Registers Notice. NOTICE is hereby given to all persons . interested in the estates of the respec- tire decedents, that the lollowing accounts have been filed in the Register's office of Monroe County, and will be presented for confirmation to the Urphans Court of said county, at Stroudsburg, on Monday, the 22d day of February 1865, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Account of Andrew J. Dctrick, Ad F Andrew J. Dctrick. Ad- jninistrator or f William Singer, late of township, deceased. Chesnuthill T Account of Mary Postcns and Jabez G-. Angle, Administrators of James Postcns, Jatc ol btrouu Township, deceased Account, of Chauncy D. Walter and liarnet "Walter, Administrators of Jacob Walter, late of Stroud Towuship, dee'd. - Final Account of William Jleancy, Ad imnistrator debonis non cum Testaincnto c tt n , . ,1V' X P ll1!::"0 01 OUC8- ,::x"rrK, rr.' . , . , , VT . tor ot Michael iUcisncr, late of Jackson auuuuiil ill jjrv i nrtnr ntiiinisr.rn. I Township, deceased. . Final Account of Rudolnh Weiss: Ad- sniflistrator of Henry II Weiss, late of Chesnuthill Township, deceased Account of David Shannon, Adminis trator of Horatio S. Howell, late of Sinith- ficid .f ownship, deceased. -Account of Charles I. Miller, Ad minis trstor of Philip Lessig, late of Hamilton Township, deceased. Account of Charles I. Miller, Admin istrator ".of Charles Miller, late of llamil ton-Township, deceased. Account ot Thomas M. Mcllhancy, Ad ministrator dc bonus non of John S. His biniT; late of Pocono Township, deceased .7 OI IX S. FISnEll, Register, llcuiitcr's Oflicc. troudaburg, ) . " April 271S65. j ouvt proclamation. .'Whereas, the Hon. Gcorcu R. Barrett, President Judirc ofthe22d JuJ cisl Districtof Ponnifylvania, composed of the counties o( Wavr.e, rike, Alonrncand C.irtHiii.and Abra ltn Lcvrriii'r and Jeremy Mackey. Esqr's, AiociaJo Jiiiljjcs of llie Court of Common Plqas of the County of Monroe, and by vir tue olthcir ofiiccf. Justices of the 2 Court of Over and Terminer and General .1 ail delivc- rr and Court of General Qu.-irtcr Sessions in and for the said County ol .Monroe, have is- iicd their precept to me commanding thai x Court of Quarter fccssions of the Peace and Common Ple.-i, and Court of Oyer and Ter- miner nd General Jail Delivery and Or- pnaii b .nun, ior uie saiu votiniy or monroe, io dc uoiuun ai oirouii-uur-f, on uiu ;u uay i nf Mir ISfi". tn rnntinnp rmo h'poL- tl'l . t i. i.i . c. i.i ...i. ... u, -.!, " ' " -. ncctseary. T VinrTiv (Tivpn In t!ip Hnnnnnr ifin Tncl!'oc of the Peace, and Constables of the said coun- ;j ot Monroe, mat 1 ney ue iiicn and there rc.i.iy uun nicir rows, recorus inquisu.onF, those tliin which their offices are annertni- ainc, and nlso that those who arc bound by rccocnizinccf to prosecute and cive evidence ajainM. the prisoner that are or shall be in Ihe jnil cf thc said county of JMonroc. or a- gainst persons who stand charged with the commission of offences to he then and there to prosecute or testify as shall be just. (God S3 re the Commonwealth.) LI? FORD MARSH, Sheriff. . Sheriffs Stroudsburg, ) April '27, 1865. S proiljonotuvn's SCotice. Xoticc is hereby given that the account of Simon La bar, Assignee of Frederick P. Miller, of Tobyhanna township, has been filed in thc ofice of the Prothonuta ry of the Court ot Common Picas of jJon roe County, and will be presented for confirmation and allowance at thc next tctm of said Court, to be held at Stroud. -bnrg. ou Mouday, May 22, 1S65, of which all persons interested wil take notice. T. 31. MclLUANEY, Proth'y. April 27, ISO"). The Be fedlittsi Gone - J? i it if Is "V AT THE OLD STAND. The undersigned, "would respectfully ihlonu his custouicrs aud thc public gen erally, that in addition to his former stock he will now keep for sale a general assort ment .of seasonable DHY GOODS, YANKEE NOTIONS, &c, which he will offer as low as the market cau possibly afford. His goods will always be selected with a view to give his custom ers their money's worth, and will comprize Ladies' and Gentleman's dress goods, in great variety, Shirtings, Sheetings, &c, c. Persons desiring to purchase DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, HARD WARE, BOO TS & SHOES, or, indeed, anything purchasable in a country Store, will best study their inter- c$ts by calling aud examining my stock before purchasing elsewhere. It is not thc intention of the under signed to make a blow about low prices, b,ut belicviug.that "the proof of the pud- U1UJ IS LUIS UUUg Ol llf I'M vyiuiailjf m vitcs a call from thc public. Good: cheerfully exhibited. GEORGE P. HEIM. Stroudsburg, April-13 18G5. MADISON HOtJSE. M. & T. P. WATSON, (LIVEltY STABLE ATTACHED) 37 & 39 North 2d st., between 3Iarkct and Arch, PHILADELPHIA. PA February 26, 1863. ly, LEWIS D. VAIL. GEORGE J. STROUD VAIL and STROUD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Have removed their Ofilee to No. 703 San. som Street, March 17, 18611 Pf.iIKlcIp.iia .r BLANK DEEDS For sale at this Offit c win mii THE PH ralX pect- EAL WILL CURE YOUR COUGII. The Phoenix Pectoral, 0R COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHER- AND SENEKA SNAKE ROOT, 117. . c?rc the Diseases of the Throat and Liiiixk, oi.c as oias, troughs, Croup, Asthma, C 1 t - Hoarseness, Whooping Cough, &c. ITS TIMELY USE WILL PREVENT PUff, MO-VARY CONgUMPTIOtf, uvcn wiiuru uus leariui uisease lias la- And even where this fearful disease lias ta- kcn ll afford greater relief than any oiner medicine. ...o , ui.ui.-iou,o- oi rousvine, says: 'I was benefitted more bv usinrr tliP lhn. a tec i ntn r,ii: n..i. n nix Pectoral than anv other medfninp T avlr used." lias Oberholtzcr, of Lionville, ChestcrMC2S UUifwJ irnagCS, UHg- standi, bv nr iTm PhmtiV. pr.iw" liuiiuiv. was curen nr n pnnnrh nt mint? imnro' Tnhn Rn..r r pTi John Roycr, editor of the Independent Phccmx, having used it, has no hesitation in pronouncing it a eomnltte romp.iv rr.ri.i, hoarseness and irritation in the thrnnt. D - vwuiiwk.vuAi Dr. Oberholtzcr is a member of the Alum- ni of the Medical Department of thc Uuiver- sity ot I ennsylvania, at which institution he frmrlimtml in lHFiJ l M f,n.Tifi .i en ttt lilrS. iilarv Hurlnr mnt hnr nf linn Wm I n .1 n -i Duller, President Judce of the Chester and Delaware District, says that she cannot do without the l'hccnix Pectoral. m,;SJ!,fi.C! . wii.unrciiwwciD, hum. tne testimony ot hundreds who have used it, " "w w "" l that thc money will bc paid back to any pur- chaser who is not satisfied with its effects. It is so pleasant to take that children crv ior u. It costs only 25 cents, large bottles $1. It is intended for only one class of diseas es, namely, tiiose ol the throat andlunjr Prepared only bv LEVI ODERIIOLTZER, M. D., Phirnixville, Pa. Sold by all Druggists and Storekeepers, JOIIiVSTOX IIOIJOW A V .nnw W No. L'3. North Sixth st.. Philadclnhia. am) J- C. WKLLS. &. CO.. No. 115 Franklin st New lork. wholesale Agents. Sold bv Wm. Ilollinshead. and Drohor Brother, 'Stroudsbunr. and bv nearly cverv Storekeeper in Monroe County. ' " i. Ji. it vour nearest etore keener 0rruul luo'"V ."". a-iu.uiu... druggist docs not keep this medicine do not l. ........... fr i. .t I ... - . . . . . . 4 - il iiiiu uut iuu uu w iuituiiiu oinur muuiciiie. because he makes more money on it, but send at once to one of thc agents for it. lii (he Orphans' Court of Monroe Co (jtc matter of the Account of E. II Gunsaulcs, Administrator of Samuel r i L ' AuJ now March 2, 1S65, by agreement of parties, Charlton JJuruett is appointed Auditor to make distribution of the fund iu the hands of said Administrator. Uy thc Court. The undersigned will diseharfre the dutio..i of his annointmeiif. on Thursdav. tbe4tli .. i day of .May next; at 10 o'clock a. m., at his omce in btroudsburg, when and where all paities in interest are required to at tend and present their claims or be de barred from coming in for a share of said uud CII ARLTOX BURNETT, March 30, 1SG5. Auditor. VA L UABLE FARM FOR SALS. The subscriber otters at private sale. I I its valuable rami on v. men ne now luable rami on which he now re- .. , . ,x ... . , . sttuated in Hamilton township, . r j County, Pa., six miles west irom ides, Monroe Stroudsburg, and near Bossardsvillc, con ainin IVitiety Acres, more or less, with all the improvements thereon. KLSO ; for sale a one Acre Lot, with all the improvements, and adjoining thc 7, V) j . t Larm. Persons desiring to view the property, can do so b' calling, on tho un- dersiued residing thereon. JOHN KOSSABD. April 13th, 1865.-2t United States Hotel, Cor. 3d and Spring Garden sts. EASTON, PA. The undcrsiirned, formerly proprietor of White's Hotel, respectfully informs tho citizens of Northampton and adjoin ing Counties, that on and after the 1st day of April, 1865, he can be found at the abore named popular Hotel. The house has been thoroughly cleansed, re-fitted nd painted, and now presents, in point of comfort and elegance, the finest appear ance of any hotel in the Eastern part of Pennsylvania. The tables will be sup plied at all times with thc choicest the market auorus, ana tne liquors-win De oi tho finest, both foreign and domestic. Oninibusscs run to and from the hotel, , :.i. -ii x : making COnuecuous wmi ;nriiiu irams. SAMUEL ITAYDEN. Easton, Pa., March 9th, 1865. 65. 4& 65. EILENBE KOER""'S GKEAT CLOTHING DEPOT 65 Northampton Street, EASTON, PA., CLOTHING MADE BETTER! AND CHEAPER! THAU ANY OTHER PLACE IN EASTOIVri Under the supervisibn'-of a NEW YORK CUTTER. Who Never Fails to Please. P. P. EILENBERGOSIi. March 9, 1865. 6ra. BLANK LEASES For Sale at this Oifioe Auditor's Notice. Estate of Samuel Rees, Sr., deceased. The undersigned Auditor appointed bv the Orphans' Court of Monroe Countv to niase aisinounon ot the fund in the hands of the Administrator of the Estate i- i i . - .. of Samuel Rees, Sr., dee'd, will attend to ilia rlii tine- r.F I.i- - i. "I. i -. ,n V , appuiuimenc on xinaay, A. M. . J, Aa. IIUAt ut AU u C,0CK 4 I J . I . 1 T i fT u- mu jl roinonotary S UmCC, m ouuuuurg ac which time and place all Ol ,1-1 1 . ' - . Persons "aving any claims or demands uP?nf ltt fund will present them or bq for- ever debarred from coining in for a share or tne same. n 1 1 ' T. M. McILIIANEY. Auditor. I - . - - ' btroudsburg, April 13 1865. New Liyeiy Stable. Tho undersigned would respectfully in- :m thn mli.nn, nf Rfrn,lci, ifi, . .'""o iwuv. citizens of Stroudsburg, and the puoic geneaiiy, that .lie now occupies the i.vtniiinn nti. i i tj;.. r it uujuubu iu wiu xuuian ijueen Jio- tel. where he is or ktnel- nF f-r--, x . . (riw. a n c at . te" Mro"OJ r'5 . to accommodate a whose bus n ess or plcasurc rcnuires thc 0cciional u.e of Uic7 ?f: howfwZ X,.nl ulLfct- arucics. u is noises were selected W1U a vie t0 the Livery business, and - cau bc recommended ns kind and centle. jet willing and free. IIis vehicles, with their appointments, are of thc first order, r.A : 11 , ..' 7, i pi iv-iis so reasonauic as to suit fl r -11 r r 1 I iu puuuja ui au. v,areiui ana accom- UrvWJ T,.; :n i be readv tn nffenrl m th !cl,no nf J.Ian income from its sale to others. h,n, i. .i... i.. . THE ONLY MAS m MAEKBT , . . ,,. "ivucs uie puDiic f -I tilt f I 10 examine Ins stock belore making en- gagements elsewhere J. E. W. MILLER. Proprietor. Stroudsburg, Jan. 26, 1SG5. SUminfctratOr'S JlOtttt 'w.uuujhiuvl v Auiliv Estatr of NELSOX COOKE, laic 0y - . . . J the borough oj blroudsbuvfj, deceased. ... , . n.lm.nUfmfinn nn tl,- I,, n,nv iiuiiti; 10 livii tiiu.0 JUtLuia ui i hi to. bavo. boon m-nntnrl tn rim ,!;- rl bv tbn llwistnr nf AFnni fnm. ntlrw flir.. ..fn -ill nni-.nn.;nAf i v- i .. u ui :v. n. in tiii i, i fed to said Estate are requested to make . , oeemeu peuienr. wim covenants sect;on of thc country may bc afforded fa r &. 1- i t i bmdinrr lessees to sink wells with all rmsst- .... . . 1 ' i I UT?ro Pamc ana CJ a" just claims arc also requestea to present . -. ii A i xt t rrnv tu 1 XiJ - -j-v. A i1m.ii.f ..... umuiuiuuui. otrouilsburg. 1'Cb. 1, ibuo. bt 3 'Alt AT THE OLD STAND Thc undersigned respectfully informs the public, that he has taken the old stand formerly occupied b' Jacob GoetzJ aud latterly by Wm. M. Loder, and hav- iiicr tboroim-blv elennsed and refitted it. h.iul Reenrnrl the Rnrviees of a first, flings " - n i : Baker, is fully prepared, at all times to flu orders ior Bread, Twist Cakes, &c. rn e . . . I Era m &. !y Ihe Uouiectionery department will be till- ej wjt, this locality, to be a moderate esti cd with Candies, Nuts and Pkuits in mate, and yet it is easy to see that even this their season, which, together with every- amount of success would make the property thing kept at this establishment, will of the Company in value, almost surpass be prove to be of the firstquality aud be sold lief. at reasonable prices. 1 . . I t.n eating saloon will also bc connected with the establishment in which the best I itrtli.T rC ..l .11 lrtroTc l.rk 4Vviinrl 1 , J, ', , n.- .u onrl w in rn Irirlinc nnn nronr . mr n will , , P . . , y . . f-, be assured of quiet and or thc best attcn- , . .. 1 . . , ji:---:- -r dance while eni03Ting the delicacies ot j j a the season. The public arc invited to drop in. II. C. LE VAN WAY. Stroudsburg, Jan. 19, 1865. Haniiood: how Lost, how Rcstorcdi l' Vff.. r. Culver well's Celetr:i- tcl lhe radcal cwe (without medicine) of Speumatou- RHcn.v, or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Seminal Losses, Impotency, Mental and Physical Incapacity, Impediments to Mar riage, etc.; also Con-sumption, Epilepsy, and Fits; induced by self-indulgence or eex- ual extravagance. QCj" Price, in a sealed envelope, only six cents. Thc celebrated author in this admiable es say clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years' successful practice, that thc alarming con sequence of self-abuse may be radically cured without the dangerous use ot internui meui- cinc or the application of thc knile point ing out a mode of cure at once simple, cer tain , and effectual, by means of which eve ry sufferer,' no matter his condition may be, may cure hims'e'lf cheaply, privately, and radicallv. 1EP This. Lecture should be iri thc hiinds oLcveryvoulh arid e.ery man in theJand. Sent, under seal, in a plain envelope, to apy address, post-paid, on receipt ot six cents, or two post stamps. Address the pub lishers. CIIAS. J. C. KLINE & CO., 127 BowcrivHew York,' Post of fice box 4586. June 10, 18GL ly. New Furniture. The' subscriber would respectfully uotify the nublic that life hasrnow for sale at his Ware Rooms (old stand) Stroudsburg, a new and splendid lot of new and tasmotmb e lur niture,"such as Bureaus, Bedstca.ds, Tables, Chairs, &c. wliich ho will dispose of cheap for cash or readv nay. He has also on- hand a choice lot of- Gilt Mouldings,. . which he is prepared to make up in frames to order, or dispose ot as purchasers may re quire. -The undertaking business promptly at lendJid to as usual. MORRIS SMILEY Stroudsburg, Pa., Feb. 2G, 1864. tf. BLANK MORTGAGES, For sale af thlfc Office PROSPECTUS OF THE JACKSON OIL COMPANY, OP PHILADELPHIA. UAJt'lTAIi, 400,000. Divided into 80,000 Shares at $5 per share I . ... -....-.-.--..-.. . w M T . f -v -V I " rc-eriea . urmng capuaioj $OU,UUU E. W. DAVIS, President. L. W, BRODHEAD, Sec. & TYcas. DIRFCTDPS E. W. Davis, Thos. M. McIlIi a5,et. Jas. M. Sellers, Geo. E. Painter, UEo.b. Jones, A. Reeves Jackson, L. W. BllODHEAD. lhis Company owns in fee simple seven- tieVrn,Ian(1Atnree,"tentl.acres. onTl',ej FaS sde.of the Allegheny River, m Rockland jt is sit'uated five mileH tmvn nf ... - Franklin. oDDOsite the mouth of the West - 'T'Lk" "V.u 'TI yieldino-' 200 barrels of oil daily. Other n i u "?.ei urroun" 11 ,n every uirection, Ul,u wuin ie past lew weeKs two new wells have been struck in the immediate neighborhood, one of which is producing dai- i - .i. r, fa ., Lv n, ,!i eon i 5 iv iiii ui it- iu nr nonirir i u iirif'i i in rr m i w a n ptj:..; i cessible, is on part of the land, and in new of the enormously hkrh price of coal in that . . . J ? F -.. region, .is an important consideration, and :n 2 i. . , . t I win enauie uiu company noi oniy 10 supply. itn own vnt0 !n ti, ,flcnnt w t JlLi The adioinin? Drooerties are in tho bands cussiui opcrauon, aim u is Denevea mat no oil i. ' otfj .,f !.,. "il lUliJ Jtlli V 11UO UUl tV 11.11 UCllCl I pr0spects for pavino- larc and regular month- company ly dividends.' mi .:. r t l i l ; t 1 .1 x.iiSv.ompanyHueiiuuoveiopmguiL-iriaiu without the least delay, and for this purpose have arranged for thc necessary engines, !,n0lS' tl,Ubing' &f" a,ll-f Whi wiU bC pUt upon the ground and in operation as soon as lI'e season wiii permu. In nflditinn tn thptr nivn wplls thf (Trim- nv nso . ,.. tor-snnns5,ifi nar. i j j 1 1 i tips norLi oils or LiiRir laiifi fiiviiiRii lTiTn inrH or I in ..- rn -i -f - tho oil. thn fjnmnnnu tn h at no .r. whatever. Thev will have at least fiftv JSUh lots to lease, all of which can be leased - - 7 i . . r i i -.i I ,or tak,nS the Ioan' tnc Natloual f t Estimating, only one well to each ot. fiftv we s. at the verv moderate average of fc?i barrels each, would make a Ij:i i - .f eon 1 i -".: ' . . . uunvr orouucL 01 uuu ourruia. ui ihih uiu Company's share would be 250 barrels. Value of daily yiclirto the Company at $30 per Carrol, 7,500. Allowing 250 working days to the year, the Company's annual net receipts from leases alone would be 1,875,000. The Company also intend sinking on their own account, at least five wells. Should they bc successful with only one, it would nroduce. estimatincr as above, a yearly in- come ot S 75,000 From wliich deduct for expenses (a large estimate) 15,000 AlRl it leaves an annual net income Ot OU.UUU . . - To which add incomc from ,eases Q75'000 Making a yearly income of 1,935,000 This is thought by those who arc acquaint- fcMwM 7 lne durability ot tins immediate on section ... !1 1 .. .1 1 I. - -l. - . 4 T. - ...-11- n1...rh n 1 3 " below this property have been pumping over four years, with a steady yield, and without any diminution. A Few Plain Words to Subscribers. Subscribers to the stock of this Company cannot expect to receive immediately largo monthly dividends : if they were able to do so they could not purchase it tor ten times the amount at which it is ottered.- Uut the basis on wliich the Company rests, will, it is beneved, make the investment entirely saje, and, prospectively, of enormous value. The President, Col. IS. VVv Davis, lormcrly of Franklin, Venango County, is well known as one of the most successful and energetic business men who have engaged in the pe troleum interest, and the respectability aud integrity of the other officers and Directors of the Company, furnish a sufficient guaran ty that their conduct of the business of the Company will be entitled to the confidence and approval ot all who may invest in the enterprise. The Directors have determined to sell on ly a limited amount of thc Capital Stock at the subscription price of $$2 per share, par value $5, the same being full paid up stock, not liable to any further assessment, in wliich respects the original subscribers, and those who may now subscribe, stand' on precisely the same footing. Subscriptions will be received at the omce of the Company, 224 South Fourth st., Phil adelphia, or at thc office of thc undersigned. A TTT. .Q T A .. M i. 1V--- V t JX-V.KJVi Subscription Agent Stroudsburg, Feb. 10, 1SG5. Eslatc of GEO. C. RANBERR Y, late oj Stroud township, deceased. Letters of administration in the above named estate, late df the towd-hip of Stroud, Monroe County, .deceased, hav ing been' granted to the undersigned, all persons indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, win present tnem duly authenticated.fp-r. settlement. -m- -r tn ----. t --T-rr -r -v C. B. DURFEE. J Att a' Stroud tsp., Dec. 1, lbb4. Ot. CAUTION.' t. . . . . Tho pubKo are hb'rcby .cautioaed a gainst purchasing a djuc bill for Twenty Dollars, given by mo to Jacob J. Frey. Ilavinc received no value therefore, I am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law. j;OIlN WIDMER'. Stroudsburg, Dec. 24, 1864 OYSTERS. Families'and Hotels supplied with'Oys tefs, fresh from' the City, every day, at reasonable prices 1 . W A. SCHOCIL ' U. S. 7-30 Loan. By authority of the Secretary of the Treas ury, the undersigned has assumed the Gen eral Subscription Agency for the sale of IJ. nited States Treasury Notes, bearing seven I - . & and three tenth per cent, interest, oer an num. known as the SE VEX- TR1R TY L OAJV. These Notes are issued under date of Au gust 15th, 1864, and are payable three years jirona mat ume, in currency, or are conver- i . - llble at the Ptl0n ot tne no,deiL int0 I . m . JJ, . 5-0 Six PCI' Cent t -oi -04-r-l, VXUXU.-J3C?Clillif iJUJJ.U.Cji These bonds are now worth a premium which increases the actual nrofit on the 7-30 oan' and exemption from State and I n..7 . r Arcc er cent, more, according to the rate 1 . - - - levied on other nronprtv Thp Intnrpst ijnnv- by coupons attached to each note.which may be cut off and sold to any bank or banker. TUe intercst amountg to One cent per day on a Two cents " ' Ten " " ' " 20 " " 850 note. $100 $500 81000 " 85000 $1 " Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of sub- 1 1 J r Brr;ntinni nn,l tho nntna trtvnr,lml nt nn scriPns. and the notes torwarded at once The lnterest to 15th June next will be paid in advance. This is now offered by the Government, and it is m j , confidently expected thai its superior advan- tages will make it the ilvtini pA!QI.T A Af f ha Pnnnlo. Lees than 8300,000,000 of the Loan au- Prized by the lost Congress are now on tho L, " "r"' , It IS bemnf fllisnrnPil. will n ho RiihspnhPil fnr ;- rn , ,,, fI. , ...... v.u iii.iiuici .ii nu-vo n in . .... n i . unuouo.emy commanu a premium, as nas u niformly been the case on closing the sub- scnptions to other .Loans, Tn order that citizens of nverv town nnd w v . v. . .v. Pas, State Banks, and Private Bankers throughout the countrv have -eneral!va-reed " v o to receive subscriptions at mr x' ' Subscri bers will select their own agents, in whom they have confidence, and who only arc to be responsible for the delivery of thc notes for which they receive orders. JAY COOKE, Subscription Agent, Philadelphia. Subscriptions will be received by the First National Bank of Scranton Pa. February 23, 1865. THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK, OF TIIE CITY OP. NEW YORK. CAPITAI,, 1,000,000, PAID IN, FISCAL AGENT of the U. STATES, And Special Agent for Jay Cooke, Sub scription Agent, Will deliver 7-30 Notes, Free of charge, by express, in all parts of the country, and receive in payment Checks on New York, Philadelphia, and Boston, current bills, and all five per cent interest notes, with inter est to date of subscription. Orders sent by mail will be promptly filled. This Bank receives the accounts of Banks and Bankers on favorable terms; also of in dividuals keeping New York accounts. J. U. ORVIS,- President. J. T. HILL, Carhicr. March 2, 1865. 3m'. Valuable Real Estate PEIVATE SALE. The subscriber offers at private sale, thc lollowing described property, viz : A Iarni situated in Stroud township, Monroe county, Pa., adjoining land of John llansbrry, George Ilouck, A. Fow ler, and others, containing about 118 ACKJES, about 75 acres cleared, enclosed with a good fence, and in a high state of culti vation, of which 20 acres arc Meadow, the balance is well ticrbcrefd with Oak, Ches- nut and Hickory. There are about 20 acres of excellent meadow bottom yet to be cleared. Tho farm is well adapted to rrrn 7 i n rr Tho improvements thereon consist ot a new Frame House, one and a half stories high, 22 by 24 feet : a two story HOG HOUSE, 20 by 28 feet wcathorboarded and plastered, a frame Barn 32 by .46 feet with cellar stubhng underneath, a frame Wasou House 18 bv 24 feet, Corn Crib, Granary and other outbuifdiugs, with a spring of never fairing water near the house. There is also a thriving APPLE ORCHARD' of select grafted fruit ami a variety of other fruit trees of different, kinds on r .1 . thj the premises. mis property is inroc miles north of Stroudsburg and ono mile criiifliv. of the line of thc Delaware, Lackawaria and Western Railroad, and i t. 1 1 1.1!. ,i,nof convcnicut io ocuoois auu jjuu ings. . Persons wishing to yiow the above prop erty will please call upon Silas L. Drake, or at the Jeffersoriiau office, Stroudsburg, Pa., or upon the subscriber residing on the prbniises. . v HORACE tfECK. Stroud township, Dec. 1, 1864.-tf. . STEPHEN HOLMES, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, STROUDSBURG, PENNA. . Office with S. S. Drelier, -Csq N. B.Snfioial attention naid to the filing of Pension papers, and the collection of back pay, and bounties ot soldiers, i Stroudsburg-, Oct. 9, 1862.' Delaware, Lackawanna & Westetf RAIL f9S -v?3w. . fe a:y5gcrtr--ju . Running' Time of Passenger TtiUaf Uct. 12, lBb'4. i-EAVE SORTHWABD. j LEAVE SOUTHWARD.' Pass en- .Accom moot. tiosL. P. M. . S 10 1.40 6.40 G.2I 6.00 5.3S 5 1C 4.50 4 40 Orcat Bend, New Mitford, fllonlrose,. Hopbottorrf, NicttoUon. Factoryvillc. Abinglon. Clark's Summit, 7.30 7.49 S.I0 8J3 8.50 9.14 9.30 9.33 10.J5 10.35 10.47 tfl.57 2J30 3.00" "3J5 -.15 5 16 5JU -6.15p( C.35SJ O o . a. 1.055 lii.25. H 1,50 9 11,15 Q 10.45! 10.30; If! llii 4.32 4.10 3.40 3.27 3 15 2 52 2.38 2.IS 2.00 1.41 1.33 1.22 13.55 12.40 I2JJI -. IU.VV, Scranton. G.ecnvillc, Dunning, Mosnov . Couldsbo-U' ? 11.20 Tobyhanna:. Forks. Oakland. Hcnryvilte. j Spragucrlllc, jSiroudsburg. Water Gap. jMoun: Bethel. Delaware, jManunka Chunk. iBridgevJUe, iOxford. hVashincton. 11.34 1U3 12.11 12.27 12.37 12 43 1.02 1.17 1.42 1.50 156 2.07 2.19 o 12.10 12.04 M 11.42 11.25 . M. jNew Hampton 2.47 Change tor Phil..P. M. The Passenger Train N6rtUxvav Leaves New Hampton on the arrival of th! Mail Train which leaves New York at 8.0J A. M., and Manunka Chuqk on the arrival t the Train which leaves Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 7.15 A. Jl. . At. Scranton this Train makes close connections' with Trains on the Lackawanna & Bloom. burg and Delaware & Hudson Railroads, and at Great Bend with the Mail Train on the Erie Railway going West. The Passcugcf Traiii Sout.iwartE .eaves Great Bend after the arrival of thof Cincinnati Express from the West, connec- !.-. C ' .1 m . ' mig tii uttumuii wiin x rains on me iacKa-: wanna and. Bloomsburg and Delaware and Hudson Railroads; at Manunka GhuhK-witfi the train for Philadelphia, and at Npw H.ampr, ton with trains for New York, the Lehiijh. Valley, Harrisburg, &c. Passengers by this" m - TVT ir.l. . r- M r Tt l rain arrive in i.ew xors ai o.u, in l'nua-. elphia at 6130, and in Harrisburg1 at 8.20 r , The Accomodation Train Northward, connects at Great Bend with th' Day Express going West, by which passen gers arrive at Ithaca and Syracuse the samV da?' , . ., v ,i ..1,1 r .... Southward, leaves Great Bend after thft arrival of the New York Express going East. OCT" All Passenger Trains on the Erie' Railway slop at Great Bend. , WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. 11. A. HENRY, General Ticket Agent.' Wisfar's OF WILD CHERRY. ONE OF TIIE OLDEST AND MOST. RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE WORLti FOlt . Coughs, Colds', Whooping Cough, Brbn-" chitis," Difficulty of Breathing, Asthma,' Hoarseness,' Sore Throat, Croup ani every affection of TnE THROAT, LUTGS AND CHEST,' INGLUDIXG EVEN oorTur?iPTior. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry. So general has the use. of this remedy be- come, and.o popular, is it everywhere, that, it is chriecessory to recount its virtues. Its works speak for it, and fine utterance in the ibundant and voluntary testimony of the ma ny who from long suffering drid settled dis ease have by its use KcSn restored to pristine. vigor and health. We can present a mass of evidence in proof of our assertions that CONNOT BE DISCREDITED The Rev. Jacob Scclilcr,' Well known and much respected among the! German popalation nr this country, make's the following GfdTfim'd'nt far the benefit of lhe aflliclcdl t Hanover, Pa. Feb. 16, 1859. Dear Sirs: Having realized in my facni-. ly important benefits from the use of vour. valuable preparation IVisar' Balsam of ivti.t ;f -r..-.i- i . " commend it to the public. Some eight years ago one of my daughters seeme,-! to be in ji' decline, and little hopeisof her recovery .weret entertained, I then procured a bottle of your excellent Balsam, and before she had taken' the whole of the contents of he bottle there was a great improvement in her heaHti. .X have, in my individual case, made frequent use of your valuable medicine, and have a!- , ways been benefitted by it. , , ,.. JACOB SECHLER. From Hon. John E. Smith, a distinguished?' Lawyer in Westminster, Md. I have on several occasions used Dr. WV tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for severe" c'oJdf.. and always with decided benefit. I. knowof, 'no preparation that .is more efficacious 6t more deserving of general use. I he Balsam has also been used with ez cellent effect by J. B, Etjdorr, Merchant, Hall s Cross Roads, Md. Wihtar'ji Balsam of WiJd Cherry.. None jrenuine unless signed "I. BUTTS," on the wrapper.' J? or sale by . . J. P. DrNSMOuE, No. 491Brodway, N. Yprk." S. v. rowLG Cc Co., Proprietors, Boston. And; by all Drggwts, Bedding's Russia Salve; FORTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE Has fully established the superiority Reading's Russia Salve' Over all other healing preparations It cures all kinds of Sore, Cuts Vlif" Salt RheumErysipelas, Sties, Piles, Corns,' Sore Lip's, Sore Eyes, &c, &c., Removing t.19 pain at once, arid reducing the most angry looking S v. eUings and' Jnfla- tiou aa if by magic. Only, 25 ce"hta"a box." .... For safe by . . . S. P. DINSMORE, No. 491 BrodwayVN; yLj J. W. FOWLE & Co., No. 18 Tremoni-s!., Boston, and by all Druggists." May 12, 1864. 17, i Acuum rasscn- i i I t ion . iA-lUiNii. gcr. j p. m, a. . 6.40 0.21 i Balsam
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers