SUN15UHY AME1UCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOUKNAL. ., A TAMfE MOS. A correspondent of the N. Y. Htrahl, writ ig from Taris says : for the last vreolc rench, officer recently returned from Africa, u hd fur his companion in the streets a lagnificent lion who follows him like a dog. he name of the animal ia Emir, and never ve I seen a more splendid specimen of the ing of the forest. Though I did not like moh to be near his majesty I ventured the her night to approach him, and horsksco efcbrnsI he licked my hands as a dog onli do. The French proverb says that we must not play with fire," and I frar one f these days the lion vf ill find his wild na ire, and make some bloody deed. Volcanic Eruptions. An Oregon paper, ited 21st March, gives the following no )unt of Volcanic eruptions in Oregon: VVe are informed by gentlemen that bolh e mounts (St. Helen and Baker) are sending .rth volumes of smoke, giving undoubted ev ence that their volcanio fires aro not yet jlingitished. The craters from whieh the noke was issuing in St. Helen were two in imber, and low down the north and north ist wile; white in Mount Baker, which is a jrfect cone, the smoke was issuing in dence asses from the centre of the summit. It is obnble that these are the only living volca les in Oregon. Geoobaphical Discoveries in Central frica. About two years ago, the scientific orhl was surprised by the announcement that rs. Krapfnnd Rebmann, who had been fur imo time zealously employed in connexion ilh the Church Missionary Society in East :n and Central Africa, had discovered a lountain or mountains within one degree of vi Efuator, and about 200 miles distant on the sea, which thero was every reason . suppose were no other than Ptolemy's Mountains of the Moon." It now appears lat there is no doubt of the fact. A DAMPER TO BATH1XO. "The1 last number of the Medical and Snrgi il Journal utters the opinion that once a eek is bften enough to bathe the whole body or the' purpose of luxury or cleanliness. 'lannel worn next to the skin nt all seasons i proper, and is infinitely more henihful than !1 the daily baths now so fashionable. The rgument by which this opinion is supported, t as follows: "The oil which is secreted by the sebace. us glands of the skin, serves the purpose of lbricating its surface. Now, if this secre ioiv is constantly removed as fast as exuded) s destined object is thereby defeated. The xcretory 'ducts of the perspiiatiory glands, nd the glands themselves, reipiiro this unc igus matter of thu skin to keep them in ealth and action. If ve-y frequent bathing f the whole body is practised, it most be ob ioiis '.hat Ihis matter cannot be long present n perform its olfice. As to the assimilation f functions of the skin and I11112, it will be pparent, that when the skin acts imperfectly, r censes to not nt all, the luns have an extia .mount of 'duty to perform ; and it is seneral. y in just such cases that endorsement t;ikes )lacp, constituing ih'flairmtiou or phennio iia." 'Increase of'Goi.t Asr Stt.VKtt. It is esti mated thaUthe gold and silver imported into lie United States from various parts of the world, over and above the exports during the last three years, amounts to 1 00.000,000. 'Improvement in Biiicks.- An im provement recently adopted in the forma tion of bricks is to shape them so that they dovetail each other. By this means extra ordinary strength is obtained. The New Iau, of Schuylkill tounty has heen commenced. It is to be two stories high with a basement, and to contain -tO cells. A Large Flbkt. The largest number of vessels arrived this season came into port yesterday, via: ten ships, one bark and fifteen steamers. The -steamers brought 'down 8,678 bales of cotton, and a quantity of Western produce. jV. O. Pie., ISA. Canadian OiMmxn Population. A movement is now in progress 'in Canada to -ameliorate the coi .lition of the collored population ol the Provinces. A tract of land has been purchased 111 the township of Raliegn, Canada West, containing about 9000 acres, 011 which a school and mission Tiave been erected, and ate now in acti ve operation. TO OWNERS OF HOUSES. This may certify that 1 have had for many years the care of from 100 to 200 horses, and have made use of Merchant's Gargling Oil for two years past, and can safely say, that for all the diseases that horses are liable, 1 never saw its equal. I use about one bottle per mouth, and recommend it to the publie, as the best medicine lor horses now in use. E. D. MINOR. A pamphlet ef description may be had gra tis of the agent. 1 Sold by H. Masser, Sunbnry, and other Druggists in the U. Stales. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WONDER! PEPSIN, the True Vipestiet JKiinf, or Gastric Suit ! A great Dyspepsia Curer, prepared from Rennet, or the fourth Stomach of the Ox, after directions of Baron Liehig, the great Physiological Chemist, by J. S Houghton, M. D., No. 11 Noilh Eichth Street, Philadel phia, Pa. This is a truly wonderful remedy , for Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Jaundice, Liver ' Complaint, Constipation, and Debility, curing after Nature's own method, by Nature's own agent, the Gastrio Juice. See adveitisumeut in another column. MARRIED. On the 15th inst., by the Rev. 8. R. Boyer, Mr. John Kutz, to Miss Hannah Leinbavcii, both of Turbut township. At Northumberland, on the 17th inst., by the Rev. Mr. Conser, Mr. Christopher Woods, to Mrs. Gracl Born, all of that place. On the 15th inst:, by the Rev. J. L. Reber, John L. Bakek, Esq , editor of the "Lebanon Democrat," to Miss Elizabeth Steiii, of Jonestown, Leoanon county. On the 17th mat., by the Rev. J. F. Mes- ick, Timothy Taylor Woth, Esq., editor of the Lebanon Courier," to Miss MaT Elek, daughter of Joshua M. Weistling, , f Hjtrti'bury. II I II !) At Peru Mills, Juniata Co., 6th inst., in hii 47th year JAMES MATHERS, formerly State Senator from that District At Milton on 22nd inst., Mr. JOHN MURT ENUS, aged 71 years. At the same place, on the 23d inst., Mrs. NANCY VINCENT, aged 68 years. Sunbury, Oct. 24, 1830. Whole amount of coal brought over the Danville and Pottsville Railroad, to Suubury, from the Sliumokiu mines. Tons. For the present week, 634 Per lust report, 14377 Total, 15011 &l)c ittctrkcts. Philadelphia Market Oct. 30, 1850. Flour. Flour is quiet at 64 874 a ?5 00 Extra Flour at S5 25 a ft 75. Rye Flour. l'ennu. is selling ut $3 19. Cum Meul is worth S3 00 per brl. Wheat. Prices are higher; sales South ern aro made at 107 cts. Penna. red ar 107 els ; prime while at 1 12 a 114. Corn. Corn is in fair request at 64 for good yellow ; white is worth 62 cts, Rve. live is in demand at 70 a 82 cts. Oats. Oats are now quite dull: sales of prime Penna. from 41 to 42 cts; Southern sells at 30 a 364 cts. Whiskey. Salesof Whiskey in hhds at 26, and bbls at 26 i cents. Baltimore Market Oct. 28, I80O. Wheat. Wheat is in demand at a triflinrj improvement on prime qualities. Sales of fair good to prime reds at 90 a 102 cts. and of inferior to fair nt 60 a 90 cts. We quote white Wheat at 105 n 110 cts. and family Flour white ut 112 a 120 Corn. There is very 'little Corn at Mar ket. One or two parcels of white were sold In-day nt CO cts. and of yellow 60 a 62 els. Whiskey. Sales of bbls. at 28 cts; hhds. are held at 27 cts. SUNRURY PRICE CURRENT, Corrected weekly by Henry Matter WllKAT. 100 60 80 U7 14 8 7 1!5 10 25 8 10 62 200 Kris. Cuns. Oats. BlTTKR. EllOS. Pork. Fukeu. Ta 1.1.0 w. Beeswax Flax Hr.i'KLKii Flax. DniKii, Do. Peaches. PROCLAMATION. jV OT1CE is hereby (riven that the several coirrts of Common Picas, General Quarter .Sessions of the peace, mid Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer and Terminer and (iencral Jail Delivery, in and lor the rounty of Northumberland, to commence at the Court House, in the borouph ol iSuiiburv, at 10 o'clock, A. M. on Monday, 4th of Novem ber next, will continue TWO WEEKS. The coroner. Justices of the Peace and consta bles in Bud for the county of Northumberland, aro requested to be then and there in their proper per sons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, and other remembrances, to do those thing to their several oH'iccs appertaining to be done. And all witnesses prosccutins in Iwhnlf of the Common wealth against any prisoner are also requested and commanded to lie then and there attending in their proper persons to prosecute onanist him, as shall 1 just and not to depart without leave at their peril. Jurors are requested to he punctual in their attendance, at the tinio appointed agreeable to their notices. Given under my hands at .Sunburv, the 12lh day of Nov. in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty and the Independence of the United States of America the 74th. JAMES COVERT.Sh'ff. , God save the Commonwealth. LIST OF JURORS. F Northumberland County for November Term, A, D. 1S30. Grand Jurors. Names. Occupatio ItKlDINCg. Jackson Pha'.nokin Lower Mah'y Coal Tui'but Shamokin Lewis Dclunara Lewis North'd Milton fusli Chilisquaque Lewis Sunburv do Point shamokin 1 John Daniel, sr, Farmer 2 James Vanhorn, " 3 Daniel Weaver, Tailor 4 David Thompson, Farmer '5 William P. Hull, 0 Tunis Lott Labor T Thomas Watts Farmer 8 Jacob Hodman " 9 David Walter " 10 Jacob Leiscnriiijr Sadler 11 John Miller, Esq, Justice. 12 Joseph Pes:; Farmer 13 Andrew Kulz " H Charles Russel " 15 Benjamin Hendricks " 10 John J. Younginau Printer 17 Jesse Aiiiineriiian Farmer lft Sainue'lHuininel " 19 James Youns " Lewis 20 F.inanucl Xiinmerinan Shoemaker Shamokin 21 William Hood Coachmaker Delaware 22 Jacob Shull Fanner Shamokin 23 David Martz Justice do 24 Ludwig Pfleger Farmer Cliilisquaque Traverse Jurors 1 John Lenker Farmer Low. Mahonoy 2 Abraham Slraub Surveyor Milton 3 Wm Henderson Carpenter do 4 George Houpt Farmer- Chilisquaque o ueunis uuoy 6 Peter Shaffer " 7 John Hirnel, r, Boatman 8 Henry Funk Farmer do Turbiil Low. Mahonoy Tuibut Lewis 9 John Schuyler Carpenter 10 Fred'k Sticker Inn Keeper 11 John Ciouser Sawyer 12 Wm Strine Buai builder 13 Fred'k Knseman Farmer Milton North'd Milton Shamokin Turbnt 14 Jacob Hofia 15 David Harlranft Sadler Delaware L Angusla Delaware Point Shamokin Delaware 16 John Creesinger Shoemaker 17 George Hoffman Farmer 18 Gilbert Vandling 19 Solomon Fagely 20 James Duuam 21 Peter Oberdoif 22 Joel Yordy 23 James Shearer 24 George Weiser 25 Samuel Heller 26 Jacob Larman 11 it II l( e.vJustice Farmer t'p Aususta L Aumisia Chilisquaque Ninbury Lewis Lw Mahonnv 27 Samuel Eisler Shoemnkpr Low Aiiffiifcta 28 Wm Berkhimer.srj Farmer Chilisquaque nn A .l f . ' . niniicw Jverpeci " 00 30 Samuel Garnhart Delaware 31 Andrew J. Tambrook " do 32 John Hummel Boaibuilder North'd 33 Levi Lvnn Farmer Turbut 34 Jesse Yarnell Inn Keeper Coal 35 Daniel Driesbach Farmer Lewis 36 William Housel Chilisnuanue A t L 111 t - 1 .' 01 jacuu iy caver iuuorer Kusn 38 S. D. Jordan Gentleman Milton 39 I larman Shlpman Farmer Low Augusta 40 josepn nicety . Diiuer Delaware 41 Michael Wagoner Farmer Lewis 4'2 Tetcr Mengas " Chilisquaque 11 45 Conrad Reede Sadler Milton 46 Leonard Stoughton (Jentleman . " ' i 47 David B. Montgomery Farmer Lewis 48 George Reiser . . " Low Augusta Pcllt Jurors 1 William Eisner Carpenter Lewis 2 Win Waldron rarmer Turbnt 3 James Lewar " 4 John Guffy " 8 Samuel Hunter " fl Peter Haiman " 7 Adam Connrd Merehont 8 Jacob Wheeland Justice, 9 Casper Sholl Farmer 10 John Hnflmun " 11 Henry Paul ' 12 Daniel Haas Laborer 13 John Uondarmel Farmer 14 Henry Rockefeller " 15 Thomns Grange " 16 Chnrles Bucher Boatman 17 Jacob Mnench Farmer 18 Samuel Bieber " t!) John Parks 20 John Riiiiieman Boatman 21 Win D. 1 (oilman Justice 22 John Runkel Laborer 23 Samuel J. Fry " Tailor 21 Willinm Elliott Boatman Lewis Delaware Up Augusta Lewis Chilisquaquo Milton Coal Rush Point Coal Shamokin Rush Lewis Sunbnry Shamokiu Lewis Chilisquaque Lw Mahotioy Jackson Shamokin Sunbnry North'd 25 George Lawrence Gentleman Milton 20 Ephiiiiin Lvtlo Farmer Low Auirust 27 John Caul " 28 James Bryson " 29 Adam Bingeman " 30 Daniel Fullmer " 31 Lyman P. Rotes Smith 32 Jesse Hnnayl Farmer 33 Joseph Everet " Chilisquaque Delaware Lw Mahonoy Delaware Milton Shamokin Delaware 34 Chas Honshbongh Smith " 3ft J. P. Hackenburgs Merchnnt " 36 John Tuggart Farmer Lewis LIST OF CAUSES. "nn :.. i . , 1 .. IV.. nc 11MH llllil III IIIIT UUUIl Ul VyUIIIIIIUII . III" ... 'nrllninili..vlutii1 fmtili ut (.oilier Term, 1S50. P Ililcmnn adm'r. of Geo. The heirs of Thos" Grant, dee'd. Bowers Lowlier ct at ttimo Jonas Bowman ct al " Grant vs George Miller & son vs Joints Bowman vs .Samuel KnulVmon Danville & l'ottsvillo Rnil Rosil Co. Frederick Keener Henry H. Burr I.ncli Strocckcr Peter Kichter's cx'rs Ann Myers vs Haywood & Snyder vs Win. Ayrcs vs Win. McCtiy's adm'rs vs Jacob Hoffman vs Dodijo & Barret vs Dcwartik .Ionian ctal vs F.ltzaheth Wcitzcletal Racliael MrCartv Win. & K. Fc(jclv& Co. vs John Shisslcr Jacob Karehner C'hns. W. Richards Marv Snyder ct al vs Daniel 1'rymiro ct al vs Joseph Pettit vs Robert W Dunn vs James Dunn vs Jacob Cabel vs Samuel R Wood same Wm H Thompson Pontius A Thompson S D Jordan, S Hunter Alex Jordiu Coin, for Saml Furman vs John B Miller vs John 1$ Boyd's cx'rs Robert McCsy vs Edward A Kutztier Jacob Philips vs George L. Wcinier A S Lawrence adm'r of n , . t ... . . , vs Peter & D V cimer et al Sarah Leiliou. J Clayton for J Me Williams vs John Bowen F O'Donnell for Win F Ntt?le vs John Divers Mary Ykkery vs Peter Fcrstrr same vs Peter lirosious Charles 11 Frick vs Eli Slifor Thos Cuinmiiiffs et al vs .1 Parke et D It Rishel Jonathan Leedam et al vs Writ McCoy's adm'rs Christian Bollinger vs Chnrles H ousel George Troxel . Vs lienj. C. Clayton ('has. A. Andre vs F. Matthews Daniel Haunabach vs John Cjnrad Moses Bower vs Richard Goodman Samuel Seaman vs Philip Spayd same vs Geo Bowman S. A. Jordan et al vs John Arnold J lluuler oV wife vs Dr. J S Dougal Green it Bros, for T Howard vs Henry Lantz David Perry vs Abraham Luncer same vs Henry Haldermiin Com. for P Ilileman vs T A Billiiigton ctal Montgomery A Sweny vs James Covert Benj lluinmi'l vs Philip ClotWter Margaret Summer vsThecx'rofH Summer W K Shoemuker adm'r Jas Kirkpatnck vs p(Mm IIaa!l dei,j Jas T Sutton $: Co vs Sainuel Kyle J P Miller Indorsee &e vs J Sweny & Son Clayton for Me Williams vs Jos Savidge Win L Dewart vs Northumb'land county R 1) Cummings vs Montg.niierv & Masteller M Miller vs II & F Wilhelm Jacob Stitzcl vs Samuel L Beck H R Kase vs Geo A Dixon G P ysou for Job Tyson vs Dunh l L. Schncck John Haric and wile vs Susan Haueuslino Jas Carother et al vs Edward D Pearce Philip Billmver vs I) H Walson Jacob Niltraucr vs Samuel Jarret Frederick Shell vs G F Kull's adm'rs et al William Persing vs Peter Adams John Kessler vs Geo Shaffer Cieo Apslev vs Northumberland county James Diellcubach vs same F Fryer & Wm Moyer vs Elias Garman 'm M Auteu vs Thomas Kascr Win McClery George Lawrence , Daniel P Canl Taylor Paulding ctal Aaron Reppart Ilenrv Cobcl Platt ife Piatt vs li D Cuimnings vs Allen Shreyer Vs Dentler & Slontague vs J De Normaiidio vs Ira T Clement vs Win MeCarty vg Henry Manser P K Holl'iimi A wife vs H Kuhnts, MeCarty ctal Joseph nyilcr Hatfield V .Sou vs Joseph Dimmig vs It M Seydels' Ex'r vs Keulien Trojel Vs Isaac Shaffer vs II Yoxtheimer adm'r vs Daniel Drcisbach vs D C Caul vs H Stcinsnctz, ex'r. Hugh Martin John McCormlck Martin Irwins' adm'r Mott & Shober Jacob Masteller Fullmer for Caul JOHN FARNSWORTH, Proih'ry. Prothotiotary's office ) Sunbury, Oct. 10, 1850. J State Mutual Fire Insurance COMPANY, OF JIAUIUSBURC., PA. riMIIS COMPANY, chartered by tho Legisla JL ture during the last Session, is now prepared to take applications for Insurance against losa by lire upon Buildings, iVc, upon terms mora advan tageous to the insured than any other Company doing business in this .State. This Company, in accordanca Willi the provis ions of its charter, divides property into two sepa rate classes, viz : Fanners' Property, called the 'r armers t onipanv, and the other property, in cluding property in towns and villages, called ".Merchants ( lass : the tunils ot earn being kept entirely separate; consequently each class pays its own losses end no other. It will be the en deavor of the Company to arrange thbir buiiness that 110 assessment will be necessary on their premium notes- 1 he rates of Insurance will be very reasonable- C. F. LITTLE, Agent, Northumberland. IV. I) . Persons wishing to make application for Insurance will be attended to by dropping a line through the Post Office, to c. F. Little- Northumberland, Oct. 19, 1850. WM. IB. ROCKEFELLER, Attorney at Law. Miner ille. Schuylkill Co. Ia. 1" L'SINESS will be promptly attended to in the counties of Schuylkill, Northumberland, Union, Columbia and Montour- Eefer to: A Jordan, Esq'-, Wm- De Haven, H- Bellas, Fsq-, I Edward Hughes, I 11 B Master, Esq- Solomon Shindel j Sunbury- J Mineraville- J M Mortimer, J . Oct- H, 1850 ly 43 John P. Summeit " 41 liiiht.11 Tnnvel Nortbombcrlond Conntjf, 11. In the Com man Pleas of said court, No 6, Nov Term, 1830. William M. Skewed, Julia D.1) Shcwell and James H. Cocltrsli, and Mary his wife, vs Daniel Brautigdril and David Toggart, Adm'rs of Wm M'Coy, dee'd, with notice to Wm M'Csy, Daniel Gossler and Elizabeth his wife, Isaac Fausnaught and Cath arine his wife, Mary Ann M'Cav, Dr Robert B M'Cay, Robt B M'. Cay, Rachel M'Cay and Wm M' Cay, minor children, and Mary M't'av, widow of Benj. M'Cav, dec'd.'heirsof s'd VV M't'av, dee'd. Alias 8ir Facias, &c The defendants aliove named are hereby notifi ed to bo and appear licforc the judges of said eotirt to be held at Sunburv, on the first Monday of No vember next, to show cause, if any they have, why they should not be made parties to this suit, and why judgment should not be revived post an num et diem, and to continue lien for five years, and also why the Pl'flli execution against them according to the form and effect of the recovery aforesaid, ought not to have, and further to do and receive all and whatsoever the said court shall consider in that behalf. JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff. Shrubs Office, Punbury, i Oct. 15, 1$:0. tc GREAT REMOVAL. Clock!), WatflicN, .Icvt dry silver & PLATED WAKE, &c- WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. rjTHE SUBSCRIBER has removed his storo (1 from No. 413 Market street, to his enlendid establishment, -Yo. 103 Chtxtiiit street, nliove Ztl, L'ndcr the Franklin House, PHILADELPHIA, AVlierc he offers for sale a most extensive assort ment of CLOCKS, WATCHES, JEWELEKY, SILVER and PLATED WARE, &c., ut such prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction, and to which ho invites the attention of prrchasers, as suring them that EVERY ARTICLE IS WAR RANTED AS REPRESENTED. His stock consist in part of a full assortment of GOLU AND SILVER LEVER WATCHES. Do do LEPINE do SILVER TABLE AND TEA SPOONS. CLOCKS of even- description. MANTEL UKNAME.Vi'y, FANCY GOODS, Vc, LEWIS LADOMC Watches, Jewelry, and Gold Pens sent to all parts of the Cnited Stales, by mail, with perfect satety, 13' I am determined to sell at less prices than the same unifies are sold in this eitv. P. S. l'rciervc this advertisement, and call and cxamiuo the stock. ScpL iI8, 1850 3mo. AVATTS' NERVOUS ANTIDOTE AM) PHYSICAL RESTORATIVE. TUB MEDICAL. WONDER Or THE AGE. ILL positively euro all stages of Neuralgia, Tic Doloroux, Nervous Headache, Cho lera, Lockjaw, Hydrophobia Convulsions; will restore manhood to its prestine vigor, even after years of prostration, and the only known and cer tain cure for low spirits or mental debilty. Extract from the New 'York fun, Oct. 3, 1810, The erlthiateil Dr Walson, when talking of the miraculous power of Walls' Nervous Antidote,'' the question was put to him, '.Why such a valua ble remedy for nil nervous affections was not in troduced by the medical faculty V replied, 'That if it were, there would no longer be any use for a faculty, as all diseases originated from a disorgan ircd Btrtn of the nerves ; the nerves are the main spring of the whole system Keep this in order, and both the mind and body must be." Four ounco phial, 12 doses, enough for all or dinary cases, ONE DOLLAR. fOLD BY Wm. McCARTY, Broadwav, Sunbury. .September, 2S..1S50 tf. Ri:cisTi:ns xotice. N0.' OTICE is hereby given to all Legatees. redilors and other persons interested in the Estate of Charles Comly, dee'd., settled bv his Executors Joshua W. Comly, Seih I. Comly ami Sarah W. Comly t of John Friek, jr., who was Excrutor of John Frick. sr. dee'd., settled by his Executors (ieorgo A. Frick and Eli Slifer; (if Conrad Raker, dee'd., settled by his Executors Jacob Raker and William Raker, of Jacob Moore, dee'd., nettled by his Executor, Tcter II. Moore; of Mary Moore, dee'd., settled by her Admistra tor, Peter H. Moore ; of Susan Strawbridge, dee'd., si-ltled by her Administrator, W. C. Law son ; of Elias Conrad, dee'd, settled by his Adm'r David Hauck. The account of Peter FersU-r, Guardian of the minor children of George Fcrster, dee'd.; the account of Solomon Folk, Guardian of Henry. Laviua and Samuel Fagely; tho ac count of William A. IVtriUcil. fSnunlinn nt tl,n minor children of Thomas Colt, dee'd. That the Executors, Administrators and Guardians of said Estates, have filed their accounts with the Regis ter of Norfhiiinlierlaiid county, and that the same j will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said j county on Thursday the 4th day November next for continuation and allowance. ' , JOHN P. PCRSEL, Register. I Register's office ) ! Sunbury, Oct. 5, ISoO. S Bank of Northumberland. TIHE Stockholders are hereby notified that an A Election will be held at the Ranking House, on Monday tho 18th day of November, between the hours of 10 o'clock, A. M., and A o'clock, P. M., for the purpose of choosing thcefrom di rectors to serve for tho ensuing year. A general ineetiii(j of the Stockholders will be held al the Ranking House on the first Tuesday in November, at 10 o'clock. A- M-. in accordance with the act of Incorporation. JOSEPH R. PRIESTLY. Nortliumlierland, Oct. 19, 185Ui 4t JACOB REED'S 4 LUTIIIM; KOtMLS. Southwest Corner of Fifth and Market Streets, PmLAbF.i.pitiA, TT7HO always keeps 011 hand a targe stock of ' every varictv l clothing mads u of good materials, and in the latest and best styles. He would also inform the public, that he paya consi derable attention in getting up Military Clothing, in gilod style and on reasonable terms. June 15, 1850.- ly A CARRIAGE FOR SALE. lOR sale at a reasonable price, a well built sar riage in good condition with tongue and shafts for either one or two horse. Also, a double set of harness. Enquire at this oliice. Aug. 31, 1850. tf. ENVELOPES. Tha sulisorilier would reiect fullv announce to hi friend and a generous public, that he ts manufacturing Envelopes of the best uuulity and of all kind. For sale by fiunbury, Oct. 19, 1850 tf. l'state or George Hall, liec'd. Y OTICE is hereby given, that Letters of Ad- ' ministration have been granted to the sub. scriber. Persons indebted to the estate are re quested to make immediate payment, and those having clairhs against the same, ara rcquesicu to present thcra for examination and settlement. J. H, ZIMMERMAN, Adm'r. 6uubury, Oct 5, 1850 fit. i BLANK PiarsMist Pi" Pirs just -printed and for sal at this office. WM. M'CAltTY, DOOKBBLliERj , Broadway,, '.-. TOBURY, PA. HAS recently received, among other articles, a great variety of New, Cheap and Entertain ing publications such as Coopers novels, coiAplcte or separate. Herbert Do Rodwell, . Hums do Trollope, Sue do Halliburton, ' Rcyndols do Marry alt, Cockton do Grey, Mavwcll do Marsh, Jcfrold do Ainsworth, Morris do At the low price of front 25 to 50 cts per volume. . Sunbury, Sept. S8, 1850 tf. UMBRELLAS & PARASOLS CHEAP. Willinm A. Di-ohii, Umbrelm & Parasol Manufacturer. So. 86 Market street, PHXX.ABnX.PHtA.. DEALERS IN UMBRELLAS AND PARA SOLS, Wishing to purchase handsotnc goods, of superior quality, cheap, aro invited to call at my Manufactory and Store, No. 80 MARKET street, one door below Third street, where every variety of Umbrellas and Parasols arc sold cheap er than they can elsewhere be obtained. A call when you visit Philadelphia, is request ed. An examination of my goods will satisfy you that it will bo to your interest to purchase of inc. Philadelphia, Sept. 14, 1850. liiio. FALL MILLINERY GOODS. John Stone & Sou 1, lMroBTF.113 AND Dt3AT,liR8 IN Silks, Ribbons and Millinery Goods, iVo. 45 SoiiZt .Second Ut., PHILADELPHIA. HAVE received by late arrivals from France, a large and very desirable assortment of FALL MILLINERY GOODS, among which will bo found Bonnet Velvets of all colors in varisty of prices. " Satins " " " Curded Velvets " Figured, watcr'd ond corded lioinet Goods. Hunnrt and Cup Hihons, a large assortment. French nnd American Waivers. Laces, Nonnct Tabs, Crowns, Biieirams, &c. fee, together with a splendid assortment of Vuris Fancy I'mtters. The aboxo goods were selected by one of the firm in France, and will lie sold at the lowest market prices. Philadelphia, Sept. 21, 1850. Imo. ANOTHER SCIENTIFIC WOXDER. PEPSIN! T II K TRUE DIGESTIVE FLUID, O It 7 GASTRIC JUICE ! A GREAT DYSPEPSIA CURE 17, rrcpnrml from ItENXHT. or Ilia fourth Stomach of the Vx, alter directions of UAIto.V l.ll'.lllli, the grrat Phyaioloiical theiniit, by J. S. IIOfUHTOX, M. V., No. 11, North Kijrhth Street, I'liitaJ.-lpliiii. l'u. This is a truly wonderful rtinotly for 1XD10IWTION, UYSl'F.PrtlA, JAUXniCK, 1.1VER COMPLAINT, CONSTIPATION, aiKlUr.lillJ'rr, Curing otter Nil ture'a own nicth'sl, by Nature's own ugeul, the Gastric Juice. XjS" Half a tmpoonful nf this Fhml, Infused in water, will digest or dissolve, Five Pounds of lloast Beef 111 aLxut two hours, out of the stnutsch. DIGESTION. T "vIOKSTIO in chiefly pert.irmed m tbr itotmfeh by Ihc f uid oi it rtn id winch uerly fxtidtn in tin ttiu murr cmt ni tli;it or 1:1111, when in a tt;it oi hi ulili, rulleil the Outric Jtiice. 'J im thiitl i tilt Gre;it StU'ciit oi the KmiU, the i'tirn ying, rrtMerviug, and ttiinultiiiiin A pent ot" tlie stu nmeh uitU intcHlincfi. Without it there will be no diyeti tin,, no c'nvvrii'ii of i'ihkI into hlittil, and no nutrition ot'thc Ik-mIv ; but rut her n ioul, torpid, giiiiutul, umtUentnic live etiiutition of the whole difft:iti'e nppuriiluM. A weiik, h;df tletid, or iniuricl kMiiuHi nriHlm-ci no uod (inn trie J 11 ire, and hence the diseure, iliHtreui mid deUility uliicii ctuue. PEPSIN AND KEN NET. PKPSIV in tlie rli ief element, or ureal l)it'eitiiic Princi pU 01 the Ojktnc Juice, it ih found in jjrent nhumlunee in , tlie 1 'lid piirtn of the human st tniiich uttt-r deutlt, mid notnc- I luucs causes tlie 1"Iii:k'Ii to digest i l elf, or cut iltelf up It is ul found in the KiKiiitH'h f (uuukiIh, kb the u., ealf, &e. It ih the iimtcruil usl by f inners in making elieene, culled Keiuiet, the elfeet of which U:w lonp txeu the riul wonder of the duiry. '1'he t-urdliiiK of tinik ih the hmt pm eesi of duft'Htiun. iteutii't 'fxi-Mfe umoniHhin jMiwer. The Htouiiirh of a mlf will rurdle nearly one tltourcuid tiuti-i itM own weiifht of milk, lliiron Lirhig nnitrti thtit, '()ne jKirt of IN pMiu ditlvt--d iu sixty thotifiind purlR of water, wilt dit'-tt niHiit ti nd otlier food." l)iKr;im il stonmehs pro duee nop-NMl UuRtrit Juiee. Hi ihiot or Pepsin. To hov that tliu wuut may he perfectly supplied, we quote tho ftd- ttII,S SCltiNTlFIC EVtDfcXCEl 1MRON MHHIfi. hi hit eelebntH work on Animal Cliemiatiy, ku)k: An Artitieial Digestive riturt nun tuff oi is l the ti,uinc Juiee. imiy be rmdilv iirei tared from the inu- eons uietiibruu o the stoiuiieli of the calf, ia whieh various ( urtu'tes of loitd, us meat ami e?s, it ill lie inftem-d. rham- wlt and digested'. Just in tlie suiuc maimer us I hey would be ! in the lntin;in fioniaeh." . Dr. L'KKKIKA. in his famoiis tr'-atise ti "PimkI nnd I Diet," ituhhxhed bv Fowlers .V Welle, .New York, iwine i instates the Biime reat fart, nit deseiities the trfethuil of preparation, inercure lew i.iguer uuuioiiues man vr. Vi. COM !U5, in his valuable writiinji! on the ''Phynittlupy of Uijjt Sliou," olufervetl that ''lutimiiuiiiouof thcilue tptan tit y of the inttrir Juice is 11 promim ilt uml nil-prevailing cause of Dy 'pepsin and lie states that 'a dislinptiisht-S profcksor of medicine, in Lmdoti, who was severely Minifi ed with ti complaint, tiiuiiutr every thing else to lull, had ibeouise ttthe (iuiifrie Juiee, oliiaiued iroin the stomach uf living HiTiiiiiils, wliuh proved rodtpletely rureetMlul." Ur. author of the fat nous works on 'Vcge table Diet," sai : "it in a remarkable Ittct in phynioloty, that the stomachs of uitimal, macerated hi water; iiiituri ly the riuul the projH'ity f di tlvbig various atticles nf Ixm1. and of effecting u bind of urtttit ial digestion uf I hem in no wisf ditii rcal iroui the natural digestive mk-cmi." Dr. HIMON'S prntt work, the "Chemi!trv of Muii," (xaU DlaiM-hanl, Philu. pp. -fRl-t!) Mays: ''The dis covery of PKPS1 forms a new ru m the cliemifa! histiiry nf Jigeiioii. t-'rom recent expeiiiueiii wu know that food is ilisHolvetl a nipirtly iu hii artificial digestive fluid, prewired Iroui Pepsin, ai it i iu the natural Gastric Juiee Itself.,' Proi'eKS ir I)l'(iMMX of the Jetlerrm College, Phila delphia, hi his great work on Hainan Physiology, devotes 11111a than tit 1 y puires to Mu examination ol this suhjeet. -His experiments with Dr. lb'itutuouit on the tmslric Juiee, obuiiiuil from the living human stonuu-h uud from animals nn- well know u. "in till rascjf." he Kavs, l,d'uertimi cHTiir- red u pfri'Y't!)' in the artificial as in the nuluruUugestioiui." AS A DVSPEPIA Cl'UER, Pr. HOUGHTON pn-paratioii of VK1SIX hail produ ced the in t marvellous eilects, t iiritig cases ol' Debility. Kuiaeiation, NerVous Decline, uud Dyspeptic Cousumpiiou, Bupixed to Ite tm the very verge of the grave. It U im p K4iUe to give the deuills nf canes iu the limits of this ad vert iseinei it hft nuthriiticated oTtilieates havelwen gueu of more than TWO IH NDK Kl) HK.MAHKAHLL t'l'RKS, iu Pbiladelphin, New York, uud listou ulonc. These were neurly all dseraiu cases, and the cines were not only rapid and wonderful, but erni menl. Jt isu greut NKUVOi rt AM'IDOTK, nnd pnrlicidurly usefift for tendency to b.lious dix rdeif J.iver Coinplai..t, pe er uud Ague, or Isidly truuleil Fever ailtl Ague, mid the evil cifccis of Cjuiiiiue, Mercury, and other drugs upon the Digestive, organs, ultei a long sickm -us. Also, for excess iu ealmg, uud the too free use of ardent spirits. U almost reconcile HeullU with luteuipermiee. OLD STOMACH COMPLAINTS. Thsre is ih form of OLD PTOMArH COMPLAINTS which it does il4 Seem to ruueh uml retiutve at once. No inutti-r how Iwd thev irar lie, it tilVP.S INS TANT KK- LIKP ! A sonile d se ieinves nil tlut implcuittnt symp t atis, and it initv needs to be repealed, for u slwi t ttnw, to intikti these goml. tf -ets iwrimnent. l'l'lllTV OP HUM)D uml VltiOU Or' ltoL , foilnw st oure. It Is purticulurly excellent in eases of Nausea, V omit hue, Crumps lSweiHs or the pit ol the itotnucu dihiress inter eating, low, oohi, suite 01 the HI khI, lli-aviuess, lowueM ol' Ppirits, lrtpiHi deucy, Kmuciatiou, WeskiU'Sst tetsU.-ut4) to Itituutiy, Sui cide, Ae. Price.ti.M-. Ui'I.UAlt iter hoi lis. One Itoltlc will oiteu eifect a lasting cure. PEPSIN IN POWDfcfiS. IT" fK.NT BY MAIL, KKi:F. OP VOfif ACiK. F'f Convenience of Kenitics to nil parts of the rounlrv. the DH i KSTI V K M A'Vl'VM fK TDK PMPSIN is put up t in inc iorin yi rowoers, wun uirectitms 10 lie diss nvtti in Wuler or syrup, by the patient. These powders e.miairt )ust the same matter as the bottles, but twice the qnantiiy ".tr the saine nriee, and will be sent bv inuil. KUKU OF POtSTAliK, for ON E DOM.AH lent (post-pnid) to Dr. J. 8. HOLoa TON, -No. 11 NurUt Eighth street, i'uiladdphia. Ta. ten nockafr- for five dollar. Everv fnCkAc and bnttl bears the wntica signature of i. B. liULOll I ON, M. D , ok Pj:))rietur. Btild by apeuts in evrrv town ia tha United fiiaUs, and by tetecutrle deolerain Medtcinet fcjieially. FOR fcALE BY John W. F riling, and Gaorga Bright, Buntmry, pa. Mary A. McCay Nthombersbti John H. R aaar Milton, Havea k MoCortmck, , MnEwwumUs, . ft. J. Crousa, Jielinsarova, John G. Rstin, . 1rppf Mahaiittnf William r1n. , , Msaono) . LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OU NERVOUS DEBILITY. DISEASE . OF THE KIDNEYS, A NDtllHIi.nwnnrilmiB fnnn dix.nlcmt llvrtnritn A much, iioliuiit.initiiliim, inward flln, KnltiirM.ur liliRKl t.. iho l.wi.l, Anhliiy o( lh Blomnch, Nnun-n, linrttHirii, ihnRnm Inr K011I, fulliiBm or weight in the eimiiii-h,ourKtm uii,iiiii, inkiniror rltmnrliig' at the nit or the mntimch, nviininiiiit f thn heml, hnrrinl'Hnit ilifficult brniliiiV, HiitMrincat tlie hrt, ph"klnf or tuff.imiiiiff i-naalmni when in Iving p..ure, Uiinnen ttt Yi.ii.n, ' b'f""tl"itlit, l-'sver uml dull pnin In the head. dpHrienrjr nf perapirntiun, rnlhiwiteM (if llic akin and ve, pain In lt. aide, hick, eheat, linilia, Ac., .olden Ituihea uf heat biirniiin in I ha fleah, eunalailt iiuniimiiga ui vil, and great Uepri-winii (if aiiritf CAN Bl Ki rHCTLAI.t.Y CL'RIiD BY ID?.. HOOPLAITE'S CLLlURAlIilt fit'lDIAM i)irTuni, mlTPABKD BY DR.C. M. JACKSON, AT TUB GERMAN MUDICINE STORE, No. tun Arch St., IMillndclpliln. Their pnwer iivor tha above diaenne if ii"t ctfelled, if eqiiulled, hy uiiy ethur prupiirHlioii in tloi United Sint(, ni ihe eurea attest, in many cuaea alter akilliul ph) nieluni had luiled. i Theae Hiltera aro worthy they aileiition of invalida. PoffaeRRini; punt virlnrs in the ruMincnliun of (lin-iiara ol tlie l.ivcr mid Icwr pliuntn. excrciHii-fr It"; iii"it aeiircliiny xwera in weaknewi unit ntfectielm of ttic diealiva OTgjiiti, tlicy are, withal, nie, eertiim und pleneant. f Fioin Hie Uoatuu Ueu.J . The Kdilor mitt, Dec. -.HI "Uh. lloori.Au'a OHMiATin German BiTTima for tlie cure of l.ivcr ('ompl.iiiil.Ji dice. Dyxpepiiai Chronic or Ncrvuna Debility, ia dcflervndlv one of Die 11101 opii. Inr incdicinca nf Ille duy. Thcac "fltltcra huvo been nai-tl liy llioiiKindn, and n fiieml at our elliow miya he lui him aelf received an eiTcclmil and periiituivnt cure uf l.iver Coinplitiut iruni Die line of ttiia remedy. Wu nru cutiviuccd Hint, III Iht! line of then illllrra, the pHtienl onuntiilltly (Tiiiiia atrciiirth nnd vipir n I'nct worthy ul grunt eiiumde ration. They arn plcaannt in tu!o and smell, unit enii be uacil by peranns willi the muatdellcnte atoumclia with iwl'e ty, under liny eircuiusiHiicea. Wo ara apiuking from tx pcrience. uud to I lie nrllicted we ndvue tlicir use." Judge M. M. Noah, (reullcinnn wilh truut aclcntiftc and literary uiiai enia, anid in hia "New York Weekly MeFiteiiucr," Jiiiiunry 0, M) i 'Dr. H'.flntid, liennnn Hitirrs Here I a preparation whiuh the learinip prone in the Union appear to be ilunul nuns in recomuit-iidiiii!, uud the miaou ia obvionni It ii iiindc niter a prcsi-ripunn rushi-d by one of the moat cele tirntcd pliysiciuna of modern tiinca, the lute Dr. Clir tcilicr Williclm llootlailil, l'rolor til the I'nivt-raity ufjeuu, private Phyniciuu to the Khur of l'rinmiii, and una of tlie gicutcat innliuil writera (.icrmaiiy hua ever prixluccd. lie i emphatically the etlcinv of liiiinlni. Uud Ihcicfore n medicine (if wliicti lie wua tlie inventor nnd midomer nmy be eonll'dcutly relied uli. He apecitilly recouuncuded it in l.iver Cuillpliiiut. Dyspepsia, Debility, Vertiifo, Acidity of the Htumiicti, f'oiiHtipntion. und nil conipluintH nriniu from n diaordcred coiiditioti of the stonuich, the liver uud the iuteitinca. Nine I'liiludcldliia pupera cxprcim their junvic lion of itA excellence, uud Hcvenil of tlie vdilora apenk of its cflVcta from tlicir own indivJililn! pxpt-rience. Under tlieae circuiiifltiincc, wc feel warranted, n-it only in callinff the nttctitliiti of uur nnidcra to tlie (ircacnt prcAent proprie or (Dr. C. AI. Juckm;t) prciiurutiun, Init in rct-oiiuiicud. ing tlie article to a I ulilicted " More Evidence. The "Pllllndelphla Siiturdn- linzctlc., the tlc I'limily newiper piibhslied In tho U'nlted SUiteij tlie editijr aa)t uf Dr. Iloojtand's German Bitters. "It ia neldoin th;t we recommend wliut urn tenned I'll' lent Medicine, to the conhilclice nnil putronni;i: of out' readera; uml. tlii iclorc, ivhcu we reconnucud ilr. Itiif luud'a Cerinni liillci-n, we wia it to bo dintinctly nndci. atood Dint wo urn not pciikiu),' of tho noatruma (if Ihe duy, that nre noised nhout lorn In ici" period und then for (fottennltei tlicy Imvcilune their iruillv nice of mim-hlcf, but of n Illeilii-iue lon entiihlislied, ntilverKIIIV prizil. loitl which hua met the hcorty upprovnl of the l-'iiculty itself." That this medicine will ciiio l.ivcr Couipluiut uml l)y pepsin, no one cundoultt. nt'tcr nstii- it u.( directed. It ncta Hpcciticully upon the nlomucti und liver it ia prcflcmble to culoiiiel iu nil billi'iiLi dist'iioca-Mhe irlcct ia iuuueiliute. They can be ndmiiiixtcrcil to l-'t-mule ur Infant with autety and reliable benefit, ut any time. nr.WAUK tF r()t.NTi:nFi:i'r. Tliia medicine bus nt.uined Hint lnijli haiuctcr which ia lieecRHuryforutlmcdiciuex totitttiinto induce coiiulctfeiu-ra to put lorth u iunoua urticle at tho rink uf tho livca ul ttioae lire innocently derived, LOOK WKLI.TO Till: MAKK8 OK Till: OKNUINK- They have the written sijrnntiire of C. M. JACKSON upon Hie wrapper, and the inline blown iu tlie bottle, willi uur which tlicy arc apuiioua. I-'ur aalc, wliulcnale mid rclnil. llio German. Medicine Store, No. ISO AIU.II Street, one door Mow Sixth. (Into oi' 2M Ilace street.) I'liiludclpliiu. and by respectable dealers generally throughout the cotttitry. Alo: For wile by II. .Masses, Biuibury, and M. A. M'Cav, Northumberland. Aiiaust I? , lsjti. ly Estate of Henry Leighow( deo'di TftTOTICn in licrpby piven thnt Ifttcrs of Ad- Hj ministration are given to the subscribers, on thc Estate of Henry Leighow, dee'd., late ot" Point township, Northumberland county. All persons indebted to said estate or having claims against the same, aro requested to cull on the subscribers for settlement. WILLIAM LEIGHOW, ) . , , PE.MDKOilK LEIGHOW. j AUm Northuiubeiland, Sept. 14, 18.r)0 fit. MACKEREL, SHAD. CODFISH, SALMON', HERKLNGS, PORK, HAMS AND SIDES, SHOULDERS. LARD AND ClIEtSE, Constantly orl hand and for sale bv S- 1. PALMER & Co.. Market Street Wharf; I PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 14, '50i; 3m. NOTjECE to heirs. TVI OTICE is horrbv given to the heirs of An ' drew Gcist, dee'd. Into of Ipper Mahonoy, to appear at nil Orphans' Court, to lie held at Sun burv, in and for the county of Northunilierlnnd. on the first Monday of Novc'iIiIkt next, then uud there to accept or refuse the" real estate of the said dee'd., ut Ihe valuation fixed upon the said real ostate by an Inquest duly awarded and confirmed j hy tllC Hli'ul court, or hlll'W CUUHO why the same , sUou(j Ut HJ,j JAMES COVERT. Sh'lf. SherilT s Oll'ice, Suuliurv Sept. 7, 1H50. bt. NOTICE TO HEIRS. TV OTICE is hereby iriveh epven tri the lielrs rlf Henry Keller, dee'd.i litte of liper Mnho nor. to umieiir nt tin Onihans' court, to be held ut Sunbury, in rtnd tor the eOun.V of Xor.hum.K-r- IUI1U, t'li tin tiiai .iiununv in ui(;iiiiPL-r lit i, then and there to accept or rel'uSid Ihe mil estate of the said dee'd., nt the vuluutioii fixed upon the snid redl entd'c by an Inquest duly awarded nnd confirmed by the snid court, or shew why the same should not he wild. fed. JAMES ("OVERT, Sh'lT. Sherilf's Oliice, Sunbury 1 Sept. T, 1S50. fit. J ZBITZ & CO.. IMPORT Kit 8 OK I'dltf. Ill X Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt 1'ranica nnl Musical Inslru" ineiiH. 73 North Slid St., butween Arch & Uace, l'lllLAIIKLeillA. 1MPOI5T to order and huvc constiinliy on hand a vcrv large assortnient of feoods in the ubove named lines at wholesulo and retail, rriiicipally : i3 X CO L2. In Cierman, I.utln, (ireek, Hebrew, Fit'neh, Italian Spanish nud other laiiiruages; I'lussica, Diction u ries, Gin in mcrs, Vocabularies, School, Juvenile, l'icture, Drawiuiiand Mulel Hooks for Architects Cabinet, Caninwe and other in.inufacturcrs, MAI'S, (iIjOUES and Hiaiik Uook of every description. Sjilendid I.iiliuraphic and other Prints. MISlt AL IXKTHLMEMT9; Arcordeons, llanjos. Dons for all siring instru ments, bridse nnd Tailpiece, Clarionet, Fifes, KlaceolcU, Flutes, (iuitara, Octavo Flutes, I'aient Heads for Guitars nnd Violiucellos, Taniliourines, Tuninir Forkinnd Hammer, Violins, Violin and Guitar 1'crs, 'ioliiieelU)8 and String for all kind of Instrumenls Wholesale and Jtctail. Accor deon repail'ed. Also constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large utsorlment ol tne cr' ue GERMAN BRONZE POWDER. Dutch Melal, French and Fbrenre I.eAf MeUl Thermometers, Hairpencils.-Fahei and oilier Leadpencils, Ked, Wtutouud Ut ('hulk Cray on, Mathematical InatruiiipnU, ttouficftturt, iS'prinif Lancet Pocket P-.eacription anj. Gold Bcale and Weight I.c'.U'r. Fancy eolorod and gilt Paper Playint; Cftnt nd othor French and Cierman Fancy ArtWWai fo tha aale, of which they are the MAKVl'ACTUKUBS AGENTS. July 6, 185Q.-, . puREWHiTii bkaxdVrkeser- VINO, just received and for ale by VI. B-MAS5EK. 5", 1S50.. GREAT ATTSACTIOV I ! -XEW CIIE4P CtOODS. john w rniLino. Market Street, 6tUttHlry tL, MAS Just rrceived and opffleVl hfgt imettU fnent of aupcrtor anil rhoir fancy ind ! t)nr Gooda, well adapted to th t Ortttnf Ma' ion', whiffi lie will tell at tho lowest prtcfnb Hii stock consist of (rencrnl assortment of alMost alt article of (iM til the Dry Goods line, eoHtitiaf in part of ' - w Cloths, Camnmeres, SummerJStuff 'Clothing und Vesting) 1'tidies llress Ooods Olovcs, Hosirry, taccK, Hliiwls, Mdslins, ttM iiigs, Tickings, Klne" Mrtslln, (Jlnghims, ' Linen, At?i A l.SO : A ecnrrnl ssaoTtmrnt of GROCERIES, HAklM'Alte. QUEENS. WARE, LIQUORS, I)ttUGX,ANt MED1CIXES,. PAINTS ,u AND DYESTUfF, nnd every variety of Ut tide. , . flT Country produce of all kinds taken 111 tt cliange at tlir l)ii;licst market pricsti Siinlrary, April 27, 1850. " NOTICE Is hereby given to William O.Moore, diaries (J. Moore, John Wi Moore, Isaac G. Moore, nnd Frances Moore. That by virtue of n certain Breve dt Partitioni Facienda to me directed, an Inquisition will be held nt 11 o'clock, A, M. oil Wcdnesay, October '2, 18SU, upon a certain tract of Land situate In Kimli township, i'ortliuniler!nnd county, bowl' di d liy lands of John Gertrhflrt, JilCrtb Gearhart, Hermun Gearhnrt, Elizabeth Dcpiu, and John Gulick, coutainiiiK 87 acres and 18 perches, moral or Icsh, to inijuiro whether the samtf ran be equal ly parted and divided to and among tha aforesaid parties without sopiliutiou of tilt whole at which time and pluce the aforesaid parties ant hereby warned to uc and Appear, If by them il in deemed excdiciit. JAMES COVEllT Sh'rlT S"lrrfl Omce, Sunbnry, ( Attar. 22i lH50-21-6t l j,.lIL7 gSoSEIIIBS. DAVID PEASE, S IP. Conies Glh 4- Arch Street, Philadelphia tl AS for sale all kinds of choice family Groee ries nt the very lowest prices, tilt Extra Fine, superior and common Dlack and Green Teas old Gov. Jtva and other kinda of Collec, nil (ualitica of Crushed Light Brown and Drown Sugars-, best Sperm Oil and Sperm and A inn mine Candles ; Baker's Chocolate, Cocoa and Brortia; Farina, Tapioca, Sago and Wheatan Grits; Olive Oil, Isinliisi, Ketchdps and Sauces Maecuroni, Vermicelli, English Split Peaa, dr. They will pack up all goods for tha country neatly and securely and deliver them promptly at any lepot Or Hotel as dfsireil. DAVID PEASE, fi, W. Car, 0th et Arch Su. ' ' Philadelphia. Aug. 17, 1850. lyMiiy HEADY MADE V 7 E take this method td inform the readefa at ' the Suiilmry American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in guest of Good and Cheap Clothing) and favor us witli a call, they shall not be disarm pointed in olituining the best of garments at Itiat lowest cash price.-, We have now on hand thi largest assortment ever ollercd in Philadelphia) among which arc DHKS-S and FItOCK COAT! from 5 to $18, PANTS and VESTS from 75 cts. to OVER COATS, CLOAKS, BU8I NKS SACK COATS and COATTEBS, all of which shall be sold at such prtccs as to make it I olljRct '' the people of Sunbury and tha ur- rounding country to extend to us their patrona( TERRY R. M NEILLE & CO. South East corner of Cth and MarksU . July 13, 18.r0,- "DEATH'S DOOR:' tlow ltHucnily do we htur tliis cxprcslioii) Whltfll U ineuiit to cciivcv to the iiiiiul tlie lust tu of skknvsjs tliui a putitiii c-jii le htlnct'd ti, ami lira. Mrs. Uirri sun, u mem Iht .' the Trinity Cliurt-li, wus. as site ciurcs I schs ht'istlt. tirmiht down to "DeutU's door,1 bjr Khn. UUlliMli li ill) .MJtvi'UJi iiniiiut;iic, wiiuii, ins uu vi iiu iLV, Umhviiy's Htudy UlHm relieved her of her trr piiiiis iuid reAnntl hT lo tier friends iti crie?tft health. Tkm very ii'sutiit Kndn-uy'S Keuity Heliel ia applied, lt briititieial i tiff is are iXKrieiH:el, it Hrthfr) healf; claaa scR nnd juiritir it iiiMnntly nllnys trrlimtott; redtlcet hi. liumtmtlU'ilR nnd Mvclliiius. relieves tlie iinvt severe Na mlle iminn. (fives enf lu Hums, Stnilils, rurtli Krttptiunt rlurei Itlii.iiniiitii'm. laiiiilmgo. tiuut, l'aiulysis; Sprains. ' Str.tins. Siaotius, P-iitt' Neckj Weakness iu the Side ejm! t;itk. Sores -l till khuK", (iulls, Kruises, Criafts, 8oc '1'hnmt. InHdrnzu, JltutAetitM, Cudglis, Cokls, TOtJTH ACIIi; CL'HHU IN UK 8UOOXD. This turturinsr iiilMrtiou run lw cured in an instant, fnf tlie iiioiiH-nt tlif Hrt.ol touches the u:rve the pain is mU tiatetl. So with Tie Uoleieux und ileitlic'ruilfat; Neural giuundSirk MiTiilji'ht htittw the pnrt ti-here the paia i" intiM sevTt. ihhI hi a tew miliine you will be tiUireljr rrlmved. Taken iiitiruully it will arrest the iriost violent Svisuisaiid Oiiiiitj. sti'p voiiutinir or to much pilrnirif, in nil iKr it will nivu strength for Wkitfss; enae for Lvilii, health f.r Kh'kufss: Xo Ktsidr Rnlief is geiluiiia aa ies signed hy It A1VA V k CO., 1(N Fttltoh Street. H,i:(.AT TOII.FT It EIJITFH. TO KMUK1J4S11 AXU KMlANCJli TUB CHARMS or HKAirTVi RIIway'h MEbfrATkN rltAf. Rndwny'R Minllealid Soup; so mvorubly ktUIWll through; otit tint fuiituoitulile world for its extremely tilund; purify ini und S'Hilliintf elfeeis on the skill ; while br its action tai the pubs uml the minute wretory Vessel it ex pals alt Iti.piiruif- ruin the surf tie tv, hlluyft every lendtney to iu tiHtuiuatioi.t uild ell'ii'tuiilly diitcijiuies ull redness, tan, jdinjilrH, thf. iri-ckli'S; diMolorattnusaild otlier cutoiletmt eriiUioii.. i he mnuuft hiHkin it lit!wrt)i to the elites, ui Sstltness a.u) ilelti-ui!)' whit h it indtu'toi ol' the huitda and ) itt IV'nHiA:!"' (.M'utletueu aiier sliaviiiir will find II iillnvsull Irritation i ii i ul tenderness of the skin, und renders it soft, smooth ami pleaKuit. j During the hrnt mid duVt of miiflhler. ot Trott and bleak winds ni winter; and iueaM-sof snnhurn; stinps M uiseeta . ehillilttiitli. t )miiel imn I; or iueirlentul Ililiainnuition, its ! virtues tiave toinr uhd exteiisivi'ly wu ai'knowledjfed. It I iMtrii vintf uml reirenn properues huve obtained its aetec- tion rroni iheth'Hisaadfc f ttthiT i'osir1etis, both of Kuru. peuu und dotneslii1 iilanaiWture, by the Iwu ton ol' all purtt ul the lashi'iiialile world, from the hunting tropics to tha frozen rtstlms of the It'tt Huip. The nulilic will pleasa hear in inuid that Kuitway's .Medibntetl Ksip, is the only sale ptvpntntitm for tho skiN itow in use; this has been berttfted lo by our nmst jnoiniiiriit rheiuisU: Kadwav'i Sup in iritj irui HMHiMioiis. irnlutlnii und peruiriotis in arn rnlients. it ran Im used on the tender skill df the infant with Ihe same Iviiipy results as uki beuitty in ua prime, ben a i Se thai caeh cake iM-d in u splendid label nc steel fnirniviiif and further see that ihe siirntilura of R (i. It All WAV is upou uicii t.iko. l'rictt ii ccuu. large e:n.(. the c.nowiso ouNamext of beaity IH A l.L'Xt ItlAX r IIKAU OF GLOSSY HAIR; BADWAV' CmCAVlAX HALM. U'nrraiiled the brut llatr Tonie In tlie,' For lrriuiiii; nnd liiviiititVinff the hnir. II rlnuiM-s tin- Sculp In.i'u Uuii.lriilf, il clean, fr Si-iiit-v, Jkililnrns. imrl KirL-a on tli 1 1 curl atop tha hair Hum lalliiii; isu, ii-ndcra il Wriinir. fmc, sni'olli, ft iwt liliuwy. l'cfs nil Im huvc lost Iti'ir hiiir liy ak-ltnesa will liml u coinilci.- nniiikittf in ititdwn) 'a t'irciiuinn Balm. It hIiui pives il a (link aii'l licuiitiiiil ctilir. uud will prevent it t'roin Itiniinc frri-y. I-'rnnl its cxqiiiiiitti jsirltr, il ia r)rni raiily adaptrd I'.u ilie liair (ni-liiktrcii ol tlie'nmsi iiMtar iiiic. Il i A iM iii l-'ire bottles tor '21 rents per bottle, surf la wunuiitctl tbtf W't hair pr(iniarioil 111 use, H wtll W4. a il tlir hut. cie. hi tin fluent liilifie. hW-r llutl th aifna hire of R AUWA V I'll., ia uwm rarh uutlns-no (i(4 rtimiiaii UiiIiii in geiiaine witluHit tbe aignutifr ot Iladw 4 Co. Air?iT II. B. Muisr, Sunbury. An. I", o-Jiuly .1 AKMIAI.I TONIC MIXTURE. For the Clbi; ar Fkvk a.nb Acne. Vfj HANTtD, THIS onriAaltrd mnticinr nmy be rrlin) na wbafi ft'-' ly U "lU-i luiiHitii-s iuil. lis vurue w not snaViMtlr known. Ilicrclorc, Ilie tioirietor ilraire tn ariBirc RcU ol n uwlnliicia liy inakiiiji known us virtnaa ' rMoy to tlvaiMiislii nt' aiiaK-reis vviviar ant a war iliat tast. eun u ix-uiiy tii tmliraiiy curico oi , .- f FtVElt AXO AOI'E, wiihont in nir of poivamna rlaar, aauaana aloa tlie tlclcleruHia rilVclaof iiumiae. Il ia otrrfed p Da lie at a low price to plner it wilbi tiia reach Of "."J" thnt those who use il armrdih; B (Uracil" B II. . ml ! speed)- i-iu Ut Fa'i ak Motra. It i not a AirfM Mnaealui iprne u afTM-. able lianc eaU-iiInk w retnov tU disaM awlfiTa Utilkf action to the .uminoh and l'W'"- rreinred only hr Muralnll Co., at at ann) wknliaalaa an reiMl hy Rowind Son, No. ftl North h tunas. Philadcl.hia Prn HI P aiiifi bottla, and k4 par imm- Juuc'-W. 14" if TuNotD'n writing; flitixanc con A CRE.f INK for sal ttthn cffica.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers