ons have boon rapidly moving within tbo last two days. It is certain that none of them have been seen this eido of Contrc ille, and that they did not dare to pur rae oar retreating army, being oneo or twieo repulsed by tho gallant brigade which covered the retreat. Peter McCall of Pennsylvania, Rufus King of Wisconsin, and S. R. Curtis of Iowa, have been Bppointed Brigadier Generals. Concerning the Rebel losflea in the bat tles of -Bull's Run, nothing definite ix known. We hear from Memphis that tbey aro there estimated at H.OUO. Letters received in Washington from Richmond positively state that Gen. Lee left that city on the 1 8th instant with a largo force for Lynchburg, on hi way to cut off the advancing column of Gen. Mo Clcllan. Our loss in artillery id not nearly a great was at first supposed, and it wil immediately be made cood. Sherman's ibattcfyV reported taken, has returned in excellent condition. A letter from Centreville has been re ceived at Washington from Capt. Gib son, of the Franklin Brigade, calling most urgently for fodder for bis horses of which he snys be has 3VJ5. TLia ita- plies that some of our troops aro still at Centreville. A report to this effect has como in other ways, but has generally been discredited. The matter ismysto- rioua, and needs explanation. Another Battle in Missouri! Defeat of the Rebels Fourteen Killed One Union Soulier hilled. Kansas City, Monday, July 22. By a special messenger just arrived we learn the following : At twenty minutes past 2 o'clock, on the 1 Sib. Major Van Iloru's comniaud of United States reserve Home Guards, of this place, numbering about 170 men, Avas attacked by 500 rebel, under Capt Duncan, three miles north of Harrison- ville. The fight lasted four hours, during which time a continual fire wad kept up on both sides. At twenty minutes past 0 o'clock the rebel withdrew leaving the United States troop victorious. The lo.-s, of tho rebels was 14 killed, including two officers, and several wounded, while that of the United States was only one killed At 12 o'clock the Uoited Stats troop continued their march, crossing Grand River, but they wero compeJlcd to leave three of their wagons on tbo bank of the river in consequence of high water. Major Van Horn left this city on the iSth for tho purpose of re-enforeing Maj Dean, now holding We-t Point, Mo , with a small force, he having routed 1,000 rebel-' at thnt place. Major Van Horn's force was attacked while at dinner. They planted their 11 staff at 2 o'clock, never giviug way an inch, nor removing the flag till after the rebels withdrew. The enemy endeavor ed to flank them on the left with a com pany of cavalry, but were completely rou ted by a detailed force under Captain Butler. APFAIRS IK" MISSOURI St. Charles, Mo., July 21, 1851. By the train to day, we have a confir mation of the report that Col. Ben. Sharpe of Montgomery county, and Lieut. Jaer of the Federal troops, were wounded by the Rebels, and hubseqently hung. Lieut. Jagcr, who ha'd been wounded iu the arm a day or two previous by the Se ce?siouists, near Wellsville, was bein ta ten by Col. Sharpe to his (Sharped) home in Danville, iu a tugy, when ttiey were fired upon by home parties conceded in the buhes by the roadside. Colonel S. was seriou-ly wounded in the back. Their horse taking fright, ran to Martins burg, where scon after they were overta ken by a prty of raouuted men. aod in spite of their entreaties that their Hvop might be spared, were both takt n out and bung. How a Traitor treats his Mother. A correspondent in New Lisbon, Ohio, writes to the New York Tribune as fol low?: Since the Hon. C. L. Yallandigbaro, raeaiber of Congress from the Dayton District in this State, has manifested t-o much sympathy with the taaitor crew ol Jeff. Davis, I hear many people askinx what tort of a man he can be. I cannot 'better answer thej-e inquiries than by the relation of a fact well knowu here, and from which loyal people may learn what sort of stuff Northern traitors are made of. This notorious Vallandigham has a poor old mother, well atricken ycarB, who daily realizes "Uovy sharper than a serpent's tooth it is To have a thankless child." This worthy old lady is a reepected gaembcr of Presbyterian Church iu Day Jon, and, altho' the mother of ao bonora ble member of Congress a man very well off in worldly property, beside his $3,000 a year and mileage she is liter ally left to the care of the parish. At the last meeting of the New Lirbon Presby tery on the motion of the Rev. O. M. Todd, relief was granted to Mrs. Val landigbam by vote of the body. And for several years past she has been regu larly relieved in the same manner. The congregation of the church of.wbioh the is a member have also, from time to time, furnished the means of support, without which she must have suffered tho last .degradation of virtuous poverty the poor-house. From these facts your readers can judgo bow little of manly truth and con scientious scruple stood in the path that led Yallandiubam to tho camp of hi country's enemies. The man who thus neglects a helpless mother, would very naturally incline to tbo side of theft and treason. Let him bo marked and remem bered. A thief who bad broko out of jail, in Obio tbe other day, bein captured, told the Sheriff tbat be might have eeoaped, but be bad conscientious scrubles about Not War, but Murder. As wo read the daily tolegraphio bulle tins from the scene of hostilities, it is hard to realize that we aro engaged in a war. Tho whole conduct of the South ern traitors has been that of highwaymen and cowards, and not what we should ex pect from chivalrous soldiers. For two armies to meet in battle array, and fight, is manlv and honorable. We feel that those who fall meet the fate of combat, and even when defeat comes upon ene - inies we ftill respect them, for wo know that they did all that brave men could do to gain a victory Warfare is a sad necessity, but when t is marked by treachery and cowardice If id mtlfflnr. Wo linJ .1 litcf- nn...fAl I t 1 m:. -r.i. o... an exhibition of that chivalrous senti- mcnt, which they profess to hold, and .u:. f i which is their mos-t distinguishing char actcnstic in tho eyes of the world With the exception of tho assault on bort Sumter (and the difference in force was so enormous that they could afford to bo honorable,) the armies of the Con- r . J . c. . 1 icueraic oiaus nave neon carrying on ,,;., r -jb., uuin i-uuit.ib ill iuu .'JJlllt Ul U Li ul lilcU UUU angry mob. Ihey burn and murder, and steal and prosecute, but do not fight. They shoot solitary sentinels iu the dead of night, fire at officers, from an ambush, hang men for being true to their allegi- uuee, tar huu .uuiuer oarmiess pcuiars, build ma-ked batteries: but whenever mere is on opportunity ior uooorome war- fare they retreat. They assaMnate at L r t .i Aixandna, but retreat at Phillippi; tbey shoot from ambuscade at Vienna, but dr whonthnonnnrM.mt nff.r hnf J i".uu o luuv mm - the chance for war are tendered to tbem - - rr j - they hastily plunder, burn, and steal a- way. So far as the southern traitors are con cerned, wo cau hardly expect a different course of warfare. Ihev seem to have manitv. in nhltirin loir n nmnnnn tn ,i n mL h t tho Con-titution. Their orators exhort , , . e . ... r c- - . r '. - r nnrc r I r r 1 f t OGn tuinntmn Ihntf 9 t ft n n Y I ' a .i u i . - uu..f uju, lucuug. u. I V r l I l rt t r Onto f n fn m M l 1. 1 I I una oi faiumnv .inu wratn. vvnnrn are the gallant natives of the South the men of other davs. who were as honora ble as they were brave the soldiers of Cowpens. New Orleans. Buena Vi.sla. the desceniants or the comnanions of Clarion. Jackson and Taylor the men r I who did honor to their countrv and their profession? How have we fallen! In tead of Marion, we have Beauregard, to nsult tho-o whom he was once proud to obey: for Jackaon we have Twir2s. tsbose treachery has bleached the dark memory nf Arnn t - and fnr Tarlnr n l,0n fJin unprincipled Jeffer.non Davis, whose des perate ambition would mount to empire over tbe ruin of his native land. Bnd tbe downfall of constitutional liberty. Phil adelphia Press. Great Trotting Hatch. One of the most exciting matches nr .ii i . t .1 . .1 rr -; ( --ji umuu wuisc, xjuufi i-jauu, ucia-u itban Alien and mate. S- McLouhliu, and I'lora lemple, j. JJ. lMcManu, for .1000, h2ats, best o in 5. blora was the avorite, previous to starting, at the rate of SI 00 to S70. A lare amount ot monev chanfred hands, .lohn Morvinscv. j o- - - J 1 thn hriokfir ol Ethan Allon venn RIO 000 Fiora cut her quarter badly in the second heat was overmatched, as Ethan Allen had nothing to do but trot, while his mate, Sock.-, pulled the weight and wagon. The result was as follows: :2thin Allen aud Socks. I 1 1 Flora Temple. 2 2 2 Time 2 22-i, 2.22. 2.23J. Sock? is a powerfully built and very fleet race-horse. He pulled the vehicle and driver entirely, leaving Ethan per- . i CCtly free to do bii best, while Flora had the whole weight of her Wagon and rtnpnr In H rn rr n nnn nrL-j thn riltirwir I flew oter tbe around like a thoroughbred u ice wiuj, Bi.ciuu.ug u.a uCa uui. .u ront, ana leaping IIKO a greynouna, wnilC Ethan Allen undisturbed by bin compan-1 ion's rzait. ker.t UD his magnificent trot from score to score, bis legs moving squarely under him and blB loug tail and mane Streaming IlKe DlaCK Danners in tne I ajp. liMnr-a bnd irroat odds to contend , , ,i , I against, yet she bore up nobly and made tbe best time to wagons eter acuievea oy anv trotter. Another match has beeu made between thee horses, witu tue bor- ...... ses, with the exception tbat llora will go . m -V in narness. n HTMl i."T I 1Ve mnnons ai rar. Tbe N. York Evening Post reports tbat the whole of tho five million federal loan was taken up in forty minutes after the books were opened, and before the close of busiuess on the same day 53,500,000 of the amount bad been paid in coin into tho Sub-Treasury. This gold is in ex change for an equal amouut of Treasury notes at-par, to run sixty days, sold un der tbe law of last Congress, which au thorizes theissuo of notes for a period "not exceediug two years." After the whole amouut was taken there were numerous applications, aud the demand was kept up for hours, as many banks and otber iu ftitutions have large sums idle, for which investments are desired. Great encour agement is drawn from so prompt a man ifestation of the confidence of the Gnan cial oommuoity in the administration of affairs at Washington. -An old lady, observing a BBilor going past ber door, and supposing it to bo her son Billy, said: Billv. where is mv cow gone?" "Gone to tbo devil for what I know," rnturncd the sailor. 'Well as you are going tbat way," said tbe old lady, "I just wish you would Ages of the States. Tho following chronological table may oe interesting to our readers at the preB pout urisib: SETTLEMENTS 1607. Virginia, by tho English. 1013. New York, by the Dutch. 1620. Massachusetts, by Puritan. 1624. Now Jersey, by tho Dutch. 1628. Delaware. Sweden and Fin. 1635. Maryland, by Irish Catholics. 1636. Rhodo Island, by Roger Wil Miam 1613. N. Carolina, by the Eoalish. 1670. S. Carolina, by tho English. 1692. Pennsylvania, by W. Pcnn. 1732. Georgia, by Oglethorpe. ADMITTED INTO TUE UNION. 192- Vermont. 1836. Michigan. 1S36. Arkansas. 1845. Florida. 1845. Texas. 1846. Iowa. 1848. Wisconsin. 1S50. California. 1858. Minnesota. 1858. Oregon. 1801. Kansas. ' entuoky- Cuesseo' l82. Ohio. 1811. Louisiana. 1816. Indiana. 1816. Mississippi. 1818. Illinois. 1 hi 9. Alabama. 1820. Maine. , Qn . AT. 1822. Missouri. I Sugar. Extraordinarv exertions will bo mdo in the Western States this fall to manu- facture sugar from sorghum partially with tbe object ofevadiug the prospective heavv duties on imrjorted sn nnrl tn i . . . r --e I - supply the deficiency caused by the lose of the crop ia Louisiana. A young scapegrace giving tho name of m rn i v .i 1 UUa UBBU '"uag me oitizenM of Philadelphia. He visited Fort ress Monroe as a civilian, and obtaining miroauctions in tuo JFeunsylvania camp, offered to convey letters from the volun teers home. Arriving in Philadelphia, he represented himself as a lieutenant and appeared in the dress of that officer. . a ' " be was to return immediatolv to the Fort- , ff , , . , ,. ,J c , ress, and offered to be the bearear of let- large amount of money and other valua u,cs "trB i-uirutiieu to uis seeping, wuen he departed for parts unknownprobably 1 heJ tcM a Zooa JoKo a0out l"e nymg Kebel colonel from tbe field of Phillippi Uo1 lell3 f attock' was 80 suMen tbat tb0 Virginia brave forgot to put on his pant, but took to bis heels in bis draw .1 t-.i t i ers ana smrj, coauess, uauess, ana suoe- leaa- Ue le,t bebind oimi among other l.l? . . r , tQ,DS8 a wr,"en oul copy or a speecu which be had made some days before m acknowledging the presentation of a flag 10 Ul3 regiment, in wniob among other extravagancies, ne eaia ne wouia aie in me laSL QICCH DeiOrO HO WOU1U ICl 106 BU omy take tbat banner 1 And yet this ve ry flag fell into the bands of the United States troops without a struggle. Ct5" Agents Wanted to sell the Erie Sew- in;; Machine. We will give a commission or pay wages at from S25 to $60 per month, and expenses paid. 1 he Lrie is a new ma chine, and very simple in its construction. rv. uiuiuiiiu. Hiis awiiiucii uui makiiuic ur Industrial Association of Farmers & Mechan ,U ni Phhxri.r Pi, ot ito ov , hi tion in 1860. over the Grover & Baker, and Boudoir Machines. It is equal to any ma- chine in use, and the price is but fifteen dol lars. Address R. JAMES, General Agent E S. M. Ui.t Milan, Uhio. March 14, lbul. bm. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Female Pills. PROTECTED LETTERS BY ROYAL dgSSSs PATENT. Prepared from apresriplion of Sir J.Clarke, ill. D. Fhysician h.xiraordinary to the Queen. THIS weil known medicine is no imposition, but a pure and safe remedy for Female Difficulties and obstructions, from anv cause whatever: and although a powerful remedy, it contains nothing hurtful to the COnSUllUlOII To married ladies it is peculiarly suited It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period iii nil cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pain hi the back and limbs, fatigue on slight exertion, palpita Mon of the heart, hysterics and whites, these Pills will effectacure when all other means have failed; and al lhn"8h " Powerful remeu' contain i.on. oato- FulldireCtlnsinthe pamphlet amund each package wliicla should be caicfully preserved. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the agent IN. IS. SI UU ailU u uusuiKU Sliiiiilia tnui'isuu iu nj aulIlorizedAent,wminsui.ealjolUe.eontainS so pills b ret,lrn in:uU Forsaleinstroudsburg.by juiv3i. lecn ly. J.N. durling, Agent jjew York Markets. wmvMni v .TMi 04 irri FLOUR AND MEAL Wheat Flour. .es of jR 000 bbj8 at S4 a $4 10 for superfine State and Western: $4 20 a 84 45 for the low grades of Western extra. GRAIN Wheat, White Kentucky, at 31 35 a 81 50, the inside rate for com mon; Chicago Spring, 74 a OOo. Club 1)1 a 03c; Milwaukee do. at SO a SI. Rje, 48 a 49c. Oats, 20 a 28o. for Canada; 33 a 34c. for Western and 33 for Stato. MOLASSES Porto Rico at 27c, N. Orleans 38o. PROVISIONS Mess Pork 315 10 a 315 3rpcr bbl. Shoulders 4 a 5; Hams 5 a (io. Lard 8 a 9c per lb. RICE at $5 50 a $0 per 100 lb. SUGAR Cuba b a 6fc. cts. per lb. Porto Rioo at 5f a 7;o. ticlc 1 The undersigned has on hand 200,000 Brick, near tho Stroudsburg Depot, end tbey are now for salo. Any person wishing to buv a lot of Brick will do well to call ne Brick ! fore purchasing elsewhere, as tbe under signed is bound to sell if they will pay cost. Win. S. WINTEMUTE. Stroudsburg, July 25, 1861. A. STONE & CO. MANUFACTURERS AND Wholesale and Retail Dealers IN Screw-Top Glass Preserving Jars, For Preserving Fresh Fruits, Vegetables. Meats, Oysters, &c, No. 412 Race Street, Above Fourth, PHILADELPHIA. - r RICES OF SCREW TOP JARS. I'inlS. SI 75 nir Hot Quarts 2 50 Three Pints.3 00 " Gallons. $5 CO ner doz Small Quarts v.ith small can gaiions,3 50 " noses, 1 75 per doz, Half Tints, 100 " ' -2Utfitor's Jfotice. Estate of OA Til A RINE RILBERND, deceased. Tbo undersigned. Auditor arDointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to examine and if occasion require, re settle the account of George Rilbornd, Administrator of Catharine Rilbernd, dee'd., and also to make report of the fact upon the exceptions to said accountant, will attend to the duties of bis appoint ment, on Thursday, tbe twelfth day of August next, at two o'clock, p. m., at the public bouse of Melchoir Bossard in tbe Borough of Stroudsburg, when aod where all parties interested, may attend if they see proper. JOHN DeYOUNG. Auditor. July 18, 1861. The undersigned hereby informs the public tbat he has loaned to Jacob Den nis, of Hamilton township, a new light truck or butcher wagon, during his pleas ure, lne public are cautioned not to meddle with said wagon. PETER KELLER. Stroud tsp., July 18, 1861. nMtor'jei Notice. Estate of JOHN SPACE, Jr. deceased. Tho undersigned Auditor, appointed by the Orphans' Court of Monroe County, to make distribution of tbo fund in tbe hands of the Administrator of said Es- ate, will attend to the duties of his ap pointment, on Friday tho lGth day of August next, at 10 o'olook a. m., at the offioe of Samuel S. Dreher, Eqs., in tbe Borough of btroudsburg, when and where all parties interested may attend if tbey i see proper. Ana all persona navmg claims against said estate aro then and there requested to present tbo same duly authenticated, or bo debarred from com- 02 in for a distributive share of said und. STEPHEN HOLMES, Jr., Auditor. Stroudsburg, July 18, 1861. Came to the premises of the undersign d, in Paradise township, Monroo coun ty. Pa. about two weeks ago, a two year old Steer; red and white spotted. The owner or owners thereof are requested to come forward, prove property, pay barges and take bim away, or he will bo disposed of according to law. JACOB HARDENST1NE. July 11, 1861. 3t. uministtator's Notice. Estate 0 'Wm. Singer, late of CJiesmdhill township, Monroe County, deceased. Notice is hereby given, that Letters of administration upon tbe above named Estate have been granted to the under signed by tho Register of Monroe Coun ty, in due form of law; therefore, all per- sons indebted to said Estate arc request- d to make immediate payment, and those having any just claims are also requested to present tbem legally authenticated for settlement to ANDREW J. DETRICK. Administrator. July 11, 1861. Remaining in the Post Office, at Strouds burg, Pa. July 1, 18G1. Ace, Simon Buzzard, Isaac Kutz, Abraham Keim, William 2 Kintner, Adaline Keller, J. J. Kint, Geo. W. Kimball, Adalaid Livezy, John Lesh, Sarah M. Lech nor, Richard, Laughry, Edward Morrison, Joseph, Moyer, Eliza D. Morgan, Hellen Miller, E D Malvin. George Price, Perry Parks, A C Peters, S G Rowan, John Schmitt Jacob Slamctz, Sabina Sturdevant, Alexander Sylvester, J Strunk, Timothy Buret, Lucinda R. Beam, Catharine Beckel, Samuel Bellis. David Buche, Seraphim Cummins, Geo. Cary, Nahum Cassad, T F Crowell, Sam'l M Case, I S Diblcr, J M Dornblazer, Emily Dieter, Simon, Degieve, Peter Donlon, John 2llis, William 'ellenzer Sarah J Vance, John Geiger, Isaac George, P R Garis, Simon II Gauf, John Gregory, Reuben Swingle, Dr Hiram Gerspacher, Reinhard Seberhine, Leonora Gill, Thomas II Seemon, Miko loath, Mrs R Stull, Adam lellor, Amos Tyler, Ellen K lenry, Lieut J J 2 Vancurk, Sarah lutchinson, J Wise, A J Iadley. George 2 White, W S Haldenian, Jos. Watson, J S leller, Catharine Ianna, Melissa Wulfinger, Simson 2 While, William Wilson, F W Heller, Rachel Howell &.Kingsland Yetter, Andrew B. mbt, Henry Zeller, ancnaei. OO" Persons calling for any of the above etters, will please say advertised. THEODORE SCHOCH, P. M. FOR SALE. NEW R0CHELLE OR LAWT0N BLACKBERRIES, 50 cents per dozen. CHARLES MUSCH. Stroud, April 18, 1861, Caution ! Estray. Lis! of Letters MERCANTILE APPRAISEMENT Of Monroe County, for 1861 The following is a list of the venders of Merchandise, Kestaurants, &c., in the said County of Monroe, classed in accordance with the several Acts of Assembly relatino . . 1 c to me same. Stroudbbiti'Sr. Class. Amount & J Miller, 14 S7 00 Lynfoid Marsh 14 7 00 Henry Shoemaker, 14 7 00 Ferdinand Dutot, l l 7 00 John N. Stokes 14 7 00 Jacob Goetz,- (Restaurant) 8 5 00 bamuel Melick 14- 7 00 Robert Huston (liquor) 14 7 00 D. II. Wvcknfr& Go. 14 7 00 George H. Miller 14 7 00 Kobert Hoys 14 7 00 James A. Pauli, l it 7 00 Baker & Staples fconfec'ersl 14 7 00 Wayne G. Drake 14 7 00 Wallace & Co. J4 7 00 Wallace & Co. 14 7 00 R. S. Staples 14 - 7 00 G. Auracher , 14 7 00 Nicholas Ruster 11 7 00 E. S. C. Horn. 14 7 00 M. M Burnett 14 7 00 Alexander Fowler 14 7 00 Samuel Rees, Jr. 14 7 00 Christian Hiller (Restaurant) 8 5 00 iNelson Uook 14 7 00 Peter Schunk (Restaurant) 8 7 00 Drugs and Medicine. James N. Durling (liquor) 13 10 00 10 00 llollinshead & Detnck 13 Hamilton. Jerome S. Williams Distillery 12 12 50 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 Oo 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 do do Liquor 14 Casper Metzgar 14 Lynford M. Heller 14 14 14 14 14 14 Joseph A. Bossard Charles Saylor Joseph Fenner A. W. Loder Peter Snyder Chcsiiuthill. Danner Sr Flick (Distillery 14 John Mervvine . 14 Samuel Arnold 14 C. D. Brodhead 14 Lewis Sox 14 Pocono. Brown & Morgan 14 Jacob Stouffer 14 Nathan Frantz 14 Morgan Custard 14 Jackson. James Westbrook 14 Polk. David Kresge 14 John Behler 14 Peter Gilbert 14 Ross. Reuben Hartzell 14 Daniel Andrew 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 Joseph Altemose 14 Eldrcd. lohn Harter 14 7 00 Joseph Hawk. 14 7 00 7 00 uarnet & Snyder 14 Smillificld. James Bell, jr- 14 W. N. Peters, 14 Brodhead & Bro. 14 Labat & Heller 14 George Heim, Liquor 14 David Shannon 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 Wm. A. Brodhead Ten Pin Alley 6m. 15 00 Amos Labar 14 7 00 HI. Siiiitlifiehi, E. Bevans 14 7 00 E. G. Shoemaker & Co. 14 7 00 D. S. Miller 14 7 00 A. D. Freese 14 7 00 Stroud. Wm. S. White 14 7 00 P. II Teerpening 14 7 0o John Thomas Restaurant 8 5 00 Coolbaiish. Wm. B. Thompson 14 Isaac S. Case " 14 Lehigh & Tobyhanna Land CompaTny. 14 Smith & Sebring 14 Paradise. James Henry 14 Charle" Henry 14 James Kintz, (Liquor) 14 Georsje R- Smith, 14 Daniel Staples 14 Barrclt. Northrop & Palen, 14 Shafer & Rinehard 14 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 7 00 R. W. SWINK. Mercantile Appraiser. Stroud Township, June 10, 1861. The Country Safe! 11 i The subscriber takes this method of informing his many friends, and the pub lic generally, that bo has returned from tho cities, with a large lot of Ready Made Clothing, of the latest styles, consisting of Coals of all kinds and qualities, 1. U1I of vanouB styles 0! goods, ana Vests, of every grade. From bis present stock he is satisfied that he oan meet the demand of every taste and "riff-out, in a manner hitherto un- approached, the man with tbo single dol lar, or the possessor of thoasands. He has also laid in, and will Keep on hand, an elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, consisting of Cloths, Cassimeres, Vestings, Notions, Hosiery, &o. &c. all of which he will sell very cheap. He has also a splen did lot of at rjrices VBrviuc from 50 cents to 5-6 each; tbe latest Btyles of Mantillas, Boots, Shoes, Gaiters, &c. &c. and all at prices surprisingly low. P. S. Clothing made to order at anort notice and warranted. CALF and SHEEP SKINS taken in exchange for Goods at cash prices. The public aro invited to call as be is determined to sell bis goods cheaper than the cheapest. NICHOLAS RUSTER. Stroudsburg, May 12, 1850.-tf. OAUTION. The undersigned having loaned during his m Kester. of Hamilton township, a BAY MARE. The public are hereby cautioned against meddling or inters ferine with tne saiu mare. 16 0 SAMUEL R. SHAW. Hamilton tsp. April 18, 1861. 1 mo BLANK DEEDS For sale, at tin? Office AYEit'S OATHAETICT Aro yon sick, feeblo, and', complaining? Are jouotttof oritur, with jour eystiinr de-"" liingetl, and your feelings uii:" comfortablo? Tlieso symp toms nro often tbo prelude to Furious illness. Sotno lit of sickness i.i creeping upon you, and should be averted by a timply ma of the right rem edy. Toko Ayer's Tills, and' elennse out the disordered hu mors purify tho Mood, nnd let the tluidsniovo on unob structed in health again. They stimulate the functions of the body into rigorous ac- . tirity, purify the system from the obstructions nliich m.ikn" diso.tpo. A cold settles somowhuro in the body, and ob structs its n.ttural function. These, if not rclioved, roact upon themselves and the surrounding organs, pro ducing general aRKravation, Buffering, and disease. While in this condition, oppressed by the derangements, take Ayer's Pills, nnd see how directly they restore the natural notion of the system, and with it tho bnoyant fvelint; of hualth again. What Is true nnd so apparent in thii trivial and common complaint, is also true in many of the deop seated and dangerous distempers. Tho samo purgative clfect expels them. Caused by similar obstruc tions and derangements of the natural functions of tho txxly, thoy are rapidly, and many of tbem surely, cured by tho pamo maans. None who know tho virtues ef these Pills', will neglect to employ them whoa suffering from tlie disorders thuy cure. Statements from leading physicians in some of the principal cities, and from other well known public per sons. 1 iVoni a Forwardivg McrcJianl of St. Louis, lib. 4, 1358. Dr. Atxr: Your Pills are tho paragon of all that is great In medicine. Thoy havo cured ray little daughter of ulcerous sores upon her hands and feet that had proved incurable for years. Her mother has been long grier-nusl)-afflicted with blotches and plmplds on bsr skin aud iu her hair. Arter our child was cured, she alio triJ' your Pills, aud they havo cured her. ASA MoncmiDQii. A a a Fa-mily PJiyssfc. From Dr. E. W. Chrtwright, Ktw Orltanu Yonr Pills are tbo princo of purges. Their excellent qualities surpass any cathartic we possess. They are' mild, but very certain and effectual in their action on the' tiowels, which makes them inroluablo to us in the dally treatment of disease. Headache, SickIIcalAc1ie,ironl Stomach. lYom Dr. Edward Boyd, Baltimore. Pp.uirtno. Arcn: I cannot answer you what complaints I have cured with your Pills better than to say all that w tvtr treat with apwrgalivt medicine. I placo great depen dence on an effectual cathartic in my daily contest with diseaso, and believing as I do that your Pills afford us tho" best wo hare, I of courso value them highly. PiTT3ncRO, Pa May 1, 1S55. Dr. J. C. Ater. Sir: I have been, repeatedly cured of tho worst heudachr. any body can have by a dose or two' of your Pills. It seems to ariio from a foul stomach, which thoy cleanse at once. Yours with great respect, ED. "W. PREBLE, Clerk of Steamer Clarion. Bilious Disorders Uver Complaints. Frrnn Dr. Theodore Bell, qfrew YorJc Gly. Not only are your Pills admirably adapted to their pur pose as an aperient, but I find their beneficial effects upon cho Liver very marked indeed. They have in my prac tice proved moro effectual for the cure of bilious com plaints than any one remedy I can mention. I eincoreljr rejoice that we have at length a purgative which is wor-' thy tho confidence of the profession and the people. Department or the Interior, ") Washington, D. C, 7th leb., 1850. Sir: I have used your Pills in my general and hospital' practice ever inco you made them, aud cannot hesitate to say they are the best cathartic wo employ. Thoir regu lating action on the liver is quick and decided, conse quently they are an admirable remedy for derangements of that organ. Indeed, I havo seldom found a case of bilious disMie so obstinate that it did not readily yield to them. fraternally youis, ALUNZO CALL, M. D., 1'hysician of the ilarint Hospital. Dysentery, Diarrlicca, Relax, Worms. From Dr. J. G. Orceii, of Chicago. Your Pills havo had a long trial in my practice, and I hold them iu esteem as cue of tits best aperients I hare ' over found. Their alterative effect upon the liver makes them an excellent remedy, when given in small doses for bilious dysentery and diarrhoea. Their sugar-coating makes them very acceptable and convenient for tho uso of women and childron. Dyspepsia, Impurity of the Blood Fi-om lien. J. 1" Ilimes, Faster of Advent Church, Boston. Dr. Ater: I have used your Pills with extraordinary success in my family and among those 1 am called to visit in distress. To regulate tho organs of digestion and. purify the blood, they nre tho very best remedy I have' over known, and I can confidently recommend them to ' my friends. Yours, J. V. IIIJIES. Warsaw, Wyoming Co., N. Y., Oct. U4, 1S55. Der Sir: 1 am using your Cathartic Pills in my prac tice, and find them an excolient purgativo to cleanse the system aud purify the fountains of the blood. JOHN O. MEACHA3I, M. D. Constipation, Costivencss, Suppression, llhcumutism, Gout, Neuralgia, Drop sy, Paralysis, Fits, etc. From Dr. J. V. Vaughn, Montreal, Canada. Too much cannot be said of your Pills for tho cure of costirciirss. If others of our fraternity hare found them as efficacious as I have, thoy should join me in proclaim ing it for the benefit of the multitudes who suffer from that complaint, which, although bad enough iu itself, is tho progenitor of others that are worse. I believo cos liveuess to originate in tbe liver, but your Pills affect thnt organ and cure the disease. From Mrs. E. Sluart, Physician and Midtcife, Boston, I find one or two large dosca of your Pills, taken at tha proper time, are excellent promotives of the itatund secrt lion when wholly or partially suppressed, and also very effectual to cleanse tho stomatJi and expel worms. They nro so much the best physic we have that I recommend' no other to my patients. Fran tlie Rev. Dr. LTawtes, of the. Xfclliodisl Fpis. Church. Fclaski House, Savannah, Ga.. Jan. C, 1S56. Honored Sir: I should be ungrateful for the relief your skill has brought me if I did not report my case to yon. A cold settled in my limbs and brought on excru ciating neuralgic pains, which ended in dironic rheuma tism. Notwithstanding I had tho best of physicians, tho disease grew worse nnd worse, until by the advice of your' excellent agent in Paltimore, Dr. Mackenzie; 1 tried your' Pill. Their effects were slow, but suro. By persevering iu the use of them, 1 am now entirely well. Senate Chamber, Baton Bouge, La., 5 Dec. 1S55. Dn. Ayer: I have been entirely cured, by your Pills, of liheumutic Gout a painful diseo. that had afflicted me for years. VINCENT SLIDELL. jeiT-Most of the rills in market contain Mercury, which, although a valuablo remedy in skilful hands, is daugcrou.s in a public pill, from the dreadful conse quences that frequently follow its incautious use. Thes contain no mercury or mineral substanco whatover. Price, 25 cents per Box, or 5 Boxes for $!. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEE & CO., Lowell, Masu; Sold in Stroudsburg, by Hollinshead & Detriek. DELAWARE WATER GAP CLASSICAL SCHOOL The next Term opens, May 1st, and con tinues five months. The Principals have had much experience in conducting such Schools, and will spare no labor or expense? in giving their pupils the best advantages. In addition to the usual branches of an En glish education, thorough instruction will be given in the German, French, aud Spanish' languages, and in all the branches required to prepare young men for college, or for bu siness Dursuits. Day scholars, and young wen qualifyintj themselves for teaching, received on the most liberal terms. 5eV-pSr-??EpLL'J Principals, Rev. C. M. BLAKE. ) r Delaware Water Gap, April 4, J861. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The undersiiiDed having disposed of his entire stock of Stoves, Hardware, Tin ware, &c. And al?o transferred all notes and Book aooounts to Linford Marab, who is hereby authorized to collect and receipt for the same. SIMUiN JUAMtX. Stroudsburg, April 25, 1861. Tho Stovo,Tiaand Hardware business, will bo continued by tbo subscriber in tbo large Store Boom of Abraham Edinger, adjoining tbo Indian Queen Hotel. Where all who are in want of any goods in his line, will pleae call and examine for themselves. Tho services of William S. Flory, will bo retained to transact the business during iny absence. LINFORD MARS EL Fenncraville, April 2ft, 1861. . NOTICE. traYcliDg on Sanday ! let down tbe bare,"
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers