..ii I It 1 19 SUNBUKY-AMEIUCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL: ; -viva ,., '. i.-vercw1 TH COUNTRY LASSIE. , t BT RICHARD GOB J. ," ! ir . .., , . ., ! ,v,"To morrow, ran, I'm sweet sixteen, , . ., j, And Billy Grimes, the dtover, j , jM Has popp'd the question to me, ma, .., And wants to be my lover .. To morrow morn, he says, mamma, ( (,, He's coming here quite early, , To take a pleasant walk with me . ; M -Across the field of Barley." "You. most not go, my gentle dear, .... There's no use how a talking : i , You shall not go across the field i. Viih Billy Grimes a-walking, , , To think of his presumption, too! i The dirty, ugly drover, i I wonder where ,your pride has gone, ,, , To think of such a rover 1" ' Wild Grimes is dead, you know mamma, : And Billy is so lonely1. Besides, they say, to Grimes' estate That Billtty is the only -Surviving heir to all that's left . , . And thai, they say, is nearly v . : . , iA good ten-lhousanJ dollais, ma ', 'A ! About six hundred yearly I" ..( , "' "1 did not hear, my daughter dear, ! ' V Tonr Inst remark quite clearly, "But Billy is a clever lad, And no doubt loves yon dearly! He-member then, lo morrow morn, " To;be up bright and early, " To lake a plesant walk with him Aoross the field of barley ! ." KEEPING APPLES. ' Mt. PiW, f Ulster county, the celebrated exporter wf apples to Europe, reoommwods .hat apples, atter having been carefully hand picked in baifce, should be laid on a lluor, by hand, wilfcotA pouring from the basket, nttil. the; are.'IWflllvi) i or eighteen inches deep, and be lefte'ry and season three nveekf, when again eurtially carefully packed in clean dry barrels, they may be kept with j out rotting any reasonable 'length of lime, and are safely sent to any part of Europe ot the East Indies. The plan of drying or sea soning in air before barreling, prevailed gen erally some years ago although lursv-ii-iluys it is mostly discontinued and thought 'treeless. iWj are disposed lo think well of his process, when it becomes important to keep tipples safely till the next spring, or send to foreign .'eontitries: for we have always observed that .tin opening a barrel few days after being put up, in ever so dry weather, that Ihe rnois lure often stands in drops over Ihe whole sur face. ; and although loose barrels will allow it mostly to evaporate, yet where they come in contact, the tsva surfaces retain it and cause The carrying f allies in a common wagon, either before r after barreling, is injurious; they sluuuld beanoved ou spring or on sleds The least abrawon of the skin or crushing of the cells of tJje,piij.e8iilaiiii! the juice, al lows fermcnlatiflaniai tlecoiniosiliou and the consequent- decay of the wl ole mass. Apples will jtulifreoKe until -at a tempera line of live or ten lirgrees .below tfce freezing point of water, and it is lieimlinial to keep them as.oool as possible, fsren tin, ti to thirty degrees. Apples enclosed .in a -water-light cask, may be left in a cold lnft-or.fiar.ret al winter wilhosl further care, and -.ill tu sound jn the opting, and perfectly JVesji. 'Otttuts set .Farmtr. Thc GatsiT Bastn. 4l is siuiell-hat the lilormnns.have recently discovered whirlpools .in lhe-Kaltl.ake., waick may possibly lead lo the discovery of some mtftt for lkewuters of the Great 'Basin, :iu wbich the Mormons have established their. I'.omes. The, basin is sumo dive.huuliied miles in diameter wury wn.yi hohvsen four or five thousand feet above the level of the set, shut in all around by moun tains, with its own syU.ni of Like and rivers, .and having ,uo imavn ouiuiecUu wbutever with the sea. Thk BidG&tv Gout. 'Strom'. A young man 'ifmra Newburyport wiites. Hinder date of San Francisco, September !14lh, that a parly of .fifteen men discovered a vein of gold 4i feet 'wide, 3 feet deep, and had -followed it 7 feet) iil being over two-thirds pure .gold. We have been calculating the value-of .as muck of it .as had.keeti .uncovered, .mid.tind it would be worth wei leu millions of Hollar.!1' , Blacks m Caaiia. iLotid complaints are niiide.il) various parts of Canada against ttiu influx of iblack refueer from 'fbe United Stales, anil il is jiitiinated, that shoulil line -immigration (continue, it will become a mat. iter of legislation! ikow te dispose of tliese un. orlunale .pecile. A revoix ans iunkea em 'in Morocco, in .consequence of a decree ty Ike Emperor, or dering the skins of ail slaughtered auimals to be considered as his exclusive pioperly. - Tut Richnoud Republican calls the Fugi. tive Slave bill the -"black vomit," because it ' causes the North to discharge its ebonies. Pretty goad for a Virginian. Ah Anti-law Society has been organised in the Niagara district, Canada. Its object is to promote free-trade in Jaw, or make eve ry man his wo lawyer, we presume. Sicnou Dimila, formerly Librarian at W nice, has been condemned to the galleys 20 years,' for stealing medals in his trust. .. Th SttubeuvilU N. Y., Herald, of the 23d, records two deaths by cholera, in that place) within the pasi 34 hours. BstiVARO, the American artist, with his huge P-auorama of the Mississippi, is now in Paris, drawing crowds of people, and making bis fortune. I Jut Lady who was forty years old at the -- takiug of the census in 1849, reports herself Rt ihirty-ievsn this year. .. Thr Fcrriu between New York and Brooklyn, have reduced their fare for foot ' passengers to one cent. i Thr Deaths in New Orleans Rnd Lafayette of the week ending October 19, were 179. Of tbeie 37 were by cholera. , TW Phuosopht. A country Poet, Rfter fwtW tut or' life, .nas come to me ioi Jawing rbymjng conclusion : "OS, wo Wv forsvsc, t '.! ' yroifU'stirisaulil'l 1 '?. m I BSSd'aiM shwW, Jill- 'fqrfSooli'atHwoiiU. s..1Aes School Riot have Utely taken Tub Latest Compliment. At the West borough (Mass.) Cattle Show, last week, Wa exhibited R Holstein cow called "Jen ny Lind, with R bull call by her aide nam ed "Barnum!" ' 1 ' ' "Old WtttTHY" On arriving by railroad at Columbia, Pa., last week, on hi way to Kentucky the music of a firemen's celebra tion struck his ears, end to elated him that he came near breaking the cart, in hit excitement. The music seemed to revive the memory of the old "battle strains." Gone where they weiie. much Needed. About $12 worth of elegantly bound tractt from the establishment ol the Ameri can Tract Society, were stolen from the Fair of the American Institute. A Modern Physiologist notes the ex traordinary fact, that at the dinner table, everv time a man crookt his elbow his mouih opens. Can anybody explain this phenomenon 1 More than sixtv expeditions have been despatched irom England to explore the Arctic regions, from the time of John Ca bot, and sons, in J4-97, to that ol Sir John Franklin, in 1846. A Mimir-At. man at Preston has invented lire without smoke? His plan is called. "atmopyre," or solid gas fire. The cotton factories of Pittsbtir? are not preparing to resume operations, as has been stated. Pi'Nctt ' says the way to rise in Francp, is to take your stand early in life on an.ink stand. ..' V r.!. -. V -.. .- ...v.; .-. --.!.(-;' The frost Kss destroyed the dahlias and tomatoes around -Boston. Rev. Mr. Ware, of Boston, is lecturing on Florence wit'h rivat success. Aiken, M. C -elect from South Carolina is as (Jitter a rfi.su won is t as Mr. Rhett. The Landed Interests of tho lateSir Robert Peel was not much under 35,000 a year. Principle is defined ley a famous politician to be something that will yield interest. Many Mississippi Planters are preparing to emigrate to Texas. -California Trade has increased the priee of -Cigars in Mavaiina. , P-ike Apples have been grown in Alabama I the past season with complete success. Philadelphia -Market. Nov. 6, 1850. Flour. There is a limited sjipply of Flour, and prices have niWanced. Sales yes terday at So. Extra Flour $5i a 6$. Rye Flolii In demand at S3 35. Corn Meal--Is still liL'ld at S3. Wheat Prices are firm ; sales of prime Southern and Penua. red at St 05 a SI 08 ; prime white at HI 14 a $1 15. Corn. Coin is in fair request at 09 lor good yellow ; white is worth 65 cts. . Rve. Rye is in demand at '70 a 73 cts. . Oats. Oats are now steady: sales of priino l'emia. from 41lo42 ctsj Southern sells at 3ti a 37 els. -Whiskey. Salesof Whiskeyin hhds at 26J &ud .bbls at 27 cents. Baltimore "Market. Nov. 4, 1850 Wheat. Tho receipts of Wheat are mod erate, and .prices steady at 95a-102 cts. for coud to prime. Maryland reds, and 80 a 95 fur ordinary to good. White wheals are worth lOSa'iaOcts. We note the sale of a cargo of 1'enna. red at 106 cts, and of three cargoes of l'eiina. white at 113, !1 1 4 a 115 c. Coiin. Sales ot Corn at 59 a 60 cts. for while' and 61 a 2 for yeilow. New Corn is selling at 52a55 cents lor while, and 52a58 cents tor yellow. DATS Sales of lOifls-at -35a39 cts Whiskey. Sales continue to he made at SS cts. lor bbls. -and 27 eft. for hhds. SUN BURY PRICE CURRENT, Corrected veetty by Henry Nasser. WlIKAT. ... 100 50 SO U7 14 8 7 1S5 10 25 8 Krr Coas. Oats. Bctteiu Cuss. 1'ohw. - FtAXsutn. Tallow. Bckswax - Flax Hkcki.su Flax. Dm ad Acn.i s. - Do. i'lACIlt. 10 62 200 V ALUABLE PAILIVX AT PUBLIC SxLE. AT 7 ILL he sold at Public Sale, aii the premises, ' at 1 1 o'clock, on SATURDAY 30th DAY ef NOVEMBER, A VALUABLE FARAI containing 101 acres more or less, wtunted m Shamokin township, Northumberland county, 3J miles above the Bear Gap, on the centre turnpike, adjoining lands of David Mitrtz, Esq., Mr Jehu Reply and others. The improvements consist of a good DWELLING HOUSE and BARN. This farm will positively be sold without rcservs to tho highest bidder. Auy persons disposed to pur chase will bo shown the proirrty by calling on David Marts, Esq., at the Fulliug Mill, adjoining said Farm, or Mr. Jno Reply, directly opposite. If required, part of the purchase money can re main on the Farm, with interest from tho day of sale. Title iudispuUblo. HENRY PORTER. Baltimore, Nov. 2d, I860 ts. Estate of George Hall, Dec'dt X OT1CE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad ministration have been granted to the sub scriber. Persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having claims sgainst the same, are requested to present thsra for sxsminalion and settlement. J. H. ZIMMERMAN, Adm'r. Sunbury, Oct S, 18S0. 6L A CARRIAGE FOR SALE. TTOR sale at a reasonable price, a well built sar- riage in good condition with tongue and shafts for either one or two horses. Also, a doubls sat of harness. Enquire at tills office. Aug. 31, 1850 tf. B LANK Pabcbmxxt Pasib Duds just prin ted and tor sals at Uus ottics. TJURE WHITE BRANDY FOR PRESER- - V IN U, just received snd tor sals by H. B. MASSER. Sept. 28, 1850. . , BN OLD'S WRITING FLUIDAND CCW CRE8S INK for sals at this oAics. ' 'arm AY BUM An excellent srticls for sals l by HENRY MASSES, ajjhury Jsrj. tTth, 189 If. THE GLOBE: Congressional, Agricultural, and Liter ary Newspaper. ' The undPTslRncp milimlts to tho dulilic his pro posal! for tht Ulohs and its reports for ths next session of Congress. -. Congress hat now so liber ally patronized the undertaking that it will be es tablished ss a standard work worthy of its official Imprimatur, unless the unbersigned fails in his duty. This will not bo the case if earnest effort can avail. The Globe is the only paper that will furnish full reports of tho debates of the two Hou ses or Conftrossj and having rcclcvcd their sanc tion as such, the best Reporters will In engaged to write out tho debates of each dsy, will undergo the revision of the Members. The. work, alter pissing through tho Dailt Gloss and receiving correction, will bo presented, as finished, in tho C(nRtsioxAL Clou and ArmNinxi The debates will probably increase in Interest during the next session. Tho one subject which engrossed the lost, will doubtless give way to others of great variety, which, in this progressive coun try, the conflictc of party and thc ambition for place and distinction, necessarily produce. Vnst interests will be at stake upon the docisions of tho next Congress ; and there is great talent in both branches, which will be evoked in their dis cussion. All thc honors of the republic, depend ent on the succession to thc Presidency, as well as all tho great and permanent intcrnsts which go to thc advancement of the power of the country, will give impulse to thc action of tho next session of CowjrcKN. Thc Daily Globe will he published daily during: the session of Congress, and weekly the remainder of tho year. It will contain full and fuithful re ports of the proceedings of both Houses of Con gress; and miscellaneous articles on those gener al subjects lo which it is devoted. The price of the weekly Globe is reduced to one dollar, with a view to obtain a more general circu lation. The Congressional Globe will embody, as it Tins done for tho last seventeen years, Congres sional proceedings and dehatr exclusively. The Appendix will embrace the revised speech es separately and the messages of the President of tho United Stales and the reports of ths Heads of the Executive Departments, The Congressional Globe and Appcndit will bn published as fast as the proceedings of Con gress will make a number. .Subscribers may ex pect one number of each a week during the first four weeks of a session, and two or three numbers of each a week afterwards, until the end of the session. i L'oniplctc indexes to thc Pongrcssionnt Globe and Appendix will be sent to subscribers soon af ter ('tmgrcs adjourns. Nothing of a political pnrtv ospect will appear in the Glohc. save that which, will be found in the Congressional reports. A paper assuming to be an inipurtial vehicle for all sides, cannot maintain its character if the editorial columns reflect a par ty hue. Ti:mis. For ene eopy nf the Paii.y (!i.ohe (iliiily durinf the scisHn of Cnn?itirs, aud weuklydurinir the rrccw) a year. &5OD rir me uailx uMHii: lur iru uuiua yeur, hi uie rate ot'fet cent! a iil'tiilh. Kr one cupy of the Wbkki.y (ii.nns for one ye-nr. 1 00 For our eopy v( the Co.vcukkaional UI.014S during the (U'Mion, 1 Fit one eopv of the ArrFNDlx duriuc tlie fteiuiuii. 1 .r0 For four enptrsof the Coxghemonal l.i.ur.it or A rrsNDtx, nr part of hoth. say two of each, or three of one, and one of the other, $ uu The same rate lor a greiter iinnihcr of copies. ( The prices for these papers are so low, that ad vance payments are indispensable to carry them on, and no orJer will bo attended to unless thc money accompanies it. Subscriptions may be remitted by mail, at our risk; in money at par in tho section of thc coun try where subscribers reside. Thc money should be hero by the loth December to iiisuio all thc numlKM'fl. ,-( The CoNi;nF.ssioSAL Glouk and Arrsxnix, or tho Dailt Gloiik, as they may elect, will be sent to nil editors who mar publish this Prospec tus i-a often as three times before thc first Monday in December, and send us one copy of their paper containing it distinctly marked around with a pen to direct our attention to it. JOHN C. HIVES. Washivkto! Citt, October 15, 1850. Bank of Northumberland. THE Stockholders arc hereby notified that an Election will he held at the Banking House, on Monday the 18th day of November, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and 3 o'clock, 1. M., for the purpose of choosing thirteen di rectors to serve for the ensuing year. A general meeting of the Stockholders will be held at thc Banking House on tho first Tuesday in November, at 10 o'clock. A- M.. in accordance with thc act of Incorporation. J. R. PRIESTLY, Cashier. Northumberland, Oct. 19, 1830 4t Stnte Mutual Fire Insurance COMPANY, OF HARRISBURU, PA. f pil IS COMPANY, chartered by the Lcgisla IL turc during the last session, is now prepared to take applications for Insurance against loss by lire upon Buildings, &.C., upon terms more advan tageous to the insured than any other Company doing business in the .State. This Company, in accordance with the provis ions of its charter, divides property into two sepa rate classes, viz : Farmers' Property, called thc "Fanners' Company," and the other property, in cluding properly in towns and villages, called "Merchants' C'l.iss" : thc funds of each being kept entirely separate ; consequently each class pays its own losses and no other- It will be the en deavor of the L'oiupauy to arrange their business that no assessment will he neeessary on their premium notes- Thc rates of Insurance will be very reasonable- C. F. LITTLE, Agent, , Northumberland. N. B. Persons wishing to make application for Insurance will be attended to by dropping a line through tho Post Ofllcc, to c. F. Little Northumberland, Oct. l'J, 1850. THE FALLACIES OF THE FACULTY, WITH THE Chrono-Thermal System of Medicine. By S. Dickson, M. )., of London Edited by William Turner, M. D., of New York CONTENTS Physiology of Healthy Life shown to be a Periodic or Tidal Alternation of Attractive and Repulsive Movement in the vari ous Organs of the Body Disease consists in a greater or less Error in one or more of the corpo real I eneds, with a corresponding Error of 1 cm perature All disorders, fitful or luusrmittent revcr, the Type ot all Disease blements ol Cause and Cure identical Poison and Medicine act by Attraction aud Repulsion Tho Agency of both blcctncal Blood-letting the invention ol an age or barbarism The successful application of Medicine depends on its proper adjustment to the temperature of the patient and the jieriod of the attack of the Disease ; What is right in the cold fit of a disease is wrong in the hot ; The treatment durrng the periodic remission, which happens ill all diseases, must be dill'crent from that practicec perature the basis of the Chrono-Thermal System of Medicine. Single copies mailed on ths receiot of SI. fnost paid.) aotiressea to DK. TURNER, Broadway Hotel, New York. Sunbury, Oct 26, WM. M. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Law. lUlnersvllle. Schuylkill Co., Pa. BUSINESS will be promptly attended to in the counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour . Refer to: A Jordan, Esq., : "l Wm- Do Haven, H Bellas, Fsq-, I Edward Hughes, I H B Masser, Esq. Solomon Shindel- Sunbury. . J ' ' Mutrsille. ' J Oc. i. 130 ly ' GREAT REMOVAL. Clocki, Watclie, jewelry Bllrer It PLATED WAZIC, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. THE 8UBSCRIBEn has removed his store from No. 413 Market street, to his splendid establishment; ;,,, , , , , - . Ao. 103 Chetnnt itreel, abort 3, ' "trader the Franhlln House, PHILADELPHIA,, . Where tiS offers for sale a most extensive assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHE8, JEWELERV, SILVER snd PLATED WARE, cVe., st such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction, and to which he invites the attention of perchasers, as suring them that EVERV ARTICLE IS WAR RANTED AS REPRESENTED. His stock consists In part of a full assortment of . GOLD AND SILVER LEVER WATCHES. Do do L'EPINE do SILVER TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. CLOCKS of every description. MANTEL ORNAMENTS, FANCY GOODS, Arc. LEWIS LAD0ML8. - Watches, Jewclryi and Gold Pens sent to all parts of the L'nitcd States, by mail, with perfect safety, ' . Cfe I am determined to sell at less prices than the same articles are sold in this city. P. 8. Preservo this advertisement, and call and examine tho stork. Hcpt. 23, 1850 3mo. WATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AM) PHYSICAL RESTORATIVE. ZXS XIEDICAt. WONDEIt OF THS "AGE. VJS7ILL positively cure all stages of Neuralgia, Tic Doloi-out, Nervous Headacha, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia convulsions; will restore manhood to its prestinc vigor, even after years of prostmtion, nnd the only known and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental dcbilty. Extract from thc New YorkiS'un, Oct. 3, 1849, The cclehiateii Dr Watson, when talking of thc miraculous power of "Watts' Nervous Antidote," the question was put to hiln, '.Why such a valua ble remedy for nil nervous affections was not in troduced by the medical faculty?" replied, "That if it were, there would no longer be any use for a faculty, as ull diseases originated from a disorgan ized strte of the nerves the nerves arc the main spring of tho whole system Keep this in order, and both thc mind and body must be." Four ounce phial, 12 doses, enough for all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. KILD BY Win. McCARTY, Broadway, Sunbury. September, 28, 1S50. tf. ' ' , A ' 0 T II E R S (J I E N T I F 1' 0 X DE B. PEPSIN! 3' HE Tltl'E DIGESTIVE FLUID, GASTRIC JUICE ! A GREAT DYSPEPSIA CTJItEIl, Prepared from W'.NNF.T. or Hie fourth Stomach of tlic Ox, otter directions of !AIU). I.IKIIIG, the great l'liysiolojfieul Chi-mist, by J. S. IIOt'tjUTON, M. V)., No. It, North Kiiditli Street. I'liiln.telpliia. Vu. TIiib is a traly woinlerl'id remedy for INDIGESTION, DYHPEPrtlA, JALNUlCi:, IJVKR COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, ami UKBII.ITY, Caring ufter Nu tare's own method, by Nature's own agent, the tiatric .Iniee. nr Hull' a tmspoonful uf tin rinid. inl'useil in water, will digest or diMoivc. Five Poainls of Kuuit lteef in obout two lioars, out of the rtoiitneh. DIGESTION. DIGKSTION is elm!ly peri'.irniefi m the ttomach by the a ul ot u llniil which ircHyi-.tuilr trcm tho inner cout ol tluit or tiii, when in u nt;ite ui health, culled ttm liustnt: Juice. This fluid irttlie iiruut SjJvciiI o" the Food, the Puri.yiiipt l'ru:rving, ami fHimulntiiiK Apeut ol" Hie at much ui id inUaiiiic8. Without it there will be ito digea titu, no conversion of food into hi-tod, uitd w nutrition of dm body ; but rut her a foul, torpid, puimul, ond destruc tive condition of the whole digestive ujipurntns. A weak, hull' dead, or injured stomach pr.iduuea no good Uoatric Juire, and hence thc disctme, Unrtrcsa and debility which cuitite. PEPSIN' AND RENNET. PKPSIX i the chief element, or great Ui pea ting Princi ple oi the liiiHtric Juice, it ia louud in great ubuuiUince in the a litl parts of the huinuu tttoiuitt.'h'Ulter death, nnd aouie tinua ouui'cb the atomaeli to tUgcH its ell, or cut ttsdf up. It i tils j found in the atomneh of tiuiuialft, un the ox. calf, &.c. It ia the material used by l'annera in inakinp cheeae, eu I Icil Heimet, the elfrvt of winch has Idur bent the apeeial woruler of the dniry. The runllinp ot miik ia Ihe tirt pro fm of digestion, nemx t poRHraneti iiMtoiiikliing power, The stointii'h of n cnif wit! rurdh: nwiilvune thotiKiiiil tiinoa 11m own 'weitrht ot milk. Huron l.ietiv atatra thai, "Due part of Prpnin diatiolwd in sixty thou. nam! jarlH ol water, will digest meat and other I'.-hL" Uiacasi-d alomtir-ha pni due i.'riori (iiiMlrin Juice, Hnmet or Pi.-pstii. To ah w lliat this want may be jwrlecll) ftipplitd, we quote the fol lowing SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE! HA RON I.IKItlG, m his celebrated work on A nini.tl Chemistry, says: An Artiticial Dn;eilive Fluid aualugoua to Ihe Uaslric Juice, may be readily prepared from ihu um coua luctnliranc of the stumiK-hi f tilt calf, in which various ortielca of hh as meat and wt will be softened, chnn etl, and t1i;atcd, just in the Haute maimer as they would be in the human stomach." Dr. PKHKiHA, in his fiinioiia trwtine ttn "Food and Diet," published by Fowlers V Wells, New York, page 3-3, states the same great fart, und describes the method of preparation. There are few higher outhirfitirs thmi Dr, lYreiru, . J)i. COMHK, in his vuluaUe wriliiifiaoii Ihe "Physiol airy ol Di!eatiu.': olmerved that "a dimiuul ion of the due quan tity ui' the tiaslric Juice is a prominent and ull-prevaiiiutf ciitiae of Dyspepsia;" und he states thut "a dikiinguisheu pMiVutt ir of medicine in lmdtai, who was st-vcrely ulHiet od with this crtinpluint. finding uvery thiu else lo fail, had recouisu Ui the (i'tstrie Juice, obtained man the atomueli of living uniuntld, which proved completely hiiccismuI." Dr. f.HAHAM, nuthorof the famous work on "Ycye table Diet," says: ll is a reumrkuhUi fact in phyviolngy, that the st untii-ha of amuutlf, maeeiiitcd in water, imikiit to the tiuid the pmptrity oi di.ss"lviiij; varj hi st urtielcs of mi, una oi rirecting h Kitin oi uniii.-iui auresiion t tneni in no wikc (intercut irom the natural ifigesiive process." Dr. MMOVS irreat wurk. tlia "Cneuusli v of Alan," (l.eu & Hlancharii. Plnlu. tM(i pp. :l-) s;is: "'I'lic dis covery o PKPSI.N forms a new era in the chemical hislrv of Digea'ion. ' From recent exjeiimeals wo know that Kkl is dissolverl as rapidly in an nrtihciHl digestive fluid. nreprired from l'e'Hint us it is in the natural (justvic Juica usell.,' Piofessor DuNGl.lSON of thc Jefferson Colli Phils- delphiu, in Ins gruat work on Human Physiology, devotes more man n.iy ikicsciuu esumiiiuiiou oi mis situjcci.- Ilia t-'XiKTtuieiits with Dr. Heuuinout, on thc Unatnc Juice. obtained from the living human atomaeh and from aninmls are well known, "in all cuses," he says, "digestion orcur- red as perlectly in the artificial us in (pe iuiiuruidigestiona.'' AS A DYSPEPSIA CUUER, Dr. HOUUHTON'8 pretwration of PF.FSIX haa nrrxlu- ced thc ui' 'St marvellous eiU-t la, curing caves f Debility, tfauaeiatioii. iNerviaia Uecline, unu U pep tic Cnuaii motion, aup)ied to boon the very verge ol the grave. It ia im possible to give the dcUiils of cases in tu liimu of this ad vertisementbut authenticated certificates have been given of more than TWO IIUNDUF.D KKM AUKAIihli CL RK8, iu Pliiladelnhia, ISew York, und Boston alone. These were nearly all desperate cases, aud the cures were not only rapid and wmierlui. hut neruuueut. It is a great NKHVOl'tt ANTIDOTE, nnd pnrticulnrly uielul for tendency to kli-ius disi-rdi-i, livur CiMnplui.a, Fever aud Ague, or badly treated Fever and Ague, aud tho evil eflecU ol luiuiue, Mercury, nnd other drugs uptai tlie Diliestive organs, al'tei a long sickness. Alito, for excess in rating, and the too tree use of ardent spirits. H almost reconciles Health with liileiujejance. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. There is no form of OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS wlucu it diitisnot seoai to ruuvti and remove ul once. No nmtler how had tliey may !, it lil VI'.S INSTANT KK 1JKP ! A sinifled aie removes all the uiipleaoant synip liaus, and it only need to be rewateit. for u ihort time, to nuko thi-w goiieil.-cts permanent, riitu ll ur ui.uiu and VIUOU OF BHUV, follow at once. It is uartiealurly eieellent in enses ol" Naateu, Voniitinar, Cramin, Soieneis of Ihe pit of the Monwrli distruss after hiii(i, Iiw, enal, stale Ol ne 111 "on, neavinewi, m'whw ui i3poiM, .r.u- dency, Emaciation, Wuukiwss, tendency to liuunity, Sui cide, &c. i'nee, ONG UOLLAU per DQUIs. Une bouw win oncu effect a lastiatf care. i - PEPSIN IN POWDERS. OT SENT BY MAIL, Fit HE OF POSTAOF,., For convenience is sendicg to all parts of Ihe conutry, thel)IUrTIVEMATl'KKOF THK r-KIHIN 11 put up in lh form of Fowdera, with directions to be dissolved iu water or syrup, by the patient. These powders contain just the same matter as tlie boltles, but twice Ihe nnnnlily lor tne same price, boo win on sen u, r ...... v. POSTAliK for ONE lOI.LAK sent (rssa-psul) to Dr. I. 8. HOUGHTON, No. II NorUi Kahili sued, Fhittulelphia. Fa. bis packages for 6ve dollars. Kvery pacloiee end bollle bears the wiitteii signature of J. 8. HOUGHTON, (d- U., sole I'n)irietor. Bold bysfreati in every town in Hie United States, and by lospectable dealers in Medicines generally. FOR SALE BY Joha W. Friling, su George Bright, Sunlairy, Fa. Mary A. McCay , JohuH. Rasei . Hayes k. MoCorauck, S. J. C rouse, -, Jnhn G. rtsan, , Wiitiam Depets, Nnrthamberabat. Milton, MeKwensvilto, Seiuuvrore, , L'apef Maasntsste. Mahenoy. Bosuury, iji. Ills, IWi- ' ' '. t : i LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE , OF THE KIDNEYS, i AND til disesms srisinf from disordered li vet nr sto. ihaoh, snoliasDonstipiilioii, inward Piles, VMIIness, or HotkI to tho head, Acidify of the Stomach, Nausea, Hmrtl.nrii, diinust for Food, fnllsess or weight in the r?tmnn..i, sour Kructatinns, sinlcins or fluttering st the pit of the rVoimnh, swimminjr of thehesd. hurried snd difficult branhiiif, uutterinf at the heart, choking or suffocating enaationa when in Iving iosture, Dimness of vision, doH orwehi before the iKht, Fever snd dull r'" ln ,, head, deficiency of perepirati'Si, yellirwnessof the skin aud eyes, pain in the aide, Wk, chest, limbs, Ac, sadden fluihoe nl heat bnrniiig in Ihe flesh, eonstunt imaginings of evil, nnd great ileprcuion of spirits, CAX BF. EFFECTUALLY CLIIED UY LP.. HOOPLAITD'S . CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS, rRRpAHSD BT dr.c. m. Jackson, AT THE GERMAN MEDICINE STORE, No. 180 Arch St., Philadelphia. Their power uvor ths above diseases is not excelled, if equalled, by any Mher preparation in the United Htates, na the euros attest, in many ouses after skillful physicians had failed. n ThcM Bitters are wortliy they attention of Invalids. Possessinx s;reat virtnra in the rectification of diseases of Ihe Liver and lesser (tlnnrls, exerciniea: tin: most searching powers in wenknessand aifectiens ol the (ligesliva organs, they are, withal, snfe, certain anrl plensant. rrtom the Boston Bec.l The Editor said, Dec Wil "Dr. IJoorLArrn's Celrbiutkd tiKRMK.t Birrsna for the cure of Liver Cornpluint, Jaundice, Dyspepsia, Chronic v iitiTWH xcuniiy, ! uwrrviiuiy oiin tH uic uumi poptl j lar mcflirines of the ilny. These Bittors hnvn bren ued , by thousand, nnd a friend at our elbow says he h:is him self received mi elfuctual and iiennanent com uf I.tver Complaint from Hie upe of this remedy. We are convinced that, in the use of these Hitters, the patient constantly gains stretiirth and vior fact worthy of great nonaidc ration. They are r)!enont in Male and smell, and can be used by persons with Ihe most d-!icnte slomitchs with sale, ty. timler any circunwtnncca. We are nneiikinir fnnn ex peri i' tire, nnd to the nfllicted we advise their use." Jiutye M. M. Noah, a frentlemms with greut scientific snd literary attainments, anid in his "New York Weekly jMessenr,M January 6, 18,50 : 4,Dr. Hootlund'S Uormnn Hitlers Here is a prepnrntion whioh the lending presses iu the Union uppuur to be unani ni nifl in recommeiKiine, and the rcus'ni in obvious. It is made alter a prescription rushed by one of ihe must celc bnded phyftciuns of ni'Klurn tirrifs, the kite Dr. Chr stcpher Wilhetm HrviHund, PnifiiM'tr lo the I'nivcrsity ofJeuti. phvule Physii-iau tf the Kinfr of Prussia, ami one of the prentcst medind writers fJermany hns ever produced. He was ciuphittieidly the neiiiv of' humbug, nnd theieforea medicine of which he was tne iuvenuir and and.nror may be conlTdenlly relied on. He specially Tecimuncinled it in T.iver :om!il:iiut. Dyspepsia. Dehility. Vertiijo, Acidity nf the stomncli. CintiMitinn, and nil complnints arisiiift frrnn a riisorderirtl condition of the stntnach, the liver and the intestines. Nine PhiladeMhin papers cxpressthcir jonvie tion of its excellence, and several ol" the editors sp' tik of its eflt-cts from their own individual rxperience. Under these ctremnstnnces, we feel wnrrnnted, u-tt only In calling thc uttfntl-'ti of our renders to the nreNcut nrcHeiit nmnrif. tor's (Dr. f. M. Jurksnn's) prcnnttioii, hut in recommend- More Evitfanc. The lPhi!ni1(lnriia Siitnrdnv Hnzette. ths lict ff.milv tiewspuper published in the Ciiilcd Stales, the editor auys Dr. Ilooflmid's German Hitlers. "It is seldom thni wo recommend wtint aie termed Pa- lent Medicines, to the eonliileuce nnd pHronu;e of our renders; iiiui. iheiclore, vt'licu wc rnconunciKl lit. Hoof, land's Herman UilterH, w wis it to he distinctly undci. stood that wo nre not speaking of the nostrums of the inv.tlml are noised about for a bllef period aud then for- ffOlll.ll nfti'l IlieV ImvediiilM tlmir miill.. m.n.. m hi.f but of a medicine long esbilriished, univcrsallr prized, and! which hns met the heady approved of thc Faculty itself." That tins medicine will euro Liver Complaint snd I)y pepsin, no one. eandoulit, after mum it as directed. It ncti siiei'ihi nlly upon the stomach nnd liver it is prcflcmhle io citi'iiuci in an oiiiious oiicjisfs tne enect is immedlnte i ney oiii lie nommiateren to r einale or Infant with safety uiiu il-iiumic ucmviii, ui uiiy voile. HKWARF. OF roi;TERFKITS. This medicine hns nt.nincd that hiah cliniucter which is necesMirvliirall medicines to attain to induce cvunteifeiiers to put forlh a spurious nrliclc at the risk uf the lives of tnose nre innocently deocived. LOOK WKI.LTO THE MARKS OF THE GENUINE They Imve Hie written signature of C. M. JAfKSOX upon Ihe wrapper, ami the name blown in tlie buttle, will: our which tlicv arc spmious. For side, wliolcsule und rct-iil. the (Jsrman Medicine Store, No. 12a AltCII Street, one do.r liclow With. (Inte of iiu-c sireei,; i-niiauclpniu. unu ny rcspectnlilu dvulers riii-uoi, i or.'iipo. .ill inc COIlllirV. Ann': For snle by II. Masseh, Sunbury, sad M. A M'Cat, Northumberland. August 17,Ie'50. ly HEADY M ADR "T7E take this method to inform the readers of the Sunbury American,' that,! should they visit, l'hiladclpluu, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing, and favor us with a call, thuy shall not lie disap pointed in obtaining the best of garments at the lowest cash prices. We have now on hand the largest assortment ever ollcrcd in Philadelphia, amon-j which are DRESS and FROCK COATS from $5 to 18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 cts. to 5, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, BUS. NESS SACK COATS and CO ATT EES, all of which shall be sold at such prtccs as to make il un object for tho people of Sunbury and the sur rounding country to extend to us their patronage PERRY R. M'NEILLE & CO. South East corner of (ith and Market. July 13, 1850 " ZEITZ & CO., I .M F O R T F. It 8 OF FOBKIQX Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt ri allies and musical IiiHtru mentis. Na. 78 North Snd St., botween Arch & Race, Fhiliuklpkh. TMPORT to order and have constantly on hand a very large assortment of goods iu the above named lines at wholesale and retail. Principally : LS3 CO CO LTS. S3 Iu German, Latin, Greek, Hebrew, French, Italian Spanish and other languajrcs : Classics, Diction. nrirs, Grammcrs, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, Picture, Drawing and Model Books for Architects Cabinet, Carriage and other manufacturers. MAPS, GLOBES and Blank Books of every description. Splendid Lithographic and other li nits. rtllSlfAL INSTR111ENTS. A ccordeons, Banjos, Bows for all string instru ments, Bridgo and J ailpiccea, Clarionets, r ifes, Flageolets, Flutes, Guitars, Octavo Flutes, Patent Heads for Guitars and Violiucellos, Tambourines, Tunino; Forks and Hammers, Violins, Violin and Guitar Pegs, Violiucellos and Striuqs for all kind of Instruments Wholesale and Itctail. Airor- deons repaired. Also constnntly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large assortment uf tlie very liest GERMAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and Florence Leaf Metal Thermometers, Hairpencils.-Fabcr and other Leadpencils, Red, White and Black Chalk Cray. ons, Mathematical Instruments, Scarricators, 'prine; Lancets Pocket Prescription and Hold Scales and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and rjl Paper Playing Cards and other French and German Fnncv Articles, for the sale of which they are the MAN UFACTL'RERS AGENTS, July 6, 1850. Ytf. I'CAltTY, BOOKS H I. 1, K II , Broadway, TJ2TBURY, PA. TJAS recently received, among other articles, great variety of New. Cheap and Entertai ing publications such as Coopers novels, complete or separate. Herberts Do Kodwell, Dumas do Trollope, Sue do Halliburton, Reyndols do Marryatt, Cockton do Grey, Maiwell do Marsh, Jarrold do Ainsworth, Morris do At the low price of from S5 to 50 eu per volume Sunbury, Sept 28, 1850. tf. JACOB REED'S CLOTHING ROOMS, Southwest Corner of Fifth and Market StrteU, Philadelphia, WHO always keeps on hand a large stock of avery variety of clothing r4ada ua ef good materials, and In the latest Md ben styles. He would also inform the public, that h paya consi derable attention in getting up Military Clothing, i good style and en reasonable terms. " June 16, 1o0. ly : OROCBRIBS. 1) AVID PHASJ2, S. W. Corner th If Arth Street, Phitadelphnt. XI AS for sale all kinds of choice Family Groc- " rt0 t the very lowest prices, vis: 1 El" Pino, superior and common Black mt ureeti Tettsj old Oov. Jtrt ami other kinds if loireo, all qualitica of Crushed. Lishtllrown and Brown Sugars! best Sperm Oil and Sperm and Amantino Candles t Baker's Chocolnto, Cocoa and Broma- Katina, Tapioca, Sago and Whentan Crntsi Ohvo Oil, Isinglttaa, Ketcliups and Sauces. Maccaroni, Vermicelli, Knglish Split Peas, &o They will pack up all Roods Cor the country neatly and securely and deliver them promptly at any l)epot or Hotel as desired. . i . DAVIU PEASE, S. VV. Cor. 6th A Arch St. ! l'hiladcl,UUu Aug. 17, 1850. lyMay MACKEHEL, SHAD, CODFISH, SALMON, HERRINGS, PORK HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS, LARD AND CHEESE, Constantly on hand f.,r ..I. i... 1- J. PALMER & Co Market Street Whari; 1 HILADELPHIA. Sept. 14, '60 am. "DEATH'S DOOR." How frequently do we hear this exnrosiion. which is meant to convey to the- mind thu lust atuue nf su kuess uiui e puiieni ciin lie reduced U, and live. Mrs. Harri son, n member a' the Triniiv Church, wus. ns she ex)iies sess herself, brought down to "Death's door," by Kheu mutism and Nervous Headache, when, liku uu anirel of ,11m..... U.t II I.. I. .1. ... i: , t . . e nn i iicnuj ncitci reiieeu Her ol nvr suvere pains and restored her to her friends in perfect health. The v'urv nietaul ktuUviav's Mi-.lr lleiii'M u..u..j ... benelicinl elleeu mexperieiweil, it' s Hjllies, heals, clsau- nu,i uuiiul-i, : u 1I1SIUU IV U UVS imUllloil. r iieM uminstiens nnd swellnurs. relieves the most severe ralic nuii, aivm etitn to Burns, Sculils. rkires, Kriintinns cures Kheunuitisin; Luinlsigo. Oout, Fninlvsis. Hprains, Stmins, Ssuis. tHiB Neck, Veakne in the Side and wick, rirc -l ail kinds. Hulls, Bruises. Chutes. S.w. i'liroat. Iiililiensi, Hoarseness, Coughs, Ooldi, TOOTH AC1H5 CUItKI) IN O.M-: SKCOND. This tortitriui: uilctnm cnu lie cured iu nn instant, for the moment the Kcl.ct touches the nerve, tlie nuill is Ull liyiScd. Si with Tic U ilenmx mid Ileniicrauin, Neural gnuunuicK iienuncne mine tne pni'iswlmre the pulil is tnosl severe, mid iu a few iiiihuti'l yoa will Ihi entirety relieved. Tukeu iiiteruiillv it will ur'resl tlie in-Mt vii.tcit 8(usiiis and Ciunipg, Htop vomiting or to much purging, in mi r.i.n ii win $ic Biieiiiu lor wciihiiess, cuhu lor hiii, nennii lor sickiicsh. ilo llesiiy Keiiel is genuine an iens signed by HA l WAY & CO., IU2 Fulton Slrcet. IvI.ICtiANT TOII.F.T UK(HIMTI:S. TO KMUKLLISH AMI l-AHANCU Tilt; I HARMS oi' hi;ai;ty. Raiiwat's MsnicATnn Soaf. Rndwa !s Medicittetl S um. so fav'oniblv known tliroucli- out the fuehionuble world for its extremely bland, purity ing uud soothing effects on thc skin j while by its uction on tlie port s and Mie minute secretory vessels it expels ull nipunties troui the surtucn. alluvs every tendeiicv to lu- nuinmntion, snd ell'i-ctiuilly dissimtes ali redness, tan, pimples, spots, freckles, discolorut ions und other cutaneous eruptions Tlie rudiiint Mnom it imparts to the cheek, tlie soilness and d'-lieuey which it induces of Ihu h.imls nnd srms, its cnpnliiiit) of s.iothing irrilution suit riMiioving cu taneous delects, render it imlispens-iblrf to every toilet. Lciiucmcn niter snuvmg will und it allays all Irritiilion and teudenujsa of the skin, uud renders il soft, suuajIIi aud plessniit. During the hett and dust of summer, or frost and blonk winds of winter; ami incuscsuf simlmrn, stings ot' insects chillilnins, chnpped liiinds, or incideulul iulUiiuui'itioii, its Virtues have long and extensively been acknowledged. Its purifying and refreshing properties have otitniued its selec tion from the thousands of other cosmetics, both of Luio. pean and domestic mauufneture, by tlie. boa ton of nil parts ol the fashionable world, from the burning tropics to thu irozcu realms or the lee king. The public will please hear in mind tluit lindwny's .Medicaid! Pp. is the only snfe prciiuiiition for the skin now iu use; this has besn certified to by our most piomiuent chemists. Itiidunv's Soup is free from (Miisonoas. irritating and pernicious hi gradients, it can lie used on the lender skin of Ihe iufuut with the sinne happy results ns upon bcaaty in its prime. See Ihnt each cuke is enveloped in a splendid label of steel eiurrnving and further see Ihut the signature of H. G. RADWAt is upon euch cuke. Fricu 25 cents, lurgu cukes. THE OK OWING ORNAMENT OF BEAUTY ISA LUXURIANT HF.AD OF CLOSSY HAlll. r RAUWAY:S CIUCASSIAK SL.M. Warranted the best Hair Tonic in use. For Dressing nnd Bcnntifying the hair. It cleanses lite Sculn Irom Duiidnid. keens it elenn. cures Scurvey, Jluldness, und Sores on the 11 cud stops the hair Irom fulling out, renders il strong, fine, smooth, soft and glossy. Persons who have lost Iheir hair by sickness will nun a complete nnlulote lulludwnv's Circi in Hnlm. ll also gives it a durk and licniitiftil color, und will prevent it irom turning prey. From us exquisite purity, il is admi rably adapted foi the hair of children of the most tender nge. It is s ild in large bottles lor 45 cents per bottle, nnd is warranted the best heir prcouiatiou iu use, it will not soil the hat. cup. oi tlie finest Inhrie. See Hint the signa ture of RADWAY CO., isiipnn each bottle no Cir cassian Balm is genuine without the signature of Iludvrny Aukst II. B. Musser, Sunbury. Aug. 10, 19.5U. ceSmly MARSHALL'S TOXIC MIXTURE, For the Cube of Fkver and Agi'e. Wn- ltANTKO. THIS nuriAalled medicine may be relied on when near ly all othei remedies lull. Iu value is nut ullieiuiitlv known, therefore, the pioprietor desires to enlurge the field of its usefulness by making known its virtues und effi cacy to thouKuuds of sutfurers who are not uwarc that they can ue spccuny unu iHiucuiiycuretl OI FIAF.ll AMD AC UK, without the use of imisonotts drugs, utiuseous potions r tlie deleterious clltvtsuf iuiuine. It is oft'ered to the pnli lie at a low price to plnee il within the reach of all. assured Hint those who use ii uccordiun; to directions will find it a snfe and speedy cui u for Fever and Hgi-e. It is not a disagreeable nauseating eoiiiDonnd but an agree able tiaiie calculated to rcnun'e thc disuuseuild five, healthy action to the sloninch and Imwelts. Prepared only by Mnvsbsll fc Co., and s-ild wholesnles and retail by llowamt : Son, No, 91 Xorlh Gl k 5treet, Philadelphui Priie til per single bottle, nnd t per doz. JuneW, Ie30 ly "ONVELOPES. -The suliscrilwr would respect fullv announce to his friends and n gcur-rous public, thut he is luntiiifartiiriiic KnvcIoies of the best quality and ol all kinds, f or sale lv GEO. W. CO U I.E. ftunliurr, Oct. 10, 1S50 tt. ITiOCL AM ATION. NOTICE is hereby (riven tlint the several courts of Common Picas, Griicntl Qusrter Sessions of the peace, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer anil (iciierul Jail Delivery, in nnd lor thc county of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in tho borough ol Kuubttry, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, 4th of Novem ber next, will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner, Justices of the Pcaco anil consta bles in and for the county of Northumberland, arc requested to he then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, iiujiiisitijus, and other remembrances, to do those things to their several ollucs appertaining to be done. And ull witnesses prosccutiim iu behalf of tho Common, wealth against any prisoner ure also requested and commanded to be then and there attending iu their proper persons to prosecute against him, as shall lie just and not to depart without leave at their jieril. Jurors nre rcquostcd to be punctual in their attendance, at tho time appointed agrreuble to their notices. Given under niy hands at Sunbury, the 12th day of Nov. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fitly and the Independence of the United States of America the 74th. JAMES COVERT,. Shir. God save the Commonweallh. LIST OF JURORS. o F Northumberland County for November Term, A, D. 1850. Grand Jurors. Navks. Occuhtiox. Farmer u . ItSSlDISCI. Jackson Shamokin Lower Mah'y Coal Turbut Shsmokia Lewis Delaware Lewis North'd ; Miltoa .Rush 1 John Daniel, sr, S James Vsnhorn, ' 8 Daniel Weaver, 4 David Thompson, 5 William P. Hull, 6 Tunis Lott 7 Thomas Watts 8 Jscob Hoffman 9 David Walter 10 Jacob Leisenring 11 John Miller, Esq, 18 Joseph F'.,gg 13 Andre Kuta Tailor Farmer t Labor Fanner Sadler Justice Farmer Chilisquaque 14 Ctarlea Russel " 15 tienjsmiii Hendricks u 16 John G. Youngman Printer 17 Jesse Amraerinau Farmer 18 Samuel Hummel " .' Lewis Sunbury do Point Shamokin I.ewis 19 James i ouug SO Emanuel Zimmerman Shoemaker SUamoUin tl William Hood Coachmaker Delaware 89 Jacob bhull SS David Marts ill Luwi rntfer l Farmer Justice Farmtr Bbamokin do rh(lisa)ueaU Traverse Jurori 1 John LtiiikAf Farmor Low. Mahonay 2 Abraham Straub Snrreyor ( Milton i Wm Henderson Carpenter fh A George Houpt Farmer Chilitquaqti 6 Dennis Buoy " do 6 Peter Shaffer " Turbt 7 John Bimel, jr, Boatman Low. Mahonojr Honry Funic Farmer Turbo! 9 John Schuyler Carnontet Lewi ' ! 10- FfBd'k Slicker Inn Keeper Milton - i joim umtiser - - Sawyer ' iNorin a '2 Wm Sirrno . . Uoatbuilder rMilton 3 Fretl'k Kaseman , Farmer Shamoki t jhood lion a , . , Turbut 15 David Huriranfl Sadler ' .' Delaware 16 John Cn-eslnger Shoemaker L August 17 George Hoflman Farmer Pel war in uilbert Vamllinic " Point 9 Solomon Faielv Sliamekin Dels war Up August L Aujrusta Cbiliftuutqn Sunbury Lewi 20 Jamea Dunam 21 Peter Oberdorf 82 Joel Yordy 23 James Shearer 24 Ueorcfn Weiaer 25 Samuel Heller (I II II ex-Justice farmer ii 26 .lueob lnrman Lw Mabonoy 27 Semiinl Eisler Shoemaker Low Aognata 28 Wm Berkhimer.ar, Farmer Chilisquaqa no A. ...I...... r . . -sr- niliurw -vt-r10CI " (Jo 30 Samuel Uarnhart " Delaware 31 Andrew J. Tambrnok " do 32 John Hummel Boat builder North'd 33 Levi Lynn Farmer Turbnt 34 Jesse Vnmell Inn Keeper Coal 3" Daniel Driesbacli Farmer Lewis 36 William House) ' Chilisquao.ua 37 Jacob Weaver Laborer Kualt 3H S. D. Jordan Gentleman Milton 39 Marniau Shipmun Farmer Low Augusta 40 Joseph Nicely Stiller Delaware 41 Michael Wagoner Farmer Lewi 42 Peter Mengas " " 43 John P. Summeis " Chilitqeuaqa 44 Ruben Tnoxel " 45 Conrad Reede Sadler Milton 4fi Leonard Stonrrhtoti Gentleman " 47 David B. Montgomery Farmer Lewia 48 Geoige Keiser " Low Augdsta Petit Jurors 1 William Kisner Carpenler 2 Wm Wuldiou Farmer 3 James Lewur " 4 John Gully " 5 Samuel Hunter " fi Peter Harmati " 7 Adam Cotiurd Merehant 8 Jacob Wheelaud Justice 9 Casper Slioll Faimer 10 Jnhn lloflinan ' 11 Henry Paul ' 12 Daniel Haas Lnhorer 13 John Roailarmel Farmer 14 Henry Rockefeller " 15 Thomas Grange '' 16 Charles Bucher Boatman 17 Jacob Mtieneli Farmer 18 Samuel Bieber " ; 19 John Parks " 20 John Binnemnn Boatman 21 Wm D. Hodman Justice 22 John Runkel Laborer 23 Samuel J. Fry Tailor 24 William Elliott Boatman Lewis Turbut Lewia Delaware Up Augusta Lewia Chilisquaque Milton Coal Rush Point Coal Shamokin Rush Lewia Sunbury Shamokin Lewia Chilisquaqn Lw Mahouoy Jackson Shamokiu Sunbury North'd 25 George Lawrence Gentleman Milton 20 Kphraim Lytlo Farmot , Low August 27 John Caul 11 28 James Bryson ' 29 Adam Binjeman " 30 Daniel Follmer " 31 Lyman P. Rotes Smith 32 Jesse Hensyl Fanner 33 Joseph Eve'iet " Chilisquaqb Delaware Lw Mabonoy Delaware . Milton Shamokin Dulaware 34 Chas Honchboush Smith " 35 J. P. Hackenbiirsrs Merehant " 36 John Tagjjart Farmer Lewia LIST OF CAUSES. IOR trial in thc Court of Common Pleas of ' Northumberland County, at November Term, 1850. P Hileman adm'r. of Geo. Ths heirs of Thoe lirant, dee'd. Grant vs George M iller dt son Bowers Lowlier ct nl same vs Jonas bowman Jonas Bowman ct al vs Samuel Kaullman Danville & Potlsvillo vs Haywood di 8nyer Kail Road Co. Frederick Keener vs Wm. Ayres vs Wm. McCay 's adm'rs vs Jacob HorTman vs Dodge Ac Barret vs DcwartAt Jordan etal vs Elizabeth WeiUslstal Hcnrv 11. Burr Laeh Stroccker Peter Richtcr's ex'rs Ann Myers R.icluiel MeCarty Wm, & R. Fcgely &. Co. vs John Slussler Jacob Karchncr Daniel Frymire et al Clius. W. Richards vs Joseph Pettit vs Robert W Dunn vs James Dunn vs Jacob Cabel vs Samuel R Wood c It I i . c u. ... Mary Snyder ct al same Wni H Thompson I'ontins 4' 1 liompson e , ., o Arfurisuii, o imuwi t on,, for Sain! i unnan v. J(mUn John B Miller vs John B Boyd's ex re Robert McCav vs Edward A Kutzuer Jacob Philips vs George L. Weimer A S Lawrence adm'r of x. , . Sarah Lcigbou, J C lav ton for J Me Williams vs John Bowen F O'Donncll for Wm E Nagle vs John Divers Mary Vickcry vs Peter Ferster same vs Peter Brosieus Charles H Frick vs Eli Slifor Tlios (Juinniings et al vs J Parke & D R Rishst Jonathan Lccdam et al vs Wut McCav's adm'rs Christian Bollinger vs Charles Houscl George Troxcl vs Bcnj. C. Clsytoa Chns. A. Andre vs F. Matthews Daniel llaunabach vs John Cmrad . . , Moses Bower vs Richard Goodman Samuel Seaman vs Philip Spayd samo vs Geo Bowman S. A. Jordan ct al vs John Arnold J Hunter cV wife vs Dr. J 8 Dougal Green A. Bros, for T Howard vs Henry Lsntx David Perry vs Abraham Lunger same vs Henry H alderman Com. for P Hileman vs T A Billingtonctal Montgomery A Sweiiy vs James Covert Beuj Hummel vs Philip Clolfelter Mariiurct Summer vs The ex'r of H Summer , u- i . i WK Shoemaker adm'r Jas Kirkpatru-k v. rf ,IaM( Jas T Sutton & Co vs Samuel Kyle J P Miller Indorsee Ac vs J Sweny & Son Clayton for McV illiams vs Jos Savidge Wm I. Dewart vs Xorthumb'land county R D Cunimings vs Montgomery ci Masteller M Miller vs H &. F Wilhelm Jacob Stitzel vs Samuel L Beck B R Kase vs Geo A Dixon G P ysun for Job Tyson vs Daniel L. Schneck John Hane slid wile vs Susan Hauenstina Jas Carother et id vs Edward D Pearee Philip Biltmyer Jacob Niltraucr Frederick Shell William Persing John Kcsslor Geo Apsley James UielTenhach vs D H Watson vs Samuel Jarret . vs G F Hull's sdra'rs et si vs Peter A dame i vs Geo Shaffer ' ' ' ess Northumberland county vs - same F Fryer & Wm Moyer Wm M Autcn Wm McClery George Lawrence Daniel P Caul Taylor Paulding et al Aaron Reppart -Henrv Cobil vs Elias Garman vs Thomas Raser vs R 1) Cumminjr,! vs Allen Mhreysr vs Dentler et Mottague, vi J Da Normr.ndia vs Ira T Clerr.ant va Wm MeCarty Piatt fc Piatt vs Henry M.asaer P K Hoffman if wife va H Kuhnls, MeCarty et si) Joseph Snyder vs joeepr, uimmas vs K M Serdels' l'r vs Rev.ben Treuer vs Isaac ShalTee vs U "t'oxtheimer adm't Daniel Dreiabach vs D C t',ul ' va H Stcinsi.eti, ex'r., Hatfield (V ou Hugh Martin John McConnlck Martin Irwins' adm'r Molt & hhober , -Jacob MastvllsT . Follmer lor Caul JOHN FAFNs WORTH, froth' ProlhopotsryV oirtee , A Suubury, Oct- 10, 1830. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers