33 SUNBUBAMEHiCAN AND SHAMOKIN JOURNAL, BlIIMMIW . .... .. ituiok Si felt, on iccount, of the tlitppVarsnce bf John DoD.1ti.oo T in Phitaoelphi on , tbmsi u2ll ... ium jtnet. H W en t If o'clock t Wfh Ai thit tlme b ten inn voiuiimw nuw having parted witVhe(5?r.rny VUh vhom he had been pending the evening. - He car tied gold ttctl, with white dial, and had but a small amount of money about him. Ha Wetpecting to , receive a large sum of money on that day, but bad not received it.', It is feared that tome persons may have heard that he would have this money in btl possession, and have dealt foully with nim in order to possess themselves of it. 'He,, a Son of Maj. Win. Colt, of Danville. l(J Ahuicak Law Jovskal. The Janu ary number of this excellent publication con tains much useful Interesting matter. The Journal should find a place in every Law Li rary. We obserre an opinion of Judge Lewis, He Common Pleas of Lancaster county, nber 1847, in wicb the' Judge decides, . "when the testimony of the attorney be comes material to bis client, the attorney should withdmw from the cause before he be tendered as a witness." .' The Journal is published monthly at S3 per annum by Hammersly & Co., Lancaster. fry The ice on the river opposite this place is in most places from 10 to 12 inches in thickness. The weather for the last ten days has been extremely cold. ' The sleigh ing continues excellent. . . (7" Orriccas of the House. On Wed nesday last, the following persons were elec ted : Sergeant-at-Arms, Daniel M'Clery, of 'Philadelphia county. Door Keeper, Emanuel Ziegler. Messenger, Lewis Frank. All old officers of the House last session. Cholera. All the steamboats on the Western waters, came up with the Cholera on board. At Memphis the deaths average ten per day. Among the soldiers of the 8th Regiment at Lavacca, Texas, the deaths were 40 per day. The Encamp ment is broken up. On the 7th Col. Dix of the Army died with the Cholera in the Stage Coach, on the National road, forty miles East of Wheeling. On the 9th it was abating at Cincinnati. 07" Our friends of the Miltonian have Urged their paper by adding an addition J column to its pages. It is now in size almost as large as the American. . Great Excitement in the Ohio Legis lature. On the Sth inst., Mr. Whiteman iead a report, 1 signed by six democratic members, declaring Weller elected Gover nor by 280 votes by rejecting the returns from Loraine county. The report was ruled as out of order but was read amid great confusion, when the Speaker declar ed Ford elected Governor. y A frighttul scene took jjlace on the Fair Mount Dam at Philadelphia. About an acre of ice on which were about 100 persons men, women and children, broke off, and floated over the dam. Three went over the dam, but all were rescued. ' On the 4th inst., by the Rev. J. P. Shindel. Mr. William Yordt, to Miss Catharine surer, botn ot lxmer A'jgusta On the 7th inst., bv the same, Mr. Daniel Krirobaum, to Miss Sarah Dottinoer, of ousmoKtii ' By the same, on the same day, Mr. Ben jamin Kriegbavm, to Mrs. Mart Goss, of Lower Augusta. On Tuesday last, by the Rer. L. W. Chap man, Mr. Levi Thomas, to Miss Harriet Smtoer, both of Lower Augusta. In McEwensville, on the 26ih ult., bv the uaniei lanix, oir. l.evi balliet, to Miss Matilda Hacrenberc, all of the above piace. ' Bv the Rev. D. S. Tobias, nn tbn 9Aih nil Mr. Thomas Baucher, of Danville, to Miss OARAH ANN ZIMMERMAN, 01 tblS place. 3MHTi TtBTiTHIA HAUBT, ' ' . Tcxsoat, Jan. 9, 1849. j. Wheat Red is worth 110 a- ill cents ' white is held at 113 a 115c. ' B.TE Pennsylvania is worth 67c. Corn New Penna. yellow is held at 54c, v white 63c., weight. ' Oats Southern fa held at about 30 a 33c. 4 Whisret. Sales in hhds at 23c and in bbls at S4 cents. .' PRICE CUUKENT. ' Corrected welly by Henry Matter, W BRAT. IS. . ' Ceas. . . . Oats. . . . . ' Bema. . . . feaos. . . . . Toss. . ' . . .FsASSsks. ' . . . Tiiur, . 'BSSSWAR. . . ' Fiat . Kick lib Flax. . . sixs ArrLis. - . . Do. Psacbss. . 100 56 50 37 16 IS 6 1SS 10 as 8 10 75 300 SELLING , OF! Ill , 'Bargain to be bad! vPHE subscribe having1 purchased the stock of . " - uuuub, SDrmerly owned by John oogar, in. uds selling them Off at City prices and under, for ash' or country produce. Persons in want of ad will do well to five Urn a can, as he is de- tsrauned to sell. - C.S.BOGAB. . Sunbury, Jaa'y 13, 1849f ' iOArrL Ah assortment just received. Also VsUkHAT8st35,fordeby , . , ,. H. MASSES.', i , Munbury , Dee. t, 1 14 8. ' ' ' toLANK BOOKcWAa awrtment of Blank Books, just received and sale by V, t-v .. , t. H. MASSER. Sunbury, Dee, S, 1848. i i ' ' . -- ASXsref very sufsrier fueiiry for sale by. .,..- i i , , i , MASSER. ; ewhurt. Dee. ,14. ';( ALMANACS 1 ALMANAC! ALMANAC8! DOCTOR D. JAYNE would respectfully Ire frrs she rtbiiiv that he publishes snnnalt foe gtai, tuitous distribution, by himself and all his Ajfehta; an Alnjinao, called . j . Jl -. i. Jatne Medical 'Almanac - j .Z: ' I , AH U GUIDE TO HEALTH. , i The ealcuUtions for this Af ' ' ' 'L H 1 grt.t care iceurarv thd fa Jlflirsnt La ntVrfei and Longitudes, so as to make them equal ly useful as a Calendar in every part of the United Statea and British North America. They are printed on good paper, and with handsome new, type, and are neatly bound, and besides being the neatest and moat accurate Calendar printed in the United States, they contain s large amount of val uation information, raited to the wants of all, and of that kind too, which cannot be found in books. HIS CATALOGUE OF DISEASE, with re marks and direction for their removal it really invaluable, and make them welcome visiter In every house they enter- Every family should . possess at least one of these Annas Is. His Alma nac for 1849 isnow ready for distribution, of which he designs to publish at least TWO MILLIONS. Slid m order that they every ramily in' the United States and British America, may 1 furnished with a copy, he hereby invitee ' , MERCHANTS AND STOREKEEPERS to forward their orders to him as early as possible, and they shall be supplied GRATUITOULY with as many copies as they may deem necessary to supply their various customers. They are also in vited at the same time, to send a copy of their "BUSINESS CARD," which Will be printed and placed on the cover of the Almanacs sent them, also without charge. lliey are also requested to give all necessary direction how the Almanacs should be forwarded to them. By law they Cannot be sent by mail un less the postage is flint paid on them here. Orders, (post paid,) directed to DR. D. JAYNE, Philadelphia, will meet with pompt attention. Ed FAMILIES can obtaiiwhese Almanacs Gratis of WM. H. THOMMON, Sunbury. Agent for the sale of Dr. Jayne's Celebrated Family Medicine. Sunbury, January 13, 1818 3t "SOME A1TD CATTLE MEDICINES. Why will you mffer your Hone to die, when he may be of times cured for a trifle ? A hew era in Veterinary Science is about com mencing t this is needed, for it is s, most lamenta ble fact, that the scirnc. of Veterinary Surgery scarcely ha existence in this country, while in Europe there is a greater improvement in the knowledge and practice of the art, than ha ever taken place inhuman medicine. The undersigned has spent muchime in the study of this branch of science in "London and Edinboro'," and has witnessed the practice of sev eral eminent men in the treatment of diseases of Horse and Cattle. He also availed himself of the of the researches of Liebig, and other celebrated men, who have contributed so much towards a ju dicious and enlightened treatment of the Horse. The object is, to treat the disease of Cattle on the same fundamental principles that guide the practi tioner in human medicine, and to make use of those therapeutical agents only, that when given in small quantities, are capable of exciting and increasing the natural functions, witli- out diminishing or destroying their power. The undersigned will devote himself to the manufac ture of the following articles, yet every Medicine used in regular practice may be obtained at short notice. fauih!et, dea-rihing the different di seases, mav be had gratis. G. H. DADD, M. D. A Llslsf lUrsr ana Cattle Meoictaas. Physic Ball Tonic Pow 1 ders, Alterative Ball, Fever Powders, Powders, for heaves, Diuretic, or Urine Pow ders, Cordial, or Colic drink, Chlorine Solution, ' for foul ulcers. Liquid Blister, Ointment, for promiting the growth of hair, Wash, for inflamed eyes, Healing Balsam, for saddle gall, wound and bruises, Ointment, for mange, scratches and old sores, embrocation, tor sore , throat; catarrh, stran gles, and common cold, Hoof . Ointment, for ' sank crack, brittle Sc. contracted hoof, Horse Liniment, Distemper Powder, Worm Powder. Sold by GREEN St FLETCHER.No. 26 South oIATH Street, Philadelphia, and by his Agist Henry Masser, Sunbury, January 13, 1848. EXECUTOR'S SALE. WILL be sold on the premises, on THURS DAY the first day of FEBRUARY next, all that BRICK HOUSE and tenements together with the lots attached thereto belonging to the estate of Catharine Ross, dee'd., in the Borough of Northumberland. Sale to commence at 10 o'clock of said day at which time term will be made known by JAMES TAGGART, ) .. JOSEPH R. PRIESTLY. txe Northumberland, Jan'ry 6, 1849. ts ESECUTOR'S SALE. VX7ILL be sold on the premises, on Saturday the tenth day of February next, all that Farm containing 150 acres, more or lesa, situated in Lower Augusta township, Northumberland Coun ty, about five miles from Sunbury, near the Centre Turnpike road. About one half, of which is clear ed and on which is erected a eood 8TONE HOUSE, a large LOG BARN, an extensive Tan- HULbE, and out budding, belonging to the estate of Catharine Ross, dee'd. Sale will commence at 10 o'clock of said day, at which time terms will be made known by ' ' JAMES TAGGART, - , J08EPH R. PRIESTLY. $ E"c Northumberland, Jan. 0, 1849. ts ;' Notice. -VV'v.r ALL persons knowing themselves indebted to the late firm of Rhoads & Farrow, merchants of Snydertown, on Book account or otherwise, are hereby notified to pay up or make settlement on or before the first day of February next, as longer in dulgence cannot be given. Persons interested will give this notice their immediate attention. RHOADS & FARROW. Snyde- Dwn, Dec 23, 1848 3t Assignees' Sale OF THE , PAXINOS FURNACE. flHE subscribers assignees' -of Dengler, Haas, M. & will expose to sale by public vendue, on Thursday the Sth day of February, 1849, on uw premises, THE CRASCSIL FCRSACE, known as the Paxibos Fvbbacb, situate on Sha- mokin Creek about 1 1 miles east of Sunbury and within one fourth of a mile of the Danville tic Pott, ville Rail Rond," together with coal house, two oweuing bouses, saw-null and other improvements, and with all the necessary implements, necessary w work said Furnace. There are also, cut and in lank, two thousand cord of Wood, which will be a iw same Ume. The locaudn ia a fine one, suuatui country is weU surrounded with good ' 'f" w built on a perpetual lease at a rout of $300 ner annum f il J. f, a;i i!r,ftef mhich tiuit' rent T be raised to 7 ' . ' "7, 1 ne rurnac will be kept lu unui e rnudl. of Jan'y next, Any persons wubmg to view the earns eaa do by calling oq the premises. For further particular apply to the . . ....... w. K. j-EUELY. .. Buubujy, Nov. t5, 1848 . . v .. t5T Ths Philadelphia Bulletin and HarrUburg wU, ymwa uuuuan ins a bo vs. ones week, till sale, and seaj their bills to this offics., C VRCP MOLASSE(WSuperiSTeAiie4 By rot J MoUaaee tor MU by HENRY MASKER. T aswsqyvisss,Si !. " ; ., I am riwTEniAivWsTCiRlr.K FROM THE INFANCY OF MANKIND TO THB PRESENT TIMeV Bv O. D JUsal L. L. D. ow ready, let volume, boufii.1 in cloth. Pricsfl 76iidM')JPi'ni.ttV monthly 7 ol- parts, until imwied, a muni fomdjiga nma SS tin. Bat . '.I & " , ' -.uiuer,v The authot if Ihis worV seems to bsve had fa How a History ought to be written." Truth in it severity, snd reason In ha tnahly state, are the chief Muse and Graces to which he has done obe dience. What a diflerenl view has been opened to us of the state of nation of by-gone ages, from that which has been presented to'usby other historian. No wonder that the numbers already issued, have mei wun a large aalo, and been hailed by frequent muuKurj nuuecs 01 me press, oi wolcu a lew bridged extracts hcreare subjoined. . , ; i From Me Dtmotratie Rtvitw.) This beautiful octavo the first volume of Dr. Hcbbe's Universal History forms the initial vol ume of a ucw and greatly improved work, devoted to the history of the Universe, based not merely upon the usually received data of former historians but derived from the liest authorities, attested by r i-. . - in - . -i.-iauuiia w moucm aiscovcrj. im reccm re searches in archaroloirv bv Chevalier Bunsen. and other learned investigators, among ancient monu mental records, have so entirely chanee the aspect of primitive times and revealed so many important new data, that the wonder has been not that such a work a the Mr writ should make its appearance but rather that the task should not have been be fore attempted in Europe, From a somewhat careful examination of this volume, however we find no capse to regret that the theme should have neen reserved for the judicious and laborious press of Dr. lichbe. To such as cannot command the leisure for a more systematic course of study, this work prove eminently important and valuable, since, when completed ! it will form a compendous liberary of universal history, the most accurate and complete extent, and written up to the spirit of the age. From, the Nev York Tribune, Sept. 23.1 In regard to theliterary execution of this work, we have spoken as the number appeared, but not as fully a its merits deserve Now, on re-exami-nation, we hesitate not to pronounce that this vol ume, aa a history of the earliest period of mankind has no rival in any single work of universal histo ry in the English language. From Orahnwi's Mapazine. ' The author of the Universal History now in publication, judging from the portion of it already puiNiBiiru. is equal 10 ills insK. lie enraes 10 u prepared by twenty years of study, and a familiar acquaintance with all the necessary authorities, 1.1' 1 1 ! . , . . 1. . 1 T T . . . . not only those to whom we look for solid records of facts, but thorn who have gone beneath the sur face of events, and tracked the source of political convulsions by a thousand piflsc back to the hidden heart of some great principle. From the Boat on Transcript. Dr. Hcbbe, by availing himself of the light which the Egyptian hicorologists and other inves tigators of antiquity, havo shed on tlio earliest his tory of man, by menus of his vnat eruditions ena tiling him to avoid the errors of compilers, and to draw from the original and most undoubted sour ces ofauthority, and by bis acute jndgenment, his Ulicral philosophy, his deep sympathy with liuina nity, and his enthusiastic love for his favorite stu dy, ha produced what may ho termed in manv respects an original history of the infant nations of the world. The work is written in the most en larged and liberal spirit, while the author rejects the superstition of the ancient priesthood, he is a tout defender of the immortal and sublime truths of Christianity. From the New York True Sun. i ne style ot m. iicuuc, though writing in a tongue foreign to him, is always flowing and ani mated, sometimes picturesque, and sometimes even eloquent and sublime. , This work appears in monthly numbers seven numbers now rcadv. A liberal discount t6 the trade. Sent by mail to any part ot Hie country. ., - , , , , , DEWITT & DAVENPORT, Tribune Building, i ' Nassau street, New York. tV Paper insertinc the aliove three times, hv eluding this notice, and noticinc the numbers as they appear, will have the back numlier sent to theui by forwarding a copy of their paper to the publisher marked. Also receive the numbers fast as published. December 30, 1818 3t ' COLUMBIAN SERIES OF 3tWimrtU0. r 'The Pupil's friend and Teacher's comfort. THE COLUMBIAN CALCULATOR-Tlii. - work it already introduced into some of the best Acadamics and a larze number of Schools. where its use has given decided and universal sa tisfaction, both to teacher and put.il. It is purely American in its character, bnseil upon our own beautiful decimal y .treat of enrrevey. It contains more, tlie arrangements are better, and it is the easiest and cheapest work of the kind now in use ; and it is so considereJ by hundreds of the most competent teachers and men ot science in the Lni' on, who have recommended it. It is the book, particularly and expreasly prepared for our Ame rican Srioiars 'Hit AlmcH TiUnor. 1 hb i outh Com; bib Cslcclatob Thw volumo contains 91 pages, with about 900 exam' pie for solution on the slate. It embrace the Fundamental Rules, Compound Rule, Simple and Compound Reduction, Single Rule of Three, Proportion, &c 1 icKaoa s Abitiimxtical Tables, is destined for the use of younger classes in thi 8cbools of the united btatca. A beautiful little book and pleas ing to children, and the only one of the kind of any value. There are Keys to both Arithmetic bound sin' gle or double, for the convenience of teacher, in which the solutions of the questions are given with much extra matter for the black board. These Keys are the most complete works of the kind ever published, snd contain, in addition, about two hundred examples in Mensuration, &c, for the use of the Teacher. All that is wanted is to have the above books examined, and no teacher who is acquainted with the science of Arithmetic, will hesitate to pronounce them the best work that have ever been published in this or any other country. Although issued but a few months, they have already been introduced into the ' Night Public Schools of New York City in all the Schools public and private, except two, in the City of needing. Also, in about twenty Acadamics in the State of Pennsylvania -in a large portion of the Schools in the City of Wilmington, in the City of Lancaster, and in the Uorough of Hamsburg, York, Chamberaburg, Lebanon, Doylestown, Potts- Vllte, Urwigsburg, &c. &C For sale by Hebbv Masssb, Sunbury, Agent lor Northumberland County. , Sunbury, Dec 2, 1848. : pubTlc salteT WILL be sold at publie vendue, on .Monday, January 10, 1849, at the Paxinos Furnace, jn Shamokin township, Northumberland county, the lollowing described property, viz: NINE lIOItME an J Harness, two four Horse BROAD WHEEL ED WAGONS, one two horse broad wheeled YVa gon, a Truck Wagon, a Buggy and Harness, three Carta aud Harness, Wheelbarrows, Wsgon Heds, Picks, Shovels, dtc, etc. . . I n -: ..ALSO I . . i A Variety mf Store Goods, ) Consisting of Dry Good, Groceries, Hsrdware, tjueensware. Drugs ec Modirincs, spices, esc. . , IAJJ..L A SS - IJ oaie 10 commeiicst iv uuck. n. . yu wu .1 - 1 . Jfc- Am. a ' . :i .11 i. uaj, sou miuntw i " uuut u sold. Conditions made known oh Ibe day of sale, by. WILLIAM KEUIICIH f EUbLx, , AiHgHif of Viigltr Haa 4r yesajs 8unbury, Dec. 18, 184fc W ..,,, U AISINB, (turraals,- citron, cWse, pepptv ssuc, ftc for sale by i, W. rKlLUXU Banbury, Oa f, U48. 7 j 1 f , ULASTER, 8sit M47ifk. lust rtcived snd tot .,,... ,,.v . T,,,T,.4r.W.flW4.-vl'. fttmboiT, IWesV Iwttt A.M II t DinnOIID (POVTDEIl j - - FOR . . wtemmm frA , fllllTO Powde is warranted fcf. superior 4 sny JL thing in use for imparting a keen, smoothedge to Bator, Surgical instruments, and all k" ot fiM CvVMRt t it may he spph'ed to any kind Oi Alap superior Katc-r, RmvcS, nt rortu- gt,o. aie anu reran, ny WHED BENN BTTi Agent. A i..'.'" - :'. troD. Brushes, and Denot f Flna R.i: .' "'tth street Cheap sney Goods, No. 18 South - , " bov Uhestnut Philadelphia. " - ' v 1 TESTIMONIALS. - .' PfiiLit.it sat. Pah. ISth. ; This may certify that I have used one of the Strops prepared with HAYNES' MAGIC DIA- MUiL PUWDER, snd can attest in the most unequivocal manner, that there is nothing can be found that will produce the same effect in my"rpin ion, and must suy to others, try it, and you will find it superior to any luuotofore in usa. I can truly say that I never knew what a sltarp razor Was before. JOHN SCOTT, Iron Safe Maker, 41 8. Third at Philadelphia. October, 1848. ' A very hard heard and tender lace has compel led me to seek snd ttH many contrivances design ed to lnako shaving easy and pleasant, but with indifferent success, until 1 made use of the Magic DIAMOND POWDER, sold by Alfred Bennett, and Rousscl's Shaving Cream. Thcirunited pow er act like magic, and impart a power to the Razor to remove the most stubborn beard, tnihont irri tating the skin or temper of their owner. j j. uoa., swesoutu ruuiBtrccu For sale at this office Price 25 cts. per Box. November 25, 1848 6m. , ITEVT CEEJLP GOODS. The larsrent assortment la Town, John W. Friling, R ESPECTFULLY informs his friends and customers, thnt he has received the largest and best assortment of goods ever of fered in Sunbury. Consisting of DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, Qutensware, Liquors, ' Drugs, Paints and a ereat variety of other articles. The public are respectfully reauested to call and examine his slock before purchasing eisewnere. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848, .NEW GOODS, CHEAPER THAN EVER Henry Masser, UAS just received nt his store, in Sunbury, I " an ossottment of the cheapest Gooils, that I ever came to the place, consisting of IRV GOODS, GROCERIES. LIQUORS, (rc. French black Cloths, Cassinett, fcc. Caii coes. of excellent' quality and colors, price Q to 10 cts. Good Muslins, a vard wido, at 61 cents. These ore not the low priced Irash articles usually sold. Muslin de (.nines, of tine qual ity tind patterns 184. Handsome Terkeri anil other Shawls and various other articles. The public arc requested to call and judge tor themselves. Sunbury, Nov. 18, 1848. I. ANDREWS. ItKLlSV to Tint Sicsl . T77, 'Health to Ihe Wenk ! ! A HALM is found Um tha Whole Human Race in An- drewr PAIN KILLER. This is an entirely vegeta ble compound, eompnaed of I wenty-r iveamcrent ingre dieiita, and is an internal and I-.xteriuil Itemedv lor the va rious ill. that human flesh is beir tJ seen as, Ctrtizhd. Coltli, Pnini. NcrYfAii ami Pick Headache. Rhmnuttlsm, CntB. Hpminis, Spinal AUVtiunf, ammcT OamptniiiU, Chnien MoriHis.TtwHhache, i'lrupii.mis Conii riirt, r nzen mna, uurni, waKJii, Afrue in tuc t nee and Breast, rainterr Ctillic. RniiKB. ukl Horea. leOiw of onne- titf. General IWrlliiv. Anlhma. Ac. Put un in tvitllr for 1, or 4 aWtiUutf pesT UHUe. for lurtuer parties tars aee Pamphlet to Im had of every acnit cratia, CHiitniuiii,r a brief hiauryift)te origin. diacjvry and good effecta of Andrews' fain Killer, ueniucaica oi uarcSfUirectifnia. Ac LOOK OCT FOR FRAUD. The triumphant ucceaa of Andrewi Pain KiHerinr nKrvirtffUi cauaea that rtstloce death, the nutuiielr death of milltona of our race, haa iuduced aunia men of wbem it rrmy be truly auid, their villamtma occuNUoii inmuieat their vi Hn In v. to attempt to nut in cirrutarion apuriotia and counterfeit article called " lttia Killer,1' uainf fictitioua itamea fr the protended autlntr, fortTxl cert iftca ten, Ac. 9 mc have appeared, and faliera no dtmnt will itppeor. Ixrt all remember that Andrew Genuine Pttin Killer haa the written attruature of 1. Andrew m the bthel of each bottle in bluck ink. D-'ii t imply auk for Pain Killer, but ask for Andrew' Pniu Killer, and hnve im other. S W br M. A. McCay, H ile Aircnt, Nnrthnm.ierland : J. W, Friling,uulMirv; Jobn II. Ruaer, Milton; John R. Myyer, B) mhiuIhu; ; Win. A. Murray A Co, Dnnville j Dnvenp r, Hutith, Plyin-mth ; Aiwlrew Yohr, Wilkca- tnrre : itaya t mcutiruucK, iticrweuavine ; ivnanie x Chn ml serin in, IwiRlmrs ; Geurire McAluiii, Jeraey Hnore: J. M. JmUI. Will.anian.Hl. (tdera addreaaesl to I. Andrews, inventor and only Pro- prietrat Itheca Touipkint county. N. V. Will receive prompt attentHm. Bepieuiuer ju, letojy "OAKFORD'S UNRIVALLED STYLE OF HATS FOR GENTLEMEN. CHARLES OIKFORD, LVo. 104 CHESTNUT STREET Philadelphia, Would respectfulW invite sttentioo to his superior style of hat for autumn. 1818, which will te found Ihe most perfect ever before ottered to the community. Its peculiar forms lenders it the more desirihl", as it combine all the essentials of dura. bility sndoealnasa, requisite in that article of ureas ilnlts his increased facilities in in manufacturing mvh all ibe moderu improvements, enable him To CaiiLisei tub Wobld lo produce a bettir Hat. CsitDBaa's FABcr Hits ass Cars or tbb Latsst Mods. These goods have been selected with greet cure, and will be found most beautiful and chaste in their styles. LaniKS limine Hit tan Cars or Estibs it biw Pattxubs. Great tare bs liem bestow ed in conatrui tit g these articles, thut they may fll pethctly esy and foim a graceful pierDce. CHARLES OAKFORD. 104 Chestnut St. a lew 4uor above '1 hiid, , . Philadelphis. 8eptember30, 1848b Juae3, 1848 ly AG ENT8 Z mo canvass rou bomb new and A POPULAR WORK, in every COUNTY throughout the United (Hates. I o Agents, the moat liberal encouragement is offered with s mill capital of 25 to $100 A chance is offered. wherehv an agent can make Irom BIO to pet week, For further particular, eddies (pratpaid) ... No. 168 North SECOND Street, Philadelphia, fepl. 9. 1848. 6m. XLate Keller . Creenongta.) PATENT ATTORNEY. AMD MECHANICAL ENOINEEE, Vaahlnffton,U.C. -BTkRAWlNGS and psptus for the Patent Ottidtf. Drenared and all the necessary bu- JP-T' uiMaa. In rnlntinn lo aeourinir natents. trans- 1 . . I I t. . .L ! 1 moled, and nromntlv aitemitHi to, at tuoir 01. 1 ' . 1 . .1" ' I iioe opposite ine) raieni uiuoe. October 8, 1848. " T 1EA8, from Um New York Canton snd Pekin Tea L'omDanv. For sals by v - , ' . J. V. IliiAtlU. , - - . . . ... Sunbury, Pao. Si 1848.1 PATENT Trusses tt sll kinds, Harrison's smUuf and indelUble ink. Cotton yam and laps, ittM saouved sua fas sale py . m, nTra . r . aVunbrrj-, Pc 9.1M& ' IS- n B& TOWNSEND'8 COMPOUND EXTRACT OF ' SAltSAPARlLLA; THIS Extract Is pat ap In qusrt bottles. II six times helper, ptmaurter, and warranto) aapwlnr to any It cores diKiM without vomiting, par ins, sick ness, or ihWitaUiig tae psUent, and is psrticnarly adapted r"At,ti AND STRING MEDtCINK. The grast beanty snd soparkirity of this BsnnnsrlO ovsr I , other maedies Is, whilst It srariicatas jistsss, v It invisxmtes the body. , . ',v -j . ii,wnipliMi eared. i . , fclesnss ana' rngtkeB- ' . ' VVmanmniLin mbi. ' ."Ted. Brostkltls, OwiasrsptinB, Uv Cnmpbdnt, C"gli, , aurrh. Asihms,nirrtiig of Blood, 8.neatlB; XTaeW, Hectic Phwh. Night Pwrsti, BUS- . unit t4 t.1. . Snd Pslrt IS the fiida. ..e., 7 ;, j- ai esn b. enras. htiv. " 'motif that hsi bean In nlr.- Prttlal.lv thert aever a-. "" thia ( It el,,. . eesaful in dewrate an of efO""!- Sssl the at- an. hI MretiKllwns the (ntrm, and v','1"'1' . ' i cent un the Inttea. and mltienl. rradnallv rMr:n Ull" neniin ira enriiKin. 4 CURIOUS CARR OP CONBUMPTIOM There Is st-nrcely a dnjr pnum but ther. are a number of vnsps of conMinintton reimned as cured bv th. um ol Dr Townsen's SunaiMiillu. Tha fnUowuicwa.rect.nllT ra- eeived : Dr. TownKvn Dear Sir 1 For th. hut three veers I hsve been nmietcd with general debility, snd nervous cttn umntiiti of the tiiat stage, niHt did tint expect to ever rain my health at all. After going through a course of medicine oikIct the eare of Mime of the m & riisttnguiibed resukir phyMcian. and memlwn of t hyMcian. and memlwn of the Bnard of Health in N York and elsewhere, and spending the nvisi irt" my enriiinff. 111 attempting to reruin mv htnlth. and after reading nine pnper of ymii nrtnparllln I resolved lo try It. After using six bottle. I found it dne me great fpod, and called to w you at j-nur olfiee j with ymir ai'vic. 1 kept on, and do most heartily thank yon to. ytur advice. I persevere in taking the Snrnipnrillii, nnd nnve been able to attend to my uminl labon for the taut lour tnonlltt, audi hope by the ...cminga .h una ami your rarannnrillA to continue my iicmn. it neipea me ne' eyond th. expectatinus of all who knew mv cam. LUAKl.tJS UU1MUY Htateor New Jersev. -Kiwrx cnuntv. mtt. Chnrl Ouim- by Iwing duly sworn according to law, on his oath anith. 111 11 me loregoiug attueineul u true ncconllng to the neat of hit kiKiwledne ami belief. I IIARI.EH QLIMBY. Sworn and snbaeribad to before me nt Omnge, the 3d August, 1047. CYR18 BALDWIN. Juiticorthe reacs, ppiTTiN mxtrm. Read tlie fnllawiiu;. and any that eounimntloa ii In Incu rable if yuu can : flt Yora, April 1817. Dr. TowsaxNp i I verily believe tint vour Hurnnrilb ha. been the menus, thorns' h Providence, of savins mv lile I have for several year, hail a bad cough. It became worse and worse. At last 1 ruiaetl large quiiutlllea of hkiod, bad niKiit .weal, and waagrenlly debilituteil and minced, and did nH expect to live, t have only used your rJaraauarilla but a rlwrt time, snd there hn. a wonderful chnnffa been wrmight in me. t am now nble to walk all over the city. t raise no blood, aim my cinigu lias left me. ) ou cau well imagine that 1 am thunkfiil f tl.eae remits. Y our obedi ent servant. . WM. KlmrXL, 63 Catlianue st. IIST I1K.R SPKKCH. The annexed eertitieate tclla a aimnle and trnthful story of f utTeri.ig and relief. There are th-aisnnda of similar ca se, in thia city and Brooklyn, and yet there are thiHiaaiala of parents let their children die for fear of being humbugged or w mv. a lew nuw.ga. isrooicivn. r?m. u. if4 Dr. TewitnsD! I take ntensure in Hulinir. for Die bene- 6t of tli'Me whom it may concern, that my daughter, two years nnn six m-mtiii oki, wiis attiictcd witli general ue- niiiiy ana loss ot siwecn. ne was given up us pn je- covery by our fuinny nhvaiciaii; but f.irtnnatelv i was re- crnnnemlcd by a I'rieud Ui try yuu r Ha ran pari Ha. Heftre navnia; uaca one notue ane reenvereo her apown and wan enabltxl to walk atom, to the at' mi aliment of nil wh were acquainted with the circumatnnrca. Wie ta now unite welt. and in much better hesilth than she hn been lr in moiHha pasv v JOHKPH TAYMHf, I York at. t Brooklyn. TWO CHIlsUHKX HAVKli. Verv few fmnilie iiuleed in fnrt we have nit heard of onethat naed Dr. Tiwiiafytd'a fVtrmpanllu m timr, I -hi any children thti ntiBt HuminiT, while thoiw that did not. eiekened and died. The crrnt.eate we publinh below is ctmelusive evideiHe oi iia vulue, and i only another instance oi us unvincr the lives oi rmuiren : ur. Tows knd Dear Sir : 1 had two clnlnrrn citrnt bv your rviranpanua oi tue aiunincr rompMint ami ayaenmry me v.nia only id month old and tn other :jycaia. ltn;y were very murh rwlueeil, aim we expected they woukl the : thev were triven nn bv tw. respectable nhviifians. When the doctor inf.trmed u that we must lw them, we rea red to try ymr Hirsapanlla we Imd henrd so mnrh of, lait had little eoiifidewe, there beine; ao much at nff advertised that ia worthless: but we arc thankful that we did, fur it undoulitedly saved the lives of both. 1 write thia that oth- may ue inuucea to use u. i nr. respeettmiv, JOHN WIL-SON. Jr. Myrtle-avenue, Brooklyn. Sept. IS, 1M7. TO THE LADIES. GREAT FKMAI.E MEDICI NR. Dh. Tow?fsF.?JD?s PiBnAPABiLLA is a aorereiim and anoedy rare tor tiKMpietit cnaumpiioii, i ihi iot ine general pr(ar ra ti n ol the ystem no matter whether the result oi inhe rent cause or causes, produced by irregularity, illness or ac- citieui. Nottniifr ran hts mire surnritin than it invnmratmir rf- fed on the human frame. Per his all wenkness iiikI kjs- situde, from trtttinjf it at once become r.tbnst aitd full of encrfrv imoer its mnuence. It immediately connteracTa the nerveleawieaa of the female frame, which is the great cause herreuncaa. ft will not be expected of us, in cases of bo delicate a na ture, to exhibit certificate of cures Dcrformed, but we can assure the afflicted that hundreds of cases have been repor ted to n. Dr. ToWSMtxn! My wire betnrr prcatly distressed try weaknesa nnd general dchiUty, and suffering cnntiiiuntly by pain and with i 'titer difficulties, and hariiur known case where your merlirine has effected prrnt cure; and also hear ins; it rmunnientletl fur such cus-s as I have describod, I obtained a bottle of your Kxtruct or Sarsainrilla and fol lowed the direction- "ii pive ine. In a short period it removed her eoinplaiuts aud restored her to health. Being BTMitfiil f.ir the ItenesHM ahe received. I take nleastire in Uiuaackiiowletlging it( nnd recommend in; it to the miMio. Albany. Aug. 17. Ml. cor. Grand fc Itlia sta. liVftPV'pai ifo fluid or niedicim haa ever been discovered which o nearly resembles the gastric juice or saliva in decompoaing lono and atrenpthenrng uie organs oi uigesiion as mis pre purati m of Harsnpahlla. It positively cure every case of dyspepsia, however aevcre or chronic. ' n . -a-. . ii a r n a ill a ijanit ucnanmeni, Aiunny, niny iu, iro. Dr. Townsend Sir i I have beun atllicted for soverul years with d-spepsia in it worst form, alt ended with s mr nea of stomach, . of appetite, extreme heartburn, and a great avenum to all kinds of food, and for weeks, (wliat 1 could eat) I hnve been tumble to retain but a small portion on mv stomach. I trietl the usual remedies, out they nau but little or no effect in removing the coniptaint. I wns in duced, about two months since, to try your Extract of Sar an par ilia, and I must any with little confidence; but after aainpr, iicnny iw vnuo, t iimiiiu my upper. no icsttncti sura tha heartburn entirely removed; and I would ear neatly re commend the use of It to those who have been airlifted nsl have been. Yonrs. Ac, W. W. VAN ZAD T. Arent for Hunhury JOHN W. FRIIJNO; Nor- thumlrlnnd, MARY A. McCAY i DwivUle, WM. A. MURRAY A Co., Apuiva, iwa. ly 246 a 413 IttARKET STREET. rNiianttmiA. THE CHEAPEST and LARGEST ASSORTMENTS OF Gold and Silver Watches IN fUILADEDAHIA. Gold Levers, full jewelled, 18 csrat cssa 930 ami over Silver Levers, full jewellej f 16 and over ' Lenities u fll suit over QuS'tris, $ 6 to HO Gold P. nci'a, I 60 Silver Tea Sponna, equjl to coin, 4 60 ' Gold Pei;s, silver holder and iiencit.' 1 00 With a sulrndid asaoviBirnt nt sll kiml ol Watches, both gold snd silver 1 Rtrh Jeweliy, Ace A.e, GoM Chain of the be! maoufacluie. snd in fart every thing in the watch and Jewelry line at much less tuieea than can ba b lUght in this city orelnenhere. rleaas sive tots sdverttsmenr, sod rail at ei ttaer LEWIS L0OMUS. No. 413 MARKET aireei. ale Erventh, north side, or st JACOU LA DO MUM, S46 MAKEETsl.. first store below Eight, south sidi. try We hsve Gold snd Silver Levers still rhee. per than the above price. e liberal discount made lo tbs Iraile. Kcptemoer S3, 16486m 1 FURS. RICH FANCY FURS FOR LAMES' WEAR CHARLES OAKFORD, Furrier. Xo. 104. C heitnut Street, A few doors above Third, Philadelphia, would invite tbs ladies to call an, I examine supeiior stock of, Muff, Doss, Tippets &c every vaiiely, roneieiinv; of U eh Kuia Hable, Haiiain i Day Martiq, Norway Martin, Mink Ha- hie, Bitim Martin, Hlone Martin, Ermine. Filch Lynt, 4c, ice. Tbese skins hsve bten sel eled with great care, and are made by ihe best workmen in the country. L idiea my real ssaured that no article will lieorfrred loraals tu tins establishment that is not cr(eel in every ieprt. A'o. 104,' Chesnui ttrert. Between Third nd FourU srrel ihitadelpKia Beptamher 30, IMS' sas Cotton Yam, Cotton Carpet Chain, Cotton Laps and Waddinff. Cotton OuUints, Usady made Pantaloons, Ready made Yeats, Congress Knivfes, roraeuun lined , preserving keltlea, just received forssleby - ' U.MA88R. Bunbury) Dee. S, 1618. , . . , . .. , G VVt PH0E8 for Ccntlajneu and Ladies, hist roceivaal snd sale by . l. HAWSBt ! I I bonlsury, IVa. t, lKatl. WESTEnn nkw YORK coLr.EGR op health, . 807 Main trtet,' Buffalo, If, T-J Vll. G.C VAUGWX'5 Tffeui! Llthontrlptle Uixtore. ,v i rptlM eelebrated remsdy Is eoiantlr increasing Its tkmt A b)r Un rnanjr cures it is making i- ALL OVER THE WORLD.." ' ' ll hss sow becrnne the otihr medichis for fcmjl ius SiJ I parucularlrlvcornmemlerl teit . ,. . DROPStj , - , . this enmnlaint imnwiliaiphr n.ti HM . ..- h tatT' ' '. Pee PhamnUal lur trttrmoiiy, of ha atoiHu. .. .-tVEL. and sit dlseaars if tha arfmi7 "rS""1 1 cea relieve ing ciimpinima ii atantia altme ; nt '"- yiu I anil the cures testified to will mrnvniC" m"t , Heal j see pamphlet. I,iv-r Cotnplnint, Billli.!, oiseascs, tEVEll&AUUK. X4 the Great Want aancriallv. ami wherevar thaaa mm. plaints prevail thia medicine ia offered. , NO MINERAL AGENT, no deleterious compound is a eart of (his mixture, It cure, tlieae diseases with eertaintv and eelerltv. and doea not leave ths system torpid. Sea Pamphlet. FILES, S complaint of a nvmt painful ch.imcteT, Is IMMEDIATELY RELIEVED, and a cure follows hv a ru hm nr lui.aiL. . it i. far before any other preparation for this dineaae, or for any other disease originating from impure Mood. Sea pam phlet. DtblU l I Ur THE SYSTEM, weak hack, wenkneaa of the Kidneva. c. or inflamtna lion of an me, ia immediately relieved by a few dava use tt tlm medicine, and a curs is alwaya a mault of its' use. It auutoa oa A CERTAIN REMEDY, for such eomnlaiiits. and also for deraniremonta of the fe male frame. IRREGULARITIES, SUPPRESSIONS. nainfnl rnenetmationa. No article haa ever been offered except this which won Id touch thia kind of derangements. It muy be relied upon aa a sure snd effective remedy, and did we feel permitted to do so could sire A 1HUUSANU NAMES, aa proof of cures in thia dintre!t.liiff .Iam nf irwTtnltii,,ta Pee yinniphlet. All broken down, dulii Minted conatituliona inn tlie eneet m mercury, will nuil tlm braciiia; power of thia article to act immediately, snd Die poiaunoua mineral eradicated from the aval em. ERUPTIVE DISEASES win End tha atterntire pmperttea of this article PURIFY THE BLOOD. and driven such diaeaaes from the system. Sec pnmnhlct for teatimony of curca m all direnai-a, which Ilia limits of an stlvertincment will not permit to be munnl here Acri-nt. Kive litem away , iney c-mai!l ia pogca ot vcrllhCQteS of high character, and a stronger ARRAY OF PROOF ' of the virtues of a medicine, never appeared. It ta one of the peculiar features ff this'articlQ tliat it never fails to ben; jit in any ense, and if bone and niusrle are lott to build upon lei Un emaciated and lingering ina'id HOPE ON and keep tnkintr the medicine oa long as there is aa Ira proveincut. The proprietor would 1 CAUTION THE PUBLIC at;:tinst a number of articles which come out under the head of SAUSAPARILLAS, SYRUPS, tC, aa curea for Dropsy, Gravel, &e. They are good for so. tiiiiuTt and concocted to srull the unwarv; TOUCH THEM NOT" Tticir inrcntirs never thought of curing such disease till tins article hnd done it. A particular study of the pam phlet is earnestly ilicitrd. Agents and nil who sell the article are GLAD TO CIRCULATE frmtmtoiuty. Put up in 30 oz. Miles, at ffcj ; 12 nz. do ft M euch the Inrgcr hoicJin; 6 oz, more than two small bot tles. Ivx'k out d get imposed upon. Every bottle 1ms 'iiehii's VegeUible Lithontnptic Mixture," blown upon ttavKliiM, the written siiriuittire of '-G. C. Vauelm" on the direction, and "O. C. Vaughn Bnrl':il j," stamped on the crk. None other are genuine. Prepared by Dr. O. C. Vnushn. and s.'ld nt the Principal Omcc4 91)7 Main street, HulTalo, at wholesale and retail. No nttenti ni given to let ters unlesn post paid OTilcr from regularly constituted Agents excepted; post paid letter, or verbal communica tions soliciting advice, promptly attended to gratis. Offices devoted exclusivelv to the snle ot thia article IK NhsWhu at. New York city; 5 EsMXst.Hcdeni, Mam.; and by the principal Druggitts throughout the United State and t:anaaa, ita Agetiia. r.ist of Atfeuta. Storra A co.. AMiolosnlc Agent Philadel. pi i in J. W. Friling. Suulmrv Isaac (ienrhart. SelinsoTftve O. A. Wyeth. Iewisbure H. I. Chester, Milton Hayea mc4.nnicK, nicrwcnvuiD 11 iaa nicvuy, iiuruiyiww land. April, !S4r y . S3 5EPJS'3Si501Sg3 Patent A ir-Tight SUMMER AND WINTER COOKING STOVES. THE above Stove, which ia enuall- well adapted to Wood or Coal, luia reu-iit ailver inntiila at the faira of ihe American Institute, New York j 01' the Medianice' Insti tute, iltoiij ortlia Kruiikiiii iimiituti-, fiiiiauviiins ; auu the Mec uinra' Inatituu. Wilinmirtoii. Uclawure. It is caiaible, if properly used, ot'doins; nvwc work, with as fuel, tlian any other Stove yot littered 10 uie putuic : ni liner it win warm uie uraeat Kiioiien, wnna ui ummui. ilh the aumtuur dreaa attiiehed. it throws out no more heat than a charcoal furnace and for boiling, broiline. I k ine, or ruaal ins, it cannot be surnasatsi by suy othev Slove, open are, or wick oven. -- Ht.UL.n.TH..lJA 11UB. , . t CraTrricATS o tire Jvooit of ths MiciuntcV InstI' TOTS. Bo.TON. AVe. the subacribara, beiiur chosen Judirt'S by Uie Maass. chnaetta Charitable MeclunuVa Aaaociatiiis. in U'aton. 011 stores, furnscea, ranfiea, Stc. wnitd infn-m the publie, that after teatiue; all the cotikin stoves that wera put into the Ksir for exhibition, snd letting; each nam numage hiaown stove with the same kind of cail. in onlfr to eat'crtain which would do the same work with tlie least fuel in the same time, awl do it best, we find tint Stewart'a Patent Hummer aiwt Winter Air-Ticht Cooking Stove, ruiiualuctur ed bv the natentee. of Trov. N. V'.. to be the beat, na it took but i3 iniuutea tcshoil two'iralkiiia of water nnd bake hiantrt in the ssme time, and broil beef atenk, and all done in the best manner with seven pounds of coal, in tbirtv nunutre from Ihe time the fire wae put into the stove, "to which we a wnrded the ai Iver medal. JAMF.SIiOl IVALTKH Ct)U-Vt:i.L,, THOMAS M017I.TOX, A. D. WKBUKR, aud JAMES PAGE. Jcooe. Tlie sulMcrihrrs reanectfullv invite the attention of coun try deakra, to one ol' Ibe biraral and boat selected stock of aloyes, ever oaerul ui uua city, amoiir wuicu are uio 101- lowuig 1 Bases. Screen Cylendri. Oven Stoves. Washington Air-Tight Cooks. Vulcan do do do do Kurektt ' Large Oven Albany do do do do do, do do Willis McGregor Mammoth Premiums Cook 8'ovet. National Air-Tight Cooks. Parlor Stoves. 100 Louia Air-Tigbt Parlor Stoves. 130 Charles the 1st Ait-Tight do 300 Lady Washington, Air-Tight Parlor. 130 Washineton Air-Ticht do 300 McGregor's three days Parlor Air-Tight Coal Stoves, burning three days without atten tion. For sale wholesale and retail by North, Ham. son at to, IV o. au market ttreet, rQuaceipata. Philadelphis, July 18th, 1848' LINN, SMITH & CO. WHOLES. L 213 Market Street, PHILADELPHIA. diu'gs &. Medici cs, Paibts, Oils, Glass, Dt Stcvvs, Vabsishis. 4c. ic. ALSO - Patent Medicines, Meil.cine Chests, Surgical at.d . Obst. Irirsl Instruments. Cht-mical Terns, Su, try Orders from M. rchants or Physteians, by letter or otherwise ptomptly sitrndcd to. Ausue'. 9, 1848 6m GOLD PENS, PEN HOLDERS & PENCILS. G. & C Ifi. S1VIITII, " ' (Lauu4 tha ana of A.O. Bagleyft Co.) Miscsicvoiiti or Goia Pass. Psa aoiasas ABB PSBCILS. Sol 16 Maiden Lane, New-York. ajf-STTF: ths BuUcribcrs offer to the Had, and the publie generally. dihern styles or Uold Fens, wnicn are warrcmra as..iu.i ai p.rfrtKM)S by fair usage, snd sWo ki be aupeiioi ia every respect to any oinere aim., ( uomj in creassd facilities for manufcturing, wr are deter, sained tbet na ne shall be delivered fromour rs tabliahment antes. It ia psrfet vVe also keep constantly on hand our superior Gollt Pencils, snd Pasieiis ilh Pan, which we era enabled M Ku si ine Uweet istea. All aiders addressed thlhe ub. aaribers, will be carefully tod proin('lly attended An. ' : Q. eV E.M. Sj4ITU.No. 18 fo.iOen L.t eN, leMslisn LsusN.T . ..!.:. if', iv j t ;' :V. .-. I 4 at S . I 4.... Uet.T, INWIa TESTED BY THOUSANDS An AWIMOtJSLV APPKoTLDt Oat a a Evsry day it tail celebrated medicine satendint tha sphere of Ita uaefulnesr, fd every year adding to ths long cntaiogiie of lu triumphs. , . . , . A MiL'UON fJF BOXES sr distrlVuteamusllv w'ith OUtfiillymcetinjrths dHmmd! For aom. He,. 11,. ales" .Nl4'' bw'n limittA 'MT fr vnH of facilities of sup. ply. ' Trnly thlt' wiveraal remedy! t-hrlaWd, teaa pills have foW tlteir way 'Ho the remotest corners i iU Union, everywhere pi Wing tneir line as ine poor man's friend iok roan's hope the niarvel and blessing of tha age. '' ! For a trifling- tnm. everv lnilividual snd every latmiy may. hnve HEALTH INSURED to them for an indefinite pe riod 1 and what is life without hetihli but a miserable ia lence ! It ia too precious a bonh to be tampered with, hy trying sll sorts of experiments ap it. The sick should use th .ta medicines only which experience bos shown to be ths best- A l"HV9ICIA.V9TESTIMONY. From Catakill, Green County, New York. Dr. W. Wright Dear Sir : I have found your Indian Vegetable Pills s vnlunble remedy in cases of General Be bility of tha system, and in sll Billioua disorder. I am also in the habit of recommending tUcmto female in peculiar coais. . I observe them to epcrnte in the system without producing debility or pain, leaving U in s healthy condition. JuneiKi, 1M9. Jons Doaata, M-B- : TIIE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE. From Norton Hill, Orcen County N. Y. Dr. Wright 1 Wo have nacd anil sold your Indian Vegeta ble Pills for three years past, and do not hesitate to reconv mend tlietn to our friends snd customers as the best Family Mediciut in use. N. k U. BisiicUj ' From Marble Hall Pa. To Dr. W. Wright Dear Sir: For the Isst two years I Uavs hnd the egcucy for the sale of your Indian Vegetable Pills at this place, nnd have sold annually large quantities st retail. They huve in every innuince given entire satiat'so. linn. Miiny fnniilica in thia action keep them, and consider them invaluable ss a family medicine. There ia no msdi" ine sold hero that can be so universally recommended as Wright's Indian Vegetable Pillar Ycry truly youra, February 1, IP'.s. w. M. Lcaxas. TE8TI MONY OF ANOTHER PHYSICIAN. The following letter is in reply to a note from our sgant taking Dr. Boutoa'a opinion of this medicine : TuNXiiXNors, Auguat29, 16-19.' Mr. A . Durham Dear Sir : In reply to your note of yes- teidsy, I would st.it a, that 1 have occnRuaially found it con venict to nse the varioua "Patent Pills' vended in Ihe thops ; and wlnlel 11m unwilling to suy snyihing to depreciate ths value of oihura, I amfreetoconfcastliat I consider Wright's Indian Vegetable Pillt superior to all others with which t sm acqnsinted. I have used them for many years both ifi my own family snd in my practice generally, and they have uniformly proved mild, certain and safe in their operation. The jJtre and skill with which these pillt liave been hitherto manufactured are, in my opinion, a sufficient guarantee for like good results in future. Very respectfully, B.A. Botrrox, M.D. Mr. B ia a practitioner of long experience, well knutva in and even beyond the lines of Wyoming county. He is a graduate of Prnnrylvanis, and highly popular with ths people among whom he reaides. fiewarc of Sugar Coated Counter felts. Itemonibcf thnt the original snd only genuine Indian Vegetable PtlL have the wiitlcnaigueture of Wo. Wrigh on ths top label of each box. roa ' Wright' Indiau Vegetable Villa. John W. Friling, Sunbury. Henry Maaaer, Sunbury. Hurt A MeCormirk, MrEiveruville. E. KsiuTinan, AngutU tp. John II. Vincent, Chilisquaqus. Knae ft Berpstresscr, Elysburg. W. Uotliermel, Little Mahonoy. Ileinen & Brother, Milton. Forsyth. Wilson ft Co., NorthnmUrlrud Jsa. Ilccd, Pottagnnre. W. ft. It. Fegely, Slaimokintown. J. C. Morgan, Siiyderttown. W. Deppin, Mahonoy P. O. Bcnneville Ilnlshne, Up. Mahonoy. J. G. Itenn, Line Mountain P. O. Beuj. Ileflner, Iiwcr Malioning P. O. Amos T. Briaaell, Turbuttavilla. C.J. ft T. Piper, WataonviUe. E. A. KntxiKT, Boonaville. II. II. Knrchle, T.lyaburg. Offices devoted exclusively to the salt of Wright 't Indian Vegetable Pills, Wholesale snd Retail, 1C9 Bscs St., Phila delphia, - Crccnwich ttreet, Xew-York, and 158 Tremotit, Brttnn. Dec. Otli, 1S1E. ly. rquttable Life Innuranre. Annuity. mm 1 rusi uompanv. . OFFICE 1 W.M.NI'T STREET. PIIiI-ADELPHIA. CxriTAL sfiwoou (.'unarm I'ssrsTiAL. HE C"miny are uow prep-ircd to Iranauct buainea noon tin- moat liberal and sdvauciceons lersa. They are authorized by their charter (sect. :) "to inake all and every insurance appertaining to life rittrs of whatever kind or nature, and to receive snd execute trurta, make endow, menta. and to grant and purchase aunuitiea." Tha Com pany aiJI annuiib-a and eudowinems, and act as Trustees for imiiors snd heirs. Table of Premiums remind for the Aaanrnnea of 81W for tue wuolc tenn 01 tais. Age. Prem. I Tiu" I 53 1 AS 1S I Age. I Pram. Age. I Prem. 18 17 1 SUR 8 IS Sin S 47 X1 8 40 8 47 SSI BC3 2 70 8 PI 8fh! 3 01 3 IS 3X3 340 ami 3 77 34 4 13 IM 4 61 4 71 4 I' I 5 14 6-.U list 67H U3 SO 81 W 3 St IB JO 7 8S its DO 1 fill 1 fit 1 tkl 1 1 1 170 1 W lb r.t lie sot Tlie nremiurrs are less then snv other eomnnnv. snd lbs poli-is aAord graater sihiuitBt:es. Tables of ball-yearly and (unrlerly preiiiiuuis, half credit rates of premuiui, short terms, joint lives, aurvivorahiis and endowment.; also, form of Applicutim (lor which there are blank aheetr) are lo be had on apnlioiti m at the office, or by letter to in Agent, J. U. PLRUY, Bunbury. Raiks roa uovaixa 91UU oa s suigls Lus For Life. l,Su 8.01 S.70 3.f,t 0,03 F.iuipia A nersm saed 30 vests next birth dsy, by psving the Oompauy flo em ita would secura 10 his family or'boir. S100 slunild he dis . one year : or for 8a,u0 he so- curtvlntbem S10OU; or f.w If 13 annually fjr asvan years ke ancaree to them S1IKJ0 ahouid lie dis in seven yesrs; or lor SolO.40 paid awnially during uie he secures ill1 louu u be Enid when be dies. 1 as mem y tbs didi'rence in ani'uut s' ineurur secaiuer hisowa bonaa, I Dremiuma tnm ttu 'miuma ironunosecimra-rfi hv other olficea For tMa,5U uis heirs would receive SWA) M.tH,lH k. die bi OAS Vcwt. Forms 01 appuoatiou and an particulars may ns nan ai the office. i. W. C'LAbHURN, PresMknt. Tsaiaraot r sascis w. kawuc. II. O. Tuekett. Secretary. Co!vlvinu Phviicuh Pr. J. B. Msswr, Snnbury. , J. H. I'canr, Suubury, Ageut for Nortliuinberaual -wa- (tunUiry, July t, 14 JACOB JLECK, WHOLCSAtB AMD RETAIL , : , , v, VliEAKO LIQl'OB MClLEn.j if S9S Market Street, Below Eighth, North tide. Pnii.snti.ruiA. . ,f 1 . : Keeps constantly on hsnd sll kind of old LI qaor, vis: boperiof ld rye whiskey superior Strandy, Gin, k. Also whits, brandy fo. presct v!nd. Wild Cherry ad Blackberry brandy: ' I'hiladelphia, June S, I818. ly Age. For I year. For 7 rears. 80 SI ol M ou 1 40 l.'ia l.Ot 60 1.14 8,U7 so a,ts . . 8,s7 Ill
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