J inn irin TOR' YOUNG LADIES. , Stroudsburg Female Scstinery Under tiic care of l ho Rev. J. E. MILLER and -Mies M. S. MILLER: Mrs. J. MILLER teacher of Music. The .year to be diiidcd into four terms ol II weeks each. TERMS. For ilny scholar? : For'all the 13nglishfcrnnch.es usually taught in Seminaries of the first grade, and Latin: S'l, per Session. French, ?o. Music on the P'mno, - 8 per quarter. on the Guitar, 5 for 12 lemons. Pnstel Painting, $5 Monochromatic, 4 V Materials furnished Leather Work 4 ) Six pupils will he received into the family of the Principal as hoarders, at a charge of S200, per veur, for Hoarding wnsliinjr. and fuilion in all the English branches, Latin, if desired. Hulf payment to be made at the beginning of each session, and the re mainder at the close. No deduction for absence, for either bour- fliniT nr i!u v-snlmlnrs. executing in case of sickness, or by special agreement. Pupils received at ny time during, the session, and charged from the time when they commence, 07" The next session -of the above School will commence on Monday, July 30th, 1SG0. July 10, 1SG0. if. Ginzici'. and Paper Manger, Will attend to, and promptly execute, all orders with which he mav be favored. From his Ion:: experience in the various branches of his busitier-s. he feels comment oi rcnuer-in"- entire satisfaction in his work. lie may be found at hi shop, on Sarah street, nearly opposite the residence of lion. M. II. Dreher, Strondr-borg, Pa. Patronage respectfully solicited. February 17, 1859. ly Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia Dyspepsia, Debility of the System, Dyspepsia Liver Complaint, Acidity, Liver Cpmplaint, Acidity, Bilious Complaints, Sick Headache, Bilious Complaints, Sick Headache, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF APPETITE, FLATULENCY, LOSS OF AFPETITE, and the numberless other diseases arising f rem In- diestim and functional disorders of the stomach, find, irhen tl,c disease is not beyond thcjxucer of med icine, ready relief in that established and sterling remedy, THE OXYGEXATED BITTERS, TUB OXVGEXATED BITTERS, CONTAINING NO ALCOHOL. Eeliable Testimony. Tic cnll the attention of the reader io thefollenring letter from President Smith,of llesleytm University: MlDDLETOWX, Conn., Felt. 28, Sf.9.. Setu "VV. Fowle fc Co. Gentlemen: I fiit made use of the Onsonated Hitters some seven or eight years Mace. Having Miflered for twenty j-ears from a form of dyspepsia, which was attended with a nervous headache, on an avcra-e of not less than one day in a week, I was induced, liy tlio unpretending rec ommendation of Dr. Green, to try one bottle, and if no benefit was received to dtecoiitinuc the use." The ue of one bottle warranted a farther trial, to the extent of some three or four, with a careful observance of the accompanying directions. The result was, an elmo-'t entire roliof from the usual dyspeptic symptoms and their depressing, painful wneipicjices. believe thoe Hitters produced an eutire change in the habits of ray system, and upon the active energies of the digestive organ?. I now deem myself a3 exempt from l)y.-pcp-ia a HWrt pcrwns. The-e Hitters have also been of tcr vito to other jnontbere of my family. Very respectfully yours, AUGUSTUS W. SMITH. THE OXTTCEXATED BITTERS. TUB OXYGENATED BITTEBS. Stoddard, N. II., Sept. 3d, 1859. lers. 5ctii "VV. 1'owtE Jc Co., Gents : I ws, for many year, a groat swflerer from nypcpa or V!(Trsh, awl tried almost cvcrj-tlfing within my reach, bat to tto Iwneilt, until I was imJucod by the rcowtHncwSatlnn of ny plryncian, Dr. Ha7?ton, to Hke i-e of itoe rUjxeBWed ffittrr. The first bottle pritdncitl buta slipl:t alteratwu ih the disease, and had H nwt Uew f.ar 'j w-enl reqMeJ. of y phyiician, I Ffamlii iIk-ii hav dir'Mitinue4 Uioir u, thinking Ihctn to be tf n avail ; b :t his confidence inspired me tu jwr etr(!, ami aflk-r urfng to the extent ol half a dofteu Inst il, I had wMiroly reptised wy health. I lxe all Ih peptic jter5n5 wHl be Induced to pve tlicm a fair trial, beiHg cwifidetit tht the remedy is the aiot patent, for the vafuws forms of Dyspeirtia, that has been pro- dnccd. Youru, , STEARTiS FOSTER. OxygeATEO RtTTERS. To sitcli of our rendm nit .ire troubled with the db;iity incidcr.t ti the approach of warm weather, we cordially tecommond the uue of the Osypeuated Hitters as au inwporatins tonic, con taining no alnlit:l inriu composition, and po-esBing more roal merit than any prepsratmn of the kind we have ever known. OgJnmburg Republican. TIEE OXYGERlTED BITTEBS, TZI E OXlfi EKATED BtTTEItS, ritEPAUEl) 11Y S. V.. FOWLE Sc. CO., j J B TremoBt Street, BctflD. ; BM by'Dniggifts, I)e8ers. and Merchants in every toiz.i and c i Keo EnyllxtL nd tUarkcrc. Por salp y James N. Durlins anHlol- JinsLpad & Petrick. Stroudsburo;"oseph Fenner, Ifuuerfville. February 10, ltJGO.-ly. HORSE POWERS AND THRESHING KAH1KES. TIae ISc!$l 1st ksc The undersigned having Bpared no ex pen&e in getting up accurate paUcrjis, are now prepared to lurnish IiouUled-Oreared Iron Framed Florse Poners, apd Iron Framed Balanced Cylinder Turebiu: Machines, which for compactuess, neat njfforking capacity, and -durability, (foUay-'the lpa-t.) unsurpatfsed by any now offered to the public. Call and judc for joursflf. GEORGE E. SXAUFFEJl, & Co. . Manufacturers of Agricultural, implement-, Steam Engines, Mill Irons, Ac., &e. annersyille, Auutf4, 1659 -tf. CHARLTON BUR.X;. A tto imi ey at Law, ' STROUDSBURG, MONROE COUNTY, Vkf Ofice on 'Elizaboth sfrodt, formerly oc ounied bv Wm. DavLsfSEsrj. L - J For sale al lhW$0z1; CHANGE' OF TIME., Summer Arrangement. Delaware, Lackawanna & Western RAIL ROAD. Two hours earlier to New York. One hour earlier to Philadelphia. (frOn and after Monday, May 23th, 1SG0, trains will be run as follows: E-:x!rc istiieiiffur Trains. MOVING SOUTH. The accemmodHlion Train cast on N. Y. & Erie Railroad arrives at Great Bend at CrMH and the Cincinnati Express at (i:0H A. M., connecting will) me mprets l nun jea vm Great Rend for New York and Philadelphia al 7 10 a. tt. 7 28 " Due :it New-Mil ford, Due at Montrose, - -IlopboUom - - ti Nicholon : Fcictoryvillc, -Abington : Sera n tun, - - -Moscow,'- - - 'j Toby ha una : i Stroudsburg, -Water Gap, 7 '10 , 807 , :8t2:J :-c "8 47 9 03 ! 9:35 10:20 10:50 12:17 12:31 12:45 11 it (I il p. ns Columbia, Delaware, (15 min. Iodine)- 22:50 " Hop, (Phila'da. connection) 1;20 " Bridgville, - - - - 1:25 Washington. : : 1:53 " Junction, - 2:15 " New Wk, - - - 5:15 " Philadelphia, - - - 7:15 " The Express Passenger Train South, con nects at the Junction with 3 l M. Train, on the Central Road, for Euston, 'Bethlehem, Mauch Chunk, Reading, llarnsburg, &.c MOVING NORTH. Passengers from New York, leave Pier No. 2, North River at Or foot of Court!. i nd street at From Phila. leave Kensington Leave Junction, Due at Washington : Bndgevillc, Hope. (Phila. connection) 7:ao. a. m. 8:00 " 7:15 " 11:15 " 11:33 12:10 p. m 1213 '"" - . Delaware, 15 niiii. dinner, 12:23 (?oJtimriia Water Gap, Strnudsbtirp;, Toby h anna, Moscow, Scranton, Abinoton Factoryville, Nicholson Ilopbollorn JMontrose, 1;00 '1:14 1:23 2:46 '3:21 4:10 4:47 5:03 5:22 5:43 0:04 if it ji'.l it i t u New Mil ford : ' ; Great Bend, -Connecting at Great Bend with the Mail Train West 6:40 7:24 1:30 a. and the Niht Kvoressat l:ob a. nr. The Mail Train West, which leaves Great Bend a f 7:24, n. rn., is a through Train and rcRches Dunkirk at 8:47 a, in Accominodntion Train moving North leaves Sernnlon fur Great Bend at 9:40 a. in Fnctoville : ' : 11:00 " Nicholson ; ,' 11:30 p. m Montrose : : 12:45 ' Arrive at Great Bend, - - 1:50 p. m. Connecting with the Dunkirk Ex press West, at : ; 3:0G Moving South. The New York Express arrives at Great Bend, at 1:17 p. m. and connects with the Accommodation Train which leaves Great Bend, at 2:15 p. m. Montrose : :"- : 3:10 " Nicholson : : 4:20 Ridoiyville : : 5:13' " Due at Scranton, - - 6:40 " The Accommodation Train does not leave Scranton until afl?r the arrival of the Dlorn ing Train on the Lackawanna & Blooms burg II. It. thus giving Passengers from Hit Wvotiiing Valley a direct connection for the We.-t by the Morning Train. For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a Eassehuer Car will be attached to the Express Freight Train leaving Scranton at ; ': -4:00 a. in. Due at Moscow . : 5:40 ' Stroudsburg at 10:25 " Junction at 3:10 p. in. Returning, will leave Junction at 3:40 a. 111 Due at Stroudthurir at 7:35 " Moscow : ; 12:50 p. in. Scranton at : : 2:25 Pasfen"Hrs to and from New YTork chn:i' cars at Junction to and trout Philadelphia via. E. 1). It. R., leave or take the cars a! Hope. Fur Pittstoii, Kindlon, and Wrlke. Barre, tike Lackawanna and Bioomtsburg It. It. at Scranton For Jessup, Archibald, and Curboudale, take Stages at Scranton. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through.. JUUJN' UKlSlili, Sup I. Wm. N. Jenks, Gen'l Ticket Agent. Scranton, May 28, 1BG0. M; FRUIT TBEES ggzj Fruit and Ornamental .Trecs.-iElow -ers, Shrubs, &e , &c;. from, the ; cele brated IL E Hook, & Co's Nursery, Ilocheat r, N. Y. The underHucd is now receiving or ders for Fall and Soriosi planting.' All those who order from u-i or our 8gcnt will be supplied with Grst claas treegj plants, &o., to be delivered this fall .and f-pring, at such place as agreed upon. All orders left at G. II. Miller's Store, StroudsLurg, Pa , will be promptly tilled by us.' W. C. LARZELLIBR, &' Co. June 2. 1859. Blairtown, N. J. Books and Stationery. THE OLD KSTABLLSJIKD -' CHEAP BOOK STORE, Tin. 221 rfoMji Seen 11 eJ fe'lrcot, (Between Race and Vine Street',) Countrv Merchants. Booksellerf. SWe: keepers, School Boards, Teachers and Vvdrv- body in want 'bf Books and Stationery will find al this establishment a complete assort ment of ftngitbh and ('lassi&il Text Books, for Colleges, Academies and '.Schools, wheth er public or private. Al&o, School and Fam ily Stationery in gneaf. variety. Besides an extensive stock of a I kinds of Books, in eve rydepartmentof Literature Family,. School, and Pocket IJihles, Prayer J3ooks, Ilvuiu Books, Blank A.ccouut and Memorandum, very lowest neit casn price LEAKY, (iBTZ'ci' (JO. l'ublishers &-'Bookselli'rs, No 221 North Second Slrebl;. Pliiltideluhir:: 05" Pa rticu larla tt en t ion pa ill. to ell orders by mail 0;! AuKtjsi m, 1S59. 'it' 'fil Book, Ink, Pens, til.it e and Lend, Pqucibr, Slated Wrajinin Tapers, &c., &c.t c., aO selliriL"- at the very 'lowest nett calif pricfe."' - MEDIC AIi' MAWlTISI.v. j Being an original and popular Treatise qn' MAN AND WOMAN, .v, TJieir Physiology, Funclious, -and bexual Disorders of every Kind, wun never-iauing Remedies for the speedy-Cure of' dieases of a private and delicate character inci dent to the violation of the laws of Nature and of Nature's God. PRICE TWENTY-FIVE CENTS. :''. T"he author of the a $V$$Iq'&. bove volnme 58 n grf?d- Mi!l!t7'A(i.k ....to nniHiavinfT invn. fvrc- tej a qtiarler of a cen- swv treatmeuL ot fcyphilih '! and. kindred disorders as a speciality, he has become possessed of most invaluable information in regard -to the same, and is able to compress into vnti mecumcoinpasthe very quintessence of med ical science 011 this important subject; as the result of the experience of the jnpst eminent phvMcians in Europe and America is thor oughly demonstrated in his own highly suc cessful . practice in the treatment of secret diseases in many thousands of cases in the City of Philadelpia triune. Testimony of the Professor of Obstetrics in. Penn. (Jtdlege, I'luMaa. "Dr. Hunter's Medical Manuel.v The author of this' Work. Unlike the majority ol those who advertise to" cure' the diseases of which it- treats, is a graduate of one ot the best Colleges in the United States. . It affords me pleasure to recommend him to the untor lunate, or to the victim of malpractice as a successful and experienced practitioner, in whose honor and integrity they may place the greatest eoiiHd ncc. ' JOSEPH S. LONGSnORE,.M. D. From A. Woodward, M.D. of Venn. Vni vcrsity, Vhilada. It ffivos the oleasure to add my testimony to the profession.-! ability of the author of the "Medical Manuel. Numerous cases ol Uis eases of the Genital Organs, some of them of longstanding,- have come under my notice in which his skill has been manifest in restor ing to perfect health, in some instances where the patient has been beyond medical aid. J.n the treatment of Seminal weakness or disar rangements of the functious produced by self- abi.se or excess, of venery, I do not know his .superior in the protession. I have been ac quainted with the Author some thirty years, and deem it no more than justice to him as well as a kindness to the unfortunate victim of I'urlv itidtsnretioii.Tto recommend turn as one in whose professional skill and integrity they may safely confide themselves. ALFRED WOODWARD, M. D One Copy, securely enveloped, will be for warded free of postage to any part of the U nited Slates for 25 Cents, or 0 copies for $1 Address post-paid, COSDEN & CO. Publish ers.Jmx 197, Philada. ftT"Booksellers, Canvassers and Book A gents, supplied on the most liberal terms. June 7, lfcGO.-ly. The Country Safe! The subscriber takes this method informing his many friends, and the pub lio generally, that be has returned from the cities, with a large lot ot Ready Mads 2cthhig, of the latest styles, consisting of ilontsi of all kinds and qualities, P.&S&tS of various styles of goods, and rC3t9 of every grade From his present stock he is satisfied tha be can meet the demaud of every taste and "rig out," in a manner hitherto un approached, the man with the single dol lar, or the possessor of thousands. He has also laid in, and . will, keep. on hand, an elegant assortment of DRY GOODS, consisting of Clofhs Casimcrcs, Veilings Notiona. H,oMtry,-&c. fcc..aH of which? he will sell very cheap. lie has also aspk-n did lot of . ; , .- : at c rices varvinir from 50. cents to .5-0 each; .the la.tet ityle,s of Mantillas-,B.oqts bhoes, Gaiters, cvc. &c. and all at pjiee -urpris.ingly-.low.: P. S. Clothing made to order, at hhort; notice and warranted. C'yli'FTand: SHEW SJxIJZS taken in exchange for Good-at cash prices The public are iuvited'to cail as.bo.i determined to sell his goods cheaper than the cheapest. , . NICHOLAS EUSTElt. Stroudsburg, May 12, If59.-tf. .'GSVE TKEEV3 A TRSALI " 'imUli'S PLASTIC PA'IKTS: . I--..'.' 1 'M,' ' V ' a. r . CIIEAF, DURABLE AND PROTEC.TLVE, Wtiathei and -Eii?e-S3i'oof;., .. These paints will stand any climate, with out crack or bhstenand hardeibby exposure thiiB making in tiniYe "an cnnmcl of s'toii'V protecting Wood from, decay, and Iron ant other metals, from rust and corosinn., They differ, efiseptially; from the so-called iriiner.il paints df' the dny wlifch are, princrpally, 'O chres and-. Clays, and are entirely worthless. Silver's Plastic Paint? ore Purely MEr TA'LIC, containing no AluniTn or.Cla.y. . f. . They are levigated finely, mix rea'dily with Liuaeed Oil, . (.without the trouble' of gwud tng,) and flow under the brush as; tJic be.st White Lead, and exce-, all others "in body or covering properties, one ponnd of which will cover as much surface, "as two pounds of White Lead, reducing the cost two-thirds There are six distinct colors,.yiz: Olive;- j Light Broum Black, iDark do. , Light Chocolate, Deep . do. All -equally valuable ' ns ' a. preservative PuiinLyinda'rlicularjly, adapted to painting The outside' of.- Buildings, Feiicus, Steam boats, Cars, Tin und' Iron work. OTRE.M EMBER! Exposure Hardens and increasesitlie Durability of theso-Paints. . .DIRECT! QNS--Mjx wijh pure Lmsc.. oij, as thickjy as'possiblp, as thqPa.mt is 'he lasting protecting body, and the oil simply the tiliumor agent in . sprgading it, . , For sale,' Wholesale aii relit iP, by -3!-MEJR DURlJITG, f4 ' j'sJ: ""-Stroiidsb.irg Pfi. A general assortment of Pa l'nfsr"T)rogs, Window Glass, PerfuSner)SrlJiquo'rsf &u., Constantly on Hand, and-to which we invite the attention of the Public. -.. . May 5, l859.-ly. LIO. WIS LV VrAlL , ,,i,tqiaiqij.vat Caw, tiff kg 1 (illu,v Arcirj , s IjjlV-BKSWSMS'S. 9'ilIill!IlU lirtlUA'CV K 1U 4SUUlSml '- "'. , . : , - r - ' 1. (Successors to "M. ,B.. Postc.ns,) , .Having purchased thqfjj stoock lately .owned by M. r$TT. B. Pobtens, taku.this opportunity to notify their friends and the public gcu-, erally, that they have added considerable now stock to the same, and will continue the business at the old stand, on Franklin Street, where they are prepared to Irira 1 tl.-H ..n,? onrr;!lfTP nt. tl.n lmvnst. cash , ! ''rni. n- ,r f.cf nn,i YhVand their, vebiekles .'consi,'t of all finds, to suit the tastes. ot the fastidious Attentive ostlers always on hand, and dn- verH-fumibed when. deBired. Call and for ,mii.i.lvfs. SiranrrerB. taken to any par.t of-thc cauntry tt the shortest . oatico.r.: They, will o.qntinuo.to run tn new:omnibus between-this borough, and ie Railroad Depot. . Persons, intending i nn 1.1.0 r;irn:,d wi .be oa od -for at tU f - - - - 1 .... f!i inrrtiirth v ? envttifr t heir namesiit their o.ihqe,.near the s-taule; he omnibus will also be at the Depot om 1 " ' I ti,., nrrm .oFt.ra ns to eonvev Dassenirers into town. --t . ' . aofiou-to nil who. may. favor them, with- :Knn-7,..v. HUNTSMAN. Bmn,lHTrf,n(..24 1 h5S!-ttU v , ' . " W:ATCiiE-S G H'EIi , A X-.A M A GIFT valued from two dollars to'one'hun- :;rdred-dbHhr.s' given with every Book !'-. :, at relail prices.- ; A f i?:;t'o;:e Wstfto"!aBcnarsvnieeo 'TheseiinatiCctriCnta aro -offorcd by the SUFFOLK" EXCKAWCe CO. 10 Wc'-siiSssHit" SrOI, ksosioii; T-he most extensive' and the most liberal' Gift concern in existence. Send f ir a Catalogue. Thbse who have patronized other Gift Houses , t ' ... ' ; . ' . l I irC particularly -requesieu to acquaint, uiem- eives-wun oururuiis. uur iiitjuct;muiii!p.aiu unrivaled, aitd put all; others in .the Jiade. The foljowing.arc some,ot the Gilts to pur chasers .of books.- - , English' .-Lever Gold Watches hunting cases. Patent Lever " . ": .:, . ! . Ladies'. Lever '', - ; " , open face. Detached Lever" Silver Watches, "hunting cases. Lepine Silver Watches, open face. Gold Lockets, various sizes. l,nuiess'oi.i3eiiia' Udin onnins various siyies Lad irs'' and Gents iGold Sleeve Buttons and Studs, all patterns. . Gents' Bosom Pins, new and rich styles. Gold Pencils aml Peiis. - - u J Ludies' and' Gents' Gold Rings. Gold WatclrKevS and Belt Pins. A L'reat variety of Ln dies' Jewelry, Pins and Ear 'drops,; cpipprisjiig al tlie styl. now worn, siiclf as Cameo. Mosaic, Gold Stofie, Lava, Flbre;H,ine,' &c, .-&., &-c. , . Gidd Bracelets, all styles. The List of Hooks' comprises a great as sorttneiit'u staiyljird works" in Qveryt depart ment ot literature, interesting to me younj nmi old. Do not fail to send for a catalogue. Catalogues moiled free to any 'address. Annlv to SUFFOLK EXCHANGE COMPANY, 116 Washington street, Boston C. W. Eldiudgk.' Treasurer. mr- S,. Jl'K.liyfi j&ZZ.gLS'lZj,. 5 -WTinTiRSAT'.R ANTi KF.TA T Vi i ' L j ' tt, i i i . ' . i r f en l inree unors anove uie t'iisi uuite, ? STROUDSBDRG. PA. A general assortment of Foreign. and v ?DduiCrtic Fruits, its,'3 Sugars; Syrups,' 1 -i .. , -&.'c. Seek ' Orders froiirti distance prompt-1 ly-ai tended to. VU VWWWVUWWV VVWVW VIVJV VA.V.'Vt.X'f;. :o, .r.i i . r r- v.jf.'- PHILADELPHIA A JJcr.evqlciif Institution, established hy spe citl Ltidowma qyd Ihsrf&sed. . Fptilimich' 'Disci Care of Diseases nf'tlie Sexual Otguiis. EDICAL .A'DVICE yiVen gratis, by lhe Acting burgeiri. to all who an plv tiv-letter.'wMth'a'dfescriniiort of' theirvon Hit!oni-(ne, occupation. tiabit-o1 life. &r ) and,ipicasjS.of,e,.viroii.e poverty, Medicines uinihei free of charge. , ; ; : VALUABLE REPORTS on Spermaioi rhosa, atd other-diseases gf.the..SexuaMI)r, gafis,-' antVori life W'-'ftKWRDlfiW ployed in.the DvspenSar- soiilito.-the afiln t od iu scaled Ietter,.enyelopns. Itee of chaigc. '1 wo or 1 hree Stamps for postage will be acceptable ' Address,' DR. ti- SKI LLIN . HOUGIL TOij'Astin Surgeon. Utj'ard Association. No. 2 Soiiili Ninth Streeu Pniladelphia, Pa. j "Byorder of :he Directors. - MEZI?A D II K AXT W'ELL, Prest." GEO FA1RCHILD, Secretary. ' April 2G, lSfiO. ly. sp, JOHN N. STOKES, having just finished f his, Selections, isfnpw fre tvK0 ce'vm3 clmice and fashionable ktaffiira a.-o r tm e r;t of. new- andscaspuable gondl, to' wlncli fie invites' the attention oi lire-public? ' - ; " ' ' Drjf Godd.'Gr&ccrHtisl "Crdclc'e'Ty, Hardiodre &;c., &.C., ii Variety, and of superior rfuality will1 be fo'uVul 'in his so'revat' prices unusually :Iow:'drho public are invited to call and see. .No.charge for showing; goods. . ; t . . J. N. STOKES;.; i .Stroudsburg, April 26", 1S5P, StrouUbur'Oct. 22, 1Sd7: tf ihjoi tie, liejiej of the oicfii Uinds, tiL'euer wun a-jarg assortment oi n iH-.'uiuni ui.uw, uiv,u wcu muu unn aflictl with Vjrulcni and Ntitufsamt Fam-v Ci-irts. . recomuuuniairon. 7scs, and vspcctattiiji&We Hosiery. Gloues, Shirts, Mrmofrs, Threads. Every article will be warranted pure and I ' - . lev V I ' "krIl2 3e , the MONROE COUNTY .KMISU IVC C::sr - - am - ...vk H '11111 II' C I rk mfn .nf Tnaiiranco is one dollar on the thousand dollars insuredafter nvmen payment; no suosetjuuuo ... e levied, except to cover actual damage by lire, mat may iau upon mum 11 r" 1 1 oers oi me company.. The Jictt prolite arising from intercut ' vuu, m uo au,TOU j'"v ror wnicn eacn meinour in proporuon tu bis, her-, or tlieir deposit, win nave n ereait in trie company, jacii insurer ia - . - .1. 1 ui wn-u tnu am " ."'uw uufl8.""' ""i" " policy. The principle 01 luutuai Lns.ur- 1... -U,: l.,.,,,,l,l,. foutn,t 1, iiucu us uu. .. tiiuivov tnaf nf ornftri . j. p eucc. and has proved successtul and be- come very popular. 1 It affords the great tv against loss or damage Dy 'fire: on the most advantageous' and rea- 4mtnl, n terms. ' . . . -t r r v. ri teafcions tor insurance, to oc maue m 'person,;or by lettevsddrcssied to -itr--- . . , i . . .Wm. K.-1-1 av-j land, Secretary. MANAGERS. J. Dep'uo' Lab.ar, Jacob Knceht, - Bichard S. Staples,. Jacob btouUcr. CharlcsrPetcrsr y ; Gharles.lt. Andjej Silas Jj. Drake, 1 hcodore, bchocn,.,. Goilleib Auracber, Thomas 'W. Ithmles, Joseph Jbuuner. bam 1 b, lre tier , btogdell btokes STOGDELL STOKES President. GoiilEBiA UiiACUER, Treasurer. ' SlI.AS DRAKE, burvevor. jjj-Tho stated mating of the '"Board 'of Managers takerf place at the Sccrota rys office, on the first Tuesday of each month, at 1 6 clock P. M, Stroudsburg, Sept. 10; 1S58. PRICES TO SUIT THE TIMES. ever ot6ir5 en SIss.s Liy. Wholesale Dealer, IN French and German Bushels. 'Wood and Willuw Ware, Notions, finishes. Oil Cloths Coton .L.fips. Wadding, &c.,""&t .. cvc No. Ill) Market-Sweet, below Second, (north side,) PHILADELPHIA. The subscriber has just opened an entire ly new and complete slock of goods of ibe. best quality and description, to which be would respectfully rail the attention ot .wer. chants and Dealets who wish to find a good artirle cheap for Cash i hese goods were bought for iNeit (.ash. at the greatlv recured prices consequent. up- on the s-tringeney of -the times, iwid. believing "slow shilling," they are now i.flered' to lhe . i .i . i ...... .:. DUIiHC aiuriPCS U!."il OeiV COfflWiHIUIl nhva vs on hand : Pails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities Tov Pajls. Salt and bttoar Boxes, tiall Bushel and Perk Measures; Well Buck els. Towel Rollers. Patent head and straight clothes pins, wash boards, wooden, mop hanxfl-?, Grain scoops. Toy Wheelbarrows, Corn Brooms, every variety, Slioe, Paint, Suitib. and - Swepp. brstsbes. &: Cloll ics brushes. Baskets. Willow and ratan chairs, skirt rrtians. bird cages, clothes lino-?. betl cords, skirl con!s, lie vnrn Twine of all These g'o"ds a'rp ajr itew and carefuli -electinl, - are offered 'at prftT liiat " cMttimi jail Io attract attention -Buyers-will. inNirinwly hii4trt tiwrir wit in,e,r lo cn,i I'eforpuwjiasing elsewhere. fJT Parti' ular attention given to. parking goods foVshinirfnt. 5 -as- to' rircftt1 !dam- ajfe' or excessive Charges for l'rig?it: IJri;raers oy nl sii (;roofiiiv aiienneti-tn. ... '(L'MAtllLES W. i)lSfy l.lUMarkel. st , noriiiside. below 2nd: Phila.. November 1.8, .1858. ly. 1 ' ' s r : 1 RINTINGrTy PES,, and. ALL,0Tn er Printing materials, are kept ou h a rfd j n-,I i)rge - quantities, an d -;-ol d a t-1 h e lowest j pnous; for sis ino.ufiriV 'note or 'cash, at Bruce's New York Type Fount dry?.- llomau fouts of the modern styles are alway.i on the shelves, ready for iai mcdiate" delivery, in fouts of from 56 to Nin'of cQIts, will prepay: thoj postage a painphlct of " Priced Specimens . of Fonts," aud. ether sheets, which will be mailed1 to all printing offices sending me their udgress Any publisher of a newspaper vflio chooses to publish this advertisement, in eluding :t Iris note, three times before the first of July," lffttl), and forward me one. o"f the papers containing it, will be allow. t'd'liis bill, at the tiinc of making a pur chase J)om m.e-jOfmyowu nanufactures, of 'five' fiiiies the ani'onut. of naul bill. Addrfs-. . GJ50. .BRUCE, Type Founder, T3 Chambers st , N. Y. March 8, I860. S i ro u dsb u rg . News - Agcnay. , . The undersigned would respeetfully in- norm the public, that ho is prepared to furnish customers with any. book, maga zine, periodical or paper published any 'horu; at tha oCice of tbtt.Jeffernouian, m StroudsbuVi?'. Daily papers -received every afternoon, and delivered to patrons promptlij and without, fail A nhare of public patron ago s" respectfully 'olifcuod. EDWIN a. scriocii." Pj S. All persons desiring any. paper ir other periodica), to. insure n,.qpply, (HUh'tdoavd tdioiv orders at -th'o. JeiTur.oni an office, before tweWol-Welooki as no morepapers-aro-procurcd tlhlirj.we lave rocaifud orders for. ( fi ! .la .- t- 1 1 ?" . . i I T w mlinttinl r in,,rn - HMDnU llintr fttl'tl vVc, che p irouv aucli n. . . . I Jresn, anu v. til be ilispensetl by an assistant . The undersigned reanectfullviin- 'forms the citizqns of Stroudsburg anu vimuiuy, mat, ae nas commenced GUKSMITniNG BUSINESS, near Kautz's Blacksmith shop, on William St., and is fully prepared to do all kinds of work in bis line, with neatness and des patch. Having had twenty years ex perience in this business, bo hopes will l. . - A V -l H St I s fs. oe u luuuvuiuvuk iui wuc ucuu. givu bim a trial llepamng of all. kinds promptly attend w. - - LEWIS KEINEST:. REMOVAL!! Boot nub Sljoe MANUFAC TkOEY! qS 1 ,,u soosunoer respecuuiy informs The subscriber respectluly informs ff ins rusmers ana mends that he has Wrniiw.VPfl his Ilnnl ny,l Xhn. Af-.;r.. iorv ti the store room formerly occuniprf hv , , - . .losi-oh bioman. in Norlhamritnn ?irPot r,a (, bove HamiUoi. stree, aild ,, 'ppn j'rs. II. Hm ninny's Millinery and, Peter Pomp's Uiut btore. . - He has just received a large assortment oi ISoots ano ouoes, among wnicli are Ualf Rnns Knots. Knamelcd Cnnorm Rni " --'t """ Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Moroco Na poleon ;Boofs?, Brogans, &Q. for Getlemen and Bo vs. Also on hand a large assortment of Shoes for Ladies and Misses. W omen s fashions blc Gaiters of every variety, made to order at short notice. A large assortment of Chil drens Shoes always "on hand. GUM Shoes of all descriptions and kinds, which he is selling CHEAP FQR CASH. The goods are manufactured of the best materials and in the neatest and most fash ionable manner, lie employs none but the .nest workmen about his establishment. Imnl.-ful f.ir !ho liliprnt ntilrnnnoo hnrptn fore received, every effort will be made to merit a continuance of the same. THA DDE US SCIIOCII. Eastnn, September 10. 1852. Has permanently located him self in Stroudsburg, and moved - his ofilce next door to Dr. S. Walton, and nearly oppositeS. Rees's HattSi Cap store, where he is fully prepared to treat the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the latest and most improved manner. Most per sons know the danger and folly of trusting their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. Il matters not how much experience a person ma' have, he is liable to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre quently put off until it. is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise the ln- otsn venience and trouble of going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining theservices of u dentist near home. All work warranted. Something iNew. The public ar'i respectfully informed that the undersigned has opened, in the Borough Stroudsbun--, a NEW ; g T I ' JL in the large four story building recently erected by .Messrs. Fow ler und Wintemute, two doors a bove Robert Boy's Store, where he intends keeping: alwavs on hand, a large assortment of Drugs and Medicines, Paints, Oils, Var nishes, French and Common Glass, tc The stock will also embrace FANCY NO TIONS in endless variety, from which ail tastes can he gratified, including Perfxcmery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware, Tooth, Hair and Toilet Brushes; Combs, &c. ALSO Pure ' WISSS AKLX LIQUORS j wltise ,exHrience in the business is such as J io deserve the unlimited confidence of the pubi'fc. CaH and see. .JAMES N DUELING, Proprietor. .Struutisburg, .Dec Ji 1 , 1656. HicjVifirl &T "Dptl-'plr DRUGGISTS AMD HM U 101 Wholesale and Retail dealers in 5y Sisifts, Lii-.is, Per fti m cry, &?. &. t&C. COTMlfe HALL DRUG STORE, ' : ' STROUDSBURG, PA. N. B. German and English prescrip tions carefully compounded. WM. IIOI.LINSUK.VD. .C. S. DETRICK. April 8, 1853. ly. Wire SieveSjSoreeiis, &c Sfo. 53 SotrtSi -54 It Street, fiASTTOri, PA. "' All kinds of Brass, Iron and Hair Sieves and Screens constantly on band, including a large assortment of Sieve Screens, for fanning mills, miners, iren workers, and briok.-makers, of the best quality made in the very best manner, aud sold at Bseeedingly loic.prices by . , ANTHONY POHL, at-life manufactory, No. 53 South Fourth street, opposite tho Lutheran Churcbj EastonPa. .August 11., 1959; t " ; ' -r 1 ' ' ' 1 ' "i i ; ; S P ' : " TO LET,. A Dwelling house and lot.fsitu ate on Simpson street, in the Bor- ough,of Strojidshurg. Possession given im mediately. For terms apply at this March 1J, 1BG0. ' OFFICE. OAP; Eine .scented Soaps for wash, ing and shaving a'so the- col eh rate- shaving cream, for-8aiQ.lyj SAMUELMELJCK. ATTORNEY AT LAW, STROUDSBURG, MONROE CO., PA. "ffico at ' James H.' AValtori's. Esq. GMlecUonstMUe,1 arid,bus'ihcs3attcridea no ivinr prompincss anu luspaiuu-r m3 (BIS I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers