,-,!- r'" ( ' 9" SUNBURY 'AMERICAN AND ' SHAM0R1N ' J OU KIN AL. U(0cr Uutrou0 l&atttr. zri Wtv- F Tim Woman's Convention lately held at Worwstur, was really funny affair..- They passed twolulions against the Bible, fetti coals, the Constitution of the United States, and the habits of the society ' " They go for thilfcnV privileges enjoyed hy the males ( among which privilege we leaf Miss Da vis forgot uch delicious pastimes as sawing wood bringing in coal-r-stamling up in .j churchyriding in the ram and brine; last the dinner. Before the women embrace nr privileges, they had better try them on comet- - Asa beginning let them carry a hod all day for six shillings, or when tne Uier- 'inometer is 12 degrees below zero, shoulder " an axe, wale to the woods through the snow, and taste, the luxury of chopping jiyood for oO cents a cord. This is what r the "brute" has to do, who pays the rent lor J, her. - Again we say, try it on girls. ' ! ' ' , ' "Great Age. We have been informed - by the Assistant Marshal ol Overton conn s' ty, that in his tour to take the census, he Mound an old lady named Slevans, whose aie was one hundred and twenty years ! ...She was reported to him as a married wo-"-man at the timeof Braddock's defeat. Her Tyoungest son, a smart lad of seventy, who 'tgaveour informant the story. A'ashville Ten.) Banner, Oct. 31. Tub Mayor op Pitttbtiu:. Mayor Bar- Jeer was applied to on Monday last, by ' Captain Troville, of the night watch, for '.the keys of the cells, which he refused to surrender, at the same time alluding, in no (Tattering terms, to the members of the , Councils, whom, in his characteiistic lan- guage, he denounced as being a set of d d ' scoundrels. He also made some allusions 'to one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, ; whom he declared to be a better judge of whiskey than ol points ot law. , , Attempt to Break orr ov the Peniten tiary. A lew days since an attempt was Tinade by one of (be prisoners to break out '6f the Maryland Penitentiary, but theeTort - was unsuccessful, owing to the vigilance j the officers. Daniel Hunt, who was sent there about lour weeks ago, for seven years, from Howard District Court, convicted of 'horse stealing, was the party. Trio Free use of bowie-knives down '' .South, among the legal profesion, has been V defined as "Sharp Practice" to knock a man down with a chair, while he is addres sing an audience, is called cheering the ( speaker. " A Western paper publishes the follow . 'ing, notke : "Dry stove wood wanted at ' this olfice in exchange for papers. N. B. '-Don't bring logs that the devil can't eplit." : .... '. A fruit cultivator of Clermount Coun ' ty, Ohio, is said to have realized a profit of more than 10,000 during the late season '.' from the sale of peaches. ' Fools ar.d obstinate people make lawyers rich. . I.di;stry is the law of being ; it is the demand of nature, of reason and of God. ' ' What's the use of putting tubs out of . doors to catch soft water when it is raining hard! ; The glass house for the World's Exhibi tion, next year, goes on nicely. It will contain 400 tons of glass. The distance from Cincinnati to Chicago by the stage route, is 321 miles. , . Seven dollars is the price of passage be tween Cincinnati and, St. Louis. Cheap enough. He is happy whose circumstance's suit his temper; but he is more excellent who can suit his temper to any circumstances. ' "It is a curious fact says some entomolo gists, "that it is only the female musquito .that torments us." Cheap Luxury. Eat salt fish or ham for breakfast, and for twenty-four hours after wards, the commonest kind ol water will taste like champagne. A country girl writing home about the Polka, says, the dancing is not much, hut (he hugging is heavenly. ' Capt. Tado art's FLv'iNtj Machine de scended at Huntington, L. I. A son of Mr. Gildersleeve went to get the balloon, but a lady approaching to near with a lighted candle, the gas from the ballon exploded and tore it to pieces, and injured two per sons. ... ' Tire great railway from St Petersburg to Moscow will be opened in the spring. - -Tire receipts of contribution for the erec. tion of the Washington National Monument during the month of October, from all sour ces, amounted to 2700. They have ave raged, since the 1st of January, ! 850, 2S,- - 00 per month. ' Is A log school house in Wisconsin, placed conspicuously upon the wall, may be seen the follovviug poetic version of the eighth commandment: "It li tin la mm) pin, .W ''' greater to ileal a tater." u Hon. Wm. Appleton of Boston has dona ted the sum of 820,000 to the McLean Asy lUm for the Insane in that city. A Chemical tricnd having annlyzed the sulphur water of Virginia, resolves them iuto a decoction of leather breeches. lr w generally conceded, now-a-daya, that tin makes the very best kind of belle metal ,1hn Fkuplb of Maryland are demandiii" o'f the Slate Convention to reform the Coiisli - - Jut ion, mat ttiey biiall introduce a section making the judiciary elective. Gbipkj in great abundance and of most ex osllent quality are raised in California. n ' the vineyard of General Valleio, the product of a single acre will yield the pretty sum o $25,000. - - Jtxt has mado a demand upon the Pre, ident for a better defence of her frontiers from ludiaa invasion. ... I Tne Spirit of the 19th Century is to oiak money; yet trying to do to wiibout adverti. ing iu the newspapers, is lik using a new pump without throwing in a little water to r start it. CHERRY PECTORAL: I '' Vr the Cure t . , ' OOUOH3, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROW. OHITIS, CROUP, ASTH. . 2ttA,i WHOOPIMO.OOUOH ! AMD CONSUMPTION". ' Till. trii'lv vntnntitn Tlpnicilv for all diseases of tiro Lunirs and Tliro.it, hasbecomo the cbicf reli ance of tbe afflicted a it is the most certain euro known for tlie bovc complaints. Whilo it is h powerful rcnicilial anrnts in tbe most desperate and almost hopelrtw ensca 01 tonHumpnuii, u s!so,imliminrsbed Josca one oftbo miUlost and most afrrcenblo family medicines for common e ommou courIis and colds., Kead below the opin- ion of men who arc known to the world, nd tbe world respect their opinions. FROM TROFEfSOR HITCHCOCK. "Jnmes C. A ycr Sir 1 1 have used yoirr "Chkti r I'sitora'L,' in my own case of dcep-sootej Bronchitis, and am satisfied from its chemical constitution that it is an admirable compound for the relief of laTynrrial and bronchial difficulties. Jf my opinion lis to its siijierior character can be of any service you are at liberty to use it as you think proper. . . EDWARD HITCHCOCK, L t. D., President of Amherst College. From the "London Lancet." "AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL is one of the most valuuble preparations that has fallen un der our notice. After a careful examination, we do not besitute to say we have a la rue apprecia tion of its mcriis and the fullest confidence in its usefulness for coughs and lung complaints, Dr. Brewster, of Windham Co., Conn, sends us the following testimony. Dr. J. C. Ayer Dear Sir : I enclose you a rertiticnto from" Mrs. Catharine K. Cady, a highly respectable lady of this village, wife of Mr. KetU Cady, Deputy 'Sherill', Windham Co., Connecti cut. 1 ho cvre in her case was very prompt, unu lasattraetcd general attention. V. A. liliti V P 1 ' Wkst Kii.Li!fI.T, Ct.,Scpt. 28 1848. This inav certify that I wasatliictcd with very severe cou jh.in tire v, inter of '47-8, which threat tened to teriuinato ill Consumption.. I had tried many medicines ui vain, and was curcu uy i.ie use of "Ayer'a Chcrrv Pectoral." 'iTiiPTjivp. 1C PT)Y. V.. 1 j i 111.1.1 1. ... ,.-. . From Dr. Brvant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chieopeo Falls, Mass Vr. J. V. Aver Dear Mr: r.neiosea urai find remittance for all the CHERRY PEL I'OKA L. last sent me. I can unhesitatingly say. that no medicine wc sell lives such satisfaction as youi s does : nor have I ever seen a medic ino which cured so manv cases of Cough and Lung Com plaints. Our Fhisieiaiis ore using it extensively in their practice, and widi the happiest ellccts. Truly yoms, u. m. umnn PR EP A nKIl BT J.C. AYElt, CH EMIST, LO Vf ILL, m l"Soldby Henry Mnsser, Sunbury; Mary . McCav. Northumberland Dr. Gearbart, Se- linsgrove ; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. July , I8!)0.- lyce:im MAHOGANY AM) MARBLE. STEAM S.vV MILL, AM Tt IIX IXO SIEOI', ' : h Corner of Eleventh and Ridge Road. AND CABINET MAKERS, GENERAL FURNISHING STORE, No. 134 South Second Street, below Dock St., Philadelphia. THE subscribers would call the siiecia! atten tion of Cabinet Makers and others, to their very extensive assortment of materials in tlieir line, consisting of Mahogany veneers, Hoards and Plank, Hair Cloth, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish, Looking Class Plates, Mahogany Knobs, Bed Posts, Marble Tops, and every description of BBa rd ware Tools, &.C Cabinet Makers residing out of the City, would find it greatly to their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All our goods are WARRANTED, of tho best quality, and at very reduced prices. Our Terms arc Cash, (no trade.) H e guarantee to give every man tlio worth ot his money. 1 . ec I.. TlluAl risu.N. N. B. Mahogany, Walnut and Hand Kail Plank, and Stair Ballustcrs for Builders, also Marble Mantles, always on hand, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1850, ty EiAGl'ERREAIV ARTIST, No. 140, corner of Fifth If Chesnut sts., Phila- delphia,and 363 Uroarlwaij corner oj Franklin Street, New York. CITIZEN'S AND STRANGERS can have a sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and receive them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet, Papier Mache, or other fancy styles, or sols in Medallions, Lockets, Ac., in a lew minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, Out door Views, and Miniatures of dcecuscd persons, taken at short notice. ror Portraits of Adults bv our process, and Im proved Instruments, a cloudy day is quits as fa vorable as clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 1 1 and 2) is preferable. DC7In Dress avoid white, blue or light pink. Our Gallery with its Six Prize Medals and Works of Art, is open at all hours, and Free. Whether visitors wili pictures taken or not, we shall at all times be happy to see them. June 22, 1850. W. F. PEDDRICirS (LATE PAHTXKH OF C. SCHKACK) . VarnlKli Manilla lory uud 1'aliit More, No 78 AVl7 Fourth Street, A rr.W D0O118 A HOVE CHKKRY, WST SIDE, PHILADELPHIA. Constantly on hand and for.'tale, at reduced prices, ana qj superior quality, uie jm- ' lowing articles, ' vis : Coacli, Caboir-L JniHimirk and Oil Clolh Varuinhcs Prying Jupuii ; tln:t anil lliiracss varnish ; Brown, has Hid Kffl r-piru ao; imiihci hm; .-.iiivib , ii"nw mm Ouch I'ninlers' nrum' Mnlrnnln; PI TTV 1 orwrrriKS.VAivrs, dry, i.v ti and phk- PaRID FOK fMMKIHATK liKi Milliners' Varnish, G lus aiut Acuta ; Btaclt Jann for Inai ; Ailliesivs d.i. tor' I-'uncy Work ; I'ictara and Window Glass ; Artists' Co lours, Dry and iu Tubes j N nil's Foot Oil : liuld. Silver, and Reruaui LU'i O-ild. Silver, and Ciipef liroiixa ; (ilu xirr's Disiin.w.li. Alu, voiy suii;riur Sliuc liUu-siiiy aiul riiinR Ink. , June 3'J, in. tllALAOCI l'IIIA WISE k LltlVOIl STORC BITTING & WATERMAN, Importers and Sealers in Liquort, No. 220 Market street, Philadelpha, OFFER for sale, the cheapest and best assort ment of Liquors in Philadelphia, such as Champagne, Sherries, Port, i Steck, Claret, Bur gundies, 8auturn, liarsac, Maderia, Lisbon, . . Tenerilie and Sicily Wine. , " , Brandies of the choicest brands, via : - . . . i Maglina, Otard, Puuet, llcnueay, &c, &c, i Fine Holland liin, Mouongalicla, Scotch and Irish Vt'hihkey, etc &c . Hotels aud tha etiuntry trade supplied at Phila delphia prices on tha most liberal ttuiua. . ; ' ' s July 14, 1850 - ...t, u ... . -. ARNOLD'S WRITING FI.l IDAND CON. CRKSS IN K iuf salu al tkis oilite. A CALL 0 H0USEKEEPER8 At the Catilnet Ware ltoom or JSEB'N'.IIOUPX'&CO; , Market Square, 4o at thi torntr of Fawn tlrtct (s thi Railroad . SUNBUUY, PA. ; "" ' t Thankful for' the pntronnge of his friends and customers during the 17 years he has been in busi ness in this place, he solicits from the public a con tinuance of their favors, Dnriug this period he lias endeavored to keep up with the improvements or tbe day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore, invited to the attention of the present stock of . CA1HNUT -WARK AND CHAIRS, Manufactured by , ! . . SEBASTIAN H0UPT & CO. . Al ti Old Stmul, r Where in addition, to their, former stock of the establishment they now manufacture , Mahogany, Walnut & Cane-Seat Chairs. : Large Spring Sent Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, Mirblt Top Wash Stands, ' and a variety of other , . new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared lor Undertaking- in all its brandies, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye mniris and mifltrcssos, and hnfllKiiiflfl too, Here's rnrnitnre nf every style nud fine, Fnrni side binrils down to kitclirn tables, Frdin Mckiiar rlmirs to !rkiutr cradles Should yon not have the rwuty John to psy, We'l wait awhile for a briglitor better day, Or tnke potatoes, nets, cmi. wheat and rye ; Hark, hoop poles, staves, w Inmltor wet and dry, . Or any thing but yokes and threshing flails, Ftotn pics and tnrkies down to tittle quails. Come on then friends, come one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the hall." Orders from a distnnce promptly attended to and work ol nil kinds delivered with dispatch Sunbury, March 8, 1850 tf J. K. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 80 i Walnut st , between 2d and 4th street. PHIZ.ASEI.PmA. OESPECTFll.I.Y directs the attention of the public to his superior styles of Plnin anil Fani-v f rames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a hnndsoino Frame at a LOW TRICE has been much desired, he was induced some months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a short time the demand has been so great, that he has been obligdd to increass his facilities, and new oiler at I'XCI.I'DINGI.Y LOW PRICF.S, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, ccc, oc. For Durability Cnsurpasaed. Hotels, Public Buildings, Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, &c, decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. 'if Please call and see specimens. May 25, 1850 ly GEORKE J. IICXKELS, CITY CABINET W A K K R O O M S NO. 173 CHESNUT STREET, (nrrosiTK Tint statk hock.) 1 rinr.ADsz.rBiA. COFFERS for sale, low for cash or approved city w paper, a large and well assorted stock of CABINET FURNITURE, of the latest patterns and of the liest workinaiikhip. The assortment embraces every article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood and Walnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Muhogaiiv Chamber Furniture : Pa tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to lie. tbe best now in use); Library Book Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber t urnituru. Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris fashions. Spring Mattrasses, Hair Mattrasses, and Fea ther Beds, made to order, N. B All articles purchased at this establish ment are warranted of tlio best materials and workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely lo any part ot the country. May 25, 1950. ly SPPJ1TC- GOOES I. I1I1L,4 DELPHI A. TV SHARPLE.S8 & SONS, have just received J their supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite attention. SHAWLS A II descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsied. DRESS SILKS Gro de Rhine. Chameleons, and neat and new fancy style India Bilks and Satins. . ... DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse lins, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quills, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashma retts, Drills, Vesting of all kinds, and Bovs wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SHAIil'LEsS & SONS, . No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia May 25, 1830. ly Vt;. li. Cochran fc Co., tVbulesale and Itrluil, WINK AXD LICtl'OH MKIICIIANTS, Aro. 73 Walnut Street, PhiUulelphia. . AVE always on hand a very large stock of Wines, Liquors and tSeears, of tlieir own importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will be aupplicd on the most liberal terms. . Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1819 TIROWN'S ESSENCK OF JAMAICA GIN (jER, an excelieut article. Ihu'i Medicated Soap for sun burna, tan. teller, oVc. Railway's Circassian Bulm, for the hair dand rulT&e. - Kadway'a Ready Relief for Cramps, Cholic, Cholera Morbus, ore . For sale by II. B. MASSER. Sunbury, ug. 3, 1850; OLI) PENS IN SILVER CASES. A small 1J lot on hand and iur salo by il B.MASSKR. funbiiry, April 6, 1850. INERAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard '-- Acid Springs, highly valuable in chronic di seases, and tonic rcmcuics, for sale I y HEN Kir' MASSER. Sunbury, June 29, 1850 if EE li ILLS. Justices and Constables Fee Bills handsomely printed on card paper, for 'le at tins oUice. ROWN'S ESSENCE OF GINGER. A new supply of this excellent article iust received and for sale by , II. It. MASSER. Sunbury, March 16, 1850. , . . ..,,. Vuluable Hooka, , , , , , LIFE or Chuist, handsomely bound, D'Ac Hiusk's UisToar or BirunsiTion, Bl4ik Dir-aooKS LsBss,full bounded. For sal at tbe publishers prices by .-, . - . H. B. MASSER. . ' Sunbury, July U, 1840. - ' ; i ... t Cotton Yarn, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Lap and Wadding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made V'eeta, Congress Knives, Porceluin lined preserving kettles, butt received for sal by ' ' H. MASsER. Suubury, Dec 8, 1818.V l '"Kiicoftrnge Your Own!" 1 I? O.J. ' 1 , ft , t . L-ai " y ' I HAAS & FASHIONABLE MAKE OF : FURNITURE AND, CHAIRS, 'THE subscribers respectfully call tha attention . of the public to tlieir large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of which cannot fail to recommend Itself toevery one who will examine it, on account of its durnblc workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort la spared in the manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers . arc" determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. i heir stock consists of Mahocranv SotTaft, DIvbiix and I.onntreji, Bureaus, Secretaries, sncboartis, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS,-WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOILET TABLES AND - EXTENSION TABLES, ' '. in short, every article in this line of their business. They bIbo manufacture all kinds and qualities of CHAIRS. ncluiling . Varieties novcr ' before to be had in Sunbury, such as Mmkhia T, Black Winn Attn Cl-rlkd Matls Grkciax ; Aitn Wixnsoa CHAIRS, An rAcr Piamo Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The aubsrrilicrs arc determined that there shall he no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality arrd finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. Cr UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. 1 tdf The Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young store, and nearly opposite W eavcr a 1 avern. 1 DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 28, 1849. tf I iltlll.VO & IIOLIs'S 7 HOLES ALE Commission PAPER and KAu W AKEHOl.SE, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. herc a general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale at the lowest cash prices. C'n,' I.rtK-r and Printing Papers, &c. on liunu. Plain and ruled whito Caps. " ' blue " Flat Caps. Plain and ruled w hite Letter. " " blue " Blue and white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Papers. Shoe ' Wrapping " . Envelope " Hardware and Sheathing Paper. Tar Boards, Straw Boards, Bonnet Boards. All orders from the Country will be attended to at -the shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at any place in tho city. The highest cash price paid for Rags or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 ItTotvii'tt EnxeiH-e of Jamaica Gln rer. Prepared only fi; Frederick Brown, at his Drag and Chemical Store, North East Corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. TIlIE Essence is a preparation of unusual ex JL cellcnce and of varied properties. In all cases whore a powerful and safe stimulant iB required, it is unrivalled for efficacy as well as immediate action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a safe and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, as well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a .Southern climate, where the relaxa tion of tho system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found an excellent substitute for those templing beverages which de bilitate tho stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in naussea and sea-sickness, it is an active and safe as well as a pleasant and refreshing re medy, and is prescribed by the most eminent ol the medical faculty. A supply ot I lie above received and for salo by II. B.Masser, Sunbury. April 6, 1850. 6in ECCTOP. YOraSELF ! FOK 25 t i:TSI!! Bt MKANBOr THI PoCKKT Es i laph h, or, Eery one his own Physician t thirti eth edition, with upwards of a hundred engravings, show ing peculiar diseases in eve ry shape and form, and mal formations of the generative system, II V WM. YOl'KG, M. D. The time has now arrived that persons suffering from -2 '- S-? -. secret diseases, need no more become the victim of Quackery, as by the prescriptions contained in this book any one may cure himself, without hind rance to business, or the knowledge of any one, and with one tenth tho usual expencc. Iu addi tion to the general routine of private disease, ii fully explains the cause of manhood's early decline, with observations on marriage besides many other derangements which it would not bo pro per to enumerate. 7"Any person sending twktt-ivk ce.vts enclosed in a letter, will receive one copy of this book, by mail, or five copies will be sent for one dollar. Address, '-DR. W. VOi:NG. No. 152 SPRUCE Street, PHILADELPHIA." Post-paid. IITDR. YOUNG can be consulted on any of the Diseases described in his different publications, at his Ollice, 152 SPRUCE Street, every day be tween 9 and 8 o'clock. (Sundavs'exceptod.) Philadelphia, Nov. 9, 1850. 'ly. LIQUORS,- WINEST&C. THK RubdcriW hns just received a new supply of the beat liquors that ever caine to Sunlmry( coiiaUl.113 in part of (Superior oltl pule Brandy. Fine Cuguiae U randy Superior Old Jamaica Spirits. New Engluml Kuin. riiie Holland Gin. . , . . .Superior Old Whiskey , t Comiu u do. ' ' ,f , Superior Maderia Wine. LUIiou , do. do. ... 1 .Superior Tort Wiiio. i . Burgundy port do. Hweet Malaga Wins. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. ' Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. ' Sunbury, May 26 1949. STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs end Pitchers, and other articles of atone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. Sunbury, June 23, 1849. , , - , T AISIN8, currants, citron, cheeae, pepper At sauce, Ac. l Far sale by J. W. FRILING Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. t . AZORSA superior article for sale at Ut A- store -of H EM RY MASSER. Sunbury, Feb. 16, 1850, In prfwrnhne the ruiblir with a Temly fur the trpnttnent at id eurs of Frvkr a Aorn and ntlinr bilious dinrwftes. n npolnpy tt hpHmI, Vast numlwm in the Unitwl Suites, wno snnr mm mciw nnecuoim in their varied rorm, are eompeiMto tf'nk relief from 'ntlier amirm than the immo- ifltttR pn.firr i prions ot uie rrtruiar ptivninnn. It Itecntues theTPfnro nn nlijn of humanity, nr. wnn nn of puttlie inter et, to bring befoie them a remwly prcpnnxt fmm much ex- twriencp, and whim may always m rriiwi tnwm an pafk KprnrTtJAt, A JIB HAKMI.ICM TO THK COTIdTlTtlTlOil. Tlint suuhis the true rhnrn-Urr nf the I.MJIA (MIOIsA'iOOt "K, in ampty nttrFtrd by the universal success with which it hm Dren employ en. KxlTiiet from a eommniiicntion of the TToii, Wil liam Wooddriugk, of the V. P. lcnute, lute Governor of Ajicnignn. DaTitotT, Oct. 21, 18-10. Doctor Ohatilrh Opnoon. Dear Sir, 1 hovo rend with much interest, your little Tiia fa TIM apoii tbf ''i-nuws, trentimnt thid curt1" of the febrile tliRenst'9 wliirh hnve so extensively prevailed in our eountry tlurinfr the liixt I'rw monilm nn interest iii'Tfjined no d'tnl't, hy the fuel that I have 'individually suffered i miieh from them. Tlinnuh I feel myself very incompetent to jiuitre sniriy upon a su inert t entireiv prnic9i'n;il, yet your ineoTy serins ro me wen rensnneo, ann your cinieiii siotw just, nud I think withnl, thrtt your pamphlet is calt-il htti-d to DKKliiee miieh oraetiud c-iod. Speak i up of the medicine he says : It fully justifierl your nHiieruif expecuitinns, nun us n sul ooiivenient, and Kinu Hir reined . mv own ex peri ei tee, so far, induces me to ! Iieve that it will prove n great public lienefit. I am pleasni (" leiini iimi you nnre reeeniiv esuihiisnen several aeeiu'ieS for its tlisposition.thmish I feirret that, with n view to n m're genend dipwetninntion of il, you should have found it iieeesfwry 10 remove irotn your present residence aminig us. With much respect I have tlie honor to le, sir, mr nnnirtfi niirvnitr WIT IJAM V(MH)HRinOR. Cir Fiom If on. JTKrtini v. R. Thowsridgk, of Michi' gun State Senate, to the Agent at Detroit. KiRMisniiAM. Oakland Co., Pee. 13, 1811. Sir yon wish ma to inform you what 1 know of Dr. Osiptml's India Chohgt-giie, or anti-bilious medicine. I do lieliove that if the virtue and efficacy of this medicine were generally knowu, tlie rrvca axi a oik would dintppeur in ii trnigiin. I procured n bottle in the sprinir of 1Mt, ami have gool MnsHi to In-tieve that myself nitd family escnped tbe njru lust season in eonsemienre of itsiise. Perhaps in no suuitner since the setllemcnt of this fine peninsula, has the fever and affile been so prevalent as the just. 1 have recommended this medicine in numerous in stances, and when the disnise had become tixetl and K-ilIled the skill f f physicians: and I hnve never known it fail. I has universally prodncert the most happy effects, and I bet Iieve it has never been excecdd by any medicine in remo ving the hiliinis diseases of the cliinate. Yours, respecliullv. 1TK"PHK V. R. TKOWHRiPfiF,. Aifcnt f.. Suuburx- H. B. 1MASSKR ; Norttuimlwrlnnd, WJTIIIVtiTOM Vro.; Alilton, J. H. KASi:R; ScliHH. grove, MAY Jk KMSK. Mny 0, 1H4 tf IMIILADEIilMIU XttEEICAZi HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, HY ; mi. KINKELIN, N. II, Comer of 'Html ami Unto Streets, BtTWKKN SPKUCK AM) FIN K STKKCTS, rXIILADELPHlA IH'Ti:i: YK.n of extensive and uninterrupted practice spent in this city have rendered Dr. K. the most expert anil fueceiwiul practitioner tar and near, in the treatment ol nil iliist-s oi l piivute nature. Peraus nttlieted with ulcers upon the vxy, throat, or len, pains in the head or bones, inurciirial rlieunuitism. strictures, grovel, disease ariiiir from ynuthl'iill excesses or impniities of tho blood, whereby the constitution has become enfeebled, ure all treated with success. He whunlnces himself under tlie care o( Pr. K.. nnv re ligiously confide in his honor as a gentleman, and confident ly rely upon his skill n a physician. TAKE PAHTK'i.XAK XOTICK. Young Men wh have injured theniK' lves by n o:rlain pinclice indulged iu n habit frerpit nilv learned from evil rompanions nr at sehoiii the etb-ci til which are niirhtly felt, even when asleep, and destroy lioih mind uud h dy, should upply immediately. We-tliue and e'liisiitulinuiil debility l iss of mnsfiitar energy, physical lassitude ami gen eral prostration, irrilnbitity and nil uervous atleetions, indi gestion, slngsishncKs f tin livei, tmd every discaseiu any way connected with the disorder of tlie procrcutive func tions cured, uud t'uli vior restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature ilealh. K1.NKEL1X oil self Frnrrvatiun. ONLY 25 CKNTS. This B Kik iust published is filli.l with usrfiil iiiCirmnii-ii on tin intiriiiitirs ami ihst-ast-n ot tlio li m-rlive Orpnn. tl nilrlrrswr iliilnilikc in Vol Til, .UA.MlOODuiia Ol.U AitK, sml hitiM liu rr.ul hy tilt. The vuiimhle uilvice mid iuijrcFFivf Wiirniiiir it pivriv will prevent yearHol' mistry ujniiiiilleriiiy uud s.ive uiimcd. ly Th niHitifls ol' l,ivr. l'tireuts hy retiduitr it will learn liuw to prevent the des truetion iti liifir children. A reinlritinee of 'J eents. eiieloneil in n letter, trl dressed lo UK. KItvKI.!.. X. V. cruer nl TMlKD I'.NllJN tTiH'lK, between Spi-iee ic fine. I'hihulelphui, will enure u h "'k, under eneel'pe, per rctni'il m;ill. l'ers niat n dist.-mee m:iy uddrefp Dr. K. hy letter, (pos!- ptlitl.) 11)1.1 he filed lit 11 tue. t"AUU.Aiii'.f lie AU.Dlt-'ll-1., IJIItr.t i MJAr, eke., forwirded liv tn'ndintr ti r-MiiituiU'-e, and put upsefuie 1'rinn DAMAtill.'r CI lilOSI Y. B't"k-ellerJ e Aireuts.Pedltirs. Cnuvnssern. and oil oilier Riippli-'d wi!h the uUive work ut very low nuei. l-'ehruary 0, l:OU. ly I'.qnitable Life IiiMiranve, Annuity and Ti'iiNt Coiiiiuiuy. OFFICE 74 WAI.N'fT PTI5F.KT. Pflll.ADKt.rillA. Cafital SiKi,uiiil CitAKTts I'snrKTUAL. riMlK Couiiaiiy are now prentirnd to tnuimet bushieu J. il(li the most lilienil uud ud'.finuie'iut terms. Tliey are authorized hy their rlmrtcr (eet. :)) &ato iimkc all mid every itwuntiire iipfiertniiiinir to lite risks of wlmtever kind or niiture. snd to receive anil execute trusts, make uudow incuts, nuil til grunt hikI purchusi tuuiuilies." The i'l.in. puny sell nnuiiitics nnd . endowments, uud act us Trustees for minora and heirs. Table of Premiums required for the Assurance of 81tl for the whole term of Lite. Age. Prcin. Aow. I Prrm. Aise. i I so at a on a 17 1 51 :h! 8 li 47 in l ft) :n a jo 1 1 Sit 31 a-)7 4'1 i l isi a s ai su il . I l M 4 411 51 si icvi :i7 at7 sa vn t on :n a si 53 si 1 7a 3! a tit si as 1 ; w a 711 ss 'SB 1 m 41 a si 5 7 t t-o 4a a ia 57 as 1 pi 41 .101 ss an 1 lv 44 3 1a 5 ' 3D a (It 41 3-ii tio 3 Hi 3 4;i 3 na a 77 3 VI 4 11 na 4 si 4 71 4 111 s 1a 4 33 SSI 8 71 8 in The premiums nre less than anv other eomnouv. siul lhe policies afford grinler advnntni-es. Tnhlea of luilf- -ur!y aikl ipuinerly premiums, half creilit rntus of premium, short terms, loint lives, survivorships and endowments; also, form of Application (for which there are blank sheets') ure to I hud on application at ihe office, or by letter to the Agent, J. II. 1'I HUV, Sunbury. Kates fob inhtriso giix) on a single Lifa Aire. For Life. 1.U0 2.01 8,70 a.,,1 6,113 an un 40 50 ill .sahim persim seed 39 Tears next hirlh dav. bv pnyinn the I'raniiaiiy uu cents would seenrs to his liimilv or heirs 1110 shruild he die in one year ; or for rV.g0 he sc. cures Ui them SIUSI; or for l:jnniuilly for seven yeura be secures to them SSKNHl sliould he die iu seven years ; 01 fctf JfSO.tO paid luuiuahy during life he secures AltMltl to be paid when he dies. The insurer securing; bis own bonus, by the dlltereiK'e in amount of nrenliuins iroiiithosHchiirired by other oilices. Kor 1,5U the heirs would receive esjuoo shoiikl he die in one yeur. Koruu of application and all irticu!iira mny he hud at the otlice. t'KTKIl l.X'l.I.MN, President. Vice President, Wm. M. Haibo. Francis W. Kawli, heerewrv and Treasurer. OoxsiaTiis fHTiuciAX llr. J. H. Miuwer, Siuibury. J. H. PuSDt, Suubury, A(eut for Northumberland county- Bunbury, July 1849 STONE WARE. flHE subscriber would most respectfully in J. form his friends and generous public, tliat he is manufacturing the best quality of . STONE! WAHS, in nil its vnrietics, and is prepared to sell a little eheaier than any other manufacturer in the Union, He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CHINA, GLASS AND QUEENSWARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries are ou Uond street north of Fay ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E. bultiniore street. I . DAVID PARK, .; . .1. ,jfo. 8, E. Baltimore street, . UxLTiaoai, Maryland. February 2, 1850. ly STOXE Ware, Earthen Ware, RauinsTAl monds, P unes and Cream Nut. , "Planes of all kind. by Salt and Plaster, Just received and fur sals v ' JOHN W. FIUI-LNU. Sunbury, Dee. id, 1849, For 1 year. For 7 years. 61 gl 00 1.30 i.ao t.m 8,07 3,4S 3.U7 BANK NOTE TABLE. CORRECTED WEEKLY. tTNNSYLVANfA. ' CltT OV MlUnM.un MASSACALSF.TTfl. AU snlvent hanks I die RHODK ISf.AND. All Solvent hnuks I dil V. 8. Bunk notei in dis All sulTetit banks , par rniTMT fisntt of ClmmliersiMirg 1 die CONNKUT1CUT., All Solvent bnnks I dil ,. . MEW YORK. CITT. All solvent banks I dis Hunk or Del. Co. Chester pnr - - 'nnra uj. par nuns oi itermnntown pari .ui. ii veiiysiirr tlis t jrbk notes under 5 dis nuns "i iwisuiwn llnlik of lidilletown 1 dis rorsTST. All solvents bsnks . 1 dis NEW JKH8EY. Misitipmifry Co Hunk par Hunk of orthnmlierrnd. nut Mulvidere linnk J dis Commereisl Utmk ' 1 dis Hmikof fittshnrfr 1 die Hunk or Unuville t'nrhsle Tltink 1 dislF. ft M . Mi,ii..i. ,. ti ... ffHiirai. linns . ont tlOIIV .ll.ICi L.r . nnr Columbia H'kft B'geCo rmrtMechanies' Mk. Newnrk nar oyeisiown linns pur .tlerh. Hk of llrl,,.aio .uir Knstim Brink pnr teeh. Man. Ilk Trent pnr Krie llnuk . 2 dis Morris Co llnuk dis Knehnnire H'kPittshnr(t 1 disj Newnrk Bk's ft Ins Col dis Kxrtiniiire H'k, jHriiueh 1 dis' 1 Iriunre Hnnlc I dis ) dis pur pnr i dis iwir Fiirmers' H'k, llueksCo pur People's Ilk Patterson Farmers1 Hk, lncster pftr'Priiiceton Bunk Fnrmers' Bk. Heniling pnriSdem Bnnkiiiir Co, Fnnn. Bk Seliitvlkill Co pnriHemerret Bunk FAD. Ilk Wn'vnesli'g IJdislnte Bank nt rnnsleii Franklin Bk. Vnh'il Ijdis flnte Ilk Kunulicihioii llnrrislmrir Bank t (lis tnle Brink e-nrk 1 dis 2 dis llonesilule Bnnlt , 1 dis Stnte ilk, X. Brunswick pnr jimi-upier nuns purinraes dinik. .ewton i tits .eimnon lunik pnr Mereh. A Mnn. niink 1 dis Miners' B'k, Potlsvillo per Moiioniriillelu Hnnk I dis Tsvlorsv'e llel B' Co 15 dis I renion miuKiltif tn nnr I'nion linnk. I lover dis Vtirdlrvv'le A Del llr Co l.ldis tyBk notes under 0.1 j dis est llrnneh Bnnk pnr Bnnk of Dcltiwnre I'r.i a nr.. Wyoniiiut Uk, Wilkcsl: pnr York Bnnk, WKelicf notes MAINF.. i c prir Bunk of Stm-rnn pur llelnwnre City Bnnk pur Ilk Wilrmr'nA Briindyw. pni l-'iirmers' Ilk St llelnwnre pnr I'ni. n Bunk. Wilmington pnr If t:nder Ws j dis OHIO. 1 dis 1 dis Bnnk of Wlmllock 5 dis Mercnutile Bk, Bniiiror Hi dis All solvent hnnks I dis VL'IV tl & I 1K2III n l" All solvent hunks S dis All solvent bnnks 1 dis l2Mlk notes under S's 4 dis VIMIMOXT. Bnnk nf St Alhnns All solvent banks .Mm I'll CAROLINA. 5 dis All solvent lnnks 4 dis 1 disJlVUndera's, SJ dis COLUMBIAN SERIES OF Slrftltmrtd. Tlie Pupil's friend and Teacher's com fort. 'THE COIXMIHAN CALCULATOR. This "- worK is nlreadv introduced into sonic of the best Acadamics and n larpre ntimler of Schools, where its use has (riven decided and universal Sa tisfaction, both to tracl)or nnd pupil. It is purely American in its chanictor, based upon our own beautiful decimal system of ctirrrnry. It contains more, the arriintrcnieuls urn better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of tho kind now in use ; and it is ao considered hy hundreds of the most coniH-tent touchers nnd men of science in the Uni on, who huvo recommended ft, ; It is the book, particularly nnd e.vprcssly prepared for our Ame rican Scholars : J!i Almon Tici nor. The Yoi th's Com viu Calci-latoh This volume conluitis 91 pur;cs, with about 900 exam ples for solution on the slute. It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules. Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, Ac, 'l'lfKNon's AntTH vktic.a l Ta Bt.Ks, is destined for the use of younger classes in tha Scliools of tlie I United States. A beautiful little book nnd pleas- j inir to children, and the only oncofthc kind of any I value. " There are Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for ho convenience of teachers, in which tlio solutions of the questions are given w ith ! much extra matter fur the black board. These i Keys nre flic most complete works of the kind ever j published, anil contain, in addition, aliout two hundred examples in Mensuration, iSic., fur the I iia r.C il,n rr ......I..- a ii i.. . .i i ' the above liooks examined, and no teacher who is ncquaiiitcd with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitute to pronounce them the best works tha have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, thoy have already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of A'ew York City in all tho Schools public und private, except two, in tho City of Rcadimr- Also, in about twenty Acadumics in the State of Pennsylvania ill u large portion of tlio Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, und in the Boroughs of llarrisburg, York, Chninlier.-burg, Lebanon, Doylcst jwu, Potts ville, Orwigsburg, & c cVc. For sale by Hkniiv M asskh, Sunbury, for XorthtimlH'rland County. Sunbury, Dec. S, IS IS. Agent N. S. LAWRBWC23, Agent for the sale of Snuthworth Munufactit ring Co's. Writing Pap rs. j Ware House, Xo. 3, .tllnor Ktrccl ! PHILADELPHIA. 00 "- f the aliove superior Papers now in store, and for sale to trade at tho lowest market prices, consistine; in part of" Fine thick Flat Cups, 1 a, 14, 15 and 18 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Exlrasuper and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superliiio Cainmerieal Posts, blue and white plain nnd ruled and white, plain nnd ruled. Extra suK"r Linen Note Papers, plain and cilt. Superfine nnd find Hill Papers, lontr and broad. Superfine nnd fine Couiititig-Houo Caps uud Posts, blue, and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, blue and while. Extra super Congress Caps nnd Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Cups and Posts. Superfined hluo Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Suier!ine and fine Caps and Posts, ruled and plain, blue nnd white, various iptalities and prices. Alsv, 10(111 reams white end asserted Shoe Pu pers, Bonnet Boards, whito and assorted tissue, Tea; AY rapping, Envelope, assorted nnd bluo Me diums, Cup Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &e. Philadelphia, Nov. 84, 1849. THH PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM COMPRISING A COLLECTION OF OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, In the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple aud Curious experiments in ' CIIKMIMT11V : TNCLUDEVO Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry A Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, I)i mestie Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 6 cts., for sale by 1IENKY MASSEU. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1819. PiLTEITT 1CSDISI1TES. Green's Oxygenated Bitter, price reduced. Obi Jacob 'I'ownsend'sSarsaparillu. Baker's Sursaparilla. Swayne's Syrup of Wild Cherr Sway lie's Vermifuge, syre's Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do '1'ibbit's Pain Killer. . Dr. Hooflund's German Bitters; Indian Vegetable Pills Horse and Cattle Medicine For sale by HENRY MASSER. frnnbury, July 14, 1S4U, BOOKS and Gold Pens. On hand several cop ies of the life of Christ, and also a munlier of gold pens which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. For sale at thisoflirw. KENNEDY'S ; PATENT SAMI FAS TEN1NGS A cheap aud excellent arti cle lor fastening sash for sale by J. W. FRILING Swibury, July 7, 184'J. i . PATENT Trusses f all kindsT Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received aud lor sals by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec S, 1848. WWflLEY'S COUGff CMNDY. exeel- V lent remedy for coughs, cold. For sale at this ollica rK ADD'S oelebraterj Horse anil Cattle Medi 9 cine for sale by HENRY MAfS.SF.R Sunbury Jan. S7lh, 1849 PHILA. AND RE AD INO EA1XE0A1 BUMMER - ARRANGEMENT FROM PHILADELPHIA AND POTTSVILLB. , Office of the Phila. If Reading Ruilroad Co. Philadelphid, March 29, I860'. Two Paascngrf Trains Doily, (except Bandsy ON anil after April 1st, 1850 two trains W bo run each way, daily, between Philadt pliia and Pottsville. Morning Line, (Accommodation.) ' Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. Mn daily exee Sundays. . .1 - ; ,.. Leaves Pottsville at t A. M. daily except Su days. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.) ""' ' Lcuvrs Pliilailclphia at 2 J o'clock, daily, rxce Sundnvs. . , , . , Leaves Pottsville at 2 o'clock, daily, exce Sundays. Passcnirers cannot enter the cars nnlesa pro' detl with Tickets. " The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at A burn, Altlinusc's, H irdsboro', Kojrrr's Ford, Vi ley Fonrc, I'ort Kennedy, Hpring Mill or Falls. NOTICE. Fifty pounds of bnttRnsi will bsi lowed to each passenger in these lines and pt scngers are expressly proliiliitcd from taking an tliini; as bnu;iiu;rp Imt their w curing apparel, whi will lie nt the risk of its owner. ' By order of the Board of Manager. S. 11KADFORD, April 13, 18.')0. Secretary. Dll- J. JUTOEGHAF1 1 RESPECTFULLY informs the citizens 1 - Danville and the public at large, that he h located in Danville, nnd is now prepared to pre tice Medicine nnd Surgery in all its various bra dies. He will opcrato on all the various fori of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, harelip, eb palnte, nnd attend to the extraction of tumo amputation of limits, and nil other surgical d ea-ses. Ilia collection of instruments eompris all instruments in modern Surgery, of the lat improvement and finest finish. He flutters hit self thnt many years' practice nnd experience w be a sufficient guarantee to those who may f disposed to employ him. His residence is nearly opKwite the Montfoji, ry JSnililiiifrs, nnd next door to Isuac Rose baum's store, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, lStil. lv. Z-XZCXSEV & TULL, Ao. l.-)0 C'lioNiiut Ml rect, (Oppusitc tlie Arcade) PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURERS of their improved i Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, atv ai Solid Kivctcil TIU.!iS which took the only first premium, awarded I the Frnnkliu Institute nt their last exhibition. II. & T. take pleasure in informing the travi ling public, that Ibey have now on haixl, a bea ttf'ul assortment of Ibeir iniprovvd style of Sol Sole Leutlier Trunks; Double nnd Single Fo! Trunks, of various styles; Ladies' Trunks, V lire Trunks. Bonnet Boxes, Cup Cases, Carp Bags, and nu elegant assortment of superior E iimeled Patent Lcathor Bags, with every artic iu tlieir line of business. I V Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchan. ' v ,,nes' ALKX. L. HICKBl . RICHARD W. 'IT'LL. Philadelphia, Not. 17, 18 IU TZCKNOR'S COLTTIiISIAXT SPELLING BOOK. T) EINfJ a progressive nnd Comprehensive Sy tern of Ortliograpy nnd Orthoepy, iucludii a variety of dctinitioiis, adapted to the use Schools in the American Republic, by Almi Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's expet ence, and author of the Columbian Calculator Practical Common School Mensuration, &c. The attention of Teachers, School Director parents, Arc, is invited to this new Spelling Boo. which conforms to the modern spelling and usagi in Orthography asboingoucofflie neatest, chcupe best arranged, and belter adapted to the wants i children, thnn any other published in the Unite Stats. It is what it purports to be, a Spellin Book and not a Reading Book, nnd only require nn examination on the part of instructors of yout to secure for it a universal introduction into th Schools of the United States. Just published, an for sale by IIkmit MassKr, Sunbury. ' Where Teachers and Directors ran procur . copies for examination. ; August 4, 181'J. W I Is I, I II S A T I - VS P K PTI C EI.1XI H is. with the utmost ronfidem e. ofTered to h Aiudi.-al I'ncuity untl the pulilic lor ihe cure of Dyspep siu or iiiiucsiiun, uud all mmue uniting innu it, sue 08 Nmisen, Ilcndiiche, Vertino,lliinue(sof Sicht, i)ehility ol the .Nervous rj tein. Ilyi"chHslria. Jaundice, lioSKot'unpetkle, tlilious Vomiting, Hunting scuwtttou at the pi of tlie st' niuch, l.ivereoinnluiut, 1 lppressi.ni alter rstiiiK, r.ihnlulioii ol the Iteuit, Wilitnm of the streieTth. Il'uiu in Ihe pit of the sfnmcl Kliimlence, with I'reitueutl or towards tlie rif-lit side iM'Miinirof w'iltil, kSnllownise of roinilexitsl. Viuutwl taste, tlepressiou of the spinss am Constitution nnd uneasiucssl irritability of temjier, Ae ol'lhe bowels, I If a ease of dyspepsia should be neplected, most seriouf edects may ensue. t. ir it lajs 11k- f.Hindtition for, is the in cljieut caiun' of, and very 'reipicully tcrmiuntes iueous'imp ti 'tl. 1 w hiI.1 impress upon tiie iiund tlsit to tiille will this disease nsiy lm lo sport w'ilh tile reason which itawti lutes m.iu su.w'reiiiinent auloo uiiimul beings, or to era hitler exnccnce hy uthhn- u (suseiousuess of folly to the penally of fain. '11ns medicine is ne-illy put up iu Unties, with ample directi.His for use, und is sold Ni tSmhurv try Joti W. I-'SILINO. J.Mi:S Wll.l.lA.MK. 'IVstiuiony of Mr. Abner Klines, hnlter. Mnrkit street nbove Sixth. eorri'lKiruUvo of tho etl'icucy of Willuiuis Anli-Dyspeptic r.hxir. ruu.Auu.ruiA, October 3, 1819. Mb. J aurs Wii.lia.ms : iJeur Sii : It ttives me great pleasure to know that yon are uitiiiu prepuriuir you medicine for the cure of Dyspep sia. fr many of my acnuintjuices have repeatedly asked me where itcould lie rocuied, kuovvius lltut I hud been cured hy it. As I think thut a puMic acknowledgment of tlie frreut benetil 1 have reeeiveil from the use of your med icine is not only due to you, but may be useful to others, t now make it. For severut yeurs I sutfered from Pyspep sui, which iiicrenscd to such uu extent that wv beuilh autl uonslilutiou were rupi.tly sinkiuir under it. I tis cian pelle.1 to restru invsetf to ihe nsflt simple food, and even thut I could not digest. 1 felt a loss of strenslh, disincli nation to exercise, and, as you have it in ir advertise ment, u general feeling of depression and itslescrihulHa weiiriness. In the year ls.'r, hiriii(r fnmi others high re commendation of your Anti-Dyspeptic Klixir, I proenred aud ustl il with tlie most happy efTi-ct ; under it influence languor and wariness ffmdttnlly passed awny, and my appe tite returned which I could KTulily avilh iinpunity. Ten years have now elapsed, and my e sihilenee in the enrativs p.wers of your medicine has of course increased, for it completely cured me when 1 failed to obtain rebel' from any otuci source. Very riisiiectfully vours, ABXKR El.MFA Testiui'Hiy of Rdwnrd II. Rowley, Wh'deaale ateirbant of the firm of Kowley, Ashbuiiner A Co., N'o f 8outli Whnrves, in proof uf the eificuey of Williams' Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir. Philacklpuia, October 19, IMS. Mr. Jamss Wiixisms: Dear Sir : I lake pleasure in recommeihliinr vour Anti Dvaiieptic Klixir for the cure of Dyqiepsia. 1 havs takest it myself foi the disease, aiw) have lHeu entirely cured Yours resiieetfullv. KDWAIID II BOWLEV. AnrtT JOHN W FKIl.l.NU.SuntHio, l'a. Murcn , leoo ly . ROSB OINIHrNT, FOR TETTER 1 KAD the followuur eeitiSmle froia Capt. Demo, th I well knowu aud popular Btuuu fioat Cautuiu lot ths Traveller.) Philadsxthia, October SI, ' rVverul years since I was iittueked with a breakins oat on my neck in the fonn of Tetter, which 1 am convinced was c minified at the Uarber'sHhin. It smisiually extend ed over my face until it reached Ihe upper part of tha cheeks. During the several m mllis that ii ronliuued spteadins. 1 iimI diilcriMit applicutaiua, some of which hast the ellect, aHreiay at least, is iiKM-easing the disease, hut from uoue ol tbeiu did 1 pereeiva Uia leust baiieiu lusul 1 applied the Ho Oistmicnt. By tbe use of uue jar of it, 1 was perieclly cured and have remaiiMd free of th ssTes ti si. 1 have since used the Ointaieiit. lithUy anplMsl forroo)rk. neat of the face, blotctiea, chapped haisls, c With per feet aucoess. 1 have no hesitation in leoonnueoduuj tt ia tue suuogest iiuumer lo tba publit. . 2 JAMBS DEVOE. Agent linear ALaiseh, Sunbury. . . - ROSE OINTMENT. A fresh supply of this excellent article fox Tether, i c, just received, and lor sale by , HENRY MASSER. -. . Sunbury, July 88.1849 . ,,, . "lirNOn 'AND SPRING MORT1SB LAT- BV GHES An sioellent article, far sals at half the usual price by J. W. FRILING. - - Sunbury, July 7, 1749.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers