SUNMJliY AMElllGAiN AIND SHAMOKIN j OUKNAL. THE A1EPJCA1T. SUNBURY. I ATIRDAV, MARCH 1, 1M1. H. B. MASSER, Editor and Proprietor. V B rAI.MKH In our authorized aeent to rereiva sub- acripliun and w)verlimiK ot hia office, in Philadelphia, New York, Boston and Baltimore. To ADVienTTMtm. The eirculntion of tha Piuibury Aiiiirirui among the different towns on the Pntquehainia la not exceeded If equalled liy any paper puhlnlied in North em Pennsylvania. rrnMnjioFCF.oiini! pharaoii. the AllllDKItKH. OF HAI HEL. IIARPLE. The f.liior of tint Went Chesler Village Record gives the following as snbslnnoa of n conleesion niHilH to him by Genige l'lmiaoh in (lie prison, since his conviction : On Hie morning: of the murd r of Rachel Sharpies, I came out from my father' house, and went tip the Buot road. Mary was hIonu, iiikI fhe set tho dog on me for sport ; the (1 03 ran at me nml bnrked ; t pointed the (41) ri at the dog several limp., and snapped it lit him. Tho pun was not loaded. I did it to tense Alary. I had often plagued the dug.- Did not see Wrn. Smith in the barn yard. lie then went up to Jonathan Cope's woods I to load his gun; he loaded one barrel then cimo down by Emmor Thomas' spring honpn. Oliplinnt came to him near the spring hiiiisii, and went wilh him down to the woojs. Says he snapped at a robin, but his nun did not go off. He then went down into t'10 wood, and Oliphant went alter the cows. said he had thought somethiti!! of shonliiirr It.ichel Sharpies. before ho had starled from hoim-, and as his gun snapped when lie aim fd at tha robin, he put up a mark oi, a tree opposite the bars, or nearly so, and fired nt it to sue if his gun would go off, and the shot me in the tree. He loaded his gun again nml remained in' tho woods about a quarter of an hour. He went down 10 the biidge, mid looked hack and 1honht Oliphant saw him ; he then went up through the middle of llie woods, where he could leave no tracks Inward llio school house, and said thai the. tracks ncross the creek and in the path along the fence, which had been measured and 1 UiMia lit lo correspond with hi shoes uxrn not mii.le by him. This he asserted positive. QJTiir ExrrtEss. We have an Ex. ly mo,e 1 Imi, once. pr(w gftel a fash;on fmm this p,ace o loitered about llm School house rhi,a(eI hi ,,y way of PoUsville. Jf a alter the mistress had passed through the bars , ,, .. , . , , , which open i iom the road to the school hous, r'e of deposit was established here, as ,t lot : n, Khe approached the school house he should be' ,l WOuld be f S convenience thought she saw him ; he got behind a tree, to the community, and we ihink, profitable hid himself, nod she came around on the 1 1' is now a source of annoyance. Packages w estern side of the school house, lie wait, j in the stage are carried through this place to ed until she came to the door, look tho key ! Northumberland, until people by chance fr m, ,h.j reticule, mid thought her attention gct to t.arn lhat sl)ch and slicn packages aas arrested by hi, shadow. He then step. , , n, Korthumbnland Office, which ped 0111 on the Irjt side of tho tiee, that she . , ., . j ,,, , ,1. , il 1 1 . they can nave if the money is Rent and no In L' lit uive lite h.tnL nf Koi- l,,,,l in..n.J. J J K? Printing Ink. A few kegg for sale or cash at this office. U" The 2'2d of February was ushered in, as usual, this year, by the firing of can non. During the day, notwithstanding the muddy condition of our streets, our Voiun teer companies, the Dewart Guards com manded by Capt. Zimmerman, and the Ar tillerists commanded by Lieut. Martz, were on parade the greater part of the day. The Northumberland Volunteers commanded by Capt. Frick, visited us in the afternoon, and were received a la Mililaire by the Sunbury Volunteers. TUB NORTHERN MO, ITS OR AURORA BUREAUS. We neglected in pur last to notice this beautiful phenomenon of nature, which was visible here and elsewhere, on Tues day night of last week. The whole north ern heavens were illumined with a delicate pale straw colored light. At first it ap peared in a delicate color, nearly white, and then assumed a roseate tint, which "came and went like a blush on the cheek of a beautiful maiden." Occasionally it would shoot up rays half way to the tenilh, cul minating or bending over at the top, like a sheaf of wheat, which was of a deeper hue. It was indeed a beautiful sight and brought vividly to mind the beautiful line of Mil ton descriptive of night, "Now ghw'd II firmament With living sapphires. " BROKE JAIL. Two individuals named Jack M'Avoy and Thos. Davis, who were confined in the Jail, in this place, on a charge of Assault & Battery, made their escape on Monday night last, by breaking through the Jail wall. The next morning Sheriff Covert found in their room the following epistle, directed to him, which we publish verbatim et literatim, fur the benefit of the curious, as well as for the complimentary manner in which they took leave of the Sheriff, who oflers a reward of $15 for their appre hension and delivery. FtBinr 24th tS5t Diear sir i beg of you to excuse us For the preasaut it is not foi font that we go away it is loosing mutiny And time by staying hear we cant Find any fault wilh your beehavour For you used us as a gentlemen could And if chance favuures us lo come this way We womtnt neglect patrunisod you in Your buis ness that is all at presant We hope lo meat a gain but not in Suns bury Jail Yours rsespeelfully JACK Mc AVOY and THOMMAS DAVIS him raised the gnu lo his shoulder, took ra pid aim, and fired. He says tho only excla mation she madu was ' Oh !'' She fell iig.iinst tho door, thence lo the stone step and rolled off upon the ground, lie looked nt licr about three minutes ho felt sorry ns soon as it was dime, and he was afraid lo lake iho watch, for fear they would find him oul by it. lie then walked slowly west from ( the school house, then through the woods n-nl ciosscd tin! load at the corner of Enos Thomas' coin liel.l. In crossing the road he j:m;pil up the hank, and looked back and found ho had left no tracks. Ho went into the woods on the north side of the road, and t hence into Mary Sinn ploss' woods, and there JuauVd his 31111 and shut twice at a squirrel, bill nut at the tree which he had pointed out lo Slieiid Darlington. 11.; did not lake Slier i;i D.iilington to the right place, because he was afraid that they would find the wads Of questions asked. Wc trust Friend Kapp will see the propiiety of some reform in these matters. Consulting the public con venience generally proves, in the end, the best policy. tU" Tun Postaoe Bill in in the Senate has been warmly debated, and Mr. Rusk's bill as amended was adopted as a substi tute for the House bill. This is decidedly preferable to the House bill. The bill, as it now stands, makes letter postage three cents prepaid and five cents for unpaid let ters. Newspapers to circulate free in the county where they are published. IIKiLER. AND JOHNSTON. There is no doubt but the two gentle men above named will be our next candi dates for Governor. They are both men i'itoi 1.11.LV iiovli:;.h. A letter from South Flmidu speaks nf an interview between Capt Casey, the U. S Indian Agent, and .Mr. "Wilum Doings," as he signs himself. Capt. Casey, act lorlh to bowlegs the recent action of the Florida Le gislature for the removal of the Indians, and told him that now was his last chance for 11 peaceable arrangement ; that the United Slates authorities were hisfrieiids, and would not only see him comfortably removed, and provided for afterward, but would pay him well for going ; but, i.r lie delayed, the Gover nor of Florida and his rillemen and long knives, would be down upon him, and drive llie whole tribe into Ihu ocean. Upon this Billy scratched his head, and thoughl'ully in quired if the United State Government was really his friend and wished him well ? Cup- TlllnT Y-lrTnsT CUNnRESS-Seeond Session. Washington, Fk. 24. The Senate took- up the President's Mes sage, and the motion to refer it. Mr. Berrien denounced the occurrence in Boston art the result of preconcerted action by while and blacks, combined to defeat the emit of the fugitive slave law:" He reviewed the whole subject of the fugitive slave pro vision of the Constitution, the Inws of Con gress, the legislature of tree States, and the decision made by the Supiemo Court on the subject. He believed the law has been executed everywhere, except in Boston. Mi. Rhett did not believe tho law would be enforced or hail been enforced. He did not think it could bo, and judging from Iho concluding remarks of the Senator from Oeor" ci, h did not believe it could be execu ted. Mr. Berrien asked the Senator not to draw any such inference from his remarks. Mr Rlielt snid ho did not believe the law could be executed, even wilh all the arms nnd force of the (Jovernment. He did not believe any law could be executed, unless the senllment of the people, among whom it was to be executed was in unison with Iho execution of the law. It could not be execu ted amongst a people where there was a lor midable minority opposed lo it forcible re sistance might not take place, but it could be evaded by swelling tho costs by counter suits, by secreting the fugitive to enable him lo avoid the process, and by falsa swearing. The law had not been executed. It was slated that there were 30,000 fugitive in the free States, and in the last nine months some ten or fifteen only had been recaptured. He thought the South had lost her great remedy, which was in the Constitution, by taking the one proposed bv tin act of Congress. He read from the Constitution tho two clauses one, that fugitives from labor shall be delivered up; Ihe other, that fugitives from justice shall be delivered up on demand by the executive. The Constitution contain ed no provision granting Congress Ihe power to execute these clauses Congress had no pow ers but those cvpressly granted. He consid ered that those two clauses were to bo execu ted by the Slates themselves und not by Con gress. Every older clause which gave Con gress power, contained express provisions to thai effect. Who con Id donhl but that the acts of WXi and of I80O. for tho delivery of fugitives, were wholly uiiconslilional ? If left to States the Constitution would have been executed. Mr. Clay said that when the message was received from the President, he rose lo ex press his satisfaction of it, which satisfaction he was sure would be felt by all, except the ultras of the North and the South. He anti cipated no such discussion us had taken place. The Senator from South Carolina had giavely informed the Senate that Congress had no powers except those granted by llie 1 Const ilu I inn. A lawyer once was stating tho same fundamental doctiiues, and was pro; ceeding to show that they had existed from i THE WETHERIM DIVORCE CASE. ' Mrs We'.herell' memorial to the Legisla ture in answer to the charge and allegations of her husband, is a very eloquent and touch ing vindication. She expresses her full abil ity to disprove all the charges which have been made against her. She says that she is the mother of fifteen children to Dr. Welhe r ill, twelve of whom ore now alive. She savs : I cannot suppose it possible that yonr hnn- otoble bodies will judge ami decide of me my rights, my children's interests, and their mother's character, without giving bur and them a full opportunity of riueling every accusation and disproving every charge. It, by law, I have such a right, I claim it If I have not, I appeal lo your, sonso of sacred juslice to give it to me. Indeed I am not guilty in net or thought of any of the thing of w hich I urn accused, in the printed me. morial of my misguided husband, and which I have now before me. They cannot, believe me, be proved 110 witness can maintain them, and if any profess so to do, 1 desire and claim the right to be present when such evidence is heard thai my fiiends and coun sel may be there to aid mo that secret testi mony shall not harm me that my own wit nesses may be examined nnd heard that my life and my conduct as a woman, a wife( and a mother, may be proved and made known to you; but until this is done, I pray von do not condemn nip and give to the short LETTER FROM THE PRESIDENT TO UJIIAZY. The Washington naner contain a loiter from Lndislusslljhniy, the gallant Hungarian commandant of I bo fortress of Comoro, in Hungary, (who has new settled at New Hilda, uecalur co., Iowa.) lo tbe hnsiueni 01 ine United Stales. The letter is dated Sept. 8th, and communicates the fact nf the establish ment of a settlement for the Hungarian relti gees, and so forth. The following is Mr. Fill more's reply : ' . Washington City, (D. C. Oct. 8, t50. Mv Dcar. Sir: Your letter of the 8th ul timo camo lo hand n few davs since, and I was gratified to learn that you weary pitg'im age had at last come to tit end, and that you bad found a residing place and I Irnst an asy lum in the new but fertile State of Iowa. Accept my sincere thanks for your kind congratulations at my unexpected elevation to Iho Presidency. When I met yon here, 1 never expected to occupy this position, i painful dispensation of Providence has, how ever, cast upon me the burdens and respousi billily of ihisdisiinguished station, but wheld er for honor or dishonor, for weal or wo, lime alone an determine. You have seen enough of the cures and uncertainly of otlicial lile to appreciate its labors and its instability. look for my reward, whatever may be the re suit only in consciousness of an honest en deavor to discharge my dutv faithfully and impartially to my whole ciUiitry. That be. ing done, ils desiiny is in the hand ol" the Supieme Aibiter of human 11 flairs, in whose In Milton, on the 7th tilt . Mrs. ELIZA BETH MAUTIN, wife of Wm. Martin, one resident 01 1 11 is uoiougli, aged 36 years. OBITUARY. Died, on Friday night, the 2 1st ull.. nt his residence in Lower Augusta Id.. PETER SHRANTZ, aged 84 years and 18 days. The deceased was one of our earliest set tlers, and was always esteemed for his pro- oily, his moral worth and unaffected piety. tor upwards of sixty years he was a consist, ent and exemplary member of the Methodise Church, nnd during a period of twenty-five or thirly years of that time, ho was nil ex- horler and class leader His was, indeed, & life of usefulness and lubor, and Hlforda a bright example to those he left behind, as well as a happy illustration Ibnl "ihe end of Iho upright man is peace." He was gather ed lo his fathers when the harvest had ripen ed, and in ihe fulness of his years. Ed. Am. Xi)C iUarkcta. remnant of my life more tmhappiMess and 1 justice and mercy 1 have the most abiding sorrow than past years of sadness have cans- ; confidence. ed. The evidence taken for llie last session nf Ihn Legislature does not npply to ihe now Though we make it nn invariable rule, us a nation, not lo interfere in foreign wais, ye1 nnd different state of facts presented by Ihe , olir p,.(,pe fL.,. deep -.ympalliv for the op' new memorial; nnd I claim llie righl, if I pressed ever) w here, und ure ready lo extend have it, lhat what should be given in support j a liberal hand to those who suffer in the of the one now before you shall be only taken j cause of freedom. I cannot doubt. Iheiefore, after notice to me. j that Congress will deal generously w ith the If my husband means lo charge me with I Hungarians who have sacrificed all for iude extravagance and disregard of his pecuniary . peudenco and freedom, and lire now exiles interests, I beg most solemnly to deny 11. m a Btrallr,e land. Had I desired to participate even in the uaie-, 1 am t,ratjil.d , dear that you receive lies of those who were his friends ami my j commlllljwl,jOM!, f,m ,ht. ODe and gallant Philadelphia Market. Feb. 26, 1851. Fi.ovn. The niavkel for Flour continues quiei, wilh very little inquiry lor export.- Slaudaid brand are held ut $4,50; und holileiH firm. Sales for city use limited at 34 50 n $4 62 Fancy biauils are held at Sol a til Rvc Flovh is without inquiry at $3 50. Coh.n Mkal -Is held at S2 87 i. Wheat Prices are sleady : sales of prime Southern and Peinia. red at ) 04 cts ; piiine while at SI 11. Curs. Is worth CO u Blio for new yellow. Kvk. The last sale was at 72 cts. Oa ts. Oats Bin now steady : sales of prime I'enna. Irom 44 In 4a els; anultirtu sells 11I 43 J cts. Whiskey. Sides of W hiskey in bbs. at 24o and hlids. ut 22 cts. own, which I did not, my own feeble health would not for many years have permitted it ; and it is surely not just to reproach mo wilh having enjoyed those comfoils which it was within his means readily to give, and which, before his heart was turned against me, were enjoyed by tis in common. Never until the occurrence of these sad details, was it sug gested to me that my mode of life was other than consistent with his desires nnd wishes. I have been tho mother of fifteen children to this my husband, who now seeks lo disown nnd disgrace me; twelve of them are now alive. In them my hope, my pride, my con solation is placed. 1 desired no extravagant expenditures for town or country house; my 1 peaceful und happy lite, I Kossuth. I shall always be most happy to hear of hi health and prosperity, and to re. ceive through you any communication intend ed for me, or for Iho Amoiicati Government. With mv sincere prayer for yonr health and prosperity, and for the health and pins- I perny oi your hssuci.iics, I remain your obedient servant. MILLARD FILLMORE. Chance ok ax A.mbkicas Popb. it is pro- posed by the Pope at Rome to appoint thiee Cardinals for the United Slates. One ol these will doubtless be Archbishop Hughes, of this city, who is now in Rome. Tbe rise and progress of John Hughes is indeed singular. Sl-NKUIY I'UICU criuir.NT. WllKAT. - - 100 I! vi.. . .50 ('mix. .... 50 Oats. . y7 Diiii.n. - . . .16 lions. .... 10 Pons. . . . 7 Klaxskch. .... U5 Tvli.uw. - 10 lil.KHWiT . 25 II 1.1 KI.KII Fl. X. - . . II) Din t.n A i'1'i.t.s. . . 62 Do. I'k mi r.s. - . 200 Ft.ix - - . -8 lii-i ;mi At'ler I iu urtm i t ... I ll.n ... m r.1.... T poured tho shot out of niv shot bag, to uvo id :of excellent character, able und talented, discovery some of it I poured nut iu the j and competitors worthy of each other. woods of Enos Thumbs and somo of it iu We need not say Mr. Biglcr is, and has Mary Shai pies' woods. What lakes my at- j been, for the last five years, not only our ,,MlU""' KiiJ 'l witnes. ; choice) but the choice of nearly the whole .es sa,.l ther,t . but o,.o report that morn, j aemocratic party in this County. His ' '"' : ;s i nomination is almost as certain as anything I noihiiis against Rachel Sharpless i human can be, by an almost unanimous f-h . hail never ilone me any harm ; 1 never volt, and such is his popularity that his wanted lo pay attention lo her ; 1 wanted a I election may be looked upon as a fixed fact, watch, but I never thought of snooting liny ! body else to get noe : I did not know her j MONTOl R toi NTY. wriich was -old ; 1 was seveul limes nt the ! . ar;re meeting was held at Danville h hool houst . . o;) jjomjay 0r ast Week to adopt measures lie was asked how lonj he had harbored t . , . ., , .,, , t T . , . 3 in regard to the bill now before the Legis- t!r.f ide:i of shooting her. He said hi) had j , , .. .. , c . . , ,.. . .. 7 . , ,...,, lature, lor the repeal of Mounlour count v. bPL-n meditating it during the week. Said he j : ' wont to the school house once before to shoot i Stron& Passw arSl'? ne Vr, but lit- thought he wouldn't do it. Ho j unconstitutionality of such a law, and ex said h never had it in his head lo shoot any pressing a determined opposition to any ('jdy before. In thinking about it, I some- X'andidate, State or County, who is in favor ihouoht it was horrible lo shoot livr ; of repeal. We very much fjiiestion the bin, he said it seemed I was to do it. As ' rijjht of the Legislature to pass such a law, soon us it was done I was sorry for it. Mr. U(, organiMlion 0f the Coo.ltv, when Lewis, one of my counsel, was the first per- ...... . " . , c , ,, , . . ' ' certain njrhts have become vested, and the son I ever confessed Iho murder lo ; it wa Sunday evening last, (the next day ufter i inlm'6t ol 'l-vidnals may be affected, his conviction :) 1 never acknowledged it be- , ton.. I had denied my guilt to my counsel. The Philadelphia papers generally . I ihoii-'hi I could bo cleared I ihousrhi so ai notice the death of John Eckel, of the House liist, hut I did not think s toward llie last of Eckel, Raiguel &. Co. Mr. Eckel com. of the trial. menced business a little over twenty years If 1 had destroyed that paper, I would not sincu n Philadelphia. He has been emi- liave been convicted. He said lei understood ' nently successful as a merchant. We have there was a darkey, who said be told him k)0Vn him ,nar)y years and cheerfully I hat he wis going lo get a watch before long, ' , ... . .. . . , . . " bear testimony to his modest and unassum- tain Casey replied that there could be no j t,e ,nmj f Moses, hen ihe chief justice manner ol doubt about that. says Ditty, "il you tire my, jus: yoi. k ome,hin.r. The Senator from South tianilv, and lo make them industrious and useful. Indeed, there is nn less fairness of what is said 01 my temper ami uepinrneiu in my ! husband. It is easy, very, very easy, for ono who should defend, to make charges against his wife; but I promise you, if jou i, i ... ; i ... l..c 1 ...If !... "Well then ' i , ., .. Will I'm jjhp m nine io .-,.-. . .., ......, men, . blandly told lum the Conrt was presumed to I , .,, , .. ., , r .., u., I .1 will Miow u an uei i.u.iiii' ij- m nj .iM. know something. The Senator from South r :i.. i... c: i. i... -it ...t. I i I.:.. .... ,... e UUIIllS own latum, uv int;ieis, ui an nuu - ) - - r " i Carolina snouin presume ine senate Knew Florid, and his long knives d d quick ;" j,()n(.,hing. Hn then examined tho Conslitn- and, in short, gave Casey lo understand lhat nim armiod at lonsrih that Con ress had he did not value the aovereiguty of Florida fu p(MVPr , execute any provision of il. so much as "the shaking of a squirrel's tale." j Tu! Senator had spoken of cousolidationists j This is iruly mortifying. Rilly evidently had and federalists ruining llie country. This! not read the report ol Ihe majmity committee I asthe fault of the Senator's whole school. I They lay down what they consider the pow- j I ers of Congress and any one w ho diCeis from I them is for consolidation. No one but the c ..... r,... r ,,i;,, m,;.. mi,..,t riinniin iitriu -..niti v.mi. ....... n. v i. ... , . . , ... . , i i i . .i , i on llie part of a vounn termite friend, 1 con and Chase I could doubt the power ot Con- i . . . . Iliiiw iii ... ...... . .- 11 I .... II .1 ' iii- . i fi, rrom being a poo, i-ubbaze grower Hi the t I. t.. ..v ..Ikil.lrun ut virltm nil.l I nria. i r. I r III MIIIVUU: III, I ......... ... i .,i age ol twenty one, ue rapiuiy rose in. in ne wat appointed Rishop of New York, then have known me, or lived with me, or seen me at home or abroad, that these charges ure without foundation. Lcdgrr. i Archbishop, and now the next news 'will j doubtless bo thai "Cardinal'' Hughes has set I oul on his return to his home in New York. Il is but one sic) loom Cardinal lo Pope, nnd I it would not be llie strangest Ihinu in Ihe woild if n New Yoiker should occupy ihe I Papal Chair. John would make the besl Pope they have had for Uvo centuries. Wilh his ihormish, co-ahead American spii i", he would put new lile where now is lelliaryy, anil create no entirely new order of things out of a preaeiil choas. Seic York Sun on Federal Relations." Tutlnhasitce Sentinel. i i.:. :u i i inie. He said he slept soundly on ihe night ,n5 maimer, tuu 01.5 mm nonora of ihe murder, it diil not trouble him, il was JB conduct. .tt when ho went to bed. It nun not trou- 1 Med my fcletp since my imprisonment ; I 1 UT" A Di kl AT Washington On have never dreamed of Rachel Sharpless. I 1 Monday last, Air. Stanley of North Caroli- have thought or ihe deed a good deal since I i na , jnlr- ie cf Alabama, crossed over . ... 1. ri. . ..! r? " Ii.ivo been tiere. 1 Itiougui 01 uesiroying ine .1 , . .. , r ' , F, , , , , 1 the Maryland line, for the purpose of set- paper before lliey found tho wad and after 1 ' . . , , , . . .. , u, 1 ; thog a drfficulty arising out of a debate in too. I got ine paper ut Goshen blore, and, . J lelt a good deal of it on the counter, Pratt ' lhe ,Iot,w ,ast een Slanl,7 and Robert's son was in tho atoie when I got the ' nZf returned secretly, neither party paper. He mid he did not think hard of any being wounded. A smgle shot was ex- ul the witnesses. (eorge said lie had u good ' changed, when a reconciliation took place. iiiil to Ihink of lo prepare 10 die, mid a short ; time lo do il iu. Some one told him that he iiiii'lii have t-oine month he believed it was uiiii of lhe Judges. Ri-scL't: or Foua F.numsumkn raoM a Dk. e:.T Isiand. A Captain Bernard, lately re lurnt'd irom Rio, relate the following cir cumstance, which i published in tha English j a; or.. An English ship, in passing Trinity i.-luud, December 10, to the southward of U,u Jjueiio, aaw sign of smoke, and after. ward signals of dialieo. With great diffi culty a boa I managed to reach the Island, ard succeeded iu icscuiug I Urea men, who were about perishing from hunger. They . staled that they belonged to the Hnglit4i aliip l.ialh, which left London Sept. 28, 185lrfor Yulparuiso, When viX tha Islands of Trinity lhe tra plain orderod four men on shore to get piuiioin, and afterwards made anil and left ill 'in llieie. They were on the lalaud twen, ty diiys, aubiisling ou crabs, suaks, and uq1 ati.' birds. (AR II IN. U.S. It appears that the Pope of Rom has gome idea ot creating several Cardinals in th United Slates, and it is intimated that Bidiop Hughes, of New York, is to be one of the new Church' dignataries. I3'nbjop Hughes is an aspiring as well as a talented prelate, and who knows but the tiara may yet be placed upon his brow. IT" The Pennsylvania Statesman. Messrs. L. F. Currie & Co., have purchased the establishment ol the Spirit of the Timet in Philadelphia, and have abanged the title of the paper to that above named. Tbe Statesman it improved in ajrfeamace and 11 ably conducted, editorially and in itt selections. E7" Congress will adjourn on the th of March Tuctday next. Post-Ofvick OrrnATioNs. The Fnslmas-ter-Geueial has established the following new Post-Olfices : Turtleville, I'cion Co., Pa., M. 11. Tag garl. Dry Valley, Union Co., Pa., Jos. Metmnn Chesiuil Ridge, Union Co., Pa , Saml. R Baiiin. THE WOULD XVILL HOON BK TOO SMALL rou its rori i.atio.n. It has been ascertained, by mathematical calculation, that if the population of the Uni ted States alone should continue to increase, in tho present ralio, say six centuries, then there would be one inhabitant for every square foot ol dry ground on the globe I The data are these : Our rato of increase since 1790 has been llireo per cent, yearly. F"or 7 Ihe sake of round numbers, we assume our population now to bo 25 millions, though it cannot be much mure ihan 23 million. Tho land surface of Ihe globe is about 49 million square miles ; this led need into square feel gives an enormous sum, which may be slated in figures, but which no mind can conceive namely, I.SCRjOJOSO. 000,000. These data have been given to a inatha. matician, and he has produced a rigid math ematical demonstration of the abovu aston ishing truth ; tbe time being only six centu ries, a small period in the world's history, for it is three nnd a haTf centuries aheady since the discovery of America by Colum bus. The fate of the Siamese twins seems a hard one, but only Ihink of l,3fi6,0J0,880,. 000,MM) people being all bound and wedged together! Let all Ihe Irish laborers beset al work to excavate the earth, so that half Ihe population may be accommodated with subterranean lodejgs. Make it it penal of fence for any lady lo have more than two children, and charter n college of "female physician" lo see the Ihw executed. Who knows but the day may conio when llie tn. lues will bo elected in honor of Madame Reslell, anil laws .' enacted for I fie promo tion of infanticide 1 Encourage lhe "art of medicine" there is nothing lite "medical treatment" for keeping dowu the population. War, pestilence tin. I famine may hereafter be considered national blessings, and premi ums be offered for spreading fatal epidemics. Gambling lime the Spirit in FoflrrrJ A youu2 man at a revival, gave tin) fallowing as his experience: 'Ihree years ago Ine eiiniiL'h timm-y to buy II church held a fair nnd festival. Those i nrr wj despisu von. splendid hound books yon sre on the table our best friends by trying to ellec were selup at httcrtf. After much persuasion ! oan. If you are pool don't tell of il, for even those who have bard woik to seiape 1.11 themselves llieir ilin W'a once lost one of small T.c: Advertisements. riiOCI.AMATIOX. TV OTIt'E is herehv ijivori that the several court el I '.minion Pleas, (irni'iid 'i'.inrlrr Session, of the pence, and Orphans' ('mut, .'r.,rt nf Over, tnnl Terminer and Onornl Jail LYtiM-rv, in rln.f lor the county of .N'orlliiiniliri'lnnil. to '.ymiincncf at die Ci'til J in the'!i .. SHinhur. ot to o'clock, A. M. 011 .Monday. V,r 7th itiiv nl April lifxt, nnd will crmtiiine TWO WKKN.S. The corem r. Justices uf the IVie r and nmsta- hlcs iu ami lor the iviuitv of TWlhniiihrrlaiiii. ar reqocstrd tj le then nnd I heft- 111 t! rir pn.ier icr sons, widi tlicir r.-.IU. r.-con'... iii. i;i.ein,is. am other reiiiriiihniniTS. to do I Ihw tliums In Ihei several Dll'ucs uppcriuiiiiii:; to he .! .ne. Andul witiiessis :rori'iiiiii' in Mudl' nfihe C,iiini'n weallh ai'iiii.! any priia-ii'T are idi iv.;u. stil aiu oiiiinani.rd to he then mul Ihrre ii'leiidio ' in iliei prefer persmis tn pr:iM-cufe icain-t lum. as ahal l.ejiwl nml not to depirl u leave at lliri peri!. Jun rs .ire rt-tj u -.-.tfil I 1 hepum-tunl in ihei altiMiit.ince, at the ihne il a mlilr I their notices. (Jiven luna r mv h:,nils t. Scv.l irv, lle J, J., of Manli, iu the. year of ear l.or.l uue 1I101, snid eivdil loiiiiliiil mid l!i nc mul the In ilepernlMii e of lhe 1 niie.l '.S.i:M ,j( Amcric the 1 ."lib. jamks covr.irT.f-inr. (od save the Ciiiini.iiiveiill!i. gress on this subject, and ayainsl these weie the Congress of "J3, '50, and lhe Supreme Court. ! The Senator and his friends talk of stretch ing tho Constitution, as if they were tho jud ges to decide how far was stretching and how far no!. What woak erring man will dare rise und d cel. wo that Ibis or lhat is the meaniua of the'Coiistitiitiou, when iho wis dom of the country have repeatedly said dif ferently? The Senator talked of being a Slates' Right man. When he. heard these gentry rise and talk of being Slates' Riuht men, he felt as Junius says hu always did when he saw a Scotchman suiile. Laughter. Ho asked those who deny existence of any power unless expressly iu the Constitution, where was tbe power of one Stale to nullify the acts of Ihe Union, or to secede 1 Mr. Rhett said ho would like to know if be could leply lo lheso reiuaiks after the Senator was duive, I here being u desire ex pressed lo havu a vote. Mr. Clay lie desired a vote on this sub ject at once, bill whenever lhe Senator de sired it, he was ready to meet him iu argu ineut on these topics. He iheu enlarged 011 the proceedings in Boston, and replied lo Messrs, Chase, Mason, hud other. :Lr.T Hea Wbnt." The fugitive stove case in Cincinnati, of which we have had t notice by telegraph, wat eettled most deci sively by the slave- besself. The counsel trad) cleced' their epeechet, and the judge taut he would give Iu opinion ru the morning. At this moment, aayt the Cincinnati Gazette, the woman stepped forward lo the judge and said, ' t want to go home with ray master. 1 can't fool away all di time. Let me go." I Tbe judse said "go" auJ tha "went." In the humuu skeleton there are two hun dred and fifty-two separate bones. Hard woikiug people sometimes have an extra number, which are formed near tlx) joints of live thumb, fore-linger and loes, Tliey are useful in increasing tho power of ihu muscles wherever lliey grow. The aorla, or principal urlery of the w hale, nieasmes about a foot in diameter, and the quantity of blood thrown into it ut each pul sation, has been estimated at from ten to lit- leen gallons: lhe rush of this fluid is quite audible lo the harpouiiuis when about to iiike the animal. When rabbits, scnirrels, and Variout other ' gnawing animals, are fed on soft meats, their leelh sometimes grow so long and crooked, at lo prevent thorn from taking food ; and in stance have occur roil, in which, to preserve Rfer it became necessary to biealf. otr, ot ea traet like teeth. Ik. Darwin wat of opinion that if a deaf person dreamed of hearing, the internal parti essential to Ihe function, were unimpaired. The tame remark, tayt Dr. Smith, .of Botlon, is applicable to the blind. I have invariably found that the incurably deaf, at well at in ouiably blind, never dream of hearing and I teeing. I seuted against my inclination lo purchase two ', tickets. Tho prize fell to me, so I was so , elaled with my good success, that I embra ced lhe lirsl opportunity of gambling on a larger scale, and since then have lost hun dreds of dollars. Hul for that lottery, under Ihe patronage of a Christian Church, I never should have become a gambler." W.wr. or the Lock. A beautiful young gill, of thirteen, with long flowing Iresses, Mis Fisher, residing in Fifteenth street, was accosted in Thirteenth street, near the Fourth avenue, New Voik, nn Sunday after noon, by a person in the garb of a gentleman, who said, 'Yon have n boa on yonr neck ; lift yum bonnet a little and 1 will brush il ofl." The unsuspecting jiiil did as request ed, and then passed on, supposing that the stranger had perfoimed Inward her a real acl of kindness. She soon learned, however, to her surprise, lhat iiisleud of a bun her beautiful Iresses had been dexterously borne oil' without her knowledge The first code of written laws possessed by the Athenians was prepared by Draco, a man nf stern and ri"id character. These laws punished all crimes with death ; and, 1111 ue count of iheir sanguinary character, are said lo have been written in blood. If the feathery gills of a small perch coul l be unfolded and spread out, ihey would nearly cover a squaie yard. This will not appear so extraordinary when it is recollected that the nerve in a dog's nose is spread in so thia a web, that it is computed lo bu equal to four square feel. At Ulm, a town of Wurtemburg, 011 the left bunk of the Danube, snails are fed in great quantities for varions maikets in (Jer. many and Austria, bnl especially that of Vi enna, where tlrey are esteemed a great deli, cacy, after having been fed on strawberries. Tub Oldest Woman in lhe World is said to be living at Gateshead, England. Her name is Mary Beulon. She was born Feb. 12i 172 f, and if she lives lill the census it taken the will be entered at 120 yean old. She walk erect, beam well, uses no spectacles, and so late at 1843 assisted at a haymaking at Elton. ThK Wiir.rM.txo l!miu;H Cask. The Pitts burg Post of Saturday confirm the report that Chancellor Walwoith has made hi re port to the Supreme Court agaiusl lhe Wheel, ing Biidge, dechirini; it nil obstruction to navigation ns it now stands, and recommend ing 1 hn t it be raised twenty-eight feel. This is an important decision, and it will please j the Pitlsbnig people amazingly, for lhe biidge , was a creat obstruction lo iho river trade of that city, by impeding the navigation. ' l'liila. Ledger of the ISA ult ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER ! PEPMN, the True J)ijie.itire Fluid, or Gastric Juice! A great Dvspepsiii Cnier, prepaied from Rennet, or Ihe fouilh Stomach of the Ox after direction of Baron I.lebig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S Honyhion, M. U , IVo. 1 1 Ami It f.lgllln Mreel, riuladei phia. Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver Complaint, Consli pal 1011, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastriu Juice. See advertisement iu another column. 91 A 11 It 1 13 l. In this placo, on Thuisday, lhe 80ih tilt., bv the Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr. J n kd Uro- I siocs, to Miss St sAS Rkn.v, all of this place. On the 13th ult., at the residence of Wm. Jones, Esii.. bv the Rev. A. J. Collins, M Andhkw OunisoN, to Miss GaACK Joxks, all of Low er Augusta. In Pottsville. on lha 19lh nil., bv the Rev Mr Cooley, Ele Bowf.n, Kq.t ol New York city, late editor of the Miners' Journal of thai .' ... .. i...i.r place, to All M.IABETH, imugnier 01 iwar tin Weaver, of Branch Dale, Schuylkill co. On ihe 18th nit . bv the Rev. E. M. Long, Mr GroucE D. Williams, ol" Money, Lycom ing county, lo Miss Rachki. Ovekfeck, near Milton, Northumberland county. On the suine dav, by the Rev. Mr. More. head, Mr. Jacob Kbkmv.r, ot Lhilisquaqne to Mis Ann Hkxdmickson, ot Liberty towii' ship, Montour county. On the 13ih ult., by the Rev. R. A. Fisher, Mr. John Depien, of MahonoT, to Mis Catharine I.antz, ol Augusta On iVia lih ull . bv lhe Rev. Mr. Disc. Mr Pettb Hkcsabt, of Point township, to Mist Levin Kixleb. daughter ol reler rimer. Esq., of Lower Mahonoy township, Norlhum beilund county Dr. John B. Arden, the attache to the American Legation, at Berlin, who wat re cently killed on a Prussian railroad, wat much etteomed citizen of New York, and leaves a fortune of $200,000. He wat on hit way hpme to be married to a niece of Gov, Fifh of New York. CALL AND SETTLE. rjv.Il" HiiKvrdcr Iierel.v informs nil tli.w the I are iiiiiehtet 1,1 hhn. on linek nceniuil 1 ndi'Twise. lo roll nml settle llie same on or hel'or llie liisl day ut' April ne. Ivrs.ius nec'ieetiii t. us indu e mav lind their uivnunu in Ihe hmid l a .Magistrate fur rotici'iimi. Gf;iKt:;3 IMH1J!3.CH. fr'unhun., March !. 15 1. it. UZGIST2IUS NOTICE. V OTICK is hcrehy c,ien la all ln-jatec ' C'nililers nnd oilier i.ermus ioU'ieste.l in lh I'slntcs ol the fiillimiiiir i.uiuitl persnuti, that til t'.Mi'tiliiiri and Adiniiiistiatiiikul said Kst'ilej tut lileil their i counts with the Ui't-li r of Northun lied. 1 ml roiiulv, und lhat the same wi!l he iir sa ined 10 ihr t)rilinus' t.'ourl nt' said I'ouiity, o i 11esc.1v the fiu i!ay ol April neil fur court niutli'ti ami iile-w.iiu'e. beliimoii ilec'd,, si-ttleJ by his A1I111 Joiulhiiii li. l.'i idler. SihhIi Miller, ilec'd., setllcil by her Adni I'leilerick Weaver, liiiniel Kryiniic, dee'd., uttilcd by his Kecuti V illiani il. I'ry iniro. Peter bresius. dec'iL settled liy Ilia Executor Peter Urosius tint lioJt'rcy Iteybuek. John Ki'lUr, iliv'd., Und account sJUled li his Adin'r S.iiihii'I Keller, (iconre Krchs, dce'd., seitlej by his Adin'rt 1 bonis non cum tcslnincuto anuexo, Williu lleppon und Jueob Krchs. Jiniies (inkles, ilec'il., settled by his nclii, Executor Charles lialc. Kreileriek Taehopp, ilec'd. . settled hy hia AJin'i Andrew 'l'sehopi ud J'hilii '1'k-hii. Peter liruucher, ilec'd., nettled by his Execute Willium iSurinan. JOHN P. PURSEI, KeSiattr. Register's Olihe, ) Sunliurv, Alureb I, 1831 6t. $ I 1. In Little Mahonnv townshin, on Ihe 13ih ull., Mrt. ELIZABETH WAGNER, widow of the lale ueoige Wagner, aged 67 years, J inonint ana -jj day. In Chilisnuaaue. on the 14th ult., LOUISA ESTHER, daughter of Michael and Hannah Swengel, aged 7 years, I months and 9 daya. Alto, 011 lhe 17th ull., GEORGE, aged 4 years, 10 months and 12 days; son of lhe same. And on the 18th, another ton of the same parents, aged about 1 yeur. This dis tressing mortulity was caused by SraiUttiiia. POST OFFICE STAMPS. TO POSTMASTERS. The advertiser, Po .Master ut Pleusaut Grove, Alleghnuy ei Md., is the first person in tho I'nited Slatevt conceived auj undertook ex'onsively to publif Ihe idea ot luriiistiin;r all post ollicos in the eoui try with rheup siainps. All stamps made by hi are warranted e4u.1l or auieriur to any otlie than can be procured for tho same prirV, an whenever any are sent oi.t in any manlier dele live or unatitislartory, duplicates will be forwar ed, on notice, without any extra charge. All wl older a full act of Chuugri for dates, al only ? for !)U pieces, ml) a 1 1 bo kept in stumps ad Irlttu Pull act with one change, $1. When stamp are neatly made with turn' handles and screw same style at the rcgul government P. O. stamps durable, etliciont al warranted. Price one or two dollar only, aj sjieiial authority lo send by mail free.. Address "P.'M , Pleasant Grove, Allrghai county, Maryland." ' W Any editor publishing tha above (wi this note) 3 times, and sending a copy uf tbe per, shall receive credit for 55 in wood letter, $ 10 proof press or if preferred, a wood engravi or an engraved newspaper bead, of the abo value, will be forwarded, March 1, 1851. 31. PAY urn FT1HE undersigned hereby oolitic all perao indebted to hot, oa lWok account, Ac., th they are requested to call and settle their accoui without delay, a longer indulgence cauuut given oa account tlreatly over due. ELIZABETH FOLLMER. Suubury, Feb. S'i, 1851 tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers