SUNBUHY AMERICAN AND S1IAM0KIN JOURNAL. .u; on cujs.' n T.l.(Corresrxndeftce f ths With. Ijedgnr -i. I ;;;'-raoM 'WAsniJioTO!.,;: , 1' J '? :Wahigtoh, July !4. i rs .The body of the lato President will, it i believed, be transferred to Hamilton County, ' Kentucky, where his father and mother ere buried and not to Baton Rogue, as first sta ' W. The funeral obsequies here in VVashing ' oa brought thousand, and the city is full of Grangers. Among these however, is nearly every prominent office-holder in the Atlantic cities, and some hundreds of gentleman, who believe or have reason to beiiovo, thnt their merits have been overlooked by General Tay lor or his Cabinet. To the keepers or public houses this will act as a second inauguration jf a Presidont, and complete their harvest for the season. As the new Cabinet is not to be appointed before several weeks perhaps not Hill the end of the session, we Bhall have a "crowded city till then, and, in all probability, crowded city in the recess. On the whole, 1 do not dislike to see such an influx of North ern gentlemen just at this time. We have Jiad shoals of Southern nullifiers here, direct tfrom the Nashville Convention, who acted as ltmtilants to Southern malcontents, and ns Inciters of the Northern Free Soilers. Such , rrien as Parson Colquitt, who admonishes the ' people of the South to cast cannon, polish "words and Uyon"et8,'and in fact, prepare for war, can do rio good herein Washington ) for art their eyes, aNort.hern man is aMainted, if fee is so unfortunate ?b not to perceive the moral beaoty'and excellence of niggerdom. South Carolina, with a white population not equal to that of Vermont, has lorded it over the Southern members for three or four weeks past, and now a rational, shrewd, and reflect ing body of politicians from Jhe North seems to be quite refreshing. These Northern pol iticians are after, all, practical men with an eye to their own interest and not such knights with sorrowful countenances, as wo have seen of lale from the Palmetto State. The Southern ultras are, just now, a.little tinder the weather; for the which every honest man will thank the Lord three times a day. They knew that Clay had set his heart on dying as the ereat pacificator of the country and the preserver of the Union, and were determined to drive him tn tho wall to obtain the utmost concessions. This is now impossible, as it is expected that tho bill will receive a respectable Whig support on the part of those men who where always disposed to go for the bill, but disliked to oppose the President and tho administration, which had sworn eternal hostility to Mr. Clay, The Southern ultras, therefore, expect a bill to pass over their heads, and to have all their poor sayings put to the blush, by the fact that (Northern men, contrary to their predictions, are willing to forward with a reasonable plain of pacification. This knocks tho ground on which they stand from under their feet. .As to the disonionists or traitors per se. for there are such, who expected a chance of open re sistance which should unite .the whole South against the North, their prospects are equally dull ; the mere fact that the Cabinet have resigned, and that the President has accept 'etl 'their resignation, will be sufficient to quiet alarms and appiehensious,nnd to make the South wait patiently for the denouement of the whole matter. ".' Everybody here seems to bo convinced now that the Compromise bill will pass, and that it will be pushed through the Senate in n very short time. Indeed, this is necessary if.lho new administration wishes to organ io on a firm basis, and before the bill is passed, no Cabimt appointments or other important nominations and changes of nominations will be made. The new Cabinet wants to start in pacc, not in war, and surround itself at once with the frettite of success and pros perity. To-morrow, the battle in the Senate will be renewed. Mr. Butler will finish his speech, and Mr. Cass and Douglass may fol low. Douglass will propose the amendment to his amendment providing for the division of California into two or three States, by and with the consent of the people of the Slate; and Mr. Cass will speak on it, Daniel Web ster will also speak once mow on the bill, and co will, Henry Clay. '' Odskuver. .sci. 't ' Washington, July 15, 1854. f It is now no longer a matter , of doubt or certainty that President Fillmore disapproves in toto the action of General Taylor's Cab inet, arid that all of them will have to go in a body, . It is vajn, utterly in vain to make the least effort to eave one of them. They will soon return to the bosoms of their friends from which, perhaps, they had best been .never separated. Mr. Clayton, it is said, de signs to return to the United States Senate; Mr. Meredith will return to the Bar, of which he was so prominent and distinguished a member; Mr. Ewing will return to Ohio, kc The new Cabinet are not yet determined upon and, from what I leain, is not likely to be determined upon for some time. All and everything in regard to it is conjecture. It is generally believed that Mr. Webster will go into the State Department ; but he will not accept unless he is consulted as to the gentlemen intended to be bis colleagues. Not that he wants the absolute appointment of them, but at least a veto in regard to them Gentlemen are pressed from all aides on the President, but Mr. Fillmore keeps his own council. Depend on it, nothing in regard to the Cabinet will be positively known till their names shall be tent into the Senate. Mean while, the whole country points to Mr. Web Herat by far the best Secretary of State that ean be appointed. He possesses not only ta lenti for the office beyond comparison, but al o the confidence of two hemispheres in his judgment and experience." Mr. Clay nobly urges him to accept it, and on Mr, Fillmore to appoint him ; but even that , appointment does not teem to be definitely fixed upon. The House to-day laid the Galphin on the Uble uat, however, without passing the re fcolutiona recommended ty the committee which, under present circumstances, are suffl ciently mortifying, without adding other mails ef Congressional disapprobation of the Course pursued by the Cabinet. They consti tul a, parting salutation of a very serious kind tombing litem very clwuly. ' ' Tlui Ewiu, Committee, of which Mf. Richardson is chair man, is determined to report and strike the Secretary of the Interior pro tern., before he quits office, tt really seems as if it wore de termined to forget and foigive nothing in the account between the Cabinet and Congress. In the Senate, the work of conciliation com menced, to-day. Tho Bill of adjustment the Omnibus Bill, as it was called in derision by the Cabinet, and in servile imitation by the reporters and Cabinet letter writers was taken out of the Committee of the Whole and reported to the Senate. It is now, of course, open to amendments; but Mr. Clay thinks the bill will bo pressed to vote this week and pass tho Senate Mr. Butler, of South Carolina, finished his Missouri Compro mise speech; but it did not do any harm. Mr. Clay, after Mr. Butler had finished, went up to him and asked him whether, since ho had spoken so earnestly about the line of 3G, 30, he would vote for the Bill if that line were agreed upon, or whether he would still require somuthing else; to which Mr. Butler responded that he should then require a posi tive recognition of slavery south of that line. This was, of course, private conversation, but of so public a character, that it ought to be known in justice to all. You will remember that I always told you that nothing but a positive recognition of Slavery south of a line would ever satisfy the nullifiers Jeff. Davis, Yuloe, Mason, Hunter, Turney, and the like, and that I never enter tained a doubt those gentlemen would vote against any arrangement which does not con tain such a positive guarantee in it to that effect. I knew extremely well what I was then slating as a mere matter of speculation not wishing to be too hard upon the patriots. Davis of Mississippi, and Hunter knew very well what they were fighting for. They had their land-mark, in writing, before them ; and they are determined not to yield an inch on either side. They will simply bo out voted and then left to enjoy their consistency and attachment to certain men as best they may. Mr. Benton made another speech on the bill, attacking the Texan Boundary, Mr. Webster will also speak once more on the bill, in opposition to Benton. The bill is going to pass in spite of all ob stacles from being opposed by the adminis tration, with all its power, all its patronngo and all its prospects, it is now an administra tion measure. This blank will either be fil led with ten or twelve millions of dollars. Then, after the Texas Boundary question is once disposed of, there is really no great ob stacle to the remainder of the adjustment. It is now certain that Congress will sit till the middle of September, and that it will at tempt to setllu the other great questions on which parlies and sections of the country are divided. Observer. MOST DISTRESSING AFFAIR. Albany, July 9. Six Children Burnt to Death. Last week a, Mr. Knox, of Bristol, Ottow, Canada, was killed on board of a steamboat on. the Rideau Canal. Mrs. Knox, hearing that persons were coming with the remains ot her unfortunate hus band, went out to meet them, taking with her the youngest child. She left six other children at home in charge of the house. During her absence the house took fire, and the viluole six chddren were burnt to death Thus out of a family of nine, the mother and one infant aione remain. Feaciies. Our olfactories are saluted on all sides by the delightful odor of this deli cious fruit. T here is already an abundance of them in market, of the richest and ripest llavor. irorn present prospects, we think there will be a good show o( fruit this year, Watermelons nave been so Jons: in market that they have nearly gone out of vogue J". O. Delta, July 3d. l)C iUavkcti Philadelphia Market. July 17, 1850. Flour. Flour is riuiet and tho price stea' dy ; shipping brands are selling at $5 12c brl Extra Flour at S5 62 brl. Rye Flour is held at $2 75. Corn Meal is worth 2 75 rter brl. Wheat. There is a limited demand for reil Wheat at 81 20c. prima White atSl 2Cc kye. renna Kye is held at 000 per busli Corn. Corn is in demand at 624 c. for vel low ; White is worth 68 cents. Oats. Southern are worth 41c. and Penna 45c. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 25o ana uiius at 5 cents. Baltimore Market July 15, 1850. Wheat. Small sales of cood to primo reds weie made to-day at 115 cts., audPenn while ai ix i cis. Corn. White at 61 a 62 cents, and of vel low at 62 cents. Oats. Prices range from 42 to 43 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls were made at 25i cents, and of hUds at 241 cents. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly by Henry Masscr. Whmat. 108 lira. ... . 56 Coax, - . . .60 Oats. . 37 BuTTKH. - - . ' . J2 Euu. .... 8 I'uBK. .... 5 Klaxskeu. - . . . 125 Tallow. - . -10 Bkehwax. 25 Flax - - - . .8 Heckled Flax. ... 10 Dhieu ArrLES. - . . .62 Do. Peaches. 200 . j LIST OF JUE0KS. F Northunitierland County fur August Term Grand Jurors Naxu. Occcpatios. , KuinxscE 1 Wm. Nesbil, Farmer, Cliilisquaquo i jvuucri tampoen uo Uush 3 Geo. Rohrabach, Founderer, Suubury 4 Jas. Bachler, Carpenter, Up. Augusta 0 junn vanzani, farmer, Miamokui, 6 Henry Haas, . Innkeeper. Coal 7 John Voris, Farmer, thilisqnaque 8 John Schmick, Tailor, Sunbuiv 9 Robert Lesher, Uoatbuilder, Northum'land JO Henry Shine, .1 Farmer, Low. Augusta 1 1 James catucaii, . uo . lielawura 12 Jacob Weiser, do Jackson 13 Michael Shive, di Low. Augusta 14 Samuel Johnson do Rush 15 Daniel Hursh do do 16 Jas. Wilson, Carpenter, Lewis 17 John Cold ron. Farmer, Low. Augusta 18 David Duukulberger, do Lit Mahonoy I'J uuu. xouiig, iititkmakur, fcuuUiiy 20 John S Haas, Farmer, Up Auetisia 21 lsano Seiler, Blacksmith, Low Mahonoy 22 Isaao De Witt, Farmer, Low Augusta JiJ wm vastine, do nusn 24 John F Kline, do Up Augusta Traverse Jurors Geo Mutchler. Farmer, Rush. 2 Chas Alexander, do MiamoKia do Toibut 3 Andrew Armstrong, John Seibert, do Delaware 0 Geo Tritesbach, do Lewis 6 John W Miles, Gentleman, Northnmb'd tv m Conrad, rainier, J,ow Augusta Peter Cobel, Tanner, Jackson 9 Wm M Auteii. Millwright. Chilisnuamie 10 Michael Derk, Wheelwright, Coal 11 John Meyer, Farmer, Up Mahonoy u Alicliael Wert, Miller, Low Mationuy 13 David Malich, Farmer, Up Mahonoy 14 Jacob Snatz. Gent., Low Malionnv 15 Joseph Morgan, farmer, I'p Augusta H John IN. Oyster, do 17 Geo Dimm, do Delaware Lewis Chilisqunque Low Augusta 18 Bom Troxel, do 19 Jos Weitzel, do 20 John Hull, do Sliamokin 21 John Bingaman jr., Boatman, L. Mahony 22 Simon Polke, Millwright, Cliilisquaquo 23 Edward buoy, farmer, Point 24 Jacob Geise, do Justice. Up Mahonoy do do Coal Sliamokin do Low Augusta Up Mahonoy Milton Low Augusta 25 John Malich, 26 Jos Snvder. Gent., 27 Hugh H Teals, tanner, do do do Laborer. 28 Jesse leats, 29 John Ebright 30 Jacob Evert, 31 Henry Jackson, 32 Jacob Shipman, : Farmer, 33 Daniel Kaufman. do . Up Mahonoy 34 John Hart, Blacksmith, Low Augusta 35 John D Cnwdcu, Shoemaker, Milton 36 Isaiah Miller, Farmer, Shamokiii 37 Benj. Treon, do Jackson 38 Dan'l Hileman, Carpenter, Low Augusta 39 Reuben Snyder, Wheelwright, Sliamokin 40 Geo Gaul, Single, Up Augusta 4 1 John Zimmerman, Farmer, Low Augusta 42 Philip Weaver, do Rush 43 Benj. Wolverton, do Sliamokin 44 Joseph Wallis, Gentleman, Point 45 Henry Repley, Farmer, Shamokiii 46 Jos Uiirman, Boatman, Milton 47 Alex. Colt, Blacksmith, Northumberland 48 Michael Lenker, Justice, Low Mahonoy. Petit Jurors 1 Jacob Shaffer, Farmer, Low Mahonoy 2 Dan'l Hilbish, do Point John onyder, do low Augusta Jas Smith, do Up do Anthony Watson, do Point 6 Alex Reed, Plasterer, Cliilisquaquo Adam Gilger, farmer, Miauiokni U 1lldS UU1C, It" Villi ijm jiitiiiiu 9 Bcneville Holshue, Merchant, Up Mah'ny q m r..i -l r-i.;i:. ........... in w v.. .-...I.,. I v 111 II Comly Vincent, 12 John Hummer, do Nnrthumberl'd Farmer, Lewis do Point do Up Mahonoy do Jackson do Point 13 bolomon folk, 14 Ab Troutman, 15 Chas Morgan, 16 Dan'l llrautigam, Gent., Noilliumborland 17 Jacob Slitzel, Farmer, Delaware 18 John Wert, do Jackson 19 Jas Lowrey, do Delaware 20 Jas Hayes, do do 21 Ellas Walton, Carpenter, Wilton 22 Ab. Lawrence, Boatman, do 23 Samuel Lerch, Farmer, Lewis 24 Jas D Barr, Justico do 25 Jos Hays, Laborer, Delaware 26 Reuben Garinger, Farmer, lTp Augusta 27 Dan'l McFalls, do Turbul 28 Mark Slack, do Up Augusta Low Augusta do do Chilisqunque Sliamokin do Low Augusta 29 Peter Reilz, Miller, 30 Dan'l D.i Witt, Farmer, 31 John B Heller, do 32 H. H Knoeble, do 33 Jos Hoover, do 34 Samuel Reeser, de 35 Geo Enrich sr., do Cow Mahonoy 36 Wm Hayes, Merchant, Delaware. LIST OF CAUSES. OR trial in the Court Common Pleas of Nor tlunnls rland County at August Term 1850' P Hileman mlm'r. of Geo. The heirs of Thou Grant, dee'd. Grant Bowers Lowlier ct al vs Gcorirc Miller & son same vs Jonas Bowman Julias liuwmau et nl vs h'amuel KauH'inaii Danville & I'otUville . . , . . . , Kail Koad Co. " ""lK r Wni & K. FcKcly Frederick Keener Henry II. Burr vs George Ileckert vs Win. Ay res v Win. McCay'sadm'rs .ueti fcStroccker vs Jacob Holluian vs Undue & U.irrct 'eler Kicliter's ex'rs Aim Myers Kachnei McOarty va UewarUV Jordan etnl vs Elizabeth Weitzel etal Wm. & It. KcRely & Co. vs John Shissler Jacob Karchncr vs Daniel Prymire et al Chas. W. Kichurds Mary Snyder et al vs Joseph I'ctut vs Roliert W Dunn vs James Dunn vs Jacob C'uIm'I sumo Wm H Thompson Pontius Hf Thompson vs Samuel K Wood f . f cnl, p..-.,.,. a y u jorwun, ci xiuiiut G 11 I. C n. ...... Alex Jordan John B Miller vs John B Boyd's ex'rs Kobert McCay vs Lward A Kutzucr Jacob Philips vs George L. Weimer .UT 1. ' f u jmHitiitc mini 1 ui n . f iv tir . 1 (2 u t ' 1 -va 1 uivr ut. u uiiiicr ui m Kainii mm iuiii'u, J Clay ton for J McWilliamsvs John Bowen F O'Donncll fur Win F Nagle vs John Divers Mary Vickery vs Peter Fossler same vs Peter ltrosious same vs John Bobb same vs Daniel (ionsert Charles H Friek vs Eli Slifer Thou Cummings et al vs J Parke &DI! Riahcl Jonathan I.eeduiu ct al vs Win McCsy's udm'rs Christum Uolhnger vs Charles 11 ousel , Geurgo Troxel vs Benj. C. Clayton Chas. A. Andre vs F. Matthews Daniel Hnnnaboch vs John Conrad Moacs Dower vs Kichiird Goodman Samuel Seaman vs Philip Spayd same vs Geo Bowman 8. A. Jordan et ol vs John Arnold Jas C arothers et al vs John N Lane et ol J Dixon by O A Dixon vs llouham K Kaso J Hunter Sc wife vs Dr. J 8 Dougal DS Caul & G Lawrence vs II &. F Wilhelm Hannah MonUrumery vs Joseph Ithods Cireen A Bros, for T Howard vs Henry Lantz David Perry vs Abraham Lunger samo vs Jlenry llulilerman Com. for P Hileman vs Thos A Billington Elizabeth Friek's ex'rs vs John Frick's ex'rs Montguinery A Sweny vs James Covert John Daily vs Samuel Dlain W m MeClery vs Samuel A Leidy Denj Hummel vs Philip Clotfelter Margaret Summer vs Tho ex'r of H Summer 111 IT t, ,. , . , , v iv nuoeuiaker utu r Jo. Kirkpatnck vs . Ha. ... Jonathan Stiver vs John Hummel Jas T Suttou & Co vs Samuel Kylo J P Miller Indorsee Ac vs J Sweny A Son Clayton for Mc Williams vs Jos eavidga Win L JJewsrt vs Northumb land county It D Cummings vs Montgomery fi Masteller M Miller , vs H & Y Wilhehu Jacob Stitzel vs Samuel L Deck B R Kase vs Geo A Dixon (J P yson for Job Tyson vs Daniel L, Bchncek John Haue and wife . vs Susan Haueustine Jas Carothcr et al vs Edward D 1'earce Philip Dillmyer vs D H Watson ' Jacob Niltrauer vs Samuel Jurret Frederick Shell vs G F Hull's tdiu'rs et al K McCormick vs John Dailey William Persing vs Peler A duns John K easier vs Geo Shatter John Datcsman ' vs Hullihcn ' Geo Apslcy vs Northumberland county James Dietlenbsch vs same F Fryer A Wm Moyer vs Elias Gar man Win M Auten vs Thomas Baser Wm MeClery vs K D Cummings George Lswrenc vs Allen Shreyer JOHN FAKNSWOKTil, Proth'rf. ProtbonoUry'iollico ) j buiibury, July 6, 1650. ) PROCLAMATION. TV OT1CE is horeliy given thnt the several courts of Common Pless, Geneml Ounrtnr 8efions of the pence, and Orphans' Court, Court of Oyer nml Terminer nnil (ienernl Jnil Delivery, hi and for the eountv of Kiirthiinitarlnnd, to enmmeiire nt the Court tloime, in the hormmli ot Sunliury, at 10 oVloek, A. M. on Mnmlav, Bill of August nest, will eonlinnc TWO WEEKS. Tho coroner, Jnstier of the Pence nml eoiiBtn- liles In nd for tho cotinly of Northumberland, nre requested to lie then nml there in their proper )ier soiis, with their rulK reconlH, iniiihiiin, nml other remembrances, to do those Ihinirs to their several offices appcrtainim; to lie done. Ami all witnesses prnsmitnii; in licliau of tho Common wealth nmiinst any prisoner nre ntso rcipicslecl and conimaiiili'il to he thru anil there attcnd'niR in their proper persons to prosecute inraiiiKt him, 11s shall lie jusl and not to depart without h nve al ttu ir cril. Jurors nre recoi"stcd In he punctual 10 their attendance, at the. time appointed agreeable to their notices. (iiven under mv hands at Stinhurv, the 0 ill day of March in the yenr-of our Lord one thousand ciyht hundred and fiflv--anil the Independence of the United stales iif America tho 74lh. JAMES COVERT, Sh'lT. God savo the Commonwealth. READY MADE WE lake Ibis method to inform the readers of the Suubury American, that, should they visit, Philadelphia, in ;m-st of Good and Cheap Clothing, nnd favor us with n call, they shall not lie disap pointed in obtaining tho best of garments at the lowest rash prices. Wc Iihvo now on hand the largest assortment ever olVered in Philadelphia, among which arc DltEss ami FKOCK COATS from !j.r) to ijllS, PANTS and VESTS from 7.ri cts. to $, OVER COATS, CLOAKS, IMISI NESS SACK COATS and COATTEES, all of which shall lie sold at such prices ns to make it nn object for the people nf Suubury nnd the sur rounding country to extend to us their patronage. PERKV It. M'NEILLE & CO. South East corner of (ithanil Market. July 13, 18.")(l riiiAi.ADLi.riii.v wise & tm store. MTTiiNG At WATERMAN, Importers and-Dealers in Lirruo:.s, A'o. 220 Market ttrcct, Philatlclpha, FFEH for sale, the cheapest nnd best assort " ment of Liquors in Philadelphia, such as Champagne, Sherries, Port, Sleek, Claret, liur- gumbes, Sauturn, harsar, Mailena, Lisbon, Tencrillb nnd Sicily Wines. 11 randies of the choicest brands, viz : Maglioa, Olard. Ponot, llcnnesy, Ac, &c. Fine Holland Cain, Moiiougaliela, Scotch nnd Irish Whiskey, Vc, Ac. Hotels nud the country trade supplied nt Phila delphia prices on the most liberal terms. July 13, 18.'i0 letters Testamentary, TV OT1CE is hereby given, thai tellers Trstiunrn tarv 011 tho estate of Anna llunsicker, lute of the Borough of Aorthumlierland, dee'd., hnve been granted to the subscriber. Debtors and cred itors of the estate, arc requested to rail for settle ment. DAVU) TAIiUAKJ , Kx'tor. Northumberland, July 0, 1850 6t EEGISTER S NOTICE. TOTICE is hereby given to all Legatees Cre ditors and other persons interested 111 the estate offioorge Miller, dee'd, settled by his nihni nistrator John Wolf; of Murv E Miller, dee'd., M'tlled by her adm'r John Wolf; of William l)c- piu, dee d., settled by bisadin is Abraham Uepnin and Alexander Deppiu ; of Sarah Culp, dee'd, set tled by her mini rs Cyrus liarloii ; ol Lslher Rockefeller, dee'd, settled by her aurn'r James Forrester; of Jacob cikcl, dee'd., settled by his exee'r John Dover; nf Benedict SholeiilaTger, dec d., settled by his exec r John and Jonuthnn Snyder; ol'.Saiiiucl Smith, dee'd., settled by his adm'r Edward II. Dalily; of Martin Zartman, dee'd sj-ttlec by his exee'r John Zarlman ; of John Pcn kvI, dee'd., settled bv his adm'rs John and Leonard Pensyl ; of Philip Kohl, dee'd, settled his udm'rs John and Daniel Kohl; of Enoch Jlower, de.c'd., settled by his exee'r Isasc Vincent. The account of Philip Fullmer, Cuurdian of Jacob S. Straub ; the account of Georire Conrad, (luardian of Sarah Ann ChaniU'rlaiii formerly Malich, Hannah Ma. lick, Hetlv Mallick, I.ydia Maliek, (.'harlotto Ma. lick, Jeremiah Maliek and Mary Maliek; tho up- count ot Daniel Duiikcllicrgcr, (iuardian of Esther and Mary Philips; the account of Daniel Swartz, Guardian of Catharine Cressiuirer ; the account of (ieorge Geise, Guardian of Moses Leitzcl; the account of Abraham Wolf, (iuardian of Jacob Sliive jr., of Sarah Draher, dee'd., settled by her adm'r John Draher ; of Martin Keller, dee'd, set tled by his exee'r John F. Wollinger, Es-i. ; That tho Executors, Administrators and Guar dians of said estates have filed their accounts with Ibo Register of Northumberland county, and Ihut the same will Ik; presented to the Orphans' Court of said count? on Tuusdav llie Gth day of August next, for confirmation and allowance. JOHN P. PURSEL, Register. Register s odico Sunbury.July C, 1850, PUBLIC SALE. HK Monday, the 12th day of August next, at tho Court House in Suubury, ut 10 o'cluck A. M., will be exposed to sale, Two JLols or Ground in said Dorougb.,011 Water street, Nos. 00 and 91. On lot No. Ill, is erecU'd, a largo Two Srotir DwklLixo lloi'SK. Late tlio estate of Mary Lyon, dee'd. The lota will be sold together, or separately to suit purchasers. The U'rins of sale, will lie made known on the duy of sales by GEORGE LYON, Exee'r. Sunbury.July 0, 1850 ts ZEITZ & CO., IMI-UHTKIIS OF FOREIGN Books, Prints, Engravings, Stationary Gilt Frame iiikI Musical instru ment. No. 78 NortU 2ml St., between Arch & Kaco, PtilLAUKLf H1A. TMl'ORT to order nd have ctustantly on hand a very litriiu uwortment of gouili in the alwive named lines nt wholesale and retail. Principally s IXJ CD CD L S3 In Ocrnian, Lathi, Urcrk, Hebrew, French, Italiun KjiunUh and other laiiKUUirea; Clasaica, Diction, uriea, Grammera, Vocubulariea, 8chool, Juvenile, Picture, Drawing and Model Uooka for ArcluUicU Cabinet, CarriuKe and other manufacturera. MAPS, Gl.OUliS and Ulank Uooka of every deacription. fclplcndid Lithographic and other Print. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Accordcona, llunj.w, How for all atring inatru menta, llriil and Tailpivcei, Clarionela, Kifea, PIukcoIcU, Kluleu, liuiture, Octavo Flutea, Patent Head for (iuitareuud Violiucelloa, Tambouriuea, '1'uniiiK Forkaand Knmmera, Violina, Violin and (iuilitr Peg", Violiiirello and String for all kind of Instrument W holesale and lietail. Aixor deona rejiaired. , AUo constantly on hand, wholesale and retail, a large aiMorlmeut ol the very beat GERMAN BRONZE POWDER Dutch Metal, French and Fluronce Leal Metal Thermometers, HuiqenciUi,-Faber and other Leadprnuila, lied, V lute and 11 lack Uhalk Cray ona, Mathematical Instruments, Bcarficatora,- Spring Lancets Pocket Prescription and tiold eicales and Weights Letter, Fancy colored and gilt Paper Pluying Curds and other French and Herman Fancy A nidus, for the sale of which Ihcy are the MAMIFACTl'KKKS AUKNTS. July 6, 185U ' T ETTER envelopes, of vaiieus kinds, fur ula at : UiU oilitc. TO THE VOTERS OF NORTHUMDER- LAND COUNTY. F.LLOW CITIZEN'S! Encouraged by lorge nunilsT of my friends, I oiler myscll as n candidate for the ollico of COIIXTY C'OM.lIISSIOXEn nt the next election, (subject to tho decision of the Democratic County Convention.) siioulu 1 do nominated anil elected, I pledge myself to perform the duties of said ofliec faithfullv nnd tn the best of my ability. PETE It HofrGHAWOLT. Uush township, June 3:1, 1RS0. 31 All OfSA NY AM) M A U IM.lC STEAlfi MILL, IMtTl ltMVt; SIIOI, Vomer of Elivnilh nnd llitle Jlmid. AND CABINET MAKERS, ueserai. ivnsisiiisa sronn, Mo. 131 South Second Street, bchnv DvckSl., 1 IIII.ADKl.rillA. CIHE suliwribeis would call llie special atten 1 tton of Cabinet Makers and allien, to their very extensive assortment of materials ill their line, consisting of Mahnnuv V eneers, liunrils nnil Plank, Hair Clnlh, Curled Hair, Glue, Varnish, Looking Glass Plates, Mahogany Knobs, lied Posts, Marble Tups, and every description of I :! vvarc Tool, Vc. Cabinet Makers residing nut nfllie ( !itv, would find it greally lo their advantage to call at our store to purchase such materials as they want, connected with their business. All our are W AKUANTED, of the best oualiH, and at very reduced prices. Our Terms nre Cash, (no trade.) We guarantee to give every man tho worth of his money. J . A L. THOMPSON. N. B. Mahogany, Wulnut and Hand Rail Plank, and Stair D.illusters for Rudders, also Marble. Mantles, always 011 band, and every de scription of turned work. June 8, 1830 ly W. F. rEDBXtlCICS (liATK PAUTNKIt OF C. HCIUtACK) Varnish I;tiKiI.i Joi y anU rain! More, No 7S North Fourth Street, A FKW UfKIUS ADOVK CIIKKKV, WEST riiiLADtLrni. Constantly on hand and for fnh1 nt reduced jjntc.t, mm of superior qmtitijt the yol lotring articles, viz : Cwli, C'tibiiM't., ' .liiiwimnTti' nml Oil Cl"tli Yiiniiicn ; Diuntr.iiijuui ; H n.litutl II:HncHa Vitniiuli ; llrnwii, While iicli l.'iitilern' Mini V:trninlnM,!' .Mritcrinln : IM'TTV IX tilA.NTI THIS, PAINTS. IHiV. IN I Ml., AN I) PltK I'AUHI I'OH LMMKD1ATK I SK; .MillinrrV Vnnti:h, (Hue, unit At'it!: Ilhi-k JntKin f-ir Irmi ; AiHi'-nive l. lVr I'iiiirv Work ; ISeinre runt inttnw filrm: Arlist-t' )iir, l)rv iiipI in TiiIich ; .Nerd's I'.Mti (id : (itilil, Silver, nnil ( JiTinitii Lfufj (liilci, Silver, unit fiiM,,:r 'lr"l,'e i .u'T'n fJirinininls. Als , very fnitcri r Sli m Hluekiiur nnd V ritiuii Ink. June 2'.', 1M. LINN, SR1ITH c CO.? No 2l3i Market Street, above 5th St. PtiiLAiiKi riti i, Wholesale IlruIsts, and ii:aij;ks in OKUOS, Mkmh ixe, Pait!i, Oils, Winiiow (Ji..s, Vakmsiiks, l)f k S?r:rrf Patkt MkuH'IXKS, MKIIiCINK ('llKMTS, SllUl.M'il, In- HTtu'M ; vrs, Ac., cVc.; and liiaiiullicturors of the rcli'liniti'd Conjre3s Ink, , Hindi, 11ih nml UimI. 'i'lui tpiulity nfthU Ink in uiiKitrpiiMscd, nnd wo are now ltrrnjirod In furnish it of nil sizes, nciitly p.irkrd in' boxes from one to lliri'o dozen vm . I. S. , Co., endVavor to have ahv:iv( on haiul a lull OMsorlinrnt ol jjouil nml genuine Drug, st the lowest poHililo rules. l';irticii!iir uttention is nlso paii! to the manner of putlintr tip nml packing their iimkIs, ho that tliev feel rejiareil to warrant their carry 11:1; any uwtaiice with )erfeet snlrty All orderrt tv letter or otherwise will receive prompt nttention, l'lnhiJelphia, Juno 15, 1850. firu XEW YOltK & riIII.AOEMIIIi JOURNEYMEN Cor, of Gth and Chestnut Srcct Phiht letphia. "O.VnNl'E to miiko anil sell a finer nnd more any oth (MtalOitOimeiit in tlio I'liilt,! States price of Hut 00. (ients and Uoy't tilazed i-npt4, Vnihrellaf, C'arnet Jia standard Cloth und Cululy Panuina nnd Straw Hats ut equally low prices. .May 'o, lHol). ly .IO!I C. FA 11 Ct & Co. I. Ml' OUT Kit 8 OF Watches, Jewelry, Plated Ware, ai imc' oons, 112 Cliesuut St., belu-ecr, 3d Mh Streets. PHILADELPHIA. A LWAYM keep on hand uu evcellent assort-s- nicnt of the alK)ve articles, which they will sell on terms as low as any in the city. June 15, 1850. Cm DAVID PHASE, FAMILY GROCSR & TEA DEALEB, S. II'. Corner tithif Arch Street Philadelphia, WHO was formerly in the linn has now suc ceeded Collou &. Co., in the business and oilers for sale ut the very lowest prices, all kinds of Fixily 1 1 Hue nuts uf tho choicest kinds con sistiiur in part of Fine, Kiicrior and Common Green and lilac k Teas. 6hl ti. Java Collee nnd other kinds. Su- gurs, Sperm Uil nml funnies, uuve un, Jet chtips, Currie Powder, Isinglass for Jellies, Purina, linkers Chocolate, Cocoa nnd Uroinn, aim every tiling in the line, which he will pack up careful ly and lorward to order as promptly as has been the habit of tho old firm. QT7 Will tlio housekeepers of Suubury and vi cinity who wish to have Groceries of tho choicest kinds please to try us ouco ! s. W. Cor. Oth & Arch Sts. Philadelphia. Mny 11, 18.r0 ly J. 11. THOMAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 80 i U'ulmit st , between 3d and ilh street. PHILADELPHIA. Tl EWPECTFI'LLY directs the attention of the public to his superior styles of Plain and Fancy Frames, which are of the latest and most ucautilul designs. As a humUomo Frame at a LOW PRICE, has Ihcii much desired, ho was induced some months since tn commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a short time thu demand has been so great, that ho has been obliged to increuss his facilities, and new oiler at EXCKfCUINUl.Y 1A)V l'lUCKrt, Singly, or in thousands, the mostbeuuliful Frames, suitable for Paintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, &c, &c. For Durability UiisurHisted, Hotels, Public Uuildius, Steamboats, Stores, Ca binct Furniture, &c., decorated iu iiuilation of carved Koae-Wood. I if" Please cull and see apeciinons. May S3, 1850 ly MUSICAL lNSTUUMENl'S. CHAS. DUIMIVIIG, No. 207 Chesnut Street, front Arcade, PuimiELCHH. TMPORTF.U and Manufacturer of all kinds of Musical Instruments, Fancy ArticWs and Toys. His prices are lower tliau those of any other store in Philadelphia. All kinds of Musical Instru ments repaired in the best woikmaoliip, and also taken in liadc. Phtlsdi Iphia, May S3, lbjl). ly RESOLUTION Relative to an Amendment of tho Consti tution, RtaflA-Kb T TIIK PRXATK two Il0TH OF RKPItftKXTA TW'K r Tim LOMM(?fVi:l.TH OT PrVNV!VAMA 1 fiKNHRM, AwK.WBLT MF.T, 'I'htlt tllO CtMIHtillltHm i't tllil roniHinnwenltli lw mn-ntf, 111 the feroiKt nertion nf iti fill It nrtlcte, mi thnt it nlmtl ntnl nn follow: Thu Jadiri-fi nf the Supreme Court, nf thmrverntCntirlfiol Cniniwm IMcuh, nnd nf mieh nlhor Coiirtii tl nn nre or fthall he cma l)lirhod It Inw. nhnll Ik el(Ttet I if tti qualified elector of thw t'liminnnweiilth in the mnnne'r f"lltiwitifr, t wit: The Jiid'eR of the Supreme Court, liy Uie quriti fietf elector of the tlrmuiioiiweahh nt larpe. The President Judircw nf the tt'venil Conrtn of Cfninnin Pteiifi mid of mirti ottiur t'oiirin ot Herord im tire or nhnll ho eitnlilmlird hy hv, ond nil other .hiiljje re(tiireil to ! Iirirni-d in llie Lnv, by I ht; ipiali ftwl electiim rf the reciwctivn diatrirtu over which they nre to preside or art n Judceii. And tlio Anvwmle .1 tidies of the Court of Common Pie;' by the qnalilied elcctr of the con nt ie reH.M'lively. The Jiidiren nf llie Supreme Court ahull hold their nuWa for the term of fiitecn yearn, it the)- nhall no lun beliave themnelvefl well: (mihjetH to the nlloiincnt hereinnfter provided for. wilwqiimt to the iifht fl:cliiti ;) The Priikut .hulijen of the m-veral Coiirl of Common pf:t, and o Muftt oilier conn of lteord n arc or pipll Imj cFiaMiclieil bv law. nnd nil other Jialc rr tjuired to h hvirued in the litw. bImiII hold their i.iiii if for the term of ten yen ip. if thev rdrdl lonir behave tlie'n iHvr well : Tlie Apmieinte '.hnl-fcs of the Court n t.'ota- m at Ple:i linll)iold iheir otfiees for the term of live yenrn. if they tilmll pi long hdinve tlieotHclvcii Well : till of whom hall hu c mimiwioned by the tioveruor, but for nay rea 'liable caimu which lrill not be miuVienl iironmlw of iinpenehmentj the ibtyernor nliall remove any of them on the whlrcm o tW(Mhirdn tf eaeh br inch of the lt'jrifl:itnre. The firwt election hnll take place nl the (rrucrnl rh cliiai i f tin Comnmti wealth next nfterthe adoption ol tin amend ment, nnd the eomiuiNflionB of nil the jmlfrt-M who may he then in office shall expire on the firot Moud;iyof Decian Iht fill iwinjr .when the terms of tlie n-w judu'eit Hiall e'iami nce. The pennw whochall llienlw? elect in'I .Indies of the Supreme Court hull hold their oiFiei-n n follow): one of tliein for three yenrv, ono t' r six ye:iri, one f r nine yearr. one for twelve year, and one for Hi teen yi-ir ; the term of em-It to Ik; decided by lot by the mid judiri . a soon nftel the eie-ti(Mi an convenient, nud the result cert Hied by the m in the Governor, iliu eoimnii as may be iFf-nnl tu nccordam-e thereto. The judce wh-e commi aion will fimt expire hall be Chief Jut ice dnriuffln term, an I thereafter em-h judi;e wh e commissi ai hli.dl titt ex pire h;dl in turn bo the Chief Justice, and if iw or m re mimifsioii lial I expire on the dm me d:iv. the jnl'e! holding tliern nhall decide by lot whieh Hiall In ihe Chief notice. Auyvncnucie happening by dtsith, leHnjnntion, rotln-rwie, in any of the lid c-au t. h;dl be tilled by appointment hy the Governor, t't eontinue till the tirst Mominy i Ueeemlwr Siiccciilin? the, next ireneral ehx-tion. J he Jinlijes nf 1 hi: Supreme Court nnd the President of the event I (Courts of Coinm hi P!e is h tll, nt Pbite.t liineft, re reive fur their ttervtee nn 'nileipui! v -anpei: ition, to be fixed hy law. whieh Khali not bo djiuutihed ditrinir their Continuance in office, but they fi'inll receive no lees or per quisites iff nlhce. nor hold any other i ffiee of profit under tli in Commonwealth, or under the jr ivernuitiit of the I ni ted StuteH, or any other Stnie of tin Union. The of the Supreme Court durini; their contintuiiice in oilice shall refiile wtilini this Commonwealth, mid the other Judges duriiiir tneir eoutiuuanec 111 office shall rcsiile within the district or county for which ihcy were respeeiivily eleeletl. J. S. M'CAUIONT, Speaker of the House of HeprcsJutaHves, V. BEST, Speaker of the Syni'c. SKNATK ) IlAUHi-naiKi, Jiinuary $xt isti. ) T, Sitmnel AV. Petiraon, Chief Clerk of the Setwito of Peiui) hereby certify tint the fori? uitif res ilnti"ii No. Ml on the Senate file of the present session. entitled '-Kesoluticti rcliitiw to an vttifMidmciit of the Consntuttoii. it being the same ri's.'lution winch was nureed to by n luaj'Tity ol lite memiiers electisl to tweh House nl ,'lie l:tst lieeiMnlure after havini; been duly cnnidcied mid i.'ncua- ed was this day mireed to by n majority of the memhias ftivlet tnanu servin;.' in the Senate uj I'cnnsyivaui.a, ut lis nresenl new ion, its will appejr by their voles given on the linal pnitsaire of res 'lulioii, ns follows, viz: Tic we voting in favor of the resolution were, IT. Jones Tltoote, .1. Porter Mrawley. William A. Crabb, Jonathan J. Cimainyhaiii. Thuiuas S." Fernon, Thom.-is 11. FoieMvth, Charles Fraily. liobert M. Friek, Henry Fnlton, .lolm'W. tinernw-y, William Haslett. Isaac Uterus. Timthy Ives. Jotihna S". Jones, Joseph. Kitiiuruiaelier, tieore V. Ijhv rene. Maxwell M'Cnslin, lienjuinn iMalone. lien imtiiti Malthias. Ib-nry A. Miildeuberg. William F. Packer. Wll baiu K. Sadler. "pavid SauWev," lcr H. Stvery. Conrad Shinier, liobert C Sti-rrett, Oauiel Stiue, Farns It. Siree tcr, Ji'lui II. Walker and Valentine liust, Si-kakkk Yea '..). Those votimr nfrnint the pjiwic of t!ie rewdntion were Georitu Duisie, Augustus Drum und Alexander King Nuys 3. IJx tract from thu Journal. HAML. V. F 15 ARSON, Clerk. IS THE IlofSK OF RkITIESENTATIVES, ) Jlarrisbttrg, March 11, 1S50. J f. Vjlli:nri Jack. Chief Ork nfllie II.hiei! c.f Ri -own. tulives of t'eiuisylxaiiia, tlo hereby cerlily Ili'it lla. i'"ri ini; r-fi'tluti.iii, (No. 10 on the Senate tile, nnil No. M 1 en Ihe IIoiihu JiMirntll of Ihu prexenlSessioti.) rntttlr-il "lie).), latit'ii rel:itivetti the itiil.'iulineiit nf the Ctnf!itntiunM it hi'int; tin' Kline re'lnluui whieli was ntreerl t'llivnina. jctrily nf Hie inemlKTS elected to eaeh llnaw: of thn laKt l.eijilntlire . after havil!); Ifeea ilnly e 'niilereil anil iliselis smi, wm this ilny nirrend t' ly a innjoriry of the nieintiers eleeleil t.i nnj serviiar ill the House, of Kenreaclltatives el Pennsylvania, nt lis presenl, nn well appear hy their vntesivcn on thu final iianmiti of the res iliuiuli, ns ft-U lnei. viz : , Tliise velinir in favor of the prtssare of the re?olntioa were. John Aeker. John Alliwai. William linker, Unix-it ilMlilvviii, Davit! J. llent, t'niijr Hiit.lle. Jeremiah UL-iek. JohnS. li'iwen, Williuiu Urinific, Daniel II. I!, ilrowcr, .IcBse K. Ilurilcn, John Oewinn, Henn' Church, John N. Ciuiynjrhiini, Sylvester Criillainl, lieajaiain U. Davul. Wil leini J. Doliliins, James V. lViwner, Tltoin.s lJtlllenn. Wm. Dunn, Win. Kspey. John C. Kvans, William Kvnnft, A. Seolt Kwmsr, Alexander S. l'eathcr. James Flower?. Hi'iijainin 1. Koitll-r, Alexander tiiliifny, Tli"iu:u K Grier, Jiiseph K. lirilFia, J.weph toit'fcy, Jne l S. Unlder. limn, George II. Hart. I.elfert Hurt. John ll:..tiie, Wil llam J. Hemphill, John Hoe, Henry Huplct, Lewis Her ford, V'nstiinutou J. Jriehsin, Nicll las .loorH. John W. Killinzer, Charles K Kiakuiil, Holi.Tt Klot. Harris u 1'. Iiniril. Morris Leech, Jonathan I). Aniol 1-aiartl, .1 sj. Lewis, llenrv LUile. Jon'iB It. M LlinlocK, John V. M'I'uIIihIi, Alexaniicr C. M' J tin M'Liiachlln, John M'l.ean, S.iniacl .Marx. John li. M.-.:'.i. Michael My. rs. John Miller. Joseph C. M alloy. John I). M.irris, in. 1 Moris.iii, K.ckiel .Mowiv, I'.iUvard Nicklcs-n. Jaeoh NisHlv, Ch irlesD'.Ncill. John II. Pnekor, J.'ll I'. I'-wll Jiiiiics V. Ili-rd, John S. Itlicv, U-wii ttol.ert!. Siinael Itoliisoa. John H. ltnth.-rford. Clenai V. Siohrtd. Til 'inas C. Scolder, William Similiter. Ilichar.1 Simps 'll, F.ii Slifel, illeim Small, llllalii A. Siuilh. Daniel ll. Sills-r. il liam II. Sai.ler, 'I'lionias C Slecl, David Steward, Charles Slockwell. Kdwill C. Trone. Andrew Vnde, Itoherl C. Walker, Thomas Vats n, Sidney H. Wei's, llirma A Williams, Daniel Zerbcy, and John S. lU'Cahnuat, Si-uak. UP. 'eas -7. Those votinff niliist the pnnsnce nf thcresolnlion were, Aiiciisius K. Comyii, David Kvans and JunksiM. Porter Nas :i. Kxlrucl Iroin the Journ il. WILLIAM JACK, Clehk. Secretary's Office. Filed .March 13, ISoO. A. V. ?F,Nf:DlCT, Dep. Sec. of the Commonwealth. Secretary's Office. Pennsylvania ss: I do certify that the nliove nni fnrefrojn? ip a true nud correct copy of the original resolution nl llie (ietlenil Asem- hly, eiitilleii, ''Kcsoluliott relalive to an niuiaidmciit nl the Consul atioli' us Ihe same remains on tile in this nitiee. .... In tesuiimiiii wherent I hnve hereunto m set my haihl, mid 4used to Iw adixiil Ihe seal ol the crelary's (llfiee, ut Harnshur. J7A4x this liltiaNilh ihiy of June, Ann 1). K o"8 thausand e;j.!n huiulred und fifty. imiil mv A. L. RUSSELL, Sec'ry of the Commonwealth. July 6, ISoO 3in. koot; "" DAGlEUREtAI ARTIST, Ko. 140, comer of Fifth Ic Chesmit tts., Phila ddphia, and 363 IS roadway comer of Franklin Street, Nero York. CITIZENS AND STRAMiEKS can have a sitting for Portraits or Miniatures, and reecivo them beautifully cased, in morocco, Silk velvet, Papior Mache, or other fancy styles, or sets in Medallions, Lockets, occ, iu a few minutes. Daguerreotypes, Paintings, Drawings, &c. Copied. Out door Views, and Miniatures of deceased persons, taken at short notice. For Portraits of Adults by our process, and Im proved Instruments, a ruuiy day is ipaito us fa vorablo as clear weather. For Children, a clear day (between 1 1 and 2) is preferable. K7"I Dress avoid while, blue or litht pink. OurOullery with its Six Prize Medals and Works of Art, is open ut all hours, and Free. Whether visitors wish pictures taken or not, wo shall at all times be happy to seo them. June 'i-i, 1650. , CXOTIIlMi uoons, Southwest Comer of Fifth and Market Streets, FllILADKLl'HIA, YTniO always keeps on hand a large stock of every variety of clothing mado up of good uiutcriula, and in the latest and best styles, lie would also inform the public, that he puvs consi derable attention in gcttiiiK up Military Clothing, iu good style and on reasonable tonus. June 15, lSiO.- ly , ADMINISTRATOR S NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby given that letters of Ad ministration have been granted to tho sulwcriber, oil the elute of SSurah .Newberry, lute of Point township, Morthumlwrlaud county, dee'd. All persons indebted to said estate or having de mauds aguhial the bains, are requested to call for -etlliueul. DAVID TAlitiAhl'. Noilluuubcilaud, J? '..i -H . R. XI. XI. It ADWAY BF,AtY HF.MI'.F for putt It tndy bW situ? to en tiering huirmnity. Tho taift ute rejoteed mt itt curutive propertie. for thef run dispense with their ctt die and wnlk. The Wruk bb m it nl nf( Htfltrmnwit In the hnnds of Providence, for by its henlint; end rtfaifrUicnitif qualilies they become ettoit?. The Hnl-Itidilen trvleume it ns a blemdiW frotn high beaveit. for H relieves theia of their pain find misery, ernes their disenwes whether it ! ltheuniatisin, Iiunibopo, (iont. Parulysis, t4traim( Burns Scalds. Sores, 8pfniu. nnd nilectione of the Spine, or txm trnctcd Tcudoiifi) for by its use titer nre eimUrd to arise front their U-d tit aicknes. mid enjoy thu pteattircs end Messinvsof hellh. The Sufferer of Neurnlirii KimI Tie I) 'lercitx, we Iconics It ns their only reinedy'irt feliCTine; them of the cruel pniim, shrsiting like electric sIiochs through the fner, head, and svstcin. pamlyiim In nn instant llieif energies nnd brightest liopcg, fnr the Heady Relief is ft powerlill antidote for nil Nervous entl ltheuniaiic A flee, tinus, nnd will cure this powerinl disttsc when all other remedies have failed to give relief. The sutlerer of Tooth Ache in a few feeonds. S quick, p-iwerfnl, and cffielnnl Is Rndway's Kendy KchtTf in nil cases where pnin Is caused by external injuries' or internal derancntcai. that d has relieveil the most se vere pin ns of Chronic U hen mat mm duiinff oiiu application nt the Relief. 5 ri ITS SUPEKIOU STRENGTH. n AmVAYV HHAOY RF.1.IF.F isahtothemort eeono nncal medicine in use, it can I used with the tn mt hu fy lesults. internally und cxienuilly. Ci'ninps in th Stomaeh, Colic, or Ch'tlem Mmbtis. nre relieved tn ten mmutcs. nml rnvetl entirely in fifteen or twenty. Als it yonr wish to make tin ointment of it. for the etife of fr l.ips. 0!i tp,p.I Flesh, rnsluL'irF.niplion. iiiken teHspuun ml 01 the ttelief, mid n taIle-io anut of Sweet Oil, or 1 0. of Irfird, and you Invo n better ointment ot salves tha any other ifticle now in use. In fact, this medicine, when reduced to twt-thlrds itt own strength by ndding us much spirits of wine, will give yon U-ttcr Liniment than nny now in use. See that ca-h bottle bears the fnc-siunlc signature nf of Itndwav &. Co.) n ne other Is genuine price 35 cents, lurvc bottles. THE GflOWlXG OIlAMET Of BEAtTY IS A UKAT TIFUL HEAT) OF LUXURIANT IIAIR RAUWAT'S ClttCASStATV BLM. The lady or who desires a beautiful ntticle to dn s th'-ir Hair, nre advised to nmke usocf ltudwey'i Cireasomn Hahn j it possesses many ndvuittnee tivet nil other hair tonics nml prapnnitiutis, F'irst, cleaiwee the scalp from daudrntr, iiive tones nnd vigor to the give tu the roots and bidlts, mvigouttes Ut healthy nrtiun the geim 01 lire, which gives to tin hair n hwilthy root, and foTori cures Hitklness, stops the hair from filling out, m ikes it fine, siromr, soft nnd glossy, keeps it from turning grey, or liecni'iiiuT discolored. It is truly luxury t dress the Imir with this delicious preparatiou. Hi;il II A Itt VAS ALL GONE. RAPAVAY'S CIRCASSIAN HALM for invigorating the hair, cleansing the sculp, removing dnndrutl', and curing; biklm ss, is truly n valuable prepumttoii. A ludy who hud liecn sick fur fcune time had lost every particle of her hair prcvi'Histo her sickness. Iter hair wmld full out ; she was reeon intended M try the Circassian lkdin, as a luir restor er, she used six bottles with the most happy results, her hair is n.iw fine, soft, glossy, long, and luxuriant. Thia preparation makes the hair in iM. tine, soft, and silky, mid tmdtsisises it to curl ; ye. with baMhends, weak hair, had hair, try 11 b tfle of the Circassian Halm, prepared by liad w iy A Co.. and yon will soon have a luxuriant hatd of hair. Sild f'fio cent in Inr-rc bottles. Ask for Had way 'a Circassian Halm, 101 Fulton Street, New York. BLACK SPOTS ON THE SKIN. During the summer season w'c frequently meet m-ith per his who nres lelyuuuoyetl with black spots, about the size of a pin's head, just under the lining of the surioee these spets arc truly iinnoyingiind repulsive sa appettnmce they are not hue more or less tlian dust, the skin being warm nnd the individual perspiring freely, the dust eloggiug up the ducts of' the scIkicooub glands, their oily aecrutioua me not uivcti oif. and caiseuiientlv n cheeflv deoosit is the results ; this becomes rancid ond turns black, disfigures the complf xion, and often inllamcs und suppurates. Let Hod way's S-:ip w free y usetl, aim trptiou will take place, and the spots p'elily diKippenr. Also, if It ml way's Sip wnS made use f as u Toilet Sonp through the day, these spots, and oHiennmoyintj exerensenees, would not trouble yuu. The extraordinary effects of Railway's flonp in removing Tan. Sun Hums. Pimples, Hlotehes, Pustules, Tetteri Rash, Scurvy, Morphew, ami the ltitcs sud Sting of insects is truly nstonishing ; besides, it is certain of tnuitfonning a dark, diseol red mid repulsive visnce, to a c ean and Iteautiiid complexion. In all cases nsk forRadway'a Soap nud take n ne other. N. IJ. Railway's Mclientcd Sinp in steel engravings are So ci-nts, nil others ure counterfeit. Iook foi the steeleu grdving. A4ct II. II. Mnsser, Sanlntry. June lilt. ctiimly CHERRY PECTORAL: Far Ihe Care mt COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. This trulv valuable Ttcmedy for all disease of the Limns and Throat, has become the chict relr mice of the allliclcd as it is the most certain cure known for the abovo complaints. While it is a powerful remedial agents in tho most ucspcrute and almost hopeless cases of Consumption, it (s also, in diminished doses one of the mildest and most a'reeablo family medicines for common common cuyhs and colds. Read below the opin ion of men who aro known to the world, and tho world respect their opinions. FROM TROFE-SSOR HITCHCOCK. "James C. Aycr Sir : I have used your "Cm lit PacTiiEAL,' in my own case of deep-seated lironchitis, and am satisfied from Its chemical constitution that it is an udmirabln compound for the relief of larvnirinl and bronchial difficulties. Jf my opinion as to its suiertor character can be of any service you arc at lilicrty to use it as you think proper. EDWARD HITCHCOCK, 1. 1. D., President of Amherst College. From tho "London Lancet." "AVER'S CHERRY PECTORAL Is one of the most valuable preparations that has fallen Un dor our notice. After a careful examination, we do not hesitate to say we have t Urge apprecia tion of its merits and the fullest confidence in its usefulness for coughs and lung complaints." Dr. Drowsier, of Windham Co., Conn., sends us the following testimony. Dr. J. C. Aver Dent Kir! I enclose you a certificate from Mrs, Catharine K. Cady, a highly respectable lady of this village, wife of Mr. Beth Cady, Deputy 8hrrilV, Windham Co., Connect! cut. The cvro iu her case was very prompt, and has attracted general attention, W. A. BREWSTER, M. D. Wkst Killinki.t, Ct., Sept. SB 1848. This may certify that I was alflicted with a very severe cough in the winter of '47-8, which threat trued to terminate in Consumption. I had tried many medicines iu vain, and was cured by tho use of "Aycr's Cherrv Pectoral." CATHERINE K.CADV. From Dr. Bryant, Druggist and Postmaster, Chicopcc Falls, Muss: Dr. J. C. Aver Dear fir: Enclosed please find remittance for all the CHERRV PECrORAL last sent mc. I can unhesitatingly say, that no medicine we sell gives such satisfaction as your's does ; nor have I ever seen a medicine which cured so many cases of Cough and Lung Com plaints. Our Phlsicians are using it extensively iu their practice, and with the happiest elTecU. Truly youts, D. M. BRYANT. I'llKeillKII HT J.C. AVER, CUKMIST,LUWKI.L,IIASS. tV Sold by Henry Masscr, Sunhury; Mary A. McCay, Aorlhumlierland- Dr. Gearhart, 8e linsgrove ; Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. July 6, 1850.- Ivcc3in MAICSlIAIsL'S TONIC MIXTURE, For the Cvue or Fever akd Acre Wa RANTED. THIS anrivnllal medicine rosy be rclfod oa whra near, ly ull otliel remedies Wil. lis value is suAeKUlly know'u, thureinre, the pmurivtiir desires to enlarge ise licit! tK Us usoluluess It)' listkMlK knowu its virtue ami elk cuey to luou-imls ol ulturers wls are Ik, sware liuit Ihef vuu bu seu4Uly ami rudioully curcil of . FKVKK AND AGI E, without the use of ponumtu drugs, naownus pntlceia ar the deleterious ctlcels irf iumlne. It is Jfed to the pub. lie ula w piiee l ' lt. aswest llml Une who use lleoonluuj lo diroetliws will and H a sale sit speoily euie f-r KtVU SNSllot'l'. It iii 4 a I'inasreeaMo imwulii nmnound hutsn aims ul.le usiie eiileul uert u tenuve the diMuseaud give healthy ueli 'll H' Ihe si.siiaeli sud howolls. t'leimreJ mty M Msrlill k i-o., end r4d whnleealee nisi retail ly K"weil bou. No. SI Nnfih h tkreei, Jl.ilu.lel.liis 1'iue tfl p eiugls botile, and W pet doa. Juue'JU, to40 lr It AY RUM. An excellent article for aula by HENRY MAbSER. JSunbury Jan. 7th, 1849 tf. T EAS, from the New York Canton and Pekm 'J'ca Company. For sale bv . J. W. FRIU-NG. ubjjrvDiC V, 11, I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers