' "' SUNBlfrlY AMEUICAN aND SHAMOKIN JOUHNAL. THE CARRIER'S' ADDRESS, To tht Palms 0 tht AMERICAS,. , jANUmf 1, I7M A sornt New Year dawne upon out view, A happy New Year may it I to you ! Oft may the carrier, in his annual rounJ, ' See peace and plenty at your hearth-stout hound: And, M age Rntly eteala your etrentti away, And eilvcre o'er your raven heads with gray, Find you lottcriiij. through weal or ill, To immortality end honor still. I greet you nnt with politic or n'.oj Of generals, itnlMmen or their (lory. But with narrative of olden lima fptm, as the custom i. in homely rhyme And he your pittance as niy muse lakes winj ! The Lkoend or tup. Bloody Sriusu Bright sunset lingers on the western hilU, A Hood of golden liht the valley CM. The Susquehanna's radiant waters throw Buck to the sky in Joy, its criinsin glow. T)im gro-.v the shadows ill the woodlan I deep Where the wild pisrenn seeks hi" plnre of sleep ! Soft steals the Nun's last slant ind filling rati Thrmigh the grape arbor's tangled le.ify in r.e That shades, with ininy a graceful thick fostooi 'The limpid fountain from the he.tt of noon. A bubbling up amid the mow no green ill sparkling waters thine like silver sheen ; Ami, dashing on in many a hritht cas-adc, rti'lita aweet mini.-in the teify g'ndc. An Indinn warrior wearied with the chne. In the co.il fountain Uvea his sun burnt fire, Ilia arrow casts aside, his bow unstrings And or. the flowery bank himself lie flim;'. The itrcatn'ct's music, in its ceaseless play, His charmed senses "lea's to s'eep awne, While ihrouirh bis slumber its wild vnirea seem Like the strange melody of some sweet dream Enchanted notes of n .Seraphic hnnd Barnc on a lephyr from the spirit laud. Beside him kneel with all a wife's fond pride La-oo-li-ah, his dark, but be.tutc.ius bri le. Whom, erarce sis inouna ago in desiwrate war, lie atriU from the defeated Delaware. Braiding a wainpnn her loved brave ti jraee, A nd siniliiis. as she pairs on his la;-c, To mark the varied changes there cxpreVd, As blissful dreams il .at thr.uuh bis pcveful rc.-t. With wild emotions her young bosom thrills, Aa in a whisper; aweet as mi I the hills Efha the wood notes of tlio faithful doves. He faintly breathes the name of her he Ijvcs. Softly -she bends to kiss the lips that frame The liquid syllables of her own name. But araree an iinstant had she lingered there When twanged a bowstring on the startled air. Too eurely aimed the arrow's stony d irt 1iorcei! 'throuKh her own into the warrior's heart, And in each other's embrac e elosely wound Lifeless ilhey lie upon the blood-stained around. Tlieir life-blood gushing tj ,1" water's sido Miii'les.its crimson with the crystal tide, Until the -fount so elenr i 1 bright helorij ?cems to well up a Hood ei purple core. Forth from hie anibiiuh in the laurel link. Hideous in war paint, sprim the Spitted Snake. A moment stands, nad on his f '..! toe. With ull the malice, rare mil hue em thr,w Into his fteinilike cyr-i. be lier.clv el ires; Thru from the lifeless head the scalp be learn. His worU-of death and vengeance is complete, Down the deep dell he Hies with fo itsleps fleet ; "Night draws her sable wsittle round the wood And darkness sovers up .ll s;ene of blood. Often, a o'er the stimie.'s s!; v is sj.read The sunset's elorims canopy of red, 9ld hunters say, this spring pure waters vie With the deep crimson ffle western sky. And oft, as twilight from the mountain tops Her misty veil into the valley drops, Two dark and shadowy forms may still be seen Reclinm! on iti bin'i of mny jreri. Titusie ub -at a N' ' 'lr.r. Tm ALMANAC Mi,t T'lK ii- t. i " a p II K 1" . K K V It T H K SUJIBU11Y AM 10 A N. MONTHS. I JA.NUAUV, 5! C' I I 2 3 st MONTH. H U lit I j I ;i 14 l.'i Iti I 7 l .li-.'tl 'J I -,3 'U .'li 2!-.'x!2:l M Ji! . I I ! I i I 2 3' 4' 5 t! 7 FEBRUABY 2i MUTII y id ii u ia rt.ii In 17 H l 211,21 2J 23 24 25 26 21.11 MABCllt 01 J J J - I 2 3 4 5 h i: K tijltl II l i 13 1 1 , 15 Ili'l7 1 l! 20 21,22 ii 24 25 21) 27j;a'J 3d MaNTll. 30 31 1, 2 3 4l APRIL, 4lh MONTH- 71 K 9 10 II 14 l.Y U1 17 lis 20,21 22 23 24 25,20 27'v!S 211 3U I I I 11 8. 15 Si MAY, 5,b MONTH. 4 5 6 7 II 13; 13. 14 I Hi 1 01-211 j 2.-1 38 27 38 2'J 30 1 1 2 3 4 ft Hi il 10 1 1 12 I5il lijlHl!i 2223' il 25,211 2U30 I I j JUNE, 6.U MONTH JULY, 1' 9 3 7lh MONTH. 6 7 H ! KM 1 12 njn.is'ifl'.n'.H'iy 21) 21 22 2:i'24 27I2S : 3U 31 I 31 4 5, AUGUST, 8ih MOM H- tO'll 12 13 II 7lH 10 20 21 21 25 28 27 31 ii ,1a' SEPTKSlBF.lv, 9.U MONTH. S 81 9 I "' 11.13 15 16 17 ,1 2i;22 23 24 28,29 3D, 25'28 2l3! OCTOBER, je:h stoKTat.' 5' 6 7 8, I), 10 I3I3'I4 15 I(,I7'1H 19 20 21:22,23134 26 27 28 at) 3U 1 Mill NOVEMBER, , . U.Umovtk. 2 3 4l 6 6' ft kl II 2 13 181 17 I l 20.21 22 i5J6 8: Hi DECEMBER ' : u s. J2.h KWtW'I Ili15ll8 17 IIKlIf tl24 23 84, JMl 2526 ' ' ' ' HTATE ni-IITSl. Debts vf the several Siatt in 1849. . Total TVM. p'e.-venn a tni.s'H 81.',l","1 4 -M'!t in in'.S'd ll.inp VI !.!" a it o s li.-a-."" - 7"? 17.wn 7 rt'S lr tret1-.1 ':T,'fl 440- 1 'O I ,' 01 JO "T " n-S, eri ir r..ii witvri r.vel.,ire -f C-iii'I PeV. sr.act.n7s. rimie.l lT iv.n'l V'ilera tf tlie Plate's interest in the Wjhash ami 1 rit Csnst, f In.lll.ling llif Canal prbt. ff.P'S.OA. A VnVF.t. "k. Tit' prnprir'nranf th" As tor Hons-, New York obtain .li.ily, by t h 'r ph. for th li 'iiefii of triVflb'rs. tl'P ,ntr nf 1 If" weiillirrnt viiiions pninta tn" thrt Union. WllV i a fl. c't T lie trnsl hnnibh' thii a i 1 rx's'P"i-P 1 l 'caiiM? itiilwma Im'.U i's fief, an I li'i vi'Vfr 1 1 its worls niny b.', it is alivnys iinii.iii'J il-clf il.iwu. NEW AlV. Fit TlStM I.Ms. K0TICE. V S the aubacrifer intends making new nrr.ini'o. 1 incuts in his !.ui.i.'i on the lir-t of Janua ry ISol. nil irs:ins knowin 1 th'iinselses indebted to him. Hie requested lo call and make setlleinent up to tint time, l.y payment or giving their notes for the amount due. JOHN W. name;. Sunhury, Dec. VS. loU tf, vracE. ft ineetim of IheWo.-khoV.ers cf the Tresor- ton, Mahonoy Ind Sus'jtiehanna Rail If. 'ad C.iiniianv, i I he In ! at the oflire of the Com- I piny. No. 17, South bird st.-eet. in llie city of j IMiiiadelphia. on .Momlv tlie lHtli day of January I us t. for the purp .so if c!ei'tin olliceis of the I Company lor the ensuli; ye.ir. I " I. M.-K. I.tT.I.OW, I Se -'y and Treasurer. riiiladelphia, Cce. I , lsai). te. A Crect Ticturo. V.rA3II-'JGT0:; ! r.om Ntiiarl'. 111 .1 t cli br.ik-.l P.iliitUi;. tH LAKCiU AM) .MAIi.MKUXM' I'Oin'K..!' tf V.lll.st;i'il., irom the 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ol an Alncai-.i l) arlist is, onM.lcr.'il l.y al. ii i hac xuci it n Le one ul' the mot lieauli fol spajiiiienso: kterc puhUs'ii'd. uu.1 a :oititta-T i.ik..mi itju'i'tiN, '1 In' sue ul'tlie pljie j is ei.;litcen by Veuty-eiht iuilus, wiii.di will j in. ike a li in J ion- i'l.ture lor tiic l'arior, 11 ml s.iouln Le in tlie l.,Js of lvliiv A.ti.ic.iN i in- I It is a conc. topy from .''tujrt' celebrated orijinal l'.iintiu go.v at the titalc House, liait- ' fjrd, C'.ii.n I It is finely entsed. and printed nil siij crior plate p ipe.. it 111 iv be wi.hiii the means I of ail, toe pulilisliuluj ailuced t.ie pile tu U.i.,i.v! j All person reluinj the am unit iuav relr ! iijio.i receiviu; 11 pftjjt e.yy by leturn o! inail u I j any pari of tlio LniJ S.au-s. iar!u.ty p-i.t up on 1 j lolieis made to." llic (rivt', tii:e ot po-t iijc. I AdJu'i3 ali o ilcr.so t p.iU lo tin; puhl.sher. ! JU.l.v tf.'Ai.(Jit, l o.ih. lr i al piiii.i.ilai, .'sew i oik. I Dceemhcr IS H'.-bt. j Bouiity Land rPension Agcacy. VaiUSIGfM. i . c. 'pllT. mt lemiiu-il All nic), UuiutuI Aent nt X s.iiy 4" i j.iiii.iif. (si tn .,vt. e iu .ru'ur.uj; li niii- tiitsl I'utiri 'us t ti enU e . tfs-iiig iiltin-iiti I iMtwl ul tht ne.tl h v;ii inn , Willi u t in ui.ii jifi I i.. uti.tr .ir ,u i t nielli he i.c.-iv i itttnu, :u. l iiiu i c -i li i ihs, .in. I ii t.-mc-iN to i.i'cit'.c .ii d li. lot li. r. I in the l . ri. u ..r iru-tn (, H, i rni n ? i i l iic ft.Mu.u .ni.l M.im.ct ry i'Viii.u: .i ijo; rn.t.ti.t fUl .. .) r:er. kiliJ. Hy a titc .Act I uprrno. Hiit i.a, pnm rl to (he ' tlirc H .nut il Itrrn l tut; W A - u i i I the . Mi ll ii? lii u.iit v.it. mih'i i.'iit "I .tltL. VVi, fc,.n Cl 0 . a. r. n: aiul t tii c v u nv- ( in- N J: : vtt Ait.iiicm ii in. i he. -i i m -lit- j in, u iT lie .viii ,ii i.ji-i u iii s.i.i'.-i.-Mi mtii ii. " ii, (. t Mii'rv, i" r ill I i, ii l M-lif II fc. iiM-1 UK Mil ! i (,:!, t ai. vi.. ii I n.i.tt. lite nt s ;itU uit;irr I' I ri; f v p uncut in I x-.-n. n-li ii.,i.i u l' tiii--ft H.ihik x t; r li. t i n . I Mum hi.1 i' r A:v tr.t.in ell n 'I !L.I uw l.ii..i. tet in tlit lill.Jifi.i S itfH HJ'tl 'V fill III l.l le. Ill MT. 1 V i 1 U.-'UtS l U: .i -v, .tii.l xv .1-11 - I iiini i.it ui p uol itv :i 1 v 1 n . will :i! It "I Tut: in."v .i'v i ruts in I ims r.ir i III. K I I !' h i'j.it ill'-' t ;iMI.-ftf Ihr r f i?i ii :if ii iTMiii'-n' . nri prf t . i r- nt-H ( 1. c l i itu nt ti it n r n .. i mi" Tie ii.'xi wi.li- hllKIIM'Mt Will ut I'l.ll 1.1 1 ft I I f iiil i, ..ut -li i hit' ; in iii u f! rr.'nlly !l nt.mi t!. riviKi) I , li ;u.t;v t nirn'iii ci:i ii tl vn tU t . ii..l.n . TV t;!iinl !,, 1) C. PiTtnil.cr 2-, I Kill. 4iNBW STAGlLINS 1 1 j -i!(Jl I'Jl IMII.i.l'. ' A.Mtii.lN. IS ; 25 ! j i 8 A new line of sta :cs i now l(iuor ,;, v be tween the iilmse places. A c nl ,i(. W ,ntl.e s'a .-evvi'l lea e Mt. L'armel fur ".,,, ;i imti.p. ; diate'y alter the nr.-'val uf the S!iU.,. ,,t ' that ihe-i. and will return the i, ,1IV c,.,,,, j ' . . . . .... i .... MlanioUlo. so as I I me.-l ino l m 0 stjc ,ui j its ccliirn to l'sitl -s iHf. I Ficm fhrmc!-in to Trcoa i there wi'l be rstiiblislie.l a DAILY I;.; ,Vi-i-vt i spring wi as t.ieoiineet wi'h this line V.ia-eo'iin. In the in" in time private convevaiiij. ;. .,, j reidlness at tShainoUi.i on the oni.r i.asseu- gcrs. ( 'ON RAT) KER-i:. 5 ShanmUin. Per. I t. l.-.'Ul. tf. 12 i lW HOTICE TO GDIT0RS AM) OTII A'sie If"', A'fir. 2-r'-jp. Mr. II. B. M sK L Kmihury Pa l t;ir : a. 3 h'ih IS 17 M il In some purlieu of the country wlirre. , lvei'.iscd our r-aripan la. ill iisi", uiu, ,,,. 31 il some of Ihe p ijK-rs Iiave s en lit I) 11 leiiwlve the rcipiiisi!i;i';ly f coileil ,i,e I , i 7 13 14 2(1 21 27,28 I line alter the 11 treeiueiit e.pi el, and l,mP ,ieshave ha I Ihe pre.suiopti m t) sell 1 or the amount. Now we. base 110 11 jec H avc all the p ipers in the. I'liilcd tsii.les ailse r us for years, Il lin y 11 re p.c.it-cu. 11 u 1 llt n-ir own cspciiw, I.I.I we e.ini.oi 1.11 r.i ilV ii-iu liule.s thev have our iiuthorily f..rthiii. 4' 5 We write lo you for the purp ise ol iiilormii,, Kdi'ois, t'irouuh you- tl al t icy are at lilies,, J5 28 Iverlire as loiii as Ihev n case. 1 lit we nun. be he'd rcn -nsib'e wiih.n.t our written uu'h. I 2 8 9 THDM.'fDX. kKII. I.MAN Cl)., No. I Id, Nassau street, New Yoi L'ecemher 14, ls60, tf. ' 15 It) 22 23 8.2'J 30 so in;wAin) S ofiered for the discovery un.l conviction of! person or person, who are in the habit; .rmvl nn about (he prcuiifes of the aulwerihcr, 13 1H 00 27 stcalinj his property. Plreet C'nl'i'fieiit fi'siea. Pel. Petit. MliM", (S171.W1 Mssa .ehnsntta. tWI f.H'f!';1 Neve York. s-jonvrvi i.am.tXXl Peiei'Vlvsuia, 4n.l.'1 M-.rH'iiit, jnn-n.iTt 5.!tH(lttl Virelnls. f W HI? 0,071,710 ! nith Car Jinn, S nift.P'fl Oe iii. 0 iyi IT-J Aim. )i.-nssi Mf'aim.l, (in-i.T07 S.000.000 ?.'uiiaiis, ".si'."m Tvs ?jr Srl,i.. ' fl.O lWXM) fr,-n'e( r sit K-itiieky, .'".' fl'.l ., Irt l-?.nv, I'i.i., Kjrn stlrt.,,,!, r'-e vi Mi'"etm, nr-i'-x t 'n s, ,,nfir T !. 1 Mc'i T.l.n'i' P'i.'ilO.it'i 11. U ..J .toMji.iIJtl",ul " vucsoyiiii felllihurv.Doe. 81. 1850. ' f ah.i I. Rosa II ESTATE OF GEOEGE CLAEE, 25 istratiou Have Deeu Braiueu m iw lier oil the estate 01 ueore v.iark, use u., 7 Simury, N.wtliuuilerldii.i couiuv. ah 14,15 indchu-d le aaia tsuiic. or v ...... c-u,u,ill!14 V1 This S Ma.kcy . 1 the same, are rcque.teJ to ta.l 0.1 Uw aujs;bt, S()k (jauliuo (In, W Armstrong . , iu fiuuhury,l r acUletueiit. ,. h Keller v Charlc Is rdi . , Creditor are requested to present tlie.r ehiima 1 v, K,,rhllll,r & L.lrl(I t iroii,edislflv, as mlii!j ol tlie creditors will l Umiflvi uuseu' adm'r . hckllit take into eonaideratiou propoa.lion fjr :y JCcl'ec ' v Hank uf Northuinhcrlauil t!i uayiosjul ol' their ciairo. JOHN FAKN3 YVX'KTil, tink'rt, REUBEN II. fAGELT, Avlai'r. Prothunuurv'aoaif, ( 28,2 HfT OF JUR0KS. F Nonhumberland County' for January Term, A, D. 1830. (ai nnd .luroi. LfJWH Clmrlea Sliel!, David Wilson, Hou Ui 1 Beiber. TiKUUT Grioa Marsh. ('HiLiQUAitvR Iti.bi-rt Lyons. . Milton H.iul Binitrt. '! SukbumT.-J. M. Simpson, Win. Ykiiiis iniiu mnl John Hainlnlls. Uppic AfuusiA-UHuCnmpbcll. VVillimii U ul. juiL Willmni Ket.l, Ik-iiM Uulirk, mnl II 'IIIIOII Kline, Lu.veu Ai-gl-sta Philip Wei-r, Danlfl Z. minim mnl ,,. S 1 1 1 1 h . I'pi'KH Mah.inuV J.illll Ui'isfl JatKsON Joiius U .liner mnl Jeroiriiuli 'iiys.liiif. Ciial D.tvi.l llilliuhn. iiAMuKiN U.'iij.udiii Adiiina ami Williiini C.iiii,l... PiL'sil J iliu l'ulju-r. ''rai'criae .fiirnr I.K.wts Annul Gaston, John ll.iflt-r lilu! Polniiiini K-hliai lt l);;i.A jKt John B.illifl. Thomas De Ar. ir.iiinl. I l.-irr I l.i 1 leui 111, Ui-iiL-ville Line biivll, .111.I .1 din lli'nl,.. MiltjN J .li. 1 K.dl-, .1 'Srt D.-iieksif, ALm-.iIi.iiii T. Gouiliimn. J 11. P.iviMiu.l D..viil T.-as ClUMsqi' AQUKJolm C.irttiulomew titul A 1. 1111 Ki'll. r .V.hi i iiU-.ibkhlami Pi-trr Kni-li. I'jixT (j.-Mi-ae Mi j..,.r mi. I J dui ?hiiur. H'.NBL'liV J .l Ciil. T llll.l J..C11I1 Cilbb'. Ui'pkii Auut-sTA Maik Slui-k mi l J.isi-ph I.owhh Afct-sTA Aliniham llrocious end 'I r Him Sliipiiiini, cmi. Ui-.ll J .i-i.b KulpHr. SinniiKtx J dm 'IVnU. jini.. William II. Miifi.i-h. II tu v ! I.inpt. Solomon Uunmt'l mnl Soiiiiii-I A. H -it'in-M'r. Ciial I! -i j. K.itli-i mini. Gt'orjre Ki'rslelli-r no. I .1 is.' h V. Di'iiiiii. k. L'ppkh Mahonoy I'l-liT Oi-il. Mirlmel P.iii'. S.iinncl I! -Iit. Jo. n Ki'i'iiliart, Petfi ll.-is -I. J.n-nli.K Iiiiuii :t 1 I l-'cli.v Ali'iiii-r. Lhveu Mahonmv Alni. ha in B'sr. Jdin Sh-ovi-r. A.I mi RiiiiiiiMii 1 1 I Philip Sirx. Jackson Nii-hnhiH Di-umh-lltT, Imiao An beil, JjIi.i Uoluicr iilul John Woll. t'flil Jtirorsi r.nwts J inn's Cut, Aihim lirnniT, Peter S roni", lilnini I.i--v.ii. Khiui'li.iit Kain-t, Aliniham UViIiiihii. Joh.i C. SIi.iiIk mid Lt-vi Ul.i-. Dki.awark Ditiii-1 Wfiiiiian, IK-ury Kri iicr .mil J h.i Wink. Ciiilisi)L'aii'k .Snnui-1 McN'iiu-li, Lmea J'M.I.HI oi.tl S.lllllllllll D-lllli'T. Iii.t.jx Samuel S ovn on. I D-iuit-l Dji)j:Ii-t-1 1 v . NilllTIIL!BKIIHM) D. M. UrilUti'Mll. P.u.NT J. C. II. .nun. iitM.iKiN - S.iinni'l C.implwll, William K fijlih.iiim. Pliilipiiiti.b.uh. Cupper A, l.nnr an. I O.vi.l U.M..I litMl -l).ii I Mm lil. r :iml Joseph Kelly. Sl'sni'itv -II -nrv V. Simpsihi. L nvr.it Ai lii'STA D.nid Ki'isvr nml An liiioiv i.illnpv. Uri'Kil Mmi.inuV Joiialhiin Smith mnl It -"I it-V 1 1 ii- 1 1 il-.lnit. I.iuvr.:t iMaii.ikot D.vi.l lliii, Samuel inn iiinl (i.'ini- I'! 1'iii h. I. t in r. M.ui.inov J.ii nli D. H.ilTinan. JiciiiiN J. A. D.iiiii-I mnl P.ivi.l Sisnr'z usr or causes OR 'riil in the Court r.f Common Picas of .oithniii';ir!and County, ut Januaiv I i triii. A. 1).. ISA I. IT.AIXTI! r. ' .1. Mini:,...,, j.-. ei C's i Ilowers I.ov.l er vt nl Hl'llf ! .lo'i'i i I'uiviunn et al nrtrc.NUAXTs. vs fr.ilc sV !ieiii'.if?iser. vs Ceore Mil cr V sou v J.mas l.!ow:. an vs Samuel Kauil.nan liaii.ilie .Si JV.IsviUe I Ihiil Road Co. j l''ii'deri. k licencr ! l..teh Mroecker I Ta lor I an ding et ul J Peter Riclitei's ex'rs Ann Msers 1 R.u-baci McCartv vs lias wood &. Snyder vs Wm. Ayres vs Ja.-ob lloilinan vs J De Norouiiirhe vs I.'ud-je & Barret vs leartA' Jordanetal s Kliahcth cily.ulct a! Win. iV R. I'ctely & c. vs John Shissler .Mary Siniicrttal vs Hoi ert V Dunn same vs James Liu ml pottliuH iV 'J'l.oaijon v .Simuel R Wood Com. for San.l 1'urman vs ' S DJor 'au. S Hunter .-1 lex Jord ill .lo'.in li Miller vs J dm 11 Riyd's ex'rs Jacob i'l.-hps vs (,'core I.. Weiuier .-t I.avs ,-eiicc a ,ni r ot Naruli l.ci'Jion. vs Piter A V Weimer et al J ('list in far J .Me Willi.iu.s vs John Rnweu I-' O'l.onnell for Win P Na-lo vs J jha Livers A? .ii v ickery v Pi-ler I-'i-r-li-r mine u Peter liros.o.is I'li.rl.n 11 I'riciC vs Ihi Slil'i.r 'i'uus Cuinuiinss rt al vs J Parke A 1) R Ri.hel Jon :!, an l.ce.i.nu et al vs Win McCav's adin'is ! ( I '.in. Rn'luijcr vs Chai'.ts lloiisel i .. A. Aiid.o vs 1-'. Matthews I liaiiicl llauuabauU vs John C.mrad j Mo,.-s Lower vs Ri. hard Cloodman I u;.u.cl !Si aluaii vs I l.i.ip S ayd I saint! vs tieo iluwuui!! ' S. A. J .l Ui et al vs John Arnold I tirivu e l.io. lor 'i' lio.va.d vs Ueiirv l.anti : I'f.vid Perry vs Abraham l.uniter ! h.inie vs liemv llalde.'iiuil Mo..t-..uicrv A vveny vs J unes (.'overt t.':tii tor M,-V. iiliaius vs .l..s Savide R i' Ciiinui:;i,s' s Moi.I im-rv .V Mistcller J.i .-..!i M.l.el v SSaniucI I, Peck II It K l'C VS li. ) A I'IJ.O.1 (j P mjii for Job Tyson vs Daniel I.. S.hneck Jas Ciiiilhei' i t ul vs l.jw.iij Ll Pcarce ! I lulip l.ii in it vs 1) 11 Watun ! Jacob Ni.truucr v iSamucI Jarret j (h o A -ley vs Northumberland county J.niii'. Uic..cilli.ell vs same P l'r.cr iV Wm Miner vs Kliasti.uiiian Vv 111 M Ai.tcu 11, Met lev (icirc Lawrence Liiiuel P Caul Aur.iu Reppail Henry C.ibi I P.att A 1 l.itt vs Tliotuas Raer vs It U I iiiunilus s A I en Shrcver vs Dculler & Mo. italic vs Ira T I'lcuieiit vs Wm McCurly va llenr.' Masscr P K lloll'.u ui.V wife va II Kiihnta. McCarly etal Jti.ep.i .i,viicr lluli Martin J .1)11 MeCoilllil V Martin Irv. ii.n' sidiu'r Mott iV Minbt-r J.ico'.i Ma.lellrr Kolhner for Car.1 Henry Reiser In T. C'.eimuit vs Joseph Duiiim; vs Reuben Tro .el vs Isaac Thaller vs 11 Vuvth. iiner adtn'r va Daniel l.'rei.ujih vs U i: Cuul vs II Kteiuanetz, ev'r. va Henry Vmtliciiner vs (j'cu.e liohrhach V. 111 (Jross f .r Saml fidtiert vs J. J. L'pdejrafl J. ISowiu.iii Indorsee vVc va J C Perkins LTj ill llarto vs Charles bailor Lcuj Hummel va I bilip Cloili her Tin miims J Addis va BalUar tjaruhait Conrad Reedy va I lout. Kepler c Moujiitun l.-.wer A Banuii J.u-oh Kline v Ira T. C lenient vs Joseph K iocs' adm'r va Jacob K Trego s Peoj I' & J V .Sunuu vs Frederick Hcckait va J.icob llower va lie rr'e Rckerts' adm'r William 'cl.-H 1 bonus jsutt n Caspar lie krt Niih.ilas I lower W , , va A B vlrtinan va Leonard Roadarmal v j II 1'urdy va (ie) B Younginan va Joieph L0114 va haii.u?! S rjhtddon -va Jacob Mitxul .il 1 1 leineui EeeV w vfi id.. 1 V Pea ,eo C M.K 'Vah 8tilit 1 . Ma ia" ,11 1 1WD Silitvr 1 cuuaei mo!) Ko ,h ct ,j Hl. K ... v J.i in Keitt r person fur A , -clon , Jlmft UtlL ;"lWOeLAMATiONV V OT1CE ia hereby given that the eevernl court l' of Common Pleas, General Quarter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and General Jail Delivery, In and for the county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borough ol Siitihiiry, It 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, the nth ol Jan uary next, will continue TWO W EKKS. The coroner. Justices of the Pcaee and constn Idea in and lor the county of Northumberland, are rciiucalcd lo be then and there in their proper per. eons, wiih their Tolls, records, iiupiisttiona, and niher riiiicinlirnnres, lo do those tiling to their several olliies appertaining to be done. And nil witnesses prosecuting in I elialf of the omiiion wealth B 'ainst any prisoner arc also requested and t oniiuaiided to he then and there nitendim in their profcr pcrsHua to prone-ute against him. os shall bo jut and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are rc.ueslcd to he punctual in their attendance, at thi time appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my bands nt Sunhury. the flf.th day nl Nov. in the yenr of our Lord one thousand eight lii:iidied and fifty and the Independence of the United States nf America, the TMh. JAMKs COVKRT.Sh'ir. God save the Ciinimniu eiillh. CHEAT AEKIVAL OF n.UAM HOOVER vespectfully info ms fl his friends and customers that he has just returned from Philadelphia, with an excellent assortment of NEW GOODS, which h offer for sale at his new store at Mas ser's Niill, Hollowing Hun. Thca j;nods were se e. ted with (;rual care( and will be sold at the lowest prices. I11S STOCK CONSISTS OF UVKRY VARIETY, Vie: Dry (idtitls, S ,ch os Clo'hs. Cassiimres. Sailiit'ts. ftJi'sliits., Calliinrs, Mons:hne De I. nines, Al pacewt. ilA'WncM, Fianntis, Checks, 0 1 11 g hums. Ifc. A LSD : An assortment r.f . HATS, CAPS. GL'.M AND I.KATIIER 8:OES. aiTENSWAEE, HARDWARE. IRON and STEELNAILS, ic. A general assortment of Groceries, such as Sugar, CofTi't', Tra, Molas- Sl'S, SpiCl', !to. A Iso an assortment of Liquors, sm h as Rrnndij, Rum, Whiskey, Wines, iVc. tt?"" Produce of all kinds taken in exchange at the highest market prices. Hoilowin; Kins, Nov. SI, 16.10, ly. RSSISTER'S NOTICE. IV OTK.'E is hereby Riven to nil Legatees. ' Credit rs and other persons interested in the Estate uf John K. Muurer, dee'd., settled by his Aibn'r. Geonre Uover, of Valentine Hummel dee'd.. settled by. his AJin'r. David Marlz, of (!id deon Sehcddel, dee'd., settled by his E-ecutors, Win H. mid Gideon Schcd.lcl. of John Wi.helm, dee'd., etttcd by his Adm'r. 'J'hoinas !s. Mackey, uf Iiobeit M. Sexdel, dee d., settled hv '.is Adm'r. lohn V. Wolllntrer. of illiain Fullmer, dee'd.. settled by his surviving editor, Jonathan Koll- j iner, of Joseph Kline, dee'd.. settled by one of his Adin rs. Joan 1'loiils, ol (icor:;c t, ra lit, deed., sell cd by his Adm'r. Peter llilein-.ii; of Peter I j Drown, dee'd., settled by bis Adm'r Jeremiah J si enei. t ne aci oi j ico.i i rau mail i.ourui.in of .'arah 1' ih'ncr ; ol i.il.crt (Iraut. licc'd-, settle 1 by his Adm'r. iiliam A'ee.l ; of Henry A'hoa.fs. dee'd ; settled by Ins Adm'r- illi.im Aiiunerm in. 'I'll it the 1'. ei'otirs and A.luui.is.r.it jis ol u,! INta.es lime tiled Iheir secouilis with the Re gister ." Norlliiunhr rlaiid county, and that tlie sime wiil be precii!ed to the (.- Il.in' Court ol said Coun-y, on Toesd .y the Tth day of January uevt for confirmation and allowance. JttllN P. 1LIEL, Register. Register's tldice. Suiihurv, Nov :ti). I ei50. fit. K0IIE NEW GOOES joiin miYKiis&co., Market Street, Sunbury. A'lTIIO has just teceivej and opened a large as ' ' sortineiit ot new .-.nd fasbiouable eomls, of every variety, suitable for the fill and winter se.v sou, for all per ins ; and to w hich he calls the at tention uf fi ieiids and customers, llisalotk con sists in part of IMS Y ;o Ii. Sl'Cll AS C'o'i, Cnniiii'ir, Sailineltn. M:rinos, D: Luiius Culia!t. SUturl. II .nd kerchi.'J's. unit ult knttls i tt-Jur-in ai'pmxl. Al.si): tE-.ir.liv.ir. , Qtici'iisiWitrr'. ! Grocciicj, ri-.li, Salt and Ilastrr, I And a I aiticles that may bo wanted by the com munity. Tin? Lutlirs Will find, by cs'l'nrr nt his store, that he has ivit been uiimiiidliil of their wants, and re iptctfu.ly invites them lo e innine his selecti.iii. I?' Country produce ef all kinds taken in tJ-chaii-je lor iro "ds at the hihi t market price. Sunhury, Nov. 9, ISjO. ly. ''Sliu'oiu'Jim' Your Utii!' 1 ! A A S & l.KNX. FASHION A B L K MAKK OF FURNITURE A SI) CHAIRS. I 1!K aiiliacrilwr resprctfully call the attenlioti ' of the public to their larye mid splendid asort meut ol'every ipialilj,' and price of cutiM: - ifi: which cannot fail to rceon.nien.l itself toevery one who will -vainiue it. on account of its durable workmanship and splendid I'miidi, made up of tlie liest ioek to he had in the city. Nnrllort Is1 .pared in the maniifaetiire-nf their ware, ami the I subscribers aie ilrlcrinined to keep up with the ! .ininy improvf-uiciii which are constantly la-ing ina.le. 1 iieir stock coiisihIs ol .Matio;any St.r.lM, Olt illlM II lltl I.OUtll'K, ilutfiius.Srcrftarfrs.StTjcBorirlis, Mll-'A, BKLAhKAM AM) l)IXC TIBI.FS, and uho VENETIAN BLINDS, eo.ua! to Pliila- delphi i manufacture. BEIlSTEADS. of every pattern and price, tl' PIMA 'IDS. WDRIv AND CANDLE. STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every nrlicle in tl.is line of their hiisiness. They also inanufiiL turu ull kinds and qualities CHAIKS, lichidinz varieties never before to lie had in .Suuburv, such aa ,M 1 uiii.t xr, Black vVAixur imi C iilhi M.en lisi;i i ; ami Wivusmii CHAIRS, ami raster Pi and Srom.s, whi.-h are of the latext styles, and warranted to he excelled l.y none uiaiiutactiired in the Cities or elsew here. The auhscriliera are ticteriiiiiitvl that there shall Iw no excuse lor persons to purchase furniture iu the cities, as every coutidenee can be entertained aliout tlie quality and finish ul' their wura and Chairs. " ' ' i 'J'hoir articles will be dispnsed of on aa Rood terms as they can lie purchased elsewhere. Couu. try Pruduce taken in payment for work. , IV I'NUKRTAKING. Having provided theinselvea with a hands. 0110 II, wis.., they are now j reparnd for Undertaking, and attending fit- iiorals. in th's vi.-inity, or at any youvouieut db taiiee from tills p!i e. ' ' The Warr Room ia in Market Slreei. ui posite J. Young's store, aud nearly opposite V'eaer' Tavern. J1ANIEL1IAAS. . Ct'ORiiE KENN. Bvinhury, Deo. li, IdoO-tf. ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance ol an order of the Orphans' Court of iNorlhumbeiland county, will ba asposed to public salt, the following real estate, at the Court House, in Sunburv, on MONDAY, theCth day of JANUARY, 1851, a certain ( , ! Tract of I.siiid, sitin'. in lipper Atijtista township, containing -r.' AL Ut,., more or less, adj uiiin? latum ol John Karnsworlh on the east, Adam Hiissk-r on l)ie wl.Kt) )mijU Vrj. tnii ollerf m t iou) t(K, Jacob Snyder on tlio north, 011 which are elected Iwo large DWEIUNO HOUSES, i-L"-'A Frame Hum, a Wamiu House. a Lime-Kiln and Kpiinj House. There is a'so a line Orchard on the premises. About 150 acres are cleared,' all nf which is in a fine state ol cultivation, llein; the Mansion Farm uf Henry Yoitheiiner, dee'd. ALSO: A SMALL P1KCE OF GROUND, In the Town of 8liamokin, containing; one ci?Vth of an Acre, more ur less, adjoining Dr. I hillipn' piece ShaiKokiu creek a branch of Shamnkin creek, and a tri.in rnbir Lot, No. 440. Lulo the estate of Henry VcMheinier. deceased. Hale to commence at I o'clock, P. M. of said dav. when the cnii.lili ns of ,ile will be made known by FREDERICK LAZARl.S, Administrator. Be order ofth- Court. ) Jno. P. l'ursel. Clk. (). C. S Sunhury, Nov. S3. ISiO. Is. BOOT-TREE MAKE II, iVo. 05 7,'fice .S'ccff. Secntid dour Lu'low Third, 3PHtt.AD'5t.?atA. TV II ERE all kinds of lasts, Ac., of the latest style and bet materiul, aie iniinuiactured on reasonable terms. All orde.-s promptly and punctually attended to. Philadelphia, Nov.' a, Itiolt. ly. G. J. WALTON, Ko 240 Ma;';rl sf , bflvrtA 7 $ S:h st., (South sidu.) rriitAaEtpnift. ' J HE Subscriber has oj.ened a new hat store. mid oilers to traders and others wiio visit the city, a handsome assortment ot hats, caps, of eve ry vmiety, made up of the best iiiaiori.il, and in the latest and bcot style, and on terms as reasuia b!c as can be hud in any establishment in Phila delphia. V17: Fine silk I:.. Is at &",5U ; Good do do at ."ilild. Pemjiis from the country who pur chase of him, can rely, ot all limts, .1:1 gttiini; a (food article that will p case them, and one that is fully worth the injiiev paid. C.J.WALTON. Philadelphia, Nov. 'J, ISJJ. ly. E3t: XKW GOODS, AT THE EICKE C? . Jr d. -L JL'm JL( 7 "5"lIO takes this incthed of informing his V friptlilv All.) nil 4li,.nr,r4 itir.f b li.itt i.ial re. T"1 nJ opened a sp'endid assortment of N K NV O O I) s. which he oficrs lo the public at the lowest pricef I! is stock consists nf every variety nnd quality, necesiary for the larmer, tueehaiiie, and laborer, .. s'i .1D it.n ..r.,f..L.;.., .1 . ti i ;...).. . .. 1 ii s ' A j) p ii pel. PL' CI! AS t LOTH. CASSiMr.ltF.S, SATTlXTvlTS' i:sn.us, ic. Ai.SO : a lar.-e assortment of Calio'S Mjiifscltnr De Laiiirs. Alpaccai, Msi imi. Ska cis. llaiuikerdii'fS) (iliru s. liar ii. t'A:iis, CuihJihi.s, l.lng itums. i'c. Also a lare ass.utme:t of I! toll in l S.'iors, Hilt mil Cnps, Cum orer S'mes, Also as AssonTMK.NT or ukady yi v:-: ci.o riiiNn. A general aortmfiil of Groivrii-s, Suar, ColTci-, Tea, (.'lieese-, Mi- lasses, Spic-'.s. An nsMirtiueiit of Hardware, Sails, Sltcl end Iron. Liquors, Sm h as fi randy, Cin, Rum, WhLhey, f, c. I V i rou i n e ot an kinds w::i lie Ukeu in ei- cluifje, and the hijhe-t nurkel price pjlj for tl.o a line. .Suiihurv, Nov. 30, 130 lv. CHEAT AllIUVAL or X KW 0 OOPS! Ilaiket Street, Sunlury, Pa., OllN W. V'KlLINfi resieet!'ullv inlornis his fit trieuds aud customers that he b is Hut re- 1 ceiitd a lart;e and ham'iMiinc isorlmciil of I Dry ( i :;nJ s, 1 j Cuimistin of Cloths, Cassimsrrs. SattiuetU, j D! 1. nines Culicnes, Fancy I and Staple (.'oodj. I ALSO: ! GROCERIES of fwry ilrscrijnion, I pi: run and .MK.wcixr. QUEENSWAHE AXD HAHDWAEE. Fish. Salt. Plaster and 11 general a-isorlineiil of a l smh ponds as will suit a'l classes , the Kar iner. Meehunie, Laborer and Gentlemen of all itr.,1,. . .ini.M. iirolc. ,1011s. TIlC till (Ili'S Will find a creat varietv nf all such articles as ! they will need for the pressnt season. I (L'f Country produce of all kinds taken ill ex , change at the bi!ict 111,11 1. ct j.ii-.e. i rti.nbiirv, Nov. !). I,; ). AND WATCH E3TAELI3HSIENT Iu SclLisjrcve, Tz. iocks. 1Vii(iivM hikI Jtwclrj, 1 ) EPAIIinD in the best manner and wariauteJ to pei I ir 111 well. All work intrusted to his care will he sttitilj attended to, Rcliusgiove, Nov. 30. ISoO. tf. ICt si. IS I I K'S Mlill i:. .'O TIl.'E ia hereby given to ull Legatees, ! $ Creditors und other persons iutcreticd in ihe Estate ol Martin Keller, dee'd.. sctt'ed by bis Evecutor John ('. v'olliiu;cr. That the E ;c.-u-t r nf atid Estate has filcj his account with the Register of Northum! erl.ind county, and that tbo same was .iestnlcd ut August terin, aud confirm ed j nnd ai the sau e term lo wit 1 Augusts, 1SS0, on motion of John K. Wo'.fiiiiier. Et., the Court k-rant leave to the Evecutors tc fid up the Hanks iu the within account, and also tu add thereto ad. dilioiial items of charges and credit. ICo dir Court direct sit weeks notice of the tiling said ac count, pii r to tha lirt day of next term, to ha itivcn iu Iha JSiinhury American, as to tha hairs living out of the county. Bv order of tha Court. ) JOHN P. PLUSEL. Clk. J Novem'sjr S'J, ISoO. Cu . , r TNK.-Boureau'a relet. rated ink, and also Con Kress ink for sale, wholesa'a and retail l.y It. B. MASSfcR. nfconil.tr IS. 1650 . UN OLD'S WRITINU FLUID AND CON. TO PHYSICIANS AND 0THEE3. auhscriliera olTor to physicians and druj 1. Risls, 1 carefully aelected stock of d.-uas nal niedicinea, which they will guarantee to be or the best quality, pure and unadulterated in all cases. Their facilities for importing foreign drus ami chemirila ore audi, that Ibey ara enabled lo a.ll them upon the best terms, nnd at the same lime to assure their customers of their genuineness. Thry have also recently prepared and noiv of fer for aalc a superior article uf tiuum .iiA;tM, &.c, Resemhlinn Henry's Maitnesia, irre from carbon ic acid and roughness or grittincss. almost entirely tastelasa, coitihiiiing in an equal bulkf from three to four time the Ktri-nt-tti of the common kind, ami sold ut about one hull the price ul' Henry's Magnesia. They have also prepared the Kin id Miinesin, Which is a new and valuable remedy in acidity of the stomach, heartburn, nausea, &c, at lets than half the price of the foreign article. They als i have 011 hand of their own prepara tion an assortment of I'ui'c Drugs in Powder, Neatly put up in 1, J and 4 pound bottles, such as Aloes, Rhubarb, Senna, Senena, Rhalanv. Ki no. Cum Arabic, Scriientaria, Ext. V cvnii, Ipe cac, I'otassa .Siilpli,, Fotmsu Nilras. JJo'inx, .Spi S;'h. Diichu, Unis, Cuscarilla, Canella Alba, Lvk Lrsa. &e. Creiit cure has been taken to have these re. pared from tire best selected drujjs and in mioli a way as lo ircero Ihe cluractcnstitt of each r licln witlniiit injurv. TIu v havu alio a variuty of Clu inicni &: lMiarmnceiilscnl rii'tjar.itioiis of llirir own n:aiiufctnrij, auJ tilil lo the lit nil the valuable isevv ronpxlies as the lifnome ktiuwii. Amuiif tlicm may be mentioned the till low 1 ui,' : Ilviir.-icyinic Aci 1, I'tepir.iiu.iiii n J mine, t" 1't.UiSI, l.icu -r A mm mil, Aqu.i, it PJi n 'l it-, d . e nfwrc nine .fiiss. " t':nsti-i, " T iT'iEii-uin. Prfpa' i.i ut tf MiTcnrv, " Ir ji. I ' Zinc. pit;; nit 1. 11 in t tt.liuaiisitfr Sjru,arlIi. C in j .kii. iji fiiii'l. ii . ti . -uc, (13 fill It- Ctjl '(.'.iii.Ji Ciinip. dj iinj;ig. Oils of Copniva, Citrate of l;n " Valerimt, fluid, a nwj ana us-jiui rciiivu. Sps. JEthte Nitron. I.'. .. P., (.'ubebs, L'r-ot, 'loiiaccc, &c. and Quinine, ire.qui-Uxidc of Iron, an antidote for arsenic, Citrate of Magnesia, n new and pleas ant cathartic medicine, put up in 12 oz. hoi ties. $2 per do. C llodioii, or l.i.pild Adhesive Pias ter ; a convenient application iu many surreal operations, put up iu ;uall vi-.U. AUj CANTUARID W. COLLODION Oil BLIS TKIUNG LIQUID, A ennveuier.t prepiratioti of cauthariaes in manv cases where liiere is n dlfnculty ul' iippivin tii'e ordinary biisterin ; plaster. A c i.itin: ut it ed wiih a camel's hair hru.-h and covered witn j.t silk or smiiic similar aulwtai.ee, will produce a blister in three hours' time; or when cpoc:l, in the usual time cf about twelve houri. Physicians and oliiers may d.-pend upon the faithful nnd prompt execution of their oiuer. at ui low rates as the hot quality of medicines can Lo purchased. CHART. RS ELLIS & CU. M t'hcsuut street, I'h'dada. Liihoratory, fith and Morris fcta. .Soutliwaik. November' 10, lsiol) tf. S. ki.taa. UOTJZZAU'S In:lostn;ctible and Indollible 7r.IIIUG INK FACT OH Y. Ao. 1 South Tiiird i'ret. T ERCIIAN'I'S and the Wviiin; communitv arc re ptcsted to call and examine this I. l. which is winjvt'l net lo turrJi JUttalUe J'tus, nor ch.i;it lis Co'or. t liolf alc :tul l.ft.ill. No. 1 bouih Tiiird street, Philadelphia. A l.horal discount made to Merchants and the Trad Kor aa'e l.y II. B. Masser, ajent for fiunfcury November 0. 1S5U. lv. f-ffss I VM to PATENT JAPAN BLACKING. Maiwjur.ti,nj, No. 0(1 CIIKSTNCT Street, MEDa'l. aw'arded hy the 1'RANICLIN IN S'l'I'lX"i'R ef Pliiladelphia in Ociuhcr, I AND Tilt j FfRT PREMIC.M by tha MARYLAND IN j ts'l li'b'J'i;, at llalliin.iui, Nov. lS4Snnd Hill. 1 I'uiliitrl fiitiii. Gltobet l!(l, lfr-13. I have used J. film' s I'atcul .Ijpau LipiiJ i and Paste Blacking for some nine inoiiihs, and I am li.ippv to s.iv mat 11 surpasses anv Llacliiuj tb.it 1 Lave us.-J -h.se tvventv odd ,eJW. 1 li.,d ' il holds Ine p.iltli and preserves tlie leather Ut ! tor liiau any Hacking that I iiave ever died. A s n 11 1: r R. CiuMBins. No. U7 Chestnut Street, 7fiL CUEBEY, M.i.-lalnr. i5.ie.-e.ssor t.. J. WIU.LAR. No. o3 Cliotiiiit Street, above Second. Novcnuei-, U, lnou. ly. EI0VJP.2S & CO S L A 1! (I It AND l I C li S ATI 3 6 T c-m Y fis 1 "5 y ai.o...I.s 31u:iiifi:i'liii'iil liy Miuurils & lo. 513 Chst.titt .S','., Pi'iiia., FOR SALE BY ALL CRUCERS 7 AKRAN'l RD to wash clean in hard, soft. or s ilt water, cold or h t, in one third lbs time ol'iinv olhi r r-'oap ever 111.11. ul'.n'Uiivd ; thus : ,,; wUil ,;;' ucui,. .Vc. I 4 FLANNELS, CLOTHES, i;c. washed with this toop will never sh'iuk or have any harsh or -11:11.11.' feel, hut leave them in t'lrir o.iinul silt and pliant state: which is in it.clt'a kutliciciit rccoiiiiuendulioli to uarauU-c its bru iu all families. TUP. FINEST FABRICS may 1 washed thoroughly wiih il, without tha IcaNt injury; (fivinj them a lustre eipaat U newly importej tl" ' Is. PAINT. GREASE S: DIRT of any drs.-iiptii.n, ran lie readily removed by the use of il. wit.iout intu.-v to tiio article, whctiier it be tl.o lir.c-.l ilrc sj or ordinary carpi u Iu the ue of N'oocrds Ci C S-...p. the most aslicale need no: l. ar. us it will not injure or chap the hands, hut on the contrary act as an emolli ent, und is not only the vi.ur lu-r wasiisu sua r ever olV.-red to the p.ibit.-, hulas a TOILET SO l cannot lie cxce!h.d. Wherever it has bvc.i used 11 has ;vtn pcrlect aatisfvetioii, and is w.u ranted so to do, in all ca ses where a f..ir tiial will be piven it. SlTOi.'RlhS A: CO., Manul'rturera, No. 5-1:1 Chemul tst., PhilaJclphia. For fale by Grocers eucrslly. Novembir l'i, IhjO. NEW TOYS, FA7TCY ARTICLES, CANKs, Ac. Just reccivcJ, a lur;e and hand, ej.iie n.ss irtmont of Toys, I'ancv (Joods, Canea, violin strinzs, dominoes, jriincs, ptuilcs and tricks, moving limes e?-if eases, work and fancy nones, napkin riu:;s. rattles, etc., of every description, at the lowest prices, w holesale aud re tail. Call and see CEORGE 1) ILL'S NEW fTORE. 1CJ North Gill St., VhilaJtdph'M, lata of 21 atroe:. N. B. Cuius neatly niiunVed, and Fancy Turuiiv; done. .Nov. y, lbjO. 3inr. ar.ovv.x'n csszNca or jama w GER, for sla by U, B, HE.K. Ssvy4,Vti, l9. A IJEPOT .1tTf;rt SHOT BT A ROBBER. The Boston papei britijr us the patticulara of th-s murder of the Depot Waaler if Liucolu. Thu Traveller sajs : fslnlay forenoon, a snpioiotn perannaga ns seen lurking about th ilepot of the Filch burh Rnilroa.l, at Walt ham. At Irtipth he rtnehased tiet i ,, 11PXl Irni fo. Li. fin. Aa the ilepot there ami at Stony Biok hail hi'oi, recently lobbied, Ihe depot masler ut Wiililmnysinit a tmle tu Mr. (Jeore Hay ward, ,t- ifi'iMit-niantfi- t Lincoln, to' keep a n eye upon the inoveniunii of lhi suspicion per)iiiioe nforesiiid. Mr UiiTwnnl, acoori'iiipty, aoon after the univnl ,f ihe train, shut i.p his depot iiinl left, as if Kiiinii lo iliiinrr. 1I wuti returned with hi biuihei.in.huv, an.l found Hint the depot had been c-nleiod by forcing a window with a chisel, lie- went in atul iMiight the robber in tin.- net of riiirimayinjr the iliavveis contain ina his piivate papnu. Ha rv-UPl jlilri) ntler sunn.- sliirlit ri sisiiitii-e, un.l placed him in a t:!i:in to await ihi romina of an officer to con voy him loj.iil Tin- robber, however, watch, cd his opportunity nrnl made n spi 'inu through it winilow, liikinsr sash nrnl nil. at.il fled. He was forthwith ptirsueil by Mr Ilayward, whs, soiifi en me tip with him, when tin: robber turned un.l tlirriitetiL'.l to shoot him if he did nut let 'him nlone. Mr. liny wan! replied that In; was bound to have him, when Ihe rubber .hew a pistol and fired, the ball strik-iii- Mr II. nnd lodging in ihu prm'u. He f,.r and the robbi-r was llieieby enabled to ea- Oil pi'. Mr. II iywar.1 was taken back lo Lincoln, and Dr. Adam, one of the Directors of tha "itnl, failed In his uid. Dr. Bltielow, from this city, was also sent for, but lifter an ti. iiiiiiiintif.il they deemi-d it inexpedient to at ten -pi the i-xtiiic tion of the ball. He litifjer f.l Ihronah the niht, and died at six o'clock this tnoi-i'intf IK; was a man of about 35 vrats, nrnl leave a wife and one child. We do not h-iirii I h it ihe rubber obtained any rrionry i;t this time, th n gh he is supposed Iu he lhp person vvhn h is rubbed mis and the S n:iv Binnk D-pot of ahtnit 5200. Mr. I-'idtiiu. the Siipeiinlendent of the Filchbnrjj Road, itnmi'i'iialely nffered a re ward of $200 for his arrest, and n fullier re-w-.-tnl of S'JDO is ofTorcil by the Selectmen of Li.-imh:. Th ; i.nm nf tlie mnnter is supposed to be 'ieoi-.'o D. Carey, who ha been n number of tim,- nnesie.l here for robbery, and ha two or ;h:ec timer, been ent In prison. Ciiry is de.-ei ibe.l ns beinji about 25 years old, five feet t-iht inches Iii'li, with dark hairntt l llorid c on.plexioit, thin wiakers, Ue. He had o:i n dull; sac coat, dark pauls, and dark phu-h cup. We learn that Carry visited Ihe huttso ef his mother in New Red ford, last niahl, but upon reein" bis bioodv fniL'err, refused to shelter him, s.iyinK th.it h.? had been en ..a'f.l in mme vvron duincr. he therefore left hut l tie uiiiveiH ol" justice are haul upon hi iin-h, i.tivi be will i.o ututl m.ou lm cap ti. nJ. ANOTHr'.R SCIKNTiriC WONDER '. i ri.l'SIN, it? 7're Dies'.ire Fluid, or Custfic j Jiiitf .' A ureal Dv)"pia Ciller, prepared ' liutn Rennet, or the I..1111I1 Stimiai-h of llieOx, after iliuelii.iis of Baioti Lifbis, 'he 2ieat I'hv iulo'.'ii'jl Cheiiii-.'. by J. Ji ll'inyhtnii, M.'D. No. II Ninth Kiuh'lh Street. Philndel. pliin. P.i. This i a liuly wundertnl remedy for li.diiieMiou, Dv'spfiia, Janiidiee. Liver s Cumphiiiit. Cuiistipiiiiun. and Debility, etiiiuf j alter Nature's own me thud, by Nature' own talent, the (hiOnc Juice. See advei lisement j in uiiulhei coin in 11 . j afT-M!1. i-iiii.ir., )i .. jjujiiiai I M .4 R U I 1: U. On Tnes ltiy, the 24i h i.lt., by the Rev. A. J. Ci.!n., .Mr. Mu iiAiti. ii'biti.i., tu Mis IvKt.ecc.t, il.iiditer ol J.iincs liciiny, Esq., all ol Ti evo. ton. rv . .1. . ,n.l. ..I. I .. IS.... TV n . j . s ' ' ' ;' ' f.N' , , , , ...mi ,, r 1 KfiA, .liiiiahlei m Jacob D llotlinun, all of 1 l.iltle .iliihonoy tuwtiship. I On the pth ult.. i-i J isevlown, by th" He J 11. Ritteiihoi.se, Mr John Watson, ul Lvi-uiniuir co., to Miss Loi'isa, iliiiuhter uf Mi. John S-icimT, of Miiutour county. ! I I ILlllCV lltl till" Till ult., Svlvkstkr lies' I Tt: tu Mi M.viiv Biuidork. both ol Milton 1 tin tin- li hnil, bv the Rev. J. A Ciaw- f-ird, II. .111 ur Ct.tttiv mnl Mi? Klbecca Ua- Moli. both ol Point Tovvi.t-hip. I 1 ll.iui-btiii', iStlt nil., by Rev. Dr. Iluilg d -ui, U -v. J vMt.s Cii.DKU, ol iht China niia--ii.il ul tin- Mi'th.i.list Episcopal Church, anil Mis Ei.i.kn" C. .I.iiiliiei ol Rev. J. Yine biiiiifi. of I l.i 1 1 i-bni l'. On Ihe 2dih ult , by M. S. Mackey Esq San Kurd Johnson uiiJ Miss ELUvntrii Le van, nil ol Minify. On tin- 2Tih pit., by thf Rpv. I.-1. Shindle, M.-. Ilrsitv FtsiiLK to MimMarv TiiAiciiik, ail (il Noithiiinbeihind. On th." 2. 1 in-t., by thn ume, Mr. Saml-sl Kectkii, 10 .1i-s Baiidaiia Saviuui:, both of Augusta tp. At Sin Francisco, Cilifomia, Nnvembfr 11th Mr. JOHN li. KOBB. smi of Mr. Writ. F. It .lib, nl' Mmif v (p., Lycuitiiii co., aged iii tais. C inoiiihs. O 1 tin' ID h ult . nt his rrxjdtnicp near New Bt'ilin, Mr. JACOB SCIlOCU, aed about yi'tiis. illjc iHavkcts. Philadelphia Harkct. Jan. 1, 1851. Fl.u'H. There is a fair supply of Flour, hut litilu ini;uiiy. tjiiolaiioiis ii.i "oxpnrt 4,. bit; if 'ml siiit-s mo ut 4 75 it 45 00 Eaii.i Flour t5j u tii Kve Fluvr la wllim; ..t Ji. Cons Mka.l -Is still tiel.lat til., W HKAT Pi ices aie ateiuly j miles of plim Sum li, 11 11 and IViiri.i red ut fiicl a l 03 ; piiuiH vv line ut l ID u SI 13. Comm. i. vi in tii CO ii 01 j liii on iv yellow. ; Hv:. I lia lut win vii al TO on. O.irs. Oiiis uio now Mfady; a-tle tsf prime I'eiti.a. fioia 42 lo 43 cts; Suuiiifiu M.'lisiit 4 j 11 41 rik. 'U uuvtev 6aU'o(Wtiiek Ui bb. at iii u 8Jcu. BnUiffiQre Mv.ictv Jin. 1, 1851. W'tiesT Tht wy ply of Wlieaj i markets to-. lay whs l.iir. Sales ol good ti prima red. ver'ini.h at 3(i,v SS ft. 5aUs of whits W'li.-al ul IQii li'i f fills, aul. ot. tannly Hour whitn nl ins.illi cents,. . . C.'KS. Is in ilqnninil an.l sale warn 63 i-'.s. ii, both wshite and yellow. Rye - A kiIu of Petiii. By at 65 ct. Oats Sulua of Outi at 49a4 o'.a .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers