TV ,L . Good Nciws for Jlie JJIillion. The.subscriber hastens to lay tho import ant, intelligence before the public, that he has" added largely to his already large stock of fashionable and seasonabln Cloths, Cassinieresj Vcstings, &c Which he will make up to order on short no tice, in a ninnner satisfactory to all. Ill shelves, literally groan beneath the Heady Sialic Clothing with which they are loaded. Coats, Overcoats, Pants and Vests made of the best material, and in the moBt Fashionable manner, at prices to suit all. Hats aeit Caps, Boots ami Shoes, . &c. &c. &c. fcnd indeed every thing with which he hae heretofore supplied the public, will be found .readyftor inspection and bale at prices which Qefy competition. Thankful for favors heretofore received he hopes to merit a continuance of public favor - at the old stand. NICHOLAS RUSTER fetroudsburg, Dec. 8, 1865. ' TIN SHOP! The undersigned begs leave to inform hit friends and the public generally, thai he lists now opened a TLV SHOP, on Main siret, below the StroudsV.urg Mills, opposite Wal lace &. Co's lumber yard, where he is pre pared manufacture tnd, sftll all hiudd of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron-Ware. alsp, StoVd.s tov Pipe and Elbows. Old and, second ha rid,. Stoves bought and sold, at cash rates. CASH paid for Old Lead, Capper and Brass. Or Roofing, Spouting and Repairing promptly attended to and warranted lo gite satisfaction. Call and see fur pourselve. WILLIAM REISER. Stroudsburg, Dec. 8, 1G5. N OTIC hi TO Boiiiity Bond Holders AND TAX COLLECTORS. The following resolutions were entered od the minutes at the last meeting ei' ike Count3 Oomniiasioneis. Resolved, That all Bounty Bonds out standing against the County be presented to the Commissioners for payment on er before the 25th day of December next, as after that day interest will cease on the same. Resolved, That Judgment be entered in the Prothonufary's Office, on the Offi cial Bonds of all Collectors up to 1864, against whom there is a balance remain ing unpaid , and those of 1SGI. to have time to make settlement of their Dupli cates till tbe first day of next Court. JOHN T. WILLIAMS, NELSON LTKFFLEFINGEPt. HERY HELLEH. Dec. S, 18G5. Commissioners. Widows Appraisement. Notice is hereby given, that the fol lowing appraisements of widows, claim ing to retain property Jo the value of 300 of their deceased husbands Estate, hare been filed in tbe office of tbe ClerL of the Orphans' s Court, of Monroe County, snd trill be presented for approval at the nert term of -aid Court, to be held at Strouds durg, Monday Dec. 25th, 1SG5, at 10 o' clock, A. M. Widovr of Peter Snyder, dee'd. " " Jobn Armitagc, " : Chas. Miller, " " Lewis Socks, if THOS. M. McTLilAMEY, Dec. S. 13C5. Clerk Trial List, Dec. T. 1865. David W. Lee et. al. vs. Jay Gould. Amos Neybart vs. Chas. W. Row. David Keller vs. John Mem-ice. Uolliushcad's Atn'rs et. si. vs. L'enja. tniu Hinds. - Day & Woodring vs. Albert Stul! and Adam Stull. Jnics and GcHiouj II till tb. William J3. B. Palmer slid Sydenham. Palmer. William 1'iacc v3 .Martin Courtri-hi. TflOS. M. MdLIlA.MEE, Dee. S, 1SG5. Pre't. Register's Mice. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons interested in the estates of the respec tive decedents, that the following accounts Lave been filed in tbe Register's office of 31ouroc County, and will be presented for confirmation to the Orphans' Court of said county, at Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 25th day of December, 18G5, at 10 o'- Account of James Place, Guardian of Theodore Bush, son of John V. Uusli, deceased. Final Account of Eastburn "Werkbeis er, Administrator of Valentine Wcrkhei ter, deceased. Account of John II. Chambers, Trus tee appointed by the Orphans' Court ol Monroe County to sell Ileal Estate ol John Chambers, deceased.' First account of Charles Huffsmith, Executor &c. of Jacob Huffsmith, deed. Account of Henry Werkheiser, Admin istrator of Henry Werkheiser, deceased. Account of Jonas Neyhart, Executor &c. of Aarou llartuian, deceased. Account of Sydenham Walton, Admin istrator &c. of Converse Haines, dee'd. Account of John Wilson, Administra tor &c. of John Wolbert, dee'd. Accouut of Peter Gilbert. Administra tor &c. of Ephraiui Christman, dee'd Account of Peter Gilbert, Administra tor &c. of George Michael Heintz, dee'dg Account of Samuel Gulick, Adminis trator &c. of Catharine Gulick, dee'd. Account of David Miller, Executor &c. f Mary Loder, dee'd. JOllJN' a. JJiSHJiiii, itegister. Register s Office, Stroudsburg, : November 80, 1865. BLANK LEASES -For Sale at this Office. ;;saDaCs'.CdIlee;r! IRON BUILDING'S No. 37th Fifth Street, PITTSBURGH, FA. ' TUITION FEE NEVER CHANGED. 20RTY DOLLARS PAYS FOR THE FULL GRADUATING COURSE. rjpiME UNLIMITED, Iff Book Kcuiiigr, Business K'cismaiisliip, Commercial Calculations,. Lectures Upon Law, Ethic?, Detecting Counterfeit tlloney. Other Colleges have either advanced their tuition fee to 85(1, or eharges 10 to '15 extra for Penmanship. Their books and Stationery, also, costing from $12 to $20 ours cost hut 5. Durr's original plax of business Edu cation, as taught in this city for about twenty-five years, fiom his own systems of Book Keeping, which are sanctioned by the American Int-titutc and Chamber of Com merce, and other competent authorities of IV'W lork, as the most perfect systems in use, with W. H. Duff's First Premium Business and Ornamental Penmanship t i light in DAY AND EVENING GLASSES. It will be found by proper inquiry that this is the only College of the kind in the Union conducted by an experienced .Merch ant, and whese Penman isa trained account ant. OrMercliants, steamers and bankers can always obtain thoroughly educated account ants on application at our office. CO"Thosc desiring our elegant new Cir cular, pp. 75 containing an outline of our. Course of Study and Practice, with Samples of our Penman's Business and Ornamental Writing, must enclose TWENTY-FIVE CENTS to P. DUFF & SON, Pittsburgh, Pa. . (KrWe will mail any person enclosing us 2, a copy of cither our Mercantile or Steimloat Book Keeping post-paid. November 30, 1SG5. Auditor's "Notice. Estate oj JOIfX J). ECK, deceased. The undersigned appointed by the Or phans' Court of 3Ionroc; Auditor 'to re port distribution of the funds in the hands of Theodore Brodhead, Executor of the last Will of John 1). Eek, dee'd will attend to the duties of his appoint ment, on Friday, December 15, 18G5, at two o'clock P. M., at the Prothonotary's ofliee in Stroudsbunr, when and where all persons interested and' having claims against said fund will present the same, or be furever debarred from coming in for any share thereof. Til OS. M. McILHANEY. Nov. 1G, 18G5. Auditor AGENTS WANTED TO SELL KETTELL'S ONE VOL. HIS TORY OF THE REBELLION. The only work, every page of which has been prepared for the pres-s since the close of the war. The popularity of this work has no parallel. One general Agent for the west returns OVER 700 Subscriptions pcrduy on thn average through the week. The canvass has but just begun, yet we have Over 50,000 Subscribers. At the rate we are now selling, our list will be over 2150,000 the first year. So flatter ing is the prospect, we ordered paper for. 7,000 TiES before a book was bound. It is" the work .people want. Full, Complete, and Reliable, Price $4.50, only about Jmlf the price of other Historic.-, in proportion to the amount of reading. Our Agents report a very general desire in tne public lo exchange the Two Vol. work for this. Illustrations are numerousanu beauti ful, from steel pialos. The work is now rcaily for demrrv. A'idress L. STEBBINS, Hartford, Conn'. November 9. 18G5. laecial Notice. " Section 83, of -the act to provide,"In- ternal Revenue," &c , as by amendment ol Jiarch 6d, laoo. provides that upon the amounts, quantities, and values of produce, goods, wares, merchandise and articles rroduced or manufactured and sold or delivered, the manufacturer or pro ducer thereof, shall pay to tbe Collector oi Internal Revenue within his district, monthly icilhnt (10) ten dajs from the 20th o each month, the duties on sucn uroducts or manufactures. And for neglect to pay such duties within said (10) ten days the amount of such duties, with the audition prescribed (10 per cent penally, costs, tfce.,) may be levied upon the real and personal prop erty of any such producer or mauufac turer." .Section 5 of the amendment of March 3, 18G5, imposes, iu addition to the du tics before orescribee, 'au increase of one fifth or 20 per cent, of the duties or rates of duty now provided whether ad valorem or specihc. Government Funds only received. E. T. FOSTER, Collector. 11th District, Pa. June 15, 18G5. G3aEcr3 acid Paper Hanger, Will nMnnd to. and nromotlv execute, al nrdprs with which he mav be favored. From his Ion" experience in the various branches of his business, he feels connaeni oi renaer ing entire satisfaction in his work. He may be found al his shop, on Simpson street, Stroudsburg, Pa. Patronage respectfully solicited. March 26,1862. WOOL! THE HIGHEST PRICE FOR WOOL, in Cash, by JOHN N. STOKES. Siroudsburg' June ; 1865. BLANK MORTGAGES. For sale at this Office 1865. DECEMBE 'rr-. EASTON HALL OF FASHION. OPPOSITE THE OLD EASTON BANK, EASTON,, PENNA. :; v, . The Larg-egt Stock ! The Tastiest Styles! The Best Quality of Work! The Lowest Prices ! The Best Cutter ! The Most Obliging Salesmen! Are to "be found at this Establishment ! E. C. PYLS? Proprietor. SALESMEN", :i CFTAS. W. BACH MAN, TSAAC SNYDER. Our Gun hits the Don't You see Do you want to buy a good If you do, go to Pauli's Mat where you will always find a HATS, CAPS at prices to suit all. Of these by calling as directed. Remember the place, J Opposite the N. 13. The highest cash shipping Furs. 18 CLOTHING! Of the latest styles and best qualities AT PAULI'S HAT STOKE. This being a branch of R. C. Pyle's Clothing establish ment of Easton, the citizens of Monroe County can now pur chase the same quality and they bought in Easton. All Kaston. All are invited to styles. Don't forget the place, PAULI'S II VP STORE, Opposite the Post Office. Nov. 23, 1865. R. C. PYLK. ourt Proclamation. - Whereas, the Hon. Geokoe R. Barrett. President Judge ol llie22d Ju , ciul District ol Pennsylvania, composed of the counties ol Wayne, Pike, Monroe and Carbon, and Abra ham Levering and Jeremy Alackey. Esqr's, Associate Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of the County of Monroe, and by vir tue of their odiccs. Justices of the Court o! Oyer and Terminer and General JaiFdelivc ry and Court of General Quarter Sessions in and for the said County of Monroe, have is sued their precept to me commanding that a Court of Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Common Pleas, and Court of Oyer and Ter miner and General Jail Delivery and Or phan's Court, for the eaid County of Monroe, to be holden at Stroudsburg, on the 25th day of December, 1865, to continue one week if necessary. NOTICE Is hereby given to the Cononer, the Justices of the Peace, and Constables ol the said conn ty of Monroe, that they be then and there ready with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations and other remembrances to do those tilings which their offices are appertai ning, and also that those who are bound by recognizances to prosecute and give evidence against the prisoners that are or shall be in the jai' cf the said county of Monroe, or a gainst persons who stand charged with the commission of offences to be then and there to prosecute or testify as shall be Just. (God save the Commonwealth.) LINFORD MARSH, Sheriff. SherifFs-Omce Stroudsburg, ) Nov. SO, 1865. 5 : . BLANK DEEDS Forsale t;t this- Offie- 1865. it The Newest Goods! CU.TTER, JOHN BOWEN, Late of N. Y. City V Mark every time. the Fur Fly? HAT. CAP, or set of FURS ? Store, opposite the Post Office, good assortment or AND FUHS, facts you can be convinced A. PAUU'S Hat Store, Post Office, Stroudsburg. Pa. prices paid for all kinds of Nov. 23. 1865. f'JLOTMING! 65. at the same prices as though goods sold as low here as at come and examine the latest LIQUOR STORE. Important notice to Landlords and al others iu want of PURE LIQUOES, at very low prices. The undersigned having recently open ed a LIQUOR STOIIE in the room for merly occupied by jMr. Boht. li. Dcpuy Stroudsburg, are prepared to offer Li quous, Wines, &c., at prices ranging: from 25 cts. to $1 00 per gallon less than the same qualittj can be imrchased at in the cities. We ulso guarantee in every instance, our Liquors jmre, and free Jrom all Drugs and compounds, and cordially invite Land Lords and all others in want of anything in our line, to favor us with a call, or, if more convenient, their orders which will always be met with prompt at tention, and in either casejjrc Liquor guaranteed at a arcat saving of money. We also, especially call attention to our IlASPBERUY and STltAWUEHUY bYRUPS which for richness of flavor and taste cannot be surpassed. J. S. WILLUMS, & Co. Stroudsburg, July 13, 1865. FOR SALE CHEAP, 8 New Fanning Mills, At the Foundry and Machine Shop, of . - ' GEO. E. oTUUrl'ililv. Tanncrsvillo, Pa, Aug. lGr 18(J&. " HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT' BUCHTJ. HELMBOLD'S 33UCHU. UBLMBOLD'S BUCHU. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. Tho Only Known Remedy for DIABETES, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder, In ' flamalicn of the Kidneys, Ca'arrh of the Bladder, StrangUary or pain ful Urinating. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose hat been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pain in the small of the back and through the hins? A teaspoonfull a day of Hlm bold's Buchu willsjv you. 0i '? - PHYSICIANS AND OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients. Helm bold's Extract Buchu is composed of Buchu. Cubehs, and Jimiper Berrn-s, selected wilh great cure, prepared in vacuo and according to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These ingredidnts am known as the moat valuable Diuretics afforded. DIURETIC Is that which acta upon the kidneys. DELfilBOLD'S' EXTRACT BUl'BU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in tuste and odor, free from all injurious properties, and immediate in its action. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dis pensatory of the U. S., of which the follow ing is a correct copy : "Burhu. Its odor is strong, d illusive, and somewhat aromatic, its tntte bitterish, and umilogous to thatnt mint. It is given chiet- y in complaints of the Urinary Organs, tech as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bindder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Disenses ot the Prostrate, and Retention or the Inrontinence of Urine, from a loss ol tone in the p-irts concerned in its evacuation, t has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Butaneous Affections, and Dropsy." FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, See Professor Dewees' valuable works on the Practice of Physic. See Remit rks Miade by the celebrated Dr, Physic, of Philadelphia. See any and all standard Works on Medi cine. FROM THE LARGEST Maimfketaiiag Cheinist IN TLTE WORLD. I am acquainted wilh H. T. Helmbold ; he occumed the dru slore opposite my rest dence, and was sucres.ful in conducting the business where oihers had not been equally so before him. I hae teen favorable im pressed wilh his character and enterprise. WM. Wrilliui M Ars, (Firm of Powers & Weihtman,) Manufacturing Cnemists, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia fFrom the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin, March lOili, We are "ratified to hear of the continued success, in New York, of our townsman. Mr. H. T. Helmbold. Druinrist. His More, next to the Metropolitan Hotel, is 2S feet front, 230 feel deep, and live stories m height. It is certainly a yrand establishment, and spraks favorably of the merit of his articles. lie retains his Office and Laboratory in th i citv, which are also model establishments o? hir class. TIih nronrietor has been induced to make this statement trom the !act mat ins remedies although advortisled, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, And. knowing that the Jnleiliiient refrain from nsini'anv thniir pertaining to Quack- 7 cry. or the Patent Medicine order nroit ol which arenreoareil by sell-styled Uooiors. who are too iirnorant to read a physicianV simplest pnv-criplion, much less competent lo prepare pharmaceutical preparations. These Parties Resort to various nualis cf effectlllS sales, such as copying p,rts ol advertisements ot.pupular remedies, and finishing with certificate.. a i f f f T W T A The 5fliem:t ot ili'meiiiestanu oi.u VLitu, PflRK MA.lRSTfC ha in? Fact tor its- Basic, Induct ion for its Pillar, Truth alone lor its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most important : and theafflictci: should not use an advertised medicine, or nnv remedv. unless its contents or ingredient are known to other besides the manufacturer, or until they arosntistied o! the qualifications of the party so offering. HELMBOLD'S CScnniuc Preparations. FLUID EYTRACT BUCHU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH Established upwards of 16 years. Prepared by H. T. HELMBOLD PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMI GAL WAREHOUSE), 591 Broad way, iYew York. And HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DE POT, 10-i South Tenth Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. SOLO BV ALL IRUGG5ST!i. October 10, lSd5.- 4 Save Your Money By buying of CHARLES B. KELLER, 10 following named superior articles cheap. for Cash. I have the finest assortment of Hoots :i3sd &3ioes, for Men, Women and Childiien's wear that has ever been offered in town, cons'Sting ot Men's, Hoys, and Childrens Boots, Women's Glove Kid Polish Boots-. Alisses' do do do dv Children's do do do do Women's M'oroco Polish do Misses' do do d Children s do do do These are a new and benutiful style of adies Boots of the finest quality, and just suited for cold weather. Al o, aline assort ment of Common Shoes, for Women, IVIissoa and Children. Also, a splendid assortment of Gums and Sandals for Men, Women and children. . 1 have also a fine assortment of Linen and Woolen Shirts, . of a superior quality, together with Stosx ings. Neck-Ties, Collars, &c. Also, a quantity of the best quality of Heavy and Light SOLE-LEATHER: to'; gether with a lot of the best Men's' and French Monocco Also, Lining, Bindings, Lust-, Boot-Trees of all sizes, Thread, Wax Nails, Pincers, Punches, Eyelet-set, and Eye- etts, Peg Cutters and Shoemakers Ink, &c, &c. Store opposite Marsh's Hotel. CHARLES B. KELLER. Stroudsburg, Nov. 30, 16G5. table. Ilaviug purchased the Stock lately owned by J. E. W. Miller, we take this pportunity to notify the public ireueral- y that we have added considerable new Stock to the same. Our stable ia in tho rear of Mr. George Fable's Store whertf we are prepared to hire feff Horses and Carriages, at the lowest cash rates. Our horses are afe, fast aud gentle, aud our vehicles consist of all kinds, to suit the taste of tho astidious. We attend to the stables ourselves, and will be always on hand to drive our cust omers to any place if desired. No pain's will be spared to give satisfaction to all who may favor us with their patronage. .Please call and see us, arid give us tho' pleasure of showing -ou our stock. JAKE UENDEESIIOT, JOHN IIENDERSHOT - Stroudsburg, Nov 30, 1S65. FURS.- FURS. FURS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES 0AKF0RD & SONS. GOSTIKMTAL WMEl, . PHILADELPHIA. Have now open their Jariro and.snlen-- did stock of ADIES' FUR CAPES, COLLARS, MUFFS, , CUFFS, GLOVES, AND HOODS. Also the finest assortment of panqy FUKROBCS, CAPS, MUFrLEUS.and GLOVES ever before offered by them, all of which ire warranted to be a? represented. SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT. October 20, 18(J5.-lm. iot Aii mm STORE, GO TO M. L. DRAKE'S . ftiew loot asd shoe store And improve the understanding by a neat lttiufr UUUT, SHOE, or OA HE 11. With the understanding neatly and comfortably clothed, von mav nroceed on your journey in life clothed in your nj:iit miuti, directing otncr.s to the same place, that they may enjoy a like blessing Store on Elizabeth Street, onnotite tho ii - - Express Office, Stroudsburg, Fa. iept. 1SUO. - OT 171 1 Dct-ires to call the attention ol' tin- nnn?ii. merd of Paints and Linseed Oii, of rflroiids huru and vicinily, lo an urtich iiiatiiilaclured bv Bureluw & Hulins. of New Ynrfc nil v. fin. der the supervision of D. E. Br- uu, Chemist, w sV lis from pure un-eeii un, caned BREINIG'S IMPROVED LINSEED OIL; The inventor ol this Improvement for many years studied and experimented upon the na ture and properties of Linscrd Oil. .mil ir ive- him reat pleasure that hi labors has not been in am. tie ha. succeeded trY "real ty increasing these properties, which rendeF Miuceu uu me only Breinig's Improved Linseed Oil 3 a SELF-DRYING OIL, and readily united wih white Lead, Zincs.. ami an colored paints in the same proportion as Limeed Oil. Paints "round in pure Linseed Oil nnrl thinned with this oil will never CRACK " l'JSAL or biiELL OFF. - It will wear het ter, and last longer than the ordinary Lin seed Oil. I can assure mv friends that T Intro tnstPit it in every possible way and manner, side by siuo wiui uoin raw ami l-oiled oil, and it has proved far superior in every tespect. For a further description of this valuahlo article, parlies will please call at Drchor & Bro's. B'ruj Store, Stroudsburg', where it h kept for sale. D. E. BREINIG, Chemrst. October 12, ls65.-Gm. Just Eeceived, AT BK0Wi & KELLER'S. New Iiveiy nnr DJ.BBEBNI6 A large assortment of Extra Plated SPOONS, FORKS, &c. of superior quality, to take the place of Solid Silver Wark-' Having made a large purchase, they nrevona,. bled to supply housekeepers at astonislnngly1 low rates. Call and examine. Stroudebnrg, May 5th, 186-L
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers