OEHCIAL MICE. $000 BE WARD! - FROM STROUDSBDRC, A tall-corn plexioned YOUNG MAN, aged f ft. 6 in., height 150 lbs. Had on, when last een two pairs of swallow-tailed sealskin trousers, fashionable mutton cutlet waiscoat, 5tli delirium trimmines: double-barrelled frock coat, with horse collar and sausage lining; patient leather-bottom topsnoes, lacea up nf the sole, and buttoned inside. T To is deaf and dumb of one eye and hard of hearing with the other, with a slight squint in his eye teeth ; stoops very up right with a loud impediment in his look, chignon pn up per lip with whiskers bitten off short inside; t!i likf a torn nocket : hair of a deep scarlet blue and parted from ear to yonder; Calves of legs rising 4 vears, to De soia cneap on uc mnnt of die clearness of milk; very liberal with other peoples' money, and well known to a good templar, having been eleventeen years a member of the I. O. G. T. (I Often Get Tight Society). Anv one who knows of his whereabouts will please report at the Empire Clothing Store, where he will find the L AUG EST and BEST ASSORTMENT OF Men and Boy's Clothing, Hats and Caps, Gents' Furnishing Goods, Trunks, Valices, &c. &c. kept in this vicinity, and which we will sell at'the LOWEST PANIC PRICES I If yo'i want to save money don't fail to ex amine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. f you want GOOD GOODS at low prices, there is no place in Monroe Countv to com pete with the EMPIRE CLOTHING STOKE. Our new stock is complete in every particu lar. lease call and examipe for yourselves. SIMON FRIED, at Empire Clothixg Store. Stro:ilsburjf, March 23, 1S76. tf. JJONROE CO. BANKING AND T T il It Cfcas. W. Decker, Thos. D. Stites, Chas. Fetherman, R. S. Staples, Geo. E. Stauffer, Thos. A. Bell, W. B. Bell, J. Lantz, will pay interest on deposits amounting to three dollars and over, at the following rates : 0 per cent, on deposits left one year. A " " " " " six months. 4 " " on daily balance averaging five hundred dollars and over. Interest "will be computed from the first of each month and all deposits made previous to the tenth of the month will draw interest from the 1st. The members of this Company are liable to the full amount of their wealth for the security of the depositors. directors: K. S. STAPLES, G. E. STAUFFER, C11AS. FETHERMAN, J. LANTZ, THOMAS A. BELL. OFFICERS : THOS. A. BELL, President, CI I AS. FETHERMAN, V. Pres't, Vv'M. . BELL, Cashier. Jan. 27,'7C. UNDERTAKING. McCARTY A SONS Lave on hand thelarppstand best - assortment of COFFINS and TRIMMINGS to !' f'niml oit sMe of fit liPr city (New York or Pliiladel j'liuu, ami will make this branch or their busints a COFFINS and CASKETS .f any shajie or stylo, can lx furnished at one hour'e jintiee l'r sliipineiit, at a charge ol one-nurd lessthan any shoS in Siruiid.bur;. In no case will they charge inure auan ten jer eeni. wve actual cost. attend to in any part of the County at the shortest possible notice. JunelS,'74-tf ROCKAFELLOW, DEALER IN Ready-jladc Clothing, Gents Fur nishing Goods, flats &Caps, Coots & Shoes, &c. j:A ST STR O UfiSB UR G, PA. (Xear the Depot.) . The piiMii are invited to -call atid esamine gxcli. luces moderate. L-IaJ u,'09-t ftft WD jfrD ? Z) rv CX mm 187C. SPKllW AND SUAUIEK UUUBS. IS 0. A.t 3ST. ETTSTER'S, The .-National Hall of Fas Those wishins to purchase anv thin in the above place as they will find a larger and finer Stock of Clothing than all the rest in town put together. All wool suits as low at $8 00 ; the Unions as low as kpt and diacnal Buits from SIS 00 so S3o 00; the imitations twenty per cent. less. They are cut in the latest latest styles m , , . "White Vests and Alpaca Coats. IN YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CIIILDREFS CLOTHING, ; you can't better yourself as they are made up cn find them any where else in town. HATS, CAPS AND Those wishing to buv a stylish Hat or Cap will not Una a more complete siock in iown. Ladies' and Gents' V, m-TII fiml nil tlP Ktrst novelties of the any thing in the furnishing goods line will do a much larger stock than in any otner place in low n. DRY GOODS! Those wishing to buy Dry Goods will also do well to call at the above place, as prices are A lwava n hand a full lineof the Capitol Alpacas, which are the best you will find. A splendid line of Skirts and Shawls. You can X.B. Particular attention paid to CUSTOM "WORK. ' Good fits warranted or no s:ilrt. Our motto is, we will not be undersold, so call before purchasing elsewhere. PROPRIETOR OF THE September 3, 1874. tf. G. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher PHOENIX J ! I (2 doors west of the "Jeffersonian Office,") ELIZABETH STREET, Stroiulsbur?, Pa., B Xv O . " ' DEALERS IX I ; Drugs, Medicines, I'crflimcrj- and Toilet Articles. Faints, OILS, VARXISIIES, GLASS & PUTTY. Abdominal Supporters and Shoulder Braces. Seeley's Hard RinnER TRUSSES AIno. Hitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERXS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. " r f . . . .-. X. B. The highest Cash price paid for OIL of WIXTEKGREEX. uiay-4tf. Cards, Bill-Heads. Labels, k NEAT, CAEAP AND QUICK, Printed to Order at tho JEFFERSONIAN Job Prinlin OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. AH Orders promptly filled. Gire us a call. : , . , .. . hinn l E CLOTHING LINE, will do Veil to call at the , . : , , , . . . . . 4 style and are equal to custom work. All the in the best of style and are cheaper than you --- - STRAW GOODS! will do well to call at the above place, as they u aiu wn. . t Furnishing Goods! season alwava on hand. Those wishing to buy well to call "at the above place, as they will find get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, for those wishing to buy for CASH will do well to N. RUSTER, NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, Main street, Stroudsburg, Pa MUST BE SOLD A LARGE STOCK OF Spring and Summer Goods ALL NEW and RIGHT IX STYLE ! The. best assortment in Town Will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, and bet ter in quality 1 ! Can't quote prices but will guarantee von more value for your money than yon can hnd a,,-v where else, of which our customers may judye for tW'nselves. Come and examine our entire stock. W have no antipathy to showing goods? Wi gladly show whether you buy or not. "We al.so keep a nice assortment of GEOOERIES. j Sell them cheap and take Country Produce in ! exchange for all kinds of Good. COME AND SEE US, CORNER STORE, OITOSITE AMERICAN IIOTEI STROUDSEUHCf,' PA. C. R. ANDREE & CO. June 8, 1S70. tf. J. P. BROWN & BRO. Dealehs ix Queensware and Earthenware, Glassware, LAMP FIXTURES AND CIIIMXKVS, Wood and Willow-Ware, and constantly on hand a large assortment of l)i:il-:i)an(lCAM-:i UtUnS, l-ortign and Domestic; Dried Beef, Prepared Sausages, Shoulders, I'ikled Meats, and choice JIAMS a specialty. ": . ', : 31 ACIii:RAI, AM) COI-riSB3, SYRUPS AND 3IOLASES. Extra Family Flour, Coal Oil, &c, &c. In fact the largest general ' nssortnient of (irocerieH to be found in the County at the lowest cash prices. . Store opposite the ' BURNETT IIOUSK, Corner of Main and Franklin Streets, Strouds burg, Pa, P. S. Highest CASH PRICE paid for J'liUlJUVb or tiooud in exchange. James P. Bitowx, "Vm. V. Bnowx. May 25, '7-tf. (Successor to J. K. 'rdman,) Monroe Co. Marble Works, .. - . Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., Where will he found constantly on hand or made to ordei, UIOAUJIKXTS, - IIEADSTOZYES, &c, of the heft Italian and American Marble. ' Having been in the employ of Mr. Krdinan for nearly ten years, I feel confident in my ability to please all that give me a call.' All work warranted to give entire satisfaction. i ttf Orders by mail promptly attended to. feb il72-tf v . B LANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale at tins Office. : ; T OnPRINTJNq.ofall kinds neatly ex- 4j ecuted at this office. V - ' -. a IBIUII NEW STORE B I -:asd:- KE GOODS -:at:- REDUCED j PBICES.. DARIUS DREHER, bejrs leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub- he generally, tnai ne nas juei receiveu a Mow the Jeffersonian office. Room handsome ffcneral assortment of hv filte( UD. an(i heavilv stocked with the fi- Dry Goods, Aot ions, JJress Irtmmings, - .f.,r.-,: ? : t: 'and ' MILL IXER Y GOODS . I con6isting,in part of the following desirable articles, viz: Calicoes, . ia ions,'-. wt : .-ii i .J ; FrpnrJi Cluntz Children' Dress Goods. jorked Ediilnas Jj Parasols, Zrphers,; Sift land ools, aneuanu nooi &iawis, or tt 1 tit 7 CrT 1 Delaines, ? ' Muslins, '. White Dress Goods, . : Inserting, , . . Ladj's and Children's Sadcs Flannel and Cloth, -?: Lady's; Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning' (Hoods, ' - Shroudings, tf :c. , t'C, VJUUUa BIIUVV ll Willi fjlturuii;. - eales and small profits" at the old and well known xvi uiinery oiaiui oi r. . ii.r-iiiiiv. The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage resDectlv solicited. T J DAIUUS DKEliHK. April 26, 1SG0. SOMETHING NEW ! A SHOE MANUFACTORY.1 Tlio unilt'rsiiriHNl would rfsixHtfullv cive iHitioc tbat they have nst;ililishfl at Williams' Iniiiilin, cor- I tier of Ocori- anil Moil roc streets, MroiiU.-biirg, l';i., a SHOE MANUFACTORY, for tluv maltinc of all kirvls of L:i'ly's and tiontK-nicns ami CliiMri-n's ISmiti and r-hoes and l"iii-rs. l'urtivu h:r attention j:i i 1 to CUSTOM WORK. IVrsmis liavin deformod foot, liuiiionsor corns, ehiidn n ith w,.:,k anki. s .r . rooked limi .-ai, i.ave hei-p ( lir.-t vla materials and at reasonable l.riees i ... mkk-s mane to sun ineir eases. Having had a larje cxjerience in New York we feel eonfidciit that we can suit etitoiners as to ijnalities and t.rice. all of our K""Is .th for general ml .si.i-.ial sale ar warrante.1 to i. as rej. resent. -l Iiease -i ve us a rail, I'xatnino our trood.s and materials ironsisiin ol .uip s, yiazed rreneh.Mat and iVenei, a.ifKid. ion? ?raim,d. Hrusli and felihled I inat Morocco, r roneh and American "alf and Kiii klm. all f wliieli will Ik eheerfuiiy show,, to ti.oU who may tail, intending.. make a tirt rate wearing article we have nothing; to niuriMi, viiiiet iusio'.iv i iiiuki' uuni ill.' Kiuiie, oiiii wouM invite their clest sertit in v. . I July ,'7,vtf J:. K. ( IIOMMin T.tro. SiLlViUJiilj UUJL, Wholesale and Rrtnil Dealer in C00K&PARL0R STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN Metal I30USC Furnishing (aOOdS. w Hoofing and Spouting; .lour nrtsliott nut icf with th In-st tnatorial, anil at r.M.s.,ai.i,. ,.r s. 1 1 is stoc- of v-,H,k, 1'arior u..d t )iii- Stnvo ciiiIu jli's all tin- Iw-kt vari.-tir known to tlto ..ll 1 !.. ll.-rii;. ..I . . r"- :"M,ve .McttuKliM t linn h, Maui stiwt, Stroulsl.urt, I'a. j.i.mary 4,.mi. 6t6 jHicaiiTv&soxs, 0D1M?EU.0WS' IIAI.L, MAI.V ST., STROUDSttlTllG, PA., AMD BUY YOUR FURNITURE, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Rucrs, Win- rimir S innfio flnrt.a no A W v. AND SAVE At T.fiRKt Twn Prnfits AsMrfartv A Sons Imv, dim-t front tho n.anufaoturcr for tahli (not GO days;, t'lu y can Kt ll you MORE FURNITURE, OF A BETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY than you ran lmy at rt-tail either in city oreotintrr, niul every arilota in WarraDtcl totK, us n-j-re.-HMUed. ' ' Inn IX '74-if HA.tlllilUil S Mi t.ll 1jI. (& SETrf. The best in use. . The only . i ii. .. l i l i x a piace iney can ue naa in town is at the cor- ncr Store.- lrvthcni. ... Jan. 30, '73. tf.J . U. K. AN DUE & Co. r SlULH til' JIItIUi:i LJL ramilv Virocories. IJueeutswarc, lilass H' l i yr'it . ' waro. Wnuil nml Williiiv-wirf fifr (J. R, ANDRE W Co. Term CASH. I an. 30, 3 Bf mmsmsmm mm jANK LEASES " ' , . .1 ' nn' sale at tins Office. For S S. WILLIAMS : i Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN-ST. STROUDSBURG. PA. I.ocatpd in corner buildincr, third door be- nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No- tions, &c, ever offered in this section of countir. A full assortment of Spectacles, of the best quality, and suited to all ages, always on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Plated ware, al ways on hand at manufacturers prices. 0ORepairinr neatly executed, and char- Ses extremely moderale. Calls from the public respectfully soliciied. Sole Aent for the celebrated Diamond Spectacles November Sth. 1Rfifl-lv. J Making. .Tiage The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he still con tinuos the above business in all its branches at his old Stand, on FraDklin street, Stroudsburg, Pa., where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in his line, including general TTTT 1 1 J T"T 1 J.T WTieclwrighting, Blacksmith- - " - "- His stock, of the best quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and It i r it r re i i a'so nas a iun lorce ol nrsr class workmen at all the brauches, he flatters himself that he is fullv nren.ired to jiornmoifaf o aii who favor him with orders, and n;ir.in- tec entire satisfaction. llepairing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN , c July 28,-1870. UNDERTAKING ! LEE &, Co. would mo t respectfully an nounce that having procured an elegant HEAESE, 1 and having a person in their employ of twelve years experience, in the undertaking business, are now prepared lo altend to un dertaking in all its branches in the best pos- orlS'l'le manner. COFFINS and CASKETS ot env size . , ,. . ' I Ctrl o nn il .-f 1. l i " 'i'oij, v,un.-i.iiiLjr ,n iiauu. il nu ready for bipnient at shori notice Orders i ,i , nn,, promptly attended to. Our charges o re moderale; we have no disposition lo j ,. . i t: : i.i .. airesa the Jiving or rob the estates ol the UCad. j vr r T1., rrTro .i .1 r. U Keady-mode ROBEb, neatly got- len Up, can bp had at any time, at the Ware' lQOtll Ol I r I vV. Co ' ftlay 26. li(). ly. LOOK THIS WAY ALL W II 0 AVAXT Carriage "Work or BlacksmilhinsS DONE IX A SUPERIOR MANNER! 1 THE Subscriber begs leave to in- fr,forui the public that he is fully pre- f pared, at his establishment, at the rner ot bimpson and barah streets, ui n V. K V C 7..1 I.' . cor the borough of Stroudsburg, to make to order, every style of Carriage, Wagon, and, in fact, every thing in his line of bu siness, at the shortest possible uotice, and on the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paint- Ila.1l..l c . i eu in me uesc style 01 t tic art. .7r, .XZ eucajred, the public are assured that none t.,, r,.ct ..l.ica civrl- will 1 . r f,,,.l hut ,1,st"tljss work will be turned out at his shop. : . ' " -in n,nnnnt : ,:!, i.:'r...-:- ei.. " vvu vv.nv.u nun in.-. v,iiimj;i; oiiuji be.has alsoa Jlacksmith Shop, where sur?T' JtTorkiTe .win ?,wajr beound . i'""" r""",": t.r " A I.l'VTI T.' A IT'P' "iir.w LEANDER EMERY; - -m.v.-.v r.w n ki-.k am ukalkk in all kinds of vuii4UCv.i mm IIU-jU.'l I I1U-.HHUU llllilll-l. far T.ivPrT st:ihlei nnd nrtrtitc Tjimilfi's J V 'l t I lilt. A Ulllllli &j naiioruKvpring wagons, K ,1m? ,H,"St ",",c,m1 f"r f11 ,ki;1?i'f nw.kopt on l.aml or ma.lo to tKl. r. SINGLE-SEATED CARRIAGES. Mitht,.,.,.rith..utt..,.,au!styios. Delivery and Express Wagons, fj;(r,wi,i,K. a i.n , ... , "JT ' J' 1 " T,?rk warrant- on in i-vr-ry nartii ular lor ou' yoar. 1 w ill make to or- lcrany Mylcof rnrrlaj,'or li.siht Itiiu'ity that mar !. wanted. ne hut first t-lass work loaves tnv Khun. T usp only irt class .stink anil employ first eiasswoik- l,K" fo,', r,"lfil,,,,,t that 1 v, ntirc satistao- turn to nil who inav iiurchaso my M-ork. All orders hv mail haii receive prompt attention. Hoping that 'I nay heahle to furnish tho rtti.en of Stromlshnr.' hih! J ,uul ,n,' n.,a' ; . t.rander ff.rv. Marengo, Calbouu County, MU-Uigau - A' ' 7 I : ! 1 j 'T FOltirr ; tluit when tf. i" w.a"c an """5 in tne runuture or ( )maniental line that.McCartv& Sons in the p, uai Md-fei ows Hall, ;.Mam street, Stroadsburg I a., is the place to get it. . : -i- - June 18,'T4 tf - MACHINE SHOP! The subscriber having started a Machia Shop, near the head of Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa,, is prepared to build, and repair all kinds of Machinery with accuracy, and dispatch. Being fitted with SPECIAL MACHINERY FOR TURN. iiu, Hit AIT 1 Mi, AND VUL. LEYS, AND WITH IM PROVED TOOLS of various kinds, and having nn experiantc of over Thirty year?, in desinrninjr ani building machinery for special purposes, i feel warranted in guaranteeing the best'of work. Have on hand, and builJinf PORTABLE STE1JI E.NGIXES, of from 2 to 10 Norse Power, desifrncj especially for tarm use, or for driing any light machinery. I also keep in stoct eeveral thousand feet of ' Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting; in widths of 1 inch to 6 inches, (can obtain wider oiks at very short notice) at manu facturers prices, also Lace Leather, Celt Rivets, Punches, &c, STEAM PIPES & FITTINGS of the variouss sizes. Pipe cut and fitted, at short notice. i:e:iip U Rubber Slcam Patliinjr. I would call the attention of Blacksmith.--Wheelwrights, anil others, to my assort, nient of all sizes of Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washers, Lag Screws, and Bolt-ends, which I offer at New York pricrs. Tlie B'lt-ends e-specialiy, he:ng tiire.nied and fitted with nuts by inachineiy, cnil,!e tlie Blacksmiths lo furnish rn!isoi nnv let gth much cheaper, and quichi r, than to cut them by hand. Call tn and see my slock ;i- .Maclrnory. G. ts.NF01i!J. March 6, S?:3 t f. MONROE COUNTY " jM'.-.tual Fire li'.sr.rancc 'e::rr.nv. ETROUrSSUEG, YA. 5 ( -rj CVi X iC-Z tJ'-Oiit CHAR TER PER RETT A A. Tin- I.y-In nf thi ("i.sntK'v. vvA r-- siiik'v. ir,.l rfu!:i:i:--ii cvi-rn Ui !:i-ur.ili.v I.:; vi-, V.-.-H!!;.- ,vv i..i.rf:i;iT liauu-'l. .!:ii.iii ' it v...m a ln-U i.,u:il i". tl,: t ..fan if j Kirw Insunun i-'i.:n;,:,ity in : !: i ;;t -. j Irni.rt;;i:t :im..ii tin'.-'.- i-I:::!!.'- - aro tin- f."oMiiii;, . int..i .-.r i-rS. an. i. ,cif r AI! jir- pt-rty i- d.-is.;:: . r.ml n.t - ..f ,r.-i:ii;iui w fi'v-'-! acr.ir'iin-,' t t'v r:' nf :u- i-r.i-: :v. rn-luiiiiii lii.ti-s 2iv Jalivii, ;ui l v.'A :n i!i.-nt ;: liia.l.- mi ill.' n..t. s. l'r'.H-rty i i:is;-!i. .1 f.ir i-.'.t m-.vc ;!-.in tv.i t'iinUi.f its tual (-ali v:;!;i'. a:i- tlii- fii!! i'iii"Uiit nf i;inr.!niv Kiici in ..! ..ss i rnviu. l ih.- i r..xl i p li.i ai!i..iiiit ( iitur:i:n-. "Ap.1'.m::1 a-is.'sstm nts" n:ily an' mail. . ( j t in :! nf lu-avy a. i.l vlii've" a ,n- "i:t i in'ct ssary. Tin' ( 'tiiiji:!j!- i tln-r.-f..r-' . :r -1 i::tir' "i",rtv j ,,m,-h ,!S"rt d !" ,!,: :' ' !l- ' AMuh-ati.-in nay r.ia- t :.i:y i ;!;, Mana-r, IStopI.nstnV.- ,T. I.-!iti- ..I--r i;.S.;;l,.!.S ; s:i! 'L ' i'Zk i ,'an.n l lie. lit .T ,!iii K.iin.'. r. Tli' n. S ::,.!,. AVili:a:.i ,::::;'. V. I!a' -rnisii. .lai-nli Stoulivr, st t ; i ; !.i. s r :c :. !V'-'i. II K. Iiu:iu:n, Sv-c rotary ami T:";iiv- r. ..r Mmir..;' C. : Silas Irako, Wiii: :iu l,;'.' it, " ;.. :. Sliaf.T, T. W. Klunlfs, .1. I- mi.- I. 'l'. r, .l.io' Mautf. r, .In'iii i:.!ii:-.-r. l'or Wa viio i '..cut v : V. A. Opjtolt, " l l,a: !, 'A. MaMors. l'.r 1'iko C'.i'.mt v : Samuel Ivtti.k. Kt Xoi t Iianii !. n ('.mnty: Kit-hard CanuL-n. Kur ('arl.i'ii County : Sanuii l Ziop.-nfu-i. -n Wviiiiiiii' t'. iiui v : (5. M. Kwn, H. V. ltanlwoi!, ' ,T. P. IaI-anN iid'Tlio M.iii3''"rs tuo' t n'i-u!ai!v at tin1 Svr-tary- t)llio.' in Str.ui. l!'iir, u tl.o liit J"in-.ilay nf -aoh month, at . oYl.n k 1. M. , Mav 1, :'-If- IV Oil The above business has ajjain been re- emneil at the old stand, lately swept away ly the late flood, near P.ald win's H 'tel, in SStroudsburjr, where will be kepi consiaiitly on hand the best assortment ot" Harness, double and single, Saddles, Bridles, Collars, nnd every other article nnil!y furnislied in lliis line of business. Work made to order on the sliortest notice. A lunre assortment of Mountings and Saddlery Hard ware always on hand. Call and make your off" select ion, nnd it will be furnished in -tyle arJ price not to be excelled in this market. Strict attention p-iiJ to repairinaml uonc in shortest notico. Call and examine JOHN O.SAVLUU, Age Octobcr 0, 1870. if Can you tell wliy it is that when any oneoomi's to St roml-.hu n to lmy l'uniitiin1, thry al ways imiuiiv for MoVartv's FuvMharoStotrv: t-l't. 2i?,T.7. DOX'T tOOI, YOL'K 3IO- away for worthless articles of Furniture, but go to McCarty vl Soius, and you wi f well laid f.r it. I June IS, BLANK DEEDS For sale at' this Office. TT r ri Til
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers