AMUKIIM JUU Jli AJL7. ' - - tJTTNTCTTIl V AlUVPTr.AN'ANn SH . .. - 4-- 1 jrfr-t 1 -r-t r-f4-1 1'T- t-i THE PUZZLER'S CORNER. 'ra To Lmt went Ksioma. Mr. Davul.Atehi ens). j , . ; . t i For the Pnntnirv American. , . .. , . MISL'FLLANKOl'S tSIOMA. I am composed of 22 letters. Mr I 14 90 9 i frrmle name. M y 9 4 g ia a numeral. 1 i My 3 9-i 8 in ia what we all wear. My 4 14 II l ia need in buildiiie;. My S 10 W a 4 in part (f the human body. My a 13 9 we have in winter. My 7 10 9 9 4 ia eiikir. My 8 9 7 is part of an animal. My 9 14 111 IS i. a title of nubility. My 10 9 4 7 is without and. My II 4 SI 18 V ia a ves. able. My 14 16 7 ia a fruit, My 13 t H 1.1 ft B ia a place of Imnilne;, My 14 8 13 IB 3 9 1.1 ia a khsl iH .nulla. My 13 9 14 14 ia part of a lunik. My 19 40 4 W 9 ! 14 9 is purity. My 17 8 4 7 9 Id is part of the human h"ilv. My 18 17 J 9 4 1.1 9 istliesaiiieaailiadniMiie. My 111 14 7 is a tatter. My lit) 18 4 I I 7 V ia the time of minority. My 41 14 laa conjunction. M y 44 4 13 3 IS 111 is by enikr. My whole iaa Ooveiuot of on of the t'nitcil Wales. Answer next week. tt unbnry, June 18, IP33. Y- A ST1UNG OF ITJCMS - rnouTY & iiarrett'S - . Agricultural Wnrchonie and Seed. Storey No. mi' Market Street, r i' Philadelphia. t. IJROUTYcVMKARS' Patent ""'"''jW 1 Ploughs of nil sIt's. "nd ir! l,g"d ed-Kuh.,il, Hill and, &C-. wild Steel Extending Point". Ber-Miere, other kind, of Casting, for repairing. M Kmiirmr of liu-sia for the '" ... r. . n..i.l tu . nil 111' J Si.lHU. riougiis, n mnssne e. rSKKArMKHAI....!.. WorW...r awarded 1. ce M. IMoiiRh. , ' r. with Doublc-Point Polished Moo While there ii life (here is hips Tub barberiof llafrijburr; hare resulted to close their shops on the Sabbitih. Jvwsk Conrad is about to remove with his family, to Washington, Pa. Tire mother of the Sultan who lately tlieil was originally a Circassian slate. Sirs. Catharine Sincliar (Forrest) mntle her debut in San Francisco, on the 9th ultimo. v Extrnsivc seizures of liquors hare just been made in Bangor. Tub Boston Time is about to be enlarged and otherwise improved. Tub conduct of men is an index to their hearts; for by their fruits ye shall know them. Emigration is rolling into Minesota in a steady tide. Tho emigrants are mostly farmers. Mdi. Zoulavsky, a sister of Kossuth, 1)89 opened a grand exhibition of lace in New York. Tub Hon. Thomas II Benton has relumed to his city residence in Washington, and will remain for some months Ttr... Samuel R. Ward, the ablest and most eloquent black man alive, has just lan tied in Engtaud. The Monk, Lcahey, convicted of murder, in Wisconsin, has been sentenced to the Penitentiary for life. It is said the waters in the river St. rance are higher at present then they have been in several years. William Dearing, the proprietor of the first cotton factory in Georgia, djed at Savan nah on Friday last. Hon. Charles Sumner ia to deliver an ora tion on the 4th ef July before the Free soilurs of Portsmouth, N. II. The American Association for Ihe advance ment of Science will meet at Cleveland, on the 28th of July, 1853. During the week ending the 1th inst., no less than 300,000 herrings were taken to Now Bedford from Martha's Vinayard. The banking capital of New Hampshire is $2,220 000. The debt of tho State is only $71,000. Sufficient stock has been subscribed to the Baltimore and Liverpool Stoanitliip com pany to build one steamer. A Russian Imperial Ukase obliges all young men lo enter Ihe army at the age of 18, those only exempted who are noble by descent. When Mrs. Swanpenheiscr wishes to raise u regular growl among her boarders, she feeds Ihetn exclusively upon sausages. It is an in fallible plan. Coi.olnel Bf-nton has returned to Wash ington from Missouri, anil will finish this summer his work to be called ' Thirty Years in the Senate." Grape Culture. A large party ol Ger mans were in Albany last week, on thoir way to l'linois, where they propose to engage in the grape culture. , ' ',, The result of tho election in Washington on Monday, was against the license system, by a large majority, and the friends of tem perance are rejoicing greatly thereat. The Government has sent another com mission lo hunt the Gardiner mines. Major Whitecar, of the Ordnance Department, is to head the expedition. The death warrant of Reese Evans, the Wilkesbarre murderer, was read to him on the 2 1th. He was much agitated. Hisexecu tion is to take place Sept. 'Jth. John B. Hacker, aged 15 years, son of Mr. W. P. Hacker, delivered an address upon Temperance on the 9lh of last April, at Lit, near Lancaster city. The boys are "waking up." An old female miter died at Richmond few days ago, and on searching her premises, ' it is said, that 1 800 in specie, and 59000 in bank notes,-many of them ruined by worms and bugs were found. Will does the skin of the fiog resemble big coutainini the animal ? Because it does not adhere to tho subjacent parts, as in other animals, but is attached to them only at a few points, and is unconnected elsewhere; - The editor of the Mountain Banner, North Carolina paper, say that during his absence hit wife set the' type for four col- . uinns of the paper, prepared copy, read the - proof, and wrote some editorials. Not Bad. At the Tom Moore supper, on Monday, ex Mayor Quincey, while descant- lug upon the Irish character, observed that although be had never been at Cork, he "had seen so many drawings ol it that evening, he felt himself almost an Irishman." Boston . Th Pittsburg Post states that Shrrnberger It Co., have contracted for 11,000 ton Rail road Iron, with offers for contracts for 64,000 .ions Ohio alone, at their works in Johnstown Anthracite pig melaLu quoted at SJl,fi0 Scolr-b pitf 1 10 ; JiiiiiuitL -?s at 0. . A Ixo tvus vniora mm i . .. . . i'rtr which can ho rcvrr,eJ, Urns (retime; '" ''' of Common Teeth. Alw, cultivator. . kimlx irli Wifl Teclh. Spain's At.i.osjil.rric orn I ". "' J.)llirn, Turnip UrilN. 4 I to 5fi, C.,rn Shelter improved timnt'a Patent K" kinli4 Mute, liny nnd Straw Cutter., finrdcii Engines, Hand V.i Mill, Wheat Unite, Cnri. nnd Col. Cr.thera, Horse Power, ami Cedd'a Improved Hur- Tli rashers, ri,WSi . Mowing and Reaping Square nn.l A Harrows, Machine Home. take . Clmin Pump (iriiutetonc remlv hung, Ciiltle i lea, Dirl fSernper Hull Kinpi. ARrirtilturul Kunmre Patent Iron Snaihs, r. Y.ikea and Hows. Orulit.inri Hoc Fork, for unlotiiliiiit liny, Transplanting Trowels, 11 ov jr. Manure Fork MtovcU nnd Spades, Carden ot Field Hoes, ('ludeti Hakes in varirty Children's Toots, Hurling Scythes, JS'nuths, with Patent Fastening Fotntoe Hooks, Man Hny l!;ikes, 11 ow rins, Apple Purer Ox Muzzles, Molo Traps, Pruning Hooks & Chis sel Sswa nnd Sci.mim, Iron Well Curlw, nnd Zinc lulling for Chain 1'iinin.. Also, Horticultural Tools (of every descrip tion,) Garden nnd Grass seeds, for salo at lite lowest price, nt v Iiolesitle bwiX hct.ul. l'liila. April 16, 1 Sail. Sin. KOTICK To Merchants, Travellers and Others Throniout the United States, Alexander L. Jlickey tS Co., THE GREAT WOtlUVfl FAIll VUY.K MF.DAL TRU.MC MANUFACTORY, iVo. 1 18 Vhcsiwt Street, ( Front of Junes' llutrt) Philadelphia. ARE now prepared to exhibit to the Merchant8 nnd Travellers one of the largest and most improved solid Sulo Leather Spring Trunka ever ollered for anlo in this city, together with a gen eral assortment of every kind of Trunk which can he imagined, ranging in price from two to thirty dollars. Also, a splendid assort ment of Ladies Dress 1 ruriks, lionnet ltoxcs, Travelling Satchel Valise. Trunks, Carpet and Leather linga, Hand Coaches, Gigs, Ac., &e., all of which wc arc prepared lo sell at reduced prices. Wc respectfully invite a rail from the Murchntit or I raveller to exnminc our extensive assortment before purchasing eteewhere. ALEX. L. 1IU KEY & CO., No. MS Chesnul Street. Philn., April !, 1853. fim. TIAYING located himself pcrmaniintly i - Sunliury, oiler, his professional services to the 1 own and Country, ottice, corner of Ucer ntu Market streets (formerly telegraph otlice,) where he may be found unless prolcssionally engaged fSiinbury, April 1 Hb;l. MACKEREL, CODFISH, SALMON, ruutx, HAMS & SIDES, SIIOULDEIIS, LARD fi C'llEESK., Book Agents AVantcd, In every Count in ihe United Slates, to canvass fur Ihe following works, to t I whom the largest commissions t j , i will bu paid. - ! ! ricfnRiAL IlisTukv or tiis Would, from Ihe wirlifst a.ts to tna pnaH'iii tnntr i ineo voninu.a in one, Partl. AlHiml Hiatiirjr. I'art S. History ol the Mitl'll Ages. I'urt a. nliNlurii History. Ily jnlm l rosi, ... i. IJ. Author of I'ietonal llistury ot Ihe I nltnl tinea, I'ictiw riKl Lite of WiisIiiiiciim, Ac. New K.ilitinn, with ail- diti"iia anil cirrtetlona liy the Author. Illilfttrntfil Willi nver five hiuslrul piiitrnvinira. from ihuwinns hy t'roinin. Deferens, ami nlhi-r ilisltiigilislivil Artisla. This work cc.Mtniiiaiivrr I list riirr llnytil ikIiivi. ikc, anil over Still finer illustration. Iliaii have ever been cnitriiviil I"' any llirtoiy In this country j it ia Iniula siih'tm tiully Ikiii.hI III atlllsWMI llioioero, ae IS Imek. I'tiee. S'l 7.1. linKAT Kvsnts ia Moukks IIi.tohy. Hy J"hn rnan. Ci.innrisiiia the most n innrknWu lliaeovrm- tlisulinsls, Hcv.ihiti,i. (iiciil ll.illhs, ai.l other Tlnillnw lia-nleiils, ehielty in l-.liroM.. Mini Aim-ni'ii, iioiii me cininrii.. ... ol IheVixteelilh (Vlltiov lothe nresnul lime. KnilH-lllsIn d Willi over fitu cnirrut inps hv v. t'lome anil other eminent art ilia. It conl.ilns over rCO llovnl nelnvil (tiiger. on" a kirgaeolornl imipnf Ihe World 'JM'Ji, with side li.'S of Oilii'orniu, Oieiron, lliingnry, Ansiriiiii Douiiiiionr, Ac. Hound ineiiiliosseil nuroew. nut fcni K. i-nee, c. .. Tiiaii.Liso AtivaiTfBrs iiuim tii Jmiujis. y Krost, I.. I.. I. Cianmiriim the liniet remarkable reriml tininii I v es oi i vfiii in iiic ...ii, . - of Incidi nta in Ihji recent ludiii'. llorlililit'. ill Meneo ami T.,ii. iiem ii won ovrt :sk. I-. iurHvin.s. inun .ivn.s"n liv V Cnnni.. null oilier diitiiieilished nrtisls. It nmtaina over Sis ij;ea Octao, Uiunit ill nairoreo, gill buck. rnee wt.,.,. Skstciiis of t.trs .stiOtARACTFR. Ity T. S. Arthur. An iu'Ikvo volume of over IIKIlwea hi'lllllifutlv illustrated, anil bound ill the best Kngllsll mualiii, gill Isick. Price, SJOii. I.ioiixs nfnnoMsor Hicit Lira. llyT. f. Arlliui Wilt.,... n I.ioi.rtmlo nisi nortmit of tile author. Over rUHl nmr.-aoeliivo. wllh' Bne loilnl l lifnil oil:'. Hound ill the best Kllj-hsh lllllflin. (tilt Imek. I'lli c. f0 (iol.tiltJl liKMNS FBim l.tfK's llVkT 1'lKLn. lif T- S, Arthur. 14 nai. of am puirea. U misl in niiistlil, Willi a iH'rmiilul uic.K'itmt eniinivinir. Price, 7"i feuu. Tint Wai to I'siwpkr, and oilier Tales. My T. ! Ar Ihnr ! mo. over SOU pnges, with a inczzoliut cngmving. Pi li e. SO Cents. Tiis IIomr Missmx. Ily T.S Arthur. 14 mo. of over JO i pti"cs. with an eiiuniving. Price, SO Cents. Tiice 1tictiF., i Wealth willanit Wings. Ily T. S. Arthur. Over -Jisi Vi mo. with a line inezzolint en- gitivinrj. Price, fill friila. Thf. rinv:inR A ion.. Hy T. !. Arthur, ni pnttea. . '. with uii eiigiuving. li.'und in Muslin, gill edges. nee. v.. ceulii. roKoijuT of rna Hisl.K. Ilv Vincent W. Milner. Coiiiprisiug lii.poitiinl I'.veuts in ilia History of I'hrisiinu. Itv. iroin Hie luun 01 our i-;ivim,m ..inu p. ... ..... n-iges, IJ mo. lllusliutcd with numerous vngiavmgs. i ice, 71 .11. ll of the alsivc bulks nre heiilltifully ami nibstnntlally und. pnnli d on line while iier, mid Ihe 1 uli.istier would especinlly cull utti ntlon lo Ihe met tliill they lire a ild exclusively hv Aienls, thus giving ineni nn iiiii.iiu:ii:n wiiieh CTi.ovit lie hud on u.'sl IvokS tin t'u'tl Agent tins the leillld exclusive control ol uie sriu: ill ;uiy ni-riiMii . -i country henmy ngreeto cnnviiKS. I-ol purtu-umrs. nilihesa ,..t ,ki, ...,. - ."..i'.i.'i.. Phila., Aprii 30, 1b.j;I (11. A CARD. AVIXG emlmrked in the Mercantile btiai iiesa on mv own account, I take litis op portunity to thank the friends of the late firm, and the public in eenertil for tho liberal patronasro extended to nte heretofore, and would be most linppy to see llicm at my new business stand, in the house formerly occupied by John Lcisciuiiig, opposite the Hank. M A li km ii. riur..M i.r.i. Northumberland, March 20, 1853. 3m TsTT.W STOH.T5. 1IENJA3IIN IIEFFNKH J RESPECFFtlLLV.' informs' the ciliwns ot Hunlmry anil vicinity, hnt hhas opened a new store in the room lately occupied by Georgd Uriglit. opposite Bolton's Hotel. He h.s ju.t roJ ceived a haiidsomo asaortmcnt of : i Spring and Summer Goods j consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Cassinets. of all kinds, of linen, colton nnd worsted. ALSO i C'nlUoc, C.liiifliama, l.nMiiN, niottMNCllnc Do Inliic and nil kinds of Ladies Dress Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment bf Ilnrdwnrc. Iron and Steel, Nails, &o. Alao an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and pa items. Also an assortment of HOOTS & SHOES. HATS & CAPS, a good selection. Salt, Fish, e. And a great variety of oilier articles such as nre suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold at the lowest prices. 11T Country produce taken in exchange at the highest prices. ritiubtiry, May 1, 1853 ly. G3-B500 CHALLENGE. "ISrrilATKVF.H. MiMii id. tunlth and hannlneaa o V V ueople i. nt all time, of th mo valuable import- Constantly on hand ami tor salo hy J. &. Co Market Street Wharf Philadelphia. Phila-, April 23, 1853. 3m. Wood t$ Willow Ware. 20,000 Fancy Corn Brooms, 1,500 Dot. Buckets, Assorted Colois, COO NcsU Cedar Wash Tubs, 800 Cedar (.'hums. ntlO Doz. Willow Baskets, '300 Hoz. Wall and tScrith Brushes, Ac, Ac The largest Hlock ever ollered in Philadel phia, and the cheapest in the world. Order promptly tilled. M. cV .1. M. ROWF.. IVo. 1 1 1 .i.rlh Third tStreel, Philadelphia. March IS, I8.)3. 3in. CARE, GIESE & CO., Flour, Grain and Lumber Com minion IMerelianls, 23 ciiiJ 2. Sicar's Wharf, BAIiTIMOQE nrrniiENCEn. :m I John Clark, Ks., Pies'ulent Citizens Bank, nail. SWALMS CELEBRATED PANACEA, Kim THE (TUE UK Iiu lpH'iit C OifcKiiiupf loll, Scorfnta, (lencrul Debility, White 8tcttlinitt llkrumatismt )tsrascs of the Liver tin I Skin, and vtl Diseases arising from Impuitics of the Ulood and the Effects of Mercury. OWAIM S PANACEA Iiai iwe for ninr thru) ibirtv O yr celcttruittl in tlni (Muiniry aiul in Enrnn f iti rutm-Tilninrv cures tt (lie ccililleuleinf winch rHurnu'e to ituule to tlia dirwtitma nnd btmlta (urlncli nuiv le luul crulis) acfiimtwiiyin Uie l'miaon. W'lne ul' wbieli (jivo me wrti(.Mi.tifaof vnm-m too Irifthtiul hrgeiierul(iililii-aiHni, wtiurt! tbe tuid bn alnfat mien un witb IScnn ub. tuid were deiued iiicuriilit liv l'ltvaiuiuttB. Ill lias Ikmjii uhxI in biivititiila tuul nri.-:itt nriii'ti.-H nurl hm lind the nii;ul:ir l triune ol' Itcing ref'minuii(l'.( hy ii,. most cr-lclirtittnl pliyticiana aud other tnuncnt pvra iu. .-alll"!! l.tllUlill) v. i.itii. m. IJ., 1'ivn. tn Mtipcry, ia. , nivrrnily. Valvnlitm .M'tl, M. D., iiol. ui fcunf.. N, Y. I ntver- iity. V. T. Dwi-eca, M. i)., Prof, ftf Mid., Ta. L'mveiaily. . ('Iitiniiinn, M. I , Vt(. tti I'liywc, l'a l:tiivrmity. T. P;irkf, .M. J).. Prn't CnlU jio . Phv Hieinim, l'hilu. lr. littl Villi , Prtit.oi Mcdiriiu, Hnviuia. Jti- lvnuKiicA de Lim, Pro!. if ursjrry, J. Chiliiitaii. MemlsiT Hoyul Cotlcicu urgeoii, London. (i. V. Krvitiu, ;tte Miuulci l' tKiiii. ISir 'i'hniti in IVnr m, Mnj. Gen. llrilisli Army, (iilttcrt llolurltHii, lintiHli Consul, Ar., Ac. Ami al, Ihe w-' iutcriul curt-n cttivU-d hy Svaimi Pnii- nfca have (i nuiny year imide it un rcini-dy. Ilia IMilicvb ti'trm ixri conutui nt.rciirv in nuv Ioiiii. nnd beiiitr an iiiiiot'ciit nrenaraiioii, it liny ba kivvu to the 4ilKi tfiitler infant. The retail price hail In'."!! rflm.i to ft SO iKr ImIIIc. (couluiniug thirr hull' pimit) or ilircrlKiMlcK for bi. Pwaini'i Puiuicea ii in round boll leu, tinted lonuitudt nullj'j with the f"llinvint; let (erf hi tvvn on thr u1;im ; "SWAIM I'ANAt I.A I'll M.ADA ' and having the name of Jai tvAi aitnnpfd on the mul ing wnx, anu wrtiteit tiie intui rovennt; I lie Cork, ann a IcikW(I enprnviini lor tlie side f the Itolilc. r-.inp cJ of Iteianeuiu lathe work, etmiiriing nine iliifcrmt din. winch lifivc l teen lurncd lor the ckeltimvc uarf o tlie pro prirtor, hv Dniiier A i 'i, Umk note cimmvora, of I'bila- (Iclphia. hi the rciitrc is u lvortiaitof the lute Win. Svvaiiu Copyriyhl seenrcal. AUSO, SV AIM'S VKRMIFrfiK. A valml.le Kmtiity Alrdicine, bein a highly anproved n-medy fit nil dim-iin :niing from il.hihty of ihe di'cs tive (irpins, viwh :it U'orma, lh.ltT.i Morlnii, lyen(ery Pever and Acne. HU-fshn Pibn, Sick llctidiiehe, Arc, An. S.e ihu t'amiiliU-t (which may be hud grutm) aicoiiisany in! the Vrtmii (. Prepared only at HWAIM'? l.A ItOR ATOR V, TMK ttl.M H'AXI), ftn'riithatrrel, la-low t'heatiint, PhilndeU phia, and s .M Uy all ihu reipecLaMe Urnuuiata in tbe L ui Iwl States. c'AUTKix to Tin: pri.i.tct. rerHis wifhins' obtain Ihe rnininr HWAlM'ft PA A( i: and tt.VAlM'S VKHMiPtUi:. )auki i curelul to uImkmvo Uiat the uutne SWA1M ia apetteil eorrtvtty ou ilia Isilllt. ami bliela, or lliry may be impoiMMl on by itiiiliciuo liuwle in iiuiliiiinii of llicm ly iriia bearing a ftinuiwhat aiutiuir name, well eulculauxl ""'OENEHAI. ACENTS FOR THE U. 8. Schii'lTelin, Urothers & Co., 104 and liMt Julin hi., Krw t'ork. riiiladelUia, April Ii, lt-M iul CHEAP WATCHES, JEWELRY AND SII.VKII WAUK, Vliobt. ami Keuill at No. 7j.N. hKCONDfct , osKit. tha Ml. Veriaai llonar, Uokl Iver Watcbea, lull jewcued, Id It. ciuea, fJ.tM; Kilvcr Levers, full ewcM, 8lt!,(l0; Kilvar Ipiura, )wultl, 110 ll warranted to keen gixsl tune. Uolil Fana anil Sti ver Cum, tfl.Ul; tiolil I'eneils, 1,00; Golil 1'iiicil. and Pen Cases Willi good Uuld low a. tf J ti, o. Ali, alwayaun hand a good asaortaictit ol' an. gold Jewelry, tiolil Curb, l.uatd and Fob Ct.a.ii., (iukl ViuU Chain., 1 juW Uokl Fob Cbania aud licit fine. Silver Table Kiiai. front (14 l ilrt. Deaw-rt, SO In '-'l, ana Tea, W.IJ to M,6U per Mt, mmuitcd einal to All gomla wnrranletl Ui be wtmt they are aokl tor. f iS" Watchee and Jewelry repaired and warranted. I All order. Mill ky uaul ur vlherwuie, will be isiue tuully aitcudul lo. . H. AVIME, Age.a, No. Tt Noitli KLCOND Aireet, uiaiell. the Ml. Vcuioii llmiee. , i flala., April lKIOly ' i . CHERRY PECTORAL: Far I be Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BBON OHXTIS, CROUP, ASTM IVTA, WHOOPING COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. (if till llie iiiimcroiia incilii'iucs extcnl, (unit .'inc of llicm vhIuuIiIc) tor Hie cure of pulmonary couipbtuta, n i llnnir lias ever liceu found which eollld winiMire ill ila ef fects with line rrepcriition. Othera cure soincliiues, but ul ull times uiui in all discuses of Hie luni:. ami Ihrout wheic uiiliciiie enn pive relief, tins will do it. It ia pleaKiul to luKc, and pi-rfitly safe ill uccordnliee .villi the iltrccliuiis. W'v ito iinl advertise for tlie iiiforinntiou of lli".. wli iiiitve tried it but ttaoee who laivc. ma.' I'liinilii a Hint liuvc known ila value will ma I hi with nt it: ami by ita timely use, tlicy aro secure from ihe iliuiiteroiis conae qnences of t'ouhii uml LVkla which ucglucled, rilicu into tulal cousuiuptli'il. The Dcplouiu of tlie M:isn:ichuselts Institute v;ia nwui li cit lo thnirciinlion hy the K'sird ol Jiulers in !epteliibcr IM7 i alao, I lie .Medals of Uie three greul IiikUIiiIH of Art, in this eouutiy ; also the Depl I oi Hie Ohio liiKlitute ut I'lncuiiLiti, h:ib been C.IVCU to the Ciikbrv rr.cTOUAl., Iy their tiovernuieiil in iMiiaidcntrii f us e.xtrii'iiiluuity i-Jti-elliMiee and uaefulucaa in cuiiiig ullecllona of the Lungs Did Throat. ltcu.i the following opinion founded on I he l-mg c.tpi'ti cnee of the eminent rhvaiciiin of the I'ort and City of Ur. J. C. Ayer, Sf. JnllNS, .Ma o. I-.)I. Five yir. tiiul of yoni ClII'.IMt V I'KCTOII AI. in my practice, hits piov n wlcit I loreanw from its couiivriti Iniisl lie tine, lliat II er;iilic:iti'a and curi-s the c lil and ciiiuhn lo wlui h we, in tins st'clioii. are pcrullully liable. 1 think Its eitil has not yel Is-rn thsc .V. reil, lior do 1 know how a lii-tlcr i.-iiit-dy can be made for the dl.teul pera of the Throtil nnd l.uns. J. J. Ill ItTllX, M. II., f. It i. Sec what il Ins d i on u wasted eiiiixl ililll Ml, not only in the folhiwing cases, but n llioi.nnd more: j Scnucnv, Jan. tilth, lol. Ilr. Aver : In the month oi Julv lusl 1 was uttuekrd by l a t ioU-tit diarrliicn III mines ol Caliloriiia. 1 reliiriunt lo ! San .riinsiiM'.i in hojw ot rt-eeivuiit lenehl I roum cliane 1 ot' eliiimte and diet, .My diairlncn ceiard, lull was f-.l-! kiWMl by a severe c"iili and iinleli Koreue. 1 tinally starli'd lor h ni... lull received no lienelit tlonl tlir vouiue. My i yl itinued lo firow worse, nnd vvlien I nnived in .New Voik. I waa ul onee murkid by my nciptniuUncce us a t icliui o'coiikuiiiiIioii. I iiiust eoiliesa thai t saw no sullieieut reason to donltl what my friend, nil believed. . At thia lilue I c hiiiim Ml ill Inking your truly turulnalile nieilieinu with lute -xiectulioii of deriving any benefit from it. use. You w -uld not receive Ibeae lines did I li regard ll my dulv to slule lo the alillcled. through yea, that iny liMillh. in Ihe sniceof eiht iisuiilis. is fully re stored. I utuibutc. it to ihe use of your CIIEHKY i'l'.C- TllltAU Your, truly, WILLIAM W.BMITH. Washinoton, l'a , April 1'J, IflH. Prnr sir t Feeling Hint I liuve laruu suircd from a pre mature !ilive, Ihroimh your iii.truuieulalily by the provi-dein-e ol find, 1 will lake Ihe litielty to i. nleiui lo you my grill itude. A trough and the alarming aymploina of Consumption ! had r.lueil uie too low to leave me anything like hpe, i when my physician brouglil inca t.iltle of viair "I'ectiw i aAl..M It airmeil lo nllord immediate lehef, anil now 111 a lew weeks tune has restored uie to Sound liealtll. II It will do lot othera adiat it has done for llie, you are cer tainly one ol' the hcitelucteri of luiinklllil. bincerely wishing you every blessing. I urn ry respectfully yours, Jlll J. CI.AHKK, Heepa-H Si. I'etcr's Church. With sileli Bfsurunee and lV-HH such men, no stronger pioof can tie adducixl unless ll be front it. clfcet iiioii Inal. I'repared and sold by JAMES C. AYER, Praelical Chemist, Loircll, Mass. PoM in Sunliury by 1! MASSEIt, aiul by l'ruguUbt geuertilly tlirouhout Ihe ISliile. Marcli til, lH.,:i. eeow ly. Nov. 13, '53. A. P. (iiles, Esq., Cnsliicr rratiklin Uiink, " Joint Ilerlzler, Jr., Esi., !'liiluilclliitt. Koucm, iSinniclisoii V Co., " J. Tome, En., l'icsideiit Cecil Hunk, Fort Pe poaite. .1. YVullowcr eV Son HsirriHliurg. Col. H. ('. Ever, Selitisarovc. J. H. A.p cV Co., Nale, W'insittc & Co., Milton. W. V. Cooke, Esi., Muney. Simon Sclttiyler, Esq., " (Icorce lloilinc, llugbsvillo. W. Wenver & Co., Montoitravillp. Ceil. YVillium F. l'uckcr, Williamsporl. T. W. MoyJ, Esq., Caslner, " Jnmes H. Hilling, " Lewis (!. Huling. " M'Hcitry cV Bnbli, Jersey Shore. J. V. Iliiliui;, Esq., Lock Haven. v- fnrr, (iicse &Co. have tho largest wliarf room of any eonintision house in Uull'nnore, al wuysiriviua; quick despatch to boats in discharging their cargoes. March U, 1853. Bin. Psiper llangins. rf"MlE tindcrsiejiieil have just opened a fresh A and completer stock of W.M.I. I'.M'EKS. atnoni; which nre COM) and VELVET. FINE S TIN, and the LOWEST l'RICEU CNfil.A ZEU l'Al'EKS : Also, UECOI! ATIONS, II01U)E1!H, FIRE SCREENS, CLKTAINS. fStc, .c. Which Ihey oiler nt the lowest prices, both wholesale and retail. 1 ho l?st workman employed to hung paper either in tl.c lily or coitnlrr. Blank Books, Stationary, &c, &c. We have also our usual .assortment of WRIT !N(i l'APEUS, WK.M'PINU PAPERS, Blank and Scho.jl Hooks, Stationary, Ac. PAKK1SH & noi:(;u. No. 4 North Fifth St., 2 doors above Market. PHILADELPHIA. CASH paid for Country rags. Phila., Murch 12, 1853 3m. rilATF.VF.R .otieernS iKe Vealtb and napplneaa of a a nee. I trka it far granted Hint ererf per aim wm their power, to save Uia lice, or tiieir alnklriat, ana wist every person will endeavor tu promote their own health at all aaeriiieea. I feel tt lo he my duly to semnly asmira you tlait WORMS, according lo Mm, -pliiloa iA ths rrssrt nelehraled I'hyaiciaim, are Hie primary cauls-, of a large majority ol diseases to Wlilcu cluioreo ami biiiihs lia ble j if yon have an appetite eonlinnnlly chnngonlile from kii,.l tj r.MMl In wollter. IIh.1 Itrnatil. 111111 in lite 7lo inncli, Picking at the Nose, llnrdiiraa ami fullness "f the Il.-lly. Dry Cough, Slow Fever, Fills.- IrrMiilsr remember that all these denote WUKMS, and you uioasi at once ap. ply llie remedy HOHENSACK'S WORM SVRUP. An article founded mwai ft'imitiliePrinclnleS.P-mtOMnd' ed with purely vegetable suhtuinces, brinR perfectly aafe when taken, anil enn le given to Ihe inot tender infant with dee i del beneficial erl-et. whrrn Dowel Complaints and Diarrhtra have made thein weak aiwl debilitated the Totur properties of iny Worm tvrnp aro such, tlwt It Stan Is without ait equal in the rntalogue of medicines, hi f vinf tone nnd utrenth to Ihe tttoninch, which nuikes it an Inlathhle remedy for tlane nfllicteil with lyipcpflia. lh aaloiiiiihittff ctiren iwi formed hy Ihisrnnip after IMiym ciana havti lit i led, is tlie best uviUence of' its superior elTv CHuy uvei all olliere. TIIE TAPR WORM! This is the most diiTicnlt Worm to dcatroy of all that It fest the hn inn ii ynteni, it gntyvs to mi almoin Imlelinite length Irecominir so coiled uml tautened in the Intestines nnd Stonmch tftVfting the limit Ii so midly as to eatiw tt. V.tns Dance. Kilf. Ac, Hint thoae alllirlcd seldom ll ever it in Tape Worm hastening litem to au early (rrave. In order to dertrov this Worm, a very energetic tnitment trmat be pnroueif, it would thwefore he proppf to take o to o ot iny l.iver I'dm son to renaivcaii oimtrne tiona, that the Wonnvmnninvnet direct unotilhe Wonn, which I mint (e Liken in dosen of t) TahlespoiMifiills 3 times n dav Ihese direriions followetl have never been known to fail in curing the most obit mute eunc ot' Tape Worm. (C7- IIOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No pnrt of (he system hi more I in lite In ilisraoo than the J.I V Kit, it tcrvniif ii n a hlterer to purdy lite UI.mhI, or (jiv mir the proner secretion to the bile : so thul any wrong no- lion of the l.iver rtleclM iImi other iniportnnt parts of the system, and results vamamly, in l,iver Complaint, Jaim dice. Dyspepsia, Ar. We should, therefore, watch every symptom that tuiirtit indicate a wr nttr actum of tlie l.iver. These Pills bruu e mx-a-d of KH)TV PI. AN Ttf fur niwhed bv nature lo he.d the jtick : Namelv, 1st, An KX- PI-.CTOlt ANT, which aiiunients the sirretiiai from the Piilmoiinrv mucus meuihnine, or promotes the diwharge f mTteted matter. 2nd. An Al.Tl'.lt ATIVK, which changes in a 'liie inexplicnble and hisi-iiRil'le manner .the certain ni -ibid m tion of the svntetn. Unl, A TONIC which civen tone ami strength to the nervous system, re m-wing hcntih ami vig'r to all ivirts of the IxhIv. 1th. A CATHARTIC, which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingretlirtjtn, nnd operating on me Uowel. and ejtpei ling the whj'lf timps of c.rriint and viliatc.1 matter. anl pa n l vinir the lllood. whieli Ucslnns Uiteusu and restores herilth. BANK NOTE TABLE, CORRECTED. WEEKLY. fFStNilYl.VANM. rtrr o. fillLAoai-rni St. Hank note, is dia AH srHTent hank. pat eotraTBt. ain of rhamlierslatrg 1 dls Bang of Cheater Co. par Bang of Del. Co. Chester par nnnsoi iiefmanlnwii Bang of Ortivsburg 1 die nan. ot i,ewislowl Hank of Mirtdletnv. n IJis Montgomery Co Bank par nnna nt rsnrtlinmlwrriul. pal Baukofl'ittsburg I dia Hank of Danville Carlisle Bank 1 ills Columbia It'k ft B'ge Co par Doyelstown Hank nor F.asion Bank twr F.rie Bank 9 die Fxchange B'k Pittsburg 1 dis r.xcnauge ll k. Branch 1 dia MAAfcAi;M5TTi. All solvent hanks OlS ItllODF. ItM.ATSW. ' All solvent bnnka J on ciiwk. r i-ii:i. i AD Solvent hank. 1 ft' mew yunn. eiT. narlAlt solvent banks I dis j Jrllb I.. L, 1 ill. rnniTIT. All solvents banks IdiS KI.-.IV JI.!ltF.V llelvnlrre Bank 1 Commercial Bank I dis nnrl Far. Bank Mont Holly par 1. ... ....... til Ml, r . or at ., aiiiiiueiowu i i. Mechanics' Bk. Newark par .Merit. Bk of Hurling! pa' Mech. ft Mini, ilk Trent par Morris Co Hank dis Newtirk Dk'a ft Ins. Co 1 dia Orange Bnuk Fnrmera' B'k, BnckaCo pur'ciile'. Bk I'nlterson Fnrmeea' Itlc l.nmiri., nnr!Priur.ton Bank ' file. I1m.iIi.. .mip Ilk, Holding pnril'idcin Hanking Co, eV'hnvlkill Co nnrlSemcrret Co Hank State Hank at Camden State Ilk Flimhethlon State Bunk Newark Sinle Ilk. N. Brunswick par pnr.Silssei linnk. Newton d.s nnr Trenton Bunking Co par i dis J dis lir lair dia par J dis dia Farmera1 Farm. Bk Schnvlkill Co par P ft D. ilk WnvueshV l ldis franklin Bk. Wash'it Ijdis llarrishiirg Hank 1 dis Honeadnle Bank 1 (lis laincnslrr Hank I .elmnrni Itwiilr Mrrch. ft Man. Bnk I dis t'nion Bnuk. Ihwer J ilia Miner.' B'k, Pollsvillc per Yardlevr'tc Del Dr Co lsoia Mimongaheln Bank I dis tTBk maea under M J dis Taylorsv'e Del B'gGo IS dis DF.I.AWAHh. West llrnnch llnnk pur Huns ol lieiawnre "i wmmmg lilt, wilkcsh'e nnr York Bank, 1 dis WHelief notes 1 dis MA INK. Sdis Mercantile Bk. Bangor III dis 4 ll riiveut rmiiKs f tin NF.W IIAMI'SIIIllK. All solvent leinks I ili VFIiMtJNT. MniikofSt S ilia All aolveut banks i dia Bank of Smyrna par Delaware City Hank par Ilk Wilmg'ii Hnnslyw. mi 'nrmers Ilk M llelnware imr I 'nion llnnk. Wiliiiingl'ai par (.-- fnilcr .-,'a J dia (IIIKI. All solvent Links 2 di. fp'llk notes under fi's A dis Mill I II l Aiiuiii.v. All solvent l.inka 8 ilia IV I'ndcrS'a, 2J dis "AID AND COMFORT," J o Yocie Own llechanics. TO FEMALES. Yon will find these Pills an invaluable medicine in many roiiiplniutn to which vo are subject. In obstructions ei ther total oi pnrtbi, they have been found of inestinaible lenehi. ri'Stonug their nihclioitnl arruugeitients to a heal thy action, purifying the blood and other Ibiida s rtb-ctn ally to put to Hi-rht ull complaints whieh may arise from feiiKile irrc;ulariii''s, n hcwlaehe, giddtiiess, dimness of sight, vrnn in Ihe side, hack, Ac. (7 11100, 25 cetils each. None ceuuine unhns signed J. X. Iloltcuxick, all others being Ikicc Iinitntiou. IV Agents wishing new supplies, and Store KeepTS dediroos of lice. miing Agents must address the Proprietor, J. N. HoU'iisnek, 1'hilndclphia. Pa. lld by J. W. Kriliug, tunbury; Mary Met'uy, Nor IhumlrfTlaiid ; Heisel. Turbntvtlle; Paver! Milton Ditly rV lnkfr, Georgetown ; Ijeisenring A Wolveiton, Puxi nos; Wiest. Hickory; alt dealers iu Medicine in the CfHintv and State. Angun u, lKitf. ly. Van Loan 151) Chestnut Street 4 T this ceM-rnled cstnlilislnuent you ran always pro i V cure lite newest and most improved st lea ol dac.i i:i;i(i;otvpi: v tai.botypi: pohtaiis at from CM to 111 per ct. lkss cot titan such ptctuiea can be had lor elrew here. Now that vn can seenie sueli pcifeet portraits of voT loved ones at a mere nominal cost, u m l delay -lest you lose them. Kverv vanetv of fanev ease, fnimes, Ae, on hard or furiiii-hed to order, and every picture e..:'e ntistory and wnirautrd to la' iu Ihe ttesl style ol .i.c ait or no ciiaHOB Call and see us at 10!) Chestnut st I. U. PI KM,I.L, rhiladdti-hiu, Julv 17, 12. 1 KRUPP'S Premium Essence of Cofl't t-e- - irlllllltllll MMjl W.1I Pre,n;iii... ? 1 17 1IV will itiuii tine tltitt whirli is injurious lo his health, wl en lie Is willing lo give till his wealth to restore it when it is lost! .Struic! thai at least two thirds of Ihe human family w ill use ordinary COKKKE knowing it to le injuri ous to their health. Iti'til'l'' Essence of Collcc is, lievoinl doubt the best anil most wholcsoins preparation of ColVcc in the world. Kvery house keeper ahonlil liavo it. Try it nutl la? convinceil it will save uhout UO pet cent, lieaidciyour heallli. Varranled to render entire satisfaction. Manufactured and for sale by ELI KKLi r, C39 North 3d street Philudelphia. N. U. All the iinncicnl (irocers and Druggists have il for sale throughout Ihe liuited ritatcs. Kor sale by the Agent, H. IS. Masser, bunbury. January I, IH5J. Oni. C II K A I' AY IN IMV SI IAD K Depot aud Manufactury or G. L. IrllLLEP. &C0., .S. II'. comer Arch and Second Streets PHILADELPHIA, - V K HY VAIMKTY OffcSIIAD ES. M Itolo 1 . sale ami lielail, atirlt as Scroll, Flower, (iolhic, Vn;nctle,()il ami Dry Lunilst tiro lo be had st the lowest prices for quality of work. Orders lor lull, 1 luin More, and other Shades executed at short notice. Merchants and others arc invited to giv ua jt trial. WK WILL THY TO I'LEAKi:. Dratiacs, Triinmings, Ac, always on lianiL Kemeiubcr t'. W. corner SECOKl) si.d ARCH Slrcets. l'hilurlelpli:a. February IS, 1H5:1. Cm. Flour and Feed Store. rilHH subacrilwr respectfully informs his friends and the public generally, that lie baa oia?ned FLOUR AND FEED STORE, in Fawn street, in the building formerly occupied bv Esil. Dower, as Ins ollu-e, where he will con stantly keep ou hand all kinds of lis Am. Fi.ot a ssu Fkku, at the lowest market prices, for Cash ur produce. EMANUEL WILVERT. Sunbury, March 3, 1853. 3m BLANKS. BLANKS of every description can las aJ by applying at the office of the American. V71EE BILLS. Justices ami Countable! Fes I Bills handsomely printed on ears' paper for saw ai tins otiti-e. FRUIT AND CONFECTIONARY. RUPINCAM AND SELLERS, Wholesale Manufacturers and Dealers in Confectionary of all kinds, No. li:i Nortb Third Ut. brlow Itucv, PHILADELPHIA. 'M1K attention of Dealers is requested to an ctaininatioii of their stock, which will I found lo lie at i kist equal to any in this city. F(HtElli. riiL'l l. ol all kinds in season. N. Ii. Orders bv mail or otherwise promptly at tended to. February 5, 1833. 6in. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, A'o. 47 South ll'ater Street, bcloic Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. 1.M TORE IIS of Foreign FruiU, Nuts, Wines, cVc, keep coustaiilly ou hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for rash. Kuisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, (I round Nuts, I'ruucs, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filla-rts, rigs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, 1'reserved ginger, aiuariuds, Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, Fire Crackers, I'ort Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine, Sherry Muscat " Sweet Malaga " l'hiludelpltia, July 3, 1852. ly. Laborers "Wanted. " , : ; subscribers w.i.t iiiimeclialcly on (lie Kuilroad and Daaiti, at Chapman, Union county, seven miles below Solinsgrove, from t 50 TO 100 LADOHERS, to viliJiii one dollar per day will pe paid. , . SAVIDliE. W JLVEiTO. & CO, Chapman, Union Counly, Feb. 19,1853. tf. Tho JohnstoM Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED l(i if Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber Ivegs leave respectfully to in form 1'itiNTKits generally, Hint he has sue. ceeded to the lliisiuess of manufacturing Print ing hi I formerly carried on by Ins grand rather and Father, nnd oilers Ida article to the trade without any l't its, but with the simple rcliunce upon the long established chatactcr it has borne, feeling ci.ulidcnt of its giving entire satisfaction to all who ntav favor him with it call. Thins CHARLES EN EL' JOHNSTON. April 10, 183-J tf. LEATHER. . Frit, Williams 05 Hendry, Store, A'o. 2!) North 'Ml Street., l'llll.ADF.I.I'lIIA. TllOROCCO .MiinufacturerK, Curriers, Import. ' ers, ( '011. niUsion mid (ienutal Leather litis- mess. holesale ami Ketuil. IV Maintlactory 15 Margarctta Street. Aug. 2H, 185'.'. ly. Tki:mi:ndofs Excitb;l'nt ! ! Cash, Steam, F.lectricity ! ! The Aerial and all other lines out-done by the Lightning II ne of UiA T. CLEMENT. "lirilO, having great fuilli in rapid sales and ' ' small profils, has just received anu opened a large Bssortinciit of SPRING AND SL'MMER GOODS. At his Store iu Mar.-.ct Street, Sunbury, which ho oners to Ihe public at Ihe lowest prices. His slock consists of a general assortment o DryCoods, viz : Cloths, Cussiwrs, Cussinrts, Jeans, Drillings, Muslins, Linens, Calicoes, Muslin dt Lains, Lawns, Ginghams, JJcrugcs. Sii.k Hats. A large assortment of lloots and Shoes, for Men, Women and Children. Groceries', Sugar, Tea, ColTi-e, Molasses, Cheese, Spi ces, I ish salt, l laster. HARDWARE, Viz: Iron nnd Steel, Nails, Files, Saws, Ac. QUEENSWARE, Tea Setts. Plates, Dishes, Cups, Saucers, jt LIQUORS, Whir. Brandy, Giu, Bum, Whiskey, ie- (t Country produeo of all kinds Uketi in ex change at Ihe highest luuikct prices. , Jan. 15, 185J. ly. vjtaw uu-Tj ixxjx: MANUFACTITIEII OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. THE subscriber respectfully cnlls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of f.A KI , I1T-WA II F.. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No ell'ort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, nnd the subscrila?r is determined to keep up with tlie ninny improvements which arc constantly being made. Uia stock consists ut Mahogany Sofa, Dim ii it ml Lounge, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND D1XINC TABLES, and also VENETIAN IJLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILKT TABLKS AND EXTENSION TABLES, In short, every article in this line of his business. He also mutiulacturcs all kinds and qualities ol C II A I US, ncluding varieties never before to 1 bad ir Sunbury, such as, Black Waixut MI Ct.'ltl.Kll MaPI.K (illKClAX S A.tll W'lXIISOH CHAIRS, ami fa n c T Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, nnd warranted to lie excelled by none -maiiuliictured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons lo purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can he entertained about, the quality and finish of bis ware aud (. htiirs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they run be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pnvment for work. lir- UNDERTAKINGS. Having provided himself with a handsome Hrahsk, he ia now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or it any convenient dis tance from this place. VV" The -Ware Room is in Market Street. below Thompson's Store and Wt-atcr's Tavern. UEtlKUE KEAft. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1P.VJ tf. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tbe Cabinet Ware lloom of SE1TN IIOUPT & CO. . ' Market Square, Also aUke corneFuirn street ( the Ka,W ' I t Thankful for tbe patrons", ol his friends asal customers during the 17 years he has been in basi ness in this plore, he solicits from the public a con tinuance 0f their favors. During this period b hsa endeavored to keep up with the improvements) of the day, and hos accordingly extended his basi. ness in every branch nnd variety. The public are therefore invited to tho attention tsf the ureses) stock of CABINET M'AKE AM) CIIAIS. ' Manufactured ar SEBASTIAN H0UPT & C0. At the Uld Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of tat establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chair, Large Spring Seat Rocking Chain, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tablet, Marble Top Wish Slandst and a variety of other new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hrarse and made the necrsw sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maiila and mistresses, ami husbands too, Here's furniture of evory style ami line, From side bonnl. down to kitchen table., Fnun rocking clinira to locking cro.llr. Should y..u nut have Hie reaily Jons to pay, We'll wait awhile fur a brighter better day, uie pinatoes, oats, corn, wheat and rye j Bark, hoop pules, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing but yokes and threshing Sails, Fiom pigs anil turkica down to little quails. Come oh "hen f riends, coma one anil all, Keep trade SMtloviiig, so "gnes on Ilia ball." rV Order, from distance promptly attendee? to nnd work of oil kinds delivered with dispattlk. Sunbury, March 9, 1830 tf SOWER fj HAINES, Publishers and llooksefft.vrs, No. 84 North Third Street, - " - PHILADELPHIA. M ISCELLAN EOUS HOOK'S. Ilil.lcs, l'rayiHs, Hymns, Piwtical oial HiatoricalAVorks. rravcls, .Novels, He., ft e. SCHOOL BOOKS Every kind in use from a primer upwards. BLANK BOOKS. An clcirnnt assortment from the pass Us.k upwards, made ol'a.qcrior paper, ami ticst of biiuliug. WHITING PAPEKS. Cap, Post, and Note Pa;icri, elgniit at) Its and qiuililf, And very cheap. STATIONERY. Fancy, Plain anil Adhesive Kuvelones. Ink. data!. Wa fers, fleet 1'ena, Elates, 1'encila, Hiirle-.Moiaiiea, Wrap ping Fapera of all kiiuls, Purlaiii VaHrra, e., A.. Chcip AViitches 'Jewelry, Vy HOLESALE and Ketnil. at the "Philadel ' phia Watch and Jewelry Slorc," No. 00 North Second Street, corner of (Quarry, Philadelphia. (Sold lvcr Watches, full jeweled, R carat eases, fS.0O Silver do. full jewcll, sil-J If Silver lupine, Ji-wcls, lo id I do tin. I. Siinciiiir Qimrliers, 7 Imitation do. (juld Tt-n, with I' Id Spectacles, "Ml l-'ine Silver do. I.5u liold llrnivleta. D.IJO ! adies' Hold ieaeila, l.tsi S. 'Silver Tea apoona, act, S.00 neil and Silver Holder, 1,00 (old Finger Kings, 37$ cenlsto $80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, lSj ; l.unel, 25; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STALFFEU & HARLEY, Successors lo O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and .cpines, still lower than the above prices. August ly. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GlN GElt, a ficsb supply just received, and for ..Ie by U. I). MASSEll. Kunbury, Jan. 10, 1852. SILVER WATCHES A few double case EnglUh Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by H. B. MASSEK. Sunbury, April 13, 1J1 BLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons tie., fur suleby H. B. MASSER. Sunbury. Apri .ljl. 1,000 .Men Wanted. rN the li'ie of the SUSQUEHANNA RAIL. ROAD between Urnlgeport (opposite Har riaburg) and Sunbury, in the State of Peunsylva. uia. This road is City four miles iu length- runs through a highly improved country, and will furnuh employment for stone masons, carenters and laborer, for Ihe next twelve months. A large portion of the line is heavy rock excavation, lulwrers that are laminar will I Here lore Una ccr tuin ciiipluvment and liberal wages. , DOUGHERTY, LAUMAN &. CO., Contractors. February 10, 1853. ' 1 JATENT BK1TTAN1A STOPPERS for JL bar bottles io aula ny Sunbury, April, IS, 1851 11. B MASSER. 1LEY S COUGJ CMNUY. n esceb lent remedy for coughs, fold For sal at this otlice. December 4, 1853. . , . W1 A KN OLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe- x - uve and legal envelopes, for sale by H. B. MASSER. 8uubury, Jan 10, I85X MARRIAGE CETlFipATES handsomely executed for sals at this office, single or by las homo. I."OR sale at Ibis otlice, Superior Black Ink, Cattle M'dicina at 'ii cut, Tura Euenca of (linger, 23 tent ' Our .lock I. all fresh. Ismc htchraui nialaijdamunliiwla Particular attention paid to llooksrllcra, Otauilry Mm cbaut. aial Teacher., however little they amy buy. Sower a: llarnc. ar. Publishers of rKLTONV mica of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS. F-ach map Is nearly SF.VKN FEET KJt'AnE, and showa the coinsirutive size and relative ptwittun of every country on the plolie. Tin y ure intended to I atiapeiaieil in every School Room, anil not only make a splendid ap penrnuce, but are nmversnllv nckis.wlrdred in tw the IIKST iMUDK OK TKAC1IINO tiKOt.K AMI V eve brought out. 'l'hey nre keys intended to la used by the .chobrs, conliiiuiiiir ncotnolrte riiilome of GetTsnanhv. atJ I costing lea. than half the price of a ticniiraphy .nd Alkw. The system is in universal use in Prussia and Uermany, and luia alrendy Imjcii introdueed in Oirard College, J'bila- 1 il..l.,liei. Ili ..i.tilm u.lio.,1. ..r U..M.. vu.u ..Si.T ni.:i. tlclpliin, Ilnllimore, Washington, nnd throughout New F.nstlnnd, New York, Ac, Ac. Our dcaka are loaded with rocoitiiiieiidationa t'roin the most lutcnled and acies tifie teachera iu every rlinrter, and whtttever the ayatem has Ismu used parents, leacliers and schular. unite iu .rais ing it. I. Map of the Wester.! IJoitiiaphere, t. Map of the KjtMtem lleu,ia;i,aef k II. Map of Norlh America. 4. Map of the l:nitcd States, fi. Map of I hirop'l, 6. Mnp nf Alia. 7. Map r ;nu., America ami Africa."y inn,. .. brilliantly colored, varninhwl, and rnount eil on mualiii and rotters. We respectfully invite the earnest attention of Tcachersf Parents, and Schisil liircctors to this fnariitat ing mod. o, teaching Ue.vgn,pi,y. HIIVKH Ac IIAlll:S. . . . 1 .North Third Sueet, Philadelphia, Aug. 2?, 1632 If. EYRE & L ANDELL, it hand Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. TTAVE established a Store where ths best trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, French Funey Goods, Dress Silks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Cloths, Cassimers and Vesting, Muslins and Linens by the piece. Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Patent Black ISilks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning Goods. E. ct L. are constantly receiving Bargains from the New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retuil very cheap for Kelt WATCHES, JEWELKY, &o. .TAMES li. FID LEU, No. 12 South Second Street, PHILADELPHIA. Gold Lever Watches full jewelled Silver Lever do Silver Lepiue do IJuartier do Gold pens and pencil and silver lialders Silver Tea and Table Spoons Bracelets, Breast pins Ear rings &c.. All warranted and sold at prices as low as ary in tlie city. November 27. 18.V2. tf. Dlxsolutioit of I'urtiicrsiliip. riHE Copartnership heretofore existing under JL the name of James H. & Win. B. Hart, is this day dissolved by the withdraw el of W imam R. Hart. Tho business of the late firm will lie settled by either of the undersigned, at No. 229, North 3d street. JAMES II. HART, WILLIAM B. HART, 1 HUM AH 11A1U . Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853. The undersigned, have this day formed a co partnership and will continue the business under the name of Jutnes II. & Thomas Hart. Thank ful for past tavors. they respectfully ask the at tention of their friends and the public to their stock of GROCERIES, which will be full and extensive, and which they will sell at Uie lowest waikcl rates. JAMES H. HART, THOMAS HART, Philadelphia, Jan. 1, 1853 J8, tu SUNBUEY FERRY. Y1ENRY W. BUCHER informs the public that he lias taken the Sunbury Ferry and as he is now well prepared with good and suffi cient cralu ha will 1st enalsled to accommodate the public with protntness aud despatch. April 10, 1852. It ' Uosendale Hydraulic Cement. VN excellent article for lining Cisterns, Vaults, Spring houses and Cellars, and for keeping dampness fiom wot and sit postal walla, For sale by EVI SMITH tic SOX, N. E. Corner of Front and Willow street Railroad. Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1853 ly. Cash. Edward E. Evbe, Wasiimgtok I. Lakdell. Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. TIIE GREAT PRIZE AR RIVED t HICKTJV & TULL, No. 148 ChestnuX St., above Sixth, Front f JONES' HOTEL. HAVE just received their True Mtill.'ll. .nnr.lAil b l.n. fnm Medal, an a rded K them for their best Travellini Trunks ex hibited nt the World's Fair in London, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with all ths world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &t. To lie found in thia Citv, and at very low price Call and sec. H1CKEY V TULL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852. tf. STAGE OFFICE WASHINGTON HOUSE, SUHEUSY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, VtOULD respectfully announce that he baa ' ' taken this well known stand, where be will le gratified to see and entertain his blende and Ihe travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furniahed, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a desirable stopping place. No cxense has been spared in fltlins Up tills bouse. The chamlwrs are well fnniijied and the table and bar provided with the Usl the market can afford. , Tho atable accommodations are extensive and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stages ruuning from Kortbumberlsiid k PotUvillo, stop at this house, where through sue1 way tickets to Philadelphia csn be obtained. Sunbury, March SO, 1852. tf. BOOKS ! BOOKS 1 1 JUST RECEIVED and for sale new editiol of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, a large assortment of Blank Book. WM. McCARTY, Bookseller. Sunbury. Dec 4. 1862. tf J USTICES' FEE BILLS r or sale u, IL B MA86ER. Sunhurr. 1851 '9 INK Boureau's celebrated ink, and also Cor gres ink for sale, wholesale sad retail bv December 28, ll0. H B MASaEK. (1 OLD PENS with and without eases, ef If very superior quality, just ,T?V. b Also fresh supply of Writing FhiU Sunbury, Dee. 7, 1851. ..... i : s -.A nn MW tV 1 f. r .hi: c.. xi promptly w"- - blanks, of all kinds on aunerioe paper. hunbiuy, Feb. 14, 1852.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers