FASHIONS. BY THE BARD OF THE CASTON-HALL OF FASHION. How Btrangely fashions vary, Among us year by year; The forms and customs of ouraime, How odd they must appear To the aged, who remember. And with much pride have told, Oft the times, when they were young and say" The blessed times of old. How would Diojrenes, have stared And mourned, o'er the display Of dainty viands, which bedeck The tables in our day. To see men feast, on "fish and flesh," Fowl, sauces, fruits, and spices, All at one meal; and "top off too" " On sweetmeats, wines, and ices. (Would there were like philoshophcrs, To convey our sons and brothers, And husbands, from such dangers dire, Home to their wives and mothers.) But not in meat and drink alone; In all amusements too, The changes wrought by time, mankind Has serious cause to rue. The fireside pleasures, Winter brings, "Which once were so elating iDven the girls, have cast aside For sledding and for skating. Time was when they found exercise, Performing household duty; jNow mothers fag, beneath their cares, That girls may save their beauty. "The Governors," as our "fast youths" Their sires are wont to call Labor in shop and counting-room From morn, until nightfall; While sons are lounging lazily In restaurant, (drinking den,) Learning the arts, sure lo transform Boys into vicious men. "Who would not wish with old folks, that Those times might come again, When there'd be children in the world; 5Tot woman all and men. JTo one, however, e'er regrets The changes in the style Of costume, when he looks upon Men's clothing made by Pyle. QCf The handsomest assortment of Ready Made Clothing and piece goods over scon in Iviston is now on exhibition, at Pyle's Great E,iston Hall of Fashion, opposite the Easlon Bank. TjThe North American of Monday in an article on tbc subject of tbe starv ing North, states that the whole amount reported ou deposit in ail the '-10 South Carolina banks is only S3,fi2.97U 82, while oue Saving Institution in Philndel pbia, fupportcd, by the laboring people, has on deposit four and a half millioos, and there are others as well supported. The be.-t ship to have command of Friendship. THE GREAT ENGLISH REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S .PROTECTED LETTERS BY ROYAL dSjstfJ? PATENT. Prepared from a presription of Sir J.Clarke, M. D. Physician Extraordinary to the Queen. TnniS well known medicine is no imposition, but a I i y- I T7 ...I.. n.vr:.. ..,:.-., i yu re alio saie remeuy ir i kui nu uniituun; .iu Obstimctions, from anv csiuse whatever : and although a powerful remedy, it conlnins nothing hurtful to the constitution. To married ladies it is peculiarly suiied. It will, in a short time, bring on the monthly period with regularity. In all cas-os of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pain in the back and limbs, falicue on slight exertion, palpita tion of the heart, hysterics and whiles, these Pills will effect a cure w hen all other means have failed; and al though a powerful remedy, do not contain iron, calo mel, antimony, or anything huttful to Jhe constitution- Full directions in the pamphlctaiound each package -which should be cat efully preserved. For full particulars, get a pamphlet, free, of the N. B. $1 00 and C postage stamps enclosed to any authorized Agent, w ill insure a bottle. eontaing50 pills by return mail. For'sale m Struuikburg, by jjlilv 31. IfCO ly. J. X. DURL1NO, Agent At Easton, on the 14th inst., by the Rev. B. Sidtler, Mr. John Nolf, of'Ea-,-too, oud Miss Jaue Butz, of Tannersville, Monroe Gountv. Tn Stroudaburg, oo the 2d inL, Roset 'ta. daughter of Oacob F and Susan Her- ssogg, aged 6 years end 3 dajH. In Stroud townebip, on tbe 21st inst., "George W. Brown, aged about 54 years. Card to the Public. Tfie undersigned respectfully informs 'tbe citizens of Stroudsburg and vicinity, thit be intends resuming tbe Painting and Paper Hav givg Business, in Stroudn borp, ou or about tbc firrt of April next. All work entrusted to bis care will be ex ecuted with neatness and depatcb. All work warranted, as none but good bands will be employed. Particular attention paid -to the following branches : I2otic Paititiuu, Paper E8 an Gildsns, Glazing, and Gtaiitisis; Sliow Cards and Window Tickets written to order at the lowest living price Thankful for pat patronage, be re pectfully solicits a continuance of the C. M. PRICE. January 24, 1861. In tbe matter of tbe exceptions to the account of Rudolpbus Smith, deceased, Kjuardian of Sophia Aco and Juliana Ace, rendered by Cbarlca Shoemaker, Admin istrator of said Rudolpbus Smith, deo'd. Tbo undersigned Auditor, appointed by tbe Orphans' Court of Monroo County, in tbe above oaee, will attend to tho duties of bis appointment at tbo office of Samuel S.Dreber, Eq ,in tbe Borough of Strouds- burff, on Saturday, tbe 16th day of leb raary, next, at one o'clock, P. M , when &nd where all parties miercsiea, win ai tend. STEPHEN HOLMES, Jr., Auditor. Stroudsburg, Jan. 17 1 1 86 1 . 4t. Auditor's Notice fit IB 2 H Auditors nonce mmm The undersigned appointed bv the Or- phans' Court of Monroe County., Auditor, to examine and if occasion require, re-set tie the account of Valentine Kautr, Ad- ministrator of Henry Sroulsey, dee'd., and make distribution of the balance in "to examine and report what advance accountant's bands, will attend to perform ments, if any, were made by the intestate the duties of his appointment ot the Pro- to bis heirs in bis life time and to exam thonotary'a Office, in Stroudsburg, ou ino, and if occasion rcquiro re-Beltlc said Friday the 8lh day of February next, at account, and make distributions" hereby one o'clock p. n. at which time and place, gives notice, that he will attend to the du all persons having any claims or demands ties of bis appointment, at his office in againpt said Estate, will present them or Stroudsburg, on Thursday, the 14th day be debarred from coming in for a share of February next, atlO o'clock of saidday, of the assets or fund in lands of said ad- when and whero all persons interested, mimtrator. THO. M. McILIIANEY, Auditor. Stroudsburg, Jan. 10, 1801.' 7OV WAIST I TP A YOUR. WBFB WAufTSIT, YJIL CE3ILDREM WAST IT, Trr-, -tr-ff w mj-n-piixivniv ISD YOU U'OBLD 12 AVE IT, 1ST yon only knew laow useful. Iiow INSTRUCVIVIS, and how ENTER PAINING il is. We refer to that "first best" that lar- gcsl, most instructive, most beautiful, and yet cheapest journal m the world for the HOSSliHOLD, for the FAKM, and lor the OA il&RuFi, viz: the A EcriCS2 AriCUSlurist. TOCJ WAST HT, because it contains so very m:inv new and useful directions, hints, and sugjreslions aboni :ill kinds of out door work, in the GARDEN, in 1 he FIELD, in the ORCHARD, on the little plot of ground, about Domestic Animals, etc.. etc. The Ag- riculturalisl is not a stale rehash of theorel- inal sluff. such as irnca lhe rn.mds from one nan..T to another, hut. it is tilled with useful and" now practical information, every word of which is reliable, because prepared bv honcft, practical WORKING MEN, who know what tlicy write about. Each volume contains many hundreds of useful hints, and it is certain that many ot these hints will each be worth to you more f than a dollar. As an example, a subscriber writes: "I obtained 5 bushels more per acre f- . I on a 10-ncre held of wheat, (or in all 50 bushels) simply from a hint about preparing the seed given in my Agriculturist.'' An other says he obtained au extra yield of 11 bushels of corn per acre on a 15-acre field, and with no extra cost for culture, by apply ing one hint from the Agriculturist. An mhrr ( vill.imr "v v ,, ant SifcU worth "O- i o--v s - -2. tirihnt tvlmllv m H.p timnlir bints in iho Agricullurisl, which told him from time to time what to do, how to do it, and toientodo w Thnncn,!, nf r hnV .lorivp,! simi. lar advantages. You are invited to try the naner a rear, at a cost of onlv SI. If you i ru, r.,..r or fi.. ...;.nc M,in .Vh tl.n L iiiMliiui u uiatiiuutt: uiiiuii iiio cuucuiri hers the present winter. YOEJR WIFE wants the Agricultur-l" ist, because it has a large Amount of valua - blcand rcallv useful information about all kinds of HOUSEHOLD WORK, from Gar- r.,t 10 r.ollr Ruo imr ihn hnnofit rf this paper for a year. You will find your home made better, and moncv saved. vTT5 gSg.Sf? E-:."V vnni?tlip Arr:- r.uliurist. for it contains a verv interesting - " ,.Pf.,l nnrl nntcrln n nv dnnnrlmflnt rnr Vomit nn.l c:iiiilrrn. whirh will hn of ' o I areat value to their minds and hearts. The above are truthful statements, that will bo cheerfully attested by nearly a hun- dred thousand of the present readers of the frricuhurisl. You are invited to rv a sin- le volume of tiie Agriculturist, which wil! cost only SI, and abundantly pay. Try it for 1SG1 (Vol. ORANGE JUDD, Publisher, 41 Park Roa-, New-York IT22K7ft'E. i We trust that those who do not now re ceive lhe THE TRlliUNE will subscribe for ii without delay. The club price of THE WEEK LY TR1 BUNE and S EMI. WEEK TRIHUNE is so low that there are but few in any community unable to lake it. Hence forth. The Tribune, as the principal paper Mipporting the new Administration, will be peculiarly interesting, while outside of poli mcs Us reliable r oreign and IJotnesiic News, its Commercial and Agricultural In- lelligenre, and its Literary Department, give 10 it interest ano value wnicn no oilier pa per on mis continent can Doastoi. now a- i.i.. i M.. tu t.:i i.oo iy .mu SUUCNI....I "lc ...uu..o ... uw,. ducted the campaign now so cloriousiy en- m t k r iri roc n i i ri 1 nri; iniiv ;i i's s. and to the untiring exertions, signal ctpari tv and lorpsisht of Horace Greeley, is due tv and lorpsioilt of Horace Greeley, is due tii ui-li of the "lory ami victory, over which a nation of Freemen is now rejoicing. It is, ' there'ore the dulv of everv true Republican - into aid giving I he Tribune a still larger circulation. As evidence of its popularity and reliability, we rnav state that last week over oix Hundred Thousand copies were sold a circumstance unprecedented in the annals of journalism. Guardian and Ga zelle, Phoenix ville, ra. TERMS. Daily. Tribune (311 issues per annum) 5)1) S3 Semi-Weekly. (101 " " " ) Weeklv (52 " " " ) $2 TO CLUBS Semi-Weekly, two copies for $5, five for $11 25; ten copies to one address for 20, and any larger number at the latter rate. 1 en conies or over, to address 01 each subsriber, $2 20. For a club of twen ty, an extra copy will be sent. For a club 01 loriy we senu iiilu utiui imuimr f i inTTP n a 11 w mniniTMn gratis oneyear. Weekly : 1 hree copies for ten for $12. and any larger number at the rate of $1 20 each per annum, the paper to be addresspd to each subscnber. lo clubs of twentv. we send an extra copy. Twenty copies to one address for $20, with one extra to him who senus us tne ciui For each club of one hundred, The Daily Tribune will be sent gratis one year. Payment always in advance. Address TITE TRIBUNE, No. 154 Naussau st. New-York. CHARLTON BURNET, Attorney at Law, CTinuncTTTTii nnTTNTY.PA. A V SJ XkJ JJ J k AIJlW A J-l W www-. J Office on Elizabeth streot, formerly oo cupxecLby win. Daxis, Lsq. II. a E& B rs ft once I tuc matter of the account of James Andre, and Charles 11. Andre, Adminis- trators ot .Leonard Andre, dec d. The Gndersincd Auditor, appointed by the Orphuns' Court of Monroe County. , ., .. . ..HrOSl&iA Af Wsn. Vnn Kiisuirlr. Into may airena n mcy ttiiuu proper, anu ail persons having claims against the said es- tate are hereby required to present them, at tbe time and place aforesaid, or be de- Dsrreu irom eomins; in upon sam iuna. Wro. K. HAYILAND, Auditor, Stroudsburg, Jan. 17, 1861.-4t Woi'tllV off RSSV C 11 K IOS3 CO f RESTORING THE BALD AND GRAY. Many, since the great discovery of Prof. Wood, have attempted not only to imitate his restorative, but profess to have discovered something that would produce results iden- tical : but they have ail come and gone, be- ing carried away by the wonderful results of Prof. Wood's preparation, and have been forced to leave the field to its resistless sway. Read the foHowing Balhi Mainc ApriI 18lhj 1859- prof. O. J. Wood & Co: Gents.:-The let- lor I wrote you in 1S56 concerning your val- ua0,e liulr restorative, and winch you nave puniianeu in uns vicinuy anu eisewnere, lias 1 - MV' - n nse t0 numerous enquiries touching ,,ie ,!,cls ,he case. The enquiries are, first' ls 11 A fact of habitation and name, ss stated in lhe communication ; second, is it true of nU therein contained; third, does my ,,air sti11 continue to be in good order and of natural color i lo a.l I can and do answer "'variably yes. My hair is even better than ,n a"-v sl!,ge of my life for 40 years past, ,nore so,t' thrifty. a"d helter colored; the same is true of my whiskers, and the only caUEC why Jt ,s not generally true, is that the stance is washed off by frequent ablution f t. it i t . P me . ,ac5' u,.,en " care wcre. useu..v W1 hiiifT tho t-irn in p nci pnnnor!mn u'ltli tht I,m" the face in close connection with the whiskers, the same result will follow as the hair. I have been in the receipt of a preat number ol letters from all partsof New Eng land, asking me if my hair still continues to be good ; as there is so much fraud in the manufacture and sale of various compounds as well as this, it has, no doubt been basely ! ) , i :.i . "nuaieu anu ueeu ueu, not umy iiuoiuaiiy i r.. u... . ri "ol useu any oi your ltesioraii ve 01 any ac- count for some months, and yet my hair is as S as evRr' anu nave e.xam eu u with surprise, .is I am now 01 years old and ot,a lvll my "caU ?r on my, Te'f an(1 .t0 !,rorG th!f (act 1 6cnd y"Ta ,oc.k .f mv nair tanen on uie oast wcbk. i rueeiveu your favor ol two quart bottles last summer, ( il l ! llT "J 1,,K,,uo a,m i.,u..-u u j J "c, - 'cn purciiabeu aim uouu it w.u. ini.vC. success, x a k a mvu., u.m )uu BUiiu me a test by which I can discover fraud ir, the Restorative, sold by many, 1 fear, with- out Authority from you. A pure article will 'ns,,re success, and I believe where good ef- tecis do not lonow, tne iaiiure is causea Dy I . t . I i t .1- ine ,mPure ariLcie' wnicn curses u,e 'venior I i I a r. .1 i " e ffoou. i ueem u my uuiy as uereiu I . . A . - i r 1 i , Keep you ap .nseu oi me conunueu enect on my nair, as I assure all wuo enquire ot me ot my unshaken opinion ot its valuable results, l remain, clear sir, yours, n T T , Jl,.llAV , t. u. J. woou: Liear air. l woniu cer wm,J uc j a '"J"01' V, l" make known to the world, the wonderful, as well as the unexpected result T have expe rienced from using one bottle of your Hair Reslor.itive. After using every kind of Re storatives extant, but without success, and hndiiig my head nearly destitute ot hair, 1 ..,c fiimll.f ;n,l,mn,l i iP , initio nf vnnr was finally induced to try a boitle ot your tt " T, . ' T 1 1 - tiair ivesioraiivc. iow, c.uiHor atiu juslicu compel me to announce to whoever may read this, that I now possess a new and beautiful growth of hair, which I pronounce richer and handsomer than the oriirinal was. I will here Lake occasion to recommend this valu able remedy to all who may feel the necessi ty of it. Respectfully yours. KtiV. S. ALLEiN J5KUUK. P. S. This testimonial of my approbation for your valuable medicine (as you are aware of) is unsolicited: but if you think it worthy a piace among the rest, insert if yon wish; if n(Jt dcslr()y an(i say nothing. Yours &lc Rev SAB rr,. n n. ,rn,- ,a nnt ,, :,, iln,,ips nr " f"- -r t,ree sizes, viz: large, medium, and small; the gmj, ho(ls , a ntt am retaig for one i . .11 . 1 nrnnnrllnn tl.-n li,r ,.J ' ... r. .. ' ,ti. ,iJ arge holds a qmirt, 40 percent, more in pro 1 r.. c- ' r t rrrr o T n tn AAA Broadway, New York, and 114 Market Street, St. Louis, Mo. And sold by all good Druggists and Fancy Goods Dealers. March IbbU.-ly. -a-r TO IT 11 TT 1 Wftw Ma rhl p, Yard 1 v ll JJAVAil Mlvy X LtJ. V-t. The subscriber, having employed Ja cob i Flinline, an experienced Btonc cut ter. Can fitlDDlV aOV DerBOn in Want Of l!r. r nrnnmoTilnl f!roi. Srnnoa Mnnn. 1 " " I' nu ; " ; , ments, 1X0., 01 gooa souna marDie, at moderate prioos. KOoEHT HUoTUJN. StroudabuTg, December 13, 1800 THE ,S5:a,efor?:ExeClltrk'S Notice. r niliiilinr nt lhf EsatC Of JoSCDh HOUSCF, late of , c . . .. , , , omiLiutetu jloviisuij, tiuuu. Notice is hereby given, that Letters testamentary upon the Estate of Joseph riOUSCT, laie . oum.uuu fcu..uDu.p ceased, have been granted to the under- U ,t. n,.;ufr nf Mnnrrni nniint.u. .-ilgUCU UJ lvo;;i3n,i " u " J in due form of law; therefore, all persons (indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate payment, and thoso hav- lintr any just olaima nre also requested to nresent them leaallv authentioatea lor settlement to MAttGAllET nOUSER, Executrix. Smitbfiold, December 6, 1800.-0;. Kollinsliead & Detrick, DRUGGISIS AMD CHEMISTS, Wbolesalo and Retail dealers in Dye Stuffs, Gila.s, Irfmueji, &c. &;. &c. GOTHIC HALL DRUG STORE. STROUDSBURG, PA. N. B. German and English prescrip tions carefully compounded. WM. HOLMNSHEAD. C. S. TiRTnTrir April 8, 1858. ly. t&xcaxtofs. Notice. " , .... Of btroud tOWIlStlip, dec d. Notice is hereby civen. that Letters toptomentary upon the. Estate of William Van iJukirk, late of Stroud township. deceasad, have been granted to the under signed by'the Register of Monroe county, in duo form of law; therefore, all persons ounny bocTii "Ilna book is corn indebted to said estated are requested to Pnaed of a serics of letters, written in an in make immediate payment, and those hav- lereslin? style of a narrative, embodyinjj the ?.,c,f .i:LH . ij most romantic featuresof social lifeomiifierent. present them legally authenticated for settlement, to. J AS. VAN BUSKIRK, Stroud tsp. UHARLES HEN III, Henryvillo, October 11, 18G0. 6t. Executor, J. PALMER & CO. Market Street Wharf, Philadelphia. DEALERS IN Fish, Cheese .and Provisions! Unve constantly on hand an assortment of Dried ailU PiclClCd Fish, &C. Viz: ,T , i ol j o i t?i t?" u tt anu are penned witliout prejuUice. i nev Mackerel Shad Salmon Blue Fish rier- oreaPnt 8teilca quile different from an -Un-rings, Codfish, beef, Pork, Lard, Sboul- cic Tom.s Qabin." the oictures nreented ders, Hams, Sides, Cheese, Beans, Rice, here are quite graphic, and we think the por &c, October 11, l860.-3m. traits painted are in very nearly natural col- AYER'S roil PUPJEYING TIIE SLOOD. Ami for the Siccili euro ot" the following complaint!": Scrofnlaaiul Scrofulous A tVrc t sns.s m-l ns Tuuioivs, Ulcers, .'sores, ISrujil ions, IMicjiics, l'u.stu!c3, IJIottiies, Jtoils, ISI.'liiis, :iml sill Skin JJi reuses. OKi.xi, I tid.. Gtli June, lSSO. J. C. Avert Sc Co. Genta : I fet'l it uiy lnty to ac- knoIcli;o wlmt your Snrauuiiiltn luis done fur m?. Ilavni;' inlii'tiii'il a SciolV.luua itifecti , I luivo Btirtered from it in various ways for years. Sometime it liurt out -in t'lceis on in v hands mid arm-'; sonietim it turiit'd inward itml dilresfd me at (he Mouiai-h. Two yenw ago it broke out on my head and rou red my pcalp and oars with one Mire, which was painful and loa'th.soine Ijeyoml dcriptiun. I tried many medicines and si-wral phyniciau?, hut without much relief from any thing. In fact, the di-oider grew worse. At length I uas rejoiced to lead in the (jo-md Messenger that you had preinied an alterative. (Saiapaii!hii. for I knew from your reputa tion tliat any thing you mad? mmu be i;ooit. 1 sent to Cincinnati ami pit it, and iicd it till it cured me. 1 took it. as von advis-e. in small i'oe.s of a teaspnnnful over a mouth, and u-ed almost thie bottle?. New and healthy skin soon began to form under the j-cab. which after a hile fell oir. My skin is now clear, and I know hy my feelings that the disease has gone from my system. You ran well believe that I feel what I am saying when I tell vmi, that I hold you to be one of the nnostles of the mre. aud remain ever gratefully. Yours, Al.r Kr.i) 11. TALI.l.V. St. Anthony's 'Fire. Hose or ISrysitieln. Tetter mid Snlt iliieuin, Seald iloml, Itintjvvoriu, Soi-e Eyes, Uronsy. Dr. Kobert M. Preble writes from Sal' in. N. Y.. 12th Sept., 1S59. that ho has cured an inveterate ca-o f IJiojifi, wliicli threatened to terminate lataliy, uy tne persevering use ol our tarsapaniia, ami also a iiaiigi'nuis Milignant Erysipelas by large doses of tho same ; says he cures tho common Eruptions by it constantly. BroncHocelc, Goitre or Swelled IVccl:. Zohnion Sloan of I'roFiicct. Texas, writes : Throe hot ties of your Saryaparilla cured iuo from a Gi.ilre a hid eous swelling on the neck, which I had suKeied from over two vears." Ijeicorriirep. orYThtf cs. f v:irl3i Tumor, Uterine Ulccratloii, I' Bisenses. Dr. J. B. g. Channimr. of New York City, write? : ' I most cheerfully comply with tho reniiestof your agent in saying I have fuind your irarfaparilla a m'-i oM-eiieiu alteratio in the numerous complaints for which we employ such a remedy, but especially in frmutc Diseases of tho Scrofulous diaiheMS. 1 hare cuiod many inveter ate cases of Leucorrhftii by it. and some where the com plaint was caused by ulceration of the uterus. The ulcer ation itself was soon cured. Nothing within my knowl edge equals it for these female derangements." J'Jdward S. .Marrow, ot .ewlmry. Ala., writes, - a ian peroua ovarian tumnron one of the females in my family, which had defied all the remedies we could employ, has at length been completely cured by your llxtraet of Sar saparillu. Our physician thought nothing but extirpa tion could afford Mief, but he advised the trial or your Sarsaparilla as the last resort before cutting, and it proved effectual. After taking your remedy eight weeks co symptom of tho diease remains. Syphilis nnl Slercurinl DIscn3c. NrAV Orixans, 2."th August, lf-59. Da. J. O. Ater : Sir. T cheerfully comply with the re quest of your agent, and report to you some of the eflett.s 1 have realized with your S.irsapaiilla. I have cured witli it, in my practice, mosi. oi mo com- plaints for which it N i ecommriided. and have f nind its , wonderful in the enre of iwrm ra xw- . . . t i c ..t .. ciirial Disease. One of my patients had Syphilitic ulcers in his throat, which were consuming hN palate and the top of his mouth. Your barsaparilla. steadily tatien. cured him in live weeks. Another waa attacked by sec ondary symptoms in hU nope, and the ulceration had eaten'away a considerable part of it, so that 1 believe the disorder would soon reach his brain and kill him. Hut it vielded to my adminhtrntion of your Snrsnpai ilia: the 1 . 1 .1 .1 1 1 i 11 1 ..r - t ..:.!..-... Ulcers ueaieu, ami no is en auiu, nui ui tuui.-o xitiiux. some disfiguration to his face. A woman who had Iteen treated for the same disorder ly mercury was Miiieiir.f; fiom this poison in her bones. They hail become mj sen sitive to tho weather that on n damp day she sulkied us cruciatiiiK pain in her joints and bones. She, ti o, was cmed entirely by your t-arsapaiilla in a few week. I know from 11s lormula, wliicli your agent Rave me, inai this Preparation from yotir luboralory must he a u at remedy; consequently, theso ttuly lemarkable results with it have not surprised me. fraternally youis, U. v. i.AKl.Miili, M. v. Rlieiimatism, Gout, Tjivtr Complnlnt. JDEPKNnENCK, I'reston Co., Va.. Cth .luly. 10'J. Dlt. J. C. Avut: Sir, 1 have been alllicted wilh a pain ful rlii-onie. HLrumnlism (or n lone: time, which ballled the skill of physicians, and cluck to me iii fpite of all tho ruinedie 1 could find, until I ttied your Sart-aparilla. One bottle cured mo in two weeks, and lestored my general health so much that I am fur better than before 1 was attacked. 1 think it u wonderful medicine. 3. l-'UKAM. Jules Y. Gelcbell. or Ft. Louis, writ-: "I have been aHlicted for veals witli an ajfrctimi of Uie. J.ircr, which destioycd my health. 1 tried every thing, and every thing failed to relieve me; and I haobeen n broken-down man iu'j.i,er. jiyheioved pastor.the itev. .Mr. i:m.v, advised me lo try yourSan-nparilla, becaiii-e he said he krew jmi, and any thins you mad was woith tryinjr. l'-y the hlesw iiiK of Ooil it has cured me'atid has m inuified my bl...d as to make 11 new man of mo. 1 feel youtiK iipain. 'lhu beat that can bu haid of you is not half good enough." Sclilrrus,Caiicer Tkiiibm, Knlarf;cment, " v'"" ' , ,.,!,.(.. ..fMs lmvn been lvnorted touswhero cures of these formidable complaint!) have re-ulted from the use of this remedy, but our mcc-heiowill not admit tli..m Snmn nf tlu'in niav be found in our Aliiesii'an Almanac, which tho ngi uts below named a ro pleaded to furnish .'talis to all whocall forthem. I Drsueitsln. Ilcnrt. lilscnKf, mis, iMiuti. I iv, Mclanclioly, IVeurulKla Many lemarlcablo un s of tbe.-e ntlectn ns nave wtii 5ff Wfflirr,r;&r.X. -d Z: overcomes disorders which would ne eupi-oi-eu wynm n rapli Sorb n remedv has one neen reouireii oy ine in-- Sie-orSeVS do for them ail that medicine can do. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral 1 J TOK THE HA I'll) Cl'ltU OP Conjrli, Cnltls, Influi-ii zn, IIonvciit-.KS, Croup, Ilroiieliitls, Iin iplfSJt o eumiitiou, nml for the ltd let of CoiiKUiuptlvc Patients in ndvancr-d Stiii'S of tlic Distnsf. Thi is n remedy bo univemdty Known to Hiipa an ' r. .. .1... i..r.. .rtl.m!,tniiil lunir collilillllli." 'hat M I - - .Xiheidence of iiii;T lu JJ,,1, escrficiice ror .onphs i coWh. m..i nij wondcrfnl cures of pillmonary Ucfle have ma-.e .1 i i...r tu rivllizid nations oi me eaiiu. iw arc tho communities, or ev Homo livlne trophy in their midst of its victory over the Ztle'mdinBeious disorder, of the throat and luues. As all know the dreadful fatality of tluco ilouleii., and ns they know, too, thoeffeciaof this .remedy, wemri not do nioro than to assure theln that it has now all he Tir tues that it did have when making the cure. which have won so strongly upon tho confidence nf mankind. Prepared by Dr. J. C. AYEIl &. CO.. Lowell, Mas3. Sold by HolHuahead $ Patrick. JUSTICE TO TOE SOUTH. A NEW BOOK AND ONH DESTINED to CREATE a SENSATION. JUST PUBLISHED. THE SUMY SOUTH OR THE SOUTHERNER AT HOME, EMBRACING FIVE YEARS' EXPERIENCE OF A NORTHERN GOVERNESS, IN TUE LAND OF SUGAR, RICE, TOBACCO AND COTTON. EDITED BY JProfrsswr 3. EI. 5i:r;i!iam, OF MISSISSIPPI. Handsomely bound in one volume, 12 mo. oo pages, l'nce fc'l.SJu. Literary notices from the Press throughout the Country. kinds of plantations. We can bear testimo ny, from our own personal observation of sim ilar scenes in the South, lo their truthfulness as here depicted. They are portrayed in u vivid, interesting style, and we would like to see the book in the hands of thousands of dc- ccived people, who have no personal knowl- edge either of Southerners or Southern life, except what they have gained from partisan tn fP,nin n.; ni.tin n,.r.foT meutcinal purposes, wmch beur their own falo, N. Y. HIE OUNNT fcOUTH " I hlS Volume 13 W the j()rm Qj-jeU They Ive so far as wc can j'dge, faithful pictures of Southern life. ors. lioslon Daily Bee. The Sunny South. "We have rarely peeped within the covers of a more appeti zing volume. Although not intended us an answer to the foul untruths in the Uncle Tom trash of the last ten years, it neverthe less does unmercifully hurl back to their source all lies of such a nature, and we are glad to believe that the book will be read in thousands of northern homes. The south should also take to it benignantly, for inde pendent of its truthfulness and integrity it 'm one of the liveliest and most entertaining books of the year." Times, Greensboro, N. C. The Sunny South. " The enterprising publisher, G. G. Evans, Philadelphia, of Gift Book notoriety, is weekly issuing new works of interest, and spreading them over the coun- try, and his system of transacting business may be looked upon as an institution, for diffusing knowledge, unequalled by any in the conn try. We commend this book to all. Daily News. The Sunny South "This is a captivating volume, strongly illustrative of Southern life. mi . i . t .ti .i neanoi uie aumoress is wun ner ineme, and she carries the interest ot the reader a- long with her, as she, in her amusing off had style, delineates the peculiarities of a South- ern home.-" Press. The Sunny South "Whatever bears the name of Professor Ingraham is sure to involve the elements of striking effect and a wide popular currency: and this is just the case with "The Sunny South, or the Southerner at Home," which appears from the press ot G. G. Evans, under the editorship of the graphic Professor. It is vivid in style, keen- ly observant, interesting in plot, and in pur- pose and manner it obviously springs from a warm heart, and will be as warmly welcomed bv a host of readers." The New Yorker. GOOD BOOKS ! CHOICE BOOKS ! ! NEW AND ILLUSTRATED EDITIONS. The Throne of David: From the i consecration of the shepiiard of bethlehem to the REBELLION OF PRINCE ABSALOM. I Being an illustration of the Splendor. Power and Dominion of the Reign of the Shep herd King-, in a scries of Letters, wherein the magnificence of Judea is shown to the rea der, as if BY AN EYE WITNESS. By the Rev. j. h. ingraham, ll. t. One vol. 12 mo., cloth, 003 pages Trice $1,2.j. "This is the third Volume, and the comple tion of a series of works by the same author, on the history of the Israelitish monarchy. The origin under Moses, was treated of in the "Pillar of Fire," and its great glory un der David is treated of in this work, (The : Throne of David,) while the decline of He brew power and the opening ot the new I dispensation meet their delineation in the " Prince of the House of David. J iiese works are historically valuable, as handbooks of information relative to the scenery, geog- raphy and manners of the Holy Land, lhe style is interesting and powerful and the work leads us to the contemplation and study 01 ani ines. the sublime language of the Bible and the ns business merits the patronage of eve great doctrines of truth it contains, without ry lover of his species. Private families bein", as such books too ordinarily are, ei ther maudlin, stupid, dogmatic or conceited." Boston Daily Atlas. . IF YOU WANT ANY J300KS SEND TO George G. Evans5 Gift Book Establishment, No. 439 Clicsnut street, Philadelphia. t Where all books are sold at the Publish ers' lowest prices, ami you have tlieflrftwi- laa-cof receiving A IIANUSOiMK ENT worth from 50 cents to 100 dollars with . . . c . . r. . . r i, ni;K...i unuu -v i Catalogue of Books which will be mailed to nynGI1ge you may want;,, the retal price, togeth vil . .. - , . . , and one trial will assure you that the best niace in the country to purchase books is at the Gift Book Establishment of George G. Evans, AgcsstK Wanted, Our publications are of tho most inter To whom greater inducements, such as can- estioir character, adapted to the wauts of not be equalled by any other house are oflered. the Farmer, Mechauie, and Merchant ; Any person in any part of the connlry, can they are published iu the best styla and bean aent, simply by forming a club, send- bound in the mo?t substantial manner injr a list of books, and remitting the amount ftn(j are wortUy a place ; a,e Library of of money required for the same. every Household in the Land. Send for a Cata bue, which contains all J . . ouiu im a 7U",U . . , ..,,:, Persons desiriDjr to act ns acent,- will the desired information relative to agencies . a f ,, " . , and the formation of clubs; and to insure receive promptly by mail full particular prompt and honorable dealings, address all terms, by addressing orders to the head quarters of LEARY, GETZ & Co. PGrs. GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 224 North second tt. Philadelphia. Proprietor of the oldest and largest Gift Book Establishment in the world. Philadelphia, ' Weu-. K. Elavil n is d. . .. ATTORNEY AT LAW, STROUDSBURG, MONROE CO., PA. Office at James II. Walton's, Esq.-'" Collections made, and business attended to with promptness and di?patch. " , - THE STROUDSSrS '0RNET BASD, 5 W. 13. WoH, Leader. Can be ensaged for Pic-Nics, Parades, and Public Meeting, by opplying to Wjl. UoLLINSnEAD, Stroudsburg, Pit. Sometidng New. r The public aro respectfully informotl lhatf the undersigned has opened, in the Borouhf of Stroudsburg, a NEW . DRUG STORE, J? in the iarjre lour story uuiuhng- recently erected by Messrs. fow ler mid Wintemiite, two doors a bove Robert Boy's Store, where he intends keeping always on hand, a large assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Paints. Oils, Var nishes, French and Common Glass, cj-c. The stock will alo embrace FANCY MO TIONS in end leys variety, from which all tastes can he gratified, including Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware, loolh, IJairand loilet Brushes; Combs, &c ALSO Pure WIXES AiVD IJQU0US recommendation. Every article will he warranted pure and fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant whose experience in the business is such as lo deserve the unlimited confidence of the public. Call and see. JAMES N DURLING, Proprietor. Stroudsburg. Dec. 31, 16"i(5. A SUPCRLAT1VE TO DIURETIC, JO HYIMK CORDIAL TO TUB CITI7.KNS OF Sew Ji-ey ii;iisj-!vn.i3ia,. Apothecaries, DrurrrristS, GrO- i tj ' t "l? ' '' cers anl HVatO i1 amines. Wolfe's Purc'Cngnac Brandy. Wolfe's Pure Madcria, Sherry . Port Wine. Wolfe's Pure Jamacia and St. Croix Rum. Wolfe's Pure Scotch and Irish Whisky. ALL IN BOTTLES. T beg leave lo cali the altention of the Cl,jzens of the United Slates to the above Wines and Liquors imported by Wolfe, of New York, whose name is fa- miliar in everv part of this rountrv fur the pt,r,ty ,,f his celebrated Scttedam Schnapps. Mr. Wolfe, in his letter to me. speaking of thp purity of his Wines and Liquors, says : "I will stske my reputation as a man, my standing as a merchant of thirty years' resi- deuce in the city of New York, that all the Brandy and Wines which I boitle are pure as imported, and of the best quality, anU can be relied upon by everv purrhaser. Evory bottle has the proprietor s name on the wax, 1 a he simile ol his signature on the cer- Uhcate. I he public- are respet-unity invite to call and examine lor themselves. ror sale at retail by all Apothecaries and Gro cers in Philadelphia. GEO. IT. ASHTON, No. S32 Market st. Philadelphia. Sole A"ent for PkiludeMiia. Read the following from the New York Courier: XT Enormojis Business fur one New York Merchant. We are happy to inform our fellow-citizens that there is one place in our city where the phyaician. apothecary, and country merchant, can go and purchase pure Wines and Liquors, a pure as imported, and of the best quality. We Ho not intent! to give an elaborate description of this mer chant's extensive business, although it will well repay any stranger or oitfr.en to visit Udolpho Wolfe's extensive ware house, Nos 13,20 and 22, Ueaver street. and Nos. 17, 1!), and 21, MarketfiHd street. His stock of Schnapps on hand ready for shipment could not have been less than tliirtv thousand caes; tbe Brand v.some ten thousand ca?es Vinta ge of 1830 to lS5G;anthen thousand cases of Mideria, Sherry and Port Wine. Scotch and Irish Whisky. Jamacia and St Croix Rum. some very old and equal to anv in this coun try. He also had three large cellars titled Willi Brandv, Wine. tc, in casks, u;dcr Nistom-H ou?e kev. ready for bottling. Mr. vlfe's sales of Schnapps last yearamount- e( t() one Mndred and eighty thousand doz- en an(j we aue in less than two venrs he ,nv ie equally successful with hi Brandies - l who wish pure W ines and liquors for men Heal use should send their orders direct to Mr. Wolfe, until every Apothecary in the land make up their minis to discard the mi sonous stuff from their shelves, and replace it with Wolfe's pure Wines and Liquors. We understand Mr. Wolfe, for lhe accom modation of small dealers in the country, puts up assorted cases ol Wines and Liquors. Such a man. ami such a merchant, should be sustained nsainst his tens of thousands of opponents in the United States, whp sell nothing but imitations, ruinous alike to hu- mnn health and "PP-s. beptember 6. latiO. 6m - AGENTS WANTED, iu cvciy vuum.v ' lo ODgage in the sale of some ot tho best and most elegantly illustrated Works published. Nov. 8, 1G0. 4m. y "RTATTC DRKDS 1 Forsnln nt this .Ofhr.G war mm
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers