SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAM0K1N JOURNAL. jWGctUnutouc. $KAtttr. WE ARB ALL COWARDS I THE DARK. A medical friond of onri who, Mine years ince, visited Farie under circumstances most favorable to an tntrt to a most interealitig circle that of the survivors and cidevant up porten of the "Empire" -tells a capital itory at he heard it related by the celebrated Gen eral Excelmnns, one of Napoleon' palliians. It was a dinner party, composed of the sur vivors of Waterloo, a few of their younger relative!", and the section or an ex-King, on a , visit from his home in America, and to w hom our friend owed bis introduction to the circle. Soma question arose about bravery, when the younff members of the company were electrified to hoar the venerable and heroic Exeelmans gravely and seriously declare that men were all cowards in the dark! The General smiled at their expressions of dissent remarked that it was "very like youth" and proceeded to tell the following anecdote in support of his strange declaration: "There was a young hot head in the Em peror's service, who burning for action, and his duties for the time affording no opportuni ty, at last resolved to fight a duel, and choos ing to construct some remark or other of an old and superior officer into an insult, chal lenged him. Tho elder soldier waving all considerations of rank, agreed to meet the young man, but on the following unusual terms. The time should be niyht tho place a room, in opposite corners of which they were to stand. The seconds, having placed their men were to withdraw outside the door, taking the candles with them. Tho words should be given from without, whon he who had the first fire should discharge his weapon, and tho seconds bearing tho light should im mediately rush in. These strange conditions wero accepteJ, the time arrived, and the seconds placed the parties as agreed upon withdrawing imme diately and leaving tho men in the dark. The word was given, the fire was heard, and there stood the eldest of the two bolt upwright in the corner, his adversary's ball having enter ed the wall so close to his head that the es cape seemed little less than miraculous. It was now the old soldier's turn to fire. They were again left in dark, the word was again given from the outside, and instanta neously with the discharge, the seconds rush ed iu and found the challenger prostrate on the floor not having yet recovered himself from the trick to avoid the ball, which, on examination, was found must have killed him. The young man was covered with confu sion, and the seconds wore overwhelming him with expressions of their scorn, when tho veteran stopped him. "Not so fast, my young friends," said he, "you will grow wiser. Where do you sup pose I was at the first fire ? On my hands and knees in the corner ; but ma foi ! I was up quicker than he 1 ParDieu! Messieurs, we are all cowards in the dark !" It was afterwards whispered to our friend that the story was an acutual fact, and that the elder of the parlies was no other than the brave warrior Excclmans himself. LORD HALE'S DREAD OF BRIBERY. When he bought any article after he be came a judge, he not only would not try to beat down the price, but ho insisted on giving more than the vendors demanded, lest il they afterwards had suits before him, they should expeot favor because they had dealt hand somely by him. A gentleman in the west of England ; who had a deer park, was in the habit of sending a buck as a present to the judges of assize, and did the same when Lord Chief Baron Hale came the curcuit, al though a cause in which he was plaintiff was corntng on for trial. Tho cause being called the following extraordinary dialogue took place in open court : Lord Chief Barron : Is this plaintiff the gentleman of the same name who hath sent me venison V Judge's servant: 'les, please you my Lord.' Lord Chial Barron : 'Stop a bit then. Do not yet swear the jury. I cannot allow the trial to go on till 1 have paid him for his buck.' Plain tiff; I would have your lordship to know that neither myself nor my forefathers have ever sold veusion, and 1 have done nothing for your lordship which we have not done to every judge that bns come the circuit for centuries by gone.' Magistrate of the coun try : 'My lord, I can confirm what the gen tleman says for truth, for twenty years back.' Other magistrates: And we, my lord, know the same.' Lord Chief Baron ; 'that is no thing to mo. The Holy Scriptures say, 'gift preventeth the way of judgment ; I will not suffer the trial to go on till the venison is paid for. Let my butler count down the full value thereof.' Plaintiff; 'I will not disgrace myself and my ancestors by becoming a veni son butcher. From the needless dread of selling justice, your lordship delays it. 1 withdraw my record.' 'So the trial was post poned till the next assizes, at the cost of the man who merely wished to show a usual ci vility to the representative of the sovereign. According to a custom which prevailed, 'from time whereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary,' the dean and chapter of Salisbury had presented to the judges of as size six sugai loaves. Lord Chief Baron Hale when upon the western circuit, having re ceived the usual donation, discovered that the dean and chapter had a cause coming on before him for trial, and he sent his servant to pay for tho sugar loaves before he would .IIqw it to be entered. Those venerable liti- "gants, instead of firing up at the notion of their becoming 'grocers,' or taunting the judge, as they might have done, with making them violate the statute of Henry VIII. a gainst 'clerical trading,' received the money tried their cause, and obtained a verdict. Lord Cambell't Livtt of Chief Justicts. Childish Murder. "Mother, I guess the baby won't cry any more, for I've killed it and thrown it out ol doors " The Dedham (Mass.) Democrat relates that these are the words which a little girl in that town, only four and a half years old, addressed to her mother after a short absence ; and that the baby was found under the sink spout, with a cot on its wrist, ftom which il bad bled almost to death "Encourage Your Own!" HAAS &IIENN. FASHIONABLE MAKE OF FURNITURE AND CHAIRS. 'T'HE robscriliers respectfully call the attention of the public to their large and splendid assort ment of every quality and pricu of CAIIINET-WAHE, which cannot fail to recommend itself to every one who will examine it, on account of its durable workmanship and splendid finish, made up of the best stock to be had in the city. No effort is pared in tlio manufacture of their ware, and the subscribers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which ere constantly being made. Their stock consists of Mahogany Sofas, llvnn mid lOiiiiirc., Bureaus, Stxrctarfcs, Sftrboartis, SOFA, BREAKFAST AMD DINING TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, equal to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPBOARDS, WORK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this line of their business. They also manufacture all kinds and qualities CHAIRS, ncluding varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such ns Miiooat, Black Wsljict ahh Cumin Maple GrkcU ) inn Wixnsnn CHAIRS, a!d fixci Piaho Stools, which are of the latest styles, and warranted to be excelled by none manufactured in the Cities or elsewhere. The subscribers are determined that there shall be no excuse for persons to purchase furniture in the cities, as every confidence can ho entertained about the quality and finish of their ware and Chairs. Their articles will be disposed of on as (rood terms as they can be purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in payment lor work. Rr UNDERTAKING attended to on reason able terms. 13?" Tho Ware Room is in Market Street, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weaver's Tavern. DANIEL HAAS, GEORGE RENN. Sunbury, April 88, 1S49. tf TICIENOR'S COLUMBIAN flFELLXNQ BOOK. T) EING progressive and Comprehensive Sys--J tem of Orthograpy and Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Schools in the American Republic, by Almon Ticknor, Teacher of twenty-five year's experi ence, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, &c The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, cVc., is invited to this new Spelling Book, which conforms to the modern spelling and usages in Orthography as being one of the neatest, cheapest best arranged, and better adapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the United Stats. It is what it purports to be, a Spelling Book and not a Reading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth to secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of tho United Slates. Just published, and for salo by IIknrt MaksEr, Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors can procure copies for examination. August 4, 1849 N. 13. LAWRENCE, Agent for the sale of Southworth manufactu ring Co's. Writing Pap:rs. Ware House, Wo. 3, minor street PHILADELPHIA. 100 pEi3 of the above superior Papers now in store, and for sale to trade at the lowest market prices, consisting in part of Fine thick Flat Caps, 12, 14, 15 and 16 lbs. blue and white. Superfine Medium and Demi Writings, blue and white. Extrasuper and superfine Folio Posts, blue. Superfine Cammerical Posts, blu and white plain and ruled and white, plain and ruled. Extra super Linen Note rajwrs, plain and gilt. Superfine and find Bill Papers, long and broad. Superfine and fine Counting-1 louse Caps and Posts, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, plain anil ruled, blue and white. Extra super Congress Caps and Letters, gilt. Superfine Sermon Caps and Posts. Superfined blue Bath Posts, blue and white, plain and ruled. Embroidered Note Papers and Envelopes, "Lawyer's" Brief Papers. Superfine and fine Cups and Posts, ruled and plain, blue and white, various qualities and prices. Also, 1000 reams white end asserted Shoo Pa pers, Bonnet Boards, while and assorted tissue, Tea, Wrapping, Envelop, assorted and blue Me diums, Cap Wrapping, Hardware Papers, &c Philadelphia, Nov. 84, 1849. i Groceries ! Groceries ! ! COLTOX &. Co. S. W. Corner Arch $ 6A Street Philadelphia, FFER for sale to the inhibitunt of Sunbury and vicinity. Family Groceries of the very finest quality consisting of Extra Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. Coffees of all kinds and prices. Sugars of every kind. Rice, Farina, Sago, Hominy. All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups, Olivo Oil, Preserves, Ac, warranted to be of the very finest grades in the market und at the cheapest rates possible. A II goods carefully packed and promptly for warded. COLTON & ( t). S. W. Cor. Arch & 6th St. Phila. Oct. 28, 1819 che3m ly ray 20, to rinsicnxs, druggists and culvtry MERCHANTS. TAR. J. N. KEELER & Bro. most respectfully -1 J solicits attention to their fresh stock of Eng lish, French, German and Ameiean Vnurs, Med icines, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye Chill's, Glass ware, Perfumery, Patent Medicines &c Having oiened a new store Vio. 294 Market M. with full supply of Fresh Drugs and Medicines, we re spectfully solicit Country dealers to examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising on and all who may feel disposed to extend to us their patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house in the city, and to tuittilully execute all orders entrusted to us promptly and with dispatch. One of the proprietors being a regular physician, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of an a nicies soiu at uieir egianusiiineiii. We especially invite druggist and countrv merchants, who may wish to become agcuU for Dr. Keller's Celebrated l'amilu Medicine), (stall' dard and popular remedies,) to forward their ad. ress. Soliciting the patronage of dealers, we respect fully remain, N. KEELER & BRO., Wholesale Druggists, No. 291 Market street, Philadelphia. September 15, 1849. ly. Win. . Cochran & Co., Wholesale u Retail, WlKB AND UyL'OK MERCHANTS, No. 72 Walnut Street, Philadelphia. V AVE always on hand a very large stock of M ines, Liquors and Hegars, ol their own importation. Store Keepers, Hotel Keepers, and private gentlemen, will be supplied en the most uoerai terms. Philadelphia, Nov. 17, 1S4I. 1TONE Wan, Earthen Ware, Kaisins, AO- mono a, f runes and Cream riuU. Plana of all kind. Salt and Plaster. Just received and for sale by JOHN W. FK1L1NG Sanbury, Dm. , 14. Pit J J- UPDEGHAFF, RESPECTFULLY Informs the eitixens of Danville and the public at large, that he has located in Danville, and is now prepared to prac tice Medicine and Surgery In all its various bran ches. He will operate on all the various forms of blindness, cross eyes, club feet harelip, cleft palate, and attend to the extraction of tumors, amputation of limbs, and all other surgical dis eases. His collection of instruments comprises all instruments in mmlcrn Surgery, of the latest improvement and finest finish. He flatters him self that many years' practice and experience will be a sufficient gunranlco to those who may feci disposed In employ him. His residence is nearly opposite the Monltnme nj Untitling, end next door to Ibbbc Rosen banm's stove, in North Danville. Danville, Dec. 1, 1849. ly. Ingratitude Is the basest crime of man. TT7E are not among that class of Editors who ' for a few dollars will, (at the expense oft ruth and honesty) "crack up" an article and bring it into rapid sale ; neither are we willing to remain silent, after having tested the utility of an im provement or discovery in science or art. Our readers will recollect we told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, we purchased two bottles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF HOREHOUND and so sudden was the cure, thnt we forgot we ever had a cold. Those who aro afflicted, may try it upon our recommendation. Leieiston Tele gi '. A fresh supply of the above valuable medicine just received, and for sale in Sunbury, by John W. Friling, Mary A. McCuv at Norl'numlicrhind' nd at wholesale by Frederick Klett, & Co., cor ner of 2d and Cullowhill streets, Philadelphia. I'liiladclpliia, Sept. S2.I, 184 'J. 8 nio. V" ALL FAPER3. IIE Subseriliers have on hand the largest as . sorttnent of Wau Pafkbs in the citv of Phi ladelphia, Wholesale and Retail, consisting of every variety suitable for Parlors, Entries, Dining Kooms, Chambers, etc., which for quahtv and style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business we are enabled to sell a better article at a much lower rate than any store doing a TRADE BUSINESS. On hand, a large assortment of Wins Pirn. for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, Ac, which will be sold for Cash; Paper Hanging done in the country at city prices. IN. U, Dealers are invited to call ahd examine thoir stock before purchasing elsewhere. FINN & BURTON, No. 142 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May 20, 1849. ly CUTLE11Y. AN extensive Slock of Pocket and Table CUT LERY, of sale by JOH1T 1. COLEIAIT, Nos. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 8, North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissors and Razors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers & Sons, W ostcnholiu s Cireavc s W. & S. Bntchcr'a and. enncy s Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives. Also, (inns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Rar.or Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Carii Dealers in Cutlery, wilt find the above Stock worthy their attention, as the Subscriber's chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June , 1849 ly MARIHALI.ll Concentrated Sarsaparllla, For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Erysipalas, Piles, e nronic Kheumatism and all disorders of the Blood, Mercurial Disease, cVc T is recommended to Physicians and others, as the strongest preparation now in use. and en tirely dill'erent from that put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the Sarsa parilia, but intended to deceive the public. For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. HEYL'S EMBROCATION for Horses will tire r-nraiiis, llruisi s. Cut. Ca s. Kwcllintrs. nn.l II complaints rcc.uiring an external remedy. Ii is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Rimrhone, still ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splints, etc. It has also been used with great surcrss bv ner- sous alllieteil with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, Philadel phia, and for salo by Xi. A. McCay, Northumber- and. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849 ly AVEISE & CLEMENT, Saddle and llarnens Makers. rjHHE undersigned respectfully .1 inform the public, that they have commenced the above busi ness in Sunbury, and will con- stantly keep on hand and manufacture to order, at their stand in Market street nearly opposite Young's store, all articles belonging to their line of business, All articles manufactured by them will be made in the best and most durable style, and at price as reasonable as they can be had at any other estab lishment in the county. They therefore respectfully solirit persons to rail and examine for themselves wlore purchasing elsewhere. All kinds of nro- lure taken in by the stores will be taken in ex change at Ihe market price. 11 K.N K Y W i:iSE. Ai ni STl- H. CLEMENT, unluiry, June 23, 1819. LIQUOKS.AVINES. kC. ' I'llE subscriber has just received a new supply of Ihe best liquors thut ever came to Sunburv. consisting in purt of Superior old palo lira inly. Fine Cnjrniae brunily. Superior Old Jamaica Spirit. New England Kum. Fine Holland Gin. Superior Old Whiskey Common do. Superior Madetia Win. Lisbon do. do. uerior Fort Wins. Burgundy Port do. Sweet Malaga Wine. Superior Claret Wins in bottles. Champagne do. do. HENRY MA88ER. Sunbury, May 26 1849. I A HI) LA 31 PS. CORXELIl'S CO. No. ire t iirtuut fct, RESrECTM'LLV announce that they have just linuhed the most extensive assertiuent of LAMPS, they have ever offered for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS. BRACKETS, PENDANTS, MANTEL iiuni, tie. In great variety, and of OKIULNAL DE.SIUNS. Much attention has been paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of these Lamp, and auch are made as will produce the greatest amount of light from the least consumption of Lard. Recent improvements in the manufactory, with the introduction of new and perfected machinery, enable them to aell at a ery GREAT REDUC TION from former prices, and all article before leaning th manufactory, are carefully inspected, and are warranted perfectly tight, and to give aatia faction. Philadelphia, June S, 1849 ly flMStiLE PAPER Yellow Tiseue paper for A cowing glaaeee, ., for al at the lu Americas. In prewntmir th piiNU wilh a rcmMy f-rr the trpntmeiit and cure of Fkvkr and Aunt Bint nthir hilicim diwtinrn, 11" a m ill iff v Id iicnlcd. nftt mimlM-tn in the Initrvl St ten. who mxfffr from thrse nflVttoni in their varied fnriTm. nre C'tmprlleri to Berk relirf from olhcr sourer thnn the imme diate prescriptions of the rrnLtir phyoicmn. It bernmei icrei-re rtn ohjrci 01 numntiity, ot well nn or public Inter est, to bring before them a remerty preparer! ftom much ex periewe, and which msy alwav 1 relief! upon ai ,ritt EFFECTUAL, AND HARMLKH-4 TO THK mi-tTITuTtOft. Thnt uch ii the true fhrirneter of thalNfUA CIIOLAGOGrE, la amply attested by the universal tuccesi with which it has been employed. V Kxtract from rommuniention of the TTnn. Wn.. liam WmDBftiDoa, of the V. S. Senate, lata Governor of Michigan, Detkoit, Oct. 91, 1H40. Docrrom Chaklks Osgood, Dear Sir, 1 have read with much Interest, your little TRakatihb upon the "causes, treatment and cure" of the febrile diseases which have to extensively prevailed in our country duriiia the Inst few months an interest increased no doubt, by the fact that I have individually suAWed so much from them. Though I feel myself very inc imnetent to iuntre anfelv unon a aubiert art entirely nrofraaiiMutl. vet your theory seems to me wet) reasoned, and your conclu sions just, and I think withal, that your pamphlet is cnlcu win. mi piouucv murn pmcnnai froon. 8 pen king of the medicine he sitys : It fully justified yo'jr flatterins; expectations, and as a safe, convenient, and popu lar reintfly, my own experience, far, induces me to be lieve that it will pritve a frrrat public hem-fit. i am pleased to learn jhnt you have recently ertuliNnhrsI several agencies for its dinpuHiiion though I regret that, with a view to a ni're peueral riimrtniimtion of it, yon shonld have found it ner-esiwtry to remove fr.nn your present residence among us. With much respect I have the h'lnor to ls sir, Your oMivretl servant, WH I J AM U'OUDUKiDGr,. IT" Fiotn tlmi. Stkphfn V.It. Trowbridge, of Michi gan State Senate, t ) the Ag'-nt nt Detroit. lliHMiN;itAM, Oakland Co., Dec. J,1, 1M1. Sir y.nt wish me t. infirm nu whnl I knv of Dr. Ost'-Mid's Imtiit Chohff.ijriiP, or miti-bili hip inivlieine. I do Mieve tint it" the. virtue anil t iTi'-r.rv of this medicine were fff-neially known, the ffver a.d auik would disyppenr in Michigan. I prKured a bottle In the spring of tMl, and have good reason to Itrlieve that myst'll Hnri family escaped the ague last season in consequence of its use. Pcrhnps in no summer since the settlement of tins fine Ee n insula, has the fever and ague been so prevalent as the ' - i""iiiiiicinni hub iiinin-iiic m imnirn'iis iif stances and when the disease bad liecome fixed and balllrd the skill of physicians; and I have never known it fail. ! has universally produced the most happy effects, and I bet lievc it has never lieen exceeded by any medicine iu remo ving the bilious diseases of the climate. Yours, respeclfullv, ST K iI I F.N V. R. TnoWnRIDOE. A vent foi Sunbury H. B. MASSED ; Northiimlerland, WITHINGTOM Co.j Milton. J. II. HASKHj Selins grove, MAY it KLOSG. May 6, It tf Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR COUGHS, COLDS. CROUP, HOARSENESS, ASTHMA. HOOP ING COUGH, BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. iiluntile prepflrutitm, n ns1iiiKiinclv sufeewtCu! in curing li-is. a of Ihe i.unirs. il the ri-su'll ('n nkill ftil mmlimntion of the known rnmtivp principle of medicine. Its ini;rtilieut are freely nmle known In Ihe puhlic, atxl nre those ncklxmleilitl o tmiliml men hi lioswNaintr rare mtilh'n! virtue, which pcrnlmr virtues Hre romhineil in the "(.'II Kit K Y l'KCTi lt A I." in their ereat. est purity hikI elncsiey, nn.J when useil, as will be seen from the flljwin vnhm(!e teMiinonv : riiui r.ssoii t i,r: rr.An, ol I) ivil -in Collnr". Hruimwiek. Maine, writes: ' I have witnc5cil the ciiccIm of your Cherry I'eetontl in my own family und in that of my anil it has given greul BillBlttcttim in canesliotrl of nilults autl ehi!lren. ' a voii i: FKo.M mass Aciirsirrrs. From Dr. ltryant, Druggist and PottmaMer, Cliieopee Falls, Mns: Dk. J. C. Atfr Hear Pir: F.ncl.eil plesK find remit tance for all the ( lirrry Pectoral lart sent me. I can un hesitatingly any, that no medicine we sell gives such satis faction a. your's d'cs nor have I ever seen a medicine which cured so mnny cases of cough and lung complaints. Our Phyaiciuns arc using it cxteiuuvi-ly ill Ihe ruelice, and With Ihe luippiest effects. Truly yours, D. M. BRYANT, nn. PF.RKINS. President of Vermont Medical College one of the most learned snd intelligent physicians in the country, 'eon.iders it a composition of rare excellence for the cure of that for inidable disease, Consumption." An almost incredible numher of certificates have been received ; proving that the Cherrv Pectoral is, Iu truth, a GKF.AT HKMF.DY for Coughs. Colds, Asthma suit all pulmonary complaint. PRICK ti CF.NTS PF.R HoTTI.F.. Prepared by J. C. AYF.K, lvwell. Mum., and sold bv H. M ASSKK, iSunbury, una M.VKY McCAY, Nurihnui. bcrlnnd. March 31, 1(M9. TANNERS TAKE NOTICE. ev Hide Oil nii I.catlirr More. No. Ill North 3l St. 3 dnnrs below Race St. Philadelphia V 1IK subscribers oiler to t'ic tanners cm the most favorable terms their fresh imnortatlm of Iliiles, consistiinr of Uni'iio Ares. I, nplata, Caraieus, l.uiiutra, Ilunc-Dry, Chili, Sailed Per ambiK O and all kinds ol Spanicli Hides, dry anil sailed. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry Salted, and Black Dry 1'nlna Kips, Also, Straights, and Dank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Plnuirhter Leather, the above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terrrs, than old Houses in the city, Cash juid for Leather of all kinds. KEEN & KIRKPATKICK. Philadelphia, May 30, 1849. ly A Xew Assortment of FreNli fioods. IRA T. CLEMENT, T ESPECTFCLLY informs his friends, cus-- tonieraand others, that he has just received a handsome assortment of NEW GOODS at hi store in Market Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Hoods, Groceries, Queens wnre, Hardware, &.:. Sunbury, June 23, 1813. CtKKAT AIJItlVAL. JOHN A FKILIXG h is jimt received at his MiW (illODS, of every variety which he is now ready to sell or exchange lor produce; and consUt ing in part of ---.. .,. u, .,iini,(T own iiii.ii, CLOTHS, CJSSIMERES. tVc. Ltnen and Cotton drilling, anil sum met wear of all hinds. Calicoes, Chintz, Gingham, Lawns, &c. Muslins bleachetl and iinhli achi'il. PALM LEAF AND OTHER HATS. Queensware and Hardware of all kinds. Drugs Paints, and Dyestiffs. FISH, SALT, AND PLASTER. And a great variety of other article all of which will be sold at the lowest terms. Sunbury, May 86, 1849 J. J. GPbEElTOTJGrE. (Late Keller & Creriioiijrli.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL ENO'NEEn, WttsjliiiiKton, l. V, DRAWINGS and tinners for the Patent Ollico, prepared din all lhe uecee-ary bu einess, in relation lu seeurinp; pateutM, trans acted, and promptly attended to, at their of. lic opposite the Patent Oliice. October 28, 1848. Notice to Delinquent. A LL person indebted to the uoMcriber, longer than ix month, on note or book account, are requested to call and make settlement, or else their account will be left with a magistrate for collec tion. JOHN W.FKILIXO Sunbury, July 7, 1849, . STONE WARE. STONE Dtitk Pans, vtone Juk- and PiUhera, and othew articlea of atone ware just received and iur sale bv JOHN W. PKIUNG. Sunbury, June St, 184W VmADD'8 celebrated Hone and CatUe Medl- U cm for sale by HENKY MA8MF.R iun.ury Jan. STsU, 184 DR. TOWNSEND'S COlirOl'SD EXTRACT OF SAKSAPAUILLA. TU)8 Extract II ptlt up Hi quart bottto. Ik It tit times cheaper, pleswintnr, snd warranted til parlor to any old. It corea disessrs Withrtnt Totnitin, Dura inf. alck- ness, or debilitating the pa ti tilt, and is particu tarty adapted for a Fall and spring medicine. The great Ueanty and superiority of this BarsapariUa or if other remedies is, whilst it eradicates disease., it Invigorates the bdjr. .;miumpiion curen. Ctins and Slrenthetl. Crnmmptt'n run be cured. Bronchitis, Consumption, Liver Complaint, Colds, Cougha, Catarrh, Asthma, Spitting of Htnvxl, ftorenp inths Cheat, Hectic Flush, Niftht Swnnts, Diffi cult and Profnpc ILxpfctorntion, and Pain in the Pide, Ac. Ac. hnvo and cun le cured. Pmlmbly there ne-cr ynn a reined v thnt hns been an sue- ceHsful in drsfMrrate enscs of consumption ns this ; it clean sps iitnl strcnirthens Ihe system, and nppcRrs to hen) the ul cers on the lungs, and patients gradually regain their usim! neaun ana sircngtil. CrRIUL'9 CASK OF CON'WMPTION. There is scarcely a day pusses but there are a ntunber of cases of consumption reported as cured by the use of pr 'fownscn'a Sarsnpaillla. 1'he following was recently re ceived : Dr. TowxKn .Dear firt For the hat three yenra I have been afflicted with general debility, and nervous con sumption of the Inst alaee, and did not expect to ever gni li my health at all. After going through a course of medicine undfr the care of some of the m t distinguished regular physicians and members tf the H ard tf Hmlth in New York and elsewhere, and sending the m wt of my earnings iu attempting to refrain my health, and after reading in ome paper of yui ran pari 11a i resolved to try it. After using six bottles I found it done me great good, aivd called to see you at your office: with your advice I kept on, and do most heartily thank you lor your advice. 1 persevere in Uikiug the SarsJiiiariUo, and have been able to attend to my usual labors for the last four months, audi hope by the blesxings of G k1 and your 9irsnparilln to eot.tii.ue my health. It helped me beyond the expectations of nil who anew my case. I'HAItliliS (Ul.MBY (Mature. Kiwx eo. N. J.. Auir. 3. 1M7. Htuieof Xrw Jeraey, Kssrx county, Char leg Quiin- ... umM x iaw, "ii ins iiiiu miiii, lint the forcg ing sinirmeiit is true nfcordins; to th best of hi-ku wledixeuiid lirticf. i:iiAKIJ:S Ol !MY. Sworn and subscribed to before me t Ontitue, the a A.ignst, 117. CVIU S HAI.DWIX Justice of the Pence. rlMniNO RLtJOD. Rend the fill (wiiig, and say that cuiaiunption is in im-u mblc if yon can : e New York, Anrii -2X 1t7. Pr. rowNsExii : I verily believe tint yom Kirfjjipnrilla li;is been the nie.iim. tlnnut-ii Provi'leiiee, "I Siivillk IUV lile 1 h ive (' .r aeynrnl years h:ul n bad c-tnyh. It became w rse and worse. Ai List I r.-n'ved iurire miantitics of t!o , had nnrlit awfuisnnd was greatly debilitated and retluee.l, and dul not expect lo live. 1 have only used your Rirnapariiln but n sh-tri time, and there has a womknul ckuittc been writuifht in inc. 1 urn now able to wilkiill over ilieeily. I raise no bJocd, and my c ugh Iris left niv Yihi enn well imaeine that 1 am thankful ( r these results. Vmir obedi ent servant. VM. HL'SSKLL, GG Catharine st. LOST 1IRR SPKKCII. Th annexed certilicnte telis a simple ami truthful story of sufTeriiur and relief. There are iti uiBiiiifls of similar ca ses in this city and Mrooklyn, ami yet there tire thousands of ircuts let ihcir children die lor i"c:ir of being humbugged or to suvc a few shillings. Itrooktvn. v 1-1-Dr. TnwsR?iD: I take pier inure in -i.i'tmf. fir the bfne flt of those whom it m;tv c xiei-m. it. ir mv ' m'it-r, Wk years and six mouths old, wis ;i(ilie!e.t wi it i' de- I btlity ami loss if speech. SMic w i L'tvt u u . ;m jp- I eovetybyour family physician ; inii f nun y is re- I commended by a friend ' to try y nu S.nsii.vari'i; ... lief re having used one bottle she recovered hr 8,neeh :ind was I enabled to walk utoiie, tn the nst nishmcn: -f ail wh were I acq i i;i uited with ttie circiniwimn'os. Slie is imvv aui;e well. ! anil in much Iwtter heithh than she has ln-en f r 18 mouths past. slOHKPH TAYLOR, ! York si., Hrooklyti. TWO CTIII.pRKN SVKD Very few fTiinilit-s iu leetl in f:iet we have u -t be ird of one that used Dr. T wnst-nd's S;irs;ip:iriiia m tunc. I st any children the past Summer, while th me tint did it. t, sickened and du d. The eercifieote we pablih In-low is c iK-hisive evidence of its vnlue. and is only an -ther instunce of i'.s s-iviuv the lives o VInMrcn : Dr. Townsend Dear Sir : I had tw. children cured by your Snrsaptirillfi f Ihe summer complaint and dyseutarv; one only 15 month old and tiki other 3 vear's. They were very much reduced, and we expeetnl th:v wotiH die j I hey Were ijiveii up by tvv ri-fuee:;ib!e ph .steuuifi. M'lu.n the doctor infonuetl us thnt we irntKt losithem. were-.-ved tt try your S irip;inila we had heard so mii'-li of. but had little confideni e, there Ihmiii much stulf ndv'ertisetl that is worthless: but w e nre thnnklii: that we did. for it undoubtedly saved the lives of b th. 1 write this that oth ers may lc induced to use it. Yours. renpeeifu!iv, JOHN WILSON, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, nrooklyn. Sept. 1;, 1M7. TO THK I.ADIKS CRKAT FK.MAI.K MKD1CIXK. Dr.Towisexd's S.raParilla isasovcreieniiml speedy cure for incipient consumption, and for the geueml prostra tion uf the system iki matter whethei the result of inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac cident. Nothir g can be more surprisinir tlian its iuvigomting ef fects on the human frame, persons all weakness umi lav situde, from taking it nt once lecome rohuet ntid full of energy under its influence. It immediately counienu-ts the tiervelesKiieaa of the female frame, which is the grout cuuse barrenness. It will not te expected of us, in cases of so delicate a na tiire, to exhihit certiticntes of cures perfoniH'd, but we can ussure the alfticted that hundreds of cases have been repor ted to us. Dr. Towsskxh: My wife beiinr greatly distressed by Weakness and general debility, and suiTerinif "c ililnually by pru t rind with miIut dillieulties. and havnttr kil 'Wu cas where your liietlicine has ell'ectetl great cures; timl ntsi hearin? tl r. minended for sued ciiiteji as I have dscrilMil, 1 ootmncd a h'tiieoi y -ur I'.xiract of S,rs:iptrj!!a und f ! lowed the direct j. iih yotiae me. In n i-.'i rl p.-ri -I it removed her c iU'l;iii)ts mill reworrd lu r to Mcdi'i. IJ.-m ltd for Iwii'btK she ni'i-iviil. 1 t ik." cif.-'t',- u, tlnisnekii .wle tina it, mid rec iiiniicii.ttii" it to !t(- '..',,;. Ai It hm)i:k, A!b-my. 17, ' 1 1 . c-r. t.rnt-1 L.hi lM'i:i'Sl V. fluid or iKer'ieiii.i ever ten! , J w1.---!. 'o in-M l iy n iriii1 .;-.- ih 5tt uU i k.. .:' i. an- r n, !...! nutl sr rrn-i iu'iiiut; in- re.nm t ' t, . , :r ptr:tiiiior Siikij ari'.ia. It p. .Mhv civ i-u. .- e i.-t- i dj siM'pivia, however severe or ehroine. Iknisv itepnitiiieul. Ait IKII t lllf lit. AlthUlV. Al;iv 10. It.t. Dr. TowiiBfjiil Sir : I huve iMt-n nniirtt-d lor noveral ynir willi ty; rnm in its worn f mi. HUendcii with ur MfriBMfMi iiii'irli. 1km ii iiiMiitu extrdrtp litmrtlMirn. ml grit avfriui. l-'iill kin.It t H , unit t -r veck. (wh-il I cmld eat) I have iWrti uiuiUe t retain tmt a mroitl jmrti iii on niy nl'tmin-h. I irir.i ihe uu;il mil ohm, tut t h-y hnil l.ui little r n t t-tffft in rrmoMiifr the e lupliiiut. 1 wii ui ilutwl. mif.ut twi month niM-f. to try yo tr Kxtra't of Sr Mrtnrilln. uikI I intit kiv with little c Mitiilcme ; hut after u m i iff nerly tw ttlin. I found niv npclile retfrel mxt tlia hf:irttuui entirely rein Vfd ; am) I would eurnesily fe eoinuieml the ue of it t thone wh have (hmh itllutitti ni I huvt! heeii. Youra, Vc, V. . VAN .DT. Affem for SimLuiy JOU V. KKil.lN't. ; N-r-thmiilrerLHiid, MAKY A. MuCAY: DauvilJe, VM. A. Ml UK AY St Co., Aitl IMrt. ly DIAMOND POWD FOR RAZOR STROPS. IIIIS Powder is wurrunled far superior to any I thins in use for imparting- a keen, stnoothelL'e to Jtaiors, Suruical iustrtuiienU, and all kinds of line t t- i Li.iit; it mav he unulied In uuv kind of slro. Also stijierior Kiuor, Knives, and l'crl'u niery, wholesale and retail, bv ALFRED BENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Kii.ors, Strops, llruslies, nnd Cheap Fancy floods. No. IS youth Fifth street a- oove uuesiniit riiiuiic ipliia. 1 USTI.MOMAl.s. Phi null. rin , 1'eh. ljih. InH. This may reilify ihnt 1 have u-d one of l!ie ISInM prepared with HAYNEs' .MAlilC 1)I.. .MC.M) HI" Dl.H, and can ulte-t in the most uniMpiivoeal innnner, that there is nothing cun he found that will produce ihe same etlivt in my upiii. ion. and must sav to others, trv it and von w ill liud it suiieiior to any hejeiofore in iikc. I can truly say that I never knew wlmt sharp razor was nciore. JOHN SCOTT, lion Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st. Pill I .1 t'M.I't! I I, I lotolirr 1 A very hard heard and temiri l.o e l.,s oiii.el- led uie to seek audtew mau l. -'i ed to make shaving easy ami oi-,-.:iui. I m with liidillereut uc-ss, until I mane use of (lie Magic DIAMOND POWDEK, told by Alfred Dennett. and RoiihsW iShaving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Rasor to remove the most stubborn lieard, without inU fating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sale at this olliee Price 25 ct. )er llor Novemlur S3, 1848 Gin. Cioi.i & Wiiti:. J. STOCKMAN, No. 60 Chesnut-st, at the sign of the Gold Thimble, between id. It 3d. sts., South tide Philadelphia. MAM'FACTLRES and keep constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol lowing article, of a auperior quality, at reduced price : Gold and Silver Pencils, do Thimbles, do Finger Shield, Silver Table, Desart, Tea, Salt and Mustard 8oons, do Forks, Soup snd Oyster I ..illt s, do Combs, Purse Clas, Scissor Hook and Chain, Knitting Shesths, ice. ALSO, Jewellery, Plated and Brittannia ware, German Silver Spoon, 4c; Gold Diamond poin ted Pen at varioua prices ; Jackson's Superior Everpointed Leads, ice, Ac. Philadelphia, May 36, 1848 BLANKS. I of every deacriptioa i , lUliliUVUl LANKJ of every deacriptioa can b has! by 1 Pl'lyin at th omc f th Am LIVER COMPLAINT, JAUNDICE. DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS, Jind all disease arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach in both Mali and Fetnale: ... V Con",lr"l1 tnwsrd Piles. Fullness nt Blood to th Hesd, Andilr of the Pt.misch. Nsusen, HraiTt-barrt, Disgust for F,d, Fullness or weight In the Stotrmoh, Sour KrucUiliiins, Pmkinir or I'liitlmin st Hie pit .f the Slnmnch fwimmiii of the ll.-sd, Hurried and Ilillinult Hrmlhin, V liittcniiir st the Hrart, Ch..kinr or fnfficstin; sensstions when in Ivmi Dmture l)i,n.. .rf v....... H.T.. . Deiore me riiiiii, t ever nd dull psin in the Hend, Defirien eyof IVrsniraiioii, Yellowness of the fkin ond l:vr, Psin 111 mediae, maiw, .lmbs. fte., Surl.len lluahej of ii, .nn inp in Mie Mesh, C.n.lnnt Imnaininss of evil snd gr.ait depress) n of Sjiirits Can bt cUuctuslly cured by D?,. E0CFLAXTC3 Celehnited (erinan IJittcrs. Their power over Ihe srsn-e dimnaes Is not execlled if eiu:illed by any other prepnrali .11 in the Vnited states ns the cures attest, iu mnny esses after skillful physicians hod fniled. 1 ' Denoigetnent of 1 he Urer nndStomafli are tweet of Insniiiiy, and will also produce diaense of the Heart, !kin. Lungs tiud Kidneys, anil lnvs the body open to an attack of the Ch ilera, Hill, nn, or Yellow Fever, snd is generally th Brit cause of that most baneful disease, Consumption, Opinions of the Philadelphia Pre. "THE DISPATCH." . ..... . . .. Dccembct 31st says: u AJ? eWALLABLE MBUICIfc.Wel,sfrcquently heard Ihe Celebrated Germnn Hitters, mnnufaetured by l)r HoxiAlaiKl, spoken of in terms of commendation, snd we know deservedly so. It is s too common nrarlice, in cer tain quarters, to puff all manner of useless trash, but in th .I..YO muere, nnnuretl. are living witnesses of their great in tbi sim physietii worth. Asa medicina of lbs l.ivrr Coinpluint, Juuiidice, Nervous Debility and Dyspepsia, it nnsocen i .una invaluahle, erTecling cures and th rughl eradicating disea, when all other medicines have f-iilerl " lert convinced, that in the use of live (iennun Hitlers, .,-1,1, .1 iHonie iie'itiiiuiKHi, nut constunt ly gums trengih Hinl vigor to the Inline n 1'nct worlhv of grrat coiiKidcration. The Hitters nre pl. as.nit iu tuste and sinell, sml cm be ndnnnim roil undi r any rircunist.'iuee, to the mow o-n-:iie;icli ludeefl. tliev ejn lie nsodbyall per- s ns wilh the m st p. rf.vt soit.-t y. It w -ul.l be well for those who are imicli mli-c-lrd in the nervous system, to c 'iniutnee wmi one tea spoomulor le. mid gnulually in cruise. Weso-ik from experii-mv, tim.I are of c uirse. a proper ju lire. Trie uress for inul wide, have uiiiie,! in re- ,""""'T ' iotiikiii iiuttrs, ancj to the Dtlltctcd wt 'ii1 'Si coruiany atlviscllicir use MUia r OK THE TIMES," June '2llh snvs: 'no Oi;it r.dOln.'l I'l.KNS who are invalids, know the nrmv iist'iuishing cures tint b;ive lieeu icrf Tined by Dr. Ho HfcnuPa (.'elehraled (iennun Hitters J It they do n 't, we reMiiiineiul 1 hem to the "(.iernmn . Medicine Store," an wno are umieletl with Liver t't.niplamt, Jaumllce, Dy pepsin, or Nervous Debility ; the Doet T Insciirril ninnv uf our tlllzcul after Ihe beet phyeiriaus hnd failed. V have use.t tiiem, mid they have proved to ben medicine that every one should know of, and we c inn t refrain giving our tes- tini .ny in their lav r, ami that which (rives them greater cliui upon our humble effort, they nre entirely Vegetable. "THE DUf.Y NEWS," .lidv tthsnvs: "We s enk knowingly of Dr. II-i .Hand's Celebrated Ger. imn Itntem, when we iy It is a blessing of tins age; and in oiN-.-tnra ., me niiiarv. tugesttve anil .erv us?vsteins. It has not weihiuk an eiial. Il is a Vegetable I'reimraiion, " wioniH me n n, and 1 1 nil invalid! we woukl re- c anmend it ns w rthv their e nifidence. f 't "de. wh Jestile and retnil, atthe principal Depot, OKUMW MF.mciNM STORE, Xo. IM Arch Street, ! or sale by M. A. McCAY, Xonhumberlnnd snd Run- Pi. t "" rp'-""!''"l'le dealers generally throughout April l, 00 ty COLITMBIAM SERIES OF ftrftlimrtfro. Th' Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. : in. i uu miiia.x rAI.f.'LLATOR-Tlits work is iilrrnily iniroil'.tci'il into sonip of itie l i'-t Acad iiiin s ami n l:ir;'f iiitnilicr of Softools wiicro its use bus cjivrn docidoil ami universal sn. Itsbu'ltoii, hotli to Uiiclifr anil pupil. It is purely Ami-rirun in ils character, l;isril uiion our own iHMiitituI tlerimnl system of ritrreiiey. It contains more, the arrun-ements arc U-ttcr, and it is the enstrst ami vlicnppst work of the kind now in use unu 11 is so consKiptc.l hv lniiKlrcds of t hp most coniirti'iit touchers ami men of science in Ihe Uni on, who huve rei'omineiiilerl it, t i the book particulurly ami expressly prepared for our Ame rican irhtkiars : Jiu Almon Ttrinor. TlIK Yol-Tll's f'oi I MHIAV CAMltATriH.Tlli Toliinu- eonlains 91 pages, wilh ahoul U00 exam pies lor solulion on the slate. It embraces the I uiulamental Rules, ComiKiuiKl Rules. Simnl and Compound Keduvtiini, Single Rule of Tltrc, rroportion, ece. Tn KMitt's AittTHMKTie.1. Tni.r.s, is destined lor '.10 use of younger rlusses in tho .Si-liools of the I nilc I states. A I canlilul little hook ami plea in,' to rhil iren, and llio only oneol'tlic kind of any 'Chi re nre K"ey I i both Arilliinetics hound : or i!oi.' Ii-. lor tl e f-ni-xeiiieiii-e of tcai-hcr tin. . . ,:.-.i ! ,o o!,i'i..,is ,,i ,. qi sti..n are ivcn wilh iii'i. o evir.t iiialU-r (or the lihick hoiinl. These Kr- nn- the moil coinjiietc works of the Lin-l ever o:- ii: ! '.!. nu. I , ..iii:iiii. in n.Mition, uootit two l.'.io'ri -t rvi'iit'l, s in Metitir.iti.iu. .V.-.. for tiic i'o - I the 'I'i-'o iu-.-. AM t Ii n t is wniilcl if to have Ioi-moo-.o l-.o.,k I'vimiiu'.l. anil no le t, h-r who is a.'iu.iinted il!i t:ie M-irn.-i- 01 Antinnelir. w ill hesiiatc to proiionih-e il.i'in the .et works tlia have evi r been puhlilii., in il,,. r any other country. Although issued hut a few in nths, they have already lieen introiliued into the ftiojit Public SSehools of New York City in all the rVhools jiulilie and private, cxeept two, in the City of Keailin. Also, in about twenty AcuJauiies iii the flluic of Pennsylvania in a larue portion of the K hools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and iu the llorougha of Harrisburg, York, Chamlwrshurg, Lehaiiou, Doylestown, l'otts ville, Orwigsburii, &c Foraaleby Hixar Masst.h, Sunbury, Agent for Xorthuinlwrland t'ounty. SunburJ, Dec. 2, 1848. BOSH ON' Mr NT, FOH T3EJTTT R "I KAf) the followms; eeitifirate friMi 'rivXr )" t"'a'" a 1'iiii.APKLPiiii Cnnt. Devoe, the t Cujitaiu (.nf Hi. October 31, 1846. Several years sine,. I wns nlta.-loa! with a lirniikini oat on my neek in lhe '.nn .f Teller, whieli I am e .nv ' was c iraei,-d M MK. ll'irU-rVShoo. Ii unnuluaily exleiul eiloer my fiu-e mini u r-ocind thti ii.i.-r virt of Hie clieeks. llnriiiir lhe several ninilliS Hint il eoiitiiuie. pleu.hill;. I Usui .lillerehl upplieatli'iis. some of whieli hail Hie elli-,-1, llj'ieenlly nt leusl. o liiereii ie illeae. hut lr-in none oi I H-reeive I lie leaw lnehl iinlil 1 SiM'lieil Hie lio.-s tJiMMh.v r. liy Ihe use ol oee jar ol II, 1 was ier!eeli) cmtxl Ulul liuve IlllluilieiJ I'leo of Ihe slfec tion. I liave sines ucril ihe Ointment, lislitlv nppliel for rough- lies, ol the fnee. I,. tehes. ehapW.I IuiikU, p. Vn .,r. I''"'1 " I hn e no lie.'iuili .ii in recouiiueuitin it in the str-niM-st nuiiiner to the I'liUie. JAMES DEVOK. Aci-ntIsRT Maker, tunburv. ' July -i", ll!l. .PATZiTT i:2D:c::iTzs. (reen'a Oxyruated Hitter, price reduced. I Old Jacob Townsend'sSarsaparilla. Hakcr's SarKaparilla. Sw ay lie' -" rup of Wild Cherr Swayne' Vermifuge. re' Cherry Pectoral Dr. Drake' Panacea, l'r. Culleu' do Til. hit's Pain Killer. Dr. II Gotland's ( lerman Bitter Indian Vegetable Pill Horse und Cuttle Medicine For sale by HENRY MAS-ER. unbury, July 14. 1849. , olton Yum, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Wadding, Cotton Out '-", Ready made Pantaloons, Ready made Vests, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kctllcs, just rco-ied for sale by H.MASSER. Sunbury, Dec. 2, 1S48. 1JATENT Trusses of all kinds, Harrison's writing and indellible ink, Cotton yarn aud laps, just received and for sale bv J.'YV. FRILING. Sunbury, Dec. 8, 1848. -.AI V ai Also lk HATS at '.-.), for aale by II. MASSER. Sunbury, Dec 1, 1848. nOOK5 and Gold Pen. On hand several cop 11 ies of the liui of Clirist, aud also a number of gold pen which we will sell at the Philadelphia prices. . For sale at thisofhos. 1. TENINGS A cheap and ezoellent arts cle tor fastening aaah for ale by J. W. FRILING. ff unbury, July 7, 1819. OXYGENATED H3 a o oa m (33 m A aoTERCien remedt for PHTHISIC, AND . OENEHAt DBBILXTT. GEORGE B. GREllN, Phoprietor. Windsor, Vermont. 1! Soverei gn remed' nedT for nYSPEPSrA, In man f tg' rim In Ihe Stomwh, Hearllium. Lh,.lt X forms, sue: :h ss pn Costivetiess, Acid Stomach Headache, lstof Appetite. DvspepMe spnrna,, nli imln llieir n ha- bee., proved l Ihe relief of almost sjniptomstliat prorenl from a debilitated or stonie condi. tionof theBt mwchi .1., In general delHlity i" i sgeor from the eff.-et. of Ferer, partienlarlv F.V., S Ague, r emaies suirenng under sny uterine derangement snsmg from weakness, will find I lie ''0110.. wi, .0 nM ' ? T r'?,ne pernliHr. It has mad its' meHts TMf b ihe 'oree nf " 'ntrinsS Jf ly. ' ,r"rt ' npn rhlic ,t'"'ti"n. It W "eve m.r7C,,,:eI, !lv"",'. "" having first shown its r"" blm alterwntlds sdm in atereri tn kl. .miri'.-ii' " . 7. . i,L - . uV:-,r' ""S""aaac- iTni -M" """ 'n the most distant parts oY 1- th D v.nen.i. i.. : ..'T' """"Hon virtoe lii thearf Asihni T. I 2 ""7." "rm. "- for the ear. f ha. IsnThe 7. ZL T? 5"d iU n,' mray. F".jnre- iey nave proved a re- Uie possession of th , . . nmny ni mem signed by klHfU'll tfl th nnhli. 6 ' persons already widely W.NDSOR, Vt, Ortota a,ms ' 1 ruPrU!,OT- The following have recentlv fcee. received Ifaviinr msrl. ' Dl C.-.. ' . nTe .. . . hv Dr. (il..,. M Green ,- ."Js Bitter." prepaml ltee oMniiieHof lk-? ,! ""."I,"r-' Vt.iind Iroin know ree,?, me , . 'T"?ry '," wechrerfiilly i!.atti,i, vi,mWe ,,,;, .r'-,"?"''! W ILLIAM l l'IIA.M. f U. 9. Senator from Yermoat. of Ken.'i ' kV ' 1 S- a,,d f'urnurl' L. tl HlVhlT, r . Venv i t of It I ' OI t-0" and formerly O-- rirrltory" n"N' Dc,eSt0 Congress fmm From Hon. H. D. FiHTEarMemher of Congress frost I'etniBvlvania. Dear ir -t he. jSv,H,Tos, D. C. Jcxa 10, 1N. resto ejto L, use,! about ,vv Lotu,., mivi fil ,f . e!. ,hT,ien ?'"i'h TI,B for "whiehth dl eh 1,7s. TlX r""' W?' eat scidily.fth. , tlZ ,,e l . P M:,l,e.,f"ne flatnleiK-e, srvera eomtf rZ . 7hs . fnS I"' "' Vi"'r"t hta"'- Feeling de. o, r. ikn, W,,t' "f '"'ar vsllrable remedy may reseh i.ii mv est i n v . 7 ' ' X"t plensur. in record- reinaik , ha, while on ,,,", h omeTsho" , .mi '.Tnee , it ie!"h wh , "? r','"' " " aV" " ''f 'v '-nieted . re for vo, , T " ,i""d- " st d- t n'v v .ur irh ,T'":" ' "J la''l"" ' snbaeTils. mvself, " -.".ri n 1IIHS ir, Vt -S,':'' )Vh ''''"-11'' n"J "'"nil "v flieen 21 S. nth xth, 1' k Flctchttr, Airent f .r S!ni'.,i,-vII. II. Ms-.nR A rents for Milton M A( K A V A !U r -"!''r.: ' ; Malionoj.j. o. nuxs IMI'OIITA.NT TO THE PUBLIC. ::c?k32 JAJH CATTLE n , MEDICINES. Don t permit your Horses or cattle to die, when the inoans of cure arc within the reach of all ! stunW V T?11 S.P"V"1 year. i ths study of Wtennary practice in -London and E .l."Wo he hM al,o availed himself of tlWrese.r dies of lH-ibiff. and othcrcelehrated men.whohav. contnhutc, so mn.-h towards a judicious treatment of animal, ; the principle, fur practie. con.Uu in the rejection of seneral bleeding al,d the total rejection f all medicine, that cxpefienc. hJ shown to be of a dangerous tendancy. These rs net in harmony with the vilalprinciple, and when oven no.-onlino , thc direction, which ac company M, h article they are capable of exciting and iticrctMinif the tmtnml functions, without di. ... o, -o.iin or in Mrovuiir Clicir power, uence ar -'.o ,.ie o..ii, ;s o: c.cry one. ' O. H. DADD, M .4 l.M f Morse i cattle Medicines, Phy.ic halls. ;.-,.. ,,rr i,,,, AlU-r.uie !-a!l. ', oc do. D, lor had condition, 75ct nernsek- noe. 11 leave powder fordi.-easfsof the lungs, 75c dc. 1 line powder lor kidney,, 75c do. I onic pinTd.-r lor l,d condition glanders, 75c do, , al'iml dr,llk inllauialion of bowel., 75c pr bolllc. r I.iipii.l blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the jjrowtli of hair. 50s per put. Healiinr babam for wounds and saddle calls, 75e. per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle, pn bottle nm"be ,cn4tc'"!, M ore' 4c' 60t Kinbrocatirm for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, otc. 50e per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in fcngland for lameness of every description, 75e & 1 per bottle. DisU'inperpowdcrforredtvater, $1 per bottle. W orm jwwders for the removal of worm from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by .s'lTMPSOX KEED, 58 Mer- ,.'V.t . ,"."' alHa at U-1D' HOKSK AND Al ILK MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 & 3 Ilavtnarket Square, Uoston. PanipMcls iicscriliiiiB il,0 disease for which these remedies are used can be had jrralis. Numerous Ccrlilicatcs aro in possession ef the 1 roprietors, ol cures performed by Uie above Medi- clues. s?!d!,y CHEPA- FLETCIIE R, No. 26 South MM H .street, Philadelphia, and by hi Ar.KTs. IIEvt MAlBl Sunbury, rcbiuary 3, 1849 tf ESSEM E OF JAMAICA GIKGER PREPARED and sold only, at FREDERICK 1 UKOWN'd DRUG and CHEMICAL Store, N. E. corner of Firm and Cussscr streets, Phi ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess iu a concentrated form, all the valuable properties of Jamaica Uinger, and will be found on trial aa excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re commended a a tonic, to persons recovering from fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor, equal to a wins glass of brandy or other slimuland, without any of the debilitating ellccu, which are sure to follow the use of liquor of any kind : and it is therefor especially serviceable to children and females. .To the sired, it will prove a great comfort ; to the dyspeptic, autl to tho-ie who are predisposed to gout or rheumatic allcclions, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but w hose stomach is constantly craving the aoiious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation j and is consequently a great agent in the causs of tem perance. LirFull directions accompanying each bottle. The above article can be had at the office of tho American. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly ' ' - j Yulunble Hooks. ' ' r IFE or I'hbist, handsomely bound, D'Av.1 ' '"' Histosv or tsb RiroaaaTiotr,.' Blssk Dt-sooks 4o LsBSEaa,full bounded. For sale at Uie publisher prices by H. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1841. , ' SmriLKViS COUGH CANDY. An excel., W lent remedy for coughs, colds. For sale al this office AZOKS A superior article for sal at ths) stors of HENRY MAtMSER. unbury, Teb. II, 1850, -,.,'. I'lle ... I,, c , i ri.t.,.?'-"",?mrn "vspeptie Asthma.) D.fSeTilt vtmi iir. u lorn ooen nn, .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers