I AMERICAN II.. 15. MASSE R, KDITOlt AND PHOPKIKTOR. OFFICE, MARKET STREET, OPPOSITE THE POST OFFICE. a Jfamnw iictospapcr DcbotcH to UoliMcs, WUraiuvr, SUoraltnj, jfovcfoit ana Domestic iletos, Scttnee ana the arts, aarltulturr, ittartuts, amusements, 4fcc. NKW SEUIKS VOL. J, NO. SUMIUKY. xNOUrilUMnKIM.VM) COUNTY. TAm SA'I I IJDAY, NOV KM hkii aa, istfi. OLD SKItlKS VOI,, f NO.- R I 1 TERMS OP THE ALIEillCAII. TMK AMK.KtrAX i" puMWir.. rvry Sntm.ti.y t TWO Dni.i.AUS .t HMtmin t. Ir :inl hulf ; -nfiy i.i ih uiirr. iSo piijirt iUfv utiiiu'(l unlll ALL niTruni::tm :nt Ail r'uniiiiiuMviiioh r Ip tTn n ltipiiti'f p-Hlinp t h ilii. o, t'Miiftkitu ttHutitiuii, nniM I'C l'tr l' l'AU. to 1'i.ri. Three c r imf aili.rt, iViO't tflvttii I) H i Hi irtt 'ittren I) l)i anmi e (1 )l!:ir in n Ivrntc will p:iy 1't line yctif'n uli crti:j.Mi t- liic tu'ik-;ui. On Stumir of Id Inn k. D inih'B, H 00 Kvfi v 5iil'S)''in'iit insert i"n, '-'I Out tti:i it, ;j ni'ijitlis,' ft'il fci mi'hiliH, 4in due our, (i il Htiin(;-ii .'in' if I'ivi Jim". -r :ii,mmmi, jiki MerchjiifJi 'ml f !itr5. ii'lvi'.I'MX' !i Hi1 yen. wuli the Piiviirvji m iii.-i-rliiiif tlill -n-nt :i lvcili.'Vni-ii! Vf'-ly. lUdU I.;ir"i AJvorti . iirni!s. us jhi Hiirn-iurnl. . y iy. f A T T ( , I V A T I. A W . J! I'sini's- ;i'!-':iil' .1 t.i ill t!ir ' 'iMllltir of Nnf' V..uiihr.Iiiii.l, I'ni so, I,;.i(i;iiiii4 ami t'olumliia. Niltr li I J'. A A. I-' nomlt, "I I iovit A l'lin-Mii. '!Jt is .'v I'm,'!.!: iM--. y ' ' r. s ui :-. ;: i";.i i .;i.i t. c.. i (-'l'l'li::. Cl'il iv '"., I - I EllllJiU Ai.)j tL.i'illlij.. CXOriili'id j riiVV' 'I'V tii'.'M'.l ohiI.mi'c t!'i oppietii nils In .i,v c:,''ril!.; lar '.leu.' Vontli t'i'.'MM ohiI.-.h'c tl'is oi.pii'tii- , An. I H.ns. :it -.: !i ii'i.-i s ;.w !, ne i'cvit it Ihcii j Kiiii.vii in i'.im i'y. at i:i:Ol(i:r: ( i I.IX'S I l.d'I'ill.X'i i:'-'r'ri.:-!:,.il'..'!'.ont!i-lv.st j i Vi-hiv ul V. i ',i't mill r-Y-.Mii.l Si . i'I.j. l'liilailel. j -lii.l. einiiv "ili'.r a i'Vi'i e m lit.' Iie.'t. m ist ih-sii a- ! bits n ml l is'iiiui:il Ir I press Am yuocx coats, .... , , , .. , ll.i! it (l.l'i i!".. i.ii'i'i h.i'.iistt cl.t.. 1 m!s, I & 1 ,:w:..v v.il!i s - mi .h:.v of ! T,cji CI:'.'-.!n, j ( Vi'ii--:i'i n''i C. 'i-. l,.'i,a I-:. M.in- i krv .!-. -'.r'-. V ,..s I o ,1 .lit;. 't'w r".l. I n i n i iilii l-.ii-. I '- " -V I'h.lli. A!;i.i,vi. Kivki- . j 1 iii-n! : i- i : !.: ' i .-m I :' ;) t i prerure t'n H ; , r- i-'. 'l.-l li':.! li.'.s' I" 1 1 . 1 n 1 1 1 r ('n.l l'riii'i'" 'I .-'s S. t: wl.i -h lie wieit.l iieiic jti in! n't. ii'i ' i 3 1 1 1 i r-! . I i : (litil'!?:. V.iti,i.j ,,1'Mii ls. Slui ks !,' ii-.ill.eri lllcl'ii, Aim .V! of v. iii -'i . ..li' nl al ;!'' .-. '.' '.V c-(h i'r; . : i,,i ; , !-r. j. :is ;inv olll.'r t lutiiin.; Iiit i.i :. I ..: .. I' ' . !!. ... . 1..'!! i t'.- .' ! ' ii . . .lir I : . I 'nit, i i 1, .'l.i .'j i : 1 r. 1, v. I .:li C,,i S. !:. i in- .-) i f . i '. ; Aj.iil in. i :. ;:. , . ; -e ( III, .I II.-. I .,1 I '" 1 IN- , j ,' Vs l!,,Ui. 1 .ir.ii"i; .. ,., i Is h".i:.l on a -" ' 'J " I i!!-'tn. ' I ii l.li lli'i'-i i ll- M.-.. .I...I ..i-ini-i- I 1;!!' sn'.w.-ri'uT I. as mm; imd i'!i I.. .,rs. :v !n.-.i l ui i. in.:-' roe; i i-i wr.i n.'-ia nic r..'i !i- i 1 it-"'.-.-;!y si-. iiu ::.;:iii si i'i -m I i.ia !y lililiiiri!. Tlie .-111111.-. linn ami itisti'ati-'ll ol'l'.e l-nil, n as I he is on mi rul.ri'tv n. ' ii in i.l' I.i" ii'inil i ii.I, hi. ;i i'.iar :. la. ;e ht- ii-ct t-iinilu 'tor tti :n ;,'.v ..i-r. I !nri- in .Alasiire!- Iiiive l-i-i-n lai,i a I i Mi-i-iiiv l.rltrrs I'llti-lit tin- toe i 1 1 1 1 , :,-:.!. 1'i-rs.ii.s (i,-irti;ii ol ft- -.ii"'.!!' l-.rir li-.cs nnil i.roH-rtv iVoin iIi-n!,iii :i..n I , 1 iiu, ran I.-ii- .nnilii. ni-.-s i-iil ii. I" ii,i-:i- li .il.aii;:-. in ll r iimsl I I'l-rn-ri nun . i-niiia:.! im iiii.i-i. i h';'.iii n Ilirr i-rsim.illv t.r If, Ii-ii'.-, I.i l,n- inaiiTsim 1 fll the fillinv.ii.: or, l'or lo I'. a a ! (..:-1 t .i!i,i if lll.O.i l-'or -I" I'i. v.it'i .-...' i!.ii. I j. int. . tip. J ,".r. I Anillwialv ri'u!sl'ii rri-v a.liiiti .mil fmiieir f,.i-u. ' ''. m fKi:v. :..iii j.t. n, l -' .", i . 1.. J. J Iv Jo r i jo p -i r.--.t -av. il. Ceir.-.try J-Icrdinjiti Buyiiij V ti o.in .s im- '1 pi-r i-i-iit l.v r. -.ri'.Vv-' ;1 's JVe. 4k .V. i.l St.. ('..., r Jr.h ir,,l - ) i. 1: !": K call I e I'u u ml a l:n -ye n.-.m tnifiit of I tlie u'.um" in. u. i.l aiii.l.-s, ju:.l n-i-iiM-il i from lliv iiiaiiiilachircrs. J Anu-iw VI. l-OI.-:t..in. I Alc'.en'i CciIlt-'cI P.ports of pp-.na- ! T? I';;'I I'ul.li.-lii .1, an l f-ir l.v i'u- sa'.sori- j t U-r- the i .if A Mill's Con-! icliM-.l l'enaf;. I. ani l ili''ii: ls, cuilui nin!; tlif 1 last lli.i c Mill. l i. s i I Yea. l.'c;' ills, and tttn I I'rsl tiiliein s nl' liinm-y's I'l-jurH. 'I'lic lir.sl Mil- lime of Aiili-n. coi.l.iaiiiii; It.iilas' Ki ji n-ts, -I i.l- I nines; ami Ye. lies' Ki-.-.n-ls, vuliene !, is nl.-n on i tiatld. am I'.r sale. 'J'la al-avc Inn Va'unui-s -.ire J cnmi lcle will. in ll-nii" Ivi-n, and ilaiii all of l:ilias Ki-jmrls, 4 ...c.-ncs, an. I ad i f Vcal. s' tif Cue ihs AVii.'.iKi t, ill the Rue ill .''-Iii-iurts, -1 . .ilium's. U-siih-s the two first volumes aim l'ari-, line al'teriluiill, when their atlell- i.t liiiuiiy l.i-juiis. j a.! l.i.inimime is re.i.h ...a .. :n i ... ..... i . ........ j u .1. i - III! III "I. j'llt in J'.l " llll.l.i.ll.l.. II. II. Ii. M..-.s;a, A ami. Nuiilniry, An?. Ki. Kil. fcllAIilOKIN, Ticrthr.iifoerlar.d County, Pa. r9l!K sulisi-iihi-r rcja-clfuliji iufinns Ins friends - ninl I lit I'uluie -i'iiorally( that he has ojien tti a law linn ) in tile town of Nhainukiii, .m (liuinlierl.iml county, on the corner of Hiaiiiiikin ml I ,'omim ice strci In, nearly up;io.sila to Ihe jrouse lie formerly kc-il. lie is well )rcparei to acroiuiiinilate his -rucsls, nnil is also provided with pe. I ntulilin-j;. Me trusts his c-..c:iinri-, ml stiicl allrnliiiii lo business, will iinluce pi-r-ciiiH visiting the co.d rt!i;ioii t.i coutinup the lilt 's f-rul Liatroiiii-'C he has licictofoi-e n-i-ct'.t'iL I I.I.I AM WK.WUU. Shs 21 akin, April 111, IM.'itl. if. JAM ICS II. MA(JKi: AS n inoM'J froiii hli old rlaud, No, IIS V iue iitreel, tu Au. 53 Diltwyii Si., (hefu CtJ hill ff 'iiuw,) where he bus conslanlly on hand, BROWN STOUT, PORTER, Ale ami Cider, FOR HOME CuXSUMrTtON OK. BUtrriMc. N. II. Coloriiu;, li.itiliin;, Wire anil Buttles, Vineiritr, Ac. For tuile a aliove. . i'hiludi li'hiii, April fi, IHal. ly. Lycorainj Hutual Insurance Company. DU. J. U. MASSER is the 1M-al ti-eut for the above Iusurnncr L'oini-iiiy, in Northumber land county, and is at nil Ume ready to ofl'ect Inauraurei agaiiut fire on reut or (itirsoiial iro farty, or reueiiii poliriea for tha lama. Mabanr, April t. 151. t. SELECT TOETllY. lV-mi tlio Vati'-n.-it I'm. KnoiV Yc the laul 1 nv J. ii. wuiTTir.n. Know ) " tha Inn. I w here the Foiest mid I'riiii ii Spu-al bioadest away I'V 1 1 r Calaiact's full. Where tin? harvests cif earth llir most pleii- liMinly vai v : Ami th" rliil.li'i'ii that map them hiu hap- pii'M ol all ; Win-in thi loiig-iiilliii f;n mijihtly trenilin', Willi wfiilth on t !i v i r billows through tnanv n clime ; Wheie tho laUes, 'ini'l the vooillanil!. liku fivm iiio t'vteinlii'ir, A Mil tin' iiioMiii.iins ii.su lono iii tin; centre fi:Miino ? K:iov ve the laml wlinr- n Koval Oppressor M ule tin- !ntlicis ,uii llio-lialiilineii bow "ill lllil llll-V IIIIILMI! 11)0 n(ll)i limit. IllUtOI lilKI, t'lli- I! !.emir, A i.l ill" li.'iiit of ll'imanitv heats to it i Mere ill" lal;e. mounts ami juains Keep, i''nii ii.L' or s ileniii. Tin ir liiles dl' that si life, inn! i;s nioiiii- I infills he rll slalne, the tahlet, the hail an. I the enhnnii ISist l.et ami most laslin the Souls of ie l-'iee '. "v io.v ye the l.m.l where fair l-'iee lom's do- . V''"'"11 . ,, ,, ,, b:amls I'oihllier than any the earth ever (..,.,! J wii-iv W'-ri-e H.islie.l like li:e tl.roopl.t the K :t. oi 'tin- piniun V 1, . i..' ihea l'-.l wiir-l.ii.l with vieterv !l '.v ! Ii"re. Iiejli a ine hanlitiest, she liMs up In-i Imiiner, !y eiiine iihiiisho.ioieii, iiii.h.imeil by llr l.-a'. While In1 'j.il.'s of two oeeans blow bii'hlly I.i t in h'T. Ami waft ilie full wr.'ihh of the woil.l to I: ! feet ! ' Wheie she benils. (Iieat rrnteetirss, to I uiei'l In- pale siai!ii'l's, The piliirns of iii.uiy a realm, who i pi'ln. To tie" mereii's nf tyrants her seas and their I i!.ui"i.' To th"ii lm:!i p'aer lh" exile lii.it wafts lli-m lo le-i ; Whenee. f.n as ihe bieees ami liilows, hrr e, bv tie ir slaves ami t!i ir kite's : n jil, :i. eome liku the march of ,i.- b iii hit. A i.l tli" h -aliii of i, alio:, s yi Culh on my ia.as ! Oh. that Ian. I ! Yes, we know it its lumi nous slniy, I. wi-nhli ol all Nature Ameiiea's l.ui l ! We una! I .le- Im that laml of our love ami Hl.l !!ol) ! We live to sustain il hear!, spiiil uiul n.iml I A t(1s l,:lt.,s. f, ieuii.-, we salute it Oh, ll-'Vel, That pioml C'oiisii ll.iiion mailt! less by a slar ! AH h.ul ii peiii lnal ! rtill bi igli'.fiiiiig loi-ev.-i Tlie luml hope of millions, in peace or i;i war ! Till ihe haul Hock of Plymouth be worn by t he net-ail, An. I t hai lostovvii's tall Obelisk ilusl on Ihe shine, Ami ill-. ir Oi.l Domiiiian, thy i.ublest de votion, Ami the oift of thy Chieftaincy thouyhl of no mori. Shall this bond, lung our ".lory, slill bind US l.eilitr, O.io pooplo (mill &aine to tho Mexican l.-i.-S Pioill Ihe Ciiei-apeake's wave tu ihe cape ol l''ini..vea: hi'l --I-'rniu the Palm of the South to the C.ita l.iel's Pines '. 7 Select Q a I e . CIIAPvIOTTA, THE TAIIEOUPvINE PLAYER. 11V l.t!".I TENANT MI'f.ttAY. The vcmni; tudeii!s sat in the window (j,,,, u.as arresteil bv the pel Tormaiic.eti of a .... couple of iiim r.mt n.iii i.ms in the street. They w't-r, Jt iliaus, ami appaiently father and daughter; Ihe luruier playing a linely tuned uriran, the latter accuiiipanyin Iii in with a mii -passing dexterity and liariiiuiiv upon a tiiiiiliotirine. The man was dresseil in the velveteen pants ami jacket, so usual aiming his people, and uilli a jaunty cap of red velvet upon his head. The jrill wore a modest skirt of blue fa'iric, and a laced waist ol red velvet, ornamented with silver buttons, and on her head an open network cap, that nerved to confine, hut not to hide, a rich abundance of black hair. Her complexion w as that rich olive hue that none but Italian blues impart, and her leiiiiiri's were laiill!e.s.-ly bentttil.il. Such were dome of the peculiarities ol the two musicians that a .'lance manifested litem to the beholder. -Uy this light, bow pretty she is," ex claimed the j ouner of the two students. Pretty by Jove, ihe's beautiful," re plied his companion, 'Such feet." 'And such a fi-jure !" "And Ruth black eyi's!" 'Kad CVIestinp, 1 must know that pirl belter," continued the youii;;er ol the two. 'In love with her at" first si-jht Antoine? Well, tuch fires quickly hum themselves out," Mid his companion as he, whom he had called Antoiue, threw a five franc piece into the girl's tambourine, anil raised his cap as her eye met his in acknowledg ment of the penerous fee he hud bestowed, "CVlestin. V "Well." "Did you see those eyes f" 'Of course." "Were they lovely ?" "We agreed to that before, ihit win-re are yon (joiiijr, Antoiue !" "To lidlow her," replied his companion, siiitinsi the action to the word. Atitoine Louval was n Voutij; sludent of Ihe medical college, and the only son of a rich im -reliant in the city. lie was but nineteen ears of tie ; but an iiplness, whirh nature had hedowed upon him to a remarkable proficiency, and he already ranked hi-ih aii.ono bis older companions liir intelligence and acquirements. In his disposition he Was tpiick, but generous ami Iree hearted perhaps a little inclined to thf dissipation of the day, but tpiite tincon lamiiialed by any serious evil or hnhil. !Iis father look much pride in his advance ment supplied him liberally with money but at the snii.e time that he lovi d bis boy he was a strict pireiit. .Our scene (bailees. Six months have passed since we introduced our chat'.ut.-rs at the CnJ'f (i.v rjiidiiinhi. l is a pleasant i veniu-.-, and the room where we would take, you is very plops .iiitly lighted. The furniture is ext'eetlinol y neat and plain but band.-ome anil abundant. A lovely p;irl, with dark hair and eyis, sits by a table where burns mi astral lamp, al woi k upon s i;ru; rich pattern of lace, in t lit" most t laliora'e and i Ntpiisite stvle of (ijTiire. Opp iMte lo her and eu..'a'l''d with a bonk, sil a Voting man, whom Ihe reader would have recognized us being Antoiue Louval, and she who sat so tpiietly there, and plying her needle with such industry and ladv-lik" ii:i"ii, was Charlutla, the tambourine o'ul. We will not rxp'ain in detail the ne-ans bv whirh this chan-re bad been brought aliuii!. Antoiue was hand some, eloipn nt, and in love with hoi. lie caused hi r I be l.t 'L'lit embroidery in ils highi-sl perfection. It amus.-d in-r and helped them lo pay united! v the txper.se of tln ir little home, and outv, ardlv the two were most happy. Hut there was a canker worm, gnawing at the young girl's heart : Antoiue was not her husband. She had never imp u iiiued him upon the subject, f .r he had always nu t her rerpiest by ansWt riiig that W ere he to marry her, bis father would disinherit him at once. To her who had civi-n tin everything, father, friends, and innocence, such an object seemed but a trill.-, but s'-.e said no more upon the theme and months passed awoy. She, loving, kind, and tun lo him, ami he to.;, loving her sinci rely. liut, as they sat there now, alii ra lew m -iDt ii's' silence, ( 'liarhilu siiu : "Antoiue, I find that I can no longer be happy, unless you prove your sincerity by iij.ii riage : 'Dear C'harlolla, you know that it is painlul tu me (or you to refer lo this mat ter, and you know that my (atlit r " 'True, you have told me of that before, but unless you now concede to toy wishes we must separate at once." 'Separate, Charlutla !" "Yes, Antoiue. J am resolved." "Then you do i:ut love me,'' he answer ed, reproachfully. "t do love yon, Anloine, with all mv heart," said the beautilul girl, brushing a tear from Iter bright eye. The student leaned across the tilde, kissed her fair cheek, and bidding her good night, was about to h ave. "Are vou g-'i.i, Atitoine !" "V.-s." "Vou will not grant my wish '." Charlutla, J c umol ."' "Then farewell," she said, turning Torn him with a (juii k sigh. The bludeiit ! turned (o his quarters in college, thinking but little of tile words she had used tow ards him, and supposing that she would lorget the subject lo-niol-row, and ail would be pleasant again, as i! had been ii. any a time In I '.re. Ih.t he was mistaken. When be relumed on the follow ing all. l uo.iii, to the apartments where Charlutla had lived, she was gone, with all her personal attire, and no trace was lelt ol her. lie had not given her iii iiit for the slrengih ol mind and hnu ness that she rally possessed, lor (bese qualities had never been exercised tow ards him before, but now he sr.v tha". she lack ed not f..r resolution. In v ii i ii were ail his elliuls t.i discover U hither Ch.ulolti llm1 gone; he bad even lodged private information ul the ollice ol the prelect of police, adding a rewind as an inducement, but the cunning nilio-rs could obtain no trace of the missing pirl. Antoiue was at first inconsolable, bat the gay tone of Parisian society soon cured him, and alas! lur Ids manhood, he was once more us w hoi. -!u arb d and as happy as ever. lie graduated at last, and passing the chrysalis .state in the life ol a iirofet ion;, I man, the period between the casting oil' of his harness, and the practice of such know ledge as he had hi i u langbl to apply, be b ll into such gay soi i.-ty, was court, d lor ibis naturally brilliant wit and easy oi;:i-e-! !ul manners, and totally ('..und hiii s. ll so I iTinrli I.l ,I.,M I., i .. ........ 1 . 1. ..1 ,. .- ........ .., ....... u s ji.'iiin in ii i linos-' Ol life, that he did not dare call upon his la ther tor the means to extricate himself. '('roubles of a p-riiniary character thit k ened upon him ; his fa'.lnr discharged debt after debt, until he utterly refused to pay any more liir his dissipated and reckli-ss hoy. At last he was seized and thrown into prison; in vain were his beseechings and promises to his father, lie utterly re. fused lo (lo aught lor one who had proved so unworthy of his liberality. , had sighed and fretted thus in confinement for weeks, who- one day his doors were thrown open and he was informed that his debt was discharged, and he was once more at liberty. 'Can this be my fulher ?" he thought. "Yes, he thinks I am sullicieutly punished, and so at least releases me. Well, the world is wids- and. lime ii before and with this idea in his brain, it was scarcely live inotilhs before Atitoine Louval was again in prison. His lather had forbidden him his house long since, for reason of his reckless conduct at Ihe gaming table, mid his total t!i regard of expenses. Again he lay for mure than two months in prism and again vn he liberaled, as he pri sumod, by his relenting father, to whom he had in desperation adiiress' tl many beset ching nob s full of good promises. The second inciirceralion had liinght him wisdom ; he was older by some live or six j years, than when he had graduated ; he be- -came thougl.thi, recollecting his long for- j gotten profession, recalled his studies and books, and, seriously set about to retiieve a I character thill had already snli'. red in the world's eye. He opened a suit of rooms, devoted bis spare time to the hospital, and gradually ! berauie an adept in bis profession, ami tlav I by day business poured in upon him, until j hi- coninieueed a prat lice fully equal lo his ' lime and w'imiis to perform. In tlie nicnntimi- the f.itlnrof Antoiue Lnnv.il had ; died, and having much approved the tb t i- I (led change he saw in ins sun's caret r, lie had w illed him his entire folium-. Antoiue was silting hy his fireside in an elegant mansion, in one of tin- most fash ionable and aristocratic set lions of Puii.-. His feet rested over the fire place wild that true carelessness and vbnmLin that speak the bat lielnr. lie w as moody and thoughtful. It was his hirih nigh: tint day he was thirty-lour years nl age just fifteen vents obb-r than when le-Wa: lir-l introduced to the rea.Jer. It was a thoti-.-'it-lu! nt e.iooii to him, and he .seen.. ,1 more than ii--:illy moody now. Whit in r.- ? liewi liCll, courted, ai d raid.ed ; one of the n.-i-t I skillful c( bis diliicult profession. t A I that inoni' tit a summons came tu l.im tliat a l.i.iv, in a lieih!.'oriii( quarter n' t!:.- . city was in iiiiii inent peiil of hi r life ti :n ; a Midden ultatk ol iilin-s-, and thai bi. pi.- s"iice was iiiin:. iii i'i l desired. I.'i g j Willi profes-iolial (j-iii tnde, he !.n , Ids! usual picket ol instruments and me.iiciii.-s in his pock, t, and stopping into bis iar- ri.ege olote !.J ihe point c"s'.gt'i.lt.-d. 11. re 1 he w;-s aliown into a gi-::'.eel ap.irtiiii n!, and a I; i r e; '.ieg hi.i;- If ol bis otit. r gar n: : ! s, W is ! I bv a y.-tu. ' man i i'.i an i .- ti'-r renin, wh'-ro I . v a I -male in that i ing l.-ver li;..t rarely fail.! to prodnc i i ci u n the eariy slag- s of tvpboid. :o ii-(b- "Wl l.tl. ) la the !.i" v .' d lie .-'ir.. n.' .tin r, sir." 'I I. IS sin- been long si, k "Only since morning but :i e.l In wander in her triml tins and has said it she should c.-i In il! to sen,! lor vou as le r medical ev . mii!'. - s. l iollsU id-i.. r.'l co.'ioludi d lo do so." The surgeon examine I the , atur-'s he fore In in minutely. S;r.;nge r, coll. t.tioiis came over him. ile drew hi l..uc t, care luliy bb-d the patient, si! by In r four hours, and w.ii.hid the op' ration of his inedi ciiii s, came i r.rlv and late fur n.. my days, and finally ...nv the return ol reason to the patient, stud so. in the rose of In -I'.h oi.ce more stole over In-r c! e. !;s. ".'uid n. iw , think genii of his- atiellt 11 oi! a-l.ed the air ie day, "lhat 1 know VOU lint ?'' "1 snppo a ,1 vou had I Ji gotten L'liar bdla." 'Never!'' s the enrap'iired ir.an, for the f.r.-l time giving vent to his f.-elings, We parted becau.se von were t to consid- erale iongi r to live willi me, and not bear1 my name. Will ) on share it now, ..till d- ;:r. .-t one '' A tear only answ ered him, and r. . -ing his (harly lov.-.l and long ..,t Charlolta ii. bis iirti s, be Was again happy. "Tell me, dt a rest, knew sou of mv be ing released from piisuu 'at two il.li', rent v, . ars ,-iuee !'' 'I do." "It w a y-m, : 'Y-s," silo re "Heroic giil "II, v Im liberal'-d n.e." i.'d w itli downcast eyes. How loiind you tilt1 means !'' "I'y em'ir oi h-ry, an ail which you first ; c;,osi (I me to b arn.'" ' "All! Charlotl.i, hnw conbl yon re-' main so long t.i, know u tu ui.; ."' "I saw voi.r plot p"i ity. 1 fe.ir-.-d that I he pour lau.b.iiii ine girl Wuid.i be a Iilii-d.-tance to your rising career.'' ! "N.iv, dea- -t, you me ever with me ! have I'Vcr been r-'gl. tied." "I have s-iiiielimes hoped o," "lint vv !i' ', ( li.irlolla, is thi ; -i oii'ig n an, wild siieh ii ..,'.-'. air he who cils you tn other !" i "Antoiue, it is thy son !" ! Such is a bri.-l epitome o tin- li'e cf one of the iii-t surgeons of Pii -, and the tuii. bonriue giil is still hi-l.'ippy wile. 11. i nils sa v i, that b 'im! ;es g - ni-. -.i!. -lie o' I mails. Tii".y s"! sm II :i Value i 1 1 lo.i., sclves, that lb" doll'l bl.d ,l p.l.i h ,-l' t. i the iiuokel is efi e.l ( ' ,! of a .1 '.' ':i p. -allies who h..vo eo. oi- oel ii.-liM i!i- p -t eubleeii tars, eli-vei , i.e -,.s, -lib . Mi.-ile bed-l. a. Is. 'I '-y : en I lo i. .1.. , s u, winking g-eeii dig oivuller e ' v. tide then i vei.i .gs ine ,ti v. !e I la 1 v sp:. r Tappel o Pilil.isi'l'by. Piuc'.k lot's Cliu.miK.x Ono of I'm; l.i'ect . us.-s of w bieh we haveh'-itrl, is Hint of n hitlu uichio, who, haviiio been lisleiiing qnitU in'cillj' oi- evening In all ul.iUUH'd dlseussion on pii'-;ii'Mi and inipi .ivoi."itk Hie 10 .l day nddiissed the follow ing inleiro- i!iit oy io III p.neiil : Pa, I New England Until the spirit of .';c ( ;'" Cmnli :.gf Chronicle. ' A RiDoi l A tuikei i ud hi wife, mid ii piper and hi niuiher had tlueo iln-f dul luis, llireii hull", mid ihree quarter dolluis, to divide inpi.illy without bici.king uny of the m'ecen Uow were thty to du it! VI ATI-. I Alll I-lit: Ml IMS. Wo make an nbstract of thn Ib-porta of the Comniiilecu of JihIlts appointed to ex amine the dillerent conti ihiuioiis t tho late Stale Fair, nml nwnrd the premiums sivhiR only such port ion of them ns may tie deem' ed of .iiliieieiit interest to nuf renders. The Ileporls, themselves, are quite vtihiniiiion, and occupy much apace in the ll.iirisbiirg pipei... Pii.ooi) Houses.- Tu Henry Slierbnrn, of Lancaster county, for his bay hor.se "James !C. Pn!k.'r n ihe bet s'nllioii for heavy tliafl purposes, was awarded the premium of SI2 To Samuel Huston, of Cumberland, for his black horse "Clifton," lis thn best atnllion for quick dinft. t? 1 "2. To Charles Under wood, of Yink, for his hor-e '-Kelipse," as tho best hotse for the saddle, 510. To the lien. Fredeiiek Walts, of Cumberland, for Ceeejia," as the best biood inare for the Middle, ". I )n a kt Hniisrs am) RoAiisTr.ns To C. P. Steiiunel, for his none ''.luby,'' ns the best for Paddle or quick diaft, J-S. To A Met rick, for heavy draft nml brood mare, $3. To John Kvans, of Yoik, for best mule team, To A. Noble, of Carlisle, for besl pair of u.lilfs. SS. Caitli: Ovi:ii Two Yi'.Atis. -To James ibiweii. ol Phi'a, !!). bin county, for his P iilrim hi.'! 'Iiuek'ninl,"' the liist premium of To Jnlni Kvai:s, of Yoik, for tht soeend bi st d-i. s-". To sairio for the best Dailiim hi: !l be! , een i? and U yeai-j old, S S Tu sane ,-r 'lie b. s' P . iii. .in cow. 'Sully.' I0 To Aaoni ( leinenl, of Philadelphia rn-1,1'1. I. 'r lie- besl O n ba in heifer, "Wnod b: ."." ;-S To lias I to run in, of llalliinore, lor his II .-ieiii cow Duchess," the first i'li iiiiec, of s U". T.i William Ii. Ilendeison . 'I C! 1 1 i isle, lor the best giade bull, i 10. To :on C!, on nl, lor the besl "i.ide cow, S10. To J'lhii Yiiiinj, of I ho i isburg, for ihe best jr. ole lienor, '-l.a.ly .lane,'-' s-ti. To Angim t.'s l.o'iiuis. oi Wayne county, tor his Devon b. !l ' Diilo ," To A O. I leister, of i o ; In -. for ihe best Devon cow "Cherry," --in. To W. K tbiliih. Ilarri-luiigh, for th 'l" s Al'lern-y cow, ' Yietnrili," $10 Tn Anion Clement, im bis pair of walking "eu, '-iti!,' Devoi-..," the liist piemium of '!"i. T.i Ib-iiiv L-.ttkm-r. of l.?.iii.-aster e -Ii .'y, In. a pall of wotki' 'J COW, !?S. ('.in.!- l'vi'i::', Two Yi:.vns Old To Anion t 'li-iiien', ol Plii'adi'l'hia t-oiintv. for I:; Dn ham hull, .-so. To Paschal Worth, ': lb.' b D eh. nu lin'l ea'f, St. To Joli-i Poets, nl' Yo-1;. I'm ihe best Diulnm heifer Mi. To Aar-.n CleniiMit, for !h best Dur hau; h-if-r e-.lf, -.3. Ti II W. MeAlbster. oi ll.iriisbiiii:, for lb" l e-t D.iihuin hull calf, -I. TiA.O lbi,'er, for th" best Devon bull. H".. To (J tnge lianii i', of Yoik, for the h.-st grade heifer ea'f. S4. To John llv. .!-,-.. lor the best grade le-ifer, St. Siii:i:i To A. L. liiiigh.nn, of Vermont, for his Fieueh Meiinos. the liist piemium of "'. To same fm be.t impoited buck. F.ei.eo Meiimi. 5li), To Aaiou Clement, of Phila.le ! Ida ci.'viuty, fur his O.vfoidshire buck tin- liisl premium of SS. To lienja miu Hood, of Cle-ster comity, for besl C.lf's v. .e l and I.eiee-ler buck, f-'li. Tu same for besi pen ewes. -s To .ime for brst pen l.onb-, Ml. Swim:. Tu S. W. Shin pe, for best boan (Spa:, Mi) 6. 'I'o J P. Hoopes. of Chester, for b?t sow, (Cbesiei county) -. To Willi. im A-hbii lge, fur best litter of piy, !.'. P..i i.ir.v. The foll iwiiig firrt pieniiuuis w ci e a in led : David .Miiiuuia Jr., foi best I'.ikeys; Martin New cumber lor best geese ; It.ii. i L'. i in i i tin lor best Mnscevy ducks j J h i C. Il.-isier lor coiniiiou decks. These pleased ns veiy mi.ch ) J asepb Cope lor best J isey Mii..' clii. kens ; Cy i i.s S. Hitldemaii lor best Dorkings ; David Tag.iit for best pair of other bu'eds ; A. T Newhold lor best Capons; William I. '"inlaid for best Ian ei.lleetioii of poultry ; A. M Spangler Im bt Shamihais ; David Tagjart for best Clutlegoiis ; Hn., i ' aim-roll f.u beat display of fancy pigeons. Aou.ct 1. 1 1 i: a i, Pr.oni c Ttoss - To I)r. J. Hues M'Cien, of Montgomery couiUy, for the be.-l live aeies of wheal, the first premi um ol i'5 ; Ho' vioi-'iy was the Mediterra nean. a':d the wbele pio.h.et of 17 acres and :l p. ache was i;:il bushel.. To A. O. riei sier, for the best beets ; to Samuel Grove, for ihe best i-ithhiige ; to Ueiijamin Hood, loi ihe l-.!: cariots ; tu tleoige Olwine, for ihe best i-rlii v ; to W. John, ful lbs best p ai.iloes ; lo Jehu llet l, for the best lur ioji ; lo I. .Im A. Aid, lor the best floor; 10 (.'. F M oi lie li, loi the liesl bieud und CI iee.s. A,..-1. ei. : : ii I. I -ii'l.i: v: KMa. Fiist pie i... ii s n, ie .iwaided lo Proiily & Jiurrel, of Pin!.i.le!p!ii4. and Samuel Plank, of Cumber I - , l l. u b -st tno-hai.se plow ; to Hall & S.. in-, i, of Piiishiii-g. lor a sinjle hone sin nl lion ee.itiM diaoglil plow; lo Pmuty ll.ine!', lor llieir evpaiidnij harrow und e: iv.iioi ; lo Mr. .M'Coimick, of Virginia, f.n In ii .ijiiog iiiachuie ; to William Johu s n, of Chester county, fur his hoise-rnke ; to Pioutv lhmeit, lor tho best ox yoke ; at.d tu samt for his but grain cradla ; oi K Whittiiaii & Co., of Lt.dliiuore, for I'., fly's one wheel horsu power; to J. J. Font, nl Iteadnic, for Wheeler' railway threshing machine ; to Lewis & Clark, of Hiriisberg for liny, straw, and eorm'nlk culler ; lo K, Polls, of Montgomery county, fur cornstalk culler iih.1 "rinder ; lo William 11 Cm, of Philadelphia, fur separator and straw carrier ; to Jean Huberts, Noriislown, the first pieiniiun over all conipetiloia, for hia "Uni)d Sutea Grain Fan lo E. Whit man k Cu , for a poitable hay press ; In Ihe same for display of Agricultural imp'ements. Diplomas, in this department, were granted to about one hundred dilfereiit persons for valuable implements. PoMrsTic Manitacti-iif.s. Thcrfl were 28 premiums awarded in this department, for quill, counterpanes, carpets, rug, hose, shirts, table covers, window curiam, straw bonnets, linen, basket work, worsted vvorki home-made bread, &e. &e.. Butter, Ciieesk, ANn Ho.vrv. Tit" fi.-t premium for butter was awarded to Mrs. F.ve Cassel, of Dauphin county, S3.; and for hnney, to John Y'oting, of Harrisbuig. No cheese exhibited. Pi.owisc To Jesse Pawling, Jr., of Moutuomery county for the best plowiuy, S0. To Joiiaihim F. (Jurnrd, of Alleghany, Ihe besl ploughman, $6. Twenty-two plows started in the match : hence, the victory of Mr. Pawlins is the more appreciated. Fri it. First premium were awarded lo the following persons : To David Miller, of Cumberland, for apples ; to Hubert Hn i-t, of Philadelphia, for pears ; to Alexander Hani illon, of llnrrisbiirg, for quinces : to Isaac 11. Baxter, of Philadelphia, for grapes ; to N. Lougworth, of Cinciniiat ', for sparkling champagne wine, from the Catawba grape. A number of special premiums were also awarded. I T N F. N C M K R A T i: n ARTICLE. I'nder this head there was a very large amount of con tributions, and to those worthy of special notice, was in every instance awarded. The following are among the number :--Chemical weather gag', cut nail-, eatthen pallor sioves, harness and trunks, ruling machine, steam boiler for cooking, stoves of almost every destn iption, bookbindiujr, slave jointer, and wagun box, India rubber goods, planed boards, window blinds, fall for rising heavy weights, corn and cob grinder, Mas sees ice cream freeei-t, butter and water cracker, hub auger ami box setter, shingle machine, visiting cards, nnil pen drawing, dentistiy, smut machine, model quill fiame, daguerreotypes, hydraulic ram, penmanship boards and plunk, lot nf woolen goods, exhib ited by John Clay, Germantown, spirome ter, Muffed birds, patent plane, horse shoes, boot trees and lasts, sausage Bluffer, eoltou sheeting, from tho Hariisbitrg Com pany, Fvans & Watson's salamander safes, saws, patent salety fluid lamps, blank books paintings and drawings, display of book, model bee-hive, brick press. Knot's daguer reotypes, carpenter's hatchet, maps, force pump, sowing machine, collar machine, saw setter and filer, iron railing, church bellu eagle bolter machine, fcc. &c. kc. The duties of snmo of the committees weie extremely onerous, and the wonder is that they accomplished lheir work so -talis-factoiily in so short a time as they did. Guocsn and Un-Groind Cooked and I's-CooiiKD Food. Ina communication from the Society of Sltaktrt, at Lrfuiiion, N. Yoik. in Ihe Patent Office Heporf, we tint! the fol lowing upon the relative value of ground and iiii-groiuid, cooked and un-cooked corn for feeding ami fattening cattle, &i "The expeiience of more than 30 years leads us to estimate gro'ind corn at one third higher than tin-ground as food for catlle, and especially for fattening cattle, km. 'The same expeiience induces n to put a higher value upon cooked than upon taw meal, and for fattening animals-, svvrne par ticularly, we consider 3 of cooked equal lo -I bushels of raw meal. 'I'niil within the hist llnee or four years, onr society fattened hnmially for 30 year from 10 000 In 50,000 pounds of pork, exclu sive of lard and offal fat, ami it is the con stant pr.-iciice In cook ihe meal for which purpose 0 or 7 potash kettle are used." The Shakers are a close ubsei viug, calcu lating people and go in for the practical re alilies of life, and, therefore, in the ecoeomy of food, must bo presumed to be good judges For onrself we are disposed lo believe the conclusion! lo w hich they have arrived art con cel. ,-iHifrii'on Farmtr. Wise Mkino. In Cincinnati au-r'neigh-borbood not less than one thousand acres of land are devoted to Ihe culture of ihe grape for making wine. A writer" in the newspa pers says that on a visit to Mr. Lougworth he saw 75,000 bottles of spaikling Catawba, and about 4.0.000 gallons of wine in casks, vaiy ing from 40 lo 50 gallons in each. This cel lar is 120 feet lung. 4'J feet wide, and 40 feet deep; and il is the intent inn of the owner to incteaso it to double this size during the coming spiing. ltesidca Mr. Lougworth, there are many other periwi s in Cincinnati, and the neighborhood, engaged in the culu ration of the gtape. A very modeM. old maid, visiting a newly married friend recently, one of her hus band' shirta lying on tho bed, when tdio exclaimed : "Oh, mercy, a man's hhl on your bed ! such a thing on my bed would give ine the nightmare." "Very like," responded Iho wife, "unless there was a man inaide of il." Sharp Retort. Two smart fellows, ri ding alter a fast nag, observed a fanner sow ing seed, and one of ihem accosted him thus : "Well, honest fellow, it's jour business to sow, but we reap the fruit of your labor." " 'Tie very likely you may," replied the farmer, "for I am towing hemp." The best bite we ever had on fUhing (elusion, ra the bite we took along with us Kr.nn llio Vi.n!iiii.r It.-, n',1 can. Beutclio Advtr l lm i k BY C. TOI.EIl WOLFB liii" hmse ish shop'd und I'm lifrnid, H'l has been ihikrn. or ah.'uleu, nr shtia)'d, Mine pig black hoisa d.tt looks so sphiy, Pom loiuteeii oider twelve hands high"; He has been got ehiist lour feels plnek, Mid shtiiped spots all town bis puck, Dwo leks befoie uud tlwo pehind, (Pe sure you geepnll dis in mind) He's pluck nil over dal ish dine, All but his vaee, nml dais pluck too :' He (hols and punters, vkvtx and bacrs, did oiilwoik Prellebub in dntces; I'ud ven he giillol-s in de slit reel, Hn valka upon his leks and feel, Von ek goes up, uud down do oder, Cud always follow von nnoder, He has dwo ears shtnek pou his bead, Bote of ileitis neidei vile nor red, But bote alike, sbiist von you see, Nh plaeker den d" oder b" f lie's trot dwo eyes dat pjoksi von vay, Only he lost one tinier lay, 'old van yon wi h to dake a ride, Shump pou his pack on toiler side, Cud it is shnst as gospel di ne, De eye dats plind vill not see you ! His pelly's pig, and does shtick out Like mine ven I eats soiirgront ; His .lail's pehiud him long und shleek,- 0 ily 1 cut him oil last week, I'ml ileieloro 'tis not any more As hall so long as before ! He cocks his ears, und looks so gay,- lonl vjll not start und run away, But ven he's sen i it he makes von sphring,' I'ud shinnps about like every ding; Ile rides along mid sehaize und gart, 1 never saw siidi hnrse for schmnit! Und s imetitnes he goes on de road Milonl nopnddy for his load, Bill baL's ol goin and dakes de diack, Mi ! little pny pou dop his back ; Mine hoise is not so very old, Not half so young as veil he's foal'd, Und ven he gallops, rear or shump. His head conic all before him plump, Cud deu hi dail goes all pehind ! But sometimes ven lie dakes do mind Gits mad and dnms all round, pe sure Vv deu his dail goes all before ! Wlioever will mine pluck horse got . Shall bay den dollars on the splint, Cud if lie brings de lief alife, Vy der. he pays me dwenty-five, Mitoul no questions nx'd by mo Pv mine advertisement you'll see, I lif out dare bv S. pucider's Gap, Near Schtolllefunk's. Johannes Scn.NAr. An F.cf.i.u:n r Proviso. In 1770, Rev. J iseph Woodman was settled in Sanborntoiij New Hampshire, wi h a salary of f 200 per annum ; tern hundred and twenty of which was to lie paid in f'..iney, and eighty dollar in labor, with the special agre'emf-n'', "that he should have the liberty .) preach old ser moiu tr-Aeit his hca'ih uould not permit him lo preath new ones.'' "Goon mormn", 'S piire ; I've heard you've got a nuvv preacher up tlie hollow." "Well, we have, and a Kg i lur buster at Shut." "Pun need n good strou;; preacher. Bro ther 15 was a li tle too easy." ' Brother li hit tiie devil a good many fair licks, but ihi feller knocks the old !uu's horns clean nil." Lovrt.Y. And inrci legatory of silver svveetnes1, io, I an answer of diamond beauty, :ue contained in tho following method of "getting to go home with her :'i The momi shines bright : Can I go home w ith you lo-nighl Answer ' The stars do to.-i ; I don't care if you do. A Coi RAtiEon Boy. In a town not fat from K iston, a clergyman was visiting' a district school where a little boy was put furwaid by the teacher to ".-peak a piece'' because ho was bald. When he was done tiie cleigyinan praised him, ''ithy, my little lad, you nie pot afiaid are you !"' No, I ain't iifmif ol iioihiic ; ain't afiaid of .S'iiilii !'' A Coi.t.r.cr. professor had a foolish way of commencing every thing he said with, "I say." Cpon heaiing lhat one of the student! had mimicked him in this peculiarity, he sent for the young man, and proceeded to give him an admonition; beginning thin: ' I say ! they say. yon say, I say, suiy .' What or it ? Fiance and England are said to have resolved theie shall be no nip lure between the United Slates and Spain. Why, nil Kniope couid not stop us if wo wei u disposed to tui ii Spain over our knee and jriliA hei. Bull '. ;'f;:.r. boy , atop that ox." "1 hain't got no stopper, iii." "Well, head him, then." He's altcady headed, ir.'' "Confound your iuipei liuence tmn him " "He's right side out already, nil.' ' Speak lo bun you rascal, vou.-' "Good morning, Mr. Ox."' DisTiNui'tsitti) SritAsur.iis. Sixteen Indi ans unived ut Pitlsbnrg on Wednesday, fiuni St. Louis, on their way to Washington, weie 3 R ipp.tn, 4 Sioux, 4 Sliiaus. a Onm", and 2 squaws. They were in charge of Major Fitputiick. Tn it proprietor of a bo m mill wd lise that those sending thcr ... n bones to be ground, will be attended to with punctuality and dispatch. Tin: man who ha I lo lower his shirt collar to pass under the Wheeling Budge, arrived in Cincinnati last week. Tkkkb are eleven town clock! in Cu cinnati, all keeping lime on the'' hook. Wiiex the' cat is a-'' ply.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers