Ahmlmm 433 138 330 Winnings Jacob (part) 416 350 333 Wright Robert 128 120 $18 Wilkinson Joseph 103 Ross. Hays Samuel (part 250 Levers Sarah (part) 488 Levers Christopher (pt)313 Walker John (part) 35 Walker Robert (part) 35 Stmlhficld. Barnhill John 100 Gordon John 407 Horn Benjamin 200 Chaloncr John 50 Stroud. Prawl Thomas (part) 330 Toby !:attiia Aiberlson Garrett 227 Alhcrtson Garrett 101 Alleuay William 439 Benson Robert (part) 200 Berry John 62 Blakely John 434 Blackwcll Daniel 200 Bochtn &. Schimcr 307 Beck Frederick 439 Boehm Philip 100 Urodhcad Suinucl 304 Berry Simon 422 Brodhead L"ko 419 Cox Jacob (part) 225 rd Mary (part 239 Cox Joseph (part) 203 Cox Jonathan (part) 200 Cox Mary (part) 2G2 Cox Rebecca 440 rnv William (onrl) 350 125 26 21 154 107 57 03 11 35 47 60 32 70 18 08 47 04 43 30 34 65 97 79 21 90 55 74 46 03 90 08 47 05 33 98 44 99 22 10 22 22 99 SO GO 97 53 63 49 41 43 30 1152 43 30 31 10 42 SI 62 40 47 20 47 77 64 01 95 41 26 So 12 99 87 57 15 72 S 56 107 35 47 60 47 60 46 27 26 66 22 00 72 103 50 19 51 73 109 Conard Deborah (part) 250 I)cpr Jnsiah 404 VI 27 120 120 Dyer Sarah (part) 200 Eng'e J.icob (part) 50 Evans Cliarlos 200 Engle William part InO F,s!i John 403 Fish William 305 llowcll Samuel 433 Ilartiusn Thomas 433 Hart Joseph 395 Hartung Elizibcih 439 Ilartunjr J!,n D. (pt) 261 Harvey Mary (pari) 73 Ilaney Samuel 413 Iloiimgttorth Levi (pt)100 Hunt I'mreon fosrO 50 14 59 10 24 Irwin Robert 433 433 433 424 1G2 424 400 102 109 70 64 Lane Mary Lsnc Will jam Lyons Pelcr Long Rcbecci M'Cisllough John Rees Daniel Rex or R-gs Philip'.;! :Q Rogers Jl:;.c3 411 Shoemaker Sanjucl(pt) 106 Sid.-.an Isaac 440 Stewart James 400 SO Sharpless John 491 111 berman Isaac 421 110 Stewart Charles (part) 200 Sharpless Joseph 424 Shaw Richard (part) 313 Tyler Elizabeth (part) 150 Thomas Joseph or Matthew 400 Wild Adam 433 70 Wilson William 200 Tnnkfcsuiuoclc, Able Jaoob 405 Barcict William 407 "Rnrnftt John 265 112 S3 15 Caldwell David Cos Joseph (part) Cox Beniarsiu 400 209 439 Cos Jonathan (pt) 23S 80 59 120 Cramer Jacob Caldjfell Daniel Durham Edward mo 408 400 Ehrie Conrad Jr. 375 F,lm George 43S 48 Eyerly Jacob Eyerly Jacob Evans David (pt) Ehrie Conrad Sr. PoulkeBenj (pt) Horseficld & McCarty (part) Hariman Thomas Jones Samuel 400 40S 200 401 252 75 401 402 90 50 40 135 28 40 9S 40 130 70 10 Lesley Peter (part) 224 Lojrau Alexander 427 J.csher George (pt) 275 McCarty Benjamin Purdy William Paschal! Thomas Bees Hannah Bvan James OO L 438 400 400 401 Bees Derrick (part) 11U llees ramuc 1 415 Shee John Shupp Peter (pt) Sterner Henry Shunn Philip (pt") 403 240 439 150 30 80 Sitgreaves Sam.(pt)200 Shaw Bichard 399 Taylor Amos 409 Wilson Bichard (pt)222 Wildman John 438 "Writers Nathaniel 410 56 135 64 10 31 SY3IOX MYERS, Treasurer. March 22, 1866. TREASURER'S NOTICE of Sale of Seated Lands J- p. Rudy Holier For Arrearages oi Taxes. The following is a list of taxes on Seat ed assessments, as returned by the Col lectors of the several Townships for 1864 and 1865. which lauds will be sold at the Court Hthise in the Borough of Strouds- burg, on the 11th day ot June, next, a greeabry to the 41st section of the Act of 19th April, A. D. 1843, which provides for the collection of Taxes. Borough oj Sgpudshurg Names. " Property. Augustus Carmer, one lot, William Florv, do" Christian Hilier, Lewis Keinest, Stem, William II. White do do do do Barret Toxcnship. John A. D. Custard, 60 acres John Colstad. 2 "do Jacob Goctz's Estate, 60 do do do do do do do do do George Kintz, 389 Laban Lewis, James Lisk, CathariueNye, John S. Donaldson M. M. Dimmick Abraham Nye Emry Price James Wilson Henry Zerger Henry Feler Paniel Boyer 100 94 25 200 389 25 ,189 20 20 10 62 6 46 5 27 Chestnuthill Township. Robert Hare Powell William Kromer George An gl em oyer 2 acres Charles Altcmose 30 do Henry Slienkell 400 do Hamson Snyder 50 J do Emanuel Shafer 4 do Abraham Butts 14 do Hamilton Township. Andrew Price 6 acres Philip Flyte 2 do Merwine & Hartzell 20 do William Glinetop John M. Jintz 71 do Reuben Kleintop Charles Keller 32 do Andrew &Eliza Keller 4 do William Levers 2 'dp Sally Ann Marsh 3 do Coolbaugh Township. John Hays 50 acres D. Haviland 400 do 3Iatthew Kelly 20 do Henry Smith 20 do Middle Smithficld Toicnship Henry Bush 19 acres SmitJificld Township. William IT. Bell 10 lota 7 44 4 28 2 3 7 3 2 1 5 50 9 26 6 74 1 26 126 2 2 15 1 38 5 65 2147 30 80 3 11 4 06 3 3 5 3 3 1 4 2 2 1 14 9 Jacob Siugmaster 400 acres Jackson Township. Henry Able 75 acres Cain Able 20 do Frederick Bush 50 do John Butts 101 .do Jacob Boyers Estate 1 do Henry Fenner 30 do John Kinsley, 50 do Franklin Merwiae 200 do Jacob ltufstine 38 do John Siuger 45 do Abraham'Smith 59 do Emanuel Williams 70 do Cath. Woolbcrts Est. 20 do John Albertson 150 do 4 74 2 "7 33 4 4 9 Michael Butts Est. 130 do John Bailey 21 d? Levi Miller Emanuel Shoemaker - D do Jerome & Geo. Stfizer 50 do Jerome Setzer 50 do William Tidd 112 do Pocono Township. 2 82 5 14 1 62 Charles Hellyer 49 Levi Slutter 1 I Jacob Wolbert 100 acres lot acres d9 43 7C 32 60 66 74 27 14 Peter Kirney 100 William Bronk 12 19 21 10 1 12 Henry J.Ehlers William Lon 675 999 do do do 47 85 61 90 49 6ti Joseph F. Heckman ISO 66 95 22 10 27 25 41 23 - Price Township Daniel Bush 14 2 acres S. L. Coleman 115 do do do do do do da do do do Samuel Noves 500 16 20 7 10 131 2 39 2 80 32 96 Madison Price 150 50 43 70 William R. Price 71 02 John Van Yhet 112 22 10 Moses P. Staples 6 John Van Camp 200 Jared II Peters 9 8 1 4 1 2 3 20 56 20 56 5 5S 20 50 10 23 Andrew J.Bcesecker 247 William S. White 120 Eldrtd Township. William Barlieb 50 acre3 Jacob llohn 10 do Daniel Kleekner 70 do Charles Smith 25 do Elizabeth Washburn 2 do O'? 99 14 20 17 50 19 10 19 10 Polk Township. 17 50 William II. Folk 67 acres JoscdIi Ileimbach 118" do 9 50 34 61 3 05 20 9S 20 56 J. E. Hoodmacher Steward Kresge Jesse Smith Samuel Saylor Isaac Becker Daniel Day t 25 29 do do do do do do do do do 'do do do dd do do do do do do 19 10 9 82 20 50 20 56 12 10S 5S 93 100 149 135 3 9S 20 56 20 50 10 86 Ephraim liable Mary Porter Melchoir Smith John Behler John Craig Kfessrc & Merwinc 20 50 12 OS 14 37 18 07 Thos. & John Craig 166 126 Jacob LlufHey Adam II. Weiss Jonas Barthold John Merwinc John DiiHnger Thomas Craig 20 26 if j 76 50 67 543 67 92 20 56 S 50 19 38 20 50 fioss Township. Jnsnnli Barlieb 26 acres 12 4 20 56 7 93 9 68 Thomas Christman 100 t 15 do do do do do do do do do do do do do do Mary Droyer Samuel Gower John Gower Estate John Jones Henry Kintr. Peter Lerch 21 16 13 17 15 09 17 86 20 56 10 14 131 16 40 400 50 47 200 1 27 James Rackhow James Walton Thomas Buskirk George Flyte Jr Martin beiple reicr iviussgu Stroud Toicnship. William L. Bush James P. Heller Joseph Heller 1 lot 6 acres 6 do 269 do 1 lot 1 do 7 acres 1 lot 36 acres George Johnson Abncr Kirk Charles Kinney George Staples Edward Staples Elizabeth Colbert Elizabeth Colberts Es. 32 do Tobyhanna Tpwnship. Taxes. $4 98 John Connelly 245 acres 9 02 William Eckhard 50 do 1 62 5 44 4 54 1 08 William Flick Nathan Knox L. D. Shoemaker Samuel Bond 40 72 do do do do do Iteuben Flick Samuel Saylor & Co 204 Ira Winter 15 Samuel Havs 100 2 00 2 26 7 87 6 16 5 62 2 62 96 6 83 4 26 148 2 84 1 00 Tunhhannoclc Township. Rpnrr Ehler 112 acres j Ezra Marvin George Nagle John Merwine James Stull 88 do 429 50 179J 50 do do do do do Levi George Easton & Wilkes- l-Sn rrA 'Pnrnnike Co. 24 4 66 SIMON MYERS, Treasurer, 2 75 Treasurer's Office, Stroudsburg, ) 751 March 29, 18Q5. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYRUP. 30 22 16 08 00 66 A positive and specific remedy for all dis- eases originating from an impure state of the blood, and tor all (hereditary) diseas- n . . es iransmuieu irom parent to child. SCROFFULA. STRUMA, GLANDULAR SWELLINGS, 56 61 98 62 90 ULCERATION, KINGS EVIL, ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHEUM. This taint (hereditary and acquired,) filling i:r .u : ... 11 i .j iiiu wiiu uiuuiu iinsrry, is uy an usuui uicu' I 1 ? .11- iciu remedies incuraoie. ICUEUMilTISCT, , 99 00 68 00 50 40 10 58 32 If there is any disease in which the Con stitution Life Syrup is a sovereign, it is in rheumatism and its kindred anections. Hie most intense pains are almost instantly alle- viaieo enormous swellings are reuueea. Cases, chronic or vicarious, of twenty or or thirty years standing have been cured. I NERVOUSNESS. NERVOUS DEBILITY, SHATTERED NERVES, 80 02 25 ST. VITUS' DANCE, LOSS OF POWER, CONFUSION OF THOUGHTS, EPILEPSEY, ThniiR.anilR who hnvn Kiifrprnd for vears will bless the day on which thy read these lines, particularly to weaK, sunering wo- mnn will IhiK iniMlioinG nrove nn inestima 86 51 51 80 86 87 35 50 97 70 ble blessing directing their footsteps to a if t - I r irn .1 ' nope which iumus more man in urumibus. SALIVATION, ROTTING OF BONES, BAD COMPLEXION, ACHES IN BONES, TEELING OF WEARINESS. DEPRESSION OF SPIRITS. F Constitution Life Syrup purges the system entirely from all the evil effects o( mercury. removing the Bad Breath, curing the Weak Joints and Rheumatic Pains which the use of Calomel is sure to produce. It hardens Spongy Gums and secures the teeth as firm 76 34 57 56 12 IS 00 ly as ever. CONSTITUTION LIFE SYEUP Eradicates, root and branch, all Eruptive Diseases, of the Skin like ULCERS, PIMPLES, BLOTCHES, and all other difficulties of this kind, which so much disfisrure the outward appearance nf Imth mules and females, often making 21 76 45 70 them a disgusting object to themselves and their friends. E CONSTITUTION LIFE SYKUP 5S 61 50 32 93 4S CURES ALL SWELLING 01" THE GLANDS, Either of the Face, Neck, or Female Breast, and should he taken as soon as the swelling is detected, thus nrevenlimr their breaking, and nroducinrr troublesome Discharging j i j Sores, which disfigure so many of the youn ger portion ot the community, from six to twenty years of age. Young children are very subject to discharges irom me cars, whifh deDends unon a Scrofulous constitu tion. These cases soon recover by taking a few do;es of the Lite byrup. 90 12 64 All scrofulous persons suffering from gen pml Dnhilitv. Emaciation. Dvsoensia and 30 Dropsy of the limbs, abdomen and in the fe-4 male, Dropsy ot tlie ovaries and womb, gen erally accompanied with iuflamation and Ul r.Rrntion of the Utcru-. arc nermanuntlv cur 80 32 62 S4 78 ed Iiv Constitut'on Life Svrun. Thedisease known as Goitre or Swelled -Neck, the Life Svni- will remove entirelv. Ihe remedv should be taken for sometime, as thedisease is "exKedhf?lv chronic and stubborn, and will not be removed without extra effort. Tumors of the ovaries. Tumors of the Breast, and swelling of other glands of the tmilv. will be comoletelv reduced without 10 53 1 38 8 34 6 17 13 3S 6 00 6140 IS 63 11 50 resorting to the knife, or operations of any kind. Y Epileptic Fits, Sympathetic or Organic flisp:ns of the Heart, as palpitation. Disea sesof the Valves, producing a grating or fi- . s bTV . ..111 ling sound, Dropsy ot tlieneau oaseanu the affections ot this important organ per pons suffenn'T from anv nculc pain in the re 15 50 trlnn nf I 1ir hrartY Will be crreatlv relieved - i o Jl " - 27 77 bv Uonstitulional L.ne oynip. 11 52 6 22 9 50 63 50 "RrokLMi down and delicate constitutions suffering from Indisposition to Exertion, Pain in tlin Rnr.k. Los3 of Memorv. Forebodincs, Horror of Calamity, Fear of Disease, Dim ness of A'ision, Dry, Hot amn ana extreme tine wnnt nf Sleen. Restlessness. Pale, Hafr 1 5 17 50 gartl CountQnance, and Lassitude of the M us cular System, all require the aidof theCen- 10 stitution Jute Syrup. 15 44 87 42 FOR ALL FORMS OF 1 11 ULCERATIVE DISEASES. 60 Either of the Nose, Throat, Tongue. Spine? 2 06 Forehead, or Scalp, no remedy has ever proved its equal. Moth Patches upon the female face dc rjendiiif? unon the diseaf-etTaction of ihe lfv- 9 65 9 05 3 05 3 13 6 19 59 71 ur are tery unpleasant to the young wife and mother. A lew bottles of Constitution Iife Svud. will correct the secretion, and remove the deposit which is directiy under the shin. In the diseases of the liver, giving rise to Languor, Dizziness, Indigestion, Stnmnr.h or an ulcerated or cancerous Weak condi 4 3 4 8 65 02 94 94 tion of that organ, accompanied with burning . . ...Ml 1 or other unpleasant symptoms, win De re lieved by the use ot Constitution Life Syrup 2 58 1 86 U 4 24! OCtAb a general Blood Purifying 440 4 10 tne Jjiie oyrup Bianua .uiinvuiuu uj nrnnaration in the World. 3 16 j' I The rich and noor are liable to the diseases. Nature and Science hasmade PnriRtitiitinn Life Svrun for the benefit of 90 Pure Blood produces healthy men and 48 men: and if the constitution is neglected 2 44 5 28 5 50 1 53 vnnih. disease and carlv death is the Price, 1 55 per bottle; one half dozen P 2 30 5 90 WM. H. GREGG, M. D., Sole Proprietor, New York. Morgan & Allen, Wholesale Druggists, Agents, No 40 Clill-st., New-York. Geo. C. Goodwin & Co., Boston: J. II. Reed & Co., Chicago. Fulleh, Finch & Fuller, Chicago. Collins Brothers, St. Louis. J. D. Park, Cincinnati. Johnson, Holloway &Co., Philadelphia TUtines. Ward & Co.. New Orleans.. 1 94 2 20 12 26 14 52 14 30 11 55 3 30 4 08 Rarnts. Henry &. Co.. Montreal, Lannna. 1 86 Hostetter, Smith & Dean, San Francisco California. Wm. Hollinshead Agent, StroudsTjufg, February 8, isoo.-gaiv DRY GOODS. H. S. WAGNER, (Successor to George P. Heim,) STKOUDSBURG, Pa., Would invite attention to his full and vai ried assortment of Dry Goods. All the usual Departments requisite to a complete retail Dry Goods Store, , finnstnntlv receives strict attention and will nlwavs be found to contain lull and de-1 si ruble assortments. Ills stock oi Ladies Dress Goods a nnrticiilnrlv worthy of examination, and he shall be constantly opening all desirable Novelties in that line as the season advan- ces. If you want Prints, call on H. S. Wajiner. If you want Bleached Sheeting or Shirt ing call on h. s. wnener. If you want Unbleached Muslin or Sheet- in.tr call on w t t t-v v k r n. cs. vvagner. If vou want Notions call on J TT ITT n. o. vvagner. If you want Gloves or Jlosiery call on H. S. YVocner. If vou want Cloths or Cassimeres call on -r t k TXT U. . vvagner. If you want Gents Furnishing Goods call on w fus1";'' If you want GROCERIES, Call on H. S. Wagner. You will find Sugars at w -r-r c TIT 1 n. o. vvagner e. You will find Coffee at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Syrups at J r-r I ttT 1- tl. o. vvagner a. You will find Teas at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Spices at - II. S. Wagner's Vnn will find Fish at H. S. Wagner's. You will find Crockery at w tt r tit l a. o. v ngnur s. ill find Wooden-ware at II. S. Wagner's. You will find Brooms & Brushes at H. S. Winner's. You will, finally, be able to find what you want at vvagner e. "RinU nnil the Post-Oflice. Ubllf VVll STROUDSBUKU, rA. Feb. 22, 1866. Good Mews for tlie People! Cotten Goods have come down in price ! Large, decline in prices of 33ulitis, Calicoei, Ee Lanes, And Ginghams. T am now sellinir Calicoes and De Lanes at about 25 per ceut. lower than I sold them a week ago. ALL MEW and FRESH GOODS, an I am sellinir some make of Muslins for less than they have been sold for the last two years. COTTEN GOODS Are low enough for any one to buy them now. "Large reduction in the price of fine And if vnn wish to buv ITOod Cloths " - - j -- - j a- I andfdncy Cassimeres, call in. They are 50 cents a yard cheaper tnan in tne ran. AND BLANKET SHAWLS, all wool, all sorts and sizes, very low. I p.in five vou a banrain in bhawls. O J . . . And then 1 have a good assortment oi '.offee, .Sugars, baking Molas ses and S3rrups, And lots of other Goods cheap. KSF Uou t iorget the place, it is at BPiODUEAD'S Cheap Store, in Stroudsburg. i . , Jan. U, 1866. A CARD To the Hotel keepers of Monroe and ad jacent counties, look to Your Interests! 1 ! We are offcrins Liquors, Wines, &c., Agent uuy warranted jmrc, and containing no Drugs, same Oils, Essences, iDc, wnatever, at tne ioi lowing very low prices : Brandies from 50c$l 00 per gallon the all. wo less than City prices, in result (rins ouciraoc. it 7. Bourbon Whiskey,40c65c. k ( Monongahela, 4Ue(rtJ00c. Old Eye, 40c65o. Apple 5Uc(flrtl UU tt Common locior-soc. "i Wines rail kinds SOcS! 00 tt " " . i Please give us a call, or sunu your oi -ders, and satisfy yourselves that wo do do it, that wo will do it, uud the. reasons iohi wo can do it. Also, please remember that xoa do not have anything to do loith "Drugged" IA minis. Anvthinsz vou buy from us wo nuarantce Pure, and much below the pri ii m f ii.. ti .1 r : ces usually paiu iur uic urugguu .mquuia. Very ltespectfully, J. S. WILLIAM'S, &,Pq., . Stroudsburg, Monroo CojPa. . Pa jBly- 27,-1 Wi. 1866. APRIL. PILE'S. EASTON HALL OF' PAS v OPPOSITE THE OLD EASTON; .-jr EASTON, PEMi Thfi Ti9,vpftRt Stook I -3 The Tastiest Styles! of Work! The Lowest Prices! Thefs- Best Cutter ! The Most Obliging Salesmen ! Are to" be found at this Establishment ! SfJ-t '. '1 7 '. R. Co SALESMEN, CHAS. W. BAGHMAN, ' ISAAC. SNYDER. BLAZE Our Gun hits the Mt. You see Do yon want to buy a good HAT, GAP, or set of FURS It' you do, go to Paiili's Mat Store, opposite the Post'Oflice, where youvill always find a good assortment of at prices to suit all. Of these facts you can be convinced by calling as directed. Remember the place, J. A. PAULl'S Nat Store, Opposite the Post Office, Stroudshurg, Pa. N. B. The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of"" shipping K UI'S. 18 CLOTHING ! Of tlie latest styles AT PATJLFS This heing a branch of E. C. Pyle's Clothing establish ment of Easton, the citizens of Monroe County can now pur chase the same quality and at the same prices as though they bought in Easton. All goods sold as low here as at Easton. All are invited to come and examine the latest stvles. 13on't forsret the Dlace, PAULl'S HAT STORE, Opposite the Post Office Nov. 23, 1865. ULC. PYLH. ' REOONSTRTTOTION.. OYSTERS, OYSTERS, OYSTERS. The undersigned having made arrange ments with MrJ. G. Ogdcn for a full and rnnstan t suodIv of lresh Oysters, is now pre pared to furnish Hotels and private families with a full supply ot the best quality, aou any quantity on short notice. Call at the Bakery Saloon at any hour of the day or eveninfr. when vou can have Oystors prepar ed in every style that the taste requires to give nature a boost. b IT. C. LE VAN WAY. Stroudsburg, Jan. 18, 1SG5. bminislrator's Notice. Estate oHENR Y SMITH, laic of Smith- field l ownsiup, acceuseu. TvjMin is hereby criven tliat letters of Ad ministration upon the above named Iitate i,nin frrnnti'd to the unilersiunerl by tilt1 imi- n Register of Monroe County, in due form o law: therefore, all persons indebted to sail Estate are requested make immediate pay ment, and those, having any just cluims are also requested to present them legally au thenticated for settlement to LEVI SMITH, Administrator. March 15, 1S00. ' . Stroud township. Monroe o. Agricultural Society. NOTICE.- The ne w Certificates of Stock are now ready for delivery at the ofiice of the Secretary. Stockholders nre requested to return all certificates for shares and trac tions of shares, have them cancelled, and receive those of .the, new issue instead. A REEVES JAUliSUXN, oeor. StroudBburgf, Mareh 15, ImM, 1866. -IT ' ' dX- '2 .trial. a 2 o-c-T 5L bT3 of this The NeweE' i. 1 1 yflZZ . him to attend The Best QP """5 lhoreio ia- 'Mforthe PYLE5 Proprietor. .J CUTTER, JOHN BOWEN, Late of N. Y. City. Era AWAY! Mark every time, the Fur Fly ? liOV. 2d. IbbO. CLOTHING! 66. and best qualities HAT STORE. :ood Kews for the Million-. Tim siihsrrihpr hnstchs lo Inv the Imnort- ant inlelliucnce before the public, that ha has added lamely to his already large stock of fas hionalile and seasonable? Cloths, CassimercS) Vcstings, &c. which he will make up to order on short no tice, in a manner satisfactory to all. His shelves, literally roan beneath the Beady Made Clothing with which they nre loaded. Goats, Overcoats, Pants and Vests made of the best material, and in the itit fashionable manner, at prices to suit all. Slats and :ip.-i, Boots and Shoes, &c. &c. &c. and indeed every thing with which he has heretofore supplied the public, will be found ready lor inspection and sale at prices wliicb defy competition. Thankful for favors heretofore receired he hopes to merit a continuance of public favor at the old stand. NICHOLAS RUSTER. Stroudsburg, Dec. 8. 1865. Soirtkcif&cr & Herrmann, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS, STROUDSBURG, FA. a August Hi 18t4. tf.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers