SUNBUKY AME1UCAN. AND S1IAMOK1N JOURNAL. 3U1 Sorts of Stems. A Doctor's Joke. A well-known physi cian, in a certain city, vrt very much an Cloyed by an old, lady who wm always sure to accost him in the street, for the pupose of telling over her ailments.- Once sho met Inm when he was in a very great hurry. "Ah ! 1 see you are quite feeblo," said the doctor; "shut your eyes and show me your tongnc." She obeyed, and the doctor moved off, leav. ingher standing tbore for some time, in this ridiculous position, to the infinite amusement of all who witnessed the funny scene. April is a month that puts love and mis 'chief into the heads of everything, beginning with dairy maids, and leaving off with he japonicas. "Squeeth my hand, Simon, and 'keep my head from becoming dithey." Improvemsnt is Planting Treks. Hon. John McVea, of this Parish, whose gardens 'and shrubbery Sheustone well might envy, Vias discovered that a young tree is made to 'grow much more thriftily when set out, if the top be trimmed off and charred in the fire. The charcoal closes the sap veins, and pre vents the evaporation of the nutricious juices 'of the tree. Like all really great discoveries it is equally simple and effectual. Try it. Return or a California Millionaire. The Providence Journal says that Mr. Stephen A. Wright, who left South Kingston several years ago for the West, and finally reached 'California, where he was settled when the discovery of gold was made, has just return ed with n fortune of about half a million, with which, like a sensible man, he has come to live in the land of his birth. To the Ladies. Kid gloves niny b? clean ed with milk. Husbands may bo subdued by the use of the broomstick. Paint of ttd lieaive quality may be removed from the cheeks by washing in strong ley, a nil lo pre vent tho skin from becoming rough anoint it afterwards with lamp oil. Monkey j;ieket., it is said, will not be tho fashion this sum mer. Large Company for Cai.ii ornia. On the 13th of March, a large Company of Califor nia Emigrants passed ilnmifih Darlington, Iowa, consisting of ab ml HiK);) men, from nearly all of the Western States. 20(1 men, mostly citizens of Duilington, joined the com pany at that place. Tliey go the oveiland route through Oregon, and expect to reach "the "(i('ggts" in about lluec months. The learns that belonged to the party numbered wne thousand. To Califorxians.- We learn that a large train of 100 Government wagons is lo leave ludianola for El Paso, escorted by U. S. Dra goons, with stores, ka., for the use of the troops at that point. A number of emigrants have been collecting for some time past at Matagorda Bay. They intend taking advan tage of the Government escort as far as El Paso, on tho road to California, that being nearly one half the entire distance. Ncio Orleans Pic. Tiik Dklawauk Clock for tiik Wash ington Monument. The additional motto of "Delaware, the first to adopt, she will be tho last lo ubandou tho Constitution," has boon handsomely executed, since the arrival of the block in Washington, on the sidti of the bust of Washington. It is admitted on (ill hands lo be the most chaste and artislical stone from any and all the States yet repre sented. Cincinnati. The products of the industry and enterprise of the people of this city nie vast, and still increasing. It is stated that the quantity of candles exported from Cincin nati during the six mouths ending on the 1st iust., was thirty-eight thousand, live hundred and sixty-eight boxes. During the same pe riod, I ho exports of soap amounted to ten thousand, two hundred and eighty-seven boxes. The Constant Stream of Emigration fiom the Western Slates to California is beginning lo be sensibly felt. More than 60U0 persons ltave already left Michigan, each of whom took in money or outfit at least $500, trans ferring from that State the sum of $3,500,000. Tf.x per cent, a month. The Legisla ture of California have issued proposals for a loan of $300,000, at an interest of three per rent a month. In some individual transac tions at the beginning of winter, ten per cent, a. month was paid. Gov. Lyjhazy has left New York for Iowa, where he proposes lo settle with his family. The typhoid fever is very prevalent at Havre de Grace, Md. Several deaths have occurred from it within tho past week. Monument to Calhoun. Meetings are being held in the several districts and par. ishes of South Carolina, to take measures for the erection of a monument to the memory oT the lato Hon. John C Calhoun, at Colum bia, by popular contribution. Thanksgiving Tho Governor of Ohio has issued his proclamation appointing Friday the 26th day of Apiil, as a day of fasting and prayer throughout the State. A Young Mother Mr. Walton (.'niton saw at Rio, a woman only 12 years old, who had two children. Sho was married at tho ago of ten to a man of sixtv.five. The robber is Unwise who for the consid eration of dollars and cents, gives the u oi Ul liberty to hang him. The Bloom or Age. A good woman nev er grows old. Years may pass over her head, but if benevolence and virtue dwell in her heart, she is as cheerful as when the spring time of life first opened to her view. The Webster Trial. Attorney General Clifford is preparing a reply to the strictures made in other cities upon the manner in which the trial of Professor Webster was con ducted. Carlisle Barracks. Col. Hardee is ex pected to relieve Col. Cooke, as commandant at the Carlisle Barracks, about the 1st of Oc tober. Four hundred English Mormons arrived at Pt. Louis on the 23tU ult., en ro'tte for Salt Lake. iot of cttcr0 BEMAIKIIO I TUB POST OFFICE AT SI 1IMIT, March 81, isfto. Fubllshed under the Act of Congress, rorjuirinp the Lint of Letters to be published in the pnper linving tha largest circulation. IKcrr, Thomns J Angst, Daniel B. Bower, Jonathan Bower, Elijah Brewer, (iportro W Barlicw, Gilbert C. Clemens, Inane Cornell, William 1). Drpiiiti, William G. Connor, Ruiniirl Gump, Minim 11. lfalier, fintnh HiisBinger, William Ilenson, Thomas J. Johnston, linchal K. Krutne, John M. Mensinff, A Mostly, Allen Minenr, Joan Miirtin, Pnrah Marshall, Francis Mutchlcr, Angelina It. Roads, Jacob lioilt, Daniel J Hartley, James S. Sen-is,' Jnecb Sollinan, John W. Weaver, Catharine Wcise, Henry Y. Yordy, John K. B. rACKER, P. M. int of Ccttcvs REMAINING IN THE POST OFFICE It Northumberland, April 1, 1S50, A. K. Karther, Joseph L. Lee, Rev Joseph Losee, Miss Sarah M M. Miller, Jno Miner, (i V McDougle, Henry N. Able, Jacoti B. Bcnnet, Miss Jane Bcrcer, Mrs. Sophia Jtrtleyotin, David Biilplspacli, I. Bradford, A G. Bonliam, Thomas Bover, Wm. C. Ncyhart, Hiram Nixon, Miss Hester J P. Price, O 5 Fierce, Stewart U. Reynolds, A (5 Ray, Jno P limlors. Thorn fioduK, 'l'hos S. Spare, Mrs Elizabeth Slicnccr, Wm W s.ithcr, Miss Elizabeth Smith, Sain .shatter, David Search, Jacob Stuck, Levi Culliii, Miss Clark, John C ; I'nnnli, K: 12. I P' I )rieli'l!'in, Abraham I Davis, Jos i Duwsun, Wm E. Els, Andy F. Fulton, Mrs J Fitzgerald, Mauris Forman, Win G. (Joss, Win G titer, John II. lleiininpvr, Dan Hunter, John J. Jacobs, Henrv H Johnston, Dr. W F Jones, Albright shadier, Rev Samuel Str.uib, Miss Eli.a H T. Thomas Hnrvcy V. Willet, Wm ('. G. BOYD, P. M. ESTATE OF PETES VAXDLIXC, dre'd. 'WkTOTK'E is hereby given that letters of Ad l 1 ministration de bonis non have been gran ted to the subscriber, on the estate of Peter V Mul ling, late of Upper Augusta township, Northum berland county, dee'd. All person indebted to said estate or having demands against tho same, are requested to cull on the subscriber for settle ment. WILLIAM REED, Administrator rfe bo nit no. Upper Augusta tshp., April 13, 1150. Gt ORPHANS' COURT SALE. N pursuance of an order ofthc Orphans' Court of .Northumberland countv, will lie exposed to public, sale on Saturday the 1 till day of May next, at the late residence of Jacob Moore, of Lower Augusta township, deceased, to wit: A certain Tract of Woodland, adjoining lands of lVtcr Hnyder, Jesse Ummel, Jacob Krcps r.nd others, containing Seventy-nine acres and lnitv-ekjlit perches and allowance, situ ate in the towimhip aforesaid. Late the estate of Jacob Moore, ik-c'd. Sale to commence at 10 o' clock, A.M. of said (lay when the terms of sale will be made known bv PETER II. MOORE, Adm'r, )v Order of the Court ) John F. Purscl. Clk. O. C, Sunhury, April C, ls!.)0. ) u R. R. II. A iifW iiml lirilliimt I it: I it 1ms lnlciyuMf"H und nv Kiiiitilsi !jir:!iin the li-'iiZ 'ii, siu-iMin i. f,r.i.l-i. lihl h-ipe itjum tin; i!,irk tl -1:01 iny mintlN i.l'tlic U "'- luiuu niitl Liihcud willi i in, lifv I lie l'iit:uiir fori Ii oi' lliu Poitu.-nml 1 ;i 1.1' I lit' 11111 ujm'h Hi'i fi.lil. (IImiki! ifjiiiiiiM tlii-iriLitl ' m Tin? Uirit) iciius wJia-li JiciiU Uiih piniiLirapli in iliy mgiiiii- '"""KAD WAY'S READY RELIEF. Aii n?t;tni:mpi us Antidote t'or Pains oi" nil kunls, lliu very inn.'iiil K:uIvuyi!y llV.i.-i is iipplicil, iti puia rHifVtnt quiiliiiLf Mil n-nlUMl. it will relieve tlie umt w. vert'pJiniu el liltt-uiiiijtieiH, i.utubug liui, l'aialysis, Tic D JoifllX, (Vc, 111 U It'W llillllll' ri. l'i?"iliiKi matisM Its Cuutu', Trcntuiiit ami Cure. ALU lUIi'.IMATIC PAINS INSTANTLY CL'ltfcD MY HAUWAY'H KKADY HKUKP, niiftitnatism urifies rroinditfcrpiit cnimcs, Ixit most grne rally pr-K?eelit Iroiu COUlf, f-ipmuie to cold dump weather, antl lepiii( in Uamp uvirlirit.-nta. Tliii compluiut la divi ded into two classes ; the first liiflnuiatory, bo culled from the BwelliiiK mid inilnnmmtiou tha' attends the iim in the purls nileeteil ; mtMiid, t'luouie Itliciunatie, mt culled frtun the l nr cuntiaua lire f the duteuite. it it alo known ai I.tmiljjrtt or pain in ttie ttuck ; SVintiriu. or pains in the hip nr urniu ; Anthrutlyniu, or pains in the joints. The Acute ulicuiuttiisiu generally ti rnutiates uilo une of llicc and becomes a chiome coniplaiuti , TO HKIJKVi: VOI R toHTl'Iir.8. Apply Itadway's Ready Helief, on a warfn Aaunet cl"tl, 1 previously balhinrr the purU with warm water, alfo take 30 or 40 droW of the Keliel internuUy iu some ntolanttes ! twice or thiec limes u day; this will give warmth to the , Btomarh, nud surely relieve ynu from all Kheuntatie puim. It isalso speedy and etr.ctual in it operation in the cura ' of diseused Sl'lNK. KITTt Jl TIIK HACK, LAMH- i NKS, SOltKNKSSUF TIIK JOINTS. Weuknem, ami 1 paih in the side, Nervous Headache, Tic Dolereux ant) 1'ixith Ache, Spuuius, SiraniH, Crainps in the Stoiivicli, 1'ilfS, S:rej, HuniH. Sculitu, Kriijitionit of the Skin, S mr St"UKich, Heart llurn, Uoaiseiit-)iuiut Stre Throat. Hea der, if y'U have the misfortune to he troubled with either of the above dintreitmg coinplaintP, be thntikfid t lint an aiitiihile for vour pains is at hand in HADWAY'S itKA- iy m;i.u:i. It ih erne to give your infant entc, and to your juy will chsnre ti u 11 spei.ily ami petit-et cure. S-e that inch botltlc has the lac eiiitiSe sipimtureuf Jtudway & Vo, upon each lalu-1 none other i genuine. A lilALTIl'l L l llTl Ui:. A N1AV I,Alii:U-5'J i;i:h r.NOHAVlNG. T protect the i-u). lie against purrhashi-r cuntcrfciiH of Hudway's I'liinee Metlicaletl S ap. It. tt iatlay, the 1,'eh-i.rait (I ChemiM ot New York, has ut u rr-jit cApenoe rn;t.'(iil t!ie Servti es of cm o1 l!ie tu'ct ultibt ofKlecleu tM'.i'ii;ff in American, unci will on 'lie ItiPl of April, lS.Hi. iMiit i;ulway's Mcdicnted H up in Ha new label. H in a beiiutiful steel entrruvinir. it represt-nis two female liures ol heailb unci bcinty, l'cuuiitj on u taMH and wT"il work, 11 wliich are the worilu "KuJw uy't .Mt'ilia1( d S mp1' ill ilUiiiiinuted letters. Cuthe oppocit. Rule of (he Uiblet is the lac mmie fcinnuturc of U. U, Jtst.!wuy The design i m il, cliaMe. ai titic. tnul clciiantly exet ut'-l. Till: YlltTl KSOl' Till-: SOAP iif also improved, tin- hif:h jv-'ptilarity whtfl. this f M-ellcnt s. ap haf uttaincd for its .superioi it y over all 01 hern for Toi let. jMeilicmid. and Shaving purpoiit s, has iinpriied us to ttri euiid unpiitve upon iih inci ttb. iiintead ol ' resting iti tistn-d n iih ull t ady ;tinul laioels. N'e have 11. W nleied ii'to urnm-jcineiitu tor tin imp -rial inn direct from our c r r:S)oinlenii in t'oiiKluntiu ple in TnrUcv, and Canton in L'ltiim. f or our tu'Vi-rul tuiw. kuiiia. buiamw. and extracts o rare uii'dn iuul vii'lui't), which e line in the lutuuitueture ot Uuilway' S.ap, m'sn-ad of re'civiuir thm fiom third panics, so that now we hare the flalii"achon of knowing the hlfrlily mcdii-al and haloumk pr -pel tie uf oui Soap are pure uihI undulteruled. AS HKAUTIl-'H'R OFTIIKSKIV. It surpasses everything of the kind in the world, it re mo e Hednefw, I'lmples, J!l oiehes, l'libliilea, Tetters Hasll. It cures Salt Jtheum. Kui Worm. Stre Heads. (Sores, Pus tular t-h tuitions. H iiitjurls liealtii to Uie akin and tieuuty to the ejanplexioii. As a uursi rv and Toilet 8 sip, it is te yond tue reach of riruti y, add W Hhaving puritosrs it is the best iti use, One cake uf Railway's Soap will last lou per tnsu three cukes of the same size of any other Houp iu use, therefore it is the cheujust and ln-M ftttp in the Wiirld. I'riee -25 cents, uirge cukes ut engraved wrapjiers, and the aiguuture ul K. U. Hud way udon each wrapper. Now through the Harem chamltcra many lights Of busy stiupes proclaim tho toilet rights While some bring halm from Circassian fair, To dress aad beautify their lovely lluir. Which makes the miids of Circaasiau sires Within tne breusts of kings pure love inspire. TO UHKS8 AND B&AL'TIFY TH HAIR. R ad way's Circassian Balm is beoomiuT quit popular, iu the course of time it will ehnersede all otlier or eim ration iu use, it cures baldness, strengthens the hair, eradicates duimrun,numuaea menair aoii, mie, and glossy, tiy using the balm as per dire 'turns, it will nuute it curl beautifully, resembling nuttire. Price 'cts., in large b'Mties. See that Had way Co., isnpnueach bottle. Ar, -II B Ma-'Mtcr, uubury Api d lc j1 cr'.'inl v ArrEALS. rpitK Board of Commissioner! in the county .1 of Northtimbcrliind, have agreed upon (ho following dotrs nntl places nnmed in the several township and Horoimlis in mid county, to honr and deeidn upon all appeals agreenliieto the seve ral Acts of Assemlily, in such ense made and pro vided, to wit 1 April 22, at the liouae of Michael Spnlx, in Cieorgo- town Lower Mahnnny. April 23, at tho house of Widow Hnker. Lit. Mali. " 21, " " of tieo, Smilli, Jiitkson tshp. " 25, " " of T. Heisscl, Up. Mahonoy, 20, " " ofM'm. Weaver, Cool. ", 27) .1 .. of C. Leifenriiiir, Wminokin. " 2'J, " of (Jco. Conrad, 1,. Auirustn. " 30, " Reliool house where election in held in Riifih township. May 1, at Commissioners oflicc for Cppcr An- piinla, and Siiuliury Corougli. " 2, at the houso of .las. Hilhnrn, for Point township and Northumberland. " 3, " " of llenj. roreinan, Chilisquaque 4," " of Frederick tstriclier, Milton. " C, " " of Ab. Kissinper, T urhut. " 7," " of II. J. Kceder, Delaware. " 8," " of Michael Rccder, Lew ia. JACOB HOFFA, CI1AS. WEAVER. WM. WILSON. Commissioners office, ) Comm'ers. Sunhury, March 23, '50. ) JESSE TTMEL'S ESTATE. NOTICE is hereby civen, that letters tcatamen- tary have been granted to the subscriber, on the estate of Jesse l.'mel, dee'd, late of Lower A ugusta township, Northumberland county. All persons having claims to said estate, are requested to pre sent them for examination, those indebted to tho estate are requested to mnkc immediate payment. SAMUEL REITZ, Executor. Lower Augustn, March 10. 1850. Ot ESTATE Or JACOB GEEIKER, deo'd. iV OTICE is hereby given that letters of ndmi- ' lustration tic bonis vou. have been crnnted to the subscriber, on the estate of Jacob (ireiner. bite of Upper August-.! township, Northumberland county, dee'd, AIL persons imviiur claims to said estate, are rcqucMed to present Iheni 1". r examina tion, those mr.clited to the estate are requested to nmkc iiniueiliiitepnvinent to the subscriber in Suii burv. ' tiEO. C. WELKEH, A!i i -trtttor tie bonis non, Sunhury' March 1G, 1850.-tt ESTATE OF HAK7IAH VASTIATE, deo'd. 1 lYrif'T la ln'rp'ii- niven. liml leliprfi lestflllii'll- tuiy, have been granted to the subscribers on the estate of Hannah Vastine, late of Rush town ship. Northumberland county, dee'd. AH per.-ons indebted to said eslate. or bavin? demands against the same arc requested to call upon the subscri bers for settlement. 1? EN. I. F. VAs'i'lN E. JAM ES ECK.MAN. Executors. Rush township, March 23, 1S50. fit ADKINTSTHATOR'S NOTICE. JV OTIC E is hereby hen, that letters of Adiiiin-- istration on the estate of tieore Dcjipin, lute of Jackson township, Northumberland county, dee'd., have been (minted ' 'he subscrilier. All persons linving claims against the estate, will pre sent them for examination and settlement, and those indebted will please make immediate pay ment. WILLIAM DEi'l'IN, Adru'r. Jackson tshp., March 9, 1850. Gt TO FARMERS AND MEM OF Bl'StXESft. OILS, CANDLES AND GUANO. riMIE subscriber offers, nt tho lowest rates, in. X any quantity to suit purchasers, GENUINE PERUVIAN GUANO, and every variety of SPERM, WHALE, LARD, AND TANNER'S Oil. M inufactitiers. Tanners. Farmers, Dialers and Consumers, tire invited to call. tiEO. W. HIDGWAY, No. 37 North bancs, the lirst OIL STORE below Race street, 1'luljdelphi.i. April 0, 18o!. Cm Ilrowu'si Iscncc of" J:)mui a ;iu K r. Prepared only h?i Fralerick Jirouui. at Itis Drn'1 and Chemical Store. North Fast Corner of Fifth and Chestnut streets. Philadelphia. rjlllE E.-scnce is a preparation of unusual ex . celh-nce and of varied prnpeities. In ull cases where a powerful nud safe U requiiid, it is unrivalled for eli'u aey as well us inunediate action. To the traveller and t the family circle it is invaluable, as a few drops di'utcd insular and water present a sale cud iiu recti hie remedy to the invalid who requites immediate relief, as well us to the convalescing atient who needs u pontic tonic. In a Southern climate, where the relaxa tion ofthc system fo generally induces thirst for stimulants, it will uUvavsbe found ail excellent substitute for those tempting beverages which de bilitate the stomach and cause a morbid condition of itn powers. In dyspepsia, in relaxation i.f the bowels, in nuussea and sea-sickness, it is an active and safe as well as n pleasant and refreshing re medy, and is prescribed by the most eminent of the medical faculty. A supply ot the above received and for sale bv II. li. Musser, Sunhury. April 6, 1850. Cm TWO LARGE NEW CANAL -"BOATS FOIt SALE. rriIE Subscriber has just completed at his Boat Yard in this place, two large Canal Boats, which he offers for sale. These lioats ary construc ted in the best manner and of tho best materials and will he sold at reasonable rates by applying to IRA T. CLEMENT. Sunhurv, March 16, 1830. S'JSQUEHAITITA PACKET 1,1X15 FOll 1850. The Siifpiihiiunn Rackets will commeiicc run niiia: on the lSch inst. 'J'lie I'aelicts will leave Noi'thumhc riniid every eveuinu ut about 10 o'clock for the Junction and arrive in time to take tbc ears to l'hiladelibia, the same day. They will also connect with the cars tor ritlsburs. The Packets lor Willi.imsport will leave Nor thumberland at about 3 o'clock in the morniiur. A. E. KAPP & CO. North'd March 10, 1S50. SIM'KUVccCOOPKIJ, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Tor Uif salt- of l'isli mill Provisions. .Vo. 9 JWJITII n jLlRl'ES, riiiLATVcLrniA. Mackerel, Wind Cod and Dun Fish, Salmon, Herring, Cheese. Philadelphia, May ijlh, 181U ly. FBIIT ii OU.AMK.T.4Ii TKEliS" PERSONS in wuut of any Fruit or Ornamen tal trees can be. supplied cvsry few days from the nurseries of Mr. Perkins in New Jersey, hy applying to H. 11. Manser, his agent for thisplacs. Sunhury, April 6, 18o0. flEA8, from the New York Canton nd Pckin JL Te Company. I or sale by i. W. FKILING. Buhbnry, Pee. 8, IMS WHITE BRANDY for preserving brendy ' ' peachee of en excellent quality, fiir sale try . . XI. MA5HJSK. Sunbupf, Sept. S2d, 1849 I RAISIN 8, currante, citron, cheese, pepper sauce, &c. For sale by J. W. FKIUNU Bunbury, Dec. t, 1848. I" ETTER envelopes, of rafiioue kinds, f.r sale it this eftice. 1 iJMT r IT HlVl CHERRY PECTORAL: Tor the Cure of oouons, COLDS, HOARSENESS, BROIT OHXTXS, CROUP, ASTH. MA, WHOOPIira.OOUOK AIJD OOIJSUIVirTION'. The uniform success which has attended the use of this prrpnrnlio.i its Falutary effect its power to relieve and cure affections of the Lumrs, have (rained for it a celebrity equalled by no oilier medicine We offer it to the alllietcd w ith entire confidence in its virtues, and the full belief that it will subdue and remove the severest attacks of disease upon the throat and Lungs. These results, as they become publicly known, very naturally attract the attention of medical men and philan thropists everywhere. What is their opinion of L'JU'.iUU I ECTOluAL may be seen in the follow in ir : Valentine mott, m. d., Prof. Surgery Med College, J'eie York says : 'It gives nie pleasure to certify the value and efficacy of Aycr's CHERRY TECTORIAL, which I consider peculiarly adapted to euro di seases ofthc Throat and Luiis." CHIEF JUSTICE EUSTIS, of Louisiana, writes "That a young daughter of lus wus cured ot several severe attacks of Croup hy the "CHERRY PECTORAL." ASTHMA AND DROCHITI?. 77ic Canadian Journal of Medical Science. stales, "That Asthma, nnd Dronchilis so prevalent iu this inclement climate, has yielded with surpri sine rapidity ta Aye's ClIalURY PECTORAL, nud we cannot too strounlr recommend this skilful preparation tothe Profession rind public generally." Let the relieved sutVcrcr speal; for himself: il.t in rou ii, Jan. '(!, 1S1 7. I'r. J. C. Aver Dear .ir: Having been res. cued from a pain Tel end dniaeroua tliscuse by by your medicine, mutitudv prompts nie to setiil you this acknowledgment, not only in justice to you, but for the information of others in like uf llicliuu. A sli.;!it cold upon the lun.!. nedectcd ut first, became S'" se-.ere that spit:iu;r of Moo ,1, a vitd; nt riuu'i mid jirofusc night sweatd followed and fas tened upon inc. I became emaciated, could not sleep, was distressed by my eotnjli, mid a pain through my c!ic.;t,ai d in sh irt had all the ul irm iii'v s inphcns of quick C'U?sum;itinn. No medi cine vcetned at all to reaeli my cac. nntl I Tovi dcntiallv tried your C'ii:;inv I'ictouil, which soon relieved and now has cured inc. Yours with respect. E. A. STEWA RT. l'llKI'AUVII IIV J.C, 4 V K II . C1IKMIST, LOWKI.l., JIAS1. tlT Sold by Henry Masser, .Sunhury; Mary A, McCoy, Northumberland- Dr. Gearliart, fe linsruvc ; Dr. Ucckly, Danville, and Druggists generally. April'fi, 1850.- lycc"m SPRING MILLINERY GOODS. JOHN STONU & SONS, lMPOKTKRS AND PEAI.F.I18 IN Silks, Ribbons, and Millinery Goods, No. 45 South Second Street, PlIII-ADE! I'll I A . VtTOULD call the attention of Merchants and Milliners visiting the city, to their lurge und rich assortment of SPJllXU MILLINERY GOODS, received by late arrivals from France, such as Glace Silks for casing Bonnets, Fancy Bonnet and Cup Ribbons, riain Mantua nnd tS-.mii Ribbons, from No, 1 to No. 12, French and Aincrieun Artificial Flowcis, White nud colored Craje-;, French Chip Huts, Fancy Nets and .ae Fancy Triiiiiniii.-s, tuillincs, Cr.iwns, 'Pips. Covered WhuleboiH"'. Ii'.'ehrams, Cane, c. Together v i'h CMiy aiiiele tippertiiiliimr to the Millinerv trade. March '.vt, I -.";. 1m JAMIS t OCipr.l!. I!IU' l AMI'.litiN. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, t'orrfs's;,!:, Pf iti.yt3:lH 4';i:aJ.y, 17II.I. collect liuuiie -, aln-ud to litigated cases, ' and act in a'.elils iu tiic niaiia.;etneiit of Estates, c. Fcr-otis il ii in-; their seiviccs, uiay rcfi r to the folhiv. iii- etiiiciiK-ti : I'lll LA III'.! I'll 1 A . David rv Hr nva, Is mc H . Davis. Ci.l. nu ri YYte oil White. Vraueis . I! lek. Will. II. Iv-e.l. I'..- ., iris. Ijllihons. -.l'. Joel r:u..k. I.M1-, 11. II- iliewstcl, I.k.j. . Thoiups on Jones, l. NKW VOItR. Ploa. Moses II. (iiianell, 1 1-m. 4'lcu II -iTanil, Hon. .lame .Monioe, lloil, IMwatd t'-uilts. H-ni. Abbott Uiwrcnee. ItoaloN. John A ikes, I '-nj, I,ovi:ll Jane 8. l"l!) A1KXAM)KK (i. CATTELL, Bl'CCF.SSOR TO JAM I'S M. BOLTON, DECD. COMMISSION If FORWARDING MER CHANT, Fur the suits of Grain, Flour, Seeds, Iron, Luin- lirr &f. Fo. 13 North Wharves, PllII.AUKLI'lllA. Goods forwaided with care, to all points on the Schuylkill, I'nioii, tSusipuchaiiiia and Juniata Canals. t VSalt, Pluster, Criiidstones. &c, for sule at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, Juno S, IS IU ly iV II AT MANUFACTORY, No. SO North Second street, opposite the Madison House. IE subscribers would call the attention of Country Merchants anil Milliners to their ex T tensive ussiirtmenl ol la-hlolialile r-i'lllMJ AM) Mr M.Miiu UovM.Ts . mi 1 1 its of t!ui uewest styles. Also, a lai'.to cud general assortment of French and Ainericiiu Arlilb' flowers, Ribbons, Crown Linincs, Oil Sill., Wiie, tjuiilin rs. iliickram, iVc, whieh llicv ciVer ut prices that defy competition. N. H. Palm Leaf Hats bv the case or dozen. W. M. & J.''.. MAl'LL, Uouiict end Hut Manufacturers, Ul) North d str.'et. Philadelphia June 5, ISl'J. 1 HE I'liKAF BOOK STORE, Cheap Nkw tk Skcond hand 1'ook Siokk. A'u. 30 N. Siuth St. It ween MtirLet Arch, hiludtlililtl. Law Hooks, Theological and Classicul Books, MEDICAL BOOKS UIOCRAPHWAL HISTORICAL HOOKS, SCHOOL HOOKS. ticiKNTIFIC AND M ATUKMA'l ICAI, BOOKS. Juvenile Books, in qreat variety. Hymn Iiooki and l'rayei Books, Bibles, ell sizes and prices. Blank ISouks, Writing Paper, and Stationary, UViolfale and ttttatl, W Oira prieea are muchl ower than the esr.eLAR prices l.liuuries and small iureela of h-H.k'a purchuieJ. t's?" rhsika imported to order from London, I'hiludelphiu, June w, lt4U y BOOT MAKER, vYb. 40 Souit Fourth Street; Philadklphi a, AT" HERE every variety of French Calf Skin Morocco, Patent leather, Congress end Gai ter boots, ofthc best style and workmanship, are constantly kept on han't or inutiulacluuM to ordrr h'l, )Bo0 -m W1M.I4BIS' AXTI-mSPEPTIC Et.IXIIt t, with tlie utmost canflrtVnfe, rff-rrrtto tli t Mcillml Ksniltvsnil Ihi-rul'lic l'orlliseiiriof lypp- or Indigestion, and all diteiise arising from it, such NunupS, ITenilnclis, VerliU'i. riininrssnf Pifflit, Uctulity of the Nervous Sy--i tiati. IIyorhnii(1r!i, .faullflics, l'ssnt'sppclits, WsBting ol tlie slrenatll-l-'liiliileiiee, witli hcijaciil tii't'-llllivof Willi), pilions Vomillni;, lturiiinir senwii ion at ths pit of Die stomach, TJver complaint, Opprrff.tni nftrr wUlnr, Pnlpitntion m'thellonll, I'nin in tho pit "f Hi stomach oi toM unlH the right side, Cllown"s of cruplctlen, jUcpr'Ssien of ttie spirisi sntt VltlICitUlftl Con.litiiiioii nnd uneasiiieKi irrilubihty of tinjisr, Stxt. ot lliu b.nvels, I If n cape of dy.pnpsia sVoutd be llplnrtpd, tnest s.iriruk cfli-cs may etmne. lor It Inyslhef mnrtati-iii for, is lha in eipeni rimse of, and vrry rrpipicntly teriniimtes in eeiiBaiiip ti u. I wenM impriss up;a tho mind pint to hille with lliis tliseae ni-iy he l-spi.,l illi the Ti-nsou vvliieh c-'iisli-letes irtaii !nper(ittiinni nin-'i;g nniiiiid heincfr, nr to mii hittcr existence hy Uiidmg u ueuaeiijuiiierB ol folly to III peiiiittv "f piinl. Tins invdu'iiin Lie ally pat. up in b'll!r, with ample dirreti ns lOr itpi;, and is sold in Sanbarv bv .Inn- w. fnti.iMt. JAMI'M Wil.l.lA.MS. T.stimopv nf Mr. AlinT l-ilinis, h-nter, Mnrket street nlm-p SlMtli. r rr l Ttiiive of the t'lhcacy of WilliHins Aiiti-lJvHpcptic lhitir 1'iiii.ADEi.rniA, October 3, 1819. Ma. Jamra ' : Iicnr Sii i It plvcs me prent pleasure to knnw thst yoa are nKnin prcpnrinjf yr.n m.'-dirine f'T the rare of l)ypq f'tr ninny of my eciu:'iillnnccs hsve reprstedly asked me whre itcmikl tie proem ed, knowing thnt I had been cured hy it. As I think thnt n public neknnwledgnient of the great benefit I have received ir ml I he use of your med icine is n it only due to you, tint niny he useful to others, I nnw make it. I'or several years 1 antrum! from Dyspep sia, which Increased lo such nn eileat that lav health nnd constitution were rapidly sinking under it , l wss com pel!' to reslriet tuvaelf In ihe ninat aiuipte fisul, and even Hint I cou!:' not digi-rt. I felt a loss of strength, ilisineli tint i-in lo exereiti1. nnd. ns you have it in your ndvertlre. inent. a genernl feeling of ' depression nnd indeoci ihnhle weariness. Ill tha year IkH. hearing from others high re coniinendnlioii of your Anli-I3y"peptie I'Mxir, 1 prooured and used it with the most happy cflect j under it niflucnes l inctior nnd wariness grndunlty passed nwny. nnd my ope tite returned whieh 1 could gratify Willi 'impunity. Tea years have n iw elapsed, nnd my cnfideuee in the curative powers of your medicine has of course inerensed, lor it eoinpleiely e'ured me when I failed t-iol'tain relief froin any other source. 'ery rcspeetfullv vonrs. AIlM'.n F.I.MF.S. Testim inv of I'.dward II Rowlev, Wlmlesile Merchant of the tirm l f llovlev. Ashhiiunei tt Co., No 5 South Wh'irvep. ia proof iif the eilieaey of Willinnis' Anti-Uj-s-peptic Kli.vir. Pint. -.PKLCiilA, October 50, 1840. Mr. ,Tmm U'ir.t.Kv. : Ue-ir Sii : I 1--U' pteai-iii-e ia reeomriru 'iej y-mr Anti l)v;iejtie 1-oixii-foi tlie cm - of 1 n-spepMa. I have taken il myself loi the diji- 'e. mi 1 lir e liei-u entirely cured. ViMlTS retn.-i'ifuCv. r.invAKi) it. nmvi.EY. Aor.x-r .lrt'l W 1 iill,l.(,. Muf.arv, I'a. Maich 0, I. .. ly TI33 VADE-IIiCtTM coMi'iustNr, a coi.i.iir.TioN 200 VALUA15LE II EC I PES, Lt the Useful and Interesting Arts with a few Mtuple nud t'lil-ioiis l-tieriiueuts in rilKMlSTItV : I NCLl'DINO Medicines, I'erfiiiiiery, Chemistry Cookery, Farriery, Dyiiur, Coni'ectionary, Do-nit-'itic Ecouoniv, etc. etc. cte. Frieefil- cts., for salebv " 11 EN RV" MASTER, tiun'.mry, Dec. S, 1 ID. CHARLES . II EC. INS, AT LAV, rttYi!ic, i'a. Will priniitly attend to collections and all busi ness entrusted to his cure. June til, 1st'.), ROUT. I.. SKTI1. TIIOS. IV IJ. PKTII HKTII Sc IIIIOTIIKR. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND CommicicCoii i-Hrvtfiitnt, 1MO. G9 PRATT STHT1ET, (Niitit Bowi.v's WiiARr.) BALTIMORE, Will pay particular attention to the sale ofORAIN and nil other products of the farm. Baltimore, January EC, 18.,0. ly II.lItDlcVG & EIOLftVS j-rfTlOLF.LE Commission PAPER and V V WAREHOUSE, No. IU MINOR Street, Philadelphia. Where a r-encral assort ment of all kinds of Paper is kept, and for sale ul the lowest cash prices. ?:;, Lctivr and Print "hi Puiiein, &.V. i3 Is: us;!. Plain nud ruled white Cans. ' blue Flat Cans. Plain and ruled white Letter. " Muo " L'luc and while Folios. White and coloied Priutiiig Paper Tissue Mine " Wrappiutv " Envelope " Hard ware and r-1 esthing l'ape.r. 'l'ar iioards. Straw lioirds, lionuct L'oaril.i. All orders IV.iin the Country will be attended to at the shortest notice. All Roods sold will be carefully packed, and de lUcrcd ut any place in the city. The highest cash price paid for Rues, or cx chanped for Paper, as low us cull be bought else where. Please call and examine for yourselves. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, lolU. STONE! WARE. TjlllE subscriber would most respectfully in L form his fiieudsand a generous public, that he is inauuf.u-turiiitr the best ipiulity of STCNS WAfiB, in all its varieties, and is prepared to sell a little cheaper than any other manufacturer in the L'nion. He is also importing und dealing most extensively in CHINA, CLASS AND QUEENSWARE, which he offers on the most reasonable terms. His Potteries arc on llond street north of Fay ette, and China store und dwelling at No. 8, E. llullimore street. DAVID PARR, No. 8, E. llalliuloro street, liii.riMSR t, Maryland. Fehiuury 1R."0. ly ftraSXCAXi HOUSE, KSTAUI.1SIIKI") 13 YKAllfS AOO, BV i)Iv. KiNKKLIX. X. IT. Cvntcr ot 'Html cud I nin Streets, it v. yw i'A.s ri'iti'i'i-: Ar i'i:;r. stiukts, Ill'Tl'I'V YKAIi "f ritiiitftw nnd uiiPitrrruptpd iHMi'i n4-RfM-tii in linn niv liavu I'finlurt'il lr. K. llut in ifct filial iia'i Mii'ft'S'.'Sdii i'i;H'til. iinT l'ar nnd lit:ir, in hn h i-Ti'iii' iil ul' nil iliM-iMHoi'n priv-tii' nntiiry. l'r nut nHltctfd with nifi-isi up m tin h, n It-;, pimm m tin' lu;il r it nn1'-. i.itsi ui vil i hi umat it-iii, kii ictutrs, (jravi-l, dicii-rt.- uiisniK ii 'iu y-m ni uli t m i 'r iunitii tin h ni ilie hi .oil. w lift i hv ttie i. 'UMttiUi m ltd vc- me ciM'urhU-d, arc itlt Itr ilt'il Wl'll Hi.i'tHH. He w i'i.p(;ici h.uut-li uu.Vr tt:c e;n e i.i lr. K , tuny re- hfi tly t: 'uii !' !!! ii";i"r ;is u Lulk-uutn, uud coiitidt'iit ly rcl Uii n In us a Iivhn-uim. t.vki: i'.uriit i.LAU ndTici:. Yt'tnitf M'-n vh ha iiihifrd tli m..d v hy a rrlaiii pi art in- indnlt(ll 111 0 lui'it l i -vilL'tit ly U umM tVi nn evii tMiiipatit'tii- nr ul the cil'i'im'1 wlali re nightly lV'K, t'Vi-n whi 'i H.-!f--p, nnd de my l"'th inind und l dy, liquid ,M!y iiimiidiuu-l. Wealiurw mid 'iihtituttnmd debility i iiitif-iilaf i-iitTfry, physu-al laituilw und frn end pr.mtrali 'ii. init.ihriiy and nil nfrvunt Hih-iiJii, iitdi-Hr-siii-n. tiltiVL'i!im H "t" t'i 1h'I, mid fvury duciajt in uuy way potiiHvti-d with the dw rdrr if the priK reutivo Tunc tiiti cured, und hill vig-ar rtl ired. YOUTH AND MANHOOD, A vignroui life or a pre mature death. E1NKELIN on (tlf rrservatiuu. ONLY 25 CKNTS. Thi ) k pnhhuhodii flllfd with usrful mt' urination on the infinniiuis and disoawa tit tho Ot-Jiemttve tirtfnur ltuM.irrn.i l itutlnililve l V OU'i il, MAM1UUD and UU) Atil't and khouid be icad hy ull. Tha valuable advice and impresaiva waniiiifr it ftivea, will prevent yuarauf misery aiidaudtiring aud auva aiuiual ly Tiiouannda oi l.ivca. Parent hy reading it will learn how to pi event the dea trtH'tiou thfir children. A ri'inluunce ol brents, enekwd in a letter, ad iireaeltiUH. KI.NKKUN, N. W. cruer of TH1KD Sc I'MUN tttrceta, Uh wtn-n spruce 4 Pine, Philadelphia, willeuaure a bit, under envelope, per return of mail. Perauni at a dnaauce may addreaa Vt K. by letter! (post paid,) ami tw1 cund at li ane. PACK AtiKS 4K aMi:ilCIFE5, DIHKCTIONS, Ac, firvtrdfd by w udiujr a remittuuee, and put up aeeuic from DVMA6K tn Cl'HUtSTY. B-xik-aalterA, New A c " t s. Pedlar t. f iprttrvtf. fn1 all other fcunplit'd with the nhjve vioilt at vv lew la'.e. I fi'iu-in 0 -Iv fOMSfll Tn nil Ch-ktlnnbefl nnd clviji; ottntH'aA. htn rmi-d h Inru- r jin.j.ottii.n ot tlrmlm ifmn any nti r tniilfl'iy thm Hflnfrr ilio hutnnn fnnci? : m , until within lew ymi, tin-re hit tint lnvn my certain rf-meJy tu dfViuiii Uun ut Ilia dentioyttr. llut nuvr BRANT'S INDIAN ) ' !0Y l iti Ctrr r.vit wftiw dT thn mopt rtrotj?lv mmk' d Rnd Ht ) i)mt cH.cs ol i'ulvionary Ci'i:mi"i HhAL, umtoubttJ CHSf.-J ol Vi rrnfi fi mid tit-cascl liS iitcli knpclfavm- nee n ft-n tiviT hi'lnni cirr J ly nT itlir in-ctVm 8o 'utterly hfipttcts with soum nf thn nHhet d pi-Tumi. to linro Iniii lU'oiiuihiceri hy phy.iidttnn hikI JriiuU in bt ac ic ai. I,T nvtNd. Scnui. is ho IihiI lliclr Ijiii iMi-cluihei tnniln, Uavo hvn cUrt il. nril rc liVn ci(hr!i. wlm it wn ui.l w.iuH iut live luintiitir'ilr.y, tr nuw ut well nnd lir-Hiy ah ilmy rviT wviv. It I'li'-op" tilt tit' r'n. tlnf Sim pii if hrDj virtue rmntly nt owrrlul mid active it tho jru iuntiii which BRANT'S INDIAN UnlYlNO t XTR ACT Thl rliir.-r frijm tlmt, !f pitiir rh uwtn srr-ral o:k t MV U-a'iant w li -h mv ptculi'vlg d to, h'ii! ure dura tially nrresenru, to curn Coughs and Cnstimptions, ml nil (linm of jiulmutinry nature nurh diumws nt nnuily pri.v. fo fntnl under ui'tiumry trcntiiifjni, wb':n lli-y t'"ck tl'e llrriisf, Throat, Uinss, m Heart. Thlfl BALSAM hralt ani cure ll:n-r in the l.tme. nnd rlit-w luTi- ititerualii. rrtnn1y nntl ta-itv fin tho Prm ptinci Kx tract mi fit tin.) hrnl nl.'ir- rr'trnnUit. Thit. lirti'-im uioi jVffif ctinf nt V.rAxh mitt Consumption out ol' Ten, after nil olhor rumcilit t Imth failed to dn g md. Thousands of Consumptions mid Chronk (meh, nV.imTntttly pmrt It VnfaWvf rfi ww in Mii h disciifi'i, mid il nivliMtlMtid rnt-ntivn puwtT, ud eutfttiin, lu-hliinr pmpr'itieft. iu iho fnlluw in rom pluu!? and dii'iir. viz.: $fiuin of h'orni, filedtng at thr-. I.iriift. fain in tht fir-ast r.-fl ,sUe. A'f Sirrat.i Ar rrnn CompUtintt, Palpitation nf tiit Heart, Cfioirra htfnn iifeniry und Simmer Complaints iu Chiltirtu'md Adult-', Afthna, ;.d ALL FEMALE WEAKNESSES & COMPLAINTS. Nn fm.'ily tht hn lirfn rf'vfd f th puMitr lin wr Ijt'i'ii half a rrrtatn nnd fTcrJiif' in ronrtimf ALL the in i ' tl ' 'f t'tl iceak)tr-:r mid irncuhir'-t' if ti t1 li-tn ilc fir, nn IMAM'S JTLMONARY HALS A M. Jt no Ull ft ri'iifn w Imtli'-r liif ilTtini-i'Tri'"!' h Pitin-Ki -n tp , nr t!ir incidental tr rYi.;:. ii I, ( ;( , I ; . , ( AI-I., h ftrrn ifthniiiif th" pvpI'TiI. f-r.'-V- 'n-' ir i'h'ittf unll rofii;r -n il tAla:l'p:r Ni:ir. "L'S 1 li fUTAUi I.ITY. 1'nytj.Jth-t t -r iiiifit. Owli k U .J.-. J. . . A Dying Woaixi C;u'c:T ! V'f p'nU: t;ii nt: thi H '.I.-AM f- ii jtovi' t'.p yotrr ft . rvr li . T'1m Veil h'tf- ii-T'.i 'il i" ftm-i 'tr d. t-y p'-vl i:m nn 1 trir 'ic'tr ' y di'ht rr - cr thni: I n:i.l ,'(.- rJ I. i-i thi- t .-. j'rr 'Kr.s Wit.! 1 'i';'.t J- V tit.; I mint 'M'j i.f f)i- . citti ilif rr ;. f i' 1 th" eh i uiti. t'liii.-t's nii.i IMMi'lli.F.'.-i. 'i nir rfTi-rt. d o:i M rt'!.-'nt ,';r, y-am-npa C'" . N Y, a diitl'-t. TJJ.JJ.'f.'t 'u-y H'tn r "!!' : lil.T lu O'.ii pvkt:mav. o' cmii prut'tt, !s "V Ml,, t 'I'im'" f?.;fir' "."('iv Miijif.' -. i Ft! i ;n': t 0"'P;N r-.,v,,.,.i.' ton C' i, iiu'h t .1 inrurnbU I y cidlini ;h-ji iai.s. in-r :'. i Jul'7D3. CCC7PLAINT. icv ihi? vur- ot 2'r. Jhrhbard. i.l'Hirni'nrd, ;t., ntid uthrri Dyspepsia ! Sf It r cn-v of V S J(Vi'34. m-'v linn'. f At'icn, Wyo tn'nj l o . N V.. itt.d m:u;y Mitt. i. in inir Pnuij 111. t. Dysentery 8c Summer Complaint in 'mi mtrt .Jj nr? i'it'i" rurr.-l. 1Vexlv CIu! Irtn wi!l Ii'-chmio jlf'hv- ffitl'ht nnd hearty, iu:d gruw rai.lly, hy t!ir tips H KSA M. No iim Ui t tu'f-il i'Vi r iijuiirn tho d :h uf hrr rl ild liy C'Jm.I-'I-h Tiriniii, tfinliin, if IUIA'VS ITLWONAHY UAI.SAM bo n.!:niNil. n d. It luml.i br, tr inch cuice, given in hu'Cr than the ordinary doiei. uJCf'JRS & PHYSICIANS RECOMMEND 'V':r ',,11., -.vine -il riiro-j n:j.l P ,vii'in liars liU-li.y reruiiiiii l.-J llHANT S M KnlCIMiS : I'r. V. Ill.Wl Uttl. Slninf.,1-,1, Cunii. llr. J. N. SMt I'll, l.uvii. N. V. Ir. HOSrfMAN. IS8 ll. nry .Ir.-ot, llrouklni, N. Y. JJr. T. M. III.-X I'. Aiilnirn, N. V. ri.-. IKO. HiANl.'IS. Mi.t.Ucloirn. Conn. Ilr. (li;!",. . HOfiKIIS. Until. N. Y. Dr. 8. Wlltr1! t-'r.'.i.iiiii. N. Y. t)r. L n. (iAI.KN f'NK, Hyriin. K. Y. llr. J. O. HlltFMAV, 1-.iCttfvii!.., N. V. Dr. J. HKIXNTIt. llunrv Pr.Kiilj-n, N. Y Dr. (J. fc'iiirMAN, C'urtiaii.l. N. Y. I-on SAI.K nV J ihn W. Krilir.jr, Suubsry Pa. Mary A. .McCsy NTtlllinibsratMd. J .hii II. liiisei Milt'HI, I I'.-riry J. SliarflVir dn Kilwiirit A. Kutzurf a A(t:ii:i r'onrliil riit'rgr.-iTa. Ilnvrs Mdl'ortnick, MrKweusvilis, V. V. I. r.-iinter, Mimcv, J V. Mntm ft Civ, Imjlirsviiie,'.rl Wilm, New llei tin, 'rtriml'in ,V Lnkor l.ewislmrf , i. J.'r iiii', ilm-'prii, V. II. Ui.-kl.-y, li:iiivi,. r, I, l.ntz Jnliii n . M-n-fr. 11! KMiTiliiirir. All li'tl.'i-f! nti.l iirtt-'i-s iiiiisl le uil.tress-Ai to W'sllooo it Co . rul liriu'lwnv. Nrw nr'K. Sniil.iirj, July il. lot!) ly. KliiKii!iio I.ffc tu:ri smro, Anu:iilj a'ttl Ti Ht C'oHir-any. (1F1ICV. 71 W.M.NIT S l'lti.i.'r, I'Al'll AL 1 il'jUIS). ClIUlTLK I'I11I.AU'.I.P!1I.V. Pkui-kical. ri-l III. r iiir.iiny :irn li'iw pi'-ireit t tr.ius.r-l t.'i.-.Meo I "I' nrt' ni'I l iic niwsi hl.cnii mi l :i,.,-.".ii!-i'jL' -i.s l:-i iii.i. i .it-y i;i7ri1 l.v tti'-ir c!nrl-r (pit-l. ;tl "t- ri ik s'l and fv-i v ui.-iiiii'i' f ;iiii-r!-iuiiii l-i n:r ns-s m wi. itfv.ii kind or ii.ituri'. t i n-i-civi? ami rfci!e irusin, ih.rr cn.L-w-nit-:i!". :u!it l" i":iut unit 'iirt-'i : . 1 1 . 1 1 1 : t i . 5 . Tl'i; Com I'liny fc-lt iiMinutii-s ami I'liit j'.vii.'eiitn. uii.l ;icl as TrusLuua nr iinnnra aad tuirs. I'-iHe ol' i'rciiiiniits re,;iuri-.l t 'r Itjn A--r.r:iii-e ut" SlOll ler tlie vh ile K-rm i-f l.u'o. A-e. Prim. I Age. Prem. lj;e. Prfm. ill i ,-,u I ni a n: 4d :l M 17 ISI- H !.') 17 n 43 H 1 .',(1 .'l: 91 4' DM I'.l I I SII III '-' 41 3 ? JO till At 'J :p 5'l 3 U4 Ul 1 till l 8 J" St 4 13 V) I Uii t!7 4 47 5-J 4 ;cj 8:1 1 !! 31 a it M 4 51 a I I 7-2 311 a III M 4 71 83 1 ;tl 40 a 711 65 4 HI ad i m 4i si o m a7 i to 4a a w 57 5 3-i SH 1 il 43 3 01 5 4 54 lil) lilf 44 3 1'J 5'l S78 ao a Ul 45 3-il 00 U3 The premiums nre lew linn nny uther c ntwny, and lit p4lirirs ulftrd p renter advnula . Tnhivs o hall'-yearly nml quurtt'rly premiums, halt' credit rat en tf premium, short tinn, j-lint "Uvea, iurvivnrsliipii und endowmeuttt ; alu , form 't' Aj)plifii''it (t't which there ure U;niji lirrlt) are ti he had uii :mp!iratiHii nt the ntlira, oi hy letter ta the Agent, J. II. H UDY, Sunhu.y. HTir ppr mn'iJ'o eplP'.' on a tuigla Iif Affe. Tori year. Por 7 vean. pui' Ufa. it bl J 9L M 9) 1..i0 V. 01 40 1,--N( 1.01 2.70 5) 1.NJ 2.07 Ini 5!) 3, Id 3.y7 6,03 l'xAMi't.K A per km ngrd yi:ar ii'st hirth day, hy jviyuif; th' t'iiri,iitjiy fKi t rij! wum'd Kfvurr t hi family or heir 1 tHi'd lie dii hi one ear : r fur Fp tftl he nit eitrts to tiii'in !lt0; or lor aunnaiiy lor aovfii year tie FtH'tin ii tu then i &I0O0 nil ull lit- die in arvra yearn ; or I t .'0.411 paid unnu;il!y durimr hlir he sct-urcs ir-iiHlt) to ha jianl whi-n he dies. The tntiirrr Stt'iiiiii!; hit nvn h uiun, Ih- t!u diii'crciK'e in aui 'uut ot preuuuum iroiu Lluve charged hy ui!u-r oilicci. pu.- l(j.i0 lliC hcit"? wuiId teceive til Ull'l he lll: iu nut' yen. I'linng ofuppliL'uii'iu mid nil pr.rl i"ul:i- imv ha hnd ut the oih. r. Pi; Ti:ii t'l'l.LLN, President. Yi.-e Pi'iKiiUrut, Y.ij. .M. Iaiiiu. Kuv sr ik V. Hawi.k, S-'n-tiiy und Treomirrr. Cu-Tsi'riN.i l'itYlCl. I Jr. J. H Mi!e, SiniImrT. J. II. I'i r.i Vj auburv, Agwil fur Nurihjmbcrlaud eouu ty Sunhury, July 2, IttO. ririrj PROor chests, FDR HOOKS, PAl'EUS, JEVKI.RV,fcc. KVAjiS & M'ATSON, A'u. 90 North Third street, kwvoi A' ch and RulU, imJ H'i Hoek strict, orroi'ii: rut: I'hii.auki.i'iii i;xchange. t'alcitt S(iai-!tstiu Ilnel anil Key- Illl3 t'OVCl SALA2AtIDERS, FIUE AU THItF I'ltOOF IKOX ( IltSTS, .X-r-y. AVarnmli-il lo alinul mvire llvai V t'iii'.J5i-"'-.': Also l'mi-iu Air-ChiiinlHir lm 'j'":-.!! v,l t'liieta, HilKI nmv inline. Tiny 4 HW-VII;1 - also r uillnue 'jn luike Die i riiuiu- l-i ' hvM.. ' a'-lii V7Ti . rv I-'ire rr.,ifa, ut very lnw prieea ft !'P'"r iiiiciii r, nil. mil urn links, wiu Sir ('IISST V eya, wlm-h can be chajiffnd itvijfti iiiuuaailil llinea ciiuuiea Lie in luet everv Uuui Uie ln-k is used it (li-nuuble. TlwJie lAeka ure pr ml' Qfrniiiat ttie m.'St expert Tliievea, beir.,. aupplietl with III Vutent Key-hole Cover, ami matte very atronir. lliey uinnt be blown inii bv (innpowtler. Tlioee Locks are muuiled tor jJA.NKS, STO U I S A V KS. A a. 8ml and ieltei copying presaea, Bre proof dwrs for Bank and Slorea. - ' . Patent Slate Lined Refriaeialora, wiurnntfd anpenor la all Dilicra. Water Kiltera, bnowrr uattis ol the best qual ity. . I w Praona wiahini to ntirehara any of tha above ar tleles, will please Kivr them a call, aa they sell iheaier than Siiy other Ul uie t uiieu owiia. ' 11AVIU FVANS, s JOHANNES WATSON Philaitetphia, NoTember 10, 1MU ly 05K OINTMENT. A fresh supply oftUis . Mot-Unit srlirle for Tetter, ?.. )ut rweivj and for tale hy. HENHV MASeSER. tftmhury, J11K !i, 119 Caution Kxlra. A man by ths) mms of CI. A TP tins engaged, Wkk young man sf ths name of 9. !- Townsriwl. and saea bis nam to put up a rVirainrtltn, wliirh thpv rati Dr. Tows. amd'a Sarspnnlls dmominsling il liENL'INROrifinal, at; Tliis Townsend is no doctor, and never was ; but was for. tnerly a wurknr on tlia railnaiils, cnnalc, and tha Ilka. Yat he assumes the title of Dr., for the nurpos ol f sining erfdil fis; what he is not Tliis ia to rantioii the public not ta li dcreivpd, and purr-hase non out tlie Genuine Origiaal Ot lr. Jiicoh Townernd'e Biirapnrtiia, having on it the OI4 Dr's. likeness, hia family coat of arms, and his air, ret ire acroas the oisH of arms. .ir ; ..... J. i UV-vttf.., . i OLD DOtTOR JACOB TOWNSEND, THE oniGlNM, DI9CDVFRRR OP THK Genuine Toirns end akriaiSnrlliaj 01.1) Dr. Towiisriut is now otioi 70 yeara of aje, ari4 bus ln sr been known as the author and discoverer at Uie Genuine Origins! 'TownariKl Saraaparilla..' He incponr, he whs compelled to limit its manufacture, by whit-h niciina it hue been kept out of market, and the aalaa circninwriticd lo those only who have proved its worth anSl known its vslue. It had rettclied ttie eurs of many, never theliwa, aa tlioee peraons who hud lieen henled aorediaeeaea. end saved from death, proclaimed Its exeelleucs aud ww derful HEAUNO POWER. Knowing, ninny years ago, that hs had, by his skill, eel- enec. and experienced, devised an article which would be uf niciili-nuMc advHntoi'e to ninnkiud, When ones knowa nnd cxtenaively naed, lie hoped and perMVsredj axpectinf the time to arrive when the meana would be furnished I lirinirit into universol notice, when it ineatimable virtuas w mid be known nnd appreciated. This time has cone, tk menus nre supplied ; this Ult AND AND UNEQIELLED rhrpARATIO.H, f Is m:innf-u-tnrrl on tlie Inrirest scale, and is ealled for thr ;iij!liout the length unit breadth of the land, especially as it is 1' 'inn! ini-npnble ol' degeneration or deterioration. Let every ni'in ring throughout the kind, that Old Dr: Jacob Towiiweiui ia now mrmuluct tiring thereat 'Townsend tS;irs.-iuii illn,' which never souis, never ferments, and navar cliaum-i-im etuirueter. 1' tiiifl tiny forth tlie people shall hnve tha Para Gen uine Toivnficnd P:u-Hpuri!lu, which aim!) never sour ir thai Inttte, or in the ntoiiitieli, und it ahull yet bmush from tha Inud nil Fcnm-iitintr, pouring, F.xploliug. Vinegary Bar. snpiirillnn, now iu use. A giod tSurstt(isrilla, pure anf fft inline. omlIiI to live ; n poor souring, alip-slop &urssMi riila out'lit to droop nnd die. The Old Dr'a. f-iiranpaiiilu will keep purs and perfeet lim years. I nlike young S. p. Townfcnd"s il imnrovca with sga, and never etinneea. but for the better; because itis pre--iian d on ai-ieul ilie principles by a scientific man. Tha Iniiliet knowleiVe ol CliemiHtry, and the luteal diecoTeriee ol the Art have ut been brought into requisition ill tha liianului-llirc of the Ol.I) DU S SAltSAPAHILI.A. Thd S-irfiupui iita root, it ia welt known to inediqnl meni fcon luiiia in uiy nieli:'in:il projiertiea, and 8-mis prtpertias which nre inert or nfle., und others; -whieh, if reuined iu I'Ti-piinnir it for u, produce fermentation snd arid, v ! i ! . -! i ib iuj iiriou.H to the system. Some of tha prepertiea ot urFupai illa are ao volatile, that they entirely evaporate niulurel ist in Die prcpamliou, if they are not preserved ay by h seii-jitilic process, known only to thoae experienced id i:a in-iinir.iciure. Moreover, these' volatile nriuciplea which il y i if in vu;Mir,or us uu exhalntion, under neat, are tha veril (iseellal lle'lia, properties of the root, which give ia f ull Us vaiac. Any person enn boil or stew the root till they. t a dark; c-iloicil liquid, which is more from the coloring matter ia) the rot tliau from anytliiuir else ; they can then atrain thie insipid or vapid liquid aweeteu witli simr tnolnaaea, and then call it 'Surwivirilla Kxtraet or Syrup." But sack id not the nrticlc kitownua thfl UKNCLNK OLD J)K. J ACOB TO WNSEND'S 9A SAI'AKll.l.A. . ., that all the inert properties of tha Surwpurillu root ore first removed evary tiling capahla f beeoiuiuir neid or of lermentiation, ia extracted and reject' ed ; then everv particle of medicnl virtue is secured lh 1 pure nnd eonceiitiatixl form ; snd thus it is rendered inea pnlileof losinfi auv of its vulualile and healing properties. I'i varcd iu this way, it ia mads the most powerful agaal "' Ul" CTIti: OF INNUMERABLE DISEASES. Ileneethe reason Hhy we hear commendationa on ayarf side in its favor by men, women, and children. We find it doing wonders in the cure of innmptton, Dyapepsia. and Liver C iiiipliiint. nnd ill Hheuiualisui, Scrofula. Pilea) Cosiivincrn. all (.'mnneous Eruptions, riitiptes, Uletchas', and all aifectlonsnrisiiiu: from v IMi lUlTYOFTIir.nLOoD. Tt po;.iessea a marvolloua emcucy, iu oil complainta arising fr an indigestion, from Acidity of the Stomach, from aa ciu:il circulation, determination of blood to the head, palpi, tali m of the heart, cold feet und cold haisla, cold chill and hot II i.-lier over the b-nly. tlhua not its equal in Coldaand I" .ii-.'ln ; and promotes easy expectoration, and gentle par si -iiation relaxing atrictureof ths lunge, throat, and aver oilier purl. ' Hut in nothing is it. exi'elleucs mors manifest'y aeen an m-kuowlcdged than ill all kinds Olid stages or t tuiala Coss pliiu. II wo. wonders in cases of Fluor Allms or hitae. F:i!'in';o the Womb. Obstructed, Suppreaaed, or Pemfel .Menaei.. i rret-ului ity of lliu menstrual peliisls, Slid the Iikt nii.l iu i-i.'i-ct.ial in curing all lliefoiias of Kidney Dilisss. reinoi inv olislriieliona, nnd reirulutinir the general ava-le-ii, ii siiti t nie aiidsuength to the whole body, snd thad Clues all t" iruia -if . NF.ItYOt S DISEASES AND DEBILITY, And tiiiin prevents or relieves a great variety of other ma. hidi.-a. n Spin-il triiiiiti'in. Neuiolgm, St. Vitua Danea, : sw.i..!iin?. Epileptic Fits, (imvulMons. &c. Anl-v'.lii' wmlil I'nin have it underatmid that Old Dr. .lae ni' Town-cud , (ienuinu Original Suraaparilla, is aa i IMITATION of his interior precaution! - i Jl-iivco loriuil lliut we blioiild deal iu an article whieh I w on!. I bear thr ni ml distant resemblance to 8 P. Towa i ud's nrticlc! nnd which would liruig down upon tha Ol ' llr. sii ha ni iiialain toad of csnplanita and criminstione j from A-o-ms who have i!d. and purrlsiaera who have uaad IS. P. 'IVoviis.-mi's l-'crineutiiig Compound. N e wiah it na l.-rstood. bee.-in-e it is the nlis olute truth, that P. i- ,.rii, i.. iild llr. Jacob Townseud'a Saraa- p-irill i arc hcavi'ii-widc aimrt and minutely uissiiiuiur ; ma. they nre unlike in every puruculat, having uoi one aingia lliiiiu lu e. iinai ai. As S. P. T .w utend if no d t ir; nun never was, ia n lic-iuist. no pharaiuiieculist knows no more of medicina ir disease than any other common, nnaciciititic, unprofes sional in in. what guarantee can the nuliliu bale inai iney ure icceivmg a lii'iiuine s-ientilic meilicine, c intaining all tUc virtues, used la re(Bi ing il,nnd which nre ineiinoble of a n Inch u:lcht lender them tlie agents oi aiacasa i- ius'i ud oi' hea th ! M Hat -hat else aliould be expected from one wno snows liothinii e .in;nmtively of medicine or disease ! It reqaires peia u ol a omo experience, to cook una serve up eii c iiiuu ii decent meal, now inucn more iniiniun. ..... the pcrs ma who manufacture meilicine. deaigued for waah atomacha and enl'eebled aysteula, should kuow well tha ,..,li,..l ..ninertiea of nluiils. the u-at nuinner oi areariiiai and e. iliceiilriitiug their healing virtues, also an axlensivs kU 'Wledire ol tlie various uiseusca H men an:i u-w stem, ami now to unapt reiuetiica .i tucc H..- Il is u it for this medicine to do good ; it has na- tliing iu it which can ever harm, It can never ajar ot tn jif, uild therefore, cull never loose its curative properties, Il cle -ui.-a-a the bl ssl. excites the liver to healthy action; tones the si uiiael id givea g-xid dige lion, rehevaa lha b owela of toriior und contiition, alliya mrlamalion, puri fies the akin, iisli7.ea the circulalusi lire blood, pro ilucius eenlle warmth etpially all over Uie body, and at tha n.. : . I.. ..II ..l.Pl.Ci.. M.B .IISIII.I.&. insraisiuie jierspirniion -, ic.n. u.. ... ........ rali-s vlieentire nervous aalein. la not this, then, the rnedi cine V'iu pre-eiiiine-.iiiy neci : i,.o ia.. ... "'- .-.b- be s-iiil ol S P ToWielcml s imaruw aim. : ma y iivui s li piid is not to he COMPARED WITH THE OLD UK'S.. . Itci-aiiae of one grand fact, that the one ia iucipabia of da. ten .r ill m, and NEVER SPOILS, while the otuer doea; il souis. 1'i riiieius. and blows the bottles tvnuaiit'lg it inla fn-Kuieiits; Hi soar, acid bquid explixl.iur and damaginf titer it'i" o- ! -Vlust me inis uorriiev C, twmiiu OW "'WW oils t 1 llif si-: em f Hal : pill IICJU imo a ayaieru airauy iliM'.isnl w.lii unit! liat aii:-es lveiia out aria J 1) .1 we 11 it all 'now. that vrhe i.hsI a iur 111 our alomacua,' wli.ii iiii'!i'ci' tta pr.Hlwea ? ti iluleuce. hearthbimi, palpi lali -ni-f tlie Iienlt, l:ver comiilaitil. ibsrrho!t, dyacntery, colic, ami ciirnip' ioii ot the iiIikhi r vt not is rvroiuia dm no ii,-i,l li iiiior 111 th Istty '. " but produces an the humors; winch tirn'u on m Eruntioiia of the skin, Scakl Head, Sail, ipelu.. lute Swelling, Fever Sorea, and ail It tieinii. l-'.l Slo. itlet-iaii his' internal and external! It is notlims under luru oi but nn ucid aulistauee, which auirs aial thus spoils a! ttie I' iU the bisly, more or leas. Wliat caused Riiciniiilisiu. but tt sour or aeid rluid, which msinuatea n s, li U-uv. en the joinla and elsew here, Irrilaling and in tl innnjr Ihe lender und delicate Usance upisi trThlch II acts f S 1 01 ncrvoua diseases, til' impurity of the hktod of da rouged circul'itioea, and nearly ull the allhnents which at- lilct huillHU liutllie, ., Now-is it 11 "t horrible lu make and sell, aud uinnitaly worse to uc this - v. SOl.lUVU, FERMENTING, ACID "COMPOUND" OF S. P. TOWNSEND! It Is h'Tiible to think, and to know how cruelly tha af ilii-ted are iinpose.1 ujioii by presuniptihius men for tha aaka of iiieiiev ! Fort unes inuk-out of the agonies of Uie aick! nnd no equivalent mvlered the dee)ii iug aulleiera I -., It is ui am st frauds up 1 the iirii'oiiunutr, to rsuir bales into wounded humanity, to kindtehope ni the deapoiruur bosont. to restore healt h and bloom, find vigor into tha crushed nnd hroired ami to liainsli infirmity, Uil Old Dr. Jar ib Townseisl has sisight and found tha opportunity aud menus to bring his Untnd I'uiversnl Cnucenl ruled Uemady witHfn the reach, and to tlie knowledge ol ail wlio used it; thut liny iiM.y leum and know, by joyful experience, US TRANSCENDENT POWER TO HEAL, And thua bi have the unpurchaseable aatisfaeM'oa of haTlnjr ruised thousands and uulliona from the bed oi aickuesa aaa dep iiil. iii y to h ne, health, and kaig life of Tigor an uaes'uluneaa U thernaolva, llifir fumitieaand frieuda. AT. HENRY WASSEH, Hunbury. July W0. iy cow HOUSE TO RENT The premises on Mar. ket street, lately occupied by Simon Marts. Apply to HENRY MASSEK, iSunbur-, April 6, 1850. 15' ROWN'8 ESSENCE OF GINGER A new supply of this cxoellant artiola iust received" md for aula by H. U. MA-SSER. Runhtiry, Mnrch If), 1850. KAY Fl'.M. A axceUent siticls for rtt rv j HENKY MASJERe sv M S'lnl-uey Jn. ;.th, ISI'8 hf. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers