SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. ONE WIEK LATER FROM NORTHERN MEXICO. HIGHLY IMPORTANT, The Attack on Matamoras, On llandred and Fifty Mnkini Killed. CAPTAIN FORD KILLED. THE AMERICAN CONSL'L WOUNDED. New Orlfasj, No. 2. Ths Steamship Fanny nrrivej hero this morning, from ihe Rio, Urnmlf, bringing dates lo ihe 30lh of October, being six tlays Inter ihnn the previous advices. The raptain of ihe Fanny brings Ihe in tclligence ihnt the on Matamorns was commenced on llie morning of the 21t ; and on the evening of the 23l, Gen. Crtravn jnl ami his forces had possession of tho city within four squares of the Plnza. The Mexican government troops still held out, suffering the loss of one hundred and lifty killed and wounded. The Revolutionists lost but three men, in eluding dipt. Ford, who was in command of tho Texan Rangers. The Mexican General, Avalos, was woun ded during tho engagement. OrdiMS were issued by tho Mexicnn gen. eral lo give no quarters lo the Americans. Mr. Lnngstreth, a merchant, doing busi less in Matumoros, whs killed. The Revolutionists set Ihe city on fire on he 23d, ami thu Cnslom-Ilimsc and a until cr of oilier buildings were destroyed. On tin; 2")ih, Mr. Dcvine's stores weir 'n set on (iie mid destroyed. Tl,u American Consul, during the fiylil, ,ns uiuidi'il. I'r-itn lite NVwark Iiatly .VlvcriiRer. KOSSLTII A.l THE M l!M VSHM'I. Among our European coirespiinilenee , loujrht by I hi? Kninpti, which arrived Hj ostnii on Wednesday, we have received the .Mowing interesting letter fiom an Anieti in friend nl Marseilles, formerly an honor de member of Cunires, which (lives some lportaut information with regard lo Kiw th, which throws eonsiderabl light upon e mystery now beginning lo be lelt con rnitig his movements. It is perhaps proper for n to add that pri tn letters hithcrtn received, entirely eon iii the itil i'liations as tu the feelintj of the lingtiihed llnnsarian toward C'apt. I.onn d the oliieers of the Mississippi; which pear to have risen immediately after he came acquainted wiih (he fact that lie ild not consistently with his duty, com . with his wish to visit several European fts on busiues understood lo be connected :ll his futuie puijecls. This would clearly if been a departure from I lu ir orders from Government, which we believR required vessel to piocecd directly linme. Mareii.i.ks, Oct. 121 h, 1S51. Ve reiche I this place a few days svio. : a IO's th and his party left it. His learance here seems to have occasioned siderable excirrment, and as rveiything itinir to him is regarded with interest nl ne, yon will doubtless be glad In receive le particulars concerning ihe brief visit, ich are tint likely lo be generally known, en ihe fiigato Miisippi anived here' uth expressed a desire to leave her, and lo England through France, though he . unprovided w ith the necessary passports lited from nil passengers or travellers. nevertheless applied to llm V. S. Consul, in L Hodge, F.sq ,) through Captain I.enir 'ie frigate, to intercede in his behalf, and i earnest request, Mr. Hodge obtained nision from Ihe prefect of Ihe oily, for and all his omnp minus to come ashore ion making himself personally responsi (for the whole.) that there should be no ie demonstration or distuil mice. I'pon pledge they were permitted to come to city; and Kossuth's toques! for peitnis to tiavel thiouiih tho country was com icated by telegraph to Paris, nnd refused tier fiotn the Minister of l he Interior, lis refusal and llin requirement through (lodge of thu pledge, not to make any dar excitement, appear to havo roused 'xcilable temper of ihe Hungarian to tic est pitch ; and in a letter lo tho Consul i had ilono everything in his power lo ? and oblige him) he complained bit , and denounced his conduct and llml ipt. Long proverbially one of tho nioM , conscientious, and obliging officer in .avy ; and w ho, withal, has douo every ; in his pow er lo make the voyage agree to thu exiles; placing his best iip;irt s at the service of their distinguished I and his family. In this letter he ' I will leave lie ship at ihe first port lich it will slov' which he justly sup .will be Gihraltni. 'I will then go." his, ''by some pi ivale conveyance to the d Slates, nnd make my excuses for not g profited by the hospitality of your rnnient vessel, by the publication ol eiter, of which I have the honor to send copy, and will confidently awtiit ihe lent of Ihe public opinion of the United " w, from all the testimony I havo been o collect, after some effort, 1 am conli ihat there is no just cause whatever for xtraoidinury complaint of the oflicers a frigate, or of the consul ; and when vvhule history of Kossuth's conduct, since came under Ihe protection of our flag, les to be known, it will, I am sure, he mil, that he has no ground lo be dissatis d. tu say nothing more. It may go to vv that he never intended to go 10 the ited States, as it is certain that he has .re- ttedly expresseil his desire to go to Eng. I I and remain there, with a view of per- ting his plan to effect a general revolu l in continental Europe, and give freedom til people which he supposes to be his minted mission. Several Hungarians so. riling here, tell me he never intended to to America, which i too far removed il the theatre of hie future operations. Ie sent the Ministerial letter, refusing I a passport, to the ediloi of "L Feuple," ultra red republican paper here, and it published with eJitorial remarks of so tipj a character that the authorities eaus he a hole iition to ba suppressed. This was among the direct violations of Ihe Amer ican Consul's pledge, founded on Kossulh'e promises. He also published a proclamation "to the Democracy of Marseilles." It appears from this letter that ihe reports of Kossuth hating quarreled and left the Mis sissippi are true. The following additional confirmation we find in (he New Yoik Her ald : Despatches hnve been received at the Na vy Department, from Commodore Moignn, with private tellers from highly respectable Americans abroad, which are calculated somewhat to damp tho enthusiasm in behalf of Kossnlh. At tho Inst ndvices. the Mississippi was a' Gibraltar, where she will remain lill Kos suth's pleasure is known hs regards his com i ig to this country, which is exceedingly doubtful. Previous to his embarkntion at Constantinople, a correspondence passed be tween hi in nnd Commodore Morgan, in which the latter distinctly informed Kossnlh that his orders did not nulhurize him to let Ihe vessel go In Southampton, where Kossuth desired to land, but that Ihe orders were simply In nfford him n pnssnce to ihis coun try. At Marseilles, the ship was constantly surrounded bv boats filled with an excited populace, nnd the authorities had to use nil their exertions In prevent n riot. Cnplain Lous entieated Kossnlh not to compromise the United Stales fin? by issuing manifestos and excitinff the peopie. Mill lit tle attention, however, was paid lo the re. qnesl. K'ssnth makes no seerel of his in tention Ileitis to raise funds in Enclnnd and France, for ihe pnrpne of attacking Austria and revolutionizing Europe, and it was this avowed intention vhieh induced Ihe French authorities to refuse him permission to enter Marseilles. He assumes the air of a con queror not of an exile. The Mississippi will wail nt Gibraltar til' Kossnlh is heard from in Enulaiid. when, if he desires lo come here, slin will convey him ; nnd if not, she will remain tit her sta tion. He will only visit this country, how ever, lo raise the means for proseeulina his revolutionary project, nnd not to make it his residence. Pennsylvania Elkction. Official Vote. The following is the nlficin! result of the late election in Pennsylvania : Ft Governor. HL'ler, Petri , ISfi.sOO ; .loliiiston. WIml', 178.034 ; Cleaver Native, 1,713. liiulers majority over Johnston, 8,--Hi"). Number of voles pnlltd, 3CG,2-46 The number polled for Governor in 184S. was 33fi,744, and for President, same year. 3fiR.752. In 1S4R, Johnston received, 1P8.522, and I.ongstrelh 1G8.221 votes: and Taylor, 1 S5.5 1 3, nnd Cass, 171.976 voles Fur Conn Commissioner. Clovei, Petri., 1S-1.0I1 ; Stiohm, Whitr, 175 444 ; McDon ald, Native, 1,875. Clover's majority over Strohm, S.577. For J Hilars of the Supreme Court. Black, 185.893 ; Campbell, 176.039 ; Lewis, 183, 887 ; Gibson, 184.403 ; Lo".-ry, 185.481 ; Conlier, 179,063 : Condy, 17J,r,35 ; Cham bets, 174.381 : Metcdiih, 173.31)1 ; Jessup, 172.032. Onto and Pknnsy i.vania IUit. Road Extension of thk Trains Ti Enon Vai, l.t.y. II has been decided to commence to run regular train to Emm Valley, fourteen miles beyond Brighton, on Monday, the 17ih November. A bill abolishing imprisonment for debt , passed the Rhode Island Senate on Thurs day. Ph. llooFi.ANn's GntMAN Hitters. That this medicine will core liver complaint and dyspepsia, no one can doubt alter using it as directed, (l acts specifically Upon llie stom ach and liver: il is preferable lo calomel in all bilious diseases; il acts as specilieaily upon llie liver as calomel; ralonvl prostrates ihe system the billers strenci lieu and nev er piostrales llie patient, and will give re newed life arid health lo the delicate invalid, and restore the liver lo its functions, and give digestion and appetite in those severe cases wherein ihe ordinary medicines fail in producing any eliecl. iti 4 i. it 1 k i. On Thursday last, by the Rev. P. Willard, Pavid F. Stuoii, to' Miss Christian M. Vokis, both of Danville mafyvrrnfrvnatxMuaMiJkiiimmivjmt mil mi aac? E i t; t. In Lower Aiisusla, on Ihe 27th nit., Mrs. LAN IN A BEACHTEL, widow of ihe late Robert W. Ilcuchiol, aged 25 yeais, 8 mouths and 2 days. In Lew isbniL'. on llie 26lh nit., in her 75 h year, EMMA, widow of John Hether ingloii, formerly of Milton In Harriburg, on the 4lli nit . aci'il about 90 years, Hon. ROI5EUT HAIMilS. urniidon ol the I. lined Indian Under, John II. mis, the lirst settler at Hariis' Ferry, now Harris buig In Sugarlnaf township, Columbia county, oi the" 18. h nil., REBECCA, daughter of Geoige W. Siedman, aged about 17 yearn. At Catavvissa, on ihe lGih nil.. Mrs. EC NICE I.E1IJ, consort of the late Dr Owen I). I.eili, nued about 35 ycais Near Washingtonville. Montour county, on the 21sl ult., Mr. JOHN SE1P1.E, aged about 56 yeuio. In Mercer, P,i., on the 26ih ult., Dr. JOHN BAHv'IN, in his C3 I year. He was thrown fiom hi horse takins fright, Ihe day previous, and all hough he succeeded in reaching home, he sunk lapidly away, bill retained his consciousness lo tint end. Pr. Bask in I'm mm ly had an extensive medical piaetice in Selinsyrove was an Associate Jndue of I ii imi county and had in 1842 iii.itw.l it-ill. ii... )r.,i.. i..r:.... i t. ;.. v ". ' ' neilin. w men nrn dlkimii mn.tiiin.xl l.t- a t.(,llsisiuill wuii anJ conversation until death. On the full nil., Hfter a short illness, JO- SEPH CHAMBEliS, Esq., a (listmuuislicil member of ihe bar of Chambeibburgh, Pa, III the 53u year of his hge. Sunbury, Nov. 1, 1851. Amount of coal brought lo Sunbury, over the Philadelphia and Sunbury Railroad, from the Shamokin Mines: Tons. For the last week, 753 Per last report, 19,946 Total, vtlje iltarkct Philadelphia Market. Nov. 6, 1851. Fi.oua and MnAt.. The market for Flour is dull again. Standard brands, old siock, are held at 4,12i per barrel, for export.--Sales for cilv use at $3,87at4. Extra Hour is held nt 4 50. Rra Ftoua. No stock on hand to operate in. Conn Mkal. Penna. is in demand at S3.05. Whkat -Sales of Penna. red at 81c; p ime w hile nt 888a89. Rvr. Is in demand, snles nt 70 cts. Corn. The supply about equnls the de mand ; jellow commands 60 ols. Oats. Are very duil ; a tale Perm, e.t 34 cts. WntsKBT. Is firm at 23 cts. in both hhds. and bbls. Baltimore Market. Nov. 6. 1851. GRAIN. We note sales of Maryland and Vrgiuiii Wheats to-day at 72 a 76 cts. for good lo prime reds, nnd 76a80 els. for food white, and 82a90 cts. for family Hour while. Sales of Com ul 54 n 55 cents for both while nnd yellow. A lot of very prime new white, in superior condition, Ihe first of llie season, was sold on Saturday nl 75 cts. We quote Oats nt 30 a 35 els. WHISKEY. Sales of Penna. bbls. nt 23 cts., and of hhds. 22 els. SUM5UI1 Y 1'IUCE CtUillUNT M'ur.AT. Ii T K. ( 'till 5. Oats. Dcttks. Enris. I'lHIK. Ki.a si:r.n. 'I'alui w. Hki.swax Hkcklkii Dun n Ai'i'i.ts. Po. PKACHrt. Flax DO 50 51) U7 111 8 7 120 15 25 10 75 300 S New Advertisements. ATTCF.1TSY AT LAW. Ojjire in Market street Sunbury, opposite Weaver's Hotel J ISprSINKSN will be promptly allnnlcil lo in J too ( ountics nl .Aortliuuibrrluuil, Cuion, ( 'ohiinliia nnd Montour. REi'i:r Tn : P. Blair, Ml. Vernon House, Sd strrct. Js. ISoXNArrtm, 43 Mar ket St., Philadelphia. A. JuiiniN, En., C. J. BlII'.XKII, ititnhttrif. C. M. lk..,Voitsi ille. Sunliuiy, Oct. II, 1S51 lv. CHERRY PECTORAL: For llie Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPIUO-COUOH AND CONSUMPTION. Among the numerous discoveries Science has made in this generation to facilitate the business of life increase its enjoyment, nnd even pro long the term of human existence, none can ho named of more real value to mankind, than this contribution of Chemistry to the Mealing Art. A vnst trial of its virtues throughout this broad country, has proven beyond a doubt, that no medicine or combination of medicines yet known, can so surely control and cure the numerous va rieties of pulmonary disease which -havo hitherto swept from our midst thousand is nnd thousands ! every year. Indeed, there is now abundant rea son to ItIicvc a Remedy 1ms nt length been found which can be relied on to cure the niont dangerous affections of the lungs. Our space here will not permit us lo publish any proportion ' of (he cures affected by its use, hut we would j present the following opinions of eminent men, : and refer further enquiry to the circular which ' the Agent below named, will always be pleased , ,. . , , , . I to furnish free, wherein arc full particulars, and j indisputable proof of these facts. From the President of Amherst CaVep, the celebrated PROFFSSOll HITCHCOCK, j j 'James I. Ayer Sir: I have used your! ('tiKiiiiT fii iniiii, in my own case of deep- i seated lironehitis, nud am salislied from its clie- j mint! constitution, that it is an admirable com- j nnuiid fur the relief of larviurial and bronchial 1 dilliculties. If mv opinion as to its superior j character can be ot'nny service, you ars nt liberty to use it as von think proper, EUWAHU JUTCHCOCK, I.. U D., Prom the widely celel rated PnOFKSSUR SILLIMAS, M I). .. L J)., Professor of Chemistry, Mineralogy, fyc, Yale College. Member of the Lit. Hist. Med. Phil, and Scientific Socictits of Amcrira and Europe. I deem the Ciikiiiit Pitt-oral nn admirable composition from sonic of the best articles in tho .Materia Mcdica, and a very eflcctive rcmedj for ihe class of diseases it is intended to cure." New Haven, Ct., Nov. 1, lull). MAJOR PAT'J teON, President of Ihe 8. C. Senate, states he has used the Ciikihit I'n ro il ii. with wonderful success, to euro an inflam mation of the lungs. From one of the first Physicians in Jotn Haiti, Me., April CO, 1819. Dr. J. ('. Aver, Lowell. Dear Sir . I aniiuw constantly using your CiitHiir Pkctiibal in my practice, and prel'sr it to any other medicine for pulmonary complaints, l'roin observation of many severe eases, I am convinced it will euro coughs, colds, and diseases of the lungs, that have put to defiance nil other K-medics. 1 inviiably recommend its use in cases of con sumption, and consider it much the but remedy known for that iscac. Respectfully yours, 1. ti. C CM! MAN, M. D. Prepared and sold y JAMES C. AYER, Practical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Sold in Sunbury by H. MASHER, and by Druggists generally throughout tho Mute. November 1, 1851. lyccUino. JATENT URI1TANIA STOPPERS for Uar uuitics lor sale uy H. D. MASSE IT. 8unbury, April 12, 18S1 ILVEK WATCHES A few double cases English Silver Watches, for sale at very low prices by II. B. MASSER, Sunbury, April 13, 1551. J U8TICE8 FEE BILLS. For sale bv II. B. MA8?EB Psnsurr, April 'It Fhocuix Fire & Thief Proof Iron Chest. ml nr. M 21 SMsai'.ti. VARRANTED to stand equal hest with any otlisr Chests in the country, anil to defy the II ursine' iupenuitv. ManuUctiiry, No. 10 Hudaon's Allcv, runniiiir between Third and Fourth slrccts, south of Chcsnut, and in the rrnr ef the Oirnril liunk. M. &. t.. the iironrietors, are Practical Me chanics, nnd feel confident, from loiijr eiperience in the innnufacture of Iron Chests nnd Safes, nnd a siiccitil nltt'iituMi to this pxrticulnr branch, of giving satislnctiou to nil who may give iiieui a call. N. B. We save selected one of the 1t min erals ever used as a non-conductor of heat in this business, nnd we warrant our Chests and ISid-s lo bo muilc of the best material nnd in the most durable intumer, nnd to stand any heat that can be applied to them. M1I.NOI5 lt SHAW, Manufactory No. 10 Hudson's Alley. Running between 3r0 and 4th streets, S. of Chei nut, in tnc rear of (iirard Hunk. Philadelphia, Oct. 25, 1801. It American Repertory of Inventions. To iTItcl.aim w, Invriitors? mill Jlnnsifactiirt'i'. ! SCIENTIFIC V MKIUCAX I Messrs. MUNN & CO., Amrrirnn nnd Fonign Puttnt Agents, nnd I Prm.isiiiins of the Scientific Amuhican, ! "iEsPE("i'Fl.'I.I.Y nnnoiincss to the pub- lie that the first nuinher of Volume VII j ef this widely rireuliited nnd nlualile journid was issued on the 2Ulh of Scptcnilicr. The new ! voHiine was roininrnied with new type, printed on imner of a heavier texture than that uscd'in the preceedins voluinc.Sj.'It is the inlcntinn of the pulilisliers to illustrate it more lolly, ny in troducing representations of prominent events connected with the advancement tf science j lie i sides furnishing; the usual amount of engravings I of new inventions. It is published weekly in j form for binding, and nfliinls at the end of the I year a splendid volume of over four hundred pa 1 ges, with a copious index, nnd from live to six I bundled cnurnvinu, together with a vast amount : of practical information concerning the progress ! of invention and discovery throughout the world. There is no subject of importance to tho inci-biinie. inventor, manufacturer unci general reader which is not treated in the most able manner the editors, contributors and correspon dents being men of the highest. nltuiumeuU. It is in fai t the leading scientific fuiirmil of the The Inventor will find in it a weekly list of American 1'atcnt Claims, reported from the Pa tent Office, an original feature not found it any other weekly publication. T Eli MS : TWO DOLLARS A YEAR, 1 FOR SIX MONTHS. All Letters must be pnst pniil, and thrcctetl to "MI SS If CO. Puhlishtrs of llie Siirn tiic American, 128 Fulton Street, A'fic York " INDUCEMENTS FOIi CI.l IlINn. Any person who will send us four uhscrilers for six months, nt our regular rates, shall be cn titb d to one copy for tho sjinu length of lime, or wu will furnish Ten copies (m Six Months, !? 8 Ten copies for Twelve Months, 15 Fifteen copies for Twelve Months, 22 Twenty copies fyr Twelve Months, 2S Southern and Western money taken at par for subscriptions, or l'o.t Office Stamps tskeu at their full value. October 25, 1851. Stoves ! Stoves ! ! Stoves ! ! ! A S the cold weather is approaching, the sub 4j scriber would respectfully call the atten tion of the public to bis atock of stoves, selected from the latest nnd most approved patterns, ton silting of Cook Farlor, Air Tight, Chamber, Office and lloat Moves, all of which will Ie disposed of j at astonishingly low prices. Persons in want ; of Sloes mid desirous of getting the "worth of j their money" arc invited to call before purchasing ! elsewhere. N' Stoves kept that cannot lie recommended, lie also continues to manufacture Till mill Micft Il'Olt Ware in all its varieties, liniss Kelilus, Dippers, Dish P. "rittania Ladles. Japanned Ware, N. Ii. Persons purchasing Mews of the sub- S(Ti,Pr, ra,, t any time procure Cylinders, O'nitcs, r'irc Urii-k and odd plates, to replace such " lmi' " u''l"'-'- v , , , ' .Northumberland, Sept M. BRAUTIfiAM. S7, 1851 3nin. t BlllUUMie TkT?TV7 "$fT CI A T 1 wit. i3 J:iiiJ-l. rI",)IK subscriber will sell at public sale, at th House of Theodore Wells, in the hofo bo rou ah of Muncy, Lveoming county, On WEDNKSDAV, the 1 2i Inlay of X0 VK.MHKI!, 1851, A "iiltiii!!e Farm, situate in Muncy township, Lycoming county, containing 200 ACHES, more or less mljoiui)g lands of Benjamin Ws lier, Jacob Haines, James liubb, Samuel Wallis, and others. To be sold as the estate of Edward liobin, ilce'd. It is within three miles of the Borough of Muncy, anil a half mile from a limestone bank, now worked, and that vein of limestone extends into this tract. About 1)01)1) bushels of lima have been spread on the furin within thrco years past, There are never failing sprinc in nearly all the fields, and Wolf Run passes through the middle of the tract. The spring at the bouse is reinnrkahry large and fine. The situation is healthy and every way desirable. The improve ments are a large sized two story DWELLING HOUSE, a one nud a 1 alf storv frame DWEL IIOI'SE, lately finished, a large HANK ML'. LINC BARN, very well finished, and provided wiih extensive stabling for horses, cattle and sheep, a Wagon House und corn crib, with griiiunriea above, a Smoke House, a two slory Spring House, plastered, and other out buildings. There is a largo dt APPLE OECHAItD if of fine fruit, and a Inrgc number of Peach, Pair, Plum, and other ' fruit trcca, of a fine quality on the premises. About 150 Acres are cleared and under fenrs, and ihe fences are mostly in good repair. The balance of the hind is well timbered. The place has lieen carefully (armed, and is now in a fine state of cultivation. Sale to commence nt 11 o'clock, of said day, when the conditions will be made known by CHARLES GOBIN, Executor of Euwaku Gosis, dee'd. Muncy, Aug. 30, 1851. is. 1JAZORS. A superior article for sal at th Ai atore of HENRY MASSE R. Sunbury, Feb. 16, 1850. B ."TEE BILLS. Justices and Constable., p M; Bills bandsomsly prinns - Mri iat a I at ihtseflftee. m mm 5 U clWVS 1 :. .fB.g. 4 I 1 '.'t I It Ml I I:. '.111. LIST OF CAUSES 17 OR trial In the Court of Common Pleas of Northumberland County, at November Term, A. D., 1851. FLAINTIFFI. DEFENDANTi. Frederick Kcensr ts Wm. Ayrss Lneh Stroecker vs Jacob Hodman Wm. A R. Fegcly St Co. vs John Shisslsr Jacob Weimcr vs Ira T Clemen Jacob Philips vs George L. Weimtf Charles H Frick vs Eli Slifor Tlun Cunimings et at vs J Parke ADR Riahel I. lias. A. Andre vs F. Matthews Daniel Hannabach vs John Cnrad Samuel Seaman vs Philip Spayd same vs Geo Bowmnn S. A. Jordan et nl vs John Arnold Green A Bros, for T Howard vs Henry Lant J i alillcr Assignee ol Boggs 5t Co vs J Swcny & Son R V Ciiinmings Jacob Stitzel B li Knsc vs Montgomery A Mastcller vs Samuel I. Deck vs Geo A Dixon Geo Apsley vs Northumberland county James Dicircnbnch vs same F Fryer & Wm Moyer vs Elias Garman Wm M Auten vs Thomas Rnser Daniel P Caul vs Denller & Montagu Aaron Reppart vs Ira T Clement Henry Cobcl vs Win McCarty P K Itofl'inaiiiS- wife vs H Kulints, McCarty etal Joseph Snyder vs Joseph Diminig Hugh Martin vs Reuben Troxel John MeCormick va Isaac. Shafi'cr Martin Irwins' adm'r vs H Voxtheimcr sdm'r rollmer for Caul vs II Steinmetz, ex'r. Henry Reiser vs Henry Yoxtheimer Ira T. t'leincnt vs George Rohrbach Conrad Reedy vs flouts, Kepler & Stoughton Wm Gross tor Snml Gilbert vs J. J. Cpdcgralf J. Bowman Indorsee kVc vs J C Perkins Elijah B.irto Thomas J Addis Lower fe. Burron Jacob Kline Thomas Sutton Caspar Hcekart Nicholas I lower Daniel II Driesbach J 'bn I. Ross Ira T Clement vs Charles Sailor vs Baltzar Garnharl vs Irn T. Clement vs Joseph Klines' sdm'r vs Uenj r ft J Malum vs Frederick Hcekart va Jacob Hower vs A B .-trtninn vs Leonard Roadurmcl et al vs J II Punly vs Geo B Voungman John W IVal 'fill brook for Ap!eton vs James Brass Hickok A Cantiue vs Geo W Armstrong Rculien Fagely vs Kerslmer & Clement Jacob Keller vs Bank of Northumberland, Nancy Housel vs David Houscls' adtn'r Henry Klar.e & Eve his wife v. Jui . . 'Y'""1"'' administrator William McCarty vs Samuel Hunter Mary Jane limner et si vs William Wilson Becker oi. Weiller vs R D Cunimings. George Shiley vs Ab'm Dunkelberger's admr'z Mary Murtz vs Win H Spratt Same vs John Campbell & wife John Brown vs John Oyster senr's ei'r Jno Knorr for H. Knorr vs Enoch Howcrs"adin'r James T Sutton ti Co vs Samuel Kyle Eli.abeth Kiice vs George Lawrence Conrad Wolf vs George Hcekart Catharine Snvdcrs' cxr's vs Samuel R Wood Daniel Gonscrt vs Henry Bohncr Bank of Northumberland vs Jno C Boyds' adm'r Same vs Same Mary Patterson vs George Heckert Bonepartc Thompson ctal vs Caspar St Clair Wm Mc Daniel for A , , , . . , W Comfy v" Jackson at al John Rev nobis va Isaac Reader Com for Win L Heineman va Thos A Billing ton et al Same for Wm McCarty vs Same William Dalius vs H S llaulman Robert Philips vs James Renny Jr (ieorge Gurmaii vs II H Howell et al John Jackson vs James Beard et al llalliet for Ranp V Savidge vs Daniel Balliet t ieorge I.nvvrenee Billiiigton lor Hunter vs D Marr & I Brown vs Susan cV Sarah Rcid A Buyers Jacob Haas vs Charles Alexander va Some ci Wifo va A W Comly vs Thomas Allen vs Georgo Hcekart vs George Snyder va Verge Hertz vs R D Cunimings Same John Jackson Jr John Leih's adm'r Conrad Wolf Simon Snvder A W Comlv (.'roinlciu & II miliar Ballzar (iarnliart'a admr'a vs R W Dunn's admr Albin IS'twherrv vs Thomas Rasar Crandall for J V Morgan vs duo Miller's adm'r JOHN FARNSWORTII, Troth'y. Prothonotarv's Olfice, ) Sunbury, Oct. 11, 1851 J Jist of Jurors, F Northumberland County for November Term, A, D. 1851. (si-aiisl .Jurors. Mii.ton Chas. Dolts, Daniel Dougherty. Chii.isih aqi'k John U. Heller. John B. MiGee. Wm. Kramer li:i. AWAitc. J, lines Brvsnn, Isaac Milliard. John Hiessler. I.kwis. John T. Shade, John Dimm. W.ishitiolon P. li.irr, Win. Savidge. Liivvkk Ai.-i.fiTA. Samuel Kaufman, An- iiauias Wvnn. Hi'sil. Lnlher Il.isset, Joseph Kellv. Gil bert Deals, D.ivid .Mnlehler, John Hnrsll. Siiamokin. Joseph C.iseuian, Sam. Kpler. I'imth Mahonov. Benjamin Maikel. Low nn do Abraham Biiigaman. J ackson. M ichael Treon. Traverse .lurorsi. NoBTiiu.MDi:iir.AM). Ilenrv Haas. William Wilson Milton. Thos. S. Mat-key, James Mont- ironiery, Henry I linen. J I'ltBi'T. Robert Haves, Asa F.veret. John Dimkel, Nathaniel Biitlen. I.kwis. John A.Cablwell, Michael Hnoy. aiik. Daniel SVerlman, John Wil son, Daniel Nicholas, Henry Culp. LHlMsgi AylK James Jordan, Isaac Unl- len, Peter Vauady, James Turk. rots r. - Charles Parks, James Nesbit, Georgn Lesher. L l-l'KR AlT.LSTA -Dennis Wolveiton, Geo. Olierdoif. I.owrtt do John Wain, Jacob Ureas, 1 i-ler I ociim, John Lon;;. Kl'sil Jonas Woll, James hckman. Siiamokis. John Hiilf, Wm. Kiickbaum. Coal. Jonas (Jiljier. I'l'i'F.a Maiiunoy. lienneville Holshoe, Henry Haas, John lletrich. Liiwkh do Jacob Spats, Jacob Badiiiau, Philip Messner. John Bunel, Jr. Jackson. David Swan, John Wensel, Daniel ..u tinaii, Samuel Maiich, Jacob Seller, Levi Diuniheller, Daniel Holshoe, .lotin fagely. refit .Juror. Si Niiiuv. -David Ilaupt, Daniel Haas, Kins Kiosions. NoHTiii'.MBKiti.ANi) John Wiieatley. Milton John Fidler, Clu isliun Stine, Allen Sehroyer Ti-iuiuT John Hofla, John Kissinger, Abraham Douat. Lr.w ts W. Ilium S. Montaomety. Dki.awark Henry Reader, John Wert man, Uobeit MoKee, Elijah Crawford, David Wilson. Cuii.tsQi'AqpK. Paul Lahr, Thos. Ilaser. PinsT. Philip Gibbius. UprER Ai'custa. George Forrester, Hen ry Burns. Shamoxim John Moore, Daniel J. Roth, Michael M. Sober, William Sholl. Coal. Joseph Zern, Benj. Mi Clonh. Uppkb Mahonov. Solomon Folk, Daniel (line, Jacob Geist. Jacob Kaufman, David Wall Lower. do Uuqh Seasholtz, Geo, nuns, iohn ueirjer. Jckson. Daniel Hilbish. SMITH'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN GER, a fresh supply just received, and for sale by kf. B. MA88ER. April IS, t8l. PROCLAMATION. JVOT1CE is hereby given ihnt the several Courts of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court. Court nf ....1 ri . , f i t i : w. ujm nu i ernmivr aim viuiierai 4kii jenvvrj, in and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in Ihe borough ol Sunburv. at Id nVIL A M nn il 3il day of November next, and will continue Th. lies in and for the county of Narthumberland, are ...Mir.lA.I M 1.. .1 .... . . ln, nu Ultrt ,n ttlc,r proper per sons, with their roll. rnr,i. i....:. :.;. other remembrances, to do those thiiics ta their several ollices appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosecuting in behnlf of the Common- ni-iiui nf;noiHi any prisoner are ntsorcipiestctl nnd eoililliandril In lie then anil IlinrA .llnn.lln : .1 ........ ..... iiuiiiu in incir proper persons to prosecute acainst him, as shall he just and not to dcpnrt without leave nt their Oliril. Juror, nrn in It, riimi'tnul in it..:. ' '1 I o uttendnnce, at the time appointed agreeable to ineir nonces. Given under my hand at Sunbury, the 11th day of Oetolicr, in the year of our Lord one thou sand eight hundred and fiftv-one and th. In dependence of th United States of America .iiv fuin. JAMES COVERT, Sk'lT. God save the Commonwealth. rMECHANICSBURG INSTITUTE. A Select School for Young Ladies. 'PIIE Mcchaiiicshurg Institute ia pleasantly 1 located in the hcullhv vilhice ol Mechanics- burg, Cumberland county, nine miles west of llarnslmro; ; a villaiie noted throughout the sur- rounumg Counties lor the morality of its citizens, It is sccessiblc by railroad, the Cumlicrland Val ley Railroad passiim throinrh the nlacc. The courso of instruction is such as is pursued in the best Seminaries in the country. It is the design of the Principal to instruct th inieiieciual powers, to cultivate becoming man ners, snd to educate in such a manner, as aiay prove practically useful. Session. The school year is divided into two semt-an nual sessions, each of live calendar months. The summer session commences the first week in April, and closes during the last week of Au gust. The winter session commences the 1st week in October, and terminals, the last week of r ebruary. At the close ef each asssion thr will b pub lie exan inations. Terms: Boarding, including lights, par session 6 mo. $50,00 J union, " Modern lanjuags, M Drawing, ' M usic, Piano, with use, " 10,00 10,00 C.00 15,00 Or, if preferred, per session of 6 mo, including the above items, 65,00 Payable in advance $35. balance at th close of the session. Books, stationery, music, Ac, furnished st Philadelphia prices. Pupils will be received at snv period durinz the session, and charged accordingly. l or lurllier mtoruiation, pleas addreis ths Principal for a circular. F. M. I.. GILLELEN, Principal. Mechanicsburg, Aug. 0, 1S51 3mo. lMllMti OYSTERS. tTlII E undersigned is in tho daily receipt of -- fresh and excellent Oysters from tho cele brated establishment of Mr. Field, No. 3 J 1 West Lombard street, Baltimore. All orders will be promptly attended to and forwarded without delay. Apply to th sub scriber at Lee's Hotel, Norlhumlierlaiid, Pa. PHILIP SHAV. N. B. Oysters of common quality at $1,00 per can. October 11, 1651. 3mo. OYSTERS! OYSTERS! ! A VINO settled at Northumberland, I am now prepared to furnish Fresh and Spiced Oysters during the whole season at the reduced price of one dollar for whole and liny cents per half can. j on con depend upon them being fresh, as I shall receive them daily, (Sundays excepted,) ami when Innilcd here they are only 1C hours out of the shell. A II persons who are in want of the above arti cle, at a distance, can have them sent per doxen or single can by addressing GEOKliH W. JONES. N. B. Persons calling on the subscriber mny find him either at Burr's or Haas' Hotel. Northumberland, Oct. 4, 1851. NEW GOODS, AT THE STORE OP JOHN YOUNG, "lrilO respectfully informs his friends and customers that he has returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of New Spring: Goods, which he ofTtrs for sale at his old aland In Mar ket street. These goods will b sold at th low est pness. His stock, consists of svsry variety, vix: Dry Good., Such ts Cloths, Cassimeres, lifuslins, Calitots, tmjiani,, l htntzes and La 5i.i Dress and Fancy Goods generally. Alto sn assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, dc, QUEENSWAEE. Ilardwan. Iron nml Strcl, .tnili, li., ALSO: A general assort merit of Groceries, Sugar, Coffite, Tea, Cheese, Mo lasses, Spices. C7 Troduce of all kinds takan in iclnnjs at ths highest market prices. Sunbury, May 24, 1851 LOCK HERE, WT57II.LIAM HOOVER respectfully informs y V his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW SPRING GOODS, which he oilers for sale st his new stor at Mss ser's Mill, Hollowing Run. These goods will he sold st the lowest prices. 111! STOCK CONSISTS OF EVKRY VARIETY, Viz: Dry Goods, fjc, Such as Cloths, Cassimeres, Muslins, Callitoes, Gmshams, Laiens, Chintzes Ladies Dress Goods generally. ALSO: -An assortment of Palm Leaf Hats, Caps, &c, QUEENS WARE, HARDWARE, IRON and STEEL, NAILS, ie A general assortment of Groceries, such ss Sugar, Collee, Tea, Molas ses, Spices, &.C. Also an assortment of Liquors, uch as Brandy, Rum, Whisky, Wines, ftc. YV Produce of all V'inds taken in exchange st the highest market, prices. Hollowing Sun, May 10, 1851. ly. "T OSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of thu alC excellent article for Tetter, c, just received a"d for sale by 1IENKV MAS6ER. Sunbury, July tl, U4 G OLD PKNrt with and without Hvtr ctts tint received, tud for sale lv H BMASVKB funbatT. April. 4 W T 4-CI ETA II CATTLE P0WDEE PKKPARtD T BREINIG, FHONKP1RLD & CO. No. T87 North Third Strtet, Phitadtlpii. rj-WA powder it ei.tttlr hy the mirtwl testlmonf f I who hn-e nmft it to Ihe firirt rank uf m lli' CAT TLK MKDht'lNL-:, which hnre beH thuoglit prmi worthy fur many yture. Iiidped we ehalleiige any parava UinuUfaa upvrior, or any pnwifer thit nttt In tha airaa momwr. If ihe nntmnl be pCTfeeily henlthjr it will aitbar inerenH the Amount of milk or r raia and bolter i or tea mi until will itnpnve rapidly in ful. ft will therefore ta tune te comidered we have no drubt one of thaetepleartU rice of every Farmer, who kcepe e diary ( im! of ererr K em-m owning a h(nee. It ie- t one vt thoee kiurf or TiiTVHf thut merely ewell an finiiTiel up for a hrt titnf, hut it will hy the enpaevty which it he of eonvertinf Jl.lrTL'HIC A!t) (which is en effrte mntter) iit Le tic jicio or olbinu ; rmiaw n rreiiter ntnount of Btttriltoae nmtter to h extructrrt frrnn the enine emonnt of fool. thaa pfwi My could Im. wro thu mtive pritvipke "f imtritioa to pitfi out of Mil nyntein in the form of llirrvitic Acm. AVe hnve rweivwl a tnultitnrle of evidruce to prove wbel v hnve ttiitt nb'ivf. ftiirie to any t We hnve miird the wtive iiftfiit, with pfieat number of Vft'iKTAPi.K pluiitiniid hrrlis, which time and uee have proved tu be ufhil. improving tlie appetite nnd promotinf diirNtiiin of the fo d thus oprnriiifr n henlthy eomlttwn of the Mi tort, from which the Milk end t't iniiet He formed. It mny nnl Hoimf, Cows and Hogs for the follow log compluinti ant) tltseimci. HORSES. YKM.OW WATHR, a dnnreroos sickness, whieh 4a strnys ninny vnlintMe hoises every year, is Very often entirely rurul hy thy free use of this powder, in ail eaaee it will prevent the dmense (torn coining on. Thisflitmise m twnntir toe bud nnd inipTerished state of the blrxid which tiecoinea tliin, wutery and of ail yeJIoW Ml'tr. This powder !r Improving the stomnch ami arivinir K the hliHHl n gr enter qumitity of red particles, aiPmls the twKt nnd finly pHKille chance of recovery. If the horse in inr g 'lie, tvc tn'triiing nod nipht a tablenpNiiirul in wet ft in I. ii' in thr beginning once a day at nnon, if only to pre vent the ih-jfnw twice u week. SliAHHKUIN'tJ. This is the mmntion of many valua ble II irirs by exIiniiKtioi) ; by a consttuil dinchnrge of sail vii which oiiL'tit to ytt intu Ihe sLttruich to nutint digrsiion. It is a jtpccieiinf ;livutin ifLcn produced by Indian To bucco growing in the punt lire ground A TableaiKwiiful three limra n week will frequently arrest the flow, if it does not depend on the Toiucco in the griis, under such cirenmxtmice the nuiiTin! mnttt be kept in the stable. DIS Ti;MIi:K h the powder isenrlyond freely used, no other remctly need be uped, it lift a trendy cured hun dreds of IImri; nf this troublesome disettm. t'the snrpnsa of thivt who use.1 it. it" nut med ejirlv. before metier hue formed hi the neck it e-mnot restore the uiuiuhI perfectly until the mutter is dnwlinrgrd, use it eurly ami prevent such a result. A Ttdrlesuouiiful ouce ot twice a duy ia enoncli (iJ.AXDKRS. This cli sense has hnflled ell FaKRIFRs, tiivc this powder n fnir trial and it will do wonders in this terrdile Mint hitherto inennd!e mulndy. It is a disease of the glnuduml sysf ein and kept up by imperfect nutrition, in such enses n TuMcsofinl'iil every day twice for a month or two, in c.iustant succesitiou, will in nine cuses out of a doen effect a cure, it has been fairly teatf!. roiiffhs nud shortness of Hreath depemhm nn week huiL's. n TiihlespMnnul every timming ; if U abates once or twice n week. POOR .OW-SIMRm:.) HORSF.S, or where there ie any remains of I'ounder or stitTness of motion, and the Horse will not fatten, of where the hnir is rough and staiidf siraiuht out, the ft k seeming ti do no good, the P mdrr pn shires nliuost immediate improvement of the miimal ; the digestion improves nnd with it all the slug gishness of Ihe auiuinl dicappenrs. lecoming lively aue) spirilel, and the huir smooth nnd slick. COWS. Tor Mimtno i.ows, we are fully ennvinced that it not only improves the quality, but that it increases the amount of Milk, Crenni nud (Sutler ; some who have tried the ex periment s:iy u potintl a Week, others say hall a pound while one person insisted upon it that he made two pounds more n week from each Cows. We think it will be found to average trim n half to a pound per week nn ench Cow, if the Tows are perfectly healthy. This additional amount is inadu by the conversi On of the Ilippuric Acid into Nitro genous nnd fitly compounds : also by supplying the uxy geu taken in hy tin; luturf, with the elements of reaction; without taking auv of the Nitrogenous portion of thn feed. IKHJsnw HORN or WOl.l'; IKM)F D1SEASK, ami all other disease of neat cattle depending upon a bad state, of the fluids, arc removed speedily and cflVetunllv. Cows, whose milk is blue, thin and watery and where it does not j ield much crenm, or where Cows give bloody milk, or which are used to stand long dry, it will be found nu almost infallible remedy, by improving the condition of the MiMxl nud crenting n healthy digestion ; a TuMespooa ful every day or every other day as it may be uecessttry. HOliS. Pigs in the summer often overheat themselves, get swel led urcks, coup lis, ulcers in the Lungs and Liver, which cause them to die very suddenly, thene may m prevented entirely by putting n pound or u helf into a liarrel nf swill ; and it will at the nume time considerably hasten the fatten inx pnee,s. .. It. In an nuimnl which is giving milk nnd you era desirous to fmteu al the same time, ou should not give more than a tabteKponfu! once n week or it will retaidthe forniatitai of t'iit by increasing the amount of Milk. Let each person try its clfccts for himself and he will son be sntitaied of its excellent quulities, and that no Far mei slmiild be witliout it. I'or the purpose of hading nut still further how far onr justly celebruled CAT PI. K. I'dWDKH, is entitled to the pontidenee of an intelligent peiple ; we have addressed I setters to alt parts of the L'tuted States, where our Pow der has been used, nnd we are utile now from the evidence thus hrousht before us, to nature every Farmer, Diary man end Horse-man, that it has thus fur vety mask ex ceeded our most srmuunie expectations. With t!ie ntlditioiiiil knowledge thus far obtained, Wi IfoPK we will be enuMed to make the best and most per feet CATTt.K Mkiucink ever yei offered tn a disceniiiif people. It sets us a valuable promoter of digestion, im proves the qualilv of the blood and thus tncreasee the n mou -it of etiher Fat, Mi;k nud consequently of 11 utter. liven in 1 he healthy Animal Heware of Counterfeits ns the extensive sale of etr powiler hns inducwi otliers to make an imitation of it.- tlaeh pack has our written Siguuture on the end. Htti:iM(t, FRO.NLFIKLD k CO. Philadelphia, July , 161. ly. JAMES J. NAXLLB, Attorney and Counsellor at law, SUNBURY, FA. yini.T, attni.l faithfullv and promptly to air " prnfi-Hsiiiiiul liusiui-ss, in .Norrhumbf rlanj ami I iiumi coiint'u's. lie is familiar with th Itormnn lanuact. Or'FlCE :- Opposite tlip "Lawrenc Hous,'" a ft-w ilimrs from tlm Court House. Hunliury, Auf. 10, 1851 ly. Th llsai.wift'a llrla aad lluabaad'a J I THE GERMAN WASHING FLUID DOES away entirely with that laborious task uf rubbing th Clothes upon the washboard. It conli ins no ingredients whatever, injurious la the finest falric or th Jteth. The proprietor wish every one to give it a trial, and if it do not prove to be as recommended, the money, in every such case will be refunded. Full direc tions accompany each boltle. Iietail price 13( Cent per bottle, sufficient to do two ordinary vasiings, and saving the L lollies more hy not rubbing them, than the cost uf six bottles be sides removing atains of fruit, Ac, if tlisr any, snd the time and labor saved. 1'repared only y I. P. HOVT & CO., P. A. Fox, MrRwrnsville, sole agent for th Counties uf t'uion and Northumberland, Philadelphia, Aug. 30 Tho muliTsignuil have entered into Co-part iieiswp miner llie tirm ol ItlMUY & LAWRENCE, TO CAIIRY ON THE Paper & Rag Business-, At So. 5, Minor Street, Philadelphia. VVTIIEIE they intend keeping a tsrge snort' ' inent of popera, &r., conuisting in part as follows : Writing papers ; wot and laid, American and English. liiith Potts snd Note papers; wot and laid, gilt and plain. Folio Posts, Flat Caps. Printing Papers, all Hardware papers, from 19 by S4 to 40 by 48. Colored and white tissu paper, American and Knglith. llQl'.iugsworth' Patent Manilla pajiera. Colored and while Shoe papers, common and extra sizes, bull hnvclope papers. Colored Printing and Cover papers. Manilla papers, all sizes, Ulazed Iioyal, all CO' lurs. Pru-gUt, Ulue Medium and Filtering paper. Tea, (Secret and Colored papers for conl'eclion- e.s. Itag, Manilla and Straw wrapping papers, lloiinet, Hinders, Ilox, Cap and '1'iuiik boards. White and burl' Envelopes! Legal, I.Ur, Note and Card sizes. Agents for Bliss, Potter If Co's Printer' Cards in packs and sheets, white snd eolored oJd ( ees, cut to order. Also, their GUt, Figured and Plain glazed papera. JOSEPH RIM BY, lat of 88 Third st. N. S. LAWRENCE, law of No. 3 Minor si N. B 500 Tons of Rg wanted in xehanga lor rash. Philadelphia, July t6, 1851-6mo. A RNOLU'8 WRITING FLHD aad Adh m. give and legal envelope, for sal bj H. B. M Ve IBlry, Af U I, ll.-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers