Case, frt.ixi; r'M P. Mi lls, ei.mi; O. Ill Pencils and Pen Cases with g nil li Id Pi its a I w us &:l.i. Ac. Ala, always mi leu, it a c id nssnrlnii'iit ol' fiiie add Jewelry. l"ld Curb, lla-iid and KmIi Chains, G ld Vest CMiiis, l.nrties' Onlit b'..i Cliuins and Melt Pins. flilver Table Sv"n s Irmn 14 to IH. 1 esert. ?fl to ?3l,and Tea. tl.7.5 M prt.'al per al. wnrrnnted equnl to can All b-i-hIs wrrnnteil i Ite tv'int Piey lire s -Id I' T t7 Wntelies nnit Jewelrv rei'airril and warranted, t" All orrtnrs sent by mail i.r ollierwise, will lie pane tnally uttelulcil 1 1. M. AVISK. Aceiit. N v Ti X.irth 8KCOVD Ptrcet, oppnsite the .Mt. Vera m Il'insa Piiiln., April 41, tfij.1 ly. Hobby Hcises CHildren' iropellors, Gigs. Coaches, Barcuches, &c. Manufactured wholesale and retail by S-JSHlTEt.L Xr. TITLL, No. 61 DOCK Sired, Philadelphia. Orders thronch the mail promptly executed' Philn.. April 0. IH.13.-lv. Northumberland Select School lor Girls. Under the Care of Miss E. Calvin. lASTRCCTION will be civen iu the ordinnry " Kntrlih Branches. Physical, Sciences, Alge bra, Geometry and Languages. A Session will couMst ol twenty two weeks. Second quarter tocotnnienre nn the 13th of June. Teums. Orthography, Keailiiir;. Willing Cum position, t icoidiihy, English (iraininar and Aritliiiietit per iguarler. S ) 00 Wilh any aildilionnl Eimli.-h study, $4 00 Algebra, (ieotnetry, nr l.iinijiinrjes, f 5,110 Music, Painting uud Drawing, each seperate and at the customary rules. Ileleremes. Dr. il. B. MCay, Northumberland. D. Tapsart. Est., Hon., Joseph t'aey. New Berlin. Uev. Dr. M'Kiiinev. Ed. Pres. Banner Phila. II. (S. MVniirn. A. M., Princijal of Central Institute, Philadelphia. Norihiiinberlanil. May 21, 18.13. Sm. JsO J ICE. V'OriCE is hereby piven by the unitersianeil citi.ens of the Coiiiinouwealtli of Pennsyl vania, that application w ill be made to the next Legislature of said Commonwealth for the erec tion of a body corporate to be styled "Tin-Si-viifw t S vi i;r' I vsTiTfTK." to be located in Ihe b'Vni.ihnf Siiiibnrv, Norlliiinil'erl.iinl county, with discoii.iliiirr privileges, ai d with a capital ol One hundred thousand dollars. Robert H. Awl, (Jen. Bright, John Young. da in Hiisslcr. Thomas Robins, Daniel Drueke miller, Fredk. I.nzarus, deo. B. Yoiingnuiii, Pe ter B Masser, J. W. Krilinu. Ira T. flenienl. Bcnj. Hendricks, Geo. C. Welker, J. W. Peal. Sunburv. June 25 1'53 Cm. THE C11EAPEST, THE NEATEST AM) TUB BKM. Excellence and Beauty combined, BL.TLOCZ'S Model Spring; Style Hats, FTNEQUALLED by any oilier in all that QJ can render satisfaction to the Wearer. fie them a trial. The Very Finest Mi.lcsriv H ts for 3 50 ; Second Quality, very fine. 3 00 Third Quality, a capital article 8,50. All these are warrantej. Model Hal Store, Nj. 46 North 8th Street Philadelphia, Phila., April 9, 1853. 6m. 85 HE WARD ! ItHE above reward will be paid for the diarov. I ery and conviction of every individual found guilty nf trspaaiua or injoring any nf Ihe properly of Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad Company. BY ORDER OF THE PRESIDENT. June, 4, 1H53 if. II LANK Panbment Paper Deed and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons &e for sale by IL B. MASSER. Sunburv Ai'ri . ISM. ; m7ILEY'SCOUG CNDY. ln axceb lent remedy for coughs, colds. Far sale at this ntTicr. Decemlier4. lR51,k SmTtH'8 ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GEIt, a fresh supply just re--eirel. and for sale by U. B. MA88.JR. Sunburv. Jail. 10. 153. JJLANKS. B LANK5 of every ileacriptioo can be bad by L ..l. f . I . frvlllI ws wiuk ot iua Anancmo. . NOTICE .To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throughout the United States, Vlexandcr L. Dieketv ?J Co.. TIIKOREAT Woltl.U'a FAIR mr,K MF.DAL TUU.NK M. MJ FACTORY, No. 148 Chesnnt Street, ( Fr-nt of Jones' Hotel) Philadelphia. A RE now prepared to exhibit to Ihe Merchants and Traveller one of the largest and most improved solid Solo Leather Spring Trunks ever tillered for sale in this city, together with a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can possibly he imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. A ho, a splendid assort ment of Ladies' Ilrrss Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Pravelling Satchels. Valise Trunks, Carpet and Leather Bags, Hand Coaches, (Jigs, etc., Sec ill of which we are prepared to sell at reduced prices. We respectfully invite a call from Ihe Merchant or Travel er tu examine our extensive issortincnt before pnrchisitig elsewhere. ALEX. L. Illt'KEV iSt CO., I No. MM Chesnut Street. Phila., April 0, 1803 Cm. CARR, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Coinmision Merchants, 83 and 25 Spears Wharf, BALTiraonr.- i!t:n:Ri:Nci:s. John Clark, Esq., Piesiileut Citizens' Bank, Ball. A. P. Giles, Esq.. Cnshicr Franklin Bank, John Herl7.lrr. Jr., Eq.. Philadelphia. Rollers, Siiniicksoii & Co.. J. Tome, Esq., President Cecil Bank, Port De- positc. J. Wallowei' V Son I Tn rris.ln.rg. (.ol. li. j. Eer. ciclinsgwe. .1. II. App&'Co.. Nngle, ingnle A' Co.. Vittnli. W. W. Coiikc. Esq., Muncy. Simon Schnvler. I.sq., ' George Undine. Iluglisvil'e. W. Weaver A Co., Monloursville. Gen. William F. Packer. illiamsport. T. W. Llov.l. Esq., Cashier, " James II. Hiding, " Lewis (i. Hilling. " M' Henry ct Bubb, Jersey Shore. J. P. Holing. Esq.. Lock Haven. I Curr. G cse A' Co. have the largest vvharf room of any cooimii n house iu Baltimore, al ways giving quick ilc.sji ti '.i to '.in. i Is in discharging their cargoes. March 12, IR.'iS. fim. ll'K:ll(lii of I'lii lue.Mii,!. 'IllE Copartnership heretofore existinu: iindei I the name of laincs II. & Win. II. Hart, is this d.iy difsolvcd by the willnlrawel nf Wil iam It. Hart. The biiiiies of the late linn will be sett'ed bv cither of the undersigned, nt No. 2S'i. North 3d street. JAMES II. HAIiT, WILLIAM li. HART, THOMAS HART. Philadelphia, Jan. 1. Is."3. The midei'si jned. hae this day formed n co partnership ni.t will eoiiliniie the hii-inc-is under the uauieol Jaincs II. ci. Tlionia-. Hart. Thank ful for past lavotf. thev re-pe. I fit It v ak Ihe at tention of iheir fii.-mlsniiil lite public fo Jitr stock of GROCERIES, lii. h mil Ik full and extensive, and which they will sell at the lowest market rates. JAMES II. HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1 S.-3. JH, tt. EISSCL-JTICIT. THE partnership heretofore cxistina: under the firm ot James T.T.'u'nrt & S-'ini. was, on the 13th day of June, 1N53, dissolved by miitual consent. The business of the firm v. ill be settled hv James Tonsil rt, who holds ihe hooka. Those indebted lo the firm ore requested to call iind make settlement of their accounts also a'l persons haviinr claims against the firm are requested tu send in their bills for payment, JAMES TAGGART, GI.TII M I. T AUG ART. Norlh'd.. June 18. 153. tf. NEW STORE. rMIE undersigned ttikesthis method cf thank. inrr, his friends lor their liberal patronage, and informs them he has taken the old stand lately neenpied by J. lines Tauaart ct Sun, where he will be prepared at all limes i.ilh a large sup ply nl goods, consisting of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, VESTINGS, LADIES DRESS AND FANCY COOLS, of every description. f;i oci'i li n, Qui'tiii'iviirc, Hardware, Cediirware, Salt, Fish, If., 6t. Which he w ill dispose of on reasonable terms, and hopes by a strict attention lo business to merit a continuance of llicii pntr.inn-e. G. I. TAGGART. Norlh'd.. June I s, JsS3 tf. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUBTNCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, No. 113 North Third SI below It see, PHIL AT) ULPIIIA. frMIE attention of Dealers is requested to an A rxa ninalion of their slock, which will be found to be at t:s r equal to any iu this city. FOREIGN FRl'lTS of all kinds' iu season." N. B. Older by mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, So3. Gin. WILLIAM PERKINS' Genlfemrns Fns'iionnble CLOTHING- IIOUSP, No. 231 Vhtsnut, Third door below Eighth st Ihiladelphia. HAS on hand a full stock of French and English Piece Goods, which will lie made to order at the Miottcot Notice, iu the Lule-t Style. FOR CASH. Phila.. April 9. 18;S3. Cm. Platform Scales, Long l wti rrrr y Imlnl A'uayt light TUr i tlnou.l:l- tibssOi Rallroa ' "nv C. al, and Far. 1 -J mrr' SCALES, set in any part of the country, at short notice. -dUEN V 'iEO. W. COLBY. I 340 Market St.. .Philadelphia, E. V. Bright, Suubury. .Phila., ilpril 1. I8S3. Laborers Wanted. THE aubsf rilier want i.nrhediately on the Railroad and Basin, at Chapniai., Union county, seen miles below Se!lugrove, from Sll TO 1 00 LABORERS, to wh-im one dollar per dav w ill pe paid. 8AVIDGE. W )LVE I O. & CO, Chapman, Union County, Feb. 19. 185:1. tf. Hope Manufactory. npiIE subscriber respectfully inform" the people of INorthuiiiheiland and rsnnburv, and Ihe public ceuerally, that he haa conalsutlv on hand ! and manufactures to order, all kiudsof Boa. rope, bed cord, wash lines, plow lines, twin and tinea it all kiuds, at hi establishment in North urn barland. RICHARD MARSHALL. Kortb'd.. Jum 11. 1S53.- 8m. HANK NOTE TABLE. L'UHHECIEU WEEKLY. PKXNKYI.VA.MA. CITt I.r eillLsviLIH IMAWACAlWriTS. All Silvenl bunks 1 ilia llllul.l. ISLAM-. til s Ivi-nl Ixinks I ilis CO.N.VKCTICIT. u. is. Hunk n ilea Mitis Ail a ivem Ininka ;ai cocsrsr. Unas nf t'llnnil-rali.;r I di Hank isrcheaier Cm nn Ill silvent banks I ilis iNKW OltK. CITT. Hunk of llel.ij .. darter in ii... , . ifuiikim i.rrintiiiniwn Una'! Getti stairs isir All aotvrnl IsinkS I tis I dis IT Uk ii les under .i ilia Hank i f la-wislnw il Ilnnk .ifMiiklletiinn 1 lis All sHvents lainks I dis M.ait(t'llieryCiU.iiik pari SI-.W JIvltfEY. Bank of Nortliuinlierrnd. su Itelviilire Hank I ilis Hanknf Piltslnirn I dis Csniiieieinl llnnk dis Hank of Danville par Fur. llnnk M nil Holly ior Carlisle llnnk IV A M ., M iddletnwii I't. ir Columbia H'k ft It'geCo pir Mii hnnies' Ilk, .Newark (sir D'lyelst uvn Hank pirMeili. Ilk tr 11iirli.iut.-ii par Kastmi Hank p r Aleeh. A Mi n. Uk 'I'rait .nr Krie Hank 8 dis Morris Co llnnk ilia I'UehniHje ll'kl'itl.hiira I dis iNewnik Ilk a; A Ins. Co dis Kjehnnie Il k, Hrinich dis Onmne Hunk j dia Parmers' H'k, Hacks Co nar 'I'e inle's Ilk Pattern,!. Ids ro.ISTKV. Farmers' Hk, Ijnmisler par I'rineifoil Hank fiiriners' Hk. Ilciidin. par rV.lt m Hinkin(r Co, Farm. Ilk fVlnivlkill Co rmr fen.trre Co Hunk F ft V. Hk Wnriiesb'ir liis rtntt limk nt Cinndei. Fninklin Ilk Wasli'n tjdisr'tate hk Klixalteilibni lliirrisbnrK Hank I dis Suite Hank Newark par par (In uir dis 1 Htmcsdnle Hnnk 1 dis Plnte Ilk, N. Hiiinsivick par Ixiieaster Hai k par. Sussex Hunk. Newton dis l.idaillim Hank par Trentml llnnking Co par Mereh. ft Mnn. ItaiiV I dis' l.'llt"ll lifink. ll'iver J dis Mineis' H'k. Pntlsville p.-r Vnrdleyv'le A Hel l)r C. I.ldis Moii'iitealieln Hnnk I dis l?"llk'li"t'S lintler dis Tnylorsv'e lelllCn 13 .lis1 lll'.I.A WAIti:. v est llnineri Hank par Itank of Delaware par Wyiimina: Hk, tVilkcsb'e iir Hnnk nf Sniyuin par ork Hnnk. I dis Dclnwiire C7 i T y Hank par Hk Wdmi'iift Hrandyw. par Farmers' I'k St Delnwnre par I'nii n llnnk. 'iliningtoli par If iceiicr notes 1 dis MAINE. ItanV of Whsllnck il dis Mercantile Ilk. liaairnr indis IT Under j nis Alt sHvetit brinks ? disi Dllld NKW HAMPSHIRE. All a dvent lnks S dis Alls.ilvent kinks dis IV Rk n-.es under S's 4 dia VKRMI.XT. NOHTII CAHOI.INA. Rn.iknf St Albans 9 dia'AII s ilvinl bank dis All s ilve.it banks ilis.tT'l'lHlcrVs, 21 dis "AID AND CCKrorvT," o Yocir Own lltt li.'iuitM. GEOlvGK 11KNN. MANMTACTt nKn OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the mot Tash-'onallo Stjle. 'PHE subs-riber respectfully calls lie attention of Ihe public to his lare and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of lii:ii;t-wai.i;. which cannot fail to rcioniinend itself loevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship mid splendid linish. in.ulc up nf the best slock lo be had in Ihe city. Nn ell'nrt i spared iu the manufacture of his ware, nnil the subscriber is iletcrniincil lo keep up wilh the niauv in.)ii'oemci:ls which live i iititiiutly bciiip niaile. Ilis stn.-k consists nl .Ma!io.;unv i (.M. I2M;ii:n ;iuI (.odogres, Pureuus, tccietavics, Side'.or.r 1?, M1F, liiiLihl.iM AMI l!IM.h T.llil.l.S, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila ilelplti.i iiiuutitactiire. BEDsTK Ds, ! cvcr p itiern and pric. . ci'i'i'.oMM's. ww.k and c.wni.K. STANDS. Toil KT TVRI.ES AM) KXTKSltN TAI'.LKS. I.i short, every nitii lc in ti-.is line of his bnini ss. He also inaniilai ti.rt s nil kind" .mil qualities i.i' cn a i us. ineln tinrr vnrietTR nci-r beth-i' to be had ii Mitiibiiry, su.-h ns M ;!,!., i . ! mk Wim-i n Cf'li.Kli M i G i ix ; - W.i. still CHAIRS, ami i-.i i I'i.m, .wn,.-:. wimhiiic nf tile lli'st s'v'fs. an i v. in, mini to e.cellnl by none inn nil'.n Inri'd in the "it ii nr elsi wheie. I be u' un ri-iv is iU ii-nnincil Ihat there shall I e no ey use for pers ins t i ptin liHse furniture in the cities, as every coulhleui e can he er.lf rttiini d nli, in' the quality ami liui.sh of his waic and ( hairs. His hi tides will be disposed nf on as good terms as they can la- purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in panicnt for work. 17T CNDERTA KING. Havini; provided himself with n handsome Hkuisk, lie is now Jirepar.sl for I'mlerlakitur, ond attendiinr funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tancc from this place. t"? The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thumps ill's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1S5S tf. TitEMRsnovs E.cite;,:tnt ! ! Casli, Steam, Klectricity ! ! 77ie Aerial and all other lines out done In the IJIilnliiK I I no of lliA T. CL1-MKNT. "l"iril'). havimi r-reat faith in rapid sales and " " small profits, bus just received anu opened a Inrae assortment of SPRING AD SUMMER GOODS. At his Store iu Manet Street, Sunburv, which benders to the public nt the lowest pri, es. His stock consists of a general assortment o Dry Goods, viz : Cloths Cassimers. Cassinets. Jeans. Dnllines Muslins Linens. Cidicos. Muslin de Lains. Lawns. Ginshams. Berages. Sii.k Mat. A large assortment of Boots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Grocrrlp, Sugar, Tea. Coffof. Mob, Cheese, Spi es, Fish Sail, Plaster. HARDWARE, Vir. : Iron and Steel. Nails, Files. Raws, Ac. QTTEENSWARE, Tea Sells, Plates. Dishes. Cups, Saucers, ot LIQUORS, Whir. Bmiiily. Gin, dun, Whiskey, &c- VV Country produco nf all kinds taken in ex change at the hi-licit maikct prices. Jan. 15. IsS.I lv. o'ioit nii itM i.ri THE 1 0CKET AESCULAPIUS : OR, EVKItr ONI'. HIS I.W.N PHYSICIAN. J&fT. fMMlK KOH'I'IRTIf P.li. "i lliiu.lred I' A Sv Kngrmings. .bowing Di. W c "il Malforiualinns of k Wj the iluinan System in every il I ll"l,e ' l'"f"i. To wlucii I. I is added a I'rt'iilisa nn Hi Diseuscs nl Ft males. Iieini; of ihe hi-ibesl imporiauce to married pe.ip e. t.r those conleii.plaiiii4 u.arriujje. 1 IS.' l St. ... y..'-:. o:-i. AJ- Let no lather be adiimed to present a copy ol the .E-CC LA I'll a to III. child. Ilmay uv hill. Irolil an early eruve. I.e. un i ... r- .... j ...... .,,n,, v, woinuii enter into the secret obligations ot mar ried lile without rcaduiK Ihe I'UCKEI' .E.SfU LAP1CS. Let no one sulle., iiii from haekuiep Coiih Pain as the wide, restle.s uir-liis. nervous feelbirs, uud I lie whole fain of D .peptic sensa tions, and civen up hy their plivsicun, lie anmber moiiicnt withoul consuliiiii ihe .4t'L'LA PIU'i Have Ihe inariied or llu.se about lo be ins. r led any impediment, read this truly useful bo k, as it has been ihe means of saving tlnto-aniis of un fortunate creatines from the very j.wanf death. IV Any person seudin? TVENTV-F1VE CENTS, enclosed Iu a letur will retei one copy of this bonk, hv mail, or five copies w ill be sent for one dollar. Address, Du. W. YOL'N'U, No. I Si SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post psid. June 18, 1853. ly. 1JEE B I LL8 Justices and Consta'ile Tee Bill handsomely printed on cars) paper for aala at thisollic. MARRIAGE CETIFICATE8 hsndsomelv executed for aala at thia ulhce. sinisla or bv the dnxan. Jvoi ICES' FEE BILLS H. Sunbury, 1131 If For ssle by B MASSER. A CALL TO HOURTTrrrB-ime, A I lh "uhlan war. uoon, f si:irN IIOUPT&CO Market Square, J' Also at the corner of Fawn street If the Raitr.j SUN BURY, PA . ""''road Thankful for the patron.nre of his fri.,. cuslon.er. duriim Ihe , 7 yearslie ha, ,et bC'' n-s in .In-p ace, he solicit, from the puWIe" liiiusuce of Iheir favor. lnritl)r I.., rndeavoreil to keep up with the implement, of the day, and lis, according eMc,l,.( T 'i lies, in every branch and variety. The nnl.ti. . Tol?7 iM to n,u",,i'm ol CAmXl'. T WAIIK AM) fll WIS Manvfactuhed bt SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of U establishment ihey now manufacture Mahogrny, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chain. I.artre Spring Sent Rocking Chairt Dressirr Btrenvs, Centre Tables, Mirble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and F.'iliionnIle Fiirnidirc. Havinff secured a Heara mnA m..u tt.. - - - .no.iw uv i.ecev sary arrancements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all it, branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. i e mains sun mistresses, sua hashanrls loo, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From side boards down to kitchen table, From rocking chairs to rockine cradles Winulil yon not have the nmly Jotr tn p, We'll wail awhile fur a brighter better day, Or take potatoes, onla, corn, wheat and rye j Bnrk, hoop p"!ea, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or ny thins but ynkss and threshing flails, Fiom pies snd tnrkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, enme one snd sll, Keep Hade s moving, so "g on the ball." fF rir.b.r. r, - .t ..... 1 . w mnn . uii-iiiiicc pru.iipiij aiisnueoi to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. uuniirj, aiarcii v. ir.ju. tl MVE c5 11A1.NES, Publishers and Pookcellcrs, No. 84 AVJ Third Street, riiti.Aoci.pmA. MISCELLAN E( l'S BOOKS. Ilililes. Praieis, Hymns, Poetical anil Ilisli rical Wo'.s, rr.ll'Lls, .Vi.yuls, iVr., e. K-'lkioL IKKiKS Kvery kind in us fi.an a priincr iqnvaids. BLANK Bik.KS. An elegant US 'I'taii'nt tr ill tin: ias. I, Bp van' mule in muj.oi 1. r paper, and last ..f binding. WHITING PAPERS. Oitjt, P is., and Suit Papers, elegant si J Irs and quality, anl very cheap. SI ATIUNEIIY. Fnsey, Plain and Aillics ve I jitrl q . a. Ink, Pand. Wa crs, fleil I'cns, Maii-s, IVm-ils, V.irie-M, nuics, Wrap iim li era i if all kimla, Curlniu Papers. Ac.. Ac. I inr s' erf is nil liTsli. I, main r-litnp and sold accnrdllirlv Pniticiilar nllenli u paid t i links, Hera. Iiiinlry Mar elirinli. mid 'IViclierii, Innvever little ihey irav buy. S iwer A Il irnes nr.: Publishers of I'Kt.TO.V? series of MAtJXIFICE.NT OUTLINE MAPS ThIi map Is nearly SK KN FKF.T PtJl AltE, and slmws ihe e uiiar.ilie sizt- mal relative pivtii n nl' every e Un ll .in Hit: yl. l 'I'm.y i,re inieuilcd t t be aiiSeudcd in evety Si'li i I It-, in, I n t ,.,,ly umke a splendid op- l .:iriMiv. Inn nre uiiu trnliv n kit wl'dcetl lo be tha lllT .Mlilii; UK TKACIIIMi tiKtltiltAPHY tfer lipiiwhl in. Tney nre keis iuleudtd t t be used by the sell Ins. e nl. .iiiii, n e mileie cpit tnc of Ge graphy, and c sling I, sr llii.ii hull' ihe price in a Ue urilpliy and At us. '1'. e syMriii is iu uuiverniil urs in Prussia and licmiaiiy, nil I has already Ih-cii intr tlui ril iu Olrnid College, PliiL,. .t.-li.l ia, the nulilie sell , Is a ll,,st n. Scvf V rk. Phila ibhihia. U liiin're. Wasbiugnm. nisi ihr ugh- iil New Kiisland. New V. rk. Ac, Ae. Our desks are I ml.d well ne mini ndati us Ir in lue ni M t.- lt-ntid unit scien. tlhc tenches 111 every quarter, and win rever the sslein lias lita n used luirenls, tiuchets and seliulurs unite m bruis ing it. I. .Map of the Wesiern Il"ini;ihera. o. Map of the Kaivtrm lli-miEphere. II. .Map nf Nnrth Aiiieruni. 4. Map if the ruitcil Slates. 5. Map nf Knriip-s. fl. Map of Asia. 7. Map of S mill America nnd Africa, rvery map is liriilimuiy clnryd, varnished, ai.d rauant eil "ii muslin and rt.llers. We r.'S'iec'I'nlly iuviie .he earner.; alt, nli' i, n Teaehrrs. Parents, and Si h l Direct as t tins fnaeiiiatiu mods of leaching Ge 'graphy. MIWIII! 11 A I! ! F.P-, North Third Street, rii.iartelpl.ia, Aug.S, lMS tf. Clienp Wiitches Is)' .Jewelry, VIIIOLESALE and Retail, at the "PhiUdel ' " phia Watch and Jenelry Store," No. 9fl North Second Street, comer of yiiarrj, Philadel phia. ("Id I, ever Watches, full jeweled. I carat ca.es, $-JS,(IO Silver do. full jeweled, 9i fl"id Siteetneles, T,o Silver Lepiue, jewels, 111 Tine Silver tin, 1,1,, do H i do. 0 Ci'il Hrnc.-lrts, 3 (K) Sili.-li..r (.jimrlieis, 1.'. allies' Gold Pencils. 1.00 linitnion do. 5. Silver Ten spoons, set, S.t Gold Pins, with Pencil and Silver Holder, l.no (Jold FiiiRer Bines 37 J cents to ; Watch filnsses, plain, I2J cents; Putent 1 sj ; l.unet, 55; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to he what thev are sold for. STAUFFER cV HARLEY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Cold and Silver Levers sad Lepines, still lower than the above prices. Autrnst 2S. IS.VJ. lv. WATCHES, JEWELRY, &o. JAM KS 15. FID LEU, No 12 South Second Sh ee', PHILADELPHIA. Oold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver I.epine do " (Jiiartier do Cold pens und pencil and silver haliera Silver 'J'ea nnd Table Spoons Bracelets. Breast pins Ear rings die.. All warranted and sold at pi ices as low as ry in the city. November 27. 1852 If. 1,000 Men Wsinted. fy ihe li"e of the SUSQUEHANNA RAIL- ROAD between Bridgeport (opposite Har iisbur):') and Sunbury, iu the State of Pennsylva. uia. This road is fifty four miles in length-runs through a highly improved country, and will lurnish employnieiit for stone masons, carpenters and laborers fur the nevt twelve inonlhs. A larie portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, luls.rers that are familiar will therefore find cer. Iain employment and lilieral wanes. DOUliHEBTY. LA U.MAN & CO.. Contractor. February 19, 153 lioniciHlitlc Hydraulic Cement 4 N excellent article for liniiif Cisterns, Vaults, Sp iiiu houses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness from wet and exposed walls. For sale by CHARLES PHFPABD PMITIT. of, and uccesor to, the lite linn ol Ei Sm. h dc Sou N. E. Corner of Front and Willow atraat Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. IB, 1853 ly. - IIAVLNli loculed himself ermanantly In " Suubury, olfera hi pr.ifcssionsl services lo Ihe Town and Cuii.trv, ollice, curner of Deer and Market aireel (loruicrly telegraph office.) where he may he found unless prolesaionally engajed. Sunbury. April 80, 1853. 6m, GOLD PENS with and without rases, of very urior quality, just received. Also a fresh aupply of Writing Fluid, for ! ''J II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. t7, 1851. 1ATENT BKirrAMA 8TOPPERS ff bar bottle for aala by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April, It, 1851 I NK Boureau' celebrated ink, and ah C gre ink for saje, wholesale and retail by lecmbr ti U0- II B MAS5R.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers