J.YQTIIKU setKATIMC WO.WSU.' PEPSIN? TiiiTniii . DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! A CHEAT DYSPEPSIA CT7REB, Prepmed frnm RV.NNF.T, or (lie fourth Stnmseh of tin. Vs. stter dhrrilnirt nf BARON I.II'.UIO, tin. grent Pliywlr.i!irtil Chemist, by J. R IIOI.OIITON, M. P., No. II, Nunh F.ish'h frtrrt, Philadelphia, Pa. Tfii is n truly won lerf d remedy for INIUllKSTIOV, Dvrrpt.v. jAUXCicn, uvr.rt complaint, CONSTIPATION mid DF.UIUTV, Curing after Na ture's own method, by Nature's own atjeut, the Gutric Ju-a. I rr Half a tcn.pnonfnl of this Fluid, infused in water will dnjeat or diasolvc, Five Cumuli of lionet Beef in taut two hturs, nut of 1 he ftcrre.li. DIGESTION'. -pwinrTION is chiefly iwrfurnirH m the stomach hy the X ) eid if !i rlird which Ireely exude from the inner nmt l thin menu, when in a lutein health, railed the (jnstrii .luiee. Tins fluid re the Orwit Solvent of the Food, the I'uruyinir. 1'rcserviug;, nnd Stimulatine; Agent of the ato nw mt intestines. Wilbinl it there will he nullifies. tiu eonvorrl m of fno into blood, and no aulniion f the hody ; but rnther a foul, torpid, pninitit, and ifc-sirue-rn-e e -uditinn of the whole dipextkve apparatus. A week, hen' dead, of injured stnnmch prnrtlie. -s no Rood Gastric Juice, and hence tha disease, rlistrena and debility wbics ensue. PEPSIN AND RENNET. ri-TSlX ii the rbieYeVnient, or frenl Dhp-Atinfr PrinH f le ol" llie Gantrip Juror, it in I timid in grrni uhuiidmtce in thn nru ot the hnmuii stomnrh oitrr tlcnth, mid wtme tunt n emif the rttiiiuirh tn digrdt i tut It', or enl lUelf up. It .. ;.! f ttiiid in the M tnnri nf nnimuln, hii Ihr ox, cnlf, A.c. It in (lie imitcrnl iimmI hv funtirra in miikinc cheese, olH'il Rennet, the efl'tvi iif winch h t lonjr Itmi tire Ppwml v iKi'-r M t ne.nirv. I U mm. inn ol milk in the not ptv at t-f ilierstmii, Rrtnu-t noFftrrwr nMitiiiihitig p"ter. 'I'l l M iiii;iali nf it mil will tirillu nmrlvdiir tlioiuniiitllimc mown vvu'ht nf rm!k. Hiinm I.irl'ijr tiutt-a Ih.-il, 'On I .n rt m' IVjjhii. diwolvrd til sixty tliniisruiil r:irt nf WMtri, xv iu tiiurst mom nnii ottitT f -n.T' i inMrn snunnr-hi pro- ttii' n t: ind (Birir Juirf, Ut-iiiiet or I'riwin. To slrnw t!i;il dpi want miy I perfcrily Ritpplied, we ijU".e lh fnl- SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! HAW ON UKIUfI, in lii rtMirntri vvk nn Animi CiDMii'i rv. icivh; "Aii Artitioiitl UiL-htivr Fluid titui hiitiit ta t lie ii.i-inc Juice, inny in ra:uhly trrp:ircd tmui ue tun- r-niw iiirntjr:iiit: of tin1 Huiiiii.-clt nf tiifiMlf. in which yttrium artirleF ct" f;mil, nit nit;it :ni I olt., will I nuftr-ned. rhmiK-.-iii.l (liir-fied, jns; in the tciuic milliner at tlicy w.mld lie in Hie lunn-ni tr)in;i('ti.!- lir. lMiKKIltA. in Inn fmri'ini trnti! n "V'xl ond Pi-'t1 iu!p'.i!!ifd hy I'mvl'T .V Wllf. ev Ymk. Ufi, ilU i lie mitrirt vr,:,t n nl fliwrilM-ji tlif ttii-tlvnl nf r :-;iTJii ,,n. Tik.:ii a its icw liihr Biitli iriiit-s tlmn lr. I'r ;ii;t. l)i . t'DMfir, in his vrVvhle writing on tlie lMypit vy nf Litw v '11," iiiMcrveii ih.it tMitit nut ion -A thrd-tc ru?ni t.. . i iluMi.'stnc Jiiu-c is a ,r iiiii!Otit hit.I ii,l-pnViii.Niji cause . f l.';.ijH.YS.a y' nml )r st;t;:ft t!,;it "n ilmtiit-ruiMlii-d pi fpM T HI IMr'iiltMlM' ill L'H,i!.H. ili VltH HJVfVt'ly llil't- (! wtUi t;i! oaui;diiiti't (iiidin vi-ry tiling cije tn iiil, h:id tc.' uis. t ' 1 1 l (t:iHJrii? I;iii'... .!.Mtj"t iVi.in Hi- (-iineh nf living ;piiin",y, which jt nvrj v mi; !t-t-ty fiiiorffitl." l:r. tj.t .VUAl, ti.itl.-ir nf thr f.itn n w -rks nil t,Ve tf Df t. Hn , s: it is :i rcitiurkiilit iit in phyKinl yy, tli i. :'m st . tinciiM i-:'a:iiui;i!. nmrrnttfd in w;it-r. inuurt t.i thr Uitid pt.iptMty nf dix iKimr vnrintn nrlit-lfs nf f ( i!. ii'ii nf fittimc u kind nf artilici tl dirstt-'ii nf llmm in ii wnu' dtfT'Trnt (mm the t Kit urn I digestive pnrss." Hr. nI.M(.l.S tfrerit wmk, the "t'heinistrv if Mun," (T.r.i& Hlrmchin.f. IMiilu. !KI. pp. :iil-'2) mvs: "The dm envfry m' Pj;iH fnrms n tiewrrn in the chemical history of i)iirryinna l-'rnrn n-cent rxpetimrtit we kimw tint f.i dl is dtvLilv'd ns nuiHllv in mi nriilieinl tli-jrstivts fluid. nrivired from I'rpsin. us it is in the nuinral Ciiintrie Juice PioiVss-ir IH'MJI.ISON of the leneiaon Colleire. l'lii'n- dp!llii:i. in Itin gre:it work on llnmun iMiyBi'il ;y, ih.-votrs livtro ii;ui titty pnMstonii extuniiiiitiiin ol thi, suhjfel His eX'.i-riiii'Mil with .)r. Iti-vtimont, on the liistnc Juii'e. cibuiuicl t'rnin the livini hiinrni nt 'much nnd Irom nniiunls are well kn iwu. "In all c:iws." lie says, "difrfst ion wfur red u. por.oi'ily in the iirlifii'mtn, in the imturuUlijji.stioiie." AS A DYSPEPSIA CUKER, Mr. IIOlMiHTON'; irc ,rutioii of PIX3IN hns pmdn eeil t!it- iiii uiHrvtlloiiM eli'ti'ls. enrnig r.iws of Drliiltty. l.iniri:iM'n, irvou. Di'i'lme. mill Uysneptir f!onsuinplioii, eiiijnf(l to lie on the vrv vnree ol the (rrave. It i im i 'ksiIiI-j tu pive the ili-biil.'of run's iu the limits of thisml-v.'rii.'-t.ii'iit hut iinMM'iiti.Mti. I ,rtifir:iles have Ix'rn given ni in. re tlmn TWO llt .NDUKLI ItK.M AUK Alll.t fM'ltl'.S, piiin,ci,iit. New York, and Huston alone 'i'l.exe weie nearly nil dt,p-niie rns.'S, and the cures were n-t onlv rapid nfd w 'tidi-rinl. imt fenn.uleut. It isii ifnat NF.ItVDI S .V.VTIUOTK, nnd particularly u.eful for tpiiili-ney to kli.-u, i'ik-inlcr. Liver CtHiiplai..t, Fever and Ayue, or liadly tMnted Fever sail Atrue. mid the .-. il fil'iT'ts of tuinine, M.Teary. and other drugs umui the iJiTr,rive orraiiH, oi'tci n loinr'Nirkiirss. AUi, for excess in f-itine. nml the too ir. r use ol ardent spirits. It alineil fecouoncn lleallh Willi liiteinperuiiec. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of OLU STOM ACH COMPLAINTS whlc.l it does not si-em lo and remove hi tia-e. No iiutter how bad tluy liwy b. il (.1VKS INSTANT nr. I.IKI'! A sitiL'le dose rem ives all the uupleuKiiil symp. toiiM, and it only needs t h-repealcl. for n short tune, lo make liiiw p leFiel., eriu in. nl . I'l.'Kl TV OF Ul.lllll) oi 'l KiOH OF HOUV, follow at miee. It is partieubrly eyrllriit iu eases of Nansc:,. Voiilitine. CrauiH, Soieness of the pit of the Stomach ,liHtr',s al'ler eating, low. cold, s'ale of tile HI od, Mi'.-ivin,. J, ovuess of S irit". l)eion iti MCy. r.ntaelutlDll, W'cukneM., teuttciicy to liihanitv, Wui ei.!' 3tv. Cri. e. ONi: Dol.I.AII por bottle. One bottle will i flen a.'ieet a ias:inj eure. PEPSIN IN POWDERS. ct si:r v maiFj, riti:i: op postaok. F"r rniviilpnei nf f!iii;pv tn n'l pntis nf the rnnntrv. the UlUKSnVKM ATTKH OKTIlK IMUSIN is put up in int; f Tin nf P(wd'Ts. with direrti'mH tn U diwmlved in water or symp, hy the pjitiei,!. Tht-jif- pu-drri rnnUin just tiie ttun" nmttfr tis the hottli'H, hut twite ihr Citnntity f.tr lii-.' sjiiir pru-c. unit will he srnt liv mail, I'lIKH K POSTAfir: fur IJK DUI.I.AH sent (p-mt-pnid) ti Dr. J. S. liOL'Ull FOX, No. !l N.fih KijhthireeL. Piuludtlpliut. p'K-kars for five dollars. Kvrrv n'tt'k.-iffe nnd hnttle Iwhi-h thu wriiteu gin i Lure nf J. S. iiOL'tiil i'OX, AI. jie I'rt'prift-ir. S-jI I l.y mrenis iti every town in the United StaUs, and l.y lesiit etahle deulcrs in Mediriiu-s generally. FOJtSAU: HVJolui W. Vt:iiSl and (Jenrpe Urilit. Sun' nrv, Pa. Alary A. MeCay J lut II. Itiiser llaven ft McCdrmick, K J. vYuise, .1 in i li' iuu Willimn ieppin, Simimry, Sept. Mlh. 1850. N'-tthundiernlitd. Mdtu, Mi-K wrnnville. Selin(;r'v lPIer Mukuatango. MfthtHKiy. AVM. M'CAltTY, UOOKBEI.Llit, firoadivay, SUXBURY, FA. AS recently received, among other articles, a i'.roit variety ol New, Cheap and Knte rUiu- II i':; puUicaliona such aa ' 'outvrs novel, coinplrla or separate. Herberts Dtf Rudwell, Dumas do Trollops, u do Halliburton, Revndola tlf Marrvatt, Cockton do t!rev. Maxwell do Marsh, J air old do AinawortU, Morris do Attlielnw price of from 'ii toSOcU per volume. Sur.uury, tSepL 2o, 1830. tf. rAf-ICNABLFs HATS. C. J. YALTON, So 2115 Market rt , Ificetn 7 tf t.h if., (Ulltli tide. ) rP!II Pi'.liwii'..- his opened a new hut store and oilers to trutlera and others who visit the city, u haiulsotne ass-r;iste.nt ol hats, raps, of eve. ry v.iii.;!,', inaiic up of tin) licit Jiulcri.il, and in the latest anil la ; stvle. and on terms as reasona ble a, c in Ihi Lad in any establishment in Phila celphii. vU: Tine silU huts ut $5,50 : (iood do l at $100. Persona from the country who pur na-io oi nun, can rciv, at all times, on ifettiiic a goo.1 article that will pica thciu, and on that ia lull)' or III 11 ic money paid. C.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. ly. CHARLES W. H EG INS, l'otlsville, V. 3 Will promptly attend to collections and all bus new eiiLumed to his care. J una 16, lb49, KOWN'lS ESSENCE OF GIXGEU A new supply of this excellent article just received ami for sale by H. Ii. MAri K. Huubury, March IC, 1850. Valuable Itoolt. r ike r I'ssist, hsJidsoaiely bound, P'Au aioss's His-roar us ssi KiroamTiuM. Cunk D.T-sooks in Lkiicihs, full bovuided. I or sole at the publishers priors by B. MASSER. Suahury, July 14, lgt9. , TtAjUHINO BOTTLES Breast pttnipa. an ' nipple iubes. A supply uf those uacloi arti cle ju-t recaveU anil tor sale by JOHN W MII4NO KjtiVuirr, Ian- li, 1S51 if SHOURDS & CO'S LABOR i N n FUEL SAVING VA5EX1TCK BOAP. ' Kaiorrtind by Mionrds & Co. 643 Ckntnut S., Phila FOR SALE BY ALL GROCERS. WARRAXTED to waslt clean in liard. aoft, or tali avntrr, cold or hot, in one third th time of nny other Ponp ever inamifnrtiired ; tliuaJ diipenxint; with boilinj;, blrarhinir. FLANNELS, CLOTHES, &c. miwheil with this Soap will never alirink or have ny harsh, or gummy feci, hut lenve them in thetr Oliinal an ft and nlmnt state t which is in itself sufficient reeomniondation to guarantee its use in all fa mil ice. . THE FINEST FABRICS may be washed thoroughly with it, without the least injury i giving them a lustre cqunl to newly imp0r,ed gltNT, GREASE & D!RT of any description, can he readily removed hy the use of it, without injury lo thi article, whether it be the finest dress or ordinary carK-t. In the use of shourds & Co Soap, the most delicate need not fear, as it will not injure or chap the hands, hut on the contrary act as an emolli ent, and if not only tho vntt hkt w-asiiih soe ever oflercd to the public, but as a TOILET SOAP cannot lie ctccllcd. Wherever it has been used it hns given perfect satisfaction, and ia warranted so to do, in all ca ses whora a fair trial will be given it. SHOURDS & CO., Manufacturers. No. 511) Chomiut SSt., Philadelphia. For Sale bv Grocers generally. November lo", 1850. HOOT, ntGltRniMM I1TIST, iVo. 14ft. corner of Fi fth (f Chesmit st., Phila- 1 delphia, nml 303 ' lirmihrai) earner of Franklin Street, Sew York. CITIZENS AND STRANGERS can have a aittitnr for Portrait or Miniatures, and receive them beautifully cased, ill morocco, Silk velvet, Papier Mai lie, or otiier fancy styles, or eels in Medallions, Lockets. &c, in a few minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintir.gs, Drawings, &c. Copied. Outdoor Views, and Miniatures of deo asej persons, taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adults by our process. and Im proved Instruments, a clotiili day is iiuitu as fa vorable as clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 1 1 and 2) is preferable. O"!'1 Drees avoid while, blue or lii;lit pink. Our Gallery with its Six Privic Medals and Works of Art, is open at nil hours, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, we shall at all times be happy to sec them. June 23, 1850. J. K. THOMAS, Ornamental nnd French Style Frame Manufacturer, 80$ If Viurf at , between 3d and 4th street. PHILADELPHIA. pF.SPECTFU.I.Y directs the attention of the a-1, public to bis superior styles of Plain nnd Fancy Frames, which arc of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frame at a LOW TRICE, has been much desired, he was induced 6onic months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a short time the demand has lieen so great, that he has been obliged to incrcasa his facilities, and new oiler at KXCF.KDINGJ.Y UAV PRICF.r-, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for raintiiu's, Prints, DaKuerrootypea, i Cards, Ac., Ac. For Durability Unsurpassed. Hotels, Public Uuililiius, Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, &e., decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. y Please call and see specimens. May V5, 1800 ly I1TS! IITK! IITE! EOUREAFS Indestructible and Indellible WRITING IUK FACTORY. No. 1 South Third street. ATERCIIANTS and the Writing community 1,-L arc requested to call and examine this INK, which is warrautcl nut Iu corrude Metallic i'en.T, nor cJtatige it.t Colur. Wholesale ami Retail, No. 1 South Third street, Philadelphia. A libora! discount made to Merchants and tho Trade For sale by II. B. Masser, agent for Sunbury November !), 1S30. ly. PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Manufaf.torij, No. 50 CHESTNUT Street, MEDAL, awarded by the FRANKLIN IN KTTTL'TK of Philadelphia iu I tctober, AXI) TIIB FIRST PREMIUM by the MARYLAND IN STITUTE, at Ualtimore, Nov. 1848 ami 1S-IU. riiilaUilmia, Octvlcr ZGii, 14S. I have used J. Wellar's Patent Japan Liquid and Paste Blacking for some nine months, and am happy to say that it surpasses any blacking that I have used these twenty odd je.lrs. I find it holds tho polish and preserves the leather bi t thr than any blacking that I have ever tried. Anuui:w- R. (.'hiiiiuik. No. 07 Chestnut Street, WEI. CJRS.EY, Manufacturer. Smvessor to J. WELLAR, No. 50 Chestnut Street, above fcecond. November, 9, 1 s.iO. ly. NOTICE TO EDITORS AND OTHERS. Aeic York. Aai-. S.1A, IS'iO. Mr. II. U. M .ssru, Suttbury Pa Dcr : In some portions of iho countiy where we had advc-iUxl cut KarsapariJU, in 16-18, tha U.H.,.'s ol some of the papers have seen tit t.) take t r -n thciiiscls the rcspoiiatiiility rf coiiti.ittin l!'e same alter 1110 agntiuent epue;l, and 111 some cases have had tlie presumption to 5 -ml us a bill lor the amount. Now v.o have no objection 1 1 have ull the papers in thu United iSiate advertise for us for years, if they are plejd to do so at their own cxpcii-, but a cannot afford to pay them unless they hac our uuthurity for tin? work. We write to you for the purpose of iiitbrmiiig the Editors, through you, tt ut tlicy arc at liberty to advertise aa long as they please, but we must not be held responsible without our written authority. THOMPSON. SKILLMAN & CO., No. 116, Nassau street. New Vork. December 4, 1850. tf. 1YM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Law. niliiei-Hvillc. Scliuyllilll Co., I'a. rL'SlNES.S will be roni)itly attended to in the " comities of eAcliuylklll, ISorthusnberlsod, Union, Columbia aad Won tour- Refer to: . A.Jofdim. H Ilellas,V H- It- Mnsser, Esars. Suubury Wui-te iiauen, Edward Hughes, ii. Solomon Shiuael, Miiieuville L, M Hall, M Mortimer, Puluville Oct. 5, I8o0---lv.' ' 1YLANK DEED8 orbited on the best oualitv ff parcbiuent paper, sold at the lowest price's 1 inn uniev, ny wnoiesala and retail. 1 ISiftLt, PAPfcK. Vellow 'I'usua paper for covering glasses. eVc. fur sale at tha olliee al tne American. UL'.M-Aii excellent sticle for sale m IICVKY MAKSEK. inbu7 Jsn. STIk, 1 8 tf. SUNBU11Y AME1UCAIN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. MAHOCiANY AND MAKBLE. STEAlffi SAW 1CXLL, ArVOTI KMiXO SHOP, Corner of Eleventh kttd Ridge HoaiL: CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 13 &'om' Second Street, below Duck St., I'lllI.A.tlF.t.I'llIA. flIIE subscrihers wouhl call tho special atlcn I tjon of ( 'abinct Makers nnd others, to their very extcmive iiorlment of mnterials in their line, consisting of Mahogany Veneers, Boards Slid PlanU. Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Clue, Varnish, Looking Class Plates. Mahogany Knob, Bed Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of linn ware Tool, fcc. Cniinct Makers residing out of the City, would find it greatly to their advatitnue to call it our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All our goods are WARRANTED, of the best quality, nnd nt very reduced prices. Our Terms ure Cash, (no trade.) Ws guarantee to gic every man the worth of his money. T. ct L. THOMPSON. N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Hail Plank, anil Stair Ballustera for Builders, also Maiblv Mantles, always oil hand, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1850. ly "DEATH'S DOOR." Hnw fretfully dn we hc:tr this exprthlon, which . ineiuit tu v tiv- It; tue mind the Inst si aye nf lieknesi th:it h p:ilient c.ni nu r tlnced tn, and live. Mr, tlurri snn, u iiirih' ; tt - T. iintv (.'imri'h. wjis. n. H,e copies lew ItfisHt, ) '!'!;! tl u n t'i "Ueitth's dnnr," by Kheu- lUfiiisin niul -a ; Jii-mlifiie, when, like mi Hngrl of (it-icy, hn''v; ;,tni ;vt r- '. hriirdt'l'd r:i ses nmt j uriji li.liill .:it "ih ti Illicit' ptttik. fltl t-M li hepn f- tf - ri-lievt'd her nf her sever .1 . i' t . li.'i ifi.-inls in puri'c t he:il n. i-i- ;; .' .-.t-. V Heady H'Mief in upph I. it PH'tli-a. hfttls, ok-an f ' .,t u.1 'I. iyi irriivimn, ret In .-fa in. .v- : r--l - ? tiie ni'-gt severe Nm 'i.! i'tE. "arrjt. Kruptinni l'i'. ' nt, l'afidjM!. SprHins, i n f--V. V.'iiitiifss in the Suit mid f iaifcts. Chafes, Koit Strnill, ;lSlfl. it.ink. ti .r.-K nl Tlutt. Itttiii'- t; TOOTH A i I :t-; t in- t, UuUiS, nr. ii'Mii'i;, t"KKcoXD. "i :i f ii' tn. i-lih.-j in mi iitstmit, fnr t.-n'r, tli.- ucri, e, the pu'lt ia mi- This torlnri.: r. : h isi -im-'it . i; niru.td. S-i wit, r iu mid Sick IK 'ul:.' u iiit.si :'.',r'!, nnd r n -tud (It'iiiieriiiiin. N'eurul-:iU'-tut purts wh;ro tlie pain v .il'ittei you will he entirely K-.lure:!. I r vn in' v il 'Vt'l urrest the iiinut Vt dvut r.xifuis niul "i .hips, st ip w 'ii '.mt; or In imieh pu.ffinff in nil mixes il will (iive Blren;-ii for weHkucss, ene fnr p-iin, he.iltli f-r su.. - 'is. i If ly K el iff n pcnuine un iithh ;fiu-ii hy UAhWA V & Cl . I'i'i I'ultnn Street, i:M:r,M' T4im;t iik4K'Iitk. TO KMJiKI.LlsU AM) i.MIAXLK TilK CUAUM5 Ol-' KA"J'V. Radv ay's .M EiurATKi) SnAP. !tndw:iy!s Medic ited S 'tip, mv iruhly kunwu thrtwh u il the f:iKlinin;iUi wnrld f-r us e.treuifly hlnnd, purity ing und s iiilhini; t-ilcrts nn the KUin ; wlule by its action nil the p Tt s out', the litimiie sccrelniy veMtels tt expels till mpumit-a irnri the suriuee, h11;is every tenttftiey tn m ttuiiinialinii. and th etunlly dtfiiitit()ii nli reduest tun, pmiplfs, sp-.ts, ire i-r.ii s, tliK--tl .rati--lie and nther oututie'tiK eruptions T:ie null nit l-l Mint it impurtit t the eliech,, the soilness nud tteheufy whi'-h it induct nf the IiumU and arms, its (j tjialiiiity ni n . tlmi'j in it:iti-n nnd removing eu , tne his d.'tVcts. rfinlfi' it indispfiis'ihle t every toilet. Ornilcinen niii'r shnvm wtil lind t itllnvsall irritation aiidteii(',jriu:it ut the skin, and rentiers it soft, aiiiiKilh and pleawnit. Durmir the hvtt nii'l dust nf siiminer, nr frst and bleak wind nt winter; and 1t1c.1vfs.1i Minl.iint, stints nl inseets chilblains, chapped han.!, r ineiihiital iiitlnuuuntimi, its virtues have Imaiid fxifiisivrly lifeii aeknnwledjred. Its pin ifytng ittttl reiK'shmi; pmpertirs have nhtnind its selec timi fr.-m tlie Ih'MiK.iiids nf nther t"OMtiatic. both nf Knro penn atd domes' it in.inufifttire. by I lit- b u tn nf nil pirts ni i lie fnsiii nuttle world, fr.'tu the linniintr irnpios tu the frneii realms of the li t: Kimr. The public will please hettr in mind that lirulwiy's .Mediealetl l?tsip. is the nnly sale pre)iuati(in for the bii tvw in use) this tins been eertified to hy nnr in si pininiunit ehetmats. HndMny'a S tip is fn-e fioin pom n itM, in iiatini ttnd permcmus in frmhruts. tt run lie titl n the linler skill nf the infant wiihlhr icime luijvy ii'Mi'tf as upon tieauty iu its prime. See thai raeli cak: is eiivel ed in n splendid lube) uf steel eiiirraviii tiiid inrtlirr sre that thr siiiuiure t.f K O. IlAOWAV is upon each c;il;j. Priet lju3 cents, largt eakca. THE fiKOWIXtJ Oft NAM K!T Of BKAl'TY ISA M'XUIMANT HKAl) OF fiLOSSY HAIR. ItAUWAY t IHCA)U BALM. Warranted the best Hair Tonic in w.tc, 'ir Dressitifi and Bfanttfyinjr iw hair. It elennscK the Sciihi fmui lanilrnif. keens it elenu.ftires Scurvev. Haldiit Nt, and Sues tn the Iletid atnns the hair fit mi lulling mil, rnnlers It strnnir, line, smooth, ift and bIomj. 1'ersnns who have litut thi ir hair by iknss will Hud u enmplfte mtiiilotf in Hatlwny's Cinti pxiiiii Jtnliii. It 1 nlsfi gives it a dark nmt bt-antuul eolnr. and will prevent it I front tin Hint' urry. l-'roti) its exptisitu purity, it itadmi I lily mlapled tm tlie h.nr t-i ehildren nl tha ui'st tender. age. It is nold 1:1 l.ire b-iiih-s nr i"i rents per Iviltle. nnd in warninlfd the U-kl h nr prepatatiuu in t. it will not s il the hat, t ap. mi Uf in,ct tabritv Wre that the igim ture nf li AlJW'A V A t'O , nt uiKiit each lmle no t.'ir eassiun Halm is genuine without the signature of Hud way X -n. Ai.gNT II. H. Massi-r. Suiiluirv. Aug. 10, Is.jU ceuily ui;itcoKia-e Your Own!" HAAS ecIIEXX. FA SMI O N A R L F. M A K R OF FURXirrilE AXD CHAIRS. 'T'Hi; sitlwril ers respectfully call the attention of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price nf ( V5:bi: . -WAKE. which cannot f.iilto recoiumend itself toevery one who w ill examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up nf the best stock to be bad iu the city. No vll'ort is spared iu tlio manufacture nf their ware, and the subscriber are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stuck consists of Mahogany Sol'.tM, Divans ami l.ouiitres. lSttrrnus,SrrrrliTflcs,amclJoirlfs, SIlFi, BULAKF1ST AND DIMNG TABLES, and also VENI'ITAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delpliiu innnufiicture. UtiUMtiAHN ol every pattern anil price, LT l'!) i;i. WORK AM) CANDLE STANDS. TOtl.KT TAIil.KS AND KXTKNSID.V TABLKs, in short, evrr, anii le iu this line of their businecs. They ti!.--'. maimiVture all kinds aiul qualities en A tks. inchnliii -mil-unour , -11 ', iX'i t 'on li.ii ..! uiaiks, ii, ; tin! luie.-.t :, . m 'o-vi r before to tc had in .'! ll'i-:W. Ulsck WiLM'T .'-II .I-l:ei; Asit WlNltsnl! ' I'i . ni .-i'oi.s. whtrtvareof Mid Win iimti .i to be excelled by none iiia:...factiiti'.i iu Tl'.e Hill - ' .i r ' Ie no eicttv.' ; .. , -.,, the ci'ien, a- c e.'i, s nt elsewhere. e:l 1h.1t t!:cre shall 1 1. 1 i'urllituii- ill .1 -le .- to ' .i- - ciin he e ' -rtuincd t'ou-li ol meir v: id and -,K'11 the .(oai, ol nun. "t it- ir e- 'iiclcs w o p.: i-.i-posed of on aa good term as Ihov can bo luuci ised elscwh-.-ie. Cuun- ry Produce t tkeii in 0,1 - . nt tor work. tV l-NDi:i;rAi;i.M.. Having provided lieiusclvcs with a handsoi.ie Hkabsk, thev are now prepared lor Undertaking, ami attending fu nerals, in this vicinity, or at any convenient dis tance from t'.iis place. I he are Loom is in Market Street, opposite J. louns store, and nearly opposite V eaver s 1 avern. DANIEL HAAS, GEOilGB IiENN. Suubury, Dec 14, 1S50 tf. JACOB IlEEDS (i.oTiitAt; noons, Southwest Comer of Fifth and Market Streets, l'HII.All:t.l'ilM, YT HO always keeps on hsnd a Urge stock of every variety of clothing made up of good materials, ami iu the latest aud best styles. He would also inform tho public, that he pays const derubte attention in getting up Military Clothing, in good style and on reasonable teas. June 15, 1850.- ly 1:0 111: NEW GOOD I Just received at tha store of HENRY MAS SKlt, a lot of Caps, Gum Shoes, Almanacs, Queeuswara, liquors eVc. AU of svliicl) aviU be sob) at the luwavst Juiuav , Dec. U, 1850, CAPS. An assortment just received. Also silk HATS at m, far sals by H. MA8SER. Himbu ry, Dee. I I 848. 1 LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICF.. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OH NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASB OF THE KIDNEYS, ANDalloisessossrieiiif fnsn s disordered Htt.bts mn:h, sueh as eiHialMisU'S., inwarS l'iles, Fullness, or 1kkI t iho beail, Aciililv of the tMormeh,. Nnruieii, Heartburn, dipii for Fool, fnllaess or weight iu tlie Ptonmeh, sonrKrnetmliSis. siiiliins; or nutterinsj at the pit is" llie ftoinaeh, au-immins of tlie Ims1, hurrieri and dirtic nil brenlliiiia, fluttering at the henrl, choking or anffiKMitlilg sensntioits when in a Ivinf posture, Dimness of vision, dtss or wehs heforthe siphl, Knver nnd dull pain 111 the bead, deficiency of persration, yellowness of th skinsud eves, raiin in the side . hsetr, chest, limits, &c., sadden Hushi ol heat burunia: in the tle.h, oonstunt iinagliiings a" evil, and great dpn'.id-si of spirits,. CAM HE KKFKCTl'Al.LT CURED BY EP.. HOCFLAlTBS CELEBRATED GERMAM It I ITER. 41 rati'ARiD my DR. C. M. JACKS OX, ! AT TUB GISRMAM MEDICINE STORE, No, 2( Arch St,, PhHadelphl. Tlietr piwer over the nbnvn diseases ia nt excelled, if eqitailfd, by imy othur prepnrntmn in the t'nited tStntea, aa thcrurr attest, iu tiiunj cases alter skilliul physWiuna had fnileti. Thetv Hitters tire wnrtliT they attention of iuvali1a. PnaM'Sjfing greut virtues in the reeiifiention of d (Senses tif the Liver ttnd lesser glands, exercisiet the mont aenrchuift ptWer in weakuem nml utfectiens nt ilie digcsliva oraut, they are. withal, vile, certain antl pleasant. Il-'mni the Boston Bee. J The r.ditnr tnld Dec. 1M1I "Ual. ilnOFI.AND's t'KLHBHATIB GdtM4l UtTTlKS. fnt the cure nf l.iver Cnmpuiiut, Jaundice, Hyspepnu, Chronic nr Nervous lebihty, ia tlencrvntlly one nf the niotit pnrti lar inetbcinea of the tiny. These Uiltars have been a sett by thousands, an4 a friend ut our ellmw sua he hua him self rtt eived an etreetual nikd. permanent cure uf Liver Coinplumt titm the use nf this remedy. We ure toiiviiiced that, in the use nf tln-se Hitters, the pttlietit conslantly pains attfuythuud vijjor n fact wnrthy nf greul, oonside. nitiou. They are pie. Man t in tuste and sine II, Hitd ohu be used by persons with the most delicate stnmuciii with sttle ty, uikUt any t irenniitanei s. AVe itre spakit.j! frmn ex uerieme. ntui In the mliicted we adviKe their use..11 Jude Al. M. Nkh, a (fiillcttian with (fie-tt arirmific and literary uttiiiniiit nfs, said in his ''.Vjw Yuifc Weekly Mcssenpcr," Juuuary fl, infill : uUr. iliMtlimtl's (Jenunii Hitters. Here is a preparation whioh the- lentliuir iiri-SHtta in tlie I nionoptciir tn be uimiii iivuis in reotiiniiteni'iiic. and the reaa ii is obvious. t is mnde nfler a nn:srri:itiin rushed bv nut: of the most cele brated physif inn of nmth-ni tunes, the late Dr. Chr stepher Wilheim llofifland, I'mfesa ;r to the University nl Jma, private Physie'inn tn the King f Trus in, and tme of the crenteDt inwtienl writt : (jenn niv has ever produced, ile wus ' inphitiiealiy lb eneniy t-f humbiiff, and theiefnre incdteine nf wlitfh he wits tlie invent tr nnd inidnier inuv be ciiiiVtlently relietl on. Ile snewally reronimtiHled It in I jver Cnrnplaint. U;apepsiu, Dohtit'.y. Vertiijn, Acidity of nie siomiK'p. (iHHiipaii n. aiitlall coiupiiuiits nrisim( x-m a disfirdered c indition nf the aiomarli, the liver and the intestines. Nine Phifafh-ldhin i;tie-rs exnretw their vonvie lion of its excellence, and several nf the elittrs Benx of i:s :(Tcets fmin their own indivUhed experience. L'uder tiiest! eiraninntanefs. we tcel wnrmuted, not only iu en Hint? the nttnitl-Mi of onr re-idrfu tn the present tirenent prMirie tor's (Dr. O. ,. Jtn-ks mi's) preparatum, but inrecvumiend- ing ine antoie m a i nuncien " More Evithnte. The "Philadelphia Saturday (tzntle,n the best family newspaper published in the t inted Suites, the editor says ui Dr. HoojlamVs German Bitters. It is seldom that w e recommend what nrc termed Pa tent .Medicines, bi the confidence and tvitmuaue ol nut renders; and, theielnre, when we reeouiiiiend Dr. Hoof hud's Ueruiau Uitters, we wis it tn lie distinctly under sMod that ve ure u it speaking nf the nostrums of the nay, trail nrc unison moiit -rn bnel perincl Rntl then lor ptittcii nftei they have done their nudty rnee uf nnschie) tun nl ti meitieiiie I 'ni etuatihKtted, umverMjilly prizttl, am! which has met the hearty npnrnval of the Faculty itself." That this medicine will cure l.iver Complaint and Dys pepsia, no fine can doubt, nfler luintr it na tlireeted. It nets spreilicnlly Usu the stomach and liver -it is pretfemble to enl imel in nit hillnnts diHeatrs the etfert is immediate. They can he ndiniiiistt'red to Female or Infant with safety ui m rciiiinic uf iicin, ni miy lime, UFWAUK OF ToVnTF.HFKIT. This mctliuine has nt.nined that hiffh chniucter whieh ia iwestetry f trail meiliciitrs tonttaintn induce cnuuletfeitera tn put forth a spiiriiNis tntiele at the risk uf the lives of ttinse are umoountly ucteived. LOOK WKLLTO TUTS M ARKS OF Till? GRXFIXF. Thev hove llie written sjiimturc nf C. M. JACKSON iip.n the wrapper, nnd the name blown in the bottle, with- our wnirn inry nre Kpuiins. Ftir sale, wholesale nnd retail, the (wermun Medicine Store No. tjt) AHrilP'rfet, one disr Ik-low Sixth, (hte of 278 Rare street,) Phihdelphia. nnd by respeelnble dealers generally trmniif hum the emnitrv. Ann : For wde by I, Magskii. Sunburv, and M. A M'Cay. N-irthuniberland. Auicust 17, IH.'iO ly V. F. FSDDRICK'S (I.ATH PAHTNI'.H OF C.SCHHACK) Variilhli .llaiiiilat lory unci I'alnt More, No 78 North Fourth Street, A FEW DOOltS AHOVB (IHKRIIV, WEST SIDK, PHILAPELPUIA. Constantly on hand and for sale, at reduced prices, ami of superior quality, the fol lowing articles, viz : 0nch, Cabinet, Jnmnnera' and flil Cloth Varni,he, Drying Jiipun ; U.iot mid IlurnesH Yanii.li ; Brown, W lute und lte.1 Spirit do; j'ronef.T ilo; Artii.1.-, Iloii... and Coneh I'tiinters' and Ynrniglicrii. .Miitenuls : Pt'TTY IN oi;antitii-;s. pain if, iky, in on. ami vrk- I'AHf I) Full I.MMKPUTI-; l rK; Milliners' Varnish, lilne und Acids; Bl:i,-k Jiipun for lion ; Adhnivs do. for FeiwyWork: I'ietnro mid Wind 'v tJltiss; Arlists' Co. lours, Dry und in Tillies i Neat's Foot tlil : .iokl. Silver, nntt (ii-rniHii l.euf; tiold. Silver, and Coni,.r Bron.e : Gin iter's Uianrmris. Al i, veiy sun:rior Shoe Bluekiiig and Wnliiift Ink. Jane 211, ll-KI. GEOUGi: J. linXEiEI.S, CITY t A II I I". T V A II E R O O M S NO. 173 ClfKSNUT STREET. (orrnslTC THK sr-iTK llnrK.) PHILADELPHIA. "XFFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved city paper, n lane and well assorted stock-. CABINET FUKNITUHK, of the latest patterns and of the best workmanship. The assortment embraces every article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits of Drawing Ilootn Furniture in Kohc wood und Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber Furniture ; Pa tent Extension Dining Tallies, (acknowledged to be the best now in uc) Library Look Canes, and n great vatiety of plain Parlor and Chamber Furniture. Curtains mado and put up in the latest Paris fashions. Spring Maltrasses, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther licds, made to order, N. B. All articles purchased nt this establish ment are warranted of I'.ti best materials and workmanship, and will lie puck) 1 to curry sufely to any pait of the country. May -J5, lSjO.-ly WATTS' NERV0TTS ANTIDOTE AND I IIYSICAL liESTOn.VI'IVIi. Tiia medical, wosrasuij or ths Y7ILL pisitively cure all stages of Neuralgia, Tic l'oloroux. Nervous lleadacha. Cho lera, Lo-kjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions ; will restore niaului id to its prestiue vior, even after years of prastraliou, and the only known and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental duhilty. Extract from Ilia New York .Sun, Oct. 3, IftiO, Tht erebiated Vt aUon, w hen talking of the miraculous power of "Walts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy lor all nervous affections was not in troduced by the, medical faculty 1" replied, "That if it were, there would no longer lie any use lor a faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ized atrte of the nerves the nerves are the main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, end both the mind and body must be." Four ounce phial, li doses, enough far all or dinary sases, ONE DOLLAR. fOLD BY Wm. McCAKTY, Broadway, bunbury. Frptomlt-r, ib, lbju. tf. BLANKS. LANKS of every description cat be had by spprying at the office of tha Auiaicart. PURE WHITE BRANDY FOR PBE8ER- IN G, just received anil lor sale by 11. B. MASSER, Sept 38, 1850. rpEAS, Irom tha New York CaJito ad Felun X Tea Coiupasy. rf sale by j. to. ruiuxa. Btuibury, Dae, . 18tt If NOB AND SPIUNU MORTISE LAT- V CH ES. Aa exceUent article, for sale at hail the usual price by J W. FAILING, Suubury, July 7. 1SH BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. PENNSYLVANIA, crrr or philadklphm. AfAW ACALSETTP. All solvent Isnika dis V. H. Hnnk lenea . 1.1 dts KHODK lrI,.A.0. All aolrent Innka rKs CdNNKCTICCT. All solvent hunks dia NEW YORK. CITY All solvent iinnks pui eoewTHT. Bank nf Chsmhershurg 1 dia Mills ui iitesier ;o. jmr Bunk of Del. Co. Chester per oiiiikoi itermHiiuiwn Hunk of fiftlv.lmrtr tsir; All silvent bunks ! nls 1 dis tyiik notes under 91 I dis Bonk of lv,-lstowa ! Bunk of M idilletown 1 1isAII Solvents bunks 1 (lis Montioniery Co Hunk pnrl M-.W .IKKfliY i.sTis 01 r,ortniuniri'nn. pnitiirtvidere linnk dis usnsoi rirtsinirg 1 uis Dank of tlnnville Imr t'onnnercinl tnk I s I nr. Hunk Mi nt Holly pur I-', ft M., Middietowii Pt. pur Mnehsnics' Bk, Newark pur Cnrlmle Hnnk 1 tils Columbia ll'k ft U'geCo par 'oyelstown li.ink bar Eastoa Bsnk par .neen. ill nl Uiirlinaton par Meeh. Ic Mnn. Bk Trent ior F.rie Bjinlc Q ,li.lAI.,rpi. rn 11...1. F.xehaye U'kPittshnrtt I ritsl Newark Bk'g ft Ins. Co F.xchaiMro B'k, Brsneli 1 dis'Ornne Bnnk dis i dis dis J dis pnr pnr rnrmcrs' 11 , nueKSUo par l-eopin-a Hk rntlersoii Fanners' Bk, lnenner pnr Prineelon Bnnk Farmers' Bk, Rending imriSnleni Bnnkinv Co, Farm. Bk Schuylkill Co pnriSmnerret Co tludi I dis pnr 1 dis ft 1). Bk Wnviiesh'i II dis Stnle Bnnk nt Cumdeii Franklin Bk. WnshSi 1tdiiStnte Ilk I'.Nrjihrlliton llurrisburg Bnnk 1 dis:Stnte Bank Ncwnrk dis HnnesdHl. Bsnk J dis State Tik, N. Brunswick nnr Ijinenslsv Bank liar. Sussex Bnnk, Newton, i dis lichnnna, rlfntk rer I renton llnnkiefl Co pnr Mpreh. ft Men. Bsnk I lii rnion linnk. Dover J (lis Vnnlleyv'leftDel Dr C, Kslis .liners' 1,'k, rottsvills per Monon-rnhela Bnnk 1 dis 'Pnvlorsv'e Pel H'r Co 15 dis IVBk ivlea 11111I.T 85 ill. iir.iatt Ail t-i. West Branch Bnnk pur Btnik nf Dclnwiiro par -ormiiff us, wilKCSO'e pi'r York ll-ink, 1 iH. tT" Relief notes 1 dm Unuk of Sinyriin pnr Ih'lnnre City Bnnk (mr HI; A ihne n.v llrniclvw. nr -nrmers' Bk St Dekiwnre ner MA INF.. Bnnk of Whelloek 5 dis Mercantile Ilk. ltiuiror in rtis ( 111011 Hunk. iiiuinirtonnnr T" Under Ws dia All solvent hnnks dis nkw iiAMi'snini:. 'in... All s dvenl hunks 9 dis t"5?"llk n ii-s under S's 4 NOKTII CAROLINA. All s 'Ivenl Links 2 ill, CiTI.'nderS's, 2( dis All solvent hnnk, 1 dis' VERMONT. Rnnk of St Allvnis 9 dis! All lvent banks 1 Uis i tiic ti;,M.si!l i SSs. Rt IIHMIlf THK Pocxr.T i L,ri-i.,i-irs, or, I-.very one aV l his own Physician ! thirti- I v 'A Pl'' ,v':'' itiwanli of j 1 ,i.-4 a ntuiiiret' enirraviiiL's, (.oiv- 'Vi- a hiiliflrntl riii'rnviiurs tt1 f-.A uir . f i a-l, I-.JI m-? peeuiier ilieases in $ in-r peculier ili"caes in eve- j '",' . 5 jjX ry hhnpc an,l form, i1 mal- fii4;.1r-lf i'-ff fortnuttoiis of the 1'cneralivc HVfaiein, BY AVM. YOtKH, SI. I. The time litis now arrived that persons sullrriu,; from secret diseases, ned no nioro beeoine the vicliiu of Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in this hook any onouiiiy cure lumsell, without liiml ranee to business, or the knowlediro of any one, and with one tenth the usual e , pence. In ailili tion to the general routino of private disease, it lully explains the cause oi innnhnrHl s early decline, with observations on marriage besides many other ileniiiprincnts which it would nut he pro per lo enumerate. Itv" A n V peraon sending TwttiTM'tTi cbxts enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this hook, bv mail, or live copies will ho sent for one dollar. " Address, "DR. V. YOl'Nd. No. l.VJ SPRUCE Street, PHILA DKLPIUA." Post-paid. f?"l)U, YUL'.Mti can be consulted on any of the Diseases descrilied in his different publications, at his Office, 15J M'UCCi: Street, every day be tween 0 and 3 o'clock. (SundnvsYxceptcil.) Philadelphia, Nov.-O, 1850 'ly. SFPaXlTC- GC i i 11 1 l.a i r.L,rn 1 a. rtl SHARPI.ESS cV PONS, have just received 1 thoir supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS nf Friendly and other styles, to which they invito attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen und worsted, DRESS SILKS Ciro dc Rhiues, Chameleons, and neat und new fancy styles India Silks mul Satins. DRESS GOODS Lawns. Bareges, Moussc lius, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheettpfs Quilts, Damask, ShirtiugR, und ull other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashma retts, Drill?, Vestiugsof all kinds, and Bovs wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SIIARPLESS & SONS. No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia May S)5, lS50.lv IIAUBII All. TONIC MIXTURE, For Tin Cure of Kkvkii ami Acue. War- It A XT KD. THIS uiiri.xnlled ineilii'iiie inny he relied on when near ly ull othei remedies liiil. lis vulnr i not .ntheiiiitly known, therefore, the piopnetor dehire, lo eiilnri-e the field of Us lUrlulheliB hy iletkilic known u!t virtues mul t lli isiev to thoil-aiiida of sutferera whonre not Htvure that they can be speedily und rudlcutly cured ol KKVKII AND Alil'K, without tlie use of ii'iui'iis ilrilt-s. unn.eous pilions etr the deleterious elfeets of qutiliii'. Il is "tlWed o th. pub ie at n low nriec to place 11 within llie reneh of ;i!l. ussiirwd hnt those who use it uee.rdinj; to directions wilt find ll a (v ami apcetly cute lor Kkvpu and llurs. It is not a disnereeulilf nause:ili:iit eonipeund hutini airree- nhle tome euleul ited hi remove the diseuse mul f-ive heulthy action to Ihe stomueii anil iKiwelis. nnd s-'ld wholesnifa UI . nth 6th Street. I'repured only by .M'irahMI ft t o ml rem i I bv Rowniiil ft S n. o I-hiUdelilii:i I'n.-e Ml per .night uollle, ui.d ly; per d.-z. Jmie-.1i, IK.jU-.ly SEITZ 8c CO., IMPORTERS OF FOBKifiN Books, Prints, Er.graviiip, Stationary Gilt I'ltiiiu-n uml IitMltal liiNtiu- mi'iilN. No. H North 2nd St., between Arch & Race, l'.IILAIiM.rillA. I MPORTto order and have constantly on hand ' a very lurite assortment of goods in the above named lines at wholesale and roUtl. Principally : CO ZJZ. S3 In German, Lathi, Greek, Hebrew. Frenrh, It-ilian Spanish and other languages; Classics, Diction- arua, Grninmcrs, Vocabularies, School, Juv.-ntlp, rieture, lirawing nun niouei uonKsior iiicuunc.s Cubinet, Carr'atic and other maiiul.ictu.ers. MAPS, GLOBES and Blank Hooks ol every description. fc'plen.lid Litl'.ogiapluc und olncf Prints. MIMCM. ISTIHIE TS. Aecoideons, Uanios. Bows for all sliiii!i instru- inmiU, Bill an ami I ailpim'fs l l.trioiiels, rites. Flageolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo 1 lutes, l'u eut Heads for Guitars and Viohucullos, Tuiiiliouriurs, Tuning Forks and Hammers, Violins, Violin and Guitar Pegs, Violincellos and Stnu-.-s fur nil kinds of instruments Wholcsuh) and Retail. Accar deons repaired. Ahm constantly oil hand, wnou .alo and rotuil, a Urge assortment bf tho very best GERMAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal Thermometers, Hiiirwicils.-Fabcr und other Leadpencils, lied, hits and Black Chalk Cray, ons, Malheniulical Instruments, Scarlicstors,- i-'pring Lancets Pocket Prescription slid Gold Scales and Weights Letter, Fancy rolorsd and gilt Paper Playing Curds and other French and German Fancy Articles, for the sale ol which they are the MAN UKACTUKEBS AGENTS. July 6, 1850 UEAUY MAUK CZ3 Sia X) U. Sf WE lake this method to inform tlie readVra of rtisi Sunhury Americafi, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, In guest of ' 1 ! Good and Cheap Clotliing, and favor us with a .call, they shall not lie disap poiuted iu obtaining the best of garments at the lowest rasJa prices. We have now on hand the largest assortment ever ottered in riuladelphia, among which are DRESS and FROCK COA'l'S from $3 to $18, PANTS and VJJS'l'S iron, 75 eta. to 5, OVER jCOATS. CLOAKS, BLSI NESS SACK COAT' and COATTEES, ajl of which shaljl lie sold at such prtc.es as to rusks it an object for the people of Suubury and the sur rounding country to extend to us thsir patronage. PERRY R. M'NEILLE &. CO. South East comer nf 6th and M arket. July M, 1850. A CALL TO HOUSEKEEPERS At th ntlnrt Wnrc lloom or SEB'N TlOTirT & CO. Market Square, fso ttl the torner nf Fnirn street It the Railroad . SUN-BURY, PA. Thnnliflil fof the patronage of his friends and eutr)mcrs durinrr the 17 years he has hcen in husi. nrss In this place, he solicits from the puhlie aeon titiunnec of their favors, llurinn this period. h has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch nnd variety, Th public are therefore, invited to the attention of the present stock of CABINET AVAltE AND CIIAIUS, MANVrACTl'llF.D BY SEBASTIAN H0TJTT & CO. At tlie Old .Stand, Where in addition to their former stock of tlie estalilishincut they now manufacture Mahognny, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs LuTr Sprtnn Seal Roflrin$ Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables Marble Tup li'ash Sfanrfs, and a variety of other new style nnd FntliionaMe Ciirnittiro, Having securwl a Hearse and made the- itecvs- sary nrrntitrcmcnts. for the purpose, they arc now prepared for Uiiilct'akincr, in all ils branches, in this vicinity or at ntiy convenient distance. Ye mniils and niiKtri-ssi'S. nnd hnsh-iudn too, Here's furniture of every style and hue, Fnnn side lioard, down to kitclirn tables, From r.M-kinfz ehulrs to loekiin- crndl-.a Should y in not have the ready Jons tn pny. We'll wuit awhis- for a bripliter letlcr due, Or take poiutivs, oats, oorn. wheat und rye ; Bark, hnnp p- ilea, stnves, in" lumber wet nnd dry, Or any thins but yokes nml threshing Hniis, p 10m pit;. nun lurkies ilowu to little (;n:!ll!l. Come on then friend, come one und nil. Keep Irnile a moving, so y-vn on the lull " rC' (h tiers from a diriluncc promptly ntlciuk-d tu and work of all kinds delivered with dispatch. Suulnin-, Aiatvh 'J. lewd. tf rjHE mihscrihrr would ntot respectfully in-3- form his friends and a generous public, that he is manufacturing the beat quality of ST ON 3 7ARB, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a li tt lo cheaper than any other nmiiufaelurcr in the Union. He is also importing nud dealing most extensively in CHINA, V LASS AND QUEENSIFARE, which he offers on the. most re.isonnWe terms. His Potteries are. on Bond street norlh of Fav ette, aud China stare und dwelling at No. 8, E. Baltimore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. Baltimore s-.reet, B a u r t st 11 11 k, M a ry I an d . February 2, 1S50. lv LIQUOKS, WINES, &C. rpiIE subscriber has just received a new supply of the best liquors that ever came to .S'.iinli;iry, eousistinir in part of Superior old pale. Brandy. Fine Cogniae Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirits, New England Rum. J Fine Holland (liu. , I Superior Old Whijkey Common do. Superior Madeira Wine, Lisiion ilo. do, .""'uperior Port Wine, j Burgundy Port do, j Sweet Malaga M ine. I Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. ,u!ibury, May Cfi 1S43. IIIALAUIXI'IIIA t INI'. Ar 1.11(1 Oil STOIIF. BITTING 1 WATKUMAN, Inipoitcis and Dcalefs in Liquors, No. 2-20 Market street, Pliiladtlpha. OFFER for sale, the cheapest and be.U assort ment of Liquors in Philadelphia, such ui Ohampagne. Sherrie-i, Port, Steck, Claret. Bur gundies. Sauliirn, I!arae, Maderiu, l.iviou, Tenerille and Sicily Wines. Brandies of the choicest brand, viz: Maglinn, Ot iril. Ponet, Henuesv, ,Vc. Ac. Fine Holland (j in, Monougnlieia, Scotch and Irish Whiskey, eke., A.c. Hotels nnd tlie country tr;u!e supplied a Philttr deldiia prices 011 the. most liberal terms. Julv lo, leioll. TJUOWN'S KsSEN GER, an ece!icnt :.CE OF JAMAICA GL- nt article. I Raiiwai's Medicated Sop lor sun burns, tan, ! teller, c. i Radway's Circuibian Bulm, for the hair d.md? ; rnlV Ar, 1 1.1... 1 tn.,.i., i..t:r c. r-, fM...r. I lumnio 1. ... mi, 1,. 11, -1 . v i.ioi',, .ioiil, Cholera Morbus, Ac. Fur ..ile bv , .. ,,WVn Sunbitry, Ing. i?, I80O. tITONE Ware, Earthen Wiire, Raisins, Al moinls, P iiues and I'reain Nuts. Planes of ull kinds. .-s'all and Plaster-. -Just rece ived and for sale bv JOHN W. FRILING. " .Junbury. Dec. SO, ISIII. HOOK,'' and Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, ai;d also a numln-r uf gold peps which we will sell i,t the Philadelphia prices. For solo at this oilics. grENNEDY'S rATEN'P NAM! FaTT V TE.MNGS A cheap und excellent uiti cle lor fantcuing sash for miic by J. W. FRII.ING Nunbury, July 7, IS-I!. ATENT Trusses of a'l kind.,, lluiri.oiis writing and iudellible ink, Cotton vain and lap just received und tor ...le by J. W. FRILIXG. Sunbury, Dec. ?, ISIS. ONE OINTMENT. A fr-sh supply ofi:,i. tt excellent article for i'i. iter, J r., just received and lor le bv II i;.", KY MASTER. Simbury, July 28, 1819 fOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES, A su)ttll ' lot on hand and for sulo bv 11 B.MASSKR. f uubury, April 6, I8.1O. I RAISINS, currutits, ritron, cliecs.:, pepper sit Suujiury, Dec. ?, 1848. fTMjE BILLS Justices and Constables Fee Bills handsomely printed on raid paier, for at thisullire. TILEY'S C'Ol G CMNDY. 4n excel- lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale st this office ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cuttlo Me.li cine for sale by HENRY MASSER Sunbury Jan. 27th, 1843 A TINERAL WATER, frin Uie Oak Orchard lyx Acid Springs, fcighly valuable in ehronie di seases, and tonic rvifcouies, for sale l y UENRY MASSER. Sunbury, June $9, 1850 -r-if STONE milk Pans, stoue Jugs aud Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received aod f' sale ly JOHN W. FKJLJSG. . Sunhury, June S3, 1819. CotUin Yarn, Cftlton Ctyet Chaiiij Cotion Lapa and Waildiug, Cotton (Mine's, Ready made PanUloons, Keay made Vasts, CongriMa Knives, Porcelain lined prervil)g luttlea, just received for sale by H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. t, 1(t. PHILA. AND BEADING RAILROAD. L.MI-Il AKRAMGEMEMT niOM ' 1MIII.ADKI.PI1IA AND PO TrsVILLE. SS mm . hlkSlVr. ass Office of the Phila, l4 Reading. Ruilrowl C: i riuladelphia, March 29, 1850, ( Two rassenjter Trains Daily, (except Sunday. isnJnfter Aprillst, 18,)0 two trains will lie run each way. daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville iltiriiinn- Line, Accommodation.) Leaves Philadelphia ut 7J A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Poltsvilleot 7 A. M. daily except Sun days. 4ftcrnoon Line, Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia nt a J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves PottsMllu ut 2 o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Pusscntrers cannot enter the ears unless pratl ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stou at Al burn, Althoune's, Uirdriboru', Koger'a Ford, Val ley x orae, l'ort hctincily, .Spring Mill or Falls. -mm Hi',. r illy pounds ol bairsire will lie al lowed to each passenger in these lines; and pas-, setters urn exjiressly prohibited from taking sny-. 111111 as nnLM'-re Iml llicir wearing apparel, whlcb will lie nt the risk of its owner. Uy order of the Hoard of Manaccrs. liUAUFORD, Aprim, SW. Secretary- 1 I I.I.I AW gt-SIVSIM.PTIC l-t" I;',X!" (";, Willi the utmost runfidenee, oirered to the I j .Medieal ! ueully uu.l the pul.iic .,rt,e ,-ure uf ily.iiep ur liB.igestiou, uuJ u.l dinensc arising from it, susk Nnil,eri. ITeiuhieltc, Veillg 1, loamesaof Sieht, Il.Iious Vomitin-, H iriihii; wnsutioii at the pit .l tlie in 'tnneh, l.ivereoiupluiiit, (;;ire,.ion sfier eutinfr, l':.l;iitutiou of the lino I, i'.o.i in Die pit 01 the stomach ijioniiyoi ins .wrvMus S)a- ii'iu II; f, enou'lri.i. Jaundiee, l'u-,1 npot-tile, V.-i.iim4 .1 the streiuth. r l.,tu.."itee. well ircauent 1 1 i-.iii if wind, 'ft.: or ii:wjiis tlie nt lit wde, .o.'wn.jis 01 eonu.lrxien. mi. .i.'iliHie, Uoi:-;. r uir.ii J;e ifki.i -11 o tlie . iriM und mil uiieu.nucbii. nnl.iljilitv of l..un -r. 1. 01 the ln-weiS, I ll iratnl dysee; sin s!,onld i.e iie.,,.c'e,!, meit serious iiK-ets iiv.iye ij. . ,1 .r it l .js t!u-f .imJjiti .a for 1,1,1. m. no.,, wins -ol. iu,. I very.Ve-pi.iill,- b liniu. tv. ni eouMp m..' -I ii. I Would ilnprees up ill llm inn,. t i'll to ti irla with' " eisei.s.- a, ,v i.e 1 , M -. ... .. ,; . r . . i.ieieiinm.ii nm .nir niiiiual beiiies, or to am.' " atioiiij' u coii,el. uueaa 01 i'ollv to ihm pen:l lly i,( pain 1 nieineliie 1, linut'i pel up iu iKitlles, with an-sl. flireell h, I use, mul is aolJ m Sunlnirv by Jnil. X' """ , JA.MI-.S lv,'.l.A. MS. .... ,., .,ir. .-.oner i-.nnes, ititter. Market atree nlsiye Mxih, cirr .birnlive of llie clKeaev of Willisma Autl-Dyspeptie i;ii.u. ,, , ... l'nn.Aiiiti.PiiiA, October 3, Hi 9 Mil. .Iame, M ii. Mams : Dear Si : It eive, 111. treat pl-nsnre to know that inuiiiraiii prepurun. you iie-in ,.i f..r il:. rure of Dysn'ia mi. I r many of my aeouaiutnnees have repeatedly" sakeif me where it could he pcoeaml, knowing Unit I laid br.n cure, I by i-,. As I thins that a public aeioiowletleiuenl al" tin: Ki-eal lnn-!ii I have received liolil tin-n.o of your mad-' leiue is noi only due to you, U11 im.iv be uaelid tu othara, f now nrike 11. F.-r fveml ei: I Kultei.-.l trolil Dv.pep-' u, wuicli increased m ni-li m, i-xtrut lhat my heal'lh a,i eons.iii.M , 1 w-.-re nipidiy niiki"" under it. I was Mm. peiied -o r-nru-t iuyeif to ilr most Miaple loci, anal evaa n.-it l.rouldii-t digest. I fen n l.-a of btreuctk, diamah niilloillo exweise. and. ns y...i hjive it in vour udverti.a """' n -J'-in-ral leelimr 01 ile;-iession nml iudeseribnbls ''.oi'l. -s. 111 in- year 1-:,-. inuring fr su olhera hiak re e maif-ud.iti -n .1 your .nii-ll,p,.ptie Klixir, I in-,Hiuraal nnd u.-e,l it wiih Ihe most hnpjiv i-iU-i t ; under it manenaa t un'ii 11 and wanness jiadiial.y pa.fi-d awsy. mid my ajm-' tile re'iiiiied w lueh 1 e n,;.! t-rutil v witli 'iliipuiiil y. Tan" years Ian e n-.w elaj-seil. and my e'-nliden-e ia ll,. runitira, p iwrs i f your imilieiiin lias of r mrse iueretised, lor tt e 'ni .l- telv ,-ured me wla-n I faded 10. .bun . n-lirl irma sur olhei source. Very re.spc"ifu!!v vour.. AllVKIt I'.I.MKS. r-tim .i.ynfl.divir.'.n Rowli-v. VI. ..--.j Merehaat 01 i,.,z nun 01 ii'ov.cy, ,sa a.i.iiae 1 , 1 ... ,, S-nlh. " ""to- I" I'M 'I 01 te e.iu-uev nf Wi,! -aani.' Alltl-D.a. pe.itie ..tirir. I'lrii.-.r.-t-iun. iei ,:.ei s-i, uts. Mr. .1 ir.-, -i.t.'.m. : Ile-.r:; ! I s l--:,s:irr ia reeo1iMi,..i,.:j , lr An,j. l',-.e,.t !-. iufi-.i tv run- fl-.-, I h i, a taken.' it Imseil lol Ihe dw.w. I h ive l.e, ,1 i-atirely ..ured. OUTS res,:. r-tOlih-. I 1 1 W A I- II M. 1'f.tVI.KY Ae.rvT.IOHN KKll.l.lij.Siu'nirv. i'j. V .M.ir. n .'. l-.io. Iv ViZ 3 I. A iUlLl'll I I lESDSCAJ- HOUSX3, ESTABUMIKD lo YK.RS AGO, BY .1)1:. KIXKI-L1N, aN . IT . i orwr vf 7 und L'n Street lttrWi.KN MMl'vv: AM) 1'INC S'I'U KETrf) X.i-mt:vt hi il uniii(rrrnatt(l y Init? rt iiil. Htt lr. K. tha tn t titft M' ri fMtll 1:1 M:i 11. r I -if :.m.I ..-nr. Ml ill vihin I n. . 'in pr.v.iu- int i tire. jVertruuJ "ly. tliro.-it. nr lri, nnim in lllillt'irtl V tt it tllffT J, ! 11 1 I'm ti "i, 1 1 'T h ttiM;'J'.' ;tr'i-n I'I !. win iv! a". ' ' I V.-u i.i- wii iii'-ifii: , 1! .Iniiiii;i(iff.ii. yrirtureM, cruvel in y- itili! nil .-r.-sw-s .,r u.ij.ni iu (." th f'-u-.nui. 'ii iTii Ikv -u.e t.tiittil.lcti, ar lil'ir 1 a' Olel-'r the "f Dr. K . may ra- Is ll '11 r jo. it ;:. iiliel ia.iu,uud eoiiho.ui ly reiy i,p .,1 Ins s:, tai: I as a j'!i fu i,, I'A If 'I.All MlTICi:. Yoan-: V. piaeli'-.- 1 1 ..1 C IUi:HII 'IS fell, ei'eli V sli l id ll'p. 1 wli ' liav.: iantred nii-iaicll e, by a certain L-elm a I. al ii li.-iiaeiiilj leaninl Irom a,il rais-ii,-! i:,c eil -ct, .a wlni-li are uixhlly en :i.-',-ep, a-;.; .k-i b -th iiimd and Usly 1.1: -ied:aieiv. We ikiie.s ami e meiliitiiiiu.l ilel.i:i:y I ss ..f 1:110 : er.d pr s're'i 11. ir.il Sti 'll. .1:1 -::!Me..- plivMcul lassitude mul pen all lien- .11, alleeliona. iikIi, "I l'"-' Ir'-'l-end everv disea. rin snv iv.u e t. .1 well tl.e ill liie (iroy.rcutiv. fune; tiona eiired. and loll vn.'or r, si-,r... Ycl'TIl AND .M.NIilon, A vioniiiiis li (,r ;i pti-iiinluie iluul. ltlMiLLIX on trlf rnsi'rvalioii. ONLY J3 CKN'TS. Ties H ie..ii:st piil.lishe.ha lile-d Willi useful luforumll'a on th lat'r.i.in.-t -,,.! ,is-:is-, ,:-,. , itw'rM ,v4 i,,,,,,, ll iid lrca a usi ln i:.r to Vdl "I'llMAMIiHIIIaiid fll.D A'. I., una s i.'.l be load bv :,;. ' I lie vaiii-.li't. adviee n.id lliij-ressive warmiiff it live. will 1 Iv Tn n e, ,-!! 1 eai s o u:: 11, A Old. of Lives. y uiiLiMaiji-iin- und .jv. suiiusU l aiea:-! I 1 re I- 11 will learn how lop, event ilia des: triieLI -a "I il:.-- .-in dn A rem'!!:. .11 1 -i ,:en'tt. oi,l,ik..1 I.,,.- ... In -d t i llli. KIMCI.I '. . ll' ,. ,i, TIHIMI .' I Ml'X Mrecls. hetua-en Sniuc! ft I'm-. lhit:iH-l,.fc,. v oil l-l.., .- a h ., I:, a, . -I.-.- ..: . ' . ' . per return oi mail. le: a .us al a di!auc inayiiu hcaa Dr li. Ly letter, innst- tiid.) a id l-l ne-l at ll ii, e. I'Ai.a ti.l-M til- MKIilrirKS. P!;:i:CTK)NS. fte l-n-wai'j.sl l.y acn-hue- ll rem,tau.:e. unll nut nil s eui. front D M lilt: -i i I IIMM v. 11 'ili-Seli-rH. ,.:w A'-euls Peillnra. rn,ivn..-r. a,.a.l oil: -rk sa.,.,lie.l will, the 4iWve u.u,k Vrrv L. " I'eaiil iry i, l!-0ll ly nosi: oiwxiXENT, roa tettib 1j FAD the foi; iwnnr cinli -ite from Cap D.vo.. tk) V w.-ll known and pi)iar Slain If sit Cplaiu (.if Ui T-aveilcl.) PiiLsii.rHU, Oynler 31, liHi. f?evnil years aince I una attacked w.th a breaki.if aa on in; iiuc-4 iu Hie f irm ol 'J'cner. whu-h I .in eouvinra. .via. V llll.lCKII Til Ile ,1.1 -irb.-rrsS:i,,p. ll sranduallvclleu'd ed vij tuv laee man ll reueiicil the pijr pnfl of lh, i I.-.-KS. IJaraer llie Aever.il m uma thai it coulina ,,-1,-nilino, I usisi t;uier..iii ..--i .liL-aitona, a me of u hicn ha ' - clice-. a -a ea'ij a: l.a.'. of u.,-r-u-lair tig, disesae, bu from lone o' ll.: oi i'i.I 1 m-k -ave the least bem fit until ap ..; I he Ho-:: in i v.tT. liv the use of one mr of It I Will , .-i t.-':; cu-.J mni have iimauied free ol the aflef li -ni. I have : i veil Ihe O.ulineal, lijjhlly applied for rnuat. lies, ,-t the face, I, I. ,tt.liea. chapped haildit, fte. Wita pal feci mucess. 1 I.ui r no hentiiti iu in recon. .ueudina a i he s'.n'n. st uunmer to the public. JAJi- PEVPE. A-reyi IIcvky VASr', Sunbury Jul) -.-!., IM'.I PATE1TT 10CIGII1TS3 Green's Oxygenatcsi Bitti-r, price reduced. Old Jacob Townsptid's Sarsaparilla. Hukc-r's Sarsa parilla. S uyne Syup of Wild Chety Sivayne's Vermifuge. A y re's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. CulWn's do Tibial'. Pain Killer. Dr. Hooilund's lift nun Bitters.- Indian Veiretuble pills Horse aud Cattle .Medicines For sale by HENRY MASSER. ruuhury, fify H. 1644,. TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MBCTTBX COMl-aUMNU ft COLLECTION OTOTIB 20Q VALUABLE RECIPES, Li the Useful and IiUtresting Jrtt vntk J ft klu.pls aud ( urlou. Experliaeula la CIIKMItATKY t T NCLl'DING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemisl Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confeetio.nary, I mestic Economy, etc etc etc. Price fit a.. I sale by HENRf MASSER. Sunbury, Doc. 8, 1849. OAZORS. store of A superior article for swle at I HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Feb, 10, 1850,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers