SUN BURY AMERICAN AND SHAM OKI N JOURNAL ARRIVAL OF THE STF.AMSHIP CALEDONIA. MkVE DAVstLAMR FROM fcl ltOFKV ' ---f - n .. Result of the Frfritk,' Elections tTVitimph 'of the Moderate Repidditans O fining of the National Assembly Riot and'Bloodshed'at Rouen "Riot rV Limfttcfr, lreland-Iinpire -hhte'J fr6in the Scene tf War in ' Italy - TlMy brtteeen Russia, Wf and Den'. Fighting' in Raden. i err 1 lit Frnm? Ihr-'Hidttfirfrte rparly-tias ''br-rn successful, and Lamai-tihels' toe 'flie first President. 'rrtlflTHlil'tfots. had occurred -in " many f'M principal . cities 'bf ' THilice,. nndj serious disorders exist, i " Irish affairs still continue lii a state, of Ugl tatiun, heighlened by tlio dissensions among the Old and TvuH& Ireland T parties. 'Then? has been a rhit and bloodshed at ' Limerick! Tim Prussian and Danish governments have accepted the mediation of the English !rnv crnmeut in the matter of the Schleswig Hol tin war. This will remove tlic fearful cause of a grn'cfnPvar. .1 j The Gorman 'Const'ilulont Assembly w.'j to meet at FraiiC fori 'mi Viio' lSlli of May. and the great ipieslion of German unity was then to be decided. Tin? Lombardo-ltalians were still progressing, but the Austi inns have been gaining advantage!. It i.-s iil thai Austria is takihg':-eirct ttpi'tir ne-joti.ite with Ven ice and LoinbahlY. ; Letters' frWi'1 ciVin'-H hie. .th nil.,, haW that the Pruisiau government wnsaetiiig with miieh firmness and decision. Tin' Berlin contained 11 rumor of the march of the Russi- nii Guards to the frontier. wh :re a force of 300,000 Russian will be concentrated by tin first of June. In Spain 110 movement of cYiiisccpi'onoc ha-! taken'pla'ce. 1It ts VAill iiWv'-f: ai if. l ftfftv 11 . Petors iirr,"staiii,' taint a' treaty olfcnsive ami de fensive between Russia. Sweden, and Den mark is arranged, and w ill be positively rati fied iir thn event of an entry of German troop in SchlrswL'. in which case Denmark will be supported bv the whole force of the two othr powers. It is more than prolw'ile that ; ami sejllies, enlereil iiei.i.-ii.uru', ami sum Russia will step in to prevent further ir-jirrati- : nioned the burgomaster to proclaim a repiib diement. ' li"; bi'l th'-y were ultimately disper.-d by In Poland the frightflii f'liicj continue , i, troiips and iiiluibitauls. Meeker is slated to occur. to have tied into Switzerland, whither he has In Gallieitiutiiif'. ii; "Mill SVallachia, ih-J i,r, fuHoweirby Slruve, who prevailed upon'ju h H '.ttul stale ot insurrection. ; At PrelJliiirfc fho cnndtii-s practised asaiui' fhe'Jews are truly shocking. ,.. In Baden the Republicans have attempted; to revengo their late defeat, and llecker cros-, sed the Rhine nt the head of n tMiP'and. French ami Gorman troops. :Twb ei(c6unlers took placo with tho Vui,ierf'ui'r 'ioices, the. last at Schufheiin. 'Il'he Ri'puTiIii'ans have j bill n'mwick. Tin' f'like of iiniiswii,k'iii; novv Hed into'XLsiic hii(l "Switzerland. Inriied to his capital from Schleswig on Hie - in feeliii'ifh tho ijonplc are tr.mqtii!. Jlan-J 2.Vh ult. l ie was received w ithacclamation. 't ; . . . ii ... .1 over uiui 1 rowiu are aosorueu ill mu miiiiar operations against Denmark, in which, at pre- j sent, by laml, they are completely successful ::. although the captures at s'a, bv the ! must necessarily occasion very great loss to the Prussian commerce in the Baltic-. , England .Prngrru ot III Hfform nhti hartUt Air.i, ;n v J !..m'i k'o .'1 ',1 inni ! Reform ami '(."'hamsl movement,, are couthm-! inir r?iro'u"rioiit li.o kinifdom. The Chart i't i-: 1 ti... fM...riii'i ' fon-ention Viiislesuiued its sittings in London 1 but tRoJrA'oediiigs are not of much geneial jliterest. There is not so large an allendain'e as at the former sittings, and l I'onlidence" Wi'llw to lo nLiceil in Mr 'Vf, .' Meetings in favor of the Charier continue In bp held throughoiil the provinces. .. Parliament after tne'K.wlcr holiday-, ha.- rcsumeil ilgtsitliuus. The wvTiiM Disabilitie Bill was read n ' third li'.'e in Hie House of (Vimmons i't the' . i . . . . .. 1 r'niyht ol the 4th, an finally pissed The "new Reform Association, fompseij i tlii Libenil members of the Houses of f'arlia mnt, and who set forth, as the basis of liv-ir principles, household sulTrage, Srl'.e ty ?a1!o!. triennial "Parliamenls, Htidein'',l I'lecioral ili tricts, pbgrcicii rapidly. The powerful mppff t- IWiW tile n tl.l.iieclas . ses which it is cvefy "w ileie receiTinJJ, and .' tlie adhesion ef ?di!ie (if Ilia most leading nieii of tiw ilay all aiio? ii success ful tejuiiiklliou to its labors; nith'iugh a pro tracted" sl'rng-jle niiiy take place in the in "ti'flni: " The centre of act ion of the new par My will be. as in It" "ciisi of the Aiili-Coru Law League, in the manufacturing districts, (hit! It- f rlief promoters Ihe gentlemen w ho brougiit tiiat important niovcmeul to a trium phant issue. Trade ami Commerce have improved in England. Scotch pigs have been in rallier better demand, but most of The purchases ' that have been mada are ou Glasgow aeeoinil. Present nnotations areScotch iti"s t'3 I is J ,J'rncrchunu',l?ars T7 ; ' best iTars i'S 10 ;' j hoops ji5; sheets 'X9 10 in t.ive'rpfiol. j firal Agitation Rlul at Kim- ' strange, uiiexpVc'teit, but at tho same time niost important events have taken place in Ireland rtijriiijr the last week. What iheir fosult will b'l i a most dillieult matter to tell The spirit of disaffection is not' yet tamed Goverument 1ms como forward to gnipple bodily with the Irish Republicans. We slated in our last ihit Mr. W. S. 6'Briou had pro. ceded lo ihe Srnltrr, fo tho purpose of pro moting he ngitutiim of the Young Ireland, party. irn'iP fl'i llm.- geiitlema'n, with 'Mr. SnteLbll anil lr. Meagher, visited' Limerick with. Ihai-object. Thn population of that fmitf fihir btw greatly excited oy inflam Hf6y addresses circlllaled, &y tlie Old Ire. irtlrf party, stigmatising frt Mitchell as Ihe rlilhinialor of O'Comiel'l, ' and a the ' lan derer of the Catholic religion ;" and the efli gy of Mitchell, wrffK a rope around the neck )nf PoriMS 'Uliroa' the m reels of Limerick . iha State ti ials are not more advaadeof f'an at the ihte of d(ir liiil ioiiie. . ft .., Asslaiaa llalf. The new from the neat of- War ill Lombar dv is vf. a' decisive character, biit ja by no iffealit favorable to the Italian cause. The army tmder Charles Albert continue comparatively-'iuactive: tltcir position in now on the left bank of tlie Minufb, at VoRegio. ' Abetter from Frrarn of rlie 19th ull. inli bate a belief,. founded in appearances, that Roiimi bjUuliuus have received ifiial oi uVrs to cross the frontiers' pausing Ponte La goscuro. Stellela, niidtfsfiglia, near Mantua, The eltiiaw' were' progressing at Naples on (lin iOth jilt , biit kxcited littlri Jut,eresV , f 'Our 'c'orrtspoiidtht at Vienna fcommutiicates' fery badflievrs Irani other parts of1 Italy. Tre tlao had iobmitledfliid, Venice, according td the latestyuvices received inVieuiia, "was closHy'blockadeJ by sea and land ; ill fact j 'iU'ciipltlilation Ws3:daily eV pec ted. , , Reports 1 are current that the Army of th Alps nau Filtered savoy to ia in tne ucicncq of llaliau indcf uiidence agaiust Aus'ria. ThO Mofi'iteur of yesterday publishes a decree granting-a credited of 3,OO0job9 francs fn? war purpose!". . . . j The English 'consul at Venice had retired to Trieste, as upon his declaration that thn Venetian Republic1 would'iibt be iicknow by GreaAlritoin, the mob lore tdown the ar-J inorial insignia from his house, nud he fled for safety. On llie'2llh, Venice state of an archy, and "tin people in general in deep dis tress. i ' ' Franc. - . Tha dtctions in Fiance havo terminated in the success of the moderate party. , It thus Appears that the 31 members for the deputmciil of the Seine may be closed. hs follows: 'Modei'utfi, 25; ultra dumoci at ic, ki'., 4 ; duubtful, 5. There are among thoin 12 e-deputies, 2 journalists, 5 ouvijers or operatives, ! Catholic cleigyman. and i Pro testant clerirvmnlii AmoiiL' the iiiciiiUms elected are three pre-' lali of Vlie 'f'atbolie ciiuil'b. nanuOv, the' AVcnbif-sUp of"raris; for 'Aveyron ; the Bis hop of (iuimper. fori'inisterre; and the bis hop of Orleans, for the' Lozere. Riot of a very 'seiions ii;dure had ! broken out in several' places in roinieciion wild the elections, "lliat at Rouen wasle'uist con- sideiirble. ' (;itiiiiiii:'-. 1 , . j ., ' I he acconiils from tin1 grand dncby of Ha- den, show that some further encounters hail htken place sit Frilling and nlher'pliVce?, he- twei-n the republicans mid the troops of (be Crrmaii confeih-ratV" : but the insurgents appear to have been invariably defeated ami dispersed without much ililjieully. A body of aiio or liiHI peasints, arnu'd with muskets ,js 0i,.(tors to release hi'! . Riots bad af: n taken place at Wiesbaden, the muuirHlpital of the small f)uchy of X; Siin, Vl'bVe'!!tliabit.nnts vie with the baden people in eagerness mid escitability. Tlie Fraiikl'iirter journal, which mentions these riots, does not assign any real or pruteni.ed cause for them. II 1 Vi l .It iii.m. . -n imuiiphuh uh i IlKSSt: liAKMSlAlir. M h;is been a collirion ipelwi'en tlw infantry and ; cavalry, in which tue former iiad threr', and i the latter eleven wonmied. BWiiUiA.-ji-'lliir Uu'vn iif h.tva'ia vaj- ilc ivered of 11 Piinco on theA27llr. n! fii miii'. In Bohemia rfte Gi-rniati (la'j;s has Im'imi lorn ilown-, and the Botcmian are 'saf.1 to '? w nVt-nnVA t? ernan-t Villi expul- N' sioir. I'russin. . 'crt ("f rapture ftaT: seizi-d uiou tf.n usually ?.laiA population of ierlin, fini'itee of tV.e iulelligei'ce uceivei 111 consc nii'llce ot toe iulelligei'ce received ol a ureal ..; . v.' ... V..- i l. ...., i.'.., 1... ,.:!. 1 i lun'l-. i.. .... ...- ........ ed Willi loun acclainalton In" actors and :m- lieuce linl a joining in li. sing -Vas i.l il;fs i i .... ... t-.. i vi i i I "Mll.-ti.CI t illt'll.lllO. I ll-H- llilf illMI DCLMI, i; Hi irium ui t a iiiii-i n. iun ii tin tlie troop.-i btaiioued in li'.e neighborhood of i Pta i. Beporls from i c-scn aic i'" inelaneiii'iiv if - .-.:.. i.'-."U. DCKJII scenes, engagements oeiweeh the landweflr and the military, excesses of 111- populace. ngain.-t llie life anil prope'ly nf the ev? iimi Germans', are tlie order of Hie ilav. fa niaiiv iwirls the f'olili noijles are ..I , .' ' , e.. '. i .- pri-ssi'ii in i;ie utii-imoni nv iiir in nieii p--as eanls; vyKo demand U.e in.mediale fullilmenl in III-; i.iwiiii:' lll.lilir 1U in-'lll 111 Hid !l"'llt 1 ..,,-.... i . Xono . llie Berlin pajier . were' printed ou tit" 2tii, ou account of a general strike iit T rtesides the system U bei omin very un llie Berlin printers and compositors. A tele- j jVipiilai, iii'fi ni.-'hv V ill not parade. Most giapliic despatch or the .Minister on Aner?: lb- Chief President of Ihe Bhetdsh lo province, which likew ise conlain this infor mat ion; adds ti-at jiiielit tiaii-p.iiily at Beiliu reiiiains ijiiiii.l;!ioed: 't'l'e U, tsldi'ci Zi'ti'iug 'has a Idler fiiiid Krolosi-iMu r"f tlie 2'il nil., staling lllui tile I'fiiPiaii Iroojc Hae: f'l '?i delnati,' been vki- leihlv atlaiked ' a moo of sili'emen. (.en; Count I, ihua, willi Utf rilfei-'eii find lo ciiir-' assi-rs! inarched on the 22 d to wards Add uau; where ail onset was made ujon Him y an armed body of Volii tWi iht weib. after five limits" fighl ing, diivqn back upon Iho town ani roshiceiMo taie .m, Count Kohna alkwed them half an hour. -At the end of this time the toesin was sound ed in tho tow'n, tiw toPC silPemeu appeared who reiYuwc'c? tv'e fdtack, hi ' wMch ICt of them were fcilled and ll'e cc'iuit "enr; rein-' forced r'y a company of infantry and a file of Inissars frc'm Oslrowo, eucceei'cd1 hi taking possession' d' tho town: The Prussian troops had only one man killed and and live woiiiij-" ed. iiSiUvtart -paper,- of tho izd, iOltifiS that 10.000 Russian troops foot, horse, ami arlillery--l:lAVo proceeded to tho Pru&ian frontier close to M'yslowiti. Biiksiac, April 23. Tho Clazela Pohka gives the following i'ntellijjence fitirrV War saw : '-A couspinu-y among the military having been discovered here, the officer of the Warsaw jrarrisoh, w vera arrested, have already been tried by court-martial, and four of them' w'ere. ihbt in thb citadel. Through out the kingilbm' of Poland the peasants are said to have been authorised to deliver up their lordcf Die manor to Ihe gendarmes if lliere is the slightest intimation of an intend ed rise. The report of a counter-revolution in Galicia, induced" by a pVrsan in official ca pacity, similar to thai of 184j has aguihlen mooted. It is . not improbable tiiat the!nu. moroiw incendiary fires now' taking place ill several of Uie circles f Galicia may be con nected with' this." . . . i ' Anuria. .The accounts from Vienna, of the 25lh ult.j are occupied with the details of 'lhe4"Ea9tp festivities in that city. VA grand procession by torchlight took place, on the evening o( the 26th, described til almost iliterinimible. There were tiof less than IbOO bearers of tor) cliea. exi'lusiva'of thd rneriibern of the Vocal Society, the'Artists' Association, attd tlie 'na tional guards. The procession wound its way through the tortuous ntreotn of Vienrjfit', . :likes d long lier serpent . '' Thi-' houses were gun-. erally ilhiitiniated.. T. , .... . , , The favoriibld iutellJi'iMicH from Italv, com bitted with the' pacific iipect ofViennn, has abwtdy given a stimulus to business in thn Boithe! of.'ihat city.. . ' , " Accorfliin to accounts from Picsbur th'! unfortunate llebrews resident inhere are the obilt hf truel and luirclentimj lM-isecution Tht'Vlot a'resfh, on'r.aslel Sunday, nssnmi-if MrMiona a character, hat1 it' became neces-j sary fo s -nd toVienna for troops, 21 persons, were killed before order cuulif be restored The new'Wustriau const fill ion was formally, proclaimed on the 25th' nit., ihe'Vaiiperoi'sj birth-day. amid the general rejoicings oT lln pe'rtl.le orYii'linn . THE AMEBIC AIT. sr.N'nrRY. KATljiitAV, MAY 5 , isi". It.'rt. VI ASM)!!, l;rtllor liml I'ruprirtur. K. W. r.MIH. Sim laiibliiie. . K. C iiiiit iV .Tl nml U-vk ?tp'ft,?..rlj.L'Jf:lliiii. i rt'irnliirly Miitlittiz.j(jpnwi;iv" n.iwrti, cj;? js n.;l .uhfriii"iiR lf ilii.mH-i: in i iit. tT UtK KJll'C "hkMOl'W.XTH! NOMINA flo'V. FOIl PKESIOICNT, (j i:x. LEWIS CASS, of Mttlii&iii. ; KOIl VlfK-PltKMItKAj. 'flEK. WW. O. DUTLtR, of Ktntmky. For I 'mint f onim1-lourTt: ISRAEL lAITJ''ti '"'' Y iti'tvorclitud Cofuly ('J 'bytiS':w niii PiiK.-nfj r a'1') Vii'U PirKriiPHXf. iS'e 111) ye Crowded ouC'i'r of articles a'lreudy'in type to ni'ih;-.' iitom for the proceeilingo of thelVnivefition, noniinatinrr (!etl. Cass hiiu (Jen. Bullet, who "I ' 'l' (' ! ' are now tin democi'Mic canilid'u'. s ivi Pic siiient and Vice President. L"' We are indebted to nnr .voting flietld, Henry iJontiel Lsr., fol Imv'i;i ta ken charge of oui editorial columns ditfing out a!fcPi.ce loi several weeks past. ItT" Our thanks are due lo Cien. ('unieton, of the lT. S. Senate, and Messrs. liroadlieiid and Bayly r.f tfie i'l'ttse, for interest inr fb" lic docunienl''. O The rcl'icMi".!');; Aou ers whicu fell tl the eai lv part of the week have been til' gieat benefit to vegetatem". Tlie loiiutiv 'lVj)iiil v Iieaulifill in c'vely liiiect'iotl The grain looks well utiii g v s .lci'A.k' of ' a plenl till hat vest'. en nn:'.-John Labi, a ie-j 1 1 1'lbie '.mi ..ealtl.y fiii'iiiei .ii Tyi-'.'cr ALil'-'Mv'y iw. iihlp, in this coiinlv', cnuiutU'd Suicide by ( I. , i. .... Ii hanging, on r inlay I.uit. lie ar li-oin 1 I I 1 1 I ; I 1 ! t 1 1 ira ill-it uiii- ii- i. .nii ii en- usiei-p, aim was found in 1h morning hanging by the nerk, ninle dead, lie hfil been inelaiiclialy ir - v 1 .. -.- i ' , .. liil n'Hiiehuie and is Mipposerl to have Mieen under the influence of one of these attacks '.Vfion lie committed the act. n" Tei:Ti:vii c'f tlie iiattalion, on S.iturdav last, nassed off vei l- nniellv. I'he . (,aj. WJ ,sctnny flll(. al'1(l tmny (l( ()llr f ' - . i i. .i I riiriiiers reinaineU at rnie: cons-fiuenllv L. - . ..1 . . j f cwnpaniea wen- not wen uiu-d up 0f (,r;s(. wl, ,jo appear, come for the pin" 1, ()f n;w lhp ,, Hdicule.- 'I hey Miccecded admirably this year; for we nevci iiy any thin,; quite as ridieiilous as the evoluiio'iirperforiiK-d in I he-fold that day.' There v.'eie feXver drunken ii-'eti ott (he :1 reels than wo have seen on any similaror caMnn: And we areliapjiy tosay Jhflt there vas not a single fi ;htoi a itisluibance du ring tlie whole day. The jiijin t fi i's'. were the principal attraction. After bc- around at a rapid rate for a ti$ minutes, a man can b-come as essen tially drunk and quite a.i sick ns'an'y rjuan tity oflimirrr t-o'it'ld mrke hint U lite same ttivYe.' 1T7 A communication, descr-ive f.'f r'ur borough and its beautiful scenery, with accompanying reflections, appeared in our piper last Week, which exhibits in the wri ter, talents of no ordinary character', It was wiittcn' by a young laldy of this place, auil1 had we been at home,- we should have noticed it at the time.' OIF" D'Aruiiixes History of thi: Rkkoi:. mation; We have received a number ol copies of this great work, elegantly bound I volumes in 2 and handsomely illustrated with 18 plates: CdNvictio.N . of Langfeldt.' We learn from the Philadelphia papers, that the jury in the case of Charles Langfcldt, .,. u'-' :.i jL. l i- i .k Hoviiijj ureu oui uciiDeraiiug aooui ru ,teen hours, returned into the Court of Oyer and Terminer, yesterday morning, at i o'clotk, and rendered a verdict of guilty of the murder pf Mrs. Catharine Rademacher, in the Fint Dtgrit: MINE II ILL RAIL ROAD EXTEXSIOX. , t We were pleased to learn a few weeks since, that the Mine Mill Rail Road Co., had procured the services of Solomon W. Roberts Esq., to survey and locate the ex tension of Iheir road, from its. present ter mination, at Coal Castle, to'Shambkih. .The company have been fortunate in obtaining the services of Mr. Roberts, 4who ranks high, not only as an Engineer, but as a man, whose opinions have grat 'weig'ht among the capitalists and'others'favorable to Trfiis improve'lherft. We mVt'v!th Mr. RobV-rts at Philsldifphia-nbcnit' ten tlrys since, "wHo iiifSimed Iw' fliat' he'W'ns !nfn oiganizingp corps, whil'lrwould b ready in a few days to commence operat ion's. His object, ' will bp, to locate a road to accoinmodeli 't'he coal trade of fh;r!ne coal region, fhrwiigh which a greater portion of the road will pass, and make a thoroughfare that will ac commodate the travel and trade .of the vpl- ley of the Susquehanna. fr. Koberls is not, of course, able to five a derided rpin ion in regard to 'tlie. feasibility 6f Until a route, butroYn vio'Miglit observid ions' that he has made, lie thinks' it practicable, hud if so, he snvs there can be no doubt in regard to its success mid its value as'a soujee t,f profit to IheVtockholdei From t'oai Cas tle, the present termination of 'the J"t1ino Hil!'roid,to Ashfand'is about twelve miles. This t(vn, vhicr.i'ha.s but' recently sprung into existence, - is aheaiiy beginning to as sume the form iif'i! village, and Judginp; from ' the excellent Coiil veins opened, it bids fair to become an impoilant business place. From Cord Castle to the, .summit . of the Broad Ai. anilaiii, is about 8 or 9 miles.- 'Iho tiescent, on the North side of the Mountain, "will most ptol'i'ibly be.erti-cled by an inclined p'ane. After ) tlie Broad Mountain, trio rreat difnculties tliiit supeiyemv bef een the tisfjuejiiiiina and Schuylkill, will have been pn mounted ami 'it. . i .l . . r .i ' 1 . t -i V " ' uie oaiance oi me loan in tiamouin can im? i ' .'i ' - . " '. iiuuie itiiont much trouble. This road is (lestinetl to become one of tin most impor tant in the State. The Coal tiade alone would niake it highly profit iible, indepen dent of tlie imrr.eirie ttade from (he Susrme hatina thatt would seek the Philadelphia ma' kef, Id air' ea onV, ' through this nef. C.( r.i; f . Tlioo 'celebrated vocalists, the Kddvfamilv. rave a concert here o't c..i I....' ..:.. ' i ..... mm ..." .. .iiuiiiiiv ei-niiej; i.isi. l licv King ci well. Tlieii execution was, however, soiii'.' what deficient in that expression whlcf the nai-e of the composition tht'V Vifonn ed demanded. DE.MfkATC .Salioiial C5Siciiloi, . 1?ai.tiM(');i:' Mav . ISW. .-.I l (i cIiii-k, on. ioifi'Vl .en uven. ii met at the Cuivei'salf-I '. lm -., , .. " - V. . .. . , .Judge Brice nf T.-i', - called e tl.e chair. I andS.uuiK-l Tii-itl of Mo' app ijnle" .. ecretary. j Alter a prayer I'y 'tV.e Be v. ) heo. Fili. ami ' considerable discm-Him by ll'e i-iembers a I committee nf ei'ie I'm- "Cli K'ali' was ap- (rnnied Jo ev imiiie credentials. On motion ol Air iVaer of l'eiina a ciiiiiniillee of one j Iioni r.ii i. . wu apiKiiuted lo .vlect o(li I r ' . J ' ' . - .if . . ;i j cers lot It e jri iiiilifit oi'-an.lalioil nt :.: loineiiliou ; I li" ci .:"ti . rep irted Andrew "J;te- ep.-. .' "i 'f a , I te.-i-leiit, and V ice-1 'resi.ent. In, m ea. I .'-late and sun dry secretaries'. . 5.K T 11 1? t C . V I "N I 1 1 k . - l!N ioriiill -.lnil. Pam imork. Mav 2X if IS. ) 'Mm. e'eleckV. ' l he (. on . ciit iii 'met -i nine o'clock Ibis morning. There was a full attendance nf detegatt;- -tlie g'i'ei ies of lite ct'iireli len's-dv crowded w ill! viiei-tators'. l i . . . . 'i -I An . l i ice. Cli;iirmaii f' Ii ir.. called the Coiiveutioii lo order and announced the Hon. ! Audiew S"enson of Va.. as 1'iesident of l!e t'ii-'-entioii; A'r. Ste'en 'in! before taking ' his f'eal, rein-nei' 'Xhauks for lli-i honor con- j ferred upon Tim' nth! in the course of liis ! brief adi!ress, dwell upon tlie necessity of j harmony 'fen-, aiiil Vuinii in the coining elec- j lion, ii". n ih'ty ifiey :-"im te themselves, their country and t'ieii (!od j .'TI-:,. Ih'v' A'r' Vlriv.ier .'r i'V- Pivs'liyteiiaii d-Mioui!ualii;u, r d iiji a a prayer! j The thanks of ihe Convention wi re voted lo Judge Brice, -Chairman pro Ion. Mr. Cone, of (icnrgia, oll'eied a resolution I lo Ihe cllecl that each member by retaining a s-at in the C inventinii pledges himself to suppirt th'J nominee and lo use nUKnfiKrT-le menrV tc'iVcrVc tl'efr WiK-'tio''!.' Mr. 'Vaneey. ol Alabama, thought that thn resolution would not reach th New Vork ork delegates when admitted, and moved to lay the resolution on 1 he table.' flerconsidem'-lei'er-ate, Alr 'Cono offer ed a substitute,' reouiring iho decision- reipiiring iho decision-' c'f (piest-c'us of Slates, each State lo be allowed the full electoral vole, wit! out ieaid to the number of delegate rent by any one Slate. The substitute of Mr. Cono f a-' debated at length, and liually adopted. Oil motion of tha -Massachusetts delega tion, a resolution was offered lo adopt the fines governing business of tho Convoiuioii of 1X14. Mr., f, Louisiana, moved' -1o (-nvit thn two-third rule Mr.' Solont'ennf Alabama, wasanvious'tlait New Vork should vote upon tluscjueslion.' Mr. Yancey was opposed to deviating from old usuages. To adhere to them was more desirable than any reference to New York whether the Empire State sustained or aban ikoned the democratic cause. But of the lat ter contingency he liad no fears. New York would remain true to democracy. (Great cheering.) Mr. Morse thought tiiat, if Iho democratic rule, as established iu 1841, should throw o verboard the first men in the oountry, aud take up some outsider," then farewell to democracy." (Loud and prolonged cheeiiiig ) Mr. Bowden, of Alabama, spoke enthusias tically of Mr. Polk's administration, and in opposition to Mr. Morse's remarks., 11a was much cheered. ', . , ' .J V, 'Mr. Hamlin, of Maine, favored the two- third rule, and denounced the term '''outsi ders." . ;' , . Mr. Yancey could not ' believe (hut.Ir. Morse had intended any disrespect lo Mr. Polk. ... . Mr. Morse made what was deemed a Bat-- isfactory explanation. j '" Mr. Thompson, of New Jersey,'. said that he had no political preferences. ; He knew no 'outsiders.1' Whoever the Convention should nominate, .would command the respect add support of the 'whole democrat ic, party. tho fWthird rule was a party principle. It bad worked well. .. .. A'Trrrlllc sU'riir. Pimding'.Viuher deMe some sounds inili cvited that the gnlleries'were giving waj! 'A territie-scene ensued. Hundreds of peo ple were escaping in perilous'hiodes, add hll below was teri fide' confusion. Orili-r coiiiif not 1e restored, and n recess for half an hour was-taken U was found that no pci son was seriously injured. . !Thc'gl,clf'voro louiid to have given way in soveial 'places a similar .occurrence took place at this ( (invention ol 1M. Ei'lnlnn Ihr nnrnbiirnrrsl. TllRKB (VrwiCK, I. M. "ilin Committee on" Credentials met last niirht iiimiii tlje claim:! of the rival Nifw York delegate:'. -The Barnburners refused to give pledges nud retired. , The Committo,e thereuji(;u concluded toe chijde them, and b'lviug only the credentials of lW.Old Hunker 'delegates, to recommend tlieir admis: ion to Ate Convention. It is uncertain when the Commilte will re port . AF.TKRNOOX.SKSSION. . Hai.f-I'ast . Twki.vk O'Ci.ock. The Convention, ic-assenililed the galle ries clear of spectators. The ordinary rules adopted. J'n tue rjnestion of the two-third rule recurring " tieneral Howard, of Maryland, desired to make a report from the Committee on ( Cre dentials, to the ell'eet that the delegate.; Iioni New York be permitted to vote thereon This gave rise to an aiiiiuated .linens' ion. Air. Aleadiv ol'Vitliiniji. desired lo know jf Ihe rule he adopted, woollier the delegates from New York .could not move a reconsider- itmu Wli'Mi admilleil. . ... , ,The CJiaii decided ill i the sitlirmative. (Jen, liov iud llien ii'ioved to lav Ihe whole mutter on ' 'tlje ''table, to enable him to repori I n'sr;'vli"- '"' two sets of delegates trout ... I New Vork, The Cleik proeee-led to call the Stales. Peunsvlvaiiia being called, A!r. AlcCand jess iuiswered -(' ,ArV':lVv''.V-, M''-1'- lil Jer'.i -iiieu ,th.' vote; but 'Mr. Mi-l'aniile;,-'. repot l"v, as. ret ciied. , Mr. B. F. 1 billet, of Massachusetts" ifere..i a resolution, giving the single delegate pre sent from South Carolina, the right to vole, but forbidding his his casting the Slate's full vole he vote so far. standing 101 lo 101. A d"bite arose which ended in laying tic" resolution on the table. den. llownrirr tui'-k,,. "Mtl-ei1 IV a vote of 121 to H". Th" ipii'sl'iiin tli-Jii rooming upon the tw o- third rule, it was adopted by a v.ite of 175 aveslo S iioef, us lollows Ayes. It) Nay.- AlassachuselH vermovt I lilciile Isl I.iiiii eniiM Ivania Delaware Alarylaiil lud'iut'j Mi ssi i nii Maine Wisiym.-in New Hainp4iiiu Conueclii'Ut New-Jersey irgiiiia North Cin-liu.i South Carolina Georgia t'ioi ida . - i i.labaiiin . . e. AliSfissipi Louisiana Ti'.xas Aikausis Teiiuess! Kentucky llliuon Michigan Iowa 23 i 'i t 0 4 0 () 0 (I c; (! o n q i (i 0 M . ii o 0 78 T I t (i li 7 V !1 ii 10 1 ,:t J "A J a A 175 7X 1 f- i Iwo-lhiid ruh-j 07 ( 'vKNli SKSSION. Ftvi-:()"ClocK lwai,', frolu ,1,,. Committee ou Cre- ,tmtM muU. u ri.F., ia ,ho form of rt,slt. ! i(ms ,t.t,lnriM1, tiiat the comuiitleo had re- I f.,si.,l tneu 1ricuisi on threo rmeslin-is .11. j vidimjlh'o two New Yoik dele-'ations, until ...... - ' both' sets had given pleilges to support the nominees of Ihe Convention.' He read a state ment from the Harubumers. declining to make pledges, as it wasuu injurious icllcctioii upon them. (fen. rlmviird al'si read a statement fioni the Old Hunker delegates asserting t,:'eir right to seals, 'aeconiafiie'd with a pledge to support tl.e nominees of the'Couveiilion. The Coiiiuiiye rejwrled in favor of admit ting the Old Htiukeis to seats iit the Conven tion. It was suggested thai both sets of delegates should be heard. Mr. Cambreleng, on the part of the barn burners, saidtluil they had not presented their credentials to the Committee, bee-.mse it was understood they had determined not to act upon the issue -Between' ifiem.' He was ready to submit the credentials to the Convention. .-,.-. -; Governor Toucey, of Connecticut, spoke gainst aaking ploilges from these delegate the Committee refusing o investigate the Barnburners credentials mail so pledged. He considered it uujual, uo other delegates hav. ing been compelled to do so. h was due to the delegates themselves, nml to the demo cracy of New York, .lliat tho whole tilhur should be investigated Ho theroforc moved 1 . i. ii. l i ia recommu mo jeporr. r :Mr. JCayley. of Virginia, said that t)ie com- mittee'w.ere, anptious that the two, delegations should settle their differences.' The commit- tee had not seen ihe Barnburners' creden tial)). He thought that the, the conventions should act on 'tho'nuesliou at once, as sever al delegates were anxious to put an end to the discussion. The previous question was called amid much confusion, and a desire was generally expressed to hoar the New York dijlegates. The previous question on committees re port was negatived- Mr. Yancey csonteildi'd warmly in favor of hearing both sides. Mr. Foreman, of Georgia, made a pjtsnuu allusion to Mr. ancrv, and amid-t great con-' fusion was prevailed upon lo take h in' scut. Mr. Kedirgetyof" V irginia,- spoke w it h much .warmth against the refusal on the pait of lie' Barnburners' lo give plod-res. Mr. IJriuht, of Indiana, moved to lay the w hole matter on Ihe table. , " Mr. Dickinson, of .New York, commenced speaking, when Mr. Butler, of Ma-nchusetts doubtiijg his right ,80 to ii as one of the disputttd ilelegaU-s, lie was slopped. Air. Blight's motion, to lay the whole mat ter on the table, liually prevailed. A resolution was then adopted, allowing both sets of deli-jiles from New York to be heard in Convention. ;, At seven o'clock, the Coitvenli' a adjourn ed lo meet to-motnnv, tit irtnntr, iit 'nine o' clock. ' TH!!II DAY Of Till: tllM KMION. Br.nMoitr., 'May 21, i'?. Air. Bongs of X. Carolina, submitted a pl umbic and resolution, to the cllcct That both sets of delegates be admitted to seals in Ibis Convention, and both be entitled lo vote on all ipicstious, nt the wih of the mover. . . . ; i The order of the d.iv w as calied 'aml Air lioirirs prcamMc and resolutu u were laid on f:i tat le: for Ihe 'present. .'lleo-.'crrfth Viy vas on -the resolution to ,aliuv.- two fu n. fuel. ( f li e oni oshiir New opposin ork Delegations to lie Heard lielore uie l on- ; volition in defence of their respective clai : each speech lo be limited to one hour, I The resolution '( avhig 1 eei) ii ldrteV Senator I ickinson, on behalf of ihe ;-(). ..... .. 1, linkers, ascended llie plaltoim and open ' ei! lie d isem-sino. lie eoinnieliced livadver lingto the tiecessilv and utilit yof strtel part oi iiiizalion, and asserted that Ihe delegation j Vt lt: 'A Inch he was associaled rcpriisi tited j the regularly organized D mocmcy of New- York. They had been charged with degra ding themselves bv submitting to a test in Ihe extraction nf a plod-re Vf lore their par ticular claims w:ere aete'd tpwiiibut he would 1 1 i 1 lo (hni i a,t all iiei.notral j mighf even be so ih'-rii('eii, by submitling to mi h test (. It was Ieiniic.atic and con tit tjoiNd to exact "fc-'ch pledges, and all Jiemoi lalic i 1 1 - eon t;t(i'.!ori al usage and precedent were in favor of the course I hey had pursued. The allotted hour expired, when lb" speak er had not concluded his argument. He was followed bv Mr. J.i". r. J . 0. . Ninth- til aiLiocac, .,1 il... ll -iki- : meror "B.iiid'iiniei ' deie" Ucs. lie asserteil lliat the first cause of divivon in ihe jvirtv was I tin cllcct ol tlie lluiikcis to secure and j retain all thn nllices at Ihe expen'-'e and lo ! the deti imenl.of the credit of the State Those with whom he was politically associa ted had burned the barn to drive these rats from ihe public giauan, iu)l hence their ni'ii:-'. "11 .-; Uiuikers hnnkered after olliee. and hence leeir ii.uue. , , , , Air. S. net nlludeu to, the. remaiK of Air. X'iekinsoii, Ih it he.coiisideied it no degrada liou to submit lo I ho. test exacted from iheni by the Coimuiltee on Credenlals ; he(Mr.S.) douliti-d if Air. D. had sullicient moral sens to discern what the degradation was. (Hisses mid iheers.) Air. Poster followed ou behalf of the '1 huik ers," and was replied lo by Preston Jk'ing. Preston -King avowed f Vl-iinselfamt'tliose he represented, thai they were iiucnniprc.mi singly opp-iseil lo tl.o extention of slavivy iu new stales nud iii territory 'hereafter, to jo ae-piired. The Pemocracy of Ohio had by solemn resolution occupied Ihe same. ground, and if they (lite "Bariiburui-rsj') were exclu ded fni.-ii the Conveiitieii on .tiiat ground a lone. tlieu- would be an enil of Hie D.-mo-Cjalie jiarly, it, w-ouM f;o ilisUinded. The Dcuiociacy i f ew Voik w 9: id never submit lliat the party should be made Ihe carrier of slavery throughout ihe land. The Wilmnt proviso was taken from the far famed ordi nance of lie- D.-moeratio faith Democracy was the samo when il was first w ritten and in IS 17 and that Proviso must aud shall be sus'aiued, whatever may be the decision of Tl'e'ori'-eutien as to the 'rigfits V-f 'dcle-rutcs to scuts hen;! . . , He repudiated, for iho democracy of New York, a submission to auv dishonorable tests of tlieir political faith but they would carry out thoso political principles long recognized as genuine to the faith of the democratic par ly. . , Air. Kimr spoke but a few minute's, but his remarks were the cause" of in tch excitement iu the Con .cut ion. . , , . j . After a cm -idem Me discussion by Air. Cam-breli-n' and otl-crs, an ailjourumciit was car ried. Iu tho evening, the Convention re-assemble, and after a warm debate, Mi. Tiiruey ol Teniiesse renewed iho call for Iho previous (piestiou (lo admit both sels of delegates) which was sustained by Iho cloio -vole of Ayes 126; Noos 123. THis Irhet filial and tho next vote wilnen the resolution as amended.' The Convention then adjourned. 'Lieut. Goff, of the Wyoming Artillerists, son of the late Sheriff and Representative of Luzerne, has been brutally murdered in Mex ico by a Cupt. Foster, of a Georgia company. They had a slight difficulty, w hich was sup posed to have been settled, but a few days after iu meeting iu a street in Perote, the de. ceased was fatally assaulted by slabbing Foster is to be tried at Puvbki. Posteci'ipt. Gen Cass nominated forHlioVrcVulcncy. (Icn. Win. (. IJiulcr, for Vice "Presi'tlenl. t'OI RTH DAY OF THECOXVfcSTIO Baitimorp, May 25, IfttH. i ; ! j .' '2, o'clock, P. M, , The amended reMjhitiou lo admit both set- ef delegates from New York was carried bj a vote 130 to 120. Air. Dickinson one of the Hiuikefdnleaates from New Ymk rose add neiid.a protest a gainst the a-hmVsion of tlic.Barnburners. Mr. Il'iiiiipg.iu oHere l a resoliifS,m i n.. i(l!ecl. that Ihe HnliVer c'elerales were euli- lieu ic seals- mm (IM (, .. 1 1 , . , J 1MIJ U1 :..-ton... Air. Canibrcleng oblain..,! l..v.. for the Barnburners to retiro for consultaii 'r 'granted. On motion of Air. Titrrr--i.'tomm.i.,.,,- Hon was read from President Polk, decliuin-r iK-uig coii-ue-ed a candidate. in n voiiimtioxh. A flcj some talking, the motion to noiniii. ate liually prevailed, when Air. AlcCaudless, of Peimsj lvaiiia, uomiiia li'd Jiimes Biich:iuan. Jiufpe Ellis, nf 'Mississippi, m ,id hiiiti'tl I e'wis Cass. Air. Hamlin, of Maine, nominated Levi Woodbury. A motion was here made for a short Lost. TIIICII AI.I.OTIXO. . The exi-ili-mejit imy ibecsuimi extreme, when it beiiime n.ipant that tne next step would be to ballot for tlie nominations first made. Tho President of Iho Convention now an nounced that a ballot would be taken for a nominiv for the Presidency. The Stales being called in order, the vote stool as follows: 'VI UST BALLOT. l a s .- I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 ; 1 1 1 Woo, 1 bur v Pallas ' Calhoun Worth : !( TI w hole vote neces.-taiy toa choice, I OS. I Ii deleirates from Florida excused from vol in-r. The delegates from New Yoik H"t vo'imr.J . ', , SI'.CONP BALLOT. ' Cass jrci Woodbury Huclianaii 5 Worlh Dallas - ,.3 JXecessary to choice, lot. New York hot voiiu-.', Florida not votimr. THIRD BALLOT. Cass l.Mi Woodbury ,V! UiK'li iiiau 4 Worth ' '"''.' 5 Necessary to a choice, lOS. iNew York not votiiejr. Florida not volliimr FOCHTII B I I OT l Cass . nn Woodbury ;jv Buchanan -;t Worlh ;j Butler ' t Xeeosary lo a choice lie. ew Voik not voting Lnwis Cass having n-eeived 1 7 f (170 r. iu a two-thii-l vote.) he was declared to' -duly nominated as iho democratic candidate, for the Presidency. ,, Asjsnou a tl excitement had iu a mea (lii-d away - , Mr AlcCaudless, of Pennsylvania, rose and addressed the Coiiveutioii in an animated manner. He spoko of the necessity of union and harmony, aud of the duty of every good Democrat to forget all past dillerences. . ' The Slates were then called upon in order,' for the purpose of procuring a unanimous n.,. initiation. At this moment, the New York delegates returning, Air. James Smith, iu behalf of Ihe, Barnburners, read a statement, protesting iu the strongest language against aliciunpromi-. ses; and ut tho sumo time declining to take, seals iu the Convention with the Hunkers on tho ground that they had an exclusive -right lo the seats iu dispute. . ;, Tending ihe motion to enter the protesl on, the journal of thn Convention, amotion to adj-i) in-till 5 o'clock prevailed. EVENING SESSION. Air. rorcman of Ga., otfered a resolution stating that the Barnburners had retired, and askii ig permission lliat (he Hunkers bo jx-r-miitcd to cast tho electoral vote of the state, and that the Convention repudiate tho Wil. mot Proviso. . , This crcnte.' ryee'eral confusion; resolution withdrawn , ... Mr. Vilas, of Vt., moved lo proceed toelecl( a Candidate for Vice President of Ihe Puitee Stales, w hich was agreed lo. ,. The following uniniuatinru t ie I lien made Gen W.. O. Butler, of Kentucky ; Gen tinilman, of Mississippi; Benjamin' C How ard, of Maryland ; John V. Al; ittou, of ir. giuia ; -James J .McCoy, of North Carolina; and W. K. King, of Alabama. Mr. Howard withdrew his nanjo. .. Mr. Dickinson, one of the Hunker's, ad dressed the Convention, while the house re Miiiiuled with cheers and hisses. ThS Convention then jweeeih'Ja to ballot for Vico PrcHkdttct, aud ml iho 'irt ballot, General Poller, had 1. voles, Gen. Quitman, 75, John Y Alasou 51, Janws J. M'Coy 13, Wm. R. King 23, Jefferson Davis I. There being no choice, a second ballot was onlered, when General, William O. Bitlkk received a.uuaniirioii vole. When the result was announced lo the Con vention, the House resounded wilh cheers. The Coiiveutioii adjourned until 9 o'clttci! to-morrow (next) morning True, Modesty is on this, account tp, beau tifulj'becouse it announces the wijiremacy of the.iiiea ol' perfection in tin- mind and at the same time given truth arid sin crity the victory over force and vani'v.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers