1865. NOVEMBER. 1865. PYLE'S EASTON HALL OF FASHION. OPPOSITE THE OLD EASTON BANK, EASTON, PENNA. Tlie Largest Stock ! The Tastiest Styles ! The Best Quality of Work! The Lowest Prices ! The Best Cutter ! The Most Obliging Salesmen! Are to be found at this Establishment ! E. C. FYLE, Proprietor. SALF.SMKN, AS. W. BACH MAN, ISAAC SNYDER. A CARD To the Hotel kecoers ol Monroe and ad- j jaccnt counties. j Look to Your Interests! ! ! We arc ofi'erin- Liquors, Wines. &c, j m i i n ... i viarramcu pure, auu cuuiauuu hu i; i Oils, Essences, dx., whatever, at the fol- J loTrini' very low prices : j Brandies from 50c-Sl 00 per gallon less than City prices, Gins 50c(rft7fc. Bourbon "Yhiskey,40e(aj65c. Mooongahcla, 40c()G5c. Old Rye, 40c(rt(55c. " Apple 50c(rt;$l 00. Cnuuoti - 15c(or2bc. a u ; it Wines (all kinds 50c(o.Sl 00 Please give us a call, or send your or-, slers, and satisfy yourselves that wc do do , it, that wc will do it, and the reasons ,chy wc can do it. : Also, please remember that ice do not hvac anything to do xeith u Drugged 1a- quors. Aiiytmng you oay irom us wo. guarantee Pare, and much below the pri-; ccs usuallj paid for the Drugged Liquors. ! Very Respectfully, ! J. S. WILLIAMS, & Co., d ji n T Pa. July 27, 1SG5. NOTICE. A meeting of the original Stockhold- j rs of the Jackson Oil Co., will be held utthe Court House, in Mroudstmrg, on Friday, uct. at o o eiocK, p. iu. a rencrai attendance is renuestad, as busi- , ness of importance wtil come belore the Ineeting. L W. BRODI1EAD, Sec'y. Oct. 26, 18G5. FURS. FURS. FURS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. CHARLES OAKFOSD & SONS. (OMIMTAL HOTEL. PHILADELPHIA. Uavc now open their large and splen did Ptock of LADIES' FUR CAPES, COLLARS, .MUFFS, CUFFS, GLOVES. AND HOODS. Also the finest assortment of rANCY FUR ROBES. CAPS, MUFFLERS, and OLOVFS ever before offered by them, al!of which arc warranted to be a? represented. SHIPPING FURS BOUGHT. October 2G, 18G5.-4iu. AGENTS WANTED. To canvass the new steel cngra- Tings of WoniaiiN Ittiiiofi; Iiucoiti' Family ' . ' Early Iaj of Washington Fcrrogroph Carles dc Yistc or Album rj jlt n,iy(j directing others to the same Pictures, ; piaCCj that they may enjoy a like blessing At "reatly reduced prices. Store on Elizabeth Street, opposite the SPECIAL BERKS Td DISABLED ttttr'B &Bc DIERS. Send for Catalogue with terms, &c. JOHN DAINTY, Publisher, 15 S. Sixth St. Philadelphia, Pa. October 26, 1865. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to ing in the hands of David Shannon, ; BliniSiraior Vl t" uauiit; ui xiinuwu ' Howell, dee'd, will attend to the duties. S 3 n C 0 Xl A M atthcofficeof Williatii Davis, Esq., in the; BorouX of Stroudsburg, when and where i all Tinrtlos intnrestcd can attcud aud be 1 ieard, or be debarred from coming in for r. . i . if. : : r.. their share of said fund. JOHN B. STORM, Auditor. October 26,, 1865. The Newest Goods! CUTTER, JOHN 130WEN, Late of N. Y. City For Sale. A team of pood horses for sale. terms &c, call at this OFFICE. Stroudsburg, Oct. 25, 1865. For Auditor's otice0 The underined Auditor appointed bv the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to ' make distribution of the balance remain- I ing iu the hands of Simon Labar, assignee of Frederick P. Miller, to and among the iditors, will attend to the duties of his crct appointmeut, on Tuesday, the f)th day of I ututmuui uv..vk, .ii a j j num - o I : his office, iu the Borough of Stroudsburg. when and where all parties interested, Can attcud, aud present their claims, or be forever debarred from coming m for a share of said funds. JOHN DeYOUNG, Auditor. October 2G, 1SG5. GREAT SALE OF 9 Vsst. Quartermaster's Ones, IJarnsburg, Pa.; Oct. 9, ISoO. j "NV ill be sold at public, auction to the highest bidder, On Saturday, October 21, 1SG5. At Ea!o:t, Pouiia.. A1 ,he pul)lic buildings used as Bar- r;ickg for droops at Gaston, Pa., built ol ,nn.i p:n n,i i;tinPi- T.nml.r Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M. Terms cash, in Government Funds. E. C. REICH E N BACH, Capt. 1SG5. and AsSt. Qr. M. : October 12. Auditor's Notice. The undersigned Auditor appointed by I the Orphans' Court of .Monroe, to make distrtouttou ot tue balance in use lianas Rudolph Weiss, Administrator of Henry II. Weiss, deceased, to and among the creditors, hereby gives notice that he will attend to the duties of his appointment, on Friday, November 10, li'U5. at two o'clock P. 31. at the Prothonotary's office in Stroudsburg, at which time and place all persons interested will present their claims or be forever debarred from com ing in for a share of said fund. TIIOS. Jtf. -McILIIANEY. Oct. 12. 1SG5. Auditor. CHEAP d shoe mm. si GO TO M. L. DRAKE'S New Boot and Shoe Store And improve the understanding bv a neat fitting BOOT, SHOE, or GAITER. With the understanding neatly and comfortably clothed, you may proceed on rrrnr inurriev in life clothed iu vour r.'vjiyv j - Gothic Mall Drug Store. I WiiSinm iloiiiiBsEtead, I Wholesale and Retail Druggist. STROUDSBURG, Pa. Constantly on hand aud for sale cheap for cash, a fresh sup ply of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oil, Glass, Putty,-Varnish, Ker- 0sefte Oil, Perfumery aud Fancy Goods; jjjgo a &Sagj R,SilBl aaad Wool's. Pure Wines and Liquors for Medicinal purpose - , .. P. S.-Physic.ans Prescriptions eare. ny conipouimeu. Stroudsburg, July 7, 1.8G-L BLANK LEASES For Sale at this Offico.- 1 : 1 extracFbuchtj. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. HBLMBOLD'S BUCHU. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU. The Only Known Remedy tor DIABETES, Irritation of the Neck of the Bladder, In Jtamation of the Kidneys, Catarrh of the Bladder, Slranguary or pain ful Urinating. For these diseases it is truly a sovereign remedy, and too much cannot be said in its praise. A single dose has been known to relieve the most urgent symptoms. Are you troubled with that distressing pnin in the small of the buck and through the hips 1 A teaspoonfull a day of Helm bold Buchu will relieve you. PSSYSICIAtfS AWS OTHERS PLEASE NOTICE. I make no secret of ingredients. Helm' hold's Extract Buchu is composed of Buchu, Cubebs, and Juniper Berries, selected with rreat care, prepared in vacuo and according to rules of PHARMACY AND CHEMISTRY. These ingredidnts are known as the moil valuable Diuretics afforded. DIURETIC Is that which acts upon the kidney. HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU ACTS GENTLY, Is pleasant in taete and odor, free from all injurious properties, and immediate in its ac tion. FOR THE SATISFACTION OF ALL, See Medical Properties contained in Dis pensatory of the U. S., of winch the follow ing is a correct copy : "Buchu. Its. odor is strong, diuusive, and somewhat aromatic, its taste bitterish, and a nalocous to that of mint. It is given chief- V in complaints of the Urinary Organs, such as Gravel, Chronic Catarrh of the Bladder, Morbid Irritation of the Bladder and Urethra, Diseases of the Prostrate, and Retention or the Inrontinence of Urine, from a loss of tone in the prts concerned in its evacuation, It has also been recommended in Dyspepsia, Chronic Rheumatism, Butaneous Affections, and Dropsy. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION, See Professor TJeweea' valuable works on ?tc ;f phvwc gi.e ftemarja niade by the celebrated Dr, p,ySic 0f Philadelphia" OCC BUY ailUall Uiaiji Standard Works on Medi- cine. TROM TUB LARGEST Manufacturing CSieiuist IN TIIE WORLD. I am acquainted with II. T. Helinbold ; he occupied the drug 6tore opposite my resi dence, and was successful in conducting the business where others had not been equally so before him. I have been favorable im- pressed with his character and enterprise. VM. WEIG1ITMAN, (Firm of Powers & Weightman,) Manufacluring Chemist, Ninth and Brown Streets, Philadelphia. From the Philadelphia Evening Bulletin. March 10th, 1 We are gratified to hear of the continued success, iu SSew York, ot our townsman. Mr. II. T. Helmbold, Drugirit-t. His tore. next to the iMetrouolitun Hotel, is feel tront, 230 feel deep.and five stories in height. It is certainly a prand establishment, and f peaks favorably of the merit of his articles. He retains his Office and Laboratory in tine city, which are also model establishment oi their class. The proprietor has been induced to make this statement from the fact that his remedies. although advcrliBted, are GENUINE PREPARATIONS, And, knowing that the intelligent refrain from using any thirij; perlaining to Quack ery, or the Patent Medicine order most o! which ore prepared by self-styled IJoctor. who are too ignorant to read a physician f simplest prexcription, much Jess competent to prepare plurmaceutic&l preparations. These Parties Resort to various means of effecting' sales, such as copying parts of advertisements of popular remedies, and linishmg with certificates. The Science of Medicine stand: SIMPLE, PURE, MAJESTIC, having Fact for h Basis, Induction for its Pillar, Truth alone for its Capital. A WORD OF CAUTION. Health is most important ; and the afflicted should not use an advertised tnedieine, or any remedy, unless its contents or ingredient are known to other besides the manufacturer, or until they are satisfied of the qualification of the party bo offering. HELMBOLD'S Gcnmiic Preparations. FLUID EYTRACT BUCHU, FLUID EXTRACT SARSAPARILLA, AND IMPROVED ROSE WASH. Established upwards of 1G years. Prepared" by H. f. IIFLMBOLD. PRINCIPAL DEPOTS. HELMBOLD'S DRUG AND CHEMI CAL WAREHOUSE, 591 Broad tcaii Nevt York. And HELMBOLD'S MEDICAL DE POT, 101 South Tenth Street, Phil adelphia, Pa. SOLD BY A EjKj DRUGGISTS. October 10, 18fi5. BLANK DEEDS Forsaln t this Offie Scrdftda, 6f King's Evil, Is s .constitutional disease, a corruption of tho blood, by which this fluid becomes vitiated, freak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in aisease on any part ot it. Jso organ is tree trom its attacks, nor is there one which it may not destroy. The scrofulous taint is variously caused by mercurial disease, low living:, disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, tilth, and filthy habits', the depressing vices, and, above all, by thc venereal infection. Whatever lc its origin, it is hereditary in the constitution, descending "from parents to children unto the third Mid fourth generation:" indeed, it m-m to be t rod of llim who says, "I will visit the iniquities4. ot me tamers upon men- emKlrcn. Its effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles ; in the glands, swellings ; and on the surface, eruptions or sores. This foul corrup tion, which genders in tho blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitutions not only surfer from scrofulous complaints, but they have far less power to withstand the attacks of other diseases: consequently, vast numbers E'.rhh by disorders which, although not scrofu in their nature are still rendered fatal by this tabu in the system. Most of the consump tion which decimates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous contamination ; and many destructive diseases of the liver, kid neys, brain, and, indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their persons arc invaded by this lurking infec tion, and their health is undermined by it. To cleanse it from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, and invigorate it bv healthv food and cxerciau. Such a medi cine wc supply in AYEE'S Compound Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most clTcctuul remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise, for this cvcrv-whcrc prevailing and fatal maladv. It is combined from the most active remediate that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disor der from the blood, and the rescue of the sys tem irom its destructive consequences. Hence it should be emiiloved for the cure of not on'v scrofula, but also those other affections which rise from it, such as Eruptive and Skin Dis eases, St. Anthony's Fike, llosn, or Eky sifelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Blains and Boils, Tumors, Tetter, and Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic and Mercurial Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Deijility, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitiated or Impure Blood. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood," is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The particular purpose and virtue of this Sarsa parilla is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated constitutions. Ayefs Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAMILY FliYSIC, :irc so composed that disease within the ranjrc of their action can rarely withstand or evade them. ineir penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human or ganism, correcting its diseased action, and restor ing its healthy vitalities. As a consequence cf these properties, the invalid who is bowed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to find his health or energy restored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-dny com 'plaints of every body, but also many formidable ami dangerous diseases. The agent below named is pleased to furnish gratis my American Alma nac, containing ccrtilicatcs of their cures, and directions for their use in the following com plaints : Cosltvcness, Heartburn, Headache aris ing from a disordered Stomach, IVausca, Indiges tion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body qr obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, FOR THE RAPID CURE OF Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarseness, Croup, Bronchitis, Incipient Consump tion, and for Hp relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the dis ease. So wide is the field of its usefulness, and so numerous are the cases of its cures, that almost every section of country abounds in persons, publicly known, who have been restored from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. When once tried, its superi ority over ever' other medicine of its kind is too apparent to escape observation, and where its virtues arc known, the public no longer hesitare what antidote to employ for the. distressing and dangerous affections of the pulmonary organs that arc incident to our climate. While many inferior remedies- thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by even trial, conferred benefits on tho aillictcd they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkaole to bo forgotten. TREPARED BY DR. J. C. AYER & CO., LOWELL, MASS. William Hollinshead, Dreiier & Bro. Stroudsburg1, Pa., also, by Druggists and dealers in Medicine everywhere At whole- sale by J. M. Maris, &, Co., Philadelphia. September 29, 1865.-ly BOOT. D.E.BEEM6 Desires to call the attention of the consu mers of Paints and Linseed Oil, of Strouds burg and vicinity, to an article manufactured by Bigelow & Ilolnis, of New York city, un der the supervision of D. E. Breinig, Chemist, from pure Linseed Oil, called BEEINIG'S IMPROVED LINSEED OIL. The inventor of this Improvement for many years studied and experimented upon the na ture and properties of Linserd Oil, and Tt gives him great pleasure that his labors has not been in vain. He has succeeded in great ly increasing these properties, which render Unseed Oil the only True and Efficient Paittt Oil. Breinig's Improved Linseed Oil is a SELF-DRYING OIL, and readily united with white Lead, Zincs, and all colored paints in the same proportion as Linseed Oil. Paints ground in pure Linseed Oil, and thinned With this oil will never CRACK, PEAL or SHELL OFF. It will wear bet ter, and last longer than the ordinary Lin seed Oil. I can assure my friends that 1 have tested it in every possible way and manner, side oy side willboth raw and boiled oil, and it hae proved far superior in every lespect. For a further description of this valuable artie'e, parties will please call at Dreher &. Bro's. Drug Store, Stfoudsburg, where it is kept (or sale. D. E. BREhNIG, Chemist. October 12, 16G5.-Gm. Southerner & Herrmann, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN FANCY GOODS AND YANKEE NOTIONS, STROUDSBURG, PA. August 11, 1664. If.- Delaware, lackatv&hiia & Western rail Road. Summer Arrangement 1865.- PASSENGER TRAINS LEAVE. "TVESTWABD. EASTWARD. f Morning Evin'g : Train. Train. STAT'ONS. Eveu'g A. M J P. M. Train 1'. 1 9.00 11.25 11.42 11.54 Vi 05 12,10 4.00 7.05 7.22 7.34 7.45 7.55 $.20 8.29 8.45 H.5S 0.10 0.20 9 35 9.52 New York, New Hampton. Washington. Oxford. Oildaevllle. Mammka Chunk. 7-r W 12.40 Z 1.221 S 1-33? 3 144 12.30 Delaware, ! Mount Heihtl. ' Water Gsp. Siroudsbuig. SprHguevllIs, HeiiiyfiH. Oakland. Forks. 2.00? 2.13 z 2.3s; 10.11 Tobyhanna. Gou'ldsbuio Moscow . Dunnine, 2.52 10.24 3.15,' 10.46 3.271 10.53 P 3.40 4.20. 11.45 4.42' 4 50 12.15 5 0c! 12.31 5.2Gi 12.51 5.48 1.13 6.10 1.35 6.315 1 5G 6.50 2.15 P. M. A. M ( Gjeejiville. Si.RAN TON. J Clark's Summit, Abington. ; Favioryvilla. Nicholson, i Hopbottom, j MontroM;. j New Milford, - Great Send, CONNECTIONS Westward. The MORNING TRAIN from New York conneotsjit MAWUWKA CHUNK with the train leaving1 Philadelphia (Kensington De pot) at 7 30 a. in., and Grear Bend with the through Mail Train on the Erie Railway, with sleeping car attached, stopping at all the principal stations on that road, and irri- vinp; at Buffalo at G.K) a. m. The Evcnini! Train from New York con nects at Manunka Chunk with the train lea- ving Philadelphia (Konsing Depot) nt 3.30 in.; at Great Bend with the Nisht hxprebs on the Erie Railway, west, arriving at Buf- tule at 1.45 p. m. The Morning Train from Great Bend con nects there with the Cincinnati Express on the Erie Railway from the West; at Manun ka Chunk with a train for Philadcldhia and intermediate stations, arriving in Philadel phia at 6.30 p. m.; and at New Hampton with a train for Easlon, Bethlehem, Allen town, Reading and Harrisburg, arriving at Ilarrisnurg at 8.30 p. m. The Evening Train from Great Bend con nects there with the New York Express on the Erie Railway from the West ; at Manun ka Chunk with a train which runs to Beli dere, where it lies over until 6 o'clock the next morning and at New Hampton with an Express Train for Easton, Bethlehem, Al ieutown, Reading and Harrisburg. " At Scranton, connections are made with trains on the Lackawanna and Bloomshurg Railroad to and from Pittston, Kingston, Wilkesbarre, Beru'ick, Dloomsburg, Dunviile Northumberland, Ilarrisburg and interme diate stations, and with trains on the Dela ware and Hudson Railroad to and from Car bondale and intermediate stations. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. K. A. HENRY, General Ticket Agent. THE PHCENIX PECTO RAL WILL CURE YOUR COUGII. The Phoenix Pectoral, OR COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHER RY AND SENEKA SNAKE ROOT, Will cure the Diseases of the TEiroat and Lung, Such as Colds, Coughs, Cfoup, Asthma, Bronchitis, Catarrh, Sore Ihroat, Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, &c. ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVEST P!IL3JOSAR COA'SUIU FTTIOS, And even where this fearful disease has ta ken hold i Will afford greater relief than any other niodicine. Miss Kate Vanderslice of Pottsville, says: 'I was benefitted more by using the Phce nix Pectoral than any other medicine I ever used." Elias Oberhohzer, of Lionville, Chester comity, was cured of a cough of many years' standing by using the Phoenix Pectoral. John Royer, editor of the Independent Phaznix, having used it, has no hesitation in pronouncing it a complete remedy for cough, hoarseness and irritation in the throat. Dr. Obcrholtzer is a member of the Alum ni of the Medical Department, of the Univer sity of Pennsylvania, at which institution he graduated in 18.ri. Mrs. Mary Butler,-mother of Hon. Wm. Butler, President Judge of the Chester and Delaware Dl-trict, says that she cannot do without the Phoenix Pectoral. The proprietor of this medicine has so much confidence in its curative powers, from tho testimony of hundreds who have usi-d it, that the inoney will bo paid back to any pur chaser who is not satisfied with its effects. It is so pleasant to take that children cry for it. It costs only 25 cents, large bottles 1. It is intended for only one class of discas- es, namely, tnose 01 me uiroai anu tungs. Prepared only by LEVI ODERIIOLTZER, M. D., Plicenixville, Pa. Sold bv all Driirrrists and Storekeepers. JOHNSTON, IIOLLOWA Y &COWDEN, No. 23, Worth Sixth St., rjiilaueipnia, ana P. C. WELLS, & CO., No. 115 Franklin St.. New York, wholesale Agents. Sold by Wm. Hollinshead,, and Dreher &. Brother. Stroudsburg, and by nearly every Storekeeper in Monroe County. N B It your nearest sloreRceper or drii"ri.-t does not keep this medicine do not . . m ... . 1 1 : let liim put you 011 witutomeotner mcuiciue. because he makes more money on it, but send at once to one of the agents for it. Ilavino- changed my base of operations, bniii"- located in the New Brick store" oppo site the Post office, supplied with a new stock of Hats, Caps, and Furs, I am now prepared to sell goods in my line, at prices to suit all. It you want a nice lasnionauie Hat or Cap, come to Pauh and you will find it. Store on Elizabeth St., opposite the Post Office, Stroudsburg, Pa. JAMES' A. PAULI. N. B. The highest cash prices paid for all kinds of Furs. December 24, I860. "n. ; 5.20 10.30 : 2.35 6.05 ! 2.19 7.50 : 2.07 : 7.40 : 1.50 7 30 : 1.50 7 25 1 1.42 7.00H I 1.17 G.55Q ; '-02 6 41 " 12.4S i 6.2SG i 12 37 C.I9 : 12.27 S G.I0 12.11 5.5C- 11.53 : 5.4l 11.34 .VJ3s 11.20 5.1 f. 10 57 4.51:5 10.47 4.42,r 10 35 4.32J 10.15 4.10" 9.33 3 48 : 0.30 5 3.40 9.14 ; 3.05 j 8 50 ) 3.02 8.33 2A7 i 8.10 2.2S J 7.40 j 5.07 ) 7.30 1.50 5 A. M. r. M. LIQUOR STORE. Important notice to Landlords and aU others in want of PURE LIQUORS, at very low prices. The undersigned having recently open ed a LIQUOR STORE in the room for tnerly occupied by Mr. Root. R. Depuy, Stroudsburg, are prepared to offer Li quors, Wi;;es, &c, at prices raniti"' from 25 cfs. to SI 00 per gallon less than the same quality can be purchased at in the cities. We also guarantee in event tnstdnce. our Liquors pure, and free from all Drugs and compounds, and cordially invite Land Lords and all others in want of anything in our line, to favor ua with a call, oT; if more convenient, their orders, which will always be met with prompt at tention, and in either case pure Liquors guaranteed at a great saviny of money. au i 11 .. . 11 . r- ' ' v iu&u, especially can attention to our Raspberry and Strawberry Syrtjps which for richness of flavor and taato.- cannot be surpassed. J. S. WTLTiTAMH Xi C.a- Stroudsburg, July 13, 18G5. ' . NOTICE. M. M. Burnett, has returned fro the City with a largo stock of READY-MADE CLOTHIIfa; COATS, PANTS, AND VESTS. and a splendid assortment of L0TES, CASSMERE3 AND "TESTINGS'; all of which will be sold at the lowest rates. I can offer customers first-rate barcains.' as goods have advanced since rnv fine stock was purchased. Call and exaraind my stock. Store on Elizabeth at., noxi door to the M. E. Church. Stroudsburg, May 1865. WILT CHERRY. ONE OF TIIE OLDEST Xwn - A A. W A. RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLD FOR Corighs, Colds, Whooping1 Cough, Bron-f us, liucuiiy 01 .breathing, Asthma Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup arid every affection of THE THROAT, LUSGS AXD CHEST; INCfUDIXG EVEN CONSUMPTION t Wisiar's Balsam ef Wild Cherry So general has the use of this remedy be come, and so popular is it everywhere, that it is unnecessary to recount its virtues. It works speak for it, and fine utterance in tho ubiindant and voluntary testimony of the ma ny who from long suffering and settled dis ease have by its use been restored to pristine vigor and health. We can present a mass of evidence in proof of our assertions that CONNOT BE DISCREDITED, Tlie Rev. Jacob Sccliler,- Well known and much respected among thtf German population in this countrv, makea the following statement far the benefit of tho afflicted. Hanover, Pa. Feb. 16, 1859. Dear Sirs: Having realized in my fami ly important tieneHs from the use of your valuable preparation Wi&lar's Balsam of Wild Cherry it affords a:e pleasure to re commend it to the public. Some eiht year ago one of my daughters seemed to be in a. decline, and little hopes of her recovery wer entertained. I then procured u bottie of your excellent Balsam, anil before he had token the whole of the contents of the bottle thertf A-as a great improvement in her health. I have, in my individual case, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, aud hara al ways been benefitted bv it. JACOB SECH'lER From Han. John E. Smith, a distinguish Lawyer in Westminster, Md. I hate on several occasions used Dr. Wi tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for severe colis, and always with decided benefit. I kiew eF no preparalioB that is more cScnebvs etf more deserving of general use. The Bilsam has also been sei witi cv cellent effect hy J. B. Elliott, MerekaBk Hall's Cross Roads, Md. Winlar'ii Bahaui of Wild Cherrr. None genuine unless signed "I. BUTTS,' on the wrapper. for sale by J. P.- Df'NtfMtruE, No. 491 Brodway, N. Tor b.- W. J-owle &. Co., Proprietors, BoatoR. And by all Drggists, iag's JRessia M& FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE -Has fully established the superiority ef Over all other healing preparations' It cures all kinds of Sores, Cuts Ulcer, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas. Sties. Piles, Cornrf Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, &c , !kc., Removing tho pain at once, and reducing the mosi anry looking SwHIings and Infla tion as if by magic. Only 25 cents a box.- For sale by S. P. DINSMORE. No. 41)1 Rrln-T. K. Y W. FOWLED Co., No. 13 Tremont-sk Boston, and by all Druggist. May i'i, lS64.ly. STEPHEM HOL5V3ES, JH., ATTORNEY AT LAW SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, STROUDSBURG, PENNA. Offim S. N. Rrefim N. B. Special attention paid to tn'tf filing of Pension papers, and the collection of back pay, and bounties of soldiers. Stroudsburg, Oct. 9, 18G2. B LANK MO FITGA GT3 For sale at this. Qic " -l
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers