SUNBUltY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. y o 1 t r w . ! EXPERIENCE. BY MAOR PATTEN, V. i. A. About th world I've jonr iey d much, ' I've traveled Tar anil near, And my experience) ia such As you shall ahorlly hear. I've seen the worst I've eenthe best, , ' Of (so called human kind,) Where all are busily in quest Of what they never find. I've known a man who robbed the poor, And yet vraa rich himself, Who drove the bepgnr from hia door, With silver on his stielf4 I've seen a judge who justice sold, Have heard a gamester piay, And knew a wife who did not scold Upon a washing day. At last I've seen, just turned fifteen, A (blnssom partly blown,) Who really did not care, 1 ween, To be a "woman giown." Again, I've seen a seedy maid (Oh, Godfrey ! be it sung !). Who did not seem the least afraid At being reckoned young. I've known a lawyer plead a cnue Who never sent a bill, And known a doctor, (not of law?) Take his prescription pill. I've known a tradesman tell the truth, I've heard n parson swear, Anil knew a hackman once, in sooth, Who charged but lawful fare. I've known a parson play at whist, Who would not nluy at loo ; And known an abolitionist Who did a slave pursue ; To lavish on his offapring wild, A mi?er hoard his gold, And seen a mother leave her child For stranger hands to hold. I've seen a maiden who bad slid Who had a modest air, And seen a belle who (seeming) did Not know that she wns fair. Once on a rail road 'twas my lot To get a passage ''free," And on a steamer once 1 got A decent cup of tea. And I have seen, once in my life, A husband, be it known, Who did not treat his neighbor's wife Some better thnn his own ; And also seen I'll be (don't wink) As gentle as I can ; Some time ago, it was I think 1 saw an honest man. A STRING OF ITKMS. Scsncion is always worse than fact. Hats are now beginning to be made of cork. A new daily paper will be commenced in Cincinnati shortly. Siiakspeare was born on the 16ib of April, 1564. If a man begin a fool, he is not obliged to persevere. A Pio'a leg, properly cured, is a km, but a carpenter's tool is a ham-mer. It is easier to praise poverty, than to bear it. Does wealth exert more influence than knowledge 1 Tub greatest changes in nature and men often take place the most quietly. Close thine ears against those that open their mouths against others. A Bad Exchange. A cotton for a silk umbrella, (to the owner of the silk.) It is more disgraceful to dietrut one's friends than to be deceived by them. Warts. It is stated on good authority, that rubbing warts with solid potash, will effectually remove them. A man's own good breeding is the best protection against other people' bad mail iters. "Oh dear !" said a fasionnble girl, when she first beheld a cucumber, "I always thought such things grew in slices." of the "AID AND COMFORT," ' ,' lo Your Own Mechanics. GEORGE RENN. manufacturer or FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the mtst Fashionable Ctyh. HPHE subscriber respectfully cr.'ls the attcnthn of the public to his large and ".ilendid assoit ment of every quality and price of which cannot fail to reiommcml itaclf toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship snd splendid finish, made up of the hest stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber ia determined to keep up with the many Improvement which arc constantly being made. His stock consists of Mahogany Solus, IHvaiiN and Lounges, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOAUDS, WORK AND CANDLE- ! STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS, including varieties never befnro to be hnd ir Sunlnirv, such ns Maiiogim, II lack Walsvt ami Oman Matlk Grkcia ; a"m Windsor CIIAIKS, ami fancy 1'iAjrn Stocii.h, which nre of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. 'J'lie subscriber is Jctcrmined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entertained alum' tho quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they ran lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce, taken in payment for work. C3T UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hraiise, he is now preiiared for Undertakes, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance Irom tins place. tV The Ware Koom is in Market Street, below 1 hompson's Store and Weaver Tavern, GEORGE KENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 18.V! tf. Avir. rcAirry, noons i ; I. L K II , Broadtvay, STJUfiURY, PA. TUST received and for sale, a fresh supply of F.VAXGELICAL Jtll'SlC fur Singing Schools. He is also opening at this tunc, a larRC assortment of Hooks, m every branch of Literature, consisting of Poetry, History, Novels, Romances, Scientific Works, Law, Medicine, School and Children's Books, Bibles ; School, Pocket and Fnniilv, both with and without Engravings, and every of vari ety of Binding. Prayer Books, of all kinds. Travels, Yovancs and Adventures, all ot which will be sold low, cither for cash, or coun- try produce. "Sunbury, Jan. 31, 1832. tf. The spontaneous gifts of heaven are high value ; but perseveretice gains prize. The annual capacity of our various an thracite coalfields, is estimated at the pre sent time, at 4,950,000 tons. Wisdom finds tongues in trees ; books in rnnnlno .Ironma urmnflS ill SlODef, and S ............ , good ill everything. In pioporlion to its population, Philadel phia is the healthiest throat and lung city in the United States. Shells of ealvani.ed iron are beginning to be adopted exclusively in the English artil lery service. Some men are so easily elated. Elect them to the Legislature, and you spoil them for life. A man cannot possess anything that is better than a good woman, nor anything that is worse than a bad one. Every heart has its secret sorrow, which the world knows not ; and oftentimes we call a man cold when he is only sad What is the difference between water nH 1 vv.iar find its own level, while THE GERMAN WASHING POWDERS ff.S considered 1-y thousands who have tested it, - na linitiT tlm irrrntnst Scientific Wonder of the World. Entirely doing away with that laborious and in jurious practice of rubbing the CLOTHES upon the WASHBOARD, And a great saving of TIME, LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. B. To prevent fraud and imposition, (for many are trying to palm oil' article, put up like mine.) tho Proprietor. I. P. HOYT, will put his WRITTEN SlGN'ATt RE on the top la bcl of every Package. Ami ho only asks an enlightened public not to confound THE GERMAN WAS1IIXU I'OWDERS with others that ore in the market. It is put up in Packages with full directions, and sold nt tlie.nominul price of 12J cents. TV PRINTERS will find it greatlv to advan tage to purchase those Powders to cleanse their TYPES AND ROLLERS, being a very superior article for that purpose. Manufactured only bv 1. r. tiU i at his Laboratory and Principal Depot, No., 10 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. Wholesale and Retail Agents; Henry Masser, Sunbury; S. B. Donormandie, Northumberland. Remember the name GERMAN WASHING FLUID. All letters to be post paid. November 22, 1851. Gmo. E. S. JOKES & CO., CORNER of Fourth and Race Streets, Pub lishers of the Model Architect, bv SAMUEL SLOAN, Architect, to be completed in 24 month ly parts. I he aliovc worn is designed to meet the wishes not onlv of those directly interested in buildings, but of all who desire the advancement ot this no ble art in our country, uud wish to cultivate their tastes and acquaintance with architecture. Tho handsome manner in which it is prepared and embellished, renders it a tasteful ornament for the drawing-room, while its accurate delineations give it the highest practical value. Nos. 1. 2 & 3 now ready for delivery. Price 50 rtmU iier number. Address as above, post paid. May a, 1851. ly. Dec. 20, 1S3I. CHERRY PECTORAL: Per III Care COUGHS, O0X.D3, HOARSENESS, BROZX CHITIS, GROUP, ASTxI. MA, WHOOPING-COUGH i AND CONSUMPTION. In offering to the community this justly cele brated remedy for diseases of the throat and lungs, it is not our wish to trifle with the lives or health of the afflicted, hut frankly to lay before them tho opinions of distinguished men and some of the evidences of the success, from which they can judge for themselves. Ve sincerely pledgo ourselves to make no wild assertions or false statements of its efficacy, nor will we hold out any hope to sufl'ering humanity which facts ill not warrant. Many proofs arc here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the public into nil we publish, feel ing assured they will find them perfectly reliable, and the medicine worthy their best confidence Slid patronage. From th' distinguished Profenar of Chemistry and Materia, Alcdica, Jiovuoin College. Dear Sir : I delayed answering thn receipt of your preparation, until 1 had an opportunity ot witnessing its effects in my own family, or in the families of inv friends. This I have now done with a high degree of satisfaction, in cases both of adults and children. I have found it, ns its ingredients show, a pow erful remedy for colds, and coughs, and pulmon ary diseases. PARKE It I I. i: A M5I.A.MJ, JW . D. Bhi'Nswk k, Mb.. Feb. 5, 1S47. From on Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in Hits Litij. Lowell, Aug. 10, 1810. Dr. J. C. Aver: I have been cured of the worst cough I ever had in my life, by your "(,'hkbri Pki-tukal," and never jail, when I have opportunity, of recommending it to others. lours, rcspcctlullv, S. D. EMERSON. W Read the following, and see if this medi- eino is worth a trial. This patient had become very feeble, and the effect of the medicine was unmistakably distinct : l', S, IIutiil, Saiiatooa Sr-nmos, ) July 5, 1849. $ Dr. J. C. Ever. Sir : I have been nlllicicd with a painful ntlection of the lung", and all the symptoms of settled consumption, for more than a year. J could find no incdicina that would reach my case, until I commenced the uso of your "CiiKiinr Pkctoiial," which gave me gradual relief, and 1 have been steadily gaining my strength till my health is well ni'.i restored. bile using vour medicine, I had the gratih- cation of curing with it my reverend friend, Mr. 1 ruman, of Sumpter District, who had been sus pended from his parochial duties by a severe at tack of bronchitis. I have pleasure in certifying these facts to you, And am, sir, yours, respectfully, J. F. CALHOLN, of S. C. J. I. DITTEX1IC25, No 78 SortU PHILADELPHIA. CATTLE POWDER MKPARED BT DREINIO, FJIONEFIELD & CO. No. 187 North Third Street, Philtulclphia. 'f'lUS powder It entitled by the imited teatlnwnT nf nil I who hnvn iiwmI it t.i tlm first rank nf all OlOM CAT- Tl.fc Mt;i)U;iNKSt which have leeii thmight praif- V"rmy ir tnnny ymrs. iikhwi we rnnncniro mnj pnnt totmike iniparfur, ur any powdrr Ihnt nci in th vtme mrnmrr. 1( ilio nuimal h perfect ry hmllliv U will either hirrnine the ntnountof milk or iream aim butter; nr the nnimnl will Impmvn ropiilly In ftit. It will therefore in IHiw ho ctmtiilrreii we hnve no doubt one of the etnple arti civs of every I'tinner, who kfwps a diary and of evwy nmon own inn hoiae. H ia not one of thote kind Oi MisTrttKi lint mrrrly awrll an nnimnl np for a ihort time but it will lr the rupncity which It hne of converting HUTl IMC ACID (which iimi effele nmtuv) into Lac tic acid or olrinr; cmirf a frrcnter amount of nutritious niTiUcr to I e.urficttri irom the anme amount of fid, thnn poMibly cmtltl be, were tho nctivo principles of nutrition t" pnm out f tin Nystem tit the form of tltprtmic Ann. We hnve leecivrd n multitude of evidence to prove what vr have Ntid atmvr. Suffice to wtv ! V have mixed ilic active nijeut, wilh a great number of Vkoktatim: plnntu and lirtbs, which time and iiw hnve proved tt nrfol, improving the appetite and promoting; riig''in nf the lw1 ; limn wciirin? n healthy condition of the bit nt, fro:n which the Mil. nml Kat iniwt t f'lrmcd It may be ucd f.r IIori, Cows and Hogs fur the follow ing eomplrinils and uisciimch. uounn. I YKM.OW WAT?iR, n riantnmt alcknew. which de- j trjys many vnhmble hoturs every year, is very ofleu entirely cured liy the free ue of tins powder, in uil cafes it will prevent the disease from coining on. TUn difienfe is owntu? to a I mil and impoverished state of the blood which btcouiea thin, wutcry and of ull yellow color. This powiler by improvino the stomach and irivinjf to the hl.HHl a greater (piantity of rod particles, nft'onls the lft and oi.l p'lsvihlc cliance of leeovery. If the horse is far jr 'tie, ijivc in.imin and nilit a tihlcsp-miifid in wet feed, tf in the hejrMinin: once a day at noon, if only to pre vent the tlirienre i wic a week. MiAHHiilil.N'i Th.i it the ruination of many valua ble if rrw In- -xh;m:iiiiu ; by n conninnt dischnrpe of a-di-vii which onirht to ro iti'o the nlontach to nscirt digestion, it is a apecies of w.livntion often protlucud by IxniAX To 1neco giowuitf in the picture i;nm:d A I iu;i'ffpooiiMil three times a week will fierUently arrest the flow, if it il 'en ii't depend on the Toiucco m the irrnn, ut-dcr such eireiMTT'iiMici n il,e ntiitml muft le k!pt in the stahle. iJlS TI'.M If tlu powder in early and freely ncd, no fitlnr reimvly need be uned, it has already cured httn rlreds of IIonsK4 of tliif triiublesome disease tothe rmrpns'j of lh"se who imciI it. ir not used earlv, before maltT hs forum! in ihe neck it cannot restore (lie animal peri'eeil unlil the. in dttr is dtwharcd, use it early mid prevent put -It a rcsu't. A Tahiti poouiul once or twice a day is en Miah. (iLAI):HS. This iliKtw Inn baffled nil Fabrirk, fiive tiii powd r a fir trial and it will dii wonders in this terrihle ;iuJ liiilterln iucnnihle nialmly. It in a diffuse of the srlaiidural svstcin mid kept up by imperfect uulrilioii. in such u TaM'npooul'ul tvery tiny twice for a month or two, in cni? ui: snrcem ion. will in nine cases out of a dozen etTect a cire. it hris !.ieu fnirly testteil. Coiichs and sh-rtueM of lift-nth nVpeudms on weak Ime.'s, a Talilinpinmlul every morntn; if it ulmtea once or twice a w' k. FOOll UV-SPiaiTi:i) HOnSKS, r where there is any retinitis of IVin(!or or stiirin'sn of motion, und the IIrse will not fatten, or where the hair is rocch and si amis Firaii'it out, the fiwwl s 'emiiiff to do Itn ffiKxl, tho powdi-r pr.lners :i!moi; innieiliate impnvemeiit of the animal ; l!;e ilit'cstini iini'.-.vrs and with it all the alu pihncs of the animal dittippr-jr. iR-ct-'iiiuig lively and spirited, uud the hair c:uootfi aui slick. COWS. For Mn.rtrNO Cows, we nre fully convinced that it not onlv impr ivei the ijanlitv, hut that it increases the am unit of .Mil. Cream ami Butler ; some who have tried the ex periment, sny u I" u i id u W eek, others say half a pound wl-ile on; pers m iniHtt"l upon it that he made, twopouwts more a wei-k from -h Cows. We think it will be found t- aveneji Jnan a r r to n pound per week on each Cow, if the Cows nre ptuv!ly healthy. This adtlittonal utinmnt ! is made by the caiversiou of the Ilippuric Acid into Nitro i c'ii ms nnii fativ compounds : nlsi by sunn I vine the oxv- ;.o ii i:ikeu in hy the bm?, with the elements of reaetioti; wiitiout t ikiin: any of the Nitrocenoac portion of the feed, IIOU.OW 1IOKN or WOhK; HOOF DISK ASF., nml ull other diwasr if neat cattlo depending upon a ban state of ll i r fluid, nre rein 'Ved speetlily and effect ually. Own, wh ise milk is blue, thin und watery and where it d cs u it yiulrl i. inch err-ain, or where Cows pive Mmiily milk, nr wlueh are ed tn maud long dry, it will be found nn iiluiit.-t infal!i:le remt'dy, hy Improving the condition of the h!iod nii'J creulin a healthy ditrcfttinu ; a Tublespoin- ful every day nr every other day as it may be necessary. ut;tis. T'i;js m the tmmnipr often overheat themselves, get swel led nerlvP. conulis, ulcers m the huncs mid I.iver, which eaime tii'-rn to di-v-tv PU'lt!L-uly. ttM'se may le prevented en'irely by piitii.ii; a pound or a half into a Harre! f swill ; nml it will at the dU;ic tunc cnsnlcrably hasten the latten- HT The following was one of tlie worst of j inc pntews. d.-siri'iM lo fatten at the same time, you should irt give more than a rnhh-Fpoonful once a week or it will retatdlhe formation of fat by itiereaaiiiK the amount of Milk. ijci caca person try us etie.cts lor rmnseit nun tie wn si ton he rtitiali- tl of it excellent gualities, and that no Far k1;miiM be without it. For the purpose nf fimline out still further bow far oui juntly c.-leliia'ed CATTl.K I'OWDMIt, ii eulitle.1 to tlm contidi'ttce of an intt iliijent people ; we have aildrenned Letters to all parts of the I'niteil States, where our Pow ik-r has tieeu useil, and r. are able now from the evidence thus breiht In-fore us. to unsure every Farmer, Diary man und II 'rue-man, that it has thus far very much ex ceeded our most KMiL'uiue expectations. "Willi the additio.ial knowh dire thus far obtained. We Hoi'E we will te enabliHl to make the hct and most per fect Cattle MKmciNi: ever yet offered to a diweriinni pe iple. It acts ;is a v.ilu.dit" promoter of digestion, im proves the cpialitv of tho blood and thus increases the amount of either Fat. .Mitk mid couscipicnlly of llutter. in the hea'thv Aimnnl He vrare of 4iunterteits as the extensive s-de of our ' p iwd.-r his inihiecd other a f m ike an imitation of it. Kneli pack has our writ ieu S;iiiiture on the end. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICK, DYSPF.rStA. CimONIC OR NERVOUS DKRILITY, DISEASE . , , OF THE KIDNEYS, AND sll tti.r-n.wHi nrlrlne from dlnnrdrriKl llvsr or stn nnrh, mrh aiienntlipnliiin, innnl Pilrs.rullnrM.ot W.kkI l.i Die kmil. Arldifr of th Slomnrh, Nnars, ITrnnlmrn. fliretmt fr Food, fullnepR or weight in tlie Ptomsrh, .our K.rnrtntlunt, sinliiiis or flnttrriin st the pit of thn 8timwh. iwimmin of thrhrad. hnrrinlnnil dilfiruU brmlhiiiff. flnltrrinic at Ihe hrart, rhnkinff or tiiffdmliiig rnmliniifl whrn inn lyinf pilure. Uimnrn of vision, doMor wtIik Iwfi.relhr titht, Frvrr mid dull nniii In tin hend, drfieirnry of prnpirni ion, TFllnwimsnf the skinnnd ryr. nnin in the Hide. Iwk, rhmt, limlm. ftp., stiddrn flnihrt of hrnt hnrniiis in the flrnh, ennstint imaginings mi evil, nwi KTrat nrprrmion 01 iplrus, CAN HE KFFf'.CTTAlXY CI RF.D 11Y E?.. HOOJ'LAITB'S CELfcnRATKD (iFRM.n BITTEHS, rnF.rt.RRn bt . DR.C. M . JACKSON, AT THB GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. lv0 .reh At., PliUudrlphla. Their power over the above diseases is not excelled, if eoilalled. In nuv illn.r ..r.....f i.. tl. l..ol ati..t. as the cures attest, in many eases after skillful physicians IHIM UIKVII. 1 hem IIittTn are n'orthv lltev nttpntinii uf iui-ntids Possessing virtues in the reciification of diseuseNnf the Liver and leaser irliiniis, fxereisies the most searchinc pnwcrg in weakness anil aiTertieiis of the digestive organs, mey ure, wuua:, rue, eertain anil pleasant. ii Tom trie iioston liee.i The Ihtor said. Dre. aad 4Uh. llooFt, np CKi.HRitATKn Hehmas Bittfub for the cure of Liver CompLiitd, Jaumlice, iKspcpgiu, Chronic r Nervous Dehility, is deservotllv tmettfthe most popu lar medicines of the dnv. These'Uittei have leen used hy tltottsands, and a friend nt our ellxiw suvs he hits htm- sell received n.i effectual and permanent cure tif I.iv Complaint Irom the ue nf this renietly. We are convinced tliatt in tie nw o these Hitters, the patient eonstJintlv pains streiiTlh and vior a fact worthy of ereat eonside- rntion. They are plensant in taste and smell, and can le iwru hy perr. mis with 1 lie most delicate stomachs with safe ty, under any circumstances. We are speak intr from tx- pmence, ami 10 me a;ineieti we uuvise their use 'Scvrr's Wkfuly.' one of the best Literary papers pUIHIMICU, KOO, AUf. -&j '!R. IIoofi. ami's Ochman IJit ntt, mauufactureil by it. j ienoii, nr now recommended ty s-une oi the most HANK 'NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY, PENNSYLVANIA. PITT OT PHIf.Ativi n.i.. V. 8 Hank notrs l.ldi.l ah unnka put rnl'HTB. Bank of ChnmlirriihurK 1 dii .....ii. , ..nrrirr un. pnr. Hank of Drt. On. OhritCT pnr ..niintii itermnniowtl Hank or Orttyiliurg ltirnk of'ittwn Hnnk of MlildlrUiwn 1 dii Montgomery Co Bunk par mm in rvirtimmticrrnn. pni Bank of Pillrlinrj 1 dii ui uanviiii Cnrlnle llmik MAPSACAUSF.TT)". All anlvnit tniiki I dii RIIHDK ISLAND. All iolTrnt hntiki . I dii CONNHC'I'ICUT. All aolrnit Innki I dii NEW YORK. citt. pnrlAII iolvriit imnka I dii 1 dii IT Uk notri midrr 15 I dn nmxTiT. All anlvrnti Imnki 1 dii NKW JKHSKY. Krlvidrre Hnnk 1 dii Ciimmrrrinl Hank 1 dii Fnr. Hunk Mmit Holly r" Columbia H'k A B'ge Co pnr 'oTeiMiiwn uaiiK pnr Miaion Hnnic pnr! Krir Hnnk S dii! Kxrhange B'kPittihnrg t ilia K.xrhmiiir H'k. Ilrnnrh 1 dir riiriner' H'k, HnrkiCn pnr 1 dii'F. ft M.,Midillrlowil Pt. pnr Mrchnniii' Ilk, Newark par Mwh. ilk of Hnrliiigton ir Mei'h. ft Mnn. Hk Trent pnr Morrii Co Hnnk I dii Nt-wnrk llk'g ft Ini. Co 1 dm Orange Bnnk 'Ornnge I ll'i-oph-'i Hk Pnlteriou I dii dii pnr pnr dii par 1 ill! d,i FnTmnra1 Hk. linrnmer nnrlPriuppton Hnnk Fnrtnera' Hk. Itnnling pnnSnlein Bunking Co, Fnrtn. Ilk Srhnvlkill Co pnr!rmrrrpt Co Bank F ft D. Hk Wiiviirli g tlilii liite Hnnk nt L'ainilrn Franklin Ilk. Wnnh'n I Jdin Slnte Hk l'.li;il1lil"n llnrrinlinrg Hnnk l iliniSlnle Hunk .i-wnrk lliniwlulc Hiink j iliniSlnle Hk. N. llMinnwii k pnr I rfincuHcr Hunk pnr.Sini' Bulk. rwl"il j dii (.''Imnon Hunk pur Trenli'll Ituiikinu Co lnr Mrroh. ft Mnn. Biink l din I'nion Hnnk. I ut ilii .Mincri' H'k. Pottarille per Ynrdlej-v'left IVI llrC. ISiln Mnonirnlieln Hnnk 1 ttift tyBk nntr iiinlrr '." ilia TnyloriT'e Di-I H'e Co 15 di DKI.AWARK. AWil Ilrnnrh Hunk pnr Brink of lfluv:iro pnr Wyoming Ilk, Wllkciti'e pnr' Hunk of !n ivriin pnr l ork Dunk. 1 din1 t7'llrlicf iiotai 1 tlis MAINF.. Bunk of WhplliM-k Sdii. Merciinlili; Hk. Bungor llidin All i-ilvr-ut Imnka J dii NF.W IIAMI'SHIRK All aolvr-nt Iv-inkK din VEHMUNT. Bnnkof St AlUina a dii All i ilvent Imnki diiry l'iiiler5'i. Drlnwnre lily ll-ink wr Ilk Villii!!'n.Y Bmmlyw. nl Fiirnn-rn Ilk St pe-luwiire mr rnioti Hunk. AViliiiiiigton pnr IV L'inlcr RV J Un nnin. All nolyent Imnka 2 dii I? Hk' ii"ii- nuilcr S'i 4 dii NOIITII CAHOI.I.NA. All 'lvenl Innki Sdii 2j dii PHI1A. AND READING RAILROAD. SIMMr.K AKUiMiEUKM FROM pnir.ADia.pniA and pottsvili.e. ense-, wliii h the physicians and fiicnilj thought to be inrural le consumption : C'liKarKii, Pa, Auff. 23, 1848. J. C. Ayer, fSir : I wan tnken with a tcrri'ulo courIi, lirouirht on liy a colli, in the beginning of last February, anil waa con lined to my bed more than two months. Couching incessantly niht and day, I became p.hai'lly and pale, my ryes were sunken and glny, and lav breath very short, Imlerd, I was rapidly foiling, and in such distress lor breath, that hut little hope or my re covery could be entertained. Vhilp in this situ ation, a friend of mine, (the llev. John Keller, of tho Methodist rhuivh) brought me a bottle of your I'liv.iiuv l'r.i tiiii u., which 1 tried more to "ratify bun, thau from any cicct.ilio;i of oMniu inrj relief. lis Rood effect induced me to con tinue its use, and I soon found my liea'itli mucli improved. Now in three months, I am well and stroii?, and can attribute my euro only to your great mcilicino. With the deepest gratitude, yours, eie. JAMES liODFUEY. Prepared and sold In JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by II. MASsER, and by Drnsiiists pcnerullv throughout the Stale. November 1, 1851. lyccSmo. Phecuix Fire d Thief Proof Iron Chests. HIIClNlii. I'ltUM'.I'lEl.U ft CO. Pliihd.-I;.l;ia, July I-.l. ly. pnnnu-til nn-in'it-r ol" liin meully na an arlicle ol innch e.nic in rn's of frin-ilt. wf-uknenii. Aa mieh ii llu- enfe. wis v.-ouM nrlvipc till mothi-rs to olitnin a hottln. null thus suvi' iIii-iiihi-Iv' uiin-li sifkiH-ini. Persons of di-liilitu tr-il ronnliliiti infl will find llifse Hiitcri nilvuntn!ri-ilii to their liiMltli, ii-. we know Irom experience tlie iniutury ciicci inry nnvc njion wees systems." lilnre Evidentc. The "Pliilndrlplnn Kitniil iy (iuzettp," the best fnmily t!ewiaip-i nuNiniit-U in tlm Lniteil uiu-i, the editor suya of Di hooflund't German Bitters. 'lt is BH.Iom .It.; wn re?ominend what nre termed Pa tent .Mcdiriiir. to cn roiifidt-nee mid intron:ie of our renders; nml. th-iefore, hen we rreoiuineisl I)r. Hoof Inud's tifriniiii Hitters, wo wis il lo he distinctly umlei Moil Hint we nre not spenking of tlio nostrums of the dny. tlitit lira li'.is.-l alu-ut f--rn !ii"f pernsl ond then for. hut nf n iii.-iliciiu I 'in: i-sliililislie'l, uniyersully pri.ed. Hlui which Tins met lie- luinly II p;, nival of the Faculty ilself." Kviilenee np in pvnleuci; hus heen reeeiveil (like the forc-;;-Min: fiom till sections of the I'tiion, thj lust tiir-e years, tiiiil Ihe slroiur.-st testimony in its fuyor, is, that there is inotp of it us.-.l in the pr.ietiecf the regtllur Phy sieiuns of Pliikuli-lphiu, t htm ull other n istrnins eoinliiuorl, u fact tiiut enn easily lie esialiliiihed. nntl fully proving ihnt n scientific preparation will meet with their quiet upproval when presenteil even in this form Thut this medicine will cure l.iver Complaint nnd Dys pepsia, no one aiuiloitht. nfter ufing il us directed. It neti ipeciliently upon the stomneh and liver it is preflT'-mhle to calomel in nil liillious diseases the effect is iminediate. They can lie mlniinistered t-i Female or Infant with sulcty una reuiiuie uenelit, nt uny tone. BEWARE OF COUNTERFEITS. Thii medicine has nt.niiied that hinh elmiaeter which ii necessary for ull medicines touttmnto induce couilleifeiters to put forth n spurious nrtiele nt the risk of the lives of lllose are iimocenlly ile.ieivei). LOOK WEI.l.TO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE. They have the written si p'intiire of C. M. JACKSON upon the wrapper, nnd the name blown in the bottle, with lilir which they lire SjUltiollt. For sale, wholesale und retail, nt Hie German Medicine Store, N . 120 ARCH Street, one d.sir lielow Misth. (hie nf 27J Hnee street.) I'liilmh-lpliij, nnd by respectable denleri cucnuiy iiirouii'iiH uie eouiury. PRICI'.! Rl.ill CED. To enable nil classes of invalids to eiyoy the advantages oi men greui resioruiive povyt-rs. Singh Botlle, 75 cents. Also: For sale by II. Masskk, Sunbury, and M. A Al i sv. A'lriiiuiniierianil. August 311, IS-31. ly. " UNION HOTEL, su:TEirrv,y, pa. rrIIE MISs WEITZEI.'.S respectfully inform M. tile ruoltc that they still continue to cuter tain travellers nnd others tit their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House. Their loin; experience in the business, and the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, be a sul'ticicnt puaratitcc, that their customers will be well accommodated. March 8, 1831. if. .i.j Jt., F n re Mf d ii f cri . Office of tlie Phila. If Reading Railroad Co. riiilndclphio, .March 20, 1851. ) Two Passenger Trains Doily, (except Sunday.) N and after April 1st, 1851 two train will be run each wav. daily, between Philadel phia, and Pottsvilln MOKXI.XG LIXE. Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M.. dailv excent Suiidnvs. Leaves Pottsvillc at 7 A. Sailv exceiit Sun days. AFTERXOOX LTXi:. Leaves Philadelphia at 31 o'clock, uailv. excent Sundays. Leaves Pottsvillc at ?. o'clock, dailv. excent Sundays. lletween Philadelphia and Pottsville, $12.75 1st class ears and S2.25 Sd class ears. lletween Philadelphia and Reading, 51.75 1st class cars and $1.'!.') 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, comer of Eroad and Vine Slrcets. PoHsonecrs cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baireaqe will be al lowed to each passenger i these lines; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thine; as bagsace but their wearing apparel, which will lie at the risk of its owner. liy order of the Board of Managers. S. BRADFORD, April 19, 1851. Secretary. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERE At the Cabinet Ware Koom SEB'N IIOUrT & C Market Square, - Also at tht corner of Fawn strut If iht Rai MJiNliUUi, JrA. Thankful for the pntronatre of his friend customers during the 17 years he has been in nes in this place, he solicits from the public t tinuanec of their favors. During this peril has endeavored to keep up with ths improve! of the day, nnd has accordingly extended his ness in every branch and variety. The publ therefora invited to the attention of the pi stock of CABINET WARE AND CIIAI MANUFACTt'ur.n nr SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where in addition to their former stock e establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Ch Isirqe Spring Sent Rockimr Chnh Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Mirble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style und Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the n sary arrangements for the purpose, thev are prepared for Undertaking in all its branche this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and hntlmixli too, Here'i furniture of every style and hue, From side Ixsirdi down to kitchen tablet, From rocking chnin to locking cradles Should you not have the ready Johx to pay, We'll wait awhile for a brighter belter day, Or take potatoes, oati, com, wheat and rye ; Burk, hoop poles, atnvci, or lumber wet Hid dry, Or any thing but yokei and threshing flails, Fiom piijs uud turkiei down to little quuili. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trade a moviuc. so ''goes on the boll." Orders from a distance promptly sttei to nnd work of all kinds delivered with dispi Sunbury, Mnrch 0, 1850 tf ISOU.VI'Y l,AM AND PENSION AGENCY. Tlie attention of the public is called to tht vcrtiseincnt of Mr- Charles C- Tucker, Atto. and Agent at Vnshigton City. Persons iiig claims for bounty Lands or Pensions an formed that the subscriber has made arrangem for the requisite forms, and claimants ciillim his cilice, can have their papers prepared forwarded to Mr- Tucker at Washington, by him be properly attended to before the partincnt there. II. B. MASSE1 Sunhurv, Jen. 18, 1851 ns jj d ..irieI"iV ' ' mm r . r r.- . " ? I 1 ,'A.!ATED to stand coua! heat with hiiv other t'bests in the eotllltrv. anv other Ltiests in tlie country, aim io defv the IJurglas' ingenuity. .Maiiulaelory, Ko. 10 Hudson's Alley, running between Third and Fourth slrcets, south of Chesuut, and in the rear ef the Uirard Bank. M. &.. IS., the proprietors, are Practical Me- .1 : . . I C....I C. !.... 1.-... I. our nv i, . , . , . CIIU111CS, llllll in i LUiiiuit.-Ub, i. win , ietu-em Arch and hace t-t., , ,n,,n,cu.uue uf i,.,,.. chests ond Sales, and a attention lo this particular branch, of giving satistactioti to all who may give inein a HEREBY informs the public thut he imports and constantly keeps on hand at his new store. No. 78 North 2d St., a large assortment of Foreign Fancy Moods, Musical Instruments, Pictures 8? Paints, which he w ill sell at the lowest prices. His stock, in part, consists ol, Aeeordeons, Violins, Music Boxes, Parlor and Bar Room Or gans, Melodeons, Keraphiues, Mathematical In struments, Magnets, Spy and Oiiera Classes, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Books, Bronze Powder, Dutch Metal, (.'old and Silver Leaf, Scales of all kinds, Snuff and Tobacco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En gravings, and pictures of every variety. Also liilt Frame Mouldings of various sixes. Dealers, Country Merchants, and Pedlars, sup- ton bcshel. time levels every thing else Green pea wera felling in the Chailas. pli-a at reasonable prices. . u e u , cio a December 20, 1851. tf. n market on the 30ih of March, at iz a ; JOHN A. II A II 11 IS, Connecticut River ehad bave made their anneatnnco ol Knrinofield. in email num I I " l a" i bers. Dbiwino it Mup.-An Irishman, in peaking of a relative who ai hungr, says he diet! during a tight rope performance Wht may one be certain that Noah was not a Jew 1 Because ha took a Ham into the ark with him Our Duty icjo hold and trim the Torch of Truth, and wave it o'et the daiken'd earth." MARBLE MANUFACTORY, CHEAP Cili VVE STONES. THE subscriber informs his friends and the public, that ho continues to carry on the Marble Business in all its branches, ut his old stand in Milton, Pa., and is prepared to manu facture Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &c., of the best materials, and most finished work manship, and nt tho lowest prices. Letter Cutting, English and Uerman in the most modern and elegant style. Designs for Monuments, Cirave Stones, &c, always on hum!. N. B. Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed by leaving the same ut the oliicc of the "Sunbury American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. Engraver and Printer, No. 46 Chestnut Street, ahove Second, rniLADELPHIA. Is prepared to do ENOUA VINO and PRINT IN O, in all their branches, Wedding, Visiting and Busine.-s Cards, Ball Tickets, Watch Papers, l.uliels, 13H1 Heads, isotes, Checks, Limits ami Diplomas, Seals and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sous of Temperance, &c. All the above engraved in the best manner. Orders by Post promptly attended to. December 27, 1S51 ly. N. B. We have selected one of the best min erals ever used as a non-conductor of heat in this business, and wo warrant our Chests and Sii'es to be made of the best material and in the p.ost durable manner, and to stand any heat that can be applied to them. MILNOII&.SIIAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between 3rd and 4lh street, S of Ches- nut, in the rear uf (jirard Bank. Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1S51. ly Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestic Segars, Also, a general assortment of Leaf & Manufactured Tobacco, C CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar 1 ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851. ly. OLD PENS with and without cases, of a Jf very superior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for sale by II. B. MASSEK. Buiitiury, liee. X7. iwoi. A HN'OLD'8 WRITING FLl'ID and Adhe. ia live and I egal envelopes, for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, nra 10, 1852. Mai. Goldschmidt. The Northampton G b re tie says that the object for which Jenny Lind came to thia country the establish tnent of free schools in Sweden has been accomplished, and the money forwarded to I blanks, of all kinds oa superior paper, her native countrv. Buabury, it i, tea AND BILLS neatly printed on new type M. m. DroiDinlv executed at tins office. ,., Also AMERICAN HOUSE, POTTSVILLE, FA. RS. MARY WEAVER respectfully inform the public and travelling community general ly, that she has opened this large and commodious HOTEL, furnished in a superior style. From her long experience in tho business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort und convenience. Feb. IS. 1851 tf LAWRENCE HOUSE. SUNEUY, FA. rilIE subscriber respectfully informs her friends 1 and the public generally, that she has taken the above well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. She trusts that her exiierience in business and her efforts to make her guests comfortable. will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ANN C. MORRIS March 8, 1851 tf. J. II. ZIMMERMAN, jisuct; or Tiiu I'utcE. Sunbury, Fa. ! Office in Doer Street, immediately opposite the 1 ulillc N'llool House. (7 Moait-s eotlecteil aiul ail business promptly and cars fuilv altt-tul)-,! to. I), 1S50 THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION' M KIl CH AN T, No. 6, North Wharves, Whero the following goods are received and sold on commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, riums. Pears, Cherries, Ac, Green Apples in Barrels or by the Bushel, Beans, Peas, Cranlierries, Onions, Mercer Po tatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Slielbarks, inesinuls,, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Kauins. rigs. Prunes, Graes, Poultry, Eggs, Butler, Cheese. And all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec, 13, 1851. ly. BARGAINS! BARGAINS!! Clocks, Watches, Jewellery, Silver Ware, Fancy Goods, &c., kc. ClI.r.l'KS ol every description uud quality, 8 day Brass j ana ;lo Ii air CI icks, very low. Vuiein-s of the best inrikt-rs. Totii:i.lliiison and llolsnson tiold patent levers, s an.- us low as USUI, warranted 1 karat cast's, unit Insured tor o nioutlis. Silei-r Levers us low us $lri.uu warriiutiHl. LcpineMiis low as S". IK) warranted, t)turtier Wntrties in ert-it variety. Jcw'f tli-ry ol' t-very description. Il"ld liunrd and full Chain, Hr.ii-ftets, Vat Itiucs, Finger It hiss, tlri.H.-lies, Us-keis, (iokl Pens lor, wuiranted points. 'rii.- sutiscri!'-! havino: just returned Iri'in the eastern factories la prepuitil to furulsli nuy article in lua line of lMllues4 of ttir :itt-sl stylrs. uisl as cheap lis tlie Dime arti cles can Is a- Id in Ifo- Fliiladt-lphin s N'.-w York inurk.-ts. To eoiivuice the public of this fact lie uivili-s tlu-lr utteii Ion uud respectfully solicits!! call. He fc-nild particularly invite the iitteiitimi of Hotel Propr) tors, und riiniilii-s lo Ins exli-nsive ussortineiit ol Hikr! Ware, viz: Tti ISells, Til.le, lK-ssrrt sud Tea Hpoons, Korks, ladles, kc. &c. tlrdrrs reeeivl f.f any urlK-le a Silver Wure exei-uted with promptness, titiit In the In-st style. A ereat vuriety of I'liney liivxls. Paiaer Mucins work, such as Writing. Uesks, rort l-sitis, lioxes, llnisir JJ.ixes, sc., so. II you vruut lo secare uargjuis call at n. c oni'.r.vf next door to the Post Office, Centre st , Pottsville, l'a. N U. All kinds of repuirs uttasksl to by the best work men. December 47, 1S31. n. April SJATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yam and laps, just received and lor sale bv J. W. rillLING. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1818. ftU'ONE W are, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al 3 monds, P unes and Cream Nuts. Planes of all kinds. alt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FlilLINU, funhury, Dec. 29, 1819. S50 FORFEIT. TU. HUNTER will forfeit 50, if failing to cure any case of secret disease that mav come under his care, no matter how long stand ing or nfllicting. Either sex are invited to his Private Rooms, 3S North SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption bv oth er patients. Strangers and others who have been unfortunate in the selection of a physician are invited to call. Those who have injured themselves by solitary vice are also invited. RKAD AND REFLECT. The ulllicted would do well to reflect before trusting their health, happiness, and in many cases their lives, ill the builds of physicians, ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand all the ills the hu.nan family are subject to. Every respectable physician has his peculiar branch, in which he is more success ful than his brother professors, nnd to that he de votes most of his time and study. YEARS OF PRACTICE, exclusively dovo- ted to the study and treatment of diseases of tho sexual organs, ogether with ulcers upon the bo dy, throat, nose, or legs, pains in the head or bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari ties, diseases arising from youthful excesses or impurities of the blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer speedy relief to all who may place themselves under Ins care. Philadelphia, April 19, 1851 ly. New Music Just Puhlislieil. EE & WALKER. No. 1(12 Chesnut st A are constantly publishing und receiving. new and beautiful music Irom the most distin guished composers. 1 he billowing list contains some of their choi cest and most popular Songs, Waltzes, Polkas, lVC. Now, thou art Gone, a beautiful song, words tiy J nomas ,1. Dichl. music by Hainbridire. My New England Home, words and music bv Mrs L. Wade. Grohc's Omnibus : by C. Grobe a collection ot f Mutts. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jos, Cling i. Pretty Little Polkaa for Tretty Little People ny J. All the Winds aje Sleeping, by A. S. Worn-sev. Guardian Angel, by tho author of "Love Not.' Household V ords, written by Chas. Young, do, The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Dichl, mu sic liv liorr. LEE & WALKER have constantly on hnnd. superior Pianos, and a supply of Martin's Cele brated Guitars, which together with a tine as sortment of Musical Instruments and Merchan dize in general, comprise a stock not to be sur passed by that of any other eslablislunont in the country. LEE & WALKER, Ifi'-J Chesnut street. Swaim'e Building. Philadelphia, June 28, LS51. ly. PROPERTY FOR SALE. rjjtl'E Subscriber who resides in Philadelp IL offers for sale the following property in J ton, Northumberland county, viz : The large f-v ERICK BUILDING in upper Millon, formerl occupied Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shoj i lie building is (ill Icet front on upper Mai street, and JO feet -'l Front street, and is V stories high. Also a two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on the same premises. The lo on the comer of upper Market and Front stre ami in (in 1,-ct .front, and lot) bet deep. i ne premises would be valuable lor a r oun or other maiiuf.ictuiing purposes, and will be; on reasonable and accommodating terms bv plying cither to JACOB CARUIGAN," Philadclphit J. F. WOLFIXGER, Esq.. Milton or IT. B. MASSER. Esq , Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1851 tf- "IJOOKf and Gold Pens. On hand several cop it s of the life of Christ, and also a numlier of gold jicns which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices, i or sale mi hi is oiuce. BOAP AND CANDLES. THE subscrilier takes this method of inform ing the citizens of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged in the manufacture of Soup and Candles, of the best quality, at No. 44 Filliert street, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for rash, to give him a call as they will find it to lo their advantage iu dealing with him fur articles in their line. . E. DUFFY & SOX. 44 Filbert above 8th. Dacember 20, 1851. tf. BLANK Parchment Paper Deed and blank Mortgages, Bonds, Executions, Summons Ac., for scle by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, April 56, 1851. SHINGLES Joint and Lap Shingles, of first rate quality, for sale by JOHN YOUNG. Sunbury, Dec 20, 1851. tf. "JOLT) PENS with and without silver cases just received, and for sale by H B.'MASSKR funbury. Anril 1851 w NOB AND SPUING MORTISE LAT CHES. An excellent article, for sale at hall ihe usual price by J- W. FAILING, Sunbury, July 7. 1819- 5USTICES' FEE BILLS For sale by H. D. MASSER. Sunbury, 1851. '26 WILEY'S COUGif CANDY. An excel lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale ut this office CJILVER WATCHES. A few double case F.nolish .Silver VTtr-hs fur sul vam lw prices by II . B. MASSER Sunbury, April 12, 1851. EN N ED YS PATENT SASH FAS- TENINGS. A cheap and excellent arti cle lor fastening sasb for sale by J. W. FRII.INO Sunbury, July 7, 1849. TV'URSING BOTTLES Breast pumps, and v nipple tuties- A supply of Uiese useful arli- clcs just received and for sale by JOHN W- FRILING Sunbury, Jan- 18, 1851 tf USE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article for 1 etter, 4c, just received and tor sale ny HENRY MASSER. Sunbury. July 28, 1849. rilEAS, from the New York Canton and Pekin X Tea Company. I ot sale by Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848, J. W. FKILING. T1AY RUM. An excellent article for sale j by HENRY MASSER. tMinbury Jan. J7UX, 1849 tX I" II IL.iDEL 1' II I 4 EIDBZCAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED is YEARS AGO B DII. KINKKLIX, V. If". Corner of Third and Union Stre BKTWEEN SPKl'CE AND FINE STREETS, PHILADELPHIA. niFTF.F.N YF.AHSof extemive ami uniiit?rru irm-iu'e iipnt in tliii ciiy dsive rendered lr. K. iu it rkiK-rt und suc't'eshtul tiraetiiioiier tur tud u in tlu tTriituu'iit m all ctiietiwa olu private ma are. I'eri ntilif'etl will, uk-et? uvu ttiob wlv, throat, nr Un, pain the ne.Hior imiic, im'icuruii niouiiutnstii. strii'iurri, em d i souse urisinu I nnn ynuiluull t'Xtt'te or iinpuritiei ii I-hk1. whrrHiv tlie v iiBtituttcn hus become enleebled, nil treait'd witn niicii-rt. Ho wlin nlcf InnirV'li undei the enre nf Or. K.. niav lip'iuily coiituit' in Ium honor as u gfiiUeiimn,aiid cuiUiiii y rely ujvui bi "kill in n physic-iuu. TAKK PAKTlcTIsAR NOTICE. Yotniff wlm have iniitrwl themslvs by etrt piartui iiMlnlitJ in-a linbit l'rtHutiuly Inirned from i ciiiiiiiiifnM r ut whnol tlie rtft-cti oi wliu-h ure Miffl U-tt. even wnt-n iirtic-p, nml iii'ntrny IxHh nitnd nnd m lit in Id apply imnieitniU'Iy. WenkiieM and t"iiititutk d"tility l'n o( inniictilar mvry, phymeul lumtiule and f end pntstriitinii. irntalnlity Hint nil nervous ntfeeiiiMii, n poBii.iii, liij;tfiHliiie in' tlm liver, und every dmeasein i way connet ti'il wilh the diwmler ol" the procreative lu tioiis cured, mill lull vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous, life or a premature death. KIMiEUN on Self Preservation. ONLY 25 CENTS. Thin U Mtkjutt puliluhcd ii filled with useful infonnjit on the itifiriitiiU'H him) diseitfun nf tlie (iniemtive Lhfn It aiiilrewM lUeh iilike U VOI TH, MAMJOOlJ and OJ A(iK, und Hiiould be lend Ity ull. The valuable adv ice und impreraive warning it gr will prevent yenmol' minery audtullcruig and Suva ftimu ly Ttioiiartndi in Live. Parenta hy rewliuir it will lea ru how 1o prevent tha d t ruction tit" iheir elnklren. ji.A remittance u' 25 cent m, eucloafd in a tetter, I drewd tn bit. KINKKLIX. N. W. e-Tner (rfTIHHD I'MOX Streeta, (eLweeii Spruce & J'ine, Philadelph will envure a h k, uiwler envelope. pr rduni H mail. I'eramsat a dismuce muyuddreu lr. K. hy letter, (pn paid,) and he cured ut hme. PAt'KAiiKS OF MKhlt'lXKP, PIHECTIOXS, fitrwnrded hv sendine a reniittaiiee, and put upaeeuie fn UA.MAOKt'ir CI KliiSTV. Hi tk-aeliera. New Atienta, IVdlnrt. CimvaBsert, ami others aupplied with the u!xve Wrk at very low rates. September 6, ltil. ly. NO CUIUS NO 1VVY1 Hughes' Fever and Ague Pills ! ! I'KRFElT and speedy cure for tlie Fever and Ague is Kimrunteeil tu any ono who may use the Tills. They have been used for the dir -crr year) and have never been known to fail in a siinrlo inalinre and in eases, too, where persons have hud the disease for several years, without intermission. The proprietor chnllengct Iht vvrJ to produce all article that will cure in as short a lime, without Iciiving any deleterious elleets from the use of it. If the Pills do not perforin a speedy und perfect cure, the proprietnrwill return the money. Fur sale by Jacob !S. Lawrence, .Minersville ; L llellen stein, Trcvorton; 8. R, Dixon, Hchuylkill Ha ven; John V. Frilins, Sunbury; Mary A. Mc Coy, Northumberland ; Mr. Ileekly, llanville ; John Sharpless, Cattawis&a ; lr. Judd, Williams port ; John Ruscr, Milton, and by rosjiectuble UrugRists Ihroimliout the State. J. CLKTIS V. 1U GHES, Proprietor. Pottsville, June 28, 1851. ly. STONEWARE, STONK milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone w-are just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, June 83, 1849. EXTRACT CF GINGER. A fresh supply just received and for sale at this office. Price 23 cents. Sunbury, Ju.y 12. 1851. LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption JB law of $:H0, for sale by April26, 1851. H. B. MASSER. PATE1TT ICSSICJIITSS (irecu's Osyirenated Biller, price reduced. Old Jacob Towiiscnd'sSarsaparilla. linker's Sarsaparilla. Sway ne'e Syrup of Wild Cherr Svvayne's Vermifuge. .Ayre's I'lierry Pectoral Ur. Drake's j'anacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tibbit's I'ain Killer. Dr. Iloolland's German Bitters: Indian Veirctuble Pills Horse and L'sllle Medicines For sale by HENRY TASSEB. ullbury, July 14, 18-1'J. Valuable KooUm, LIFE r Christ, handsomely hound, D'At honk's Hisroar ur tr Hihibmtioi Ri.isk DtT-aunKs and Liiiniss, full boundci) For sale at the publishers prices by H. 11. MASSF.R. Sunbury, July 14, 1819 4tAPS. An assortment just received. AIM silk HATS at $325, for sale by H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. 848. JATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS for , bar botlljs for sale by H. B MASSER. Sunbury, April. 12, 1851 ytrRITINU FLUIDand self sealing Envoi " ' kies, just received and for sale bv April 19. 1S-M H. B. M ASSER. 1JIjANKS. BLANKS of every description can b had hy applying at the office of the American. n ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine fnr sals by HENRY MAMIt c-unbury, Jaa. Jiih, 1849 4 .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers