7 1 on News. . J'f Iff ft'.l forYeisrtra oPtMTfotttTe,,,,,, .W.S' Washington, Not. 13 1849,'; Though" lhe 'days' question worm to bd 'actual 'tecttieilliy M ot ot the local ms(-So Yemment bf California, tlio Wilmo) f rovrso still thtwtei to disturb the ;qiihrtiirfity of C'anateu. There Now Mexico, 16 vhiolt Bona of' hi feeal&ffs ddvooatci Vrlll omleavol1 to apply ir, "d ttifcro Is TeVas, which will claim Newlexlco as a part of her tprritory, cfi. Sam llouMon has said "sd, and he Is "likely to lieep his word. - Leaving, then, 9Vety California out bf the ciueeiion, xeo shall hate the following pcrplexlirg rtuust'ioits' Ho agitate Congies. and (he coontry : (- '. 1st. The establishment of the boundary W Tea. ! ' , ' ' .'' -2d. The Wilmot pibViso, as "hn abslrh'c ' Hionv ' '. V , 3d. The abolition of tho Slave Trailo in the District Oftolumbiti. 4th. The retrocession of tho Distiict of 'Columbia to the State of Maryland. ; i','i.,th. The Monroo and Polk declaration in "regard to European settlements on this con iirient in connection with tho Niagara treaty, and King Sambo's and Queen Victoria's joi.it 'occupation of tho Mosquito coast. , . ''eth! the tariff of 1848, in regard to which the administration noem to bo deter . mined on aul Cctsar aiU mtlltts. 7th. The Sub-Treasury, for which under VcerUin restrictions a Bank deposit system 1 may be 'attempted to bo substituted. 8th. The Warehouse system-, on which tho Secretary of tho Treasurer wilt mako an on slaught. , 9lh. Tho question as to the admission of r. "California as an iudopcndeiit Slato into tho ;Ulli00." , 10th." Thd abolition of the ollico of Becre 'tary of tho Interior. Si 1 1th. Tho rognlalion of otir Mplomatio and Consular system. '-' 12th. The establishment of an iigricullu- ral Bureau. ". , ,13th. Tho Kailroad across tho continent, -and the Railways or Canals across the Isth mus of Panama, Nicaragua or Tehuantcpec. ' 14th. Tho passible anut-xatioii of Canada Slid Cuba. Obsekveu. 1IORKIHLU STEAMBOAT UtSASTr.R. Explosion on board the Louisiana The lout . shivered to a'oms Upttartk of 'one hundred ' and fifty lives lust ! New Ohi.tUns, Nov. lo, A. M. ' 'One of the most disastrous steamboat acci-'ilt-nis that ever took place at this port, occur 'red about 5 o'clock last evening. The miijj. 'riiftcent, first class boat Louisiana, was'Jiiilliiig 'tut from tho leveo bound to St. I-.ouis, just as the steamers Storm and Boston 'Were coming 'itTfrom above. The boats were side nd "Bide, the docks of all three crowded with jmssengers, at the moment when a tremen dous explosion took placo on board the Lou isiana both boilers having biirstctl, severing the boat literally to atoms ripping and teari ng the other two boat, and Carrying upwards of one hundred and fifty humnii beings to 'iheir last accounts, without a moment's warn- 1 ing. ' Simultaneous with the terrible explo sion .came a Wild shriek, which sent a thrill 'of horror ; to tho stoutest hearts. As the smoke and strain cleared away, a scene was 'presented to the eye, of whichjl can scarcely lbjth'i a conception. Tho shattered boats, the I'shrioks of tho wounded-, the 'struggles of the ilrdwiiing, and the groans' of the dying, np 'palled, and, for a moment, paralyzed all who 1 Witnessed 'it. Human arms, legs and heads were ScatlercJ in every direction, and the 'levee was strewn Willi tho dead nnd dying! In a short time thousands of persons were collected in the vicinity of the melancholy - cone, and nothing was left undone to afford "relief lo the unfortunate sufferers. This morning the levee is crowded with 'Srttr citizens, and evefy effort is being made .''lb recover the "bodies of those blown into tho Viver. ' Already fifty de-all bodies have been 'recovered. It is supposed that at least one 'hundred and fifty lives tvdro lost by thisdrcad. Jul disaster! A large nutjiber are mangled ''hnil scalded in the most horrible manner. I ''have not been able, amidst tho confusion j which prevails, to obtain any thing like a "'reliable list of the immi- of tho killed or Svdunded, but 'will endeavor to send you a 'despatch containing more full parlielilarsj this aftcruunn or in the morning, .i The Louisiana sunk a few minutes after "'the disaster. It is unknown what Wd lo the explosion. ' It is Supposed that tho engineers 'and firemen Were killed, as they have not ',een seen Eiucb the accideut. . ."bi.. ; SBC6ND DESPATCH. '.' ,- .,, ... : New Orleans, Nov. 17 A. M. '.'tttplain Kenuon, of the steamer Louisiana, ' JiaS'been arrested, and held to bail in the tum of 8,000. The explosion having been . 'attributed to carelessness, a searching inves- tigatiiu 'will shorlfy take place.- Many more lead bodies haVe been found. ' Tho number of killed; it is believed, will reach 200, bo. -fiides many dreadfully wounded. Tho (la, the shipping are all at half mast. ., DUTY OH COAL. The Coal Mining Association held a meet ing in this Borough ou Tuesday last, at the -instance of onfl or the gentlemen who had teen invited , to visit Washington, to con fer with the Secretary of the Treasury. They decided upon Vecoiu mending a specific duty x( $1 25 cents per ton on Coal; about 28 per fcoat less than the duty in the bill 1842, which Was $1,7 A per ton. Tho trade prefers a mod terate but adequate duty for protection, with a view of permanency in preference to high duties, Which are constantly liable to change In the present slate of the coal tiade, with mt)e Protection to those branches of indus try into which the consumption of Coal enters ciont but it ought not to be lower. .In tho Bill of 1846, the present rate of duty is about 5 to 70 cents per ton. Mitten' Journal. tobacco; ' ' :8om one bss rjusintly said ' "Tohixd u an Indian wcd ; -' " Twss the devil sowed Jierrtr It drain (he pockets, wnU the clothe, , , Aad muke a thiauiir of our now.-1 A OALLAUT SOLDIER. . . At tha.fuioalionors paidfto,YoitTi, Dun can ana Gates, John Van Huron delivered an oration, in.MifcK h& felstrfd. the following riecdo'to ef the fdfmeTf' ; '' ' VT " WhHtf (Sencr'h'i Scoft Vs nndeT charges by f rtjor. 5f (Senorai Jaokson, and a pourt. of in quiry was investigating his conduot irt Flori da, a jfefff bT gehtlerrien met in Ihis bity, and after, dinner the eon ve'rsation turned upon the subject of Soott'i services ) Worth, indignant at tho proceeding, was describing the part which Scott took .lit tho "bat'tlb of Niagaru. Ho said that Scott's brigade were advancing towards evening, under tho cover of a wood, from which they were to' cVplpy into the open field; Scott had already had one horse shot under him, and nstho column were de ploying, his second horse fell, and hd became entangled under it. The column wavered, and Worth, then his youngest aul, rushing lo his assistance, dismounted and tendered him his horse, saying, 'General, can you mount, the column falters for n leader!" cott im rnediatcly mounted, and riding to tYie head of the column, cried out, "Advance men! the night's our own," and Worth followed Scott, as his aid, on foot. At this moment a dis charge of grape from a stoglo cannon prostra ted Scott, tho horso which he ro and his aid, Worth. Scott and Worth were immedi ately carried to tho rear, Scott seriously, nnd Worth, as it v.'assupposcdiuortally wounded Attention waa, f course, . first paid to the cornmnuding officer. Aftersohie time, a deep groan was heard, apparently from tho ad joining tent, 'uiu'f Scott, with that forgetfulness of himself which distinguishes him on such occasions, begged the surgeon to repair to tho quarter whence the sound proceeded, and at tend, as he said, 'to poor Worth, who must be dying.' Instead of this, as Worth conclu ded, "tho cry of agony proceeded from my faithfnl dying charger, who had managed to drag himself upon three legs ,to the edge of rny tent, .whore ho had lain down Iodic." Pausing for a moment, whilo there was hard ly a dry eye in the Company, ho added ,;I beg your pardon, gentlemen, 1 find that in fending Gen. Scott, I have been incidental ly led lo desciibo iny own service.'1 C'ALirortMA Gold. Three million seven hundred and thirty thousand dollars of Cali fornia gold had been received nt the U. S. Mint in Philadelphia, up to Saturday lust. Thuek Htf.NDRKD tons of potatoes and two tons of alum are sold weekly to tho London bakers to help the manufacture of wheaten bread. Tho Chicago Trih ine says of Gen. Shields. that his adhesion to tho proviso secured him his election to the U. S. Senate. From tbe I. mh1i.ii ITitptitt Miinxine. I WILL AKISli AND iO OIO MV FAX H Lit. When burdened is my breast, . When friendless seems my lot) When earth affords no rest, And rofugo I have not ; Father I If thou wilt sutler mpj -I will arise and come to theo. When conscience thunders loud, .. When sins in dread anay . "Upon my memory croudj . " Anil till mo with, dismay 5 : . . .. E'en, then there yet is hope for me, ' Father! Til rise and come to theo.- 1 When I have wandered fur - . ' Along tho dowiiward road-, Ami mountains seem lo bar -. r My turning back to God ; Vet glauciitg once ou Calvary, Father I I'll rise and come lo theo. ' And if I am a child, But have backslidden still, And, filled with projects wild. Have followed my own will, Yet, penitent, resolved FU be, Father ! to rise and come to the. With broken heart and sad, 1 will retrace my way, And though my case is sad. Thy mercy ) my stay ; With Jesus blood mv only plea, . Father! I'll rise and come lo theo. And thou in lovo wilt turn To thy poor rebel child j Nor let. thine anger burn, Though sin my heart beguiled; Thy voice shall meet me graciously, Arise ! arise ! and come to mo. And when my cheek inrnB pale, And when 1 sink in death, Though heart ami Ifi'iti may fail. With my expiring breath I'll whisper, Jesus died for mo; Father ! 1 ri;e and come to thee. From tlic Ameiic.-ut Funnur. WORK 1 TllK CAJlUt: FOIl NOVEMUEU. Beets, carrots, parsnips, potatoes. All. these roots should bo taken u-p and stored away in a dry oellar; bo suro to give them acoveriugof straw or sand.1 '' ' Shri'bs ano fruit trees. These should bo set out early in this month. Asparagus beds. If net done before, should iwvt bo cleaned off, by cutting ofT the stalks, which should be removed tosoine con venient spot, to bo burnt nsroon as dry enough. Tho stalks removed, Spread some Well rotted manure between tho rows. and folk it in, then strew salt over tho bed. . . j. . Straw it err v beds If not cleared off last month, should be this. The' beds should be manured between the row's, dug in and taked when a covering of long straw should be spread between the row'3. : Cabbages. Tuke up und secure your cab bages Ogainst the frosts and snow of winter. Pauuas. Cut off the stalks of your dah lias within two inches Of tho ground', dig up the roots, and bury them in sand in your eel lar. . ,.. ... . .. . Sacr, thyme, hyjop, challots chives and alt culinary herbs may now be set out. ' Hoiise Radish. iJig up1 a Winter supply, and bury it in taud in the cellar Tomatoes. -If you have tiny vines vith tomatoes on them that bare hot been injured by the frost, take them up and bang them up in the barn ; thus oared for, the fruit will ri pen ahd afford yojj a supply for (able use for several week, j . . Clavkt buds; -If there are any Very stiff clayey fjelty'il your . tpirijpo, hate them, dug up and laid in the range, lu be beueuiiea oy the Winter's frosts and snows. ' If convenient in spring', put a load or so of san4 pa them ; dij U U tthout hull t kpaae uuep una iwij. ...-SUNBUllY. AME1UCAN AND S1IAM0K1N JOURNAL. r.-"rTrTr-rr- The Pbintsrs of Washlngtoh tiity are about to contibijte loujards the National Monument. They are tho right sort of mon, a a-wnggfsh coTrWpoTrdont of tho Icirt re marks, "to eUp.axolumiJl' .,. On Tuesday, evening lasL by.lha Kev. MrJ Alleman, t)r. BoBF.Ut II. Awl, ta Miss He becca PuKsr.tr, both of this place. ; (The happy couple did not forget tho prin ters. ... ., ' l'A Northumberland, 6n the 1st inst., by tho Rev. Mr, Alleman, Mr. Joseph H I.vdwig, of Williamsport, to Miss Mari, daughlor of the late Alba C. Barrel, Esq., of Northumber land.1 - . ' In Lewisbiirq, on t1e "feth inst., by J. A. Mertz, Ksq., Peter Smept, of Union county, to Miss Cauoune F.. Steti.er, of Point town ship, Northumberlaml couirty. i i i: d In t.ewis township, on the 6th inst., MA TILDA, daughter of Wm. Stead, uged 10 years. In Anthony township, Columbia enmity, on the 30th ult.,ov. Dr. F, A. UEKMAN. agod about 50 years. In Danville, on tho 4th instant, Miss SA RAH SECIILER, aged 38 years. In Bellefunto, Centre rtmntv, Pn , on the 10th inst., tho Hon. CHARLES HUSTON, in the eightieth year of his ago. Judge Huston was born in Bucks county in this State, nnd was a lad during tho Revolu tion, many incidents of which were indelibly impressed upon his memory. Ho entered Dickenson College, then under tho Presidency of Dr. Nesbit, a distinguished Scotch Divine, and after having gratuatnd with the honors of the institution, took charge f 3V3 tl'iain' mar School, at the same time studying Law in the office of Thomr.s Pnncan, with whom he was afterwards associated on tho Bench of lb Supreme Court of Pennsylvania . Whilst residing in Carlisle, Gen. Washing ton marched through that place, on his way to quell the insurrection in tho western Coun ties of Pennsylvania. He joined the expedi tion and his vivid description lf its various incidents will long bo remembered by the many who had thegnod fortune to number him among thciir ncquainlftces-. In 17D5, ho was' admitted. to the Bap, and removed to tho county of Lycoming, which had tho winter previous been erected into a County.. Hn married in Williamsport, nnd re sided there until 1807, when he removed to Bellefonte. The land titles of this part of Pennsylvania were in a very unsettled condition. Eject ments Were frequent nnd complicated. The Bar nt the time, were distinguished for their talent nnd ability, and it is not the language of eulogy, lo say that Judge Huston was the equal of any of his competitors. In 1818 he was appointed by Governor Findlay, Presi dent judge of the Fourth Judicial Pistriel, and Presided with distinguished ability for eight years. Such was his influence with the jury, that tho writer has heard him more than once say that in the course of tWo whole eight years ho had granted but two new trials. In 1826 he was appointed by Governor Shnlze, one of the Justices , of the Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, in tho arduous nnd re sponsible duties of which he continued, until the expiration of his commission, in 1J5. How ably 'ho discharged those duties,.will be best learned from his numerous opinions, in full thirty-five Volumes of Reports. Tho last four years of his life was chiefly spent in the preparation of his lately publish ed work, ou the Land Titles of Pennsylvania. Such is a brief and imperfect outline of Judge Huston's career at tho Bar and on the Bench. Few men have expeiienced more physical suffering, and few men have lived a more industrious, useful, and laborious life. The private life Of the deceased, was tho reflection of an unclouded mind, nnd of a conscience "void of offence." His beloved wife, his only son, and two daughters ho had followed to the grave. These domestics af flictions together with his early pious educa tion, brought this eminent man to consider his latter end. Ho became many years since a communicant in tho Presbyterian Church, and died as he had lived, a firm believer in the truths of Christianity. B. Bellefonte lVji. Coal Crabc. Su.sni-RY, November 22, 1849. Amount of coal brought to Sunbnry over tho Danville and Potlsville rail road, from the Shamokin mines: Tons. tor the last week, 972 Per last report, ' l7ifl9 Total. 17741 $I)C ittarlict PHILADELPHIA XdCABKET. , . . , . . Nov. 20, 1849. Wheat Prime Pennsylvania reds are held al$l OGa 1 07 and while at SI 12af 1 13. KtB alos of Pet lira, at 64 a 65. and Southern at 60c. ' ' ' CoR.--Old vellow is worth 60c; new 50c: whito 60 a 61 c. Oats.. Southern Oats are held at 28 a 30 : Penna. 35 a 36c. Whiskey. Sales in hhds at 2So and bbls at 88 cents. : ' BALTIMORE ftAItKEt. '"' tict if the flinerican, Koe. 19, 1819. GRAl.V.-i-SalBs : of good to prime red Wheats at I O0a $1 06c and of whites at 106 alto cents. - CORN Sales at 50a52o for while, and 60 a 53c for vellow.' Rte Small sales of Maryland Rye at 57c. OATS Sales al 30 a 33c per bushel; WHISKEY Wo note a Sale of bbls. this morning at 21 c, arid hhds. at 27 cents. SUNBURY I'RlCfc CURRENT. ! "Correttcd teeekly by Henry Masser, Whst. , . 100 S6 00 Rrs. Coii.v. Oats. Bittes. , Euus. Pubk. Flixsied. TaLLUW. ,. ,'r littkVtt. Flax., ; lKi kLr.D Flax. Dkho Amu. Do. 1'i.Alllkl; T 6 9 S 125 10 35 N 10 bi Wit rwuiu. 1 1 ,v- a-r r--r 7 -a rr i 11 HE I A: lltc 1 1 riiii-i i 1 1 v FAlfttMS COMPANY "" Over TO,000 Mmbrri '"'V GUARANTY CAPITAL OVF.R $500,000 TIIR Wasliinnton 'Count v fiitiial Imursnoc CoirVpitny r (irnnvilfe, -rTi-'Y throuffh their Afccnt, i now tnkinit risks in this Uounty snd vicinity, inn ilwcllini Houses, Churches, Tsvcrim, Uoardiurr Hoiisck, Hny, tirain and Fsnnrrs pro duce RPirrrnlly. TMs 'Oompntiv takes no risks in exposed parts of villages or on Stores, Mills, Whops or Machinery, linr insures exceeding f 2000 in one locslity, ' The rates nra exceedingly low, nvn rniiinri less than $5 per Ihousond for Poliries run niiiff 5 years or !1 t yesr. A small premium note Is rccpiired, but the prosperous condition of tho Compsny snj tho largo accumulated cash fund, precludes nil probability of there ever beinrr an assessment. Tho Policies of this Company arc free from objectionable conditio) often found in policies of other Companies; the Company being also responsible for the correctness of busi ness done by its Agents. It Is now the most ex tensive Mutual Company in the United States, ami universally popular Sii'iong the farmers of N. Y. Mass., and Conn. All losses, however, snAi.t oftcrduc notice will be promptly paid either at the place of loss or the Branch oiiice at Harrisburtr. The Company is now under the direction of the fol Inwlnff gentlemen: Hon David Kusscll laic member of Congress. Hon. Koloinnn i"5. Cowen, Cornelius I.. Allen, Joseph M. Bishop, If. N. (Srsves, Henry Holmes, (leo. fitments, Jnscph U. Orvis, Arch Bishop, Ceo. Young, jr., Nalhnn Doanc. DAVIU KUSKEM., President. Persons desiring Insurance in the above Com pany by informing the snhscrilicr by letter or otherwise will rereivc prompt attention. AI.DKKT A. UAKKlr.lt, Agent. Simbury, OcU 80, 1849. Ciroiccrios ! Groceries ! ! coir; & t o. S. IP. Coi-iifr Arch C( Sired PA Had el pit in, OfFEIt.lBr falc to the inh ibttaiils ef Sunbnry and vicinity, Futility Groccrivi of the very finest quality consisting of Extra Fine, Superior and Common Green and Black Teas. Coffee of all kinds nnd prices. Si.irs nf cf-ry kind, Kii-e, Farina, (Sago, Hominy. - All kinds of choice Pickles, Sauces, Ketchups, Olive Oil, Preserves, Ve., warranted to I of llie very finest grudes in the. market and st the cheapest rates possible. .Ill goods carefully packed nnd promptly for warded. COI.TON & CO. S. W. Cor. An h & Gib Ht. Philru Oct. 58, 1849. ehcJiti ly my W, E. HIOKS JOITES, Vli)I,i;S.l.i: DKAM'.ll A MAM TArTI RKlt Vif VILLOW AND AVOODES WARE. , Imporlrr of Frrnrh Ilnlps I.aoklnx Classes, niiff Fancy OikhIs, Xo. IS IVorlli Second Street, Between Market nnd Arch Ss tinder J. SinxKr JonLs Viirjiel Waivhouse, two doors below Christ Church, PHII.AOKLPI1IA, I.TASo'1 u and is eonstaiitlv re-eiving a large hud extensive assortment of Colltbs, Brushes, Fancy Goods of every description, (too numerous to mention,) Looking Glasses ol'tiilt and Mahogany frames, -Baskets, Coaches, Chairs, &e. BROOMS, Shaker's fcastcrn Wisp and Country Bmofns, Window Blinds, Door Mats, Tubs, Buckets, Churns, Washboards in fact, Wooden and Wil low Ware of every description, all of which will le sold low for Cash or City acceptance. Merchants would save themselves much time and trouble, by calling and examining my Block before purchasing. N. B. Looking Glasses, arc insured ngaiusl Breakage to ull parts of the Union, without extra charge. August 2.", 1S49. 3m TICKNOR'S COLUMBIAN SPELLING BOOK. T KING a progressive and Comprehensive !ys fern of Orthograpy und Orthoepy, including a variety of definitions, adapted to the use of Schools in the American Kepublie, by Almon Ticknor, a Teacher of twenty-live year's vvnri euce, and author of the Columbian Calculators, Practical Common School Mensuration, etc. The attention of Teachers, School Directors, parents, &e., is invited to this new Spelling Book, hich cunforiiis to the modern spelling and usages in Orthography aslringonroflhe neatest, cheapest lH-st arranged, and better udapted to the wants of children, than any other published in the United Stats. It is w lint it purports to Is?, a Spelling Book und not a Heading Book, and only requires an examination on the part of Instructors of youth lo secure for it a universal introduction into the Schools of the United States. Just published, and for sale by IU'.Nht Masskh.,' Sunbury. Where Teachers and Directors enn procure copies for examination. August 4, 1840. THE FARMER'S ENCYCLOPEDIA. r.niTKD HY GOUVKHNKi n KMF.IISON. X OXE VOLUME, Koyul octavo, 1105 panes, lc aulifullv bound, containing, 17 lino libites, bcsiiles mtmeroiis Wood Cuts. Sold ut about one fourth tho cost of the F.nglish work, without ally Plates.- 'The Farmer's Kneyclopedia is a real treasury of prtctlcdl iiifui nmtion, wherein the experience of all ages and eountries is carefully postkii vp to the present day, and admirably arranged for con venient reference." Dr. Darlington. "We are fully convinced that such an amount of valuable knowledge for farmer ran he found in no other work in so cheap and convenient a form In fact, no Farmer who pretends to lie well Infurrtt ed in his profession, should be Without this woik." New Gcnnesscc Farmer; An excellent work, fit to lie distributed in pre- minms by Agricultural Socities. J. S. Skinner. For Bale at this Uftice, price !j4. Also, by E. W. CARR. Third street, rpphsite the F.xclmngf, Philadelphia I and X. HICKMAN, Baltimore, Maryland. , I tT jiLi Ohiikks mVSt tit iecepti:i t THR CSH. " July 14, 1849,3iu IXalo of Satrah Drclier, Ucc'd. V OTIC'B i hereby given that letters admiuistra Li tiou have iieen granted to the suhseriliers, on the estate of Sarah Droher, Into of Lower Au gusta township, Northumberland county dee'd. All i-rsuiuj indebted to suid estate or having claims uguiust tho same, arc requested to Cull ou the subscriber for settlement. , . .. JpUN DKEHEJ!, Adia'r. , , Lower Augusta tshp., Oct, 20, 1S40. STONE WARE, STONE milk Pans, ytoiie Jugs and. Pitchers, and other article of stone, war? just received and for salo by JOHN W. FKILIXG. Nunbury, June 23, 1840. ultiuble llooki. . . , ' T IFE u Chuist, hmidsoniely bound, D'Ar uiunk's IlisTuur or mi Kkvormatios, Blask Dat'books ash, LxniiKHS, full bounded. For sale ut the publishers price tit . ll. B. MASSER. Sunbury, July 14, 1849. flVlSSUE PAPER. Yellow Tissue paper for . A. . covering glasses, &.C., fat stile at ths Olliec ol the American. IJLASTEli, Salt mid FUh, by fcuiiHiinr, lrc 8, 184. jtisl retvived smd for Ji W. f'Iilt.I.N'0; WHITE UK ANDY for preserving hrandy wsrhc oi' mi CXCUent liuililv, for ulr by H. MASEK. SuiiMrtT.'ftril. Wd, IMW'1"' ' " " ' . .i . w ' -' I I-,-'! .i..l n - ;rr To rnvsicAiifi ' LND COUNTRY DR. J. N. KEKI.ER ft Bro. most respectfully solicits attention to their fresh stock of Kng Huh, Ifmirh, Grrtnnn and Amticaa )rttgt Mcd Iclnes, Chemicals,' Paints, Oils, Dyo Stuffs, (ins ware, Pcrfurnety,' Patent MedicirteS &e. ' Having opened rt'new s'tore No. 504 Marliet'iVf. with . full supply of Fresh Drugs stid 'Medicines', wo re spectfully solicit1 Country dealers lo examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, promising pno and all Whoulny feel disposed to extend to us llieir patronage, to sell them genuine Drugs and Medi cines, on as liberal terms as any other house lu Hho City, arrd to fuithfiilly execute oil enters entrusted to us promptly and With dispatch. One of the proprietors ling A Vcgular physician, affords ample guarantee of the genuine quality of ftll articles sold at their establishment. We especially invite druggists and country merchants, who may Wish f Irecofnc agents for Jr. A'reter'i Vtfclmtrtt l'u'iuify kttillriiit.i, (fctan dnVd olid popular remedies,) to forwurd tlicir ad dress. Soliciting tho patronage oT dealers, we r'espect fullv remain, J. X. KEEI.F.R'ctBRO., Wholcsab l)rigists, No. 304 Market street, Philadelphia. . f?cptcmler 15, lal'J. ly. LAUD LAMPS. lonNut.lis co. !S'. HO (limns! M , RfisrKCTFULLY announce Hint they have just finished the most extensive nssnrtmcnt of LAMPS, th'V have ever offered for sale, comprising ELEGANT NEW STYLE CHANDELIERS, BUAGKETSk PENDANTS, MANTEL - LIGHTS, &6. - , In great variety, and of ORIGINAL DKSI(iN5. Much attention hashe'en paid to ECONOMY, in the construction of iIicbo letups, and such are mailo as will prAdue'6 the greatest amount of light from rlie least consumption of Lard. 1 . Recent improvements in the manufactory, with the Introduction of new oud perfected mschrriery, enables them to sell at a xiry GRUAT REDUC TION from former prices, and all articles before leaving tho manufactory, are carefully inspected, and arc warranted perfectly tight, and to give satis faction. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly limratltiidc l the bases! crime of man. 'ITTE are not mnong that class of Editors lio for a few dollars will, (at the expense oil ruth and honesty) "crack l'p" on article and bring It into rapid sale j neither arc we willing to remain silent, niter having tested the utility of on im provement or discovery hi science or art. Our renders will recollect we told them we were un well with a sore throat and violent cold some few weeks ago. Well, wo purchased two lsittles of WINSLOW'S BALSAM OF lfORKlIOCND and so sudden was the cure, that we forgot wc Her Hail a cold. Those who uro ulllieted, may try it upon our recommendation. LrivUtuu Ttte giajilt. A fresh supply of the above valuable medieiuc just received, und for sale in Suuburv, tiy John W. Friling, Mary A. McCny nt Northiimherland, und ut wholesale by Frederick Klelt, & Co., cor ner of Sd and Culiowhill streets, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. 82d, 1810. 8 n'-o. "Uncouriigc Your Own!" ILVAS &iu:N!su FASHIONABLE . MA K E OF FURN1TUR E AND CHA I Ilk nPlIE suhscrilvrsiTspertfitllv call the attention of ihe pulilic to their lar;;c and splendid assoit meiit oft-very quality and price of CAIJIAirr-WAKE, which cannot fail to recommend itsrlfto'every one "who Will examine it, ou account of its durable workmanship and splendid rinish, made up of the liest stock to be had in the city. JVo effort is spared in tho manufacture of their ware, nnd the subscriliers are determined to keep up with the many improvements which are constantly being made. Their stock consists rif Mahogany Sofas, Divniitt and I.uuiikck, UurcTUS,Srcictnifrs,anrl)o"irts, SflFA, UREAKFAST AMI D1MXC TABLES, and also VENETIAN BLINDS, epial to Phila delphia manufacture. BEDSTEADS, of every pattern and price, CUPllOAlldS, U'OKK AND CANDLE STANDS, TOILET TABLES AND EXTENSION TABLES, in short, every article in this lino of their business. Thry also manufacture, ull kinds and qualities CIIATiiS, including varieties never before to be had in Sunbury, such as ihoi; ax t, Black Vaustt AMI ("fHI-KII M .IPLX GuKI'lAX J AMI MISI1I CHA I lis, ami run Tiavo Stools, which uro of the latest styles, and warranted to lie excelled by none manufactured in thd Cities or elsewhere.- The subscriliers are determined that there shall lie no excuse for persons to purchase furi'ltliro in the cities, as every confidence can lib entertained nliou' the quality nnd finish of their ware nnd Chairs. Tlieir articles will be disposed cT on as good terms as they eon lie purchased elsewhere. Coun try Produce taken in pavment fur work. IF4 UNDERTAKING attended -to on reason able terms. IV The Ware Siiom is in Market Stteet, opposite J. Young's store, and nearly opposite Weaver' Tavern. DANIEL H A AS, . . ' GEORGE RENN. Suiiiiun-, April SS, 1S49 if VALL PAPERS. . . rilHE Subsrrilirrs huv on hsml tlm lnr.r-l fa. JL ortiUnt of Wall Pi ft us in tlm city of l'lii ltttU'lpbia, M'Aolti.ial and Hrtaif, romisliiir of every variety suitable for Parlors, Kiitrirs, Uiuiil Rooms, C'hsiuliei's, &c- wliiili for quality and alvlo t amuit be surjisssed. lloins; ai-li business we are enabled to sell a liettrr article at a much lower rate than any store doing a , TRADE ni'StXESS. On band, a larpo sssnrlnient of AVidk Pr:, for Curtuins, Fire Prints, Uordi'is, &.e., wbich will lie sold for fash. Pujkt llanyins done ill t!lo country ut city lrioes. N: it, Dealers arc Invited to call and examine their slucK. U'l'orc jiurcbasiui; elsewhere. K l..N Sr Ut KTO.N. ' No. 142 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May "ti, 1810. ly . ROSE OINTMENT, FOR TETTEa Ki:AU Umi l'oiliwintt reitilimtx irm Cspl. lievoe, the w. ll kn ivn uiul p.iuUur bluuu Uuut CuSum (of Ihe TravvUur.) , Pliinuu-fiiiA, Uctolier 31. IhW. fV'v.nil yivira ainee I wn nihirkeil with lrikina- out ou tuy itM'k in tlit. I'onii r 'IVtier, which I uin coiivinrprl wiin coiitrueliit at llie Hurher'ft Shoii. It eraiMlujIly extenil et! over my I'aee mail it rra?h?A the upier jwrt of Ue rhteks. liartniT Ihu at-ventl nluilhft ttmt It ontinual aireuiiiiv, 1 UMti riulcreiil uiMiliratiiMi.. some of witii-u hnd the ravel, apprenlly ut l.-ust, of nure.niii)r the riia.Be, hut from none oi thfiu'ditl I fierreive the Itiat benelit unlit 1 IHilieililiallossUisTiuiK. hy asc uae M iwioi ,f g, l Tus ucnacUy cinsd anil auvs tt-uubied Ire of tli titec. Illljl. M , ,M i havs &w Uarsl thtt Ointment, listhlly rtppltalfor mufh am oj the face, uloU-luis, chspiaid hauds, ace; With fn-r feci MkMtvm. 1 lui s uo umuwuon iu raoouauviktuig it ul the atronscat uianner U the imblic. JAME? DEVOE. i. Asrnl HssaT Mi was, uubwy. . , . . i ' July, IMU. ,. s , , . HOOKS and (Sold Pens. On rianrjeral cop- iJ lea of the life of Christ, und ali a number of gold pens Which we Will sell at the Philadelrjhla arircA ' For sate at thihoflicr.-" ' ' ' ,! hi t .. i. , ' ' CM TJSPii'TT f "" ''-'' iftvTvj tMALi.l , l'.'J ."' ""' MnUrtnt to tftt Cm off l)tn.b, ttmnfofthr purifying mrdical pom AMwws . u .uhrivrd cn,i,md MMS Vurmt--'tMnUmUifiicMio)ukUti4mcnkat BRANT'S INDIAN JIVliVfl EXTRACT fa mA a MrJt'int. In tvprr rrtpert i and thers Is sbva dsut iinwf; In fnmt turn otlfielcil, thst ONK BllTTI.K at It j-nnlnim siiirt pnrllyln, besllm virtu. nH mnHrnt pmtrr. tim thsrs H eoiilsiiieil In Four Bout of srtmt. upariltt, or ny wait mtdirim tbiit has tm bMB nm,rr fur Mis. Thtrs is sniluubtcd pronf in oaf psmphlcU. Uiat lijr lli un of Ihis imt ni'is i'urAVr. Umy thst wnro bviwa vnt Liv lliny. t)int crt I.Amb Slid Clip. riKD i-kii nuw Walk Ihey thst Were Sick, Hcsori-Loes, and olliurwim diaeMed, bupa been IIcalsd and L'unso. Hundreds Thoufs ands wh have nued Rsaht'b Pesirns. alter havlns naed and tf-Mud .u.l. the utrminriHaM and utlier im-diiinea nconi-ineiidt-d to euro bloud disensca, hsro dtcuitd thst Brant's is the Cheapest, nerstHs Oin Hottlt of It has mott mcdlcsl. oursttve mst tfr in it and, In ronJciniimee, curra Aiurc ihtmn in much lent Irt.ia. tlinii nnr litirrte nt any ntber madicine. ' ir. then, oyii Hottte nf Rsant s 1'enlKirs will Cnrs FOllt TIM KS num. ditcaaii thRn on hnltlc of im-mpo-rilla, ItsANT's I'esirtlts" M'oalil tii s chrapnt fottriUl' liif a bottle, ai irrmmrilla at ont dnllnr. liut IMt ANT'd I'l.'ltll It sold lor only ON K Dot. I, All a bistlo; and a a bfitllu of it hn ruird, and ia riipnhle of curing, Four 'Vnaet hi inarli diocaao an ose hottlt of tarmjttrttU. there t'oro, aarMHimrtUa, in conspquenco of it Uj, ioivpr and Um medical -lllc)r. aboald Im sold nt no i"r than ?vni htrt Vnt pi r bottle, to bo M ehcup tit tuo fust rnH Ht One thttnr. One Dollar's Worth! Mow miit li ('anckii how mnrli HVpHtLrn how mnrh ScKOFi'tA will One Dollar worth llrttnfn VVIUFIKR Lun? ? Keud I be Illuwing tntomuMt, which U uptx. UifMi of Itn uwpr. Cancerous scrofula! 'l itis is the cH' ul a iyt"if m(TT wbn yrl lire. Hi irt cured oi' h won-c rtwi ol lciDtuln, by only Tvrlre Vottlcn ot" l.tftnt'n Purifier, than fwer wn c-urrtl hy tlm uw; ol 'ftrrlnt (iaUumtui tho brtt Mrmparilla Ihnt m i-ver itindo. 8tirrMiinriln hn fiujfu imt nieiiicrJ pvircr to ttVuct lite enn nf ic rt Wrth'tivah hopeir rnp. Mr. j, 11. Haskin.u! Ifome, (Mridn (i . A'. Y., hurl Scroj via four yraraw coii lined to hit Uit tlte taut ror-h wii4 m much dirs .1 ttnd dt'hilitiitvd ns to In liimSIo to in.t hi" htnd to his hfitd. 11c hnd u hc-t nt liirMl ml t ice had vwd all of the bint nurmirriNtts' to no iroofl pttt-rt fjttt iniw Hud trtjtc. nnd w ttnifitlnn-d to be In ltir State, and could not 1 vr th-rnt-jhu'r hour lonL'rr, whrn h' comnifmrHi unirtr; ItltiNTrt'l'L'HIFlKU. Ilin verk wi ratrn nvnrltf oT, lnnn eat to ir hnle wa tpntrn thrtxih hu Kindpife, utujcr i-hin, hi thnt h- lirniht-d th rim -h th hok- hi r ir n po ontui nruuinl thut it could bp. 'HjM tip out nf tt idnrr. It only holding hy a email piiftv-thn h of one arm wn destroyed hy two l'l ct-rn nn t'l'tr mid-r the ft rut. iii birm Ht' mnn'n hand, h'til iienr.y ePrv thitnicli liit nidr into ft it lta.lt,,- ' ;,u, tm wm ntllifU d With V centp ch putrid, a.H.l.' njfru.ire ft r rn, uii uriotts paiU of hi (tcroutu 1 or luitlivr ttud lull I'tu ticuliir!, ire our Vamftfih-tt. IttM t. Thomas ii.liams, nnn of tio, most fkillul nhy-)i(-:im4 of ituni' Wli rulh'd to itv Iln-kiti tin; t'n't l'-;hrc un i-oinnifm-til -iuz Itrntit I'mrititr. IWt. V. i-?;in-mod hiir, end lit; tj told him thnt ail tho mrdUitu lu the trorli cutild wti care liim tht li'w cm.-o win Worse than Hopeless ! Nfiw hmr Mr. HASKIN'fi itnttMiirnt of mm. Hi fml.I : Mv wi' nmuird inn: Imtllfj of JURISTS I'l'Mr') EXTHA(V nf MmiH ff i.rnitfTrd. Uniift-. nf ltoititf I cuitttitc-tR'rd ii'iiii Ihttt, mid hex on to pt fciffr that botti.k -nithi'd nit- to get ol' nt'j bed, hfm 1 had Aft'cn tmi third ortr yrnr tht skcond lnill rimhUd i.ii'cyil out of the ho 'ire th TlllBD hitttK rniihlcd tin lo M'.itt 'i'vo Mile, lo ItutBf Ci utiv, where I pnx-urrd Sir. I'.Oitlt tnoro ; 'and u Ufu 1 hud tijdht-d ii"in;.' ihrin. .'' r utu u out of yvvnfv I'lrrtf" tt.m) iir.r.Kn vv nnd thrrr bttl,' inort i tf.iud ti I'KKI i:ci' I UK ol i tho I'tcen, and ro-ft-n'i'd me to fijod k;oltht FOURTEEN WITNESSES! Mr. IIAKIN Iiri ftwnrn lo tho idri l'rti, nnd the f'irt iv itnti." d.ond liittjj toby iHH.T. T. WIL LIAMS -Mr. (J. U. liRO A'N. ro!iri.-torii 'Ihe Htthlttme Wrt-M..r. HISHKl.l. fc Li:()NAliD, Wholennlo nd feiiul Ui 'Uirdi nnd ill.KVXN other respurtahie yitnetpca. We Challenge the World T l'KOVK a Citre of m rtmlttmr nnd tittrrtif haprtcsn n -s of t-tfioluU, hy the ih til TKN TIMK an much (wirT;wWri, or any th r medicine. t$ wm iirK-d ol lirunt'n VurijiiT lu fll'vct Ihe abuv emu whii-h euro iijall he prutpri hV n rfiny iccll knevn, tcpertcbU vitnam.4, a u Uie above cure. , Vitii BY John W. Filling. Sutihury Pa. iMr.ry A. .Mta'uy N''rthiiitibnr.iliid. John II. It user .Milton. Henry J. SlnHiVr d ) j . IMword A. K tit .nnr . - d All lot t era and trr-liTH inunt Ihj addressed lu Wallace V Co.. IIn IbtKidwiiv, Nnv York. Sthd-nry, JtiiySl, 1M9 ly. KquUaMoIJrc Insurance, Annuity n ml Trust Company. ; orricKi wai.m.'T RTm;j:p, i,!iii.Aiu;i,rn.A. Capital !f-i t,inw, C hah ri:u khteti'al. , ITK C 'Miimny uro now prejmrwl to tritusiict bnpiiu!s linoti t)te moot hlwral und iidTiinfri'jrtMia term?. Tlf'V are authorized by ihnr rli;irttr (aerl. .) Ho nmWe nil nnl cvciy uis nruj ire uppL-rtuiuinic t lilu riak t" wlntuwr kirnl or imtnre. und Jo rnvtvu und fXtt'iil' lniht'. tinirti en;l Ttiewtf, rmd to prmit and ptirrfi.-ife muiiiu ifi. 'i'ln Com twuty fcclt tiiaUht.rt and cndowim-iit, and mt an Trustee tor itnui'i iid !.tH8., ' . Table of riiiiuiuof rcuiired for I he Afsunmcc of 9UUJ for the whole term of Life. Apo. I lVem. Ap. - tVnn. 1 Aue. ( l'rein. 1ft t 0(1 31 IK) n J .Hi if i .vi :u i ij 47 :i in JM 1 M :t Sill 4 3H- n I i ni s ir 4i :i 77 Jii l mi :i5 i :VI so 3 HI Jl 1 til 30 si 411 51 4 14 SM 1 Oil 37 2 47 5-.' 4 Hi ft tt' :H ifi 53 4 51 l!l I 7J 3' S!li3 54 4 71 J.'. I Tli 4U 2 711 65 4 !l '.M 1 1 41 "l Ml 5 I J J7 1 f'J 4-J i 111 57 3 33 2-1 lot 43 SHI 5s 5 51 M I l- 41 3 H 5!l 5 71 M 1 M 4 j 31 UU 6 It) l4lie pn'initniis are lrsa thnn any othiM- iiipniiy. niitl lite polirirs ail'ofil printer "uilxuslairi-s. 'PaMca of hiiu.yrtirly niltl ipl:i(trl prrtuiuuiii, hiili credit rntca of prL'iimiul, atiort li-ims, 4ut lives, snrvivnrsliipa mid enrlowuieiiia: nla , fiinuol Applictiti4i (lor whirli there tire htniik vliveU-) ari, to lie hail on applirntion ut ihe otfice. or lir U-ttcr to the Agent, J. II. I'L UDV, Ifiiiibuvy. ltAfKj roa iNsi-SiNO OKvoa a single I.iiV Aje. Fori vear. I l?or7veuta. l-'or Lite SW t-l'. i , I gl I -tin wt ' ti. I i.3ii a.oi ti . . i.i i.iii s.:ti r-ii i u I t.nr 3. it yj 3,IJ I U.j7 fi,u l"xyt'l.EA pera m ntl 311 yirs next birth day. he p:ivli'll the Oil'ip-ui) tiw eenl. wi'idil aeeuie lo Ins l;iiuiy ,.r li.-m tUl aluaild Uo die in one yenr ; oi lor 'e - cures to them illl; or for SI3 iniiiiiulty for won yours be aecuns to thtsil tfliXlO slaaiUI he die in Kevin yrers; nt for w-t'.ia ptiid iiiiiiu.-ilty ijuriuc h' Iii. i'ciiriyi ?f limn to lie iviid t hi-n lie dies. Tiie uiMin-r aeciitini; hianwn Khiuh, liy the diaVivncc iit auioiiiitol nri-iniuuia iroitithiuutclmrit.-il hv- (Sliei oineea. For aHuvu di- heirs would rucuvc eViooo h-.uld he die in one veal. KornW ol" application ritid till p:irliriil-irs m.-iv he tinrl at tlisollier. . FKTKIt rl'U.i:., l'riwdunt. Vie Prcsi.Mil, V if. Jltan. 1'k v.nci. V. Ham-i.e, Kvrctnrv amt 'fre.-iMirer. CoNkCLriNO Fnv-.iri Dr. J. It. Muteier. Suiiliury, J. 11. 1'uitsv, runhary, Agent fitf NorthaniberBind uoun tiuuWry, JulyS?, S1- ;V,.;-.VTAIlS'.XlOOIKES.' rTWK suWribcr respeetftilly Informs the ftiblie, 1 that he cu'ntiiuios the manufacture of CABI NET WAKE, in ull Its branch, nt his stand in Market street iu Sunbury, and that lie has now on hand a handsoino assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. He also curries on, at his old establishment, in Fuwh utref t, the rmiR MtiiixG ni sixESS, in all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made und fiuihionablo til A IKS, plain and ornamental. All of which he w ill dispose of at prices as low as at any esta blishment in the county. His long exierience in the business, justifies him in the belief that he will be uble to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his customers a coutinuanc of their mlrona!je. toT All kinds of produce taken m exchange. fcEUASTIAN HOUPT. Bunbury, MorcK 17, l84Wf ' A Xew.iJi6rUiieitorFrciU CSoods. I RAT. CLEMENT, IiEPECTFi;i,I.Y informs his fricture, ens V looters and others, that he has just received a handsome assortmem of ' NEW GOODS - ; , at his store ill Marle't Square in Sunbury, such as Dry Goods, Groceries, Queens- ; ware, uarnware, occ, 5unbury, June 83, 1849.- 'I I 1AleINeA, rurranls, ritrou, rlieese, pep I suiuee, Ac. For sale hv J. W, FRU.JNCi fcuiibwry,i)cc.J, 184. ll... J' 1 '...- J Caution lixtrn. sVminil4 Ui him Vf CLVl'P hi nvworftWM r mik,. nasft ir1 , p tiwashsi; v,i r- bis linmc t pul lip a fcirmmrilln. l.ir!, i .11 'r-v.-i. ihI Harapanlls itraomiimtinf il CSF.Nt'lNK Orifitisl, t . I iij. 1 ewwinii no inKir, art) iisvtr mi bi was p- mirly s wnrkm nn the railpnil.. raiwb. and Hie like. Vet ha swiimrs the title vf Dr., (or the mirDoaenf niinr ttfniit for w)wl he is nit This la ut ennilun the nblie not to bs oVceivWr, siid purrlisse none ml Ihe Oennisn Ornirml Ott lir. Jnp ib Townaeml's Horaiwrillm hevinrt "n it ths Oit Xr likeneas, his family oost ol' arm a, ami his signsttirs serosa lh cosl of sjiiis. - . .. ...OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOWKSE1SD, , Tilt: flltllilNAI. DlrXrCIVKRKR OF THE . ftoiiiiiiio TotvtiNcnd Sarsnparllia i Ot.lJ 'Dr. T.rvviisend is nmV norrJi 711 veitri. age, snrl Il-is l.ng tx-en kiMiwn na-tlie nuihor 'nufl disrovwer of the("eiiuilie()r!pili.il Towum-nd tnrieipnrilla " He iimpisir, lie ,ctib coiupellnl to limit its imuiul'iM'ture, hf Whii h iVir.iiiK it fi liccn kep mil. of imirkct, aisl the sales circumscribed to tlvisantily who hnvo proVeil its wort sari knoM-ii its vtiluc. It hud renchiit the eura cf nuniy. uevar, tlic!!.. ti. tliosC4wri.iiis who had tieea healed sorediaaaaus:, and wivcil from death, prncluiineil its excellence anil won derful HEALING POWER. Knowing, nnnv vim ngo. that lie lind, liy his skill, ad men, nisi rxpuriencecl, deviaeil an article whieli would be of incnleieilile iiilvant.'iiie to mtmkind, when once knows sihI extensit erv ml, lio h peil and persevered, expecting the time to arrive xvlirtt (he minus w,onld he furnished to liriinrit Into nntvcrsol notice when- il" fnesi irnnbls vinnas Would be kiiovi u and aiyrecinted, 'lliu time bus come, lite iiiuiiih are tiupplieil ; tins . . : OltAM) AND VNF.tJl O.I.F.D PREPABATIOM, Is imnufnc tuml on Ihe largest scale, anil is called fiw lTiroii-lioiit llie leniith mid hretidlh ol'the lund? fiecuilly as it is found iiniinhie uf ilireneralimi r rleferl-iration. Let every limn ring throughout the land, Uiut Old Dr. J:ie. ill Tnviisend Is 11 iw iniiiiutiicttiriiig the real 'Towimtnn ei iriptitilla, wiiieh never s-jurs, never ferments, and never clijluri-sils cliiiuieler. , , Fiom this day forth llie pCifple atinlt rMve llie Pare Gen nine Townsi'iid' S.-irssirillii, which pliull never soiir it) kittlr. ..r iu rhe shMiCirli, nnd it slmll yet lioiiish froirVAbs hurt nil Feriiientiiitr. Sniriiig. Kxpl.aliiig. Vinegary Sur s iparillns. ii i.vv iu ii. A g nil turuvirilln, pure nnd genulCivouult to live: s poor souring, slip-skip rrapv nlhi oliirtit lodio:ip und die. The old IJi's. fvirKipuriila will keep pure anil perfect ltm venrs. .... 1 iilike voting!. P. T' -vc iisetuVs it improves with sgs, and n'ver'h:uu!.e,. hut for llie l("l'.er; liecmiae it is pre CTinil on scieutilie itrinctplea lie a scientific man. Ths hi!iliet kiiowliitf.-tir l'hliiism'nnd the bilest iliaeoTeries ol the Art have nil l.ei 11 lir ninlit into requisition in the in nnit'iiit lire of the OLD lllfS. fAUSAPAKILLA. Hi Siii,uill.i r..t. il is well known to medical men, cin liiins lu my inciliein-d properties and ' some rtopcrties v.-!ii;-h are inert or ii.i-Ii-s. mid others, which, if retained in prem: inif it lor use, produce fcnneiitstuei Slid acid which is iniuiC'iis to the syntein. Suue of the properties niStiir.tmrill.i nre si voi.itilc. Hint they entirely evainrat nutlurcl ift iu the prepiirati.in, it' they lire not presurved ky hy n .-i.-n1ilir- yrocr-ss. known only to thoae experienced in its in.itiul'uetuie. .Moreover, this... vokUilepiuieiiJea. which tiy oil iu vui r. or :ik :m exli:il:ition. imitcr li.nl. are the verit eeuii-il iu'ls-iit properties ithe rooi, which give toy nil its viiltio. . . Anv person enn Iwiil or Flew the ro it tilVthey pet s dark c 4 tied lupiul. xv liieh is ui.ire fr. ju the col-inng nuitter in tin- to..! iii iV t'li-ui inn tliiii'i elwe : lli.'V can then strain thia insipid or viipid I'.ipial weeleii with a.iur iiH.lnsw.s, snrl lb. -ii e-ill ii -s.irs ipoulhi l'.ir:i t or Syrup. :1 lint such is ll it tie- rirliete known n the -. lilAtlM: OL1J DR. JACOH TOWNlM-AD'S SAll SPAItll,I.A. . , This i. s i prejmrnl, thnt all the inert pr..jerties of the S.ireiviiilhi ro.it are fust retii"vil every tliiuit cajKihle of lavianinir ani'l or of fi rineiitiiilinn. is cxtrudud sisl reject, cil : tlieneierc pnrtiele of inedleid virtue la securud in a pureund isiiicMUtrutiMll'orin : nnd thus it is rendered incsi i:iMeof 1 isiuz tinv of its valteihle mid liejliug; prowrties. Prcsired in tins Way, it is made the most p.weild ugsut ""'"" ciun OF INNlMnnAllI.n DISKASF.S. rtrnee the reus iii why we hear coinmciiilut ions cm every idein its fiiV'.H- lr iih-.n', womiii.und ciiildren. We and rl d lini! wonders in'tlieeure of Coiuailiiptl,olJ(J)ysiieia, nisi Liver I'.iinplnilil, nnd ill lilieueiiilism, N-rolnln, Piles', C'osTi.'t'ifHS, till t-utautius Hiuplluns, Fiutplea, lllotchss und all iin'jet1'iiis:iriiiii: fr in' . , lMI'I. KI TV OF THKHLOOfl.. t . ll possi-ssi a iu ir-oll,iiisenieitc-, in iillcouipluilitsnriaing iroiu indite ai iim, 1'r.sB Acidity of the rtoiiineh, fr.in mt. e.ii i! i-ir-.'u!:iiioii. iU-tenniiiiilioii iifMrMsl to the heed, palpi. Lilnii of I tie li.-ui'i. colli leet uiul com nnniis. coin cuius aim h it ll i.-hes uver the l.sly. It has isil Its equal iu Coldauial t!niiehs ; uiul promotes 'easy expectoration, und gentle per. s; -nu-.i hi rcl ixiu;; stricture oi llie lungs, throat) and every other imrt. , ,. , . ' I itit in a .thiiur is iii r'.-ellem e more iu:miiesl!r area and uekii 'wlc-Jsiii Uianin all kiiidi and stiifot ol Female Cvra- pl.lilltS. ; - y It work. v nii'.'rs iu coCj of Fluor AUius or v lutes. F.illili ;..l the IV. lull. Ohrl rUl tuf 5ilipriwsl, or Pliinful Mensi's, lin-irui.iiil vol tlieiileic-tritul perii.is, and llio like; mi. I inn ell. elinl iu curiuii all Ihe tonus i kidney Disease. l reni-iviuc otiti-urli ins. nnrl rcjrnliil iug the general ays ti iu, n cive- Ion" und strength to the whole Is sly, and thus c.iii-s nil firms nf M'.ltVOI S DlSFASIl AND DF.UIIJTV, I. And thus iret cuts or relievi n irreal variity of other nsi-ln.lii-s. ns ripm.d Irriiati u, Neunilirin, Pt. Titus Uauee, Sw.s'iiiiii.'. I'.pilepiie Fits, Convulsion. e. i And m i he would lain have, il niidiTsfcssI lliat Old Dr, .lui-'li'l'ioviisiim's toiiiiiue Urigiinil Snrsnrairilla, is an IMITATION' of his iuferi .r preparation! . - , Heaven fulii.l that we should dmd in an article -wliich would hear the most ilistnlit resniilikince lo S P. Town s. ud siirtielc: and whi.-h would Wring down nvn the Hd lir. such a mountain I oud of coiiipbiuts and crimuiuliona from Acculs who have sold, and piin-haacrs who luive uscyt C. P. Towns nil s Ferllleiiting Compound. We wish it uiuli-rsliKsl. brcnuse it is the uhs ante truth, llua 8. 1". Townsend's article and Old Dr. Jneoli Towinx'iid's hurse, parilla are henvea-wide msirt mid iiiliuilrly disaimilur; that they nru unlike ill every pnrlieulai, laiving not oim sillgl Ihilnr ill cointuon. As S. P. Towuacnd is no d lof. mat ncw vrasv is .no cheinisl. no pluriiumceiilist knows no in ire of iiiimIicii or diwasc tliau anv olher c mimiS), unscientific, ntinnes sioiuil man. wind 'utinnintee cull the public have thst they nre receivuur a r-.-.itilne lu iciitilic medicine; ciSltniliing all the virlin s us -.1 ill preiai -ing il. and which are incanabkrp i hances which might render thnn the agents of discos ui- ilisteil.l of he.illh t , Hut what eise should lie expected fr-nn iaie wla know nothing ei.inpir.ilively of nnilieine or disiuHe ! It rciiiircs ii pet'. Hi of I line exi'erience. to cisik and serve np even a ukiiii. a. ili-cciil meal, how much more important is it that the pi-rs is wli liianuueliire innlieiuc. desiimcd tor .weak snnuaehs anj eiifeelilcl svstenu. ali-iukl kuow well tile lui iln-al pr 'pi rnej. oi plains, the Is-sl nauiiier of securing I and coiiciiitiulitnr llieir lniiliiig virlnea. also ml exteusiva j kn 'wlc .i oi Ha- various diseases which nffii-f llw humsa svs'em. mid how lo niblpt relnediea to I lieu lliseuses! . ' ll is u a laawilde f n this medicaid lu do gvnal it iog ao- Ihini! iu il which can ever harm, it can never sour or pp.ul. mi I therefore, can nevei kswe ila (,unitiveinipoitiesi It i.-aiises ihe M'ssl. excites Ihe liver lo hllliy aetiou; loiifs Ihe stomach, and MVC guild dlge tiiw, reUevea Iha b iwels ol t rpr uiul couslii.iti"ii. nliaya iultamatawi, pun fi (lie ak in. cq'i-ihairs the cfn ukd ion nf 1h liksxl.. pso ihiciui: ueiitle Miiiiuth cqn ally all over Die Isaiy.aud at 111 insensible perspiration ; relaxes ull oltrueti.i,ia1 iuvieo rates theililne nervous system. Isnol Uiia, then, the medi cine voll pre-eiiiincntry n'eiil lhll can any of these lhuuS la-said of S P Townsend's inferior article! Tins fvuuf ruau'-S Ihiuid Is Isit to he ' . . . . COMI'AIIFD WITH THE OLD DeFS. . Bivaase ia' isie ftrnnd fnet: that the one is incniualile nf d. terioruliiu.aiul XKYF.U ripoU, wliil Uie iBr. dousi il sours, fcrnu ius, liud blows llie hollies C'lltuiiiuig It into I'rauicnlsi the sour, acid liquid cxplisbjlg. ll duiungiug other g.tala ! .Must lint this horrible r-Hilraanal lie ra w! ous lo Uie system W'iint ! put wid ints system alsrwly dis.iis.Al with acid! What causes Dysiia Isil acJ.1 Do we uol nil know, that when final tairs m our stinoolt, what mischief il. pn .luces .' Il.iluleni hearlhburn, aijpi latiniiof Uie hirt, liver c.ssipbnit. du.rrlia-sdy4-tr, colic, mid eoriuplion . ihe I.I...I ! ,' " UJ"'J un aeid buuior iiMla. I hid i.r.aJ.ic.-.sU l a, huia..n which la ing .a. l'.r..pti '., of the .. "HJjj Kheum. tlm slmlaa, WlntuHirelUiur, FeliT , and ll .lee",,,;.nt'.,,ur,,;i and ""'"'I h...vn I'UI an m i ,l-a mee, -h.ch s-mrs srsMI -Hs all the Hinds ol'. the ls.lv, h. V "T Hhcumatisin, hut a sair or and Itnid, which Humiliates k. ml .1... ion. i-r 111 111 IIU1 ICiH r ibbib - ! - . of ampunty of Ihe bsl, is" ihv ranic . circnlalioiia, and laurty all the ailhaents which af. "Now'?" "'"imrriWo to make and 'nil', oiid luauitei mars m use ibis "' v ' SOlltlMJ, FLIlMF.NTlN'Cr, .ACID i-COMPbl'ND" tui in V", 01, j, .)XVNSL.D! It la Isiriilile to think, jual ui kuow how cruelly th af lliclcil aie iiiliscd iisiii bv prcwiiiipluoiiii men lor the auk of iii .nev I Forliusaiinakeout ol llie UBOUlea of tint sick ! und n i ripiivHlenl rendered the drspairiiig suirerers ! ll is to iiricai frauds uui U tiutorluiwie, lo pour IstUn into w niii it.il hiunanitv, to kimlie I..k) ui the ucepuirlug uos.au.. to naton, heulili and bio. an, aisf via or into Iks crusbi.land br.ikc a. and lo Isluisli mfiriuity, llial Okt Dr. Jacob Townarisl hnss'-aiehl aial found the opjairtnnity srld liieans to brim: histirand I lilveisal CiHK-eulntled RMitfir wuhlil Ihe reach, aiul to the knowledge "t all win n'rec .1, that lla y uaiy Wnl and kiaiw, by joyful sxpexnuc, its TltANSC:Di:NT POWF.ll TO HKALi And thus U have the uuparclaisualik. antisl'ucniyi of ha1!! r.nwst tliousuiuU aia iiuiinaui Inan the bed .a" lackaess sua despondency lo hop-, health, and a kaig life of viimc au usrfulunoas la thcinaelcea. their fainibcsaiMl lunula. , AoOT IIFMIY MAtLR, Suiuairy. July , 1IU. ly cow . ; Notice to ielluueBt. ALL persons indebted to the ubrrtr)esi, longer than six mouth, pn liola or hoek account, are requested to cull und make soli lenient, or else their accounts will be hit with a inuuudrule (or eolloc tion. . JOHN W.KRJU.NU Suiiliiirj-. Ju1,v T, 18-10, - K rNOH AND RPR1NO MORTISE T AT. CH 1'S An excellent article, for ul hall ihe osual piue bv J. v. KKlLJNGi . eHinbuiy, July 7, 1715. ' " - -IV!
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers