SUNBURY AMERICAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL. A CONTRAST. ; 1 APOLEOH AND WASHIN0TOI ' ( from Memotrt of CWsubriend, by hknielf. . i i 1 Washington doe not, like Bonaparte, W long to roce who outstrip the standard of hu man meanurement. Nothing amazing is at tached to his rerson ; ho is not placed on a vast theatre of action; is not engaged inter tible combat wilh the most skilful generals and the most powerful monarchs of his time ; does not haste full speed from Memphis to Vienna, from Cadi to Moscow; he stands his ground with a handful of citizens in a country adorned with no peculiar celebrity, within the narrow circle of their domestic hearths. He fights no battles which revive the triumphant of Arbnla and Pharsalia ; he overturns no thrones to build up others with their ruins; ho does not say to the kings nt his pate, "Quils so font trop attenkre, et qu' Attilht s'ennuie." An air of silence envelopes Washington's actionsj he acts slowly, as ii feeling that the liberty of the future is in his hands, and fear ful of compromising it. This hero of a new race manages and directs, not his own desti nies, but those of his country; he does not allow himself to toy with what is not his own: but from this profound humility what brilliancy now bursts forth! Traveise the woods where Washington's sword flashed to the light; what will you find 1 Gravest No! a world! Washington has left the United States a trophy on his buttle field. Bonaparte has no trait in common with this grave, calm American: he combats noisily on an old theatre of action, in an old country; SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN. . T lavntors, Mechanic, mat Artisans. THE Publish? of theScujrrirtc Ajtiaicnc i returning their thanks to tha eommunitv for liberal support and encounmmeat which ha been extended to them during the past four year, would respectfully give notice that th first nwirar 01 volume live, will be issued en tne isd of September, affording a fkvorabl opportunity for all to subscribe, who may wish to avail them selves of the valuable information always found In its columns. The new volume will be com menced with new tvre minted on extra flee paper, manufactured expressly for this publication, and embellished with a chaste and elegant border. It will b published as heretofore in quorto form, thus aflbrdint at the end of the rear a BEAUTI- r OJ. UUUK or OVER 400 PAUES, containing between 5 and 600 ORIGINAL, ENGRAVINGS of NEW INVENTIONS, described by letter of reference, besides a great amount of reading matter, vslnshle to every man in the country. An increased amount of care and expense will be bestowed upon this volume, to render il more fully what it has been termed, "The best Mechanical Paper in tlx; World." Its columns as usual will be filled with the most reliable and correct infor mation in restate to the progress of (SCIENTIFIC and MECHANICAL improvements, Chemistry, Architecture, Botany, Manufactures, Rail Road intelligence end the "weekly list of patents, pre psretl expressly for this Journal at the Patent Office in Washington. As an eviJenee f the estimation in which the publication is held by the Scientific and Mechan ical portion of th community' it is only necessary to stale, that its circulation has increased within the last three years to upwards of 10,000 copies, already exceeding the united circulation of all the Mechanical and Scientific publications in this country, and the largest ef any one in the world. TERMS: Two dollars a ycaj in advance, or if dnsued, one dollar in advance, and the remain der in six mouths. TO CLUBS : 5 copies, $8 ; 10 copies, $15 SO copies, $28. All letters must be post paid and directed to MUNN & CO. Publishers of the Scientific American, New York. N. B- Patents secured and mechanical draw- --i a.. .t ui . . . . .... 1 r t. 1 I' V f A I 9 WH HTC luim. IVUSUllBUlV ivmia, ne iiuiiKs uiuy oi uuimnijj up m. Ul0 sc,cnti(ic American office. He take charge only of his own destiny seems to know that his mission will be short . that the torrent which falls from such a height will quickly be exhausted ; he hastens to en September 8, 1849.- ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER "e"s c" -DREPARKT) and mil.l onlv. at FREDERICK joy and nbuse his power, like a quickly fleet- F BROWN'S DRUG and CHEMICAL '"Store, N. E. comer of Firm and Chkbsht streets, Phi ladelphia. This Essence is warranted to possess in n mninlri)ti form all thn viilnnfilf. tirnnertipS Ho appears on every shore ; hastily inscribes of jnmajca (Jingcr, and will he found on trial an his name on the records of every nation, and excellent Family Medicine. It is particularly re. ing youth. Like Homer's gods, lie longs to reach the extremity of the world in four steps. commended as a tonic, to persons recovering from fever or other diseases, a few drops imparting to the stomach a glow and vigor, euunl to a wine glass of brandy or other stimuland, without any of the ilchilituting etlects, w hich are sure tolollow the use of linuor of buy kind : and it is therefore aon-inll.r ac.n-i.ij.nlila tn eltiLlNn ntirl lomfllc.. 'I'd but in overcoming nnarchy, he stilles liberty, tUe Cll it wi)l prove a comfort . t0 the and finallv lopes his own on his last field of dvsnentic, and to those who are predisposed to throws crowns to his family and his soldiers; he is in haste in everything, in his monuments,' his laws, and his victories. Leaning over the world wilh one hand he overturns kings, wilh the other crushes the giant revolution ; CABINET "WARE ROOMS. THE subscriber respectfully informs th public, thst he continues th manufacture of CABI NET WARE, in all iu branch, at hi stand In Market street in 8unbury, and that he has new on hand a nandsomo assortment of well made and fashionable furniture. He also carries on, at his old establishment, In Fawn street, the CHAIR ItI4KIG BUSINESS, m all its branches, and keeps constantly on hand, an assortment of well made and fashionable CHAIRS, plain and ornamental. Aft of Which he will dispose of at prices a low as at any esta blishment in tire county. His long experience in the business, justifies him in the belief that he will be able to give gen eral satisfaction, and therefore solicits from his customers continuance of their patronage. CP" All kinds of produce taken in exchange. SEBASTIAN JHUUri. Runbury, March 17, 1849. tf GOLD & SIXTER WARE. J, STOCKMAN, No. f0 Chesnvt-t, nf tie sign of the Gold Thmlle,bctween 2rf. If 3d. Ms., .Sotifft uf 1 HII.ADKLVHI A. MANUFACTURES and keeps constantly on hand, at wholesale and retail, the fol lowing articles, of a siicrior quality, at reduced prices : Gold and 8ilver Pencils, do Thimbles, do Finger Shields, Silver Table, Desert, Tea, Salt and Mustard Spoons, do Forks, 8oup and Oyster Ladles, do Combs, Purse Clasps, Scissor Hooks and Chains, Knitting Sheaths, cVc. ALSO, Jewellery, l isted and Urittannia ware, German Silver Spoons, dyL Gold Diamond poin ted Pens at various pricw; Jackson's Superior Everpointed Leads, Ac, cVc. Philadelphia, May 26, 1S M TANNERS TA KE? NOTICE. New Hide Oil and Leather Store. No. Ill North 3d St. 3 doors below Race St. Philadelphia. THE sulwcribers oiler to the tanners on the most favorable terms their fresh importation of Hides, consisting of Buenos A) res, Laplata, Caraccas, Lagmra, Hung-Pry, Chili, Salted 1 ef ambuco and all kinds of Spanish Hi Ax, dry and salted. Also, Green Slaughter, Dry laltcd, and Black Dry Patna Kips, Also, Straights, and Bank oil and a general as sortment of Currier's Tools. They will sell or trade for Spanish or Slaughter Leather, tho above Hides, Kips, Oil and Tools, on better terms, than old Houses in the city.l Cash paid lor Leather of all kinds. i KEEN & KIRKPATR1CK. Philadelphia, May 20, 1849. ly A, battle. Each is rewarded according to his deeds. Washington raises a nation to independence; a magistrate in the repose of domestic life, lie falls asleep beneath his own roof, amidst the regrets of his fellew countrymen, and the veneration of nations. Bonaparte robs a nation of its independence ; a fallen emperor, he is cast forth into exile, where the terror of nations still look upon him as insufficiently imprisoned, even under the guard of ocean. He expiies ; the news, published at the gate of tho palace before which the conqueror caused so many deaths to bo proclaimed, neither arrests nor aston ishes the passer-by. What had the citizens to regret 1 Washington's republic still exists ; Bona parte's empire has fallen to the ground. Washington and Bonaparte were both nursed in the lap of democracy ; both born of liberty; the one was faithful to her, the other betray ed her. Washington was the representative of the wants, ideas, intelligence, and opinions of his times; he seconded, instead of opposing, the movements of the public mind ; he willed what it was his duty to will, the thing to will, the thing to which he was called ; hence the coherence &-.d perpetuity of his work. This man, not striking because in his just proportions, mingled his existence with that of his country ; his fame is the patrimony of civilization ; his renown stands like one of those public sanctuaries whence flows a fer tilizing, inexhaustible stream. Bonaparte had equally in his power to en rich the common domain; he had .as mate. rials in his hands tho most intelligent, the bravest nnd most biilliant nation on earth What would not now be his rank in the esti- mation and reverence of mpn had he added magnanimity to the heroic qualities he pos sessed ! if, Washington and Bonaparte in one he had named liberty the universal legatee of his fame ! But this giant did not link his destinies gout or rheumatic atl'ections, it gives great relief; and to the inebriate who wishes to reform, but whose stomach is constantly craving the noxious liquor, it is invaluable giving tone to the diges tive organs, and strength to resist temptation ; and is consequently a great agent in tho cause of tem perance. IJf Full directions accompanying each bottle. Tho above article can b had at the office of the American. Philadelphia, June 2, 1849. ly V7A.LL - PAPERS. THE Sulwcrilwrs have on hand the largest as sortment of Wall Faiths in the citv of Phi. ladclphisi, Wholesale and Retail, consisting nf every variety suitable for Parlors, hntnes, Dining Rooms, Chambers, &c., which for quality and style cannot be surpassed. Doing a cash business we are enabled to sell a better article at a much lower rate than any store doing a TBJDE BUSINESS On hand, a largo assortment of Wins Paper for Curtains, Fire Prints, Borders, etc., which will b sold for Cash. Paper Hanging done in the country at city prices. N. B, Dealer are invited to call and examine their stock before purchasing elsewhere. I IISiN & ULKTUIN, No. 142 Arch Street, South side Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly APPLETON'S GREAT CENTRAL CHEAP BOOK STORE, 164 CbcNlnut Street, Corner of Seventh, Swaim's Buildings, PHILADELPHIA. Tf NOWING the wants of th community, th A- Proprietor of this Establishment has fitted up More in the most elegant manner, having duo regard to tho comfort uf his customers, so that every Stranger visiting his Book Store, may feel entirely at home. his imsiAinr'j stock of Books is classified according to the various De partments of Literature, so that visitors can find the Books they are in search of for themselves. Buying his Stock for the most part at the Ai l- Tins Sale, and being connected with one of the I.tHosT IYflishiko Wovsks in his country. besides publishing largely himself, enables him to sell all boo k s at LOWER PRICES than anv other house of a similar character on this continent. His facilities for the Im ro station r Books from Europe are unsurpassed, having a Branch of his Establishment in London, where Ay it's Cherry lYctor FOR COUGHS, COLDS, CROUP, HOARSENESS. ASTHMA. HOOP. ING COUGH, BRONCHITIS AND CONSUMPTION. THIS vnhmhtp prppnrntinn, mt fixtnnfiinply iiirrrmful in rurinir diwtivi nl the Ijinffn, in the result ol' i akill fill mnilimati"ti of the known curative principles of intshfiiie. ltn tnzretheMtJi itri freHy iniule known to the pnl'lir, mill are Ihone iirknnWreclfftH, to lupiiienl men an pnssrunint! rare tneHicnl virtues, whtrh nw ulmr virtue are comliinetl in the "CHKKK Y !KCToitAL" in their ereaU rt purity nnd rfh"Hy. nnd whm used, u wilt be seen from the l'olltiviii(f vnlwibln trftimmv : I'ltOKfiSSOK. CI.F.VrXAND, of Bowrl-'in College, Brunswick, Muine, writei: "I have witnewcd the euctii ot your Cherry rectonil in my own family tmd in I hat of mv friend, and it ham given great utiBluction tn MKenh-tth of adult awl rhtldren." A VOICK FROM M ASSACH USKTT9. From Dr. Brvunt, DruiririsL uiid Postmaster. Chiccmee Fnlls, Ms : Dr. JfV. Ayfh Dear Fir : Knrlourd rtleae find remit tance for all the ChtMTy Perioral lut aent me. I can un heBiuilingly Hiiy, that no medicine we ell give uch aatti faction us your' does nor have I ever seen a medicine which 'ired many cane of con eh nnd lung complaints Our l'h biennis are using it extensively in the practice, and With the luppicut r fleet. Truly youi-H, V. M. JJK YAiNT. T)X. PKKKINf. President of Vermont Medical Cole one of the mnt leurned and intelligent physician in the country, "considers it a composition "l rare excellence tor the cure ot that lor iniflable dieare. ConKiiniptiftn." An almost incredihle ntiinber nf certificate hnve been received : proving thru the t'hrrv Pe'toral is, iu truth, a (iltKAT I1KMKDY for Cough. Colds. Ami I -mi and id I pulmonary complain t. COLUMBUN SERIES OF PlrttlimctUo. The Pupil's friend and I'eachtr'ttomfort. rpHE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR This -t- work Is already introduced into some of th best Academies and a large number of Schools, where its uss'has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and pupil. It Is purely American In iu character, based upon out ewn beautiful decimal y$tem ef eurtemy. It contains more, the arrangements aro better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use t and it is so considered by hundreds of the most competent teachers snd men of science in the Uni on, who have recommended it, It is the book, particularly and eipressly prepared for our Af rican Scielar : Sf Almcn Tifinor. Tin Yocth's Columbia Calcclatok. This vol u mo contain 91 pages, with about 900 exam ples for solution on tiro slate. ' It embraces the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rules, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c. TicKson's Arithmetical Ta, is destined for the use of younger classes in th Schools of the United States. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There arc Keys to both Arithmetics bound sin gle or double, for the convenience of teachers, in which the solutions of the questions arc given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, and contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, Ac, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best works that have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a tew months, they nave already been introduced into the Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of Reading. Also, in about twenty Acadamies in the State of Pennsylvania in a large portion of the Schools in the City of VY ilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Boroughs of Harrisburg, York, Chambersburg, Lebanon, Doylestown, Pott villc, Orwigsburg, &c, &c. For sale by 1Iert Masseb, Sunbury, Agent for Northumberland County. Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. DIAItIONDPOWDER.' FOR RAZOR STROPS. THIS Powder is warrnnted far superior to any thing in use for imparling a keen, smoothedge to Rotors, Surgical instruments, and all kinds of fine Ci tleri ; it may be applied to any kind of strop. Also superior Razor, Knives, and Perfu mery, wholesale snd retail, bv ALFRED DENNETT, Agent. Depot of Fine Razors, Strops, Brushes, and Cheap Fancy Goods, No. 18 South Fifth street a bove Chestnut Philadelphia. TESTIMONIALS. Philadelphia, Feb. ISth, 1848. This may certify that I have used one of tho Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA MOND POWDER, and can attest' in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same effect in my opin ion, and must say to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any heietofore in use. I can truly say that I never knew .what a (harp razor was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 S. Third st IMPORTANT TO THE J?UBLIC. HORSE A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Don't permit year Hones or cattle to die, when the mean of cttre tft within the reach of all I Th undersigned ha spent several yean in the tudy of Veterinary practice in "London and E dinboro'," he has also availed himself of the resear ches of Leibig, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towards a judicious treatment of animals t the principles of our practice consists in the rejection of general bleeding and tho total rejection of all medicines that experience has shown to be of a dangerous tendancy. These re medies act in harmony with the vital principle, and when Riven according to the directions which ac company each article they are capable of exciting and Increasing the natural functions, without di minishing or destroying their power, henco are safcin the hands of every one. O. H. DADD, M. D. A List ot Horse and Cattle Medicines. Physic balls, ?5c. per box. Alterative ball. 75c do. " powders for bad condition, 7Se per pack' acre. Heave powder fordiseasea of the lungs, 75e dc Urine powder for " " kidneys, 75c do. Tonic powder for bad condition glanden, 75c do. Cordial drink for inflamation of bowels, 75c per bottle. Liquid blister, 75c per bottle. Ointment for promoting the growth of hair, 50c per pot. Healing balsam for wounds and saddle galls, 75c. per bottle. Wash for inflamed eyes, 50c per bottle. Ointment for mange scratches, old sores, &c, 50c per bottle. Embrocation for sore throat, 75c per bottle. Hoof ointment for sand crack, brittle hoof, &c, 50c per bottle. Horse Liniment, the most celebrated article known in Englnnd for lamcnes of every description, T5c & $1 per bottle. Distemper powder for red water, $1 per bottle. Worm powders fur the removal of worms from the intestinal canal, 75 per package. For sale by 8T1MPSUN KBKD, 28 Mer chants Row, also at DADD'S HORSE AND CATTLE MEDICINE DEPOT, Nos. 1 St 2 Haymarket Square, Boston. Pamphlets describing the diseases for which these remedies are used can be had gratis. Numerous Certificates are in possession of the Proprietors, of cures performed by the above Medi cines. Sold by GREEN & FLETCHER, No. 26 South SIXTH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Aoents. Heirt Masser, Sunbury, February 3, 184'J tf DR. TOWSSESD'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF SAUSAPA kill a. THE GIKAA'D FVKGAT1VC. ron tbs Guns or Rndacha, Giddiness, Knruirausm. run, DvsMmia. Scurvev. Small Pox, Jaundice, rains in in hbck, Inward weaKnms, Palniuiion of the Heart, Rising in the Throat, Dropsy, Asthma, r evers 01 all Kinus, Female Complaints, Measles an Rheum, nnn uum, worms, Cholera Morbus, Cim-jhs, quinsfrjr, AVhoopina Cooth, "Consumption-, Fis, PitiLAiit.LriiiA, October, 184S. A very hard beard and tender face has compel led me to seek and test many contrivances design ed to make shaving easy and pleasant, but with indilferent success, until I made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred lk-tinctt, and Rousscl's Shaving Cream. Their united pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, without irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. J. COX, 49 South Fifth Street. For sulo at this oliire -Price cH. p?r Hox Aovenslii r -., lS-is (un. I' I Prepared hv J. C. AYt-ll, l-nwell. Mssa.. and sold bv H. MASwr.K, Sunbury, and MARY McC'AY. Northum berland. March 31, lflfV- I. ANDREWS,"1 with those of his contempoiarics; his genius orders of private gentlemen ere carefully executed ii i , i i- aim lorwarneu 10 una voumry iiy every ptiixii riplnnr(i1 In A mnilfrn n'fp rn nmhltinn tn I . J an uneientone; he saw not that the miracles j CATAX-OGT7B of his life outshone the value of a diadem, I of Books with the prices attached is issued quar- and that this Gothic ornament would ill suit containing List of New Additions made to ho.,,1 R.-,..,.!; - h ;-,;.,.i Mm. ''" lnr8 collection, which are in all ease, for sale self un the lutnre, et others fell back on the LOWEST TRICES. past and whether coin-; against, or wilh the or, from 25 to 75 per cent below Publishers' ' . . . .... . I i.:... l'i i . v n stream ot the nge, ilrevv with turn, or rppul DEATH TO P.1I KEL1KS T THE BICE ! rnlth to th Weak!! A BALM is found tor the Whole Human Hact in An drews PAIN KILLER. This is an entirely vegeta ble compound, eompused of Tweiity-KiveduTerent ingre dients, and is an internal and Ksternnl Remedy for the va rious ills that human flesh is heir to seen as, Coughs, Colds, Psins. Nervous and Pick IlearUrhe, rtheuiiiuiisin, Culs, Hprains, inul ArJW'tittns, Hummer t nmplimiis. Cholera .Morhus, inotiuicne, t-.ruptions, corns Piles, Frozen Parts. Hums. rValils, Ague in the Fnce and llreost. Painters' Collie, llriiiftes. old Htres, Ios of appe tite, lieneral Debility, Asthma, c. Put up in bottles lot 1, 8 or 4 Kiiilliiiirs per bottle. J-or inrtner narticuliirs see Pdtnphlets to lw hml of every ogent grutis, containing tffiel hil-ry if the origin, discovery nnd giods cil'eels of Auurews' I'uiu Killer, t eititHtites ( Lures. directions. Ac LOOK OI T FOR FRAt'D. The triunnilmnt succeas of Andrews Pain Killer in re moving the causes thul nrmluee death, the untimely death tn millions of our rme, luts mdiuvri some men of vliem it may he truly suiil, their villauious oreupalliMis nsniifeal their viltitlny.-o attempt tt put iu circulation spurious and eounteifrit urtieles (tilled "Puin Killer," usiuu rietitiims linnies for the pretended author, torged eertiliuntes, sen. Home tinve uppenred, and others no douht wiil sppear. lt all retiiciulier that Andrews (jeuuine Paiu Killer has the written sitriuitiire nf I. Aislrews on the label nf each noltle in black ink. IVu't simply usk for Pain Killer, but ask for Andrews' Pain Killer, mid luivs no other. H ld bv M. A. McCuv. Hole Agent, Northumberland : i. W, Frllimr. Hunburv; John H. Rusei, Milum: John K. Myyer, UIHiiisjurir ; Wrm. A. Murray 3k. C, Danville; Davenp,n Sniiih, Plymouth! Andrew Yohr, Wilkes hurre : Hays McCoruiick, Mi Kweinville ; fk'haffle k Chniulierlnin, l-wishurg j Georgs McAlpin, jersey rihore; J. M. Juild, Williumsp,nt. Otders sdilresseit to 1. Andrews, inventor and nnlv Pro prietor at Itheea 1omuktns county, N. Y. Wll rectiva prompt attention reptejuner tfu, iris. ly sed the waves by his mighty strength. Men were, in his eyes, but a means to power no sympathy united their happiness anil hu he had promised to deliver them, and he fet- tered them ho isolated himself from them, and they became estranged from him. The kings of Egypt built their funeral pyramids. not amidst verdant fields, but amidst sterile plains of sand these vast tombs rise like elernily in solitude. Bonaparte followed their ,t nwi,0 are m gurch of Hook send for a, fata example in erecting Ihe monument of his re nown. Prices. Thus in buving even a Ftw quite a considerable amount is saved. As a still further INDUCEMENTS to strangers visiting the city, every one who pur- liases On Holla as wobtb of Books, will re ceive a copy of the bTRAMGLM lit PHILADELPHIA, an elegant 18 mo. volume, the price of which is 25 cents. lir I he limits of an advertisement are too con. nncd to enumerate the prices of any of the im mense advantages to be derived from purchasing at the Gheat ClktRal Chkaf llooa 8tobs, but THE kllAVCHS. The barber shaves with polished blade, The merchant shaves in constant trade, Tho broker shaves on twelve per cent, The landlord shaves by raising rent, The dodor shaves in paiutit pills, The tapster shaves in pints and gills, The farmer shaves in hay and oali, The banker shaves on his own notes. . The l.twyer shaves both friends and foes, The pedhir shaves where'ere be goes, Tha ollieeholder shaves the nation, The parson shaves in man's salvation, The wily churchman shaves his brother, The people ail shave one another. Youno Man Stop. You, Young man, on the way to the ball-alley, or billiard room, with a cigar in your mouth, and with an appetite for a nunt-iulep stop moment. Are you not in a dangerous way 1 The editor of the St Louis Reveille, ac knowledges the receipt of an apple measure- iug eighteen inches and a half in circumfer logue, and buy the Books they are in wunt of, and wnen visiting the city, give Applcton on call, ana you wm be sure to call again. STATIONERY in sll its branches, furnished at the Lowest Prices. The Initials of those purchasing Letter and Not Paper, neatly slumped in the corner, without charge. Order for anv article may be sent by mail, ad dressed to the Proprietor, and th directions in all cases will be fully carried out, with great punc tuality and despatch. Orders lor Uatulogues should be rat-run, GEO. 8. APPLETOV Bookseller, Publisher, Importtr, aiul Stationer lt4 vkesnut at. cor. oj bevemn, a worm's Building, Philadelphia, May, 13, 184(1. 3m CUTLERY. D.... I i extensive biock oi rocaei ana ibdi iui oois, I j . u.. ijijlA. 1 . Ill muic Ui J CHIT lrC. COLEMiLlT, A'oj. 32 and 33 ARCADE, and 81 North THIRD Street, Comprising 5000 dozen Penknives, Scissor and Kazors. Also, a choice assortment of Rodgers lr Sons, Wostriihfllm's Greave's W. 4 S. Dn teller's and Fenney's Cutlery, Also, Spanish, Dirk and Hunting Knives, Also, Guns, Pistols, and Bowie Knives. Also, The American Razor Strop, a superior ar ticle, worthy the attention of Dealers. Cim Dealers in Cutlery, will find th abov Stock worthy their attention, a the Subscriber' chief business is importing and selling cutlery. Philadelphia, June 9, 1849 ly SUNBUXlir FOUNDRY. riHE subscriber respectfully inform th public JL that he has again become connected with the above Foundry, and that hereafter it will be con ducted solely under hi management and control. Front hia long (iperienc in th bussineas he trust h will b able to giv general satisfaction to hia old friends and customer. Th biuine will be carried on In aU iu branches. H will continue to manufacture Plough, and all kind of casting will be don wilh promptness and in th best ""' GEO. KOHKBACH. Bunbury, Jun. 9, 1M Ita MABBIIALl'l ronrcut rated SuraitparlUu. For the cure of Tetter, Scrofula. Ervsipala, Pile, Chronic Rheumatism and all disorder of tha Wood, Mercurial Disease, Ac. IT is recommended to Physicians and other, a the strongest preparation now in use, and en tirely ditlereut from that put up in quart bottles, possessing little or no active principle of the Saraa- parilla, but intended to decciv th public. For sale by M. A. McCAY, Northumberland. HEVL'8 EMBROCATION for Hone will cur Sprains, Bruises', Cut, Galls, Swellings, and all com plaints requiring an external remedy. It is highly useful in Spavin, Curb, Ringbone, stiff ness of the Joints, cracked Heels, Splint, Ac It ha also been used wjth great success by per sou sfHicted with Rheumatism, and other com plaints. Prepared only by W. Marshall, PbUadel- ihia, and for sale by M. A. McCay, Northumber and. Philadelphia, May 26, 1849. ly 1NDOW GLAS8, 8 by 10, for sale I HENRY MAsJifEl Sunbury, Jan S7th, 1849- IC In prcMntin the public with a remeily for the trentment ami cure ol Fkvkb aso Aock and other bilious diseases, nnapnory is needed. Vast plumbers in the Tinted IMutes, who siiuer iroin tnese aiireiuuis in ineir varied lomis, are compelled to Kelt relief from other soirees than the ininie- diule prescriptions of the rryiilur physician. It becimies inereiore an onjeei oi num:tniiy, as wen as oi puonc inier est, to bring before thein a remedy prepared flora much ex perience, and which may nlwuvs be relied unon us safk. SFVBCTUAL, AND HASMLKSM TO THR OONSTtTCTIOS. Tlmt ne h is the true ch.inuiur of the INDIA ClKil.AtilXil'K. is amply attested by Ihe universul sucoess with which it lius lieen employed. J W Kxtruct from a eommmiicntion of Ihe Hon. Wil liam oniiaaiOGX, of Ih. U. 0. Senate, lute Governor of Michigfiu. i)iToir, uct. si, imo. Doctos CntBLn Osaoon, Dear Bir, 1 have rend with much interest, your little TRabatisi upon the causes, treulutent and cure" of the febrile diseases which huve so extensively prevailed in our country during the bit few limn hs nn interest increased no dtwlit. by the ntct lliat I have individually suffered so luucli fr.HH theiu. Thouph 1 feel myself very iuromiieteiit Ui judtre siilVly iion a subject so entirely prl'essunal, yet ymir thciry seems to me well reiitned, anil your conclu sions iust, and I think withal, thai your pamphlet is calcu lated to produce much practical until. Ppeuluiix of the medicine he suys It fully justified your fluttering expectations, nnd as a sufe, convenient, and popu lar remetly, my own experience, so far, induces me to be lieve lluil it will prove a grail public beneht. 1 am pleased to learn iluit you huve recently established several oceneies for its disptsiition though 1 regret that, with a view to a more aeneral dissemination is' it, you should have found it necessary to remove from your present residence among us. Wilh much respect 1 have the bnor to be, sir, Vour obhred servant, Wlil.lA.M WOODHUIUOE. tW Kiom Hon. BTirnaa V. R. Taowsainci, of .Michi gan Slate Senate, to Uie Agent at Detroit. Bisminoham. Oakland Co., Dee. 13, lmi. Sir yon wish me In inform you what I know uf Dr. Osvood1. India Chokigorue, or anti-biliiHis mevlicine. 1 do believe that if the virtue and efficacy nf this medicine were feudally known, the rrvxa aku aoub would disappear iu Michigan. 1 procured a bottle in the spring of lftl, and huvt good reason to believe that myself and family escaped th. ague last season iu consenueuce of its use. Perhaps in no summer siisie the settlement of this fin. peninsula, has th fever aiHt ague been so prevalent as tha lust. 1 have recommended thut medicine in numerous in stances, and when the disease had become fixed and burBed Ih. skill of physiciuns ; and I hnve never known il fail. 1 has universally produced the ui'ist happy effects, and 1 bet liev. it has never been exceeded by any mediciu in remo ving the bilious diseases uf Ihe climata. Yours, respeclfullv, fVTE.'lttfN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. Agent for Hunhury H. B. MASTER ; Northumberland, WITHINGTOM ft Co.; Milton, i. H. RASUt; Beluu grove, MAY KLOBK. May (, 1B4H u" J. J. GPsEElTCTTGH. (Late Keller & ttreenntigh.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AND MECHANICAL SNOISfEEfi, DRAWINGS and japra ftTr tho Patent Oltica, prepared anil nil tht npcesjarv bu- iueSt iu relation to securing patents, trans uded, and promptly attended to, at their of tice opposite th Patent Oftice. THIS Extract i put tip in quart bottle. It it six time cheaper, pliMwmler, ami wnrrnntwl nuprrior to any old. It ciirm dianuivsi without Vnmilinp, purging, lick nesi, or debilitatmg the patient, and ia particularly adapted for a FALL AND SPRING MEDICINE. The great bmuty and anperinrity of thia Sarmpohlt over other remediei in, whilst it eradicateadineaBe, it im Lgonitm the tKly. OndiiMptioii rurrd. Clmnse auid Strengthen. Consumption run be cured. Bronchitia, Conn u nipt ion. Liver Omiluint, Oolda, Cougha, Catarrh, Am lima, Spitting of Hlnl, Sorenem in the Cheat, Hectie Flush, Night Sweata, Diffi cult and Profuse tx pectoral ion and P in in the Side, c, Ac, have and can be cured. Proliably there never waa a remedy that hia been ao buc cesaiul iu desperate cases of consumptton ur, this ; it clean ses and Btreinrtliejia the avstem, and apnea's to heal the ul cers on Hit luups, and putieuis grudnally regain Uieir usual health and atiength. CLKIOLS CASE Ot CONSUMPTION. There ia scarcely a day passes but there are a number of i-vurBoi coiiiitnipiirtu rrporf-a u curca uy ine use ui vr Tuwnsen's tsursapaiilla. Tlie foltuwiug'wus recently re ceived : Dr. Townkxi Denr Sir: For the lart three yem I have tcn ulihcled with general debility, and nervous con sumption of ihe Ittst stntjf. ond did n-t expert to vwr puu my health at all. After if iir thnmiili a e mur of mrdii-inc mu!-r tlie t'.ire f muie nf ilic ui-st distiuguitihctt r"fj .l ir iMiysii'iaits mid members f the Hird oi ll'ullh in New Votk mill !" where, and sjKiitliiut the ni st of my earnings iu tiftempliiig to rtr;im my hnillli, und aftrr reading in s -iiie piiper of yut SurKaparillu I resolved l'i try it. Ai'rcr using six bottle I found it d 'lie me gmit g kkI, und ruiir-.l to see yon ut yotir utlice ; with your udvire 1 kepi on, am) do most heartily ttiank you for your advice. I persevere i-i lukutg tin: Sjrsapurillu, and have been uble to attend t mv usiiiii muors ior uic uist tour mourns, auu j jiope uy ilic blessings nf God and your Sarsnpurilla to continue my health. It helped me beyond the expectations ot" all wlio knew my case. CIIAKLES Qt'lMBV Orauve, Kssex en. N. J , Aug. 9, lt-47. State of New Jersey, Essex county, ss. Charles Qtiim by being duly aworn according to law, on hia oath auuh, thit the foregoing statement is true according to the best of hi knowledge and belief. CHAKLKS qii.MHY. Bwoni and subscribed t befora me at Ontuie, the 3d August, m7. CHV BALDWIN. Justice of th Peace. SPITTINO BLOOD. Read the following, and say that consumption is in incu rable if you can : New York April S3, 17. Dr. Townsknii : I verily believe that your Sarsaparilln has been the mean, through Providence, of saving my life I hava for several yenra had a bud cough. It became worse and worse. At faist 1 raised large quantities of blood, had night sweiitsand was greatly debilitated and reduced, and did not expect to live. 1 have only used your Sarsaparilla but a short time, and yiere Ima a wonderful change been wrought in ine. 1 am now able to walk ail over the city.- t raise no blood, and my cmgh has left me. You can wi!l imagine thut 1 am thankful im these results. Your obedi ent servant. WM. HL'SSKLL, W Cutharine st. LOST Hm SPKF.CH. The annexed certiiitutc tells a simple and truthful story f suffering and relief. There are thousnndsof similar ca ses in this city and Hntoklyn, and yet there are thiusamls of parents let their children die for four of being humbugged or to save a lew vuiuuujs. Brooklvn. Sent. 13. IM7. Dr. TowNsfto: I take pleasure in staling, for the bene fit of those whom it may concern, that my daughter, two bility and Urn u( aitet'h. She was given up as iast in- eovery bv our family physician; but fortunately I win re commetMletl by a friend to try your SHraunarilta. Before having used one Ik title she recovered her speech and was riuiiMin u waiK hioiic in uie ustouialiment ol all who were acquainted with tlie circumstances. She is nowatme welL and iu much Itetter httiMh than ahe has been for IH months pas. TA 1 1AH, Via York st., Brooklyn. TWO CHILDREN SAVED. Very few families indeed in fact we huve not heard of one that used Dr. I -iwuaend a iursupurilia in time. Ltat any children the rwat Summer, while those that did ivt, Sickened and rf.d. The cerciflrate we publish below is conclusive evidence of its value, and is only another instance uf ita saving the Uvea of children : Dr. Town -.end Dear Sir : I hud two children cured bv your oHrmpurHin of ine summer complaint biki dvsentnry one was oniy i.i iinounoiu auu ma otrier j years, rtiev were very much reduced, and we expected they would die ; they were given ud bv two resnectubte nhvsiciuna. When the doctor informed us that we must lose them, we res -I- rea w trv vour Tvirsunaruui we luui heiird an nmeh r.f hni had little confidriit-', there being so much stuff advertised that ia worthless : but we are thankful that we did, for it undoubtedly suved the lives of both. 1 write this that oth ers may l induced to use U. , ours, respectfully, JIN WILSON. Jr. Myrtle-avenue! Brooklyn, Sep. IS, 1M7. TO THE LADIES. GREAT FEMALE MEDICINE. Da. Townund'b Sa1U4PaR1LLa ia a SAVtweian and mmlv curt for incipient consumption, and for the general proatru liun of the system ao uiutior whether the result of inhe rent cause or uauaes, produced by irregularity, illness or ao Noihlf g can be mora surprising than ita iitviviirmtin f. fectSiMi the human frame. Peraona all weakness and las situde, irmn taking It at once become robust and lull n energy under Its lutiuence. it irmnediutely couuteructa lla uerveiessnesa of the female frame, which id tha great cause It will not t-t expected of us, in eaaea of an delicate a nv lure, to exhibit certihcatea of cures performed, but wa can mure ine amictea inai nunureus oi cases nave ooeu repor Dk. TuwnsBicn : Mv wife being sreatlv diatrt-aa. b weikuesa and general debility, and suffering eotitunuUly by paia ana wun oilier nimcutnea, gnu Having known cutca where your medicine has etfectcd gredt eureg; and also Bearing it recommended lor aucn cases a I have dearriued. t Obtained a biHtte oi' your Extract uf SerampariUn and fol lowed the directions you gave me. In short period it removed her coiupluiuts and restored her to health. Being greatful for the bene tits she received, I take pleasure iu inusacjiiiowledguig it, and reoomnveiwUjig h to the nuhTic M. U. M1HIHL, Liver Complaint. Erisipelat, I) oaf nets, Itchinga of the Skin, Colds, Gout, Gravel, Nervous Complainte, AND A VARIETY OF OTHER DI8EASEI ARISIfO FROM IMPURITIES OF THR BLOOD. AND OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE ORGANS OF DIGESTION. P.xnenenre has nrfved that nenrlv every Dircae originate! from Impurities of the BIimnI or derangements of the Digns tives Organs ; and to secure Health, we must remove those obstructions or restore the Blood to its natural state. The aversion to taking medicine is most cftectiKUiy re moved bv Clickker's Vkoktabxk PtBGATiv Pili s, being eompletelseiivettpcd with a coating nf pure white Sugar, (wnicn is as mstinm iroin ine nnenini ingremrm shell from the kernel) and have no tartc of medicine. Bntnro ns easily swallowed ns bits nfenndy. Moreover they noil her tmiiBCtile or gripe in the slightest degree, but opertite crjually on all thp discmed jMirts of the sy-lcm, tn airndof c-tiifuunir theuiselvcx to. nmf riifkmir nnv unrtictilar recinn Thus, if tho Liver I niTcctcd one inirriHbcnt will nptirute on tln,( urticular orffun. and, bv clcuimiug it of un Kxccm nf Hilt? n-storc, it to it nntuicd stnte. Another will nmrnte fn the B'mrd nnd r'tnnvenil impurities in its circu toljon j while u Hiinl will effect mil I v fxt! whatever impil irtirs may huve Itcen dmclmrged into the stoumch, and rrence they strike nt th root or iliHtsiwe remove all Impure Hu mors from Um body, open the pores externally and Inter nnll.n 'iamt all foreign and ulmoxioun particles from the chyle, s i i hut the l.. h mv im tboTiaighlv pure thus secu rintr a free mti) IutiIOiv ..t !...... n . t . i : 1 . '"""tii'Ulir IIITiri, lillllFOTlU T and l-hwby they rentore Inmlth even when all oi her means huve failed. The entire truth nf the oMve can be ascertained by the trial of a single box: and their vinnea are ai native nnd certain in restoring Health, that the proprietor binds himself to return the money poid Iot them in aU cases where they do not give universal saliRfacti ui. Ilofall I'rlrc, 'ir Ms, prr Iox, Principal oTte No. 6 Vernev at., N. York, S -Id by JOHN Y. YOI NO,' Sunt airy. M. A. Met' V. Northumberland. RememVrDr. C. V. Clickiw is the inventor of the Sugar t oulwl Pills, and that nothinir of the s rt wna evr heard of until he introduced I hem in Jndc. Purehascis ihoukl, therefore always asV: for CIickners Sugar Coated Pills, nnd I aku no others, or they will be made the victims of a fraud. February, 17, lfeJfl ly sores t4 ih:cmh:i. Burns, Scaldsj and al kinds of inflamed Sores Cured. lOUPKY'S UNIVERSAL OINTMENT, is the most complete Burn Amid de ever known. It instantly, (and ns if bv Magic) stops rains of the nv'st desperate Burn and 9culd. For old $ ores, Hiuisr!, Cuts, Sprains, Ac on manor beast, it is the best application that can be made Th tusinds have tried and thousands praise it. It is the in jst perfect nvisrcr of pain ever discovered All win use re commend it. Every family sh mid be provided with it. None can tei how so n sonic of the familv may need it. CP Ober'e each boi of the genuine Ointment has the immci'1 . I ovsky. written on the outside label. To unite 10 this is forgery. H oat men, i.ivery Men. larmers, nnd all who use Morses, will find tin: Ointment the very best thing they can use for Collar (jails, Scratches, Kicks, Ac. Ac.on their animals Surely even,- mercyful man would keep his nnimuls as free trom paiu as p-jsMtue. lousey'a ijiuverml Ointment is all that I required. Trv it. H1TESOF INSECTS. For the sting or bite nf uoison ns Insects. T 'Usey's fuitment in mn i vailed Huudredghave tried it and f nnd it Bo -d. PI 1 ,1 IS CI' Ii I ',!) I For the Piles, T.nva L'nivers il Oint menl is one of the host Kertiffjies that enn be applied. wno nave men n t , .r ine riira recnimena it. SALAMANDEH, 1 riRE ASB tHIKP PROOF tttEllfa, ' FIRE-PROOF DOdnS FOR BANKS AND BWlll Seal and Letter-CoVryinff Presses, Pattnt ' Slate-Lined RefrfiroratDrs, Water f"iK ; ters, Patent Portable Water Cto. cts, intended fdr the Sick and tnfirm. EVANS & WATSON, . . 76 fiottth Third Street, OPPOSITK THE PHILADELPHIA feXtHANOS. Manufacture aitd keepoonaSaM ly un hand, a large assurtmem or the ahove articles, together US " fstent linnrovprl Snlsrnsml.r HHE-PHOOPHAKK9, whicl rr so euiistruried as to set at rail all manner of dnnht as to tlwir JlifeS will A ' ; i "if.. lir n m nr" " anr liu 11,1m,. Tha nnina. Jt . ri inene cniea are mnun v mn insiuf casaof aoas- . stone, nnd between thf nutcrcoae nnd inner raw m tnTee of some 1hrc inches thick, nnd is Mled in with lisdetr Utile mntrinl. so ns to make it art itur Nihility to rjurn any ' nf th rnirteiil innide of this Chest. These wsjpm sjg .. Innmnders we are prepared nnd do chnllenee the wotM t4 prtKbice any article in the shape of Hook Sales that will stand ns much hent, nnd wc hold ourselves ready at an times to hnve them foirly tested bv public bonfire. Ws hIi omtinne to niauufiicturn n kire nnd trenenil assort ment of our Premium Air-tisrht Fire Preof afe of which! there are oyer wo now in use. and in every ulsfante tbej hnve (riven eutite aiitisl'nction to the purchnsera-f which we will refer the public to a lew gentlemen who havs them m use Unywootl V ?nvder. pottsville; Joseph 0. Lawteaf potts'ville ; Mr. AVilliam Tnrr, Doylestown, Pa. N. A (. Tnyhir. P'u north 3d at.; A Wright A Nephew Vine st. vhorf ; Alexander Caror, Conveyancer, corner of Fill)ert nnd nth sis.: John M. Ford, 32 north 3d at.; Myari nnsh. ( north 3d St.; James M. Paul, 101 mmth 4lh St.; Dr. Dtivid Jnvne, 8 south 3d st.; Mnthew T. Miller, 90 south 3d st.; and we could name some hundreds nf others It it were necessary. Now we invite the attention of tha public, nnd particularly thoe In want of Fire Proof Safes: In call at our store lfore purchaaiinr, elsewhere, and ws enn satisfy them they wiil (ret a better and cheaper article at our store than at any nttvr establishment in the city. We also manufacture the ordinary Fire Proof Chest st nt verv hw rriee, rb"Tier than they can be bought at any other store in Plnkuiclphtu. DAVID EVANS, JOHANNES WATSO!f. Philadelphia, April 8, 1S48 ly T OXYGENATED A SOVKltKIGN RKMEDY FOR riuiiisic, AND GENERAL DEBILITY. GL011CE JJ. GREEN, Pkopkietor. Windsor, Vermont. IS a snvereisn rrmnty f ir DYSrKPSIA, in man. af sit (iirnis. surb ns pain m tl,i- Sl mndi. Ilmrtimrn. lishitMsl J!suf AptK-uis. OI.I) SfiltKS CI HKI). olrl ubstiuate Sm there is nnthiuir fjiml to Tmisry's Oimnirnt. A pu'ru-m in Mimi ushnd. I"ira numtirr of yrari, a s re lejr thut balfled ihe skillofdir Ttinsey's Ointment v:is rocnninifimlcd by one f the viil insr physirinns. (who knew its a;rcat vir tues.) and two b 'Xfs pr.iducod more beneht than thens th'nt hrtd rect-ived from any und ull previous remedies. I.ct all irv il. KL'HNS AND Sf-AI.P rrHKI). Thnusaurls nf ease of Burns nnd Sralds. in ull rms of the country, huve leen cnreil by Tousev's I'niverrtt Oinlnl'.m. Certificates enough could he hud to fill Ihe whole nl'thil sheet. VIOLENT BKI'ISRS crilKD. Testimonials on leti monisl in favor of Toiisey's Ointment for curiitfr Hruises heve been offered the propriehms. Hundreds in Syrne'nee will eert ify to its yreal merits relieving the puiu of the most severe Bruisr. All rrs ns should try it. HCAI.IIHKADCTHKI). Sores of cuses nf fthl UmA hnve been cured by Touscy'a Ointment. Try it it s Id. mi fails. SALT HHKV.M CfRKD. Of all the rm.-ties ever dis eoveren f irlhs in 'Si rlistitfrenble complaint, Touses I'm versal Oinliuenl is the most complete. It never was known lo fail. Oil M'PKD HANDS CAN BKCfRED Totisey's fni verml Ointment will ulwuys euro the worst case, of Chap ped Hands. Scores of per ills will statetliis. SOKK l.ll'SCrKKO. For the euro of Sire Lips there was never iinytliiuff maile equul to Totney's Ointrnt-nt. It is sure to cure ilieui. 'fry it. It isa S'it'utitir conip. nnd. mrruttetl no to ron.nin any prejmrulion of Mercury, 1" Price li i cents per b"v For fui'tlieriwrti"'ll!:irs coiiceininir this reltlly valunl'le itlMnetlt ihe pn'ilic art r-''n vl t,( l';tmpi.'ti, to he had gratis, of rc- fttviu: .c itii-j;,; uiiti .M'T. iiant!. utrouijnut the I uited Stall's. Prepared hy S. TOI'tY, Drucpist, Nr.. lOfl NlIM Slri-et. New I'-'rl;. A -.t:T .Hi yrtFNf,, Snnhnry, M. A. McCAY, NorttitunN-M intid. February 17, 1MH. ly "ld Slo!M:..-li. 11.-... I lies. );lil Mvi'iis. .rul even t'onsuillpli III (Uvsptpll. 1 htlnsU-.) au.l, or Pittliiic ollended with dertmrs ntent el ih.t Stomach for Dvsneutie Amli.ia 1 DitKeult Hreutlnng, which ollen results fruiii imperfect ditestitin (er l)yiej-,ic yspnan.) is relieved hv those flitters. In short, their use has hern proved in th. relief of slinost all the yrapt-ntu. that pr t,,.in a cvbilimtcd nr atonic coodi lion oi the Si .maeli : u;s i in general debllitv arising from ngeor ironi ilic elici ts of Fever, purticulo'rlv Fever and Acne. Females suHerillil under anv Uterine Hernn.en... All ! lisl" from weakness, will hml the "OxYntxATKD Bit- I riiw an rxceiii-ut remedy, nnd t surpassed by an) sni. AY KUM. An efnit articl for sal by HENRY MASSES. bunbury Jan. 7th, 1849 H B ULASTER, Sail and Fish, iuss receited and for by J, W. tKiiaau. Sunburr, Dec 3, 1648. IJAlSIiNo, currant, citron, cheese, pepper sauce, &c. rot sal by i. W, f KlLlAiU . Sunbury, Dec 9. 1848. excel' m 7 H-KV ca COUGH CASVY. An W W lent remetly tor ouch, cold. For wl at this cine Albany, Auf . 17, '44. enr. Grsnd Lydis su. DYHPEPSIA. No fluid or meiliuiiui Has aver been discovered which ao atarly rearanblea the gustrbs juice or auliva iu deotwtpiauiuj fuod and strenetbeiiiiur lha ums ni sli sis lias aa Una Dns paratioa of 8arsapariisi. It nsiiuvely cuies evwy ess sf dyspepsia, bowever sever or ehroute. Biaii. Lremftrtmetii. Aiusnv. stir iu. imv. Dr. Towusead-tir 1 hav bee aiftKt for Mveral rears with dvsnenaa in iu worst furm. auewssd wita air- naas of storaucti, kas of apoetiw, ulrant krtbum, and great avcraiuii to an sum. oi iouo, ana iur wmm, (ww i eouid aot) i hava been uille lo reUiu but a sustU portioa ou niy sumiach. I tried Ui. usual ramediea, but Ihey had tail Ullki or ao effeol in rnnovuif tha etsnplaint. I was in duced, sis wit two mooLhs since, to irv your Eatraot of Her. sapor ilia, and I aauat aay with HtUs oauooeiic but .iter uauur nearly two buttle., I found ory apMlit. raalorwl aiai tha beutbuns irty ramnvedi sue I wouu earnesiiv n oninwnd lb use of it lo ibua who kv beM arbirted ssl kk-ea bM. Vtnira, se., W. W. VAN ZANUT. Aieut tat Uniil.urv JOH' W. FRIUNO; New- thuinlierkuid. MAHV A. McCAY Paavilkj, Wai A Jdl KHAY A Co., . I Apia l, HKS 1 In- IV l.-.t-.. LIVER COMPLAINT, JAt'.N'niCE, DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC OR NERVOUS DEBILITY. DISEASE OF THE KIDNEYS. vfnii all diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach ia both Jhde and Female : 9uch as Constipation. Iuwnrd Piles. Fullness nr Blood ta th. Head. Acidity of the Stomach, Nuu4en. Heart-burn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or weight in the Stomach, S mr Erncuitions, Sinking ot Fltuterina at the nit of ihctomuch Swimming of the llend, Hurried and Dilftrult Breathing, t lutteruig at the Heart, Choking or rMnnruting sensations when in a lying posture Dimness of Vision. Dots or webs before th. Sight, Fever and dull pttin in Uie Head. Deficien cy of Perspiration, Yellowness of the Skin and K.yes, I'uiu in tneMUe, llucg. I'tiesl, l.iitilis, &c, Sudden llmltes i l Heat. Burning in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of evil and great depression of Spirits Can be ellecliially cured by 2?b. I-CCrL.lTS'S Celebrated Herman JJilters. Their rxnver over the Iwve Hi, ii imt rxerlloi if cquullrrt by miy ctlicr prfruti n in the I'niiH fetutcN aa tho vntv atlt-fl, in many cum aller akilifui ihiticiuim hi lulled. Dcrunof nimt of the Livr ami Stoitwh are tourer of Insanity, itiifi will ui.' pi -r'u-T titiieoae of tho Ilf-urt, lkiii. I.nnpn and Kidnrvi, aiul 1-ivm tiir t -dv open to an ait;tek of the 1'h ilrrn, liili 'im, r V!I"W l-Vvei) ami ia (rfiierully th tiiat euwi ttl that m wl Ivnici'il disfum LoiifimipUotit Opinion of the Philadelphia Pftes. "THE DISPATCH." l)ifrmVi flirt Ktvv: AN INVALrAHLB AU:Ult:li: Wehaveftefiuemtv heonl the iViohnitnl tieim-Jii liiltt-ra. mm mi uct tired by ir H'HiflUuid, .p'tkeu H in trriu of eoiuturiutiiti n, ana we kiMW dciteivedly ao. It nu tw rnniinnn prui-tice, in cr lain quarter., t puiTall miinner uf uaoleaa train, but iu the above Hittcm. Imjidni). ure living wiinrha-a of their great m trul uiitl i)iifiii wilh. A u nmlicme of the l.ivef t'oiitpbini; JunnditTs Nt-rvfiiR IMtiiity uiid Uyapt-iwiu, it hut bVcn f yimd inviilunnic, eihttinfr ruren und th f-'Uhlr eradu-iiiiiij: diM-atva, w In n nil other ititMimiea hnve faiU-d. We fel fonv ( tiiut in the uso if ihe German l.tiera, the jMiiieiU d.Mtiiii bee fine tie Iniiiuttil, hut O'ttKtaiitlv Kttina atreiifrth und vijr t ft Ihe imine a fact worthy of Kreut citintuierutitin. The liuten urt pltHtnt in mate and anted, and can he administered under any cirouiiMtuneea, to the muit delicate aittinut h Indeed, they ran be iwed hyullper a n with Ui m iierfect Kiiety. It would be well f .r th-'ite wii i nrr nnirli art tx ted in thn iiervni aatem, to CMiinieure wilh itnr ti upotntulor iw, and gradually in rreuae. Weajwak from exfierieiue, and ure f curae, a proper jud?. The prexa tar und wide, have united in re ctmiiiriidinpi the (eriiiiiit But era, and to thtarHuted wa moat cordiaiiv advise their use. M'HUT OF THE TIMES," June '41th sm-a : DO OlR f.OODl ITlZKS wlo are Uivalida, know tha inauv asLAnishintr citreai that huve been performed by Dr. II'iv'iTUnMi a Celehruird (u-rnian Bitters ? If lliey do li 4, we reeouiniend Uiem titihe"Oerinuti .Modiciua fcwore," all who ure airlifted with Liver Complaint, Juuintice, lta pepan. nr Nervous Debility ; the Doctor has cured many of our cttiitpusaner the beat pliysiriuns had faileit. We hava used them, and they have proved t be a medicine that every one ahouifj know of, and we cannot refrain givituj our tea-tim-'iiy iu their luvr, and thut which fives them e:rmter elaiiri upm our humble etfort, they are entirWy Vegeublft. "THE DAILY NEWS," Jul4thwv: ' "We speak knnwioxly is Dr. tlAnd's Celebrated Oer. nuni bitleis, when we sny it is a hlesKina a this aye and in disease. of ths biliary, digestive sisl Nervous Hyslema, it has iu we think an equal. Il is a Veaelahle Preparation, aiat niaite without Ak' diol, and to all invalids we would re coiiinieiHt It as worthy their confidence. For sale, wholesel. and retail, at the principal Pepot, M AX MKDU'INK No. TH Kac Strtt, Philadelphia. FuraakabyM. A. McCAY, Northumberland and Bun. bury iut reaiiectabh) dealers (euerally Uirmu'hout the State. April 31, 1H10. ly cine in use I he history of this medicine is peculiar. It has mad. ita way to public favor solely by the force of its own intriasia merits. No nrlilicial uicutis Itavo lieen used to air. it a. lonely end thrust it upon public attention. It Tin. ner.r before even l-e advertised, hilt having first shown iu r markaiilu ea.en y in the laaiily of the proprietor, and by him aiterwiuUs administered to his aflticlcd friends andac-.' quaiNtiiuces wilh a like n i nit. us reputation gradually tended until it is known iu the most distant carta nf Ik. I iiion. as a medicine nf unrivalled virtues hi th. car. Dyspepsia in till its different forms, antl tils i for til. cur. .f Asthma or Ph'iiisie. Its onlv herald snd its nnlv eulegy Ima hern Ihe oi'y,.f its nderliil cllieacv. ss told frua mouth to limit! I, ,,r ,y letter from fi ieud to ii iend. Iu .ve ry insuniee where these Hitters have been used, end th. re sult made known to the proprietor, they hav. proved a re medy. j r--usi-ertt:i.iites. n!!eiiug th. siii'uliir effieaeT Ihe "DxTi.tWTKH lilTIKUs." Ore ill th. po session of tb. proprietor ; many of tUciu signed bv persons alrejdv widsly known to the public. r.F.O. H. OIIKKN, Pr..ri.igr. WIMISOK. Vt., Ot't. hrr 3, IMS. ' ' The fullouin; t ertltlcntes hare recently beaa received l M"aSI1OTO, t)r P., Jt'M 10. 1Mt. Ilnin- made ue ol the -(Ixre.-nated Bitters-' nreaared lireeo. ,.i Wio.le r Vl.and from kn-iw-I tV.r e.Ii:- ,: n, ,, liter cases. weeheerl'uU. ' st t!.:i If ' ui.n.:. believ.'nelhatthev willfaUy seicaln the r.e .ifmio'iidfti ,,( I'm-proprietor. ' W hep. that tins vuluubie nnetiy naiy be o -eoenillv dilfased thr-'tichoiit the r.Mn'1'i !i::il It mar be Suessibie' I all lb. n!!!(le.. WIl.t.l AM I I'll -! 1 ?- Sllnf fron Tarasaal. -I .Mi:s l Si M Vi is, f.. Senator I mm H. Islaad. J. r -dOi;i;tn:Ai I . s. Senator nndi'ortnjrly Soar- or .i K-iimi-r, . I.. II. Alii LD, Mcudwr of Congress ami formarly - vcrti' r of H.I WM. WoonimillOfc, r. a. Senator and fermmy . vernor ol Micliiiren. M. !.. MAHTl.V. Dcjfio in Congress from Wisaawd Teriitoi) . From Hon. II. P. Fo.-rrti, Member of Ceagr.s. tttm Peiinsvlvauia. WasuiSotom, 1). C. Jo- 10, 14 Dear Sir I have been a dyspeptic sufferer for aboat Itm years, and have res -rled to various medicines fi relief withotil success- until I made use of your "Oiygenstsd Hitlers." 1 have used nbout two buttles, and find' rcsiored to iwrtect health The fonns in which th. dat enseshowd itHch, in my case, were, great acidity of Ik. Sl.mlaclw I ss of ttppetite. extreme rlalillence, sever, toss, pati ni ot il,.. Umeis. and violent heucluchc. Feeling d rons thin u knowledge ol' vtnjr valuable remedy ma? rea.b otners s! irly ollin ted. I take great pleusure in reesr.- ine my tertim, ny to its curative power; ami would sis. remaili. that while on a visit at home a short time .in... I ndiniiioe. rrd a nan of n Ml!,- to n nunilier of mv sffltslsd liientls. w ill ,:ret sm ,, 'fi,ey are desirous that Tn Should eei il.!ii, n av v nt Pittsburr. r inform tb'.ai where t he medicine can ! obtained. With an earnest de sire lor yont prosperity- ami happiness, 1 subsrrib. sstssb, truly your lrlr;..t n. f). FOPTKd Po. t. tii-n. It. CaraYinrisor, Vt. S-ed W I. .les-le and lletuiii.v fireen A risteheri X. SO Ninth Sotih tre.-. Philndelnhia. Aecut I r e;:l..,.yn. M ASSKR. Asenisf.M M.lbai MAl'KA V I1AAO. Agent foi Fpper .Maltonoj J. G. lltN.N. April 15, ISIS Oottoit Yam, Cuttmi Carpet Chuin, Cotton Laps ami W'ailclitiff, Cotton Outlines, Ready made Pantaloons, Keatlv made Vesta, Congress Knives, Porcelain lined preserving kettlca, just received foraaleby H. MASTER. Sunbury, Pee. S. 1648. XES of ry superior quality for aula by. H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. 9, 1848. BLANK EOOKaAn assortment of Blank Books, just recfiiv.d end H by ' , H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee. S. 1848. - OYKl'P MOI.ASf-ES. Superior ruined 8vrup Molasses for sale bv . HENRY MASSER. HunHury, Dec. 9, 1848. O.VKFOIUVS cnrIyalled styi.k av hats FOU .EXTLE.MK.V. r II A It 1. K s IIAklODD, V: f o 1 CHESTNUT STREtf Philadelphia. Wouli! res ertfully invite sltention tn hia suprif style of luiis lor autumn. 1948, vhrh will found tl'S mol ti feel er before olfered tn lk coiiio-u. i t I p.-i uiuir forms render, it th iHer id airabl j as il riiintitiirs all the essentials of dura, bilny sn.lncHitte-s, requisite in that article of ilrs wl is hi. ioresa.i1 fo ilitlrs in in m.iiufarlurinf will -I lie ' tid-hi t'itr veni. nts. enablct hlul Po ChsLlsnos Tits V untu lu uroduc 4 better H.i. Chiidrer' Fixer Hats . Car t L.Tssi Mtit'i. I lose gomls hav heca leetr1 with great c I.-, sti.l will be found most tsalilt anil cbaaifl in their styles. Laniss' ItlriUri Hits sin Cars of Esti. i.t a w ''tbi!. (irxsi ear baa he'll beattoM. t-d in tug it,, r ameles. that they may It IKif.ctiy eary and loim graceful appaarsnc. CHARLE3 OAKFORD, 104 Chestnut st. tew doors abo Third. Philsilelphii. 8e temlier 50, June 34, 18481; Pictorial Edlllon of d4ublgtM great VorU ou tlte Hfroriuutlota OF THE SIXTEENTH CENTURY IN GER MANY, SWITZERLAND, tU Will b published nr. nr about th 1st of April, 1848, by JOS. A SPEEL, No 96 Cherry st bov tb, his splendid l'imo edition of th abov nam! work, ith 18 engraved illustration from ori ginal designs ; 4 vols iu 3, bound io eitr cloth nd library sheep. The publisher respectfully call th attention of the trade and th publi generally, to thig work being the only illustrated edition publik1 in tb United States H trust that tb beuty of it embelli.hments, the strong and substantial manner in which it i bound, in eonjunetioa with the known popularity of tb work itstlf, will k a sure recommendation to public for. - . JOS. A- SPEEL. 86 Cherry st.abor dftlg. J. A- 8 has also lately published, a n tui beautiful Edition of 8ergcnt Bell' Rare Skew, a suttsbl book for children, neatly don ap ig extra cloth. Philadelphia, April 1, 1818 PATENT Truswis of ill kind, HarrW writing and iudellible iirk. Cotton yartl aasi laps, jut received and for sal by h if touif a SuitbuTy, Deo. , 1848. OAPH A asMrtinMil just reoeivesL " nun ti A l at 'dsa, K aui by . 11. MAUSER- Hunhury, Dec S, 1844. act.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers