a passes ME AMERICAN COOKING STOVE T ..rnn.rn with certain improvements secured by letters patent, under date of May 5 1S63 and December 5, 1865. One ot these improvements covers the arrangement of fitting a portable ash pan in the hearth or j Cookin" Stove, to receive uie anuw - ;Cs down from tlic grate. Ail pcou A nn;ncf .v.nniifirliirinrr. VCnd- arc cauuom-u ugumoi. -.--;,, intr or using other Stoves made in imitation of" the American, as suits have been com menced for infringement of these patents, and all persons manufacturing, selling or us in said imitation, will be liable for dama res for infringement on these letters patent. SHEAR, PACKARD & CO., 17 and 19 Green St., Albany, N. Y. The American is for sale by FLORY & BROTHER, Stroudsrurg, Pa. June 14, S6G.-Gm. EKKORS OF YOUTH. A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send free to all who need it, the recipe and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the adverriscr's experience, can do so by ad dressing JOHN B. OGDEN, No. 13 Chambers St., New York. January 4, 1866. ly. STRANGE, BUT T RUE. Every young lady and gentleman in the United States can hear something very much to their advantage by return mail (free of charge), by addressing the undersigned. Those having fears of being humbugged will oblige by not noticing this card. All others wilfplcasc address their obedient servant, THOS. P. CHAPMAN, 631 Broadway, New York. January, 4, 1SG6. ly. Qia A MONTH ! Agents wanted for V1'" six entirely new articles, just out. ; O. T. GAREY. City Jiuilding, liiu- Addrcss deford, Maine. January 4, 18G6.-ly. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYBTJP. DR. D. D. SMITH, Surgeon Dentist. Dr. U. D. bniitli, would respectfully in a positive and specific remedy for all dis form the inhabitants of Stroudsburg and cases originating from an impure state of vicinity, that he has permanently located the blood, and for all (hereditary) diseas himse f here, where he will be hannv to es transmuted irom parent to child. wait upon all who may stand in need of W his professional services. Dr. Smith has recently removed from the city, where he SCROFFUK.A. nas naa a city anu country pracuco ui struma, glandular swellings, over twenty years, which he thinks will ulceration, kings evil, enable him to do the most dithult work erysipelas, salt rheum in his line of business1. Teeth inserted This taint (hereditary and acquired,) filling from one to full sett, on all kinds of met- lite with untold misery, is by all usual med tais used in the profession, aud also most icai remcaies incurable. particularly hard rubber. Give hiui a RHEUMATISM, call and see his specimens, leetli ex- If there is any disease in which the Con traded without pain. stitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in June 7, 1SG6.J NEW STORE MW GOODS -: at :- REDUCED PRICES! rheumatism and its kindred affections. The most intense pains are almost instantly alle viated enormous swellings are reduced. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or or thirty years standing have been cured. NERVOUSNESS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. SHATTERED NERVES, ST. VITUS' DANCE, LOSS OF POWER, CONFUSION OF THOUGHTS, EPILEPSEY, Thousands who have suffered for years will bless the day on which they read these lines. Particularly to weak, suffering wo men will I his medicine prove an inestima DARIUS DREHER, begs leave to an nounce to his friends and and to the pub lic generally, that he has just received a ccneral assortment of Dry Goods, Aotwns, JJrcss lrimminffs,Ue blessing directing their footsteps to a Hope which fulfills more than in promises. MERCURIAL DISEASES SALIVATION, ROTTING OF RONES, BAD COMPLEXION, ACHES IN BONES, DEPRESSION OF MARRIED. in n.iirnlo. N. V.. on Wednesday, May 30 laG6, by the Rev. Mr. Shclton. D. D., Mr Morris'D. Rouse, M. Dm of Buffalo, N. v and Miss Atilia Augusta, youngest daughter of Dr. James Hunter. it,o inth insL. at the Slnmdsburg E. Parsonage, by the Rev. J. C. Gregg, Mr. Jtnnn finixoER. of Tanncrsville. Pa., and Mi MiRfiARET Walter, of Stroud town- ehip, Monroe count-, Pa. Jnno. II th. 1SG6. at the Lutheran Parson- nrP. in Hamilton, by the Rev. Henry Sci fort Air. Gaked Bkucler. of Hancsburg. New-Jerspy, and Miss Mart E. Harman, of Hamilton, Monroe county, Pa. AND MILLINERY GOODS consisting, in part of the following desirable articles, viz. : Calicoes, La tens, French Chintzs, Children's Dress Goods, Worked Edgings, Parasols, Zephers, Shetland Wools, Shetland Wool Shaicls, Delaines, Muslins, White Dress Goods, Insert ings, Lady s and Children s baccs Flannel and Cloth, Lady's, Misses and Men s Docs, Gloves and Collars, Mourning Goods, Shroudnws, ivc., tve FEELING OF WEARINESS. SPIRITS. F Constitution Life Syrup purges the system entirely from all the evil effects of mercury. removing the Bad Breath, curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums and secures the teeth as firm ly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases, of the bkin like ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all other difficulties of this kind, which so much disfigure the outward appearance of both males and females, often making Goods shown with pleasure. Quicks them a disgusting object to tnemseives ana sales and small profits" at the old and well their friends. w known Millinerv Stand of F. A. DREHER. - . . ., ,. :.i The Millinery business win oe caineu uu as usual by Mrs. Dreher. Patronage rcspcctlv solicited. DARIUS DREHER. April 26, 1S66. THE VERY LATEST ! E CONSTITUTION LIFE BYRTJP CURES ALL SWELLING OF THE GLANDS, Either of the Face, Neck, or Female Breast, and should be taken as soon as the swelling is detected, thus preventing their breaking, and producing troublesome Discharging Sores, which disfigure so many of the youn ger portion of the community, from six to louniT cniiuren are DIED. Nf) TMPOSTTTOTC ! T nilTTTmTTom 4 "H ' Hi I liv l till? utv 1 r"iV"""" very subject to discharges from the Ears, i anu oiufcicrsj oi utw uu"iun.ic, - , , o r..i.. . , : l wmcn oeueiias upon u. uuiuiuiuua uuuiu- ... 1,J dim nn llio rnrnnr IS Still inn in-I "" "i " ... 1866. J II N E.i 1866. 4. DRY GOODS. H. S. WAGNER, (Successor to George P. Ilcim,) STllOUDSBUlia, Pa., Would invite attention to his full and va ried assortment of Dry Goods. All the usual Departments requisite to a complete retail Dry Goods Stoic, Constantly receives strict attention and will always be found to contain lull and de sirable assortments. His stock of Ladies Dress Goods is particularly worthy of examination, and he shall be constantly opening all desirable Novelties in that line as the season advan ces. If you want Prints, call on II. S. Wagner. If you want Bleached Sheeting or Shirt- ms M" on a s. waSc, The Largest Stock ! The Newest Goods! TP tmii wnrl llnhlpfir.hp.il lTiislin 1 nr Sheet- i, JWU . PILE'S - if EASTON HALL OF FASHION; OPPOSITE THE OLD EASTON BANK, v EASTON, PBNNA. . inr call on II. S. If you want Notions call on U.S. Wagner. Wagner. If vou want Gloves or Hosiery call on H. S. Wugner. If you want Cloths or Cassirneres call on H. S. Wagner. - If you want (Jcnts Furnishing Goods call on 11- wagner. If you want GROCERIES, Hnll on II. S. Wagner. You will find Sugars at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Coffee at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Syrups at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Teas at The Tastiest Styles! The Best Quality of Work! The Lowest Prices! The Best Gutter ! .The Most Obliging Salesmen ! Are to be found at this Establishment ! E. C. PYLE, Proprietor. You will find Spices at You will find Fish at II. S. Wagner's. II. S. Wagner's SALESMEN, CHAS. W. 13ACHMAN, ISAAC SNYDER. CUTTER, JOHN BOWEN, Late of N. Y. City, H. S. Wagner's. You will find Crockery at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Wooden-ware at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Brooms & Brushes at II. S. Wagner's. You will, finally, be able to find what you want at H. S. Wagner's. Between the Bank and the Post-Office. STROUDSBURG, PA. Feb. 22, 18G6. LASE AWAY'- Our Gun hits the Mark every time. Don't You see the Fur Fly? At the residence of her father, in Stroud B in thtion oi Few doses of the Life Syrup. townshin. of Tvphoid Fever, on Mant, Hkstkk An.v, dnnghter of John Rebecca Van Vlict, aged 22 years. and 8 S5 REWASi ! f?Ztt STRAYED from the premises of the 'tJZT subscriber, in Jackson township, on the 14th day of June, a SRIftDLB COW 11 venrs old. No White spots about her frwhin milk; thin in flesh The above reward will be paid to any one who returns the said cow to me. GEORGE BARTHOLOMEW. JackFon tsp., June 21, 1SG6. 3t. LOOK THIS WAY ! HEAD ! 8AEB ! Chas. Scliaefer & Co. 1'llENClI & GERMAN io.i. :.. cheanest store, decidedly, in this section couniry. i nere it no uusiuuc iu who mo following facts wiU show : . A 7W !f He is selling PRINTS at from 10 to 2U All scrofulous persons suffering from gen-Myyu HCS IM UIV 1 r,o i...r.l pr.il Tiphilitr. Kmnriation. lJvsDensia anu " j . . . . ' J ; .l r. r- . . i ,i nRr.ANES 25 cents Der vard. tne price HroDsv of the limbs, abdomen anu in tne ie- i jniten jrOOtlS nave uuiuu uuw u - - - ' - . . . . before the war. male. Dropsy of the ovaries and womb, gen- SILKS at from SI to S2 yer yard. erally accompanied with inflamation and UJ- Ali kinds of I-IiNE EKESS GOUUI at ceration of the Uteru?, are permanently cur- greatly reduced prices. MUSLINS from 12 to 2o cents per yard READY-MADE CL 0 THING, so far below war prices as to astonish pur chasers. HATS at a very low figure indeed. Fable also keeps an eye to the comfort of ed by Constitution Life Syrup. Thedisease known as Goitre or bwelleu Week, the liite Svtud will remove entirely. The remedy should be taken for sometime, as thedisease is exceedingly chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra enort. Tumors of the ovaries, Tumors of the in price ! Large decline in pricesof TItislius, Calicoes, Dc Lanes, And GiiigEiams. thn innpr man. and offers SUGARS at from Breast, and swelling of other glands of the 10 to IS cents per pound. body, will be completely reduced witnout COFFEES 25 to 35 cents per pound. resorting to the knile, or operations oi any MOLASSES, 40 cents to 1 per gallon, kind. A "ood assortment of CARPETS at near- "S7 ly the old rates before the war. -- . ... 1 t I . - .... y-v r able lias no desire to pnrucuianze, uui Epileptic .b its, Sympathetic or urganic c ... ... .i.: : i.:, !;.. r ,1 I .. 1 r , ., it. . t: ii you warn, any nun m mo ouuu diseases oi tne neari, as uai miiuuuh. uia-i . -.w,--, nrCii n,dt i : quality and at less rales than can be pur- ses of the Valves, producing a grating or fi- " . snipping XMirb I am tiow selling Calicoes and De Lanes at about 25 per cent, lower than I sold thcui a week ago. Do you -want to buy a Q-ood HAT. CAP, or set of 1 FURS, If vou do. o;o to Pauli's Hat Store, opposite the Post Office, where you will always Imu a good assortment oi HATS, CAPS AND FU&S, at prices to suit all. Of these facts you can be convinced by calling as directed. Remember the place. J. A. PAULI'S Hat Store, Opposite the Post Office, Stroudsburg, Pa. K. B. The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of Nov. 23. 1865. CTPI1T firgTr PSTIRI UJ,ased at any other store, call at Fable's h;ng sound, Dropsy of'the Heart Case and all u old stand corner ol tJlizabetli i EASTON. PEM'A. TTTiW dve Woolen. Silk and Cotten Goods of Every Description, m any Cilnr desired. Orders can be left with Sontiieimer t IIeukmax, STROUDSBURG, Pa .lunel, ISCO.-lyr. and streets and you cannot fail to be suited. 07" No charge for showing goods. GEORGE FABLE. Stroudsburg, Pa., April 19, 1SGG. TO. 3(i SPEAR'S PATENT rnit-Prcsemag Solution. rOK THE MtESEUVATIOX OF ALL KINDS OF rlOYERNMENT AGEM'. r... v nl.ln lIi:nc. U'i.w.c It rrD t.ip rni I WTIflX OF NUUS X iUVltlulUS, JUiiita, hiiivs, 1 VJll J I J A W v - - I di'f. i;tr... EC. 15 Snilina or Air-Tiahl Jvrs. One Dot lie will preserve 128 rounds uit aii r uiviuo kjv 'F.T"'J ULCERAilVli MSJiASiiS. nlc TJ This Solution u-l.cn properly used, effect- Either of tlio Nose, Throat, Tongue. Spine, can give you a bargain in Shawls 1 . .. . f . j- r T?nr1.fwl or Sp.t n. nn rnmndv has over Anrl thon T h:ivn a food assort hundred Thousand fresh burnt Brick of ualiy prevents ernieniauon or uccny ti ni ' c the ber-t quality, and embracing 1JAKLI, OAJ,:v;n wm fr -. nm, nnr,-ectIv . w I'- J which they offer to the public, at the lowest . , Wund. It is no new and 18 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING! 66. Of the latest styles and best qualities AT PAULFS HAT STOEE. 5. S. LEES, OVERXMEXT AGENT. FOR THE COLLECTION OF PFXSIOXS. BACK PAY, & BOUNTY 7- No charge unless successful. Office )'i(lout ntjar, and Without Expensive w ith S. C. Buunct. li-q. June 14, 16GG.-3t. 200,600 BRICK for SALE. ITIHE undersigned hnve now fr i -r n -c Ar..i:. r.. the affections of this important organ (per- 1 am selling some mains oi muwuaiu rr. r : .1 Incc? tlinn fllrtV ll!1Vr MOOll Rft III Iflr tllft laSl sons sunenng irom any acuiu pain in uiu iu- iwo iv; gionofthe heart), will be greauy reneveu two years. by LOnsiliutionai Xiiie oyrup. COi AUn UUWJ3 Broken down and delicate constitutions . . sufTerin- from Indisposition to Exertion, Pain Are low enough, for any one to buy then, in the Back, Loss of Memory, forebodings, now. Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dim- no nf Vision. Dry. Hot Skin and Extreme- Larire reduction in the price of lino ties, want of Sleep, Restlessness, Pale, Hag- DRESS GOODS. fllis hem 11 bl'ahcll of Iv. C. Pylc's Clothing CStaLHsll- fraru Uounicnance, ana ijasiuuuu oi uiu iu ua- , tr t. cular System, all require the aid of the Con- An(1 :f vou wisll to buv 00d Cloths IllOnt ol KaStOll, the Citizens .Ot MOUI'00 iOUIltV CQIl 110 pur- stitution Life Syrup. and fano Cassimcrcs, cn u. They are L,nW, tlio. snmft niialitv and ilt tllC same priCCS as thoUl:h 50 cents a yard cheaper than in the fall. . h 'm Easton. Ail goods Sold as low ll.crc as at ANDBLANKETSHAWLS, Kaston. All are invited to come ana examine uie latest Don't forget the place, PAULI'S II AT STORE, tmcntof Onnositc the rost Office- R. C. PYLB. all wool, all sorts and sizes, very low. I styles. uMBJ, i - y i ' .t . t i r I t.'nrl ifo nnnn I Fruiter, and, uy wie most simple anu inw pi-u-... OQ ,QRk pensive process, every variety may be kept Moth Patches upon the female face dc- (joffec Sllffai'S, baklllff M()laS- JN0V Z6 riectly wholesome conui- pui; - 1 a. . Z . un- market nrice.--. for cafh. , . . o rrnr tvtt er arc very unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A lew bottles of Constitution ses and Syrups, Stroudsburg, Pa., June 14, 16GG. t is MtODIlEAD'S iirliifi nf.iniMmunt 111 it lin B llHI'll ill nHCtl cal use for the pa6t eight years, yet hasbeen. Life Syup, will correct the secretion, and d ots Qf othcr Goo(s c for the most part, kept from the public for remove the deposit which is directly under f tho . . a i n ....n.n n irnnirn tni rr 11 o moil I I rii ii iiii: ciinii a rt r-Tfrr r. r-f c f R.t Llie ijuiuusuuj iicuui willing -aui . - . . Dl. A. RcEVES JACKSON, I o r; ' f-vn(,r;m,,t i! nf which have nrov- In the diseases of the liver, giving rise TnVQTP.TAT AUTl RTTT?f4F.nM e , ...... 'a in T.nnrr.mr. Dizziness. Indifrestion. Weak x jj. a w-v""' wwvv.-w-.., C(. llie vailUlly or an mat, 10 nu wuu- -"--h ' " T nl lopa i, nM iit innrdfir to fr ;i Stomach or an ulcerated or cancerous conui-o uu. li, rn,w ,1 Rannointmcnt. he will liereaiier ae- Fru is nreserved bv this Solution arc as uuu ui i..a. 'o""""t fa -..rn snjv .ml fiA'VlWTiAV of i u, nno,i rr.nis wliiln the or other unpleasant symptoms, will be re rach week exclusively lo Consultations uSe of the Solution avoids the trouble of seal- lievcd by the.uscot Constitution Life byrup and Suugical OrcaATioNS at his office. jng4 cosily jars or cans, keeping from the air TTT i rrnm ?! dmt:! nee who desire to con-l n,i Hnrlit irnniinnt oYsimituisinns. and the -J i U14IUO ii uui " " uuu O ' 1 tult him. can do so, therefore, on those days, many other troubles and annoyances well Stroudsbur?, May l&uu.-ii. known to every housewife. L. 11. SPEAR, Patentee. Off! nf (lift .liH'kSOll UU Company. S. P. Wobrall. General Agent No. 91 Stkoudsbuug, June J, icOO. Hudsen st., N. Y. OTICE is hereby given, that il the as- Price 1 p-;r bottle. at HAIR KESTOREB, Cheap Store, iu Stroudsburg. Jair DrcsSCl' and Hair Restorer, UOTII COMU1NED IN ONE. 20,000 Uoinj witnesses arc testifying to their neighbors, Jrom day lo day, of its wonderful effect. 3I0WE11 & REAPER- COMliiKED. THE CAYUGA UMf ! WHEELER'S PATENT, WITH DOUBLE DRIVING WHEELS, FLEXI BLE EINGER BAR. OCrAs a general Blood Purifying Agent the Life Syrup stands unrivaled by any Drcnaration in the World. 1 ' . i I'll - il. The rich and poor arc name 10 uie same diseases. Nature nnd bcience has made tne Constitution Life Syrup for the benefit ot all Tl Til 1 Ii nn I ( h ir mnn nnd l rv , ..tx : i,r,-i ; huri bair. bold bv men : anu n uiu uiiot.iuv.".. - T TVI,A1imr a xt "nTTOTrTUtr Agent millS perfect Mower s superior to any -S- heretofore invented. It is built wholy of Iron and Steel. It took the Premium, at the last btrouds- have been its it to assume its V scssment of three cents per share on j-From Ja.mes R. Chilton & Co., the Ccle the stock of the original Shareholders in orate(i analytical Chemists, New York wid Company, ordered by a Resolution oi saiu Havinz ma(Je numerous experiments with youili, disease and early death is the result. J a ) Company, on the 25th dny of Isobember last Lqws u SpcsLf,s Fru-a.reRervng So- Price, 1 55 per bottle; one half dozen 7. Stroudsburg, May 21, 0b. snail remain unpaid up io & ociuvn, . julioI)f we arc 0ii.Vlta to state that it w oi Friday, the 22d day of June inst., a sum- ent lhe decomposition of fruits win cicnl number of said shares, io pay uie u&- .jn the manner deSyribed by jlinii The sessment due thereon as aforesaid, will be e(J fruits u wl;ch we experimented sold on that day, and at that lime, ai im- ha(j been K,ixnl with the Solution, and were U)urt-Housc in the Borougn oi oirouufcourj;, found t0 resjt all attempts to generate fer at public auction by the Treasurer of said monfnl;nn- There is notbinir in the nature public auction by the .treasurer oi saiu monfnl:nn- There is notbinir in the nature Company. . r ti.;H Sn!,if?rn which, when "absorbed bv WAL II. GREGG, M. D., Sole Proprietor, New York. Morgan & Allen, Wholesale Druirffists, Agents, No 40 Cliil-st., New-lurk. j. h. Mccarty HAS just returned from New-York with a splendid assortment of PARLOR ..r.,1 niTAMRP.n. PITIINITUIIE. Call at UtIU V 11 4 -w w - his Ware-Rooms. May 31, lSOO-tr. 1st. It is 7to a dye. 2nd. It will not col or the tkin. 3rd. It will restore the Ha" linnutil'ul ninck, Urown, Auburn, or whatever might nriiMiuil color, and cause former beauty. ' . 4th. It will cure nil Humors and Diseas r'tUn Snalo: keep the head cool and nice remove Dandruff and Scurf from the head; keep the nmr moist and siiK-liuo in its appearance, as in youllilul days The "Martha Washington Hair Restorer" Kood Sews for fiie Million. The subscriber hastens to lay the import- ... . 1 A 1 A I ant intelligence ueiore me puonc, mai ns has added lamely to nis already large stock of fashionable and seasonabln Cloths, Cassiaicrcsj Vcstings, &cf which he will make up to order on short no tice, in a manner satisfactory to all. Nil i i:. il.. i .1. Ready Made Clotbing with which they are loaded. Coats, Overcoats, Pants and Vests mnde of the best material, and in the mest fashinnnUu manner, at prices lo euit all. B3nls ami C:sps, E2ola and Shoes, &. &C and indeed every, thing with which he has heretofore supplied the public, will be found ready for inspection and bale at prices which defy competition. I hiinkful lor luvors hcrctoiore receivcu nm A meeting of the Stockholders of said . -, . te canact j a manner to render them Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., Boston. Company will be held at the same place at 3 o'clock, P. M., of the same day to consider measures for carrying on the work, or lea inr tlw Wells of taid Company. Proposals will be received at a meeting of uie Directors on the same day tor sinmngonc or more Wells on the property of the Uom pany with the use of one or both Engines o the Company. By order of ihc Board. LUKE W. BRODHEAD, June 7, 1600. Secretary, unwholesome. JAS. R. CHILTON &, CO., Analytical Chemists. Sold at Wholesale and Retail by DREHER & BROTHER, Druggists, SrnoimsBURo, Pa., J. II. Reed & Co.. Chicago. Fuller, Finch & Fuller, Chicago. Collins Brothers, St. Ijuis. J. D. Park. Cincinnati. Johnson, Holloway &Cc, Philadelphia Barnes. Ward & Co.. New Orleans. Barnes, Henry & Co., Montreal, Canada. NO EXTRA attending of Stroudcburg. May 31, 18GG.-tt. CHARGE for HEARSE in ;a us much ahead ofanvthiiiir of the kind1 moid iu market, as the sun outshines the hopes lo merit a continuance of public favor wjooji in brightness and glory. The best testimony that cm be given will be found inside of each bottle. Warranted to do all we claim for it, or the t I lw ulit sin ml. NICHOLAS RUSTER, Slroudsburg, Dec. 8, ltiU.l. Funerals within f miles "icy refunded, alter using two botll j. ii. Mccarty. nrf ton iLSIDS ';urore- or.KTT-, Smith fc D,. Sa Froo,Sco April a9, 1800 - - PLASTER for sale Stokes' old Mill, by HUNTSMAN & IIOPLLUl. nt es. Try il, and e voiiviiujcu. DRKHER & BHO , Agents, STROUDSBURG, PA. SIMONDS & CO , Proprietors, FITZWILLIAM, N. H. ! Sroudsburg, April 12, 13G6. lyr. California. Wm. Hollinshead, Dreher & . . .. ln. f .1 I I prices. A sample oi iruu put up i " 7 "e TtT 1 Slroud!)urg. (Febru. 8, 1806.-6 Brother, TOB PRINT1NU Ol-' ALL-Kl it uo neai- nJ ly and promptly executed at uns omce.' BLVNIC MORTGAGES. For sale at this Office Southerner & Herrmann, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS AND - YANKEE NOTIONS, STROUDSBURG, PA. August 11, ISfJI. tt; -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers