Auditor's Notice, T , 7 . Estate of Lavinia Barlicb deceased. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of .Monroe County to make distribution ot the tund in the hands of Samuel Kochor, Administrator of the Estate of Laviria Barlicb deceased, will attend to the duties of his appoint- mcnt on .Monday, the 17th day of April next, at one. o'clock, P. M., at the fto- which nine anu piacc an persons naving i-i it l i ii i v nnv claims or demands upon said lund Tlu.n.d.rfin.dAriito. .1 r-.,l o' nrt,,rl. nf AI,. n.. . J 1 J f biiu viinituio wuuiuu. .'luiiiuu vuuuiv. iu make distribution of the funds in the ha Hi, of Kmanucl JJittcnbcnder, Administrator ... . . . " ' "w of the Estate of George Lniphred, dee'd, will attend to the duties of his appoint- men on i nursoay, tne 2utn ot April, at in .1 . - . .. t T I 1 4 A I 1 ,1 rr r ri iu cock, w ine omcc or a. &. jsiuiiui, 54., in iiiu jjoioujjii 01 oirouus - burg, wbcu and where all parties interest- cd are requested to attend. JOHN 11. STORM, Auditor. Stroudsburg, March 2o, 1SG5. Auditor's Notice. Estate of MICHAEL MIXSELL,del. The undersigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to 1 j .m, fl1 P , ,J ,,,ake distribution of the ifund in : t he : bauds of the Administrator of said Lstate, will tt(Mid to the duties of bis nnnnintmnnt "-r on Monday, the 24th day of April next, at iv o ciock. iv.. .u., 111c oincc 01 cam i S. lurcher. Esq., in the Jorouh of Stroudsbun:, when and where all parties 111 interest inay attend or be debarred from cominiriii for their distributive shares vf said fuud. . S. HOLMES, Jr., Auditor, troudsburg, March 23, 18G5. United States Hotel. Con 3d and Spring Qarclcn sis EASTOFv, PA. The undersigned, , formerly proprietor respectfully informs of White's Hotel the citizens of Northampton and adjoin ing Counties, that on and after the 1st day of April, 1SG5, be can be found at the above named popular Hotel. The house has been thoroughly cleansed, re fitted and painted, and now presents, in point of comfort and cleirancc, the finest appear-! sncc of any hotel iu the Eastern part ol Pennsylvania. The tables will be sup- plied at all tunes with the choicest the market affords, and the liquors will be of mo nncst. uuui imuuumi uumwuu. Omnibusscs run to and from the hotel, iuaking connections with all the trains. SAMUEL HAYDEX. Easton, Pa., March 9th, 1SG5. 6-5, EILENBERGER'S fill EAT CL0IHIM DEPOT. 65 Northampton Street, KASTOX, PA. CLOTHING MADE BETTER! AND CHEAPER! T II A IV AM' OT HE 21 PLACE I IV EASTGff I ! T'ndcr the supervision of a NEW YORK CUTTER. Who Never 3ails to Please. 1. F. KILKXBEKGER. March 9. 18G5. Gm. Executor's Notice. Ii.,fr f J) J VI n F.nTXnF.J? m . t . j . ; ' I Letters testamentary on thc above named decedent, late of thc .township of Hamilton, Monroe County, Pa., having btcn granted to thc undersigned, all- per otis indebted to said Estate will- make immediate payment, and those having claims against thc same, will present them duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN X. ED1XGER, Executor. Fuiithficld fcp., Jan. 2G, 18G5. MiUer Wanted. The subscriber wishes to secure thc ser vices of a compctcut Miller, at his Mill in Lehman township, Pike count', Pa. To such au otic liberal terms and a good situation will be given. For particulars call on, or address, the uudcrsigucd at E gjpt Mills, Pike county, Pa. JACOB XTCE. ftnrch 2, 18G5. cautionT All persons arc hereby cautioned a gainst trespassing upon thc premises-occupied by the undersigned, cither for hunting or other purposes. Trespassers frill be prosecuted to the full extent of hc law. WILLIAM E. IIEX11Y, Agent. Ktroud tsp., August 4, 18GL The subscriber would respectfully uotify lie public that he has now for sale at his Hare Rooms (old stand) Stroudsburg, a new and splendid lol of new and fashionab C fur niture, such as Bureaus, Kedslends, Tables,. Chairs, &c. which he will dispose of cheap for cash or ready pay. He has also on band & choice lot of Gilt Mouldings, which he is prepared to make up in frames to order, or dispose of- as purchasers may re quire. The undertaking business promptly at tended to as usual. MORRIS SMILEY. Stroudsburg, Pa., Feb. 2'6, 1861. If. 1 New Furniture. the draft. copy. EXECUTIVE MANSION, Washington, February 8, 1865. JIis Excellency Governor Smith: Complaint is made tome, bv Vermont thnH the assignment of her quata for die Draft on the impending call is intrinsically unjust, and also in bad faith to the Government's promise to fairly allow credits for men pre. a subset uiiiuwi anu ifiW 1 nmnsnrp mnat f, r . , - -i ;nir ', , . , ;" --i-u i i iLiiii. 1 1 I 1 1 u i'iiiimiw ii'inii mncr iiifn m w 7 "0 '1"J UIUJI JU111- ish as many men as the other in the long run. But the Government finds that, on former calls, Vermont furnished a sumlus of fifln and New Hampshire a surplus of 1,500- 0 ad- I vaavBBwh.'UAUJUh nf mill frm Imr ,1 MOM I r.nn 1 tiki nj.m-s o,juu as ner kola on the pending call : and likewise ....t at ii . ' . uul" t"fimi,snLrc?.sl,rPlus ot ,000 - , , n . f,0" l;,,,"U",n fav 2 ? a'ier U0otanJ inese o.ouu and J,o0U m . : "p , .V A"se .'. .u. and &UV inline uruuisuiv mc n.inni vvnirii inn cunnncnii make nrecisolv thn fi CHWi whinhthn cdse raquircs 'from tl e , " e" " " --T jTT """" -""f" jnrt equal, for Vermont to furnish 1,000 more 1 joto than icv Hampshire, iecasc New Hampshire has heretofore furnished a 1 000 more than Vermont, which equalizes the bur- mens ot tne two in the long run. And this resul t, so far from being bad faith to Vermont, is mdispensab e to keeninnr oonrl fiiith with! lispensable to kcepimr cood faith with New llampsliire. By no other result can the G000 men be obtained from the two States. t . . . .... and, at the same time, deal justly and keep Hlh w.hh both.i and w? do but confuse our- fJ" ZTT"5 T bj wh,ch tne right result was reached. The supposed case is perfect as an illus- tration. The pending call is 710 for 300,- flrtil mon c-i. 1.... 1 I - ouujcm iu mil tlLUUS, uul ia juri 300,000 remaining after all fair credits have wvn ucuucieu : anu 11 is impossible to con cede what Vermont asks without comm? oui short of the 300,000 men, ormaking other lo- calities pay for the partiulity shown her. F V Yours truly, A. LINCOLN. (Signed) Ciciicral Orders, IVo. 22. WAR DEPARTMENT, Adjutant General's Office, Washington, Feb. 17, 1865. The following report of the Board, appoin ted bj' the President of the United States to examine and correct the quotns of the several States and District?, under the call for Vol- unteers of December 9, 1SG1, is published for the information of all concerned: Washington, D. C. February IG, 18G5. His Excellency, Auraham Lincoln, President of the United Slates, Washington, D. C. Sir : The Board, convened by the follow- in"-order- -EXECUTIVE MANSION Washington City MVr, 0, 1SD5. jiorcas, complaints are made in some localities, respecting the assignments of quo- the armies, it is ordered nn . 4 a xiiul uiv iiior- ney UencraJ, Ungadier Ueneral Richard Deiafield and Colonel C. W. Foster, be, and they are hereby, constituted a Board, to ex- amine into the proper quotas anu ci edits ot the respective states and districts, under the can ot December iy, itsw, with directions wiili pnrrnnl inne Vic tlin Inure nnrl tlin fnntel t.aii4.i, ii.i fc -f iimm,i may require, and report iheir determination wimiiuuo u.. w. ..i ..v. uim wii to the I'rovost .Marshal Ueneral. Hie de- termination of said Board to be final and con clusive, and tne uraitto be mane in conicrrm- ity therewith. "2, Thc Provost Marshal General is or dered lo make the draft in thc respective Dis tricts, as speedily as the same can be done, after the loth of this month. "Signed "ABRAHAM LINCOLN." have respectfully to report, as follows Thc call for 300,000 men, made by the President, on the 19th of December, 1864, requires that that number shall be raised. But the law requires that the number of men previously furnished by different locili- !ld tllc Pcriods ot Ulc,r service, slia Jl be considered seas to equalize the draft. The number of men liable to military duty is to be determined by the enrollment lists. Thc number of men which have been fur nished by thc various localities, and their pcriods of service, were asccrtainc-aml pre vious accounts having been adjusted, thc ex cesses, were they existed, where carried for ward under the last draft, Tfic amount of service furnished is defc?' mined by multiplying the number of men raised by the number of years for which they enlisted. llavinc thus ascertained the number of men enrolled on thc 31st day of December" 1SG1; the number of men furnished up to that date ; thc localities from which they come, and the periods of their service, it is proposed to distribute the call for 300,000 men among thc several districts, and parts of districts, according to the number ol men en rolled in each, and the number of men furn ised, and the periods of service previously rendered by each. The rul by which this is accomplished is as follows: Take the whole number of years of service furnished by the districts of the United States from the commencement of the rebellion to thc 31st of December, 1864. From that sum deduct the whole number of men furnished from all the districts of the United States up to that date. The remainder will be the ex cess of service furnished by all the districts. Multiply the call of December 19th, 1864, by three, to have the number of years of ser vice upon that call, and to this add the ex cess, as ascertained above. Then, as the number of men enrolled from the whole Unl ted States up to the 31st of December 1864, . i . t. . i . ..'i .. is io uic period oi service, as aouve ati;uruiiii ed, so is the number of men enrolled in a given district, to the number of years of ser vice it is required to furnish, including its pro rata share of the excess. r rora this sum deduct the actual excess the district furnished ; the remainder is' the number ot years of service which the district is required to furnish under the fialkof De cember 19, 1861, which, divided by three "ives the number of men required from thc district. As this call is for 300,000" men. that num ber cannot be reduced by men going in for a period longer than one year. Inequalities produced by men going in under this call for longer periods than one year, mustbc equal ized on future calls. It will be perceived that though the ag. grogate of the excess furnished is added to .the whole cull, the excess of each district is Tne firm prnriirc nl niirnfl tnr flio nnnllnrr on II I . . . . . - , uiciiauiu, ili unua tnu ucua&iouai U5S UI J --v of troops to fill up now, in order g articles. His hordes were selected Producc' estiatinS as above, a yearly in- February 23, to determine all controversies in respect .'T dri.,WL- nores were seiccica t S 75 000 - . . . . . . ... 1 with n vinm tn tlin T.iT-nrTT Vinonnc. nr,A -""' O IU,UUU "' v-niiu u..v 1. v-u iv 'viiuini win ii. : 1 r 1 rnov no siTrrpssim wuri nniv nnp lr wnmii 1 tlicreto, and to avoid any delay in nilmg up - , - J From ,vhich dcduct for ovnnnscs uuerwaras substracted irom its quota. Thus 1 . . uju iiumuur or men called tor. is neither in- ZTX& riods of their service. Localities which ."'rnisned a greater amount lnT l " Pp0r?n.t? their enrol- nd cconre furnish under, this, Mn linvfn?ii,tr i i miu?ntW "those tion. As three vears cmhrniW hrth tho nth. " . . ni rtAISlWr 4 . 1 a 1 1 1 . t -i t'CMuuff, ii manes me calculation more simple to adopt that. The same resdlt would be arrived at by adopting either one or twoi years as tne basis, but the process of calcu lation would be more complicated. Provost Marshal G conformity with the cjucii we hnd to be the rule adopted by the eneral. Hie rule is in ty with the requirements of the laws I Vl" uul11- unu lms r "3 l0 lTOVOSt RnnnN ,j, . i , n ' a"d fi"d t,wt 11 has bc?" I miii lairiiuss. We file in the Provost ar,.hnl f?nr.Pa t nit- in me i-rovosc mursuai ueneral s Office our calculations of the quoto of each and and every district endorsed bv us as correct. I - Ti StPO C?l)PDTk Attorney General of the United States. RICHARD DELAFIELD, Brig. Gen'l, and Chief Eng, U. S. A. C. W. FOSTER, Colonel, and Asst. Ailhitn Approved February 17 1865 ' . ' t t-t . A. IjIIXUULiIN. By order of the Secretary of War : E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. Official: SAMUEL YOHE Capt. and Provost Marshal, March 2, 1865. 11th District Penna. -m . , , AuIlllllISlfcltOl S llOtlCC. Estate of PETER SOBERS, late of 7o. rp, 7 r A . 7 7 tT Loss Townshy Monroe County, dee'd. Notice is hereby given that Letters of .vuminisrrntinn. unnn thr -ihnvn nunnri Estate have been granted to the under- . 1 " ""j-u c.:.A U 1..:t I AT -i . o.s..u ui .uouroc county, 111 fllie tnmi Ot flW thorrtnrrt ill nnrcnuo 'iZuI'a:: : i rr,, ;t" "' ,r ' ;; rr make immediate payment, and those hay- inn- nnv inh olnJm nlcn vnnncf,7 present them dulv authenticated for set- Ii 1- " CIIHISTIAX SOBERS. 1 1 . Ross township Jj ' .iiaministrator. Jan. 12, 1SG5. New Livery Stable, I tin 11 nnnrci rrn nrl tt- nti lit rncniAt fi, 1 1. I form the citizens of Stroudsbur- and the uuuu.o.-m.u iiuuiu itoutuiuuji iu- public gencally, that he now occupies the Stables attached to the Indian Queen Ho- nj tel. where he is prepared, with a superi- or stock of fe? Horses, farriages, Bg- orinc CI:l,o fn nnnnnimnrlntn nil rlAi.n V. .J. r. a. l-u iivi-uiiliuuuani 1111 II IIUU UU31UUS3. UI I ' . ftnn nr Tnnnmmnni m nc U-inri finrl crnnHn "-' " o"""1' yefc willing and free. His vehicles, with their appointments, arc of the first order, and his prices so reasonable as to suitlTo which add income from leases 1,S75,000 the pockets ot all. Carefn and accom updating Drivers and Ostlers will always be ready to attcnd to the w;shes of cug. nmrtrc nnn llfl Ionic nrtflfli-inrif tllnf ll n nnti . ' . 1 4I "1VJ StUI&iaULlOll to Ull WHO lUVOr Ilim Willi - L 11 1. . 1 1 . 1 l their patronage. lie invites thc public io examine nis siock ueiorc making en- i " i Tin nrnfrnmnnf o nlconrV-oro - J. iu. W. MILLER, Proprietor. Stroudsburg, Jan. 2G, 18G5. bministrntor0 Jfoticc. Estate of XELSOX COOKE, late oj thc Borough of St roudsburr, deceased. Notice is hereby given that letters of administration upon the above named Es tate have been granted to the undersigned by thc Register of Monrcc County, in due ionn of law ; therefore, all persons indebt ed to said Estate arc requested to make immediate payment, and those having'any just claims arc also requested to present them legally authenticated for settlement to DAVIS D. WALTON, Administrator. Stroudsburg, Feb. 1, 18G5. 6f. NEW BAKERY AT TlIE OLD STAND. Thc undersigned respectfully informs the public, that lie has taken the old stand formerly occupied by Jacob Goctz, and latterly by Wm. M. Loder, and hav ing thoroughly cleansed and refitted it, and secured the services of a first class Baker, is fully prepared, at all times to fill or,ders for Bread, Twist, Cakes, &c. The Confectionery department will be fill ed with Candies, Nuts and Fruits in their scason, which, together with every thing kept at this establishment, will prove to' bV of fhe firstquality and be sold at reasonable prices. An eating saloon will also be connected with the establishment in which thc best quality of oysters will always be" found, and where ladies awd gentlemen will be assured of quiet and of thc best atten dance while enjoying thc delicacies of the scason. The publicr are invited to drop in. If. C. LE VAN WAY. Stroudsburg, Jan. 19, 1865. MADISON HOUSE. M. & T. P. WATSON, (livery stable attached) & 39 North 2d st., between Market aud Arch, PHILADELPHIA. PA February 26, 18631 ly, LEWIS D. VAIL. GEORGE D. STROUD VAIL and STROUD. ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Have removed their Office to No. 703 San som Street, Murch 17,-1861 1 Philadelphia 37 PROSPECTUS OF THE JACKSON OIL COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL, 400,000. jLiviueu mio ov.vvv onares at 60 per Snare SUBSCRIPTION TRICE $2 PER SHARE. With a reserved Working capital of $50,000 E. W. DAVIS, President. L. W. BRODHEAD, Sec. & Treas. DIRECTORS: H. W. Davis, Jas. M. Sellers, Geo. S. Jones, L. W. Thos. M. McIliianey, Geo. E. Painter, A. Reetes Jackson, Brodiiead. This Company owns in fee simple seven ty-seven and three-tenths acres on the East side ot the Allegheny River, in Rockland ""i, vvuiingo vouiuy, rennsyivania. 1 1 is situated five miles below the town of townsnip, Venango County, Pennsylvania. Franklin, opposite the mouth of the West - 1 1. . oaiiuy v,reeK, ana nas a irontage ot 1JU rods o .1.- - 1 , , .1 o w tC "r. Sl yielding 200 barrels of oil daily. Other yielding vells surround it in every direction, anu wiinin tne nast lew weeks two nnw wells have been struck in the immediate 1 - neighborhood, one of which is producing dai ly 30 barrels of heavy lubricating oil worth at tne well $30 per barrel. A line vien of Bituminous coal, easily ac cessible, is on part of the land, and in view of the enormously high price of coal in that region, is an important consideration, and will enable the company not only to supply Its own wants in tlmt rfisnnnt. hnt to Wivo an income from its salo to others. The adjoining properties are in the hands and P?sPerouf a" uc- POCCTIl I nnnMTinn inI IT ic VrkliAm-l itini Sf Pera7n anf Jf " company has started prospec8 for- payin larffe ai d out with better and regular month- i,r .i!..m0jd mi.:r .1 .i i I xiiisuiiiuuiiv iniuiiu ueveioDinir ineir lanu without the least delay, ami for this nnrnnse ll ......,"" .r I nave arrangeu lor me necessary engines, lOOIS tllhinnr. Atp nil nt whinh iwill lir nut I the scason win Permit- I" addition to their own wells, the Com- ?any proP?e o lease to responsible par- ties portions or ineir lanu uiviueu into jots ot iu ttiuiiiu iuus uaui), ul a. runt 01 one nan the oil, the Comvann to be at no cxvense whatever. They will have at least fifty such lots to lease, all ot which can be leased at once if deemed expedient, with covenants binding lessees to sink wells with all possi- ble desnatch to the denth of five hundred or more feet. Estimating, only one well to each Int. fiftv wnlls. nt tlin iprr mrulnm tn average 01 ten narreis each, won 1 muk-n n f . . . -. . I Uilv nrn.t ,r nnn hnrrnli rf ti, I"" - "" i-wvww W uu. us ' VIIIU Company's share would be 250 barrels. Value of daily yield to the Company at 30 per Barrel, S7,500. Allowinnr 2f0 work in davs fn thn vpnr. tho SSrnr1 "ct M o a j j ' 1 leases u uuu u, .j.,ui.j,uuu. 1 1 1 1 f I nu'n nponnnt. nt nun wnllo Slinnlil I 1 " I .1 ... 1 . . . n.i ...-.I. -i til (a large estimate) 15,000 And it leaves an aniteai net income of GO 000 Making a yearly income of 81,035v Th5s Js tho ht b thogc W,1Q ar(J a ml until tlno lnf'o I ittr . f n lin n tnnlrn. - ' iii;f uuu vi;i 11 ia uaor iu cuu I u.i L i J ; . !... . amount of success would make the; of the Company in value, almost hcf. The durability of this immcdia is illustrated by the fact that wellsJ below this property have been pumping u? four years, with a steady yield, and without any diminution. A Few Vhtx Words TO.Sunscninnrw. Subscribers to thc stock of this Company cannot expect to receive immediately large monthly dividends; if they were able to do so they cotrrd not purchase it for ten times the amount at wmch it is offered.- Hut thc basis on which the Company rests, Will, it is believed, make the investment entirely safe, and, prospectively, of enormous value. The President, Col. E. W. Davis, formerly of Franklin, Venango County,- isWcN known as one of the most successful and energetic business men who have engaged in the pe troleum interest, and thc rcspectabilily aud integrity of the other officers and Directors of thc Company, furnish a sufficient guaran ty that their conduct ot thc business of the Company will be entitled to the confidence and approval of all who may invest in thc enterprise. The Directors have determined to seH on ly a limited amount of thc Capitol' Stock at the subscription price of $2 per share, par value 5, the same being full paid up stock, not liable to any further assessment, in which respects the original subscribers, and those who may now subscribe, stand on precisely the same footing. Subscriptions' will be received at thc office of thc Company, 224 South Fourth st., Phil adelphia, or at thc office of the undersigned. r t T?-T-Trrc t a rT,crwvr Subscription Agent. Stroudsburg, Feb. 16, I860. 2Uministratot'0 Notice. Estate of GEO., C, RANSBERRY, late oj Stroxttl td'iCfnshif), defeased. Letters of administration2 in the abbve namcu estate, late oi tne townsnip oi Stroud, Mouroo County, deceased, hav ing been granted to thc uudcrsigmi'd, all persons indebted to' said estate will make immediate payment, and those having claims against the same, will present' them duly authenticated for settlement. Wm. FINDLE-Y BUSH, "j. . 0. E. DUKFEE. J-Ad ors Stroud tsp., Dee. 1, 1864. 6t. CAUTION. The public arc hereby cautioned a gainst purchasing a duo bill for Twenty Dollars, given by me to Jacob J. Frey. Having received no value therefore, I am determined not to pay it unless compelled by law. JOHN WitfiUJSK. Stroudsburg, Dec. 24, 1S64. OYSTERS. Families and Hotels supplied with Oys for fi-nli fYnin the Gitv. every day, at reasonable prices. WHITE &r SCIIOCII. A By autlidrity of the ury, the undersigned has assume eral Subscription Agency for the sale oi nited atatcs i reasury iotcs, bearing seven and three tenths per cent, interest, per an' num, known as the SEVE2T-TR1RTY LOAF. These Notes are issued under date of Au gust 15th, 18G4, and are payable three years from that time, in currency, or are conver tible at the option of the holder into U. S. 5-20 Six per cent Gold -Bearing Bonds. -Uiese bonds arc now worth a premium which increases theactdal profit on the 7-30 loan, and its exemption from State and municipal taxation, tchich adds from one to , ' thrcc Per cent- "'ore, according to the rate levied on other property. The interest is Dav . - k j able semi-annually by coupons attached note,which may be cut off and sold any banK or banker- The interest amounts to One cent per day on a Two cents Ten " ' 20 " ' $1 t u i $50 note. 100 500 " 1000 " 5000 " Notes of all the denominations named will be promptly furnished upon receipt of sub scriptions, and the notes forwarded at once. 1 inc lntercst to loth Jane next will be paid ln advance. This is THE ONLY LOAN IN MAEKET 1 " T TTrniA ' "3 1140 conndem,y expected thai its superior advan tages will make it the in a r . m .. n wCdl ropiliar LOan 01 IHC 1 eOPIC Less than 300,000,000 of the Loan aifc ttioriz y the iost congress are now on tra market, ihis amount, at the rate at which !t is being absorbed, will all be subscribed for within four months, when the notes will nfim,i,f,ii m,,i : , undoubtedly command a premium, as has u- , , , h,formly been the case on closing thc sub- ecnptions to other Loans. In order that citizens of every town ami scction of thc count m be aff rf d f c- . , . . . " . ior laKing me loan, tlie INational Banks, State Banks, and Private Bankers I f hrniifrhnnt tUp rmmtnr li-ivn nrrnrA o , .w 1U P". ouoscn- I I. Ml I . M .1 u, vm sc,ccc wre,r own acnts' ,n w,lom thcv havo -onfidenec, and who only are to be responsible fot the delivery of the notes for which they receive ordure. - JAY COOKE, I r-. . . . .... auuscriplion AjrOnt, PInladelnhia 1 J TT . -.T . 1 TV . y. , r irsr vnimnn 1 Knn it nt Mmntnn in 18G5. THE NINTH NATIONAL BANK, CITY OP NEW YORK. V. STATES, C6oke, Sun- charge, buntry, and i rtcw xorK, rent bills, and Otcs, with" inter- Orders sent by Scd. die acconnts of Banks uble terms ;' also' 6f in ew rork accounts. U. ORVfS, Pfe&idtrit: J. T. HILL. Cashier. March 2, T8G5. 3m. Valuable Real tktdc PEIVATE SALE. Thc subscriber offers at private sale, the following described property, viz: A Earm situated in Stroud township, Monroe county, Pa., adjoining land of John ltansbcrry, George Houck, A. Fow ler, and others, containing about 118 ACRES, about 75 acres cleared, enclosed with a good fence, and in a high state of culti vation, of which' 20 acres are Meadow, the balance is well timbered with 0ac, Ghes nut and Hickory. There arc about 20 acres of excellent meadow- bottom yet to be cleared. Thc farm is well adapted to frrn!ntf The improvements thereon consist 01 a new Frame "louse, one and a half rftories high 22 by 24 feet: a two-Story LOG 1IO USE, 20 by 28 feet wcathorboarded and plaStcVcd, a frame arn 32 bv 40 feet with cellar stabling underneath, a frame Wagon House-18 by 24 feet, Corn Crib, Granary arid other outbulfdin'gs, with' a spring of rrcver failing water near the house. There is also a thriving APPLE ORCHARD of select grafted fruit and a variety of other fruit trees, o,f different kinds on thc promises. This property is" three miles north of Stroudsburg and crie' lliilc southwest of tlie.Kiic 0 tlio Delaware, Lackawana and Western Railroad, and convenient to Schools and public uicct- 11I"S. Persons wishing to view thc above prop erty will please call upon Silas L. Drake, or at the Jcffersomaii office, Stroudsburg, Pa., or upon the subscriber residing on the premises. HORACE PECK. Stroud township, Dee. 1, TSCi'.-tf." STEPHEN HOLMES, JR., ATTORNEY AT LAW SURVEYOR AND CONVEYANCER, STROUDSBURG, PENNA. Office with S. S. DroIier, FNi. N. B. Special attention paid to the filing of Pension papers, and the collection of back pay, and bounties of soldiers. ? Stroudsburg, Oct. 9, 1SG2. IE lIlVllTiaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBr leave nothA!!-, AccomfPa.scn moiJ.i. ' per. 5 STATION'S. Hon. . P. M. ' 2 io; J. 40 l.ns: 1'.'.23 P. 71. 6.40 C.2I 0.(M) 5.33 5 lti 4. sr. 4 414 Orcat Ilencl, i New Milford, Montrose, i j HopholtoKi, Nicholson. I Padtorrville. iibiagtou. f Clark's Summit, ' Scnmtoii. ' Gjeciiville, Dunning, ; MlfcftOP , I Couldsboro ; Tobjh'anna. : Forks. ; Oakland, f Ifcnryville. Spraguerllle, (Stroudsburg. 'Water Gap? Mount IJethel. Dclawarc. n use S 11,15 a j 0.45 ltl.3tf. 1.3Z io.iw. 4.10 3.40 U .', 2 5-2 2..TS Ml 1.23 i 12.40 12.31 19 1(1 J 12.04 jManunka Chunk 11.54 11.12 11.25 . M. junugevlllc, - .Oxford. jyasliington. new iiampion. -unange ior I'lin, 2 The Passenger Train JYorlhwar Leaves New Hampton on the arrival of tha Mail Train which leaves New York at R.fMT A. M., and ManunRh. Chunk on tile arrraf of the Tram which leaves Philadelphia (Kensington Depot) at 7.15 A. M. At Scranton this Train makes close connections' with 1 rains on the Lackawanna & Bloom burir and Delaware & Hudson Railroads. unrT at Great Bend with the Mail Train on ihV5r Eric Railway going Westl Tlie Passenger Train SoiithwaraT Leaves Great Bend after the arrival of th' Cincinnati Express from the West, connec- iiuy ui i--v.iaiii.un wiiii 1 rains on me JLacka wanna and Bloomsburg and Delaware tfrVd' Hudson Railroads i tit Maiiunka Chunk with the train for Philadelphia, and at New H.i mn. ton with, trains' for New York, the Lehigh' Valley, Harrisburg, &c. Passengers by, this Train arrive in New York at 5.4'0. fri Plirrii- delphia at G.30, and' in Harrisburg at 8.20 m. The Accomodation Train Northward, connects at Great Bend' with tho Uay Lxprcss going West, by which nasscn- gcrs arrive at Ithaca a'rfd Syfacuse the sanicr day. Southward, leaves Great Bend after tha arrival of the New York Express going East.' uj iin i-assciigcr t rains on tne Jtirie Railway stop at Great Bend. WATTS COOKE, Superintendent. R. A. HENR Y, General Ticket Agent.' Wistar's Balsam OF WILD CHERRY. ONE OF THE OtLtlftsT Aivn MOST RELIABLE REMEDIES IN THE Vorld' FOR lf&J,ySas - Cough, Bron- wntio, ayiiuuuity 01 ijreatning;, Astnma, Hoarseness, Sore Throat, Croup arid every affection of THE TEltOATyLUtf GS AND CHEST,' TNCLtDTXO EVEN COIVSUilirTIO. Wistar's Balsam of Wild ChierryV1 So general has the use of this remedy be-' come, and so popular is it everywhere," thatf' it is unnecessary to recotmt it's virfnes. Itaf works speak for it,rand fine utterance in tho ibundant arid voluntary testimony of the ma ny who from long suffering and settled dis- ease have by its use been restored to pristine' vigor and health. Wo can present a niaea of evidence in proof of our assertions that' CONNOT BE DISCREDITED; The Rev. Jacob Secftter," Well known and much respected among the German population in this country, makee thc following statement far the benefit of tW a 111 ic ted". m - Hanover, Pa. Feb. 16, 1859. Dear Sirs: Having realized' In my. fami ly important benefits from the asp of you, valuable preparation Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry h affords me pleasure to re commend it to the public. Some eight yeara1 ago one of my daughters seemed to be Fn a' decline', ari'tf little hopes of her recovery werV entertained; f then procured a bottle'of vour excellent Balsam, and before she had taken' the whole ot the contents of the bottle, there was a great improveihprit fn her health. I have, in' my individual case, made frequent use of your .Valuable jmcdicfn'c, and have al ways been benefitted by (. ( . , , . . JACOB' SECHLER. From Hon. John E. Smith, a distinguished Lawyer in Westminster, Md. f hard on several, occasions used Dr. Wi tar's Balsam of Wild Cherry for Bever'e colds. and always with decided benefit... I know of no preparation that is more .efficacious Or more deserring of general use!" The Balsam has also been used' witV.e'i- cclleqt effect by J. B. Elliott, MWehaaaV Hall s Oross Koads. Md. Wisto!1' BA'Isii'iki of Wild Cherry. None cenuinii'unl'ess signed "'I. BUTTS."' oh' the wrapper. . For sale by , , J; P-Dinsmo're, No. 49lBrodway, N. iTorkV S: W:T6vl&'&. Co., Pronrictors. Boston'.' And by nil Drggist's,' Redding's Russia SalvcV forty yM$s' Experience Has fully establishetl the superTority of" Over all oiher healing preparations" It cures all kinds of Sores, Cuts Ulcers; Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Sties, Piles, torn,' Sore Lips, Sore Eyes, &c, &c, Removing the pain at once, arid' reducing" the most angry Iookmg4Svclling8 and Infla-" tioh as if by niagic. Only 25 cents a box,1 For sale by S. P. DrNSMORB. Nu: 491 Broilwnv.'W v J. W. FOWLE & Co., No. 18 Trenioiil-st." Hoaton, and by all l)ruriet's. Jfay 11, 1301: ly.' 7.30 2J0 7.40 3.00. i 6.10 3.35 j 4.15 . 8.50. 5J8 4 9.14 j 5J0 t 9.30 6.133 ' ,1'-3S, 6.35: 10.15 1 7.05: i 10.35 P. M.S. J0.47 I I 11.20 g; 11.53 ) i 12.37. I 12 48 I O i 1.42 IJO 5 5 156 2.07 I J 2.19 2.47 ;
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