SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUBJNAL. RECEIPTS & EXPENDITURES OF NORTHUMBERLAND COUNTY. From the first day of January, A. D. 1831, to the 31s day of Dtcember, A. J9. 1851, both days included. -0t GEORGE B. YOUNG MAN, ESQ , TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE SAME. DR. To am't rec'd from Collector for 1849, $378 1 1 i - 1850, 5930 21 t 1851, 4279 25 - County tax unseat land, S 78 - RoaJ UI do 8 30 School tax do 4 20 County tax on Tighlman'e lands, 17 50 Road tax do 12 31 School tax do 11 38 Poor tax do 8 13 . " Due bill of D. Chichcatcr. 5 00 O. Martin, rent, Court House, 100 - Dividend on Northumberland Bridge Stock, 80 00 M Refunded by Jan. EcXman, 16 76 u J. M. Simpson, 3 00 . M Court fines and Jury funds from Proth'y Farnsworth, 73 00 "Balance due George B. Youngman on County Funds, 631 10J $11,378 12 jEORGE B YOUNGMAN, ESQ., TREASURER, IN ACCOUNT WITH THE COUNTY, RESPECTING STATE FUNDS, FOR 1851 SR. To amount of State tax for 1843, $44 61 1849, 216 06 u ' 1850, 2143 21 x 1851, 8789 55 n Tighlman's land, o2 10 M on unvested land, 8 30 To Tavern License, 540 00 x Balance on Retailers' License, 77 (l x License on Patent Medicines, 15 00 Ovster shops &. Beer houses, 10 00 x Distillers, 21 00 x breweries, 8 00 Militia fines, for 1849, f7 13 150, 239 57 1851, 54 50 x Balance of Militia fines in Treasurer's hands, per last report, GC 71 " x 0f State tax ill Treasurer's hands, per last report, 4 180 49 $17,203 29 SETTLEMENT WITH THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER. Expenditures of the County of Northumberland, as per orders issued by the Commi.sionerg on the Treasurer of said county doling the year 1851. Viewing Roads and sites for Brides, $14 00 Refunding. 179 51 Sheriff's Fees, 50 49 Proihonotarv's Fees, 85) Public Buildings, ' 0i Auditor's Wages, 131 CO Bulling and repairing Bridges, 1821 661 Assessors' Pay, 2S9 66 Commonwealth Costs, 361 09 Damages Koads, 230 00 Conxtaulcs making return io Court, 76 89 Stationary, 80 47 Coroners' Inquests, 49 94 Juror's pav, 2185 46 Court t rier, 102 00 Constables attending Court, 90 00 Attorney lor the County, 45 00 Fuel, 1 60 Amount carried over, $7,015 13 AMOUNT DUE FROM COLLECTORS ON COUNTY AND STATE TAX. Cocntt Tax. Samuel Awl, Augusta. 1340, $J7 96 Michael Evert, Augusta, ISI6, 40 95 John Leibig, Coal, 1818, 19 22 David Stahlirccker, Delaware, " 63 74 John Leisenring, Northuiulerl'd, " 226 52 John Licbig, Coal, IS49, 10 87 David Stahlncekcr, Delaware, " 17186 Thomas Barr, Lewis, 4 02 John Lciaeiiring, Northumbe-fJ, - 27172 Jacob Berk, Sunbury, 46 06 Dennis Buoy, Chilisuuaquc, 1350, 170 15 Charles Fox, Delaware, " 52 33 James Vandyke, Norlauiuberl'J, - 108 41 Henry R. Johnson, Rush, " H3 61 George KunU, Turbut, 59 32 8olomon Mart, Coal, H5I, 238 25 Jacob Kline, Chilisquaque, " 714 35 John lline, Cameron, " 96 28 Daniel Cares, Delaware, 16 44 Martin Drumlieller. Jackson, " 241 97 David Wilson, Lewis, 670 68 Jacob H. Clark, Lower Augusta, " 411 97 Jacob Uingaman, Low. Muhouoy, " 330 87 D. 8. Drumheller, Lit. Mahouoy, " 91 14 Jumes Buoy. Milton, " 255 69 Peter Rnch. Northuinlierland, 266 83 Joseph Vankirk, Point, - 410 02 Henry R. Johnson, Rush, " 31:129 Samuel Hales, Shamokin, M 214 07 Peter Pursel, Sunbury, " 219 8 George Kuntr, Turbut, " 540 75 William Keed, Up. Augusta, " 60 45 W m. Bcrgheiaer, Up. Mahonoy, " 129 91 7,195 63 MILITIA FIXES DUE Michael Evert, Augusta, John LirbiKi Conl, D. Siahlneeker, Deluwate, Jacob Book, Sin bur), John Liebi, Coal, D. Siahluecker, Delaware, James Buoy, Milton, Jno. LeisMiiriii!!, NoiihumberlM Jesse Smith, Point, Jacob Beck, Sunbury, John Leibig, Coal, Dennis Buoy, Chilisquaque, Charles Fox, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, J. R. Claik, Lower Augusta, Isaao D. Raker, Lit. Mahonoy, James Buoy, Milton, Jas. Vainly ke, Noithumberl'd, Henry R- Johnson, Rush, Conrad Kerehner, Sunbuiy, George Kunu, Turbut, Amount carried over, 1846 S3! 00 1448 16 00 ; l 95 " 35 00 1849 21 50 " 13 50 ' 34 00 , 34 60 19 00 61 50 1850 29 00 45 00 54 00 88 00 44 60 50 88 50 36 00 it 42 00 " 59 50 25 50 9733 45 AMOUNT OF COUNTY AND STATE TAX Collectors. Solomon Martz, Coal, Jacob Kline. Chilisquaque, John Hine, Cameron, Daniel Cares, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, David Wilson, Lewis, Jacob R. Claik, Lower Augusta, Jacob Binaaman, Lower Mahouoy, David S. Drumheller, Little Mahouoy, James Buoy, Milton, Peter Ruch, Northumberland, Joseph Vankirk, Point, Henry R. Johnson, Rush, Samuel Hales, Shamokin, Peter Pursel, Sunbury, George Kuntz, Turbut, William Reed, Upper Augusta, William Bergheiser, Upper Mahouoy, Ws, tbs nndersigrud, Audi lot a of Nortsumheitand Bounty, duly sleeted ami swnrs lo adjust ths aeemjnta of the onV eeri ot said enuuty. do eenity that we have carefully examined the van Iwra, and Dud tliul tlicra ia due to orga at . Vmiiurman, Vab., Treaaurer, ths sum nl Bva hundred and thirty-ima ddiara, and ten and a fourth sails ; alsn dua Ins Bank oT Northuiabemel, Ihra huiatred dollars; audus the Suit five thousand aud aipthty-elglit dollara, and tweuly thrsa eatua, baouios oa Stata las, (uta thuuaaiul five hundred and sixty-nius d.uaus, and aity-fuur rsuUuutauiidiiu; mi litia tnaa ; alao enunty nruara yet outatandina lo tba amount of two thwasud two bautked aud sixivmua dmiaia and Cfty-aarea and a half esnts, aiakinf tha liabilities of tha enunty amount to nina thouaand seven hundred and iityeiitlil dnllars, fony-f.iar and a half eanla. Thais ia dua from aollectora of enunty tax seven thousand one hundred and niiMte 6vs dnliara aiut aixty-lhraa cents, and from eoluyinranf wlstax 6va th'aiaand niua handled and forty dollars and aavau. '.y.aiaht i etsita, aud on thouaand iv hundlad and sixty-nine rlollais and aily-four can la outalaiatiug Biilltw ones j alao forty-acven dolkira and twenty-five eanU eourl anas, and one huinired and f uty dclatra Jury fuudaj alao s nou bald ariinal Thomas Allan foi 4T, ia ail ainouutinf k After deducting ths UabiUtira, lbs bsiaisM in isva( Sthssomty wiUbi,iri TS. Witaaas our hands thia thirueiuh day of January, A. D-, 1854V WM L COOK, REUBEN W ZAUTMAN, I. M ZTMMrB MAS, Auditors CR. By balance due Geo. B. Youngman, per last report, $961 15 " Cash paid Eastern Penitentiary, 18 96 H Cash on note in North'land Bank, 700 00 Interest on do 39 16 " Cash p'd on Com'sioners' Orders, 9340 19 " Charge for going to Northumberland " 6 timeajo renew note, collect bridge slock, pay money due Eastern Pen ctonliary, 9 00 ' Percentage on $220 63 p'd Jesse M. Simpson, lute treas'r, at 2 per ct 6 51 ' Percentage on $15 96 paid Eastern Pcnctcntiary, 0 40 " Percentage on $739 16 paid Nor thumberland Bank, 18 47 ' Percentage on $9340 19 paid on Commiasioncrs' Orders, 233 50 " Collector's commission on $20 28 lax on Tighlmsn's lam's, at 5 p. tt, 1 Oil " do on $15 28 tax on un seated laud, 0 70 " Depreciated money, S3 00 $11,373 121 CR. By cash paid State Treasurer, as per ccipt, dated J .in ry 21st, 1351, $?So 00 " u April SHil, " " July 17th, " " " July 23d, " ' " July 25ih, " 1250 00 6086 29 707 75 3359 01 129 16 1 60 By Treasurer's comniisaioii on $12, U16 99 nt 1 per cent, " on J2 10, at 5 p. ct, on $ 1 368 25, Tavern, Kctailrrs' license. Ac. " on $8 30, uns'ted lands, Bv ch paid Brigade Inspectors, Vol C8 41 1J unteer Corftp'e, an per vouchers, 437 91 x Treasurer's commission on $437 91 on militia tines at 1 p. ct, 4 38 x x on $1101 20 (State tax due the Com'weallh, up to Jan. 1st, 1852, 11 01 Balance in Treasurer's hands, 2606 35 S 17,203 29 Amount brought over, $7015 18 Prison expenses, 36 65 Contingencies, 43 49 Printing, 392 00 Premiums on Fox Scalps, 41 00 Treasurer's Fees on Deeds, 15 37 District Attorney's Fees, 125 50 Clerk's wages for 1850, in full, 41 37 " " 1851, in part, 280 43 General and Township elections, 687 75 School tax on unseated lands, 192 55 Road tax x 124 96 Northumiiertami County Agricultural Society, 100 00 . f Jacob Hofta, for 1850 ? 15 00 110 00 76 00 285 00 E Wm. Wilson, 1851, Si Albert, Weaver, 48G 00 $3,582 26 Stats Tax Jno. Leisenring, Northuinbcrl'd, 1848 1848 $48 07 I 1849 68 93! x 99 03 1 1 48 1850 586 02 52 90 x 60 49 x 230 95 CO 29 1S5I 3S3 45 x CI3 08 x 54 59 ' 528 44 x 218 47 x 543 90 " 1 77 45 , x 3m e , x 23 75 j x 140 73 ! " 227 73 J x 500 35 j x 562 54 I x 53 22 j x 210 46 ! x 306 00 j 139 65 John Leiliig, Coal, Dan. Slahlneckcr, Delaware, Thomas Barr, Lewis, Dennis Buoy, Chilisunaipie, James Vandyke, Northuinberl'd, Henry K. Johnson, Kush, Conrad Kcrshncr, Sunbury, George, Turbut, Solomon Mills, Coal, Jacob Kline, Chilisuuaquc, John Hine, Cameron, Daniel Caret, Delaware, Martin Drumheller, Jackson, David Wilson, Lewis, Jacob R. Cl.irk, Low. Augusta, James Buoy, Milton, Peter Hindi, Northumberland, Joseph Vankirk, Point, Henry R. Johnson, Hush, Samuel Hales, Shamokin, Peter Pursel, Sunbury, George Kuntz, Turbut, William Keed, Up. Augusta, $5,940 78 J FROM COLLECTORS. Amount broi.fiht over, J.icob F.i-kmnn. I'p. Auyusta, 1850 A bin . Kiiuselinan, U. Mahouoy, " S.)l(iinoii Manx, Coal, 1851 J.icob Kline, Chilisquaque, " J.ihn Huie, Cameron, " D.uiiel Cares, Delaware, " Martin Drumheller, Jackson, " D.ivitl Wilson, Lew is, " J. R. Claik, Lower Auaustn, " Jiinnb Binetnan, L. Mahouoy, " D. S. Dnitnheller, Lit. Mahouoy, " Junes Buoy, Milton, ; Peter Ruuh, Nnrlhuniberland, " Joseph Vankirk, Point, Henry R. Johnson, Rut-h, Samuel Hales, Shamnkiu, Peter Pursel, Snnbnry, Georga Knniz, Tin but, William, Reed, Up. Aiiuusta, Win. Bergtieieer, Up. Mahouoy," AND MILITIA FINES LEVIED FOR 1851. CouNTt Tax. Static Tax. Militia Finm. 339 754 $431 87 $2100 852 904 1220 12 44 00 96 28 130 37 16 50 977 794 1349 49 68 00 661 434 913 20 62 50 796 27 1110 21 46 50 676 40 780 10 78 50 637 774 893 24 75 50 137 74 191 38 ?0 50 622 SI 745 99 65 00 696 05 733 51 68 00 492 644 711 92 32 60 567 77 807 27 43 00 609 89 863 75 76 00 600 854 716 06 89 00 766 35 1138 63 26 50 455 62 665 18 35 60 452 914 629 59 36 60 $10,040 86 1 1 4,031 88 8865 00 New Advertisements. HARRISBURQ STEAM WOOD TURNINO AND SCROLL RAWING SHOP. Wood Turning in all its branches, in city style and it city prices. Every variety of Cabinet and Carpenter work either on band or turned to order. Bed Posts, Balusters, Rosetts, Slat end Quar ter Mouldings, Table Legs, Newell Posts, Pat terns. Awning Posts, Wagon Hubs, Columns, Round or Octagon Chisel Handles, Ac. rp" This shop is in STRAWBERRY AL LEY, near Third Street, and as we Ihtcnd to please all our customers who want good work done, it is hoped that ell the trade wil' give us call. R? Ten-Pins and Ten-Pin Balls made to or der or relumed. The attention of Cabinet Makers and Carpen ters is culled to our now style of TWIST MOULDINGS. Printer's Rirtlct nt 1 per 100 feet. W. O. HICKOK. February 7, 1852 ly. Bonnets, Hats and Millinery Goods! MERCH ANTS and Milliners when in Phil adelphia to purchase their goods, will find it to their interest to examine our large and fash ionable stock of STRAW ooons. Wo manufacture largely and ixronr the Ntflut Sttlxs of Foreign Fabric in our line ; which toother with other advanta ges enable us to oiler liberal inducements to R. A. CROOKER, & CO., No. 47 and 49 Chestnut Street, and No. 66 South Second Street, west side, near Chestnut, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851. ly. cf. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. IX pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumlierlnnd county, will lie exposed to public sale, on Thursday the 26th day of Feb ruary next, on the premises, the following real estate to wit : A certain Tract of Land, situate in Point township, County aforesaid, be ginning nt n corner on land of Isaac Vincent, thence by said land south 4(1 east 439 perches to the river, thence north 79 cast 45 perches along the rivri, llieuce by land of Jonathan Puiscl. North 40 west 429 pcrcnes to a corner on land of Joseph Leinen's heirs, thence south 89 east 50 erclies to the place of beginning, containing 106 Acres. Tho most of which is under cultivation, and whereon is erected a two story frame DWELLING HOUSE. iJa and a Log Stable. Late the estate of Leonard Pfoutz, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock. A. M. of said day, when tho terms of sale will lie made known by JOHN PFOirTZ. ) . , , BEXJ. PFOLTZ, i Adm "' By order of the Court, 1 J. P. PUHSEL, Clk, O. C. J Jan. 24, 1852. 5t. J BXtAlMT'S INDIAN The Cirent C'Ol'Cai RCMED V Msnv years of i.prience. nt mors limns lliimlrefll Thousilllil Cures 'f 1'ollsuilHtlive C.m'.i.iiiU, lis provU lo llm lliiitoulili'il feMli.luclluti of fill (MTfiori wlis (isvh become cqilsinl"d Willi llnl vmtttrfnt remnttj, lliat il it iireiitly sniMTlnr, isuff o,. miij smi.i, ana wv, ref'liiin lu cure CtisUHiillitl ul' lira Lung's, tl'S'l anv oilier tl.'iiiiHly Iti llie wuii.l. Wo kuow, hoMover. Ilinl II it IMI-1 lv aoni I- utinill!i,ii fun not be cuied. Be lliat Ihe t.iuion uf Hie many M tlie lew, we almll nol nllentpi lo arKue villi aio'li, lit' we lei (, ana .lo anrrt a. n larl, m I.kIi eun Iki movra in IhOMknntts of race. Ilial lliia liHslieiiie li-iw cured I'uu.A. ami -if whieh. kej'irt lite curra etv eflW-lei! were calieil rent ('Ulisllniutlnil, wIik-Ii were mienaed til. airrs'oMi Ilial reacmliiea, ami were in nil ,v, tlie alninioma ol Moan vae dtt. ami leses 4td are aaul lo huve dud with that fslal Uiaoaae C'ansllilifllax T"" Uaiamii liaa ryred IMoutandt of pernona who were aaid lu he hopeleatljr aNiei. ea who llml AifrW, dry, rac'tm-i CoNahs J'rtlnt ill llnl Hrenst, Sidf, ami Illlnriilly or llritlilii I'lirmJfit Krptcttratfan Hrrrtc h'evrr ,iyhl-Suiili and wnslinaT awny of llw Klesll ana Itlittiil. I'eraona having ucli r (ilniula have keen rureri alier il wita said they ctuld nol tp a week longer. Tina Meilicins liaa cuieJ aomo who were aipooea to be in a dylnar slflle, but, by ihe uas uf tins remeoy, tltsy now live, and enjoy gooa beaitti. Tills lllllanm la purely tryelablt tompntind. It It pleaaanl to litae, and ttrttr do tyuiy in any ata or dta. aae or under any eirciiuiaiancea. Il elleela Its woaajr-rful snd nlmati mir iruloiis i'ures bv PnrllyiiiaTt niI, and Invluorntina ihe wuole ayaieui by aii tintj tilt cireuluti-m, an.) pruducins a htalltiy artlon thua mtl'iyin t'nngh tootting tht Nervss and nidinf and futititating KstiectoraUou. It Cutea U.e fultuwinj du vuaaa, viz. Consumption, CIM'tSHJ and Coldt, HrtneMtit. Atthmm, Spiltmy ff Htfd, hlmdiMy at tht Imiuj; IHitt m tht Hrtait, &ule. and Ckttl, Sertomtil, Svikt Stoentt. ..(.ite'S e Me Jml'l, and ail f K tlAl.K KAIvSliSKS and t " o srislaf Uierefrom, C'ltnleril iHrunlllill, Alc. f-7 Fr I'roor and .an.ruiara of CunM, ass oar t'niinihlt'ls and .mJoi.'l, ail our A(sau hs Uwm 10 givu away. For sam! t I. W. Frilinir, Su'itmn,-; Mnry A. Mp Cn oilhuiiileii;iisl; John II. Iluscl, Mulon; lluyes Mi'ConiiH-k, Mt'l-'wensvilie. MnyO, 1S3I, elw. ly. J . S T 0 C K M AN &"S0 N, MAM'l'ACTlltCr.s AND DnAI.KHS I.N CHILD AND SIl.MClt lI.fILS, Tiiiinblis, Silver Wnrr, Jrwflry, It. At III" Ol.l K-t.iblislif.l Stautl, Sitiu of the Gul.l Thiinbl., No. 60 Chesiniil Street, Son ill tile, betvvten 2d ami 3J Sts., rillLADELl'HIA. TTtTIIERK they ninnufaeture ml keep eon- atiintlv an hnml u Vnrietv tif nrtirles. suitu- 44 0" ' Me for city or country trade, iimong which are 16 6 ! Gold anil Si I ver Patent and (il her kinds of 68 00 j Pencils, Gold and Silver Thimbles, 8 2 50 I 46 50 I ''oln''. Finger ShielJx, Kuittinir Shesths, Needle 78 50 ' ' l"r'i' Sl'i,iw'r Hooks and Chains, I'urse t'laspa, 6 00 1 Tooth ami Ear Pirks, Tweeters, Nursing Tulies, 20 50 Fellows' and tnns of Tenitiernnre Jewels 65 00 i lnu'l'n'"' n'''" 43 00 i Silver Spoon, Forks mid Butler Knircs. 32 50 In addition to which they keep a general sup 43 00 j ply of 76 00 ; Rogers' Superior Plated and German Silver 25 00 Goods 2ft 50 Of the first quality, such ss Spoons. Forks, Soup 23 50 aiul OyKtcr Ladles, Butter Knives, 9pertM-les, Ac. 36 50 Jackson's celebrated Lead for Pencils of all sizes by the quantity, at the lowest market prices. $1,569 54 January, 24. 1853. Sm. WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, ATTORNEY AT LAW, KUSIIUKY, PA. Dee. 13. 1851. tf. ATTENTION, IMW4.KT ia 4IIDSU AOI" sre conimantletl to meet in Mr ket Square, ejuuhury, on MO.NDAV, 3J of February, at 10 o'clock, A. M., fully enuiniied fur .Irill it.. r.le r ll, c 1 CEO. OLIPMA.NT. O. 8. Punhury, Feb. 14, 1855 GOLD FENS with and without eases, of a eery suierior quality, just received. Also a fresh supply of Writing Fluid, for aale by II. B. MA8SER. Sunbury, Dee. 37, 1851. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN. GER, a freab supply just received, and for sale by H. U. MA! Bunbury, Jsu. 10, 1852. TCOR sale at this office, Superior Black Ink. Cattle Msdicine at SS eta, Pure Essence of Guiger, SS cents. tf ARRIAGC CETIflCATES handsomely executed for sale at shit offica, single I -J hy the 'ATSK'S k nrxs.. I CHERRY PECTORAL: Per the Care f OOUOHS, OOX.DS, HOARSENESS, BH02T OaXTZS. OHO UP . ASTH. awXA, WHOOPZZrOaOOUOH ao ooarsunxPTZow. In offering to the eommunity this justly eele hrated remejy for diseases of the throat and lungs, it is not our wish to trifle with the lives or heullh of the nfllictcd, but frankly to lay before them the opinions of distinguished men and some of the evidences of the success, from which they can judge for themselves. We sincerely pledge ourselves to make no wild aaertions or false statements of its eflicucy, nor will we bold out any hope to suffering humanity which facts will not warrant Many proofs are here given, and we solicit an inquiry from the public into all wo publish, feel ing assured they will find them perfectly reliable, and the medicine worthy their best confidunce and patronage. From the distinguished Prnfcsiorof Clitmistry aixl Materia Mcdica, liou dom College. Dear Sir I delayed answering the receipt of your preparation, until I had an opportunity of witnessing ila ellerta in my own family, or in the families til' inv friend. This I have now done with a high degree of satiafaction, in cases both of adults and children. I have found it, ns its ingredients show, a pow erful remedy for colds, and coughs, and pulmon ary diseases. PARKER CLEAVELAND, M. D. D Hens wick., Ms., Feb. 5, 1847. From an Overseer in the Hamilton Mills, in thts Citij. Lowkll, Aug. 10, 1849. Dr. J. C. Ayer : I have becu cured of the worst cough I ever hnd in my life, by your "Ciiehrt Fkctohai," aud never full, when I have opportunity, of recommending it lo others. Yours, resjiectl'ullv, 8. i. EMERSON. IT" Read the following, and see if this medi cine is worth a trial. This patient had become very feeble, and the effect of the medicine was unmistsksbly distinct : V. St. IIothl, Saratoga Springs, ) July 5, 1849. $ Dr. J. C. Eyer, Sir : I have been afflicted with a painful nfll-rtion of Ihe lunga, and all the symptoms of settled consumption, for more than a year. I could find no medicine that would reach my ease, until I commenced the use of your "Ciikkiit Pi.cTORAi.," which gave me gradual relief, end I have been steadily gaining my tito-nirtli till my health is well nigh restored. While using your medicine, I had the gratifi cation of curing with it my reverend friend, Mr. Truman, of Sumpter District, who had la-en sus pended from his parochial duties by a severe at tack of branch itio. I have pleasure in certifying thee facts to you, And am, sir, vours, respectfully, J. F. CALIIOl'N, of S. C. r?" The following was one of the Worst of cases, which the physicians and friends thought to c iticural re consumption : Chkstxr, Pi, Aug. 22, 1846. J. C. Ayer, SSir : I was taken with a torriiile coukIi, brought on by a cold, in the leginuing uf lust February, and was cnnlincd to niv lied more than two mouths. Couirlttug ince-mantly night slid day. I liecame ghastly mid pule, my eyes were sunken aud glassy, and my breath very short. Indeed, I was rapidly failing, and in such distress for breath, that hut little hojie of my re covery could be entertained. While in this situ ation, a friend of mine, (the liev. Juhn Keller, of the Methodiet church) brought me a bottle of your Cuniuv Pkctoiiai., which I tried more to gratify liiin, than from anv expectation uf obtain ing relief. Its good eftect induced me to con tinue ils use, and I soon fuuud my health much improved. Now in three months, I am well and strong, and can attribute my cure only to your great medicine. With the deepest gratitude, vours, Ac. JAMES GODFREY. Prepared ami sold biy JAMKS C. AYER, Practical lhamst, Louxll, Mass Sold in ISunlmry by II. MASS Ell, and by Druggists generally throughout the Stutv. November 1, 1851. Ivcellino. ORPHANS1 COURT SALE. IN pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Northumberland countv, will be exposed to public sale, on Saturday the Slst day of Feb ruary next, on the prt'iuiiea, the following real eatute to wit : A certain Tiiict of Ij;ukK situate in Little Mnllonov township, l. ounty iifurcxaid, botiiMlt-d bv litnil of Samuel Rutherincl. William Raker and Daniel Wagner, containing about li1! ACKI. uhereou is erected a FEAME HOITSE, (Tavern Stand,) Dank Burn, Shed and a LARGE APPLE ORCHARD. six or eight acrea Wing meadow land. Also C a piece of Woodlai:d, unimproved, on Ihe south aide of the Mahnuoy mountain, adjoining land ot ivvrstcicr ami VI in., containing 14 ACRES more or leas. Late the otate of Frederick Ra ker, deceased. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. of aaid day when the terms of sale will tw made known by JACOB D. HOFFMAN, Trustee. By order of the Court, ) 1. P. PURSEL, Clk. O. C. Jan. 24, 1852. 5U ) J. THE WORLD'S FAIR. Ciolri !flci!al Awarded, To Eli Krupp, for his "Esscntt of Coffet," IT ia now satisfactorily decided that Krupp's "Essence of Coflce," is the best and most wholesome preparation for Cuftbe in the world. We therefore rei-oinmend it to all lovers of "Good Coffin" as an article of great value. The price is only 12 J cents per package, which with one lb. of Colft e will go as far as live lbs. of ordinary Coffee alone. SUirekeeHrs and all others that may purchaae it are assured that if it docs not ffivn entire satis faction it may he relumed, and the money will be refunded. Manufactured bv ELI KRUPP, No. 639 N. 3d St., Philadelphia. January 3, 1851 3m. Witt. G. lYiASUJN, Engraver and l'rinter, So. 46 Chestnut Street, aboct Second, JHItADBLPHIA. IS prepared lo do ENGRAVING and PRINT ING, in all tlieir branchea. Wedding, Viaiting and Buainess Cards, Ball Tickets, Watch Papers, Labels, Bill Heads, Notes, Checks, Drafta and Diplomas. Seal and Stamps for Corporations, Odd Fellows, Masons, Sons of Temperance, Ac. All the above engraved lu the best manner. Orders by Poet promptly attended to. December 7, 1851 ly. - BLANK DEEDS printed on the beet quality of parchment paper, told at the lowest prices t this officer, by wholesale and retail riISSUE PAPER Yellow Tissue paper for 1 covering gliasaav dec, for salt tt lis 0(5 of K ti e Amfirar, "AID AND C0MF0ET, 7 o Your Own Mechanics. GEOItGE ItENN. MANUFACTURER OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS Of the most Fashionable. Style. "THE subscriber respectfully calls the attention ' of the public to his large and splendid assort ment of every qunlity and price of CAllI NET-WAR I?. which cannot rail to reiommend Itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable Workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is spared in the manufacture of his ware, and the subscriber ia determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Mis stock consists of Mahogany KoChm, Divan and Lounge, Bureaus, Secretaries, Sideboards, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, uf every pattern and price CUPBOARDS. WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in thia line of his business. He also manufactures all kinds and qualities of CHAI1IS, including varieties never before to be had ir Sunbury, such as Mahobaiit, Blace Walxvt n Ct-RLitn Mrt.. tiiiKi i t ; An Wixnsnn CHAIRS, axii rAst-T Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscriber is determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to pun haso furniture in the cities, as every confidence can lie entcrtainod about the quality and finish of his ware and Chairs. His articles will 1 disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavment for work. I" UNDERTAKING. Having provided himself with a handsome Hkarsk, he is now prepared for Undertaking, and attending funer als, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from this place. fiT The Ware Room is in Market Street, below Thompson's Store and Weaver's Tavern. GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, Jan. 10, 18.VJ. If. (WII.1)KR I'ATKNT.) SALAMANDER SAFES. rTpiIE validity of this patent, (after having been vigorously contested by suits at law for the last six years.) has been fulhy and finally estab lished in the Supreme Court of the United States. The undersigned, at his depot, has on hand a large assortment of the genuine PATENT SALAMANDER SAFES, ALSO, ALL KINDS OF Iron Chests, 3Ioney Boxes, Vault Doors and Bank Vaults, both fire and bur glar proof, with new and Second Hand Safes of other makers forming the largest assortment in the world. A Iso, the fo'lowing LOCKS: Jones's Changeable, Combination, Permutation, and Letter Changeable Anti Gunpowder Locks; Hall's New Patent Powder and Burglar-Proof Lock; Day, Newell oV Day's; and Locks of other celebrated makers. JOII FARREI., No. 31 Walnut street, Philadelphia. Sole Agent fur the State of Pennsylvania. January 10, 1852. 2m. THE GERMAN WASHING POWDERS Tn considered by thousands who have tested it, as being the greatest Scientific Wonder of ihe if'orld! Entirely doing away with that laborious and in jurious practice of rubbing the CLOTHES upon tub WASHBOARD, And a great anting of TIME, LABOR AND EXPENSE. N. B. To prevent fraud and impoaition, (fur many are Irving to palm olf article put up like mine.) the' Proprietor, I. P. IIOVT, will put his WRITTEN SIGNATURE on the top la in;! of every Package. And he only auks an enlightened piiltir not to confound THE GERMAN W AMU NO rOWDF.R with others that are in the market. It is put up in Packages with full directions, and sold at ibe nominal price of rents. W PRINTERS will liud it greatly to advan tage to purchase tnose Powdrra to cleanse their TV PES AND ROLLERS, lieing a very superior article for that purpose. Manufactured only by I. P. HOYT. at hia Laboratory and Principal Depot, No. 10 South Fifth Street, Philadelphia. Wholesale and Retail A-.'cnt: Henry Manser, Sunbury ; S. B. Denormandie, Northumberland. Kememla-r Ihe name GERMAN WASHING FLUID. All letters lo be pnt paid. November":!, 1851. Goto. J. I. DITTERICH, A'e 78 jVe;A f S., brlu-em Arch and Hare St., rXJlXADELPHIA. II1 EREBY informs the public that he imports and roiiHtaiitlv keeps on hand nt his new tore. No. 78 North "d St., a large aasortiuclit of Foreign Fancy Goods, Mimical Instruments, Picture: 4' Paints, which he mill sell nt the lowest prices. Hia stock, til part, eonaiata of, Ar-cordeona, Violins, Music Boxen, Parlor and Bar Room Or gans, Melodeons, Seraphinea, Mathematical In strumeula. Magnets, Spy and Opera Glasses, Stationery of all kinds, Pocket Books, Bronte Powtler, Dutch Metal. Gold and Silver Lear, Scales of all kinds, Snuff and Tolwcco Boxes, Lithographic Paints, Copper Plate and Steel En ravines, and pictures of every variety. Alao Gi't Frame Mouldings of various sizes. D alt ra, Country Merchants, and IVdlars, sup plied at reasonable prices. December 20, 1851. -tf. HOVEE'S INK MANUFACTORY" r.KMOVBO TO TXo. 144 Hute Street. (Between 4th and 5M, opposite Crown St.) PKILASI.rHIA. MIKRK the r-roirtMtnr ia eiuiblftk hy turn-ami fueili lira, 1 1 Ihr growing demand lor HOVfcH S INK, winch ita wnlr-aiai-ail repalatiott liaa created. Tina Ink ia taivv an well ealabliiliwl in the giaaj opinion and e ibuoce oi' the Amem-un Public, thnl it ia at-arcely neet-aaiiry to say aavtliina in ila lavia;, and tha nuuiuiactu rar UtKua thia opportunity to any that the eonudaive thua aertirrd atuiU not la- atailwtt. Inuttdiihat ! tha varioua kinda of Writing Ink, aa atan ntanulaeturtai Adamantine Oinrnt I'iHT UMmditia; liaiaa aud China, aa wt-tl ua a anperi.: Hair Dye : a Irati mly ia na rraaary lo insure He Ititurt- uan, and a ftraling Was, well adapted I'.a- Druggiata and bottlers, at a vary kw price, ia kngr or autall quantitica. Ordera addri-aaed t JOSEPH HOVER, Manufacturer, No. 144 Race Hueel, Betwma 4th 4 6tb, oppoeile Crown etieet, Philadelphia. December 7, 1)41. 3ui. BUFFALO ItOims. A LSO. FANCY rURS, aurb as Mufle, Boae, Tippets, Victorias, ie., &e. The subscri bers offer Ihe above for sale, wholesale or retail, in the greatest variety, and on the cheapest terms, at their Esukliahment, No. 63 North Third Btroot, opposite Cherry, Philadelphia. JAMES KE1SKY & CO. November H, 1 8ft 1. amo. HAZOR& A supKior article for sale el the tore of HFNRT HAWSER, piinbury, f e: , UtO,-- X0 PBINTEHS AND PUBLISHEES. L. PELOUZE'S - Philadelphia Type Foundry. 3reat neducllon In Type, Ac. rTMIE undersifrned befrs leave to call the atten ion of Printers and Publishers to the fr rally reduced prices of his Type, via I Pearl, fiog Minion, 48 Agate, i Brevier, 4 Nonpareil, fia BouiReoise, 17 Long Primer, 84 Small Pica, Si Pica, 80, and all other type in proportion. But wishing to encourage cash payments, the aubscrilier will make still larger deduction of from 13 to 13 per cent, for cash. Having greatly enlarged and improved his establishment, he flatters himself to be able to supply his customers with greater des patch than most of his competitors. He has constantly on hand Cases, Chases, Composing Sticks, Stands, Brass and Wooden Galloys, and all other materials used in a Printing Officer All orders thankfully received and promptly at tended to at the North West Corner of 3d and Chestnut streets. L. PELOUZE. N. B. Old Type tsken in exchange for new at nine cents per pound. Philadelphia, Dee. SO, 1851.- tf. MORE GOOD NEWS!! MORE NEW GOODS ! ! JOHN YOUNG, YAS just received and opened a fresh and general assortment of Pall and Winter Goods, of the newest and beat styles, consisting in part of DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, QUEENSWAEE. Hardware. Iron and Steel, Nulls, it., ALSO i SILK AND SLOUCH HATS, MILITARY AND CLOTH CAPS. Gum Shoes, Fish, Salt, &c. All of which he will sell at the most reasonable prices for cash or country produce. Give him a call and try his price. Sunbury, Nov 22, 1851. JOHN A. II AUiUS, Manufacturer, & Dealer in Imported and Domestio Segars, A I bo, a general assortment of Leaf & Manufactured Tobacco, CONSTANTLY on hand, at the lowest mar- ket prices. Corner of Chestnut St., and Wharves, Philadelphia. December 27, 1851. ly. GETEGllNsi "Watches and Jewellery, WHOLESALE and RETAIL. TTAVING constantly on hand an immense AA stock of Watches and Jewellery, I am de termined to sell at less prices than the same qual ity of Watches or Jewellery are sold in Philadel phia, viz : Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled 18 ka case, only JU,UO Gold Lcpine, " ' Silver Levers, full jewelled, only Silver Lepines, " Gold Pencils, Gold Pens, Silver holders, 18 24.00 14,00 11,00 1,50 1,00 Also an immense slock of alt kinds of Watch es, Gold Chnins, Breastpins, E.irrings, Silver Spoons, Ac, all of which I will sell at leas pri ces than ever have been sold in this city, as the prices are certainly much less than ever hereto fore sold in this city or county. California Gold bought for Cash. Particular attention paid to repairing Watches and Jewel lery, All I aak is a cull to convince Purchasers that this is the place to purchase Watches, Jew ellery and Silver Ware. Persons by sending the cash they wiah to ex peud can have a watch or watches sent to them bv mail with perfect safety, having sent them in that way lor Ihe last 6 years. All cominuuica. tions must be post paid. Please call or send or. dcrs to LEWIS LADOML'S, No. 103 Chesnut St., betwn 3,1 and 4th St., East Wing of Franklin House. Philadelphia, Oct 25, 1851- tf. TO DYSPEPTICS. THE subset ila?rs oftcr for sale Cheltenham Suit, mi invaluable remedy for this disease it ia an exact imitation of the water of the ccle britted Cheltenham Spring of England, which has been found so beneficial in cases of L)vs)tep sia, Uilioua Complaints, Sick Headache, Habit, unl CoHtivenexs, cVc, and is particularly recom mended as a substitute for Seiillitz Powders, as it acts both as a limit: and senile purjralive. A Pamphlet containing an analysis of the water and directions for its use, accompanies each bottle. Price 38 cents ier bottle. The aulwribers also prepare a highly concen trated Eaaence of Pure Jamaica Ginger. Price 25 cents er bottle. Full Catalogues of drugs with prices attached fiirniahcd Physicians gratis. Also priced Cata logues of I'UI'V ClieiiiiCUl fur analytical C'llClllihtN. The attention of Druggists is parliculurly in. vited to our stock of line drugs, chemicals, &c BULLOCK & CRENSHAW, Druggists and Manufacturing ChemUts, Gill & Arch Street, Philadelphia. October 25, 1851 4mo. E. S. JONES & CO., CORNER of Fourth and Race Streets, Pub lishers of the Model Architect, by SAMUEL SLOAN, Architect, to be completed in 24 month ly parts. The above work is designed to meet the wishes not only of those directly interested in buildings, but of all who desire tlie advancement of this no ble art in our country, and wiah lo cultivate their tastes and acquaintance with architecture. The handsome manner in which it is prepared and einU-lliahed, renders it a tasteful ornament fur the drawing-room, while ita accurate delineations give it the highest practical value. IN os. I. i & 3 now ready lor delivery. Price 50 cents per number. Address aa above, post paid. May :t, 18M. ly. Vre. ill, 1851. M. l. Office in Market street Sunbury, opposite H'eaver'e Hotel I BUSINESS will he promptly attended to iu the Counties of Northumberland, Uuiou, Columbia and Montour. Sunbury, Oct. 11, 1851. ly. THOMAS PALMER, COMMISSION MliltCIIANT, No. 6, North Wharves, Where the following goods are received and sold en commission, Dried Apples, Peaches, Plums, Pears, Cherries, Ac., Green Appha in Barrels or by the Bushel, Boana, Pees, Cranberries, Onions, Mercer Po tato a, Sweet Potatoes, Shelbarks, Chestnuts, Ground Nuts, Oranges, Lemons, Raisina, Kigs, Prunes, Grapes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Cheese. A nd all kinds of Foreign aud Domeatic Pro duce. Philadelphia, Dec., 13, 1861 ly. SOAP AND CANDLES. THB eubscriher takes thia method of inform, ing the citixeni of Sunbury and vicinity, that they are engaged in the manufacture of Soap and Candles, of the best quality, at No. 44 Filbert etreet, Philadelphia. They respectfully invite all who buy for eaah, to give him a eall as they will find it to lo their advantage in dealing with bin) for articles in their line. E. DL'FFV cV SON, 44 rilbert be fcHh. December SO, lSMtf, M0BE NKW GOODS! FRXLZNG Si GRANT, RESPECTFULLY IrtloTltr Hie publie en "the rest of mankind.' lliat they re ceived a large assortment of FALL AND WINTEH GOODS, of every vario'y of style, consisting lu pert eT fi to. assortment of Cloths, Cassimrrtt, Merinot, Moviselin 4 Loins, Calicoet, Muslim, chicks, and every variety of Dry Goods. Also a large assortment of GllOCKRIEaf,. SUCH AH Sugar, Teat, Coffee, Molaatei, Spice or alt kinds. Also an assortment of HARDWARE and UTTEEN8WARE, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Also a tresh supply of DRUGS AND MEDICINES. rV Country produce of all kinds taken la et change at the highest market price. Sunbury, Nov. 8, 1851. NEW GOODS t J. R. KAUFFMAN At Hit New Store in Hollowing Rnn, ESPECTFULLY informs hit friends and customers, thnt he has just received new stock of goods, which be offers to the publie at the lowest prices, vit : Fall aud Winter Dry Goods, SUCH AS Cloths, Cassimeres, Satttnrtts, Merinos, Mousseline De Lames, Fiannels and every variety of goods suitable for the season. Also Silk Hats, Caps, &c. ALSO i An assortment of Hardware. ALSO: All Kinds, of Groceries, ALSO: A variety of Queeusware, Crockery, cVe. Besides a variety of other articles, suitable for farmers, &c. All kinds of produce taken in exchange fee goods at the highest market price. Hollowing Run, Oct. 35, 1851. tf. nTTILLIAM HOOVER respectfully informs V v his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which he otters for tale at his new store at Mas ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods will lie sold at the lowest prices. HIS STOCK CONSISTS OF EVERY VARIETY, Vilt Dry Goods, ic, Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, CallUoct, Ginghams, Lawns, Chintzes and Ladies Dress Goods generally. ALSO : An assortment of Fdm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, QTJEENSWARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, & A general assortment of Groceries, such t Sugar, CofTee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, Sic. Alao an assortment of Liquors, such as Brandy, Rum, Wiiskty, Wines, Ifc. 17 Produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Hollowing Run, .May 10, 1651 ly. Phoeuut Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chests. WARRANTED to stand equal heat with any other Chests iu the country, and ta defy the Uurglae' ingenuity. Manufactory, No. 10 Hudaon's Alley, running between Third and Fourth streets, south of Chesnut, and in the rear cf the Gtrard Bank. M. &, S., the proprietors, are Practical Me chanics, and feel confident, from long experience . i cr.. i ill the niaiiutacture ol iron t. nests sou mm, ana I a special attention to this particular branch, of giving utialacdou to all wno may give warn call. K. B We have selected one of the beat min erals ever used as a non-conductor of heat ia, this business, and we warrant our Chests and. S-s's to lie made of the beat material and in the moat durable manner, and to stand any heat that can be applied to them. MILNOR&SHAW Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between 3rd and 4th streets, S f Ches nut, in ttve rear of Girurd Dank. Philadelphia, Oct. ?5, lSSl. -ly THE undersigned is in the daily receipt of fresh and excellent Oysters from the cele brated establishment of Mr. Field, No. 331 W est Lombard street, lialtiniore. All orders will be promptly attended to ami forwarded without delay. Apply lu the aub scrilier at Lee's Hotel, Northuiuherbtnd, Pa. PHILIP SHAY, N. I). Oysters of cotnraou quality, at $1,00 per can. Octol-r 11, 1851 3mo OYSTERS ! OYSTERS ! ! AVING settled at Northumberland, I an now prepared to furnish Fresh and Spiced Oyster during the whole season at tlie reduced price ef one dollar for whole aud fitly cents per half can. You can depend upon them being fresh, ea I shall receive them daily, (Sundays excepted,) and when landed here they are only 16 hours out of tho shell. All persons who are in want of Ihe above arti cle, at a distance, can have them sent per dcoeai or single can by addressing . GEORGE W. JONES. N. D. Persons calling on the aubacriber may find him either at Burr's or Haaa' Hotel. Northumberland, Oct. 4, ISM. WASIUNUTOX HOUSE, STJNBITRY, PA. THE sulwcriber retctfully informs hie friend and the publie, that he has taken the well known Public House, corner ol Market and Kit er streets, lately occupied by Mrs. Wharton. He trusts by strict attention to business, he will be enabled to gite satisfaction to all who may favqf biru with their custom. JAMES COVERT, fvnbury, Oct. t5, 1851. tf. WJATENT BRITTANIA STOPPERS (of tier bottle for sale by H. B MA6SXJU Sunbury, April. It, 1 SSI 17VEE BILLS Justices and Oonatablee Tee. 1 Billa bandoMry Ptinlod est catd paper, ( sale at eliitoriicev I I .... I" I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers