SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. AGB.ICUXTUEAL FAIR. Arwrdtng to aippmintnnit, the Ewvutive Commute of tha Northumberland Comity Agricuhutal Sorirty, mel t Sonbtuy, on Saturday, Aug. 16, 1851. M-raber present. Jaroc Cniwti, Jo. R. Priestley"' J""b t?eb.ili7. Go. C. Welkex Jacob lliibish, Alexander Jordan, Jet C. Norton, AmH fc. Krft Peter Oberdorf, Wm. I.. Dewrt, Wm. I. Greenongh, mM Dnvid Tajrsart. Alexander Jordan, Eo;., wa called to rre" idts, and Wm. t Crecuough, acted as Secre tary. On moliort of J. U. FrietW, Kq wn resolved lhat the Agricultural Fmr or bition, be held at Sunbury, on FRIDAY, the 17th day of October, to be opened tit 10 o clock, A. M. on mich ground as a Commit tee appointed for the purpose linll procure. Jlesolred, That Samuel Hunter, Alexander Jordan, Geo. C. Wolkcr, Jacob SeeshnllE, Wm. I.Greenonpb, Peter Oberdorf, and Wm. L. Daw-art, compose that Committee. The following premiums were then agreed tipon, to be awarded by tha Committee here after named. HOUSES. For the best stallion, mare or coldinc, over 4 vears o!J. $8,00 second "best, do do 4,00 best colt under 4 years old, 5.00 second ilo do 3,00 CATTLE. For the best bull of any breed, over 2 vears old. 8,00 second do do 4,00 best milch cow, 5. second do 3,00 best yoke of oxen, 6,00 second do 4,00 best bull calf under 2 years, & over 6 months, 4,00 " heifer, do do do 4,00 " bull or heifer calf under 6 months, 4,00 ' " steer over 2 year old. ac cording to auo. 6,00 SWINE. For the best boar, ii ii LOCK HERE!!! "81JIK Pulwcrilier respectfully - informs liia friends and tha jiuMic generally, that ha still continues the ; SADDLEEY BUSINESS, At his old fetand in -. Market Street, Sunbury, two Anon above Market Square, where he ton stantly keeps on hand, a larje assortment ol ; Ready Made Harness, (Double cV Single.) with Silver, Brass and Japnn lied mounting. Also Saddles, Bridles, Trunks, Volices, Whips, Collars. All kinds f work In hi line miulo to order, in neat n style as cim he got up in this country Persons wishing to purchase will please rll snd examine his stork before purchasing elsewhere. N. B. Tho subwrilicr has just opened a new and splendid Assortment of Saddlery, Such as Silver, Brans and Japanned mounting, Patent 8rlfAiljuting Trees, l'ntent Holler Kits. Hiding Bridle Bits, Trunk and Yalice Locks, Trunk Board, Trunk Nails, llnmrs, Traces, Trim ming Laces, Tuns, Snd- die Wch. Single and Double- White. Enameled Leother, Patent Leather, Oil Cloth, Hosetts, Tassels, Fancy Brow-Bands, Saddle Trees, Deer's Huir, PATENT FLY NET of all kinds. All of which will he sold a ehrap if not cheaper than they can bo got elsewhere, for cash or approved credit. AMIHEW J. 6TKUH. Sunbury. April 2G, 1851 6m. 3,00 3,00 3,00 ii ii n02i " " pair of hnals under eight months old, 3.00 " " litter of pigs under 2 mo's. 3,00 SHEEP, For Iho best ram, 3,00 " ' ewo. 3,00 POULTRY. For the best pair of Chickens, 1,50 " second do do 1,00 ' best pair of turkies, 1,50 " second do do 1;00 " best pair of eecse, 1,50 second do do 1,00 bct pair ol" ducks, 1,50 we'd do do 1,00 best lot of Pou trv. including all sorts. 2,00 GRAIN AND ROOTS. For the best bushel of wheat, it ii ii ii ii ii ii i ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii ii 2,00 2.00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 MARBLE MANUFACTORY, CHEAP GRAVE STONES. THE subscriber informs his friends and the mil, lie. flint lie continues to carrv on the Marble Business in all its branches, at his old stand in .Milton, Pa., ami is prepurcd to manu facture Monument3, Tombs, Gravestones, &c., of the best materials, and most finished work manship, und at the lowest prices. Litter Cutting, l.nglisli and Uerman III Ilia most modern ami elegant style. Designs for Monuments, Grave Stones, &e., always on hand. N." B. Orders for the East side of the river promptly executed by leaving the same at the otlicc of tho "Sunbury American." ANTHONY HIPP. Milton, May 10, 1851. ii IE II 2 bushels cars of corn, Dushel of oals, " " potatoes, " " turnips, " beets. VEGETABLES. For tho best head of cabbage, " " beet, 6 heads of celery, half bushel of onions, fieck of tomatoes, lead of cauliflowers, 3 pumpkins. FRUIT. For the best half bushel winter apples, " peas, " quinces, " peaches, 5 lbs. of grapes. DOMESTIC MANUFACTURES DAIRY PRODUCTS. For the best cheese not less than 20 lbs., butter " 5 lbs., home-mado woolen carpet, not less than 20 yards, roveilid of wool &: collon, home inado linen, not less than 20 yds, rag carpet not less than 20 yards, home made cloth " 10 yds, 2,00 " flannel " 5 yds, 2,00 pair, knit woolen socks or stockings, ' " gloves, " " linen socks or stockings, bed quilt, home inado thread not less than 1 lb. MATCH. ii ii it ii ii ii ii ii ii it (i ii ii ii ii ii .i ' ii ii ii ii ii ii ii 1,00 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 L00 .1.00 1,0 1,00 1,00 1,00 1.00 AND 2.00 1;50 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 1,00 1,00 NEW AND POPULAR SCHOOL BOOK. COMPREHENSIVE summary of Universal History, together with a Biography of Dis tinguished Persons, to which is appended an epi tome of Heathen Mythology, Natural Philosophy, Gen eral Astronomy and Phvsiologv. Adopted and used ill tho Public Schools of Philadch.hia. E. S, JONES oV Co., Publishers, S. W. Corner FOURTH and RACE Sis., Philn. Teachers and School Committers addressing letters to us post paid, will be furnished with copies for examination. y A Full and Complete Assortment of BOOKS and STATIONARY, for Sale nt the Jjovtsl Pi ires. May :t, ISM. ly. ToiIX CALYEIiLlif, M:sv5?:5'iU tm-rs ol C AIT ELS LSOULDS, No. 103 Hare, (.-assnfruH.) rcets Alovc Third, opposite the White Swan Hotel. Tallow Chandlers and Mamif.uaturfrs can l upplU'd with a linl rale Article of Caudle Moulds, of Superior excellence and finish. N. U. The Moulds are niude of the hest Metal and polished hy a new Patent Machine, which frives them an extra finish. They tire uf'ter the English htyle the tips to screw on the pipe, and he pipe to screw tight in tho l-eiich. t$ Waiuiastld to he fur superior to any other now in use.B,0J He also munulaclures Surgical Pumps and Syringes. April 12, l8ol. 6mo. WE STUDY TO PLEASE. ffiHR ttmtion of fliildeni ntiti nthr, sra rpei"tfiitly I inritpfl let Ih rxrtmvn mid well srlwtfxl tick m ni.)r) HAHI)VAHKsnT()OI5, now offered hy flie tilcf i(rr, roiimnting in pnrt n fallows: Amriimn Fruit I(x ltks, wpriclit, with night work, pild tT hrns furnituri, itr norcciuin nil rii8. Ammenn Frmtt D"or lwkB. uprtylit, ploln, with night work, pbitd'ur brans f unit turn, or poiwlain nil colors. Amerimn Frmit D-vir firks on.l Pt"Tf poor, Ihwizon tnl nr itpripht, Imnw fiirnihirp, or pirp1mn nil etil ;m. Ammrttn Run lrkjt. Mil iRtn tint) qunlilifs. White at Inum liiriiitiire, r orr.-luinnU r 4 n. Ainrrirmi .Murlice lrli. nil, with plated whits or btnmn fiirnifnri, or iwtrcHmn nil e Aintririin Alurtk-c I-mh Ih-, nil sir.fR, with plotet whits or hfnM rtirniuire. ir porPrhiiii nil oo"i. Amrnrnn M'Ttirp nml Hun CI vet Locks, plated brass cwntrlti-iiK. or porrpliiiii M r...iTS. Aiiuriwm Drop, Sti. Tliumli. fiiite, and Store Dnor Latrltcs. Al, Itnp'iitrfl IM-Vet ni'd l.ntrliM of evtMV 1rwriptl"it H.ilihvm ntid Aiijunrmi Hnlt Ilingm, of ui si.ex, Inst Shuttrr. Rule, Pimp, T., snd tl'irltflnp f Tinges, nil Vmrts. Wmtfer. liirc. Il.H.r, h'Uuh. i.n.l Spring 11 llT of wrmcht or rft iron mitt hniiMt, rvcry il'-wripti 'ti Hcrcwi, SpriiT'. Ciluo, Sniil 'prr "i Ihr hcnl i;ii:lity. AinotitMii Axle uiul sliiaiit Axis l'tillris. vf every vuridv. Ainpiit'nn I!uttoii!i. nUUt nr on i.lntra. hntrs. if:i. or bronzed. Ain rir:iu SA, hU',. wh'.ir. it n. or w 1, fi'l ttt-V 8:ffli-C.iril. r iiiiiiMM i, itntt-jit. with olhtT :irtich t h iiiiinfnuifr to nte i ill n. I v NAI1 and PArMl-WUCIlT nt FACTOUY tV All 0wrls(1i licred free, eif Clmros to snv rait vt the t'ilv nutl liistrif'tn. At tin rst.iMishtiinit r:ui lw found one "i" the hmFl mid best um Tlinrnt! o' White :md Kiuin ( r I.ufr.. &. in the City ; n prttli-rns, o!" wtit'fh. can:iot be w:fiit or obtniiml, nt nny nlhtT More. TOOLS'. Sponi Jiick'ii llnek, I'linrl.'.l, nnd -Tiipn fnw, imporlerl rxpn'fsly t". r Ut i nil x:iki, nil t n-u d with rnrc. Sole nirent t'.ii the vvM n I' nmd - hy K. W. Oir prnter, ''f LrincasnT, I'fi., Iv iiii: nil itmdr of ftilit w '"l, nnd the HittB cr round nnd tri- d. Jknitv' .V Willi mis' tunke of .'hi;r!, Axes, IliiiL-tnts, lira wing Kuiver, Ac, nil wur rtntti'd pood. Pngli's und Sack's make of Angers and Auger Hit', all sizes Atnrricnn Sftmres nnd Htvils of cvrry drscriptioii. A iiu r ltnle, ttatmt'n, Sawm-its, 'CtMiipubsus, Screw drivers. Arc. American C.8. IlnnmnTS, C law nnd Ilivcting, nil size, Anviln and Virt'S. nil fistfx. Siccl, Iron, und ViNideii JJrners, with C. S. Hitts, in gfnt vnrii'ty. V. (ir.vivt s it S tn's. Tbitdier'n nnd other celobruted makes of ChiC' Is. Fih-f. Pl tnt-lronn. Ac, Ate. c-lclir;i!tl ('arviiia T' ih, nil slmprs Milking oiif o' tin; best nut', ui 'Ft cxiciiMve ass rtiiunts of Ilnil'lntc H tti!viirc and T m!k in Ihe Sliitr. At tlitc ('til'lilnnenr it in con idt-rcil ti ploamirs ti show ! the O'wwf. Vo are invifctl t call and examine tlis an.- 'rt nn-nt, Hint lnnr tho piics usUcd, bctors purchuKiiig vine- whore. L'tnic niHi ti-t us. Yours, rrs;iwtfn!!v. 'WM. M. MeCLL'Ki:. N" i otT Mi.rhtt nt., b.'tw-r-i 7th uial Sih, upi-cr siii. riiiliaklpliia, April Ii, IKiL ly. 850 FOIil-'KlT." Tn. IIUNTF.U will forfrit S.T0, if f.iiVins? to euro nny o.iso of pocrrt tlicusc thul may conic iimliT liin r;irc. no nmttrr liow lonn Blaiul- inrr or tillli:'liii''. Eitlicr i'x lire inviteil to hiit l'riviitc Kimms, ISH Korlli SEVK.NT1I Strprl. I'liiliiuVhiliiii, tvithnut I'rar f iiitcrruitioii l'v oth er inlirnl. iStnmsrrs mid others who have born inifnrtunMn in l!it sctrt'tion of a iiyiriun arc iuvitt'i to rail. I'liosu who h.wv injured themselves nv solilarv v ie are uUo uiviteil. 1JKAD AND l:i:KI,l'.CT. Th ullliete.l would do well to rellect l l'orc triulini; their liealtli, lmii incss, ami in iimny rases their lives, in the hand: of phyKM-ians, ignorant of llii. class of nia!;ulirs. It is eerl.iinlv inipossilile for one man to tuulerst'ind nil (he ills the human family are suhjert to. livery respectable physician Iiuh his peculiar branc h, in which he is more success ful than his brother professors, and to that ho de votes most of his tune anil study. YE A US OV PRACTICE, exclusively .Wo. ted to the study and treatment of diseases of the sexual organs, oi:ethcr ith ulcers upon the bo civ, throat, nose, or livs, pains in Ihe head or bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irrf nulari. ties, diseases urisiii! from youthful excesses or impurities ol the blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, enables the Doctor to oiler ttyrrtly rrlirf to all who may place themselves under Ins care, 1'hiludrlphiu, April 13, 1S51 ly. A CALL TO H0USEKEEPEHS At the Cabinet M'nro ltoom of SE1VN IIOTIPT & CO. Market Square, Also al Iht torntr of Fawn sir' el & the Railroad SUNBUllY, i'A. 1.00 1,00 1 00 ii ti a PLOWING To the best plow man, . 3,00 " BCCOllJ " S.OO " third " 1,00 AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. For the best threshing machine, 4,00 " " reapin-r Jo 3,00 " " seed diill, 2,00 " wiimowino; mill, 2,00 grain or hay rake, 1.00 plow, 1,00 corn fiheller, 1,00 (draw culler. 1,00 MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. Under litis had will bu embraced, me chanical inventions, lools, funiiluie, and all lher matter, that may ba thought condu cive to III progtess and comfort of the com munity. Priz will bo awarded, according to tho means of Ihe Society, and lh merils of the articles offered. The following Committees were then ap pointed : ilonscs. Wilson Hutchinson, James Cam eron, A. E. Kapp, Michael Barnhait, Win. J3. Kipp. Catti.k. Thomas Johnson, John Nixon, James Fonester, Jee llensyl, John Voris, Saink Joseph Vankiik, John Moore, Wm Ueppun, Wm. H. Kase, Joseph Witel. Smekp. James Smith, Samuel Lant, lion. John Moiiigouiery, Jesso C. Ilorton, Win. I). Uearhart. Poiitrv. Dr. Wm. McClery, J. II Zim merman, Henry Eckbeit, Wm. T. Fotsjth, Robert Wilson. Grain and Roots. Samuel Hepburn, Jos. R. Priestley, Samuel Savidge, Samuel R. Wood. Jacob Leisenriu", (Shamokin 1 Fill' its lloti. Jarne Politick, Alexander Jordan, Horatio O. lajjjjart, Ueorge tveratd, Hon. Geo. C. Welker. A(.itict'LTi'RAL Implements. Wm. M. Anlen, II. B. Masser, Dr. Jos. Prieslly, J. Weimer Linhou. Alexander Coll. Plowing. Jacob Painter, John B. Heller, fcamuel John. Roberl Giiien, tlislia. Mine Vegetables Jacob Seeshollz, Wm. L, Dewart. M.J D. Wilhinglon, Dafid Martz, Ur. J. W. IVal. Dairy and Domestic Manufacturers. John Tagaart, Jacob llilbish, John Wheailey, John Frank, John P. Pureel. Miscei.laseols Articles Wm. Forsyth, David Tagaart, Peter Oberdorf, Charles Pleasants, "Elijah Crawfoid, R. M. Frick, Geo. B. Youiigman, Rev. Jas. G. Craighead, J. V WuWinuer. The Committee regret that Iheir limited mnn for tho iireseul. pievenl llieir oner ing higher premiuus. They nevertheless relw on lha nnd will and zeal of their fellow citizen to make this first effort, what it ought to be, an inducement to lutlucr progress, ami nil bnilfir In lha CoiHltV. They ipost cordially invite Iheir neiahlcrs of olher counties to come foiward with their slock. Iheir uroriucis and their lianihwork forallhouuh bv the Constitution of tho Socie- ly, they will not be ent'nlej to immediate pecuniary rewards, yei an win in imi ...I ... I V. r. . 1 . . ..f . V. .. i r .vnalUnx. DUIICU lit 111. WlUri Ul ill" ll ..v.ii ii." . BY TUB COMMITTEE. Sunbury, Aogt , 1851. if, Xew Music Just Published. EE Jfc WALKER, No. 102 Chesnut st A are constantly publishin'; and receiving. new and beautiful music from the most distin guished composers. The following list contains some of their choi cest and most popular Songs, Waltzes, i'ulkas, &c. ?ir, thou art Gone, a beautiful son;;, words hy Thomas J. Uiehl, music hy Haiuhriiljjr. Mv New Euirland Home, words and music by Mrs' I,. Wade." (roue's Omnihus; hy ('. (iruhe a collection of Duetts. Mounds from Home, piano and violin, hy Jos. Gumi'l. Pretty I.illle Polkas for Pretty Little People, hy J. Ling. All the mils ait MtepiiifT, hy A. S. orn- sey. (iuardian AiiRel, hy the author of "Love Not Household Words, written hy Chas. Young, do. The Adieus, words hv Thomas J. Dii'M, mu sic hy Horr. I. EE & WALKER have constantly on hand. uperior Pianos, nnd a supply of Martin's Cele- lira ted Guitars, which together with a line as sortment of Musical Instruments and Merchan dize in genera), comprise a stock not to he sur passed hy thai of any other estalihshmoiit in the country. LLE & WALKER, Ifi'J Chesnut street, Kwaini'c 13uihling. Philadelphia, Juno SH, 1651. ly. NO CUHR NO PAY I Hughes' Fever and Ague Pills ! ! A PERFECT and speedy cure for the Fever and Ague is guaranteed to any one who mav use the Pills. They have heen ued for tho last trveu yean and have never beeu known to fail in a single instance ami ill rases, too, wheru persons have had Ihe disease for several years, without intermission. The proprietor ckulleiipet iht VHjrlit to produce an article that will cure in as short a tune, without leavimr any leleterious rllvrts from the use of it. If the Pills do not lieilorin a sccdy and perfect cure, the proprioiur win return liie money, f or sale ly Jaeoli 15. Lawrence, Mmcrswllc : E. llellrn- Yiihialile PROPERTY FOR BALE. flHE Suhsrrihrr who resides in Philadelphia JL oners tor sale the lolloivin property in Mil ton, rvorthiniihcrland rounty, viz: 1 he large BKICK BUILDING J tt-L in miner Milton, formerly oeeuiiiei. hv Messrs I'altersons as a Carriaire Alakers Shop. The huilding is lit) feet front on upper Market street, and 10 feet on Front slrcet, and is two stories high. Also a two Mory MUCK ULACKSMITH SHOP, 10 hv 2," feet, on the same premises, Ths lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front t-tici ls, and is Oli feet front, and ISO feel deep. The premises would he vuliiahlr lor n Foundry or other manufacturing purpose, and will he sold on rciisonalilt) nnd accommodating terms hy p plyiinj cither to JACOB CAKRIGA X. Philadelphia. J. F. V. OLFIXCF.II. Es.p. or H. H. MASM'.lt, E-.p, ssnuhiiry. Philadc!.hia, Jan. '.A, Idol If. (iriUl llllilMIU'lili i I III French Hun Miil r CHERRY PECTORAL: For Ilia Cure stf COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH XVTA, WUOOPIWQ.COUOH AMD COIJSUIVIPTION. Tho uniform success which has attended the u.c of this preparation its salutary ell'ect it power to relieve nnd tore n licet ions of the Lungs, l-.nve pained for it ce'e'.rity eiptallej hy no othe r medicine. We o)!'cr it to the afflicted with end e confidence in its virtues, en 1 t lie full heliel that it will suhduc and remove the scicrrsi attacks t f disease upon ihe lliiov.t nnd Lungs. 1'licse results, us they hecomo puhltcly kno'vu, ety naturally iittr.tet the attention of medical men nnd phihintropist everywhere. What is their opinion of CllEIirt Y PECTOf AL may scr.nt n the folhiw ing : VALEX'l'IXE MOTT, M. 1)., Prof, fturvery Mnl. L'ullege, j'i w Yorl, nys : "It gives me pieusurn to rerlity Hie value nli.l efflcaev of Avei's CJIEKUV I'bC'I'OA'AL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure disea ses of the Throat and Lungs." THE 1ST. REV. LOKD BISHOP FIELD. writes in a letter to hi. Ineiut, who was siuKing under nn iill'eclion of the Lungs: "Trv the "lIE7fUY PECTOKAL nnd if any medicine nn give you relief, with the hlessing of Ciod that will." CHIEF JUSTICE F.rSW. of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his was cured of several severe sttacks of Vroitp hv the CHEKcY PECTOWAL." ASTHM A AM) liKOXCHITl!?. Tit Canaiiiiil Jituriip! of Niilienl Srienrt states, "I hat Asthma nnd Uionehilis so prevalent ill this inclement climate, 1ms yielded with surpri sing rapidity to Aver's t'lIEXHY PECTOKAL, nnd we cannot too strongly rciMuumcml tins skill ful preparation to the Profession and public generally." Let the relieved suflirer speak for himself: . H tii-m.ui.. Jan. Sfi, 1S17. Dr. J. C. Aver -Dear t'ir : Having been res cued from n painful and daniieroos disease by vour medicine, gratitude prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but for Ihe information ol others m like nllhc-lion. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected nt first. heenme to severe Unit spittiiur of blood, a violent cough and profuse ni'dit sweats followed nnd fas tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, nnd a pain through in v chest, nud in short had nil the nlnrin ing sMiitonis of tpiiek consumption. Mo modi' cine seemed nt all to reach mv ease, until I provi dentially tried your CHKtfKY PECTORAL, which soon relieved and no'.r has erred me. Yours with respect. E. A. ."THWART Al IUNT, X. Y. April 17, 1818. Dr. Aver, Lowell Liar Sir. 1 have for years lieen Blliictcd with Asthma ill the worst form ; so that I have lieen obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the lime, being unable to lireallie on my bed. I hud tried a great many medicines, to no purpose, until mv l hvsiciaii preseriU'd, as un experiment, your C'HEItUY PECTOKAL. At lirst it seemed to make me worse, but in less than a week I began to experience the most gratify iug relief from its ue ; and now, in four weeks, the disease is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with cmnlort, and enjoy a state ef heallli which I had never expected to enjoy. CEOIJCE M. FAKKA.XT. rnr.PAin ii nv J.c. avi.ii, i ui:mist,i.ovi;li., mass. tv" Sold by Henry Masser, Sunburv; Mary A. McCay, Morthuuil eiland- Dr. (iearhart, Se linsgrove; Dr. Eickly, Danville, and Druggists JJANK NOTE TAHLK. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PF.NNUYI.VAMA. CITT OS VIIII.AnELriliA U. R llnnk note. isdia1 jsu Thankful for the patronage of hit friends and customers during the 17 yenrs he lis lseii in busi- nesa ni mis piRc, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors. During this period he hns endeavored to keep up with the improvements of Die day, and hns accordingly extended his busi. ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to the nttcution of the present stock of rAMNBT WARE AND CIIA1US, Man'.'facti'iu-h nv SEBASTIAN H0TJFT & CO. At Ihe Old Ftand, , Where in addition to their former slock of the establishment the now nianufactiiie Knhognny, Vp.lnut & Cpnc-Sr.nt Chairs. I.nrrre Spriil" Sent ockin' C'i'lirs, Dressimt Burr.-nin, Centre. Tables, ."JnrUfl Top Wiis'i Stunis, und n r 'triply of othv.r new style, nnd I 'aluonlile a'umilure. Having; secured n Hearse and made the neces sary arrangement for Ihe purpose, they ere now prepared for I'nderlnkiiig in till it branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye mniils ttert mistresses, nnd hustmnils t'to, Here's fiiniilure of every style niH hit', From tide litar1 d w.i to kitchen Inli'ps, lrotti pieKing eliitirs to i.K'kietr eradlss Ph"iild yon not have the n-ly .Ioh U pny, We'll vnil nwliile f r s Is-iyliter -tetter dsy, Or take potatoes, oats, e-Ta, wheat and rye; Hark, lump p le!. sli.vs., or lumber wet snd dry, Or any thing l.nt yokes and threshing Hulls, Fiotn pifrR nnd Inrkies down to Hole uai!s. Come on then friend, come one nisi sit, Keep trade a moving, so "g ics tin Ihe liall. tf'" Orders from a distance promptly attended to nnd w ork of all kinds delivered w ith dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 18.")0. tf T. S. EOBST'3 AND "WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsgrove, Pa. Clocks, tVnKIivss nnd Jrwrlry, 1EI'AIHED in the best manner and warrnilleil to ertorm well. All work intrusted to his care will bo strictly attended to. SCIinsgrove, Xov. 3d. la.V,'. - '!. MAMACAISETT9. All solvent Imnka dlS nilODK I1SI.A.ND. All solvent hnnks dis CONNKCTICUT. All solvent Innks dis NKW YOIIK. CITT. inrlAII solvent Itinki nis .lis 17 Its notes under 50 J ats corrsrnT. All solvents luniks ldis NKW JKHSLY. llolvill. ru llnnk 1 tllS All solvent Ininks tv.fJiTMV. llnnk of Clisnilwrharg 1 di i.sns m l nester Co. v,r iitiii im.yjn. vnisiter Mir l:ill i.i itrrintimowii Hank of (ietlysliurg llnnk of I ,ew'tr.twu llnnk of Miilillerown 1 di Montgonierv Co Hnnk nnr Hunk of Northnmlit'rl'nil im llelvidiru Hnnk 1 Ihnik.'f Piushnrg I diti'Connn.-rccil Hnnk dis llnnk of Danville pnrlKiir. Hnnk Mont llollr pir Carlisle H-uik 1 (In F. A .M.Miihtletown lM. mr Coliinilim U'k H'gc Co mrMrelinnie' lik, Newnrk wr roy,.ioWn flunk jmrj.Mwh. Hk of Hiirlintrton "ir l-'.nston Hank imrjMeeh. A Man. Uk Trent par l.rie Hank a ills:. Maris Co Hnnk I'll l-'xrlinnze H'k Pittnlinrg I di. X.-wtok HkV A Ins. C. 1 dis r.sclinni.r It'k. Hrnneii 1 dii' t Irange H:mk I dis Ksrmers' H'k, HnekflCo pnr'l'e .nie's Ilk Pnttcrsotl 1 dis Fanners Itk, lineasler par Princeton Hnnk m Fiirmers' Ilk. Iteelitiir pur S ilein Hnnkiiiff Co, jmr Fnrm. Hk !rhli; Hi ill Co pur (Vnierret Co Hank J ills F Ar II. HI; Wn'vn.irij I I'ti.'late H-ink n: Camden J'tir l-'ruiiktin lk. Wasli'ii liilij. s'.itc III. l'!it n J ilis II o ris! nr.; H .,,! 1 s-h'i-H oik N --wiirk J ili lloii.-s.lile Hoik I di. M.'i- CI:. . Hi ans.vle'c (Mir Inneaster Ihink pnr'n-SL-x h oik. Svwl in i ilis l.'lmitoit Mink p-iriTri-iit n Hnnkinu Co pal M.Teh. .V Man lli.iik 1 da-1 Kni on Il'.vcr J itis Minns' H'k. I' .ti.ville pi-r' Vnr'Mrw'le A Del UrC . I.',,ii. M oil .;ffnhc hi Hank I dis'HTBk' notes under ? J J dis "I'nylorsv'e ItIII iDi 13 d s .l'.I.AV.lili. West I Jr oieh H nk par I'ank of Pel awire pT "yo; Ilk, '.ViiS,.i:,V piicHi'ik of r-nvrnn pal Vorkllin!.-, I ili;letnune Cilv Htnk inr l.fHehcl no.. 1 dis MAIN K. Hank of Wliet.-k I'li. Mer-aiitile Ilk. Hang or ItidialiV" I' niter All s 'ivenl liank ' d'S NKW ITAM I'SIIini. All s .ly.-it Innks j dis VCII MONT. Dank of St AUuiiis a di All s .Iveut Imuks ) ill. Ilk Wilnnr'iiA tlrnii'tyiv. .:n CarnliTs' lik ' to 'nwi ri par I ' III ii Hank. Wiliiiin:!.'.! par i ill III" Alt .Ivent Links ilis " I'.k n .ter under !i' I dn Mill I'll CAKOi.l.W. All 'k rill Links V ill. '. x' t'inli-r-Vs, 8J di. r-Ti A generally". lVo. 13, 18ol. ly- f'lnl TlJI.i'.. 1 01TSVILLE, I A. T KS. M AKV U EAVI.K respeclfully iuformi 'llic public and liavelling coiiiiiiiimty general ly, that she lets ooeued this large nnd commodious HOTEL, fumihel in a superior style, r'rom her loiijT cvperiei. e in Iho Ini iuei.s ol'a lirsl ra'.o Hotel, and will !.:.i".ii reputation to accommo date, her custo'oeis uny depi iid o:i being supplied with eiery tiling to liieir coinliirl and convenience. Tib. I.i. Ifi.'l. It LAAVlMCNCi: I10U8K. vX.'ii irr.v, pa. 'II I'. n si-ia itiill, ihI'tius her friend. Ks..ti.:.i i . I e I' stein, Trcvorlon; S. , Dixon, (Schuylkill Ha ven; John W. r'riling, Snubury; Marv A. Mc Coy, JS'orlhuiiilierltind ; Dr. Ueekly, Danville ; JohnSharphss, Cattawissa j Dr. Judd, Villiams- porl John Kaser, Milton, and by respectable uruggisis iiiroiii;iioiii inn mate. . J. UtJUIS U. HLUHES, Proprietor, rotuvilio, June 28, 185!. ly. I f tU' r'lt e . " i -.1. w i- r i v r i tlv S, ti. ... ; Ii.' a in v..1!--. !:.:. re ry.n Hint 'ri.' r n-i to kis-p :hi! It. I -lie- i if llio hi. nc w:i)i -m Irjru ni'ntf unn! u i w -r.i " ii l Our ! H'. I!! 'd.M la mrlwiml in IVjiiico, iiii.I ilie .-itiy uwil. S .liil Uurr St -11111 iV mii i i i :t I'-fi in lia;iH'tor wi'h hr St nr. in run. . : I - prvf;tt tl: riiniKT lu Uin' in the eye. It -lliug CI illis of till nnitiici p. ctif tot cjnIi. .iiii ir u uiui m;ti m H-niiifH I in i.i:tf t onlcr. (ntiM-iiin it ng rit-tl mzv&. cuiuUd lor Cuimln- Iir- luulA, iiniitirttil mid ur stile hy J . MITC'lir.l.Fs. No. II cM York lln;it near tli ImJiuu ,le. IMiilaaclplua, Ajtul 12, 1-01 Cm t. STOVES! STOVES! npilE subsiribers return their siucer thanks to their customers, for liberal encouragement for the last year, and hope by slriet attention in filling ordeis to meet with the same liberal patron age. We have o.i hand the greatest vaiii tv of patterns of any other Foundry in tho United States, and still adding to their number. (live us a call before purchasing elsewhere. Our stock embraces a great vnricty of Cooking stores, of the most approved kinds, Parlor stoves for wood or coal, common ktoves, c liuders of all kinds, and odd plates of all kinds to repair stoves. lor Summer use, a small Stove, tailed Sum mer baker, new und superior Furnaces for burn ing charcoal or stone coal, Cas ovens of several lill'oreut patterns, Hake ovens, several patterns, hiU lung posts, Spout irons, and a variety of arti cles in casting, too numerous to mention. The Hardware trade can be supplied with common 4, 5, ti, 7, and 8 quart Tea keltic, at very low pri ce, for cash or cily acceptance. A lew caks ol su lienor Cicrman black lead on hand. WAKXICK !t LI BRANDT. Noble si. wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia. k April 12, 1S3I. fiuio. UNION HOTEL, UNBURY, PA. rTUIE MISS WEITZEL'8 respectfully Inform M. the Public that they still continue to enter tain travellers and others at their old established stand in Market street, west of the Court House Their long experience in the business, and the well established reputation ol llieir House, will, they trust, be a ullieient (ruarantec, that their customers will bo well accommodated. .March 8, 18S1 tf. S"'0Il am") svw.w. moistwe lat. ni'ltV ClIEf n rxcclliiit article, for sale at hall the usual price by J W. ."'.RILING, riuuhury, July V. 1S13 I LANK I'arclunent Paper Deed and blank Moitgagea, Donds, Executions, Summatii, 4c, for sale by 11. U. MASSER. fcuubury, April 36, 1151. IAISlN.S, currants, citron, cheese, pepper sauce, Ac. Vot sale by J. V. P1ULINU Sunbury, Dec. 2. I S IH. pi;i:i: white ukandv kok pkesek- VIN G,jut received and or sale by II U. MAUSER. Sept. 2S, lSSO. LANK NOTES, waiving the exemption law of aU0, for sale by April tO, 1851. 11. I). MASSER. T yiUI'INti FLUID and self waling Enve ' b'is. just received and for sale bv April I a, ls.M. II. U. MASSER. IOIt sale at this ofTice, Superior Black Ink, Cattle Medicine at 85 cts, Pure Essence of Conger, 35 t ents. . EXTRACT CF GINGEK. A fresh eupply just received and for sale at this office. Price 23ceuU. Sunbury, July 11, Utl. ' ."i.J ihe piii'lt.' ho a!.o e w : ll kl.oi .hi !: ... -. 1 1 oer.iliv no! Per i VM I ;,iv, e vor her !. .tire a ill I ll iheir ciiot jo U.J.I ol t.j laivCi. le thi. '. IV.- Mar. h 8, 1C51 tf. ' v'o .-I Ji;:.of'.:i .ii lo t.ioe i' mav A NX C. V.Oiiivi; I'll I I- .1 Di.I.E'EI 1 k ZED2AI HOUSE, ESTAKLISHKI) 1". YEAUS AUO HY mi. KINKKLIN, W. Corner of Third a,ul Chuui Streets BtTW tEN SPIU't E AND l'l N K STHKKT-, i-lKTI'I'V YIIAUS if t'Xtfimii-e timi ltiih.termptfil pr.iftict; nHnt in lln niv h;ie rfii-lrcl Ur. K. tli nt tt e pt-rl iiii'l MK'ct-KMtil ti.ictiii ner (ur iiml iiPr, in flic Im'uIiiii'mI ttt all ,n n nriviite inuire. riTJitim ndlictitl with iilriTs iitvm tlif t'nt-. tlir.Mit. nr Iru. iwiiim in tin? Iiriitl r Ii "in-H, iiMaii'iiri:il rhrmu tt ifin, nrrirturcit. uravt-l. itisfime tiniHiiii: I nun ynui In nil cxt'tsm h or inim iiim nt Itiu lil.mtl, wlierrhy ihtt nmmiluti n lias Ihc iue fnicchkM, tiru ull irt'Jiti wmi wicci'SH. Mv wlu plan- iiimsi ll 'inMrr Ihe enr nl Ur. K., nny re liionsty ci:i(hI; in his hn r tin ti entlcuiuiitaiift cmilident. ly rely upiui inn an m n u pi.ysicum. TAKK VAHTlcri.AU NtJTlCK. A ouiiff ilfii vht triVK ni'iirtnl Uii'msfivfH i,v n cfrtuiu piiictice intlnlL'cd in n imiiit I'm j in ntly Ifiirncfl t'miu r.-il p' niivmit jih nr ul the eil'iftB l which nr uiuhily felt, even when inslefp, uiul ifestrny h th mini( und l nIv. sIidiiM npp'iy innni'ilinh lY. Wcani wi it h tU'l ility I xs ( iniif""ul;ir i-ncray. phyjunil,ttn(r uiul tph enit pr 'H(r:iti 'ii. in iml'iiii y nntl uli n cv.'ti iillV-rli mtti i;eKtl.n, HliirrL'iMiiifsii H t.n- Ht i, mi't eVrcy lirifiiclil hiiv w:iy (,iiiiii''t:tcil wi'h iliL' iliM inttT jl tin procrcalive linn: tmnfl cured, and l ull vi-j-ir remiird. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vi.iriiu life or a prein.ilure tleulh. KINKCLIN (ia St ir Pr.S' nation, ONLY 25 CKVTS. Tins R k inn! pnhlic'iecli-i fillf l with tiFef-il mf nnutimt I'll tllf lllfinililifl Hlld dlKIMArK ..(' til f (ifll'T iv IrtpniK. It udilrcwF iiH.-li Hlike t.i N O! 111,. MAN lli)( H uml Ol.U AiK, mid rlhi'iiil lw I -(! tiy ml. I lie vuliliihle iidv left nirl tm.'rrwVf w:irinnil it ffiren, will pifwni yciirs'tf' mitury nnilnUV;riiig und tkt uuiiual- Iv In inpaiii:n m i.iv . l'nreiim hy rt idin it wiil l-.-irn how to prevent tlit de. trnctii'ii it their children. vA rciiH'r-i-c . 0 i '!!'. eni-l.ifed in a letter, nd- dr.-i.d to im. KINKKI.IX. N. Werner of TIK1I I) A l'M( Streets, between Srnre fc Tine, IMtiUul-lplua, will ensure a U (. under enVt-l pe. per return ot' ut:iil. Peru tnttMt a iliKt.iuee in ty iiddrert Ur. K. by letter, (ptmt ii;i Ml. nnd !ne.iret ut h me. irK.(i!:s oi- ti:i ir!!:s. nii!i:cTi(?, e . ( rwmh'd by neiidinr :i feniitiJiuee, und mil upucctte Ir 'in I) WIACK -r fl'HldSrV. H frW-HfUem, "W A'jentn, IV II im. C-iiuviltii. nnd nil others i""lied wiih the iiImvc w.irk ut very low r.iies. Se,ne'nlh r 6. lS'il. 1. avm"."mta TifY, boiiks k i. r. i: h , c V.'.; J', u'.-a, . , xii, J AS rvet,llv rpefjvc i. niuc';) ot'irr Hrli les. a ' L'rP tt v ir ty r.i Xihv, u'iiwji n.i.l t.ii.ett jit. ois ii : vo.tJ, lotiiplilo or HOiurafP. AVI!ltTIKl3TIEVr Bounty Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, D. C. niidennirned Alt-.rn, - Hnd ( Atf'-nt at the X t;ily o iihlimt in, oilcis Iim tiervices tit pr.K-nrin 11 Hint y Ijtmlsiind IVuimoiib I .r ih-me entnletl. Ileiiiff per irtunt ully I enleil nt the wtit of ti iverntueut, wild u Ihor- I'unhjintl liinnlinr tietniiiintitnee wi'h the iieeinsnrv foniif. nnd tontine i-l bt.nint w, nnd li;i int; necew to Iteiririters nnd Hulls hied in the L . S. w:ir nihee. he H'CfcMen hieililleB lot speedy liml ku irilnetoi y hiI,iiiLiiilmiI ot U iVi nnneiit eliiiniH o every kind. Hy ti lite Act of i.'onsrrKs. llomitv l.:ind is it runted trt ine ineers imil m-HiHits oi tin o ami ot liie vnri- ri"iis linlinn wars, siin e I7,'0 Tittttoite who nerved nine niirnlliH I tit nereis; hi thisu who nerved t nr in mihs 00 iiere ; mill t th m- wtn served one in tiih 10 neres. AiTiinuenietits Intve Iwi-n inndt Willi (rentleiiieii of the l:il pr tfr4t -n in tlilli-rent (mi-Moiiii of the (Dmitry, for the l-Htiti n of wnrrantv. mid the n:de of the (intents, when issueil. on Ihe iii'ist hiIvmhI.i'm'oii terms: I't the niivnient taxes, reileinoti-'ii of Liti lc. n -Id f r tuxes; v 'lleeti 'tt ol lehts: and l-r Ihe triniPirti -i of ceiivrul luw hiiEiness, in Ihe difl'erent Si files nnd 'Pirrit-nieM. Mf teii'Iers Ins ceri iees t ineinliers of the profeiHion lit a distaner, unit '.en eliiiuiK ti. i iiiftt tlie (j:vernmeiit. lire nri'- nared by a I en I A cent, will abate one hull his usual fee I he neeees.iry iirnis tit Ml net ions, uiul liiloriuaf ion nn nil subieets npneriaiKtmr r ' u ineeefftitd prosef-uti'iu of thi imsiiiess. will he inriuHiieii Lo feifiiiiir CorresiMiiideiits with tint eharee. 1 ers ns desirin-; mf. trim ti n of fn-tuls in thennnv or imvy. will lorw-ird rn him all the partiidars kit own "( theif serviee, t-fffether witn a ler ol one it )llar, nnd ttiwir ennill flea Will In rei.lieil to li relinil ot lllill. All CotUUIUh.CIl ui le (l'Kftiuiu,; mid :i ldres.ed t i iiAitLji.n -. n i.ii;u, (Hox 167, P. (.) Wusluugton, U. C. December , IXL 1 ffl my r T f nnt ;i;.ts!I! 1? V MKANSHF TUB PtU'KK T' s:--" I SI Ll I' I IS. nr. r.vorv min 4 trA 'A nis own Fli Kirinn ! lliirt fiy A K edition, with npwunls n K ' ' t Jl ',l? !,r''u',ar Isri8 in eve f" !$i ry H'li,,p ni11' hnu, ami maU lotnuitins ul luo gonrrativc svslcin. "Dncoiirae Your n!' HAAS &HKNN. FASHIONA BLR MAKE OP FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. HHE anliwrilicrB rpnportrully call tlie attentinn of tlie pulilir to their larpe anil ilen Jiil gi.ort ment of every quality anil price of :AIII ; -1YARI2. liirh rnnnot fHil to rnommenrl itfelf loerery on who will rxnmiiie it, on arrourit of its dur.ihle workmnimhipand cploinlid linih. up of the lirst ftork to lw hail in the ritv. No effort la pared in the lnmnnVtiirp of tlioir wme. anil the enliM-rihcra are ilrlnrmiiircl to keep p with Ihe many impruvi-inrntH which avc constiiiitly Iwinf niiiilo. 'J'hcir Mm k coniKi nf Muhomy Sof'an, DlrniiN mi. I l.oiMirrci. 2Surrnu3(rrrrtnt-rrs,irfjc&o.trt Mil',1, mils iht .1ST .Ull ll.M6 TABLfS, ml iitco VENETIAN IM.INDs, p,pla to l'hila i!cl;iliiu maiiiitiictiire. ;F.1'I I;.MS. ,,' ,-,.rv r.:ltprn nn.1 nrmm: criMlUAKl. WMliiv AM) t'ANDl.E. M'ANH;-. Tnll.KT TABLES AND EX ! i:.;-lnX TA i'LFS, III .1 i.Tt. r-vrv :.l.-!r i. tl is lire of llieir 'i'licy i.lho ii.-Mii:i;..:li,a: ill kir-.l uutt qualitiee CI I. A ' US. im-liiilii.H aii.'lii novi r I.i f.m. I . I.- I... I i. SliiilMiry, hi'i-Ii aA MtiniT, ISiii'K Wiliiot ni t'i-iio.1. .M u'l.K G.u i.. : .,, V, .. I'll A IK'S, v.. r i c v I i ... 1 1 i-i, . he latest tvlc. uiul viiiy ,..,.,; ., r r.,.rr,,,i i,. mine tnnniifacttirrit in ;lii' ( i:ii u ,.r The mil'ivri'iicrs :irt. .1 ., .;.iii...l i:.,v(. ,!m c no excuse f,.r iTr.. .. 1.1 i.ur. ! ii e I'ui nii .r in the eilie, n every eoi. liilenr e can lie entertained nlinui Ihe ijualily nnd litiWi nf their ware and Chair. 'Iln ir articles will he Ih.'wciI of mi a, trooJ lernm lliey can he pnri-hamM el'ewli vc. Coun try I'riHluee taken in pnvineiit li.r work. Ip 1M)I,1!I AKIMi. Ilavinn provided (lienifelves with a hundKiiine Hk nm-, they are now prepared for CiiilertiiKiin;, and a'.leii.liiifi fiK neralK. in Unn vicinity, or at any coiiveiiicnl dis tance from this place. W l he Ware Hooni ih in Marko Street, opposite J. Voimg'e store, und nearl nimotite encr 1 uvern. DV.MKI. HAAS, (a:it;E kenn. Sunhury, Dec. 14, 1H50 if. HV WM. Vorxn, M. D. The lime has now arrived r"'r.: that persons millcrhi',' from secret diseases, need no more hecoioe the victim of Quackery, us hv the prescriptions contained in this liook any one may cure himself, without hind rance to inisiiiess, or the knowledge of any one, and with one lentil Ihe. usuiil cvpenee. In mldi tion to ihe general rouliuo of private ifiscase, it fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with ohservations on marriajie U'sidcs many other derangement whii.ii it would not he pro per to enumerate. U A ny person si'iii'iii? twkvtv-iivr cunts enclosed in a hiter, will r.ceive one cojiy ..f tliis hook, hv mail, or live copies will he sent for one dollar. " Address, -I'K. V, VOTNti. Nn. IM M'KrCE Mrcct, I'll I.Al)i:i.ri!IA."rost- aid. ttUK. VOI'Nti can he (Onsiilled on any ul" Ihe Diseases descril ed in his dillereut pulilieations, at his Oli'u-e, 15i STKITE Mlrei-I. every day lic twecn U and o o'clock. (Suud.ivsVxcepted.) I'hilaUelpuia, i.o.. .., wra ij . L PATENT JAPAN ELACKIIJG. Ma:vfat.!itrj, No. 50 CIIESTNTT Siieel. MEDAL, iiwa.dcd hv tho l'UANKI.IN IN HT1TETE of riii!ade! hia in Octolier, AMI T UK FIRST rHEMU M I v tlie MAKYt. AND IN- WATTS' KIHV0US ANTIDOTE' AMI I'HYSICAI, HI'.LSroit A'I'IVK. THB MEDICAL W03STDBH OV TH m O' li I. I. pe'ilively cure nil stares of Neural'ia,. 'lie DoI.m.iiv. N;".n. lleailuche, Clio (era, l.ockjaw, 1 1 -!riili:it ;,i nlsioiia; ill restore iiiaiioo. d lo its piotiue v,,,or, even after years of prostration, and Ihe only known mid cer. lain cure for low. spirits or mental ilehillv. Extriiet from tlie New York .Sun, Oct! :, 1S4J. The ni'i iiiiieil l'r 'i.tson. w hen talking .if the miraculous power of " atts' Nervous Antidote," Ihe ijii. slioii was put to him. '.Why such a valua l.le remedy f:.r a'l ". rvous all'cetioiis was not in trmlui ed l.y the iin oical faculty !" rc.lie l. '-That w ii v..-.., in. n. w.tiu.i no louder i.e any use lor a faculty, as all iI'im ;n-;'s uriuiuaied from a disuigan-' ied strle of the nerves ; the nerves are Ihe main' sprint; of the whole system Keep this in order, ami holh the mind and body must he." Four ounce phial, li doses, enough for oil er dinary c.iacs, ONE DOI.l.AK. Mll.D UY V.'m. McCAKTY, Hr...i4wuy, Sunbury. 5jitem!.er, US, l.S.iU tf. rASinONABTv:"! SIATS. C. J. WALTON, iVo. 210 .l,ir.rf si., b-'trrtn 7 J R:A ft'., (You'll side ) imii.OET.:'i.Ti.t. 'T'HE S'ulist iilier has opeoed a new lint store and oli". rs to trailers and others who visit Ilia city, h handsome assortment ol hat-, caps, of eve ry variety, made up of tile U-t material, and irr Iho latest and he.! style, and nn terms as reus. n '!. iiMnii he had in any establishment in l'liila .teijihi.i. viz: Fine silk hats at !j;3.St) ; (iooil do do ut Kio. I'l is ois lioiii ihe country who pur cha.-c of him, can rely, at ull li o. s, ...i .,et! a ifood article that will p ease them, uiul one that it i'ulix w.'rtll l!ic uioiie- pai I. O. .1. V, ALTO.V. Philadelphia, Nov. 0, I Soil. ly. :HOTOXlTON E-IOU'SgS, tki;vo;:tun, pa. 'JlllR sulweriVr rivpeetfu'ly iut irms the pu'.l. tliat hn has opened a.ruhhc House, in i i new town of 'I'revoi Ion, Northumberland counlv and that he is well prepared to accommodate In. guests in the best loa iuer. His house is located Iicariy opposite the (.'oinpany'ii Store. Ho is also provided with good t.t.ihiiu f sulii. ient for 2U hor ses, lie trusts by prompt an. I careful utlciilioii to business tj meet u share of tile public: patron aire. 11E.NUY IS WEA YEIt- 'J'revorton, Jan- 11, lSol) If am) ii;sto A(Ji:.CY. The attention of the public is called to the ad vertisemeiit of Mr- I'harles O- Tucker, Attorney and Agent at WashL'ton City Personal hav ing claims for houuly Lauds ur Pensions are in formed that Ihe subscriber has made urrangemenU for the requisite furuis, end claimants calling at his oihce, can have, their papers prepared and forwarded to Mr Tucker ut Washington, and by hiiu he properly attcudcJ to before the De partment there. II. B. MASSER. fc-uiibury, Jan. 18, 1851 ESSENCE OF J A 51 V I C A (1 1 X tl E It . MAUI', from tlis lHks' .laiimii'n Gin-rer, all the villus!.. uiciliLiiiul pr...rrly i f wl.icl. ll will be louud to pos-Si-sa la M iiii.I e m-i-iilralrii I n in. It is a in.isl rllii'U'iit nail ul tlie aims lime liiirmlcas, (rally Bliaiutilinu l .uic ir Ilis st much, ami will be louud very Isatcti.'l;.! in i.rlii'vtii- the .aiuiul ami Ui.lrvsaiu leelaijs ts.-raaii.ucd l.y 111.- liii'iliri-u uco s. ol Una lai...riaut ortria, hall Uia whole lm-si.K.iiriil taki-ll ill a wiue-Rliias-ful tS sweeleuisl water will iiiiu.e.llulely Ilia llulu. liiH uiul optircsiiiisi ivsulliiii- iri'ill liidiuesli m, Hud if utken two or three liuit-a itnly, us reijiiiretl, will lw iouiul liiurhly uaelul ii"iiuuu tlie lussiluileuiul aeiiau ul NiukiuKof the atom- in add U'i..l.-iu-y lo ila d.a..r.lered uellou .s-euaiisicl by Ilia ruervutlUK etlecl is tlie au. tuner Heats, or I. ill. .Willi; uller III diatHNiill.Mi, uuU for c.arrecliui; lite liK-i.ieut aluf;ea ol' duiri. utra, ae. It laula.i an exrelleut nieibeiue for thoae who have in. jurt-d the time of their atoum.-ha hy the iiiiiikslerute uie of lutoaicatluii llitu.'ra, l.y ila aliitnlly aunialatiiitt rtfe't Ukhi Ihe leui n.i.K lue cruwiiK I s alliiiulaula, while ll una no iiiiuri.siaui'ti'.u ou the hruiu. auil iain4 aueeM.lnl l.y foelii.irs .ST dei.reaaiou, which uiwaya follow the uae of aic..l."lKa at.iiiutuiiia. A few Uropa added U niiurneaia, rliuliarb or ether Duma. live medicim-a, will render them more ut-ee)tulil to tha at.snaeh aisl prevent tha grilling which is apt lu aeeoilipaay Mien ttc.."ii. TBErABEn ONLY BV A M I. It O S F. SMITH, DUUGOlsr AND CHKM19T. W. E. corner of 7th and Chutnut Strit$. PkiJedaHtua, April It, 1MI . ly 1 Ic, I ci Is Dumas Kue Eeyudola Cocktoll Mixwcll Jiri'oiJ D) ilj .!; do do do do Kodwell, Trolhipe, Halliburton, Marry alt, Orev, M.irVi, Atusworth. .srrix"n:.-.t r,- I have ii. .! .1 and Pii-:':- J:'. i ' n n loi py tj ".i;. thai I hive i.s.-.; it hi.lii.l 'he (i !:. t;;r lli..u am : '. O-t,. 1 iic lor - .rid i i s; I". 1-1-' :Mld Itvl'l. . I.i;..ii l.i.i.ij a'.v the I.Mlll.., . ev.'i I I'll;. I I ti id t bet ( ' -rris d Atlhelow price il'lV.un SotoSOcts per volume. S-uuhury, rrpl. WS. ln5U tf. J. 31. ZL'ttlEHHAN, ji.siu t: or 'niti i'i:ice, Eunbiiry, Pa. OlTlce in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public N'hool House. 17" Moniea clleeted and uil liusiaesf pl.silptlr and ra.e- fully uil-ii.lfil to. April iO, 1650. BROWN'S ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GIN ti El!, an excellent article. IUiiwii't Meditated Soap for sun burns, tan, letter, Ac Hallway's Circassian Balm, for the hair dand ruff &c. K.ulway s Heady Kelief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, &c. For sale hv II. li. MASSE15. Sunbury, v4utr. 3, 1850. Kuisina, Al- ,s u-.s. Planes of ull kinds. Salt and Piaster. Just received and for sale hy JOHN VV. FKIL1NO. Sunbury, Dec. 89, 1819. CVPONE VVuro, Earthen V.'jie, lTS monds, P lines and Cream T OOK.S and Gold Pens. On hand several rop ies of the life of Christ, anil also a numlier of Cold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sale at this ollice. KENNEDY'S PATENT SASH FAS TUNINGS. A cheap and excellent arti rle lor fastening sash for sale by j'. W. FKII.INO Sunhurj'. July 7. 1819. mILEY'S COVUII CAXVY. V lent rcnuxly lor coughs, colds. An excel. For sale al this ollica ry ISSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for & covering o lasses, 4c, for sale al lha office ol the American. Nl'IU'INU DOTTLES Breast pumps, and nipple A supply of these useful arti. cles just received anil for sale hy JOHN V- FMLLNG Sunbury, Jan- IS, 1851 tf BLANK DEEDS printed on the Iwst quality cf parchment paper, sold at tha lowest price al this ollice, by wholesale and rasail .-..,vei, .r I . J. WELL No. St) Chei-Lii.t Street, ul.ove November, it, lo.ii lv. ivJx. 1'.. J ivJj tt .Seooml. -.1 r"i AND BOO T-T IT E E II A K E Ps, So. 93 Rait Street. Second door below Thin), iint,Ainr,rniA. yiIEUE ull kinds of lasls, &e., of the latest style und best material, are manufactured on reasonable terms. All orders promptly und punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov.' 'J, lSoll ly. LlQUOliS. AVfNESC. 'I'HE siihsrriber lias just received a new supply of the best ii.pmrs thut crer cuine to Sunbury, cousisling in part of WnH'nor old pale Brandy. Fine Cogniac Drandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New England Hum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. 8uicrior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. Surior Port Wine. Durguudy Port do. Sweel Malana Wine. Siiieriur Claret 'in in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENHY MAS8EK. Sunhury, May 56 1840. CM A It LKS W. H EG INS, ATTCP.1TEY iLT Li.'.y, lotlllle, ia. Will promptly atleud to colhi tiona snd all busi ness entrusted to his care. June 16, 1840, STONE WARE. STONE milk Puns, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of atone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FK1LING. Sunhury, June S3, 181V. rilEAS, from the New York Canton and Pckin X. Tea Company. For sale by Sunhury, Dee. S, 1848 J. W. FRIL1.NG. AY RL'M An excellent article for sale by HENRY MAS8ER. Bunbury Jan. tTtk, 1849 tf. cose oiNtMEKT, ron I 1 1" A I I l.e l'..!l. .wmi: i-i-inl'i. 1 l well Xi-WJ ft. ("mi 1 1 r;int. li'v'tr. 1 kll iVAil ,111.1 1 'PUlUf Il.tlll K.iUl (Jjlit.llii I. A ik r.'UVcIltT.) rim.ur ! pnu. ' t -lit-r S.-vtTi! yf irs ciiK t I m -iM wiili ;i Itfi-.kiog out li ut ui' i in lii t" rni "t T -.iff, u 'ut u am Miiinccd .la 1 Jn'y l.-li.. i .l.-hR, Svir.Sniv. i uli; cr't i f ih K v .itiniH'.d i...- i' l.. li ln! ' C i''K--l!f ht r ..mi;: ticiii r.i iijili! 1 -H- l' "i.r ;.;r t.l it, t i.e.- i t-.t .iti-:- '.! ptuNi t ; r r-'uph-. .-. V.'c.h .cr . 'Mcendnij it ur llrecu's f) " jei;-iri-d ' IMd Jtico!. i'nwii i..''. c..r- i. i?!a l'.iki r's' i'! : Sway i.e's yn;p ul V. Ud Ciicir, Swaync's 'ermiiii::e. ' yre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do Tihhit's I'ain Killer. Dr. Hnollaiid's tierman Hitters' Indian ewlable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER". unhury, July 14, 1840. TUB PEO?l.E'3 VADEM flCTTM CU.XirillSlNli A COLLECTION OFOVKH 20U VALUABLE KECIPES, In Ihe Useful and Interesting Arts with a feit Simple ami Cui-biiis Tvperiiiieuls la CHKMISTKV : I NCLl'DING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry C.sjkery, Farriery, Dying, Cont'ectioiiaiy, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 els., for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. toi:i: i:w(iO(is i Just received nt the store of HENRY MAS SER, a lot of Caps, Gum Shoes, Almanacs, 'juceuswure, Liipiors Ac. All of which will be sold ut the lowest price Dec. 14, 1S50. MINERAL WATER, from thu Oak Orchard Acid rtpriugs, highly valuable in chronic di seases, and tonic remedies, for sate II EN R If MASSER. Sunbury, June 20, 1850 if ('Al'.". An esioii. uunt just received. Alio silk HATS at for sale hy II. MASSER. Sunbur, Dec. 848. J ATENT Trusses nf all kinds, Harrison' writing and indellihle ink, Cotton yam and lain, just received and fur sale fry J. XV. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec 3, 1848. BLANKS. of every description c- pi lying at the ollice of the American. ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Modi- Sunbury, Jan. 17th, 1S4D-- TB'h LANKS of every description can be had by JBL sTta. II ne for sale by HENRY MASSER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers