rr rfi mi i a ,.aw i KifribLi 'au.-r li.lih.sil'. hdll,,aS.itf.tlr,a,'slVI;'.lai3 va..w- .iwii. i..i.um SUNBURY AMERICAN AND STIAMOKIN JOURNAL. - tr: i Pllljll In all Chrlstianlrea and rMlired emmtrlr baa ms larg.T prupoimm of death, than any "hr .la,l umitM ttw. kamaa family t stid. until wiiMn e lew years, there not b any ctrfao-1 1 nop u. d.vmls- Mm of th. di-mir. Hut now BRANT'S INDIAN nil v 11.1111 . Curt, wry of ths .(renWif rn.rkert and I drrel. nued c. of Pi. (,t,JM--i:L. f.u(.( ems or ioer.r.d mid dieemiU .r.VO-.v,eh kopelc,... sr. .wer ww hrlnre cured hy us other m.-diei, f. SnwfrWs 7 wem .'.me nf in tdrhcij-d persons, as to h.v, Iwii pronounced hy py"f ' '" '"'.'V"1' actimii.t urine. Seme, "-tin hd thnlr huital-rlothe, nude, have Imi cured, "nd vet live others, who it wa. id would nm live miotU-r day, srs now m well and hearty as fhev far wcr.. It poes.ca ! cleansing purifying virtue, nearly a.-, powerful nd active as the prestation whioa w. enll BRANT'S INDIAN PURIFYING tXTR ACT. This diners frnm that, heralisi. thla w'MiH setrrsl thee AfttUcatuns which am peculiar if uiUi lu, mna sr. ishiI' Imiiy niry, to cure Coughs and Consumptions, and nil diseases of il pulmonary nature auch diiw H a.n.lly prove to fatal under ordinary trentln.ut, when they attack the Brenst, Thronl, Langs, nml Heart. This BALSAM toil. n eurei VUrn if ( tmw. mil nleewhun tnno. m etruiinlf end a(ly the Fui mxo Extkact ew end uln'r xitre!ly 1 kle Bn!m curee Sin: cm of Caue end CawmfHim oet r Trt, after U other remedire Urn faiUi U in gocd. Thousands of Consumptions end Chronic Cvvrht, nhundnntly prnre lu unfailing ravjr In m-h diieiet f. end It undoubted ciirnlre Jowcr, Hnd foothlnr. libeling pror"rt'(!. In tlio following com pl.inte end diwnwu. ri. : Ppiuiii of Wood, niitdinr Hit Lvnrt, l'nin in the nr'nrt ond Sitle. Xif Hr XvntU .Vr., rmu ftemp!(w, Palpitation of Iht Ifrart, Cltotrra tien. turn, Dyrcntrty nr.d Smmntr ConyUtinu in Childrm end Adulit, Astlma, ni ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES '& COMPLAINTS. No rrmodT thut h hrrn oflbrpd to the ntihllf hei err bwn alf an'rtrtain end tftttual in amaing ALL the In ridontnlWrt'.w end irrrrUiri'ie't the Iftnulo ft. e BRAKT8 Pt LXOXARr balsam, ii i" mi (in ference whether llio dprenseinenl he titpprcuion mm, or othi-r incidental maknen it UKfiltl.A'I'ES AM., hy ttrtnirthtning the eretcm. rquali-.injr tlu riTmlatioa, end eolV end allaying NERVOUS IRRITABILITY. w fampkUu lor proof. CONSUMPTION. A Dying Woman Cured 1 We elate thla cure to prove the pewr te mm lift, whee thlt BALSAM la ueed. even efter the perfn contidtrtd by phyeictan and friende to he In the lf uaga of di-re actually dvinr-nA. in thla caee, le far gont that the rood end txrial delhn were hnitjht. For the parc lor of thle cmc. end the mjiortoblt end undoubted proof of ell the rlrcumitancee end facta, wo refer to our PAMPHLETS. Thla cure wee effected on IWra. Z1BA DYKKMAN. of JUiUnon .ope. SrretojfB Co.. If. Y We can pnive. Iwrond a donht, evwiyolhrra almost tonally ea howlrM. nd innn merablt eexie of tit-etid Cmnmption rf'JfEB.which were proqounced ierol by akilful pkyncian: LIVER COMPLAINT. 8f e tbe cure of Dr. Hubbard, of Stamford, U and otheri. Dyspepsia ! See the cure of T. S Mlcor. merchant of Attica. Wyo ming Co., N. V., and many more, in our Pampblc ta. Dysentery & Summer Complaint In Children and A luht are aliMV rurcrf. Weakly Children will become flethy. htaUhy. and Wly. and grow rapiJly, by the ue of this BALAAM. No mother need over mourn the death of her child liv Clxilern InfAlitlim. wlvle tcclhins, if MIAKTI PltLMOSAIlY BALSAM he administered. It ahould be, laruch caaoe. given iu Inrjrer than the ordinary doaea. DOCTORS & PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND The lbHowins-iinmed Dortnre end Politicians hava hijtily rcrominenilcd BRANTS MKIHCINUS: Dr. N. HI'BHAKD. r-tamtord, Conn. Dr. J. N. SMITH, Watertown. N. Y. Itr. KOSS.MAN. 135 Ilonry atri-ct, Brooklya, N. Y. Dr. T. M. HUNT. Auburn. N. Y. Dr. OKI). FHAXniH MiJilletown. Coaa. Ir. OKO. A. KOtiKH". Hf.tli. N. Y. Dr. 8. WlllTK. Fredonie, N. Y. Dr. C. II. OALKYPNE. Byron. N. Y. Ir. J. O. fllll'MAS. Fivettevillc, M. Y. Pr. J. fcKINNKH. Henrv at.. Brooklyn, N. T Dr. O. 8IIIPMAN. Cortiand. N. Y. FOR SALE BY lohn W. Friiing, Suntmry Pa. Mary A. McCay Nortlutiubcrulnd. John II. Raacf Henry J. SliaefTer Edward A. Kutzner Adam Conrhd Haves & MeCormick, W.' P. I. Winter, J. P. Mann & Co., Edward Wilson, Thornton Ac Bukar, f. J. Crouse, W H. Hiililrv. Milton, do do Pcttagmre. MeLwaiaville, IMvmcy, llugheaville, New Berlin, Lewiahurg, Selipatrn.ve, Dnnville, F.. P. LciU &' Jolm R. Moyer. Bl'ioinelmrg. All Icltera and orriera must be addressed to Wallace A; Co., 108 Uroai'.wav, New York. Kniibury, July 21, 1849 ly. S??J1TC- GOOES IX PIllL.AnCL.PlII 1. T SHARP, E.-S SO.S, have just received their supply of SPUING AND SUMMKU GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Sjjk, woollen ond worsted. DRESS SII.KS firode Rhines, Chameleons, and neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satins. DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse- Una, Ginghams, Alpaaas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. MEN'S WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres, Cushma- retts. Drills, Vestinsofall kinds, and Bovs wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carri'airc Ma kers articles. T. SHARPLESS ft SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia. May 25, 1850. ly C ilAU L E S W . HEUINS, ATTOB.1TE7 AT LAV", PollKvllle, Pa. Will promptly attend to collection and ull busi ness enirustcu to uts care. June 16, 1819, J. "ZIMMERMAN, Jl STICK OP THE PEACE, Sunbury, Pa. Office in Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School House, r? Monies collected uud uil business piomntly and care fully attended to. AprU '0, 1801) EDWIN IIAXL, (I.iti or Tar. Flax or Watkmnsosi &. Hall,) JV'b. 2-1 South Second Street, Philadelphia, U ESPECTFULLY informs his old friends and citstoniers, as well as the puUic. generally. that he has opened an entire new stock of elegant styles of Spring & Summer uress uoooj. Hij assortment consists of the latest and most di si ruble styles of English, German, French & Ame rican Goods. Such as Delaines', Tissues, Bera- Ks, Silks, Lawns, M uslins, Shawls, Hdkils, Gloves, and every variety of Dress and Fancy Goods, rhilad. Mar.:h 16, 1850. ly C. JJKNKEKT, BOOT MAKER, ' Xo. 40 South Fourth Street, Philaublphia, "W HERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather. Congress and Gai tcr boots, of the best style and workmanship, are constantly kept on band or manufactured to order, March'lC, 1850. Hm TIlEYEliTON. ABOKERS, Miners aud others who wish to purchase lout in Trevorton at private sale will Cud an aguut on the premises or at the town of Shamoktn. Labor ou tlie Rail Road will be token in pay ntent of lots and half the wages of the laborer ad' vaiiced nuh. D. MONTGOMERY BOYD, Agent June 1st, 1850 tf. r.v , rpEAS, from the New York Canton aud Pekin J. J ea Company. For sule by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec 2. 18 18 ' 11AY RUM. Ail ' excellent" article for a. JBl M Dy nLiUKI MAEMM,ii. $unti7 Jan. V7th, ii tf. A' CAtt TO itOUSEXEEPEXtS , ; At the Cabinet Ware lloom of SEB'N IIOUPT & CO. .... Market Square, Alio al tin corner of Fnwn stmt If the Railroad SUNBURY, PA. Thunkftit fur th ftatron(r of hi" friend- and CURtomert during the 17 years he ha been in busi neai in this place, he solicits from the public con tinuance of their ffttors. During this period he has endeavored to keep up with the improvements of the day, and has accordingly extended his busi ness in every branch and variety. The public are therefore invited to the attention of the present stock of CABINET WARE AND CHAIRS, Manufactured by SEBASTIAN IIOUPT & CO. At the Old Stand, Where In addition to their former stock of the establishment they now manufacture Mahogany, walnut & Cane-Seat Chain Larqt Spriiia Seat Rocking Chairs, Dressing Bureaus, Centre Tables, .Marble Top Wash Stands, and a variety of other new style and Fashionable Furniture. Having secured a Hearse and made the neces sary arrangements for the purpose, they are now prepared for , Undertaking in all its branches, in this vicinity or at any convenient distance. Ye nraida uud miatreneea, and hushnnds too, Here'a furniture of every style and hue, Ftotn aide boards down to kitchen tables, Frnm rocking chnirs to rocking cradles Fhould you not have the ready John to pay. We'll wait awhilo for a brighter better day, Or take potatoes, oata, corn, wheat and rye J Bark, hoop poles, staves, or lumber wet and dry, Or anv thing but yokes and threshing flnile, From pies and turkics down to little quaila. Come on then frieuda, come one and all, Keep trade a moving, so "goes on the ball." LF Orders from a distance promptly attended to and work of all kinds delivered wim uiuia.... Sunbtiry, March 9, 1850. tf IIARDIXG & HOLL'S HOLESALE Commission PAPER and RAG WAREHOUSE, No. 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Puper is kept, and for sale at the lowest cash prices. Cap, Letter and Printing Papers, &c. on hand. Plain and ruled white Caps. " ' blue Flat Caps. Plain and ruled whito Letter. " - blue " Blue and white Folios. White and colored Printing Taper Tissue Papers. Shoe " Wrapping " Envelopo " Hardware and SUcathing Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards. Bonnet Boards. All orders from tho Country will be attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at any place in the city. The highest cash price paid for Rags, or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849. EEFOEM YOTJE HABITS. Come ye, with garments bore and seedy, Ye bach'lors, wido'ers and hnslmnils too, If, in the outwurd man you'r needy, We soon can make you as good ss new. THE subscriber respectfully informs his friends and the public, that ho will commence in this place, on the 8lh of April next, the T ILOUIXG BVSIXESS in all its branches. He will be careful to sec that his work is made up in the best manner, and he flatters himself, that he will lie able to give entire satisfaction in point of cut, fit and style, as well as in price. He therefore respectfully solicits his friends and the public generally to call ana guc him a trial. ' His shop is a new building in Fawn street be ow Weaver's Hotel. JACOB O. BECK. Sunlmry, March 30, 1850. 6m Brown's Essence of Jamaica Ciiu fier. Prepared' only by Frederick Brown, at his Drus and Chemical Store, North East Corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. rriHE Essence is a preparation of unusual ex .L cellcncc and of varied properties. In all coses where a nowcrful and sale stimulant is required, it 'is unrivalled for cfiicaey us well as iinmcdmte action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a safe und agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, us well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a Southern climate, where tho relaxa tion of the system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found an excellent uulw'.ilule fur those tempting beverages which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in naussea and sca-su.kness, it is an active and safe as well as a pleasant and refreshing re medy, and is prescribed by the most eminent of tho medical faculty. A supply of the above received and for sale by H. B. Manser, Sunbury. April 6, 1850. 6m ATENT Trusses of ull kinds, Harrison s writing and indcllible ink. Cotton yarn and laps, just received and for sale by J. W. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1848. STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, stone Jugs and Pitchers, and other articles of stone ware just received and for sale by JOHN W. FRILING. .Sunbury, June S3, 1849. ILEY'S C'OUGI t4NDY. An excel- lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale at this office ADD'S celebrated Horse and Cattle Medi cine for sale by HENRY MASSER Bunbury Jan. 27th, 1849 JOLD PENS IN SILVER CASES. A small r lot on hand and for sale by H B.MASSKR. Kunbury, April 6, 1850. RAISINS, currants, citron, cheese, pepper sauce, &c For sule by J. W. FRILING Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. Also J silk HATS at $225, for sale by H. MASSER. Bunbury, Dec 2, 1848. BLANKS. LANKN of every description can be had by applying at the outce ol the American. Ootton Yank Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and W adding, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Ueuly, made Vests, Congress Knives, Porceluiu lined preserving kettles, just received lor sale by , - , a. MASStlC Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. T ETTER envelopes, of various kinds, for sale - at I Litis office. 11NEKAL WATER, from the Oak Orchard AciJ Springs, highly valuable in chronic di- seasee, and touic remeuits, lor sale by I Hfc.NKY MAmbEK. Sunbury, June 29, 1 850. tf Equitable 1M re Insurance, Annuity and Tr-iist company. OFFICKW WALNUT STftF.KT, PTIII.ADF.LTHIA. Capital w,ooo Chabtkr 1'cbpbtual. TUB Company are now prepared to trananct bualneas norni the moat liberal end advantngeniis terms. They are authorised by their charter (sect, a) "to rmike sll slid every Insurance appertaining lo life riaks of whatever kind or nature, and to receive ami execute trusts, make endow ments, and to grant a no pnrcneae annuities.- i ne wnn. pony sell annuities and endowments, and act as Trustees for minors and heirs. Table of Premiums rerpttred for the Aaaunmce of 8100 for the whole term of Ufe. Age. IPrem. I Age. I Prem. Age. Prem. 1 1 50 3t 1 09 41 3 17 1 OT 33 I IS 47 3 40 18 1 60 Wl S 80 4 8 3 6. 19 IS!) 34 S27 49 3 77 20 lfld ' - 33 S3? 90304 SI 1 ; .HI 2 40 SI 4 13 S3 1 66 ; 37 9 47 SS 4 34 S3 I " 38 S SI 63 4 61 21 172 30 2B3 M 4 71 2S l 7fl 40 70 66 4 91 t!(l lbS 41 2 31 A 6 12 27 1 f9 42 2 92 67 8 33 23 1 p4 43 3 01 6 6 64 20 1 W 44 3 12 78 JO 2 01 45 3 23 00 6 03 The nreiniums sre leae thnn anv other cimnuiiy, and the noliciea nfford nrenter advnntoirrs. Tahles of hnlf-yenrly nd rmtirterlv nreniiuma. hnlf credit rates of nremuim, abort Urma, joint lives, survivorships and endowments; also, form of Application (for which there sre blank aheeta) are to be hnd on amlie.it"n at the office, or by letter to the Agent, J. H. Pl'HUY, Huubury. Rates roa lsur.i.o 8100 on a single Life For Life, 1.00 8.IH 2.70 3.ot 6,0.1 Rimri.- A neraon need 30 venrs nest birth day, by paying the compnny pp cents wouia aocure o. me nimn or'heira SIOD ahould he die in one yenr : or for 8o.o0 ho se cures to them tt I miO; or for 8I3 annually for seven years he aeenres to them SI(HK shm-W he die in reven ye'.rs m for SSH.40 paid annually during life he secures 81000 lo lis f aid when he dies. The iuaurer secuiing his own bonna, y the difference in aim-nut of nremiuma from those charged by other offices. For JMo,5( the heirs would receive 83O00 ah-ild he die in one yenr. Forms of application and all particulars mnv be had at the office. FKTKll t'L Ll.K.N, I'reaiaent. Vice President, Wn. M. Bairh. Fr a NCia YV. Rawi.s, Secretnry end Treasurer. Cosjultiso Phvicia Ur. J. B. Mnaaer. !iintniry. J. H. Pernor, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland coun' ty- Sunbuiy, July 29, 18I9. "Encourage Tour Own!" HAAS FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. HE subscribers respectfully call tho attention of tho public lo their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and price of vztivi: LWARK. which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the ,bcst stock to be had in the city. No erlbrt is spared in the manufacture of their wore, and the subfcvibers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which ore constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofa, Divans and Lounge, jsttrraus, Sccrctru-frs, SftctoarHs, SOFA, BREAKFAST AND DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pnttern nod price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS. TOII.KT TABLF.S AND EXTENSION TABLES, n short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities chairs, including varieties never before to be had Sunbury, sucli ns .Mauogast, Black walm-t ami I rriLKli MaI'Li: Until ax : amii VVixnson CHAIRS, An faxcy Piano Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manulactured in the Cities or elsewhere, The subscribers arc determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can be entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will lie disposed of on as good terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment for work. GT UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. I.t Tho Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite eavcr s Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunburv, April 28, 1849 tf ROBT. L. SETH. THOS. P. B. SETII SET. I & IlRO rilEU. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND Commission &lrrr.tjiuto, NO. 89 PRATT STREET, (Near Bowly's Wharf.) iJ.iL27.U0RE, Will pay parlicul i attention to the sale of GRAIN and all other products of the farm. Baltimore, January !6, 1850. ly TUB PEOPLE'S VADE-MECUM CU.MI'RISINU A COLLECTION OP OVER 200 VALUABLE RECIPES, irt 1te Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Simple aud Curious Experiments in CHEMISTRY : T NCLUDING Medicines, Perfumery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dying, Confectionary, Do mestic Economy, etc. etc. etc. Price 64; cts., for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1849. J"jrT i.EPJTZD. A !Vew 4 saort mentor Frehli Goods, IRA T. CLEMENT. T ) ESPECTFULLY informs his friends, cus--t tomersuud others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at his store in Market .Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens ware, Hardware, Aic. Sunbury, June 23, 1849. Win. . Cochran & Co., Wholesale aud Retail, WlXE AND LIQUOR MERCHANTS, So. 72 Honut Street, Philadelphia. AVE always on hand a very large stock of Vv ines, Liquors and Segars, of their own importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will be supplied on the most liberal terms. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849 Ii AZORS A superior article for sale at I " store of HENRY MASSER. the Sunbury, Feb. 10, 1850, OSE OIN TMENT. A fresh supply of this . excellent article for Tetter, 4en jast received aud for sale by HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, July 28, 1849 NOB AND SPRING MORTISE LA'l CUES. An excellent article, for sale at hall the usual price by J. W. FRILING. Bunbury, July 7, 1749. Valuable UooUa. T IFE o? Christ, handsomer bound, D'Ac- " lissn HisToar or ths RiroevATinx Blabs Day-books axb Liugems, full bounded. For sale at the publishers prices by II. B. MASSER Sunbury, July 14, 1840. ' ROWN'S ESSENCE OF GINGER. A new eupply of this excellent article just received and Tor sale by ' H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, March 16, 18S0. ' F1 EE BILLS. Justices and Constables Fee Bills handsomely printed on card paper, for sale at tins office. Age. For 1 vcar. For 7 years. SO 81' ql 30 pn 40 l,2g 1.04 60 1.S8 8,07 69 3,18 3,1)7 PHIL A. AND READING RAILROAD. SIMMER ARRANGEMENT FROM PHILADELPHIA AND F0TT9VILLE. Otce of the Phila. If Reading Ruilroad Co. ) Philadelphia, March 29, 1830. ) Two Passenger Trains Daily, (except Sunday.) ON and after April 1st, 1850 two trains will lie run caj-h way, daily, between Philadel phia and Pottsville . - AIorning Line, (ccofltmotfatrm.) Leaves Philadelphia at 7 A. M., daily except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville at 7) A. M. daily except Bun days. Afternoon Line, (Fast Train.) Leaves Philadelphia at Vj o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Leaves Pottsville, at 2J o'clock, daily, except Sundays. Passengers cannot enter the cart unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or fast trains, do not stop at Au burn, Althouse's, Birdshoro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Forgo, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Falls. NOTICE. Filly pounds of baggage will beat lowed toeaeh passenger in these lines; and pas sengers are expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, which will lie at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Manaorers. 8. BRADFORD, April 13, 1850. Secretary. WILLIAMS' AKTI-DYSPKPTIC ELIXIR Is, with the utmost confidence, offered to the Medical Faculty and the puUic for the cure of Dyapcp sis or Indigestion, aiul all disease arising from it, such Naoaea, Headache, Vertigo. Dimnesa of Sight, Debility ol the Nervous Sys tem. Hypochondria, Jaundice, Loiwof appetite, Bilious Vomiting, Burning sensation at the pit of the st-mach, Liver eomplnint, Oppression after eating, Palpitation of the Hnt, Pain in the pit of the stomach Wasting of the strength. FlaLulence, with frequent or towards the right side, brlrhingof wind, 'S-tllowneas of complexion, Vitiated taste, ;Depressi'n of the spirisssnd Constitution and uneasiness irritability of temper, Ac. of the bowels, I If a ense of dvanenHri should be neglected, mist serinis eflucta nuy ensue. f,r il lays the f.iuudiitrui f ir, is the in ci,ciit cause -tf. and very frequently rermiivtfes inconsump tiu. I W"Uld iiniri-ss upon the mind that to tiitle with this disease may lie t,i spurt Willi the reason which fioiwti- lutes man anperenliiieut among animal lieings, or to em latter existence by adding a consciuuaueas ol fully to the petnlly of pnin. This medicine is ncntlv nut tin in bottles, with ample directions for use, and is sold in Snnlmrv by John W, I'lllLIXO. JA.MKf Vt Testimony of Mr. Aimer Elmes, hutter. Market street sliovc Sixih, eurr-ib native of tho efficacy of Williams Auti-Dvspcptic Lltxir. Philadelphia, October 3, 1849. Mr. James Williams : Dear Sii : It aivcs me sreat pleasure to know that you are again preparing you medicine f.T the cure of Dyspep sia, for many of my acquaintances havs repeatedly asked me where it could be procmed, knowing that I had been cured hy it. Aa I think that a public acknowledgment of the great heneht 1 have received tromineuae ni your meo iciue is not only due to you, but may lie useful to others, I now make it. For several years I sulTered from Dyspep sia, which increased to such an extent that my health and constitution were rapidly sinking under it. I was com. pelted to restrict myself toilie most simple food, and even that I could not dig'eat. I felt a loss of atrength, disincli nation to exercise, and, as you have it in your advertise, nieut, a general feeln.j of depression ana indescribable weariness. In the year IPS", hearing from others high re commendation of your Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir, I procured and used it with Ihe moat happy effect j under it influence Innsuor and wariness gradually passed away, ann my aptie titc returned which 1 could gratily with impunity. Ten years have now elapsed, and my confidence iu the curative piwers of your medicine Ins ot course iurrensed, for it completely cured me when I failed toobtnin relief from any other source. Very respectfully vonrs, AHNKK KI..MKH. Te-timonyof IM-.vnrd II. Rowley, Wholesale Merchant ofti,? firm of Rowley. Aahbunncr Co., Xo 6 r"uth Wtnrves. in proof of the efficacy of Williams' Anti-Dyspeptic Elixir. I HlLADKLriiiA, ucioucr a, 1,1,. Mr. Jamt;s Wilmsms! Dear Si-: I Like pleasure in recommendinr your Anti Dyspeptic Elixir for ihe cure of Dynepsin. 1 have taken it Liyaelf fur the diaense. and have been entirely cured. Yours respectfully, F.DWAHD II. ROWLEY Aobxt JOII W FRILING, Sunbury, Pa. March 2, 1MU. ly ROSE OINTMENT, FOR TETTER T)F.AD the following certificate from Capt. Devoe, the k. well known and popular Sham Boat Captain (of the Traveller.) m 9 PiilLADrxniiA, Octolier 31, 1510. Several years since I was attacked with a breaking out on my neck in the form of Tetter, which I am convinced was c attracted at the Barber's Shop, it graudually extend ed over my face until it reached the upper part of the cheeks. During the several months th;it it continued spreading, I used different applicatloiia. some of which had the effect. apprently nt leost, of increasing the disease, hut from none ol them did I perceive the least benefit unlili applied the Rose Ointment. By the use of one jnr of it, 1 was perfectly cured and have remained free of the affec tion. I have eiuce used the Ointment, lightly npplied for rough ness of the face, blotches, chapied hands. Sec. With per. feet sttccces. I have no hesitation in reeomraeudi:ig it in the strongest manner tu the public. JAMES DEVOE, Acent Hisrt Maasir, Sunbury, July 28, 1(449. STONE "WARE. THE subscriber would most respectfully in form his friends and a generous public, that he is manufacturing the best quality of STONE WARD, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheeper than any other manufacturer in the Union. He is also importing and dealing most extensively in CIUS A, GLASS ASD QUEESSWARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries are on Bond street north of Fav- ette, and China store and dwelling at No. 8, E. Baltimore street. - DAVID PARR, JVo. 8, E. Baltimore street, Daitinre, Maryland. February 5, 1850. ly LIQUORS, WINES, &C. rpHE subscriber has just received new supply of the best liquor that ever came to Sunbury, consisting in part of Superior old pale Brandy. Fine Cogniaa Brandy. Superior Old Jamaica Spirit. New England Rum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Maderia Wine. Lisbon do. do. Superior Tort Wine. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wine in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MASSER. Sunbury, May 26 1849. riSlB PROOF CHESTS, UH UUUKS, hAPKllS, JEWtLKY,S:C. EVANS & WATSON, So. 90 Sorth Third street, between Arch and lio.ee, and 83 Dock street, OPPOSITE THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE. Patent Soa)Stoii Lined and Key hole t over SALAMANDERS, FIRE AND THIEF PROOF IRON CHESTS, it :'.--is Warranted to Rand mors Hmt . ..tfr.vi several inouaulul tunes huiitf.,M rL'Jiv-r bm iii futt every tiuie the Lock ia nsrd if di-analile. These Lock, sre pruof sfrnimt the most rxprit Thicvt., beinK supplied Willi th. Fj'.riU Key-hole Cover, and nmdo very atroiur, ihey eaissa b blown open l.v (iuiin wder. Tlicse Looks are intetlued fu BANKS, HTI lit I'H a t FFS . iv pViilmid tettei eopyinf pres.es, kre proof duors for Banks Slut BtJire.. !:,- Slo'e Lined Refrijrersiors, warranled su;eriur to all others. Water Kilters, Shower nuths of Hie but qual ity. IV Persons wiriiius to purchase any of th. ahov. ar. tides, will pieaiie irii e tin in s call, ss Uiey Mil cheaper luuu any umer ui ui. vu.tcu j -. DAVID EVAXS, , JOHANNE8 WATSON. Pliiladetpkia, November 10, lo4 ty STONE Were, . Earthen WaTeItasiAl. nionsjei Prunes and Cretin Nats. Planes of all kinds. alt aud PlasleT.-r-uet receiTed antf rbr sule by JOHN W,rRIUNCv Sunbury, Dee. 89, 1848. f ..I'S'-'i.d -I.-; -tt "-wnmor irtsl l?a?5a!iiVV H""". ' iu use. They .vin T if 'V'(.jt"tan " make lb. ordnui- 0!tnWt,-"i7.Jl? Fiwioi.fs,M very l..w arieve C I'TijCir Tiv., .niPalwitBinibiiiaiioB locks. Willi fcU !li-TI t iSiif Uui.se Keyfc winch ran be .-lianKed L,-t-wr...wi several thouaulut times hMiitf.,M. t' "v N. S. LAWRENCE. Agent for the tale of Southworth '.Manufactu ring Co' i. Writing Faprfs. Ware Iloune, No. 3, minor direct rHIt.AOEX.PRXA. 100 ,ne "kove superior Papers now in store, and for sale to trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, IS and 16 lbs. blue and while. Superfine Medium and Dcm.1 Writings, blue and white. Extrasuper end superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Cammcrical Posts, hlue aud white plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. ' Extra super Linen Note Papers, plain and gilt. Superfine and find Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-House Cups and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain and ruled, bluo and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfined blue Bath Posts, blue and white, plain aud ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and fine Caps and Pus's, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 icatni white end asserted Shoe Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, whito and nssorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelope, assorted and blue Me diums, Cup Wrapping, Hnrdware Papers, &c Philadelphia, Nov. 24, 1849. TO PMSICIAW, DRIIGCISTS AND CGTNTRY MERCHANTS. Tn. J. N. KEELER & Bro. most respectfully f solicits attention to their fresh stork of ii.r Uh, French, German and Amcican Vrtips, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye .Stuffs, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines ccc. Having opened a new store No. 294 Market .St. with a full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before .purchasing elsewhere, promising one 1 and all who may feci disposed to extend lo us their I patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Mi di- J cincs, on as liberal terms as any other house in the C'itv, and to faithfully execute nil orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physician, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of all articles sold nt their establishment. We especially invite druggists ' ami country merchants, who may wish to become agents for Dr. littler i Celebrated Family Medicines, (stan dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad dress. Soliciting the patronage of ileajers, we respect fully remain,- J. N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 294 Market street, Philadelphia. September 15, 1819 ly. COLUMBIAN SPELLING BOOK. TJEING a progressive and Comprehensive Sys-- tern ofOrthograpy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Schools in the American Republic, by Alinon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, ic. The attention of Teachers, School Dtrcctors, parents, cVc, is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern sneliing and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in tho United Stats. It is what it purports to ho. a Spelling Book and not a Rending Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools i f the United Slates, ,1 list published, and for sole by Hf.Xiiv Masses, Suuhury. V here Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August 4, 1SI! Dlt- J- J- UPDEGR AEF, 1 J ESPECTFULLY informs the citizens of Danville and the public at large, that he has located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery in all its various bran ches. He will operate on all the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet, hurclip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis eases. His collection ot instruments comprises all instruments in medern Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will be a sufficient guarantee to those who may feel disposed to employ him. His residence is nearly opposite tho Tjntyome ry Buildingi, and next door to Isaac Koscn baum's stoic, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, 1819 ly. -o. IfjO IicniiiiI street, (Opposite the Arcade) PHILADELPHIA, A T ANUFACTUREUS of their improved style ''1 Elastic Steel Spring, Solid Sole Leather, and Solid Riveted which took the only first premium, awarJiJ by the Franklin Institute at their last exhibition. H. & T. take pleasure in informing the travel ling public, that they have now on hand, a beau tiful assortment of Ihoir improved stylo of Solid Sole Leather Trunks; Double and Single Folio Trunks, of various 6tvles ; Lodiis Trunks, Va- lice Trunks, Bonnet Boxes, Cap Cases, ( 'arpet Bags, and an elegant assortment pf superior hu- ameled Patent Leathar Bags, with every article in their line of business. L3T Old Trunks Repaired or taken in exchange for New ones. ALEX. L. HICKEY. RICHARD W. TULL. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1849.- P II I' A U G L I II I A IVIEDICAIi IIOUSS, ESTABLISHED 15 YEAHS AGO, BY Dlt. K1NKELIX, Ar, IV, Comer of Third and Union Streets, BETWEEN SPlll'Cfi AND PINE STREETS. PHILADELPHIA FIFTEEN VKAHS of extensive and uninterrupted practice ioent iu this city have rendered Dr. K. tlie most extM-it and successful practitioner fur and ueur, in the treatment of all diseases 01 a private nature. Pers its alllicled with ulcers Uku the body, throat, or ltrgs. pains in the head or bones, mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravel, disease arising from youtbfull excesses or impuritit-s of the bkod, wherebv the constitution tuts become eufeeblcd, are 11 treated with iucccm. He who places himsril miner ine care 01 ur. tv , mar rc ligiously etufide iu his honor as a geutlumau,uiid ooutideut- ly rely upon his skill as a pnvsicum. TAKK PABTlcUisAH NOT1CK. Yonufr Men who huve injured themselve bv a certain piactice indulged in a habit frequently learned frmn evil comiamou ur a' t,htK4 the effects of which are uightly felt, even wheu asleep, and destroy both mind and bnly, stiituld anplv immediately. Weakuesa and constitutional debility loss nf luuscular energy, physical lussitude aud gen eral prvunraium, irniuuiiuy huu bu nervous anucnons, indi gestion, tluggishnesa of the livei, ami every discasein any wav connected with the dis-mler of the procrtative fuue tioiuj cured, aud full vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. K1MEL1N on silf Fn serration. ONLY 25 CKNTS. This Boiikjust publi.lM-dis filleil with'nael'iil iiiforitiatirii on lb. uinruiiues and di,ous-s of the (iencrutive tiruiois. Ilaridrcsaos itatliulike to Vol TH, MANHOOD and Ol.U ACit-j, and slioukl be ruutl by ull. The valuable aili lie und impressive wamiii)! it give., Will preveia yenr. of misery uiid.ulfuriug and savs uiniusl ly Tii'MiKind. oi Livea. l'uietits bv reuiiuis il will learn how to prevent the des truction of tfeir cluklien. aA rriniilatice 01' St cent, enekised Ins letter, sd drvwio.1 to lilt. hl.NKKI.IN, N. W c.nier ol 'I'lllUll I'MttN Hlreets, beiwven Spruce A Hun-, Fliilatlelpliia, will ensure . b.ik, uiuler eiivuloie. per return ol mull. I'erson. ut a diaunce nwy addreM Dr. K. by letter, (sl paid,) and he cured ut home. PACkAOKM OH MKDICIKKS, DIRECTIONS, c., f-irwiutlni by .ending a reiiuttauce, and put up secure from DAMAt.i: or L'l lllo;TY. Bo ik-aullers, New Asaiita,Ptsllnrs. Cauvasaeia, sihI all other, supplied with the uuuve work ut vary low rules. l-'sbruary 9, 18A0. ly ISSUE PAPEK Yellow Tissue paper lor 1 covering classes, ic., for tale at the olliec ot the American. Dft. IIIH.lMi.MI'S bll.lll'UI .AD Bl'IKUT i SAliBAPAI.lLLA. i' THIS Ejitrnrt in put up in qunrt hnttir It ii MX timtt clKWrrer. ptf!atwntrr. nuA WirrniiM tti.pw.oT to itfy MM. It virr tf jmriMfi without vomiting, purging, iirli nM, Or debilitating the patient, and in particuUirly iwtiipted FALL AND SPRING MEDICINE.1 Thfl grrM bmuty nnd nip-tinrlty of this Sanmpnriltn over oilier rcniftrlie in, wlitlut it ero(lic.HeidieaM, it invigomtmi the body, Omwimplion curmi. CIwuim nod Htrengturn. C'mnimption rnn he rural. BroiirTiiti. Coiimimptirm. Liver C'nnplnlut. Culdn, Cmighs, ( Uatnrrli, Asthnm.rVittiiivnr Klrid,iHnnn intlis Chum, Hectic Flush, Night Swcntit, Diffi cult nd T'nifiiM Kxp-t'tarntlon, and puin in llm Hide. , .,, Ac, Ac, ! hnve nnd can he cured. FroinWy there never n reini'ily thut Inn been i our cennftil hi Ht'ciwnite enne of cnumimpMon nn Uiift ; It Hertn lien nnd fttrcntTtlKMiS the rnnr'"m, nnd npjnirf tn herd the ul cer nn Ihe lung, nnd pntiunta gnidimliy regain their nu ml hejillh mid Ptrrimlli. CUIUOUS CASR OK COXHUMl'TiON. Thore in ncitrerly a d:ty pawc hut tlif re nre a nmnli r nf immn if ruifftiinption repirtd an rnred hy the use of J)r TinvnfU'ii'i SurKipuiillu. 'J'he f flltiwing va rewntly re ciivcd : Dr. Tovmknd Dnar Pir: Fnr tho Int thriM venrs I have hern nfllicted with gcncnil tlcliiltty, und ii'TVimc tnm- nmpli iM tif the last arrive, nnd did expect to ever pum my limit Ii nt n!. After g ting thmuph a e'liitaeof nie.il icitie under the cin e of some "nf I lie in M distiiiiniched rcgtihr phynieiitua nutl meinliers of Ihe H mrd of Ht-nltli iu New York nnd elsewhere, nitd ftpcudimr. the m'-f t if nv eurninca iu nticmpting to rnr:iin my hefdlli, uud nttr- reiidiiij' in a nne pner of ynut Sfira!ip4iriU:i I res lved Vi try it. After using six bottles I found it done me great g'Nd, and cuiled to see you nt your office ; with your ml vice I kept on, nnd do most henrtily thrmk yon for your ndviee. 1 persevere iu taking the Sirsnprilln, nnd hnve been able to attend to my nsunl lnl)orsf. r the Inst four m nlhs. nnd I hope by the blessings of God und your tSaraupurilla to continue my health. It helped ine beyond the expectations of nil who knew my case. CHAKLKS QKIMIA Oranae, J'.bscx en. X. J.f Aug. 2, In47. Hmteof New Jersey, V.nvx couutv, ss. Chnrles Qutm byl 'iug duly sworn according tt) luw, ou bis oath s.iilb, thit the fore goinrj statement is true according tn th best of hi-tkiirtwltdgeand belief. CHARMS qriMHY. Jfwornnnd sutweribed to before me al Ornnc. the ad August, 1&17. CYltL'9 BALDWIN. Justice of the I'etiee. Bpirnxa ri.ood. Rend the following, and bhv tlmt consumption is in incu rable if you can : New York, April an, 117 Dr. TnwNAKxo I veri'y bi-lirve that your S'rKipuri.Li has been the riKwis. throujrli Providence, of saving my liie 1 havel-tr several years hud n had coutrli. It became worse and worse. At last I raised lnrgc (pinuliiiea of blood, had night awey'sund was greatly drhilitatetl and reduced, and did ii t expert to live. I have only used your Rirawrilla but o KiK'it lime, and there hits a wonderful chniure Ireen wr .mjlit in nif. 1 am now able to walk nil over the cily. I misc iu) hioiwl. nail my eisnrh has left me. Von ean w.-ll imagine tint I uiu tlrtifnl ir t!ie.' results. Your ob.-di- eul bu vant. KL SSMLL, 03 Cutliariue st, IsfnTliKRSPEKCII. Thnnuexetl rrrlificate t.-lls a simple and tmthful story of smiVrtiiT nnd relief. Tiiere are thoiurnids of si-uilar ci ses in tliis ciiy and Brooklyn, and vet then: are t'l 'iisau lH of parents let their ctiiUrcu die lor iVar of beimr huinhacti or io bjvc u lew Biniiitics. Ilro klvn, Sejit. 10. Dr. TmvxsnN-n : I tiike pleasure iu (aatirnr, for Ihe bene fit of those whom it may concern, that my daughter, two years and six months oid, was ndlicted with general de liility nnd Josh of sjieech. Wie was given up us past je e.ivery by our family physician ; but fortuiintelv 1 was re comuiended by a friend to try your Sarsaparilla. Before having used one bottle she nx'oveiett her x-eeli ond was eunliied to walk alone, to the astonishment of nil who were acquainted with the circumstances. She is now quite well, and in much better health than she has been fir bs months past. JOSKPJI TAYLOK, lis York st., Brooklyn. TWO ClIiLDKKN SAYF.I). Very few families indeed in lVt we have ivt heard of one tlmt used Dr. T 'Wnsend's Sars-ipnrilla iu time, list uuy children the pust Sinmiter, while th-se that did not, siekened aiifl flit tl. The cercitie-ite we puHish hel m' is cneiubive evidence of its value, aud is only another instance ?f its saving the lives f ehil.lren : Dr. TiiwNENU IV. ir iir: 1 had two children cured hy y-rnr S irjKtpariila of th suiumer e-'mpl lint nnd tlvseu' irv j one was only 15 month oid nnd th other 3 veirV TVv were very m.ifh reduced, ond we pxpected thev vu!d die"; they were, given up by iv i re?;"'e: al !e ih :ii.-:tiis. Win n the doctor informed us tint we must lonii 'Jicnu we re--j'-ved to try y ur S n ipnrit! i we Wvl iie ird ho uiaeii of. hat bad little rontideure, t!ere beine s rn'ieli nf mi fi,Ut'rf ise I i that is worthier: bet we n:e thankful that we Jul, f.-r it e..!..i;!-TrMy s-ived the lives, if btlv I write Ihirf tint oth ers inav he inditel lo use it. ours, res -ee'i.illv. JO!l VVU.SUX, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, r.nxiHyu. Sept. 1.5, JS7. TO TIT K leAFJIJLS. aniiAT ri'.MAi.i; mi;dicini;. flji.TiHVNy.tuiiuiin.ra i"n r-r -reiet. an 1 s;ir !-,-core for incij'ieiit e T.iin;,' i-.a. a. id tor Hie gea.-.';d peosi : li m of the sy?la:i jio matter wltelher t!ie res ilt ot in;M r::nt cause or eaus'ifl, pTv winced by irreirularity, iliiiecs or ur eitleni. No:hi! r can be mre fiirpriing than its invitfomtiti? ef fects tai the human frai.ie. I'c.-sons ull weiku--cs um-' ii Sitiitle, from taking it nt once hceiMue r -Surl nnd lull ot energy under lis intluen-e. I; iu;iif lliulv e-juuleraets fie lier t I. :;mi..-.ss ol tlie female liaiue, witieh U the jife.il Cvi :.-e biirrennejis. It will not be expeete l nf ns, in cnv.-s of 9n delicate u na ture, to exhibit ceil ilieatcs of curer pti funned, but we can hps nre the afflicted thut hundretls of cujcs have been rep r ted to us. Dlt. low.NRn: Mr wite beinir irrt-irlv distn sse 1 be weukitfsa aud general debility, and satfering' cominuallv bv pain nnd with other tbifieulties, and having lin wn cises where your medicine has effected grtuit cures; nail nlso hearing it recommended for such closes ns I have desenUd, I uutuined n bottle of your Kxtnirt of Sarsupari!lu and fol lowed the directions you Lrave me. In u slmrt periotl it removed her cmpl.iiuts nnd restored her t liealih. Il.-in-j; greutlul for the Ivenetits she rc-j-tved. I f-ke pleasure iu thusnekuowledgiug it, and recommending ir t.. the public. M.D. MUOKi; Albany, Aug. 17. '41. cor. Grand & I.ydia His. DYSPEPSIA. Nt fluid or mcdiciua has ever lieeu discovered whieli s uenrly resembles thr u'frtc in ice or saliva iu decomposing liwul u:l srretttliiauiu tile ( I'trius of dim i n nn tins pre paration i,f SirK!iviniia. It positively cures ciery case of dapopMa. however ere er ehr 'iii'' liaiu DepaiMiu-nt. Alhauv. m y 10, 1HI.V Dr. Townsciid S.r: 1 have been n:ilieed for several years wiih dys-pt-iu in its worst form, up-ended with s n;r uess of si.nru h, J ss of aitpetiie. exlrime he.iitLurn. mid a great awrst a t"ll km. Is of f hid, and f T weeks, (whai 1 c nit! em) 1 have (n. n uinhle to retain but a small portion ou my stomach. 1 tried the usual remedies, but they had but little or no effect in nmovini; Ihe c tinpbiitit. I in. dured. about two mouiiis since, to try vo ir Kxirncl of Su1 s.ipanil.i. and 1 nuiM say with little confi lenee : but nliei UFiug nnirly tw bottles," I found my appetiie. n-nlored and tha he.utbuin entirely removed ; nnd I would earnest !v re commend ;!ie use of it to those who hnve been atKiett-i nl Jiuvebeeii. Yours. Ac., W. W. VAX ZANDT. Agent for 8-nd.urv JOHN W. FKIMN: Nor Ihumbeiiaad, MAKY' A. .Met AY ; Dmiville. WM. A. Ml'UItAY A Co., ApiiliW, 1KI3 ly Tn preaentins the public with a remedv for the treatment 1 and cure ol kvkk AD Adds hihI is Iter bill, ill. diauucs, no ap .li-;y is uceil, il. ":ivt uuiaiicrs in the t'nil'-d sr-.o-s. who s.iMh r iroin tluseiulccti'iiia iu their varuil f,.rms. arc e iilpelieil to seek relief I'roiu otlier uirce. liiau theiiniue dialo prcscriiiti ais nf llie re-.'ular pliysiciun. I: hoc mcs therefore uu o,j,-et of liuniaiuty, n. well ns of public inter est, to bring hcl'oie llielu u reuiwly prepared funn nmcb rx periiuce, und whieli may ulivnys be relied upon ns vy., SfFKI TCAL. AMI 11AUMLE)-S To TltK roNHTITt'TIOX. Tl,-t such i the Hue elurai-tcr of the INDIA I'll! ll.AIOIIi I i;, is limply attcst--d bythe universil .uccesawith which it bus been employed. IV V.xtrnet from u cnniniuiiienlion of the Hon. YVii. ui WooDSHipua, of the I'. S. Semite, lute Governor of M ieliitran. Dktboit, Oct. 81, 1M0. Doctor Charles Osoooo. Denr Sir. 1 have rend wiih much interest, your Utile ThAEATtrttc ii m in tlie '-causes, Iriailineiit nnd cure" of the lenrne uiseascs wnicn tiave wi extensively prevuilcd lu our country during the Lust lew lliouihs uu iuterest iu-reaaed no uount, i,y ine Kiel mat I nave IllUlvtilually auderetl i much from them. Thuiurh I feel myself very iucouietc!it to jutlire sil',-:y upon a subject no entirely profcuiioual, yet your Iheory seeuis to nw well rmsisied, und our coim-Iii .ions jiimI, und 1 lliiuk iviliml, litat your iMiiiiphlet is calcu lated to piodace much pmcticul good. Spunking at the uicdictue he says : It fully justi5cd your flattering expcelatiuiis, uad tia u aal'e. couveiui-nt, aud lii'nu- lar remeily: my own experience, n fur, induces nie to In--lieve tlml il will prove u gre-jt public lieuefii. 1 m.,i oU-hm-iI to learn that you have recently etaiii)it-d veral sirem-u. lor IIS Ulp ail-usi lln.u-l) 1 regret Ulut, Willi , yiu.w p, . m ire geuertd dinaentiiuuiou iS' It, ou ahould have found il necessary to rens.ve from your present residciuH.1 ainoiitr u. wuh ,,. i, i I,.,.- k i -.. 1 Kf M m u i m & t! : 1 1 1 Ml i t ti : t h"4 our olit-cd ser-r,;it wii i.i a.i oouiiHiDnr.. TW From Hon. Stefhrs V. R. Tbowbiudge. of Micfci iruu Suile Senate, to llu: Agent ut Deln it. HikJUXoiiAJi, Oaslasd Co., Die. :i, if II. Sir you winli me to inform you what I know ol Dr. Osao Hl a India Cisilng igiic, or nnti-biliou. medicine. 1 do urlleve thai il tlie nrluc. null e:lieacy S llu, iiiede nie wore gcueially known, the nits and auir would disappear in Ms'lugali. I pi.K itretl a bott!e in tlie spring of 1M1, nd hnva good ren.n to lielu-ve that lai sell' mid family aaeuped the uiio hut ssm in eaiiSf,,arnre m in. msb, r, lli.u,a in no summer hk b ihe settlrment of this fine peuiiisufa, has the fever anil tuu. btu mi p.-evulcut ss tha but. I have recommenifed llu. tutuicitut in iiiuni-roti. in aiuncea. and when the disease had become alril and lutlie,! tbe akill of physicians; and I have uever known it fail. 1 hue univcraally iitKluctl the in. mo luippy etfe-ta. run) 1 bet lieve it has never been eii'ml-d bv uuy nled.ciue in rena viug the bilinm dianiaes of ine cliuiula. Vuura, leaiK-lfuHvi . . STEPHEN V It. TROWRnrprSK. Agent r. Sunbury H. H. MASHKR; Nonhmnlierlnml, WlTlIIMi'l tiM A i-,,.; MiUon, 1. II KASUR ; eus gn.ve, MAY A K1.0SE. May , ltH tf. CORRECTED. WEEKLY, trnn . rENNPYITANlA.- CITT or HlflLAPELPIllA. 1,1 , . 15T : All solvent haul,. 1 H a U. m. Bnnk tmtm ' IJdis All aolvent Iwnkt . pa COCKTRT." lAII siilveiit lnk, J He, xixiiKo-rir!irT : Pink of rhnmlwrslmrg 1 dil sa solvent rmnk. id,. Bank of Del, Co. Chester purl I ClTV.-ji All snlveiit hnnks 1 Aim uankor iieririantowit sir Bank of (ieltystttirg 1 dil CfDIr notes nnder fJA t dis HnuK of Lewtsbiwn Bank of MidriWown 1 dii rnlTNTRV. All Soh-ents Iranka - I dis NKW JBKWEY, , Delvirlere flmik I His Onimereial ItanV - 1 rlt. monrgomery i;o iuuiK pur Bank of NorthumlHirPud. run Biiuknf Pittsburg 1 disl Itimk of Danville pnr l-'sr. Uru.k Munt Holly . par CnrlHde Bank ' 1 dis1 Columbia li'k A B'geCo par Doyelstoivn Bunk par Knston Bank pnr Krie Bank 3 dis r . t Hi., Mlilfllntrrwri rf. psr Meelianirs' Bk, Newark nr Meeh. Ilk nf Hurlincton par Mcch. ft Mnn. Ilk Trent per r xchnuge B k Pittsburg 1 dis Newark Bk'g 4 !. Co 'iu,,,. itaiis i dis di I ilis j dis ' '""' " "omu i i inn .nmire nirrfK sriner,' H'k, HncksCo par'I'eople's Bk I'altarson firmiTsMlk. Inrnsler nnr I'riiifplim 11....L. I'Mriners' Hk. Krniliiir KiriSiilm nmikliiir Co, ' I'nrm. Bk frh'lylkill Co inrlSemerret Co llimk t pur dis f. 'V '! " "V"'!' I)1!' Suite Bunk nt t'nmden .per dis I til rnniMill ns. - imii'li I j lis ?!'ite HK I.liTnlierlitofi I, irrir nuir nnns 1 ill rMnle Kmlk ,wnrk ' niiiics'inie iiiiik LnniiPler Hunk 1 rlis Suite Hk, X, liriinawirk par pnr.Suwi-x Bunk. Newton dis i,einn',n i,;,ns ' par Trelilon HanXKW f!o ' par t'nion Bunk, Dover j dis Vimllevv'le & Dnl Dr Co loilia j,ir.i-n. v :unii, rinni; 1 at. -iiiiiitib' rrs. iMiisville pT Moii inff.iltrln H:mk I dis E Tnvlirsv'e IW H'ir Co 15 (lis i E'iTBk notes under fS I dis lIKUWAHIi. H rot Hrnii' li Bunk pnr tlnnk of Delaware tmr wvoininir nn, ti iisesn'e pnr I Yerk H'liik. 1 dish Hunk of Hmvriis ! . tmr DrlnviTire (,'ity Hnnk- par l.--Kelinr notes 1 ,1,, M.VIXF.. hk wiimn'ii Hrnnrlvw. par Knnners' Bk St Delaware pnr Bulk of Wlii.il -k S,li, I nioii Hank. tVilniington psr Merennl.le Ilk, ltnnjor 10 dis ! i. iukt i a , ms All Hv.it hnnks Oisi OHIO. NKW lIAMI'SIIinfi. All solvent Imnka . 2 dis All sulvirt Innks J dis tyn.lt note, nndrr S 4 dis u 7J;i,IO:N'r- . , NWHTII CAROLINA. Bnnk ofM Allrans 9 dis All solvent Mnks a dis All solvent bunks j dislryUnilerS's, ' 5J dis ar.'M1"." M.M.II 1.11 II ! IIIIWWM IMPORTANT TO THE PUBLIC- CP.SS A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit your Horses or euttle to die. when' the incuiis of euro arc within the roach of all! The titnlorsijned hns srrnt several vears in the study nf VelfKniiry pruetiee in ''London and K- Imooro , ho has slw availed himsflfof theresear. ehesof Lfilii-, nnd ol'.ieri-elchnited m t: ho have rutilrlhuted s.i miirh townrds a jndieinns treatment ofntiiinals'; the principles of our pruetiee ronsixU in tiie rcjerti.vi ofgcnonil hlerdins and the total rrjertion of nil ini'iiirinrs tliat experieneo hns shmvn to he of a i!,ir orims temhinev. Thrse re-nit-dies iu-t in liitrmony with the vitnl prineiple, nnd when gi-en iirfr.Iinr to tlie direelinns whieli nr. company eai-h uriirle they are rapahle of exi-itiiijr and iiirreuring the nnturul funi iions, without di ininisliinir or ili'stro-. inr their power, hence are siiliin the hands of every one. G. H. DADD. M. D. A List of Horte ninl Cottle Meiliclnrs. Physic halls, 7 V. per Ikix. Alterative k-.ll, 7'.V do. " inuvilors for had emiilittoii,75epcrpack-' nre. Heave piiwdrr for diseases of the lnnffs, 7Sr dc. Tiine p.nv,i-r t. r " kiilneys, 75c do. Tonic povwl: r for hnd eoiidition iriaii.lers, 7,)r ' do. t'ordial ill ink for inllainslion ol howels, 73c tier h.:ltle. 1 j.'niuiii Iilislrr. ior jier liollle. (jtti.-:.t lor i)romotinS the growth of hair, SOc WT)ol. ll-iiiinrr haivim , Wmimls and saddln !-..l if,r. I rr Initio. . Wa-li fir iiii'i i;ni'd eye., olle per ho'.tlc. Dimiaenl lor malice s,-rat.'l)es, old sores, &c., 50c' per hoi lie. lhu';.: o. alion for sore tliroit, 75c per hottlc. l.i.jf oi::tini-i:t lor san.l r.-uc!i, hriltle hoof, &c, 50c Hon;,. Lir in Ko'tinii i'c -V 1 per it-nt. tlv moMt clehratedartiele knowif ior !ti:nei!css of everv ilesciiotion. 7"c Vt.- 1 VtiMij.vr ;! -, orni ji-ovilc the i,i:e.Jlinn! For !-. hy clinnls ln., iei- fir red water. $1 per liotlle. tlor'I'O removal of worms Srnw aual. 7Spef pael.nL'e. .S'."l.V.I'rfi.N A- KKF.D, 21! also at l)ll's HOUSE Mer--.D t.tiii.i,.i;i;:)iiiM; DEi'OT, No. 1 llaymarket Square. tSoston, Pamphlets- ntscrioin tlie diseases for which these n-mviUcs are uh,-.1 rait he had gratis. Numerous Crr,i!ie.itps are iu possion of the' Proprietors, olVim-s performed hy the uhove Medi cines. Kol.lhy (ir.l'F.N & FLETClIE,No.S0South' SIXTH street. Philadelphia, nnd hy Ilis A 'tK N-rs. Hkmiv Mimskh, s'tmhrrrv, Kehruary II, H If) tf COLr.MCIAN" SERIES' OF Vi'piVs frkndand Teach: r 'it mm fnri Tin rrin: COLOMBIAN CALCULATOR. This work i ijieajy introduced into some of tlie l e t Aeail.tinh.it nml a la.-e number of ijchools, w'iere ils use has -riven decided and universal sa ti ilaelioii, hoth to ii-ueher and pupil. It is purely AiiR'rie.in in iu character, basal upon our own Iii-aul:tul itrcivi-tl xisti ui of eiirmici;. It contains more. On-iirnin-cmcnts nre hotter, irml it is the easiest mul cheapest work of tho kind now in use; an.l it is so i-onsiilere.l hy hundreds of the most competent teachers und men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it. It is the hook, pnrtieiiliirly and expressly prepared for our rienn ScJeoletr : B,j Alnum Ticlimr. Tub Yoi th's C'iilcm ui a n Calci'Latiih. This volume contains 01 pa (res, with aliout 'J00 exam ples fir solution on the slate. It emhrnccs the Fundamental K tiles, Compound Kules, Simple and Compound Krdurtiou, Single Kulc of Three, Proportion, etc. Tti-s-xoB's AniTiiMgriext Tables, is destined for the use of younger ehxssra in th Schools of the United fSlates. A lieautifuf little book and pleas, inn to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to hoth Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, fort he convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions ore given with much cxt.-a matter for the Muck- board. These Ki-js are the most complete works of the kind ever published, nnd contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, ic, for the u&o of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, aud no teacher who ia acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce1 them the best works tha have cvur U-cn published in this or any other country. Although issued but n few months, they have already heen introduced into the Xiirht Public School of .ew York City in all the Schools public ond private, except two, in Ste City of Keadiiti;. Also, in about twenty Acadamies iu tlie .State ot ' Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools iu the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and iu the lloroughs of Harrishurg, York, t'hambcriiliurg, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potts ville, Orwigshurt;, inc., etc. For sale by Hisxnr Masscr, Sunbury, 'Agent for Korthuinlerlaml County. Suuhury, Dec. 2, 1844. PATE1TT ICEEISXITES, Green's Oxygenattd Bitter, price reduced, Old Jacob Towiisend'sSanaparilla. linker's Sarsaporilla. Svvayne's Syrup of Wild Cherr eU Swayne'e Vermifuge. Ay re's Cherry Pectoral I)r. Drake's Panacea. Dr. Cullen's do ' Tibhit's Puin KUler. Dr. Iloolland's (ierman Bitters: Indlun Vegetable Pills lloise and L'attlo Moltcinca For sale by ilENRY MASSEit Sunbury, July M, 1849. '' T500K.S and Gold Pent On hand several cop. - ics of the life of ChrUi, Mid also a number of gold pens which we will sell at tlie Philadelphia prices. For sale at tbiaolHee. 7-ENEDY'S PATENT SASH FA TENLXUS A cheap and excellent artl ele for fastening sash for sale by ' ", J. VV. FRILIW .Sunburv-, July T, 1819, 4 'J '?J'' 1--rain t 1-ar.,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers