SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. (Prom the Journal of C i.mcrce.J THE MANIAC'S VISION. 8T MAJOR 0. W. PATTtf, V. t. AMT. They ny I'm mail, because) ! try With shouts to cnlm my brnm ; And when I dance, I knew not n, They bind mo wilh a chaw J Avaunl ! halloo I trill be gay, , Grief counts but little worth Since I have wept my tears ), What is there left but mttthl Bring me companions ! Am 1 ma.l 1 NJwoniierl should rave: They took the only one I had And hid her in n giove. And I'm kept Vre-a rn;r.y thing Wherefore full well I know , Ha! ha! because I iHUijh and sing They will not let me go. 1 saw the moon come down last night And danco upon the sea, Go, calch her eie she tnke to flijjht, And bar her up with me. The sun the say al rise of day, Did what he should not do; He smiled and made the hil! look gay; Let him be piisoned too. And yonder star is quite n bad Run, seize it ere it fly : We'll dance together all are mad Sun, moon and star and I. Look ! ho ! aside my fetters cast ! That imnse! loose my chain 'Tissue! she's there help! hold her fast! Ha! ha! she's mine ngsin. Fort Miller, Ca., Nov 1852. A STRING OF ITKMS. Hasty climbers have sudden falls Plenty counterfeit dollar notes on the Lancaster Bank. Tub lady of Senator Douglas expired in ' Washington on the 19th inst. Glove making employs nearly 3,000 of the Parisians. Hunks says, giving victuals to the poor on ly encourages hunger. In England they have a way of carboni zing gutla percha, and applying it to razor strops. The Caloric Engine, if applied successful ly to locomotives, will be an important sav ing in the cost of tunning the trains. Tttr. longest railway in the world is the New York and Erie, which is 467 miles in length. Four churches in Boston have lately eon tributed 811,000 to the cause of foreign mis. eions. Wm Wicker, a revolutionary soldier, aged 106 years, died in Pike county, Ala , on the 20th ult. There are now thirty-four "companies," "families" and troupes," traveling and giving concerts in the United States. Di'rino the past season, one auction house at Chicago is said to have old 7500 barrels of apples for S 15,329. A portrait of Mrs. Stowe is on exhibition at Bridlesmith-gate, Nottingham county, Eng land, at two pe.:ce a peep ! That's popular ity ! It is not the height to w hich mm are ad vanced that makes them giddy; it is the looking down wilh contempt upon those be low them. Four thousand persons of Kane comity, have sent a petition to lh Illinois Legislature) asking; that body to pass the "Maine Liquor Law." It was 65 feet long. We learn by the Lebanon (Ky.) Post, that Mr. Merrimac, of Nelson county, died lust week of the black tongue. This terrible scourge prevails to a considerable extent in that section. One of the most beauiifu' inoiJents of the Railroad celebration al Wheeling, was the il lumination of the wire bridge across the Ohio, 't presented a magnificent spectacle. The prick of a pin often gives more acute pain than the gash inflicted by a lancet. So we pass through life: our minor sorrows are frequently harder to bear than our greatest afflictions. A subscription of $2,000 has been started in Boston to enable Miss Meusler, who lately created a sensation at a concert in that city, to complete her musical education in Italy. Hon. Abbot Lawrence and Robert G. Shaw, of Boston, have signed a petition in favor of the repeal of the new liquor law of that State. Messrs. Tidden it Youno, of Boston, have taken the contract for building the Alleghany Valley Railroad, from Attica to Clean, 70 miles, for the sum of S 1,500,000 They are to receive 3800,000 in slock, 500,000 in bonds, and 200,000 in cash. Profits of Uncle Tom's Cabin. Mrs H. B. Stowe received last week, from her pub. lislieri. Messrs. Jewett & Co., of this cily, the sum of S10 000, this being her second payment as copywright on Uncle Tom's C.i bin, making upwards of 820,000 received by hor in nine months Boston Alias. A charge has taken place in the fashion of men's garments. Overcoats and fiock coats are made to reach the knees, and the pataloons are full and long. The bobtails now sported by "young America," reaching down nowhere, and the tight Itowsers, (such a saving in clolh to the tailors.) must yield to common sense, and ordinary decorum. Etiquette at Washington The weal thy banker, Mr. Riggs, recently gave a Urge dinner party, at which the Russian Minister, M. Bobuco, was honored with the eat next to Mis. Riggs. M. Sartiges, the Fiench Minister, complained with warmth because no lady was. assigned to him ; say ing that if tba host were not ignorant of Euiopeon etiquette, a Minister of France should bare been better treated. Mr. Kigg replied that he knew nothing of Foreign customs, but deemed lba( be had light in bis own .bouse (o do J he .thoughi best.--Tb affair has produced a great sensation in tbe circles of the w THE. GLOBE: THE OFFICIAL PATER OF CONGRESS. (CONGRESS hot mode the Glosi its organ of J communication with the country. TotViJ. itate this important object, and diminish the ex nenso to the people, the Cobokss.iojai Globs sntl At' wl'ilh ctn',n ,he pfoceedings of Congress revised by the members, arc henceforth to be conveyed through tho mnils free of postage. The approach of a new administration impsrts peculiar importance to the next session of Con gress. Throughout the whole country there win be solirlliule to know tvhnt simps Congress will endeavor to give to the nstional affairs to meet the incoming administration. The debutes of the ne.t cjion w ill, no doubt, as heretofore, fore shadow in policy. The CoxonK-mniAi Oi.onR snd Art'r.xmx are printed on a double royiil sliret in royul quar to form, each number containing sixteen partes. Tho Congressional Globe is mado up of the daily proceedings of tho two houses: and tho Appen dix emhracca the long speeches withheld by the speakers for revision, tha Messages of the Presi dent of the United States, and the Reports of the Ilcndsorthe Executive Departments, The Laws passed during a session, and nn In tlc.t to them, are printed as soon ss possible after adjournment, and sent to all suhjcril-ers to the Congressional (jlobe snd Appendix. TERMS: For one copy of the Daily Globe during the next session $2 50 For one copy of the Congressional Globe, Appendix, and Laws for the next ses sion $3 00 The subseribtion money must accompany the order, else no attention will be paid to it. Subscriptions should reach here bv -he 1 5th of December, at farthest to insure all the num bers. I have about five hundred surplus copies of the Congressional Glob e for the last session, which contain, besides the proceedings of Congress, all laws and joint resolutions passed during the ses sion. The proceedings and laws make 2,553 pa ges; and the list of appropriations and Index not yet printed, will make about 80 pages more. I will let those who subscribe for the Congressional Globe snd Appendix for the coming session have them at the following rotes: Price per copy, un bound, three dollars ; or bound in three vol limes, backs and cornets Russia leather, five dol lars. They will be delivered to subscribers at these prices. I sell the bound volumes here fo four dollars a volume: the three volumes bounl for twelve dollars. Every person who Inkes any part in the politics of this country should possess them. JOHN C. RIVES. Washington, November U. 1852. LADIES' DRESS TRIMMINGS. J. C. OBEIITEUFFER, S. E. Cor. Nintli and Maple Sts above Race PHILADELPHIA. 5NVITES the Ladies of the City and Country to cull end examine his splendid Stock oj Trimmings, which has been selected wilh tho ut most care. Mr. O. being enabled, from his experience in the business, to take advantage of the wholesale market, is able to sell as low as any other estab lishment. Mr. O. was formerly principal con ductor of the extensive business of Mr. J. W Hurstman, No. 204 Chestnut Street, and his ex tensive experience will ho a guarantee of his ability to do justice to his customers. His Stock comprises the following. Silk, Worsted, and Cotton Curtain Fringes, Binding, Tassels and Cord, Silk and Worsted Blind do, Silk, Woollen, and Cotton Hoiscry, Gloves, Combs, Brushes, Soaps, Perfumery, &c, Woollen and Cotton Knitting and Darning Yarn, Porte Monnaies, Furnished Work Boxes, Brace lets, and Fancy Articles generally. Call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, September 85, 1S52 6m. TAXLOPJ1TG-. JOHN V. MARTIN, BEGS leave to inform his friends and the pub lie in general, thst he is prepared in every respect to make clothing alter the most Fashionable Styles, and in the most durable manner, and Ms prices will be as reasonable as can be had m Sunbury or elsewhere, in cash or approved country produce. He will always have the advantages of the latest fashion plates, and in addition to his acknowl- edged skill in cutting, he will be assisted by the direction of the most scientific publications rela ting to that ort, now issued from the emporiums of fahion in the United States. An endeavor will bcgiade always to have work completed when requiaed. His establishment is situated in Market Square, Sunbury, nearly opposite the Post Office, in the building formerly occupied by Jacob rainier ss a hatter shop, where it will be a pleasure to him to see his friends, and make such work fur them aa is within the line of his business. Sunbury August 14, 1852. tf. Fresh and Spiced Oysters ! fYAVING settled at Northumberland, I am now prepared to furnish Fresh and spi ced Oysters during the whole season ut re duced prices. You can depend upon them being fresh, as 1 shall receive them d.iily, (Sundays excepted) and when landed here, liiey are only 16 hours out of the shell. All persons ut a distance, u ho are in want of the above article, can have them sent per uuzen or single can oy addressing W. H. VICKERV, at Burr's Hotel, Northumberland. Oct. 16, 152. DAVID COOPER, COMMISSION MERCHANT FOR THE SALE OP Fish, Provisions, c, No. 9 North Wharves, . PHILADELPHIA. April 10, 1853 ly. JOHN PHILLIPS & SON, No. 47 South Water Street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. MPflRPUS nf PiroliTi. Vr..I(. IV... UTI &c, keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell st very low prices lor caan. Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Figs, Vanilla beans. Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, ainarinds, iquonte, Lemon Svrup, Fire Crackers. Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Claret Wine. Sherry Muscat " Sweet Malaga Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! TUST RECEIVED and for sale a new edition of PIKES ARITHMETIC. ALSO, a large assortment of Blank Books. WM. McCARTY, Bookseller. 8unbury, Dec. 4, 1852 tf. LANK DEEDS printed on the best quality of parch in en t paper, sold at the lowest Drice'a at thia olhce. by whnli-ssie and retail A KNOLD S WRITING FLUID and Adhe aive and legal envelopes, for sale by U. B. MASSER. Sunbury, nra 10, 1852. EXTRACT OF COFFEE. -An excellent " article more wholesome and much cheaper than CorTe itself. For sale at this oflice April IT 1. G ULU PL IN 8 with and without ery superior quality, just received. Also fresh supply of WriUna Fluid. ft -.u 7 . " H- B. MA86ER. Sunbury, Dec 7, 1851. JUSTICES- 1EE BILLSJ Formal fcy " ,. - HB-MASSEIV Sisiwj, un Valuable Property. Late the Estate of E. P. SHANNON, Esq., n Northumberland AT PRIVATE SALE. rpiIE subscribers, Executors of the Estate of Enhraim P. Shannon, late of the Bor ough of Northumberland, offer at private sale, the following valuable Real Estate, viz: Lot No. 77, comer of Queen and "'onl Street, on which is ere(:tiil a rfri.-lt Building, formeily oocupied by the deceased as a Store and Dwelling, and now occupied as such. Thero ate ulso on the lot two frame dwellings, &c. Lot No.' 52, situated in Market Street, on which is erected a two story while Frame Dwelling, &o., adjoining John Taggart, Esq., occupied by CUs. Knous. Luis Nos. 69, 70, 71 & 72,' situate in Mar ket Street, a two story while Frame Dwel ling, occupied by James Donly, and a stable is erected on lots No. 69 & 70. The undivided half of Lol No. 120, situate on the corner of Duke and 4th Street, on which is erected a two story dwelling, occu pied Dy Joseph JHcUallister. Lot No. 188, situate in Queen Street on which is erected a two story white Frame BuildiiijT, occupied by John Burkert Lot No. 60, silnale at Norlhway and Wa ter Streets, on which are erected two Frame Dwellings and Stabling, occupied by widow Vandlina nnd JiHin Vandling. Also the undivided fourth part of lot 166, on which is erected a twostoiy Frame Dwel ling, occupied by John Vandyke. Also ten acres of cleared land, adjoining lands of John Deshay, on the East side of the Susquehanna, about three miles below Dan ville. Also two adioiniiisr vacant town lots, situ ated on the corner of Second ana Orange streets, numbered in the general plan of Bot ouch. IN os. 215 & 216. Also four vacant lots on Third and Urange Streets, numbered in the ceneta. plan ol said Borough, Nos. 209, 210, 211 & 212. Also four vacant lots fronting on Market and Sixth Streets, running East to an Alley numbered in the general plan ot said cor oimh, Nos. 77, 78, 79 & 80. Also four vacant lots fronting on uranee Street, and numbered in the ceneral plan of id Borough, Nos. 185, 186, 187 & 1SS. The above property w ill be sold in parts or parcels to suit purchasers, on reasonaDie terms, ror further particulars apply to Jolin Cake, Esq., at Northumberland, or to the subscribers. ALFRED KNF.ASS, ) F,,t. THOMAS STRAW BRIDGE, f rs Northumberland, May 22, 1852. tf. JOHN A. TA1TLOR, Manufacturer of Monuments, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. Al his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. RESPECTFULLY inform the public that all work in his line will be made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of the Eastern cities. Those in want of such articles well made and executed in the best style and at the lowest rates will do well to call and examine before thry pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1852. ly. Wm. McCarty, Bookseller. RESPECTFULLY informs his friends and the public, that hu has removed his Book Store, to Market street, to the bouse occupied by J. rtaillc. Esq., Attorney at Law, nearly op posits the Court House, on the north side where keeps for sale constantly on hand a good assortment of books and stationary. For Sale A large new spring waggon fit far 2, 3 or 4 horses. Sunbury, July 24, 1853. tf. JUST RECEIVED AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. STKOII, Market Slrfet, Sunbury, A new assortment of Silver, ftl'UNS and Japanned Mounting, Which he will cither make up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can be had anywhere else. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, Trunks, 1 alloc, Carriage Whips), &C., Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to order. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on the shortest notice. All persons are invited to call and examine foi 'heinaelves. All kinds of produce taken in exchangs. Sunbury, May 1, 1S."2. Uf. BRITTANNIA WARE HAIsTFACTUREES. THE SUBSCRIBERS having just entered into the above business in oil its brunches, take this mode of cullinrr Ihe attention of Coun try Merchant, and others to their NEW STYLE and PATTERNS, also the quality of material, ns we flatter ourselves not to be best in workmanship or material. The following, in part, consist of our assortment: LAMPS and Lamp Screws; LADLES; Cas tor Frimcs; BED PANS ; TUMBLERS ; PITCHERS with lids; COFFEE POT8 and TEA POTS; Slop Bowls; SUGAR BOWLS; UKBAftl ULfS; UEEK MEASURES; Cof fee Hoppers; CANDLESTICS ; SPOONS, of all sizes ; 5cc, &c. We will lie happy to receive orders for Sam pies, bv mail, at our place of business, No. 109 RACE ST., or QUARRY 8T., above Second st., PHILADELPHIA. N. B. The subscriber still continues to man ufacture Candle Moulds, Syringes, Surgical In struments, &c, at his old place of business, No. 109 Race Street, Philadelphia, to which I would call the special attention of Candle Manufactu rers. JOHN CALVERLEY. Philadelphia, Nov. 6, 1852. 3mo. SHELDRAKE'S ,4 LLEC1HENY HOUSE, No, 260 MARKET Street, above 8th, Philadclphio. Under the new arrangement the curs which arrive from Pittsburg, llarrisburg, ic, will run to the New Depot, corner of Schuylkill 5tlt and Market. In order to accommodate the public we will alwayt; have our Loach at the New Depot on the arrival of the cars to carry Passengers to the Allegheny House, which is in the centra of the city. Our old friends will pleuse ride down, and all who wish to patronise a House with a Good Table, Clean Beds, and accommodating assistants, will please give us a call. itmv Une Dollar per Day. August 21, 1852 Gin. LEATHER. Fritz, Williams 5 Hendry, Store, No. 29 North 3d Street., PHILADELPHIA. TtTOROCCO Manufacturer, Curriers, Import. era. Commission and General Leather Bus iness. Wholesale and Retail. (7 Manufactory 15 Margaratta Street Aug. 28, 1852 ly. TOLANK Parchment Paper Deeds and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons, tc, tot sale by H. B. MABSEIu Sunbury April U, 161 1 TCREBH Vanilla Bean of superior quality, yam rtcMvesl and 1st" sale by Jut I), I Ml H.B. MA CJ-S500 CHALLENGE. "tYfltATEVER concern! the health and happiness of a T T people is at all timea of the most valuuble import ance. I take it for granted that everr person will do all In their power, to anve the lives of their children, and that avery person will amhavor to promote their own health nt all saerinrrs. I feel it to le my duty to solemnly assure ynn that WORMS, according to the opinion of the most oalehratetl Physicians, are the priimry eauaea of a Inree nuijority of diseases to which children and adults are lia ble; if you have an appetite continually changeable from one kind of food to another, Had Hrentfi, Pain in the Htn mnrh, Picking nt the Nose, Ilarduem and Pullncaa of tha Helly, Dry Cough, How Fever, Pnlae lircfftilar remember that all thcae d?note WORMS, and you ahoald at once ap ply the remedy : HOBENSACK'S WORM SYRUP. . An nrlidf! fnnndfil npon, rmnponnrt ert with purely vegetable nulBtaiiceif heing perfectly wile when UtUen, nnd cn bo Riven to tiie mmt tentlor hit'int with decided benefieitil eftV't, where Bowel Ornipluinta mill l)iarrhoa hnvo innde them wenk and debilitated the Tonic proper tie of my Worm STup lire aurli, that it standi without on equnl in the en tn Intone of medicines, in g vinf? fine and strength to the Wnmiith, which mokes it on Infallible- remedy Cor th'nwi nliiieted with Dyspepsia, the astoiiiahins cures performed by this Syrup after Physi cians hnve failed, is the best evidence ot its superior effi cacy ovei all others. THE TAPE WORM! Thia ia the moat difficult Worm to destroy of all that in- feat the human system, it growa to an almoat Indefinite length ueconiinir ao colled and fastened in tha Inteatinea and Stomach elfeetina the health ao andly as to cause St. Vaus Dmiee, Fits, c, that those alllicted aeldotn if ever suspect that it is Tape Worm hastening them to an early grave, in orner to destroy tnia worm, a very energetic treatment must be pursued, it would therefore le proper to tnke 0 to 8 of my l.ivor Pills aoas to remove all obstruc tions, that the Worm Syrup may not direct upon the Wiinn, which must le taken ili doses of a Tnllesvonfulls 3 limes a day these directions followed have never been known to lau in curing (lie most obstinate case of Tape Worm. K7" HOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No part of the svstem is more linhle to disease than the LI VKR, it serving as a fillcrer to purify the blood, or giv ing the proper aecretion to tiie bile i so that any wrong nr lion of the Liver elTccIa the other important pints of the system, and results variously, in Liver Compinini . Jaun dice, Dyapcpsia, Ac. We should, therefore, watch every symptom that might indicate a wrong nction of tin Liver. inrse i-ius oeing composed ol uuutsac I'l.A. Inr nialied by nature to he;d the tirk : Namely, tat, An KX- PhClORANT, which augmenta the secretion from the Pulmonary mucus membrane, or promotes tbe discharge of accreted matter. 2nd, An ALTI'.R ATIVF., which changes in I nnc inexplicable and insensible manner the certain m .ibid action of the svstem. 3rd, A TONIC which given tone and strength to the nervous system, re. newing health nnd vigor to all parts of Ihe laxly. 4th, A CATHARTIC, which acts in perfect harmony with the other ingredients, and operating on the llowels, and expel ling the whole mnss of corrupt and vitiutcd matter, and pu rifying the UI khI, which destroys disease and restores health. TO FEMALES. Yon will find these Pills nn invaluable medicine In many complaints to which von are subject. In obstructions ei ther total oi partial, they have been found of inestimable benefit, restoring their functional nrrnnpements to n heal thy action, nuriiyinn the blood and olher Huirts so efleetu allv to put to (lielit nil complaints which m:iv orise from female irrcfulnrilie?i, ns hendnehe, giddiness, dimness of ignis pain in ine sme, nam, &c. 7" Price, 25 cents each. None penuine unless signed J. N. Hobensnck, all others be i i it? b;ine Imitation. fW Agents wishing' new supplies, and Ptnre Keepers desirous of bee'tutine Agents must address the Proprietor, 4. is. iioitensncK, I'liMtiiieipiiia, ra. 9 ld by J. V. KriltntT, Snnbnrv; Mary MeCny, Nor thumberland; lieisel, Turbutville; Kmer, Milt-m ; Duty fe liCiiker, Oetrtrelowu : Ieisenrinc iV Wolverton, Paxi- n-w; Wiest, Hickory; nil dealers in Medicine in the County and State. August 14, lho2 ly. Cheap Watches Jewelry, WHOLESALE nnd Retail, nt the "Philadel phia Watch ond Jewelry Store," No. 90 North Second.Street, corner of Quarry, Philadel phia. Gold Lever Watches, full jcwelcrl, 1H carat enscs, $25,00 Silver iln. full jeweled, 014. Silver Lenine, je-.vcls, II) no do do. 0 Sunetior Qunriiers, 7 fluid Spectacles, t'ine Silver flu. (iolil llracclels. 7.1)0 l,5o 3.111) I allies' Gold Pencils, 1.011 S.00 1,00 Imitation dn. S.ISilver Ten spoons, set, Gold Peas, wilh Pencil and Silver Holder, Gold Finger Rings, 37J cents to -f:80 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 J cents; Patent, IS; Lunet, 25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. STAUFFER fc IIARI.EY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines, still lower than the above prices. August 28, 1852. ly. Van Loan Dajruerrcan Gallery, 159 Chestnut Street, A T this celebrated establishment you can always pro- j. v euro me newest auu most improvea styles or DAGUERREOTYPE & TALBOTYPE PORTRAITS at frm 50 to 100 per ct. less cost than such pictures can be had fur elsewhere. N"v thnt yisu can seeuie such perfect portraits of your Im-ed nnes at a mere nominal cost,'t delay lest you lose them. Every vniiely of fnncy cases, frames, Ac, on hand or furnished to order, suit every picture made- sntistnry and wn muted to he in the bust style of the nit or so ciiabgb Call and see us at ISO Chestnut st. L. H. TURN ELL PliilndJIphia July 17, 1855. ly. TIIE CHEAT I'JtlZi: tIEI tL AR RIVEI I & TULL, No. 148 CAfsjMKt St., above Sixth, Front oj JONES' HOTEL. fV-)) y AVE just received their Prize fvTvi i A Medul, awarded K them for VlT 1 ) their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at the World's Fair in Loudon, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was with oil the world, and they have tuken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To be found in this City, and at very low prices Cull and sec. HICKEY & TULL, Trunk Manufacturers, 118 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852 tf. The Johnston Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED 10ii tf Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE subscriber begs leave respectfully to in form PniXTKRs generally, that he has suc ceeded to the Business of manufacturing Print ing hit formerly carried on by his grand Father, and Father, and offers his article to the trade, without any Purrs, but with the simple reliance upon the long established chaiacter it has borne, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him wilh a call. Teiims Cash. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1S5S tf. 7A15 BAHBEF.,3 Wholesale ami ICetail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Second and Chestnut Sis., PHILADELPHIA. T"lHEI5E may be found, one of the largest " and beat assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in the United States, in quantities to suit purchasers, of from a single Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; embracing every variety of style and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, I'arlois, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Boats, and Kail Road Cars. Also general sale Agent, for Rnpp's lately pat ented Scientific Niche Gold Pen. Wholesale and Uctuil Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Fancy Goods. Those wishing to purchase will find it to their interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. JAMES HARDER. S. E. Cur. dies tuut V SnJ Su., 1'hUa. April 10, 185? ly' "SOAP & CANDLE MANUFACTORY, No. 19 Wood St., between Sd $ 3d Sts., and No. 17 North 6th Street, l'HILADEU'HIA. John Bancroft Jr. and Son, RE8PECTFULLY inform Store-keepers, Mar chants, ice, that they Manufacture and have for 8ale, Palm. White, Variegated. Yellow and Brown Soaps, Mould and Dipped Candles, all of good quality and at reasonable prices. 3T Cash paid for Tallow and rough laL April 10 ,5.? ' ' " W hSV'S' COUGH CINDY. An ncl lent remedy tot coughs, 'cold. ' Fef sale at ttus ffice. . , . . Peecsaber 4, lli- SOWEIt $ KAKNES, Publishers and Booksellers, No. 84 North Third Street, PHILADELPHIA. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Bibles, Prayois, Hymns, Poetical and Historical Works, Travels, Novels, arc, Ao. SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kind in use from s primer upwards. t BLANK BOOKS. An eleirnnt assortment from the pass book upwards, made of superior pnper, and best of binding. WRITING PAPERS. Cap, Post, nnd Note Papers, elegant styles snd quality, nnd very cheap, STATIONERY. Fancy, Plain and Adhesive Knvelopee, Ink, Sand, Wa fers, Steul Pena, rMntcs, Pencils, Porle-Monaies, Wrap ping Papers of all kinds, Curtain Papers, &c, Icq. Our stock is all fresh, bought cheap and sold accordingly. Particular attention puiit to Hooksrllers, Oountry Mer chants and Teachers, however little they may buy. Sower ft Barnes are Publishers of PELTON'S series of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAPS Each map Is nearly SEVEN FEET SQUARE, snd shows the comparative size and relative position of every country on inn globe, i hey are intended to be suspended in every School Room, and not only mnke a splendid ap pearance, but are universnlly acknowledged to be the BEST MODE OF TEAC11INO GEOGRAPHY ever hrouyht out. They are keys intended to be used by the scholars, containing ncomplcte epitome of Geography, and costing less than hulf the price of a fieoeranhv and Atlas. The system is in universal use ill Prussia and Germany, mm una Diirnny neeii iiunmuccn 111 uirnra L.olieR-0, I nua delphia, the public schools of Boston. New York. Phila- neipnin, unuimore, v nsnuigton, nna lliroughout New England, New York, Ac, Ac. Our desks are loaded with recommendations from the most talented and scien- ific teachers in every quarter, and wherever the svstem has been used parents, teachers and scholars unite in prais '"" . .. . ... l. .unpni mc csicrn iiemispnere. 8. Map of the Eastern Hemisphere. 3. Map of North America. 4. Mnp of the United States. 6. Mnp of Eurojrt. 6. Map of Asia. 7. Map of South America and Africa. Every map is brilliantly colored, varnished, and mount ed on muslin nnd rollers. We respect fullv invite the earnest attention of Teachers. Parents, and School Directors to this fascinating mode of teaching Geography. POWER ft BARNES, ii iorin i niru mreei, Philadelphia, Aug. Sf, 1612. If. HARRISBURO BOOK BINDERY. F. I . IIUTTEH &, CO., Successors to W. O. Hickok, nnd Hickok ft Cnntine. BOOK HINDERS, STATIONERS AND blank nntiK MAXiTFArrrnrcns The subscribers respectfully inform their friends nnd the public, thnt they are now carrying on the above business at tbe OLD S I A IS D occupied by Hickok & Co. They flutter themselves that by careful attention to business, they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liber ally enjoyed by the old firms. Particular attention will be paid to the ruling and binding of every description of blank books for banks, county otlices, merchants and privato individuals, and every variety of full and half bound blnnlt books. Old books, periodicals, law books, music, newspapers, Ac, bound in any pattern and in any style required. In addition to the above, they have, and will at nil times keep, a general assortment of STA TIONERY, consisting of Letter Paper, Knives, Slates nnd Pencils. Tap " Quills, Lend Pencils, Drawing " Inkstand. Letter Stfiui.s, Trnnsfer " Moito Wafers, India Huhher, Copying " Black Ink, Wafers, Blotting lealinj; Wax, Bed Tape, Steel Pens, Blua Ink, Illnnk Cards, Carmine Ink, Copyuic' Ink, i' oldrs, Ainotd's Writing Fluid, Erasures, &c. ITi?" Paper ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very cheaply. F. L. H UTTER & CO. March 13, 1852. tf. LIBERTY STOVE WORKS, BROWN STREET, above Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. THE undersigned respectfully inform the pub lie that they are in full operation nt their new foundry, and ready to execute orders for stoves of eery description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their large assortment of STOVES, all of which are entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among which are the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Star Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny Lind Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, liases, Dare Cylinders, Bar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, Ac, Ac. AB1IOTT a LAWRENCE. N. B. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, 1852. ly. PHIL. AND READING RAIL ROAD. SUMMER AKIIAMGEMENT I BOM PI1II.ADF.I.PII1A AND POTTSVILLE. Fares Reduced. Office of the Phila. If Reading Ruilroad Co Philadelphia, March 2(, 1851. Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after April 1st, 1S51 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville. MultXIXG LINE. Leaves Philadelphia at 71 A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. duily except Sun days. AFTERNOON LINE. Leaves Philadelphia at 0J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at SJ o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FARES, Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $2.73 1st class cars and 82.25 2d class cars. Between Philadelphia and Reading, $1.75 1st class cars and $1.45 2d class cars. Depot in 1'hilvlclphia, corner of Broad and Vine Streets. Passengers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al lowed to eaeh passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taing any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will be at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. S. UKADr OKD, April 19, 1851. Secretary, ao 1 1. ili H.liuits, a lew uoulile case English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by Sunbury, April 12, 1851, H. B. MASSFR. J A TENT BKITTANIA STOPPERS for bar bottles tor sale by 11. B MASSEK. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 T NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LAT CUES. An excellent article, for sale al half the usual price by J- W. FA'ILINU, Sunburv. July 7. 1649- BLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of 100, for sale by April 86, 1851 IB- MASSER. ADD'8 celebrated Horse and Cattle Modi- D cine for sale by HENRY MASSFR. Sunbury, Jan. 87th. IS49 1EE BILL8. Justices and Uonsta'iles fea 4 Bills handsomely printed on ears' paper for sale at this office. FOR aale at thia office, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 85 cU, Pure Essence of Ginger.85 cents BLANKS. " BLANKS of every description can be had by applying at tha office of tha American. VlTRrriNG FLUID and self sealing Enve ' ' lopes, just received and for aale by April 19, 1851 H. B. MASSER. miSSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for J. covering glasses, ore. .for sal at the But of tH Awaeieaa. BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA i CITT OS PHILADELPHIA MASSACAUSETT9. All solvent lianks I dis RHODE I IS LAND. U. S. Bank notes lSdis All solvent hanks pai COHMTaV. All solvent Imnks I dis CONNECTICUT. All solvent bonks I dis NEW YORK. CITY. Bank of Chnmbersburg 1 ills Hank of Chester Co. pari Bank of Del. Co. Chester par uiiiixoi ucrmautown Bank of Gettysburg Bank of Iwistown pnrlAII solvent banks I dis 1 dis Ce-Bk notes under Si J dis COUKTHT. All solvents luniks 1 dis NEW JERSEY. Bctvulcre Bank I dis Commercial Bank 1 dis Bsuk of Middleinvi n 1 Ois Montgomery Co Bank pnr Bank of Northumbcrl'iid. pnt Bnnknf Pittsburg 1 (Its Hank of Danville nnrlFar. Hank Mini! Holly par Carlisle Hnnk 1 dis I' . M., MHlillctown I't. pai Columbia B'k ft B'ge Co parlMcchnnics' Bli, Newark par Doyelstown Bank par Meeh. Bk of Burlington par i.aston Hank par Mrch. ft Alnn. Hk Trent par Erie Bank J dis Morris Co Bonk ! dis Exchange B'k Pittsburg I dis Newark Bk'g ft s. Co 1 dis Exchange B'k, Branch 1 dis'Orange Bank 1 dis Farmers' B'k, Bucks Co par' People's Bk Patterson J dis Farmers' Bk, lancaster pnrjl'rinceton Bank par Farmers' Bk, Reading pnr.Snlein Banking Co, r Farm. Bk Schuylkill Co pnrlSemerret Co Bnuk dis F ft D. Bk Wn'ynesh'g lldisiStnle Bank at Camden par Franklin Bk. Wnsh'n lldis'stnte Bk Elizabethtnn 1 dis Harrisburg Bank 1 dis State Bank Newark dis llonesdiile Bnnk 1 dis'Slntc Bk, N. Brunswick pnr lJiacaster Bank pnr, Sussex Bank. Newton dis l.ciHinon 13HUK n:i Trenton Bunking Co Merch. ft Man. Bank 1 dis1 nn i-nion nana. Hover Ynnllevv'leftDelDrCo ilia ISdis aimers' h k, rnttsviile Mnnongnhela Bunk 1 dis tyBk notes under 83 I dis Taylorsv'e Del B'g Co 15 disj DELAWARE. West Branch Bank pnr Bank of Delaware par . P." Wyoming Bk, Wilkesh'e arl York Bnnk, ,lis tV Relief notes 1 dis Bank nf Smyrna par Delaware City Bank par Bk Wilmc'nft Hminlyw. pal Farmers' Bk St Delaware par rnii.n Bank, Wilmington par ty Under !5's dis MAINE. Bank of Whelloclc S di Mercantile Bk, Bangor in dis nn 'ivriii imilKS 4 S OHIO. AM solvent tank t dis IsTBk notes under 5's i dis NORTH CAROLINA. srv HAMPSHIRE. All solvent banks di VERMONT. Hank of St Albans it dis AH solvent banks S dis All solvent banks ilis.iyUiulerS'i H dis "AID AND COMFORT," To Your Own Mechanics. GEOllGE IiENN. MANUFACTt nF.R. OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable Style. rPHE subscriber respectfully calls the attention of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every quality nnd price of itiii-v ab:b;. which cannot fail to recommend itself toevcry one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanahip and splendid finish, made up of the t'est stock to be Had in the city. Ao elloit is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. His stock consists ot Mahogany Sofas, DiviiiiN and I.oiiiiscn, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENE TIAN J1LINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TAULES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures nil kinds and qualities of CIIAIKS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as Maihic;at, lii uk Waisvt and Ct BLKn Maplk GnBci As j anii Wisnsnit CHAIRS, aid tamct Pia-vu Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. Tho subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained uboui the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. ry UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hr.Aiisr:, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. C" The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 1652 tf. CHERRY PECTORAL: For Hi Cure of COUGHS. COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. i Many ycfirs of iriut, instead of intpiiiriii the public en- ' fnleiice in litis medicine, him won for it on nppreriiitint auU imtricty by far exceeding the inuft KiiiKutue txpccfu ti his nf its n lends. Nutliini; but ila intrinsic virtues und the unniiBitiLejihle benefit ciunerreJ on tf mil Kind. of iu(Tet trs, could oiiktumle nnd inuininin ihe repuitiiitui it enjoy. While many rrtnedirt thrimt upon ihd community, have l'mled und been disraidui, thia lint pained triends by every trial, conferred benehtb mi themfiicied they cun nev er forget, nnd produced curci too numerous und remitrku- ble to be forgotieu I While it ma fraud nn the public trt pretend that nny one 1 medicine will inl'ulliUly cure still theie in abundant proof ' that the Chkhkv Tectokai. d e not only ns a ueneral thinp,hut almost invuriubly cure the maladies for which it is employed. 1 As time ni'ikes these fm-ls wider mid belter known, this medicine It ts gradually become the lwt reliance of the alliicted, fioin tiie l"g cubin of the American i'eiirmt, to the pn luces nf J in robe nnd Kings. Throuchout this euliie country, in every ttaie. city, nnd indeed utmost every hamlet it contums, Cm-nnY VtcToitAi. is known us the best remedy extant for diseases of the Throat and Lanes, I snd m many foreign conntriee, it is coming to be exten sively used by their most intelligent Physicians. In Oioit llritum, Km nee nod IJermany, where the medical sciences 1 hnve reached their highest perfection, (.'usury I'kctoral ' is introduced, and in constant use in the Ainnes, Jloapi- I tals, Alms Houses, Public Insiiutions, and in d' 'mesne, practice, as the surest remedy their attend ins; Physicians can employ for the in re dangeioua riffeeti'ins of the lungs. A'so in milder cases, und for children it is sale, pleasant and etlectnal to cure. In (net, me of the most flattering tesuimaiinis we receive have hern from no rents who have found it etticaei.ius la cases particularly inciden tal to childhood. The Cherry Pkctokal'is manufactured hy a pi actus! Chemist, and evry ounce of it undei his own e e, with invariable accuracy and care. It is sealed uud protected hy law from counterfeits, consequently can be relied on as fen nine without adulteration. We have endeavored here to furnish the community with a medicine of such intrinsic superiority und worth as should commend itself tn (heir confidence a remedy at once safe, Bneedy and effectual, which this lias by repealed and countless trials proved itself to be ; anil trust by great care in preparing it with chemical accuracy, of uniform strength to nlT ird Physicians a new neent on which they can rely for the Ihsi results, and the ntfleted with a remedy that will do for I hem all that medicine can do. Prepared and sold by JAMES C. AYEUi Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by H MASSER. nnd by Druggists generally tliroug.Ui (the State. November 13, 1852. lycedtno SUNBURY FERRY. nEXEV W. UCCHEIt informs the public thai he has taken the Sunhurv Ferry and as he is now well prepared with good and suffi. cient crafts he will lie enabled to accommodate the public with promtness and despatch. April 1U, 1H32 II. Valuable lloolti. T IFE or Oh hist, handsomely bound, D'Av f test's HisToar or ts RsroBMtTiosT, BLssk Dit-books isd Lidgibs, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by 11. ts. NAKK Sunbury, July 14. 1849 ROSE OINTMENT A fresh supply of this excellent article for Tetter, 4-c, just received and for aale by HENKY MASSER. Bunbury, July SB, 1S4. EXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at thia oflica. Prica 25 cents. Sunbury, Ja y 11, 1SS1. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tho Cabinet Wore Iloom or SEFN HOUPT & CO Market Square, Also at the eorvf'reet th, RailroU Thankful for the patronago of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ncss in this place, he solicits from the public aeon, linunnce of their favors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up wilh the improvement of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ncss in every branah and variety. The public sr. therefore invited to tho attention of th present stock of , CA1.INP.T WARE AND CHAIRS, Manufactured sr SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock f th establishment they how manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & CanSeat Chain, Larfre Spring Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hn ...J ,-.i sary arrangements for the purpose, they ara now prepared for Undertaking in all its branchas, in mis iiiiuiy or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, sad husbands too, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From side Ixurds d.iwu to kitchen tables, From rocking chairs to locking cradles Should you not have the ready Johs to pay, We'll vvuit awhile for a brighter better day, Or tnke potatoes, oats, corn, wheat and ryej Earlt, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or any thing but yokes and threshing Rails, From pigs and turkies down to little quails. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the ball." t Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850. tf STAGE OFFICE. WASH IN (.TON HOUSE, SUNBURY, PA. JAMES COVERT, Proprietor, "5XT0ULD respectfully announce that he has taken this well known stand, where he will be gratified to see and entertain his Iriends and the travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furnished, well ventilated, rendering it in every respect a desirable stopping place. No expense has been spared in fitting up this house. The chambers arc well furnished and the tablo and bar provided with the best the market can afford. The stable accommodations are extensiva and well calculated for travelers. STAGE OFFICE. The stapes running from Northumberland to Pottf-villc, stop at this house, where through and way tii-kets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Sunbury, .March 20, 1852. tf. SITUS & Xi A NDELL, it A and Arch Street, PHILADELPHIA. TAVE established a Store where the best trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, French Fancy Goods. Dress Silks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitls, (Moths, Cassimcrs and Vcotin's, Muslins and Linens by the piece. Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Patent Black Silks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning Goods. ! E. ct L. are constantly receiving Bargains from tbe New York and Philadelphia Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nell Cash. Edward E. Eybk, Washington I. Lasdeh, Philadelphia, July 3, 1852. ly. 2IF BV MEAXS OF THE rOCKETSCULA- I U !, or Every one his own Physician ! TmnTV- .'i'Si'' sixrii edition, with i up- in'.'- vinss, showing private dis ease in every thane and v.7 r. i i t. nn iii, tutu iiinuormaiions OI tl.e peneralivo system, f.r-z- j lie nine lias now arri ved, that persons snlTering from secret diseases, need no morj become the victim nr nuirksiii, as by the prescriptions contained in this book, any one may euro himself without hindrance ti buslncMS, or the knowledge of the most intimate friend, and w ith one-tenth the usual expense. In ailililion to the general routine of private disease, ii fully explains the ciiuse of manhood's early de cline, with observations on marriage besides ninny other derangements which it would not be proper to enumerate in the public prints. IV Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, l)n. V. YOKNG, No. 1.13 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the Di-cases described in his Oillerent publica tions, at his Ollice, 1"5 Spruoe Street, every day between 9 and 3 o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 1S52. ly. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, &cT Hll(ll.l.8tlX AM) Iti:TAIL,. Philadelphia Window Glass Vare- J. hnuse, and Drue, Paint, Varnish, ' il and Color Stores, Nos. 33 onZ 35 North Fourth Strut. East side, has the largest assortment 0 (Window, Picture, Coach, (.''sac, Hot-House, and other G LASS, in the city; comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent sizes, ranging from the smallest size, up to 3S by 60 inches of Sheet, and as large as 5 by 7 feel of Plate Glass, including English Crown, French, German and America i, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a Inrge assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Sky-Lights. Hulk Windows, Ac. The Subscriber having heavy stock on hand is prepared to fill orders at the shortest notice, and on the most reasonable tarins. Odd sizes of any pattern cut to order. Ground White Lead Paint, Varnish, of tv. ery description Turpentine ( Linseed Oil, boil, ed and raw; Paint Mills; Putty; Brushes; Dye Woods, 4c, Ac, &c And also, a large supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. H. SPRAGITE. Nos. 03 & 35 North 4th St., E. Side. April 10, 1858. ly. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, jrSTlCE OF TUB PEACE, Sunbury, Pa. Offica in Deer Street, Immediately opposite tha Public School Houae. fu!7".";2'j7S,'leeUd " " busWrransesrs. April 80, 1850 i'oa a cii.vrs. A W STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raiaina, AI . monds, P unea and Cream Nut. Planes of all kind. . Salt and Plaster. Just received and rbrsak hy JOHN W. FUILINO. ffunhiry, Dt. S, 1149. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers