SUN1WHY AMERICAN AND SI (AM OKI N JOURNAL i-s i:o or ft !5t. Th New Voil; Sen, of Saturday, term lo be in receipt (if priviito intcllitionce from the invaders of Cuba. Willi much parade of capitals it snys : All tho vessels of the Cuban expedition have sailed, and wilhnut doubt, are, nt this moment, hoveling on I ho const of Cuba ! There is every lPJ.soii to believe ilmt I In tii.xt advices from Havana, nflcr ibis date, May llih, will Iviug us news of tin- success fulfil nlitig of the pntiiot, and tin' actual commencement of their struggle for ind 'pen derice. We are at liheily, for the present, to lay only a few particular bofoio the public. Tho plan ami management of lira parties concerned in fretting op the expedition have Uen most a.lmhablo. F.very movemenl M M cautions and so concou'el that up to (he hour of tin sailing of the vessels, only a few person, except those engaged, knew anything of tho an'.iir. Thus have the enemies to the freedom of Cuba been, this time, foil". I. The men en;:. -g. -J for this s!n:;!e v.eie carefully cho;eii. They arc strong an 1 well armed. Their number and their names will be published soon, unless a wise Providence fchould ovei xvhehn them with defeat. In all human probability lliry vv ill gbi ions Iv succeed . " Their laiutin? on the hi? of Cuba is the iaial for a general re volution llu (Helmut the island. Gen. Lopez is the C -mi '.and r-i:'.-Chief. The foul aspersions east up-ii him by m.di Cious partie. to the cii- ct that he had i.bnn doned tho cxpe.'iiliea, are new sij.Mia.iIy 10. btiked. (ieueral L-v- v h-hes his fiiends to know that if is e' c; go. Above is the I I.-.': I" v Ci 1 1. Whether it shall wave nv.-r t'.,. More s ..uer or li.loi, there it is! TIvj ideas it embineos are com prehensive, as the cause in which it is un furled is rloiio-.:.. The t;,r i Cuba an in dependent nation -i around, d by a ttiansK symbolic of stiongl';:, a;: I repre--.-,,ti:.E by its three sides, ecculio, h gisl.-.'ive nnd j' cial power. These a to tic! shields of the nation. The s'.;.r is pure while, the Iriamite deep red : the live Stipes la ' and whiv. the two ouloi' liit- t.t..l the ce; tro (.;.: l-!;ie the othets xihiie. The Hue s:;iros yepr. sent the Ihie-; deprline..ts id Ci da, as i;.w divided, to wit: Uiieulul. Ccuir..h and Vci denial : having ii ;v a: a, St. .1. '-.:. and I't;:. cipe, a their c .pi:, is. '1 if to!, while, and blue, are the t: :C'-:-,r i i lih-'i : y. tii v. : v;i v i'.v; r. i: i v. This tieaty is every day bivon.iuy the ob ject of the mote g ',n. i..l ciiuie. Lhioits have I ecu inn.lo by a lew Ciai'.ui papeis to defend it, but L.t'tieetaa'dy. 'l'i. li--s'o.i P;o tcctive I'uio.t s; - ..f ii : 'The Nicautgi.a tieaty t'.ract ul it we 1 1 .: ! i i I in seems to r.s a v. a y i id i.i tai.i Anc-i ie;.:i cupd..iuO., With llu iii.!.'j! : ' :.'. Ii relative to a ihie n.. j id-ed by the a'u Neiv Voik p.ip"i.-. d. oi 1 a; jaiu. Cer i.t. ie.l i,,!o tia a! ol ." lea re;.: .a, .-. ..-a t'ee l-tiouus Mia ol ?ie:i!ai;ua of Panama ; tin the P;epi,Mie er.teie.-l into a lieaty vit!i the I United Jvates. Tiiis. ieeo;di he of the :' to !'. : : ! iuleri.a:;o:.;.i !.i'-v an 1 li-ht ; ii. i c: j i;..l.-:- atid li;e XiCai:. ' ".:a a propei iy a d to p.. e:-Ua, i. is ah U ii S-....I i i e l . i m.d.o t-i rami ! !.! th'. i -p daie veiy !.; ti."ill ill the l.t.del 'i . i nr ia ii-.i hu.l had !,. ::! r ia h.iad e.veepl hi foot. it is tho takiu- ,o any c.g;.ct;n v. f.. the.yg 1 .ill 1.. acrc-eraeiit entered i:d ) 1 mi as ol been the lii iii.di i.ioneved in'.i a i si, who trying to make "Kin" on liie J-ontheni pai tion of this continent, just cs '.hey iii, I in Li dia, step i.i and tell the two indepen ! -gt states of Nicaragua and this P.epublie, that they shall not agree to make ship canals there, that ship canals shall no! be ma le there without the reimisdun i f th an, tlv P.,i:i.-h minisleis, '1 I. "y say li .-.t they have got a little King tlietg of their own making', one tluaggo tlie ;'i:f t, a negro bey of ditinkeu ha bits, King of Mas uiito. nnd ,vi:hont brooches that this in.iaggo has been by iheni taken under :p!i teeliau," that th'-y have made a tool of him. and t ha', on recount of havi. g this to,,l, tl.ey will in -e th... .-hip, and render the eouliaoU of two ia lepeu.lciit 1!;: plihlicj null. This is the B iiisli lilto to :!iat jnrt i f cen tral America. It is-, ns we till rTuow, a mons trous fabrication. To recognise i as a li!it is to recognise as a iLht all the schemes by which ILu Ionian has been sub hied State by Slate. And litis recognition has been given by our goveinnui.t in the tuuty now con cluded. We, in p.isscsiiort, make over, thereby, half Iho supervision of the canal lo Fnglaud for ever fur nothing. We, totally regatdiess of the decent digui liily wiiich Lt comes a ta.tio-.i, agtee r,fver to lay claim to, or annex a single f.,ot of A met', ieau soil south of our present limits at the beck of Faigritul, lor no'.hing. P.iit furth.-'i lo'.ally regaidle.-s .f the tights and l'.idepeiidei.C' of Nieai;igua we have covefanled wllh I'.ngl iii.l to go into the Isiii mus and 'pro'e.-el'' the p..-ilioa needed f.u the canal, v. iiiiout tegard to Nieaiagi.a. Tiiero is Kepuhlieaa justice far ,uo. This is this woiU of .;. II my Litton Pub wer, and Mr. Claylou of w !.o,n r.s regaids. tin's matter, an.l Iran make.'s in Pitl-.l inch, n:idpt'.o:i woikersin Loweii, we shd) have mors to sty anon. Mrs. Wiiii l's chii.ii, i: seems, was killed by the Apai 'a-e, as well as its mother. A letter to the i-t. Louis Itepnblicati says: '-When Major (iiiei's jiaily attacked the camp of the Apai'iieit, lha woinan all fled, one of tiicni bcning oil' ihe child of .Mrs. While. Towards the ciusa of the reircat of t'.u Apit hes. a ruuskel ball slrucU tho wo mail, who, mm after, fell and expired. As he fell, her husband catuo up and shot the child thunigh with an invuw. Li the same retreat, tlm negro f.-malj seivant of Mrs. Wiiita was alto kiilvd ai.J tin. closed this horribiii tr.ieffjy.-' Bitov.i'RtT or roTASsi'M ii now ued to p'oJac iiitenaibiiilT, in lha sain way at h'toftf.:ii i used. THE ALCEP.ICJAIT SUNTiniY. KATt'ltnw, "ItY 1, ro. II. II. M, liililnr nml rropilrlor. To ApVF.r.T1l'n, 'I'lip -i rr-i 1V1I j, n el !!" Sanhiin, AiiHTiciin iini 'ii!: tin- il tl. rrnt Imixi "ii tl'C Snqiif'tniirn. Is n .1 rT'-f-a. .1 ii"r.ifilli-il liy nny pn;irr jmi lr)icit in Villi" fin l,i-nu lv:m"l. Till', LIST (if I.KTTniS if ,mM0-i1 in tlii r:,l""r, ill ii.-i'.'i'ii'iiH''' wi'Il ll'o 'nu r.-fiuitii u lli.-m In In- viUi.-!inl in tin- "ip"r inc lltr I'mum 1 cirrul.-iti.iii. lllllOlfS TAIll.l". ItllsilM -1 (lfr, (Ini ra's 1. a nv's Ijhoi; fur .lunr is villi iilitic in lileravv niallir and nnln lli.-Ooncnt. Moii- lliau .TO ve;os e , era la-e has :iu ;i tu'ry ;i;laii1aai nllie'.l i'l' his I'Oieuipa; l ii s w.-i s;, n'hl tin superiority nf hii P.- ' tln-us it. Ii i- iilway wi'i'eini'.l !:! t' e ll '-aiisin M-'y, ..r the warm sair 'line .e.n r a u i-k's r.tio. 'i'i.r ,Ii,!y loun' ia" will caul. lin a luaiuliru! it lii;iaiis iiui! i,ilnolii' en 'd'i-hup H laic, la -t Chaphiin I" t 'oil i; r s. iiilauui-li rii.a t'te r .1 . I a i : e i i ." And ii'm 'I 'lie art. in 4 in I he ( or, n i-i in:'' i!i-- i-ioi ii t'i ,"in .111 ineiili ol in llii' l i v.iladaiai y w ,. .-. TIicm' id no I will l'i1 v.orih the piiec el' .1 whole vein's Mihserip- lion. Alter this v plume. 1 ae ( "aih tia ra. i't" lla lio. k will l e ra'.viiuei d. Tlio.-c who suhsiiil f now, ran da ra at llu ol ptiee. 'I 'he Anii iii ioi .I.aa mil f r Muv is on our t.iale. This iiuudev fully hiMiiuin the former eliara.'li r i I" the w.ak. It i:; ins( l.-ilulto I hi 111, mil as of the I, en! pre!, -.-vm. " Hon. Josia n (.'a-i:v lias or.r tlianl.s for a copv ul'the Krpoil on I'inaiice. D',' Ue re..-ret b tlie deatli ol j I b .11. J.Mi:s .M. I.v.-i:i:, late Canal Com imr oi! bis r, turn from tiie Sonlh. ! v. hitlief he bad ir'.iio I'or liie Leiifit cd hi jheallh. j ?7'" The Deiii.-.iT.ilic State Convent inn ' will a-len.hle r.t Willia.T.sjtort, on Weihies. j i!j , the "J-'th hu t , to iii.:iiin:i'.i catulidati-s 1 for the ullici s uf Can;.! Cnimiiissi.iiiei-, Soi- 1 vevrirCeneral ami An it. -.i- (h ;e ml. .M..i. 1 Will. I,, lb W all, is ihe S 1: .' .lie.l i!eh':: :le li'em :),:s laaric!. an ! W.o. Ih.ll.n. r, V. I the 1. pi-fM-ntative IV- :n t'.iis count v. I ' .. j i . ' The Legislature ;u!j oiit ued, sine dir, ! on Wednesday last. It has 1 e. ii a verv 1 busy sessiuu, am! u ar.y i 1 1 -i ' .1 : : t I ill- have 'been pas-ell. Ali::!i liie iui "puiar 11 a a- stins we may reckon the r.-s dnli .n voting I iheii'selves full pay Miit e th r.pir,i!i in r' the 100 days. This is r.ilh, r 11 hard pall tipjn the jeo.!-. Tlf r. ::cti'ti ol lie' j pay v.T.s inli luied to pia vent sueh ptyiirae. .ted ..sio!)-a.stl.e onej-tv! cuuhuhd. We j lear tii.' people will nut apjir.ive of the val. ! uali; :i the meiiiheis have put upon their own sori ices, and ma v he induct d to think that ill. y can find o'h'-r in. u v !i i c ihiiie the mnie g.,: ,.,;! .. l-gige 10 ) days. ul. I liav, s witlii: ZJ' Ml',. M'CAs.i-,. iHei: county, was elected t-o 'k, r i The tiulliks l f the ll.,;,- XVe; of f.'reen tic- S nn'. . b u h i -. I I . the Spenher, lim f dlowiag .'.-nts. I i.-- lltil! .' h aiuuonl, 1': i:i die, ('e: i:a, I J. ! !ii i,-. Fit,, hub', Hi ii !et,Ja-.'l;'Oli. Klot, I.,-. 1, .M.-y. is, .Mwlloy, rs hi and Watson : all democrats'. The (iovernor Las approve J the Appuition ment Hill. A I' trvtl'l 111 IWAMtIV ! The heroic Montour Cuards Live thrown the Culal ii it i it c r.s into th" shade. ( )n Thurs day lii.;!it some Xh) or .'hi citi.ens of Dan ville, led by a renegade from this place, en tered our JJorotigh, with i!r intention (, stealing a twelve pounder that is under the care of our hay s. The .trail re UaiVi-me nts of two ::pi.'a sent ill advance, exiiusl .-a:pi-cioti, 'and about 1- o'cl a ! a train of Lug gies, aeco:u aniei! hy a large I a ; . a , w a gon, gi'iitly end tail town and ill, y up he lore the phico iti wliivh the cannon housed. Here they ware unexpectedly confi'oiiteil by tlf Captain of the piece and i ,'V7 nu'ii, x !io s.iiiouiide.l them and deiaand.-d t!ia object ol the i.-it. The Daiixiile men tiischiimed all intention of taking the gun, nnd said they came in peace, did not wi.-!i tj have any lighting, and commenced a ia treat. Our buys told them tlmy were up f .r a mus?, and did not like to be disappointed. Tlie dog ''Texas" hereiiji, in seized the lea der by the breeches and this was the signal lor a general rnii, on the part of the inva ders, to their wagons, the horses were lash ed and the w hole parly coiiui.cnccd an in glorijusand jail imdl ret l eat. ''Texas" carried oli'tiie piece of the breeches as the evidence of his valwr. The whole niove luctii was a decided failure. We hope they will call again, a:t'.l we promise them a warm lecej tiou. 517 A;i:i.n as I Iui 1. 1., Ni.w Yuan. We aie pleased lo see by the New Yuik papcis, that this plfiis.mi ami admii.ibly conducted Hot. 1, has been eidaiged and olhei vv much nnpioved. lis location lionliug the I'.ok is one of Iho moot beaiililu! and pka-aut in Newotk, and ils cnteipiising pioprielois, Me-sis Uagley & Tabor, spaie no cveilions to lender il one of the most agie.-able lt p piug places in the country. Mr. Hagley was loriucily one ol the pioprielois of tho Colum bia House in Philadelphia, and many of our Suf.piehanna fiiends who made his ae.piaiu tance in that excellent II uise will be pleased to learn where they can tin I him, on i.ilii g New York. We can only s.,y iu those of our friends visiting New , oik that they can jn no respect do belter than t y stopping at the Anicuean Hotel. C" Tt!t:VoNT Il'lVf K, 1'oSTON W hilt we have our hand in, nnd ns tho t r.i v 1 11 i n ii sea son has already commenced, we may ns well Itive n passimr notice to nnolher fvcellent Hotel, in fiiot, one t lint has long been known, throuiihiiiit iho Union, us 11 perfect 1110 h i ol what n Hotel should be, we menu the Tic- rnottt House in 11 .ton. O ae of the w iims of this splomlhl l'liildim: was damaio il by lire H few mouths since, hut has since h 'en thor oughly repaiioi). The facilities tnr Irav.'b liii;; me now sueh, that many will en.luaee he orpottuniiv o vi-itma our laii'e inal en- ' . . , I leipiisniir e 1 1 i ' nnd towns, Ami we are; ,, . ., r .. . 11 . n sine thai Iheie are few -thai would let like; to spend a few davs in Neiv V:k and lios- I ton. F.o.n ITiila.l.'Ipliia to N"w Voik, over the Camden and Amhoy Hail Uoad, one of the host conducted roads in the counliy, the , journey will only occupy about lour hour-, UK) mihf.tio Thl.'e P dlais. l'lOIll New I York lo l!os:ou. by lb" mil loads. 2 10 mil-'s. ; Iho time occupied is but 9 hour: fine 5-.V I This road lakes vou Ihtouuh Ihe beanlilul ' eiii i;ind towns of New II O", llaiined Spi il;e field. On li-IUIar.e. IllM' can Ii 1 11. ui.-s. Pv tail reals I splendid ' s:i-.ttiib.i.i:, I a 1 e is 1 I-' 1 010 1 !'..-: on vou can I j tun to Lowed, the o, at maim luei u 1 ir:: city I ' of Am. liea. sr. miles in a.", miimt.-, for lie; 's- I'esUei j nf c..ur.. 'he er,.:,t r,.tr- ! ' an I ttttraeti .1 in N'".v P. -'an I ir- I is v. oii ' w.e'.l, a vis,;. We ran ,-dv sav to oar f.ioo.l.s ; li.iv,-,; Pes:,,,, ih... th.-y will ti',.1 'I'" j 1 I lenei'lt IIoum. lu'dv llleiils ihe hie lepula- I lien wha'h il suslaius, and we will 1.1:100. ii J.ihn Ti eker and his i.M.-in- ,.,chr. do ; not tive enti... sati-l.tctioo, t.. f ot tin? bill ol , every one that justly cuiiplains. j to 1 sii: 1 1.1 s on of 1 111: ; it:r'n:, ! I We have only lo say lo the edi'or of liie tl.ieiio. he sit, ill mil I'-iMpa by his con leiiipoblo Mii ,1, -i I ,e, s or re.'kless asserii,a,s. . ior sh.ii; he M.-iin aoy ihiii"- bv eahi 'L' to his ' a i I all ally as 1 he pi cent ofiieia ! n ie- ed 1- ; ' lor id Ihe Mih.u dan, w !:,, i-as ii,ia-h .1 I ', by resp..ct;.b!e whi-js ... y !, -.1 bs d uo ei.iN. Tl.;,: l,o and ihe ntror of th Ih'i'e f:vt. I ! . iite ; e -s... j I,,." s.ip i.itc. Tie ii u , i .d a I I ,'. !', ci i .i I ei alii :i - -o 1 .. . 1 1 -! ly as-iuii'ale, i! i-. 1 0 wonder thai ihev j she.dd fall in:., ..,!. i.'l;.eseu,b:.,i-e. p.-ie- I li . Oil I Olid 1 " J 1 ; , e 1 1 ' l'i.-1, ' ' 1 1 1 1 : 1 1 . i . would lie ' it l'.Mi-!li!'!l dlliie. It lo dot e, ';, wiliell II pp, ilai ion t ie-v were b.-t 11. v!,- I, kaiae or loo!. W'e I'o,;! in, 1, 1 f,.,l.:y that we h.ive nodiiee to lumi I y li! buy a f !;ovis W i! Il 1-1 iO W lie I ill , ;o in.. 1 e f. " i 1 I f,.t I eblij.;' i a:s :;;; I l i o ; . j , , , i ( . h oi . ,'o ,. M-:ei.r 01 V 110 i ' v . l,..!i a 'j , , , i'l i v,, , . to .e.i ., we M id aieela m..,i,u lie ipies'ion ol eel i.-j.i et,(. .ai euia t eai to ;mv f nr o; de.ii oi lid Mi.d 1 hut r; n b.' name.!, a- d t.'i,.., w Wl i l-iaee li.i 1 .1 lb -,. ,. I'.- j . on iiis i , ; ; i ; . t. ;. si et a: . ,i,,-i he ,,,,,y thud, 1 il 1 el. II! d Like ll,e or-or ol Ihe (b..-tle i,, the llu, I. oi i,:,y 1.1, n I oi boo;, oi,: -.:i : ,,, , . , -t I, may eioae. ee -p. to. : h it jul, i ! j , , i : ,,i I i .b io, I-.iel. o! lie- M.': a '. a', a: ,1 s- ! : ;1 ll: oues'cin to il i we "id .i.'.. e ;.. p..,- d Ul'e OU 1 I a' 1 1. V i :ii., ' o, or ai i i- v idence I Icy deu-.u papei We ti ax t.c.x! wet k iti.ike sumo exp.-i:i." s I" Jell", Oinbl:- CHI dncl t,.,V tu.ike i Vi I, !;. e.'eei- i.t G...'. :k; I i.'.r. s.m W I- -- CO knew ii I, il . (us' I i kept a ,!, in! ace., n! ,,' :h ! e ; i. i ia encu b- . i, . ' id- U, J.-.-;.. gi -l.xi Me. - ti no - p i t in g W lis V ' , I.d 1 :o: -. . ; ' ..!. .'! Win e W IS Of- A' in u h I,, .1 ,'i -!;;'. of one l;n nih ,o I,., I w.,s "". '''"'Ct. 'I'll" ie-,,'i i-'en.-ind i.,m in w ell as the-, v. In' knew hisogn'.u and stu dious bales. 'I In le ine lew ,',..,: nil, ;: io n s nnnn,:iiie:,l oi tin, ' a - h" w a-n and w ho. i: ih-.y kepi a lee ad of each tli.l p ,s ,-. i t . , , j,'- ir I d ; ; ng a sin: I la I pe, i. ,d, w on 'I .,' b I i . . ' i 1 ' v s" - j i-.'d a . Ii,.' .in.. , t:t 'in' loo' i g i p ol ; h" I- I, ll,: v.-o: '.! pins nt. A for Ian, nils n or a" I a lew II, ll I', ill' ce .is.' nt n , ! ' V We ,!e:UU 1. nv u, c. ,:!.t, , t w ,i w e ad I I 'I, u the th:.,. V ,,s:: I .!.. . ;, ,.f :!;, .. '"' ' '' " ' '' '' ,:!,',' lens. T.d.e ihe ;,ve,:,geo, I. an s ,-. u.oi.ih. ia a hie of ties h-nglh. and we In 1 J" ,!a v or 1 that Ii i ve g ! to I j . nil ', a ! 1 le: t no I. in I :oai k of I h- ii i v ; e. Il.ov mi. eh coi ! I !: .v- I a in in, -I. n I ia Ih lour monl h I I ov : pieeioiis lho-o golden iiionieuls would be at I ihe In, oi of den th I Y.'t i-V.'iy da v I'm!-, li- w. -due thai is i.,v.,l .able. Whole, I., v s s oneMui. s iiy past and we can g ve t o ao- ennnt of iheiu. A ih. t M i. l ihn g - uiinhi en phiy the fonts ilmt nro cms. eied in idle- j lux. Men have ueoniied knowledge that I has ma le limit- 1110110- iiou 01 tal, ,bu nig the inteiva'.; .iff!-.-,l foen tli ar dti'v I., bom . L allli lee , it!, w ho has 11, li' lore I tuteen ,!;f- I leietil 1 inguag stood, bo. k 111 h 111.I be.-ide ; ; his fiego and whde the iron wa- !i"a'ing. j ! sloie I his min i w i h the eleuienls ,,f w i-doiii, i i Instance upon instauee ca 1 be cite I tu ti.el ,' . , ... i 1 Mime end. A-, m the aeeuio -.0 lo 1 oi menev, ! Iii- small change of ,iu,e, well h-b,!ed, . I will yielia wealih.d knowledge. ; --- 1 I tiii: xm.,M. : I he ediloi ol the Mi n,n, in w ho ha-volun- . I .,, 1 i . , , I le.uint to 10s. ni.te jn i'l. umus tn tesene j the edi;o, ,, ih- (ia, lie I',,,,,, t,.. ,, die i!onS j p -iiio.i in wh, eh he In, s placed hiius" in legaid to the ciienlation oi hi a pi 1, 111, pu- denlly slates li , we aseit, , we would , publish them (he li-l of leltei-) in tl,,. Am,.. j lie.,., il we iceencd i.od.u.g lor il." We i I'UV e e,U '. to -.: tin- ,il .O V I.- il 111,:! bile- , . I laced l.i.s. In.od a, i, I we neVei asserted I 1 1 1 1 , i'l" 11 nong. 001 011 ine connaiv Mateo, .1,. 1 ,1 , 1 1 1 a most ,o-,,!ve!y, thai we ileniaude I anil i... ,-, ,v, ,1 ii,,. 1 '1 .1 1 ,,, ,,, i.e.. ,i it alter o I 1 igh. nnd, r ihe Act of Cicgi, without any tear, favor 01 alleclion fioin 11 ,v one, and il tic- (bieiie i. ceived anv con, pen. -'llc'li for the t I blii'U'.iiU'. ir w.,,,1,1 be .-is :, J gialuily. L; n gard lo 0111 chai.icioi 01 !ainl- Ing. w o caiinol eon. les.-. ml to p.'. ice 1! in coin- .-iiiu into iho I'nion, it Wlil bo obligaloiy on paiison wi;h iho p'es,.,,i lii.jr f u, .M,. , ('0)j.u..,s 0 admit Mich States, without refer Ionian. We w id, Ik. ,. x . r, ;is-, :t ih ,1 I o 1 1 lice lo the .ubjeet of slave. y. cannot lin.l one .. -poctal.le cil.en in Mdion, ! Sr,.i -That Culifoinia bo admitted, with whig or demuciat, who xvouklduub Um g.os., j her Loutidaries a tixed and defined by her injustice to compare our character with his consliiutti THE AITOItTIOMvltCNT MILL. After numberless tfTorls, an apportion ment bill lias at last been passed. It is as lair as could under the circumstances be ob tained. Our county will continue to elec- a Senator in conjunction with Dauphin. I' behooves Hie democracy in both counties to he united. At the last Senatorial election the (lemocra'ic candidate was defeated by a defection in the ranks. It will ever be thus until these jealousies are suppressed n ire 11 t 1 0 allow such feelings, especially where . . , . . pi inci pie s tnvo vei , 10 mar nurmony 11 ' J 11,1,1 c,v',, ""(""! a"'l '" at is culpable al,(1 depr,ihle. The wbijr prints are ever n ndy to w iden the breach, and we are sorry t In i r ellbiis have hitherto been attended with success. It will require the united n,.. s,.,. ,,,, ,.v,.rli,oi nf ibn ni.mnrr.ils In achieve a triumph in this Senatorial district, but they can do it. They should begin now to In n I tlnliltle animosities which I have hitherto caused defeat. There is no ''' l-"n w''.v 'o same piod feeling which prevails hi t Wc( 11 the whijis of the "upper and lower end," should not animate the ! iiiocr.tcy. Ye are coiilideiit that a little reflection will convince tlietn ol error, and thai the next i hi lion will lilt J an lllianimi- ,y j , s s , . , , j , , - ,,, 1il-, ., jM?re a iiuittatic Senator from this district. Tl'1' bdlowillji is the bill which has pas- s,'li l:;h l"'"ses. It will doubtless receive ,,u wi'tion of the Governor as it was passed by a whig Senate: S F.N ATE. 1. Philadelphia city, 2 2. Philadelphia county, 3 3. Montgomery, 1 4. Chester and IXdawaie, 1 o. He.ka 1 0. li nks 1 7. Lancaster and Lebanon, 2 Noi !h iu: tun and Lehigh, V. Dauphin and Nai I humbei la nil, VL. Cail , Momoe, Piko and Wayne, 11 Adams and Fianklin, 12. Yoik, 13. I'l.ii.brilaii.I and Perrv, 11 I. i no. g, N.llivuu, Centre and Clinton 1 I". I!, ,iii. ( 'an. la ia and llimliiigdoii, 1 to I a-e, no. ( oiniu bia and Monlonr, 1 IT. I!:,.. Iloid, So- piehniiuu iiml Wyoming, 1 is, Tii.g.i. Poller, McKean, Kik, Ck arhtdd and .lelieisoll. If'. M.'ic. i, N'eiuiiigo and Warren, 'M F.-ie a:, I Ciaw Imd. 21. 1! aller. (leaver and l.awtei'.ee. 22. Al'egheiiy, 2H. ; s b i n e I loi and (iieeue, 2 1 I! l: ed and Snineiset, 2j A , ms; , ,,; g, Indiana and Claiion, 2ti Ji. Ma!... .Miiiiiu and Union, 2T. , si in ,i , l.iud and Pavelte, is. Schuj ikiil, 3ii IIOUS-E. A i,ou, Ad. -hegy, f! 'die , I ami Cor. Li i.i, I 'lk. Peeks. ! .an. P a l-'f an I La vvicnce, lb or and lluiilingd.ui, lb., lend, l iie-'e , C: ' I - ,' h I , nil , I : a, i. el I. JI i. and McKean, ( la ion. A-m-tioug and Jetleisou, I o a. u ,1 'a at. I Meanair, i.-i I ' da ;v a : e Ihie. Washnigtoti, ' '-' ' I . ' a. l.venniiug. Ciiutoti art J Poller, LinonsVi, I., bit, , nil, la i.udi i!ud Carbon, l.lieliie, Monroe and Pike. Meie r, ', ;,ai,go and Warren f,,, ..,, M.lilla, ' M' i !g.i;lieiy, - . Notih-onplon, ' N itbt.n.'.Mhiud. p.,, , ,. Philadelphia cily. Ph . h i Ilia coun ly, SoiiiOi set. .sichuv Ikill, 2 nsn-.p,, hauna, Snihvau and 2 'J',,,., j ' Wayne, 1 Wctu,oic)and and Fayette, 4 Cuioii and Juniata, 1 ,;) 3 10 sin. ( LAY'S Ill.l'Olir. , ... , Mr. C lav, churman ol the ( ommittee ol " ' W,lon' Wi"' rtf,'ITP, bX the Sen. a'e.the adjo-tnient ol the (jnestions which have agitated that body since its opening, lias made bis rej.ort. lie supported his .. , ,. , , ,. ' posiiions by a ower!u speech which has 1 1 1 ' li'"''11 the ad mi rat ion of all parties, save the ov'e distiitiniiist s. I le is said to have surpassed himself upon this occasion. The Senate appear to be most lavorahly impres- s,.( ., , (u.ri, js scarcely a doubt the slavery ,j,,,,ti,,t) xvill 110W he adjusted upon princi- , ..,. I 11 , ph s salislaetorv to the reasonable men of ' n , .11 both North and South, lie advocated the . . .... admission ol t alilornia as a state, and estab- ' lishing territorial governments for .New Mexico and L'tah. : The report com hides as follows: I First Tlnit w henever new Slates, not ex- ; ce.-.tino l',.,ir in i, limbec to b.l fiinnnl .Hit nf the lenito,y ol Texas, fehall apply lor iiduiis- Third That Territorial governments be established by an act of Congress, for New Blexico and Utah, without the Wilmot pro viso. Fourth That tho southern and western boundaries of Texas, shall bo fixed ns fol lows: Beginning at tho mouth of the Iiio Grande del Norte thence up said liver to a point twenty miles north of the place called F.I Paso thence eastward lo whero tho one hutiiliedlh degree of west longitude intersect the leriitoiy of the United Slates. Fifth That Ihe bill piovidinu; for the re capture and return to th-ir masters, of fugi tive slaves, now on the file of the Senate, be passed, with the addition of two now sec tions, tho (list iii the masters to $:o bcfoio a mayistiale in tho Stale where he resides, and make an oath lo ihe fact of I elopement, designating and desctibinij his propeity, a certificate of which shall be his iiiuthoiiiy fur apprehending the runaway: and I the second, luovidino for the trial bv iui V of the question of freedom, vvheie that is raised by Ihe person in custody, on his return. Surt That the slave trade be inteulicted j within the Distiid of Columbia, by severe' I penalties. " - - - I j M M)AY TKAVI.I.. I j The Stockholders of the Pennsylvania ! Rail Road have been holding- an election 1 j to decide if Sunday travel should be allow. 1 I ed up .ti their road. A large majority cast i their votes in lavor of daily lines. In our ; opinion this amounts to nothing-. An old , ' act of Assembly of this State prohibits "'tin person or rr,rm.s" from performing l,auv : work or business on the Lord's day." This statute applies ns well to incorporated rom ; panics as to individuals, and includes in ils ! prohibitions as well the conveyance for i hire of passengers from Phila delphia to . Pittsburgh, as the planting and hoeing of a t half acre of potatoes about a poor man's ca bin. Corporations have no souls, hut their j agents are reasonably expected to have, ami j are as much hound by the Act against Sun l day labor a the merchant or mechanic. : We should like to sec some of those opposed to daily lines, trv the working ol this law . upon the conductor, engineer, fireman and briakmcn of every train running on Sunday, "jud to nali.-e the cfh els" as Sam Slick ! says. i AI II OtlMA. 1 The late news from this country shows, ; that the inhabitants are d, termined to have ; a government, even ifth.-v have to estah- lis!) one tl icmselves. If smmetliin : is not soon done by Congress Inwards admitting California as a State, the citizens will dis solve connection with the 1'niteJ States, and set up a republic of their own. This is what any one win. knows any thing of the t ha met, r of Calif imiaiis would ex pec1. j They are cou'p. ,S' d of lie' nn i-t ad v entur- oils, ardent N. nub .mil. dale spi i its o I' A ne t i , ca, w ho, il jintice is not done them by g.i- ! vermin-nt, will take the reins into their OWIl lltlllds. It is Hot to he expected that i freemen will allow their rights t ) he tram j pled upon, and submit to sueh unw ai t anla i bio delay as that to which Congress has sub jected them. While the S mlh is blustering j and the North lic-ituliug, ( 'a'ill ruia will de ! clare herself independent. '1 !iey are n,,t I the men to trilled w ith. If '.!,e- do so, our ! government can not ensure them, lor Ihey 1 will only he practicing the precepts of in ' dependence they have h afind here. The ' colonies of Anieiica petitioned in vain to the throne of Kngland lor tin ir rights, and i when their patience was exhausted, ap pealed to arms. California has her lights too, and there are men there who know how to enforce them. Such a .state .d all'air.s is to Le deprecated. We hope the Calili.r nians will not he driven to such a course, but the action ol Congress thus far both s no good. 1" II. O .; has taken some heatt titu! portraits this week in spite of the rainy : wea'her. They can he seen at bis room ' above the Commissione rs' ollice. I I. x 11:11 Fiiovi Haiti The nlvie.s per ! b.ig Si!. inns, tit Most, in, from Cape llavtieu, t to April 2Sth, conlirni the previous aceonnls ' of the imp, i.sonmeut of Mr. Wilson. Amen i can Consular Agent tliere. He was impii oncd for bieakiug ihe Custom I! . -e st-;i U of a vessel, in older to save some eollee in a ; lighier hunt a cumin norm. He was re j leased by the inlet vent ion of Ihe Fieneh CoiiM.I and has jtone lo Poll An r.u.ce, where ihe mutter is to be examined. Slave I nm 1: it fction. A letter has been leceived heie, slaling lha! the slaves ill Union town.-liip, Monroe county, Ya , had planned : an insnrieclion to minder all the while in habitants, and then make their escape into Ohio. A negio girl gave information ol the plot. Sixty of the slaves have been aireste.l and impi isoiiei!. H'lisoigfoi jwpcr. Tin: lll l'l iti.n- Ni.wsi'Ai'LB al Washington, lately the oigan of lleneral Ta) lot and his ad.n.nistiaiion, has changed hands ; Alien A Hall, loiinerly of the Nashville Whig, and lately llegisler ill the Tieasui y lVpailuient; to be the editor. Pnillilt, Saigent is: Co., are to be well paid for the concern. It is sai l thai Secietaries Claylou and Mctedilh are in the liiiaucial a. .angeinei.t. Hut ot tiie t.ulli ol the statement the reader is as well able lo judge as we ate. LrJpir. C1101. r.u. in Havana. An extiact from a piivate letter, dated May 2d. in the Coiiiier, ' sillies that the choleia is ip.ietly on the iu- ctease there, and yellow fever very preva lent. Tho deaths by clio 111 are about SO per day in a population of lSO.ilOO, lo say no- 1 thing ot common disorders. I j Tnr. Gidphin Connuillce, have reportej , iiguoisMlie pa) mem of 1I10 inleresl allowed j by Mr. Mlklihui. The Jive Democratic I members of the Committee voted for this re-1 port, and the our Whigs against it i-.vrit act oi- a 111 1 1 it 1 noti 1 in: 1 m. ion, i.Aii it Mai e n Chunk, May 13, 1S50. This town is so completely encircled by mountains, that there is scarcely room for the narrow si root between the houses, which, on bolh sides, are built up against Iho moun tains. Some of ii5 lots have small terrace gardens, which are reache.l by step, vaijinir in many instances, from 20 to DO foot aboi Ihe roof of Iho house. There is much that wili repay a visit to Mauch Chunk. The bold seenety of the mountains, which seem almost interlocked or dovetailed within each o'lier, are of theniselves woilh the journey, independent of the impiovoinents of the Le high Company. On leaving Pottsvillo you take the cats, on a good road, ten miles, to Tuscarora at the head of the Coal region. At Tusearoia mjii lake a coach, lour mile., in I .una 1 put, a tin ivin' place, con la inn::; a mi 111 bor of handsome buildings, iimon;: whieh is e c . r. iiuiol, a most excellent Imuse, k.a i ' 1,1,1 baeud, Joseph llaughaweul, ,M. jmeily ot A01 1 heiuhei land connl). Fi..m I 'r''i''d'ai Vou take reauh, live mil' s, lo t. e f"""". '"'" vou ion lie ,,,.. .,:, to .M inch Chunk in about lliiily minutes, by giaviliiliou in liie rail way. The coal ol iho mines on the Summit is all can in! down in this way. amounting to about seventy tiaius of Hi t-;ns datlv. Their cais were lm- ineilyiliawu back by nudes, but within a few j oai s back, a tail road was constructed to nil, liiem back by grav iluliou, to aceou, plish which, the cats are diawn i p an I a-eiin-d J'i.ine at Mauch Chunk i f g.'.C I f, ,.a lu lei g h by means of a lull p.,W I'.ugnie. oveteomi :g a lie p uaieular eleva- lion, of over Iiml feel. Near ihe Sainun! lli'ie is another plane ol about I lion lee', oveieomirg a perpendicular elevation o! about 400 fo.-t. The bdwe, u Tania-,i a and Mauch Chunk has boon raised to o-,e dollar w hieh giv. s tn the pioj-uctoi 7", c, i.!s for live miles staging. This is an impo-i'lon on slrangciii tin- ciiicus of b- in j I ;, -shot. l.l resi-t. Mauch Chunk is quite a l!in'vi"g bu-i place, and must fieni il- lecatie;, t,.,. miens or outlet for t coal w h,;i i: take ; ;!ie Lehigh Cnmpanv 's ( ',.nal a 1 wa s i . m.-, in .. i. The town was vi.-ited w i; h a so vei e Ine s'.;ue months s,: Tlie House, wliic'ii was then de-:ioe ! is una ia t!i- eouis,, el lion. There is mucii in' liie uehl and giaud. on a large scale, by nalute and ait, to I e seen in this neig hbo; boo. 1 . Tho ;..i;.iey fioin Tama, pi a lo Poit I -niton, l1' miles on an eve.'llent rail way w here its lu'eis cts tl, pending read, is pictuies pu; an I 'l a-.i: t About one half the disUnco fimn Tunu.ei.a ' . :...! al I3u.itt is lluorgh the regions. On nui -.v j , ," , . , , . : - .!. . ...'. f.r t Phiia lelplua. we stopo I one dav a! Ilea ',: g. -., ..... ... ... I Ins city has in, p., .v.- with gient t o ;; ! i ! . , . , . - ,, of l.,e veins, and ihough snuonn.led Js c ', . .,:,.,:' . f pgv,u, pos-.l. pii icipilly. ol a lieia.aa p. ,pn ion . ' !- ,!'-; -I : ' ' ad 1...- t.-wn of snppoits excelleul Lugush i,,u...,. "' ' '' " ' : :': "'' ' " ' ion! u half peis. The ;.io!io pnbli-h. d by our vonm '''., "' " '': i,mu- ho-nd f ;.-!, is i no o! tin- l.,.g, -a and b. -t i .- ,: .,,: to eoiiimx pajie.s in liie s:,i:e. To j..- eg , ... : . i : n .e . , . nn- ol li-'iidi'ig an. I siii n ,;;u ii,. c, :,:. . i' n -, . 1 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' , , , , . . ' .!-.. , : . - . .iici.. L-e a v in.. i .,. ;,c nas.tii.o. ; ;s i ,i - v . , , I , 1. j .1 . , . . ; . , .. ' 1 , t Iflil- ennui lhal cannot be i-njpind by iho ei: . ... i'o - - will papeis. We wete Viny glad toi.niu t!,.; " j ! ' ,.. Ih - l.d 'nts and i-, !,;.;. v of Mi. C t . . '"' '' ' ' (:- 1 1 ' ' ' , ' I . - - - : I' e - I ' v .-:,- v,-r -j piop a ,y appn ciavd , i it i: in 1 1 i:s or (iixsriiti is. ' . ,'.'.' '"' ," .' 1 'r '!' V 1 ' I lie -i n.e I,,i4 w.n -h Al i lie openiog of the (',,;, I t ,, I Q ;L ; S .. - . : : ,!..!:.,!-. now sious of N irih itrp'en conu'v, .1. :g .1 , . ' .' ' ' !' ' '' ' 1 ei ,! dli.rj. . . , , , .'. . . , ' '' - - ' ' 1 . ' . ; ... , ,j,,,.t ;o. n occusnei lo ci.-iige til' I oUs'.in , s , . 1 ; , COUU'V llj -iti lie" d . ' I'': W i. ,ch !:: I V i 'i .1 'I'-selien til" id-he. ill, ns I dot givg 1 , : ) i 1 1 r i : ne i - ' - " - ..- i . - join upon them. T ii- 1 1 1 1 i ,v i . g In n t i. , ' .,,,,... of Ih" eeaige is takea lioin to,. ; ,.;,,:,.,. i ! ... ,. .' i;., "i.a'n'l la tiie eoui.-e of ti,,-,-h ij. Ih- J: !g I.i: ! ' ' il down a :!: of tii- c ,.; ',. . , : . ,'.' : p'i'e into and iieeit.ii:t :!. rli.::.,, :,.; of !. - : ' . , : , . ; s .-.r 'ia- he luiises. nj to w bother g,.u,i,.g. ,!.;.:!. u- '"' "'; ' , : ,n . :::i leu II ess ii n , ISO. del ' V CD! ,d nel was i.rni,;-. ' ... V ..... i... a i , . el' a! lev in led ,,t such hol.-es. lie reminded the (' n- , ., . ....... ., . i i,.,;mi Si:.! les ,, Iho .,:.;.,. vi' Ihe ,-..:!, .... t..... ' '' who., , :he,,- ..,!!: ..:ttlI t!., .,. ' ' ' ' 1 1 ' ' " ' '" ' " ' ' ' ' . - I .' . .. K u v. , I. o dilt.-ience between ile-i, oi.iend , , s ; I , ; ; 1 ; '. j I . I ' I J 1 j I liallll al e .-s. I fill W h .t cl ei : in" ,,( tho ' : I '. ' in I . . .. j , . , ; , . ; . ! l-uui.l lo Mi.7, h.-tht-r Ihex enn.e bv " ' ' ' ' ' M. Iheir knowledge ll, mag the me. In. in olth-ti y ' ' ' 'v ' : ' ' ' 1 'i i'.A;'. souses, or I hi oi g !i ' he n an n on i um. ,r o; : ii ,i distrnOs. Timx weietol.l ittluv s,.p n:,d - . ..T;., ! oi ha I ie::s,, ! ,.,,vo th. it ii , ', r w. sbe. . . '.' ' " V :, ,,i : i,, ,.. : .in. tn.- dvr'- i eg sol I w i '.bout iiei n.e. th., : gu u i. g w ., . o .. 'p. ,., , . , . ,, , V, ' allowed and pi ael isnl. or I iuil in ; sc, we. e l-.e . I.' i : . i ( a . i v v:h-... '.' ,.. 4tr. papei in anv way ki 1 in a di-oideilv ma..:., 1. it was tlirir du I v a - oiiieei s ol the I. tw, tin I t ie-v violate,! their . a:ba it they dn! net a::, lo ten, t hem oi 1 and p:o:up:!y iinniu tin u: lo tho Court. N A II V 1 1 1. 1: AliAIN-T 11IF. Sollllll.N (,,'.- vLxii.iN. At a cm, uly o'u.venu.,.' h-Id . , ihe city of Nasiiville, 'b'lili , on .1 ,nd.;v, the lTlli insl., to consider iho piop.iotv ol ap pointing delegates lo the . ml hoi n Couvea lion, it was, alter muho ili-etis-iou. deci 1,1 bv an overwhhnu g majority, that it was j... expedient, al ihe pie-el.t lime, to i,'p inl delegates lo such a Convention New si' MTiis in (it'.r.vr Hiuivin. A re. mm of ihe stamp and adv ei tiseinent dutv paid by newspapeis has just l,een pi bli-'tie.l The aggregate numb. 1 of :,imps i--ued I n new in 1? ! was. lo, P. .gl.u, I and Wales, till. l,,o. -,,). penny 1U.3IMI. 13:1 hall peiitiv statu : lor Scotland, 0.2s.'.'l).'i pe.u.x and gin, noil h.dt p, nny . tor Ir.-lait.l, Ca l'i -227 penny and P hali'-penn v Tin- uoin bei u 1. 01, dun new sp , pels li.uii which ill veili.-einei.t duty w as eollec'.ed in Is pi. was 1'jC ; ihe 11 11 111 her ol advi 1 1 isemeu: ', -Mi. los and the total amount v'. dutv, at the late ol Is CI. inch, Coi',. I.'.S 2s. The number of F.nglisli piovmcial papeis was 232, fioin which jL'ti.'.t'.O 1 lis. 0.1 . w as leceived for duty on SHJ," J' adverli-emeuts lu Seoliiud I'l uew.-papeis bituished .tls.uTa 10s. CI duly, the liumber of adv erli.semenl.s being' 240.IKM. In liekoid the amount ol ad veiliseineiit duly colleclcd was .t'll.u2o J , being al the late of Is. ouch for 220, V2 I ad , vei I isenieuls. Tlie numb.r of Inh tiows- papeis was 1 17. Kui'otiM in lirvu i kv. The returns of the vole of the people, of Kcnluekv upon the new Constitution, p.ii-sed by lha late Conventioiu shows, so far as they have been n eeived, that it will be ucceplc l by a vny decided ma'onty. Till' I Iml -i a A 1 11 1 HI III ;.t. l.nui. Si. Ian is, ?,I,,y II The alarm occasioned by ihe dealhs which occurred in this city, on Sual,,v laM, and re poiled ns cholera, has enliiely suhsi loil now. No new ra-o.s have been repot ted fir the last four ilaj s. I. r i:u. Tw o latal ca-"s of tlmh'ta havo been rip-'ilid lo..hiy. May IH1I1. Twelve ceiiioteii. s 11 piel (or lh ; w ock rndina lhu moiniu.j-. in. iulertni -nts of wln'eh C7 weto ih-ailis iiiiiii choleia. Thcio are live cemc leiios whiih hive i,,,t lopoitod. Their to porls. however, will ,,,.t ut,.s,jy the aeereualo lamiher ol .h-a'us. The wcutlurr is -eiy A man tame I .1 ms ,li IJi ,id w as arrested i 1 Cehiuihia, a few da 1 since, for pasii g cen iioiioii meeo, -. II., was l,e!. t,j bail for his apj eaianeo at t'.mrt in the fnM (.f $300. Cvi.ti uiNt.v in l!fKK A gold mini) hn bee, diseovoi, d j;, Drik" CoillllV, wllil'lj v iel Is 1 1 I'l y p.. r, .::! ,, j.,.r .;,1. p:l,t L-dd, pat mIv.-j. 'I lie -. i g: : . i -. : i of giM Iniutcis '" dial r-g!..'! h . ! a yet put ihe iuh ibiianU loieiv iii,..!.,v.-!ii ,.i -ai,-.:d the price of provi-i.uis i .Misi-riii to A i ma. M i.fdris .J . Mc ( "r,!.v! me. C -ai , has been apM.inlcd Mmi-i.-r !.. A -s.,, ., . s:n, ,i,o Washington co pouden; ia t;:,., ( , , AT'i'I-XTlON!! 1 1 r I' i; !'.. - p.- ,.. ,,.' .,,,ihiau!,cr- ( VA. 1 ill. . nn , ,s will meet fg.... al ' " i 'i'l! ' had) ' the :uu!, lt"l ,y' I .' ii. I- I'"' I' o id - and In-i-c.tion. V. '- h' dlO OK, P i la. Iusj.'r. V;? Ii:l '. in a e.-t.--.- olil, v ) Mi,;. 1,1 s n. j l'i ill. !C SA I.!', or LOTS I i in. in'.; i.p t n i; v o ii t o x , Oh TucsiVy. K: v fdO. 1C50. i : ri. i i. 1 1 .. , i I. e.n Si: U d at V..-I-: . - Cup, 12 i,, , . 'r. :ti SiuiUi "' - ;i !,.o,,:it Kiv. i, iii I',,,. n! .an 111 mild ; ' - rei.' from i'lllla- ' .; in i :t mi (Jup iii - lac i i ,- rstcrn Il s-.: . , n '. o ., . ; ; i '.; C,,,,i I ', 1 a. I hi: a, it '. , -.:; : l.'e.' . ' ' ;:; a siiiiut die o, lac .silivlkfil ! ana., ;:ea of the nival u ill. no A II, ' . n'a .! I, w luch ' ! i'o a wi-.'i tl..- us- s' I .. 1 : a t, s i,.,vv ta,'- ei ; i,.,in. an.l I -' : ,, , s. ni; kun: in" 1 1. le. I I.U..U ciH- (in-, 11 i.!,J P:.,,-k lOni ,.!,,.r kll'.ls. Su ed, i u,,,. 0,1, K.-t-!.,-s U r ,1c In pjrina, in ! In !,, i, ami overv w ai j ... k up . iii. ful--i 'a r' as Ii ,s ;m ... 1 'ad :uy an,! v i- as ot' the ciiak'Ct . ,n 1 . I I . : I',,., I '..! I ; .1 e . r .; si , , : ,,, i 1 I - ,,. P.... n .. . . i ..:,, . i ,-, 1 1 in.- .n , .,, : 1 I . :. .1 ,d 1. , a..,,; t 1 ii..- 1, .' t ,.: ,:, w ,!. 1- , I 1 11. , 1 ll1! V. o . t , I 1 ; M Will PII P, v. '.'.('-.. li 111 . u li Ms. i''u;..,'ii-.iii... 11. i --. IC. IcJJ i'O I1LIK3. ,"1 ' i I' ll 1 , t , II. - ot il ,nv P.ttrr, drc'J., I 't I- e l I . V ... . Oi .. ,.,Tl;,l ' oi l i'..,nn ,. ., : 1 ., . ... u, i,.r ihuvi.n! an lo-,' . . . ..' : 1 ',!','. A.M., tlio -nui ,! ;, . .) ,i I - ..11 , l'.n ,,,-,ii ., m l'i. 1 per M.,1 -.ei 1.. . n 1.. . n, nn .e w hcihcr the . I."'--.; I'- ..' ei ' ,. .. ' H....V l'.n, r. .I.v'.l.. ran e,; n ; ! j : n . ! ., ,, I ,-, v , I. I ni a n,l ,,,,,,1,14 all Ine ! ,-. .. .: ., ,.: ,:.., , die ,.u,l dee'd ! h: 1.1 1 ,-, , 1' . ,. i , , r men of the I wlnnc .0 w.,. a In,, , , ; .'.,,, l!a .1 1. ,: , -.1 1,1 lleiri I in- l.,.i. I v v. 1. ,;, .: n, . , and n if thev think ' .1 ;i I i 1 PUT. M.r'll". 1 h. , ,ll s ,.,'n, ... s-.n : 1 , . t Mai 11. I-: ' i t ' ' ! NOTICE TO linilS. "(I'l'li'l: 1- ! 1, ! ...v.n, I,t lit.' Heirs of John t IN I., 1, ,i ,,. ',. ,!,,-', I. , i..aj,. -ir i,l an Orphans' j ( ,;,!. iii,- !,.:,! .,! .Mii.i.m.x in anil for liie conn. I iv ,,1 V .l'i, no, :-, 01 a. on ti..- 1I1-I t.j11d.1v of i 1 1 .j 1 , . ; 1 1 -.1, til, 11 ..1.,! T . ,.' le irci ,t ,11 l. tllsc lh i K. at ll-l ae 1 u.' --i.i ! '.I., al Unit Villu.iliorl li ve,! ., ! K d I: '..', le, an liLjnct July . 11 w no1, .1 .oil. . ; .. .1 i il.c . ml I 'cm 1. or i-Iumv I CUU-e W ,U. lia' '., ine die, ,i,l liol ... A,-. i .1 ii: cm t:i:r, iu'iv j .s'hi'i ill "a olii, c Mii,!",:r. ) i M ... II. 1 - le 1 wi. It lit can name one let htm do j
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers