; t : i -1 'I I v SIjc Scffcrsonicui. THURSDAY, MARCH 2, 1876. Headquarters RrriTnucAN State Committee, ) IlAiuusBLiia, February 1. 1S76. j In pursuance of a resolution ofthe Repub lican State Committee, adopted at a meet in? held in llarrisWg this day, a Republi can State Convention, to be compos?! of delegates from each Senatorial and Represen tative tlifttrict, to the number to which such li:--t ri.it i entitled in the Legislature, is hci-eby culled to meet in the city of Hamburg, at twelve o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, March '20, 87f, for the purpose of nonihnting an Electoral ticket arid of electing Senatorial and Representative delegates to represent the State in the Republican National Conven tion, to be held at Cincinnati, Ohio, on the J 1 1 Ii day of June, 1ST 6. By ortler ofthe Committee, IIf.nrv M. Hoyt, Chairman. A. Wilson Nonius, Secretary. Old news-papers for sale at this office. Grand G ift Copcert, Wednesday March 8th. 1. Wm. H. Wolfe, of Scranton, honored us with a call on Monday last. Will looks and feels well. Miss Helen Price, of Scranton, daugh- ther of C. M. Price, a former resident of this place, is here visiting her many friends. i Tiiink of it ! 670 pair of pants cut by one man in one day, by the new machine usd at Wana maker & Brown's, 6th and Market Philadelphia. -c Horace Huston returned home from his Southern sojourn on Wednesday evening of last week, much improved in health and highly pleased with his trip. Mr. John Gardner, cf Northampton county, Pa., has taken a contract to ship 75,000 school slates to Japan. The Mauck Chunk Democrat calculates that the cost to Carbon county for the trials of the murderers now confined there will amount to fully $20,000. SaT'Thc Senate of Pennsylvania, Republi can, ha.s evinced a .steady desire to adjourn on the hundredth day ofthe session. The House, Democratic, however, opposes any such notion, though there is no business on band that need require the cxlcu.-ion of the scssioii beyond that time. The fact b, how over, that a large majority of the Democratic !:icuibcrs "feci it in their bones," that when the. day of adjournment comes their legisla tive l 'Viies Villi he permanently ended. They know that r. legl.-lators the have proved i'.iiiim-s and that for them no second "tidal wave" will flrsod the land and float them in- to power, it ever a complete exhibit ot t lie true meaning of the word failure was brought to view, the result of the experiment of plac ing a Democratic majority in the House of Representatives at Harrisburg has made that exhibit. We know nothing equal to it iu wofulwecs of results, unless it be the action t)f the Democratic majority in the House of Representatives at Washington. The second month of leap year has already departed, and yet we do not observe that the matrimonial market is a bit mote brisk than usual. Girls what ore you about. Lost and found on Centre street, in this borough, a gray patched and darned mitten. The owner will come forward, prove pro prety, pay charges, a glass of lager, and take it away. Mr. Burnett has reported in the Sen ate an act exonerating railroad and other corporations from taxation until they shall have declared a dividend of six per centum per annum. When there is nothing else to write about it is just as easy as "falling off of a log" to vlrop right into a reflection as to how neces--::iy it is that our borough should own several vi terns properly located for Are purpose. J .;st tlii nk. of hearing the fire alarm at icid ijight, and then how handy it would be to run the steamer to a corner handiest to the n-ene of conflagration, and there find a cis tern chuc k l ull of water, all ready to be forced upon the burning building. Men would work with a will then and without confusion, be cause there would be no running, and wear big themselves out with hootings and bcllow ii.gs for this necessary antidote to flames. The result wouid.be that the fire would uiake no headway and the original cost of the cis terns would be more than saved in the very fir-1 necessity f r thek use. Borough Fath ers thin!: of this befjreycu retire from office. Lj: us Livo ci; terns. The board of managers of the D. L. & W. R it. Company have resolved to alter the tauge of their road audits branches from the wide to the common narrow gauge. By t!:is action the company expects to secure a .saving of SO percent, in the running expenses 4' the road. The change will require an ex penditure cf nearly $2,000,000, and will in volve the altering of some ICO locomotives, 1.200 passenger, express and freight cars, a:i I the rebuilding of about 14,000 coal cars, and the relaying of some six hundred miles of road. A heavy undertaking truly. Work with this object in view was commenced at ronic of the ihops on Monday last. The vompany will do as much of the work as pos-t-ible in its own shops, but a large portion ofthe rebuilding and remodeling will be contracted out. Scranton is calculating upon a busy and prosperous time of it. Alfred Ilumbold (German), a machinist by trade, about 48 or )0 years of age com mitted suicide at Wilkesbarrc, Pa., on Sun day. He is supposed to have a wife in Philadelphia. M. D. Coolbauoii, the artistic sign pain ter has arrived. Those wishing anything done in his line can be accommodated by call ing on him at his old place, at the most reas onable prices. The icy pavements on Monday morning last, afforded our juveniles an opportunity to display their skill as skatists. They enjoyed themselres for several hours coasting up and down the pavements on Main street. . o No bid has yet been received by the Cen tennial Commissioners for the privilege of picking up cigar stumps on the grouds dur iug Exhibition. Leicisburg Chronicle. We have several apt pickers in this place, and as soon the Centennial Commissioners arrange matters for the reception of bids, we will apprise our p'ukers ofthe fact. Amos SiiCEMAKrR is now to he seen al most daily on our streets, where he is heartily welcomed and congratulated over his con valescence by his many friends. At present be locoumtes on crutches, but the prospects ye that he will soon be able to trot around without these as.-isrants. We r-inccrely hope that the suspickn that his left arm will re main st'nTan l useless will prove, in the end, unfounded, and that he may j'et be able to enter upon the labors of his calling as hereto fore. When the extent of his hurt- arc con sidered, his recovery thus far is really a mat ter of wonder. Henry Palmer, son of W. E. B. Palmer, of this place, fell upon the icy-pavement in front of the residence of Mr. Geo. Drehcr, on Sarah street, cn Monday morning last, and received a severe but not serious con tusion on the forehead. Dr. Davis D. Wal ton, was called and administered to the suf ferer's injuries. We were pleased to see him out again. Concert. Mr. J. M. Singer will give a concert in this place in Williams' Hall, on the evening of the 23d of March, and will be assisted by Miss Lizzie Atwood of Phillips burgh, N. J. Miss A. is reputed to be a singer of more than ordinary attainment and capacity. Those wishing to enjoy an even ings entertainment will do well to put in an appearance on the above occasion. C. Lewis Waters ha? removed his loot and shoe shop to his mothers building, nef door to the Street Passenger R.R. Cos. coal office down town, where he will be happy to see his many old friends, and as many new ones as possible, and do their "stitchinc" and "pegging" in his usual good style. Every body knows Lew to tc a finished work man. A first class string band will furnish the music for the Grand Gift Ball ocxt Wednes day evening. - . . - Court Proceeding The Courts of this County convened at the Court House on Monday afternoon, at 2 o'clock, their Honors, Judge Dreher, Presi dent, and Gruver and Decker, Associates, upon the Bench. After the Constables re turns had been disposed of the Grand Jury were called into the. box, and Abraham Bryan, of Hamilton township, having been appointed Foreman, Judge Dreher deliver ed the customary charge, in which he stated that the cases to come before them were not ruauy in number and were light iu their char acter. Monday afternoon was occupied in the usual manner, there being no cases pre pared for trial, in disposing of petitions, rules, ttc. On Tuesday morning the case of Com. vs Wm. Parker was called. The defendant has been lying in jail since the first of January, and was indicted for the larceny of a couple of bags of flour from Shoemaker's Mill in Smithfield township. Having no counsel Mr. Van Horn was appointed by the Court to de fend him. The defendant after a few mo ments consultation with his counsel plead guilty and threw himself upon the mercy of the Court. He was sentenced to $10 fine and 60 days in jail. Case of Com. vs Timothy Vallcrchamp was next called. The defendant was charged with an assault and battery on his father Adam Vallerchamp. It appeared that Timothy and the old man were both afflicted with passionate dispositions and on their com ing together there was very apt to be a battle of words, if not of arms, and one evening about the first of this month Timothy went to the old man's house, and a quarrel was the result and Timothy to force hostilities to a favorable issue for his side took the old man by the cellar and tipped him on the floor and then the commonwealth claimed pounded him unmercifully, the old man being so lame that he was helpless ; Timothy however as serted that the old man told him he lied, "and that he jest told the ole man he would'nt be forced down to lie and then he jest took hold of his collar as he wouldn't be forced down to a lie and the ole man jest failed out of the chair, and he told the ole man he wouldn't be forced down to a lie." The jury thought Timothy had'nt been forced down to a lie, but that he had not exercised due paternal respect, and the Judge thought he ought to have about $10 and costs, and a lit tle good advice, all of which he got. The application for a road in Chestnuthill and Jackson townships was refused on ac count of defect in petition. In ca?es of Com. vs Joseph Miller and Com. vs Usariah Daily, defendants were bound over to next term. The indictment against Frank Landers for receiving stolen goods was returned ignora- mas. Most of Tuesday afternoon was occupied in the matter of Christian Hillcr's applica tion for an eating house license in Strouds hurg. Mr. Davis appeared for the petition ers, and Mr. Storm for the remonstrants. The Court reserved their decision. Case of Com. vs Peter Dean for assault and battery on John David, was called late on Tuesday afternoon. The only witnesses examined were the prosecutor and defendant. The former was a Frenchman who did not understand English, and the latter a Dutch man who spoke English well enough to make himself very amusing. The case, particular ly the defendant's version of it created lots of sport for bench, bar an 1 spectators. Verdict of acquital each to pay one half the costs. The grand jury were discharged with thanks of Court on Tuesday night. As we go to press the civil case of Huston & Son., vs E. M. Smith is on trial. Ti:e Gift enterprise and Ball of the Stroudaburg Cornet Band will transpire on Wednesday next, March fcth. The drawing will commence at 2 o'clock p. m., in Wil liams' Hall, and those holding the lucky numbers will receive their prizes the next day, upon presenting their tickets at D. R. Brown's jewelry store. The Ball will take place at the Indian Queen Hotel in the eve ning. We were in error in setting the time for the l-r. As there arc but very few tick- Tun Carpet Bagger in Egypt. Rev. G. D. Carrow, D.D., of Stroudsburg will lecture on this subject at the Popular Valley M. E. Church, Wednesday evening, March fth at 7 o'clock. If stormy the following Friday evening rain or shine. The entire proceeds for the benefit of Rev. G. L. Schafier. The Lecturer will wear the full Turkish Costume. Admission 2.r cents. Sheriff'!- Sales. Sheriff Shafer on Saturday last, sold the following properties, viz : John N. Shivcly's, to John S. Fisher, for 0. Silas Katz's, to Micheal Keiser, for $200. Angeline Shenkel's, to John Merwine, for Joseph Norton's to George Norton, for Magdalene Osier's to David Keller, for S2,C0i). Kfrucli. Uy Winter IiIitiiln ! On Monday morning the 28th ult., about ets left, tho-e le.'irio-is of taking chances for:'2 or u o'clock, the stone hou.se known as the prizos will have to hurry themselves up. or lose the opportunity. Johnny Carmer has opened a meat-market in the roum receutly vacate J by C. Lewis Waters, wher? choice cuts of choice beef, pork, veal and mutton can at all times bo found to mee t the demands of customers. If only the multiplicity of competitors in this line would lead to the knocking off of a por tion of the exorbitant cost of these gramini vorous edibles, what a blessing it would be to us poor folks, and how we could live. Our ice men took advantage of the ice harvest, last week to gather iu a supply of the frigid material. What would we do through the dog days without this cooling luxury. the old Trach Hotel of Hamilton township this county, now owned and occupied by Andrew Mixsell, was struck by lightning, it striking the chimney and knocking the whole eastern gable end down, from the peak of the roof to the caves aud the whole end cracked badly. All the doors and the wind ows were knocked off the hinges or smashed up to the hall, which embraces about one half of the building. The half of the house is considerable of a wreck. The family escaped unharmed, they being in the other half of the house at the time, though an iron pan setting on the stove near which they were setting was knocked off by the concussion. The building was r.ot set on fire, but the destruction of property was remarkable. Deliver us from cold wcuthcr lightinirig. Two sets of ribs and double joints make a newly-arrived Michigan baby quite a novelty. Ripe strawberries, jrrown in the open air, have blesed Monticello, Ark. tables for more than two weeks. Within the past month Eric has shipped the machinery for three complete saw mills to the Black Hills. Golden and orange-banded trout have been discovered in Kern and King's rivers, Cab, 10,000 feet above sea level. The four-year-old child of Mr. Butler, of Plymouth, Vermont, weighs one hun dred pounds, and can lift its weight. Clarkstown, Lycoming county, possesses two brothers, 17 and 13 years old, who weigh respectively 207 and 16o pounds. A Western New York paper speaks ofa tape-worm removed "from a lad that was 0d feet long and had over 1,100 joints." Tall boy, that. The cost of each pupil in the common schools of Erie for the last year averaged eighty-six cents per month, which is less than the report show for any other city in the State. Madison township, Clarion county, brags of a schoolmaster who can thrash sixteen boys in twenty-seven minutes without get ting a pain in the back or a pat ou the pit with an ink bottle. A New Ilamsphirc chemist announces that, after fifteen years of study and ex periment, he has solved the problem of cheap fuel and light by discovering a method of burning water, and that he will soon take out a patent. Our dancincr-mastcrs should not be above getting a point from the Padueah (Ky.) Neics : Young man, if you will waltz, and wish to do it in the highest style of the art, do it thusly : Place your right arm around her waist about two inches above her pin back, throw your left arm under her right fin, then stick your nose in her left ear, and whirl. Do this, and you have got the thrng down to a fineness Commuuicat'jd. - The anniversary of Mouutaiu Home Eu campment 247 was celebrated Friday even ing last, satisfactory to all The singing by Mr. and Mrs. Powell, was all that we could wish. During a recess Prof. Ely Utt, delivered an address somewhat in these words, as near as I can remember. He taking for his subject " Fraternity". No subject has ever exercised a more com manding influence over the heart, or ever wielded, a mightier sceptre of controlling power upon the mind, than the social ties of Fraternity. . It is the offspring of an impluse inherent in our very natures to mingle together in communion of thought and action with one another and, thus in crease the aggregate amount of our enjoy ment, far beyond what it would have been were it isolated within each individual and not directed into some general channel, from which all can derive the mutual assis tance of its results, without any loss being sustained by the parties contributing thereto. Solitude has its charms and allurements : and, it is true that many of the inconven iences attributed to crowded assemblages really do exist. There are but few temp tations to induce a man to live secluded from his fellow man, and but very little to recompense any cne who evcrs the tie? that identify him with the particular mass into which inclination or circumstances have thrown him. In the different stages of life this feeling is felt and firmly forced upon us. In childhood it leads to the choice of playmates, and it is the germ of that feeling which when developed throws around early associations and scenes a last ing influence. The soft emotions of plea sure so interesting and sweet in their recol lections must be ascribed to it. In adoles cence it unites those who enjoyed a similar ity of pursuit, and possess the same taste ; creatine: the thousand and one I right mir rors that reflect to the young imagination every symmetry, grace, and beauty of our day dreams, and makes our associates ap pear clad in perfection and attraction, and draws the young hearts toward each other, with the ardent ties of Friendship, for which that period of our life is so well adapted ; at the full development of our existence it binds society together by in numerable bright relations unconnected by self interest, necessity, or fortuitous circum stances. It is the tie that binds together those who hand in hand, have toiled and born privations in worthy causes, and those who have shared dangers and persecution when all else deserted them, when they most needed assistance. It is the greatest cement of the social character that has ever influenced any collection of human beings. No principle so fully and strongly binds the deep ties of tympathy to the soul and so beautiful! v entwines itself around the af fections, and administers to the growth all the ennobling attributes of the mind, as the one that claims for its motto, Paternity linked by the Bonds of Friendship, Love and Truth. The feelings of those who claim membership arc united by the highest and most praiseworthy allurement bestowed upon us and so generously bestowed upon us by the benificent author of our being. To 'which to do with out our fellows and to be under obligation to no one is a sure sign ofa soul void of sensibility. After adding a few stories he took his scat. The balance of the time was taken up in singing by Mr. Powell and lady Thanking all who participated we close. J. Zaeriskie. S----rA-giSSS UUl ts;Vi-'f mm You Can Save Enough I im in buying a Suit at Oak Hall J ft 1 TO PAY FOR THE TRIP J g i from anywhere in tins County to the City of Philadelphia, fej l, .' '.! IT-IT Who said that you would like to get such Cloth'mg as City H W4k ar, rather than the izholesoh goods Com- H kv People wear monly sold ? This will tell you how to do it. The very laree increase of our business allows us to make A STILL LOWER SCALE CF PRICES. AND from anywhere in this County to the City of Philadelphia, .. . i- - . . - . i i r . i ... ana nave a aay 01 signi-sceir-. ucsiucs. ai.in-.ci lirown stand by tnis statement, aau so wui you after oae trial. H Character of thq Goods v.e soil! For Ken & Boys. r""p"iO be turf cf what v.-e re'l we man!iact':rc i They arc well cut, sewed and finisl.rd. 1 our Ti-.ev can be rt-licd upon. Storekeepers out ofthe city misrepresent us when they say they sell our Roods, r.s toe do not whof:ae, hut confine ourselves to 1 rcnil. V"e bear no ill-will to any one, and state this o;i!y because Sfrne 'A dealers fell poor poods as coming from our house. To each of our custom 5 rs we nrc responsible for articles bought of us. Hy our plan of Ticketing tiic nanus of the materials ou our gooiis, no one can be misled as tj Tli I. price in piain figures an ! notfiirgr r. J he same price to acquaintances and strarcrs. To city people and country people c i.A advantages. With each article sold, a Guarantr-e is pivL-n, that the Price is as Iowa it can be bought anywhere, and that the C'-.ality is as rr; revolted ; that the ironry will be p.id lck in ft:!!, if purchaser within "iQ days or &nv reason, to return tne goous, unworn. mm How J ! V;ansmaer & urown LS ! .,-, it.-; CUSTOMERS. Exactly whera the Store is. Tfcos rtfr'zi r six' U-A Pi t.-v.--M .idclphin, it is a larpe buildivg, the tm - , , v. . . ...w. t ri. . I people having Stores in Philadelphia, c, :ir:- fa i I -..- n A . ..! V. , stop stranger on the street, with false dirrc!:rns M alxnit where the store is, so that they may sellth'ir U f 'iJT counterfeit pood"!. There is but one Oak Hall in f I-"".?--J ire of four o who ctnnct came lo the City. W rf'inary stores, and i W P','.-J SIXTH SIX! II- ( ts. l f 1 Pini.e. cn n -j f Jo -K bi.i:t!.-c-a:.t corner ot SIA.1H siAlil II SIXTH and Market Streets. JY. send patterns of n t.ih wh.-ii rrnitr- ....... . - - - - - - , : - - x made-up poods sent bv I'.xpress by send- M l ..a i inj; their measure (we iurr.isli easy C.rections th.-.t y anv one can measure r.y,! nr.i ccscr.uimz c ;.-.r 15 i-s. fc- ';-: '4 wanted, ard price desir-d. Pay me:, t can be n. a .e ti k'f I'-.4r v';i ii "o the Express Co. on recc.rt ot goor. ant tiie pnv lei;e ot examining i.v.-:n IS Fjv- FCT-.J'., M is ahc-.v.d 5 :."giO paying. Where roods ) r.ot pier.se, we will return the K l5-',;i'J f4 i.ioih y ai d pay the e?;prcssae back to PL.".,a!e!p!.i:. CI f 1 1 '. .- s::o:ttd be sure la zee our name on the iiuiiJinr and eirr the t'nor fc3 r-w-i. WANAMAKER & BROWN. 4 T-rrttT-rr&z-.iw.i :-.'.-.-.-.vj,'?r- November -1, 1S75. $2,000 WANTED, On Firt Morta?i ; fiiit class rnorEETT. For fur ther information apply at this otGce. Jan. T., ISib. PUBLIC SALE. 4N TV 22 52 At the recent sale of Adam S. Klce, at Womelsdorf, over seven hundred persons were perved with an excellent dinner. Mrs. Klec had prepared over four hundred pies, one hundred loaves of bread, forty chickens, two calves, four hams, and the side dishes were almost innumerable. It is understood that the Erie Railway has lately completed a contract that by the 1st of May a third rail will be laid on its line between Suspension Bridge, Ruflfalo and Waverly, connecting the Michigan Central and Lake chore Railroad with the Lehigh Valley line to Philadelphia. Depot arrangements at Philadelphia have also been secured on the Centennial grounds, thus giving the Erie and its connections equal facilities with other lines hence. Ihrough coaches can be run during the summer season between Chicago and Phila delphia, via North and South short lines, in connection with the Erie without break of rr-i nnrn The Susquehanna. Pa.. Gazette, is an- A it 1 thority for the following story : A family consisting of father, mother and three children, passed through here on Tuesday morning, atoot. Ihey had walked from Vincennes, Ind., and were on their way to a small place near Goshen, N. Y., where relatives sesido. The parents each carried a child, and the father wheeled the eldest one in a baby carriage. When the father left Vincennes he had 10 ; when he reach ed here, he had lifteen cents. A portion ofthe 10 was spent in purchassing three new sets of tire for the wheels of the carriage. The family had slept in police station houses, barns, farm houses, deserted houses and in the woods. They had for tne most part begged their victuals, and in some cases they had purchased crackers at stores and bread at farm houses. The father said ho was a carriage trimmer by trade, and had been thrown out nf omnlnvr. merit by the burning the shop in which ho woriceu. lhe iamily, entire, showed signs of better, time. Considering evervthfnc they presented a very tidv annearanenJl There is an old ami true sayin? : "One-half of the world knows not how the other half live." The suhv:rib(r will sll at public sale, at his rsi- deuce. Forks .Station, (Delaware, La?kawana L Wes tern li.ll.) on TUESDAY, ilALCII 21, 1S7C, the following ppr3onal property, tiz : 1 pair match rirov- marcs G years old, 1 pair lay mares, t pair Mul- s thro years el l, 1 thrc? ypar old Colt, 1 top Iiu..'k-hoard, nearly new, 1 open iluek-lxiarri nearly new, l top l!:r;'y, nearly new, l llaok Waon, '1 hcavv two horse wniin, nearly new, 1 pair hcavv Hob-SlI'ds, 1 light Sb;d, 1 -Sleich." 1 double ett light Harness, silver nvMir.t. d, 2 single Sitt lizht Harness, silver !in:in:-H. 2 pv.rh -avy II;irtic-s. nuifnlo Roh-". lined and tinlinrd. Horse i;l:nkft and Lap Itobcs. five larcre Shortt 1 pair full H'd-d l'.rkshire, 2 Conk Stoves and fixtures. Hods and i? Hiding, Carpet and Oil Cloths, l.irpe lot of Tr-iekery ware, r.nd a lare l it ot household and kitchen furniture. Parrels. Kv, F 'x-s. Chains, Fork, Plows, Harrows. Whorl-harrow, about :j tons of Stovij Co.-.l, 2".:li1 shaved Shingles, 4 ',"!; feet of dry H'-mlo-k hoards, dry and many other articLs t numerous too m-.ntion. Tkiims All a:n units uudor ton dollars cash, all over thst sum o months orc-iit will he friven, to be secured by not! with approved security. !Sa!e to coin ni '.nee at ! o'oloek in the forenoon, when terms and conditions will bo known bv L. T. SMITH. Februarr 17, CAUTION I All por.-ons are hereby captioned not to trespass on any properly of the unilerfined. situate in Mrosiu township, Monroe countv, J'a. Anv one violating tliis notice will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. JACOB II. BUTTS. Stroudsburg, July 29, 137-5. DO'T you ksioiv llial .J. Ii. MeCartv & Sons are the only Under takers in Stroudsburg who understands their business? If not. attend a Funeral manaced bv any other Undertaker in town, and vou will see the proof of the fact. June IS, 74-tf FOR SALE, J: --. "J A double hon-se and lot, near the Court jin House, cheap. Will be sold together or sepa- Sir:ite to suit imrehm.rs Inouire of T. S. LEE. Stroudsburg, Peo. 2T 1ST3. tf. M ONROE CO. BANKING AND SAViSGS C05IPA5Y. Chas. W. Decker, Thos. D. Slitrs, eta Fetherman, R. S. Stapl-s. Go. E StautTer, Thos. A. Btil, W. B. Bell, J. Laniz, will pay interest on deposits amount;- to three dollars and over, at the fullowis" rates : Dwelling House for Sale. A very desirable two story Pwel'inj House, contain j inst seven rooms, our of which is suitable A'vV for a Store Room, situate on Main street, il' in the 1 Soroush i,f St rooJinrf I'K 1 1 i buildin is nearly new, and every jart call at thisolhee. fPee. . ISTo-tf. Opposition toHumbuggery! TIt midiriineil berehr nnnrtiinee Miit Vio i-r suiued business at lhe old stand, next door to Raster's (;iotliin Store, Main sirect, Siroudbur?, Fa., und is fully prepared to accommodate all in want of BOOTS and SHOES, made in the latest styl and of .-'.l material. Repair ing promptly attented to. C.ive me a rail. Dee. 9, lSTO-ly. C. LMWIS WATERS. C per cent, on deposits left one Year. 4 '; " " : " sis month. 4 " " on daily balance averajcg fiye hundred doliurs and over. Interest will be computed from the first of each month and all deposits ni:;de r xevu-.a to the tenth of the month will draw interest from the 1st. The members of this Company are liable to the full amount of their wealth tor the security of the depositors. DIRECTORS : R. S. STAPLES. G. E. STAITFEF, CHAS. FETHEKMAN. .1. LANTZ, THOMAS A. BELL. OFFICERS : THOS. A. BELL, rodent. CHAS. FETHEKMAX, V. rres't. AVM. B. BELL, Cashier. Jan. 27,'TG. .Manhood : How Tos(, How llrtorcd! fpfipTh Til't published, a new ed::ion ef Pp. fr j VF.itWKLL'.S CELEnilATEP F.AY en ;fcri 3?-ff cat cure without niediiiii? of ScFrT--KH.ka or Seminal V'aii-.. liiv..;::r,-jry JUS. Seminal Txfs-!, Impotenty, a' ..; TloN. Epii kpsy and Fits, induced ly srif-ii:-luls' or sexuitl extravance, &c. Price, in a seuled envelop. ;!- six etz: The celebrated author, in thisadmir-iMe t's-a ;.."! demotit rates, from a thirty years' ;4e!:':d p that the alarmin? censequ; iiees of s.i:lf-at.i:. n: V radically cured without (he dan'ero'.i use of ia-.T:i! medicine or the application ofthe knife: p is'.:'-: K; a mode of cure at once simple, certain, ar.d i-ffu by means of which every siuil'erer, n nitr !.'. condition may be, may cure himself cheaply. and kajmcai.ly. " , This Lecture should be in the han .! w-J youth and every man in the land. Sent under seal, in a plain envelepe, t any .vi" post-i-i-tid.on receipt of six cents, or t e jv.-.Uf; Address the Publishers, 1". BRl'OMAN A S'"N". 41 Ann St.. N" " -H April 15,:3-It. Pest oSke IVt.t5- Livery & Exchange StaWcs- .jfQ The nndersirned havinp ru' VICE'S Flower and Vegretablo Seeds ro the best the -world proJurs. They are planted by a million p.-op!j in America, and the result is bountiful Flower and splendid WxeliUdos A Priced Catalogue scut free to all who enclose the postage a 2 cent stamp. "vi civ-s Flower and Vegetable Garden is the most beautiful work of the kind In the world. It contain nearly IVtiia.e, bund reds ol tine illustrations, and four Chromo Plates of Flowers, beautifully drawn and colored from nature. Price ;." cent.i, lu paper cov trs, Go cents, bound in tlecrant cloth. Vick's Floral Guide. This is a h-autiful Quarterly Journal, finely illustra ted, and containing an decant colored Frontispiece with the first number. Prich only l ets. for the year. The first number for 1S7G just United. Address Jan. 13-tf.J JA.MUS N ICK, UcKhester, N. Y. FOR SALE. One pair of Mules, 3 years old, i hands hifih, well broke in every way. in srood onnditinn Will sell ehe good yoke ot oxen. Call on or address , L. T. SMITH, Forks Station, Monroe Co.. ?a. Sept 30, 1875. ' 1 "-. MM S.iOwFan.i:honer. beg leave to say the puhlio they have horses and eani:i.'C5w hire at all hours on reasonable t-rw. FEIBSON ATIIOMIO Oinee opposite II. 11- IH East Stroul-lur, U Stables immediately in rear. Sept. 30, 1ST5. tf. UNDERTAKING. MoCAr.TY A SONS have on hand thebrv ri asortnu-nt el COFFINS t J-L .J JS. and fCP TRIMMINGS to ho found outslilo of either city (Xew Yrkorrh' ; phia and will make this branch or their speciality. COFFINS and CASKETS shape or strle, can be furnished t .on. thi for shipment, at a charge of 1'e-t.,;,l,I.,,v cbn of anv notice for anv shS in Stroudsburtr. In no case more shau teu jer cent, above actual cost KMIMIllXf attended to in any part of the County at jelrf BLANK LEASES For Salo ,t this Office II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers