ssv SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. foreign Nctoo ARRIVAL OF THE ITEAMERt BUMtm ASP ATLANTIC. Four Day later Newt. New York, Juna 9, P. M. The Steamship Hermann, arrived here lay from Bremen and Southampton. Her lates are to the 20th tilt. She has on board 35 passengers and 840 packages or French nd German Dry Good. The Atlantic arrived at her wharf in eleven ays and four hours, having left Liverpool, at oon on the 29th. -ENGLAND. The British Admiralty proposa to abolish le spirit ration in the navy, and in lieu lereof, to make an annual appropriation of 10,000. Miss Jane Porter, the well-known author is of the Scottish Chiefs, and many other andard novels and romances, expired at the isidence of her brother, Dr. W. Ogilvie For r, Portland sqcare, Bristol, on Thursday ght, from a second attack of pulmonary wplexy. Miss Porter was in her T4th year, id maintained to the last moment not only r intellectual faculties unimpaired, but that leerfulness of disposition for which she had cn so much admired during her long life. ITALY.' A convention was signed at Florence on e 17th, between the Austrian and Tuscan ivernments, regulating the military occu tion of the Grand Duchy by the Imperial ops. The number o! troops is limited to ,000. Time of occupation not determined. A negotiation is on foot for the occupation Savoy by a French army. The new commander of the Fiench army d arrived at Rome, and been most warmly olcomed. FRANCE. In France, it was expected thai the eleeto 1 bill would undergo extensive alterations, te President had stopped the publication of 9 "Napoleon" newspaper on account of the pearance of aiticles calculated to envenom 9 negotiations pending with England on the eek question. Letters from Toulon of the 24th inst. an unnes the sailing from that port of the am vessels Solon anil Gronqner to reinforce 5 French floet at Naples. Captain Du een, who recently commanded the Jena len the Pope visited the Mediterranean jadron, has received orders to proceed im sdiately to L'Orient and Rochefort to fit out i Duquesclin and another ship of the line, 1 take them to Brest. A levy of sailors s been ordered in the fifth maritime arron rement, of which Tonton is the chef lieu. TURKEY AND GREECE. K telegraphic despatch from Vienna, of 20th ult., brings advices from Constanti no of the 9th, Samos 8th, and Athens the h ult Tranquility had been restored at tdad. A deputation of submission had Samos for Constantinople. The king of ece had conferral the grand cjross of the .ler of the Saviour upon Prince Schwartz's- SWITZERLAND. tVe read in the Revue de Geneve of the th: We warn the French refugees who are ,in i Canton of Vaud or in Geneva, that some iiils have been endeavoring, within the t few days, to induce some or them to at ipt a toup fie main on France. The mad is of such a proposition is evident, the nberof these refugees being, at the most, in the cantons of Vaud, Nenrchatel, and neVa. Such propositions have been fe ted, but we know that, if they had been cepted the most severe measures would vo been immediately resorted to, to pre :nt the Swiss territory from being for a mO ient compromised. Attempt to TI,E K,,iG OF PRtstiA. The following are the facts attendant upon this most infamous act of intended regicide ; The King and Queen, having left Chatlot tenberg between 11 and 12, arrived at the Potsdam station a few minutes after the lat ter hour, and; quilting their carriage; rested awhile in the royal waiting-room attended by the aid-de-camp fin duty. The special train having been pushed forward, his Ma jesty, giving his arm to the Clueen, quitted he waiting room, traversed the corridor, and ras in the act of descending the first of the hree stone steps, which lead from the pas age to the platform, where stood the roya' lilway. carriage, when his spur, striking igainal the projecting rimmof the step, caused is Majasty to slip or stagger, aid at the same me to throw up the right arm in an angular osition, as a counter poise. At this instant man, in the uniform of a sergeant ofartil try, who had been allowed to advance close , the constables, and two sentries, who are tual posted on either side pushed through tern and the few bystanders, stooped, or half V nelt down, and, drawing a pistol rapidly t 'om bis bosom, fired upwards, and with jch deliberate aim that the ball struck the ower inner part of the King's fore arm, tra "ersed the flesh between the skin and bone rithoul fortunately injuring the latter, and ssed out within an inch or so of the elbow, lis Majesty staggered, by slipping, in the irst instance, and then, by force of the ball red with within three or four feet of his rson,lost his balance, but was immediately ised by Colonel Bonin and Count Waldersee id de-camp in waiting, we believe, and was irried into an adjacent room, where he be time eitreraely faint for a few seconds, but lickly recovered. ExTioniDixiY TaAMcc The daughter f James Cromer, of Partington England, poke on Tuesday the 14th, for the first time it upwards of 13 years; her first inquiry ras for her aant Killen, and when ber aunt ame, the girl immediately repeated the ord'a prayer. Extreme weakness preven d her from articulating many words rn sue- ssion; cramps and convulsions are supposed o have unlocked the jaw for the time. She experienced a great deal of pain for many lays; the law is (gain set as firm as before 'he girl seemed to apprehend that death euUsoeu terminate her existence. DESTRUCTIVE FIRf. IK P1TTBVR. Pittsburg, June 8. Last night a destructive fire broke out in H. H. Ryan's building on Fifth street, extend ing to Virgin Alley. The building is five stories high and occupied by a number of mechanics in various branches of business. Ryan's- loss is $40,000, insured for $5,500. The tools and other property were valued at 830,000. Rhoads & Alcorn lost $1500, in sured for $500, in the Delaware Mutual office. 75 men are thrown out of employ. Three brick stores on Fifth street owned by H. Campbell one do. by Mr. Simpson, and seven frame buildings in Virgin Alley owned by Mr. Ryan, were destroyed. The Second Presbyterian Church, on Fifth sireet, was also destroyed, loss $12,000, insured for $10,000, in the Western and Northern office. The night was calm, otherwise the conflagration would have been more disastrous. The entire row of wholesale stores on Wood street, was in imminent danger for several hours. The to tal loss is not less than $100,000. Thb majority in faVor of a convention to revise the constitution of Virginia, is 23,882- From the Evening Bulletin. TO MY kCGAR. Oh talk nor. to me of your charming young misses. With cheeks like the ruby and teeth like the pearl, Eyes sparkling wilh mischief and lips pout ing for kisses, While Love lurks beneath each encircling curl. Though these t admire still claiming no merit For candor, my failing I here will declare; And, oh ! blame me not, for the vice I in herit. I admire, much more, my "liavana Cigar." For beauly will fade, and eyes lose their brightness, Soft cheeks their carnation, ns time glides away. The voice, its lov'd sweetness, the fodlslep its lightness Till we knowjiot to-morrow the wreck of to-day. While I in my study in comfort reclining, Weep not that time's Visits leave many a scar, Nor regret that the world and its joys I'm re signing, As I press to my lips my "Havana Cigar." hould a friend prove unfaithful, I only thank Heaven, And soon will my sorrows all end but in smoke : Should sickness appear, Esculapius has gi Veil I lie true "hsculapio" all ills to evoke. Then why should I sigh for love's trials and glories, If content wilh the fate that the Gods have decreed '. 1 ne'er was a poet, to sing love's false stories, INor e'er ask'd a mistress, but one "the dark weed." Still one word, gentlo reader ba gentle with reason And blame not the feelings I here have express'd Nor charge my wild muse with discoursing love's treason, Love ne'er has been known in my bache lor breast. For a wanderer I've travell'd. oft scorned and oft scorning, , And friendship and love ever found but a star That twinkled at night, to be lost in the morning, While my only true friend was my faith- lul cigar. TRUE ECONOMY. The unparalcllcd suc cess of Merchant's Gargling Oil, in the cure of diseases in Horses and Cattle, and even in human flesh, is daily becoming more known to the farming community. It can hardly be credited, except by those who have been in the habit of keeping it in their stables, what a vast amount of pain, suffering, and time, are saved by the timely application of this Oil. There is nothing in the shape of a remedy for such diseases as Fresh Wounds, Galls of all kinds, Sprains, Bruises, Cracked Heels, Ringbone, Poll Evil, Wind Galls, Cal lous, Spavins, Sweeney, Fistula, Sand Cracks, Founders, Scratches, or Greese, Mange, &o than can at all compete with it, in point of activity and cheapness ; as the quantity of this Oil obtained for the amount paid, is much greater than that of any other Horse Oil, and is therefore much cheaper, without taking into consideration its superior strength. A pamphlet of description may be had gratis of the agent. Sold by il. Masser, Sunbury, and other Druggists in the U. States. 91 A R It 1 E D, In this place, on Tuesday lst, by the Rev. J. Stine, Mr. William Stosier, of Schuyl kill county, to Miss Christiana Yetteii, of Columbia county. $l)c iltavkcte. Philadelphia Market June 12, 1850. Flour. Flour is quiet and the price stea dy ; shipping brands are selling at S3 25c brl. Extra Flour at S9 75 brl. Rye Flour is held at S3 00. Corn Meal is worth $3 00 per brl. Wheat. There is an active demand for red Wheat at $1 18c. prime White at SI 28u. Rye. Penna Ryd is held at 65o per bush. ' Corn. Corn is in demand at 65 c. for yel low ; White is worth 60 cents. Oats. Soul hern are worth 40c, and Penna 43c. Whiskey. Sales of Whiskey in bbls at 27o and buds at 26 cents. Baltimore Market June 10, 1850. ' WrtiAT. Small sales or good to prime reds weie made to-day at 118 cts., andPenn w hite at 125 cts. Corn. White at 60 a 61 cents, and of yel low at 64 cents. A sale of Northern Rye at 64 cts. Oats. Prices range from 40 to 41 cents. Whiskey. Sales of bbls were made at 27 cents, and of bhds at 28 cents. SUNBURY PRICE CURRENT. Corrected weekly oy Henry Maiur. We i at. 108 Rts. . v 66 Coav. ... . 60 Oats. ... 87 BuTTsa. 12 Eess. .... 8 Put a. .... 5 Fiiistto, .... 125 Tituwi 10 BtssWAi' 25 Fiai . . 8 HtrnLts Fmi. ... 10 Pairs Ainu. -62 Do, rtAiait. . . 200 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED Proposals will be received by the Board of Commissioners of Northumberland county, and the Turnpike Company at the house of Charles Weaver in the Borough of Sunbury, on Wednesday the Sflth day of June inst, for the purpose of building a D ridge of forty feet span and twenty wide, across the channel st 8unbury. At which time a plan and specification will be exhibited. JACOB HOFFA, CHARLES WEAVER, W ILLIAM WILSON, Commissioners. Sunlmry, June 8,1850. 3t SUMAIGVN IN PAItTITIOiVi Northumberland Comity, ss. The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to the Sheriff of Northumberland County, Greeting! If William G. Moore make you secure of prosecu ting his claim, then summon by sum moners, diss. G. Moore, John Wi Moore, Isaac Moore and Francis Moore, late of said County so that they be and appear before the Judges of our Court of Common Fleas for the cotinty of Northumberland, at a Court of Common Pleas to be held at Sun bury, on the first Monday of August next, to answer Wm G. Moore of a plea wherefore, where as the said pllT. and defts. do hold together, anil undivided all that certain Tract of Land, situate in Rush township, Northumlierland county, de scribed as follows to wit : Beginning at a pine a a corner of the line of John Gearhart, thence by the same south 55 deg. east 22 perches to an Oak, thence south 80 deg. east 62 perches to a Post, thence by land of Jacob Gearhart, nth 49 deg. east 83$ perches to a pest in the edge of the Turn pike Road ; south 29 deg. east 9 perches to a Post; south 30 deg. west 33 perches to a small Chestnut Oak, south 55 deg. west 9 J perches to a white Oak, and south 35 deg. twelve perches to post in a line of lund of Herman Gearhart, and by the same, south 51 deg., west 20 perches to a pine, south 4S deg, west 10 perches to a chesmit Oak, south 3 deg. cast 36 perches to a white Oak, and south 17 deg. west 36 perches to a Birch, thence by land of Elizabeth Ilepue and Jacob Gearhart, eolith 70 deg. west 84 perches to a post mid thence by land of John Gulick, north 8 deg. east 209 perches to the beginning, containing 87 ncrcsand 18 perches more or less, with tle appurtenances, they the said Defendants deny that Partition there of be made between them, according to the Laws and customs of this Commonwealth, and the sta tutes in such ease made and provided, and the same to lie done will not permit, unjustly, and contrary to the laws and customs and to the sta tutes aforesaid, as is said, &c, und have you then there the suuimoncrs and this writ: Witness the Hon. Joseph B. Anthony, Esq., President of our said Court at Sunbury, the Will day of April, A. D. 1850. JOHN FARN8WORTH, Proth'y. ''All of which the parties aforesaid arc hereby re quired to take notice." JAMES COVERT, Shr'iT. Sheriff's office, Sunbury, ) June 1, 1850. ) TREVERTON. TV OTICE is hereby given that I will visit the ' following places nt the times below mention ed, to deliver the necessary papers to persons who purchased lots on the 28th of May at the public sale at Trevorton. On Saturday June. 15th at Mr. Johnston, St. Clair, from 1 1 until 4 o'clock. On Monday the 17th at Penna Hall, rotUville, from 8 until 6 o'clock P, M. On Tuesday the 18th at Mr. Hughe's Hotel, Minersville from 8 until 12 A. M. Same day at Mr. Hippie's Tremont from 2 till 6 P. M. and at Donaldson after 6 o'clock. On Wednesday the 19th at Georgetown, at Span's Inn from 3 till 6 P. M. On Thursday the 20th at Smith's Tavern from 8 till 12 A. M. and at Sclinsgrove from 3 till 6 PM. On Friday the 2 1st at New Berlin, from 9 till 12 AM, null nt Northumberland from 3 till 6 P.M On Saturday tbt. 2 2d at Sunbury from 8 till 12 A M at the olive of Hegins & Donuel, Esqrs. Same dav at Danville, at the Montour House, from 3 till 6 P M. On Monday the 21th at S A Brady's Hotel, Bloomsburg, from 9 till 12 A. M. 1). M. BOYD, Agent. June 1, HI50. TREVERTON. ABOKERS, Miners and others who wish to purchase lots in Trevorton at private sale will find an agent on the premises or at me town of Shamokin. Labor on the Kail Road will be taken in pay ment of lot and half the wages of the laborer ad vanced in cash. 1). MONTGOMERY BOYD, Atent. Juno 1st, 1850. tf'. . NOTICE. TV OTICE is hereby given that I have purchased J-v at Constable's Sale, as the property of Joseph Davis, of Chilisiuan,ue township, the following property, viz: ' 1 Mare, 1 Colt, 7 heads of Cattle, The undivided half of 13 acres of Oats. of 10 acres of Corn. All of which I have left in the possession of the said Joseph Davis, during my pleasure, of which the public will take notice. WM. H. WArLES. Northumlierland, June 1, 1850. 3t GEORGE J. IIXXKELS, CITY CABINET WAREROOMS, NO. 173 CHESNUT STREETt (oprotiT Till STATS HOUSE.) r BIXAD ELPHIA. f"VFFERSfor sale, low for cash or approved city paper, a large and well assorted stock of CABINET FURNITURE, of die latest patterns and of the best workmanship, the assortment embraces every article, useful or ornamental, com prising suits of Drawing Room Furniture in Rose wood and Wulnut, exquisitely carved. Rosewood Walnut, and Mahogany Chamber r urniture ; fa. tent Extension Dining Tables, (acknowledged to be the best now in use); Library Book Cases, and a great variety of plain Parlor and Chamber r urniture, Curtains made and put up in the latest Paris fashions. Spring Mattresses, Hair Mattrasses, and Ten ther Beds, made to order, N. B. All articles purchased at this establish' ment are warranted of the best materials and workmanship, and will be packed to carry safely to any part ot the country, Muy 25, 1850. ly NOTICE TO HEIRS. J OTICE to the Heirs of Henry Fetter, dee'd., it hereby give that by virtue of a certain Writ of Partition and Valuation to me directed an iiiiisilion Will be held at 10 o'clock A. M., the 26th day of June IS 50 upon the premises in Up per Mahouuy township to enquire whether the Real Estate of the said Henry Fetter, dec'di, can be equally parted and divided to and among all the heirs and legal representatives of the said dee'd without prejudice thereto or spoliation of the whole at which time and place the aforesaid heirs are horeby warned to be and appear if they think proper. JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff. Sheriffs office, Sunbury, i . May 11, 1 850.-6 1 J NOTICE TO HEIRS. NOTICE is hereby (riven to the Heirs of John Leinbach, dee'd., to appear at an Orphans' Court, to be held at Sunbury in and for the coun ty of Northumberland, on the first Monday of August next, then and there toaccept or refuse the Real Estate of the said dee'd., at that valuation fixed upon said Real Estate by an Inquest duly awarded and confirmed by the said Court or shew cause why the same should not be sold, eVe. JAMES COVERT, Shr'ff Sheriffs office 8anbury, ) May 11, 1858. 6t J ATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn and laps, just received and tor sale hy J. W. I KILING. unbury, Pec. 2, IMS. DAVID PEASE, FAMILY OBOOEB cV TEA SEALER, S. If. Corner etk If Arch Street Philadelphia, WHO was formerly in the firm has now suc ceeded Colton &. Co., In the business and offers for sale at the very lowest prices, all kinds of Fa milt Gaoctaits of the choicest kinds con sisting in part of Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. Old G. Java Coffee and other kinds. Su gars, Sperm Oil and Candles, Olive Oil, Ket chups, Currie Powder, Isinglass for Jellies, Farma, Bakers Chocolate, Cocoa snd Broma, and every thing in the line, which he will pack up careful ly and forward to order as promptly as has been the habit of the old firm. O" Will the housekeepers of Sunbury and vi cinity who wish to have Groceries of tho choicest kinds please to try us once 1 DAVID PEASE. S. W. Cor. 6th & Arch Sts. Philadelphia. May 11, I860. ly J. K. THOItXAS, Ornamental and French Style Frame Manufacturer, 804 Walnut st , between 3d and ith Street. PHILADELPHIA. T3 ESPECTFULLY directs the attention of the -Lt public to his superior styles of Plain and Fincy Frames, which are of the latest and most beautiful designs. As a handsome Frame at a LOW PRICE, has been much desired, he was induced some months since to commence the manufacture of these Frames. In a short time the demand has been so great, that he has been obliged to increaas his facilities, and new offer at EXCEEDINGLY LOW PRICES, Singly, or in thousands, the most beautiful Frames, suitable for Puintings, Prints, Daguerreotypes, Cards, &e., etc. For Durability Untmrpassei. Hotels, Public Buildinxs, Steamboats, Stores, Ca binet Furniture, Ac., decorated in imitation of carved Rose-Wood. IV Please call and see specimens. May 25, 1850 ly SPPJ1TC- GOODS ly PIIIl.ADEL.Plil 4V. r1 SHA RPLESS ft SONS, have just received I their supply of SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS of Friendly and other styles, to which they invite attention. SHAWLS All descriptions of Silk, woollen and worsted. DRESS SILKS Grodc Rhines, Chameleons, snd neat and new fancy styles India Silks and Satins. DRESS GOODS Lawns, Bareges, Mousse- tins, Ginghams, Alpacas, Mohairs, and all the new fabrics. FURNISHING GOODS Blankets, Sheetings Quilts, Damask, Shirtings, and all other furnish ing goods. MEN 8 WEAR Cloth, Cassimeres, Cashma- retts, Drills, Vestings of all kinds, and Boys wear. SHOEMAKERS GOODS and Carriage Ma kers articles. T. SHARPLESS A. SONS, No. 32 S. Second Street, Philadelphia. May 25, 1850. ly XEW YORK & PHILADELPHIA, JOURNEYMEN Hatter AsNoclatton, Cor. of 6th and Chestnut Sreet, Philadelphia. CONTINUE to make and sell a finer and more J durable Hat for tho money than anv other establishment in the United States standard price of Hats $3 00. Gents and Boy's Cloth and Glatcd Caps. Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Calafy Panama and btraw Hats at equally low prices. May 25, 1850 ly NEW STORE f A .F.W STOCK OF GOODS, At the Store formerly occvpied by John Bogar, In Market Street, Sunbury. THE subscribers respectfully inform the pub lie that they have just received, and are now opening A HANDSOME ASSORTMENT OF DIIY GOODS Consisting in part of Cloth, Cassimeres, Sdthnetls, Vesting, Panta loon Stuff, Calicoes, Ginqhams, Lawns, Vesting, Flannels, Cambrics, Linens, Fine Muslins, Handkerchiefs, Gloves, Ifc , Hardware, Queenimare, Daves a xii Mkdicisss. ALSO: A large assortment of Groceries, Fish, Salt and Plaster. Ladies Shoes and Gaiters, Fluid and Fluid Lamps All of which will be sold on the most reasona ble terms. 1 1'" Country produce ef all kinds taken in ex change at the best prices. JOHN BlYERS & CO. Sunbury, A pril 13, 1850i ly XrCW ARRANGEMENT And Price Reduced. THOMPSON'S Susquehanna Express and Freight Line IS NOW PREPARLD TO roRWARD Goods mitt Packages Daily from Philadelphia to Sell nsgrove, Northumberland, Sunbury, Danville, Bloomgburtr, Milton, Lewis burg, Muncy, Williamtport, ic Bt Rail Road aid Expbiss Cavai Boats. NEW EXPRESS Office 38 North Third St. Freinht Office at CRAlG $ BELLAS' Corner of Broad and. Cherry itreets, PhilAdelphia. April 6, 1850. tf MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. CIIAS. DU1VIMIG, No. 207 Chesnut Street, front Artaie, Philadelphia. IMPORTER and Manufacturer of all kinds of Musical Instruments, Fancy Articles and Toys. His prices are lower than those of any other store in Philadelphia. All kinds of Musical Instru ments repaired in the best workmanship, and also taken in trade. Philadelphia, May 25, 1850. ly THE CHEAP BOOK STORE. UA1TIEL3 & SMITE'S Chsaf Ntw & Second hand BooaSloac, No. 36 N. Sixth St. between Market If Arch, Philadelphia. Law Books, Theological and Classical Books, MBDIOAL BOOKS BIOGRAPHICAL HISTORICAL BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS. SbitNTirio snd MathssuticsL Books. Juvenile Books, in great variety. Hymn Books and Prayer Books, Bibles, all sites and prices. Blank Boohs, WritingPaperndStationary, inseitMb oat Retail. rr Oca ariras are much! ower thaa the saovtsa prices VT Libisries and small paresis of books porckswd. CjT Books imported la order from Londua. Fhiuut-.ipb.ia, J una a, 18t Jr C. BENKERT, BOOT MAKER, Xo. 40 South Fourth Street, Philadelphia, Y17HERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather, Congress and Gai ter boots, of the best style and workmanship, are ronsisntly kept rn hand er manufactured to order. Match 1. If t0 6m GREAT ATTRACTION 1 1 NEW AND CHEAP GOODS, JOHN W. TOILING, Market Street, Sunbury, Fa., HA 8 just received snd opened a large assort ment of superior and ehoiee Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, well adapted to the coming sea son, which he will sell at the lowest prices. His stock consists of general assortment of almost all articles of use In the Dry Goods line, consisting; in part of Cloth, Cassimeres, Summer-Stuff fot Clothing and Vesting. Ladies) If rem food. Gloves, Hosiery, Lsres, Shawls, Muslins, Sheet ings, Tickings, Fine Muslins, Ginghams, Linens, &c. AL80!A general assortment of GROCERIES, HARDWARE, QUEENS. WARE, LIQUORS, DRUGS, AND MEDICINES, PAINTS AND DYESTUFF, and every variety of articles, tl?" Country produce of all kinds taken in ex chaliti at the highest market price. Sunbury, April 'il, 1850. Brown's Essenre or Jamaica Gin" per. Prepared only bif Frederick Brown, at his Drug and Chemical Store, North East Corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets, Philadelphia. THE Essence is a preparation of unusual ex' ccllence and of varied properties. In all cases where a powerful and safe stimulant is required, it is unrivalled for efficacy as well as immediate action. To the traveller and to the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops diluted in sugar and water present a sate and agreeable remedy to the invalid who requires immediate relief, as well as to the convalescing patient who needs a gentle tonic. In a Southern climate, where the relaxa tion of the system so generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will always be found an excellent substitute for those tempting beverages which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of its powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation of the bowels, in naussea and sea-sickness, it is an active and safe as well as a pleasant and refreshing re medy, and is prescribed by the most eminent of the medical faculty. A supply of the above received and for sale by II. B. Masser, Sunbury. April 6, 1850. 6m JAMES COOPER. nnfA CAMKRON COOPER & CAMERON, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, I'onsyii.i.r., Schiiylhlll County, Ph., TT7ILL collect monies, attend to litigated esses, ' and act as agents in the management of Estates, cVc. Persons desiring their services, may refer to the following gentlemen : PIllI.AUF.LI'HIA. Psrid S. Drown, Iic R. Dnvis, Giflon O. Wrirteott Henry While, Francis X. Buck, Win. U. Ril. Ktq., Char Gibbons. Ksq, Joel Cook, Esq., 0. II. Urcnslec, lUq. C. Thttmpson Junrs, Ksq. NBW YORK. Hua. Moses H. Grinnell, Hon.OpnVn Hoflnmn, lln. Jsmrs Monroe, Hon. F.tUvsrrl Curtis. Hon. Ijwrrni-e, Dostox.JoIiii Aikes,l".K, Ikjuill Juiis 3, 18-19 CHERRY PECTORAL: Far I lie Cure of COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BRON CHITIS, CROUP, ASTH MA, WHOOPING-COUGH AND CONSUMPTION. The uniform sueeess which has attended the use of this preparation its salutary crlect its power to relieve and eure affections of the Lungs, have gained for it a celebrity equalled hy no other medicine. We offer it to the afflicted with entire confidence In its virtues, and the full belief that it will suhduc and remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, as they become publiclv known, very naturally attract the attention of medical men and philuii' thropists everywhere. What is their opinion of LJltKKi rEfJTOIilAL may I seen in the following : VALENTINE MOTT, M. P., Prof. Surgery Med College, New York says ! 'It gives mo pleasure to certify the value jind efficacy of Aycr's CHERKY PEtTORIAL, which I consider peculiarly adnpted to cure di seases of the Throat and Lungs." CHIEF JUSTICE EUSTIS, of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of his was cured of several severe attacks of Croup by the "CHERKY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND BROCHITIS. The Canadian Journal of Medical Science. states, "That Asthma and Bronchitis so prevalent In this inclement climate, hasvirlded with surpri sing rapidity to Ayer's CHERRY PECTORAL, and we cannot too strongly recommend this skilful preparation to the Profession and public generally ." Let the relieved sullerer speak for himself Him roan, Jan. 26, 1847. Dr. J. C. Aver Dear Sir: Having been res cued from a painful and dangerous disease by liv vour medicine, platitude prompts me to send you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but for the information of others in like af fliction. A slight cold upon the lungs, neglected at first, became so severe that spitting of blood, a violent cough and profuse night sweats followed and fas tened upon me. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my cough, and a pain through my chest, and in short had all the alarm' ing symptoms of quick consumption. Tso medi cine seemed at all to reach my case, untl I provi dentially tried your C'HEnar Pkctobal, which soon relieved and now lias cured me. Yours with respecu E. A. STEWART, rairiaxii r j.c. itia, cuihist,i.owili, miss. IT Sold by Henry Masser, Sunbury; Mary A. McCay, Northumberland- Dr. Gearhart, 8e linsgrove Dr. Beckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. April 6, 1850.. Iycc3m CHAItL.ES W. HfiGlN'S, .TTOP.ITEY AT LAW, l'ottavllle, l'o. Will promptly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his care. June 16, 1849, J. a. ZIMMERMAN, JL911CE OF TUB PC ICE. Sunbury, Pa. Office In Deer Street, immediately opposite the Public School Hon!. Vf Monies collected sod all buiillws promptly and ear fully attended to. April 20, 1850 STONE Wart, EartheH Ware, Raisins, A. monds. Prunes and Cream Nuts. ' 'Planes of all kinds. Sail and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. F RILING. Sunbury, Dec. 39, 1649. ROWN'8 ESSENCE OF GINGER A new supply of this e xcellenl article just received and for sale by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, March 18, 1930, HOUSE TO RENT The premise on MsT ket street, lately occupied bv Ninon Marti. Apply to HENRY M.S?ER. iV'unbur , April a, l?Z0. IIAIIDIIVC A IIOLtVS WHOLE9ALE Commission PAPER and RAG WAREHOUSE, No, 19 MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a general assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sate at the lowest cash prices. Clap, Letter and Prlntlos; Papers, Ac. on hand. Plain and ruled white Caps. blue Flat Caps. Plain and ruled white Letter, " blue , Blue and white Folios. White and colored Printing Paper Tissue Papers. 8hoe " Wrapping " Envelope Hardware and Sheathing Paper. Tar Boards. Straw Boards, Bonnet Boards. All orders from the Country will bs attended to at the shortest notice. All goods sold will be carefully packed, and de livered at any place in the city. The highest cash price paid for Rajs, or ex changed for Paper, as low as can be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. IT, 1849. WILLIAMS' AKTI-OYSPrvPTIC ELIXIR Iff, with the utmoflt confiilice. offcrwito the Medical Faculty and th public for the cure of Dyapep ia or Indigestion, and all diioiso arising fruin it, such nn Nauwa, Headnchc, Hilions Vomit ins, Vertift, DimuesMof Rieht, burning enmitnm at the pit Debility of the Nervuu. gyg- of the nt'-mach, tern. Iivert?uniptuiiit, Hypochondria, Jaundice, Oppression after entiti?, I'nsol'appctite, Palpitation of the limit, Wasting of the strength. I'uin in the nit of the stomach Flatulence, with frequent or toWni-ris the right side, belching of wind, alloWnrss of complexion, Vitiated tuste, iDeprcumon of the spinss and Constitution and uuennine! irritability of tamper, Ice. ol the bowels, I If a case of dyspepsia neplrrtctl, most serious e flee is may ensue, for it btys the fomulutiou for, is the in c i wnt cause of, and very frequently terminate tiicousuinp ti"ii. I would in i press upon Ihe'miud that to tiilie with this disease maybe to sport with the rrnftou which const i ttitra man supereminent among animal be inn, or to em bitter existence by adding a consciousness ol fully to the penalty of pain. This nictlicine ia nmtly put up in bottles, with ample directions for use, and is Mil in Smitmry )v John V. Fmurio. JAMK3 WlM.lAMS. Testimony of Mr. Abner Klmes, hnttcr. Market street nbnve- Sixth, corroborative of the efficacy of Williams Auti-Dyspeptic Klixir. Philadelphia, October 3, 1849. Mr. J a mm Williams : Dear Sii : (t gives ine grent pleasure to know that you are apain preparing you medicine for the rure of )ysx:p fcia, I'tr many of my acrjuJiintntices have repeatedly asked me where it could be prorUfeil, knuwing tlmt I had been cured by it. As I think tlmt a public acknowledgment of the great benefit 1 have receiveu from the use of your med icine is not only due to you, but m:iy be useful to others, I now rtwke it. For several years 1 suffered irom Dyspep sia, which increased to such an extent that inv health and constitution were rapidly sinking under it. 1 was com pelled to restrict myself to ihe most simple food, and even that I could not digest. I felt a loss of strength, disincli nation to exercise, and, as you have it in your advertise ment, a general feeling of depression and indescribnhle weariness. In the yenr hearing from others high re comniendntioii of your Anti-fay spent ic Klixir, I pntcured and used it with the most hnppy effect ; under it influence languor and wariness gradually passed away, and my u p pe tite returned which I could gratify with impunity. Ten years have now elapsed, and irty confidence in the curative powers ff your medicine h:it of Ctjursr incrensed, for it completely cured me when 1 failed to obtain reliel from any other source. Very respectfully vonrs. AHNKR F.lAIEf. Testimony of Kd ward II. Rowley, Wholesale Merchant of the firm of Rowley. Ashhuuner t Co., No 5 South Wharven. in proof of the elticacy of Williams' Anti-Dyspeptic Klixir. Philadelphia, October 'JO, 1P49. Mr. J a mrs Wru.tM : Dear Sir : I take pleasure in recommend in; your Anti Dyspeptic Klixir for the cure of Dyspepsia. 1 have taken It myself for the disease, and have Iteeh entirely cured. Yours respectfully, KDWARD 'IT. ROWLEY. Aobxt. JOHN W FRILlXUjtftmbury, Pa. March 2, ly R. H. H. A new and hiiiliant light liat lately arirn mv nowstHiids high in the hurizju, Hheikliug itn gulden lilit of !t"pc ujuu the dark drspiiiring niindu ..f Ihe lutl-i idlni hint Hlllictnt with rmin, like the bumling firth of the dnijfejiiiil ruya it tltcmmupnn the cold, riitmui! legions of the 1"riiid zn. The three let ten which head this panitfrupb is ihe nigmii ciitionot' KAWAY'S READY RELIEF. An jiintiinmiiais Antidote for Pains of all kinds, the very iiiitiuit Kuihvuy! Heady Keliei is upplied. its win reltevlinr qualities tire realized, it will rflit;ve the moKt Pf. vere pains o( Kheunmtisui, laiuilmgti, lit.ut, l'urulyws, Tic ,Mfrcux, Ac, in u tew miuutm. lyKiiKL MAmM Its Causes, Treatment and Cure. ALL KHEtWIAnC PAINS INSTANTLY CUUKD BY KAUWAY'a KKABY RKL1KF. Rheuinaiixni arises from dillerent causes, hut m st gene rally proceed from Colds, exposure to cold dump weather, and sleeping in dump apartments. This complaint isdivi drd Into two claws ; the hrst Inflmttntory, no called from the swelling and intlammation that attends the pit in iu the parts Hilevted ; second, Chronic Ithemnalie, so culled from the long continuance of the disease. It is also kn"vn:u Lumbago, or pain in the hack ; St ialicia, or pains in the hip or gran; Anllirodynia, or pains in the joint. The Acute Kheumatisin generally trrmiiuUcs into one uf these and becomes a chtouic complaint. TO RELIEVE YOUR TORTURES. Apply Radway'a Ready Relief, nti t Warm flannel cloth, previously bathing the parts with warm water. alf take yt) or 40 drops ol the Relief inlerrmlly in mine ni twice or thiee times a day; this will give warmth to the stomach, and surely relieve you from nil Rheumatic pains It is ul speedv and effectual in its operation in the cure of diseased SI'iNE, STITCH IN THE BACK, LAME. NRsW, SORENESS OF THE JOINTS-. Weakness, and pn ill in the side, Nervous Headache, Tic Uolereiix and Footh Ache, Spasms, Strains, Cramps iu the Sionmeli, Piles, Sires, Bums, Scalds, Erupthms of the Skin, 5 uir Stomach, Heart Burn, JLarcueaiid Sore Thr.Kit. Rea der, if you have the misfortune to be troubled wth either nl" lne above distressing complaints, he thankful that an autid-ite fur vour pains is at himd in RADWAY'B REA DY RELIEF. It is sure to give your infant ease, and to yotM j y will ensure you a speedy at'd peiieet cure. See that each bo title has the luu simile sicnatuieof Railway it Co, upon each laliei none other is genuine. A BEAIIIFI L I'ICTI KE. A NEW LABEL STEEL ENGRAVING. To protect the public aumsi purchasing counterfeit W Railway's Chinese Mcdicutcd Bunp, R. it Railway, the celebrated Chemist of New York, has at a great expe wo engaged cue services 01 one i ine nrst urusi ot steel en graving iu American, and will on the fimt of April, lKVi, issue Railway's Medicated Snip iu its new label. It ja beautiful steel engraving, it represents two female fig ares of health and beauty. rcruiiig n u tablet and scroll ' vork, on which arc the word "Uud way's Medicated So4p"iu illuminated letters. On the opposite tide of the I iblet is the- fac simile signature of R. ti. Railway. The. design is neat, chuvte. aitixtK. nun eietriiutiv executed. THE VIRTI ESOF THE SOAP are alto improved, the high npufcirity which (his excellent soap has attained for its superiority over all oilier t. r Toi. let. Medicinal, and Shaving purposes, hat impelled us to strive and improve upon its merits. ol resting sa tisfied on its alieady gained laurels.' W r wve now entered into arrangements for the iniporuttinn direct Irom ottr cor renpondents in Constantinople in Turkey, and Canton in Chliut. for our several oils, gums. alsams, and extracts of mre medicinal rirluea, which we je hi tha manufacture of RadWay's Soup, instead of receiving them irom third parties, an that now we liave je sulisiaelion of Vlmwlng tlutt the hirthly medical anc buUauuc properties of oui Soap are ptire and unduttern ed. AS BKAL'TJFI'JK OF THE SKIN. It surpasses everything 01 the kind in theoiV, it re moves Redness, Pinvte, Bl otches, Pustules, Tetters UutOi. It cures Salt RheuM, Ring Worm, SoreHeadi. ft tres, Pus tular Eruptions. It imparts health to the skm and beauty to the complexi m. As a uurserv and Toilet Soap, it is be yond the reac, of rivalry, mv (or ShavMig purp-ne it is the best in u'it, One cake of Radway's Soap will bist lon ger than tlr ee cakes of the same site of any other Swp in use, therefore it is the cheapest and best Stsip in the world. Price as cents, targe cakes in engraved wrappers, and the siguatu of R. G. Rudway udn ouch wrupper. Now through the Harem chit ir hers mahy lights Of busy shapes proclaim the toilet rights While sune bring on) in from Circuisia's fuir. To dress aad beautify their lovely Hairx Which makes the maids of Circassian sires Within the breasts uf kings pure love inspire. TO DRESS AND BEAUTIFY THE HAIR. Rod way's Circassian Balm is becoming quite popnlar, In the oourse of time it will supersede all ut'.er prepurmirtn in use, it cures baldness, strengthens the hair, eradicates dandruff, and mokes the hair soft, hue, and, gl'wy. By using the balm as per directions, it will mane it curl beautifully, resembling nature. Price Wets., in large bottles. Seo that Railway Co., la upon each bottle. AorT H, B. Masser, Sunbury. April 0, 1&j0. veUmly T6 tARMERANDMEN 0F Bl'MNEfcM. OILS, CA&DLES and guano. THE subscriber offers, at th lowent rates, in any quantity to suit purchaser, GENUINE PERUVIAN X31TANO, ind every variety of 6PERM, WHALE, LARD, AND TANNER'S OIL. Manufacturers, Tanner; Farmers, Dealer i und Consumers, are invited to call '. GEO. W. R1DGWAV. No. 37 North V.'liarws, the first OIL STORE below Race street, Philadelphia. April 6, 1S50. Sm rpEAS, from the New Vurk Canton and Tekia rpEAS, from the New M. Tea Company. Fc or alf bv j. . rniM.Nu. unl'iirv, lin. , 0HS!M In all Chrlstiittisod snd clrlMtM ctmttri., ht ril a larger proportion uf ririirb tbsn m urir n.Ody ikst (Diets tha hamuli t.mllr : suit, til witlira h fn thnre has not bean any tinmn rtmtdf m um aVitai'a tiua of th dfiatroTar. Hut nur BRANT'S INDIAN PULMONARY BALSAM CVr trry mm of th most artynrht snsrk4 and 4stV oped cases ot pnhumarv i"atmorw -sbaL. mnHtmhud casst or vlctrmtri and sHvasfd neh ktypii$ t sea at were tterer before eumd bj tY othsr WMtdisfa, no wttrtf hopcltn were some of th stilleM persons, sts to hsvfl btMjn prununnced by phftirimn mnA IriMtds It t actually dyins). Some, wlm had thrlr burial rlotas madt. hare been cfd, nd tet lire vtlier. who It was said wunlJ nut live another' day, sr nuw ss well as 4 iienrty at IheT Ttr Wefs. Jr possesses all l In- elosminf and fmrlfflitf rlrtaajj nes.'Y s- powerful snj ICtit si tht prpsratisa wkis we evil BRANTS INDIAN l0ftlfYlN0 EXTRACT. Tlili dirr.'it frim lhat. hcrsnae (his pn4rtes Sfvtrsi itk MtMeaiUm whit h ai-e pecntitJflf tddjitiil to, ahd ars sssssv tisZy nrrtuarf. lv curs Coughs and ConjiUinptloiu. snd nil dleacs id a ulmnnirr osrtlf surh JisMSt s uiiitly priivn su fatal under ordinary tretmvrt wassj Uwy a'ttark the lirrtiKt. Tlirnnt. !inn?x, And Iff urL This BA L3A V hal and oTt Wir in 14 tHfi, tr4 elssrwlturv inurnaUtf. as errtnii-iv and KirHy a th ft rri?ert Kstn act fttret mid h'uif nlrem eritrrtiLf, hjg Hrtlm ctirc s Xi'ie cass H Cot. fh and Cosmti0n of I'm. alter all othrr renifdit s h iv fiiUd to 44 gtfod. Thousands of Consumptions and Chronic fbinf, ahtindantly pnTS Its nfni?lf if rS'.-y in such disuasTS. slid it undoubted curatira pusri nnd ntKtthimr, licnltntt: priiprties. in tlm followfnf evns phtints aud di'eases, riz.: Spiuinf of Blood, Phtiing tt ike Ltnt, Pain in tht p,rttt and Side. Xight-fiMaii, JVaf iwu Complaint, falpifntion of tht frr Cholera '(a. Dysentery mid Summer Coiptaint$ ia Childrm and Adult, Arthma, nnd ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS. No remedy that has hpin oflt'ird to th public has stst brii hal f a crrtain. and tffecttmt In fotrtrftajaf ALL tba 1ft' rjdfntnl ttfaknew and Irrefrultxrhiri ol the lemalo ses, a EltAyrs PirL.fO4llY BALAAM. It makes ao dif' ference whether the dcrnttgfinent he tvpprttwion, wrsss or othT incidtntnl nv-rtrw it RKQVMTKA ALL, b? trmfthenrnf tht syntem, rqvaliiinf tht circulation aad toothrr aid allayinf NKllVOL'S lltlllTABlLlTY. tm aur Pamphlet lur proof. CONSttMTIOIf A Dying Woman Cured ! V Rtste tin cure to prove the jxnsrr to ssrt lift, aliw this BALSAM i u d, evnn after the person ,s tontidtroi by physician nnd friends V he In the latt etarii of disss net ii illy dyinfnm. In tiis csm, so far gont that th throttd and burial rlnthe were houiht. For the fttHfctt Ian of this cne. and the rtrpertahlt and hdoubtd proof of a'l the circuintances and facts, wo rifar lb oar I'AMFIII.ETi. This runt was effecterl on Mrs. .IftA DVKKrtXK. of Balhtvn Spa. Snrtttota Co., ,V. Y We can prnte, he rood a d(ti't, mavy others almost equally as hope let, and tnnu tnetiibte chuim of Courh and Conntmption lTyftfei)(whisl wt;rt ironouiiiard incvrablt by skilful phytkiant. LIVER COMPLAnSTT. See the cure Of Ur. Hubbard, uf Stamford, L'U ktnl ts. Dyspepsia ! Rt-e thf! cure nr 7 9 U'tUoz, tnerchsnt of A (lies. Wy iniitz Co , N. Y., nnd many mora, Iti our Frtmpblets, Dysentery & Sumnlet Complaint in Children and Aduht are alwayn cured, tfaahlp Vhitdrom will lircfiine JUihy. healthy, and hearty, and grow rapidly, by the ue of this It A I.HAM. No mother need eTcr mourn the death ot her child hf rtinlTR InfrnHnm, while teeth ins;. If ftilAXTt JTLMOXAllY H.-l..Vlie administered. It should b lor uch esses, gWcn iu lartrer than the ordinary doses. uJUJUHS & PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND The tu.loivin-tianird lnetort and Pkwtiimtt bars) lii;lilT renmimi-ntlpd D RANTS MKDfClSCS : lr. S. lll.'HKAK!. ruintbnl, Conn. )r. J. N. SMITH, Wstertuwn, N. Y. Dr. RDSSMAN. to llrnrr iirFet, Brdoklta, H. T. lr. T. M. HUNT. Aubnni. N. V. Dr UFO. KHANCIS, MidiUetomi. Coaa. Ir. KI'.lJ. A. KOtfKRd. llstli, N. Y. Or. S. WlllTK. Predimia. U. Y. Dr. C. H. (JALKNTINE. Byron. N. Y. Ir. J. O. HIIII'MAV, FsyetleTill. N. Y. Dr. J. SKINNER. Henrr st, Brooklyn, N. t Dr. (). SHIPMAN. Curtiand. N. Y. YOM SAM! BY J.Jm W. Fnluij, Suftliury Ps. MHry A. McCay Northuinaeraind. J ilin H. Ilnser Miltoni Henry J. blmeiTfr do l-iilwird A. Kutzner do A(luinCai'.;!id Potugrore. llyri Ic ML-Corinick, McKweiisviUs, V.' )' I. Piiinler. Muncv, . P. Ma:in fc Co., Vluglie'sville, '.tlwurd Wilson, ,ev Berlin, riinrnton 4 Biikcr, Lewisburg, S. J. Cmmt, Selinii;roe. W. II. Bii-klev. Dsnvills, !",. P. I.eilz A John It Moyrr. Illoonubure;. All IrirrrsaKd orders must be addressed to Willlll A Co.. lim llrtiadwav, New York. Sunbury, July ill, IMS ly. l'lIILADELPHI A MEDICAL HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 15 YEARS AGO, BY DR. K1NKELIN, A. W. Corner of Third and Union StrtetSt MKTWEEN SI'RUCK ANU FINE STREETS, PHII.ABS&PHIA IiIKTKKN YKAR8 of extensiva and uninterrupted 1 practice spent iu this city hnve rendered Dr.- K. the iii't expert and successful pravtitioiier far and near. In the treeiinent of nil diseases oi'a private nature. Persona alflicled with ulcers Umi the body, throat, or legs pains hi the head or bones, mercurial rheumatism, strictures, gravely disenxe urisiiii; from youthfull excesses ur Impurities of the bl.tol. wlieruliv the constilutioii has become enfeebled, art all tmiti! witli success. He whopls'tes Itiinsrlf under the core of Dr. K., may re lifioiisly routi'le iu his honor as a iteulleuiau, and conbdenl ly rcl UMu bis skill as a physician. TAKK PARTICULAR NOTICE; Yntnie len who have injured themselves by a certain piartii'e Indulged iu a habit frequently lenrned from evil eoiui Aiii jiis or at school the effects of which are aifhtly felt, e eu when asleep, und destroy both mind and hndy. sh .nld apply immediately. Weakness and constitutional dbit.ty 1 nit of muscular energy, physical lassitude and feu rl pn'slRitinn, irritability and all nerVous aiTeclions, will' station, slusviflhucss tf the iivei. and every diseasein any vav muuecicd wilh the disorder of the procreutlve func tioiis cured, and full vigor restored. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vigorous life or a premature death. KINKELIS on self Prriervation. ONLY 25 CENTS. This B4.kjusl published is filled with useful nrformslioa (III the iuhriil:lir and disensrs of the (ienersuve Orraiai. Il a.ldrcwee itsehalike to YOUTH, MAN HOOD and OLD AliK, und should he read by all. The valuuMf advice and impressive wanting It fives, will prevent ymriiot' misery andsud'ering and save auuual lv T'IouwimIs of Lives. ' Piirrnls bv readina it will learn how to prevent tha das- truciii'ii of their children. A remittance of "i cenis, enclosed in a letter, ad clrcnedl'DK. KI.VKtl.lN, X. W. corner ol THIRD. 1 Nitl.V lviej.s. bctwees ruce llne, Philadelphfa, win etiNsrv a uo.K, unaer envelope, per rruirn m mu. Persons at a distance may address Dr. K. by letter, (post puiil.) and Im cured at h'nie. PAt'lvAOKS OK MKDICIFE?, DIRECTIONS. e., forwiirdt hv kenidint a mnlttauce, and put ap seems from DAMAili: in Cl'RIlWTY. H.v.k-scll. r!!. New Atcf.t,Pedlars, Canvassera, and 0 others supplied wilh the above work at vary low tales. February 9, IKiU ly PHILaT JND READING RAILEOADv SIMMKft ARBASiOEMENT FROM PIULA'DELPHIA AND POTTBVlIXtl. Office of the Phila. If Reading Ruilrdad Co. Philadelphia, MkVch 89, 1830. $ Two Passmscr Trains Dailv, (except Sunday.) N ami after April 1st, 1850 two trains wilt he run each way, daily, betweeft PhlladM- (iliia and Pottsville. Morning LintAccommtdation.) Lravea fhiladclrihia at 1 A. daily eicaft Sundays. Lesws Poturxille at 7i A. M. daily axcept Sun days. Afternoon Line, Fast Tram.) Leaves Philadelphia at S J x'dock, daily, ricapt Sundays. Lravea PottsVille at 8 o'clock, daily, eierpi Sundays. Passcncrrs cannot enter the cars unless provi ded with Tickets. The afternoon, or faat trains, do not stop at Au burn, Altbouse's, Utrdkboro', Roger's Ford, Val ley Por, Port Kennedy, Spring Mill or Fall a. NOTICE Fifty pounds of baggage will be al lowed to sash passenger in these lines i and pea sengers sra expressly prohibited from taking any thing as baggage but their wearing apparel, whick will be at the risk of its owner. By order of the Board of Managers. 8. BRADFORD. April 18. 18S0. 8eca-etary. AY Rl'M. An excellent airicle tor eI by ITKNKY MAfcrXR. Punl'uiy Jan. -7 1 h, 1S1J-- H.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers