, i i SUNBUltY AMElUGAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. -i-i tm t Poet VI). ONE OF THE GIRLS. A Yankee git I, who "lias been spending orae lima out Weal, and gelling liieil, re turned East, gives the Si. Louii Bepublio her opinion of her visit, in the follow ing erp : Now, father, Mother, Sukey, Nell, Matty and all the teat, Fit dowd and listen while I tell what I have learned "Out Went," 1 em back in Old Connecticut, "the land of ateady way," And ir 1 wasn't diffident, and did not hale self-praise, i would tell yon what the people ny aboiil us " aukee pirle," Two 'amart' and wide awake' we are to ol life's twins and twirls. But never mind ! .1 went, yon know, to ee ine worm mysell, And in the corner of my brain, I krpt a lit tle shelf, To slow away the facts I gained and pulled them.down at will ; And had a rharp look out (he while, this little their to fill. Well, first I learned ere half way there, to call my luggage 'plunder,' To 'reckon,' too, instead of 'guess,' and 'toal' without a blunder ; Never lo fall behind the time, but always be on hand ; TFor Western folks are promp', mr like for lazy ones lo stand, And nothing here lies long at rest the word ia "go ahead ;" Peeple don't slop to talk a thing is done as Boon as said. A famous place it is for cash, to make, lo lose, and to lend it, The men know how to fill a puiso and the ladies how to spend il. I went up the country, and there I learned a 'heap,' They have the ague "mighty atromr," and it makes them "poweifnl weak" Their corn is of the 'tallest' kind, 'bacon the staff of life,' Corn bread and hominy '-the go," and hoe cakes worth a strife. They will keep you as long as yon will stay and make you welcome too ; Nor ever count the cost of board, as Eastern people do ; But find a place to stow you in, however thick before, And if another chance piesenl, could pack a dozen more. Here I was introduced to 'gnais,' and almost caught a flea, Grew closely intimato with ticks, who fond ly clung to me, Or learned to climb a five rail fence, or trot ting horse could ride, Cut got, as the old ladies say, a "misery" in my side, At last, (and this I must confess, didn't ex actly rake.) So apt a learner 1 became, I caught the 'Western shake,' And after practicing a while, on every other dav, Concluded I had learned enough, and so I came away. A STRING OF IT RMS. A little wrong done to another, is a great wrong done to ourselves. Immense quantities of beef are now be ing packed in Cincinnati for foreign mailtets. Tiiers was a catfish in Cincinnati last week, which weiged 109 pounds. The telegraphic fire alarm will probably be adopted in Cincinnati. In Texas they hire white Mexican "pe ons" for ten cents a day., A slave, on the other hand, costs 60 cents. Goo balh given to mankind a common li brary his works ; and lo every man a pro per book himself. He who wants good sense, is unhappy in haviug learning : for ho has thereby only- more ways of exposing himself. "Joining Hands" in Matrimony. A cus. torn arising from the practice of pugilists shaking hands before they begin to fight. A few nights since a thief entered the Methodist Episcopal Church, at Camden, and robbed it of a Bible, and several other articles. Commenced. The rolling mill at Mount Savage, Md., was put in operation on Mon day last, and the blast furnaces are now being put into order for the same purpose. A man in love is a man who wishes to be more amiable and agreeable than be can, and this is the reason why almost all men in love are ridiculous. The number of sea going vessels in Ihe world is about eighty-five thousand, of which two thirds belong to England and the Uni ted States. The oldest son of Queen Victoiia begins to exhibit military talent, and has at once received an appointment as General or Ma jor General, and an addition of some hall a million dollars attached lo his salaries. Lord Lyndhurst, although beyond his 80th year, is in good health, and is perhaps Ihe only British subject who personally re members Washington at Mount Vernon. His lordship was born a colonist, in Boston. It is staled that there is one Judge of the Courts of Vermont, who was indicted for selling liquor acknowledged Ihe corn, and was fined at the very session of the Court where he was on the bench. Vermont The Maine Law The peti tions for the Maine Law, already presented to the Legislature of Vermont, are signed by thirty seven Ibousand persons of whom sev enteen thousand are legal voters. Grace Greenwood accompanied her pa troness, Charlotte Cushman, to Rome. G.ace has become quile a 'bleu,' whether she scares up a live Cornet or brings down a butch Baron, depends on the result. Mr. Nicholas Perezel, a Hungarian, has purchased two townships near Davenpoit, Iowa, for a number of Hungarians now Eng land and France, who intend to form a colo ny there. One watch set right will do to try many by, but, en the other hand, one that goes wrong may be the means of misleading a whole neighborhood j and the same may be aid ol the example we individuals set those around its. CHERRY PECTORAL: For Hie Cure of couons, COLDS, noAnsEiTESs, buoit. OHITI3, CROUP, ASTJ1 TATA, WHOOPINQ.OOUOH AMD COHSUMPTION". Mmiy ycnri c( iri;.1, iiiPtcnd of iinpnirinfr Uie public c-n-fl'Uittf in nictliflni', Itna wnu fr it an u,ijirtH-i:ili n will iMriHy by f:ir cxcunling the imwt Mitfuiiio cxjHThi ti.ms .if in t'i jfti'la. iV.ilimi: but it ft iiiltiimic virtue atui Ihu unmlKlakiYibU.' feme fit mnt'crrctl on ih"iiKini1i nf fiifTcr rrr, e.ukl mijjiunte nnd miiintnin inn ri'pnlnti.m II rnj"y. WhiU' i unity iiiicrt reined if Uirust upon tin) commmiilv, have I'hiUhI nutl bet-n tliwnrtlul, tliift h;i gnim Irimtla by eyrry iriui, eomvrrt.':! bru'MB on t Iteniniclnl they enn nev er lurgi-t, mitl priKlucL-d cunt too numerous and renin rlm ble to be lrp. ltrti White it in a I'm ml -m IV public to prefend that any one melifiue will infallibly cun -still theie in nbtiiKbint proof tlinl th.) ( hkhhv ''KCTnitAf. iloea not tinly ua a qeurrnl filing, but nlm-'B) iiivunnbiy cure the umluilici lor wliivh it ia eni I lyeil. Ai linie ninket hrnr fneta wMer nnr. better known, tliii metlieinc hits pnnltmlly become the bent reliiiiiee of the ntllietetl, fmin (bo bg c:ihiu of the American Pennnnt, to the pnltieen if l".unbe nml Kings. 'J'hmncliout thin entire etnin(Ty? in every ltnte, city, nrl ImletHl I in oat every tiniulet it enutniiwi, Ciir.tiav I'sctoral ia known tin tlie liest remedy extniit for iIihuurcs of the Thront mid Lunti. ami In inn n y foreign ciTimtriefi, it in coming to be exten sively tmrtl by tln'ir niont intellipnit Pbyslciimi!. In (Jrent Mriiiiin. Frmiee nnd tierinnny. where tii medical aeieneea have renclurd their highest peri"eetitn, t'uuHKT Tkctokal in introdueed, niul in (nstiuit uce in the Annies, llospi tnln, Alms 11 on urn, Tublie InstintU'iir, ond in domi'itlio pnieliee, ns tlm snreM remedy their nttendin JMiyniciiius enn emphy for tlm in ire dnngcioua nfTeeiioni of the hing. Ao in iniliVr eases, mid for children it is wil'o, pleiitnnl and etlretunl teure. In fttet, i Mite nf the most H:itleriiiff testimouinls we receive have Iwen from pnrnits who have found it eiVieuci ms in case particularly inciden tal to childhood. The Chkhut IVctoiial is inaniifnetnrrrl by a pinelienl riieiniRt, nnd evry ounee of it under his own eve, with invariable neenrney nnd mre. It is sealed nud ppteetc-i by law from eounlcrfeiis. consequently can lw relied on n genuine without tidulN rutii-n. W'e have end-nvored here to furnish Ihe nimnititiity with n mciliciin of sueh intrinsic superiority nnd worth ns should commend itM!f to thir eonfidenea n remedy tit once snt'e, speedy and effectual, which this has by repented and countless triuls proved itself to be ; nnd trunt by trreat care in prepitrine it with chemical uecuraey, of uniform strenirth lo nnord I'lo sh khib n new nent on which they win rely lor the brst results, niul l lip ntlictcd with arcmedy that will do for them all that medicine con do. Prepared and sold biy JAMES C. AY EH, Practical Chemist) Lowell, Muss, Sold in Sunnury by IT MASSEU, and by DrucRiHts generally throtig.131 itlic Stutc. rs'ovcnilicr 13, 1852. lycdmo )ihvortIi, Branson Co. Importeiis or k Dealers in Foreign and Domestic HARDWARE, CUTLERY, &C. No, 59 Market St. 1 door bvlow 2d Stj rillLADELrillA. Whera they always ecn on hand a large stoci of every variety of Hardware. Cutlery, Ac. Wm. Dilworth, Henry H. La ml is, Samuel Brnnsrn, James M. Vance. October Ki, 185C. ly. " CLOTHING ON CREDIT! Notice to all Dealers in Ready Made Clothing. 1)l;NNKT & CO. request all. who purchase ready made iMothtng on endit, to call at TuWKK IIAI.I. ClOTHi.U HAZAAK, and see the great udvumnges they will have by purchasing fur cush at this extensive establishment. This, und this only, is the principle on which they deal with oil their numerous customer, who have realised that at this house they spare no clfoit in producing the best CItTHIXG, nt the lowest possible prices, uud that the goods made at this house are the best made, most foshiouahle, aud much cheaper than any other house enn nlTord to sell the same quality of g'Huis, urising from their larirc manufacturing and importing facilities, and their determination to mania in the principle of large aalcs nnd small prolits. Their stock is most ample aud complete. The particular attention of mercluinls ond dealers is invited, who are requested to call and judge for inemscives, as we are saiomcd that they cannot tail to see the ndvnut'tifcs they will have in piircimting foi cash, nt TOWKIUIAU,, 132 MAHKKT street, between Fifth and HixiU. TtKXNF.TT ft CO.,Proprittors. Phtladelphia, October 10, lfc52 Sm. LEATHER. Fritz, AVillianis 5 Hendry, Store, Ko. 29 North 3d Stred., rillLADKLrillA. 71OROCCO Manufacturers, Curriers, Import I-"-- crs, Commission and ('cncrul Leather lSvs iness. Wholcbale aud lictail. t:" Manufactory 15 Mart?arctla Street. Aug. 28, 18S2. ly. Clicnp b atches 05 Jewelry, "iniOLESAI.E and Retail, at the "Philmlcl- phia Watch and Jewelry Store," No. 90 North ciccondStrcct, comer ol" Quarry, Philadel phia. Gold Lever Watches, full jeweled, 18 carat case., f i',00 Silver do. full jeweled, 818 Gold f peetnele., 7.00 Fine Silver do. L.-Sq Hold Krneelets. 3.0U ladies' tiold 1-eneits. I on Silver lA-pine, jewel., 10. do do do. 0. Snpeiior tiuirticis, 7. liniUilion do. 5.ISilver T.a spoons, wt, 6.I1O Cold Pen., with reiicil and Silver Holder, ,(K) Gold Finger Rings, 37j cents to ififiO ; Watch Glasses, plain, 12 J cents j I'atcnt, 1SJ j l.unel, 85; other articles in proportion. All goods war ranted lo be what they arc sold for. STALFFEU & HART.KY, Successors to O. Conrad. On hand, foiiio Gold nnd Silver Levers and I.cpines, still lower than the ubove prices. August 28, 1K52. ly. JOHN A. TAYLOR, Manufacturer of jNIonuincnts, Tombs, AND GRAVE STONES OF THE FINEST Italian and American Marble. At his Old Stand in Northumberland, Pa. TJESPEC'J'Ft l.LY inform Ihe public that all work in his line will lie made up of the very best material and finished in the latest style of the ?".astcrn cities. Those in want of such articles well made and e 1 ecu ted in Ihe best style and at the, lowest rates, will do well to rail and examine before they pur chase elsewhere. May 15, 1852 ly. NEW COUNTRY STORE, At the Forks of the Plum Creek and Tnlpe hocken Road, (near Krcighbaum's Black Smith Shop. JACOll WEIMKIl, rESPECTl'i:LLY informs the public that he has opened a new Store at the nbove place and has just received a splendid stock of new Bpriiig and Summer Goods, Consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimers, Sattinets, DRILLINGS ami all kind of linen cotlon and worsted rummer ware. . ALSO: Callicoes, Miulin de Laines, Lawns, Ciiughniiis, And all kind, of Drew Goods for Ladiea. Tea, Com:, Sl-oar, Molasses, &c. CJUOCKRIKS, ofallklndfc BRANDY, GIN, WNIE, ud all kind, of Liquors. Hardware. Iroo and Steel, Nuili, le ttUEENSWARE. Shoe, Boct, Caps, Palm leaf and other Hats, Fish, Salt, &c, All of which ho will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. May 8, 1853 -If. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GEfi, a fresh supply just received, and for ale l.y ... U. 11. M AoSER, Suubury, Jan. 10,, 1853. 1LANK DEEDS printed on the beat quality of parchment paper, sold at the lowest price. al llu. ollice, Is wholesale and reiaii NE"V7 STORE. BENJAMIN' UEFFNEIi IJESPECFFULLY informs the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that he has opened a new store in the room lately occupied by George Bright, opposite Bolton'. Hotel. lie has just re ceived a handsome assortment of Spring: find Summer Good, consisting in part of Cloths, Cassimern, Cassinets. SUM M Kit WARE of all kinds, of linen, cotton and worsted. A I .SO t Calicoes, CilHgliaim, I.aivus, BlotiMNrltiic Io l.nlncs mid all kinds of Laities Press Goods. GROCERIES of every variety. Also an assortment of Hill 1 wtlt'C. Iron and Steel, If ails, &o. Also an excellent assortment of QUEENSWARE, of various styles and patterns. Also nil assortment of IIOO V ti CHOI'S. Falm leaf and other II ts and Caps. Halt, Fish, i;c. Also a variety of LIQKORS surh as MIANDY, GIN, WINE, &c. And a grcnt vuriety of other articles such as arc suitable to the trade, till of which will bo sold at the lowest liners. IV Country produce taken in exchange at tlio highest prir-cs. Sunbury, May 1, 185?. ly. Manufactured by the New Jersey Zi Company, Newark, N. J, rPIIK SMiltfcrilicrs nre niv prcpnrcd to execute ortlers I M any exit-in lnr Hair licaiitiiul while ami colored Kmc 1 anils, ol me reituccu prices, viz : w.n muted ."Vi. 1, ll lute, ginuiiil in ml, n cciitt per lb., pure, No. 2, ill.. tl i. 8 l,,. ,., No. :i, tin. tt i. 7 d i. do Itrowu nhil Klncli, tl.. M d . do One luiii'lrerf iiiiuls will cover .family well n. much suifaee ti. 160 Mm. ol" White Lead ; lliey nre 115 percent fur :ii;r i' Mic i-' 'limine,. The Zisc Whits is rupiilly wuicn tiling White Iaind, over which it w,.8f9 m:tny nilviuitiifrcs It is winter, nmt ni ru lit-nutlt'iil limn the While l.eml ri'-e. not turn yellow, even when exposed to sulphurous viipor hits II. Olll.ll IS II I. ,IIJIilll-ll ii. iii:ai.iit Ullll 9 liir 1IIIMC UU- ruble. .inc nr.ov.-s and TImck Taint, ahe poth Weathfr axd Tina I'liooF. The best covering fir outside work ever iuUodiiccd, ndnplt-d to htiililiuirs of vo.d, brick nr stone to fences, enrri-.ipeb.Hlic., hrulires, nnd machinery t- the hulls i-f vessels, nucliors, clinius, nnd nil other Iron, work on lioard .hip to steam b.'-ilrrs, mnrihe tick, tmcl wntcr tniiks to iron, tin, and othrr ro-ifiing, iron shutttt-r doors and rtiiliii;rs, woe t'onees,. bridge., A c. For Iron Surfaces this Paint is especially vnlunUc a. it forms a gulvonic connection, uud culirely pievcuts rust. Those Zinc Paints having a pure Metnlie H:tne, nre war ranted n it t turn yellow, and will retain their orirrmnl brilliancy much longer than White 1.ckI, or any of Ihe earthy pigiucn's n.iw in use. The certificates from those. wh have used these Paints, ore such as to satisfy the pub lie that llu-y are invaluable. The nhlest chemists of France nnd this country have testified to the superiority of Zinc over Lead Paints, as tn durability, hcnltlihilncss and beauty. J licy tiavc been ad iptwl by the I- reach liovein luent, by the coip-irutinn of New York, and nre now ex tensively used by Hit United Hlntcs Government nl many ol" the largest Military nnd .Marine Pciols. Pmi'ADELriliA Gas Wouks, Mny 15, IMl. Messrs. F. C Joxts it Co. Gculleiniiii linviiur made several trials of vour llrown Zinc Paint in vnrious meth ods calculated to tcsl its protective qualities upon wis-d nnd metal, 1 have the satisfaction to state that the results have benn highly Invotahle. The pniut covering well, drying quickly, and possesiiug greater tenacity, eoppcially npj4i lion, tliau uny oUier pui.it with winch 1 am fa- , """ar- ,. ! Tlie un1ersiKiil, having used tlie Zinc Taint. rclerri-J Morris, Tasker & Moms Hennet, Nealie St Co., l'ciui Work.. Merrick Ac S.n. Jainc T. Suilon ft Co., FranMin Iron Work.. J. T. Dean. U. S. lry l).s-k. Dealers .iipnlied on reusjiiaMe terms liv the Acer.ts uf the Company. l- . i;. J. i. r.rs ,v i n., No. ITS.iutli Wharves, l'liila. Jaly 17, 132. Oin. J. I. DITTSR.ICH, i'o 78 Xorth Ii St., Irtween Arch and Race PIIILAEELmiA. fTEREBY informs the public that lie imports and eonstantly keeps on hand lit hi. new store, No. 78 North id St., a lurgo assortment of Foreign Fancy Goods, Musical Instruments, Pictures 6r Paints, which he wiil sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists of, Aecordenns, Violins, Music Boxes, I'arlor and liar Hoom Or gans, Melodconw, Jjeraphii.es, Mathematical In strumous, Magnets, rpy and Opera (ilnsscs, I Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Hooks, Drone I Powder, Dutch Metal. Hold and Silver Leaf, i Scales of all kinds, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, j !!. . ik! . . l athosra nine raints, Connor l'lutc atid Stoc Kn- graving!, and pictures ol every varictv. Also (nil I mine .viouldmci ol various sies. Dealers, Country Merchants, aud Pedlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December SO, le'51. tf. JUST RECEIVED AT THE Saddlery and Harness Establishment of G. W. ST It Oil, Market Street, Sunbury, A new assortment of Mlll l', Ill'aSS ai:l Japanned Mounting, Which he will either nudte up to order or sell separately for cash at prices as low if not lower than can be had anywhere cle. SADDLES, BRIDLES, HARNESS, TruiikH, VulItcK, &.c , Constantly kept on hand or manufactured to or der. CARRIAGE TRIMMING done on Iho shortest notice. All persons are invited lo call and examine foi 'hcmselves. All kinds of produce taken in exchange. Sunbury, May 1, 18ft5. tf. JOHN rHILLIPS & SON No. 17 South Water Street, below Chestnut, PHILADELPHIA. - MPOKER.3 of foreign Emits, Nuts, Wines, oVc, keep constantly on hand the following articles, which they will sell at very low prices for cash. Raisins, Almonds, Currants, Walnuts, Citron, Ground Nuts, Prunes, Cream Nuts, Dates, Filberts, Eigs, Vanilla beans, Sweet Oil, Preserved ginger, amarinds. Liquorice, Lemon Syrup, r ire Crackers, Port Wine, Madeira Wine, Cluret Wine, Sherry Muscat " Sweet Malaga " Philadelphia, July 3, 185S ly. ' JAMES BAP.SEP.'S Wholesale nnd It c tail Clock ESTABLISHMENT. S. E. Corner Stcond and Chestnut Sts., PHILADELPHIA TTT'HERE may las found, onn of the largest " and bent assortments of Clocks and Time pieces in the I jiitcd Slates, in quantities to suit purchasers, of fiom a single Clock, to one thou sand Clocks; embracing; every variety of stylo and manufacture, suitable for Churches, Halls, Counting Houses, I'arlois, Sleeping Apartments, and Kitchens, Steam and Canal Doats, and Rail Road Cars. Also general sale Agent, for Rapp'a lately pat ented Scientific Niche Gold Pen. Wholesale and Retail Gold and Silver Pen Holders, and Pencils, and a variety of Kaney Goods. Those wishing to purchase will find it lo Iheir interest to call before purchasing elsewhere. JAMES BARBER, 8. E. Cor. Chea tuut 6c 2nd Bis., Phila. April to, 1853 ly SUNBURY FERRY. I1E?RY Wl BUCHER informs th. public that ha has taken the Sunbury Ferry and ai he is now well prepared wilh good aud aulK cientcralta he will be enabled to accommodate the public with promtnew and despatch. April JO, if. TnEMKNoors Excitement!! Cnsli, Steam, KIcctricity ! ! The Aerial and nl Oitcr lints out-done by the Mglitiilnir Mno of ira t. cli:iU':nt. T'ltO, hnviiiK grrnt fnitli in rnpicl snlrs sml ' ' small profits, has just rcrcivej sna opened B largo smiortmont of SPBINO AND SUMMER GOODS, At his Storn in Mnr;;ct Street, Sunbury, which hn odors to Iho puMic at the lowest prices. His slock consist, of a general assortment ol Dry (Joods, viz : Cloth, Casfimtrs, Cassinits, Jean, Drillingsl Mitflins, Linen, Calicoc, Muslin de Lain, Lawn, Ginghamt, llcragts, Sii.k& Palm Leaf Hats. A large nssortmcnt of Boot, and Shoe., for - Men, Women and Children. CJrornloA, Sugnr, Tea, CofTop, Molasses, Cheesp, Spi ces, Fish Salt, Plaster. HARDWARE, Viz : Iron and 8tofl, Noils, Files, Saws, eVc. QUEENS WARE, Tea Sells, l'latcs, Dishes, Cvps, Saucers, Ifc LIQUORS, Wine. Brandy. Gin, Rum, Whiskey, fcc ft?" Country produca of all kinds taken in ex chnnge at Uie highest market prices. May 8, ly. TTS500 CHALLENGE. ineprns tlie licnltli nnd h:ip)miess of a II litnrs (tf llie m-ist vulunhlp inip.irt- y 1 people is nt nil tin nnce. 1 take it for lirnnlt irmnled lh;it everv ners.in will do all In their hiviT, to s;ivt the lives of tlietr chiliiren, niul th:it evi'ry ners n will ciid":tvor to prom itctheir own henltli nt nil sncrififrs. 1 I'rvl it to le inydtily to solemnly nssurft yon iikii .aipk,.!, nee.irfllii). to the nptm m nl tlie ln"st oelehrnled IMiysinnns, nre the prinnry enuse. f.f a Inrte limj-n-ity of disensrs to whieli ehildren mid ndnlls nre lia ble ; II" yon hnvcitn nppetile CMilinniilly eliiiiicenbte troni one kmit fl f,od to nnoiher, Ifiul Hrenlh. P:un in the Sl much, rick itifr nt the N"se, U.-irdncss niul I'lillncss of the Belly, Dry Coiiffh. SI w l'ever, t'nlsclrreiriiliir rciiieiniier that nil lln se di lu te llll.MS, nml y u thonldat once up. ply the remedy : I10BENSACK S WORM SYRUP. An nrticli f 'iindetl nvtm Scientific Prlneinlrn, mini round ed with purely rcjretnlile util.ntui.ec!", lcin perfectly c:it'e when iiikfii, and c;in he tii'n to the, most tender ini oit with rh'rnlcd hnii fici:il client, vliTe li ivel ( ' ttuphiitttft mid Dmrrlnrn h.ivc niiitle ili- iti wt-ik ond tMiilitiittd the Tonic properties of my Worm fyrnp rc auch, that it t:md without nn crn:tl in the ciitiilotrtic of medicint-R, in g viiir t-nte nn.t sirenih to the St"iniich, which rnnken it an lniMllihlo remedy for tlnw nllliftcd with I)v!ep(titi, the ast miidiiiip curei nerf irinul l.y this Syrup nt'ier I'hyni ciaiitt have failed, is the best evidence of itn auperltir ctti cucy ovtt nil utin i8. THE TAPE WORM! Tliis is the ni at diiTi'.-ult V,rin to destroy of all tlint in fest the hnmrin oyntem, it $r iws tti nn nlmnut Intlftiiilu lennth bee miinn ' coiled and Ihstened in the 1 litest inri nnd St'iniueh i lfectin the licnlih it) nidlv ns to cnim) St. Vitus l):un-e, rim. Ac., that thone ntllic'led wklom if ever upeet that it is T.ipe Worm haMenin them to mi enrly putve. In order to dcKtniy this Worm, n very enerpetie trentment rnuft he purftinif, it woultl therefore lie proper to tnTie 0 to H of my liver li!!s s-iat to remove all obstruc tions, that the WormSympmaynet direct ujon the Wor in, wiiten oiii.-i. ur uiki'ii in U'lfi-w 01 '4 l ai)ic)p onliill(i ;i iiiik r n day these direct i ns toll wed have never been ku wn to t tail m curing the most obun ite ease ol Taj Worm. E7 IIOBENSACK'S LIVER PILLS. No part of the sysicni Is more liable to dimise thmi the ,nt ,,c ,.r.,p,.r vl l.n t,, ,t M . ,- Hll. WVUI.. " "l "f 'I'" lav rile. lH tlie oilier iriiporlanl iwrls of lliu dice. l)vsP-psin. e. We s!i .nld, iWfore Ml every i,i i.u. ii Fcrvuiff on a nnerer to pnritv the 1,1 hhI, or civ tnese I'llls Ileum c-inllP'Scd 01' UllOTSA- IM..WTS I'nr. nishe.1 by nature to heal llie sick : Nainelv. 1st. AnKX PKCTOIt.WT, wllieh itiieinents the secretion from tlie Pnlinoinry mucus membrane, or prom itc-s the diBt linree of seercled matter. 2nd, An Al.TMtATlVK, wlueli elian-res in s ine inexplicable and insensible manner the certain in .il.nl action of Ihe syslem. Hrd, A TONIC which (rives tone and strength to' the nervous system, re newin? heihh and vigor to nil ixirls of the bisly. 4lh A CAT1IAHTIO, which nels in perfect harmony wilh the other iitfrredients. ond operHtuigon the lluwels. nml expel line Ihe whole muss of e irrupl niul vitiated matter, nnd pu rifying the lll.iod, which destroys disease mid lestores liealtii. TO FEMALES. Yiu will find thfKc Pills nn invaluable medicine In many enmplaints to which mu are snlueet. In olmti uctcaiii ei ther tut 11I 01 arliat, they have heeii found of ine:4itnahlc benefit, restnriiur thir funci Hrraiurcincnts tt n heal thy n-tinn. puriiyina; the Id u and other fluids fl"f.'lu ally to put t ) Uiifht all ronipl.tnts which may nrie inun female irrenhiriiiei', ns headache, gitliiiness, dimucPB uC sight, pain in the ride, back, Vc, Price, 25 cimiIs each. None ffrmiine uulcsa signed J. N. Hobeneack, nil (tlhers lcit(r bane liuitnuon. l& Aqenis wifhiup new supplies. nnl Pttue Kcfcrs ilesirtms nf iH'C'iniini; Aircnl must ad-tress the I'ropnctur, J . M-il.enK.ieW, 1'hilaiU Iphia. I'a. S'M by J. V. Kriluis. S-iubur) ; Marv MrCnv. N r thumlieriaiKl ; IJeise), '1 url.lvilte ; :a T." Milton': Piity ft Lcnker, i.U- rird.-wii ; Leisenrinp , V.'lvert'n, " " Jiiefc'ifv: ita u e;uers in .tieuicinc lu t ie ' Coimtv n.t sti.-.te Aiijiuti 14, ly. 4lt nnd Jltch Street, PHILADELPHIA. AVE olablUhcd a Store where the best trade now resort for Household Dry Goods, French Kaney Goods, Dress Silks and Shawls, Hosiery, Gloves and Mitts, Cloths, Cassimers and Vesting, Muslins and Linens by the piece, Damask Table Linens and Napkins, Patent Uluck Silks for Dresses, Full Stock of Mourning Goods. E. Si. L. are constantly receiving Murrain from Ihe New York and 1'l.iladclpbin Auctions, which they sell wholesale and retail very cheap for Nctt Cash. Edwahu E. Evrk, Washinoton I. Landki.i.; Philadelphia, July 3, 1852 ly. Tail Loan Dagucrrcnn (lallorv, 159 Chestnut Street, VT tliis eclelmtl estanlislinienl eaa ukvnv. pn cure the. newest unU most iisproved stylus ol DAUl IJRKF.dTVI'K 4 TAl.HOTVl'l". rollTRAITS at from 50 to ItK) per et. Lsns cost tliaa sueh pictuie. call be tuut r--r elsewhere. N.iw that ye-u can s-viiis saeli perfect portniuaof your loveil one. ut a mere uoiiiiitul cot.1, U u-t delay test you lose them. Kvcry vaiiety of luiu-y eases, fmmes. Ac, on limit oi furnished to ortler, .ml every picture mu-le Kitistory ami wmruitteil to tic in the del style of the ait or no cilvkok Call uud see u. al 10-J Chestnut st. L. II. 1'VRNni.k Pliilad.llphia July 17, 1W2. ly. THE CHEAT rUlZC MEDAL Alt ItlTEI) ! HICIIE3T & TULL, No. US Chestnut St., above Sixth, Front oj JONES' HOTEL. t!iYj"7) T -T-VE just received their Prize f-ivi Ll- Medal, awarded M them for I IT I I their best Travelling Trunks ex hibited at iho World's Pair in Loudon, 1851 being the only exhibitors to whom any award was made. Their competition was wilh all the world, and they have taken THE PRIZE! TRUNKS, VALISES, BAGS, &c. To lie found in this Citv, and at very low price Call and see. HICKEV & TL'LL, Trunk Manufacturers, 148 Chestnut St. April 10, 1852. tf. The JolmstoM Ink MANUFACTORY REVIVED, 10iA Lombard St , PHILADELPHIA. THE eubscribcf begs leave respectfully to in form PaiST.a. generally, that he lia. uc ceeded to the II unities, of manufacturing Print ing Ink formerly carried on by his graud Father, and Father, and oilers hi. article to the trade' without any Purrs, hut with the simple reliance upon the long established chaiactcr it baa borne, feeling confident of its giving entire satisfaction to all who may favor him with a call. Tikm. Cash. CHARLES ENEU JOHNSTON. April 10, 1852 tf. .1 USTICES' FEE BILLS. For sale by H. U MASSES. tFunbory, 1851 SOWER cj UAltNKS, Publishers nnd llooksellcrs, So. 84 North Third Street, rillLADEtPIIIA. MISCELLANKOUS IJOOKS. Wliles. Prnvcis. llvmn.. Toetical and Historical Work., Travel., Novel., fte., Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS. Every kind in un from a primer upward.. BLANK BOOKS. An elrgant nssortmcnt from lb pnss look upwardi, made of superior paper, and bept of binding. WHITING rAPEUS. Cup, liwt,.nd Note Paper., elegant .lyleaaiid quality, and very cheap. STATIONERY. Fsney, ptiiitt nnd Adhesive lnvebpes, Ink, Pond, Wn fers, Steel pens, Slates, Pencils, Porle-Mi'iinies, Wrap ping Pupers of all kinds, CurUiin Papers, Ac, Ac. Our stock is all fresh, liottght elieap nml sold nccordintrly, Purtieulnr nttcntiou paid to IlookHcllura, Oouutry Aler clitmts and Teachers, however little they mtiy buy. B iwer k Ilnrnes are Puhliiihcrs of PKI.TOX'S series of MAGNIFICENT OUTLINE MAI'S Knch map Is nenrly SKVI'.X I'KliT rKH'AKK, and shows the eompnrntive si. mid relative position of every Ci.uutry on the plobe. They nre intended lo be suH'iided in eveiy SehtKd Hooin, nnd not only niiike a splcutlid n fenrancc, but ure muvermlly nrkuowlettcrrd In be the 1KST MODK OK TKACIIINO (ii:ouiAPMY ever brought out. They are keys inleudetl to be used by the sch ilars, coutaiuiuic aeompHe epitome of Geography, nnd eostiufi less tbnu half the price of n tieoirrapby and Atlas. The syntcm is in universal tine in P muni a aud Uermnnv, ftud bus already been intn ducpd in liirard College, Phila delphia, the public sch-iols of Honfm, New York, Pliilu delibiti, Itnltimore, afhiiipt -n, ami tlirttuphout New Knjfli.ml, New York, Ac., Vc. Our desks nre loDthnl with recommendations from the most talented nnd scien tific teachers in every quarter, and wherever the sstcm lias been uned parents, teachers aud scholars unite in prais ing it. 1. Map of the Western Heminpliere. 9. Map of the I'liKteru Hemisphere. :l. Map of North America. 4. Map of the I'nitcd States, fi. Map of V.urop'. fl. Map of Asia. 7. Map of S uth Amerieo ond Africa. Kvery map is brilliantly colored, varnished, and mount ed on munlin ntfl rollers. Wr rt noectf'nllv invite the enrnf-st attention of TenHiers. Parent, and S-lntt Director? t ibis ftisciutiiur pkhIc ol leaching (..ei'raphv. SOWI'.lt HAliNKS, 1 orlh Third Sui.i:t, Philadelphia. Aug. C, lc.V2.tf. NEW STORE. PETER Y. Gli AY I Kwl'KCTFl'l.I.Y infurni. tlm tilizcns of ' Svmliury nml vicinity, that lie litis conimcn ccil a new store in VliurllcJierry street, in tlio liotisc lortneily occupied liy Mix. tiray, nml lias just l'erciLl niul m-encj a veil scleilcd asjjort niciit el' Dry Goods, Consisting in part of CLOTHS, CASS1.MEKS, SATTINETTS, And a rjeneriil ssnrt:nrnt of LADIES DRESS AND FANCY GOODS of every variety and style. GROCERIES of every description. Also nn assortment of HARDWARE AND QUEENSWARE, And a general variety of other articles such as j arc suitable to the trade, all of which will be sold nt the lowost prices. Country " produce taken in exchange at the liiuhest prices. Sunbury, May 15, 1652. flin. IIArJlISBYRG E00K BINDERY. F.Ii. IlliTTKI. & CO.. Successors to W. O. llickok, und liick"k A Cnutinc. IJOOIC llINDKKsi, STATIONERS AND BLANK HOOK M A N I" FA CUT ' K E U.S. The subscribers respectfully inform their friendd and Ihe public, that they arc now carrying on jhe aliovo business ut the OLD I AA 1) occupied by llickok & Co. They flutter themselves that by cartful attention to business, they will merit and receive a continuance of the patronage so liber ally enjoyed by the old funis. Particular nttcntiou will be paid lo Iho ruling nml binding uf every description of blank books for banks, county olnccs, merchants and private individuals, and evciv variety of full nnd half bound blank books. Old books, poiioilicaU, law books, music, newspapers, Ac, bound in any pattern nnd in any style required. In addition to the nbove, they have, ami will nt all times keep, a f-eueriil ossorlnicut of ST A HON Kill , cotisistin : of Knii'es, l .'mils, Inkstiintl, .Motto Waters, liluek Ink, Sealins AVhx, lllue Ink. C-'Hivii'tr Ink, Cup " J)ru'in5 " TniiniVr 11 ('viiiR 14 niutiiiiiT Sircl IViip, I .en 1 1 I ( n ilt I-ctter Sinin-a, In-It i Iiubbur. IH.ink t anli, Canning Ink, iurr, Aueilil's Vritliiir Fluid, liiasures, Aie. . t"7" Pa)cr ruled to pattern, and all work war ranted and done very cheaply. F. L. 1ILTTER & CO. March 13, 1S32 If. WASIIIXISTOX" IIOUSK, SUNBURY, PA. JAI.IES COVERT, Prcprietor, TO! LD respectfully announce that he has ' ' luken ibis well known t (and, where be will be grutilii d to fee atul entertain his Iricnds and the travelling public generally. This house is now replete with every convenience, comforta ble, pleasantly located, handsomely furni.shcd, well ventilated, rendering il in every respect S desirable stopping place. No expense bus been spared in filthier up this house. The chambers nre well furnished and the table and bar provided wilh tlio best llie market can all. ml. The stable accommodations arc extensive and well calculated for travelers. 8TAGE OFFICE. The stages running from Northumberland lo Pott-vil!c, stop at tliis house, where tlirounh and way tickets to Philadelphia can be obtained. Sunbury, March 30, 1652. tf. L I B E RTY S T 0 V E" V0 RK"s7" jfo IIUOWN ST11UET, above Fourth, rKILADBLPIIIA. piIE undersigned respectfully inform the pu'i. lie that they aro in full operation at their new foundry, ond ready lo execute orders for stoves of every description on the most reasona ble terms. They invite the attention of STOVE DEAL ERS to their largo assortment of STOVES, all of which are entirely new, and got up at great expense. Among which are the Liberty Air Tight Cook, Complete Cook, Star Air Tight, Star Franklin, Star Radiator, Jenny l.ind Im proved, Fire King Radiators, Salamanders, Can nons, liases, Rare Cylinders, liar Room Stoves, Furnaces, Gas Ovens, Ac., &e. ABBOTT iV LAWRENCE. N. 11. Country merchants are particularly invited to call and examine our assortment. April 10, 1852. ly. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MKJICIIANT, No. 6, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold on commission, Drier! Apples, reaches, Plums, Peara, Cherries, Ac, Green Apples in Barrels or by the Bushel, Beans, Peas, Cranberries, Onion., Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Shclharks, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butler, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. THE subscriber takes this method of inform ing the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Caudles, of the best quality, at No. 44 Filliert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for cash, to give him a call as they will find it to to their advantage in dealing with him foe articles In thejr line. . E. 1JUFFY & SON, ' . ' 4 Filbert above Wth. IHremhet SO, 1081 tf. GLASS, DRUGS, PAINTS, Ac, 1 rpilE Philadelphia Wind Glass Vre-- house and Drug, Taint, Varnish, Ctl and Color Stores, Nos. 33 and 33 North Fourth Street. Enst side, has Iho largest assortment of Window. Picture, Coach, Case, llot-IIouse, and other G LASS, In llie city I comprising upwards of 15,000 dif ferent sizes, ranging from llie smallest size, up to 38 by 60 inches of Sheet, and us large as 5 by 7 feet of Plate Glass, including English Crown, Trench, German and American, both Single and Double Thick. Also, a lorgo assortment of Very Thick Glass, for Sky-l.iqhU, Bulk Y indows, &c. The Subscriber having a heavy slock on hand is prepared to fill orders at Iho shortest notice, and on the most rensonnbla terms. Odd fcizos of any pattern cut lo order. Ground While Lend Paint, Varnish, of ev. ery description; Turpentine! Linseed Oil, boil ed and raw; Paint Mills; Putty; Brushes Dye Woods, Ac, Sic, Ac. And also, a large supply of fresh imported DRUGS AND MEDICINES. J. II. SPRAOI E. Nos. 33 & 35 No.Hh 4lh St., E. Side. April 10, 1852. ly. ' "AID AKD COMFORT," " To Your Own iTKcctiunicM. GEOHGE liENX. MANtTACTTKI-ll OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most TasHonallo Stjle. rT,HE subscriber rcspci tfu'.'y c.ills the attention of the public to his large und splendid assort ment or every quality nml price of c: a n 1 rr- w a es h. which cannot fail to re oninieinl itself toevery one who will examine it, 011 account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best clock lo bo bad in the city. No tilort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber is dcicriiiiucd to keep up with the many improvements hiih nn- constantly being made. His stock consists of .M.ihoL-uiiy S.IVts, Si!;i:is v.ml I.ori:tcT n, Eurcai;?, Secretaries, Eidcfconrds, S!!F.l, BSEAKFAST AND lii.MNG TAIiLLS, and also VENETIAN' BLINDS, c-iual to Phiia- uelplua inaimluctuic. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this lino of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAINS, ; including varieties never before to be had ii I Sunbury, such ns M imiii ny, Buck Wilm t ! ami CiiiLEii Maple Ghkciax ; ami Wishsoii i CHAIRS, ami uni t Pi ivo Srooi.s, which are I of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled ! by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. I The subscriber is determined that there shall j be no excuse for persons to piirchn.-c furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained ) obout the quality and finish of his ware and j Chairs. His orticles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun- try Produce taken in puMiient for work. IP" UNDERTAKING. llavint? provided himself with n htimlsoine IIeahsk, he is now prepared for I iidcrlaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. IV The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Veacr's Tavern. GEORGE i;i;nn. Sunbury, Jan. 10, lS.Yi II'. DCCJTCP. XSV MEANS OF Till: PO'JKET -ESC'IT.A- Fit's, or livery one bis own Physician! 'j'liir.ri si vtii edition, with up ward of a hundred cuura vings. shotting private dis- is.? in rvcrv tiiape and thape oin, and mall'oi inations of llie generative system, nr lii- Win. Yo?iusr. ' h J ae tuiu has now arri ved, lliat persons suffering f,'o:n secret ili.-eases. need no more bee. me the v ii-tim nr arteKKiit, as by the prescriptions co'.ilniiud in Ibis book, any one may cure hiuisilt' without hindrance to business, or the kiioulede of Ihe mojt intimate friend, and wit'u one tenth the usual expense. In a.i.ui;..., i.. ,i.r. ...........I r..,..;,,. ,r,r;, e . .- i ,11 II fully c lulus tlie cause ol manhood s early de- cline, with obscivations on marriaqe besides many other derangements which it would nut be proper lo enumerate in the public prints. I 't Any person seiiiliuu 1 v l.. i ) -1 l L, CENTS, enclosed in a letter will receive one copy ol tins hook, hy inuil, or live copies will lie sent for one dollar. Address, Da. W. VOI'NG, No. 152 SPRUCE Strict, PHILADELPHIA." Post paid. HT Dr. YOUNG can be consulted on any of j the Diseases described in his dillcrint publica tions, nt his Oii'u o, 152 Spruoe Street, every day between U and !) o'clock, (Sundays excepted.) Philadelphia, June 5, 1H52. ly. Eor.nets, Mats and Millinery (loods! MERC1I ANTS and Milliners when in Phil ndclphia to purchase their Rood, will find il to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of srnir. cior,ns. We manufacture largely and ixrouT lite Newest Stilis or I'o vv i ii B'ii lirici in our line ; which to -ether with other advanta ges enable us to offer liberal inducements to iii'TEas. R. A. CROOK ER, & CO., Nos. 47 and 49 Chcstnul Street, and No. 56 South Second Street, west side, near Chcstnul, Philadelphia. December 87, 1831. ly. cf. was. a. kiason, Engraver and Printer, No. 46 Chestnut Street, above Second, PHILADELPHIA. IS prepared to do ENGRAVING and PRINT- 1NG, in all their branches, Wedding, Visiting and Rusincss Cards, Hall Tickets, Watch Papers, Laliels, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafts and Diplomas. Seals and Slumps for Corporations, uuil follow., masons, rsons ol Temperance, &c. All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1851 ly. JOHN A. II A 11 RIS, Manufaclurer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segari, Also, a general assortment of L.eaf& Mauufuctitred Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 87, 151. ly. ARNOLD'S WRITING FLUID and Adhe aive and legul envelopes, for sole by II. a. MASSER. Sunbury, nra 10, 1852 EXTRACT OF COFFEE. An excellent article more wholesom and much cheaper than Com itself. For sale at this ofhee. April IT ISV E-or: LI ?;!! j'i s JSANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. FKNS1V!.V AN1A. I, tiTr..' ''"'L DELPHI. u. . Hank times tr.A.m MAf5ACAl!BP.TT All Solvent Iwi.ksi I dli HIHJDK IW.AKD. All vdvent lnk. I di. All solvent hanks pni . COUNTRY, i;iNNK(JTICUT. All Kilvent Iniuk. I di. !u"t "r,Dcl f:"-iWcr psr MiW YORK. . citt. l.nk.,f !etty,l,r? ,'ul A II solvent hunks I dl. LVllk note, under CS ..u.i .11 i.ewi.wil Dsilk Ml. 1,11,.)., u ,. 1 dis W'-nt. -inery Co llnnk I cs. All solvent. Imnk. . 1 di. l)iu,korN.irlhn,,,lM.r-nd. ,, nelridernn,,k ukofl',.tl,rK 1 dis(.'oininereinl Ita, pnr rhvv JKltSKY. I i Idit llnnk f I'snvillo narlFur. Ilnuk Mont Holt. JT rnrlnle Mnuk . 1- 6" L . -.Middietown Pt. p.r . . L ?oC" P"'.Mneliiiiei Ilk, Nrwnr, mt rn Lank ,mr Meeh. Bk of llnrl,oi... LfluttMfin poveluMwn 1'inti'ii Hunk pnr'Moeh. A Mn. Ilk 'iVent ear Kne Hunk V .lis Murrls f-.. ll..l. 1 ; Hunk i di. r.se muse 11 rillilmrg I dn Newark Bk' Ins. Co hxrhniUM! H'k, llrnneh 1 dn'Oraoer Itnnk Kunners' Il k, linek.C.i pnr l'eopl.'. Hk l'.ttsrsi rarmers' Hk, Ijinester parJ'rincctoii Hunk Klinners' Hk, Keniliul mr !nlein Hiiukin. Co, Kami. Ilk Wehlljlkill Co rnrjemerrel Co llnnk V I). Ilk Wiivuesli'g lldis Slnle llnnk nt Camden Kriuikh,, ;k. Wush'ii IJdis'ftiite Hk KliCTlietliton di. di. dia par ir dU 1 di. I di. iiniiiiiitir,r inuis 1 dis e-niie ifniiK Newark llfniesrl:ile llnnk 1 di. Suite, Ilk, N. Ilrtinswiek par nnr. Sussex l.nlik. Newlm, 1 ids Laueiiter Hunk .einninu f KM1K pnr Mrrcli. Mini. Ilniik 1 dis 1 .Miners' li'k, l'ottsville per Mull oiuriiheln llnnk I dis I Tsvlnrsv'e Del H'it Co IS dis . . . "y i renioii iintiKiiifr Co naf rnioii Honk. Dover I di. Ynrdlcvv'leADelDrno ISdit tyllk notes nniJer.tS 1 di'l 1 1. I A ,1. ... West Hraneh Ilniik pnr nnnk of llelnwors i)r.i,Aimnr.i . . nar irynmiiii dk, 1 IIKCSII'e pnr I York Ilnuk, t ,is 1 IT"ltelief notes i fljj Ilnuk of Smyrna par lieltiwnre (-itv llnnk lsir Hk Wilnnr'nA: llrandyw. lutr MAI NR. I'nrmers' Ilk Stllelnwure jar Hiiilkof VA'lu.ll.iek K dis I Mercantile Ilk, Hunimr HI dis tV L iilcr S5 t'liloii llnnk, vvilniingloli psr All Ivent l.nnks 1 dis (HIIO. 1 di. .M.iV HA.MfmilttK. All.. Kent Isink. t di. Alls ilvenl Isniks J dis IMIk n-ites iin-ler B's 4 di. . , VllltMoNT. NOH I'll CAHOLINA. llnnk of St Allans S dis All s -Ivent lllik. di. All s-ilvcut bunk. di. fnder S', BJ di. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At I lie ( nblnct Wnre Uoom of SEJVN IIOUPT & CO. Market Square, Aho at the corner of Fair,, street J- the Railroad SUN BURY, I'A. i Thankful for the patronage of his friends and I cu-tnnu is during the 17 years be has been in busi j ncsa in this place, be solicits from the public aeon ; limiuiice of their favors, lliirine this period ha has endeavored to keep up with the improvement of the day, aud has oi-cDidin-.'ly extended his husi ne. in eery branch and variety. The public are therefore invited lo llie attention of tlio p reseat slock of CABIN KT WHK AND CIIA13S, MANVVACTt'ltF.n nv EEjGASTIAJi- HOUPT & CO. At Ihe Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of th establishment they now manufacture llrJiogany, Valnut & Cane-Scat Chain. Lurn;e Spring Sent llocki?ig Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tulles, Mui Lie Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and sFnthlonnhlc I'lii'iailiirr. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared lor I'ndcrlaking in all its branches, in Hits vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and husbands too, Here's furniture of every style and hue, Troin side b Kirds down to kitchen tables, From roekins: chair, to locking cradle. Mi -uld you not have llie ready Joiix lo pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter la-tter day, Or tukc potatnes, oats, c -m, wheat and rye ; Ilnrk, lu-op p des, staves, or lumber wet and dry, l)r uny thing: but yoke, aud threshing flails, Fl'iin pigs and turkie. down to little quail.. Come on then friends, c -lne oneand all, Ki-ep tiiule a moving, so ' g us "ii tl.e ball." IX Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of nil kinds delivered with dispatch. Suiibury, March 9, 1850. tf LAAVJJEISCE HOUSE. SUN3URY, PA. '"PHE subscriber respcetfullv informs her friends 1 and the )mblic generally, that she has taken Ihe ubove well known stand nearly opposite the ! tVurt House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per- I kins. IShc trusts that her experience in business, and her eilorts to make her quests comfortable, j v. ill -'ive entire satisfaction lo those, who may fa- vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS I March 8, 1S.')1 tf. J. H. ZIXilHEKLIAN, jisiitt: thi: ieacs, Eiuiburj', Fa. Ollice in Deer Street, immediately opposite tka Public S-ehool House. ry M-'i'i-'s coll. rtcdi fuu, m,,.,,,,) t,,. ,d ail biisiiicsx pioi.jitly aud e.i.- April 20, 1 S.iO. i . f VsililSlSjle ! r jp j. ()r (j i j Ir,x,.'s hist, handsomely bound, 11 Aw 1STOIIV OF TH K lil.FOIIiTIO., Hi.ank )at-iiooks An Lkuukiis, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by II. B. MASTER. Sunbury, July 11, 1819 KETONE Ware, Eartheu Ware, Ruisins, Al monds, P uncs and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. .'-"alt uud Planter. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING, iHibury, Dec. 23, 1819, 05E OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this ! P: excellent article for Tetter. S c. inui neeivJ and for rulo ly HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1849 G' OLD PENS with and without cases, af a very sut eiior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sala hy H. 11. MAsSER. Sunbury, Dec. 27, 18S1. TXTHACT CF GINGER A fresh supply jUS( received and for sale at this ollice. Price 25 cents. Sunbury, July 12,1851. QJ1LVER WATCHES A few double case Enelish Silver Watches, for sale at vrrv tow prices hy Sunbury, April 12, 1851, 11. 13. MASSER. J A TENT ISRITTANIA STOPPERS for bar uottles lor sale ty tl. IS MASSER. Sunbury, April, 12, 1851 NOR AND SPRING MORTISE I.AT CUES. An excellent article, for wile ai half the usual price by J- W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1S19- BLANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of ijitfOO, for sale by April 26, 1851. H. B. MASSER. IDD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY l A.Vi If B. Sunbury. Jan. 87th. 1849 wEE 13ILL9. Justice! and Conslablce Fee, ) ills handsomely printed on caiV paper for aaVe at this offica. . IOR sale at this office, Superior lllack Ink; Cattle Medicine at 85 eta, Pure Essenca ef GiiiRcr.25 cenU liLANKS. BLANKS of every description can be bad apt I) ing at the office of lb American. "I'lT'KITING FLUID and self aealing Env ' lopes, just received and for aale by Aped 19, 1851 H. B. MASSER. flVlSSL'E PAPER.Yellow TiMue paper for A. covering glasses, Ac, (or aale at theOiRo) 4 Oie AniericeQ,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers