JUL t 1 Notes of the Campaign. The Hartfonl Courmit speaks of the iVinocratio ticket as "hitched," not united. The leading (erman newspaper of Ohio, the Cincinnati Volksblalt, edited by Fred llassaurck, has come out square"' for Hayes and Wheeler. An Oregon paper put a cut of a lig turkey over its election returns, and said : "Not he that crows, hut lie that gobbles makes most out of elections." The Davton (Ohio) Journal says that lion. CJeorire W. Houk, IKnnoeratic dele gate to the St. Louis Convention, opently 'repudiates the Tilden ticket. The Miiford (Pel.) Xnrs believes that with a strong candidate (or Congress in the fn-ld the lu-publiean. can carry the State j"or Hayes onl Wheeler. Til'len and Hendricks together, the Hartford Courant truthi'ull says, make a ticket that no sincere man of cither creed (hard money or greenback) can accept. The Albany Juvrnal says that (Jov. Haves has already laid out three Democra tic aspirants for the i'residentey Thur li'.an, Pendleton and Allen and its Tilden's turn now. The llichmoiid (Va.) Whig expresses the opinion that ''Hayes is entirely too od and liberal a man for hi intolerant, klfish and corrupt party." Well, he is to be President of the country. The Alexandria (Va.) Sentinel, which lias always heretofore acted with the Con servatives (as the Democrats affect to call themselves) in that State, runs up the ilag tf Haves and Wheeler, and advocates their election. The Turlington (Iowa) Gazette hoped f.r the election of two or three Democratic 'ti!!U'V(.s-hien from Iowa, but now despair inLilv savs : '"The iu. initial kii of Tilde!) will defeat us in every Congressional dis till t of the State. ' Savs the NV.sl'.vi'.'e (Teim.) Itnv.iier : 'There are Democrats in Xaslivi!li we ve to say. who cDcntlv aniii uiiee that tlu-v will cie f'r Hayes in pvlcrciice to Tilden. and leave nothing undone to secure the defeat of the latter." The lte-ss county (Ohiu) Register re r.niks: "The nominaticii ofTi!dt.-n fell like a i-harp frost late in the season en the li.-pe.- of b-s county Democrats, and black ened the buds of romise which were bloom inir in their bosoms."' Hon. John D. Dcfroes, of Indiana, who w:ts a leading suj porter of Clrei h y in 172. has wviiiiu a .vtronir letter in favor if Haves and Wheeler. He thinks Hayes ju-t the right r.ian f.r 1'n id nr. ;:i;d that WheeKr is l.is ffjuai in character and ability. The iii!'i e.--i n made by (.Jow-nicr Hayes r.o. n the I'j,;!:tde!'hians was v- rv favor able, lie held several immense rcciptlons ; the Ohio building, .on the Centennial LTeuials. and as a 'ii,n"' far excelled Dom j'edro. The conviction grows that lie is a sate and sure man fur the Presidency. The Strubcnvilie (O.) Gazette, unwil ling to stultify its record, declares uncjuivo cJiy that it will do nothing whatever to further Tilden's election. It docs not con sider any man a Democrat who used his in-ney and influence to defeat fiuvernor Allen last year, as it charges Mr. Tilden v.ilh ha ;ag done. The New York Teihure says : "The jVniorratie journals of the East have un dertakeu the stupendous task of making i":t (iovernur liialricks a bard mmey man. The great American Fence Sitter has been prettv successful in dodg-ing ir.st j-ublic ij'iestious, but he has just put him self on record us an influti-.n'ist, and the rc cord can't be talked down.'' The Indianapolis J-jurnal says that (biv. Jlendrick's 'ositien toward the nom ination for Vice-President is just this : 'He will acce t if the specie resumption .v-t i repealed, and having been assured that it wiil be bv the Democratic House, a I'tter mav be looked for from him before lol it is .-tatct. i'lrtn r, that if the is not ded within two weeks or tia'i'eaoi.ii'its. lie win o.eeiiiie. Here is what the venerable Thurlow Wivd says of Tilden : "He did not go to the front in the hour of the country's peril. His voice was not heard in the time of danger, and when money was needed for the windows and orphans, Mr. Tilden s purse was not open. "S'u vote c f mine shall ever ail to elect a President who was not iu sympathy, ind publicly known to be a war man. hyal to the core, ready with his voice, bi.s inMucnce, and his means to help his country and uphold her flag. Mr. Til de:) was not one of these" The Albany Journal i-ays that Hon. L. C. Kilham, of 3Iadi.sm county, who has .last made an extensive tour through the "A est on his return from Colorado, where ho spent the winter, reports that he has i tund great and unbounded enthusiasm for Hayes and Wheeler. In Kansas, Nebraska, Iowa, Wisconsin, Illinois, Michigan and Ohio, he says, the llepubliean camp-fires are already burning with the old-time in tensity. Chicago and Cleveland are espeecial iy earnest and enthusiastic iu the praise of Hayes. The ticket and platform are com manded by the Republicans and Independ ents in all the. States through which he passed. irplus ro.vi-nuri (if the: United S'f-iO... f .1 . 1- T I 1 . . n.-, iuj lUy year ending ouiy is.v was v.-'b'J 10,ot;l . Tlic exendltures were M):iJ(i(i() b,;Iow those of 1873. This is out- ' ie of the reductions in the interest ac-'-uuut, whidi are very considerable. With !eh u balance on the right side after pay 1;'g running cxj.enses it is nonsense and 'Hy to allege that the nation is trembling on th- verage of bankruptcy. There is yet outstanding of the first is sues of fractional currency, prior to 18G'J, the sum of aiU,47U,07G. Of this large sum it is estimated that ten millions will never be presented for reduction, having heeu lost or destroyed in the hands of the j'Oiuers. Hardly any of it has appeared to he exchanged for silver coin. A large per centage of that issued since lSG'J has prob ;hly gone the same way. The total amount ut fractional currency put out since 1661 s about :54U,0O0,UUO, but not more than wic-teuth of it has been in circulation at ar:)' one time. HEAT 'ISBIAN BA1TLE SAXG UIAR Y FIGHTING IX THE WEST THE GROUND PILED WITH BODIES General Custer Among the Dead Over Three Hundred Killed HISTORY OF THE DISASTER Salt Lake, July C The special cor respondent of the Helena (Montana) "Her ald" writes from Stillwater, Montana, July - Muggins Taylor, a scout for (.'eneral Gibbon, got here last night direct from Lit tle Horn river. General Custer found the Indian camp and two thousand lodges on Little Horn, and immediately attacked the camp. Cus ter took five companies and charged the thickest portion of the camp. j Nothing is known ol this detachment only as they trace it by the dead. Major lleno commanded the other seven com panies, and attacked the lower portion of the camp. A TEUUIBDE MASSACRE. The Indians poured in a murderous fire from all directions, besides the greater pur tion fought on horseback. Custer, his two brothers, nephews, and brother-in-law were all killed, and not one of the detachment escaped. Two hundred and seven men were buried in one place. The killed are estimated at iJOO, while only Wl are reported as wound ed. The Indians surrounded Iteua's com mand and held them one day in the hills, cut off from water, until Gibbon's command came in sight. They broke camp and left in the night. The Seventh Cavalry rOUtJIIT LIKE TIGERS and were overcome by mere brute force, The Indian loss cannot be estimated as they bore off and cache'd most of their killed. The remnant of the Seventh Cavalry and Gibbon's command are returning to the mouth of the Little Horn, where a steam boats lies. Nhe Indians got all the arms of. the killed soldiers. There were seventeen com missioned officers killed. The WHOLE CrsTEU FAMILY died at the head of their column. The exact loss is not known, as both adjutants and the sergeant major were killed. The Indian camp was from three to four mlie lone;, and was twenty miles up the Little Horn from its mouth. The Indians actually pulled the men off their horses in some- instances. This is given as Taylor told it. The above is con tinued bv other letters, which sav that Cus ter met a fearful disaster. A X i T1I EH ACCO U XT. Salt Lake, Julv 5. The 'Times" despatch from Doseman, Montana, Ju!y.. seven P. M., says Mr. Taylor, bearer if despatches from Little Horn to Port Ellis, arrived this evening and reports the follow ing : The battle was fought on the 25th, thirty or forty miles below the Little Horn. Custer attacked the Indian village of from 2o(i! to -luu-J warriors on one side, and Colonel lleno was to attack on the other Three Companies were placed tn a hill as a reserve. oyei; Tir.tEi: :h'xi::kd mex killed. General Custer and fifteen officers and overy man belonging to the live companies were killed. Ileno retreated under the pro tection cf the reserves. The whole num ber killed was ol."). General Gibbon joined Ileno. The Indians left the battle ground, which looked like A SLAUGIITEIl TEX, As it really was, being in a narrow ravine. The dead were much multilateJ. The situation now looks serious. Genera! Terry' arrived at Gibbon's camp on a steamboat and crossed the command over, ami accompanied it, to join Custer, who knew it was coming, before the fight occurred. Lientenant Crittenden, son of General Crittenden, was among the killed. General George A. Custer was born at New ilumlev, December 5, lolll, and edu cated at West Point. At the outbreak of the Rebellion he entered the cavalry service of the Potomac army, becoming aide-camp to MeClellan. He was engaged in the bat tles of Yorktown, Antictamand Stoneman's raid. In 18G3 he was made a brigadier general of volunteers, and held the right of the line at Gettysburg. At balling Wa ters he routed the rebel rear guard, and at Winchester captured nine battle Hags. All through the war his record was very bril liant, and at Waynesboro, iu February, 1SG5, he captured the remnant of. Larly s army, about 18,000 strong. Ho was singu larly fortunate iu his career, never losing a gun or color, and making more captures than any other general not a commander. Towards the close of the war he was gazet ted major-general of the United States Army, iu recognition of his brilliant achiev ments. It i. stated that the burning of brush af ter nh'ht is iu violation of a statute of this O tState, and a penalty of fifty dollars is at tached in ca.se the law is disobeyed. This item of information many be of interest to .some of our rural readers. Wq presume the idea i.s that there is danger of the flames spreading to feu cos or buildings, and also of burning the woods in the vicinity. m - Pennsylvania produced ou',3 17,015 of the 50,507,1 7." tons ol coal miaed in the United States last years. Special ISTotice. "The safety of the people is the highest law," was an obi lawgiver's maxim. Messrs. Wana maker Drown, at their great Oak J lull Clothing House in I'JiiladelpIfia, Keetn.s to liave adopted the old tuaxitu. There is absolutely no risk in buying of them. No mistake of a salesman, or inexperience of a customer can ever be. taken advantage of. The tirm gives to every buyer a guarantee, over their own signa ture, covering every possible point at which a purchaser can need pnrtectios. Such deter mination to take every obstacle out of the way of buying clothing i.s worthy ofesincereappIau.se. It need not any longer be a terror to suit your self or your family with the best and cheapest clothing the country a"brds. July 13-lm. This time it is a pigstory. The Lancaster Kxprcss says W. Shoemaker, of Pulton township, has a pig of the female persua sion that has brought into the world, dur ing lie brief existence of eight years, three hundred pigs;, every one of which reached maturity. MA1UIIK1"). At East Strondsbur-;, July -llh, 1S70, ly A. W. Loder, Ewjr., Mr. Joseph 11. Miller, "and Miss Elizabeth Post, Loth of Smithfkld tsp., this comity. On the Slh inst., at Chcrrv Vallev M. K. parsonage, by Ilev. (J. L. chaffer, Mr. Wm. l'aylor, of Oxford Furnace, X. J., and Miss Levina Snyder, of Stroudsburg, la. At tlic M. F. Parsonage, Analomink, on Momlav, July 10th, 1S7;, by ltev. K. L. Mar tin, Mr. John Pnrnet, of Chester, Morris Co., N. J., and Miss .Sarah A. Shi O'er, near .Slrouds burg, Monroe county, Pa. At Delaware Water (J.ij), on the 7th inst., Mr. John Davey, aged 70 vears 3 months and 1") days, T" 'in ii ! n mm iiiMM i ! i mm DIVIDEND " NOTICE." A sfini-aiumal dividend of r, j.cr rent will be paid bv tli Striidl'iir.i; l'ass.Tiircr Uaiiway Company, at the otli'.-e of the Monro; County I'.an I; ami Savings Co. Parties holding t ertitiiaii s jt stork which have not b;'fii transff-rnii oa the books of tin? Company, wiil pli-:ts' pn-Ki'iit tin-in and have new ciTtilicatis 'issued iu th -ir favor. July i::;t. THUS. A. lUCI.L, See'y. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Kstate of Stephen 11. refers, dee'd., of Barrett tsp. Letters testamentary upon the above Estate haviii been granted to the undersijiiiod, all person 4 indebtc-3 to said Estate are requested to make payment, and those having claims to present the same, without delay. t-J LEVINA I'ETEliS, Executrix, or SAMUEL I'OSTKNS, Executor. July 15-Ct. Mountain Hme, la. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICR Estate of EMANUEL 1LIIELLER. late of Stroud town ship, deecascd. Letters of Administration u.n the above named Est:ite having been granted to the undersigned, allpcr son persons indebted to said Estate are requested to make immediate payment, and those having claims a-.;ai!ist the sr-.me will jirescnt their account du I v authenticated lor sclib.'metit to. CJlAKLIj? V.. STAPLES, Adm'r. July l.T-r.t. Stroudsburg.- l'a. NOTICE. All nersons indebted to inc on hook account are requested to nmke immediate payment. All accounts not settled up before the first of August lfxb, will be placed in the hands of a Justice of the iVace for collection. WM. S. FLO UFA". Stroudsburg, July 13, lS7o- tf. 3STOTICH!. Nntiee is lu reby -riven that an application will bo made tl lidi-r t lie Ai t of A -si-in 1.1 v nf t he ( ',im m. im I' I, of IVniisylva'iia, entitled. "An" Act t- provide for th" ok 01 i".rai!i'ii .ii certain corporations, a proved Apiii "J1, ls74, for tin- ihiirt.-r of an intend-il eoi p. .;::! to b. called "The St roudsburif Water I'om p oiy," ;..r I li " urp .-e of sii vi t:i the said l'.oroiicrli "i'Sti.Mid-l-e,r,' a ic I vicinity with water. Th business of said company Jo be trannacti-d in said I'.oro'.ih of .-tree.dsl.ur.', county of Monroe, stale i f IVniisvlvania. J. I:. Toi:M, Solicitor. July ia, is:-; at. WILLIAMS' HALL Select Entertainraent OF UMORO US & DRAMA TIC READINGS BY Miss P. B. SEMPLE, TUESDAY, JULY IS, 1S76, at 8 P. M. TrcKets oO cents. C'hilren 'Jl cents. No feats reserved. Tickets to be had onlv at the door. July l.'i-lt Terrible times in flew York ! DRY GOODS MEN BURSTING UP!! The Clothig Men are Bursting Up ! Hat & Cap Men are Bursting Up ! ! The Milliners are Bursting Up! ! A BIG SOAP MAN lias BURSTED UP!!! TtovsfUfh r,f Shears worth of Goods arc Sold Ly the ShcrijT cviri diy, and some go fur a lucre nothing ! DECKER OF TItK AVONDKRFUL CHEAP AUCTION STORE Is WIDE A WAKE on the ?jot. and his Store in Stroudsburg is now groaning and grunting under (he load of Cheap Goods just arrived. JUST LOOK HERE! 2 spools of our best Cotton for 5 cent.-). - rows of Pins for 1 cent. - papers best Needles, o cent?. 2 Jartfe eakes Toilet Soap, o cents. Good Lead Pencil, 1 cent. Full set of Jet Jewelry, 20 cent?. Gents' and Youth's lined Collars, per box, 8 and 10 cents. Calico, 4 and o; Very fine white stripe Ptka, 12 cents. Beautiful Shades of Grass Cloth, fine, only 10 cents a yard. Plain Dress Goods, 10. Pdack Alpaca, 25 eta. .Summer and Fall Shawls, 5") and (5 cents. Larye White Counter-panes $1 and SI 13. Cassimerc8& Summer Wear, nearly half price. Fine Dress Linen 18, 22 ami 23 cents. Muslin Kdins 4, G, 8 and 12 cents. Kibbons, Flowers and Feathers, half price. Children's Gloves 5 cents. Ladies' Gloves 8 and 10 cents. Gents' Gloves 10 and 15 cents. Children's, Ladie's and Gents' Hosiery' nearly halt price. Hemmed Handkerchiefs 4 cents. Oil Table-cloths and Covers never so cheap. Corsets, elegant, only 40 cents. Linen 1 able-cloths and iowels, very cheap. Full pound Cotton Pats 1 1 cts. Peauliful Carpets 2" ct. and $1 per yard. Men's Pants, lined, $1. Men's Coats $1 and Men's Vests SI. Men's and Boys' whole suits, good Cassimer, 3 to SS. Men's and Youth's Koft Hats, 70e. to $1 25. Men's and Boys' Straw Hats, 15 and 25 cts. Misses x Ladie fashionably trim mod Spring and Summer Hats, 30c. to $1 50. Ladies' Fine Lace and Button Ladling Gaiters $1 25 to ?1 75. Men's Fine Calf Boots $: 50. Men's fine Un dershirts, 35 to 50 cent. Ladies1 line Undershirts 43 cts. Men's fine Muslin- shirts $1. Now, if you want to see a RUSH, just conic to DECKL'K'S wonderful cheap Auction Store 4 doors below Post Oiuce. April 27, '70. ly.- mil Hn uiwmim WANTED, To rent by a workincinan, :i small hou:si, Hear vil Iai;, lii twi'ca StrouJbbuig and Hushkill, address, with particulars 1'. SWI 1'1'WOOti, Julyi:Ml. I'liiladclpliia. Pa. Sheriff's Sale. T.y virtue of u writ of Lev. Tn. to nie dir.-ctJ, issued out of the Court of roiiiiimn TIl-us of Monroo Couuty, I will expose to mil.-, at futilie Vendue, on SATURDAY, JULYWM, 1870, :it 2 oYloek in tlio afternoon, at the Court House in the norouiih of Siroiidsburg, Monroe Couutv, the lolloniug des t ihi.vl K -al l-lsiate. io wit : All that t-ertuiii iiit sMuiire, tem-nii-iit and lot of laud Mtuute on the north side of Ann Mr.-t-t in thr lioroitKh of troudsln:r. beiti roUTY-THKr.I-: FKKT on sai.l Ann .Street and ONK II l r!M:i and NINETY l'KKT iu depth, adjoining land of James II. Mel'nrty and land late J unes T. Calmer and Cherry Ally. The" improve ments are a l"KAlt: " u DvelUng House, III! broii 22x2,.. 2 stori- s hjgh. Kitehen attached, 1210 feet 1 story l ich water near the door aud lot of fruit trees Seized and taken iu exet-utioti as the property of M..rru It. Stone and Susan Stouo his wife, and to bo sold by me for cah. o ,w. o , JCOIJK.SIIAFER, Shcriir. Shenil 's Oiliee, Stroudsburg, July i:;th, lsT-i. j Sheriff's Sale. Py virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. to me directed, issued out ol tiie Court of Comm.. n Fleas of Monroe Count v. I will cxpo.su to sale at Public Vendue, on SATURDAY, JULY 2M, 1871, nt 2 oV hi'-k in the afternoon, at the Court lions' In the Horounh of Stmudshnrj,', Monroe County tlie'fol lowitidescribed Heal Fstate, to wit: An c-rtain lot of l ui.1 situate in the village of Oak land, Township of Farr.-tt, Count v of Monroe, contain ing. Three Quarter Acres, h11 cleared, adjoining land of Iav, AYileox &. Co., John ahu. Ihe Improvemeuts are a Fit AM li Dwelling House, K,x25 f'-ct. 2 stories liiyh. a lot of apple and other fruit trees on the premises ami water near the door. S-ized and taken in execution as the property of l'hilip Koehler, aud to be sold by no- for cash. .1 ( ( ill k" s:ti a i.T-i i. :. in .in.-.-, oi i oii'jsuur July i:;ili, isTo, Statement of Tobyhamia School District. Receipts and Expenditures for 1875. nil. F. Tj. Kinney, Treasurer. Amount of duplicate, " $ 512 O0 Stato appropriation, 71 Collector of lsT;:, 31 713 45 CR. I!y paying vom hers for Teachers Ac., 422 10 Perci-ntairo on tax duplicate, ;?l ut Ualance due township, 207 2' $ 71?. 15 JACOB BLAKFU:i; 1'res t. Isaac Stavh i:i;, S.-cy. July 1.;, 187i-.t. Smith field School District. STATEMENT OF Receipts and Expenses of the I:.-trict for the year ending Juner.tli, 1STG. For school purposes 10 mills, and for building 2 mills to the dollar. Total amount levied for school S purjioses, 2172 Xi Total amount levied for building Total amount levied. The Treasurer collected. Premiums and mistakes, To be collected, 4Hi t3 S 2.-.T9 04 m :!-. W 7-3 S2o79 04 Implicate Thc-o. V. 15unncl, collector, Collectors receipTi . 762 9S Exonerations Spj if.', j-aid other d.j- tricts 27 l.j 47 o-l Amount due at settlement, 43 J2 Amount due from collector, From State appropriation, rTS 05 ' M. Yctter, collector 1S75. 22 "' " Tln-o. Taylor, col. bounty tax '71 21 2S " sale of old stove A:c., 2 4' " TrctLiurer and collector, 2129 US t55 7o 43 S2 Total rec.-ipts frtu all resources. Teachers wul'cs, Fuel and contingencies, Ktjairs and reneweals, Paid in other districts. Printing Sll ";', School .Tournal 57 0! I 'l.t cl I'i iHi, interest S'J & Salary tf Secretary, Auditors and town c'erlr, Treasurer's coiiimisions, 2337 21 1927 fi3 M'.t 19 2.1'. M 27 t IS ol) 1.35 M 15 (H) 4 .30 f.tl U'J Total expenditures. 2G27 67 Balance in hands of Treasurer. 5-1 Balance on duplicate, 1-5 2 Total resources of I'istrict, June 5, 1S7o, 25.5 3t", June 29-;it.J E. T.CKoA.SDALi; Sec'y. NOTICE TO THE TAX-PAYERS OP MONROE COUNTY. In pursuance to nn Act of Assembly, entitled "an Act relating to the collection of tate and County Taxes in the county of Monroe," ap proved May 0, lsG7, the county Treasurer will meet the Tax-payers of Raid county for the collection of Slate and county taxes in and for the following places, to wit: In Tunkannock township, Monday July 17th, 1S70, at the house of Joseph Newhart. Tobyhamia township, on Tuesday July IS, fit the houe of William fcfhitter, and Wednes day July 19, at the house of Isaac Staufi'cr. C'oolbaugh township, on Thursday July 20, at the house of Jerome I. Shaw. I'ocono township, Friday July 21, at the house of Charles Brown. Jackson township, Saturday July 22, at the house of Sinauc-l K. Jiossard. J loss township, Monday July 21, at the house of J acob JI. Stocker. Kldred township, Tuesday July 25, at the house of Amandus J. Marsh. l'olk township-,, Wednesday July 26, at the house of Joel Kre-sge. Chestnuthill township, Thursday July 27, at the house of Charles Eberle, and Friday July 23, at the house of David Everett. IJoroughof Fast Stroudsburg, Saturday July 29, at the house John Harlow. I'aradise township, Monday July 31, at the house of James Kintz. Uarrelt township, Tuesday August 1st, at the House of John W. Yother. l'riee township, Wednesday August 2, at the house of Samuel I'ostens. Hamilton township, Thursday August 3, at the House of Josiah Kresge, on Friday Au Kiist I, at the house of John llhodes, and on Saturday August 5, at the house of Charles Andrew. M. Sinithfield township, Monday August 7, at the house of Jaocb H. I'lace, and Tuesday August 8, at the house of James I'lace. Smithfield township, Wednsday August 9, at the house of Simeon D. lhish, and Thusday August 10, at the house of Thomu3 rrodhead. Stroud township, Ftiday August II, at Peter Keller's Mill, and on Saturday August 12, at the store of Day, Wilcox & Co. Horough of Stroudsburg, Monday and Tues day August 14andl", at the Treasurer's Olhee. Tax papers who avail themselves of this op portunity to pay their taxes, will bs entitled to an abatement of live percent. For the con venience of tax payers visiting Stroudsbirrg, the Treasurer will receive any of the above taxes at his ofliee, before said d.ivs. LINFOD MAIISII, Treasurer. Trca.-urer's Olilee, L'trcud: bur, June 15, 1876. EAST STROUDSBURG Statement For 1875. Dr. A. TV. Teeter, in account with Fast fc'troudaburg. Borough. To duplicate, 809 t5 Fines assessed on Couneihnen, 2 'X) SI 1 13 CR. Cash paid J. II. shot well, Treasurer, 7.32 07 F.xotiurittioti, 27 7,3 Collector's cotnmission. ' eJ S 11 13 We the undersigned Auditors have carefully ex amined the above y.vount of A. W. Teeter, collector, of Borough Tax for 1573 :Mid find the same correct. U. B. 1I1TCHOCK, ) J. II. SllOTWFLL, VAuditors. 0. 11 STAUFFFB, j Dr. J. If. Shot well. Treasurer, in account with the Borough of Fast S-'roudsburir. To cash from P. Kmpv, Treas. 1874, 40 93 " " " A. W. Teetor, cul. 1375, 732 07 " " " Scraper hire, 5W " balance due Treasurer. 1 J 70 5 SI I Si CR. By Borough orders paid, 811 SI I iAUti.n n:s. Itobert Crown, August 4th !S7:t, 21 1 00 " January Cth 1S74, 171 7; J. fj. Uhodes, August 4th 1S71, :m 00 CS.3 7:: We the undersigned Auditors liiive careluily examinetl the account of J. 11. Sholwcll, Treasurer and liud the same correct. II. B. HITCHCOCK, GFO. F. .STAl'FFF-B, J J Auditors. Dr. Charles Hillyer. Collector of School Tax for 1-375, Last Stroudsburg, borough. To duplicate, $ 2S4 S3 S 2S1 8tf CR. By cash paid Treasurer per receipts, 1GS 00 By exonerations, 12 79 Commission for collecting, Vi li'l Balance due Treasurer, 5J 4'. $ 2S4 SS Dr. Charles Hill ver, Collector, Building Tax, 1S7.3. To duplicate. " it 41 CR. Cash paid Treasurer as per receipts, 1M 00 F.xonerations, 12 7-J Commissions, 14 28 Balance due Treasurer, lo.t lit $ 29s 41 We the undersisned Auditors have carefully examin ed the accounts of Charles J I illy or, collector of .School aud Building Tax for 1S73 and iind the came correct. 11. 15. Ill TCIIOCK, I J. H. SHOT W FLU l. (JFO. 11STAUF1 FP.J Auditors. Dr. S. S. Tjtriek, Treasurer of School funds, 1S75, F:et Stroudsburg, boroiiu'h. To bal from B. S. StonuTreas. 1374, $ 410 91 State appropriation, 2'3 9-J Bee. on dup. while in hands of Treas. 472 9S Cash from Charles. Hillver, c.l. 1S73, loS (XI " A. Hall. t, collector 157-1, 24 93 Tuition from M. Dctrick, V 70? lCl 52 CR. By vouchers, Teachers salarv, C70 00 " " Secretary " " 20 00 " " l'u-. l X continijeut expenses 122 70 Jiisuranee, 24 HO " " Treasurer's eotnmission, lo :i " balance in hands of Treasurer, ;uS O'.t ?1:W1 52 Dr. S. S. Detri. k. Treasurer building funds lor 137-3. Cash from A. Hallet, collector 1 74, 23S 55 " on dup. while in hands of Treas. 4fD C$ " of Charles HiUher, collector 1S73, BVS 00 " balauce due Treasurer. 474 2(J S 1361 4'J CR. By cash paid interest on bonds, 1 17 fi " ten (I'll bonds rcdeemeil, 1'SoO l " cash paid on vouchers, 122 01 " btilance settlement IS74, l'.4 :u 44 Treasurer's commission, 2G CJ S 13C1 4'J ASSETS. Due Treas. from col. school duplicate,- 90 41 " building, 103 34 " " " A. F. Bush, 5 00 Balance in hads of Treasurer 83 S3 5 232 CG LIABILITIES. l"nettled school bills, 10r, .30 Outstanding bouds, Moo IK) 130G .30 Liabiliiies over assets, 1273 SI We the undersigned Auditors have examined the a:-eouut of S. S. D- trick, Treasurer of S liool and building fands for l-s7.3, and find the same correct. H. B. HITCHCOCK, "I J. H.SIIOTWIXL, $ Auditors. C.KO. F. STAUFFFK, ) Dr. John Chambers, collector of Poor Tax, of Fast Mrouusuurg uoiougu lor iio. To diipltcate, 3S1 26 Stove, U oo 3S4 20 CR. By cash paid Treasurer, 253 00 " exonerations, 4 72 " colliK-tor's commissions, IS S3 " services as xr master, 30 00 balance in hands ot collector, 77 71 S 354 26 e the undrstLrnid Auditors have carefullv examin ed the account of John Chambers and find the same correct. II. B. HITCHCOCK, Auditors, J. II. SHOTWIXL, f Dr. Bo!.ert Brcwrr', Treasurer of Poor fund of East Stroii'frOmr-r Boroutrh, fr 1S3. To balance from Levi Smith, col. 1S74, 29 SO " cash from John Chambers, collec tor us tier receipts, .-)3 00 To balance due Treasurer, 170 01 -1-33 49 CR. By cash paid P. Mutcliler, confine ment of Joe Comfort, 31 47 Cash paid K. Brown, making out dup. 1 50 " T. Holland for Jas Lud ick, 6 30 " " J. .t M. Yet ter, bill of nidse. 43 CI " f..r C'jls, hindiies, 6X3 " " auditors fees. 4 00 " " Charles 1 'ran ken field, Collin, and attending funeral, 22 50 " " Thomas Bianen. digging frrave, 1 00 " " N C Miller, medical attendance 20 2.3 ' ' A BockafcUov, merchandise, 13 23 " W S Bar.g.-r, merchandise, S S.3 " " S Hinkle, for P Dugan, 73 " " J II Pile, nidse, p Dugan, 7 73 " " J '.ish, goods for J I.udgwick, 4 27 " ' W W liari is, goods for P Dugan 1 77 " " S Detriek, nidse. for P Dujan, 3 41 " " W S Barge r, merchandise, .3 9rt " " W K Vaiivliet, tiling saws, 7 K2 " " .1 1 1 tn back, rent for J Lufw-rck,23 nr " " rx.ekerv, digging grave, 1 00 " "Sundries." 1 1 4S " " steVe for I.udwick, 7 00 " "JHMeCarty A Sons, Coflin, and attending funeral, 2.3 .30 " " .las. Fcnner, keeping tramps, 4S 7.3 " ' J llohen.-hclt, " 2 0i " " P Bow, " " 2 37 A W Lixlcr, nidsr, J Ludqwick 46 0.3 4 14 4 I IM-.gan, 1 oo L Marvin. S 00 It 14 44 " " L M Whitaker, for poor, 00 9(5 " " Boln-rt Brown, services as For-r Tater, IS 00 Treasurer's commission. 7 4-S S 453 40 Ve tin iindersigmd Auditors have carefully ex amined the above account and find the same correct. if. B. HITCHCOCK, Auditors. J. II. SHOTWFLL, 1'. ) STATEMENT OF THE Stroudsburg School District's Receipts and Expenditures for 1875. Tax rate 13 mills on the dollar of valuation. DK. A. O. (SUEENWALW, Treasurer. Amount of Duplicate for 1S75 52249 S( To Stale appropriation, 4 17 33 " tuition of pupils not livingin district ol 34 " school riKim rents, 9 00 " tax of S. L. Drake, "on Duplicate of 1872, . 32 15 " tax of liinforri Iluth on duplicates oflS73AlS74, 5G4 20 " tax of S. D. Dreher on duplicate for 187-"), 4-30 50 " tax ree'd bv Treasurer on dupli cate of 1875, 1059 12 Total 2016 73 ? 32 50 2002 00 30 73 D 00 34 00 25 00 0 00 42 00 57 GO CR. I'y bal. due Treas. June 1S75; amount pan! teachers, lor interest, " Auditors, " Hood, .Stoves, Secretary's Salary, " McUarty, Chairs, " for I'rintin"r, " " " Paving down town. " " " Cleaning School Houses, 8 OS Fvepairins 44 " 41 20 Fuel and contingencies, 271 49 " Treas. Commission on $2528 09 paid out at 2 per cent., 50 50 " Balance due District, 5 58 Total e $2016 73 Amount due District from all sources, 700 00 " of District Debt, 1000 00 Liabilities in excess of resources, 300 00 KOHFRT 11. DFPUY, President. Stroud liritsox, Secretary. June loth, 1870. WANTED, For two years $1,000 on first Mortgage on Real Estate, worth over 2,500. A liberal bonas will be given for the, same. Apply a: this Office. June 15, '70-2t Auditor's Notice. The undersigned appointed Auditor by the Court of Common Pleas of Monroe county, to make distribution of the fund in Court, arising from the ShorilPs sale of the per.-on'll property of Samuel Stitzc-r, will attend to the duties of his appointment at his office, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, on Friday,- July 21, 1875, at 'I o'clock p. m., when and where all persons iir'-: terested in said distribution, may attend if they think proper or be forever debarred from com ing in for auv share thereof. " A. A. DINSMOIIE, Auditor. June 22, 1870 4t. UPJTOK'S SFITLE.MKNT WITH 1. A. O. (J KEEN WALL), Treasurer of llie Stroudsburg School Board, for the yesf ending June olh, 1875. DR. To cash of Silas L. Drake, $ 32 15 ' cash of Lin ford Kttth on duplicateof 1873& 1874, 561 20' " cash of Silas D. Drther on puplicate of 1875, 450 59 " State Appropriation, 447 38 " cash collected bv Treas. on Duplicate of" 1875, 1059 12 " cash for tuition of pupils out of District, 21 00 " cash for rent of School 1 louses, 9 00 " cash of Simon Barrv, . , Treas. of Stroud township, 33 31 $2016 73" CR. By tiie payment of Vouchers for the following named purposes, to Wit. , . , . For Teaching, $2002 00 " Fuel, ' 192 61 " Incidentals, 100 83 " Paving, 73 59 " Cravens, 48 33 " Printing, 42 09 " Secretarv's Salary, 29 00 " Auditing, 9 00 " Int'est allowed on Vouchers 30 73 Bv bal. due Treas. at last settc 'ment, . s 32 50 By coaimission on $252S 09 at 2 per ct. on mojiey paid out, 50 50 ,. . By bal. in Treasurer hands, -5 58-5261673 B. S. JACOBY, . . U. S. WAGNEK,)Au(3ltora June 15th, 1870. AUDITOR'S SETTLEMENT WITH the Overseers of the loor of ther Borough of Stroudsburg for the year ending June 10th, 1S7G. P. II. Kobeson, Treasurer of Overseers in account with said fund.- DR. To cash of Linford B.uth on dupli- ,. cateof 1873, $ 191 97 " 1S74, 210 41 " brtl. in hands at last settlement, 1 12 " amount of duplicate of 1875, 1714 21 $2147 71 CR. By the payment of Vouchers for the following" named purposes : For keening Vacrants, 76 55 " Bent, " . 20 00" " Medical attendance, 30 00 " Auditing, .GQQ " Funeral Expenses, SO 00 " Work at Poor House, 18 25 ,c Overseer's services for 1S74&1S75, 115 (d " Making tax duplicates for '74 & '75 S OU iC Merchandise for Paupers, . 223 43 Bv Judgment paii at Silas L. Drake's, 91 41 By Balance; 1529 07 .... $2147 71 We find iTue from P. II. Robeson on Dupli cate and cash received $152.) 07. B. S.JACOB Y, ) Knun H. S. WAGNER, Aadltors June 15th, 1876: ANNUAL STATEMENT OF STROUD TOWNSHIP; For Hie year 1S75. HR. Suporvisors of Stroud townsliip, viz: . Fdvvanl ly-o, ain't f Diiplitato (A Ab'in Ulnxlci, do 64S 61 Goo. Fliillips, d' do 7U:i 45 Ain't ree'd from Spot iul Tax Pup. 4"J 15 S1S58 fit. Uy ain't I'M for labor on roads $1027 03 " " Flank and timber 1SU 52 " Spikes, Ac. 9C,( " " Services as Suporvf- , sors, lGii davs 210 80. " fou n sol foes, 15 (X) " " Settling Duplicate lam " " Attending Audit, 4M " " Fxonerations, - 42 79 " " ltxks, Guide boards 2 57. . -" "Auditors, . 6 00; S1S58 S5 The forcpoing accounts exaaiincd and aTIowei thii Grli day of jmae, 1S7(. UFO. U. MILLER, 1 . .TAfoB.T. ANGLE, VAuditors. I RLDEIUIC K FABEL. J Statement of Bounty Fund of Stroud township,' for 1875. DR. SIMON HARRY, Treasurer. . , IsTo.Nov. i::,cah of J. A. Fetherinan flOO 00 lS7f.,March 4, " Win. M.ostcller 16:1 (X) 24, " " 110 IM) " April 4, J. A. Fetlierman 5i)00 " Mav 20, " " f,i64 "' " J. W. Huston, $3S0 " June 5. Win. Mostoller 105 68 fo77 22 CR. Kalancc duo S. Rarry at last settle ment S-J-IS5 1876, jan'y 7, cash paid School Iniard for settling Itounty Duplicates, 20 00 1S7G, Ju ne 5, F'd bat. of liona No. 49c 00 " " Interest on same fronr . . juc 1, 1875 to June 1, '76 42 07 " " " cash paid Auditors 9 00 $620 42 llalanrc due t.)wn-,hip on Bounty tax S6 SO, which Is carried to School Fund.. Examined and alloweil this 6th day of June, 1876. GEO. H. MILLER, ") J A 'Oil J. ANGLE, VAuditors. FREDERICK FABEL,) Orereccrs of Poor, 1S75. ilz: DR. CITAS.SW1NK and GEORGE" I5URD: To amount of Duplicate . 738 22 Balance due at laM settlement 114 84 Commissions refunded 95 $854 01 CR. By Interest paid on voucher dated April 1, 1873: Jacob Miller by J. G. Ah'gfe, Overseer of Foor, $1.1 9.1 By board of Faupcrs, 3rt3 6:i " Cloihirg " 297 " Fuel ' . 33 00- " Medical attendance 11 On " Attorney fee, v M on- " Fublishini,' Auditors stalement, 1S74, 1H 00 " Justice's Ices for oaths of otlice 3 00 " f has. Sw ink, for personal service 33 75 " For Tramps 1 50 " Geo. Kurd, fur personal service 2i 50 " Makin? out liii'licate and lxKk 3 IS' " Am't p'd lor auditing Four and Road accounts 12 oo " Exonerations allowed on Dup. 1S74, 6 79 SAS3 31 Hal. in hands of Overseers and due Township $270 70 Examined aud allowed this 6th dav of June, 1870. liEO. H. MILLER; ) JACOB J. A N G LE, V Audi tors. FREDERICK FABEL. I Statement of School Hoard for 1S75. DR. SIMON BARRY, Treasurer, To State Appropriation $-108 27 From Collectors ot School taxes, 20;W S3 24 14 6.7 Bal. due at tiual settlement of Bounty fund 56 80 $2501 4or CR. Faid vouchers of Teachers, $1S75 00 " Fuel 2-Jt? 67 Money refunded to Collector 1S3 24 ,f " Treasurer 22 98 F'd for print Ins? statement for 1874, 12 o " Wm. Fine, Secretary 30 00 " V.iik her for tuition of col'd Children 33 34 " Faintins Linler whotd-house 23 00 " f leant nil school-houses, 22 15 . " Repairing u 4(v a? " Fuiniture " " 21 42 " Interest on Vouchers of previous car, g 35 " Commission allwed on paying out j.'s Hi 01 at 2 per cent 56 92 JCf !T Balance due S. Barry, Treasurer f 1:1 4s Balance duo on Duplicate of 1S75, $rSl 72 Examined and allowed this 6th dav of June, lS7a. CEO H. MILLER. "i JACOB J. ANGLE. V Auditors. I JRLDER1CK i ABEL. J jane. 13, 1S75. 3t. Iflr ir
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