T9 SUNBU11Y AMERICAN AND SHAMQK1N JOURNAL. General Klection Ilctm-ns of Northumberland County, held October 12, 1852. Official. I'Judge ol Supreme Court, S Uonovons and . Townships. Sunbury . , Northumberland Millon -Turbut ; -Lewis , Delaware Chilisquaque Point Upper Augusta Lower Augusta -Shamokin liusli ' -Coal Trevorton - . -Upper Malionoy Lower Malionoy Little Malionoy Jackson Cameron Tola!, a 8 a. s. 121. 162 10 t 87 20!) 107 120 79 73 23.3 121 131 22 15 1C1 38 2!) 107 43 Si o 8(5 87 183 65 G7 119 73 80 72 28 110 45 38 7 3 1G7 IS 77 1 Canal Commissioner. .3 20 IS 132(5 3 33 o 117 151. 100 85 1!)!) IS I 117 73 77 244 231 130 72 15 lfi2 38 25) 113 45 a o D Congress. 9 - 5 P C I B er o t Assembly. 3 ? tss .1- 1 Register & Recorder. o 9 c - 5 2 w c. O Commissioner. Coroner. 5 D Auditor. -i 3 a 03. o 3 PO f)3 192 06 71 121 74 85 81 28 93 47 38 9 3 I GO 18 116 1 10 3 KF" Notr. Democratic Candidates in Roman. 2215 1392 Whigs in Italics. 13 110 134 127 92 201 191 119 71 73 235 218 126 55 16 69 32 82 23 100 112 156 62 : 72 111 73 87 86 35 110 8 27 5 96 16 146 23 23 1 21 48 46 o 105 151 94 84 164 164 112 83 64 199 83 99 23 11 120 15 15 105 37 133 95 194 65 94 133 76 76 92 70 2G0 79 102 13 45 189 34 123 11 19S2 1327 141 Volunteers in Small Capitals, 1728 18S9 151 136 94 02 242 190 13 53 78 153 77 117 35 7 37 23 10 52 IS 82 " 19 109 60 28 106 . 9 78 109 259 62 86 17 125 177 3: 177 31 1 89 81 4 2 183 83 4 3 7 2 I 1582 15G3 432 .184 182 123 114 251 227 126 93 112 256 229 140 88 20 163 176 44 198 47 2773 140 152 99 92 204 182 115 75 82 242 203 134 83 21 162 159 41 189 48 2323 144 155 103 97 243 185 115 76 81 237 202 125 84 22 162 158 41 190 44 2464 Natives marked with a Gen. Titos. Jefferson Si tiieri.and. died on the 7th u!l., at the Iowa Mission House, at Nebraska territory. Gen. S. was well known as the leader of the Canadian rebellion, or rather, the troops which commenced the out break. He was a pruutical printer, a scholar, lawyer, politician, editor, reformer, Lleulen ant limler General Simon Boliver, in South America, where he was severally won ruled. Ho had also travelled in Italy and Asia Mi nor, The Governor of Sontb Carolina has na med Friday, the 29ih inst., ns thanksgiving day at that Slate. O We would call your attention to the advertisement of Swnim's Panacea, for the Cure of Scrofula in another column. - C7" POISONING. Jl Thousands of parent who use Vermifuge composed of Canter oil, Culomel, &c are not aware, that while they appear to benefit the patient, they are actually laying I hi! founda tions lor a series of ilesfHte., such as saliva tion, loss of sight, weakness of limbs, kc. In Another column will be found the adver tisement of Hobensack's Medicines, to which we ask the attention of all direrlly interested in their own as well as their Children's health. In Liver Complaints and all disorders arising from those of a bilious type, should truike life of the only genuine medicine, Hoben sack's Liver Pills. O "Re not deceived," but nk for Hoben sack's Worm Syrup and Liver Pills, ami nlj. serve that each tins Hie siuiinlnre ot llie I'm prietnr, J. N genuine. TEE AMERICAN. SUN BURY. SATURDAY, OCTOBER in, II. B. MASS Ell, Editor and Proprietor. To Advertmkiu. Tlie circulation of the Suulmry American among the different towns on the 9uso.nehnniin i e not exceeded ifequulled by any paper published in North em Pennsylvania. DnMOCRATIC NATIONAL NOMINATIONS. FOR PRESIDENT: FItANKLIN PIERCE, Of New Hampshire. FOR VICE PRESIDENT: WILLIAM R. KING, Op Alahama. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTORS. PKNATORIAL. George W. Woodward, of Luzerne. Wilson M'Candless, of Allegheny. ADDITIONAL DISTRICT. Robert Patterson, of Philadelphia. DISTRICTS. 13. H. C. Ever, 1. Pelei Logan, 2. Geo. II. Martin, 3. John Miller, 4. F. W. Bockius, 5. R. McCay, Jr., 6. A. Apple, 7. N. Strickland, 8. Abraham Peters, 9. David Fister, 10. It. E. James, 14. John Clayton, 15. Isaac Robinson, 16. Henry Feller, 17. James Burnside, 18. Maxwell MCaslin 19. Joseph McDonald, 20. W. S. Colahan, 21. Andrew Bnik, 22. William Dunn, 11. Jno McReynolds, 23. J. S. M'Calmonl, 12. P. Damon, 23. Geo. R. Barret. fj? The following letter from the edi tor was crowded out last week : Col.t'MTtlA Ilol'SK, ) Philadelphia, Oct. 6th 1852. J Although we are in the eve of an impor tant election there seems to be but little ex. citeinent upon this ubject, and this I believe, 18 the case throughout the stale. There ure j many uhigsin this city who refuse to vote for Gen. Scott. This is admitted, but it is said that in the western part of the state, there will be a large gain lor the whig can didate, ft will certainly lequire somo con siderable gain in that quarter to give the state to Gen. Scott, and without it, he will eland but a sorry chance for an election. In regard to Canal Commiesion there is some disaffection growing out of the quarrel between the canal board and the Pensylvania rail road company, which may induce a number of democrats to support the whig candidate. The busines of Philadelphia though pros perous, is not what it ought to be and might be if the right kind of enterprise were shown by ils citizens. The Pennsylvania rail rond j is already doing much for the city, and will do vastly more when completad, which will be in a few weeks. But important as Unit road is, it is not to bo compared with the Sunbury and Erio rail road, and many of the Philadelphians now begin to see it, and ac knowledge the fact New Yoik is stretching her iuprovements in every direction. She has now two rail roads, besides the canal connecting thai gieat city with the lakes, while the city of Philadelphia has no connex ion of the kind, whatever. The consequence is, that New York has such an influx of tra velling that the number of strangers, in that city, during the busy seasons, is estimated at from fifty to Eixty thousand. Notwith standing the immense hotels, lately ei'ected, one of which, the Metropolian, will accom modate seven hundred persons, strangers sometimes find it difficult to procure lodg ings. The St. Nicholas, another hotel, even larger than the Metropolitan, U nearly finish ed. There is nothing in Philadelphia to compare with this, and never will be, until they have access to the lakes by a first class rail way. There is a general disposition now to aid the Sunbury and Erie Road, but un fortunately there is a prejudice against the present officers. Tbo stock of the Pennsyl vania rail road is now quoted at par. The city may, Ihereforc, be considered out of . debt, and ought not to hesitate to subscribe not only one million, but three millions, to the stock of the Sunbury and Erie Rail Road. Fruit of all kinds, seem abundant hero although good peaches are getting scarce, and the grapes aje not as abundant or as good as last season. There were statements in the papers, a few weeks since, that the grape ciop in Berks County had failed. This is nut wholly true. As a general thing the crop is not as good, but in some vine yards, the yield is abundant, and the grapes 1 b!e a115'1"")' l' llie naa "f science, excellent in llavor. The grapes in high "ground, are far superior to those on the low land. Mr. Fchr, who has a vineyard on the hill side, near Reading, informed me a few .(ays since when in that place, that he had thirty acres in grapes, and that he calculated making four hundred bands of wine this season. Ilis vineyard is made up almost wholly of the Isabella and Catawba varieties. Ilis Isabellas are verv lane & much mvontor ' than any raised in our neighborhood. He ! Tlie for, after an absence of will commence making wine in about ajst'vera' weeks lias aain returned lo his week. The wine, as it runs from the Press pout, and just in time lo vote. is very sweet and palatable, and is consid ered most nutritious and wholesome. Gen. Keirn informed me, that himself, am! a num ber of individuals liom Philadelphia con. lemplated spending several days at the vine yard duiiiig the wine making season, for the purpose of drinking the new wine and eol- ! glat uig urean, adding inai it was a great restor ative to health I think I hnuM, myself, THE KI.ECTIOX IN THIS COUNTY. The result of the election in this county has terminated as usual, in favor of the democrats with the exception of Mr. Foll mer, the candidate lor Assembly, who has SISUl KIIAN.Vl RAIL ROAD. At a meeting of the Stockholders ol the York and Cumberland railroad company held in Baltimore on Tuesday October 5th., the following resolution was unanimously been defeated by Mr. Samuel Bergstresser; adopted ; whig. It is not often that the whigs sue-j Resolved by the Stockholders of ihe Voik ceed in electing a member in this county. : ami Cumberla'.d Railjimd Compmy in gen- !Mr. Bergstresser, the member elect, is much i ".I meeting nsmble.l, Tout they consent ! ' ' , lo the terms or an anaimemenl as reported i esteemed by bis neighbors, and will, no by a joint commitiee of ihe York and Cum- ; doubt, make a faithful and honest r-presen- berland Railroad Compmy anil the Susque tative. X II E RIFF'S SALES. BY Virtue of certiin writs of 'm. 1'rp. to mc directed will he sold hy public Vendue, or otilrry, at the Court Jloiisr, in llic Irorongli ol Punbury, on MONDAY tlie 1st tiny of Novem ber next, at 1 o'clock, P, M., the following real estate to wit . , The undivided thin pnrt of a certain Tract of Land, situntn on the waters of Phnmokin creel, .linvno in tp, Northumberland co., bounded as fullowsi to wit t Itrajmilng at a tone coinf r of Thonins Ilnmillon's tract, thence alonj the Hunhury rond south 74 dc(f. emit 88 perches lo a Spanish oiik, thrncc by the snme long. 89 dc?. east Slij' per dies to a post, tlienro south 11 depr. cast 210 perches croKsing the Minmnkin creek ton post, thence by vnrnnt land north S I tlerj. est 45', perches to a pine, thence by hind now or lute of George Coldraine, north 14 deg. west 37 per ches crossing said creek and the road to a post, thence by bind of Wm. Unit, smith 78 dej. west 11)5 perches to a stone, thence by hind now or lute of Isnnr Farnlinson, south dcg. ertsl 131 perencs to tlie placo or beginning: containing 124J acrcn niul allowance. It being tho eamc tract of land which ti e I'crr.nionwcallh of IYnn sylvniiin by patent, dated the Cltth day of April iio, enrolled in 1'atent liock, Ao. U, pago 312, granted to in. :ill IIOI5LNSACK, ns noil'; else are Joseph Nicely has been elected Commis sioner without opposition. Ilis qualifica tions for the oince cannot be questioned, and a belter man could not well have been selected. For no ofiice in the county hanna Railroad Company : and that the President and Directors of the York nnd Cumberland Railroad Company be and they are authorized to lake all necessary steps to carry the same into effect, and to lake the mortgages nnd securities proposed to be given by the said Susquehanna Railroad Company, nnd upon obtaining, Ihe said se curities the President of tho Yoik nnd Cum- should we be more particular than that of, berland Railroad be and they lira hereby an- Auditor. A good auditor should be a kil-j 'ho,i ' j:"0 'J"3 bo,,,u "f Jl,tf f-''l""' fur $500,000. .mil In , chip I in urns hv a H J ful accountant, and such are scarce even mortgage, and to take such oilier steps asj amongst business men, we are therefore may bo necessary to comply with the pro-i visions ot IIih ordinance ot the Mayor and, City Councilof B.iliimnrp, entitled nn "Or- I it inn nee to guarantee tim bonds of the York arid Cumberland Railm id Company to aid in ihe construction of the Susquehanna Rail-' road," nnd the supplement thereto. j The meeting then ndjonir.ed, subject to the cull of Ihe Chairman. !)C iUaikcts. ... - Ihiladelpliia Market. Oct. 13, 1S52 Fi.Ktm and Mkai.. The maiket is ilull ; sales of fresh L'liiuiul lor xpnrl ill 4.37 E.virit llnnr is held nl 54 50 si 54 73 l!vi: Fl.nun. Last sides nt f-H 75. Ciikn Mkai.. Lnsl snles vt WilKAT Sales of prime reel si 1 03 a 9Ge, and a lot of piiine old Penna. red at 1)7 els , alloat. Ryk A sale of Southern Rye wns .nnde nt 75 cents. Cons Is rather dull at 7n cents afloat. OaT3. Market bare ; sales of Delaware at 374 cetMs. Whisk kv. Sales in bbs. nt 241, and hhds. ; same. 5ce., Siezcd, taken in execution and tj be solJ as property of James Penman. ALSO: A certain lot of ground, situate in cliilisqtimpio township, Northumber land county bounded north by public road, east by Uucher's bind, south by the Hume, and west by land of John P. Summers, co;il.iuiiii ; one ocie, neirc or less, whereon areerei tid a bvj linu-e nnd fetalile. Seized, taken in e us the propeity of William AI.SU A certain Irai t of lane, situate in C hilisipiaipie township, Nortliiimlf r I mil county bounded uuilii by lands or l.udivig 1'tiiger and widow I'l'i-'or. smith by lands if K. D. ('uniiuiii2S, mid wvA by other hinds ufdeft. ; containing tliirty-live ucres. more or less; where upon is erected a one and a half story new frame dwelling linu.-v. A l-o, a ecrluju other Tract or Piece f Iv.ui.l, situate in the !ovn.-liip aforesiid, adjoining hinds of widow l'lligcr on the north, on the east by what is known as the seuddc trait, siulh and deptii nbout 30 ft., nnd Ihe lot nr piece of ground and curtilage appurtenances lo said building. Seized, taken in execution and lo bo sold as the pmperty of Daniel Hunts. j ALSO i I All the one full equal, undivided half part (the while iirto two eu,uul parts to be divided) of and in the following described Tract of Land, situate in Conl township, (late fthamokin town ship,) County nfmessid snd State of Pennsylva nia, beginning at a pine, thence by land of John Carron, north two Ueg. west two hundred and twenty nine perches to a post, thence by land of Tliomnn Hamilton and lands of Wm. P. Drady, south eighty eight deg. west, one hundred and sixty six perches to a white oak, thence by Unit of Magdiilena I.evrrson, south sixty six deg. west three hundred and fourteen perches to while oak, thrncc by land of ftamucl Scott, south twen ty nine and a half tleg. east sixty one perches ond four tenths, to a stone, thence north erf nty six and a half drg. east one hundred and sixty four perches lo a post, thence smith two deg. east tixly pc.'chcs to a chesuut oak, tticnce by lend of James Hepburn, northward eighty right degree ca'.t two hundred and fifty four perehc lo tho place of beginning ; containing by a former sur vey three hundred nnd nineteen and a half acres and ullow.inco, and by a ro-survcy four hundred and twenty right acres and twenty nine perches and allowance. feized. taken in execution and to be sold as the property of Thomas Sharp, j ALSO: j Hy virtue of n writ Vat. K.rp., A certain Tract of Land, situate in Point townsliM. Counlv uforesa'd. rei ini a in r neu-e nun ,, , , , , , . :,. ,,. M cuti.ni.Hid lo be sold i bounded north by lands of Joseph Wullis, east M t.tcii ! "10 ol Cay, south by the same, ' . nnd weKLby lands of tieorge Apsiey, containing ; 124 acres, more or less; whereon is erected a I two story log dwelling house, a log bam, a wag ' on shrd. corn crib, &c. j Prized, t.ften in execution nnd to be sold as the property of lienjaniin F. iStamm nnd John : W. Maiutn, tip-m tho premises nt one o'eloc, P. M., on Saturday tho tiOth day of Oct. 1852. 1 WM. 13. KIPP, Sheriff. i fslieri;r Office, Sunbury, ! Oct. 1G, 1832 tit. CLOTHING ON CREDIT. Soticc t'i all Dealers in Read Mwlc Clothing, 1)1 '.Xl'.'l' .V I'd. rififte.1 U wild nurrli-ian rpd.lv innd wesi ny luiius ot it. it. v, uui.uiiich j toiiiiiiiiiui; it i;i mini; on crc.nr, to can nt i-.u n.t (iflcen acres more or less. pleased that so competent an officer, as Mr. Withington, has been elected. Mr. Kelly, the Coroner, will also make a good officer. The majority for Woodward and Hop kins is as large as expected and shows thai where there are no local causes to operate the result is about as usual. For Register and Recorder their was a hard contest between Mr. Pursel the regu lar candidate and Mr. Martz the Democmic volunteer candidate. Mr. Pursel being elected by a small mnjurity. For Congress, powerful efTorts had been made to defeat Col. Straub, but with the exception of a few of the lower townships, he received nearly the whole democratic vote. The majority in Schuylkill against him is about 500. In this county his ma jority is G55 which elects hiin by a small majority. Baltimore Market. Oct. II, 1S52. GRAIN. Sales of good lo piimo re.ls to ut 90 a 94 els.; and ol while at Do a Corn has deli.x'.l. Sales of uhi'.e were made to day nt CI a 02 els. and ol Jcllnw lit 6ri els. Rye sells nt 73 els. Oats are wnrlh 32 a IiO els WHISKEY. The demand continues red uctive, and sales me making ns fasl ns re ceipts come in nl 25 els fur bbls. Sides of hhds. at 24 cents. ' t'l.OTIIIMi 4JV.A All, oil.) see the- ;n'..t nilvmiliurea ... a , , . ,. , , . i , y win tii.v.. ny piiM-iriifir,' lor limn hi tins cxifnaivn S.czed taken ill ce.-utuin and lobe so.d as tl.o I ,.,:,!,it,.,. Tlor. ml li,i onlv, is the priiK-icle ou whk-li Ihi'V deal with all their liilincrous castumcrf. wb- h;ivc ririlixi'il that lit tins ItoiiFe thfy spire ii'i rfl'ort in ,r,M,iciiiii the h.it Cl.tlTIII.M!. at the lowest ihle piiccs. mill that tlie f!n inatlu at thiM limine are the lien iiuih, tiriiiT tuliioiiiiMc, aud iiiiicli chipper than any uilicr lit, lift- r.-ill telonl to si.Ii Ihe smile iinnlity nf rool, arinini I'r iii Ihcir l:irui 1111111111':, clurinir iiimI inip' rlini; litriliut-, met Ih'.-ir i!i t.'i:iiiiiMti ,11 to nti'litniii the 'riltci,le f lurir silfR a, nl i,cill rnl't. Their m,-k is inoitt mnlr omt c , in, it, if. The jmrliciiinr tiiteiilinii nl' iiicrrlniiiiii ntid .l-'iil.-i-H iH 111 nul, w lio nr.. rr fin snl to e:i!l 11ml jmlyn fur lh' iiivi!vcii. as we tin' F:itii-0V,l ihiit Ihcy enini it t'ttil to s' lh,. iiilviinln-j. s tlicv will hfve in iitrci;tifii,(r fnl vaU. nt TOWKU ilAl.l,, I.W MAKUKT street, between I'il'lh niul Sixth. llf.NM'.TT fc CV, Proprietors. projicrty of Thomas Allen ALSO : The interest of tho Deft, supposed to be the undivided fourlh purl of a Certain Out -Lot, ' situate in the borough of Sunhc.rv, end known in the general plan of said b.irotrijl' as lot .o. 72, adjoining hinds now 01 lute nt' tlcorjjc. Harrison, (iconic Wcit-er fjiinnci') and others; conijii.uig four acres nice nr leys. Ksizfil, taken in ereeulinn and to Ic soi l ;n the property of I'c'.i r li.i.'lit. ALSO: AH the interest of the Deft, supplied lo be the 2-:ids of and in a Certain Su-am Saw Miil, about "0 fl. in bieadih and liu ft. in iicptti, with a !!U horse power eti"ine and lixtnres, with 'tue I'htlii'ieh.liin. flcl U-r 111, InV. Sin. A CONDENSED" AB3TEACT EDITOR'S TABLE. llunlnris Notices. Ovstebj. The ssoa for the tesUtceons bivalves, vat frarly ealle.1 nyslern, has arrived, as will be seen by the advertisement of .Mr. Yickeiy, of Nortliamlieilautl, wis promise to deliver them to his casloiucrs, fresh and fine at the lowest prices, IlAiimvALs, Cutlery, He. We call the ntleiilion of dealers in Hardware aial Cutlery W the Bdverliseincul of Meisrs. TJilwoilli, Branson & Co., So. 50 Market street, Philadelphia. Thuy keep a largo asaoltinent of every thing in Uicit line and at prices as low as any in the city. Th Bivalves. It will be seen by Mr. Sluiy's adver tisement in an jtlicr column, that lie is now in the daily re ceipt of fresh oysters. The clmracter of Mr. Shay's oys ters are so well known, that they need no comment from us. tee liisuileertiscmeiit. Clothiko. Our readers will fiiaJ in another colamu the ailveitiscmeiit of Messrs. Beunet & Co., No. 181 Murke' sueet, riiiiiulelpliia. Mr. llennet always keegis on IuiihI aa cxtciwive ussortiaeut of all kinds of clothing made up in gHl style oud order. J.ICHN'AL OF TIIK FKLIX I.XST1TCIE for OelolaT came to hnitd filled with useful and interesting luforinulioll on scientific and other subjects. This Journal is a valua- 0T? Printing Ink. For sale for cash, at this office, k-g8 ol 25, 20 and 12 pounds each. Price 25 cents per pound. SIT" Land Warrants. Persons having Land Warrants for sale, can dispose of them lor cash, by applying at this office. 0- Tuc Elections. The Philadelphia papers state that the elections in that city were conducted w ith Utile or no excite ment. This was the case in this place and we presume, generally, throuzhout the IT 3 I.ETT1NO PllSTPOVF.ri.- Wo or. fin. i decidedly prefer the 'wine ct.ro" to I ho "wa- I .. ............ ,.. , " iinorisea 10 siaie mat ineuine ot tne leltin" . . . ... . . of the Susquehanna Rail Road has been ex e. present, is Mr.O.Saeket, the celeb.a.Jd th 10th of Nov- f'x Vunkee Card writer, who is inakina bis for- i wl" couiinii.- in ur n cetveu ai ine oi limn, in writing visiting curds, in n i) lo even f'ct? of the Eniueets, in this place, until ' nuperiur to engraving, lit) in a peifecl spe. thai time. ' cimen of ihu dandy Iribs. When 1 suv him, his bead was profusely covered with small ringlets uf jet black hair. Ilis dress was ' k velvet saolc coat, light colo ej pant, 8th inst., was largely attended and well very tifcht, a long vest, an oranpa roluicd conducted. We regretted very much that cravat, white stockings, patent leal her shoes, jour auWnce rorn home, during the past and a while hat, l.is bands gloved and a cine, ' w W)f. deprived us of the pleasure of a. a matter of eouise. On the same U..y I witMmi j, . bu, we understa ".'.tu rojai rersian in mo rae-is. ins wid red ilk pants, and his toweling leather . cip without any, front, together with his snoumneue ami swarthy visnge, attiacted cot.. Klerble altentior, , OLK llll.L. . This distinguished violinist and gentle man has purchased two hundred thousand acres of laud in Potter county, upon which he intends settling; a colony ol Norwegi ans, his country men. We had the good fortune to meet Mr. Dull in Philadelphia last week, and a few davs aftei wards tra velled in company with himself and John F. Cowan, Esq , of Williamsport, on our way home from the cily. Mr. Dull in company with Mr. Cowan, from whom he purchased most of his laud, was on his way to the new settlement where several hundred emigrants had already arrived. and more were daily expected. Ole Dulls whose fame as a violinist, extends through out the civilized world, is a remarkable man, and very different fiom nearly aj distinguished artists, most nl whom alter making a fortune, retire to live a lile of extravagance and luxury. Mr. Dull is a thorough republican in principle, and has already made application for citizenship. He calls himself a Pennsylvanian and is anxious to extend to as icauy of his coun tryman as possible the blessings of a free and happy government. Mis whole soul seems lo be wrapped up in his new colo ny, and if we mistake not, a lew years will show that he will have conferred, not only a great b'essing upon his countrymen, but a corresponding benefit upon hi adopt ed State, by int olui'ng a large body cf hardy and industrious people, who will oon make the wilderness blossom as the rose. In personal appearances Ole Bull is youthful looking, tall and rather slender, with light hair and complexion, gentle manly in his address, and plain and unosten tatious in his manners. A short time since his new town, Oleona, was duly baptised THE ELECTH. I Jn the city and count)' ol Philadelphia ' the whigs have elected Iheir Sheriff by a : majority of 4000. The majority for Jude j and Canal Commissioner is much less. II. B. Wri-'ht is elected to Congress in the Luzerne district by about GO votes. The j democratic State ticket is no doubt elected j by seven or eight thmsand. In Schuylkill j county, llie deinccnlic Sta'e ticket is elect- j ed by several hur.dr.'d, but the whigs have j elected their senator and two members of assembly by a irojo-'ity varying from 300 lo 8000. 0!F List of Prrmiums. We expected to lay before our realers this week the list of premiums awarded by the late County Agricultural Society, held at Norlhumber- SUNHUKY VllUTs CTUIIEXT Wheat. - HO j I!tk. .70 1 Cunx. SO Oats. - - : Potatoes, - - " BtTTKB. - - .11 Kims. - in l'llltK. ... 8 I'laxslkii. .... 1(1(1 i Tallow. - 12 j IUeiwav - 20 IIki Kl i n I'lax. IT j Oiunn Apples. .... t CO j ol the act oi llhof.May, 18o3. L IJAMCS, Fo-emen on suid Canal, per diem. Carpenters 1 Horse terms land on the 7(h and 8th inst. not receive them. but we did STATK TICKET MAJORITIFS. Democrat Whig. Beiks, 4 4."0 I.aneasler, Yoik, 1 000 Dauphin Bucks, 300 Chester, Carbon, SCO Franklin, Lehigh, 700 Allegheny, Westmoreland, 2 200 Huntington, Lycoming, Cli iton, Fayette, Cumberland, Northampton, Ceulie, Montour, Mercer, Crawford, Vnango, Wairen, Luzerne, Cambria, Schuylkill, Culumbia. 600 Washington, 200 IK-in are, M0 l.ibiuon, 200 Lawrence, 1 200 Til ion, 1 000 B'uir, 350 fiOO 500 COO 700 000 600 300 1 000 4 000 BOO I 700 j 300 2 200 I 4S0 150 500 ! fiOO j 800 I New Advertisements. Fresh and Spiced Oysters ! riAVING setlletl nl Nnrihiiinberlnnil, I am ! ' now prepateil lo furuih Fresli unit spi- ced Oysli is iluriiio ihe v hnlo season til in duced niees. Vnu enn tlepetid upon litem tf hi i; Iresh, us I r-hall leecive them (Lilly. i (Sundays excepted) and when landed here, they are only lb hums on I ol Hi" shell. , All persons nl it ilisianee, who are in waul uf Ihe above nilicle, can have t lie m sent J er doeii or sinule can by ndiliessinjj II. VICKKUV. nl linn's Ililel. Nor hiimlieilaud, Cel. IB. IS52. Dilwotili. Hranson t$ Co. I.Meoit i kiis of & Dkai.kks in Foreign and Domestic HAEDVARS, CUTLERY, &C. -Vo. 5U Jart7 .S'., I door Ldoic id St, PHILADELPHIA. Whero lliey always co-) on hiind a Inrcsloci ol ctery uriety nf llardvvaie, Cutlery, &c. Win. Dilworth, Henry I). I.unclis, "Eprom the ncconut of Henry 1). Kotleiirmel, Stt-- pen isor of the .ustpieluinnn Division uf the Pennsylvania t'anal, ns reported hy him, for the mouth of July, iv!52. Nhowin? Ihe avrrsse price nl hihor. the detailed price paid for niateri- tiEC for suitl mill of three ncres, more or less of : als, tmd the nanies of person from whom pur- land, lo l.e used lor s.tid mill so Ioiil' as the mill i eimscil. 1 rcnareil tijnealilv to tlie section uforesiiid, reiuains on i- i:il laud, said mill and land heiug situated in Point tp, C'o inly aforesaid, ulso a sinall frame luuiKe, a slah!e, situate on the aforesaid lot of laud, hein hounded north hy a pulilic rami, cant, south uud west hy laiuU of lieiijiimin Hummel. Seized, taken in c:.ccutiim nud to 1 e ?uM ns tho property of .Sol.n.iou Kr;nner. ALSO: A certain Lot of firound, j situate in Delaware tp. County aforesaid, hound- i etl north hy laud-i of Jaeoh J'cei, east hy lauds of ; M.iiiiio Kntl niul 1'eli r Ar .wine, south hy laud : in possession of (!e irc Uiinvnn, and west hy ! 1:iik1 of Jacnh Sees, heius now in pon-ci m ol ' (Jeorje Kunvati, ccnt;.ii:iiis tli.ee ucivs more or i le.s, nlinut I J acres of which Bio clcn d. ! iSeized, taken in execulion nnd In l e sold ns I the property of .1! initio A. l!eid and Peler Am- j wine, Atlin rs ol 11 tigti Kcitl, dec d. ALSO: A certain Lut or piece of Ground, 2 do do Horn' Hire L:i! orers hi dn do do do 13 ILLS. il ilo do do do Anil. Gen. $1,25 to 1.50 3.00 2,01) 50 1,00 to 1,25 Wi'ii.im (iihhons, 100 perch stone lit lit) cents l.e.-her it Vanillin;;, one flat ! ("olsher it Mover, 1S8 7 cubic feet ! timber ut 7 Ads ! Do " 2 Hi feet 2 ill. i pine plank at $9,50 I Dn 1C4 feet oak i Bciiutlini; iit $12 Do 20C4 leot pine hoards nt $ 1 1 j Dovis & .chnuie, tl ke; nails at S 1 j file 37, &c., eVe , : Daui-I Witmcr, Mii fi et pl.inU at !0, hoards ut SKI, silnate in Delaware In, (,'ounlv nforesaitl, hound etl north hy hind of Susnn Kciil, eat hy land of ' Ira layers, 1551 feet pine nnd oak Thomas Wallis, snuili hy laud nf Jacob liroun I plank at !;i'J, uud hauling, and Ceoriio oil, nnd west by land nf ISnsan 30.00 75,00 141,52 20,40 l,9G 22,70 35,64 10,82 14,95 Ueid, heiug ill possession ef Jacob Weick C. (!ns!i, rontaiuiii!; 'Z7 acres utove or less. j Seiietl, taken in eieruli.ni and to l e sold as i the proM'rly of Maujo A. Ueid ii'id Peter Am- wine Adm'rs of KUiner lieid, dee'd. i A1.1SO: A certain Tract of Land, situate in Delaware tp, County aforesaid, hound ed north by laud of (ieorire Oysl'-r. dee'd., easl by llie same, south hy hind of Joint Oyster, dee'd., and west by lands of (ieorire Oyster, dee'd. ; con taining 'JO acres nunc or less: whereon ore erect. onJ i Ap:r?regatc amount settled for July, $1150,24 SHERIFF'S SALES. ; T) V Virtue of eertuin writs of f-j-v. '. to me directed will be sold by public Vendue, or outcry, ut the Court House, in Ihe borough of j Sunbuiy, on MOM DA V the 2."lh day of OcIoWt ; next, at 1 o'clock, P. M., Ihe following real cstsla ! to wit : All Unit full, etpiel, undivided 1 part ef a ! certain Tract of Land, sutuntc in Coal township Northumberland eo.. ed a fiaiue tavern liutisc, a tenant house, a bank i hounded and deserilied as follows, to will begin nam, sneus, ive. niiiit at u pine, luenee l.y lantls of Joint Harrison, 800 j Suniuel.lJransen, James M. Vunce. eon Oetolier 10, IS' 2. ly. The Lkcislatcbe of South Carolina. The law retpiires that the Presidential elec' lion shall be held in every State on the same day. It is slated that the Governor of South Carolina will call an extra ssion of the Le gislature, on the first Monday in November, for the purpose of casting the electoral vole of the Slate for President iul electois on the following Tuesday. In conformity to pre cedent in similar cases, the Governor will call the new Legislature, whose members will be elected ou Monday next. On Saturday, at the Albany Circuit Court, there were seven witnesses atlendin;- in one ease, w ho were of the aggregate age of about five hundred and nineteen years, as follows: I !U The late Agricultural County Fair held at Northumberland, on the 7lh and understand, from those who were present, that the exhibition war highly creditable and well got up, and willaeive n M'unulug lor further pxer-tiotiF, with great ceremony. Ole assisting with David Newland, 88 years; John Van Zaiult his vi jlin. He assi.'iis to each of the set- 86 ; John Erwiu, 78 j William Mcllarg. 76 ; Hers 25 acres nf I .,,.1 u h;. l, h v. i. 8. Topping, 72; Jesse P. Mitchell, 61; A enoo-rh if w.ll e,,l,;,o,,,l A , b if D- R"ruu, ("l) 58-inaking a total of a ' " v u i i w inuvi't . not. A f-. ...s-l-J it. Vm- " t mm oiijtc lie MniiJiiiaiicu iiiv - natives ol Williamsport with a freeconcert.' Thc Goverment or Nicaraci-a hat pub. The Court House wa crowded inside and! lisueJ decree, dated July I9ih, and signed out and the audience was so comr.MeU V La.tmon, Moreiary oi ur.gn Allan., ' I A iwrnilita A vest iii Nn nr ma fmirl taiaii transnor rl. tht I h.v .;t,o. ,.,i,t .'uu" ""i would not moveun.il Oleshowed Ihe way,' ' ,hpa Uel by, M'- w-" h. h-lr. .k- it... i i. il . i ' Mr Crampton, and aolemoly p.oiestmg n .I DZu Vi ' , 6i " forei8 inleferenoe in the affairsof Or, the 20th mtt he u lo g,ve .grand con-'; ju gorerrnenl( ,0j ,gfti.t ibo uwof force to v .,A.,i.,er, uunng tne state r air, and coerce j,, wj or violate it. right, hope we may be there to tee and hear. I ... . i . . . n7"CtoK Votisu. The m.joiity for Mr HitiiiT, uem. iluctud Our, ol lud. rurel fr Hogister nJ Keeordvi i. 19. OITSTEXIS ! TIIK uii.lursijned is IhauUlut for prist fa voisaud hoii s to rouliuue in the eonli tleiice uf his uhl t onlomeis ami liieutls nnd Ihe imblie "eiieiullv. Hi! is now In daily ie- eeipi nl llie b'-sl ol ll.tliiiimre tlysteis, pill fp I . I: I I f. i..- .- I 1.- . . i ." uv a. rieiii, t,-t , no i een uraien tor pin lino up a "uud uiliele. Ilis nysleis are open etl the same morning, they leave for litis place and are eous)'iueuijy only about H hours on the way. lid can send oysters all directions by eluges, boat niul oilier convey ances, nice cans al,V3, hull cans tji cents. N. H. -Apply at the residence of the sub scriber or at Lee's, or Haas's Hutel. PIIIUP MIAY. Noithnmber'and, Oct lfi, 1852. If. .t Ai l.i 8unhuO' ATTENTION, FiRSEES' 1ND JIECUAXICS' AU'l'ILLERISTS ! ! V 8re coniiuanded to meet in Market Square, Kuuhury, on SATUUDAV,6ibof Nov., t 7 o'clock, A- M-, for battalion drill. Each member to be prepared with 10 rounds of blank rartridge. liy order of Ihe f aptuiti, KOLOMON CTUOH, O. S. Oct 9, 1H52- BANK OF NORTHUMBERLAND. 4 N election for Directors will lie held nl Ihe -t- lisnkiiiB House, on Monday. Ihe ISthduy of Noveinltfr, between the hours ol 10 o clock A. M and 3 o'clock P M. The annual meeting of the stockholders, will be belt on I uesday the 2d day of November at 1 1 o clock, A. M. J. R. PRIESTLY, Cashier. Northumberland, Oct 9, 1852. It "Wanted. THREE MALE TEACHERS to take charge of the Publio Schools in the Barry tSchool district, to commence on the lit of November. Directors meat at the house ot F. Uongler, S5lh of October, at 1 o'clock P. M., to receive applica tions, liy order of tlx board. JOHN A. OTTO, KecVy. Barrv, Oct. , l0 at. Seined, taken in ei eciition nnd to l e sold ns Iho properly of John Mniigns, Atlin'r of t;oloinou Manxes, dee'd. Al.b'O; A certain Lit r piece of Land, shuttle in Rush tp, I ontity uforesnid. hounded by binds of Iim Jones, and binds now ot Tuirtriirt nud other., bein: the snme piece id' ltnid sold by Abel Ulcus to Cw-iH-r liccil, coal. in, in:; eleven ncres more or win rem aie c.-c (.d a tina',1 fiaiue house. Seized, liikeu in e:cc'.it'oii and to be sold as the prop rty of Caspar Keed. ALSO : A cerluin Lot uf Ground, situate in the borough of Millon, hounded on Ihe south by Perry lane, on the north by Mahoning street, weft by lot of Huhr.rr Kteitzer ami cost by Mahoning street and Perry lane, containing I-3J of an acre, mors or less, whereon are erected a small frame dwelling house. Hcucd, taken in execution and lo be sold as the property of George Lawrence. ALSO: ' By a writ of Al. Van. Eip. A certain Lot of Ground, situate in the boiouh of Millon, in that part of said borough called Upper Milton, bounded on the ninth bv Pine alley, east by lit No. 101, a uth bv Broadway, and west by lot of Samuel T. Brown, it being the eas tern half of lot No. 103, n numbered in the general plan of said borough, containing one- eiuhlh ol an acie, more r le. thereon is elected a two story fiatne dwelling bouse ami frame stable. Seized, liiken in execution and lo be sold as the proserty of John Divers. ALSO: By certain writs of Al. Lev. Fu. all that two story Frame House and Kitchen, situate in Ihe borouub of Millon, County n firp ill. Oil lho south sideof I'pper Maikel street, and bounded nmth by Maiket street, on the east by lot of Mis Sarah Wallis, on the souih by an alley, and on the west by lot of Wm. Heinen, said house being 16 by 28 ft. and kitchen 14 ft. by li ft. - Seized, taken in execution nnd lo be sold as the vwvewy of Daniel Duals. ALSO: All that certain two .lory Frame Dwelling House, situate in the borough of Millon on ihe sonih si.1 of Upper Maiket utreet, in sxid borough, Cjunty aloiewtid, containing in front in said I'ppci Market street, nbout S8 led, unJ in north 3 t'.iir. west -H0 mid 20 perches to a Iiost, hence b laud of Thomaa Hamilton and Wm, P. Urady, south 88 deg. west 100 perches to a white oak, thence hy laud of MagthdetiB I.everson, south bC iea, west 14 perches t.i a while onk, thence bv hind uf Samuel Scolt, south V'J4 deg. cat til perches and 4-lt'ths, to a stone, thence north ifij ui's. eust 101 perches to a ptxt, thence south Sder!. rust lit) perches tochesnut oak, thence ny land ot James Hepburn, north HS deg. east i.') 1 perches to Ihe pluce of I rginiiine;, containing by a former survey M'JJ acres and allowance, and by a ic-survey -ISS acres and SU perches and a I Ion u uce. Seized, taken in execution and to I c sold as the property of Ceorgo Heckait uud Thomas Slurp. ALSO: One other full 14111 1, undiiided 1 part of a eertuin Tract of Land, situate in Coal township Northumberland county, bounded mid UescriLcd us fellows, to wit: begin ning at a pine, thence by lands uf John Harrison, north 2 dcg. west "till and 29 perches to a post, thence by land of Thomas Hamilton and Wm. P. Urtidy, south PH deg. West 160 perches to a white oak. thence by land of Magdalemi Lever, son, south (it) deg. west 514 perches to white oaf, thence by land of Samuel Scott, south Stf4 deg. east CI perches and 4-l0lhs, to a stone, thence north 7(1 j dcg. eat 1B4 perches to a post, theaca south 2 deg. east CU perches to a chrsnut oi, thence by land of James Hepburn, north 88 deg, east V51 perches to thc place, of beginning, con. tabling by a former euncy S19J aeies and allow anec, and by a re-survey 428 acres and 29 per. cites and allowance. Seized, luken in execution and to he sold as tha propel ry of lieo. Heekert nnd Thomas Sharp. ALSO: Ry virtue of a certain writ of Is. Erp. a cer tain ISLAND situated in the Susquehanna river (opposite Ilia Uto of Que.) in Lower Augusta lownahip, in the County aforesaid, and known by tho name of Clark's Island, containing 26 acre more or less. Also a certain oilier ISLAND, situated in said river, in iownship and county aforesaid, and near, ly contiguous to the above mentioned. Known by tlie name of Timothy Island, containing a aeies more or lea. Also a rertaion other ISLAND, situated in suid river, in the township and comity aforesaid, and nearly contiguous lo the alio mentioned. K nown by the name of II mterman's Inland, con Uiuing 38 acre more or tesa, alt uf which are cleared. Seized, taken In execution and to be sold aa the property of John Hariman, jr. . . WILLI AM B. KIPP. flicrtll a lllli.a Sunbury, Oct. 9, 1652.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers