- a I -ft Wanton destruction. Captain Bogardus, the' celebrated pigeon shot, tilled ninety six out of one hundred birds at a recent match. A big Newfoundland dog belonging to Michael J. Barnes, of Fall lliver, followed Michael McFadden into his stable, the other day, and when he put forth his hand to pat him on the head, the dog seized it, and mutilated it very badly, after which McFadden had a struggle for life with the animal. Mol'aduen and Barnes had had a dispute in tho presence of the dog, and it is thought that he understood how matters stood between them, and wanted to avenrre his master. 1876. The wolves of Wisconsin are unusually bold this season. They oven come into the villages and attack men. On a late even ing a pack of the beasts attacked a citizen at Parkins" (Mark county, on the road half a mile from town, and manifested a most determined di -pes it ion to make a meal ofj him. He succeeded in lighting them off, ami reached home a much frightened man Children are carefully housed after night in towns and country. The vicious brutes ofton invade villages :nd serenade the in- ha'iitants with the music of their howls. The essence of iustk-e is merer. Mak ing a child suffer for wrong-doing is merci ful to the child. There is no mercy in lotting the child have its own will, plung ing headlong to destruction with the bits in its month. There is no mercy to society nor to the criminal if the wrong is not re lresscd and the right vindicated. We in jure the culprit who comes up to take his proper uooni at the bar of justice, if we do not m:;ke him feel that he has done a wrong thing. Wo m:'v deliver his body frum j rison, but not at the expense of justice, nor to his own injur The ( hicai.0 Tnvrx p'.ibiishes this, but .1 1 -111 . t t the r-uiilic will uo as tnev t dense about ae- coT.ting it as gospei truth : A nerrro known as "Uncle Ben,' has been found on the Filous plantation, eight miles from Chap pell hill, in Washington county, Texas, who savs lie was a good-sized bov, blowing the bellows in a black.-mith shop in Virginia, at the time of Hra Idock's defeat in 1754. lie lost his eyesight at about 00 years of age, but in the course of l2n cars it returned to him. and he sees ss well as anybody now. His hair turned white with age, turned Mack again, and is now white the second time. lie now m-isticates with his third s.'t of teeth. He has had 14 wives, is the th" father of $." children, and is hale, hear ty and active. From his statements he must be 140 or l." years old. The Cen tennial can have him if thev want him. FALL AND WINTER GOODS. At N. ETJSTEE'S, The National Hall of Fashion! Those wishing to purchase any thing in the CLOTHING LINE, will do well to call at the above place as they will find a larger and finer Stock of Clothing than all the rest in town rt together. All wool suits as low as $8 00; the Unions as low a .") 00; English and German basket and diagnal suits from $18 00 so $35 00; the imitation twenty per cent. lesa. They are cut in the latest style and are equal to custom work. All the latest sty ten in "White "Vests and .Alpaca Coats. IX YOUTHS', BOYS' AND CIIILDKEFS CLOTHING, yon can't better yourself as they are made up in the best of style and are cheaper than you ccn find them any where else in town. HATS, CAPS AND STRAW GOODS! Those wishing to buy a stylish Nat or Cap will do well to call at the above place, as they will not find a more complete stock in town. The pricec are very low. Ladies' and Gents' Furnishing Goods! You will find all the latest novelties of the season always on hand. Those wishing to bny any I hing in the furnishing goods line will do well to call at the above place, as they will find a much larger stock than in any other place in town. DRY GOODS! Those wishing to buy Dry Goods will also do well to call at the above place as prices are verv low. Always on hand a full line of the Capitol Alpacas, which are the best you will find. A splendid line of Skirts and Shawls. You can get a splendid shawl, alike on both sides, for 11 75. . B. Particular attention paid to CUSTOM WOKK. Good fits warrantod or no sale. Our motto i, we will not be undersold, bo those wishing to buy for CASH will do well to call before purchasing elsewhere. N. RUSTER, PROPRIETOR OF THE NATIONAL HALL OF FASHION, Main stkket, SfROirpsurRG, Pa m s. 1870. St Mm Jonathan Case, of Iloosie. N. Y., i.s wvalthy and SO years old. A bright young widow charmed him and he married her slyly. His wedding prerent was 61,01)0 in ms!i. "Now, g." home," said the new wife, '"iret all vour bond, mortgages and monev and bring thcin here ; I will take good care d -heni and you."' He went, but his family, having learned of his marriage, im prisoned hi:u in his huu.se. declaring that he should not rcji.in his wife. lie had in-ide a will giving them all his property, and they did not want to be fouled out of it. Mrs. Cas--' sent a carriage and a .stout : river : l'Mled. by a hired man. besi?g"d the house, the dvovs of which were locked. Her husband shouted encouragement to her from a win dow, and pistols were brandished by both parties, hut she get the old man, but the effort Then she went herself, and, aided September 3, 1S74. tf. Q. H. Dreher. E. B. Dreher n?i-iCEris: i i It affords us e:reat pleasure in statin? to our l customers and the public generally, that not J withstanding the init offered in spool cotton : and trashy and sleazy goods in Stroudsburg, I the rumbling of incipient Larthouakes in Lal- (2 doora west of the "Jetiersonian umce, ; . ltornia, the devastation following in the track i ot the great army of potato uwj which has re I cent I v swept through our town and communi i ty, the political strife now existing among the j many anxious ones for olliee, the seeming dis- j regard of public nioralitv, the err of hard ; times, the collapse and winding up of a num J ber of business houses throughout the country j- within the last two years, ELIZABETH STREET, SlromlslKJS ST. Pa., DREHER & BRO., DEALERS IN IJrugs, Medicines, PesTsmiorj and Toilet Articles. Faints, OILS, VARNISHES, GLASS & PUTTY and NEW STORE -:and:- NEW-GOODS -:at:- REDUCED PRICES. DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a general assortment of Dry Goods, Notions, Dress Trimmings, AND MIL L IN Ell Y GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz: Calicoes, Lawns, French Chintz, Children s Dress Goods, Worked Edgings, Parasols, Z diers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shawls, Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, Insert ings, Lady's and Children s Sacks Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men's Hoes, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudings, .C"t, t'C, Goods shown with pleasure. ,4 Quick sales and small profits" at the old and well known Millinery Stand of F. A. DUE HER The Millinery business will be carried on as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage respectly solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April 2G,1 8G6. WILLIAMS, P. b' Watchmaker & Jeweler, MAIN-ST, STROUDSBURG, PA. Located in corner building, third door be low the Jeffersoninn office. Room handsome 'y fitted up, and heavily stocked with the fi nest assortment of Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Jewelers No tions, &c, ever ofiVred in this section ofcountty. A full assortment of Spectacles, of the best quality, and suited to all ages, always on sale. Silver-ware, and Silver Plnted ware, al ways on hand at manufacturers prices. C7Repairing neatly executed, and char ges extremely moderate. Culls from the public respectfully solicited. Sole Aent for the celebrated Diamond Spectacles. November 5th, 18G9 ly. NEW MACHINE SllOpj The subscriber having started a T iia Main Street, Stroudsburg, pa is prepared to build, and repair all t' Machinery with accuracv. an,t j " Being fitted with Patch. Carriage Makinir. - -- The undersigned takes this method of informing the public, that he still con tinues iheabove business in all its branches at his old Stand, on Franklin street. Stroudsburg, Pa., where he will be hap py to receive orders for work in h'i3 Hue, including general Wheelwrighting, Blacksmith ing, Painting, Trimming, &c. Ilis stock, of the bet quality of seasoned lumber is large and very complete; and also has a full force of firsr class workmen at all the branches, he flatters himself that he is fully prepared to accomodate all who favor him with orders, and guaran tee entire satisfaction. llepairing promptly attended to WM. HUNTSMAN. July 28,-1870. SPECIAL M ACFIXER Y FOJi Tr INd, S1IAFTLXG. AMD inX LEYS, AND WIT II nr PROVED TUOIS "' of various kind?, and having Sn r tu:. to . bmlflinor m:irhiurri; frvr t-..:. iB - feel warranted in Ptiamntopin,.. work. Have on hand, and builtiju !5. PORTABLE ST CAM VMim e r. o 1 1 tt r. oi iiuni iu iu norse vo'xpr rspecially for Farm u.p, or lor dri ngut machinery. 1 also keep several thousand feet of CP'S' in Premium New York Oak Tanned Belting in widths of inch U G indies. (can ob wider onps at very pfiort notice) at mi ftcturers prices, alo L:ice Leather Kivets, Punches, &c, ' ! STEAM PIPES &: FITTINGS Pipe cut and fi-J nf the varioass sizes at sliort notice. UNDERTAKING ! LCE &. Go. would mo t respectfully an nounce that having procured an elegant CXcjnp i. Rubber Steam E'ackiR:. I would call tho attention of RiacK-.r, : IX . i . i . . . . v neci wriguis, and others, to n,v ment of all sizes of o-t. Machine Bolts, Nuts, Washer? .. l l T rr i- , which j ouct a i iev ) ork pnes The Bolt-ends especially, Leinr tfire nicd fitted with nuts by machiiieiy, enib'e'-. li achsunihs lo Iuruisli halx oi a nv ie. much cheaper, anil quicker, than to'c- tnem by nanu. .darcli 0, ft. "Vve still Live, ! Aim nave reiurneu iroru ine v.iiv wun a lanre stock of Fall and Winter Goods, Abdominal Supporters Braces. I .i n .. r i ( tin IJI .11 I I il; 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 niH"M 1 MltT.WIUlJU;i- SllCUlder ! hy in DUESS GOODS, including a full as sortment ot plain and laney Seeley's Plaids, from 25 cents up, A w ,v Jl all c XIi-iiiv lot of STOVES of descript ions ha ve been received t the store of the subscriber, in the borough of Stroudsbur?. He has had to cro away without mm. The courts will de eide LOOK THIS WAY, ALL WHO WANT Carriage Vcrli or Blaelisrmthhis DONE IN A SUPERIOR MANNER! TIII-j Subscriber bea leave to iu vforui the public that he is fully pre S pared, at his establishment, at the corner of Simpson and Sarah streets, in the borough of Stroudaburjj, to make to 1 r o V fit Mohairs, Pongees, Cashmerea, black and col- Slard RIBBCK TKI'SSC.N Also ored. all shades: all wool Ponlins in the most popular shades; French Mcrinocs in the most beautiful shad;s very cheap. Sitter's TRUSSES OF VARIOUS PATTERNS. Lamps and Lanterns Burning and Lubricating Oils. Physicians' Prescriptions carefully Com pounded. N. 15. The liiirliest Cash price paid for OIL of WINTEIIGREEN. may-4tf. SOMETHING NEW ! A SHOE MANUFACTORY. Tlie un.iT'i'iic't wonM ro -i,,-; fu',1 y .-iv. mitici t'ir.t tb?y have cs;al!i-!n-'J ut WiiliumV Unit liuiidiii. cr iif r of ilttorgu aul Monroe streets, Stroudburj;, I'a., a or er3 every Carriage, Vagon, and, in fact, everything in his lino of bu einess, at the shortest possible uotice, and )u the most reasonable terms. Carriages repaired, trimmed and paiut ed iu the best style of the art. Having firt-clas material always on hand, and iiniie but n'rst-class workmeu en;aed, the public are assured th tt none hut lirst class work will Le turned out at bis shop. In connection with his Carriage Shop he has also a Blacksmith Shop, where superior workmen will always be found ready to attend to the orders of customers The public are invite-' to callind ex amine hi stock before purchasing else where. VALENTINE ICAUTZ. Septei.ilr P.), IsGT.-tf. SHOE MANUFACTORY, mid liiltirfii's ixt and .Nloes and I'jijr.'i's. CUSTOM WORK. Special attention is invited to our line of Alpacas from 30 cents up, which for smoothness and fineness of texture and brilliancy of color cannot be excelled; TAMISE CLOTH, Velveteens, I?rown and bleached Cottons lower than ever known; Sheetings, Nottingham Lace, Linen Damask Towels, Crah, Linen Handkerchiefs 6 cents, Print S cents. CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES. In this department our assortment is good, from the low priced Jean up to the plain and j t'CLl BE A VER, FLANNELS very cheap. SHIRTINGS; a full assortment of Hoisery and Yankee Notions. Ladies' Vests, Gents' Shirts and DrawerR, Cloak and Sack Trimming, Dress Trimming, Neck Ties, -t Skirts, Wool Shawls, a full assortment of COOKING STOVES, & PARLOR STOVES, of the latest improvements; and entire new ftyles, and considers ble.avino' of fuel, which can be hud at tiie lowest City prices. Also, all kinds of Stove-3?ipe. A large assortment of TIN WARE of ev ery description, contant!y on hand, which will be sold at wholesale and retail, as rea sonable as can be had in the City. All kinds of repairing done in the shortest, cheapest and best manner, ("all and exam ine his stock before you purchise elsewhere. Feb. 11, '09. VM. S.FLO It Y. SAMUEL HO DDT U ..'.fv; v?-'? " i?t!-- "5-'- : i-. - and having a person in their employ of twelve years experience, in the undertaking business are now prepared to attend to un dertaking in all its branches in the best pos sible manner. COFFINS and CASKETS ot any size, style or quality, constancy on hind, and eady tor shipment at short notice. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Our charges are moderate; we have no disposition lo distress the living or rob the estates ol the dead. N. B. Ready-made ROBES, neatly o-0t- ten up. can be had at any time, at the Ware loom of LLL &i Lo. May 2G, 1-70. ly. Pwns having H'-f.jrinr-it foot, lmn'onsor corn, "r i hiMp-n wil'i weak anklis, or rroolfd Hint., can liavo itk jS fir-t cl iim'cri:i!i :in 1 at rcaonnljle jrit-cs Sln); s iii'.iilc Vt .suit thvir -;is''s. Ihviii.' Ii.tI ti laruc eTjis-ri'Tifi in New York we feol f in !i' ton 1 1 lint we a n suit cii.-t'iinors n t'j 'jualitifs and lrici', all f iir ixxis li(lh fir ir;Mn-ral :i n-1 nvial s:ilo aiv wai r:iuti.-l tn li'i a roprcsciif ''it I'l.'aM" v' " call, f.a;niu.' mir ;v",l' ;tii ! m:itrria!s -imitinjc if Snrfs, l:t..xt I'n-ni li, Mat ami 1'rciu h ('a)f Kil. Unix icraiii'-'t. Jiruh ami lVlhltd Cinat Morocco. I'roni-li and Am 'l ii-ati -al t" ami Kij SUiii!, all of whii h will b; i hirfnily hown t- tiio; xlw inayca!!. I n: endine lo make a !i r.t nt" w.-arin arlirli? wo liav n.itliin to conceal, ilhir in )! U or niak from the imiilir lmt 'u'ild invito thrir i;.st si-riitiriv. j.iiy s, ;vif i:. i:. (-itoMMirrr & co. Choice Family Groceries, cheap We can't quote prices nor enumerate half the articles we kei, but with many kini thanks for your pat patronage;, we eordially invite you all to call and examine our otock ana we u snow vou the nesl assortment in town, the nicest and cheapest goods in town at the cuki:k stoki:, opposite the american hotel TERMS ( "-If. C. R. ANDRE & CO. Stroudsbur?:, Oct. 2S, 187o. J. 13. 1 1 1; i a,, :ccc-or to J. E. Erdiuan.) Mouroe fx 10. Mcb!c Works, Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa., "Where will !.e found constantly on hand or made to oru-i, f the best Italian and American Marble. Having been in the employ of Mr. Erdman for nearly ten years, I feel confident in my ability to please all that give me a call. All Work warranted to give entire satisfaction. IiSS Orders bv mail promptly attended to. fob 20'72-tf T OBlMtlNTINO. of all kind. neatly e--i eculeJ jt this ctrice. LEANDER EMERY, M A N 11- ACT L'Kl'K AKIi tiKALKR IN ALL KI'IS OF Cdrriagps s:iJ Bu.igics, Two-scatcd farriages fjr Livpry sfalilrs and private Families. Platform Spring Warons, ofihc latc-ht btyleuiid for all kiiii'sof u.c, kept on hand or made to odtr. SINGLE-SEATED OAEEIAGES, with top or without top, all blyles. Delivery and Express Wagons, of dilforctit styles, nhipprd to order. All work warrant 1 iu every particular fr one ypar. I will make tu or rlrutiy style of '-.irrtajjie or iUt r.ussy that may he want"1. Xone Init firft rlass work leaveai my bliop. I use only lirst class stM-k ami employ first class work men, and feel confident that I can pive entire satisfac tion to ail who may purchase my work. All onlers by mail shall receive prompt attention. Hoping that I may lie able to furnish the citizens of Stroudsburi; and vicinity with any thing that they may want iu my line. Address all orde rs ti J.TCAKHKR F.MF.UY, Marengo, Calhoun County, Michigan. April 22, 1575. ly. BLANKS OF ALL KINDS for Sale at Office- FAKH F0H SALE. The unlerineit nTer at prirat" s:ilo, hi Farm, nit uati iu llainihon tcw tihip, Monroe County, l'a., in-ar nossarrisviiie, an-l o miles Ironi Mroudsburs, County scat oi louroe, couiaiiiin 75 Acres, alHut fi Acrs Timber Land, the balance improredland Iimo stone soil, in a ln.li slate ot cultivation. The nn provement are a jc r rame nouse. ajssta containing nine rooms; 15arn ;2 by 40 jtM$JU)LJj fee; Wagon shed, l'i-peli i by ;l'leet,(!i??x3 with Carriage House attached, "and all other iieccssarv otit-btiildiii'.rs; a never faiiint; w-ll of water near the dwelling. 1 here is Choice Fruit Trees on the farm, consistinp of Apple, 1 'each, Cherrv, Tlum l'runi s, CraWpple, several varieties, (iraix's. standard and dwarf Cherries Ao..; a I.iine. Kiln, and one of the nest stone quarries iu tlie valley. iiie Kiln has eapa city enough to turn out one hundred and lilty bush els oi time per nay. The crops and stock can be bonjrlit with the Farm. Here is a good chance lor a bargain. l'KTUR W.SHAFER. Bossardsville, July 1, 175. If. mmmmm- mm W hot(Sde and Retail Dealer in COOK&PARLOS STOVES, TIN & SHEET-IRON WARE, AND IN 'Ida I House Funiishin;r Hoods Roofiug and Spouting done on short notice, with the l.,t material, and at reasonable prices. II is stock of Cook, I'arlor and lllice Stoves embrai i s all the- West varieties known to thn trade. Call and see. Store third building. alove the Methodist t hurcli, .Mam strei:t. Stroudsburi l'a February 4, '75-1 f. ODD-FELLOWS' HALL, MAIN ST. S' Tl O UDSD 1711 G, PA., AND BUY YOUR FURNITUHE, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Rugs, Win dow Shades, Curtains & Fix tures, Table Cloths, &c. ANII SAVE At Least Two Profits As MrCarty A Sons buy, direct from tho manufacturer ior casn i not nu uaysi, tlicy can sell you MORE FUKXITITKE, OF A BETTER QUALITY, AND FOR LESS MONEY than you can buy at retail citherincitvoreountry.and every article is warrant. -d to lie us represented June lrt.'74-tf 0.'T rUC;F4T I hat when you want any tiling in the Furniture or Ornamental line that Mcl'arfy& Sons in the OJd-Fellows' Hall, Main street, Siroudsburg, is the. place to pet rt.. TTA3iiirs m.aib.b:ss cok J-JL felilS. 1 lie best in use. J he onlv piace iney can ie naa in town is at the cor nor store. Iry tlieui. jan. 30, '73. tf. 0. R. ANDRE Sc Co A KICK stock or choice: xl. ianiily (fiwenes, Queensware, Glass . tMt. ANDRE & Co. MONROE COUNTY jfuiuni i iu iii.i ..it f lUiU iEBT, STROUrSBURG, PA. A. ROCKAFELLOW, DEALER IN .cl i i; tl:r per pi: ti w l. j . The Br-T,!twj of this ( "onijviy. and r-q -JrtiVns ; in? insur.-.KC" Have, r:v .:i " is:-: '1jI . w-i ' i.ne insurance t. uini.a:iv i:i t iriiui'JltlUi; . lUllllili rill-i ""iwnant anion nishing (ioods, JIals & Caps, Roots & Shoes, Ac. EAST S TR O El) SI) UR G, PA. (Near tiic Depot.) i changed, I'laeins it u;..-n a kt-i llie.-e cliau Instead cf b-in ilied a 'id art- t''. "J IK 'II. viz: j Policies. ; five vea is. j All itp-nT'v i e!a ! Kx-d ae.-ord:tvr t th- r: j r:eii:iuiu ivjIs are t ; made on t ,ie lint.-s, i rr.;ierty is insruej for not i -o j its actual c:iv!i ra!u-'. at I the :i paid in case ofl''S5, irov;.li t'tit; 1 j amount f t insnran . ".nniial asse-nient'' only ar r ! of heavy loss, and whe-e a I necessary. I Tlie (.'iiipr.nv is therefore 5.r''':'r. u:r.L ;.t.i ,,. .,l.i: ... .n .. l v.. ! "!-" terms luueli M.-ro de.,: a in. 'uunt .ut on lieu n uaii ;iihi txaniuit" M-si goods, rnces moiu-rate. stein. May 0,'f',0-tf I Applications niay be m-dc fi any - I !?ureror, or Secntarv. ?mk. RilLHparf? I "hole ,p UUIUU) Ulll UUUU0) LUUUi'J) LiUlJ XEAT, CAKA? AaD QUICK, Printed to Order at the JEFFERSONIAN i ! Siias I.. lraKe. J.icol J re. l.t Jacob Stouller, 0 1 OFFICE, Main Street, Stroudsburg, Pa. All OrtlerR nromiitlv tilled. Give us a call. r 1 1 E T A L KING MAC II I X E. The Domestic Sruing Jlachine. THE "LIGHT RUKKING'll r Rv ITS SIM I'LICITY, Y. A S K OF Management, Noiseless, and and RUNNING, TALKS ITSELF INTOPURLIC FA VOR. TIIE WORLD CHALLENGED ! To produce a Family Sewing Machine that will pew as light, and us heTivy, that as lijrht running, ,tnil us easily operated. This Machine is warranted to wear equally n long as any other manufactured. Sold on monthly pay men' a. For nile by D.MUUS nilEIIER. Main St., Stroudsburg, Pa. Sept. 12, 1872. E. R. IrREiti.i: Silas L. Drake, T. W. Rhodes, K. A. Oppclt, maxa;;::::. .1. I ,-..:. : .-v.-I. :-,:, .i ..tin l:':::.--.T. Tlieo. S. h. . . ! . Wi:!ia.:i Wail.u-' Sit ',;!' I. !. Secretary an t t , a: stTvVrvons. rVr 'd.iiir.ie '-oii:.t Wi'.iiaM Ci':.' rt, .1. I.'pae I . P.rir. .T,d.u P. r. For Wavne ':;r: f lie M r. t I: I . ;'. T V. A. M:. .ii;: v : Tor Tike r Paimi( 1 Detrick. Tor Northampton Richard ruindcn. For Carbon ounty : Samuel Zicj;enfiis. For Wvoniim- riMitf : O. M. Koon, 11. W r.aii '.l. " P l" n - ti, ............ ... iv it S-.T-- OttUe in St roudsHuir, on the iivsi Tiavu?' mouth, at '.' o'clock P.M. -'-' Harness ifc SadtHen The above business has acain ' I !. .1.1 1 ite'v SW'l'i1' J "V the late fl.uxl. nir HaU! win's H iMrouunurir, wnere win tin hand the hi-t assortment of Harness, double ;iml singif mfm nd everv othrr article iisiiillv "'n i his line of Inisiiifss. Work m;w; on the shortest notice. A lanrea of Mountings and Saddlery ware I ways on hand. Call and niske.v' .stdt'Ction.and it will be l.irii'sheu price not tube excelled i" this i'!:,r , Strict attention p.ii.l to r p u in . . i -.... ill'!)? in shortest noticp. all aim i v" , JOHN O.SAVl.Oh October 0. 1870. tf Can you tell why it is that me conies t Stroudsburi; t" ,rr' w ays inquire for Met arty' Kuriun""''- .Sent. IV. 'to. rr-v;,;" ym D OX'T FOOL awav for worthless artieK'M ,ut go to MeCarty & Sons, ; N: ell paid for it. JJu" . For sale at this June lSj'74-tC firms UASl. jan. 30, '73 tf. 1 II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers