"SUNBURN AMERICAN, AND SI LAM 0K1N' JOURNAL. LIVSU COMPLAINT, JAUNPlCfi; DVS PHPS1A. .CHRONIC OR NERVOra DEBIMTY. DISEASE 'OF THE KIDNEYS, much, ..!, fi-con,, !rnrn,JT Jh of th BMnnrh, pwimminir of ilirlie: .!, hiirnwliin y' "J Won.hina, II.Hierl.i(rthl.airt, clt of wff ting IHMWtimifl when iti ftvltiro, DiifinrM of Vi, rVf -rMh.. tVW, Fevrr nml Hull iw.ii in the hen. rtHHofpr'';' Hiit-hfi ol" lir.il b-tniiii in tho fWh. eoimlimt mmgiinngt ut' evil, ntul prmt tlfpreivitin of spirit, . CAW KKI'KCTITAIXY ci:rkd DY 'DR.' EOOFL AITD'S xeisrati:d c;i:rman bittuis, - ! mKPABKO BY DR.C. M. JACKSON, I , AT Tilt GERMAN MEDICINR STORE, ' No. 1M Arch St., rii.tatMphlo. Their power over the nh vo diflwisct ia itt excelled, if equnlletl, Uy nti: other prcpanilion in tha Uiiittnl Slnlri, os the pure utlt-st, in many cases after skillful physician liiri iaik'd. Thcro Ilittcrg nre worthy ther ft Men. inn of invnllrii. 'Piwu'ssinj grttit virtues in the rectification of disomm of me uivcr mm h:hwct giunua. cjicrriHirg me ni 'm wmi'iung power in wenkneiw and nnVrtirim oft fie tlii'intive organs, uiejr nre, wunai, mie, crinin mm pieiBmii. f I'loin Die 11 wUti Bco.J The FMitnr unit! iti, uec. VJil "Dr. IIoofland's CET.itmtATKO Gkhmax Bittriw fm the rtire of Liver Onmni.mit. Jnnmltrn. Uvuncmiu. Chronic tHr Nervous Debility, 11 tlcS'rvoillv one of the mwl popn 'Inr metlioinrs of the tiny. These HitltMi Imvo been uwl 1)V thousundB. mid n Vifin. nt our ellmw hivm lie litis him- lf recti vod nn efl'ectunl nnd pennmicnt cure of Liver Comptiiint from the niw of thin reined v. We nre convinced thot, in the use of Oicm Biiter, the patient cotistantljr fpiins Btrcitglh find vtor n fact worthy of ijrciit c mside rution. Tlicy nre plensnnt in tntc im.l ftmctt. nnd can I used hv hers inn with the most Or I irate stoinnehs with safe- tyy under any ci renin' mice. We arc aornkiinr from tx-perienr-e, and to Uie ni! lie ted we advim: their use." 'Scott's WErKLT," one of llio best LiLcrary jmpcra puhimneti, and, Aug. i) 4iDn. H'iofland's GcnMAx HiTrnnsi mnnufnetured by lr. Jackson, nre now recommended hy Boine ot the uiont prominent niumlers of the faculty ns un article of much efficacy in ctwtn of female wakneitn. As siich is lite enie, we would ndrife all mothers to eMaiii n rmttlc, and. thus save tijrnipclv iimi li si-kucFe. rcrsoiis of deltiiila trd HMi?ii1nti ns will find these Bittern advantageous to sneir neann, ns we Know I nun experience tne saiuiary cliect they have ujxin wueK iysleins." More Evidence. The "riiiUd.-Ii.1uii Saturday Ruzrtle' the best finnily liewspan nuLiiahed in the Uniled t?ULcs, the editor su)i 01 ,." Dt )iitof1aiuVs German Bitten, "H is seldom i'. u: we recommend what ore termed Pa tent Medicines, to in?: soulidenee and ptHronae if our rr-ttn-ii, nmi. uirici. ire, :cu we recouancnu in. nwr land's (iernnu Bitterp. we wis it to be distinctly uudci atonal licit we nre mt ac:ikiii!i of the nostrums of the ilav. that are tv used nh ait fr n In ief oeritd end then for cotten nfiei ihrv haved ne their cuiltv nice of mischief, but of n medicine I aiii ccl ililishcd, universally ptized, ai which has ntet the liiiru- ii-vinivril nf Hie Faculty ilielf " Kvidcnce upon evidence hart been received (like the forcftoimi) fiom nil sections of the l iiiou, tha liit thre Veiirf, and the ptroi.efpt tcsthnonv in its favor, ip. that there is more of it used in the practice of the rceular Phy- aiciuus of Philadelphia, than nil other ii'struuis combined, H fact that can easily he ermhlielico. nnd fully proving that n soieiitifie prepannion will meet with their quiet approval wiH?u pri'fenieo even in uiie mrni T4nt this mctlicine will cure Fiver Comnlniut and Dn pennifi. ii') one enudoubt, after ainff it us directetl. It acts anccfrieally upon tlie st anach nnd liverit is nrcflcrohii to cal iinc! in nil hilli ais diftcupf' -the etT!Ct is iunnediate, They can he ndiniui!nrud to l-'cmalo or Infant with sutety turn reliable ucuetit, ut any time. . BI. WARE OF "corXTERFKITSt. Tins meilieine has at.aiucd that Inch character which is neceppurv t" Tall mediciiies to attain to induce counterfeiters to put forth n spurious article at tite mk of the lives of (.none uru iimocenuy uoeiveu. LOOK AVJXLTO THE MARKS OF THE GEN VINE. They Imve the written aiunntnre nf C. AT. JACKSON ti pou t!ie wnippur, and th- uuine blown in the bottle, with- our win a i ne y nre spun un. For fule, w li 'lcxalu and r:!uil, ut the f ' German Medicine Storcf No. I'JO ATirn?lr-ct? onedoir bel w Pixlh. (Inte of Haee utreet.) Phihdel;hiu. nnd by respevtuUe dealers generally turouii ait llie country. PiUCKr U EDUCED. To enable all classes nf iuvalids to enj-y the odvanUigcs ot ineu great ra-turatlve powers. Singh Boliky 75 cents. Also: For sate by IF.Masskr, guuluuy, aud M M'Cav, Noitlnmiberlaiid.-' -Aatjiwt 30, lc5l. lv. New. Turk Importers nml Jubbirs PEEEMAIT, HODGES & CO. 68 STMBT, Iicttvccri Broadway and Xussau-Strcct, . . Wear tlie Post Office. a 2 CD 12. 2 "S'VrE tiro receiving-, liy !nity arrivals from Ell ' mpo. our Full nml Winter assortment of KIOH KA.slIIO.AHLE FAA'CV SILK AND MIl.MNEliY (itIOlt.S. Wo iesirctti:l!y initc all Cnuli rurchascni thoronglily to ntaruino our Stmk ntul Prices, ( nml, as lXTFttKST tiOvKitxH, we feel confident our Goods and Prices w ill induce them to select from our ettulilishmont. Particular attention is devo ted to MILLINERY t.'OODr, and many of the articles ore manufactured expressly to our order, anil cannot lie surpassed in licutity, stylo and cheapneu- lScuutiful Turia Kiu'.ions, for Hat, Cap, Neck, -end Belt. Satin and Taffeta Rililions, of all widths and colors. Silks, Satins, Velvets, and uncut Velvets, for Hats. Feathers, American and French Artificial Flowers. Puffintrs, nnd Cap Trimmincrs. Dress Triinmiiia;, large assortment. Embroideries, Unpcj, Collars, Underslecves ond Cuffs. Vine Emliroidcred Reviero and llcmstich Cambric Hnndkerchicfs. Oapes, Lisses, Turlctons, Illusion and Cap Lares. Valencienes, Uitssels, Thread, ST1U, un J I.itlo Thread I,aces. Kid, Silk, Hewing Silk, Lis'e Thread, Merino Gloves and Mitts. Fiiiured and Plain Swiss, Book, llisltp Lawn, and Jaconet Muslins. ENGLISH, FRKXCII, AMF.TiICAN AND ' ITALIAN STRAW GOODS. August SO, I8jI 3mo. Journal ol' the FRANKLIN INSTITUTE. OI TUB STITSOIT l'lIXX.YH'AXlA FOB TIIS PBOHOTION Of THE 7:1 VA I II It! A UTS. UIE oldest Mechanical .Periodical extant in America, is iiublishcd on tho first of each luoutlt in the City of J'bilndelphia. It hn. been lejrulurly issued for upwards of twenty-flvt years, nd is carefully edited by a euinuiiltec'of scientific gentlemen uppointed lor tlie purpose, by tho i'rankliu Iiisliliito. The deservedly bik'ii reputation, both at home nd abroad, which this Journal his aeipitred and luitjiov, l,as u'iven it a ein ulution and eichiuige ist of the bct character, which enables the Com milU'e on Publications to make the best selections from Foreign Journals, ar.U to gio eireulatioti to original conimui.ications on niecuanieal and ei entilic aubjecta, and iioticea of new inventions ; noticca of ull tho Patents issued at the Patent Of. fice, WashiiiHtou City, aro published in the Jour nal, together with a lariro uuiouiit of infuriuatiou on Mechanics, Chemistry, and Civil I'nqiuocring, derived from the latest aii J btt authorities. J his Journal is published on tlm first of each monlli, each luimlirr foiitaiuiiur ut k-asl aerentv two pastes, aud forms two volumes auuaaJly of aooiu io. paes cacn, niiMraleil with etiffravinKS on copper and on .wood of those ubjcct wbicJl iv't'inu llltiU 1 I ' I ' ' Tho subsi riplion pri' c is Vive Dollars nor an num, payable on tlie completion of the sixth num ber f and it will be tin-warded free of postage wiiiyi nu uuu.irs nre remittea to Urn Actuary ,pfitjc ':i)in m advance fur otic ycut'a atjuavriii tion. Cummuuicutinna and letters on busiueaa must be directed to "Iho Actuary of tho Ktuukllu Insli tute, 1 hilajelphu, Pvuiisylvauia," the postage paiu, WILLIAM 1IAMILTOX, Ti I ,; Actuary, F. i April IS, 1851. 61110. 4. E OsK (HXTMEXT. A ftb tupply of thU fe. euelltut artulu tor Tetter, A c., just, roreived nd Ct wle by . . - HENKY MASER. Plinl'ury, July 28, 1619, ."it t - ' ' ' ' . . WE STTJDY TO PLEASE. iHR uttt-ntl.ti f nfMct mnl Mhrr, itr rMipwIfiilly inviil ti rxii-n.ive ml mell Mlwieo ""' Hlj.lINU IIAHi-WAHKandTOOI, now onertu By the nlnriilwr, e .n minit in purl t f"llnw: Ainrllrtlil I'MIlt Ul UOS, liprmni, im pbitrtl m limn ruriiilun., ir non olnill H (h . Aninrimn rnml Vor ih-i, ui'iifni, 'Klit SMrk, pliilril ol Urnra fiirnllurti, or loiortaui aH Aiiicriinn Frnnt Hmt IttWh mid Ptofe Poor, Ttoriion- tal ir uvrighr,JnifMniituri!,.nr porrrtiin nn chotr Ampriciiii mm lyw'K., mi iki biiiki qiiiiuiii;.. AVhltfl nt brum Cnniltiiro, lit rMiMTtiiinnll c l tk. Aimririn iMnrlir. 1,-nrl.ii, nil ir. with lilalccl. winw it brnw fnriiilnr, r nitrt'elnin nil p trn. Anirrii'im .Mullrc lnlch-, nil iizi-n, Wim prairu wnn or liniM tiiriiilure. or pnTrrliiiii nil oiil'i. AiiiiTiran ivinriire nii'i Kim isct iaicki, pmicu vn efKiir-hi)n ir rHrreltiiii ell ril'rn. Amprlcan JJr.ip. Slim. Thumb. Bale. ml mnr i""" Lnlrlim. Al i. Imnrilod mid I nll.r nf evrlV drnrrlntlnn. Hnlilwin's, mid Aincricnii Unit llniaci, of nil tizei, fart or iotie j inr. rnill rr. Onte. Plrnn. T.. null nnrkH in lllllCPS, mi nin. f ll'Vlcr, (inte. Uimr, Flimh. nml Spring Unit, uf wruiiglit nr rnsi iriin ilnn lirnim, pvery ilrwriiHli'ii. IvrfW"., n,-ntr. UIIIP. IIHI I'liper HI Hie vrn nnnniy Aini-ricuu Axle and Hum Axlo 1'uHeyi, of tvery vnrietv. Ani rican iinttont, main or on riaicn, ornpii, inm, or nr.inzm. Amcrirnn Nolm. okitprl. ivlille. iron, or wnort, nil lni. Kmh-C iril, Roiiiiiimi mid putunl, with oilier nrticlon too munirnii. In ineiilinn. rr NAII.9 und SASH.Wi:i0IIT9 at FACTUKi IV All O vili! dr ivercd free of C hnrae to any pari 01 the City and !)ilrirts. At ttiia ifttnlilinhmrnt win lie fiimtd one of the InnreM nun ne.1 niw irtinent. nf White mid I'lincy Nil fr Uh-Ii Ac.t in the City: unc pntternn, of whirh. cuntiot be accn, or oUiiineil, at nny other Store. TOOLS. 5pe;ll ft Jm:Kim' MnrK, funrl. Ilium, nun oi r.ii., imivirted rxprrawly fur IIiHnil riles, all aelerterl with fare. rnlo og;ent fm the eelrlmitil IMiun n, nmil! by K. W. Cur penter, of Iinrnater, I'n.. Iicini! nil nuule of pplit wnoil, ami the Hiim (rrnnnd nnd trii-d. Ili;atty; .V V lllhim' ninke ot l.tnspin, Axes, llatcnetB, urowing iviuicp, rtu., w wui nillted fftHHl. . I'ligh'. unn PWcK'i make in Augers anu Augrr uiut an Amerierill Pqnnrea nnd Herim of evea- iliwnplioii. Ametirnn Hule, Gaugf., Suv.itt,."iiiWMi:t Screw driver. Ae. .... Anienrmi r. S. Ilaminerii, Claw uiul Uivellng, an iize, Aiii iln nnd Virr., nil nizvn. Med, Iron, and WimmIcii llrnees, Willi t. B. xni, in crorit vnrietv. . . . . IV. Itrnivn. r-'n i", iiinriipi . u --' inaknnf Chisel! Kilen. I'lane-lrons, e., Ae. AdiMu'li celelimti-d CarviiiR Tool, a" lmpe. Makiinr one of the heM nnd in wt extfiimva am irtinenU of Uillldniir Ilnldware ami 'r.ml in the Slate. At tin. ctutlifliiiiriil it in c.n tdereii a piisini i" the 0nlii. Yon nre invited t- enll and examine ineaaww nient, and bear the prieea asked, bslbre purchasing else where. Cotne and tee ns. No. 27 Mnrket St., between 7lh and Sill, upper aide. Philadelphia, Apiil IS, IN) I ly- S50 FORFEIT. DR. HUNTER will forfeit 5!), if failing to cure any cape of secret disease that may rome under his care, no maltcr how long stand ing or afHicting. Either sex arc invited to his Private Rooms, 38 North SEVENTH Street, Philadelphia, without fear of interruption by oth er patients. Stranpers and others who have been unfortunato in tho selection of a physician are invited to call. I hoso who have injured themselves bv solitary vice are also invited. UK AD AND REFLECT. The afflicted would do well to rtllect before trusting their health, happiness, nnd in many eases tlieir lives, in the hands of physicians, isnorunt of this class of maladies. It is certainly impossible for one man to understand all the ills the human family nre subject to. Every respectable physician has his peculiar branch, in which bo is more success ful than his brother professors, and to that ho do votes most of his time nnd study, YEARS OF PRACTICE, 'exclusively duvo ted to the study and treatment of disenses of tlie sexual organs, ogetber with ulcers upon tho bo dy, throat, nose, or legs, pains in tho hcud or bones, mercurial rheumatism, gravel, irregulari ties, diseases nrisiug from youthful excesses or impurities of tho blood, whereby the constitution lias liccome enfeebled, enables the Doctor to offer sprrily relief to all who nmy p'.ucc themselves under his care. Philadelphia, April 10, 1S31 ly. Ynlu.'tblc PROPERTY FOR SALE. riMIE Subscrilier who resides in Philadelphia, JL oilers for sale the following property in Mil ton, Northumberland county, viz: The large BRICK BUILDING in upper Milton, formerly occupied by Messrs Pattersons as a Carriage Makers Shop. The building is CO feet front on upper Market street, and 40 feet on Front street, and is two stories high. Also a two story RRICK BLACKSMITH SHOP, 40 by 25 feet, on the sumo premises. The lot is on the corner of upper Market and Front streets, and is 66 feet front, and 150 feet deep. I he premises would tic valuable lor a rounurv or other manufacturing purposes, and will be sold on rcusonublc and accommodating terms by ap plying either to JACUU UAKUKiAN, Philadelphia. J. F. WOLFIXGKR, Esq., Milton or if. 13. MASSER, Esq-, Sunbury. Philadelphia, Jan. 5, 1851. If. Great Improvements iu making French llurr Mill Stones. Y the urii of intprovetl cat irn Kyo wtiirh i buift into the it miner, uu nn in all w the we ir of the 8lme, mid has a ui'iveublu Imluuce ryiio mm ilrivcr ) uii to keep iho buliiiire ot' the tone without trum ntiiig uiilil it is worn out. Our t.clt of ULccki is clrotivl in Frnnoe, niul the twet futility only used. S .li.t liurr Ht mrs from J to 3 lect iu diumeter with the l'vfi Hi "lie U rim, as to prevent the ruiiuer choking iu tlie eye. Ii"Hin$: Cloths of nil iiiiuiImtr, clieiip fur cuuli. Mill 1 mnl und Smut Machines tuinihctl t order. liiinttptoiies of tira tried Rics, KuiluLle for Country Mer chants. iuiporU-d unU for sale by J. 1.. 71 1 1 1 IU.I.1-, No. 11 oM York Hivirl, near the Inditih I'ole. PhibdolphiH, April W, laZl. 0:n i. STOVES! STOVES! rilllE suhse.riliers return their sincere thank to their customers, for liberal encouraiiement for the last year, and hope by strict attention in filling orders to meet with the same liberal patron age. AVe have on hand the Rifatest vaiiety of patterns of any other foundry iu the United States, and still addiiifr to tbuir iiunilier. (jive us a t all licfore purchasinj; I'lowhcrc. Our stock embraces a great variety of Cooking stoves, of the most approved kinds, Parlor stoves lor wood or coal, common stoves, cylinders of all kinds, and odd plates of all kinds to repair stoves. ror .summer use, a small Move, called Bum tner baker, new and superior I urnuees for burn iiil! rhan oul or atone coal, (ias ovens of several tlill'orent patterns, li.ike ovens, several patterns, hitching poKts, Sellout irons, and a variety of arti' civs in easting, toil numerous to mention The Hardware trade can be sopi.lied w.tU common 4, S, G, 7, and b (ja.ut 'l ea kettles, at very low pri ces for cash or eilv aovptaiice. A lew caskt ol auiienor tiermun black lead on hand. VAKNICK & LI BRANDT. Noble st. wharf, Delaware, Philadelphia. April 1. 1851. liu.a. L. AV. II. GI1SSE, (.litnt for Ifeurp Carr,) LUMBER COMMISSION MBUl'niNT, I'ullai ! It, llulfliiiore. -y 1.1IJEKAL ADVANCES made on Con aigtiinenta. l.tTTkaa and C'oxsioxHtvn should be ad dressed to 1 W, H, (JIESE, Agent May 10. 1851 4mo. IJAISlXS, currants, citron, choeae, pepper n amice, Ac, Pur sale by J. W. PK1LIXO Kunliury, lH-c. 8. 1818. JJl'RE WHITE E RANDY FOR PUEHER- VIXO, iut receiveii anJ or sale by II 13. MA88EP. Sept- 88, I8.S0. tjUlLANK XOTE.-i, waiviuj the eieiuptioo Utl law oi ijuo, tur aale ly April SO, lH5lr i II. 11. M APSER. iiMi : CHERRY PECTORAL: For the Cure) mf COUGHS, COLDS, H0AHBENES3, BROIX- , OHITIS, CnOUF, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-. COUOH , AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform success which has attended tlm tikei nf this nrenn ration its salutary cffcct-Ml power to relieve and euro affections of 111 Lungs, liavc pained for it a relcbrity equalled by no other medicine. We offer it to tho afflicted with cntiro confidence in its virtues, ond the full belief that it will Subdue ami remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. Theso results, ns they become publicly known, very naturally ottraet tho attention of medical men and philnntropisls everywhere. What is their opinion of CHERflY PECTOKAL may be secni n the following : ; VALENTINE MOTT, M. D., Prof. Surgery Nril. College, Airw Tori; ttatjs : "It gives nie pleasure to certify the value nnd efficacy of Ayor's CHERRY PECTOKAL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to cure disea scs of tho Throat nnd Lungs." THE ET. REV. LORD BISHOP FIELD, writes in a letter to his fiienil, who was sinking under an affection of the Lungs : "Try tho CHEi'RY PECTOKAL and if any .medicine can give you relief, with the blessing urGod that will." CHIEF JCPTICE ECSTlfl. of Louisiana, writes "'Flint a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks ol l roup by the C1IEKKY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND BRONCHITIS. The Cuiiailinii Journal of Medical Seirnet states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent in this inclement climate, has yielded with surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's C'HEXHY PECTORAL, and wc cannot too strongly recommend this skill ful preparation to tho Profession and pubile gen erally." Let the relieved sufferer speak for himself: -H inTtouii, Jan. 20, 1847. Dr. J. C. Aver -Dear Sir : Having been res cued from a "painful nnd dangerous disease by your medicine, gratitude prompts mo to send you this acknowledgment, not oniy in justice iu you, but for tho information of others in like atllic tion. A slight cold tip the lungs, neglected nt first, became so severe that spitting of blood, ft violent cough and profuse night sweats followed and fas tened upon me. I tiecnme emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, and in short had nli the alarm mg synitonis of quick consumption. No medi cine seemed at nil to reach my case, until I provi dentially tried your C11EKKY PECTOKAL, which soon relieved and nore has cured me. Yours with respect. E. A. STEWART Aunxr, N. Y. April 17,' 1818. ' Dr. Aver,. Lowell 1 tear Sir .I have for years been afflicted with Asthma in the worst form ; so that I have been obliged to sleep in my chair for a larger part of the time, being unable to breathe on my lied. 1 hud tnoH a greui many meon-ine, to no purpose, until my Physician prescribed, us an experiment, your CHERRY PECTORAL. At first it seemed to lnuko me worse, but in less than a week 1 beirati to experience tho most gratifying relief from its ti-e ; and now, in four weeks, the diseaso is entirely removed. I can sleep on my bed with comfort, and enjoy a state ef Uculth which I had never expected to enjoy. GEORGE S. FA lift ANT; rHF.PAnr.ti bt ).c.iir.n, c nr. mist, lowkll, mass. 13? Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbury; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland- Dr. Goarliart, Sc linsgrove"; Dr. Bkkly, Danville, anJ Druggists generally. Feb. "15, 1851. lyroSm "AMERICAN HOUSE, P0TTSVILLE, PA. Mrs, MAHY Wn.UT.K respectfully infonni the public nnd travelling roininiinity i;onerul ly, ihnt she has opened this hirire and rosiiuiodioui HOTEL, furnished in a superior style, l'rom her lonjj iv.perience in tho business of a first rate Hotel, and well known reputation to accommo date, her customers may depend on bciiiij supplied with every thing conducive to their comfort and convenience, Feb. 15. 1851 ti LAWliKNCE HOUSE. SUNEUHY, PA. f X HE subscrils?r respectfully informs her friend A and the public generally, that sho has taken the aliove well known sland nearly opposite the Court House, lalely occupied by Mr. J. C. Per kins. IShe trusts that her exierience ill business, and her ellbrts to make her guests comfortable, will give entire satisfaction to those who may fa vor her with their custom. ASX C. MOI5KIS March 8, 1851 tl. TREVOR-TON HOUSE, iKhVOiiiUA, rfHE ulwcrilier respectfully intjrins tho pu'il'-. X that he has opened a Puhlic House, in ti e new town of Trevorton, Norlhuiulierluiid county and that he ia well prepared to accommodate) lii guests in the best manner. His house is lncateal neariv opposite the Company's Ntoto. IIo is also provided with frond atalilin HtiHicieut for 20 hor aes. He trusts by prompt aud careful attention to business to meet a share of the public patron age. HE XII V H WEAVER Trevorton, J.in II, If'-'n) If- AND PKi8ION ACFA'CV. - The attention of tlm imblic is called to tho ad vcrtisement of Mr- Charles C '1'ueker, Attorney aud Aueut ut Washiton Citv- Persons hav- iiiLt claims for houutv lainiU or Pensions aro In- fornit-d that tlie. suluu-rilicr ban iiiade arrangeiiienU for tiio n-ipiiite forms, and claimants calling at his olliee, can have their papers prepared and forwarded to Mr- Tucker ut Washington, and by him be properly uttended to before tho De partment there. H, 1$. MASSEH. Punburv, Jan. 18, IS51 ESSENCE OF J A M A 1 C .V U 1 N C K It . ADK fcMii the Uit Juniuien Gtmrer, all the vuluuble Uiediein:il T '. fityn whieli it Will lie lotlini to k- Si'iw iii h eJiHtU'eiil mnl u.lie.en.raieu firui. . i Ii i n .ii ..t .'iii. -i. -nl :in :t! I he H tnie lime li'lIMI es. Ceilll stiimiUiiJu I 4t.i! lor tlm t niucli, and wilt ha ioomi very beii.lit uU in relieving llit -uiiiiiil nud ilu.' reninf( Itscllis iK-f iHioiievt bv the iniouirtxl ueti m ol (on loi.MMUint oru.ni, i niu Imll ton whole tut -hhhiuii UK'u ui a vvme-M-'' flll ol' vve.-l.-ne.l water will inuiieiliutely relieve Uif llutil- k-iH') ttiidopi'rivaoii irjtultuiy: frotn indit:et ioii, and it'tiikeii two or ttiree tiua iltitv , xx re iort4lt w ot i t 'uiul inuiy uat-tut nsuinm lIm l.uuiLuleund tteiitM; t mnkhitfoi tlieyunn- aeb and lendrney tn its (liri irdered ueti-Mi toeaiOiiied by tlie fiiervKUiiy cure! ul too tuumner lu-ats, or iiiwuiaiier hi- niMiiuoii( ttiid lor t-orret'Uiig lut uk-ijvu huku ui uiuti Bisa. All. It iayli an exeetbiii ined.eina ftr ttioM who liave in- fiirud ibo Urn ol" Ibeir Mtniiueba by Ut iiiiiiii4ltnit uac cf uifiojueiiiiiiu, liciu'ira, by ita abhily atunulnUiif t-lluck uo th atoniiH ti reiii ivin the craviMK (n aimiuluiila, while U tuti un tniurioua aetinii mi th ln-aiii. and in n it aurcfmltxl by lVtliiia 04' df .rtiout vhk-a alwaya follow tho uaeof viiiuuiuina. A (vw (tropa mkhfl U nvniiieaiH. rhubarb nr other imrtm ttvB mwtieliH-a, wilt rentier theill tn rn tuvepbtbla Ui lb tloinuch uid I'lcveiil ihc (rijmtg which w apt lAaocJiiipaiiy . 1 ' PREPARED ONLY HY ; A Mini os r smith, i UUUUUIST AND tliKMWT. k , N. E. comer of tth &n4 Vhatnnt Stteet$. I'liiladetphui, A (Mil 12, Ih.M - ly - ' J . . i . 'i J 1 c: 1 i ;.. .'. ' A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At tlie CaMnct Wnf Iloom of . SEIVN houpt:& CO. Market Bciurtre, Also at the corner1 nf Fmn street the Railroad SUNCURY, PA. : ,; Thankful for tho nntrrmare of his friends and customers tlurinr; the IT yefirs he has been hi busi ness W this place, lie solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favor. During this period ho has endeavored to keep up w ith the improvements of tho dny, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branrh and variety. The public ar tbcreforo invited to the attention of the present stock of CA1UNKT WWW. AND CIIA1HS, MAN'IFAOTt'Hr.ll TIV SEBASTIAN HOUPT & CO. M the Old Ktaml, . . Where in addition to their former stock of iho establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. ljirs,t. Spring Sent Rocking Choirs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Marble Top Wash Stands, und a variety of other new style und Fnliio:iaI)lc l'nriiiliirr. Having secured a Hcnrse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at nny convenient distance. Ye maids ami mUtresscs, nml luntinnits too, Here's furniture of every style null line, From aiile liiar.Is il iwn to kitrlicii tables, . Fr'm r-x'khiit cliairs ta mckiHireraillt'B . Plmilrl yon n-it have tlie ti-raly .Imix to pay, MVI1 wait awliile f.T a liriftlilp.r livttcr day, Or take potatnes, oats, c irtl, wlirat nmt ryej Hark, hoop poles, stnves, or Ininlvr wet and dry, Or nny tiling tint yokes nnd threshing flails, ' Fi'im pics niul tarkiea down to Utile quails. Come on then friends, come one ami all, Keep trade a moving, so "g s-s on the liall.1' xf Orders from a distance promptly nttended to nnd work of till kinds delivered w ith dispatch. Sunbury, March 9, 1850 if EOS IT'S AND WATCH ESTABLISHMENT In Selinsjrove. Pa. Clocks, VTafcln ami Jewelry, 1 5 KPAIUED in the beat inunacr und wurrantcd to erfurm well. All work iutruslcJ to his care will bo strictly nttotn!cil to, KeliiiKgroYe. Xuv. 30. 1850. tl. t'ti 1 1. .i i;i.rti 1 1 TtSEDXCAZi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED is YEARS AGO BY 1)1. K1NKKLIN, AT. ll Comer of Third and Union Streets-, UtTWEEN 8PRITE A NO VINE STREET rHxziisaSjtiXirHXA. IIVTr.riX YliAliS of extrusive and uninterrupted 1 pmctire spent in tliin r;iy hive rendrrt-d Jr. K. the iii it exr-it iiiid sneri-fj-iul pnictiii 'iut far nnd near, in the trr.itiut'Mt 01" all ditkMsi-s 'H'a prtvitte imture. Persons iit'iieinl wild uli'i'is u.v.n tlie 1 k, ilir-H.t, or p'jins in the he.idor li nc!, mcicLiriiit rlu-um ilihui. strictures, gnivtl, disentii) nrisinf t- ui yuiuliinU -Xfi .-k.-h r impuritirs of the hit witl. wIiiTchy the c MiPiituti ni tutu icc iuc tni'ccltletl, are oil treiitctl with sum (. He wtm pltiei's liinif If uinVr the core of Dr. K., ttin v re ligiously coiiftle in Iiiji h n r us u iiiUciiiau.uml cuntuleul ly rely upui Lis Nnill us a physician. TAKK rAU I"Ci;LAR notici:. Vmiifr Men win Irive iniu'il tltt-iim-lves liv a certain niHi-tice nuiulii'd in si h:hti frcipi.-ntlv h-Jtiiud from evil coniiMitO'iiiK r ut li 'I the elli-ets it which nre Mijrhtly felt, even when iwlfen. und th-smiy h III mind O'lil Ifnlv. should Rpulv iuiMicliutfly. WeakiK w nnd rmstihlli(m:l debility rss of iniifrnt.ir ciHTy. pliysie.d hiKsitude and pea mil nr'iistrutinn. iriilululitv nnd ull nerv-us utt'erti ns, littli- frestinn. f the lici. mid ewry difiiseiu any wnv connected wiih llie dt inh-r of the procrcjlive I'utic- lions cured, aud ml! vigor rcstoren. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a preiuatuie dt'alh. KIXRLMS on Self Pr.srrv&lioa. ONLY 25 CKNTS.' Thin M-Mik just pnl.liphed is fill- d with useful mf ormnlimi iil the iiil.rmities nnd diwus-t .. i!m: t M-m-nit ivc trt':um. It address. itself uhkr ti V UI'TH, M ANilUtJUund llD AfiK, uiul sh.mld he it-id t-y :dl. The vnhriHe udvic; nod iiupres-Jve wurninp it gives, will prevent years of misery und Hiiiferlng aud tuivs annual, ly 'I'h niKindd of Live. " J'areiits hy readiiur it will leurn how to prevent ths des truction ol liicir rliilitirn. A reinltt:tii-e tf -" cents, rii'doscd in n h-ttfr, ml-drewM-d t. Dlt. KINKI'.lil. N. W. r-nier ofTIIIIIDft, 1M() Streets, h'Mweeu hprueo iV I'iiip, Philadelphia, will ens:ir n book, uinler euv't'l'ipe. per rMuin nf mud. IVrs.msitt a uiiuice nny uiuii'css ue. i. uy ituer, ipnm lid.) nnd be cured nl h mim. PAl'lvAOKS r .MI.IMi 1M. PiKht :riw, e., ir warded by sendine u reuiiitiiuce. und put upsecuie I rum DA.M AC.K or CUtlOSTV. IhNik-seilem. -w Agents. Pe:Mnr. rnnvne'rs. ami all others sniipbed with the iiluve work ut very low rutes. beplt tuber 0, Ih.il. ly. "WM. M'CAUTY, u o okri; 1. 1, t: u , Rrondiriiy, SUHBUJIY, PA. I AS recently received, among other articles, a t-t. erent variety of Mew, Cheap und Entertain ing ptililicationa such an Coopers novels, coiniilcte or acparate, llerliertu Ho do do do do do do rtiHhvell, Diitnag Hue Reyndols C'ockton Maxwell Jerrold 'I'rollope, Halliburton, Marryatt, Crey, Marah, Aiiisworlh, Morria do At llie low price of from S5 to 50 elii per volume. Stinhury, Sept. 2S. Io0 ti'. jrsiici: .cv tiii: i-imce, Sunbury, Pa. Oflice in Deer 8trcet. itiuneiliatcly opposite the Public School House. rB" Mnnlct enlki ti J anJ aii baiuc iiiiiiniilly and care fully alleii'lt-U to. April SO, 1850 ' BROWN'S ESSENCE OK JAMAICA GIN lit-'.M. nn ATi-i-lii-iit tirtii-lc. Ktnwu'a Medicaled ISoitp for auu burna, tan, tetter, e.e. Kndwuy'a Circassian Ualtn, for the hair dand rulfcVe. . ' b'ailwav Heady Relief for ( ramps, Lhohc, Cholura Morbus, Ac. 1- or Bale hy , 11. li. MASSEli. Sunbury, Aug. 3, 1850. tjjTONE Ware, Earthen Ware, Kuisins, AI nionds, P utiea and drain Nuta. 1 lanes ol ull Minis. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for aale by JOHX W. KKIUNU. Sunbury, lire. V'J, 1H4-J. DOOKS and Ool.l Pens. On hand several cop- iea of the life of Christ, nnd ulso a nuuilier of trolil pens which we will sell ut the Philadelphia prices, t or sale ui ini inner. ENXEUYVS PATENT. .SA.SH lS TEXIXUS. A cheap and excellent arti tie lor fustetiing sash for sale by J. W. I'RIUNG , Sunbury, July 7, 1819. WH-TIEEY'S COVUIl CMNUY. Aa excel lent reinedv for toutihs. coida. Kor aale at this oil's. . i : . ' 1 1S81'E PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for co erinii l'Iusmcs, &c, for sale at the olbcc ol the A merican. . I ! ' lVERSINO BOTTLES Hreast putnpa, and nipple tubes- A anpply of these usclul arti eles just received and bur sale by ' JOHN IV FR1I.INO 8unbury'. Jan IS. 1851 if 1EANK DEEDS piinU-d on Ibe let quality cf parchniciil paper, sold 4t )he lowest prices AAvtrrtim scie.wific wu.veu. - PEPSIN! 'it.' THE T R II K DIGESTIVE FLUID, u It . i. GASTRIC JUICE ! I'mpnrcd frcmi nKNMIT, or the fourth 5toninch of tho Ox, nflcr dircctims of It A HON MI'.HIO, Urn (rrmt Physudonicnl Cheniis!, hy J. H. IIOL'GflTON, M.D., ! No. II, North Kitthth Hreot, Phils.hdphm. Pn. Tms is n truly woitderfid remedy for 1M)IOK8TIO. DYPKPSIA JAUNDICK, MVlia COMPLAINT, CU.IIPAriU.N nnd JHiUIMTY, Curing after No I tiireTs own tntthfKl, ty Naturo'i own ugent, Hit Gastric Juiihj i I I fT Half a tonsjsmnrul of Ihis Fluid, Infused It) wnteT will dicost or diswdvo, Kive Pounds of Houst Ueef in about lw. h -urs, out of the rtonmch. DKiKSTlO. D1Kf?TlON is chit My purfonned m tl-c slonineh bvtlie ntd nf ii tlid whleii freely e.xtl'lcs 1mm the iumVcMtt il that orpnu, wlien in a st ite of heidth, cull. d the i:mtiie Juice. Thin thud is the Great Solvent of the Fmk, the Purifytuc, Preserving, nud iiniututuig Afi ut of the st maeh nnd ititestiiies. Without it there will be no diirea tifn. no r uvereit u of fiMid into IiI hhI, nnd no nut i hi in nt the twwlv , l Kit rallier n f.tid, torpiu, pitiniul, iukI dcslrue tive rnndiii n of Hie wlmle iber'tive upvirn,us. A weak, half dead, nr rujurtd sLuimuli pr-idue.-s h i jikkI finstrie Juice, and lieiieethe diseaso, distress and debility which ensue. rEt'Sl.V AND RENNET. PF.PSIN in tlie cliief c!ciii'nt. or irnut lii!'linir Prtiici pie ol Hip (juti ic Jiiicp, it is lotni'l in xn'-.a iihitinl:iiiic in the tlitl t;iiln ir tl,,: liiiinuil st iulacli nl'lrr iltsitli, nml . liu tiiiiMs r;iu..'. Ihc ittiiii:ich t'i iliircst ili:lt'. or eut itnlt an. ll i. nl f"Hnil in the bi iinncli rf niiiiniilH, tm ihc ox, cult", Ac. It iB tlm mult! I'll tiReit lv farmers ill liitiUinu chci'se. "lll'-il Kciini't. t!m til'cct uf wliich linn I mir been tlie S'.Lti:il wiitlcr ni t hcilniry. Tlie -imM',Mr uf null. i tlie lirjt pr rm ni fiicrsl ii n, tniift p BBi?BBrs aBf uni'lil'ifj nivrr. Tlie Ktoniiii'h if a rtilf will ciirtlli' miirlv uik lliuuwiml ltiin-8 itamvii wmlit "l nii!k. IJiir m l.iil.iu n.il.-. th at, "due Vlrt l IVpBIII lliSK llt'l'll ill Bixiy 111. ,,, ivirlB lif WTlIlM, Will Ultra llit-.it nml n,.r 1 1 k. h t . llin.in, ,! atoiiincliB nui- iliirc li'i it fcMl liiiBlim Jiiii-k, lu niitl ur I'l'paiii. Th Bli hv Hint tins hmiii may ,t. pt.f, rtlj aiippliirtl, wc ipi'ile the I'.il- IKNTIFIC EVIDENCE ! DAPnV I.lnHIU.' Ill Lin rlHlimtnl w.irlf ml Aiilmnl i-"r""r"v, wivb: "Aii . I'l IlK'la ll"(' KT 1- lilt tiua a-r. ill. Ill tlie liaslnc Jutri. limy li,- re.iililv nrrnnreil fnini tin' mil- iii. ini'iii'iriinn nt i. .ii jr-ii.irn iir. in i,i..ii vtiri.m. artii'U'f nl l ioit. n. meat nml :;, will Inr s iftmi il. i liiiim til, nml ilini'nti'.l. j5i in u,e iiUU nuinu r an tlicy w.iuld b ill n:e 1111111:111 Bt inuipli." lit. ri'.IU.I A. In lilH film in. Irilir. nit upivwl nml Diet." lillilisii"(1 hv fllV.-l.TB .V Vtl. Vi-mt Vurk. ivi.ri. 3.5, BUili'D tin- Bamc irri'-it fart. iiikI il. k,-i iI.i-b llm Inrlliml uf iTi-parntiuii. Tlineuio few lii::lni iiutlurilk'S than Ui. I'l-rcini. Ml. rfMIIJK. in Mb vmIii ililr wrilitiir.nii llir "lMiviii, il.iirv nf Dll'i mi 'll." ulisrrviat Hull ' a illlllilililinliul tliriliii' iplan tity uf lh liaBtrir .liiii'ti in n pruiiiiiirnt nnil nll-irfv'ailiiit rilllBiMif JlVBiiriiBi'i i.ti.l r iblri Ih it "ii iliBlilliriliBllcil pr fcs t ui ni' ilii-iiir in (.iiiiiliin. wli i wns Brvi'n ly nlliirl iil wnh t!ii v iiii,l:unt, limlmv rvury llrnir rl.c to fail, had tiBTHirSi' f i tin. tiiiBlrif .lnirr, utilaiin-il Iroui the Bl"linit'li uf livmir lliiililalB, M hirll lirul'fvl cmiiilfti'lv Blrri'BBl'lll.M lr. f'll.WIAM. tmtli iruf tin fairi niB w ir:a un uVpui?. tlllilc Plrl.'l BIIVb: ''i iB 11 r.'llllirkrililr. furl ill pliysi'il'iuy, Hint tlir Bt 'it iib ut iniiinalB. iM-ifcrntril in wntrr. iniiuirt tlie Html ill. iiuniriK nl' ills-mill imr vnriiniB m-iirli-B nf fiiHl. nml of I'lTVt-ttntr it kiinl ui" nrlilii-ial iliiM'Bliuii nf iliein in ll i Ti'iBt' il'tl'Ti-nl I'ntin tlir natural ilirBI ivr pruri-Bn." Ir. SIAHIVS pr-at w irk. Hie "ClinniBlrv nl Mini," (l.cnA- lllanriinil. I'liila. ISO, pp. ."..M-S) sua: "Tlie ilia- riivrryitl I l-.l'SI.N luriiiBii iirwurn iiiliirc-lit'inienl hiBl iry nf Jiifrt'Btirin. -r..in rtf.nt rxiteii nt. we kn-iw hit fuu.1 i iIibh itv.'tt :ib rinnilv in na nrlilirial iliirrBtive llitiil, prrjritt-il iioni Ki;:-in, libit iis in tlie lialurjl Oaslno Juire iiBrlf i Pi iiVbb tr ni'N l.lfOV nf Di .ti iT-rB ni Cnllrirr. Pliltn- ili'libia, in ! nn a it llian fi irt'eal. v"r:i nn lluiirin I'livrtiil'iei , il--; r'.r nat:, t i an r illlinati.in nl' Hub Bill'iri-t ins rxpi't'iiiit'itts wita nr. I I'tiiliivnt , nn Hit1 i i'lsti'ir .ttilre, nlilnine I i'r an lim living Inimaii Bt -mafli lin.l I'r.ini nntin-ila m r wt't! k'lliiwn. "In all r ib'-b," ll" BtiyB, "ttii.'i'Bt i ill nretir red lia peni-rllv in llie ni tilW-i-il as in tlie lliltnnil iJtgi-8tluilB., AS A DYSPEPSIA CUKCll, Pr. lTOri.l!TtS prervtriti.-n nf PI'.PSIX has pridti-c-d the in it nmi vi 'l .us i-Ti-ets, mneir cmc. h i.( Itfl-ilitv. Miniieii.t) it, N-jrv Tr iKfliue, nud l) spertie t 'usinnoti m, SUp.t S'-d t.t be i,u t!:e -t-i v Ver-;,. .. u irr:ic. It in nil- p wihie r pve dr ih-ttiils of ciise in tln limits nf this nd- VertiBfliKUt l-lll im1 lu-i I ii :!( t i-erl nictes have been -rn eu of in-re than TWO lirNPIU;.) liK.MAUK.VuiiK rriil-'.S. m plMl ith !,,!,..,. ,.w Yorl.-, and ll h'uii nl -ne. These were ne.-trly ull tle.-sprrale Cases, uiul I he cutt-s were tl't nulv rapid an I y ii Icrfiil, hot penit :iu-nl. It is a irrerit Nt??,' Voi'S A.Tlll)T!' .m.l pnrtienl irlv ne!ul f .r :ent!eiKy ti b.li urn d: -rder, l.ieer tJunpl:.! .t. I'cjver tin I A true, .r UkV.v tr.iaicd Fever n-id Aue, mid the evil eff-ets t.f (..uiuitie. .Meuury, and .-ther drutf U;'U the Digestive nr':i;ir--. Ci'ln U I i.if ("ieliu Si'. A!n.'. f. r vwts in entity, ar.l ihf't free uvv of indent spirits. It uliiuisl rwniii'iietf Health with I iiti-iuperatine. OIJ) STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no firm of OU STOM C1I rOMI'I. VIVTS Whleh it lines II it seem to lejtrh and r"ilove at univ, ,o ! in irter h iv bid they ni.iy be. itlilv'KS INS TaNT KK- I Id i-l'! A siiuled 'sc mil ves nil the unplfJiKiiit hyui ' Ltiuis. nnd it nn!v neetifi be reoe.itrd. ('! a sh r! lime, to ; make the- ii " m 1 1 (frets vrtii-irni . PI HITYOP IM,tH)l) und VM.OU Ol' li(.lV, mil ,v ut nun;. It is pnrtiettlarly execili'iit iii eiijf "4 .a-i"i-i, . i : s i i i . Cramps. S aeiies of the pi m' th-St ijtineh di!rei afti r eitiite. Inw, el-l, HUile nf the lit i-id, lI'Mviiier-M. I. 'iwuesif nl' 54(iirils. lespn 1 deuey. r.iuaei.iLi-.ii, U -r.ikii'-ss, teiidwtey lo Inriauily, Sui- AC. ri-e. ON'K POf.I.Mt ;cr b .tile. Oucb dllc will often fleet u lasuiur cure. pi:p;;ix in powokus. IT SI5.NT HV .MAIL, l-'KKK OV ;sTAr,!-;. F"l riilivi-'itnri- , if s.-: ut; r-r I i t.'l tniln of l!u i'-miii, i'lil". i-r.t'Sl. o(. eettnni t i e dis8 ird 11 Tlii-se p -Wiler (nt:iiii tlm iiiiii'.st ivi-: m at l :;ii t n in tie- f Till -a IViw.' -iii. i itli i:i watrr in nvni'i, nv 11k- piliiMt. JHSl llie SailH' IlKltll:! US till- ll'lUll-H, lint Ivvn''- llii- 1 1 1 : 11 1 1 1 1 V r llii- niiiiii- in in, in,. 1 u i!! Iu .m nl liv mull. I lil .l . HI- l'l 1ST Alii! I .1 I ii: Dill. I, A It .ml (ii l-uii.l) l'i lie. .1 . HOtiili IXi.N, Ji .. 11 N. .riii i:uUiiiauuellliul.i.li.-lii1iia. Six ivu-!.:if.' i r--r Hve d .Cit-M. i:ve-v nuw nnd Iv U B.iKllUIC of i. S. UOL tiii I'ON, .M. iKiirit ilie wi it anlr t'li'iiriet-f Id bv liv end in rverv tvi in the i nitd St.itrc, and by ie.-tHet!d-le dwderft hi .Mniirineit cntTiitly. VOW SAld. IVJ..i:i W. I'riluer. und tle -r-.j Uriiibl Snnt urv, JM;iry . leC;iy J-ilm II. l; ,sn Mnvcs & .MeC irinick, rt. j. I'min', i"hll (f. Heiin, Willtuin l)tii:i, buiiUiry, Sept. Ilth, lt-y(l. K rtliiimh!r:dud. Mili'.n, M(-Kweiivillc, Sltni'.T' ix'i t piu-r MiduuiUmgo MaliiHy. PHILA. AND HIIrlllliJG IlATLr.OAB- Mn!l'H AltKAMiKMrVr I'RIfM ' i'iiii..viii:i.i'iii .xn 1'otisviu.i;. F ii res It c il u ceil . OJtceof the I'ltila. V liewliiiz Rnilrn.i l Co. l'liilaiielpliia, .Marcli -Jti, IXol. ) Two Pussenscr Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) and alter April Ist, 1H51 two trains will he run each v.ny. daily, between Philadel phia and Pi.'llHvill.i MUKM.XG J.rxi:. Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A.M., daily except Suiiilavs. I.eaies Potlsville at 7J A. M. daily except Puu- ilays. afti:.':ou.x i.i.m:. Leaves Philadelphia ut o'clock, daily, except Suuilavs, , Leaves Poltsvillo ut 3j o'clock, daily, except Sundays. ' Ectwecn Phila-lclphia and Potlsville, $3.75 1st class cra uud S '..',' 5 -.1 class cars. Between Philadelphia uiul Heading, S1.75 1st class ears uud il.-!.") 'Jil class ears. Ei'iint in Philadelphia, corner of Eioad and Vino tSlreels. PaHsentrers cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of batrirngo will be al lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas sender are expressly prohibited from taking uny thin-' as htitrtraire but tlieir wearing upjiaivl, which will heat the risk of its owner. by order ot'lho Uoard nf Mannirers. B. UUAUPORP, April 11), 1851. Hcvretary. LOUEEAU'S IudeEtruotible and Indcllille WUITINa INK FACTOUY. A'u. 1 Suuth Third street. MERCHANTS and tho Writing community are reiiuested to pull and exuuiiuo this IX K, which is warrautett nut lo eorrvJe Metallic Vent, nor change Ut Color. 1 Wliolt-Nule nnd Itetall, No. 1 South. Third street, Philadelphia. A lihoral discount mudo to .Merchants and the Trade ..' ' - For sulo hy H. II. Mussor, agent for Sunbury Noveiulier U, ld&U-ly. ... Vuluablo , UuuIiH. LIFE or CaaiaT, handsomely hound, D'A b iimt'a HisToar or raa KKniaTio, Bull a IJAf-howaa ash Luiukhs, full bouudul. For aale at the pulilulior pii.-s by II. 15. MANiKK x SuiibBryj lul 11, VS1' : ' . ' ' ' , - I I - : . ' , . .' KANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. ri:svi.vAi. nrr nr PHidMiKLrin. II. t. Uuuk H'ltra .i iIib' All a-ilvent Ininka iin fiirKTBT. Hnk nf ChmnlKTBtinrg 1 ili.l llnnk of Chi'tler Cn. purl Hank nf iel. i:,i. tllii-Bler pnr lltinU nf tirruinntiMvil wir MAS3AnAt"fF.TTf. All anlvrnt Imnka ill KIHIUK. 1MI.AND. All aulvrnt Icinlif (lit Cti.WKCTICUT. All iiilvrnt hnnk I dia Ni;V YOISK. ritr. Alla-ilrrnt Irnika I i"a 1 9" lit it itrt under SJ j Ui. Hank nf (irtivBluirit (lis Hank nf Iti-iviBluwn Hank nf Miiltjlrpm , ) lliB IMiintimrry fr.t llanlt pnr1 AII-rilvdllBlrinkB 1 llii Ni:V JI'.llt'KY. Ilelvidi-ri- Hnnk I iikiib ni .iiriiiiiiti:Krriiii-pBi nailKiil -!IBluirrf Hunk nf Danyille 1 iIib I'liiiiiiit-rrial Hunk i. liar I nr. Hank Mull! HullJT ir t 'nrliflr Hunk 1 li!P.A M.. Mi.lillHnwn 11. pnr t'nlniii'iiii ll k A H'geCu4.r llnyelBliiwn Hitiilf pur l''.llilnll llink Mir Mri liiniir.' Ilk, Newiirk t Mci li. Ilk nf lliirltnatun ir Mrrh. A Mnn. Ilk Trent pnr l''.rir Hunk t3 diBl.MnrriB Cn Hunk In Kxfli-iiiuc It'k riitBii'iftr ilinl.Ni'wiirk Hk'g A InB.Cu l''rliinmf It'k, Hrniii-h 1 diB Ornnr Hank Fiirinrrs' H'k, Hm-kBt.'ii par'Hr ipl,- Ilk I'atlemuil r'armerB1 Hk, liin-iiBinr pariHrinrrtnn Hank I'liriiu-m1 Hk. Urriilinir pariStilrin Hankiiifr Cn, l iinn. Ilk S-linvlkill Crt parlSnnrrrel t'.i It ink I-' ft 1. Hk Wnvnrsli'jf i.tliBlStntr Hank nl C.inileil Kraiikliii Hk. Wntili'ii ij'liBiSintr Hk I'.li.alit-llil'm llairiwlitirir Hank I din Slate Haul. Newark di diB dil pnr par 3 in. iir I itlB J lIlB llnlir.inlali. Hank 1 din State TJIi, N. Hrinisivielt par lrfineaBler Hank pnriSimBf x IJinik. Newtml J ilis l.i'liniiun l-aitk itarl l rriitnli lianklinr l.il Kir M-reli. A- Man. 11-nik I ilia t 'nimi Hank. Ilnvrr ; di. l.-tiliB 1 dit MinrrBl H'k. I't.ttBVllle perlVnrtllevv'IrADlinrri! Mmit nsrtlii-l a ll -nk din t? Uk imt". iindttr f.i TiylnrnvV HfiH'ir Cn l.i ilisl PU.AWAKK. ii eBt Hrnnrh H-mk nnr Tlank ul lli-lawaro w. I..- lit. it i.. . put " ? ., llKrwi r par Vurk H-uik. , IVIielii f nni-'B 1 ,js Itaiik nf r;iiynm pnr llrliiMnre t'lly Hank pur Ilk Viliui;,n A Hrtuiilyw. pin l-'armer.' Hk St Prlnwnre pnr I n inn llnnk. Willllilltttollinr is'- Under r'S'B 1 dia (lino. All B -lyent ImiikB 2 iti 11 MM llailK if W lit'lltirk f, iHb Mrrennliltt Ilk. Hnnirrir 1(1 diB All 9 l-i-n ImnkB 9 ,liB rl iv ll l.Ml'SI int . All anlvrnr li-nikt. J iii ; Ilk n nt inidrr fi' 4 dia VI-:i!M(lT. Hank nf St Allrini All 8-il.iMt liinka MIHTII CAItDlil.NA 9 di.i All b Ivrnt link 1 di. J i!iry Under S'a, 2J dia Eovjity Land and Pension Agency, WASHINGTON, C. rprtl? niv1-ri!-ned Attnrii. y nnd (Jenend A.'ent nt the JL Ctty ! .i"tiuift"n. nijcm hu si'rvieen ji prticuriug Ib'tinty IjhuIp and IViise.i.e f.ir th se enttilrd. Itetnit per maneiiily I cni iil at Hie eut nf O-'vennueui, with a thor-ou-.di and f iun'i ir iicunaiiitaiiee willl the in-rrKjciry fnntis. unit miiiine n lniKiues.Ht hn haviiit-ticeess to ItejMers and tuv.it men in me. I . r. :ir nhiee. he pi .Cm.-1-f l;ai.llles fnf me Si'ei'i.y t:nn s'lMsiuciury uiIjUBtnieut ol U.vruu.eiit claims nl every kid. Hy n lale Act nf CnnereM, IJ.mnty I, mid Is prauted lo the i llicei'H atnl S ililii rs nl Hie war nf J-P aud of the vnri- ri 'lis Indian warn, siuee Dill. T-i tlmst; who nerved nine limit hs Idtl ueren; to Hi-we who si-rved t ;tir ill niilis bU ueres; und pi in hi; wlio -civeil one in .nth 1(1 acres. ArraiiL'-'iir ins have been made with irmlleuieii nf th I.u-tl pr if ;. i ii inilub-ient Meet it mn nf Hie Cmntrv. for the I "ea n n ni wairaiiis, umt the sate td the p. it en in, when n-iteii, nn tlie ui'ii aov :mi.i,;'i Mif it run ; I r the luiyiiient of faxes, red-nipt inn nf Ian. I, a Id f r taxes; c 'lleeiii-n o( debts: nud fnr tur traiin-HMi -ii nf funeral haw bunine-8, in tlie different rS'atts und 'i'l.riiinrb'i. lie tenders his wTvieefi t i members nf Hie pmfessi n ut u distance, and when claim niiainy the (t'lvermufiil. nre pre pared by ti I -nl Ac 'iHi will uhnte i.ne h:dt his usual fee I'lic nerew! oy f irms nud iii.itnieiio'it und inforuiutimi mi nil SMOji eis api ertanoui; t a iijer id iri iReeiit ( 'ii of this busutefs. will be turuiflied to regular 0rresp-indents with out chume. Pits ai h d-.ir:inr iuf rm ili ai of fib-nd iu iheurmy or nnvy, will f i ward t ht.n nil the (tari ieulars Ku wn of tln ir service, tnirethcr with a le? ot mu u iirir, ami llunr cnour r icf wi'l ie replied I i by leiuni m" tn til. All (Miitnntmcu linns to be (riiK.rAin,) and a-Hres-d I i 4 (1 VtlM C. TITKI'dt, (li -X 1fw, P. V.) ayhia-tou, U. C. PecemVr , V,u. !ir CWl'S!!! P.T .MI.ANSIIF Till: Poi-KKT I'sci-LAcics, or, Eiery one his ne n Plivait-iiin ! thirti- y c-tli lilion, willl upivur.lt ofi vii a ntiiun'eii t-nurav tmrn, auow- t-i - -i : 2 - :;. "" '& '" l"'''u'i,u' tlisi'iiKCH in eve. iv i hape uiul form, nud nml- k'j l'it'"ialii'iis.ul ih" generutivc i;v v. Yorso, t. . --y 'I'ac tiuir has now un itl lluit lirrsiina sulVi-rinjr fmni socrrt tliH-iiscs, m-rd no tnori' Uvonm tin; victim of QiLH'kt'iy, iim by tho (jri-.tTipt ions roiitaiinxl in this boo; on y oiitMtmv 'itn- him -c If, witliout liind rniHT to li;ifliiH'is, or the kuowh-do of uny our, nuU witli oik ten ll i llie usiiil i'.vrtuce. iti ut!di tion to tho prnrr.il louliiic ot' pri:tto ilMi-itae, it fully r plitius th- fiiui- ot niaiiliood's early tUvliiu, uitii o!tM'riitliiis on niarriao hoKitlo. mnity otltor iloiMP-rt'tiiL'tiU wli'.clt it wduKI not be jro nor to finiin.-ralo. nyATiy I'tTf-m soii'Hmg; tvkt-i'ive okt t'lu-losi';! in a lotlor, will rrooivi- one copy of tltia hool;, l.v uiiiil. ur fr.o oo)-irs will he sent for ono dollar. A.l 1 . '-Ui;. W. YOl'Mi, o. l.VJ M'KI'Ci: -i;.vt,ri!i.AUr.M,I!IA." Jst-pahl. t"5fifa-l'.- lr.(i can bv roiinuttiil on uny of tin- DIm' ss-'s ilot crihcl in his (liiU'icnt puhliiMtions, nt his O lh r. l.Vi SIMvCCK Mnvt. iory day ho twooti U iiu.l ; o f'o'i'k. (ttnilav soxcej ted.) lMii!mle'phi;u Nov. II, lH.i0.--ly. patz::t jtau blacking. M,i:iiiftvtu,-i). Ni). 50 CHESTNUT Sin-c-l, MEHAL. ii-.vanlrd bv tlie PRAXKI.IX IX tiTITL'TE of Philadelphia in October, ami i in: 1'IRT PEEMH'M by the MARYLAND IX ST1TLTE, at Eailiin.ire, Nov. IS-lSnud IS11). VI: il.i.l. !,, i, (MoUr'.liri, lti-W. I have ti'cd J. Wellar's Patent Japan Liquid I and Palo U'ai l.in-r l'or some nine months, und am happy to say that it surpasses any hlut-kini; that I have uim-i! these twenty odd years. I liml it holds the p..!Uh and preserves the leather bet tin' than any l laiUin ' that I have ever tried. Amuikw 1'. Cu i m urns. No. (ii Chestnul Street, 7lll. CUP.P.EY, Mvotfactartr Successor to J. WELLAR, No. 50 ('hcstiint Street, uliove Second. Novem'.K-r, !l, 1850 ly. AMI B0 0T-TIIEE MAKEK, Aro. 05 A'fttf Street. Second door below Tliiril, Til tX.ASRX.ni I A. 11711 EliE nil kinds of lasts, &e., of tho latest hf In uii-.l best material, are manufactured on reasiihalilo teinis. All order promptly und punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov. !), 1S00 ly. U Q UOKS, AVIN KsT&C. 'FlIE subscrilier has just received a new supply -t of the best liipmrs that ever came to .Sunbury, consisting in part ol Supi'i'i-ir nl.l pale lii'tiiiily. Fine l.'iiisiiiae lliandy. Siiierior ('Id Jamaica Spirits. New Po land Kiiui. Pine Holland (iiu. Superior Old Whiskey Comm ni d-. Kuperior Muileiia Win" Lisbon do. do. Superior Port Wine, liuruuu.ly Port ilo. Sweet Madura Wine. Huperi.ir Claret Wine in Isillles. Chiiini.iL!iie do. do. HEXKY MASSEU. .Sunbury, May 80 18-PJ. c i i a'uTe s" uTIPe tTf n AT T OP.1TE T J-.H L.V", I'ulixt llt', '. Will promptly oltcnd to rollectiona aud all bust Hess entrusted lo bis cure. June 10, lil'J, i STONE WAItE, CJTOXE uiilk Pans, stone Juits and Pitchers, O and oilier urlicles of stone ware just received a,,,! for sale by JOHN W. FlilUNU, tfuuhury, Juno 83, 181U. Til "EAS. from the New York Canton and Pekiu I Tea Coinpuiiy. For sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec , 1818 AY 111 AI. All excellent article for sale by v II EN It Y MAKSEK. fc-uiibuiy J in. S7lli, ISPJ tf, - ! 5i .-J if . I 4ti;iiiouiiiftc Your Own!" HAAS &IH5NN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. THE miltncrilicni ro"crlfit11y cnll Ilia attention nr the pnlilir- tn (heir lartrn and aplcniliil aaaort mrnt of every quality mid price of ,y CAIIm-AVAICE. ( wliii-lt cnnnol fill to rri oininonil ilwlf toevrry on who will cx nniinc it, on arronnt of iu durahl wnrkntHnsliip ntul sjilonditt finish, mailn up of th lirat Ftock lo ho hnil in the rity. No effort i apnrril in the iiinntifui ttire of their ware, and tha milnvrilirrs nro tlclrrniiiird to keep up with the mnny iinprnvi-ineiila which nro eoimtaiitly being mucin. Their duck roiiHislH of Miihognny ,j of.i, DlvaiiM and Ioungcs, , ajurcnus, Srcrrtnrf cs, srecboartis, KOFI, CREAKFAST AND D1MXG TABLES. '., and nl.o VKNETIAN 1!1,1XUS, eriual to riiilj- il lphiit mnnufuvturo. UEDSTKAllS, of every pnttern and price. UjTHOAIUJS. WUIIK AMJ CANDLK STANDS. TOII.KT TARUKS AND UXTKNSION TABLES, in nhnrt, every nrlirle in this line of their linainena.. They also iiiumir.ictiire all kind and qualiliet of CHAIRS. itieltiilint vnriclien never before to he had in fimlniry, ani-h ns MmtnnAMT, Ulack Walxot ami t rm.i'.n iMii-i.r. (niKi i A7t ; a!ii Wmiiaoa ('H AI1W, ami fa Nr t l'l a mii Srout.a, which are of the Intent stylt-n, niul warranted to Iw exec-lied by none niantilni-liireil in the Citiea or c lnowlierc. The auliRcriliern nro ili-terihined that there ahall he no excuse for peranna to ptirchaiie furniture in the eilie, os ever) 'confidence enn ho entertained iihntii the ijnnlily nud linisli of their ware and L linim. Their nrlich-a will he disponeil of nn an (rood term" ns they enn he purchased elsewhere. Coun. try Produce ttikeri in pnvment for work. i;M)E!TAKI.N(i. Havitis provided llieiiiKCivcs with a hniulsnino IlKittaK, they are now prepared for I'udertnkiit. nnd nlteuilin; fu riernls, in thH vicinity, or ut any convenient dia tntice from thin p'are. riP The Wi.ie Honm is in Mnrke Street, opposite J. i oiiug a store, nnd ncnil oppoaite Weaver's Tuvem. DAXIEI. HAAS, GKOlitJE UEXN. Sunlmrv, Dee. 11, 1S50 tf. "WATTS' 1IEEV0US ANTIDOTE .nil rilYSICAI. liCSTORA'l IVK. TXII3 l'lrDICAt, IV0NDB3 OI TH jwilivrly rttrn all 8lairf ol rcnralgit V ' '1 ie JV-JorotiK. iorvoti: jleadaoho. Chf- lora, To;dV;;iv, I ! ilriijdiolii i coiiviilsioint ; will restore inanlto'itl to its ineslitic vior, even aftrr Vrars ol pv.istraitoii, aiul the only known nud cer tain euro for 1 nv irils or mental tlehilty. Ktrart front t'ie New Ymk;Sim, tKU, 1849. Tltc. erf limit il It W'aNon, wlien tulkitiR of th miraculous power of "Vatu' Nervous Antidote the question wu put to him, '.Why such a vuUift- l.h. .-..M1-..1-. l". ii nil hurvniu iilLelliina i-.ei trilll,K.r, j,v i!,e in.-ili.-al l.i -ulty !" replied, "That if il were, lliere would no longer be any use for a facully, us all iliseascs nriiriuiileil from a tlisorgan- i.ed etrte of the ncrvcrf i the nerves arc liie main sprint; of the whole s.-tcm Keep this in order,, und both the mind und body must he." pour o-.iueo p!;ial. VI il:i.e, enough for all or dinary cases, ONE DOU.AK. r (11,11 11 Y Win. Mi (.'AR TY, l'rondwuy, Sunbury. ."Vlilcmliei-, 2S, 1'it) tl'. FASHION ABIi'B HATS. G. J. WALTON, No. 2 tt .Vu.;Wt t., h lween 7 !) 8lh st., (South side,) rHILABEX. PIZZA.. rT'II Vi Siilifi-iiln-r has opened n new hat .tore and nili-i's to liadi-i's and others who visit the city, ii hjuilfonie it-v-ioi tiiient. of hats, caps, of eve ry variety, made up of the best niuleiiul, aud in the l.itcsl and bcU s! v lc, ami on terms as reasona ble use in le hud in any clal-lisiinient iu Phila delphia. iz: Fine silk hats ul .'ri,.')0 ; Oood do do ut vll'il. l'i rsons fuiiii the country who pur chase of him, can r-.-ly, at ail limes, on fretting a pood article that will please them, and one that is liillv wori'i the ni 'i;i", paid. C. ,T. WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. !l, ls.ill. lv. koss oTrjxsainrjT, ron tettsh. "I ) KM) I'n- f ill wiiii: o-ititi'-nu- iniTii Cupl. Oevne, tlie I . w I kll.'WU U;. . I I 'ljui-ir rii.iiti liuiil C'iiilaiii (nl ill. i ui.uii-r.) Pill!. fViTlll VlMr f-ilt'-e' 1 W.ifi :i .nn. Oct il-r .11, lot. i-!vi-il vvilli n bre;il,iiiff uut on ui)' mvn iii i1k t mu it' 'IVlt.-r, hicli I win f.inviiircd was i htrii'i.-it mthf irlicrV Hi.., It umiutually rxiemt Ci1..it my I m'i' mini it rc'icl.ftl llm upper Kirt ol" tli cIu'cUk. t'uiiin. th' H.-vt-r-il in ntiis Ui.it it (Miiiinued npiifiiilm-r. I iisi-il diJr-sat :ip,.!i;'iiniia, -nie nf vhnh tinii thu !-.! -. . Ii;-i i-:i1! ;M U -. -U IHTc-aiilii Hk (tlFtiia. btlt frmti n nn' oi tl)i':n.::.i rr,-rit ihu Ic-iii! lro.tit until 1 tipplit.'! i tn IIitsK iJimmkm. Ky tin' iifr ol Otic jnr nl il. 1 w.ot per i ily fiiicu uiul have leiii.iiiieil irre nl tlie aflee li. -ii. I li iv pin' e iii'-i! i!m Ojiitni'-nt, li:rlit'y applied f-r mnpli lU'NH o! I'n- .i hi iciifei, cli.t'-.i.fo tri,iii. At. Willi ier- l.M-t fiifi tlie hi.'--I . I iioe n i lioii-oi-ii in recoiiiiurintiii it m i'.-.t iiLiaui'i to 1 tn- po'iitc. JAMKS DKVOK. At-fiit Mknrv Ma ('Kit, Siiulniry. July 1M!I. FATS1TT ISESIOIITES. l.reen'a Oxywuatcil Hitter, price reduced. (?ld Jacob Tnwnsciid's Sarsajiarillu. linker's Sarsapurilla. Swayne'a f'vrup of Wild ('lierr jj. Swuyne's ennil'tiKC. lAyre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullcu's do 'J'll.liU's Pain Killer. Dr. Hoollaud's (ierman Eilter' Indian Vcji-tuMe Pills Horse and Cuttle Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, LSIU. Tn rx5orx.r.'s VASB-MECtxn" COMPI11SIS15 A COI.I.KCTION OK OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, Li the Useful ami Interesting Arts with a Jtvt atiuiiile nuil Cini.ni. Exprriiurala 1st CIIKMISTKV : 1 NCLl.'DINfi Medicine, Perfumery, Chemistry - Cookery, Furriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestie. Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 61 eta., for sale by II EN 11 Y MASSEK. Sunhtiry, Dec. 8, 1819. .oici: i;u .oois : Just ieiived at the store of HENRY MA8 SEIt, a lot uf Cais, ium Shoes, Aliiiunacs, iiieeuswure, Liipmrs cVc. All uf which wilt k so!d at the lowest price. Dec. 11, lS.'O. AT INERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard Acid Springs, hiijlily vuluaUe ill chronic di seases, and tonic rcineoics, for sale HENRY MASTER. Sunbury, June 89, 1850 tf c received. Also silk HATS ut 3, for sale by II, MASSE R. Suiil.urv, Dee. 81. J Vl'E.NT 'PruMM-s nf all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Collou yarn and laps, just received and fur sale by J. W. ITvILlNG. Sunbury, Dee. 9, 18 lb. ULANKS. 5 uf every cleaeription ti JllliXillVk'l H BLANKS of every cleaeription can he had by U9 sp ly ing at llie olliee of tbe American. ADD S cclehrulcd Horse au.l Cattle Medi no for sale by HENRY MA.VSKR ombuiy, Jan. Vili, 181'J at this olhce, by wholesale aiu iviuu. t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers