Sp- Fn tins L iulprii. A VOIIEY OF VALENTINES. ...TO GENERAL SCOTT. , Had kind fata but mst my lot To hare Ihnt lor with Ihpe, I'J frerlv give bold lot anil scot Thy Valentino to Iiti. TO PRESIDENT FILLMORE Much smarter ynn have turned out Than many aid portr-nd Hut you'll turn out, without a doubt, Much minrter in the end. TO DANIEL WEB ST Kit. If talent solely, were the lest By which a man should shine Ynn onjjht to bn, it is con feat, Columbia's Valentine. . TO HENRY CLAV. Groat Hurry, tho' thy mortal ftamo Supine in sickness lies, Death cannot kill thy cluriotis name The patriot never dies. TO HORACE GREELY. To Knocking Spirits, bogus, 'isms," And "wool" thou dost incline We send thee, Chief of all the schisms, A Social Valentine. SENATOR FOOTE. Thntf prick-ly-ishiooth, thou cross but clever, Mississippi snap, "'-.. No Senator can with thee ever Play the game of "brag." - SAM HOUSTON. Hrave UncleSam, thou great ally 01 Crolon's temp'rale daughter 'Twixt you and I, you can't get "high" Jiy sticking to cold water. TO W, H. SEWARD. I'd send a votive note to thee, But I'm nfiaid that you'll Like .Esop's worsted Jackdaw bo Eutangltd in the woof. TO JOHN li. GOUGH. Ynnr fine teetotal teaching, John, There's nobody can scorn Because ynnr sober preaching, John, You practice in a horn. TO LOLA A10XTES. My pretty pet, how can you get A man his heart to yield You sny you're sick of mari iase, yet Acknowledge yourself Ilcald. TO MAYOR KINGSLAND. Hail !- first of Mayors, we must say, To keep the city neat And clean, for even in Broadway There's sito mud in tho street. TO THE SWAN OF ERIN. Sveet, simple Kate, its quite absurd To call the Erin's Swan, Thou art not such a downy bird As she my thought is on. ' TO JENNY LIND. Angelic Waibler, but that now ' You've found a mortal mate, Wo had almost concluded, thou Wert Scrapk incarnate. TO THE BLOOMERS. In Rome, do ns they do in Rome, 'Tako heed what you 're about If vou Avonld wear the pants at home, Yuu must not v:car them out. TO SENATOR BORLAND. When our pugnacious hero weds, 'A jifize-rin he should use One M) re,uowned at breaking heads, Can break hearts if he choose. ; TO MR. FORNEY. Not one among the scribbling host ' Your cletkly fitness betters For who should occupy the jiosf, If not a man of letters. A STRING OF ITEMS. IVweu one will not, two cannot quarrel. Motto ron a Pilot Wheel or wo. Eugenc Sue U married to an American lady. Punch's Counsel, to Lous Napoleon Stop, thief. In the Isle of Man tbey have call with out tails. Luthkb died on the 18ib of February, 1516. "Win is John Rigger's boy larger than bis father t Became he is a little Piggcr." (Is who deals with a blockhead has need of much bruins. Fresh Beimudu Tomatoes are celling in New Yortc. Tiik Ohio Canal are to be opened on the 20th of March. Tub hoi sprint's of Viigiiiirt are 1 J3S. suf ficient to boil eggs. Somebody ays, "we live under a govern ment of men and morning newspapers." A r.EAUTiicu orientil proverb runs thus: With time and patience die mulberry leal becomes satin. A nkw paBs has been ditt-overed in the Sierra Nevada, by which the transit is great ly facilitated. Non Intervention. -A principle that cannot be recommended too tlrougly, in all matrimonial wars. ViiiLANruaoi'uTs aro trying to put a slop to the punishment of shower-baths at Sing King, as too severe fur human endurance. Tus school Tumi of the Slate of Wisconsin now amount to tho sum of &76j,loat Pretty well for a "four years old." Thk ludy whose dress was too diity to wear, and not dirty enough to wash, had a matter of serious Import to decide, Tincat are two things modest men should never undertake to burrow money or study law. .. ' ' ' ' , . Thk tKsa genius you have got the more moral should be your writing. Were it not for Tupper's pie1y,'Ttipper himself would be considered an ass. . vr. Somebody iaya there are two kinds of fa mily jars', into on of them you put sw'eet rneais and uch likej and lu the othor you put- yetir foptf. i i ; . A rei t-owseven feet hlj-'h, on hit way to ruiifurnia DBuud ihiou"h Chailesion. ' Ou beiui liked, -hy-tiiyeiiliired 'po" so hazard Otis a joiiiiiey'.lie replied that they didii'l w:" t him any I "'' down in Maine. A: - CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Care of ' ' 1 ' COUGHS, GOLDS, HOARSENESS, SROlf. CHITIS, CROUP, AST. MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. In ofl'oring to tho community this justly cele brated remedy for diseases of the throat and lung, it is Bot our wish to trifle with the lives or health of the olllieted, but frankly lo lay before them tho opinions of distinguished men nnd some of the evidences of the surcrss. from which they enn jtidtfc for themselves. W'c siuccroly pledge ourselves to make no wild assertions or false statements of its cfiiency, nor will wo held out any hope to auflrmitr huninnitv which facts will not warrant. ' Many proofs aro here given, and we solicit nn inquiry from the public, into nil we publish, feel ing assured they will find them perfectly reliable, and tho medicine worthy their hest conlidjnee and p:tronnire. From I If distinguished Professor of Chemistry and Materia Mtdica, linmlmn College. Dear Sir : 1 delayed answerim the receipt of your preparation, until I had on opportunity of witiirssinji its ellects in my own tannic, or in the futilities of my friends. J hi I nave now done Willi a hi;h ."CTree of satisfaction, in rases both of adult nnd children. I have found it, as its ingredients show, a pow erful remedy for colds, and cough., and pulmon ary diseases. I'AkKER CI.EAVEI.ANI, M. 1). Bnr.vswirK, Mb., Feb. 5, F47. From an Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in this City. I.owv.i.i., A 115. 10, 18)0. Dr. J. C Aver : I have been cured of the worst couch I ever had in mv life, hv vonr "Oiif.iiiit l'j:i ronL," nnd never 1'uil, when I hac opportunity, of recommending; it to others. Yours, ruspertlullv, S. I). EMKKSON. tV Itead Hie fillov.iiiR. ond see if this medi cine 19 worth a trial. J Ins patient linil Iierome very feeble, and the clTrct of tho incd'uiino was unmistakably distinct: V. S. lfurnt, SAiHTnnA 8 rutins, ) July S, 184!. J Br. J. C. Kyer,. Sir: I have been dilated with n painful nili'Ction of tl.e bines, mid all the symptoms of settled consumption, lor more limn a year. I could find no medicine that would reach my ease, until I rommeneed the use of your "(Jubkht 1'kctiiiiai.," which frnve me gradual relief, and I have been steadily R.ihiiinr. my strength till my health is .well niirh rrston-d. While usher your meiliciiie, I had the rrratili ration of coriiifr with it mv reverend friend, Mr. Trnmnn, of Kumpter District, who had Iven sus ended from his parochial duties by a severe ut tack of bronchitis. I have pleasure in certifying there facts to you, And am, sir, vonrs, respectfully, J. F. CAMIOIjW, of S. C. tr7 The followinrr was one of the worst of enses, which the physicians and friends thought to he iueurul le consumption : Chf.htkh, Fa, Aug. 22, 1R40. J. C. Aver. Sir : I was. taken with a terrible rough, brought ou by a cold, in the begumim; of last February, and was confined to my bed more than two mouths. C'otiu'liins incessantly ni.;ht and day, I became ghastly and pale, my eyes were sunken and glassy, and my breath very short. Indeed, I was rapidly failing, find ill such distress for breath, that but little hope of my re covery could be entertained. While in this situ ation, a friend of mine, (the Rev. John Keller, of the Methodist church) brought mi a l.ntllc of your Cm:nnv l'i.( toiia i., which I tried more to gratify him, th in from any opi-clatiou of obtain ing relief, lu good died induced mo to con tinue in use, and 1 soon found mv health much improved. Now in three months, I nm well nnd strong, and can attribute my cure only to your great medicine. With the deepest gratitude, yours, fcr. JAMES (iOUFKKV. Prepared and sold hy JAMES C. AYE It, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Siinbury by II. MAKSEH, and by Druuubt gencrullv throughout the flute. November I, 1851. lyccJmo. Knjravcr nnd Printer, No. '10 Chestnut Street, ahovc Second) E8 prrpnred lo ilo HMIKAVI(i nd PlilXT in nil Ihrir .nuM'.H, Weililin?. Vinitinr aim llusinosft t'anlri, 'I'ii'kctx, Wad !i Papers, J.nlwln, liill -Henri, Notes, Chcrkri, Urnl'ts ant! JiiplomH. SeaU nii;l Stuuipi Tr Corporation, OJil Kellowf, Maions, Soib of Tt'injKTHuee, Jtc, All tlie atiovo engraved in Ihe K't-l manner. Orders Ity l'ost promptly allenik-J to. DeremlKTSV, lK.rl. ly. Clocks, Watches, Jewvl.nry, Hilver Ware, Fancy GootU, &c, &. (0XirKsof ev;ry ilovrlption mi l nm'iiv, R dny Hhikb j iuhI :tn h.mr CI hKk, civ luw. Wmrlit tli. in:ik'.'irt. T''!i:w .Miiitem iuv l!'ltuil kUM imlnil It-vnK, f :w lew us w:rnnif(1 I?- kiiitit 4Ti -. ttiivl iiiwiriH) H-jniic i. low h iSif.oo vi'iiiruiiLiiil, (u irht-r atrlu- m emu varifiy. Jc-il.iy i evury t- Tiiti. n, imiti iii:ntl Itti.l Fell r'h:iill, Hricr'l.'B, Knf liliit Vnvj'T Hinc, Urlii I''ktii8, Hold I'i'ii f t wnrnuilui pmuia. 'l'ne siutjAcrtttKf liuviiv jtit rt'ttirmti lrui Uk ftu'lixit is iir--in 1 j iiiniuli any ui J nit 01 hi lute uf liiisiiii-M f tin bi-hf h'vI.-h. ns clmift e lte wime irti-rli-l 1 mi t Ihtiil iu III? riiltmMpt.l;! l X sV VorU MurkftN. v his nmj llio 1 n I (in ui litis I'U't It iuvilv Uictr attoii tioiiun l rt-spiTt Hilly n..lii-itsu :irl. IU- njiilil fvuii ularly inviit- iWi iitU'iitii'it v( II (-i IV-pri tnr, unl rmnilit ii t I.im rstriivenitriMiciil iA' tilv i W't.ro, viz : Ttn tScllv, 'I'altlf, i,-fciM-iL ainl 'leal SjxfMiK, Knrku, l,:Hi', Ac. Ap. OntiTs n i'riMi f-r uay mut'lr nl ih'sT Ware uw"iird Willi )T-HMtti'(Ui, nml in tlit" lrti( '!. A pniil vnnty n 1 mf ito-Ki?, I'linifr .'M:tiiin wiFK, mh u -vrinnar Umki, port rnti, t).ive llitxttt. ilmr Huao-, Ac , Kv.. It ynu w;mt lo Bccurc Imriinm-iin nt K c unr'.KN'H t , I'tiltiville, I k w d'n t the Piwt OffiM, Centre N U All kinil oC icpaim atteii'lol lo by the but w.rk- m-'ii. Jlceenilief 'J7, 1i-.j1 6111. MASLLE MAKUTACTORY, CJIKAf (lli.VVK STONJCS. riill milxM'illier iiif.nn.B hin fiieudu and the 1111I. lie, that lie continue to carry 011 the V:irlle UimiiH w in all iu I randicu, ut hii old Htanil iu Milton, l'a., and in prepared lo iiiuiiu- iaeluru .Monumeutu, Tombs, Gravestones, &c, of thn liet materials, and mnt liiiii-lii'd wuik mau4iip, and at Iho lowet price. Letter Cutting, Eimlinh and German in the imibt oiodern and elegant style. . Uuaifna for .MouuiiuniU, Grave 8lonea, ic, alwaya on hand. N. H. Order fur the a4 aide of the river promptly eioruU'd by Jovving the autue at the ollico of Ihu "Sunhuiy American." ANTHONY; HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. c alllNGI.E.S. Joint nml Lap Miiisle. uf Ch4 rule ipiajlty, for salu hy J0fN Y0UNQ. Bunhury, Pec'SO, ISJlr-lf. . ... rOLV PENS with- arid without ailver ca - iut rt reived, and finale hv 1 v H D. MASSKR Funbury, Anril 4 ;19S1 w' : ' TJI.ANK DEEDH printed on Ih Ik-hI quality " ol parchment paper, iild alth 1 lowcl price at tliii olliie, hy wbolekile and retail SUN BURY AMKUlCAi ANl3 SIIAMOKIN JOURNAL. , CATTLE to WD Ell IinKiNinFJUlNKFIKLIl'&CO. No. 187 North Third Street, Philadelphia. riMIIf powdnr I mtHli! Iiy the tinitwl tlinvtiiv of nil 1 who hnva vmA it lo tlm lirrt rnnk of nil tliw C AT Tl.K MKDIOl.M'.S, which liuyr ln thuthl praire Witrthy f.ir nrnny yenrn. ItHlcrtl wo Hmllrnpe nny prr n to iniike 11 Btiprrinr, 01 nny powdr-r thnt nrrs hi thf nine niiiiiiM-r. If ihf nniiii'il Uk imrfucily hwilthv it will either InrrrJiM lhf niri Mint .if milk ar miiii nniihnt'rr; r thn mi i 1 dm I will Improv "pirtty in fut. It will tlMrvf'rr in time Ih (Mituh rfd we luivi" n- tl -n1t mm t.f the nhi-le nrr i ties of every Knnnrtr. who kiwps n ilinn ; irnrt "f rvtrr v pnrp mi dwiiinp n Ifnro. It in n-it nne if thc itiiwl n, ftliXTirBici tint merely fwi II nn nutnml up f r n ulnrt timf. hut it will In- thr'rnpMi-irr whirh it hnc f ronrrn iim HIIMTHIC Al'll) (whu'hiniui i tt. U iii'UUt) intu l.r Tir AfUiir cn.t:i k ; r:nis"n nicntcr inii'tnnt of ii'itriiinn nnttiT to hf t'TMu-lctl fr -nt tin' (i'line inmumt or fn.nl. Mum p iil!y eiiilil hf, wrre th nrtive priiviph-p tnifriiin to juiH out ot ih typtem in th form of lltrrvmr Arm. hnvc rti'eJvcil a iiiuliitiiilt! nf ttviilrticu to pnve whiit wi hnve Mill nh v. SMthi'i t p-iy : We hnve mixrtl '.lie riMire mreiit, with s rrnnt inimlw r cf VrirTAfiK I'luiis unit lu ilm. which time :nnt nst- h:i e pr iviil to he tuctnl, improrhit? the :pp-tit" Hurt pr-ini'ittmr ilt'iwi.iii n (lie I'n 4I ; thti wciirinir 11 he:illhv C in litinn of tho hloml. from whhh the Mii.k nwl Vat mint he f mmtt. II tuny We n-d f .rllon, Cows muUlons for the folluw iug voiiipl.iints iiihI liiHi nvfn. VKI.LOW W ATKIl, n iltimri roii nir'tnw. which de ptrin nitiiiy vihin'tlc hoirt every wur, is very ofitn entirely cuntd hy Uie fiee. uo of thitt powder, in nil caw 11 win prevent I he diwise trom ennnnit on. Tins ti:fiipe is owiiini Ui 11 IkhI nnd immiVeririnTi ptnte of the Mn.nl wiiieti heeotnen linn, watery nnd of nil yell iv rol'ir. This powder h imprrM'hip thrt Kf-Mivifh nnd fiivinw to the hl'Ntd ti unsiter inimitily of n d pnrtielei, nifirdi" the hent mid only vis.-ililrt ch:iiicrt nf rceoyery. If the lwree is lnr u n. . jve hi Ttiiiijr uml nijrht n tnlleipoonriil in wet feed, if in the hriniiiti-j 1 iiire u d:iy nt ll on, if only t J pre vent Hie dipciw iiet! n week. SI jA JKiKti I Nit. I'd in I he riiinfitim of truiny vnlni Me II !' ( hy rxhmndioii ; h emilMiit 1itw-ti;ir: of Kiti v:i Which oiiv'hi to en inti the rionnrh to nwit digestion. It is 11 sperieM nf Mtilivutin often nnntneed hv Immm To- Iwcei) growing in the p;ic(ure proimd A T.ililcsKHnfnl three thiien 11 week will fi enm ii! Iv nrrent the H nv, if it d-ies not depeiiil ou the Tun rrn in the t:r:iv, under cueli eircnnwt'Miees (tie nitiinnl miiFt lie kept in the Ptnhlo Ids t 'KMI'KH If thn powder is uitly and ireely nwl, 110 other reineiiy heel he ii.ed, il li:,fi ulri-uly cured hnn dredmif IffiRftK of this tnni!le)oMiedihejiie hit tie urpri of th e who nn. it. h n t no' d enrK, hrf ire mntt. r hfis torml inihe Ti.-e'i itiMinMt rect'Te the nnincil peri'eetly until the m titer is ilirth:iri(eit, ne it cjiiIv mid pr- vent taeh 11 remit. A T.ihle"piKnfnl once ot twice ti d;iy is cnoiiuh. tiAMIKUS. This dimmc h:m hidlled nil FAltniKW., (live this p 'wd- r 11 fiiir trial nnd it will do wonder in this terrdle nnd hitherto iwnrnhle tnnhidy. It is a ifsetne of the st-nidiiml Kvstrin :ind Uepl up hy imperfect nutrition, in sueh iiit s n T:iMcpoonfnl every d:iy twice for n m ntli tr two, in eonnismt -re:.io!i. v in nine enses ut of n dozen i-licet m enre. it ha hern fiiirly terd. Con ifhf end Kh"rtne9 nf ire;ith' dependmir on wntk hnii". n T.iii!t-ipo,.iiiiI every morning; if it iiUiH-h once or twice n we"k. l'DOIl MV-5riRITKn TIORSKS, nr wit ere therf Is nny renviins of l-'o'iiuhr or eMiI'icus of uioii.iji, imd tho Ilnrpi! iil nut f;itteti, nr where the h;nr is numh nnd strtmlji Rindcht our, ihe f.n sr-iuirir tii do no s fid. the powder pr 'duces nlni.mt i'liinedeOe intnrovemeiit of the nniiHid ; th-- itiinit.ii imt.nivs nnd with H nil the bIim: pf"titwKM of the niirm d dis iope im. h.-c.-n.ing lively uud Kpirited, nnd (lie liair smooth nnd ttliek. COW s. IVr Mtrxrfn Cows, nre fully e iivineed that it ivt on!.- illlpr V the (jn-.l-ty, hnL tN.lt il ittefc:! '! the ant UUlt of Mill. O'aini ii, ill ItiiM'T ; some wh have tried the ex peiinieiit Riiy i I'oiin l u Wee's, mtiers sny halt'n inmd vdiihione jo iMDii iii-ii.- it 'l Hmiii il tit-.t he nruU1 t w i I'onni'n in Ten v.'ei-k (rom -h Cows. We think it will he found to uventtfe trom a 'i.i n ivmnd j-er week on ench Cow. wl it ine i,i;wi art' puiu-i :iy iiennv. 1 htu a.i.Ulioirii aiM-aiiit 1 ih iiittdc by lh" e 'iive-ad -u of the I! ipjnirit Acid in'o Niro- i pei.nm iin-1 fatly c-oeip ainds : nls by S'ipily(n!r the oxv- taken in by tlir luai;s, with the elements of reaction ; with nit t-ikiii anv of the N iroee i m horiinn of iltr feed, t ll'ihhow iHHtN or S(H,I''i mmV DISKA-i:, nnd nil o'ltcr of itent i-ifih- iV' 'eiidimf upon a bad stateof thn tliiids. nre rem .vH ;ieeddv nu.1 t-nw-t nwlh. Cows. wh.-senM'k is blue, ihid cud vierv nnd wh-fe it milk, or which are itfed t ii i ' ' '"'"'I ''I T-wi-i i vi'iia -;ni iih phi y Stun: loner dry. It Will le t -mv : nn ahnnst infallible remedy, hv improviuc the rondi'i ti nf lite IiIoihI and eri-uduiff u hwuihy digest t in; n rnblopiMii ful every day or every other day ns il may be tieeutsury nook Pips in the snmuief often overheat themselves, pet swd led iu .el,?, eoliths, ideers in the (uncs nnd Liver, which eause ihein to die ven' suddenly. Mnae may lie prevented entirely tiy puttintr n pound or u half into n Itarrel cf mvit! ; niHt it will ut tho aline tuiie c.utdernhly luisUn the fatten iup pr-iTi". N. It In nntmal which is civnur milk nnd yin nro desirous to f;iit.ti ut lh tame time, yon should n'' t eve more than a tatilespKaifnl ojh n woek nr it will rcluut the formati n of fat by iiiereuinir the nnionnt of Milk. l--t x'M'it person try its effect for himself nnd lie wil s hiu he m ii tailed of iii execilent qiinlitics, and that no Fr niei h and l.e without it. for tite nuvpoFf of fin 1 i i out further how far out jnstlv relehratf.l CATTl.i: POWDflt, in entiihd to tin eonti.l. -nee of nil m-elligp-nt people ; we have n !dtrs-il I.et'eri t i all j-iurih of the I'mied StJtti-s, wliere our I'nvv iler h:i3 been use 1, find we areni.li n-nv fro-n the evidence thus hr Me.'ht befmre Ui. t iiynru everv fanner, Pliiiv- duiii nnd llorsi-'iuun, that it has thus far iciy much ex- Cee'h'd our III '' Rill'OM-ie ex oeet tlioiiS. Vih the tid-htiouai knowlcdre tlms far obtained, Wk ITofK we will be enabled to nrikrl the best tmd in st per fect CATTl.K MKniciNi; iri'er yet ntt'-M-ed to n diseeruini people. It n"ts tm a vaiidi'e promoter of di-ef:ti ni. iin proves the ipt'ilitv of tlie b!-od nnd thu-t iiifrniHM the jonoiint "i ri'tt'-r I'at. M;!k and cjiiSL-ijueutty of Jlutler Mv'-n in tli heidthv Auiiaal J-wre nf I ounli i'.fils ns lite exleimive Rile of oiir powder ha induciit I'lhem in make ait imitation of ii . rich pat k Ins cair written Stffitaf ure on tti end. hhkivic., f uoM:rii;i.i) co. rhilHdHpliin, July 'i, lNit. ly. S50 FOKFIS1T. HUNTER will forfeit 50, il" f.uting to cure nnv case of secret klUeHsn t!it mnv come tuuler Iiis caie, no matter lioiv lonm Htunti inK or iiilliiiinif. Kilher ex nro invited to Inn Privute Jlooins, 3S North SSVKNTU Street, I'liiluilehihiii, without fe.ir of uiterruntion hv oth er jialientii. t'traiier ami others wlio liive b.teii utifiinunate iii iho hilei-lioti of a ihvsieiaii i are i n v il cl In rail. J'hoo ulio liae i:ijttivtl ' thrini'!fs l.v m!itnrv viee tire also invite.l. i la'.AU AND UKFU'CT. The atlliele.l woulil .lo wi ll to ri'iloi t Ik Ii.io truntitit; tln-ir health, liii)iiiiii'fs, atitl in many cki'H their liven, I in the Ii iihIs of pliy-ifi.iiiH, iL'iiornnt of thin rl:isn ' of innla.lies. It is rcrtninlv imn)etjilile for one man to iiinlemtanil all the ill the human family nic Kiilijei t to. Uery rc..ietiahle physician has I Lis .pi-nli;ir hrnncU, in which he i.-i more tieee.s- j fill l him hin lirntlier liriiten-'iis, uml to that ho ilo , votiv. must of his time an. study. YKAU.-i H'' riJAfri'ICi:, exclusively devo ted lo tlie kludy ami tieuliiient of disease of 4lie ticxual orrtim, oi?elher with ulcera Uion the lu dy, throat, iiomu, or lcx, pain in the head or hunt , iiu ri'Uiial rheuuiatiniH, (jiavrl, irrci;ulai i- liscaseii tiriin from youthful rxccn.-es or lMinirilirs (if (lie Mood, wlirrcliy the roitHtitiitniii Uut heroine enfi ehleil, c.udildi the Iloclur to olV. r ttjrily relief to all who may iilucc Ihcinsolws under hin ram. l'hiladelphia. April 1(1, I80I ly. UXIOX HOTEL, UNBLTEY, PA. ri-MIE MTSS WEIT'KL'H respectfully inform S. tho 1'iil'lic that they (.till continue to enter- taiu travellers ami other nt their old estaMished Hlainl in Market street, west of the I ourt limine. Their hint; exM'rieuee iu the liUKineiw, nnd the e Chlallihc'. reputation of their Jlouse, will, they tru.t, If a f iillicient cduranlee, that their uitlnmers will l.e nell aeeomiuoduted. March 8, l5l tf. AZSniCAN HOUSE, rOTTSVTLLE, PA. Mi:s. (ho MAUy WEAVF.U rcsctrully informt (ho puhlic nnd travelling community iicneiul. ly, that she has ojieued Uiia lure uud commodious HOTEL, lurmshed iu a superior Jtyle. t nun her long uxiierieuctf in fJio husiueui of a hnt rate Hot.!, and well known reiiulatioii to aecommo- ihi'.c, her customers may di k u.l on hcini; iuipilicd nil every thing conducive to tlirtr couilnil and cyitveiiiencc. Fell, 15. 1631. 1 WKNCK 1LOUSK. STTKBURY, PA. yiHIE nuhscriher resjiei-tfully iuforma her friend 1 and tho puhlic generally, that alio baa taken the abovo will known stand nearly ojipoiUi lh f.'ouit Houm, lately occupied hy Mr. J. C I'cr kina. Shu trtiat Uml hr experience in husbirsa, and her effort to inuku lief guest coinfnrtuhle, will Rive entire eatwfaetjou Ui tliose who may fa tor her with their cuntoui. ' ' 1 . ANN O. MORRIS -March 8. 1851. tf. ' ' . ' wrNOH A-ND A'PtUNU MUKl'iSE J-AT. Jj piiE.-VAH em-vllmit article, for sulo til half the usual price. Ly . J W. fAlU-NO,:-tfuuuury, July 1. 113- , . . . LoTlCEci' FEE 111 LI K I ,. " ISuuhuiy, I8..I. Fut aale by u li. M A.sftEi:. . LIVKRoivSPIsAIKT, JAUNPirR, PK?RIA,-CtmONtC" OR nervous iVn.nV, iuskash - . OF T KIDNEYS, AND nit ili- nrifiVrnn, (ti..,rti,.rrl lim nr to m irh, mirlmpminML.,,, iw.rrt pum. I'llllliwu. r tKKl f. Iho limit, ,ly f ,), st.imnch,. Nnunni, nurtlHirn, iliwnt f.ir I j f,w or weight In lh Pinnnrh, qir 'Knirtniinns.sv inIIV flnttcriiiK M Hie pit nr tlir Utirniiph. vwimmintr ,P )1P,), irricl nml iiffl.-iilt lirmllnnc, flnltcriinr nl thi-fcr) e,,lmt , ,n"Tntiin M'lmilioim hcn inn lviiw,,;ir l)imrm nf vii"n, it.ir wM!wlipfori.i,Milivw n,,l.ill pnin In lh hriirt. diTn-irncy nf prnpimli '.h rll.iwniwof llio skin nml I""1.' W"i'. ini-K,, MimIm. ftr.. mi.lil.il fln-lin, nl li-irt linriiinr in tlif Vh. r.nitliiiit iiiinjrininfii l evil, ann prrait ilepri'ri'ii nl ,rtn CAN III: KFFt:CTPAtV rt RI-.T) BY i:m:ii!iati; IIHATKD t n . C . M J A (1 BlTTi:il8, TntR GERMAN' MKItCINte RTOllE. No. ISO Arch St! rhlLvdrlphln. Their power orer tho nlvv idiKeimeji in not exrelled, tf mii in the Vnited htntin, p(pmlU(l, hy nny oilier prepn nn Iheenren mirint in mnny f h:i(l (Itile.t. nl'ter ftWilttuI physiemim Ihrtw Itittcm nr worthy 1-v ntteiUion nf inididn I 'wi'wmj irnitt virun f in the V'!'1'-1""" i.f diKdiNeii the Ltyer mid M-wr piattiU. tTefcfrir th m -t ffitirrliinit ("twerp in wenknem ami nfTcetiei Vi lhe div;eUVo orgfln, they nrut wiitt.il, ti' eeriuin nn.lll -nK.iiit. ' ri"i-. m'll e II. .hi -Wlee. TheKdilnrnid. )r. &M Hoop.An CKMiFIMTKpliRRV UlTTFPH fof the cure nf I ,iyi r I 'oinp! nut. .hmniiV-. ivn ifpio, Chronie or Nervous )!, iJit vt m (hfervmllv Ve i.'f tiie lllont popn hr medinnes of the' thy. Triene ' ' ,-.n hnve heen utl hy thonviiidn. inn) -i frji-nd ut i-iirv'!fcw tuiy he hns him !f reeeiveil nn elfectii:!) ond pen 1 Vent cure of I.ivrr Coinpl iinf fr.-m the nwe. thin reintjlyl We nre ennvineed tint, in thr use of thew Itiltrf. tii prdieilt poiiftMtitlv trmiH nfrentrHuiiid viifr n fiet wort ilj.it yrent eonfide r;iMoti. Tiiey nre pt.-iis int in rtifti.e mul ti'll. nnd e.-m he lim-d hy per inw vih Hie nioHt ih lieiile t liiiitchu with wife ly, iiniiT tmv pirrnmttnneet. we nre fVnkinir from tx- perieiiee, nnt lo the nrllirled we ndviM tlinir nne." "Scott's AVrRKi.v," one of tho best Uti-niry papers pulilielied. iciid, Am;, it' 'Dr. lhinrr.Mi'!i Uvrmis 1Iirn:n. trtntmfnctnred !iy Dr. Jacks. ti, nre iew ree mimen I'll hy s 'in.i the m ml pr nniuent memlwrs of the Picnhy ns mi nriirle o iinn-h I edie.tey 111 cum.'s ot leiimte vraikitriii. A;' tnit-I? is the ! enfee, wo wonM ndvie nil mot Iters to ohlain n t ittle, :ind thus save thems-.'Ive ni'teh siekuers. I'cr-iie of d.-Iiilitn-j ted emixiitnti ins will find thwe Hitters ndvaiit-iffenns to 1 th-ir health, nsw know from exp-rirniT the 'haintnry I clftrL they h:i'ennon week s KLema.' More Evidence, The "Phihvh-hihin Pnlnrdny Otwetl," th Itrst fnmdy lieV8iiii M'lhlishui in lue Liultd tfuiti s, tho editor Dt lfoffandys German Hitters. ! It !p weld. (in i.i Wn ree.iriiineiiil wk-il nm ..p..n.t T'i. nm .iiniii'iiics, to in- "olMt'teare niiI patronai;e of our 1 renders; nnd. thnefore, hen wn rmontmend hr. iln '' ! I hind's (ieiiu iu Hitters, wo wis it to he dintinetly imrtci j 1 stood that we are n 't s-teaknur of the n 'Htiiiii of tin j (tay.tha: nre n uxed aUait f rn hi iff period piuI then for- t 'tteiinftei they hnved -ne their iiuillv race nf inihicf. j 1'itf of a niedt'aiift I ii2 etahhyhe I, niiivetjeiMv piizt.il, and ! I which has ni"t tlie - m'y fi.Toval o the KaeuKy itM-'f ! ! Kvidettr-e tiii!i evi.h'iice has been re-auved (like the I firei; linsr) fmtn nil Mi iionn t f the I'lii-n, th.i List thr-e ' ye-tvfj, :i nd the fr J'iit."t tc" iiriony in it', fivu, is, that there Is more of it nnci in tin; pncrieeof the regular Vhv- : ; sieinnsof J'iiiLi el;hia, tlv.n nil nt'iei n utirnnis e.iiiibiin d, H fa-t that en ihIv be ei iblUhed. :c. I fu'.lv pr wintf that ti sneii"tie prervn-iti ai wi'! eiei t with tliuir imut aiinrnvnl a preiee'e1 ven hi thi f r: n mt tins me-ti.-iv" will ear.- I.iv.- C inthii:i nnd Pes- p'i'a, no nne can d uht. :uj-r n- Imt il as dirv'tnl. It nets speeifieally upon 1 1 i rl anaeh nnd tivei it. pi i-TTsiI.!o to c:dontei in all hilii um iltmiBcnthe i i!'-et in iinntedi-iie. Tliev enn w iiihiii-iifiMr to t-Vimle or Infant with Rilety nnd reliable btnetit, ut tiny tim. " HEWAIIK OP C( NTrn FK1TS. Tlus merlieite has lU.aine l that hi rh e'nnieter w'deh is I1IV'"1MI V I r ill I Hi -i 1 1 mi i lit utt-. in , in. I ...... . ,..h IIITM o mil fnrtlm naurionn nrtielfi nt lh ri-li f ihTTTi- ea of thi'se are innocently de.-eivl. look wF.t.i.To Tin: M.r!t: nr thk nr.uiG. Thi'V ltnve Ilu; wrilti'ii sijiimtiire nf C M. JACtiSl) I'P'Ml ll'i- nT ipprr. null the liillult 111 iwil ill tlie lmltli', Willi niir wliifh tin y lire Fpini Hiu. Fur Ktli.', w'vileKnle tiinl rt-ti.il, nt I'm (icrman Medicine. Store, N". I90 AHCH Sireit, otm itnr li, l .w HiTlti. (lnr nf 8JS It ieit nri it.) Iliilii.lfl!ilii, tih.I .y riHitn'Uiltlo lliailtTl gfiu'rally thr .i!j.'h''iit Ilu; r-'iutlry. pittci.s itKiu'rr.ri. T imi'iIiN' nil rl:ititfR uf iiiviilMn ti enj'iy the aitviliit-iril oflneir retit rvnt- n.t i v.? p. iwet'S. Single Butlle, 7!) CP'is. A mo : t'er rile hv II. .Ma-'heR, SuulHirv, nml M. A. MTaV. X 'rlliiiiiil..Tl'1'ltl. AniriiKt 3ti, IS'il. ly. AITI) V.MTCII ESTABLI5JI2IENT In Eclii-rrovo, Pa. Ctoclis. Wit(rle-it nni .leirrlry, ( y KPAIiii'Ll in tlio hosi inuiiniT tiiul wtirranl.'J lo iprltirin ivoll. All wi.ik iiitruslcl to hin care will lie utriitl,' altrndi'J tn. .Soliiidirrove, Nov. SO. 1S."S0. tt. J. II. ZIMMERMAir, JESTIfK OF TIIK' I'CICE, Eunbury, Pa. Onice in Deer Street, immediately opponite the l'uhlie School House. 1 v Mmile eullcetcil ami till liiisiiieva pminptty nnd care fully altenillfl to. April SO, lSjil j)i:i)V. S J-XsKNt I' (If - (il'IJ, an excellent urticle. JAMAICA GIN- 'client urticle. Kin w .1 v letter, C. Medicated Snap for mill htmid, Ian, Iititlway's (-'iicanian Uuliti, for tlio hair d.ind riill'.Vc. Kadway a lie idy liclief fjr Cholera Morhus, itc. for sale II. f'rainpis, Cholii l,y li. MASSE I!. Smiliiiry, III,'. .'!, I Sot). ';ttua!Ic PROPERTY FOR SALE. ri"l!i: Siih-crilK r who resides iu Philadelphia, B. olfcrs for sale the filhtwiuvr pr ipeny iu .Mil ton, Northumlicrland rounty, viz: The larj;e EHICK EUILLIN3 Upper Millon, formerly occupied ly Mnw I'littersons ns n Ciirriase Maker Shop. 'i'lie huildine; is (U feet front on uper Market street, and 40 feet on 1'i.n.t direct, and ia two atorica hih. Also a two biory B1IICK liLACKSMlTIl PI10P, 40 hy 25 feet, on the niiiiii premises. The lot i oil the corner of upper Market and l'ront aliects, and is flrt feet front, and l.r0 feet deep. The preinisiM would he vultiahle for a Foundry or other iiinnufactuiiun jiurposes, and will lie sold ou rcuouullo and accuoimodatini; term hy ap plying ettlier to JAU(JU UAHI!l(iAI, rhiladelphia. J. F. WOT.nXGF.K, Esq, Milton or II. 13. MASSEU, Ese,., iSuuhury. I'hiladelphia, Jan. B3, IHol tf JATENV Trussea of all kinds, Harrison' wntim; nml in.ioiliiilc tut, Uoltou yarn and l.ijis.jnst rciiiwd uud lor sale hy J. W. f KII.ING. fcunhury, Dec. S, ISIS. gri'ONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisin, Al niomU, P lines and Cream Nut. Plane of all kinds. .''alt and Plaster. Just received and for aale Iiy JOHN W. FKILLXU. f-uuhuri', Dee. 20, 18 I'J. t BOOKS and (.'old Pen.. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a ntimher of gold pen which we will veil al the J'hiladelplua price. For aale at thi ollic- TFT ENN EDV'.s' PATENT SAll FA" jfTENlMiSi A cheap and cut-client arti cle lor fastening ash for kulo hy J. W. FRII.INO f"mihury, July 7, 1843. "jVX'KHNU HO'ITLES Breuitt pump, and 1- uiiple IuIh'- A supply of these (ieful arti cle iual received and for aale by john v. rmiJNo . Sunhury. Jan- 18. 1861 tf It MB OINTMENT- A fresh eupply of thi excellent artiiieliir Tetter, Ac, jut received and lur aale i.y ,, HENKV MAbbEH. fiunhury, July S8, 1849. , 7ir.Er ctn ojr rNuv. .riu ea li ut it mod lur touch. , colds. Fur iwie t tlllo uliilV V j WE STUDY TO TLEASE. Ill', nttenti.in nf Unil'lrm nnd nthnrn, nrn n jprrifnllv I imlifil lo llir p.inMvp mill Wi tt Fi'lcrii-il F'"i'k nriMlINO II A It I )V A It I'j A M Tl K ' I .S. ll.iW .tlWcil hy Uis SiHwulnT. eonfriftliuir in ran n follnwii Ametn-nn rr.mt io-.r torVs, npriirht. with tiipht wrk, plated or tirns finnilnr-', nr p-in chun ntl vA -rs. Amerienn I'mni pnpr l"cks, npriuht, plain, with nipht wurk, plated of brass furniture, nr poteebin nil Colors. Amerienn Front Door Tnrks nnd Wore Door, tforion tnl or upright, hniss fivnitnrr, or porcelain ntl enlors, Amerienn Kim IMks, nil sizes nnd qualities. White or lrnss furniture, or poreelnin nil eihrs, Ameriratti Mortice Isoeks, nil sizes, witli platvt!, while or nrns inrinture, or porcelain nil colors. Americmi Mortice Inteh s, nil sizes, with plnlrd white or hrnss furniture. ir poreelnin nil cdois. Amerienn .M-rlu n nml Itim CI"S:t locks, plnled or bras escutcheons, nr p. rc' hiin nil en rs. Amerhun Dn-p, Stop, Thumb, Gate, mi1 Ptore Donr latches, AHi. Itimmtr,! tieki find titehes of m"TV deseription. Uidilwin's. nnd Anu rieiui Hntt Hinges, of till sizes, fust 1 or loose ji'int. . Shutter, ti:iln. Strap, T., snd IViekflnp Itinres, nil Winds. Shutlcr, (hue, D-v.r, I'lnsh. nnd Spring it -It., i f wrought or cast trn and lira vs. eyerv d-weripl i' n. Screws. S-iritrs. hie S-nid 'ap-r of the bet quality. Amewcm A.ilo mnt fham Axle I'ullcyl, of every arictv. American Rultonr, plain ir on pldes. brnrs, iron, or hrounl. Amerienn Nohs, plalnl, white, it n. or w rdl kin. Snnli-Cord, e'.inui n nint patent, with other ni'tich; bi nnnt'Tiint to inntion. Iff NAIIJ nnd rWSri.WKtmiTS nt VACTOf ritK'KS. 1 ' All n o-!m1. livercd fice of Chnrgo to nny nrt of the Citv nnd liistriets. At this eMnlilifhiuent enn h fmiid one nf ihe latest nnd best oss rtni. nl of White an.l Fancy Nobs fir iiocks, Ac, in the Citv; S"ine paitcrns, of whieh, cannot lie seen, or ol.tnhied, iit nnv other M' re. TOOLS. Spent A-, Jacks''li llnek, Panel. Hard, nnd Hipp Paws, imported expreHv for lletuil wnles, nil seteeHtl w'thcare. Hole njrent lot the edehnU e.l Planes, tin I - hv K. W. Citv pentcr, of Ijtnenter, Pn.. heini.' nil made nf split W''d, nnd the Mitt e-ronnit and tri'tl. Jlealtv's -V AV i t ! t- itis make of Chisel. Axu. Ilat hels, llrawimr Knives, Ac., nil wnr- ranted p uk!. Piich's and Siaek'ginakeof Aners nnd Amrcr Ultis, n Sizes American f1 inares and 11"Vils of cverv description American Itiihs. (iainien. SuwsuUm. Coiniia?su.s, Screw drivers, JVC. American C. S. Hammers, Claw nml nivetitvr, till sizes Anvils and Vices, nil sizes. Steel, Iron, nnd WWleti Unices, with C. S. IMis. n (Tfrvit V:irietV. V. (Jrenves ft f ms. Tl dcher's nnd ivher celehrateil m ikes of Chil ls, Files. Plnuc-hons. A c, A e. Addiw'sridchnited Carvim T "'Is. nil shape Miikhu? one nf th-hi st tied ui"si cxeii.ive nssirtments of Hnil',;nc II -olware nnd TniN in the Snue. At this establishment ii is con idered n plcisnre to s'io; the (Jo, ids, Vou are inviteil t i call nnd exiimnnj '.'rfnsf r inent, nnd hear the prices nsked, tici.rpurchnfitiir eh where. Come nnd see us. ' Vnuis, rcsp-ctfn!!v, wyj. v. MecrntK, v Marmo t r-t.. between "ill uml th, tipper Fide, rhiluilidnbm, April Pi, 1-01 ly. AND IMiNStON (5i:,CV. The uttenlion of the puhlic is called to tlie a.l vevtiseinent of Mr- Cltavles ('- 'J'urkrr. Alt-irnev and Aujent at Vi'nshi::toii City. Perious Imv. im; claims fir Imunty l.an.ls or Pcnsitius are i r t fiirni.'d that the suliseril'er has maiie nriM!ie;e!ni'ti!s f.ir the reiptistli' forms, n:id claiiiiants c il'iiii; nt his otliec, call have t!ieir ptijiers pre;.ari''t ulnl forwirded tn Mr. Tucker at Wnshiiitmi. nnd hy him he properly allemlcd to hctiire the Dc pattnii ut there. it. 1;. map? i;i:. St!ii!mry, Jan. in, lH.-.l Xcw jiiaiic Just Ihihlijjhcd. fEE oV AVAI.K'Ei;, No. ir.3 Clicsnnt k'., Jl nre ponstantly puMi-thintr. nnd receivinir, new nnd lieatnil'iil music from the mo-l distin- puisiieit cnmp-isers. The follow iiu; list contains some of their choi cest nnd most popular Soutjs, Waltzes, Polkas. Ac. Now, thou nrt fione, n heniitirut son":, words hy Thomas J. lliehl, music hy llaiuhiiil'j'e. Mv New England Home, words and music hy Mrs L. Wade. (irohe'a Oinnilnts; hy 0. f.rnhe n collection of Duetts. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, hy Jos. C5un'l. Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Liltle People, hy J. Line. All the WindK nac, Sleepint;, hy A. S. "Worm sey, (iuardi in n?cl. hy tl.e author of "Lo-.e Not.'' Household Words, written hy Chas. ouifr.ilo. 'i'lie Adieus worili hy Thomas J. Diciil, inu hic hv Horr. LEI', .t WAI.KEtl have constantly on li-.iud, superior Pianos, nnd a mipply of .Martin's Ctle. hrated Gililns, which lo.l'ier .wl;h a line as ortment of Music il llis'rtimenN end .Mcrch iu die iu e;cneial, e'tmi.cii a sUick n.l to l e yin passed hy that of any other c-la!:ii-'i!ii"nt in the country. LEE iV Eli, 102 Chesmit street, Swaim'c Ituilditij. Philiululphia, Juno 28, 1S51. !y. NO Villi K NO PAY I Hughes' Fever and Ague Pills ! ! PEl.FECT nm! cpeedy cure for the Fever and Atue is nainnlccd to nny one who may use the Pills. They have lieeu used lor 'lie i.t ttrrtii iitis and lime never Iwen known to fail in n single instance and in cases, too, where persons havn hud the diseatp tor seeial years, without intermission. The proprietor ctinlhitpex tltt jvii' to pn,!uce mi uriicie t'u't will cun in a . slmrt a time, without le ivimr anv deleterious clUvts from the use of it. If the 1'iHs do not perform n speedy nnd perfect eine, the prnprietor'wiU rettini (he money. Fors'ile hv Jacoh N. Lawrenee. Minersvitle ; E. Helton stein, Trevorton; S, , )inn, Sclinvlkill Hit en; John W. Frillies, Sunlmry; Marv A. Mc Coy, Northumhei land ; 1 Jr. lierkly. llanville ; John Sharpie', Cattnwiss.i ; Dr. .lud.l, jliiams port j John ISaser, Milton, nnd hy rc.-pcclalile Druggists throuvliout the .sptte. J. Cnrn.S C. HI'tUlES, rreprictor. PotUvillc, June 2S, IsOl Iv. mil A. AND r.ElDINCr HAII.E.0AD. lHll 11 AKKAMit..lli:M' 1KCAI I'UiLADKi.piii.v and rtn rsviua:. Fores Rctlnrrd. Ujjiceof the Philn. Itradhiz Uuitroad Co. ) Philudcljihia, March Jli, 1HAI. Two Pnseiv;er Train Daily, (except f"untlay.') flkNaiid after April 1st, IH31 two train will lJ? he run each way, daily, hetweeu Philadil phia and PotUvillo Mtth'XIXa J.TXF. Leave Philadeliihia ut 7i A.M., duilv encent Sutidav. Leave Puttsvilleat "J A.M. daily except Sun day. M"rt:r..onx t.ixk. Leaves rhiladctjihia ut :i J u'clock, daily, except Sunday. Leave TotUviluj al 3J o'clock, daily, except Sunday. FARES, lietwren Philadelphia and Potlaville, ifS.TS 1st class car and Vl.i.) 2d clas car. lletwecu l'liil.ulelphia and Heading, $1.75 1st clas cur and f-il.1.') ''tl clu cura, Depot in Philadelphia, conur uf ILoad uud Vine Utrei-ls. Pusseiiiter cannot enter the car unlef provi ded with Ticket. NOTICE. FiAy jiouuds of hasj-ia-je will ho al lowed to each passeuger in thee lines ; and pa seiiger are t kpresaly proluhiled from takiui; auy thiutj a liuuirai-e but their weoiiue; appurcl, which will he at the risk of its owner. lly order uf the Board uf Maunuer. 8. IIIJAUFORD, April I, 1851. btcrcluiy. PI KE WHITE UIJANDV FOIt l'KESEU ' Vl.XO. just received and nr aale by U U. MAtisiEIi. Sept. 88. 18.r0. XTItACT CF GING Kit. A frcJi auIy just received and fur aula at tin ollice. Prk-o leSceuU. ' Kunbury, July 1?, 1831. V '. t.Allv NOTES, waiving the exeuiptiuu H law of 3U0, fur eula by Aprilje, 1851. II. 0. MASSEtt. v Y'R,"T,NQ Fl-rll"enailf lalin'c KW ' biH a, jut loicivcd and for .ile by Apul I'J, I iii. 11. U. MAs-i-sEli. CORRECTED WEEKLY. VF.XNSYl.VAM . (MTV fr l'lllLAIIKLI'llla. MASSAC AFfKTTS. All so'yeni tnniks J tbs liiiohK. isi.aj. All r -Ivent hank dis CONM'.CTICUT. All solvent Innks I dit MOW YOKK. city. I. S. Itank notes J.'i dis All solvent Imnks jkii rorSTBY. Itnnk of 'hiHiMrsbnr( 1 dis, Hank of Chester Co. pari Hnnk of pel. Co. Chester pur n iiiK ni ui i niantowu pari All solvent Imuks 3 ts liunk of Uet'.yshntx 1 iliT?"Jlk notes under m ) dis Hunk of l.ewiKlpwii rinTv Itank "f Middletown 1 dis M nftfomery Co Hank par Hank of Northnmhcrrud. All solvents banks 1 dis NKW jr.iisi-v. Helvidere Hank (jotiuina-cia I llmik J li nanKoi rm.-inir i it Itank t f Danville iviul'iir. Il.iuk M.ml IT.'Hy ir l-'iirlisle l:ink 1 ili.'l". . M.,.liii.'.ti'"U ii I'l. ir Cutiiuihin li'k ttyrCn irfiriMiTlinnii'' M!r, Newnrk pur u-'V mvii Miiiix . it .Mi-rii. i.H hi iiniiii'tri'in iii I'nl.m IVink mr Mi'i-h. A Mmii. Ilk TmiL lir I'.rif l'.:ii,k 6 .!ihWri ' llmk v 3 dm ,1 il Ml" r.xrliMN'ri- IIH; Pitl.lmrir I ihs!Ni;wrirk liX'if A Ins. Co I .Xl-lllHif. . fk. Ulllift 1 lIlM I linlll f Jl'lllk ri"' r--' I'-'k. 'li..-l..i'-. i. tr'l.' i u '! 1'.': I';it!i.'i'ii 'll :1 itis I'Mrim-iH' Ilk. I .iinri.K.r iriflPriiw.'t mi IViii' MT 11.1 i.if-r." Ii't. Itini-in,... piir iil'iii Kinik'tiTf Cn, mr I'imii'. I!'.. H 'iniilk'll (.i i'ir,' uiiT'-i't Ci H'-nk 3 ili I' fc II. Ii ':iviii-f'' K ti.ii.:!'.if IViii'; m t iiiii!"ii i.r I'ri.i.Vliii ll'i. Vi.l,- I. i:uV:mi HI; I'.'iiil'i-ilit.iii ' ilu II irrifl.iMir M.ntk S'mIl- lit'lili Ni-Miirk J ilia llnlii'ftfltilc Itnnk . I tli Hl:i1' l1':, N. HimiHWK'k pur I'U'v-i.t Mn i ik i.-ir i hh-'X !";iiik. Nrwi.'ii " ill I .cIimm-mi I'-uik inrl'I i'l""'"" llfinkui!.' I'n ikiC Mi ifli. A M;mi. Hulk 1 iiin.rni'111 lmik. IL-vi-r J .Its Miim.i.' li'k. i" '!lvil'i! j.i ' Ynfl'i vv'lr A I I llr C l.'.lm Mini iiieiih.-bi ll'.'ik t lii.'nrlik'u ' ii'i'l'-' - 'ilia l';ivl iiv'v't ll.-l It u "n 15 tii 1)1)1, U AI!K. Wi l 11i:ii:i.i It ink jvir ll ink i'l' II- linvurn vu NVvuriM." Ilk, Wil..i'5tiV )o:-ltl-rik nf (-Mivriiii p it .uk It-uik. I ill. Ili.'iiv iii .'Hv ll mV li:.T I f Id lii-f mill', 1 .In, Uk Wilmir'nA llrniiilvw.ini M iM;, I' rv Ilk .-I 1 'i i.i w ni' pur ll'ink "f W li l Ii m k C .is l iii'.n Hunk. Viliiiinj!t"ii i:ir M.T.'iinlili. Ilk. ll'iMi'rr IHiliil!- I ihIit s.' J ilm All t' -K .-tit l.'.u'i'. J ili.J (llltn. M'lW IIVill'Sllllli:. O 'I i'v-hI I ks 9iti All m lvnil lnik. j .lisjl T II1: iii.-j-iim.I'T .V. 1 ili i:';muni'. I MniTii caki.i.ina. T!:nk t.f Si Ai'.i.i, 9 j:' M 'lvi'H Imnka -Jili All Mlvmit kinks ilisl-TiTml' I ', 2i ilm Eounly land nml reunion Agency, WASillWOTON, a. c. retIT- lm;l-TM"-iii-'l Ali-'fii.-y mill tj.-ui-r il At;.- X TltV Ml ';i.-l.!HL'1' 'II. 111''. Iii II .llnlv IjiihIh it'lil r-i-ini nt I HUiili tttlv I lh u thor- Mi'lllitir ii--iIHiliit;i:u:t willi 11 rv forms, IHI'I f"lltit f t'li-lt'i sm, fin. I i;.,'ini. rir-i'i lPidlei and I'linn iiu'M ill iiti' l . . v:ir nl.i.'i.. h. n ts.Li S hieililies ( if , I tl' iv inuueut the l'i "ily tut I iiiHi'tn tiiry luijutmittil CltlilllK 1 l I V.'l '. klli.l. In- A'.'V . I' C"ii !'.. It'vi'.l)- J t'f. tin.! n.'ki.ftk -tl' Ilu' -:ir nl" 3'. llv n 111- A.-V . I C"ii int. It'vi'.ly T -ni.l is pt-'iiil.tl tn I line's tm. I Schick.. iie wi.r nl 1-14, Mill .11 lit.' vtiri- ri hji It.'l'cn vci", s r.cil. '' i li.. wlii k,'rv, il an,.; lll.'ll'I'S Ilia Hies; tn 111 .fit e!i,i teryeil I'.lir lie ml lis C-D air. int.! till, sc wW.-:r .1 ..tie in- nth In uen-s. AiTtcu- irii'iint I-tve I., en nn.;.. v i'li "eiil . in. n nf tlie l.i'Crtl pi 't.-iti a Hi ,l;:l.:r..'itl lucltiins i'l' llt.j Cciilltl V, I. r "tC 1'1'Ci I WClr.llilS, l.'l.l l,c Sf!" ,l Hi,; p;..', Vlll'll is.il'Nt. nn tl'.c n ,l tnu.ri,- t v'tiH t. riits ; ' T t;e je.llU'l.l nl' ttixcs.. rcictii; ti ,n i.f I in.trt. H'Mf-c it.x.-s: o-ll'-cti n el il.'hts; tin I t.r t:iv li.ctr -in -ii .a ceni-rjil jiw t'lirill.r!. Ill i in- ma ti is,,,,,, in 1 r. IT- iid f: Irs f: TV.rrs t. 1 t V': ! Mil.- I Ar -iH. wi,! ifv ( li." i.i. li:.. rft lh" pi-- f ti-i n r :- (r ni'i rin -it. nrr ;i !li h;'li hin tfi'rii (' Mm I ini'iiiirt'iin r.d (Ti '.ii! i'n i if ( 1 I nt r 1 ! v.ll ; iu-il. Mi - n tr (.! irri-fji' n.!;iiM wit a iff.' ittCi ii i.f fri' ii'ls in tltcurc t.il tic; I'ttrttctii'irB kir.W't "t I' cue .1 ..,1. r. l.'t'l !'.-,, e - ttirii i if iii -il. At! c 'iiiihii i ;. ' !'. .! t-, ni. w;i. r.s c. titki:?. (1- .1 11',-. , s !.. 1MIJ asi.iil;;!"!!. II. t I CS! S. i!)!,LPHI KSTABr.lSWKf) i.i YKAI1S AUO 1;V !. KINKKL1X, Ar. If. Cjnier of Third and L'r.ioa Streets, r.BT'.VKI'.N Sillff'F. AM) PINK S TIU'r'Ts, I-nTrr' v-:Aii- 1 .,'.;, e.-!"'iit ,'. S of extfiiiive nr.l iriin'ei-niiiiiil extf'i.ive nr.l " V Ii tve reiuli I in! (.rieliij ..u-r ll'im'ei-nijili' I iir. K. nr tii.il n ntr.i. I" , 'ti .ii i " " "I .1 !'; .1 with ad. t Ir ' I'- . t'iC "I. nr Ii t 'F. ii.tti.-ariii! t-hi .itirit 'f iti. st lieliivi cr.icl. t'l 'HI V' tltl'lt.il l-A"C-r'.'.s ..r il,j.!;tl' , liu; 1 1 e c liMIUilina il.ts lite lint cnlei lil'-il. aru lellc.l v't'll Kt ... wa.i.l. '" ,;i-iy C";lli '" I l !y aiieil Lis s TAK: 'ntMI T.'tl W r the .-nf Dr. K . t'llltlll, .llll! I i i.a:; e l ll" .NOTlf! V'l tiei; ..I'll:: ! ill ii hit . l In-ii" nnv Ii ! Irniti e-. il I iv ic-'!iti j "t ' w: !:!:. c:l v'"t :.-: .., -mi-I I' 'C.l'l i , I i" tt ,scti'! fcii. .i'iI 'ii ;ily imii'.ci! in t n! e, Uciii '.s :i il"l'i;t;y I ct iiiitwiiiiri tii.r'.'y. i.tnt,:'",! I v: ll ;.'" '' r ' t .tl. irtte.l. l;-y .,: .! t il a-" II I CCI- iii.ti- 'V ;v cniii'.s'til vc!i .hcct'l'T n Km pt, K-rea: ii it I'liite-ll-'ild I'Ulci.. aict lull Vlnl lot l.e-!. VOl'Tll AND .MANHOOD. A vicrnroiis life or a prenVntiire ili-alh. 1UaKl.!.1 tm Si-lf rnsrrTotidii. ONLY 25 CHNI'S. Tl.i.i 11 .ik itisi piit-lmheil is filpsl wi'li useful iiifnrtiitili.iii nil tte illtirillttl.Slltlit n.-si-.tsefl ul'ln.- t i .'llr Till I V- Ur":ltlS. ll ii l'l'.'s-- it.ch :ilu- In tit ni.MAMIOODuii'l HI. II .i:t. im.1 Ktt'.ii!. !,i. ii-i.l li i.i!. '.'In- vi'ii.il'i'- rii'vice mi-1 iue't-e.-siye wireineit i:ive.., v:'l pti . .-ill c s nl' mi.scry ami &utli-riiiir anil n-o'c niiiiiui! ly T!i' tis uitis ni I .lyes. I'.nci'ts !tv rcit Iii.; it will ham hir.v In i.rcycat the ilcs- true "1 tn itlicti. -i i. 'r- , . .1 in I !H y !'t etistir. 'Il.lit.elct' e lili. KIN! He ls. t hi cell' cut'! -si it i",'t, r .. in n ii'tier. nil i of Til i til) ' l'i.''!"l"i'lna, t in 'l in nl. I') leilel , (iii.t- - I i;-- t XtKlli.' tl I !" i ". MKrrT: tt..; ..it .ips )l vt ll! ll . !.--' i'i:.c:s . ii . w A c ',1 "I l.l'l. !!, !! i ii. Hji ly. I'. ',! ,rs. rtiiiyas-i'r.ii. nml in ynrk al vi-ty l.ov riinn. X,&ZjLHCE CP 31 A i C A t; 1 X C K il . A in i Iit-S' .Tl :l fttii'.-'-r, .-til !!ie Vlllliilil't iu i.i. .!; ,1 ".,,.) ll'.il tic I'lillitl tn I'nfr- rit:- l it I- n, ,-. IU II. i.i C i Iltf.itf-t I'.irtll. Il i a in iUicu.nl :u 1 ;tl i ichih-j liim ii.inuf . Cfinty F'i' .11 l;1i... Vmic ti r ll).- t'Hiuc'h. and wtU ! r-nihl vi-iy l-L-t.i Ii M .1 i.i Irl'i -Vlii-.' tli- tlill'd .ttid t'if-lif.-L;,, n.-l.iH (!''( ui ! cy Uic i;tit-ir d u-'ii- ti l I Inn tn:-iK'it u l'.-.i, I'l 'in !, .'i' i.i u !, iit- ii'.i-f ui,! id Kiiii n mi ;t w uii-l i.--i. .'il --I mtn-'f.K'ii ut r Will tiiii.udi.it- ly ifiU'v-- tin- tt iiti- 1 'lH- llt.ll .'icfi t-isi. 1 1 li'Mlilill ; t r, till i.l'llL't I ll, .Mill It tiM lV" ni i iii ui- uiiici diiilj , jl n juir-t ij, nl lj hum I lnltlv lit! lli'iiil'M l hi l.s; ill. .if., lid ru l.v . ! If , 1. 1 ii; tt.i.l 'lil' U.'ll Itlltl Ifll iclH-J I 11. dlH il li'ftd Ill'ti.iU tM'CJ.HI'illrd lV t'lf i-il. i V-iln.i; iiLv: .it Lno .-iiti.uitT I't-nis. "t ( U Mi'-; iiili.r iii- it.Uji -iii 'it, tuid Tor I'-tnvciui'j lli-' i.u iii".iil ut.it t iIlhi- lut (, A t'. It im ;d- nn rc--Mcnl ini- l.ine f-ir tli.. vl lnv iii j.irt;d tin t .in ft hit'ir wm-nt i.i In" t lit- i:nrn. ,.t-i.-.i.- uM lnl- -Jtit -L' liijimiij, hy t'.j ltuiili" . int UU i Mir tlt-rl ii4ii tin. t Mil "-li (-.-.it . i.ij; ll --t i,i n..' 1 l linmiliiiilH, Willie it li;is in iniiiri'inn iii-il n i n tVi- imiiii, nr.d in it t fiu-iT. ded I'V rtli-tiii-.s .f drpioftuill, wliicll Jliwiiyn I'ull.tW llie Ubeuf A f-vv tlr-im ii.iiii:' tn in:it(i,i'i. rlm'-nrli nr otluT piinm live ni.-.tit til' , wi'l rvmiir Ui'Mti ni rt; acci-i,illif tn tne ft -ui;t tt t.iid prutt-ul t'lc gtii'iiiL' whtrli is .ij tl'iut-LMinj-aiiy llic'll Ut'LI'ill. rni:rAiti:n d.nly i:v A MRISOSR SMITH, DitrM.isT and ow.MisT. N. E. rnmrr tf 7th and Chestnut Sheets. l'l.-.l..,K-ii;iHi, Apnl li, (Ml -lv LTQUOIiS,AVINKs7&a ' PHE milisci i'u r ha just received a new supply nf the best liipiur licit eicr came to .Vunliurv, i iumi 'titic; in jmrt of Superior old pale Tlrandy. Fine I'oniae lliandy. Snjierior Old Jatnaii a Spirit. New I'.iiulaiid liuin. Fine Hol'aiid fiin. Kiiju lior Old Whiskey Cotnm.in do. fupciior Madeiia Wiuu. I.ifliou do. dii. 'uiK'rior Fort Wine. Huojutidy Fort do. Wweet Malaira Wine. Sii"rior ('laret 'ine in bottle. Champa jne do. do. 11ENKV MAS.SEK. Suuliitry, May SC IF 11). ST0N"3 WAB.E. 7 STONE milk Tans torie Jus and Fitchera, und other article of Ume ware iut received jut received end for ale ljy JOHN W Sunhury, June 23, 1819. . FEII.ING. f I1E AS, from (ho New Wk Canton and Fekio JL Tea Cumpuny. Fur ale by J. W. FKIIJ.VG. Rvnhury, Dec ?, 1S18 V KLM. Au etcellent article for sale it by HENIJV MAEU. feuuhuiy Jan. 2'idi, lolJ ll. t nt the i-.-H i.i i-o" -.ir'ii" a . ' - 1 1- , i iUi:en I l.- A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPER , A I Hi CnM net Ware lloom SEH'K IIOUJ'T & (. Market CqTinre, Also at the corner nf Fnirn street !f the P.a bUNHUKY, l'A. Tlinnkful fur tli- fntcemK nf liis fiwij. rn-itoinrrs lnriii flip 17 yrnr-( lie has Iiphi ii nriiK in tlti f.lii(T,limilicili fmin tlie pulilir titiuiiiirn of their fiivora. Diirini? tliic Jht, hnn pn.lcnvorrd to krop up with tlie improvi nf tlir iliiy, unit hnu tirorilinsfly cxlpmlr.! Iii tun in evr-ry lininch nml vuri. ty. The pu' tlierrdnr inVilcJ to tlir Btftiitinn f the stiirk of OA11IXKT WAUK AND CIIA 1 AN'? F' Af'TI' R HI! BV EEEASTDLN II0OTT & CO. At thn Old Ftrwd, Vhern in mldition to their former tfivi i rMtiMislniiiMit tlirv mnv manufacture Kabcijany, Walnut & Cane-Soat C Lnnre Spring Seal ftocldn Cut Dressing Jhtreava Centre Tablet Mnrtde Top Wash Sfnff.if and n ninety of other new style ond Isiv'mi ma 'u red o Jlonrec nnd mnile tbe nry nrrnttneim-Mti lor tlio jntrpose. tliey nr roj'nrei for rnlevtM;in in nil it Imti ' thi M' ir.itv or nt unv convenient distant I Ye livid.-' nnd hum reuses, nnd husbands y ' . Ili'Te Turni'iire f every s'vh nifl Ir-v front side It-t-anh d"vn f ran roekin-r ehaii- ShonM y-i n t ha We'll v:iit nwhilc 1 t . u,N , 'itm l'-'t' Ir t 1 1 ,. in s ii, nl llin . -iiiu- il'ii't, " i i" . . Lit I ttirsiis tl.nvn it. httte .pi.ii'8. (' .in., nn tli-,1 irj, ids, c- ini; nne -nut :il!. Ki-ep ti;.!,. n mC'Vinir. ro "jrci .in t I j - - lull " t ' Oi-d.-r': from n di-Manee pi-iv nml ink ofa'l kinds i!c!iend Siml up , March (I, !-.-. tf 'I'tlv 11' with .li WANTS' i:zr.vous antidote ,tMI 'II,;. , tesil'vi'lv cure all .slteses of Nei !'n.iroit. Nervous Headache, r.v, l!ilr.ij.hii)ii:i convulsion-i Tic lira, l.tuki rest, lie itia'. :i.l i.ill to Us proline vnor, eve ami the only i.'n.vii a vein's :if pr. tnin cine f i l' iti.Mi, Lev sttiiiis ,,r i icn! il de'.iltv. rk 'no, t).-t."3. l'.tl.li't h'n.n 1'ie .'e.7 "l r-c ,;!,',,:!, I I'r : i. v! loirncu! his p m-r-r of "Walt-.' N" i t'.ll.ilte ens Aid tnc ijiieMion was put to htm, '. hy sin li a hie retue.ly Icr n.l i.ernns iili'c,s;,,;JS vvas trod need Ity lite nn dici'i fin'itlt c !" replied, if it v"re. theie w n;iil no lunger he any tm faculty, a all ili-ea.cs iirifiinnti'il lVom a dis ized ...tie i.f the nerve ; the ll '.'vej are tin sj-ii i of l''e wl'itle sysfcm i-iccp this in and linili tl.e tuind nnd Imilv inusi he." Four oii u c phicl, 12 doses, eiiougli for dinarv crises, ONE I'Ol.I.Aii. .-(U,n ii v Win. M i-C A V, Eroa lu sy, Hunh c5. pt; llllier, 2S. ls.lll tf. SWsj'C'" ll w wtLAUU laUw! Ti;EX-!!TON, PA. rfj! nhiTii' er respectfully iutirnis the S t'cit lie li-is o,.i. m.I a i'lililje llniiHc, new town el'Tn vnri ..ii, N. rtiiiutilicrl.ind e. Cl.d t'.'it he i.-' ll.'.! 1'1't'l: ;i ;I t-i acc'iiutimdj tm t'ts in t.le ltc-t lii it'ilter. His Itnusn is I tin ' O'tintitiy s ;.tte. lie -.J ct.. '..hut; M'lV.i i-'iit fur 2 "I V.llll SCS, Jl,. tt u- I nut.t t'l ci'i'iTii! all t'l ltusi;,et,s (o inci tl'.'C 'J'rei orton, .Vol. I. n s ill II, 1 lie nl' the puhlic p '.Hi li- VEA . ."i. if. : ;n tst: - fr. 'H Ctipl. llf- 1 All l 1 v v-;. :- n 'V.'a . ..I .,.' t.il -tin U. ;il Ltiplaia I my. I cr.l I'l-'ILAI'I S. -ver I ye-irs p'ttee 1 wip tilt : nil ItiV lic-U ill lite f H ill nf 't' - l li'its I- .iiiriu lc I :C 'lie It-irlier'nf i ,-itt. Ortnlier 31, ii keil with a Itrraki ' i . wlncli i mn p. i linti. It iiri.iiflaiillv I nv-r IIIV I ll'itri I H t, ap,' ' liti'll it Iff . y ' '!ilt..rci'.i rc:.,'1('. tlit- neper part I r.tl n.s that it ,ip'!ictllnl. .nip nf i .jrctiC''! (i,.ii,"i'" lipiil.e I I I W.IS p I i HI. :ti l.-imt l ii'i-ieasim; the uik Sim- .- nt tit. i.t .1 .1 re. iC linns IiiNTXIAT. itiv.iy run il tu.il imv 'lie tlir Hist lieHi-hll Ui l.v the use nl nne laf K inttuicil tree of tlir nt I lilies sijiee ,. ft,.tiii..it;, Injliilv npitlirsl fnri'u .1. "I,'.,';,. I l,.i.s, .Vc. Willi ,- ii in reeoiiimcuttiii t cr In ll.it p.l'.! JAAtr.s i)j-:vur i.t-II i-. I- I'tir M i I.i. "TT1 "vT',T1T"T!,f icvi'.r. ().,v . itcil Uifier, price reduceJ. icii'l'd S.uiapatilla. rilla. Ci.l .lace. T..e.,i. :a!-C,'i.?,.r.-.i;.,iri Sli.iyi.e' t I op i 'Wil.l Cherry rc.vaviu' I ci mi:i."e. J re'" "':er.- I'cclo.ul )lr. ll.'d.r. i'.uii,ce. llr. fullcn- .!.. 'JMihii' 1'iiiti Killer. i .r. iliit.jlatlil s ( icrtttan llilterm, Indian e.'."Me I'.lls linrr-c hui) Ctule Medicine For sale hv HENKV MASfEII Hunbufl-, jiily If, IP 10. M'.fiJ l'K )VI.K3 VADB.IIEOOT fllMfRISIMt. A fill.LKCI'ION OPUVHK 200 VAI.U AllI.E EEC1FES, lit the Useful and Interesting Arts with a j Fiuilfi ami Ciirliui i:x.eriuiPHl ie I IIKMISTHY s T Nn.i;iI0 Medicine, Perfumery, Chrmi Co. l.erv. Farriery, Duiii, Coiifcctionarv, nieti Ecuuumv, etc. etc. etc. 1'iice fi ct., ale by ' 1IE.NKY MA?cbT iSiuil ury, IJcc. R, 1819. Just received at the store uf IIEMiV M. SEI!, a lot of Cup, Gum Shoe, Alman Q.ieciiswure, I.lipiora Ac. All of which wil old nl the lowest price. Dec. 11. I Sfil). t aluulilu ItuoK. J" IFE in ('mn T, haiidsomt-ly bound, D' Jj!i;Mi' IlisT.iiii fir Tm Rkiiirvit lll.fKK lliY-ailOK A K D 1. Kill) KH, full hli For nulu ut the puhlixher price by H. B. MASSK; Sunhury, July 11, 1819 V INFR.M. WATEI7r.tOaVo.el 'i Acid Sjiiitu;, highly valuable in chroni. hease, and tonic rcinenie, for aale HEMtV MASSE1 Sunhury, June 29, 1850 tf L'Al'S. An assortment jut recehed. t .ilk HA'l 6 ut UrUi, fur aale I.y H. M ASSEI ISunbury, Ilec. 81il. TJI.ANK 1'ariliineiii Fkt Deed and bl Moilnniic. Honda, Enecutiona, tSunini Ac, for aale hy 11. II. MASSE1 Sunhury, April 26, 18S1 tlM EV E It VV ATCH ;Afew doubiT 1-' V!m.lib Silver WJkiti-tir.. f.iv io.tn I vaiv nrice bv 11. B. MASSEI bunhurv, April !' '51. 151 NKS. LANKS off tj K iutf ' dtacriiition can be haJ lice of the American. All)'f I Horw ami Cattle M HEM'V M A.v 1 1 ounlur lolJ I i
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers