SUiMiUAiy AMKiaCAN ANP SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. o c trn J m .., . THE EXILE. A Pilf.t'.m from the Eastern sbor, s Stood on Nevada' strand, A tkr was in Ms hiiher e, jick- in bis hand , A ihf was in hit hiiher eye, -And In hia left, to match, ' : There would have been another tear, but for healing patch. And other pa'ches too he wore, Which on bis garments hunjr, And two were on that ill-stitri'd spot, Where mothers smite their young. His hat, that was a "Cottar" once, Was broken now and dim And wild his bearded features gleamed from out that tattered brim. Thfl Pilgrim stood, and looking down Aa ono who is in doubt, He sighed to sea how fast that pair Of boots was wearing out ', And while he filled an ancient pipe, Hia wretchedness to cheer, He stopped with hurried hand to pick A flea from out his ear. Then spake that Pilgrim from the East 'I am a wretched man ; For lust of gold has lured mo to The shovel and the pan. 1 saw, in dreams, a pile of gold Its dazzling radiance pour No more my visions are of gold, Alas ! my hopes are ore. ,!Thrice have I left this cursed spot, But mine it was to learn That fatal truth, that dust we are, To dust we shall return. So here, condemned by fates unkind, I pass my wretched span, And mourn, too late, that pre I took The shovel and the pun." The pilgrim paused, for now he heard His distant comrade's shout. From his pipe he took a parting whiff, And knocked the ashes out ; And stooping us he umbered up His shovel and his pan, ThO breeze his latent accent bore "I am a wretched man." " - - California Courier. tumorous. ' ' From the Carpet Bag. A COLU WATER YARS. Who, that has ever visited Cranville, has failed to see Eben, at the railroad station 1 Eben, be it known, is the dispenser of pies, cakes, root beer, candies, Sec, and, above all, of those incomparable doughnuts. Eben though very quiet and attentive to business, is an inveterulu wag, and when he looks un usually demure, you mav bo certaiu that soma one has got to suffer. One of his youthful jokes was eminently practical : Eben, at the time, worked in a shoemanu faclory with a number of other, and among them was one who added to a pretty con stant babit of intoxication another, and per haps a good one, of retiring by himself to sleep off his potations. One very warm day in summer, he became crosslegged earlier than usual, and retired to tho shoe-room fur hia accustomed siesta. , In the course of an hour or two, Eben quietly provided himself wiOl great coal, lantern, umbrella, and over shoes, with duplicates for the sleeper, and, after darkening the room, where he lay, and plentifully sprinkling with water his umbrel and overcoat, proceeded to rouse bim. He shooChim soundly, and after somo time the man sat up, rubbed his eyes, yawned, and asked if it rained. 'Yes," answered Eben 'like great guns," while the water dropped fast from his garments. ' But whaV time is it 1" said tho victim. "Half past two o'ejock," replied Eben, "and your wife has come out iu this awful tempest to get me to hunt you up." ' It isn't possible 1 have lept so long, is it " inquired he. "Yes," said Eben ; "come get up and go home, your wife is wonicd to death about you. Rising slowly to his feet, Eben prvceeded to put on a great coat and overshoes, button the coat up tightly round his neck, and men, tuning tno prollereu umbrella, va carefully led down slaijs by the light of the lantern. As soon as the door opened, he aawr the sun shining brightly into the room. and the shop's crew hailed him with shouts of laughter. "You infernal scamp !" said ho turning to Eben ; but Eben was not to be seen. He owned np that ha had been 'sold," and compromised the) affair as all auch affairs were compromised in those days. If he ever forgot that stormy night, it Mras not because bis friends forgot to i g Wis memory. . Nat Winkle. ASO WHAT NEST ? A gentlemen, riding near the city, ovrr took a young man, and invited him to a seat in bis carnage. "And what said the gentleman to the yonng stranger, "are your plans for the fu. tore 1" 'Jl am a clerk," replied the yoims man. "and mybope j to succeed, and to gel into business lor myself." "And what next ?" said the gentleman. iiivl.. r :. I . , t imcim io many ana set up an establishment of my owr," said the youth. ''And what next t" "Why, to continue in business and acen mulate wealth." "And what next V "To retire from business, and enjoy the Iruit of my labors." "And what next t" "It ia the lot o! all to die, and 1 of course cannot escape," replied the young man. "And what next 1" once more asked the gentleman ; but the young man had no ao wer to make he had no purposes that reached beyond the present life. Ws AND TlA Of MiTRIMOST. A T poison residing in Greenock, applied 10 the Jlsjislrale to havs two of bit children admitted on lha peat's roll. i'i0w many have you V said the worthy .:ii.. - baillie. Tl-ol tenty, sir' teplied tbe pell t loner. Ti-and-twenty !'' echesd tbe baillie, usnd all by on wile V Ob, no ir," repliod the poor man, H am "rearing thu fooitb." . . ! J - I i The oi FooL-EAtt)iMfsi.Sbeep'i sna na iuck, 0b 9. yi CHERRY PECTORAL: . . Fr the Cure ef ... -a COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BBOM OHITIS, OROTJF, ASTH JVTA, WHOOPING-COUGH A2TX CONSUMPTION. Among the Humorous discoveries Science has made in this generation to facilitate the business of life increase its enjoyment, and even pro long the term of human existence, none ran be named of more real value to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the Healing Art. A vast triul of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination of medicines vet known. can so surely control and cure the numerous va" rielics of pulmonary disease which have hitherto swept from our midst thousands and thousand every year. Indeed, there is now abundant rea son to believe a Remedy has at length been found which can be relied on to cure the most dangerous affections of the luns. Our space here will not permit us to publish any proportiou i of the cures affected by its use, hut we would present the following opinions of eminent men, and refer further enquiry to the circulur which the Aiient below named, will always lie pleased to furnish free, wherein are full particulars, and indisputable proof of these facts. From the President of Amherst Collrtre, the celebrated PROFESSOR HITCHCOCK. "James I;. Ayer Sir : I have used your Ciiehiiv I'KiTonAi, in my own case of dcep scatcd Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its che mical constitution, that it in an admirable com pound for the relief of laryngial and bronchial dilficulties. If my opinion as lo its superior character can lie of any service, you arc at liiiurty to use it as vou think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, L. L. P., From the widely celel rated PROFESSOR SILLIAIAS, -If D. L.L. D., Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, &fc, Yale College. Member of the Lit. Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific Societies of America and Europe. "I deem the Ciikhrt Pectorai nn admirable composition from somo of the best articles in tho Materia Mcdica, and a very eliectivc remedy for i the class of diseases it is intended to cure. New Haven, Cl., Nov. 1, 1849. MAJOR PATTISON, President of the 8. C. Senate, states he has used the CiiF.aiiT Pkcto- n a l with wonderful success, to cure an inflam mation of the lung. From one of the first Physicians iii Blaine Sacii, Me., April 2fi. 1343. Dr. J. C. Ayer, Lowell. Dear Sir. I am now constantly usinc; your Chkbrt Pectihial in my practice, and prefer it to any other medicine tor pulmonary complaints, l'rnni observation of many severe cases, I am convinced it will cure coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs, that have put to defiance all other remedies. I invriably recommend its uso in eases of con sumption, and consider it much the best remedy known for that disease. Respectfully vours, I. S. CLSIIMAN, M. P. Prepared and sold b, JAMES C. AYER, n i '..;. r ii nr.... J luinuii iiirm(3ij x.i(tt((j i'iia. Sold in Sunbury hy H. MAftSER, nnd by Druggists generallv throncliout the Stute. November 1, 1851. lycc3tno. MARBLE MANUFACTORY, CHEAP GRAVE STONES. riIIE nuWriber informs his friends and tbe iiiiMir. that lie rnntinuca rarrv on thn Mar tile Uusineas in all its brandies, nt his oM stand in Milton. Pa., and is prepared to munu- lucturo Monuments, Tombs, Gravestones, &o., of the best materials, and most finished work manship, and at the lowqgt prices. J.ettrr Luttin?, bnt-hsli and tiennan in the most modern aiul-loir uit style. Designs br Monuments, Ornve Stones, always on hnnd. A. 15. Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed by leaving the same nt the otiice of the "SSuiihury American.1' A.VfHOAY Jiirp. Milton, May 10( 18.51. TREVOUTON HOUSE, TnEVOKTON, PA. f rHE suht.cnl?r Tesjsectfully mtorms the pnhl. JL that he has opened a Public House, in ti t new town of Trcvortow, Northumberland counl v and that he is well prepared to accommoilnte hi guests iu the betit manner. His house is located neariy opposite the Company's Store, lie is also provided with good stabling sulhcicnt for 20 hor ses, fie trusts ty prompt anu careful attention to busiucbs to meet a harc of the public patron age. 1IEMCY n- WKAVEU. Trevorton, Jan- 11, 1800 tl UNION HOTEL, SUNBTOY, PA. rpHR MISS WEITZEIS rcsppotfully inform J. tho 1'ublic that they still continue to enter tain truvrllcrs ami others ot their old established stand in Market street, west of tlie Court House. Their lonq experience in the luisinrss, ond the well established reputation of their House, will, they trust, lie a sullioivnl guarantee, that their customers will be well accommodated. Mareh 8, 1851. U. AMERICAN HOUSE, POTTSVILLE, PA. T US. MA IIY WEAVF.Il respectfully informi ' the public and travellins communitv Breneral- It. that .he lias opened this large and commodious liuttu, lurniahed in a superior style. From her long experience in tlie business of a Crst rule Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on being supplied wiin every wing conducive to their comfort and convenience. Feb. 15. 18I U LAWKENCE HOUSE. EUNBURY, PA. lHE suWrilier respectfully informs her friends 1 and the public generally, that she has taker, the above well known stand nearly opposite the Court House, lately occupied by Mr. j. C. Per kins. She trusts that her experience in business snd ber efforts to make her guests comfortable. will give entire satisfaction lo those wbo may Ut. Tor her w ith their custom. . ANN C. M0RKI3 March 8, 1631. tf. , I O0.1'0 E,'i;, wi,h n1 silver cases 1 insl rM-eKeit. ftiid Civ lulu hv just received, and tor sale bv . H J3..MASSKR f unbury. Anrill lSSl - KNOB AND ffPRING MORTISE LAT CHEeV An eieellent article, for sale al ball' tbe usual price by J. W. I J2ILLNG, Kunbury, July J. a349- kiL.Yr.11 .i(i,nw-A lew double caar l-? Enilisll Silver M atches, for aula at vary low prices by U. B. MASSER. Bunbury, April n, 1591. C ATTLE PO WDEE - .- , Mcrtutf y ' ''' BREINIG, rnONIS FIELD &. CO. No. 187 North Third Street,, Philadelphia. . 'I'HIS powder is entitled by tin united testimony of all 1 wli i linve nscil it to the first rank of all thoaa CAT ll.t: MKlllCINKH, whlt'h have been thought praise, worthy manr fears. Imlceit va rlmilense any perw to make a annerior, ui any powilr that m-ta in the Miiue mauimr. If die animtil lie rterfwliv lienllhv it will either iucrciae the amount of milk or t renin ami butter or the animal will improve momIIv in fiit. It will tlierel'orn time be cimaulcretl we have no duulit one of tbeaitiilearti. clea of every Fanner, wtio keeps a Uiiirv ; nnil of rvefe perm owning a hoiie. It is not nne (if tlmae kind o. SlitTuaas Unit merely ewH an aninntl up for a atiott tiinp. hut it wiil hv the enpneity which it him of cnYerttng IlU'PLItIO AHII) (whirh inn, I effete matter) Into t.AC Tie acip or olkikk ennse a irrenter nmonnt of mttriti Hie mutter Ui Ih extiucled from Urn aniue amount of fiHHl. than pumihly cnnltl h were tlie active principle" of unlriti in t nam nut of the nyalrui In the r.irm nf IlirruBie Aein We have teeuived a titiitlitinte nf evideiKe to prove what we tinvc mid nti ve. Mullicu tii env i We hnve mixed the active Dtrenl, with s great nnmlier of Vkuktapi.k pttinta ami herbs, wiiich tune and tine have pr vctl to be nsetnl, improving the appetite ami promoting ilnrcsli'in of the fo kI ; lima securing a healthy condition of the IiImimI, from wtiich the Mll.K and Fat niust be formed. 1 1 inny be uaml fur llonK. Cowi and Moot for Uie follow ing eompluints and disciisa. Yni.l.OW WATKR, a dangerous Birlniem, wliicli de. stroya uinny vuiuid.ln iunsea every year, is very nllen entirely cured by the free use of tins powder, ill all ouses it will prevent the disease tioin coming on. This iliseime is owning to a bad ami impoverished stnte of the blood which becomes thin, wutery and of all yellow color. This powder by improving the- stomach and giving tn the hl.iod n gieuter qiuiulity of red puiticlcs, titTads the liest and only posmblc cliimre of recovery. If Itie horse ia I'nr g ine, give ui'iruiiig nod itieht a tnblespoinuiil in wet fecit. It in the beginning mice a uuy ut a 'on, lioniy to pre vent the disense twice n Wi-k. tSljAlllJlltlNtt. This is the munition of miuiy vnhm ble Horses bv exlinuslion ; by a coiiHinnt divbiirge of snli- vn winch ouitht to po iubi the slom:ich t-i nss ist iligcstcin. It is a Siecies of ft.liVHtlou ol'leu prisluced iiy Isni-tx To lacco growing in the puslure gninud A 'i'liblesiMKiuiul three tones a week will Ircpii-ntly urrcst the liow, if it does not defw-nd on the Ticcn ill the grnss, under such cireimist:uici s the iiniinul must lie kept in the stiible DIS TK.MI'Ktt. It the powder is early Mud freely used, inner retucoy iieen tie ucil. it tins alrniuv cureu nun- i dreds of IfoltsF ot this troublc!nie disense to tiie surprise of lluise who used it. If n t uceii eiirlv. Iiefore nmtter Ins formed in the mi-k it cann-it restore Uie nuiuiiil perfectly until the mutter is discharged, use it early ami prevent such a result. A TuhlcSMio!tful once or twice a dtiy is enough. OI.ANDl'Rf. This disease bus bullied nil FAItmKBs, Oivti this p iwder a fair trial itiul it will d i wonders in this ternliie and hitherto iucurabte umlady. It is a disense of the gtandunil system ami kept lip by imperfect nutrition; in audi cases a ralilcsiMMiulnl every day twice !ir n imiutn or two, m constant succession, will in nine crises out of a dozen ellect n cure, it has been fairly tested. Uouglis mid shortness of Llrenth depending on weak lungs, n TublcsptHiutul every luoriiiiig ; if it ulsilcs inee or twice a week, I'Otllt l.W-SPIHITi:r) !irmSKf, or where there is anv rcmilns of Founder or shflucss of motion, nun ttie Horse will n it fatten, or where the hair is mush onil stands straight out, the f,wst seeming to do nogissl, the Powder producer almost iuiuieibute improvement of the nniinid ; the digestion improves and with it nil the slug gishness uf the iiniinul disappears, liecotuing lively and spirited, nnd the hair suuHith mid slick, COWS. For MlLfttNe Cows, we nre fuily eonvinced it not onlv improves the ipinlity, but tiiat it increases Uie uniuiuit of Milk. Creuui nud Hulier ; some who have tried the ex periment suy a Pound a Week, others say half a pound while one person insisted upon it thnt be made two pounds more n week Iroin 'li Cows. We think it wiil be found to average from at r to n pound per week on each Cow, if the Cows are pelicc'ly licilhy. This additional amount is uinde by the conversion 01 liic Hilipuric Acid into Nilro- g.'lliius and Intty immnils : als Iiy siipplyms tlie oxy- 1 gen Uikeu ill l.y tlie Iiiiims, with llic elements ut ri-artmii; I W lllnmt Inking any uf the N ilriKjcn ius purliun ul llic lc.1. , ltOI,l.t)V llun or WOI.F; HOtiF DISFASK, anil all other (licenses of neat cattle depending iifMm n Imd stute of the HuiiU, nre rem ved sncetlilv nnd irtlccltmllv.- Cows, whiisemiik is blue, thin and watery ami where it does not yieid much cream, or where Cows pive I.!ohH milk, or which nre used to stnud lone drv, tt will be fnmnl an ulimist ii.fullil, rein.te. lie ,mr,,v,,, Ihe ., ,.,. : the II-nn nnd erealiiiK a I ... . . ' . i . " ... Iln i healthy 0te8tiixi ; a I.iltittjHvni- tul evry nay or every other uny oi it nuiy ue iiet.c.iry. IKXiS. Piss in tlis nsiiminer often nverheitt themselves, pet swrl I id iieek), eHiKlm, u!eern the I.nnir nml I.H'lt, ivhieh cmixc them tiMhu very nuddeiily, ihene inny he preveiiie! entirely hy put I i up ;i ptunid or n hnlf intn n j turret (' nwili ; and it Will at tlie name tune C 'limilernhly hasten llic tutteit inir prf-reiw. N. It. In nn nnimnl whirh is giving milk nut! y-m nre ..-mrmifl tti liitteu nt the Kiiue time, yitii nh nll n tpii'e more tlnin n tuiilesp vinfnl nre n week ir it will retutdthe furtnrititiii of tut hy iurretiBing the nm Hint ,t Milk. let an'1 peri in try lis eilW'ts I'tir himselt mul lie wil s win he Mititthetl i its rxeellent quniiiies, mul that n t lar mer should he without it, Pnr the purpose cf fittdtit nut still fnrtlier how f;ir inn justly celehmted CATl'LK PtlWDKIt, in entitled t the C"tntidiice t nn iiitetrint ptwipte: we hive adtlresscit Letters t nil nnr: nf the Tinted Stilted, wher nnr Puw der Ins heen used, n'ld we nretihle n'nv fr in the evidence thus drought lie fore list, to uxxure every Knrmer, Duiry nrtn unit Horse-iium, that it has thus fur veiy much ex cei let our ni st Kinnniuc expectations. With the additional knowledge thus fur ohtiiiiiei., AVit Hon we will he enabled U inn k e the liest and nnt per fect Cattle Medicine ever yet oilereri to a dineerinne; peple. U ueti ns a vnhintile pri'in 'tcr of diicesti tn. im. proves the rpinlity f the hlooil nnd thus increnaes the nmonnt of either Fat, Milk and cons&meiilly of 11 utter Even in Uie hcnlihy Aiiiimi) He ware of Connterieits ns the extensive sale nf nur powder has induced others tn make nn imitntioii of it. Each pack has our written Sis;nutnrp on the end. HlfKIMU, FKONKPIKU) & CO. Philndehhi-i, July 'Jtt, lril. ly. Yliu nuilersii'iieil hnve enteieil into Co-partnership under Ihe tirin of RIM IIY ' LAM'HKXCK. TO CARRY O.N TIIE Paper & Rag Business, At No. 5, Minor Street, Philadelphia. WHERE they intend keeping 0 lnrc assort ment of papers, &c, consisting in part us follows : Writing papers ; wove and luid, American and English. Until Tests and Note pnpers ; wove and laid, gilt and plnin. Folio Fosts, Flat Caps. Printing Papers, 'oil sires. Hardware papers, from 19 by 21 to 40 by 48. Colored ond white tissue papers, American and English. Hollhigsworth'a Patent Manilla paH'n. Colored and win to Shoe papers, common and extra sizes. Hull' Envelope papers. Colored Printing and Cover papers. Manilla papers, ull sizes, Glazed lioyul, all co lors. Drufe;, Utue Medium and Filtering papers Tea, Secret and Colored papers for confection ers. Hag, Manilla and Straw wrapping papers. Uonurt, Hinders, Dox, Cap and Trunk boards. White and Uull Envelopes; Legal, Letter Note and Card sizes. Agents for Bliss, Potter If Co' Printers' Cards in packs and sheets, white and colored odd si res, cut to order. Also, their Gilt, Figured and Plain glazed papers. , JOSEPH KI.MUY. late of 68 N. Third st N. S. LAWRENCE, late of No. 3 Minor st. N. B. 300 Tons of Rags wanted in exchange for cash. Philadelphia, July fl, 1S51. 6mo. 850 FORFEIT. DR. HUNTER will forfeit 50, if faiHng to cure any case of secret disease that may come under hit care, no matter bow long stand ing or afilicting. Either sex are iiivbed to hia Private Rooms, 38 Kortli r515L..Mll "street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption by oth er patients. Hirangcrs anu oiuers wno nave been unfortunsto in the selection of a physician are invited to call. Those who have injured themselves by solitary vice are alas invited. READ AND REFLECT. The afflicted would do well to reflect before trusting their health, happiness, and in many cases their lives, iu the hands of physicians, ignorant of this class of maladies. It is certainly impose ble for one man to understand all the ills the human family are aubject to. Every respectable physician has his peculiar branch, in winch be is more success, ful than his brother professors, and to that he do- votes most of his time and study. YEARS OK PRACTICE, enclusivelv dvo- ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the sexual organs, ogether wilu ulcers upon ma no- dy, throat, nose, or legs, pains in the head r pones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, ir.egulari. ties, disease arising from youthful excesses or impurities of the Mood, whereby the constitution has became enfeebled, e the Doctor to oiler tledy rtlitf t) all who may place tltems.'lvea under Ills eare. Philadelphia, Apil 19, 1851 ty. 1JA1SIN9. currants, citron, elieese, pepper - sauce, Vc. It aals by t. W. rKlUAU Sunbury, Dc. t, 1840. . USTXCES' FEE DILi-B.. -fat uU by 7 Saubur, J8iis LIVER1 COMPLAINT, Jaundice, dyspFsTsi a. chronic on 'J. NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, AND nil d.immiirif.t,t faun tlittirrifrtNl Hver or ton tnach, iirhnBcnnti(ititi ni, inwnrd Pilfi, KuIImpm, nr . bstKxl t the hmA, Ai-Mflyof th Sl tmach. Noen, Hrarttmrii. rittarnnt ( Fitnii, fnllim or weiirht in Uie ttomM'h. ftHir Bructiilinnft, biiiWhic (r flutter Hit nt the pit 'f the Stiinfirh, twimminff f tlieliefiil, hurried aiiridifAcnH lrthnur, fitittennit ut the benrt ch"kinf or mrmtiii)r tHiimtitisie whii inn Iviiiff iptsture. DimiwM of vishm. T rt'ittor welm heforethe iht1 Knver mid dull oniu in the hend. dpfipirncy of rwrapiniti'Mi, vHlowiiPMnf ihe ikiti mid eve, tmiii in the tide . hnok. rfient. limhi. rVe.. euddrn Riiflhet of hunt htiruinff in the flph, oonetnnt imagining! si tm, aim grmi nrprfTswit ii in ppiriiss, CAN UK KFFKCTLAI.I.Y CLRF.O BY 1DP.. SC0S,LA1TD3 CELEBRATED OICHMAK BITTER, rssrsRio ST DIl.C. M. JACKSON, AT THE GCRMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 120 Arch Rt PhtladrlphlQ. Their power over the nhove dineHtuui in ini excelled, if tfliiHllfd, hy imy other prfpiirtttion in Ihe 1'nited tJiitt. m rhc cures iituut, in hiuny cihm uiter killiul pliyBicimn hftil i'nil. Thcfle Bitten are Wiirthv thnv nttrnttmi of invnliHa PtfMinj piftii virtui-R iu the reciiticution f clisiin of tlie Liver nnd IfMrr ftiiindn. excrrinicff tlic nrnt Renrehing P 'Wt'ii in weiikncw uittl nflfrlitns tlie digt-mive orgftiti, they ore, wiihul, rite, ctrlHiu nnd iiUtinant. Fioni the liostun Hue. J The 1'sthtor nnl, Dec. d DR. lli'OH.AMt't) CnHBRATKD OxRXAK TslTTFRS for the i-ure of ,ivT ('iiitl.iini, .Ittuniticr, Dpepin, ("hrmic of Nervous Uflnnty, li ilwr'mlly mieoVthe mt pojni Inr inealiciiien uf the dny. Ttis llittem Imvc lcen Hrtt-U hy th uitiilr, hikI n friend nt our Hh v nny he hun linn hhII' revived nn ctTcctiml nnd pcniismi'iit core of Liver Cuitipl uitt irnui the nne of thi rerr.ttty. We nrc cimvinrw) llmt, in the iikc of thcue Kiiterd, th pmient conmnntly enni itretnrlh Hiid viirrf n fuet worthy of ymit counidt.' nit inn. They nrc plutxmit in iiwie nml sinell, nnd cim U iiKtcl hy pern his with Ihe montdelirnle toinehs Willi mti: ty. mihUt nnv eirnmitt inees. We ure ppenkiii! from ex perience, nud lo tin; we mlvine their uae.M 'Jcott's Wkpklv," one of lliu best Literury popen puiiiipucu, sum, Aug. U1)R. Hoofland's Okrman IliTTKHw, niHiiuftR'tiired hy Dr. Jtiekson, ure u v rec unnieuded tty s nne of tlie most pr-nriiiieiit inemhcm of the fnciilly ns nn nrticle oi mifh eilicncy in cmh.'s of (einile we.ikuess. As such is the ewe, we wonkl odvine oil uolhers t ohniiti n hottlc, find thus we themselves much sickness. I'ersons of dWulitu tifl eonilitiiutini will find thuse Hitters nilv:iiitagoon to ineir nejiini. tis we kn iw I mm experience tlie salutary ellect they hu.'e upon week systems.11 More Evidence The "Phitiidel(dna Stttunliiv finzrlte," the best family ncwspaiiei nu hit shed in Ihe lniied MJites, the eilitor suys of Dt IttjoflwuVs German Bitters 'It is sc id m t.1 h. we reeommend what ore termed Po tent Medicines, to tnt -;Miihilt-iice mid pntrounf;e of our rwiders; nnd, thfuM'ore, hen we wouum-nd lr. Ho-tf-biul's tieriuiu Hitters, we wis it to le distinctly utnlci stoixl thnt we nre not of t lie nostrums of the duv, tlmi nre uoiitfd ulwnit f.iru hurl peruid nwi then fur irotteiun'tet they htivettone their ifuilty ruee of nnsehief, hut of n medicine l-nii eslnhliKhed, uuivers:illy pri-i, nud which Ims met the hearty nnnrovnl 01 the rnciilly itseli Kvidence upon evidence hus been received (like the lorPfToimr) irtun on sections of the i nin, ilia Unl thr : years, ond the trontrt testiinony iu its fuvof, is. thnt i there is mote ol it used in the practice if the reulnr Phy- sieiitns of Philutlelphin, ihnn til) other nostrums combined, a ("net that rnn ensily tw csnihliHlied, nnd fully provnur that i o setentihe rewirntion will meet with their quiet approval ! when presented even in this form I Thnt this medicine will cure Liver Ounnliiiut nnd Dv- pepsiH. ua one ennditulit, nfter iiMnir it nf directed. H nets KK-citiniIlv tlie sliiimoli ami liver it is pri ff. nl.le t,i culiuurl in all Inlli iub ilisnises Ihe elfect is itinnolinte. 'j'lv , w Mln ter,.(1 , .-Wlli,8 , lnllmt Wll, Klcty and reiialilc Unelit, at any tune, . ,. . m:VAitK of cinrNTnnFF.rrs. This innlieiiie has at.aiunl thnt hii;li rhniacter whirh ia iieeesnury luruu iiiinileiues in utiiiin to iniuii riKliitei letters lu pill lurin a spiinuus aitl. le ul tlie risK ul tlie lives ul nre innocently de.u tvcil. LOOK WKI.l.TO THK MARKS fF TtfR GHXriNK. Thev have the written si nature of C. M. J ACK( upon ihe wrapper, imd the nuine blown in the ttottle, Willi itir whirh they iireHpuii mis. Fur Kile, wli desnle unit retail, nt Uie (ierman Medicine Storct Ni. 130 AHCH Street, one door iel iw Sixth, (Into nf 27?' Itaee stre't.) IMtihilelphn. und hy res'cUiMe dealers generally Ihr-ugh nit ihe country. PIEICF.S HKIHrCF.D. To rirthle nil el isses of invulid t enj y the advantages oi tneir great rent irutive jv-wrs. Sin rfe Bottle, 75 cents. At.o: For snle hy II. Masssr, Sunbury, and M. A. M?Y. N trthinnhriiiiid. Aiii5tiai 3u, Ib.ii. ly. T, S. BOBST'S AND "WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa. Clocks. WiitclieN and Jewelry, "I REPAIRED iu the best manner and warranted to perform welt. All work intrusted to his care will be strictly attended to. Selinsgrove, Nor. 30. 1850. tl. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, J STICK OV T1IK I'K.iCE, Sunbury, Pa. Oflice in Deer Street, immediately opjiosite the Public chnol House. 17 Monies eoilected nud ail basiness niotnnllv antt ears. fallc attended to. April 20, 1850 BHOWN'S ESSENCE OP JAMAICA GIN t'M nn urtielo. 1'aiiwit's Medicated Soap for sun burns, tan, tetter, Va ltadway's Circassian linlm, for the hair dand- ru!T &.c. Kadwav s lteadv Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Moibus, iScc. I'or sale bv H. U. MASSEH. Sunbury, lug. 3, 1850. Vnliinble PROPERTY FOR SALE. ItHE Subscrilier who resides in Philadelphia, L oilers for sale Ihe following properly iu Mil- on, Norihumlierland comity, viz: 'J 'lie large BRICK BUILDING in upper Milton, formcrlv occupied by Messrs Pattersona as a Carriage Makers .Shop. I be liuililing is bl) feet front on upper Market itreet, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two tones high. Also a two story BRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 10 by SS feet, on the same premises. The lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, and is 6d feet front, and 150 feet deep. 1 lie premises would be valuable tor a Foundry r other manufacturing purposes, and will lie sold on reasoniMe ami acconiiiiodaliiiir terms bv ai plying either to JACOU CARRIGAN, Philadelphia. J. F. W'OLITNGER, Esq., Milton or H. 1). M AtiSER, Esq , Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan. 25, 1651 tf. IJ ATE.NT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by J. W. FRILINu. Sunbury, Dec 5, 1849. STONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Raisins, Al monds, P unes and Cream Kuta. Planes of all kinds. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale lr JOHN V. FHILING. nnhury, Dec. 59, 1849. B00K5 and Ould Pens. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a number of gold pens which we wiU sell at Hie Philadelphia prices, r or sale at this otiice. NNEDY"S PATENT SASH FAS. TEN I.N OS. A cheap and excellent arti cle tor fastening sash for sale by j. vf. r Sunbury, July 7, 1849. .',,.' "VTRSINO BOTTLES Breast pumps, and i-' nipple tulca. A supply of these useful arti clea just received and fnr sate by , - - , JOHN W- FRII.mO Sunbury, Jan I. 1851 tf Wp OSE OINTMENT. A fresh euptdy of this 9 excellent article for Tetter. e., Just received and for sale Hr HENRY MA86EK. Sunnury, July t8, 184 7 IldtV'a COUO7 CilNDY. -4n aid " V lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this Mfica .WE STUDY TO PLEASE. II R Attention nf li'iiMen tind other, nre resnettfnllt invited to the rxti'imivn ami sll klsisrf stiiek mf BV UAH fiit IIAHDWAHK and T(KIJ, now vflered by tbe suliscnber, consisting ui nri ns f illows: Aineiienu Kront poiH Lcks, uprtthl, with night wort, plated or brass furnttum, nr porcetaiu nil fni'irs. v Americfiu Front Dor leks, upright, phnt with night work, plated ot brans furuitum, or poiuekiin oil Coi'tTS. - , American Front D -nr lx-ks and Pn-re Doof, Horizon tal or upright, brass furniture or porctdatn nil ctd -ts. American Rim lneks, nil sixes and qutmile. Whit or IrniM fumttntp, or ntireelniunll c.l. rs. AmericnH Mortice Is-ieks, nil sines, with plnted, while or brnss furniture, in poreelnin nil er.irs. Ainerienu Mortice Latches, nil sizes, with inured Whitt or brass furniture, or porceloin nil cl ns. American Mortice nnd Rim Cl 'Set Iorks, ptoled ot litnaa ecutcheiiis, or pnreeliiiu till rnktm. ArmTican Drop, ltop, Thutuh, Gate, ond Store Door IsOtches. Als , Jmpoitcd Tsorksi ond Twitches of evetv deispriptfon. Baldwin's, nud Amertcun Butt Hinges, of all sizes, lost or lone joint. Phutter, nate, ?trop, T., nnd Riickllnp ITintjes, all kinds. Wmtter, (hue. Dior, Flush, nnd Spring IMt, uf wrought or east inn nud hrnpa. every descriplion. Krcws. Spriif. tiln, SjmmI Paper tf the lett quality. Americuii Axle and Jhnm Axle Puller , tit every vnriciy. American Uuttons, plain or on plates, bruM, iruii, or bronzed. Americnn Nobs, plated, while. irm, or wol, all kinds. !uh-Cord, eonnii"n and piitent, with oilier nrliclus too nuniernus to nnntinn. IV" NAIIsS nnd SASiI-VF.lGilTS nt FACTORY PHIt'KS VC All OikiIs delirercil free of Charge t imy part of the City and Districts. At this i st-iMiohuii'iit enn be found one of the hiirt and best ass trtiiirnts of White and Faney id f t lieks, Ve., in thefiiy; initiH patterns, nf whi'eh. cannot be seen, or ob'uineri, ut nnv other M'ire. Totil.i. Hneni Jacks n Uack, Panel. Hand, nnd Ripn Snws, imp rtit expressly t- r Itelml sttlt-s, oil seleeteil with care. Sole njient f;. the eeh-lTntei! I'lanes, mnd- hy K. W. Car pentcr, nf LnneatT, ln.. bnit nit mudc ni split wdhI, nnd the Hills ground mid tri-d. Htitv's Willinris''' make of Tinsels, Axes. Iliiti hetfl, Dniwnii; Knives, tVc, ull war ranted $ I. Push's mid Slack's mnke of Augers and Auger Uitts, ul Sizes American S-prires and Rcvi!t nf every des.'riplion. Amerii'.ni Knits, tjauites, Snwselts, C'ompaies, Screw drivers. Ac. American f S. ITtimmcrs, Claw and Riveting, all tizes, Anvils nnd Vices, nil iy. s. Steel, I r n, and WtMKiun Urates, with C. S. Uitts, iu grent variety. W. (irenves A S n's: Uutcher's ond other celebrated makes rf Chisels, Fib. Plaiie-lnuis, Ac , r. j Atldts's relebfTited Carvinc Tls, nil shapes MaKnur ou ot the Lest nnd m -st extensive nss ntmeuts ol Huildiinr llntdware anil Tools in the Stale, At this establishment it is con ideretl n pleasure to sliow the (rootla. ) on are tuviteil t coll and examine the nssort ment, and henr the pric tntkuil, belore purchasing else where. Come ond see ns. Yours, respectfullv. "WM. M McCLI RF., N'o. 27 Market st.. Iwtween 7th and ?tti, upper side. Philadelphia, April K IKVI. ly. AND lM-.NSION AKKXCY. Tlie nltclltinn of thn pulilir. ia railed to tlie uil verltBomont of Mr- Clinrlrs C Tucker, Attorney unj Actit nt Waiihinton City. IVrsnns hav ing rUiiiis fur tumtity l.nnild or PonsioiH ure itt fiirtiieil tltut the anliscrilier Itris in:nln urr.itiffeiiietit fur the rc,uisito funtiK, niul cluiiiianu cniiitii; ut his olliee, ran have their tinpers prcpurej nml forwarded to Mr- Tucker nt Washington, nm) Iiy him be property attended to before, the De partment thert. H. B. MASSEK. feuiiluirv, Jan. 18, ISfll New .Music Just Puhlishcd. EE & WALKER, No. ICS Chesnnt st nre constantly imblisliin' and reeeivitic, new and beautiful music from tin; most distin guished composer. The foltou'iutr. list contains some of their ehoi- cest and most popular Hongs, Waltzes, Polkas, : &c. j Now, thou art tione, a beautiful so:i, words f by Thomas J. Itielil, music by ll.inilnide. I Mv New England Homo, words and music bv 1 M rs ' L. Wade. ' (nils' a Omnibus; bv C. Orobe a colcction ! of Duett. Sounds from Home, piano and violin, by Jos. . Ciiitnt'l. i Pretty Little Polkas for Pretty Little People, by J. ! All the Winds aac Sleeping, by A. S. Worn- j sey. tiuardinn Ancel. by the author of 'I.oe Not.' llouseholil Words, written by t 'has. The Adieus, words by Thomas J. Dichl, luu- I sic bv Hoir. ! LEE & WALKER have constantly on hand, j suH-rior Pianos, and a supply of Martin's Ce!e- i brated Cluitais, which together with a tine as- i sortment of Musical Instrument ond Merchan dize in general, comprise a slock not to be sur passed bv that of any other cst.ihliKhmnrit in the country." LEE ec WALKER, lfi2 CheSnut street, Swaim'e Utiilding. Philadelphia, Juno 28, 1.11. ly. NO CUIIIJ NO PAY I Hughes' Fever and Atjue Filh!! m 1 anu speeuy cure lor tlic lever . A. niltl Airiie is n-In. r:i III.-. -it In nnv .nn, U'lin may use the Pills. They have been used for the srre years and have never been known to fail ill a single instance and in cases, too, where persons have had the disease for. several years, without intermission. 'The proprietor eli,illeHr ihe wort. I to produce an nriicie that will cure in as short a time, without Icavin; any deleterious ellirts from tho use of it. Il'tlie Pills do not peifoiin a speedy and perfect cure, the proprietor will return the money. For sale hy Jacob S. Lawrence, Miuers ille ; E. Hcllcn atein, Trevorton; S. H, Dixon, PchuylkiU Ha ven; John . Kiilni', iSuiibiiry ; Mary A. Mc Coy, Northumberland ; Dr. IScekly, Danville : JohnSharpless, Catlawissa j Dr. Judd, Williams port j John Rjser, Mi'lon, nnd by respectable Druggists tbroiiiliont the Ntite. J. CLRTIS C. HLUHES, Proprietor. Potlsville, June VS, lSol. Iv. PHIL A. AND READING RAJLK0AD. SI MM I II AltllAMilOirM' l-Rll.1I Plttl.AUlM.PHIA AND IH) n.SVlU.l I-urri Reduced. 3jE Office of the Phila. Rcadins; Railroad Co. Philadelphia, March SO, Idol. ) Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) N and alter April 1st, 1851 two trains will be run each way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville MORXlXCf L1XK. Leaves Philadelphia at 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7J A. M. daily except Sun days. AFTER XOOX LIXL. Leaves Philadelphia at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 3 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. FARES, Between Philadelphia and Pottsville, $;,75 1st class cars and S2.-3 3d class cars. Between Philadelphia and Reading, ?1.75 1st class cars and $1.45 2d class cars. Depot in Philadelphia, corner of Broad and Vine Streets. Passengers cannot enter the ears unless provl ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of baggage will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines ; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any. tiling as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will beat the risk ot its owner. Uy order of tho Uoard of Managers. 6. BRADFORD, April 19, 1851. Secretary. TJURE WHITE BRANDY FOR PREKER s YINU.just received and or sale bv II B. MAUSER. Sept. 88, 1850. "KVYTRACT CF GINGER A fresh suppFy just received and for sale at this Ihce. Pi ice 85 rents. Suiihiirv. Jii y II. I85(. ..kiaa lUI't).S, waiving the exemption Bll law of SO0, for sale by April 8Q. 1851 . ). B. XIA8SER. TVrRITINO FLUID and self sealing Enve - ' loies, just received and for sale bv April 19, ISM. H. B. MASSER. JUANK-NOTJ5 TAltLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA. rtTT nr pntLADitLrHis. MA?MACAl-8KTT. All s ilvfnt tsinks I dia V. a. Bank H int ,-, ilis ItiltibK Ifl.AND. All Ivrnl Isinks I dis CtiNNKcl'ICCT. All silvnil Isinks I dis NEW YORK, eitv. aii B'.iivent irniiks i OlDST NT. Hank in Cliiiiiilwrnlvirg I ilis ivitnK ,M aesier v', prir llnnk uf Del.C". Clipstrr wit II.. ..i. . ',. "I ..Cl IIHIIIIOWII Hank i'f Oi-ttvstiurf lt,mk f l,ewtuwii rrnr Alt ill fnt l.inks litis I ilis I? Uk n itrs umlrr l (lis rOI'NTRT. llnnk nrMiilillrt iwil 1 ilis1 M'tlitgmm'ry On Hunk ' -jiur Itimk uf NitrthiiinlHirPnit. pin All sulvfnts hnnks 1 dia NKW Jl'.llflEY. Helviili-re Jtintk 1 ilis tiniincrrml llnnk J dis llnnk uf rhllhiirg litis itiinK ut llinivilja nnr r nr. itmiK ai-'iii ituiiy pur I artiste Hank 1 ilisF. M.. Muliltctrm-ti rt r Culuiiiliia Il k At K'gc Co rlMn'lMiiiii-s' Ilk. Newark :ir ll'iyrtsluwil Uunk lairlMwh. IIK nf lliirlinul nl imr l.nstuii llnnk par Mcrh. ft Man. Itk Trent par I'.rin Hunk !l ilnM..rni Ot II, ink J tis llxt lmiiKFll'kFittslinr.; I ilis!i'U ark Uk'g lns. Cu j ilis it k, jtraiicn l ins mine, iviiiic i ins Fanners' M'k, Hm ksCo iKir't't- ipU's Rk PntterL. j ilis I iirmyrs' Itk, I , -nif 'tister pnriPriMrel'iil linnk pur 'ii. Itmillinr ptiril-Wllt'lll IlllllklllC L:U Farm. Hk S tinylkill (i pnr .i-nicrrel Cn II. ink F , D. Itk AViii-iip.Ii'j. l(l!, Stnti Punk nt tiinuVn Fmiiklin Ilk. UhbIi'u IJ.Iis.Hiiite lik Klimlatthtiai tliirrinliniit Hunk I ilis Snitu llnnk Nt-wink .nr 3 ilis par lis ilis lliini silnln Hunk 1 ilistatp Hk. N. Hintiawic!) pur IjiiiniMer llnnk mt. Sussi x linnk. Newtml 3 ilis tn,i mrlTrfiiUai HniiVins Ck rir .Mm-h. ft Mun. llnnk 1 iii t'nmn linnk. Uun-r i ilis Minns' ll'k. Pi.tlsMiw , r V,,r.lli.v'l'ftt). I lr Ot. t.'slis M..ii'iiiKiihfln Itnnk 1 ills lyOk'ii'Xcs innli-r I dis Invl.rsv'eiiHHVC) 13 riia DIILAWAKU, l-Sl llriltich It. ink nnr Knob t.C 1 i:..vr..:. Ml. AVvniiiiiiil l;k,,',. mrlliuiik ill ' Siiivrim isir Vrk llank, I flislMniri t'ltv llnnk :lt IVlivlicf m4ra dislllk Wilnie'ii lliamlvw. pnt M AIM'. Fnrin,:rs' Ilk St IVIawurc inr llnnk uf Whuiis k .'. it..: I in, n Itnnk, Wihniugtuiipnr Mi-rmntiir Ilk. Ilnu.jnr Hiilis ty I'mlir M's j dis NF.U' IIA.MI'Smiil!. -..,, I1IIN, lllllll Ml s 'Ivmit Imuks 8 ilis All .Ivi iit h-niks J ills vi:it,i(i.Nr. Hunk ,f St All uns t ilis At! s 'li'eut Irtnks dis IV Hk , t.-p nwliT S'a A (lis Mllil'll CAHllUNA. Ml s .Ivrnl Imuks !t (lis ly-FnikrS s, sj dis Aiivr.itTrsET.E.vr Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, V. C. rpttK niHterswiinl All iriny unit lienrml A vent lit ttie J. 11 y nl v iJnin;l..i. cii.-rs Ins scrvici s 1,1 prs'uriils' H milly I JlllllS Sllil IVllSl.iUS fnr llmsi-rnlltlnl. Il. inir imt. j num. in ly I iiiii.I at Uie sun nf On rrniiiuiil, Willi n llmr oiwli mill In". 11 1 .r ni'iil:iiiiliiui'S with Hie niicssnry liirlim. null loaline of tilistiM-ss. mitt liiivinv nrcis Ui K" and , Hulls tinil in the V. !. wilr nlticc. he iiSfsf8 hiellllics Ini ) Ihe s;-cily nnd sin isi'uet. iry luljusluit'iit 01 Uovonniicnt , elninis il' . very kuiil. I Hy n tite Act nf dincri'M, ttnunly Unnil is unmteil to Hie niiici rs nisi stildiers ni i. wur m suit nl lite vnri rii'iis Inilimi w;irs. since J7ISI. Totlinsi. wiin s-rv't-il time lil'inllis IIMI ncrtSi In til ise wllo si-rviil fnir in-mllis to ncres; mitt lo Ihiise wim si'lvcii cue In tidi 40 ncrcs. Arnmir.'Uieiits Itave liei ii nnnle Willi t-'i-ntl.- n nf the l l.einl irulesi.l-ni In iliiiirtiil s.'cuiins n I tie Country. i ttie I'K'iin in i'f wnrr.tnls. mirl t lie s-ile nf the pnlcnts. wti.-n issiieil, on mh nnliiireons lernis; fir the pitvincnt nf tuxes, r.nletn;iltnii of l:in.l, s iM f .r Inxes; c i.'cn..i ol I ilehls; nil. I ..r the irailS'tftioli nf ccnerul 1IV lilismcss, iu the Hiireri-nl Sintrs mul 'I'l-rrit'irii.-s. i tie teiiilers his sen tees t i inctnlsTS nf Ihe prnfi'Ssi in nl a j illHIjince. mul when fhunis nenlnsl tileli tvernliii-nl.llle pre pared hy n I iciil Au'cnl, will inii.le one Imh Ins nsniil fee. j 1'tie lle:l:l,Klr f irms tnsl inrnietinns, imkI iiifiiniiutiisi on i nil salneelH iinperl.-nnin t i u sitecessliil priisci'iitinn nf tins ( Inisiness. wiil l; lurntH!ieJ in regular CnrresjsiiiUcnts with tur chin ue. l.Tsniis desiring inf irmnii in nf fij.-nits in thennny nr linvv. will fit In him nil Ihe isirtiriilsrs kimwn of their service, t.ip-ther with n fee nf one ilmlnr,' mul their eniili ries will he renlicit in hy r.-lurti of m.iii. Ail c itiiniutiicii tums to he ri.EPAln,) iiml n 1-lresi.eit to i:il UU.I C. Tl f.KCR, (It m 107, P. li.) Washington, 1). C. liecemher 2 5, l-OU. . I EH I K. 4 I i; I. V EI I t r2EDICJAL HOUSE, KSTABLISI1EIJ 1". VKA11S A (JO BV mi. K1NKKLIX, iV. IP. Comer of Third and Union Slrects UtrWKBS SPRITK AM) USB STHKKT, PIIH.AD3Sr.PIHA. Il'TI'TA MAKS nf rxtdiifive unj uniiiirntutft! j pr .irinv fn I in Hits cny li:ivc rfiiikrril lir. K. 'in' ' hi M eXHTt Mint MU'i'tuiatiUl pr:i'llll tner l;ir mul ne;ir. I iii tlit irvutiituil ft all tliM. im's i a riv;ti n dure. l-r m : iil'lU'tt-fl with nice 18 tiji tu tiit'liMly. Kir :, nr l- (ihiih u 1 Vlu: liciil r i m iiici'Hri:it rlh'ii i.-ui. it! l ift -n i n. lT iV't. j (lim:itu unsn 1 ir uii jMuihniM s-'xcos-hcb cr iiiiiiii!ifs -n liic lit -iiitl. W'l f!'-l'V l!u' ' .iislUuit.iH l.:iS tc.' 'liic ui.vcltli'il, urc till tr' it'-'1 with f-iic'v . lie v ii j.iitfijt liuiiHt-ii' mi V-r tlie i-ire oi' lr. K., ii'nv f--ni) v in Iii ii ni t h :i irini!cni:ui, :iml c.iiliti(.-"t- 1 rdy iijt.m bif sUill its u phyi.i:iii. tam: l'AU' Norirr:. Yosinir M''n h.i! i.nuftl ilit'iiit'lvt'fi Ii n v -r'-u.i piTicln't mtt.Hetl iii :t IhiImL i'riiient ly litirnt'd truia t-vil c Htipmii nr nL m-it ti tiie ciluctit til wliicli ure Mitntiy If-li. t-vi-ii when riKlt t n. mul il.-lny ( ilh tunul nml li my. slit iu ht npi ly ittniit'.itt:iii'ty. NVcakiicKs uittl 'Htirn'io'i-il (Itliiniy I k .r inurcular cifrey. (.iivskmI lixsttu mul ir.ii cml pr Vii'i in il;ili!it y :nnl nil nt-rv .hr itll'i'di ii nuli Cffli ui. dliiL''j; liii-fi i'l" tin hvt'i, ini'l rvM'v i!inrtffMi nnv w.iv ftnuittrtml wirh Hie tltn rtt-r nf tiie priscrcative luuc UiiiiS curcil, mul lull vii;)r rt't rel. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vijoroii lilt) nr a prrifialun ilonlii. K1NKEI.IN im St-lf I'r sirvutiun. ONLY 25 CENTS. This tt mk inst published is fillud with useful iur.irui.-tti.iii nil llic iiiliiinilli K . 'ui.1 il:sc';ni.. nl' til" i.'ii.T:ii ve lri:ins II ml;lrcss i:.. i.;i:.hC . VOl I'll, MAMlOUU and OI.U AliK, 1111.I s'i'iiil I 1-.' i' :ul Iiy nil. , will nrcM-nt ycnrsni iiinfcry amisuilciiiir ana snvu uni,u:i! IV TlMllWIII'ts Ol' I. II' Parries l.y re:ulni! it will It-nra how to prevent the des-trui-iiiiii ot their etnlilrn. renilliieic.' m' -J"i cents, en.-losi-d in a l-rter. nil drerse.1 1 Ull. hlNKr'.l.l!. X. V. e -mer ni'l'lllltli l'10 s-ticeis. Iielweeu Sluice .V I'liie, Pliilichiniua, will ensure -i It mk. Iluiler envel e, M-r riMiirn l" mail. IVrs his nt a ilisi nii-e niiiy ii.iilress Ur. Iv. uy t-.-Her, ( li:O.I,) lllel I--eiire-l ;ll Ii 'in.-. PATKAIil-.r HI' Atl-IHftNTA HlltKOTIO!. &e., I. ir kvnr'ldt hv seieiiMi; li r.-:ijilutucc, uiid put llsccuie I mill llAMAlii: nr Cl IIUISTV. Ho:ik-si-llers. New Acen.", Petltsrs. r invissers. nn.t nil others suinjiieil Willi tin ulsivc Murk al veiy luu rules. rVieinlier 0, IinjI. ly. f-J. r- t. ra r ii "t a -": a ESFENCE 01? J X M A 1 C A (I I N G K II . MA UK fi Mil the hfw J:nn:ih';i Oimrr, nil !( r:ilimb!e iiietii'.'iL! i. jr 'ji-'riy t;i" wi.n li il will lie louml tti hcns hi u v iiY-nit-itt mul v nrt"iitr;iti'il t rtu. Il le a lu-'st firn'iiiit :ur.l ;it tlif tkiuie liiut h.itniii'nn. ueiil') MLiiniil:iMii.ri n i c I T thr M'Mti -wit, uiM will le I'MuhI very lit' ui i-ln vihij thf tiiiiiiiii in t it I tlm-rir? in lerlmpi, M''itii-t'ir-il Iiy itif mi; :urct tifll li l llim imp Hunt iirtfMi, Kr mi h .ll" urn u liolr Uii-mtiHinitil tjtkt ii ni a vvun tfUK fiiini kWfcU ttci) wuRt w ill iiiiiiifih iu-l rem w the Ualu Iciic) tinii(i rci'Kii'ii rmliiiii! I mm imlintf!! it.iiml H tat ken tvir liner; tiiuetf , ud i t itniitl, w ill k-1 mul luuiily usft'ul iiuaiiiKt tlie laFHt iiiifMMfl neiise t :nk iii).' l IIicmihiii. Ui Ii unj leii-lt ili'V ! IH th ir hrt' t uc'i n im'mhiihiI hy the eM:rvii(tt;t' e'-( t m ihr7 fufuiiicr li-'ii?. irf II wnicurier in diifpttiiiii, uittl (W t'irreiiih Uie nit'ijiiciit lac oi diitn l)U"i, An It la h! n rxrc.!-'ii in-'l.ciiit f r ill tM vln luivr iu-jurt-tl (Uf t ne t-i their fttoimHiM hy tlio iMim.nK.-riH' uer h iiitcxiciiliiii; 1 j 1 1 ir. l y it slmhiiy mnutitatiiii' flh-H upon Hie stt Mtrirli rein 'Yin the rniYMU f 'I vtiiinilaiitH, wliile it rnf in iiijiirions urn it (it tlie lMit:. ft ml i n t siu-ceeileu hy feeliujfti n' ili'treiM(iiiii wli it'b uiwaya follow tho utse uf ulc-)li the t4hiniii:ih'st. A t'v i(r p aitij'tl tti luiufii.i, rlmlirirl. or other puia live i n til i ( iiicn, will rentier Um iu in tm ncceptatife to ihe rt m u'li hiii I j r event the g iin winch is upt v ucc'mtiaii) tneif uctutii. rRI'PARLD ONLY PY AMIHtOsn SMITH, DRI.'UUIST AND CIIKMIPT. iv". H. rtmrr of 7th am! Chestnut Streets. rniliitlelphin, Ajnl 13, 11 - fr IJQUOlsS7AnXES,l:C. THE subscriber lias just received a new supply of the best liipims that ever came to iSuuburv, cansisliiit; iu pari uf ISiipcrinr old pale Brandy. Fine Cojiiiac Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirit. New England Rum. Fine Hullaud (iin. Huperiur Uld Whiskey Coin in in do. Superior Maderia Wine, l.isliun dii. do. -' Superior Port Wire Burgumly Port dn. Sweet Malata W ine. Siiierior l larct Wine in bottles. Cbampas1"9 ak. do. HENRY MASTER. 5utiburyi May 2fi 1849. STONE WA11B. STONE milk Pans, stone Jus and Pitchers, ami other articles of stone ware just received and lot sale by JDIIN W, FKILl.NCi. tfuuburj, June S3, 181U. . EAS, frmn the New York Canton and Pekin J. Tea Comuanvs For sale bv J.'VV. FRILING. Sunbury. Dec, 5. 1848 BAY RUM An eseellent article r sale t, HENRY MASSER. Bunbury Jam. 87aW l4 U. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At t tin C nMnet 1Tr Ilitom of ' - SEPX IIOUPT & CO. ; Market Square, Also at the corner nf Fawn street tt the Railroad ' SUNBUllY, PA. Thankful fur the patronage of his friends and customers during the IT years he lias been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a eon tinuanee of their favors. During this period he . lias endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the dny, and has accordingly extended his bust iiess iu every branch and variety. Tho public are theapfiiro invited to the attention of the present stock of CAHINBT WAUK AND CHAlllS, MANtTFACTrHKO B? SEBASTIAN H0UFT & CO. At the Old Fland, Where in addition to their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Hnhogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. Lnrsre Siriwr Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing li'iretius. Centre ToUc-s, .Marble Top IVa&h Stands, ami a variety of other new style und -n h So ii :i ) e rn i t u r. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary nrrancrenieiits for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in nil its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye maids and mistresses, and too, Here's furniture of every style and hue, From siile IkkoiIs tlnwn to kitchen tallies, From rucking ch.iirs t rockinc crtctlca Should tint hnv the linily .Inn to pv, We'll w:iit nwhile fnr a brighter lietter ilny, f)r t'ike p.tij.icii.g. nn'.s. corn, wheal ond rye ; Iturli, hoop p 'h s, slnves, nr lumber wet nnd dry, (ir any lluuir Inn ynkes and threshing Hails, l'riin piits nud turkies down to little quuila. dime on ilien friPuils, enme one nnd nil, Keep tmde a mnviujr, so og,teou the Iwill." lE" Orders from a distance promptly attended lo and work nf a'l kinds delivered with dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, lMO. tf t' t rii 'IV J 1 I I 1 inZHVOTJS ANTIDOTE AMI lIIYSICAIs HKSTOKATIV15. TUB CXCDICAt. XVOWDBB ijr Tit V471T.T. positively cur'; nil stn""s of Neuniltla' 'l ie Uolormiv, Nett'ous Headache, Chn lera. Lockjaw, ll: diophobia convulsions; will restore uiaiiiiood to its pri'slino vior, even after years of prostration, and the only known and cer tain cure I'or low spirits or menial debi'tv. Extract 11111 tlie .New York .Sun, Oct! 3, 1843. The relehmtnl l)r Watson, when talking nf the miraculous pnivcr uf " Walts' Aervous Antidote," the ipii stion wai put to him, ','hy such a valua ble remedy for all nervous affections was not in troduced by tbe medical faculty 1" replied. "That if it were, there would no longer be tiny use for a faculty, us all discusc4 originated from a disorgan ized strlc of the lierves ; the nerves are the main spring uf the n hide system Keep this in order and boll l the mind and body must lie." l'our ouuceilii i). 1- i'om-i, enough for all ot dinaiy cans, U.E 1OLL.R. III.U fir Win. Met .'ARTY, Uroadwny, Sunbury; .''epU-iiibrr, "S, ISol) If, UIHIKSUL t.i:;;, Bro-uiKiy; SUN3US.Y, PA. J I AS recently rcreived, among oilier articles. cn-at vani ty of New, Cheap nnd Eutcitaii iug publicati.ins stlch ns Ciiopi r. n..vcis, Mii-lcle or separate. IJiiiwell, .'rnllope, Halliburton; Marryatt, Crey, M.irs'i, Hi ine ria lhiiius Do do !.t 01 do Key minis Cucktou .May .ll JerMld do A iiisworllt. Monis ilj At the low price ofiroui toUctS purvoluu; riuubury, SepU 28. IS50. if. nosa oiNriiBNT, roa tettjc: 1 TAII ll:e fnll.iw'ii.e rriliiicne frnin Cnpl. Dvoe, ' w.-ll knnwiiand li'VUUT !liuin UnUt L'ii)tuill ("I 'Inivi-lici1.; l'liinnsi run. I ii tnlr 31. Isni Srvcr ii y. :rs since t vy is ii'inckrd with a lireasnia . tvi my ine, in Ilia i.irnl nl T -o.-l, Vl'llii'b I am ...tiivili' c ii:i;n l.-.l in Iu.- l!.iriKr'sM,i.i. It Tun,iu:ill cstr t-il nvcr my fiuc incii if rcucluil tin. uiy.r Kirt nf cliff!.-!. Iniii: l:f ..'V''';it ni'illliis l.iut il f.imnr Sj Ifllnllu. 1 IIS'-.I 'liliflf lit Hi;i!ic;lfl,itn. sntne of liirli IJic ellift, anjncr-tiy :it !flnt, i.f liii.ris4.iii(j tin. iliscase. rrnlll ll.-nf '-1 Tin in ill I 1 j. if i-Iff ' the litst Is-llflH Ull' J Mir- iln-K I 'iMiii:T. Hy the as nt'mieiiir nl I w;is icdi) c'ct J n,. nave ri-m.;.iiLj fi.e ui tiie al in m. I have sin. ii...? -lit Ointment, lightly apiiied fnrria II. -SS ni tlie fi,,.,. .ti'lii s ciinpiied lliit.'ls, e. V'ith , fei l Site. R. I li.i t- ii. . in rta'.jHliiuetidlliG i Mie iilri'iii:-sl IKJUiccr t-i tlie .njliiic. JAMI-.9 PEVOI A i-enl ) i f:HY M.'-.Fa, 5ittilnny.!.-. 1-19.' li-ci !i's I )i;euali'd Hitler, price reduced. I . Id Jacob 1 ownsend scarsapanlla. Baker's Sarsaparilla. Swiyi.t's f yrop of Wild Chrrr jCj t'.Mivne's erniiiuae. Mrr'n Cherry 1'ecinral I ir. llruke's l'aiiacea. 1 Jr. Ciillcn's i!r 'I'll.l.ii's I'.iiu Kill.-r. lr. ll'ii-llaml's (ierinan Biitcri? Indian Yctrctahle Pills llotse and (.'attic Medicines For sain by HENRY MAS-EI r-uiibury, July 11, 1S49. TUfl PURPLE'S V AD E-tl E C UI tll.MI'BlilNO A ClIM.KCTIOM OF OTER 201 VALUABLE RECIPES, Ji the Useful and Interesting Arts trith a Simple aud Curlnus Experiments in CllKSjlfrrKY : INCI.rniNO Medicines, Perfumery, Chem Cixisery, Farriery, Hyini?, Confectionary, incstic Economy, etc. etc etc. Price 6 J cts., ante by HENRY MASSE ciunbnry, Dec. 8, 1819. Just receivd nt the rtore of HENRY M 8 Kit, a lot of Caps, Cluin Shoes, Aimai ijaeensivare. Liquors Ac All of which wt sold at the lowest price. Dec. 14, 1850. Valuable nooks, J IFE o Chis, handsomely bound, I) ' rn. i.'s HiSToai or thk Kkiiibmai Hl.iSS Hst-'aoilKS ASD LtOfiKHS, full bom For sale ut the publishers prices by I 11. B. MASSF. Sunbury, July 14. 1849 VTINERAL WATER, from the Oak 0 '-' Acid Springs, bii;lil valuable in chron seascs, und tonic remedies, for sale HENRY MASSE Sunbury. June 39. 1850 tf received. n'.k 11 ATS at i25, for sale by .H. MASSF v, lbv. R4. BLANK Parchment Paper Heeds and Morlpaites, Bonds, Emutious. Sunn .See,, for sale by IL B. MAbSf Sirnbiiry, April 8(1, I AM. LANKS of every description can lie hr a K inji at tlie odice of the Aineman DADD'S celebrated Horse and little ne for sale bv HENRV stmibur), J4. tilii, lit)-.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers