" - ft-- . I L. Wti.a rnflhi'tnbvTnirTnu'-V .AtTOl'rnC Mn'V.ioO WmiV.I ..OXYGENATED . I. . . A!ttfeM&Fe I lnull A N H i O.T JE , E. I S T. ) i-If ., -ai w m v saw . w i i , t r i l ' -... . .m r ., . ktH mi j j 1 ki t w mf mi r r vi Ti i i w m v v . i . a w -1 v av wm a.'M l ri ' w a. -s t. l c i nwmr V BW W WW I ' I ' 1 f 1 DISCOVERED UY - RAK8AI'AKIJLA'. 8, RICH FANCY 'FUBS uk ieuiw tv ak. i, , -i: T .1 ? . .r'f Tj; 'T . T ..'-' . ' .. sc.VDi? UmlulmTS goldmeteri rfl8acito PuiP ,,,.. n . .i, nr. CHARLES OAKFORD i, ! : vrV t a " ' MVpS?W f?F-WHv " .TKCS .. .1 -hmner. n wiRinier. and i venrmnicd mnrriur to any I . . 7" t . 7., 1 1 . I Tj Jl tJrii.-ial-iV.. u.,-. . .. I i . , u.t V1'ti.'..;m.i.; "a Vnnsvlvant ItiTTiK.rvttPa. I lift Ynnst Implicit re- I GOLD SEEKER'S GUIDE ! : nr-s, W.iUtatiiig the patient, ud p."'"'""")' a! I 4-. ' tJ I .,1, rillSlX, J,' , -., ll-lgzl-.. iZM.lnJL .ml dnirlMl. r.J lli.k. 1 Seeret2Jrl o'fiuflft Mw oGoU; Silver, Irria, Lead,fejfftr C'oal, and othtr Mint- " rai liicha. , r: flltt fint diwoTCTt ofCfola In CilifornU was J. maJc HIHO.N JOSK D'AItVlOAK, an emi hcnt epnniKli Geologist, ClicmUl'. and Natural riiilowphcr, It meam of a mwly inicnicd Maguc tic initronirnt, cnlll ' 1 ' ' " TJ1E GOLDOMKTF.R OR OOhV SCTKER'S CUIPH ! Pigtiot D'Akfar has just arrived at New York, fvim thfc Oold Trgiona 6f (.'Blifottiia, by ay of rnnninn, t'hagrca, and Now ( IrtwiMS, ' hriti!tinit with him a tt InfRt natititvof CMdoTfvialucd nt nciTly one million of Uitllara, which lie collrr trd thf tt, lonj l.ffur thn fxintenre of tlin (inld minra liocnmc fnown to t'.ie rcfcidcn'.a of California HISTORY OF TUB DWCOVKRY! Piitnof D'AUent wtut t to Culifornia nearly ' two years aso, in conscniruco of certain informal tion which he had received ot the pcoloorical cliar pctrr of that country, with tho firm liclit f that vast 11 mica of precious metal would be reveulcd there ;pon careful iuvcsiiati-jii. He was cncounijcd to thii enterprise, also liy- liis coulidrtice in the powers of a certain Msl'tnctie instrument whUHi he . had invented, called "tloldumrter," ly wh we aid lie expected to be directed ot pnio to the Hiold riaccrs," if any such pxi.kd. ' Nor were his cx Jicctalionx dionppjiutcd. If is --icutific calculations proved to be Annul in truth nnd profound wisJom, npd hia new instrument, t!ic 'Cioldomctcr," fiillil lcJ his highest hny.cn. In lew than two months a(V6'r reaching California, he rtrucl? 11 on one of the richest gold mines in. that country, tipon.an oWure branch of tho Saeito river, in a (jiirge of hills extremely roefcey 'end diilirult of access, and sol.loirt visited" by the native CV.iturltiiuis. " Dis puisin; his objeflt uiulor tliu t rten'-e of purely ecientilic redoarch, lie o'ntaiiicj the uid of some fif tocu or twent y aim pic and fi.iiliful Indians, and atendily pursued lii task, collecting oitcn inure than ji,(iUJ woiih of gold in a ein::ie day, which he coucoaled in a deep nivine, without exciting any fuspicion whatever, tiniil ul'tcr the discovery of gold at Captain Sutter's Mill, when the mountains were rnnsnckrd hy tro'.J scckcin. and c?i?nor D'Al ar'a "i;old placer," the riche jt in all California, wns beset with trreedy advent ureis. It is now found that the real mines or imurecs of the gold, lie in t!ie gors of the mounMir.i. Olid not in the beds or sands of the rivers. Previous to leaving California, 8irnor D'Alvear sold his instru'mviit, tiie. frtildomoter, a Very iinperfeet one, for $3,000. Tiie person who purchased it roulidciitlv cvpected to make a handsome fortune, hy simply finding "gold placers" and selling out the rujUt of diintr to the cold worker?, MAS t'F A CTl" 1! H OF Tl!F. GOLCOMETEK ri BLICATIOX OF 'THIS tiLIUI). Signor D'Alvear, in coiuplbnccv.it! the request of numerous scientiiio gentlemen, has coiamnitcl the manufacture of his new JIa.'iclic InsUiuiient, the GoUometer, which lie now cll'crs far sale, in tho United States, at the remu.'kuhly low ).'rine of S3 each, accompanied by full in.it; Lcli.ms fir i:sc, nnd a variety of Philosophical hints drawn from tiie ancient nnd niudem science, or the ' ART OF FIXDIaG MIXES OF GOLD! Silver. Platinum, Quicksilver, Coal, Iron. Coii per, LeaJ; and other Miner.'l !!i !!!, t'aewUole be ing given in n. publication called the GOD) SISKKKK'JS GLIDE ! Tliis new work, and the Goldomctcr, are loth now ready for sale. ' ' The Goldomcter is so 'simple an insirument, that a child may le 11 1 to operate with it in five minutes. It is not aljortcd by climate, moisture, or any other known cause, (except the natural magnet.) and will retain its power of pointing out mineral riches m the earth for any ujumlicr of years. Bv the aid of the ffitide any riersin mav use the instrument t anee with perfect surccss. FAHMtivS ANU LAS I) OWSiJRs. Fanners and Land Owi.crstri.oui.uout the I'ni led States, wlioj.avq rc.uon to tiiisjavl t!c . exis tence of any kind of Mineral richc3 upon their lauds, should avail themselves of this opportunity' to test that fact, by the surest of all known tests, before the alumlanco of discoveries in all parts of the country t'.iail have los.?r.cd this source of wealth in their e;t ;te. ADYE-YiTJiKUS TO CALIFORNIA. Persons soiug to California cannot make a bet ter investment tlam by puvehaung one of these instrument., which will net only be worth liliy times ha value there, lo sell aaain, but will be of inestimable worth lo t'noie who p ) in tearcli of Gold, as has been proved by the most abundant experiment both in California and the United tsuifc-s TESTIMONIALS. Signor D'Alvear does not does uot deem it ne cosary to encumber this notice vviih a long list of testimonial", in proof of the value of hi GOL0 O.METE1! and GOI.DbEEivEU '6 GLIDE. The brilliant results of his hilars in Oalilornia, and the discovery, this very week, of frch veins i f Gold bm in Virginia, and lc;.s of Coal 111 Kuodo Idaua,by I it use, are alone snfiicieut to. stamp it as thcijrcaLcst discovery of tiie a,ije. rt'oiuing but the estic;i:c cheapness of the instrument, and his desire to see it iifccd for the benefit of mankind induces bi n to . - dispose of it ut the low price of which he oilers it. Ucsiilcs this, his own dc.-uo fur veaitli is iirarly 1 aatisfacllcd. ' , ' "!. ', ' ' ' I The f lUowine Testimonials, in ro of cf the i value of tho Goldometer, selected l.oia a great iinm'.ier equally satisfactory, must suffice for the suffice for the present: ' '' Astoh Hoist, N. Y., Dec. 1, The undersigned, having this day withessed the practical operation of tsignor Jo.ic DeAlvear's newly invuuted uiagnetia insirument, the Giilii iiMiiriu, feel entirely satUiied that it poist sos the extraordinary power of dcsectW-r .Mineral ores hid den beneath the surface of tlu ailh. and have nu doubt that it will prove invaluable i.id in the dis covery of the Mineral resources of the United State and llie world. . J. K. J'HAM.a, Jr., Chemist, L. H. Tieum4x, Magnetic Ins. Maker, G. IS, DiHi, Geologist. I ,i 1 FAI.l, ANU Pl'ltl.M ,vii.ijh.i.i.. TiiSgreAt tHjniuv sml superiority of litis Hursaparttla 1 otlior rcaieilirs is, vvliiW t wwlimUs iliieiiao, I I ' ; - It liivip Tit tin t?vty.i I; C'onmnifiii in eared. CIcnusR siul Strcniitheii, ' '"' ''1' Oisisitiaplten enn lic-fluroil, 1 . Hrdnclilils, Conriinitioii, Liver Pomriiiliit, Colfls, PHigliS, I Cotnrrh, Aslhnui,8niltin(nr Hhvl,rencss in the I Chrsl, llcclie Flnsli," N iphl Smutl, Uiffi- . I cult and I'rofiiM K.HTlnrotioii' 1 1 '! I :..,' f.,-i, flnU Pln ii.U.ef ;,u- I ' ftc.;e., : ' " lwvc nnrl on be evrro4. ir " I Proloblv triers never wns a rcinwly Jliat hus been so sue rtcusfni In ilespcrute enses (H emisunipllmi n this f it elcmy k-k nnrl atrciiirilivns the vfS, nnd npprairs lo lie.iHlir ol emn Jlie Inevr", nnd juiitaui grauanl!)- ngain llicir usual hcaiih mii sire'ictti. 1 . ' rtKlJl case or cn.si Airriu..i I 1 Trtri-t ts seircc!v n cl.iv pfiHrs but 'there are a icn:lfr rif ents'f csiminipi'ion reporiej ss. enreit by the t x Itr, T iwnswi's tsaEaiillu. 'Ilia f'Uwiiig was rcewilly re- Cei-sd :' ' ' 1 I)r. Tows'sxn IVir Sir: Tor tlic lust thre? .years I hnee l"cn ni'icteil wuli general tU-biliiy. nnt nervous con Sllllipllon if Ihe tap! Miiiie, ami tfia uol expTt ti ever rslill oir It ;il0i at n't. At'l"r ir"ing ttn-ioi)i n e oinse of ih-r'nein aiitler Utc enre of nonie ol'atre uvst ilistiii.'aisijeil:re'nrot:ir ptiywemns nnrl meiiiiters s tim wjnia ui iieaitii, v .tw I oili ntiil cls'".vliei'e, ihkI spCiKliair tbc la -st ot nif ert-uriiffs Li atttniprinir lo renin my tliJiit. mid otter reifling' in t Wt ipcr i.f y-'in Njrs.!putilu t r t ed t' try it.. At'ler usiaj) m.i b illies 1 lOand it Uaie ate iieat grd, oiul eullett I I s.:c y-m nt your oifiec ; wirh ysatu I. ice 1 kept on, nnd d iihst heal tiV tliank j ou for yoar mlviee. 1 iiewavere in takuig lUt srs;ifaiilla, aiKtbuc Lwtn ulle t niieud to niy URtlei ktlsj. s 1 r the l ist i.jiir moai!u and I li"pe liy llie lesi!ijrs of 1, -d imd y nir fvu's'n arilia to c ni'iime my titUii It LdptUuie ucyouiilba cvpcetaii ;n f nil wlio k lew my rw. t I1AHU; tiLl.MUV 1 Oiaiia'e, Kt-s: x eo. N. J., Anjr. 2. Ir 17. ' ' Si ire .11" .tv Jer.v.-y, lsex comity, a Charles Quint- by Ik-i:- da!y sw rn 'necordihll to i:ov, on liin eatii saitl-t t' -it if-' firfil 'it'ir slnlfinent is tru- fief-Mfitinir It the hest of hillraimirxtt.nl id belief, (JIlAHLi;! 1(1 l.vim . fcwv.ru uit nalcubvd to before me 1a llranue, tlieSJ Aaeusm-:-i7. CMtt: HAI.WIN. Jastieaicf tiie Pvtwe. ' SPITTING Bl.ttOi). rtca:l the ..ll'iwing, miJ sy 'aal cymamplion is in incu tabic if yju caa 1 New York, April 3J, 1P47. Pr. ToaTvy;:Ni : I verily believo llmt your S.irsjiiarilta Iris itfen tlio lae.itiH, laroitirtt l'rovuienc.', ot saving my nie 1 h 'Ve 1' r aevrr il ye irs had u kid coafti. It beeaiae w rse nnd wsrre. At tn"t I raised larr'- T)iiiiiilities d blt.Kt, hod tomtit sweuis aivi wns jrreatly detidtfuntl nml retlueetl, nnd del ul txpecl lo live, t have only nscl y e.r S.irKturiila bul n Eh rt lime, and there Ins n w,nde'fol rleinjje ten wroturht in pit. 1 am now sM t i wntknll over Ihecity. I raitit1 no b!od, nud my e mgh Ins Uat uic. ' You can well ini:iiac tltal 1 um tiuuikfnl i r these results, v our chMi cnt servant. - AVM. Rl'SSFl.l.. 6j tatharinc t. I.OiT IIKH ti'KIH:il. The 'annexed ecriilicain teiis 0 simple and truthful story of t:aGeriiiir nnd relief. There urt; til aisaads nf Kiiuilnr ea- .R'.l? 4n thts eily nnd Itronklyn. and yet lliertnre Ih 'ttsands of parents let 'llie ir children die lor fuar of bein humbuirfteU or KJ sirvs ie,w suiuinus. ' Jtro Alvn. Set. 13, 117. " Pr. TownF'(Ti : I take phrisanj In st ii inr?. ffir the liene- fit e ttfi! wlsun it unv coneern. that my ilauslitcr, twu y,ri;s and six m 'nlt.s old, was nltlieteit with general tie 1 ln!i y nnd I i of s;)ee.di. t:he v.mb eiven ua n pasl je e O erv lo- oar fauiilv ehv.sicinn ; hot I ulniiatelv 1 wvik re rMnnimnded he n frianj 'to Lrvvnur Kin-itnnlla. IJef re tu hit; Itstd olie botllcche recover d her speec'i nml vv.i e!t-u U .I rt v ilk :dcne. 10 the asl.uiulineiit el uti vh wen: ae p::u'i t witli t'te eirenms;atne. Siie is hum- i,tii:e welt, oa t m much better he".hh than slie leer I, '-en f r Ir nvaclis it.. JO.-l.l'll TAVI.dlt. lis Vi.r'h !., Ur 10H511. TWO 1'I1II.1JKK.. lAVhl. Very few f.omlicr indeed in f.tel we have 11 '1 terml of eaa t!'t ua-J Dr. T 'wnseuds H:m apariila la tidv. I'M any i!i'.aren tiie past r-jinuivr, inint ni w imr nm n-i. pii'Veaed and died. The cereiQcate wo publish hel iv iu c meliisive evtdeiiets of its value, suit is only an Hher inauiuee of i;u Eivin-r the lives of children 1 lar. Iiiw.hemi Dear Sir : 1 had two children cared by y ur r-irs-n ;ia: ilbi of the summer coinpiiiut nnd !yietieiry ; iine v.'is only 13 mouth old sad th oiher n ywun. 'Tlicy Were very mct'-Si redaeut, attd we r.tpecu-d tlirc'y W141M die they wtje (jiven up tiy Iw 1 rcspccluhlB pli)siciaia. When the doctor inf 'rmed us Ilia', we mttHi l.iethcin, wc res I vetl lr iry your S irsajMrilla we had heanl sv mn-li of, but bad little'eantideuee, there belli? ft in-Jeb slUif utlvertised thai is worthless: tail we ore Ihaiikl'ul tiiat we del, f ir it undoubtedly sived the lives of b 'Ih. I write llit thai oll ers mav be induced to use it. Yon-s, r'-nex ti'iillv, JOHN W'lLtttiN, Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Erooktyn, Sept. 15, Ir47. , TO THL LADIUS. ' Git CAT FE.MAI.I MKWCIXn. Da.To.vaEIl,sflasPAMlLA isaswereicuund speedy cure for incipient e iitsuinptioii, and for the (reaeod pr.Mfiiu. I i. 11 of llie s slun -UO' mailer wheiher Ihe resalt of inhe rent cm se or causes, pr.dneed ly irrigiilsrity, illness or in cident. ' Xothiog: enn be m ire surpripin thsn its invi; oralittf? cf ftcisoa ihe haiTuui frniue. Pers-ms nil -eakni ss ntsl lai- sitode. ffnti t.ikimr it t once become r diusr und lull of energy under its mrlnenee. Il iinufniiately c uinteruetAtht nercelji c.hUm lI tiie uiuajt: fruinc, wiiicU is the gieat cause barrenii'ss. It will ii't be expected of ns. tn eases of sn delicate a na ture, lo exhiltt eerlilteatcs ol cares peil'onned, biU we can assure the mulcted lliat hundreds 01 eusfs hnve bceu repor ted t 11?. Dr. TowNiOTMi: My vvtfe tiLdnir preatly distressed by weikles.- ami general dcbiiily, unil suHi rin:; c mliuually by :oa uad Willi elhej dllheuii-n s. und having sn iwn vnxs where Venr medicine has elfeeted pr'rtit cures: and nisi hfartntr it mvNiitnonried for satdi esses as 1 it o descnlsMt. 1 cauuuud u b itile of y-iiir Uxtra-t of .jrsairiita nml fil lowivt I'ie direcli "lis yu cave me. In a sh'irl pcrhid it removed her e annl'iints nnd tesrorcl her to health. Heitar frrenu'nl f r iho benetits she mociverl. 1 bike pleasure in luus acvii'jweiiug il, uuu t'vcjiuuieuauur 11 to mc. puwic. M. U. MOOIIE, Albrjir. Auj. 17. 'It. enr. flrand ft I.ydii Hs. ' . PYSr-KtWIA:- : No fluid or niuliciua Isis t vej Ueu discoietcd which so nearly r.sr mliles the giisiric juice or saiicn ia lee.iinsiiuc f.Kjit nnd s!renrtliciiinir Hie oreaimnf iliu'e.-ti-m as this tire- pjrati u of -sursajwrnlu. It p,sttvcly curtNi cvcay case 01N d vej-cpMa, u.iwever se ere or caroii.'e. li ink Denartinent. Allnnv. Mv to. It5. Dr. T-iwiis.nd Sir: 1 have lieeu uiideled for several ve-jrs wiih desoeosia iu a worst firm, nlteiided with a 'UP iiessof stmaeh. I is of sppeiiri:,' extreme beat iUirn, nnd a erl : ei'sion lo ull klllits of lOjil. and for wt J, (wl;a could eul) 1 luivc been unable 10 retain bul u small poriiu n 111V stomach. 1 tried the uua-d reinmlies. but they had little or it.i ciicct 111 reuioi uiir llie c 'Uiolaiul. t was its lue.-d. nli iat tw-i uMaihs sinei;, to try your Kxtraci of Sar- sinnrilia. and 1 must snv with li'tle e aittdenee ; but nflci us.iej ue irly t"i batles, I l" .unit my jipi-etite restncel uud lliu lieniiliurn entirely rem ved; and I would etirnestl.' ri1- cinmiend lite line ot II In lliose whl have hew ntuie'ed ns I huve hteu. Yours. Jtc., YV. W. VA. Z.V.ND T. Aaut fir tSnut.iirv JOIIV W. FltltJXO : Nor llnanlerliiml, MAIIV A. MeC.VYi Dauvii, VM. A. .Ml ItltAY Co., Apiil-i-?, isis. ly So. lOi,' Cl-cMiml Kr-ct. V',1'" . . . . .. .. . 1 . . A fete ddon taovt 1 Aircl, fMladelphta r r( would inviie the ladies to call and examine bis superior stock of Muffs, Boas, Tippets tie. of every variety, t (insisting- of R;eh Hussia Sable, Hudson' Bsy Martin, Norwiy Msitin, Mick eJa ble, Baum Msrlin, Stone Martin, Ermine, Fitch Lynx, &c, &c. Those skins have bit n sel cted vllh gf,til,cni, f.ml are mule by the best workmen rn the country, 'L-xliei m iy rrel assiircd Ihst no vtticle will l eiITored for rale in Ibis eslablishm iil that iai.ot peilecl in every iepect. ., , . i.j . CH HI.E8 OAKFOIi'p, ,'. A'o, 104, Cliemut tlrnl. Lettarm .; . , yTliirdand Fourth ttrreli ,, , . ! Philadelphia 8c lemlTr 30, 18 IB 6m . J ACQS KECK. ' ' wnOt-MALF. AND RETAIL ' Ho S93 .Slarkd Strtrt, liehw Eighth, Korth side I'll a. ah Ki.rn 1 a . Keeps constantly on hand all kind of old Li quor, viz : Superior eld rye whiskey siipprir.r Hiamly, Gin, &x. Alio white bianily fo, preser ving. Wild Cherry arid Blnrkberry brandy. Philadelphia, June 3, 1 18. ly mm Hmrns i:w 10KK COLl.ttG H OF II E ALT. II 207 Main strctt, Buffidn, AT. 1. Pit. G.C.. VAUGHN'S "' . Vc?i table Litlioulriiilie !Uixtorr. rprtlS celebrated remedy is constantly increasing it uinie X by the luauy cures it is making . ALL OVER, Til E WOULD, It has Hw become thr only mcdiciiis for fuuiily use, and is ourtieubrli recommended fir DROPSY; oil ?tni?f s of thin cmiplnint iinmtMlinfrty tvlVvH. nintttr of bow Inm UMitling. IMinniittUet tor test itiun. , , , 1, GHA.YKI.,. i aitd nil dieutts nf the urinnty drujiH fur tliesc distrcKM ing c niipl:iuts it 6inml ni -ne ; ti- rv nrlii-!c crtn rrli-vtr y I,i ; oiul ihe curf tertifu-dtn wHIcmvincf th nit kpi ttc.il I pee niiiiuiTid r. Liver t;-Jiiifciint, liiUi u diwnfLi, r'EVKlt AGUE. T i thr Orrnt Vtbt i'pfi:iily. nml wlu-rcvcr these com pbiintu pryyuil this ii. -Hicmip is t'llcn il. NO MIX EUA L AG EXT, tvttUii'tcri up v iu p 11111(1 in n mit tins luixtttri, it cures ih' ilim'jifu with fcrt'iiiity nml rtk'rityt ami cl cs n.'t Icivc tiie frVBtem t-.ritif. S- Vnitii.tilet. - l'lLKS.! x a cnmi lint f n nrVt puinnil clnrnrtcr, in IMMEDIATELY lUILIEVED. " nnd a cure tallnw.. hv n 'cv iln nw tif ttii artifle : tt p f ir lh.Mtre nny ntlmr pteryirniiont r tliii (iinoiiPe, vr lurnuy other (lisaiKw ongiuutiuy trvm impure hi d. See pain- pit- : -! Uhnll.lli Ur lUhMMUl, wenk b:ick, wiknnrt f the KkJih-vh. Ate. or iiiflanuiifi ti.) 01" time, ir immeiliiitdy rt'licvtd hy n few cliiys nc l tliis nit'.licUie, cuiJ a ciue is olwuy a result cif its use. It Anuds us A C'EHTAI.N REMEDY, f-ir mu'h f nniUuits, uml ulso llr ilerniigeinciiti of the le- nillEGULAniTIES, SUPPRESSIONS, pninfnl inrnftnnti ti. NAnrth lf hna ever been oftTNl exrepi thit wiik'h would tonch this kiwi u (leritiiK'nieiilv. It iiifiv be rut itU umiii u u sure mid eileclive remedy, und did we feel nt-fiiiittnl t u s c m! I uivc A THOUSAND NAMES. ni pro-if nf curen in this ilistrenainir ehiw nf eomplniutn. F.'t? pampMeU All hntUon down, del'ililatud c Histimtiou trnm Lite ellvct of mercury, will Uud the brueintr pnvor of tliis article to nrt iinuiedi-iU'ly, und the ptiikir'US titiiiend eraaicateu irom ine FVfnt-ni. ERUPTIVE DISEASES will find the altrniti ve nnnwrtirs of this nrticle. v PUIUFV THE liLOOD. mil drueii finch diseintfs from the system. Sec pninplilet tor leMini n v of enrea iu nil dineasrp, whirli the lintiis of mi udYertiwiiient will ir-t permit tn he mrni-it her. Ae iiis pive them away t tlioy c mi tun 'M pues nf uertittmtes uf Hutu oinirafu r, uiwi a nr ngrr , AllllAY OF rrvOOF nf the virlnes of a uiedirinc, never npntiired. TI is one of the peculiar fe:i tn rH of this nrticle that it never finis to twMK-tit in nriv rjuo. ami if liie and imiKrle arc leit to build up -a let tliu emacialeU nnd lingering invalid HOPE ON nnd keep taking th medicine us I uig as there is on lm pruvutuenl. Tin pr pTii-t r w niH ' CAUTION THE PUBLIC njriinst a number of articles which como out aiider tli Ucud of SAUSArAUILLAS, SYRUPS. S.C., a cures f-r Dropsy, tr:ivel( e. : Tin y aie god for m IIIIUS) uuu vuin i" fill 1 ' 1:1111 1 1 it nimsti . IXiUCH THEM NOT Tlieir inrent'im iievr thooeht of enrinir sucl, diseaaes till thisailicte bud d Hie it. A arlicular study of Ui outn phu t iw earncwiiy s-uu-ittii. Ag'antaml nil wh sell the nrtifle rtre 1 H'lt :n,T WiteiLL tlkniMrJ' a GEORGE B. GREEN, ritorniETon. 'v'lnmhorfVe'iliwnt. 19 a MVcrripn -rnnedy PYfM'KPHIA.'in mnny of sit fifroiKi snr)i4s roiin in the Stom.teh. Ihtirthnrn. liahitual Oosli'vcnrw, Arid SUUiliifh, Ilcurlachf, lmsuf AppHite. Pile, Nijfht fwwtit, uml evvii t'ouu motion ibyipoptte. PhltiMk',) and Asthmn, or Phthisic uttomlMl with derruifte ment ot the fttomaeh for Uwtei.tie Anthrrm.l lJlfficiilt Urrnthtitj;, which ofrin renitlmMui linieTlVet digtfsttiMt (nt Uyspptic kSypiifTQ,) is relieved hy Iheup Ui tiers. Iittthortt, their arc tius heeii proved in the relitf tif almost tl the nyinpims that pn odd from a fl hilitntfil Or atonic emifli' tion of tlte Stomach ; ftlfto in t'vnertil drhllitM arisiiia from tigetir fnm-the Jiiertt C him, particularly l'evr and rtiriift., irtniJcs suiluniia uuitt-r nny iitennfi iieniutienirnt Mrisiiiff fr m 'wenkiVT1,. Will find tlir "OnYriitNartn H(t. itk ' nn exrellttfit retnetfv.aiiri uot nurnisnod ( r anv iti- cine In nto. . . i . - " J he history of this mIicinc is pfcuhur. II hns mnde Ifs Viiy 1 1 public fuir s ih-tr hy tiie !' tree of Mr own ititniisia merits. Nil nrtiheial inmus hdvc hvm used) l iiiva it toriety nnd thrnt if Un n imhlic ultciUi n. It has m-vcr liclorc even 1hhm iiilvi rtine!, hut having Rnt Fh'jwii itK fe1 mnrkntilti e(Tn acy in (he fuuiily nf l!ic pr prift'r. and hy him nttcrwittds ndiuiuiHleri t i his ulilir-t'd Iricnds and uc miaiut.iuces w ilh n like result, its reputation gradually ex tended until it is known in the in l ilirltint p.irls of I lie l td-11, us a medicine of unrivalled virtues in tliu cure of Dyspepsia in ail its dilTcrcnt funis, nnd ids i for the cure nf Asihmn or Phthisic. Its only herald nnd its only eul try lias hern the story of its w 'iideriul efhciicy, ns Md fr.uii nrailh to mouth or hv letter lrtui friend t friend. In eve ry instance w here thee I.itters have Itccn used, nnd the re sult made known to the proj riet r, they huve proved a re nted y. umernus certificntcs. nlt-stiii the sinpular elTieney of the '(xvKNATFn I.itif.iis." ure in Ihe p isscsstnii l' the tr 'irictor ; many l them sigueii hy pcrs ins already wid'-ly n iwu to (he mihlie. .KO. II. fiRi:i:N, rropriet.'r. . WINDPOn. Vt.. Oct Nt:J. rt. The following Certiftcnles hnve recently bri n i ecci i d t Waiiisoton, 1). C.. .ti NE 10. 1!?0. ITnvitti mnilc tine of tin: ''Oxygenated IlitlerH' prepared liy lr. lieo. II. (iceen, of 'iiiiln r., Vt. nnd from kit w ledgc i.htnined ol their edicacy in other cm s. wrrfiecrtully ree minend them t thepuMic. ttelievinir that they will lully suslaiu the nn nuuciidati' n of tiie Propriet -r. Vc h ipe that this vulunMe remedy may he trenerally diifiiml throughout the country thut it iuay he accessible t-i uil the W&VlflfS: l SemtiirimVenn,,,.! J AMI'? I'. EMMONS, I'. S. Sf-tnt r fnm It. Inland. i J. T. MOltKUKAU, I', ff. Senator nndf .rmarly tiovern or of Kentnckv. 1,. II. AKNOl.p, reinler of OiurrcFB and foriiierly Go Veril'T tif H. I. VM. V(KnM!tlD(.;K, tT. S. Suitor and formerly Ort vern'r of Miehii.ni'i. ' i M. U. MAU'J'l.N', Delegate in Congress from Wise main Territory, , From IIpil. U. 1. f oteb, Member of Congress from reiinsvivoiiia.' 1 J 1 Wamii'utx. D. C. .ft'.NK Hi. 1SIB. lc!ir Sir, 1 hnve heeti h dyin 'tie.sur.:rer ft ub ail t!ti irs, uuu iiuve res thii i van un iiictuciues i"r imn with'ui success, until I made use ot your ''Oxyifuated PittiT." I hnve ued nlntut lve hot ties, mid hud ms II restnrej to perfect Jie ilth The forms in which the dis- fuse eh wed itsell, In my etn-e, v'pe. pruut aeitlitr of the t niaeh. I ss of appetite, extreme li itiilenee, severe coustl puti -n ol the Imwc'h. nnd vi U'iit heiidnehe. I'ee'ing d!i naistluatn ku 'iwl'lire of y ur valu ihle remedy nriv re.ich ithers simil irlv iitllieted. 1 take (Treat phvisure in rec rd- intr my tittm nv t it curative, power; uud would nlst rein-ilk. that while on a vifit nt h -me a ih ort time tluev. t a',n;nitertil a part nf a l 1tle t a nuin!eT of my ntllierea tneu ts, Willi ureal sucess. j iuy nre (icmnm tltal ym all uld estuhiiF'i nu agency nt Piliphurr, or infoim iliiMii whfif the mi-ilit-inc can he nhtaiiu-d. With an earnest de sin? ir vour pr 'S;eiit' nnd liappiness, I suterilH' mvsclf trulv vniir friend ' II. D. roSTKK. lloct. tiv.o. It. OitrrN, ;ni!s r, t. S ld Wh -Irs-ile und Rdnil hv (ireen K Fletcher, No. 'iOS aith Sixth Street. Philadelphia. A sent It Suumiry tl. H. ,l,rliK, Acenis fir .MitHHi MACKA V A HAA'i. . Aent f 'i rpner Mulmuuy. J, li. ItL'.NX. l, Afril U, IMS - , . V ssfe'..K I 1,1k THE 0KJ.V HilHUAI. CI'PE fOR CONSUMPTION 1 ! rVroruls or Kinif's Kvil. ttlieifmntism. Otmtiunte Ontiiiii.r i l-.rit lions. rmipS'S'iir l'etnh-s n lite Hire, 111 leiies, j HHe. Clinnilr te Kji's. tiius: Wnrn ir Teller,, I ttvild llend, V'ldiirf enient . ntld ruin nf lh '' ltrtnen nnd frills. Slut t in I'lwrs.Ryplii- . t. litir t mioiiis, Seislien ir l.inilgi)t. ri- -K j p . r (lisenses ntiriNir ir'iin ml iiijudU ,' I ci ntt Hie i' Meteiiry. Drop- ' ' '' '' 1 sy, F.!Fiirr. t ltiipm ' - 1 :. denee in life; nls., ' , , .. i . i ) .ClinmiP p-tistl- , '.' I t". - . -II hili m-dtiis. ' i " I I ' I ' TI- .-.i.-! orders. til this inedlriue ssrernl inment hut very potent srtieles ofthe vepelnlile kined tn nre tniited, ronniuir n romp mud ntiMv ilirtVrriil is It, elinnietiT nnit nronerties liuni nny othsr i'imnnnitt"ii,i ami linriinlled in its npeniti'-ll in the n) pl'tn vhen Inh. irinft under diwnpp. .It sbmild tip tn the h;iiidK itt" verv rwrs it, vh'. hv Vnsinoss. rs itmernl course of lil'i!. is nreiliini'Sod lo Ihe verv mnnv siliim uts timt reu der lite u vurse, lusteiwl ol' a Mesjing, and s i iil'len result ill death. i .. .11 i FOn PtUOFl I.A. qr. Drnke's rnimeeu is recommended as a crrtnin reineity. I t one jits'miee.ol its fnilure tins ever neenrreil v tien tree- ty nset : It euro thf ilinenne nnd nt thewime lltTM lmiirts viiror to Hie wh de miiteni. Jer ititl m. prrri m ran never pnv too nmeh nllenlKin to the slnle of Iheir til kkI, lis pil titieilli -n fl "llld lie their first rlirn i for perseverance will aeeomiiltsli n cure ol evkn ltKSKniTARv disease. FOB MirrTlONiTciF TIIF.PKIN. feiirvy. So -rhntic AITwli ins. Turn r, AVhile tvrllin. I "rtsipeltis. fleers, Oini-ers, Itunniiifr f res. Sends snd lliii s. Dr. Drtko's IVnneca eiim-d l t"' highly ext dleil; it senrehes uut llie yery rurrt ol the disease, uud permanent. ' ' IM)llir.KriOVOR DVWF.WA. No meitieino perhxiis hs" ever leei Ulxc-'Veml which piv-S ailliueh One t-i the st imiiell mid rriuw-s tiie seere- li n if n hitdihy pnrtrie juiee to deeoinpuse the Itxsl as llr. liuke's l'auueea . i . 1 trriHrntf aarod HI aj l(oi ncH'a Rflonrirr. . ; , i Danki In riiUaicl,nit. ''"Nasi. Y V.' LncATlow, ,'. . ' NOTES -ATAPARi BsnH 6f North ATnftria i , ' a Bank ofthn Nrtrtlir-m Myrtle ' : ComtiiTo'rnl Hunk of Ppnn'a. .1, j f , Farn'ris'jinil Mrchatiica ilonK" RansintiKin ll.mk : ; fhilBildjihin H:iik - ' ti1ktil Han ' ;i. - Snnilmnrk Unnk VVinnrn Rsnk ' Vprlianirs' llsnk ''!'.",'' ' ' Mninirsrttirr'rs' V, MerlmitrsJ B.inV , , flank of TVi" Tftwnshii il'sril Hnr-V ' Hank of Ciitiittirrer. UiC MoyamrtiiPg Dank of i'eiin.vlvniiis - . 'oimiIt tltinkn. lisn. la CmtAti. psr . pat ' I1" p . paf -pa psi sr ill put- Pi psr i-iiitt ami tiiiitf rnoOF cntrr FiRE-riiotiF Doons Foil Hanks and srofti-tr-' I Seal bjhI Leltpr-Copyins Yippw!, rntent 4 ti... t : 1 ..c..'; J ivni..,V;i-- - OUH-'-ljIIM-ll 1' 1 1 leouuii hiiiiii'" tern. PittPtit PorlublcUnliT Clo- - sets, intentlrd fir thr Sick - - . to firm liVANSl St- AVArfiOiJ, '() I " '"' T fmlh Thitd Simtt, -1,. :;::'-ru lOPrflWTF. Tflft PHII.ADKt.Pril A EXCHANGE. r 8 llnm of Thcsipr Cnunt Westchester Hank of Delnwnre Conniy Cheater , Hank of Hrrmni.tnwn' Oprmnntown Rsnk of Mitaomet Co. Norris'on Doylestnwn Dniil, , I) ivlejtown ' Kssmii HsriU - , . .1 F.ssion Farmers' Pnnk of Btirks en Rri-nl flunk nf IV ortlinnilieilmiila N irlhiimbrrlainl nnr 1 "nlnm'da Hunk Ar nrnlee sn.enlumhts psr r nrmersnna in t.anrnsicr- i,nnriiri iiar par par pnf pnr pur par psr 24G AND MARKET STREET 113 Los Axi.sLas, Culifitnia, Aug. 113. This may vrlity thnt llie uiitlcrsineil is fully mnvinccil that Hitfiior Joselk AUenrxmsllio first Jiae.overor of tlic (iold drspooili's of '.'aliforma, 0 nil that this iliscoverv wan niailc hv tl uiil nf a M.i;r- nctic instrument railed tlic olilomcVr, w'nirli I have soon suiii ssfully ajijilird to the riisrovrry of veins of Gold ore, place lierr no in.lirntiona of the earth. T. WTbllKUMAX, Lirnt, 3d Artillery, l". S. Aviuv, !. ' , N0.AGE.VI"S. Ill conscipif nrr ofthe dilticulty offin.i'i!i3 iViilx ful agritts, and of prevention frauds, wliura nitii lt S of this nature arc tent out for jrem ml Kale, KiKitor Da Alvrar has ilt lor;nine.l to soil nonpof his works or instruineuts unless onlored hy letters sent di rectly to him, when the desired puhlitvlion,' or in. struiuent, will Iw forwarded under las siiiattiri) nmi soul, ao Unit all doubt an to itn geuuiuuuesa " may he removed. . , . . ,- t" UEWAUE OF ALL IMITATIONS of . tliis Iust.uiiwiit whii'U mny lieieullcr appear, ns the aecrt-t of imparting the (ii)ld Uuaei't)ug power ,' it known to no person wliatcxer, eieept the ori ginal inventor. '.IT The (;tn.I)OMF.TEK and GOLD SEEK ER'S Ul'IUE, will both lie aentliy mail, eloxely envelojied und aesh'd uud liervlufure, not subject to insiicetioii hy l'ost-mnaten fur liie aim of .THREE DOLLARS, sent post paid to K1UNOK JOSE DaALVEAR,l)oiS713, New York City. The instruincnt is very Unlit, and the Guide is printed on thin paper ao that llie chri;u by until or espresa w'dt bf very aontll to anv par- of the V'niud fitates." Tlie'Prleo 'of the OODB EEK ER'rJ Gl'IDE alone, ia ONE DOLEAR, sent s hove.' Address, i . jt s ,. . . , fclUNOR JOSE DcJVLYEAR, Lux 2713. Kew York CitT. 1.7" OFFIC'Efortiiesiile ofthe l.oiu IStaata'a fJenia and GuLo-KTtt, No. 3H Centra rsisrot Naw York City, urhera visilera may ae frwral casks ol Lulitoruia Oold, ui tlio Tough alulu, aaei C tweted by bignor D'Alvear from !i Ki.-iaiuuulo Minos, and alaa wuiiena: tk oporatioii of the bunoKiTku, when held witUni tho .Maguelie m tlucnca of the precious tnctal, and unen ing man tier in w hich it indicate llie prtsanao f that and ibei DioUluc aubaunrea. FrTr iTakt. Iat4. ymr innrni. THE CHEAPEST and LAKGEST . ASSOKTMI'.NT Or Uolt nnd Silver Watches IN l'lItLAIlFDAIltA. Gold Levers, fuTI jewcllid, 18 cirat ce f :!0 and ner Silver Leva I, lull jevrrlled iH and over Lrpinea fll and oer " Qu I - M. ' $ 5 to 4 10 G .ld I. mi . I5J fllver Tea Hiinn, equ 1 10 coin, 4 f0 G UI I'e-.s, silvct ho'der and prurlt. 1 00 Willi a mi!, lull. I .ssor.uiint .t sll kinds nf Waiel.es, hotii gold and iler Hi 'h Joveeliy, Set Ae, (; 1 1 CI 01 11 ofthe l-a-i rnvnif .ctmes and in lui l iveiy lldiin in llii: Watch uud Jewelry line at iiiiirh Kys p ice than can ba h mil.t in this city or el-e ln-re. , Piease , ive this stiver is we it, an.l cill t ei ilvr LEWIS L DO Mils. No 413 MARKET ate', sl-e.e Eiventh, nonhside, or n JACOU LADONXT-S, S16 .MARKET at., iirit store lielow Kigh'.scuth t i l -. . ,. 1 1 u ; - 1 1 t v gj- We hie Gold and Silver L'i rs still ihea. I er ih4u (ha sbgijt te ' liortlfr Jt-JUlil pisde lo the" trade. rie.it. in'et S..1S( o"H! ? J OAKrOItD'S m 11 LNiUVALLED ST VLB OF HATS - ? fVOHf NTLKM E.V. . ClUKLt:, utkrvltl), ' So. '104 C1IESTSI T STREET ' rhiluUlphia! Would reai eclfuUy invite attrnlion to hia tunerior stvle of list for autumn. 1318, which will it (.und the ni it peitccl eier U. f ne oil red . iha commuiiliy- I s peculiar lornu render-K the more it sir-itd 1 as It combines all the etmenna's of du'-i. t iliiy ainlneatncs, requisite in that ailirle nf dress lulls his nirreasrd f icttities in in m imitactunn: l h all iha n Oileru impr -seinents, eruiliK's linn I u iJUitLisss Ills W oulii to nr dure liellir Hal. " ' '" -- C'HitnnrV Fcr liar s Oar or th LiTtsi Mous. Tbr good bs) tn lit le-'ernd arirb freat cirj, and will be found in at Lejy(ilul anil clisa a in their .ety las, f i -, . rt.i '., liist"' Kiuiaa )lm aa Cn Eaviai tr w I'aTlMtasv.Uraat rare hsa lA bestow d In canatruftM ibr ,i uc'rs, ih. f b' ny fit ietl. ciiy esy aim lotm a nsrivl uj... .pre. - CHARLES OAKFOUD. '104 Clainutat. a lav W above TniiuV ''" t, & 1 l't)ldalihia. . J - Bepuintierau, ihis.cu June 3 1, I81B ly GLAD TO CTRCT1 LATE " umtiiitiiiiir. Put up hi "H. Ivittles. Ml j 12 n. do at l eh the l ireer Itoldillt! 6 Hz. Ill Vo Unill two auiiill Irs lies, liok out und set iniiv sul mi ll. Kvery li llie Ims "ViiubIiu's Vej-etuWo l.iihonlriptie .Mixture," blowni up;'ii the (rhiKs. the written siirnnture nf -(!. Vnujrhn" on the Uireetions. snd "!. C. Vsuirhn, llufiul 1," stainptil on the e irk. .None othur -uro genuine 1'rcpared hv llr. G. C Vantlin, and s ld at the Frbs irKil Dlliee, $11? Alain street, Hnfl.d 1. til wliitetftdr mid retntl. 11 sltetitein civen 10 let. ters u'llt1! p-'st paid orders . from reirutarly eoustituied Aireuis exrepieu ; p isi iaiil letieis, or vernal eouuuuuica' t inn s dir-lt itr advlee. tronntlv'lilteinted to ffrslis. Ofliees devoted exetuwivelv to the rile of this artlfle Mi Niiskiu st. New Yorlteiiv : ii Ksaea at. palein. Mass.; and liv the priueiivnt DruirtiiUiluroug-haulUie L ulled Slates uuu t auaila, OS Airenls. last of AirenUi. St irrs A ei.. Wholesale Aeent rhiladel. nhiu J. V. t-'itliiur. Suuhurv Isuue Oenrliurt, Seruinrove C. A. Wyelii, l.ewistmrt II I fhemer. Mllt si Haves ft MeC.irnuekj AlcLweusviUe Miss McCoy, Norlhuiniien uia. . ' . 1 . Apiil 1, l?lr y . I'ult iU til-l ittt SUMMER AND WINTER COOKINf ' STOVES. rpHK n'u -ve St . wkii is a iually well adapted 10 Wood X or 1: fit, Ins reeeive.1 silver intstuts ai the fairs of the Ainertena lusiitute. New York 1 ol ile Mei-uauuV Insii. lute, Hist ill; o the l-'ranklill lusiitute. Phiiadelphta J olid of the .Meelrinies' lltslitiltr, Wluiiiiiet'Hi. llekiwtire. It in eaivdile, il oroiietle used, of d liiur m ire work.'wilh let, fuel, than euy oilier St ive yet nllerud the pul.lie : iu Winlej It will wurin III UirueM klleLen. while III suunnel, with the siiiuiner dres utt iehl. il Ihrowsoii n 1 in ire henl tlinn a rhareo innuire : sod for b lilirur. bniHiu. be kiufr. or rousiinir, it e.-uniui hs snrpuiiKed by any other btuve, open ure, or line oven. . lien intevnnifnva OsniiciTi or thi Jrm-.Es or tan Mauuaits' Jki- TLTK. UoATOS. Ve. the stihseritwrs. 4H-ins sk am JinHre ( die Masai- ehiisett. L'lianuulu Alivusiaea' Aks stialion. 111 II st u, si ives. furiineea. ninces. ire. w ttl. I infonn Ihepuhlie, Ihut alter leilini; ull the c 1 kiia( st-ives that were put iulo the Fair fur t'xhitiiiion, and k'ttuitr em-h man niansca Ins ewa stare with ths ssuie kisl nf owl. UI order lo MB,-eruiu which would do llie saius wuk Wllh the least fuel u the same liiiie. and do il lt. we Rud mat ftewnrl's l.oeoi Puui'iier and Winter Air-'l'iel OtkiiaSt ni. ssiMialiurtur ed hv the fsnenlee, nf I'niv, N. V.. to be ibe liest. U tuik nui Y4 uunuies lo noil iw.i-irsiiisis 01 wuiei auu iai.e inpenii b the siuue tune, and broil lieef vtesK. nnd ull d me in rlie best miuner with seven potnids of el, Iu thirty miwin from the tune the fire wait put into lae eiove, Iu wh'h waawsnle' tlwMlvta-iiietlui. J A ..I I'.i I il I l.ll, A l.l l-.lt I HI .-NJ-.I.L., THlMIAS.MlUlinvwi, A U. 1,I11U;K, Sisl JAMKH FAfiK, Juuau. . TUo ulitrU;rs reanei-u'ully luviie tbe attention of e-iun- trv de;iiers, to one of Ihe rartrest add best seleeteil stock of tores, ever altered ui uuscuy, auuti whwh aa ilia iol- WVllllH. ... . . ., Be. ,. " , . " Screen Cyler.der. , "' ' Oven Stove ' ! ' Waoiiinjton Air Tight Cook. ,: ' 00 do do Vardrobe ol Fnwhlonablc CLOT11IX. ' J. W. & E. D. STOKFS, CLOTHING WAREHOUSE, Y. 194 .Market Strttf.: First Cluth'ng tturtlc ,'nw Sij-ltt, ' PHII.ArCI.PHIA.' 1 1 ("i'HFRE they are i-inistHiitly entrse'd in g"t- ting up Irom Ihe hest French. English and American c nth. r nlhini! cut and mnde up in the most snp-.'iinr and fHMiiooahle'My a. 1V1.nn who buy to sel , wil tlml a 'ariko anil exce rnt tnrk at the owes! eily prices. I' oiling man up to cider, ina superior sty e at the shoitest notice. N. f! Oild Fellowa Heja'ia. a larae nsnit- nient always on hand Orders (mm Lodges and iudtviiliiA s piotnpt'y attended to 011 the most rea sonalile terms. ' ; . I'hilade'phia, June 3, 1848 ly THOMAS C. GARRETT & CO. IMPORTERS OF y wX CG? CS3 H2 2 S3 a'ed nnd Drilannia Ware, Cuilerv, and Funsv Goods. and M ionf iciU'er nf .lew- clry nnd Silver Wiire, 122 Chcsnut street. I'hi'n- delphis; h.ive received bv late arrtv.th a hi tH snd handsome a'Oik nf EnaU-h ar.il Frri ch Watches, nnd MsrtdX Poicelat'i and Fancy ()loek. FUied I rns. CiKtors 'ke Jisski Is, lligli ain', (!hmh. rC iiidlesii. k Soup I. idles, S nous a d Koid-. A so a Hootl assortment-1 of llii union Wnrc ni d Fine t'uil r. Thrir stuck f JEWELRY is lirso and ofthe most f 1 h onalile k lid, mid iliey are well -upplle l it ti Silver 8, moils. Foiks. Mints, N k Ilunr- lluilei Knivea Ac, mid wi hon m kmc nny d s- p'av nf piice iu Ihe pul hc prims,, ihey urn pe nared to sell a low a tho-ii who do, und inviie pi rsons wishing 10 purchase in call. I'biUd. June 10. lzm. 6m I I fcygrawee-.. 1. .oyj-5- Ijf.Ma.N.gr-s KOj. M ' ' '?j,3JiiLi' IuH lira ' t?rti-i.i at,tit " fr. Drnlie"s Panacea is used with tlic prentesl nieecss in Ithentnnlte C'inii laiula, esiieeiallvsueh lis ehrouie. Il cures by driving i nt nil impurities snd foul humours wbieh have neeuinulated in the sslein, which are llie. ranee nf llhou luatism, O out. nnd $wcllincs"t' the ii in'ts. tlther n-meilies s imiiinespive teioi.irur-rcliel't tKtat - r-ntin lyi eradimt the diise ir nu llie kyslett, even wbuu the limbs uud Mies are dreadi'tillr swollen. ' ' jtoNsrilFnoN. ' Coxscvirtiox r5 tr. i,1t Co. Conshs. Cnlnrrh, Br'n chilis, Sitnuir of HI iod.tA8t.hiua, Littieult or profuse Kx (Htut 'run n. Ili'e ie I'lusli, Niehl Swiies. Pain in the Mile ,Ve. have heeil eared, nnd enn lie with as lutieli certainty us any i.tlu-rdniejii'e. A specific has I inr heens .airtil I -r, hot ill vain nntilfhe dire verv of 1 r. lJrake's Pmi u.-ea. Il is mdd und sale hat certain nml t-ibeali us iu its i peiati 11, nml eanit f p ssihly inline the iu t deheale c inditnli 11. W'c w n!d earuesMy rce innnifid tin se uitlictcd 1 1 give it a triul .nd we heiieve they will 11 t have oerilfi 11 I rejiret it. 'Hie syetem is eleauin'il nnd strengthened, the ulcers nn Ihe tunes are hilled, tnd the patients trniiltnilly teguni Ibeir anuat beolth und strenitlh.. Head the following : , " 'IT.STI.MI1NY. ' ' ' 1'lllLA.. Dec. 11th, 1s7. Vnn Pia : In reply to your rpieali n res(icclinir the use of llr. Lrnke's I'linaeea, 1 will sir, that nltlioitgh 11 perfect dislielieverin the cxistuuee of a Panacea, or cure Pf all disres. In wet si vidual.k it tuny lie in errlaiu e mdttl ns is' the s)ntein1 still I bive-helievedlhat 11 cure l'-i IVnum tii il wnild tie ihse ivered s xsier or Ister. and eull ily led me to try your medicine iu tw very inveterate cans 'riiy Were pr.ai mured liy tlte ultetidnijr p'lysietans 1 1 lie rcLMONAUY CON!fMI'T!oX. and nlnllil med h them ns IX cotABl.li. tne of Ihe iM.-rs.ius hud lieeu under Uie trelil inent of F-veml very nliV pm'-Jiti le-is tor n nunilier of yenrs, n-id they said ihe Innl Id fashi mwl (Consumption e aniline wilh SlT'ilnla,'1 and Uiat she luiilil lintrirl-ir s Jus time lull could 11 -t lie pcruiHiieully relieved. In Inth eases the effect el the P.iu-ieea hni heen ntoM pratif itil. (Mdy fair or live Imtlle wtsv nsed he one of lbs persons liel-tre he heirrui t 1 itn;r i e ripidty. Ttie other 1 10k ub Hit ten. I will -nlv ndiltluil fauiiliiu us 1 mil with c ui'iiuipti-in hy Inheritance and ny exten.-ive niwerVHtl n lis n stnoy. nnu kn iwinii a! the'iiijurioiis iin-eis iu nine ruses rut'oftoi of tar, h U'-het. nnd other ve-ueuthle I liies, lis ucllnao! inany ot tiie expect 'rantsiHidBeilativei'. 1 yli nld never have ree .'iiiiiieiiileil the n-e of Drik'e's I'-iteie.s if 1 had il t lieeu neniiamled with Ihe harri'lieniii. Sitifiee It to siy tlmt these sre lee innieiid t liy our 111 ist p -pnlar insl brientihe phvst .-i-ine, uud 111 lln tr present e iniltoied st ite. f, rm pr Uilily the ls-sl iiferattie ttiar lies ever necn ln-nts. 1 Me cure is iu nee -rd mee with a theory if C tisuiiipli vi lar sielied in I'nuiec n few years 113 , by one of Uer in L eminent wri ters tat uieilieiuc, and 11 nv vataliUslied by laeis which ad mit of 110 dispute. Very Utispeetfully Tours, I.. C. GL'NN. To use Ihe lantrit-nre of aisiiher. ''Pr. "Drake's rnuacea 'm nlways s-iiutary iu ils efrerts never injnri nts. It is n 't ws (lpkiie it is li it nnd Kxiicrtontnt. . It is n t inti ndcd ti lull the invalid into a fund seelnity. Il is u great remedy 11 grand healinir und curative c -nip uih1- the creut nnd only remedy whieh nledii-at science anil skill 1ms yet' produced fir Ihe tnsitmeut of this luthcrt 1 uueii:tH-red nuiBidy. And no persisi afliietoil Willi I hia dread disease, will be just to himself and his friends, it he tr 1 d iwu to the snive with ul testing its virtues. A sincle h itlle. in m'St eases, will pro duce a fnvoralile chanire i Ihe condition 01 any putieiit, however low." ' to tiii: i.aivtcs. ' : Ladies of pile coin,!exi n nnd c nsuciptive htd-its. nnd such ns nre del. ilutted by Ihi se olw-trueli us which leinales nie hsb!e t-s nre icstored hy tlic use ofa b -tile or two, to bloom vi r. Il is by tar the liesl remedy ever cllse iwriil for weakly children, uud such ns have Imd lulin irs ; U-inp-'pleasant, they lake. It. It immediately restores the nppettle, utrengTn nun t it, Nothing ran he nioie surprisiup than its inviiz-'rntiii? ef fects 1111 the hiunan frame. Vers ns, nil weakness and Ins situde hef ire laniutr il, ut oueo bee line rolaist uud full of eiiertrv under its lulluenee. It immediate- c.mnteniets the iK-rvelessncss of lire fcnule frojue.- 1 : r.tTlfl. rtn earefid nnd see that you pet the eenur hie Dr. 1B IKK'. Pax ACE a it lets the sitiualiue of IJko. I. Ptoiibs oa Ihe wrapRr snd also the name '-U. Phase's Paxacka.-Phila." Id iwii in Ihe plsss. l'reired "nlvbv trnnnft Co., Druggists, No. SI North Sixth M , l'liiladeliihis. Aeent for!?unl.nrv II. M ASSFR. . S-ild nl hy Wm. A. Mt nB AX A Co Danville II Siiavf rn. Milieu; Maby McCor, NonliumherlaiKl; K. P. L11, liliMiuishunr. April I, ltJ3 ly , .. I.anraster 1'om.iy 15,mk l.nnrsater Unnk . Fhrmfrs Hntik bf Penitini; Hirice of Dank of Penn'a. Office ' do do ; Office do ; . do Dfiico do do NOTES AT Hank of the United Nt-iti Minrrs' Unnk of I'mtsvillu Unnk of I,ew1snwn Unnk of Middlotown (Inrlisle Dank Exchange Unnk ' ' l).i ' 'thi ' branch of ILirrisnijrir Unnk l.ebinnn Unnk Mechan'' ft Mannf Unnk Hank ot Pitt-;l'urc West Uianrh U 11k WyomitiR Dank Vorilttn-puiii I! ink Heiks ('.oiiiilv Itaiili niliee nf Hank of II. rl. Do do do 1) 1 do do Rink nf Chnmlwilmn II . sk nf !rtv.d'llr!, lltmk of fn-iiuehaiina t'o. Kne H .i k Fipinrr- & Dtorers Itm.k Kinnklin Hunk Konesdile ll.uk Moi ons; ilieli ll.iiik of I. P I .nncasler l,aur isier . , p4t ' ' R adintj " pal4 HarrieburSA Tbp-e Lnncnsler ( ntTip.es I'eitiling j in not Easton J issue n. D I MOO UN T. PhilsiMphia Potiavilla Lpwi-torrn Middletnwn (Carlisle Pilt--linrj Hotlnl ivshnrg Harriliiirg Lelisnon pir Pittsburg 1 Piitsbutg 1 Wiiliarnsport 1 Wilkesbarre IJ A llentnwn nn s de 17 pnr failed 1 1 1 1 I Rending; Pittsburg Erie Nev rtriuhlon Ohamliershurg (l.ttys'-nrg Montrose Erie y tiyncsbitrg Wss'iincton llonesil de flro ens rille Yo.k fa lie 1 fatbd do ii 1 1 21 3 S i u 1 1 Mnniifnnrur and KeaoeoBafsiiri ly mi hand, a titrge run. irtrrietlt nf 1 1 tliealsive nrtiules, t -gethcr with" their patent ltnpT'W'cdfahininiidee -I'tltK.putiOi' AI K8, iwbich. nre ao eonatrueti-d us to set at rest nil nminiri of d tibl ns to their Iw-bm ttrletly ltre-priif, and that tlr Will resit the hre of anv liuil.lillg, Tilt nuuiili- enaei uf ihese tilfes are inndc of boiler ir.in, llie inside ease of aonp tt ne, nnd hi tweeu Ihe outer ease and inner case Ir a space nf s nne three inches Ihiek. mid is filled in with imlesinie- '. tilde nsiterisl. s"i as to mnke It nu iinvssil.dity to hum nf - nt the content insula of this Chest. These S npXivr Ha. Ian niulers we sre prcuared nml 11 1 challenge, llie worm to 1 . prn'tiee anv nrticle In the shape of llo k Sifes -tlmt wild Hand b inueh lir-nl, Imd we b Id ourselves ready tot rill . limes t t have them lldrh twdn,l liy pnlilip Mnflre. W. nls ' c ntinue t- inantil'aeture n targe ntril I geneml nfSTt-, mcut of our Premium Air-tight Fire Prcof !nfes of which here nre over Mid -11 .w in use. nnd In every instance tbey ,' irive eiven entiie sulislnctioll to the purchasers of which, 'e w-ill ref-f the public 4o a few gentlemen who liave them "sc - ! ' " ' llaywv n Snvder. . p.ittn-illet Joseph 0. Lnwton p. ltsvillej Mr. tVi'liikn Oirr.'Dovlestowii. ln. N. O. Taylsr,- PJo !!-rt' ' "' I Writrbt k. Neptww Vine st. wtsrrrt Alernn-ler Om'r.'Coiiveynueei, e-nr nf l-'il'iert nnd pth s's.; John M. Vnrd, W rmrtli 3.1 et.i Mvers Hush, an 11 rill 3-1 St.; Jmies M. Pant, ldl uh 1th St.: ))r. Pnvid Jnvne, f south Hit st.; Mathew T. Miller. 80 s nth 3d St.; nnd we e-sild nnme s-sna Imndreds of otheTat li it wcrenecessirv. N iw we inviie thr nttentiivn of iln pnl.lt'1. and partieulsrlv those in want of Pirp Proof ife. I 1 rail nt onr st-re tief'Te iirehitsiue elsewhere, snd w l-in sitis: y them llo-v will ret n he'ter nnd elienH'r article ul nnr store thim nt anv other eetnlilishmcnt in the eitv. We nls inannfse'lire the lirdilisrv Fire Proof Chests, at nt very 1 'W nrices. elteaner than they enn tie pnugtit al any olher store in Philadelphia. . . , PAVini-.VANS, ' .IOIIAXNKS WATSON. Philadelphia, April 8, lPIP-ly GOLD PfSNS, TEN HOLDERS & PENCILS a. & ii.,iLTijyiiTH, (Late of the firm or A. G. Baglcy A Co.) ' ManrrAcrt hkhs nr Golo Puss, Pu iiuldkr in I'r.xrtLS, lo. 10 JIaldcn I.anc, Xew-Tork. 7 E. the Sn1 srnbers offer lo the trsdo. and Ihe ptihlic generally, . ur ililtcr.nl style of (told Pens, winch aro irarrcntid ag nnst all in p rfic ium l y fsii usaep, and also t-i be supaiiui in ev rv reapvei tn any uthp'S insdc. H ivinij in- 11 a.-.-, f 1 tiit.s s f.r tnanuf iclunng. wp nre deter, nined (hut tin pen I'oill be delivered fiomour 1 -ii.h-i-hinentiinna-.it is eibct We also kep e -ristii-liy on bniol nur suppr or Gold Pencils, etid-I'pi-ei s , uh I'm. lmh we sre enabled 10 flef nt h. low-st nt.s. Alt .inh ! adibessi d to the Su'i-ciPkt-, wid b. earefully and pm npily atlrndeJ t" Ar E. M SMII'lI. No. 16 Maiden LanaN.T. Oct. T. I"4M 3 Voik Itnnk N. II. 'I he notes of those l.nnk" on which we unit quotations, snd substitute n dnsb ( ) arc not (lurchawd by the Phil oh Ipbia brokers, with il.e nceplinn nf those which bnve a letter nf r ference. II RO K E.N HANKS. failed fail-,! Philadelphia Sav. Ins. Philadelphia, Loan (Jo. 'rhu Ik ill Snv. Ins. Kensington Sav, lug. A Penn Township 65av. Ins Mnnusl Labor Rank ( 1'. rowarida Unnk Alleghany D ull, uf Pa. Hank of Heaver Hank ol Xnuiura Jtniiksil Washington . Dentre Hank City Unnk Formers' & VerhVa Hank, Fatmere' & Mech'rs' Hank 1 Fnitncrs" ft. Merh'ce' Uank Haniiony lusiitute luiitiiigiloi. Hank Joniata 1! 11. k l.iniibcrinri.'s lUnk v.irthrrn P.fli.k of Pa. New Hope Ibl. Uri.liie (01. Vonhtimb'd Union I'nl. Hk. North Wcslcrii Uaok nf Pa. Ullice ol 'Schuylkill Bank 'y Auri.c. M'siuif. Uuuk . silver L.iko LJank t -( j r Union Unnk nf I'enn'a. V eslmoiclnlol Unnk Wilkesbarre limine Co. OTj- All noies puiioitiug tn be on any Penn-yl-vania Ustik not gnen in the above list, may be set town as frauds. hew Jicttsrr. UankofNew lliunswick llrtuisvrick llelvideie Hank Bnlvidere Hnrhiigtnu On. llsnk Meilford Jominercial Hank Perth Amlmy iiniln'rlind b-ink Urlileion 'iirmers' ltank Mmint Holly 'arnirrs' and Mechanics' Ilk llahwav ' nrmcrs' nnd Mechnnics' Ilk N. Itiuna-virk Karmers' nnd Men hants' Ilk Middh-town Pi Franklin Hank of N. J, Jer-ev Oitv Phda.l. Viia do do do - do W Ilvi.il. prop.) Townndn llcdfnrd Heaver ' Hartisbiirg . . Washington llell. foiile Pitishing Pittsburg Fiiyelle c-i. Grrciicasl-e llarinonv H'liiliug.ton no sale Leevistown nos.ih Warien UundiirT New Hope Mill on Mcnd-ille Port Carbon : Carlisle , Jl foiled j Monti.ise closed Uni.Miinwn failed (reeusbtirg elosp( Wilkeal.arre no sale fiilp.1 faileil 110 Still cbieed closei' failctl closed no sole filled filled filled no -al. tntle-1 no sde closed no nlc closed LINN, SMITH & CO. WHOLESALE. 213.J IVIarkct Street, PHILADELPHIA. nun a. 1: i c i n PilXTs. OtLS. f;tss, IlTB cvrrfT. Vabsis iv.s Ar. &C. ALSO late -l M dij itiPs, Meil.cine Chosls, Surgical a'-d O'-st Irieal li.stiuiiietit. ClntnipatTpsi, &c, Q j-1 ltd. rs from M-ichaut r 'Thyaicians, by 'eti.r or pifirrwip pmmjitly attended tn.' Anui . '-1. I8K. flm S..T.MKGAIJGEK&CO. I.MPOr.TIN AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, -J11J DluI i s Paper, and Paper Manufactu rers' Materials. No. 32 Commerce st., PHILADELPHIA. JfJEF.P constantly on hand a large assnrt iixk m nt of printing and other paper News-niip-rs in Ihe cnnnlry. ran he supplied at all limes, with piper of any size and quality, at the lowest prices. Philadelphia, June 17th, 1SI8 DAGUERREOTYPE . roitTKAlTS 'T I M b-llOKS for Ucntleuicn and Ladies, just J H nKciv.d and for sale by tt. MAkjWkili. l racidvcd and for tale by Sunrmry. le. 3. 1118. Vulcan do Enrrka do Larg Oven'V." Jo: Albany "' 1 ' do Willi do do McGregor Mammoth 1- do ' " i I'remiiinxConk 8ov. ."111: ' . National A ir1-light Cook.' 'A Parlor 8tove.i virr-, i-, ( ::,'':. 100 Lauui Air-Tight Parlor Stovet, 150 Charle tha 1st AifTiKht : do U- 9(10 Lady Washington. Air Ttijhl Parlor... . 130 Wasbruaton-Air-Ileal , uo 'ana McGretior'a lUree day Parlor Air-TKbl Cl ptovea, hiarnipi Ihrea day without atleuv linn, . , . . , t J'or ' wholesale and retail hf North, llarri ton at Co. 10 9J0 Market (treet, I'bilailclpUia. ufbiJelphU, July 18th. 1848 ' JUSTICES' BLANKS FOR PALK AT THIS OFFICC. In neesenttiur the public w(ih arstriedy for the treatment and isjre of Fever au Ai-a usi oilier bili sis discuses. nonpoli-iry is uiHslisl. : Vust i-imls.-is m Ihe t'ltited Hales, who sulfer t'rorn tkeseafl'iytbais in their vnned forms, aie c lupclleilto Keek relief from other s mrees than too imme diate prcsc ripti' us ni the rtsiulur pliysicjnu. tt lieconvs thuref re 1111 ohiect of hum-inlty, ns well as of public Inter est, to briiui ts-foie Ihelii a remedy prcwred fioin much ex perience, uud WUlell may a'ways Imi rclivU upott as SAVK, KhTSjCTIML. ND HVBM1.KSA To TIIS COSSTlTCTIoN- 1 hat such is the true eh iiaeter of Ihe IN1UA lilOI.AI.Ofil K, is ami ly uiirMeil by Uie uiUTenul success wall which u bus been einpl ycd. ( j ( ,- j i -,, i tee Kslrnet fnun a coBimunicnii n of tla? Hou. Wu, tus WootisKiDGS, yf he lT. fi. sieuate, lute Qoveruor nf siienirun. ' '. ... Detboit, Oct. 21, 1810. ' Poctob Chabi-ks Osgood, liear Mr. i have ruin vviin niticn iiiicresr. your nine tbakatisb Mrsa. Ih '-ciiises, treat iu..t aul cure" oi' the fehrile dihonses which luva ao exiensiiH-hy tircvaiUsJ ui our country during the last lew hi mths an interest iiH-rensud liid'iuht, hy Ihe fact that havf; initiviiluiuty sutleriu si luiieb.t'r -ui ilieiii. Thouuh I l'ac myself very iuc -mpetcut to jifitfre rifely upon B suhjer-t s i Slllirelv professi inal, yet .ynu vhe-iry seems l . me re4l n-us aitsi, anu your c ineiu siiinaiust, und 1 think willial. tliut your pumphlel is cuk-u-lultl to produce much pntctical a ssl. tspenklug ol the iuebeine be says : It fully juatiSed ymir rlatterlue expecluti ns, mid sa a anfe. c.aiveuient, anil p .pu- lar rrmeitv, inv own cxprrieie. a i far, iimiuccs me to be lieve Uull it will pr ve a reut ulhhe (Naadit. I am pleased tn lenrn ilmt you laive res ent ly ctuisherl aeveril uceaoes for tis dup -sitiiai ihoiiirh rHVet ihui,'wiih a vu:w to m re ewieral disaeiniuati'iu of it, you stould liuva I'ouud it necessary to remove fr mo ysir present resilience unsNsj aa With inueh respect I have the h aea to be, sir. . ; , .;j , .t . Your nlilieed seriiant, , , WIIUAM WOODUKIDGF.. ' nT" From linn. Rnptiea V. R. Trowbbidoc, of Michi (an Slule Kt iuite, to the Ageut at Dei nut. ' . ( BiBMtxnUAat, Oaslamj Co., Dec. 13, 1H1. 8ir-voti wish ine to inform von wdmt 1 know of Dr. Onsnnd's India Chol iff rue. or anli-bilious roeibciue. I do brlteva thai if Ihe virtue and iricucy of this iiietbciiul were ariKiutly ku iwu, Uie t rvsa ap auci would disappear bp. MichifT-ui. . ' 1 i- . 1 ,k s-urisl bottle in the spring nf I'M!, and hive food teHSiai to believe tluit myself aaul fuuiily eeusl he Mgiix List se-u. on iii e-iuseuueuee of its use. ' ' - Pvrlmus in n i summer since the settlement nf this fine priuusula, has the fever and aue hern at iwevalent si the . - I hnve ree anmeuded tins mefbeiini In liuineriHis ii- isiie'i i. and when the disease hail become filr.1 Bod halHed the skill of physicians; and 1 have never kieiwn it fail. I- ajaa Ujuiveraslly pr-suicea i ae an -si nappy cneeia, aim net ev u. has uover lieeu esceeq-si ny any u.frucinc u remi- vuiij tae inii'sui inseases oi iae cimmie. c . Vours, reapn'lfully, . - IrTKPIIEN V. R. TROWBRIDGE. Xfreiit for fnnbry II. B. MAtsfKIt i Northuniberland, WITHINGTOM It Ci : MUlou. J 11 H AfUH ; CWIuu- gMve, MAY k KLtnisi Maf . UM SI ' VsV (. E N T 8 .' V to (' N VAs FOK HOME NEW AND POI Ul. R WOKK, in i sery C" I1N TY ibriMiebnut tha United Mi .t. a. 'In Aiei Is. ihe noa fbi-ra' rncouracrmeiit ta pffeieil with ' a small eapiial uf f :5 to f ll'O A rh n-ee ie tf -rrj. whiajeliy an agent ran make from $10 In $2 pei wetk, Furfuilher piiliculut. addiess (iio-ipfd) WM. A. LEAKY, 1 i' Nn. 158 North KECONl) Street,' - Phlladclplii.i, Kept. 9, I84S 6m. - lMcforlnl rdlttois of V luMarnc'ti great Work on the IU (iii tmtlliril -VF THE SIXTEENTH CEX1TUY N CEK yinANV, SjW'll ZERI. ANP, &C Will he published nr. or about the 1st of April. 1818. hy JOS' A SPEEL. No 90 Cherry t above 6ih, his splendid IWmo edition of the above named woik. v-llh IS rngiavpil illustratioiit from on. ciiial designs; 4 vols in 2, bound in rxtia cloth ml libiary sheep " I ba publisher respectfully rail the attention of the trade mid ihe 011)110? teneially, to thia work biiiaf the only illustiated eililioo published IU 1,1 Umted Males -II Irusl that the beauty rif its enibellislimeut. th sUnna and suhsiautial manner In w hich it is bound, in conjunction w ith the kiiewn popularity nf the work Hself, will be a sure recommendation to public fanr.- JOS. A SPF.FL 08 Cherry st above (Jih J. A S has also lately published, a new and beautiful Edition nf Serii. ant Bell's Rare Show amiable book for children, neatly doc up in cira sloih. 1 1 I'lnlaiUphia, April I, 1SI8 . .'. . I. CUTLEKY.- I AN eilm-ive 8tork nf Pocket and Table CUT LERY. for sale by 1 , :J0E1T HE. COLEliCAlT, tW 33 ARCADE, and 8J I til UP Sire-1, JV'orM 11 C mplsing 5000 dozen Peukuivra, 8(i rs and ,.. . . .. i... " i.i - -u ,i . . ..r v. 1..,. ji r. riao,i rin... w asa.ii ...ie,.. si ,-. Wostenholni's, (iiravo's, W. A 8. jlutcbei' aud Fenney'a Cutlery, ' ' AlsotSpenieh. Diik and Hunllnt Knlvea, '. AIo. Oiiiis, P en-Is, an Unwie Knives. ' .' AU-J 7a Amirrieun Rusfltr firVm.' a an r-r in i . - - - . , ( anu ie, svo'iv ine ain nuon 01 Lwuirns. - Ctan Dealers in Cullsiy, wil find tha above Hiirk wiirtby tbeir at'emion, a the Suiucribcr chief l uaines ia iin'r ing and selling cutlery. I'hilidelihis, June 10th, WIS -ly. I Holiolcu UhaA (iiaiing Co Huh -ken Iitscv City ll-nik Jeray i'lty M.H'iiauits' I) oik Piiliersoii Vlai.iiliKlur.rs' Hunk llnlleville t 1 Vlorris ( 'ouiity Bank9. Mornstown Moninoiiib hk.d .N.J. . Freeh dd . , Vlithuiiica' ltank New.nk MiThamps" nml Manuf. Iik TrenlMii Mortis Canal and Ukg Co Jersey City Pnst Noie ... Newark likg & Ins Co . Newaik vew llo .Jul Undue Co Lainlierlsiille S. J. M.ituit.ic. and Eke Co lloboken J I'ton eton & Lombard bk Jorwy Cny failed i (HI I i p.l ptn 4 filled . i fnil.d fa;liil f.nle 1 foiled failed , i failed 4 par no talc no sal- fT a sun-'iior oiiali'v bi.ndsomelv colored, and V ' pot .i in bn.ll'ifill Jbf-ec-i Cases pnmpl f. .. nni 1 : E 1 ' I . L A R. at P I E I. E R'H C II E A P HACUEIIKEAN (iALLERY. No, 811 I. WAL U'' M'eit. b low Fomth, Phil.itlelnhii All I'ii tores mad-' at thi-e-talilishinout will be Wt nAVTin prtiFicT. Pliiluhlphia. rVpl. 1813 Cm trniiae Unuk , . Oraiiia I'aterson Uuuk raierson Proi' Ueiik' do I'liiicrion Biink Princrton Salem Itaukuig Co Salem sitale li-tiik : Newark - State Hank Elizaheihlowo sate Uaiik . Camden - Statu U. ink of Morris' . Mnnieiown Slate Dank Trillion ulem and Philad Manuf Co tSslem 1 sJusiw Uaiik - , Newinn . rrctiiiin tlankiiig Co Tienlon Uni.iu Unnk User W Bshinuloti llankin Co. Hackensark ntuuiiiE. Hk uf Wilm &. llruod) wine Wiuuiuglon ilauk l UrUwarr t . Wihningbin llsnk nf Smyrna ;., Buiyrua . 1 , Do branch Milbud -'arioer' JJk of Mate nf Del lbiv. i . llj brancb : iluinikUin - '1 IJo - Inaitih (j'eiwgcunsn ! .pa i Uauvl) ... . Newpiaile Union Hunk Wilmiiii-tiin . Ol- Uuilai 6' i i -: t : t - j j On all Lank in nk. d thus () llu rs are ii her cniinle.fi il ul . llerej iiolea id ihe v.ir..uis ..l oinioalto. a. in eireuUlion. , ... 1 fail.. I failed 4 failed 1 i par paf 1 i ... i par I' 1 faileo failed . I par i failed pa. pi psi pit A Tuovsaan Dotnas Mvn I . ; ASHBV & ROCAP, ' II.il nml Cap .flaiiiilailiirei's, South East Corner nf ilk and Market &Vrire,- 1 ' " ISiiu inciil tlnry. PHILADELPHIA. HAVE o-nsiaiil y un hand a full md complete assor'Diiul of HAT.i, CAPS, and KUUH. .V Abn. at tletjaut assnrimeiit nf mens' an I hoys' Leahnrn, Panama, ami. Pilni-baf Hats.. AH nf wildh by a saviua of 101)0 in r ni, will be whnla-al and reuil, i iha v. ry lowest price. JiCouairy dealers would d 1 well to rail, aa hy ronouiy and low lent, wa are aojl lej lo sell at very low ralea. ' June lih, 18 ly f. - )..;- i i 1 , , . .) t i " 11 c;benkert, HOOT MAKER, B.' Va, 1 ,' !lV .." Nil. 40. SotTH FiiI'MTtl rlTasic. AnoVF CuKSTTNi r. PHCZiADELPHIAs Jan. 49ih, I M le - ciir.ir wiTi iiEs & jr.wr.LHT. No. imi C'HEMJitT Street, I'liiludelpliln, . Opposite the Franklin House, J MPORTl-US of Ooid and Silver Patent Le 2 ver Watel.e 1 lid Maniilaclurers of Jewelry food nssnrlment a wavs on hand. Gold Pa ent Letfe . 13 p-weU i-38 : Silver do $18 lo 20; Gobi Lepinea S'10; riWer do. fl? to 13: I cksand I ime Pieres, Gold Pencils, $1 8-1, upwaids; Piamnnd Pointed Gold Pens. l 50 ; (iold Biaeelets and Breast Pin, in gre t variety, Ear Rin ; Miniature Case; Gusrd t hams, $12 to t'iH ; 1 lated Tea fet. Casloia, Cake Hasketa, 1 andlestirk. Britannia Ware. Fine Ivo ry Handled I able ' u lery. and a general assort tnetit of Fancy Good - A'M'E'RTC BTT.VBT. FORK AS'D SPOOS MANUFACTORY. J. Ik W L WARD. No I0H CHESNP P.h 'hiladelphia, opposite the Franklin House, Manufacturer of all kind of Silver Kponn, Fnrke, Tea vrts. Ladles.- Ac. 1 All work made by 111 i stamped with our name, and warranted to he made of purely American coin. Philadelphia, August 12. 1S48- mo. FEVER AND AGUE!!! ZTTUOROUailLY ERADICATED BY ROWiSIVS TONIC MIXTIRE! ! TH VT arreat National. Old Favorite. and Ster. 1 l et- R-medy! ! ! of EIGHTEEN Y '.A RS ""TANDI.NG still uiiapproached in ita wonder- ful sue. ess. certainly, a-d laf ly, lathe cuke or a bstchi-d r.iuei.AiM ! ! ! ry li you would fKcuie the artenica' (po'imn, rets) cnntitr f-its take not a hot lie from anu one. iha ia n t u nur Jed by t e ' writtt t'gnatuiv'' ol ih- nniiipal inventor and proprietor, Johi R Rowaao. uil a paper LUl, ervuiiig the; piotiM mf mrAr, , This remedy ha never hen bolstered tip by false and depei fill puffs, bill ha won It way Ir ihe confidence and universal ado- lion of the in hahitanta of Ffvkr tun Anrr !liSTirT ft Y JT GOOD V0KK.1D Flit ITS 1I.0SE. te wkiih all Iheagenia. and every person who have used it, Well testify. PROPRIETOR'S OFFICE' ' 143 Arch Mireet Philadelphia.', , Ar.FKTs for fii bury Ira T. Clement, J. W Frilinir, H. M ser and Geo Bright. Ar-tsti for NorthumbeiUnd Forythe,.Wil on A Co.. Ts M- MCay. J, AuaTiiitt .1, 181 row, ' 1 "T I 11 - "' 'lime und lllaii Suv?il S ' sunbuhv rcRUY. flHE subscriber hving lessed the guiibury 1 Ferry, b leve to inform, the pubH,s)hat they are prepared to convey Teams, Pleasur I Carriage and Foot passenger) , arms the riv" P.....k -Ar.... .. A ...l.l ..LU- t - nrn. sun sairijr p.iu viiinio. ueiay. I u-j nmiw "w vided themselves with new and eamrnodimn craft, which will aluriy be attended with abl and careful hatid. . . , . , . , ,, , . - Peifcoatrvelliiij to and from and tbranck Sunhiiry tn New Berlin, Lewishurg," Jlarlleloe and other place, will find it greatly to their aJ-' vantage tq pros .t this . FeKV .instead ,nf the Prwlcea, aa they troutd savelVom two) lo foii mile in diatanice.- j JOHN PEECE. LEWIS LENHART' fuiihury; April I, Ml-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers