Sunbury American. (Sunbury, Pa.) 1848-1879, April 08, 1848, Image 1

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A M l". B T ifi A :
ti i tin ii it ii it ii 11 j 11 i
"Till! AMERICAN 1 pnl.lWied every &ituniy at TWO
DOLLAHS per annum t le paid hull yearly In advanru.
Mpipaper diacmtinucd nmil all arrenmiri- are pniil.
Aii communimttlnna iir Icttern on btifinera relating to the
office, In Uuure altentinn, main lie POST I'AID.
Three copica to one addrcaa, 8', 00
ievcn lo Io 10 no
Fifteen Do Do auiio
; F ive dnllara in advance will pay for three year", mbacrip
'tion 10 the American.
- One Square of 1(1 line, 3 time.,
' Every aubacqncnl him-rlion,
One Square, 3 mouiha,
Ono year,
tusinca Card, of Five line, per anmim,
Mcrchanta and other., arivcrtndns; by the
year, with the privilege of inserting dif
ferent advertiacmenta weekly.
tS" Larger Advertisement, a. per agreement.
f 100
3 00
DuslnMia eitetideil In in ihe Cotintin of Nor
ttburrlrlanJ, Union, Lycoming and I'oltwiibia,
Refer toi
P. & A. Fnviil'nT,
I.nwin & Uinnn-v,
tonii) & SnnnoRAia, l'htlutl.
Krtholiis, McKiiLiri A Co
8f smo, O0011 Co.,
fJeorjfe J. Weaver,
No. 13 North Water Street. Vhiladclphia.
WW A 3 ronatanlly on hanJ. general nssiri
?H ment of Cordage, Seine. Tinca. etc., iz :
Tar'il Rope, Fishing Ronaa, While Uoioj,
la Ko(8, 'Cow liinm for O-itial H m. AN-m
complete aaaortineiit of Seine Twine. An. nurli -llemp
Hliart ami Herring Twine, Bei I'at.-nt M
Net Twine, Cotton 8h,l anil Hcriinn Twit e, Sh i, Ac. Ac Al, Hml Conl. Plouih Line.
H aliens Trace.. Cotton ml t.itieu C irtwt l3h iii.
Ac, all of trhii'h ho will i!iiiw "f on rMrn ih'e
tel mo.
I'bilntlelphia. Novembci 13, l-!7. ly
C2 S2S sr co
ro i
Wrlglit'N Indian Vegetable rills.
Henry Moirr. Sunhny.
E. A J. Kiuffinm, Angnsti l'iwnhi.
lohn H. Vine til, Chillisquaqui).
Knae A Betgntiefser. F.lyluig.
Kamiiel Hrb. Little Mi'mn.iy,
Willwrn Depp-n. Jack -n.
Irelinil anJ Haynra. Mi Bwi n-vill,-,
William Heimn A Brother,
I'or.ylhf, Wilaon A Co., Noiltiuin'.ieil 111 1
.lame Rfed, Pnlt.irrnve.
O. W. 8cott. It.lfhville.
W, A R Fi'Ri-lv.
flhmle. A Farrow Snyileratown.
A mo. T, Bi'iaeK, Tiirlmiav iPe'e Hnl.hue, Upper Mah in iy,
J- hn O. l!iiin. ilo d 1.
E. Ii Pi;'. Watmntown.
Whole"e, ! the ollico aril pener .1 i', lf 'J
llace PhiUilelpliia. l) e, IH. IS 17. ly
Watclies .Jewclivfy
full Jewelled Coll Levers r f 10, Wnn.Mtid
No. 846, Market strett. PHILA DEl.l'.'tlA,
HAS eonallint'jr on h:lml a Inrue ii.orinii'iil ,.(
Gold and Hilver Watch, a, uX the f.illd 1 i g
low price.
Full JewelleJ Gold L- r f 10 On
Sitter d.i ?l (Ml
Gold !.rpin., full Jewelled, 3d 00
Silver l.epine, 13 Oil
Silver CJunliiMii, 00 nn,t HI 00
With l.rje a.anrlment nf Fur. J kwki.lkh t
uch a. ear ring,, finger ting hr 1st pina, bran
tela gulil and ailver ponrili, cold chain. Ac. H i.
lao on hand acomplt-le af.nit.iienl Imnetle. iatcni
nd plain Watch clasaen, M 1111 Springs Vcrg. s.
Dial, ami Hnd. of e't-ry ilrscription ; and in l et,
complete a,.nrtm -nl i f Wntchmlo a' In il. nn l
Watch Material', to which he w uM call iho at
tention of the country ir n'o in geon il.
5j Tbn.e wihing miyihinit in (lm a''0i! I'na.
would find it In ihrir adviniaje tun I anJ ext.
nine hi. alock bifoie purc,ia,ing rl.'where.
No. 316 Harki'l ftr.ei, below 8h,
Ph ladelphia, 8. pt25, 1847. 6m
THE CHALLENGE We have ol .erv d ve.
ty patiently for year pi.l the fi vcre I at
tempi, hy aoma of our f'aterni y 1 1 forco a r pu
taiion which ihrir 1 mfe.i-1 -nal tkill alone mu-l M
(ogive (hem. And we would rominiiR our tilnn
ihai rvnl'on, linger it e coni msne.. of an nnh .
atered merit, were it not mora than pol.iMs that
thia .pecie f fanhronaile mny iliveil iIih p'.ili'ic
eye a eindul ei iinnnnti. n into the meriia nf
the muliiiud-of in Ihe D:ii;iierie in nrt.
W would .an mirit .irk an h.ii" e pul liri
ty.and iheieliy win lm it If enlilen npinioi a; hut
a di pii-e that mix ruble chicanery ly India
mere pretence gain an ovmimi over einnine
wnila, Il ia to make 'hi. v ulting over
lenp ilnelf or withdraw i'. .purinna claio a. Ihal we
now i' fancird arruiilv by thiowing
the g'nve f"i an honnrali e tr.i of .kill. Our a'gi'
i $."00 that the average of a s'nen numbi r of .In
guerrrolyne. eieruidal Iht I) iguerre 111 flulli iy
of M P. 8IMONS. 179 Chrenut .inet. xill nhi.
Iiilaareiler amount nf prrf.ction in l ie an than
nv aimilar averace number lr 111 :i 1 y o'h r g ille
yy in the Unil'd S ale. Thia i-i no idle bo . I
we mean what we aay. Wh are di-ii"UMl at ihn
public .hou'd givt' thrir patroiiage to mi'iil not
We a k inve.liealinn, free, rieid. imnarti ! in.
ligation. Vt have lhron ihi- glove. Wo
will prk itnp! M. P KIOS.
179 Cheai ul oppoa'fe 8. ate Home, Philad.
N. U. Il will l underir d bv our connliy
friend, thai ihe almve cballrnge ha never yel
i'em accepted, and we al.o wi.h it umlect oil,
that a did not intend to m ike by ihia wuger, hi
we have already rpr. a id our i lention "o appro,
priaia the uriie to aome chiritabla pnrw.e. .
Philadelphia, Feb. 19, 1818 3 n.
Another Farm
THE bir of John Toeum.dee'd . (T-i fir aale
II thai Farm of Iheira aiiuaie in Sham kin
townahlp, No.lliuniberUnd county, mar MnulU
town, and adjoining Ihe old Hiamhach aland in
Mid lewnahip, containing about two hundred si re.
mora or lea, in good of cultivation. Tho
Rail Road from Blumokint.iwn pane,
tbrougb it. For pailicul ir. enquiie of
HUGH H. TEATS. SnurT.o.n.
.JOHN FA RNS WORTH. B.ii.bu.y,
Dee.. 1 1, 1847. 01 any nf the hen..
GREAT BARGAINS may yet l a ha. I l Pi a
' Bt'aHTuai. Ha 'i! h a a larje (.-a rtmeiii
el Good., whicb ha will aril at cut. B. ioa dr.
tarminad to die nlmua the kuiniu, h will aell
eery low. A aaving ,,f 85 or 80 per rem. can I
ajada by ptl'ehaaing at hu at ore. Call and eiatn
in fur youiMlvau. j- All kinJ uf eournry ,,ra
due taken, at lbebgbeal roaiket prira.
eunhu'V, Deceuibtr Itli, I HI V if ,
a JFamHg fictospaptr-tortotrt to floimcs, aftcrauut, wraing, jrxretfln mill Omntk iictos,
"Knw, (hen, the truth of eivernment divine,
Ami let these acmplt'B be lij I irigcr lliine.'
In one of the retired streets of a popu
lous country town, livrd a young linen
weaver, of an upright and pious character,
but exceedingly poor. Himself and his af
fectionate partner were dial i'.!ruis1ird in the
place for their extraordinary piety. Often,
lor werks together, in the mid, t of thrir
arduous labor, they had nothing to eat but
potatoes and salt. They ardently loved
each other and were cheerful and hpppy.
Whoever visited this worthy couple, was
delighted with their agreeable society;
many gladly partook of their humble far?,
on purpose to enjoy their sweet, religious
Once on a fine summer evening, a well
dressed man called at the door of their hum
ble coltaje, who, afler an allxtionate salu
tation, informed the young weaver that he
was travelling to a distant village, but had
missed his way, and that if he would he
kind enough. to accompany him a mile or
two, he would compensate him for his trou
ble. The weaver sprang from h'13 s at
and putting on his well-worn but decently
patched garment, undertook to guide the
stranger in his way. They discoursed 0:1
various matters, entertaiiii.ig each other,
and continued, until it began to grow dark,
when suddenly the s'.ranri r drew a whistle
from his pocket, and sounded it to loud,
that it S 'nt a cold shudder thr nHi tlie
frame of the linen wcart r. In an instant,
ten stout, terrible looking men leaped from
an adjoining hedge, and entered i:Uo ear
nest conversation with the stranger, who
appeared to be their chief, respecting the
robbery of a neighboring mill. The cap
tain of the band introduced the linen wea
ver to them, as a newly-favored comrade,
not yet inured to their business. The un
happy man fell on his knees, and b '
with most earnest entreaty to be released ;
but the robber held a pistol to his breast,
threatening him with instant death if he
refused to comply whereupon two of the
stoutest took hold of his arms and walked
away with him. They arrived at the mill
about midnight, and broke it open, while
the captain, in company with several ro'
bers, remained at a distance to watch. Kul
they had been tracked : tho measure of
their iniquity was now full. Tha captain
and some of the robbers, together with the
linen weaver, were apprehended am! im-
pri.-onod, lint 1 hr i ...f rsc."trcd.
Meantime the wife of the weaver began
to be alarmed and distressed; her he.iband
remained out, and when she found that he
did not return in the morning, her distress
of mind became overwelming. Her kind
neighbors went ins"arch of him, but could
hear no tidings. About evening the news
arrived that th? mill had been robbed, and
the wi aver apprehended with the robbers.
Hit distress now arose to its height. She
left her children in the care of a neighbor,
and proceeded with all possible haste to the
prison. She applied to a magistrate, and
gave him as circumstantial an account of
the matter as she knew how, while 0:1 hi r
bended knees she begged and implored his
aid for the liberation of hi r iinfortuv.ate
husband. Tho magistrate, who fi II a deep
sympathy for the unfortunate woman, could
do nothing in behalf of her husband, though
he gave her permission to see him.
The mectini which took place was in
describable. They raised together their
imploring hands, to the Judge'of the inno
cent. The weaver encouraged his wife to
maintain unshaken confidence in God, who,
he assured her, would never abandon them
in the extremity of their trial. They pir
ted, mutually strengthened, and humbly
resolved to plead with God for a happy is
sue. The government, in consequence of the
frequent robberies that had recently follow
ed in quick succession, was obliged to en
force tha law with rigor ; the poor weaver,
therefore, had no reason to hope for a dis
pensation in his favor, especially as he had
been apprehended in company with the
robbers. But a still worse feature in his
case, was the dreadful (act, that the can
tain of the band had concerted a plan wiih
his fellows to bring the weaver to the scaf
fold, let the cons?quence be what thrv
might. On trial, thy all affirmed that the
weaver had been with them on other cxp -ditions,
naming the times, places, and cir
cumstances. When the weaver pleaded
his innocence, they wi r so darin as to
look hira in the face, and ask himif he
were not afraid, in the pr?sence of Go:!, to
utter such falsehoods. Thus matters went
from one court to another, the poor wea
ver having no advocate but his unavailing
At length the trial was concluded, and
all wer condemned to die. It was deci
ded that the linen weaver should be hanged
first; and the rest, after witnessing his i-x.
cution, were to undergo the same sentence,
only with this difference, that their bodies
were to be quartered. The verdict had
been signed by the prince, and the execu
tion was to take place within three days.
A deep and universal sympathy was exci
ted in behalf of the weaver every one re
garded him as innocent. The clergyman
of the place, who well knew his innocence,
administered all the consolation in his pow
er, to support him in the trying crisis. The
pious man summoned all his strength, and
committed his wife and children to his hea
venly Father. His wife cried incessantly
uu lervemiy 10 me all JMURCiri'L lor de
liverance. The day previous to his execu
tion, she appeared the piteous object of dis
tress Ix-fore the gate of the prince's man.
sion, desiring an audience. It providen
tially happened that while at dinner, the
history of a poor father of a family was re
lated, who had hoen executed innocently.
This gave occasion to speak of the linen
weaver ; and when her request for an au
dience was presented, it was cheerfully
granted. Her respectable and preposses
sing appearance, in addition to her deep
distress, spoke so loud a language, that the
cheeks of the princess were covered with
tears. She conducted her to the prince,
who was so much affected, that he instantly
despatched a messenger with his pardon.
And it was now time for it was evening,
and the next day at nine o'clock, the wea
ver was to be led to execution. The mes-sen-rt
r had ten leagues to travel.
The princeys ordered refreshments for
the weaver's wife, and after she had parta
ken, she hastened with all possible speed to
the place of execution, impelled with
heartfelt joy and gratitude to God. Eut
when she had travelled about two leagues
her system failed through futLnie, and the
strong excitement of her feelings. She
was therefore obliged to rest a few hours,
which prevent -d her from arriving till ten
o'clock the next morning.
The mefs-ngrr who had been sent, like
wise met with an accident in the way
his horse fell with him, and sprained "his
ankle Providentially il was near a post
bouse. He cotr.milt.d the pardon to the
Po.strr.aMcr, who Icrwardcd it l y a postil
lion, litit it was near bring too late. Cf
all that had transpired, the weaver as yet
knew nothing, and the magistrates as lilUe.
Tho clock struck nine, and the knell of ex
ecution sent forth its awful peal. The
school children, as was the custom, came
with their leachers, and hymn books, inthe
prcce sion; then the weaver and his pastor;
next the caplnin and his hand of robbers ;
and last of all, the executioner and his as-si.-tants.
A multitude had assembled from
the country around about, who followed
the proce.sion, attended wiih a regiment
of armed sokli'.Tj who marched with s'ow
and m;asur:d st"n to the place of execution.
The weaver spoke not a word his distress
was too d ep for either tears or language ;
the pop'e, however, observed that he was
intently watch d by the keen eye of the
hardened robber-captain.
Tlva procession nt length arrived near
the s:aflbld ; the linen weaver was conduc
ted up the. ladder but that instant the pos
tillion came ri-.ling in full gallop; he hasti
ly ban led the letter of pardon to the ma
gistrate, who a.i Imtilv broke Ihr. sa!, and
pro'.-!.ii:r.i d cloud 'Pn-d-.-n ! Per Jon !
JW-ton forl't'. Lh-n F:V.:-c;-."' A shout
of joy then ros? up from the assembled thou
sand.', that svemed to know no end. In the
midst of the excitement, the robber-captain
rose, an 1 be-srged permission to speak ;
when crranted, he stepped forward on tho
iicalloM, ana beckoned for silence. All
wer I'v.tantly silent. The robber then
exclnimed a'o'.rl, "T.fort is a Go !, andlh'tt
Co:! !. n Gad of yt&tici. This I never be
lieved till this moment therefore I never
feared him, and gave myself up to crime.
Sometimes in the midst of my guilty coarse,
things have occurred, which 'led me to sup
pose there was a God who governs the
world ; but I wished to be sure of it and
to be so, I thought if I could bring an inno
cent and pious man into my society, and
compel him to take part in our crimes, that
this God could not be righteous, if he su!
ftr?d him to fall in the samp punishment as
ourselves. He must deliver him as hp has
done to-day. Tor I declare, before this as
sembly, that the linen weaver is perfectly
innocent he is a pious and upright man.
I have made a fair trial with him, and God
has delivered him. Yes, tin-re ii a God,
and. that God is a God of righteousness."
He now begged to be remanded to prison,
nlleging that he had some important disclo
sures to, make. His request was again
granted, and his promise fulfilled.
In (hi? meantime they had revived the
weaver, who had fainted under the excite
ment caused by his sudden transition of
feeling. A circle was formed round the
scaffold, when a number of young men,
rushing in and seizing hold of him raised
him on their shoulders, and conveyed him
around the streets in triumph ; others raised
a contribution for him amounting to seve
ral hundred guilders. Just as they were
bearin? him through the streets, his wife
arrived from hrr long and painful journey.
She heard the shou'.insrs and saw the con
course of p-ople. "Pardon for the linen
weaver!" resounded in every direction
and wirh sobbings of transnort the followed
the procession to the public house. The
meeting of husband and wif was most
deeply affecting a scene of joy indescri
bable. Th.iy were conveyed home in a
coach which their friends had kindly pro
vided for the occasion. The money which
he received raised his condition in life, and
the rich experience he acquired from his
assured and simple confidence in God, pro
duced a still more elevating effect on his
Christain character. The blessinst of God
continued with him; and if he still lives he
must be a gray-haired man of sventv.
The event occurred in the year 1798.
Chriduin Observer,
Cheap Postage. It was stated in a late
number of tha London Times, that according
to official returns, "tha number of letters con
veyed by mail ia England 1839, was $76,
000,000; in 1840, 169,000,000; in 1843, S20,.
000,000; and in 1847, 322,000,000. Tha pan-
ny postage system was established in 1839.
Tho number of letters is now four times as
great us under tho old fystem, and it is still
increasing, notwithstanding tho prodigous to
tul alieady uttained. The psnny postage now
yields a clear revenue to the government of
more than S4, 000,000
Slr.iage Circumstances. A day cr so
ago, some citizens, of Allegheny, Pa., dis
covered a very' neat white box floating
down the Allegheny river. They a once
brought it to the shore, and on opening it,
atrange to behold, they found a child in it
two scem; in iNnni'E-vuExcL n ill.
l'lllLAlELl'HI.t. '.
Nearly seventy-two year next fourth of
July a band of patriots were nsscmblod in
what was then called Carpenter? Hall, but
now better known as Independotodti Hull, in
tho city uf Philadelphia. The oldest of tha
number verged on eighty and tha youngest
was not thirty yearn of oge.
Thirteen colonies, ihroi-oh their delegates,
wero then in session rtnd for what purpose?
To found a mighty nation, nnd to show to
tho world what "men determined to be free"
could accomplish. This nsscrhblnges was
composed of no common materials. Men
were there some tillers of the fiP, others
from thr? pulpit, and many from tho workshop
and th5 profession of tli2 law rem who had
everything to risk in what they undertook ;
for. if unsuccessful treason was tho crime and
a gibbet the reward 1
They wcrfj not laggards or HbiirgarJs in
tbosa days, for Congress met as early as eight
o'clock in the morning. John Hancock, tho
President, took his seat regularly arthut hour
and, after tho roll-call, business commenced.
It was about nine o'clock in tho morning
of th-J fomth of July, 1776, when five men
advanced to the chair of the Tresid- nt, and
submitted a report.
That very tall man is Thomas Jefferson ;
the next person, who makes a few remirks,
nnd every member inclines his car to cateh
their purpoit in h-ight not very tall or shoit
but inclined to corpulency ;s John Adams :
tha old man wiping his ppectaclcs is the great
philosopher and patiiot, Bonjamin Franklin;
ths tall man, with a pleasant Puritanic face,
is Roger Sherman, of Connecticut, who was
in caily life a shoemaker; pnd the last mem
ber of the comrr.i'tec u handsome, aristocra
tic looking gentleman is Robert It. Livings
ton, afterwards minister to Fiance and Chan
cellor of New York.
Thess men make their report it is read.
Whit is it ? The Declaration or Imjcpfx
dence! Sep?rate from tin moth r country
to b independent ? "Xo 1 Xo !" sirae cry.
John Dickinson, of Philadelphia, rises and
oppos'-s tho rrport of the committee. But
s?e ! Jefferson torches John Adams on tho
elbow, and ths latter nt once takes tho fbor.
You can h"ar a pin drop. Adams com
mences speaking, Hark to the tones cf his
voiec 1 H i grows mors
an intense silence p:tv
;ore eloquent
d! are anxious
to hear every word that fulls from the lips of
th.' M:is3elmsct!8 advocate. Deeply do those
woids fall upon attentive rare-. As Jefferson
sni:l in long after times. Jehu Aditms, in his
f.imoe.s .speech upon the Deehinttion'was the. of Independence. 1 1 a tnkes his wnt
mum illinium ui il'JIMllSr TniJ VotO IS-
called and we ar declared furevcr separate
from Cheat Biiit.wx.
A few days ago a dead body was resting
in this sumo hall, surrounded by all tho em
blems of mourning with which wo honor the
distinguished dead. Tint remnant of mortali
ty but a short timo before contained a soul
endowed wiih patriotism, distinguished learn
ing, and an unsurpassed love of country.
This body rested on the spot, where, seventy-two
years beforerthu father of the dead
ud vjciited tho euve of his country. The thir
teen states had grown to thiity, and a mour
ner from each stood beside the bier of the
son. Bjih had been Presidents of the Uni
ted States, and both dk-J fnll of years and
honors, lamented by all. Why pay that ''itE-
ri'BMCS ARBUNUHATCri'L?" -YutVs Mcssttl'
Locis riiiLLirpc's Family. Louis rhillip
po was married to the Princess Amelia, te
coud daughter of the la to King of Sicily, in
1809. By this IaJ v, late Queen of the French
he has had e!:ht children, of whom six still
survive :
1 Louisa, Queen of Belgium, (wife of Leo
pold) born 18 12:
2 Louie, Duke of Nemours, born 1814, mar
ried Victoria Augusta, of Ccburg, cousin of
Prince Albert.
3 Maria Clementina, bora 1517 unmar"
4 Francis, Prince do Joinville, born 1818,
Admiral of the French Navy, married Frar
cisca, a sister of tha Emperor of Brazil, and
of tho Queen of Portugal.
5 Henry, Duke d'Aumale. born 1 822 ; mar
ried to Carolina, cousin of the King of tho
Two Sicilies.
G Anthony, Duke of Montpensier, born
1824 ; married to the sister of the Queen of
Thu oldest son of Louis Phillippe was Fer
dinand, Duke of Orleans, botn 1810; kil'od
by jumping from his carriage, July 1842. Ha
married, in 1837, lWena, daughter of tha
Grand Duke of Mecklenburg Schwcrin: by
whom he had two children, viz : Louis Phil
lippe, (Count of Paris) born 1838, and now
10 years of age, and Robert Phillippe, Duke
ofthartrcB, born 1840.
ErrccTs or Severity A father in Troy
recently chastised his daughter, 12or 14 years
of age, with a raw hide, for being suspected
of dishonesty. One week after, she died
from the effect of the punishment. The
father, who is an industrious and trustworthy
man, is almost crazy at the sad result of his
ill-judged treatment of bis only daughter.
Louis PuiLirre. Who accusos Louis rhil
'ippe of cold he'artedtiess ? When he reach
ed England be exelaime'd, "Thank GoJ t am
once more on Britibh soil!" How different
from the Corsican, whose last, look upon
France was through his tears, whose adieu
was in words of overpowering pathos
(on Post
Scfntce an tlu sms, STflrfculturr,
A correspondent enquires if wo intended
' to depreciute Taylor's military genius by tho
article culogi.simj Gen. Scott, which wo rub
lished on Thursday. By no means. Wash
ington and Franklin were both great men,
though very different in character; and Scott
ond Taylor are great generals, though as op
potato in mind os they well can be. Wchavo
analyzed Scott's genius in the article alluded
to: let us endeavor now to dissect Taylor's.
Ths most prominent characteristic of the
hero of Buena Vista is his raro perfection of
judgment. In this respect, perhap, ho ap
proaches nearer to Washington than any pub
lic mm tho United States has produced in
this century. There 4s nothing brilliant, in
tho ordinary sense of the term, in the intel
lect of Taylor. He is no mclo-dramatic hero
no Crichton, no charlatan. But ho possesses
that which is worth more than the mere bril
liancy of genius, a consummate wisdom which
rarely, or never errs in its conclusions. His
campaign on the Rio Grande is a proof of this.
He did not make a single movement without
first having maturely considered its propriety
and in no case, consequently, did ho commit
a false step. Subsequent events always sus
tained the acruraey of his judgment. When
Scotf, preparatory to tho siege of Vera Cruz,
withdrew tho regulars from Taylor, he re
commended to his subordiate to abandon Sal
tillo nnd fall back on Monterey. Tho same
snowstion wps made by the President. But
Tavlor thought this course unwise. Ho saw
thaf if the enemy was to bo checked at all,
he must bo mrt in the passes of tho moun
tains beyond Salti'lo. Ths battle of Buena
Vihta was the1 result. The importance of that
victory cannot be too highly estimated. It
not only preserved ihe country between Sal
tillo and ths Rio Grande from returning to the
hands nf tho Mexicans, but it broke the pres
tige of Santa Anna's name. It did more.
It crushed the best uppointed and most-numerous
army the enemy had ever brought into
tho field ; while it proved that the American
volunteer was more than eqnal to a Mexican
regular. AH these consequences tho wisdom
of Taylor had forseen. The battle cf Buena
Vista, moreover, was, in one sense, the cause
of ail our subsequent triumphs. It would be
going too far, peihnps, to say that Cerro Gor
do, Contrcra? and Chapultepoc, would have
been lost wi'hout it ; but wo assume it os
certain, that in all tlnse combats the desire
to emulate Been a Vista was foremost in the
thoughts of officers and men. li Soldiers, be
hal.l the sun of Aiisterii'.z," said Bonaparte,
on mo morning oi tne name oi jean; aim
those words, stimulating them to rival former
glories, won the day. This consummate
judgment is visible in every act of Taylor's
public career; in his deportment to his offi
cers, in his correspondence with the Execu
tive, in his conduct under the thousand an
noyances of campaign.
But wisdom in forming opinions would be
useless without the will to execute them.
Taylor, however, is as resolute and prompt
in action, as he is cool nnd comprehensive in
judgment. When at Fort Brown ho found
his communications with Point Isabel cut off,
ho daringly staked all on the valor of the lit
tles gariison, and marched to tho coast for
ammunition and stores. Tho morning after
his arrival at Toint Isabel, the report of guns
ut Metamoros announced cn attack on the
fort, and the army, with ono voice, generous
ly demanded to bo led to tho relief of their
comrades. But Tavlor hesitated. If ho left
the Toint to succor Fort Brown, tha object of
his late movement would be entirely frustra
ted ; and accordingly ho resolved to wait at
least until he could hear from tho g-,.rriton.
By this decision, ho assumed a momentous
responsibility, which can only be fully under
stood by imagining tho obloquy ho would
have suffered if Brown and his littlo detach"
ment had been cut off. So, at Buena Vista,
Taylor accepted battle against the advice of
both Scott and the President; and if he had
lost the day, nothing could have baved him
from a court martial. In deciding to fight
Santa Anna, he perilled every life in hisanny;
for a defeat would have terminated in a
sral massacre. When he refused, there
fore, to ahttt himself up in Monterey, and
boldly advanced to tho foot of the mountains
to meet tho foe, ho assumed a responsibility
which few would have ventured on, even
though as fully convinced of its wisdom as
We doubt if there was another man in the
army who wculi have risked the battle of
Buena Vista under exactly similar circum
stances. There can be no greater proof of
tho stubborn will of Taylor than the assertion
of Santa Anna, that the Americans were
ihrice beaten, but that they did not know it.
Some of Taylor's officers, on one of these oc
casions, advised him to rotreat; but he knew
that this was impossible with his com para
'ively raw troops, and ho fought on. " Every
Englishman - must die here, if needs be,"
said Wellington at Waterloo; and Taylor
held substantially the same resolute langnage
at Buena Vista. His determination to con
quer and his confidence ia victory were forci
bly, exhibited at the final point of tha Conflict.
Several assaults, and the enemy had been re
pulsed, and he was r.ow making a third, and
he believed, a decisive charge. At the head
of a column of .infantry, and,, cavalry five
thousand strong, Sauta Anna advanced to the
attack.' The out-posts of the Americans were
driven before him like chaff. O'Bricu'i bat
tery had beeu captured; Clay and Hardin
had fallen desperately - contending ; and
BraggV artillery was in imminent danger.
The ciiciu)- was within thirty paces of 4he
jftarhtts, amusements, c.
guns. In a few seconds his myriads would
be upon them. Bragg, in consternation, sent
to Taylor for succor. Tho memorable rply
will live as long ns history endures. Its de
termined Spirit saved the day. Had Tayloi
hesitated for a minute, lhat wild ocran of
Mexicans would have surged over the battery,
and pouring on, buried leader and soldier in
one common and destroying deluge.
These two qualities wisdom in deciding
what to do and resolution in executing that
decision are tho most valuable characteris
tics that can belong to a gnneral,and invaria
bly command success. Nor aro they useful
only to tho eoldier. They aro tho elements
of greatness in every silcaiion of life. H?
who .possesses them will becomo celebra ted
whatever pursuits ho embarks in. "Such
men," as Bacon says, "do not find fortune,
they male her." Evening Bulletin.
Tho Journal of Commerco publishes the
following abstract of Mr. Astor's will. The
great features of the will and its codicils are
amplq provision fur all tho relations cf Mr.
As'orand their children his son, Win. B.
Astor, being tho groat residuary legatee.
There aro no trusts created for tho benefit
of relatives ; though in quite a number of ca
se' only income, or a sum per annum, is to
bt paid to tho present generation, with a re
version to their children, or other heirs, who
succeed to unrestricted possession.
Tho only important bequest for the public
benefit is one of S-100,000, by tho codicil of
Aug. 20:h, 1839, for erecting suitable build
ings, and establishing a library in New York,
for free, general use. For this purpose he
appropriates a plot of ground on tho southerly
side of Astor Plnce, 65 fect front by 125
deep, for the building ; or, if the trustees of
this bequest think it more expedient, a plot
of like size o:i the east side of Astor Place.
The building is not to cost over $75,000, and
the land is estimated, at S35.090. Then
SI 20,000 are to be expended in books, maps,
statuary, fcc; and tho remainder to be pla
ced at interest, to d fray the expenses of
management, purchase of books, or the es
tablishment of lectures, as the trustees may
think best. The trustees are the Mayor of
the city and tho Chancellor of tho State, cx
officio, (and r.ow named as a mark of respect.)
Messrs. Washington Irvinar, Wm. B. Astor.
Daniel Lord, Jr.,- James G. Kins, Jos. G. Cogs
well, Fitz Greene Halleck, Henry Brevoort,
Jr., Samuel F. Buggies, Samuel Waul, Jr.,
and Charles Bristed, who are to appoint their
successors. 1 he trustees are to have no pay ;
nor is any of them to hold any office of e
molument under the Board.
There is a bequest to the poor of Waldorf,
by establishing an institution for the sick or
disabled, or for tho improvement of the young,
of 850,000.
The other public berests are as follow?,
but must if not all of them, we believe, were
paid in advance, during the life of the testa
tor: The German Society, S20,000; Institution
for the Blind, 55000 ; Half Orphan Asylum
S5000 ; Lying-in-Aylum, S2000.
Tho personal estate of Mr. Astor is worth
from seven to nine millions of dollars, and
his real estates perhaps as much more ; so
hat the aggregate is less than twenty mil
lions, or half tho sum we put down the other
day. Either sum is quite out of our small
comprehension ; and we presume that with
most men the idea of one million is just a
bout as large an idea as that of any number
of million.
Lamartine is described as having "a brow-
where genius eils enthroned, and a lip quiver
ing with cnthuM.ism." Though nearly sixty
years of age, his locks are but thinly sprink
led with grey. HisfeatureSstill retain a rare
beauty of expression, and his form a princely
elegance. As a poet possessing a fervor of
soul, a richness of fancy and a splendor of
versification, which few have surpassed, us a
prose writer, full or nerve, grandeur and
beauty, as an o.&tor biilliant though often in
coherent, as a legislator fearless, independent
o J t
J scorning tho name of partizan, and as a
religious and disinterested, his brinci-
all pure, his passions all noble, his in
stincts all elevated, what wonder is it that
la belle France has not a sen upon whom the
looks with fonder pride.
He seldom takes part in tho petty ques
tions engendered in party strife, but when
great principles aro involved, when the cause
of God or humanity is concerned, ho never
aits silent. In the recent debutes on Italy,
no voice rang ck arer cr more indignantly
against tho cold calenlating policy of the ad
ministration than Lamartine's. All the warm
impulses and quick sensibilities of his nafure
were thoroughly aroused, and though peihaps
speeches were made that would tally more
exactly with the theoretical lulea of the
schoolmen, none were more thrilling, none
pierced their way more electrically to the
very centre of the soul. He has been a
deputy fifteen years, and has always spurned
parly trammels.
Car-AiTCRM jbom PttrsBtrac Ths Pitts'
burg papers mention the departure from that
city of numerous canal boat for the East,
with cargoes of produce destined for Balti
more and Philadelphia. .- .-. -
Joroi Quite y ADAMs.-At .Maatanta,
Cuba, on the 17th inst., the flags of all the
vessels ia port were) at half mast, in respect
to the memory of John Quincy Adams.
This celebrated .onjr of the warriors and
patriots of tho revolution, was composed by
M.Joseph Rol-oec be L'Istfe, whi'o an offl.
cer in tho engineer corps at Strasburg, early
in the French rcvolmior, with a View of sup
planting the vulgar songs then in vogue, eel
lative to tho struggle then gtsli g on. Hi
composed the song and music in one night.
It was first calbd L'Offrando a la Liberte','
but subsequently received its present name',
because it was first sung by -the Marseille
confederates in 1792. It became the nation
al sang of the French patriots and -warriors,
and was famous in Europe and America.
Tho air is peculiarly exciting. It was sur
prcssod of course under tho empire and the
Bourbons; tho revolution of 1830 called it up
answ, and it has since become again tho na
tional song of tho French patriots. The ex
King of the French, Louia Phillippe, bestow'
ed on its composer, who was about seventy
years old at tho timo of tho last revolution,
(having been born in 1760.)a pension qf 1500
francs from his private purse. We give be
low an old but admirablo translation of this
splendid national lyric :
Ye sons of France awake to Glory,
Hark, hark what myriads- bid you risp ;
Youf children, wives and grandsires hoary)
Behold their tears and hear the cries.
Shall hateful Tyrants, mischief breedings
With hiring hosts, a ruffian band,
Affright and desolate the land,
While Peace and Liberty lie blooding I
(CAortij ) To arms! to arms ye brave!
Th' Avenging Sword unshealh!
March of, march on all heart
On Liberty or Death ! Jresolvcd
Now, now the dangerous storm is rolling
Which treach'rous Kings conefcderale raise; '
The dogs of war let loose ere howling,
And lo ! our field. and ci'tieo blaze.
And shall we basely view the ruin,
While lawless force with guilty stride
Spreads desolation far and wide;
With crime and blood his hands bmbruhig
With luxury and pi ide surrounded,
The vile insatiate devpots dare (
Their thirst of gold und power, unbounded
To mete and vend the light and air.
Like beasts of burden would they load as,
Like tyrants bid their slaves adore ;
But man is man, and who is more ?
Nor shall they longer lath and goad us.
O, Libert) 1 can mini resign thee,
Once having felt thy geu'rout flame ;
Can duugeouv, bolts and bars confine thee,
Or whips thy noble spirit tame ?
Too long the world has wept, bewailing
That falsehood's dagger tyrants wield ;
But Freedom is our sword and shield,
And all their erts arc unavailing.
We mentioned a day or two sinc,e that
Mr. Fkeaner, who brought, the Mexican
Treaty of Peace to the Government at Wa-
shington, had arrived at New Orleans ori
the 4th instant, on his way back to Mexicoj
with despatches to the Commander, of the
American forces. The New Orleans Delta)
speaking of the expedition with which Mrj
FncAXER has performed the duty confided
to him, remarks
Immediately afler the Treaty of Peace
had been signed, it was brought to the City
ol -Mexico by Mr. Inst, and early on the
morning i iue oil reoruary iir. freaner,
being entrusted with the carrying the Trea.
ty to Washington, led the city of Mexico,
escorted l y ti company of the Mounted
Rifles. He had not, however, travelled
far before he found that his escort, on ac
count of its numbirs, could not keep up
with him, and so he left them behind, and
travelled some distance of the road alonc
Overtaking a company of Illinois Horse)
Mr. Fi accompanied them some distance)
but soon finding that they were too slow,
he again tried it alone, until he came into
the vicinity of a place where he knew
guerrilleros wero lying in wait. Fortu
nately he lit re met a detachment of Capt.
Lewis' Iiangers, under that able and ener
getic effict r, Lieut. Lilly, and with their
escort he was able to roach Puebla in safe
ty. Thenre he proceeded without inter
ruption, sometimes alone and sometimes
escorted by cavalry, until he reached Vera
Cruz, being less than three days on the way;
Arrived at Vera Cruz, the Iris rteamer
was immediately got ready, and in thirty
hours after. his arrival at Vera Cruz, the
steame r was ploughing the gulf, on her
way to Mobile, with Mr. Freantr and the
despatches alxard. It was five days before
the Iris reached Mobile. Without taking
an hour'? rest, Mr. Freaner immediately
proceeded on to Washington, where he ar
rived in six days, delivered his despatches,
and delaying only until the Treaty was
sent in to the Senate, returned with impor
tant despatches from the government for
the army. He expec.tMn eight or ten days
to be in the City of Mexico, when he will
have performed the most remarkable jour.'
ney on record, having, in the space ci thir
ty days, travelled nearly 4000 BiUesy much '
of it alone, through a hostile .country, a(
incredible laW and danger. He has pe)
formed double the lalior and travel of tho
various messengers and hearer of despaichei
sent out by the government, and" occupied
the time usually required for a. train and
escort to march from Vera Crua to the City
of Mexico; . For these, severe, labors and j '
ineredibleexertions, Mr. Freaner deserve!
well of the country, though the only 're
ward he has sought or received is the oo ''
aciousncss of having served his' country
matter of deep coneern.--r ' ',".'
- i r - r. f
Tub Wheat is said ta look poorly th -western
part of New York: ,. .