STATEMENT Of Receipts and Expenditures of MGNBOE COUNTY. JACOB W. KRESGE, Treasurer, in ac count wiih the Couuly of Monroe, from the Siv-t duy of January A. D. 1659 to the second duy ol January lfc60, inelu&ixe. To cash ree'd from Collectors on account of taxes for the year 1857, do do do do do 1859, do do do do do 1859, To cath ree'd of Levi Slnlter, late Treasurer, per hands of Sarn'l S. Dreher. Esq. To cifch ree'd of Pat. G.ilvin, per hands of Hiram Warner To ca&h ree'd uf J. C. Strunk, late Commissioner To cash rec' of John Harter, on ex onerations (taxes) To cash ree'd of Jonas Gillenswik, for taxes returned To cash rec d of Amos Mores, Ex ecutor, for Slate and County tax es hy Collector?, for 1853 To Redemption? on unseated lands for sale of 1C--59 To Redemptions on seated lands for sale of 1858 To balance due last settlement on road taxes To .balance due last settlement on school taxes To balance due treasurer S284 90 4196 48 2748 01 132 36 2 40 1 23 0llr, 7 74 63 358 24 44 i J. ce-ini fctxiUi CIS. By balance due at last settlement o By amount paid C. Burnett, late iiciouiu. - By amount paid Eastern Penitentiary dd Judgment by Daniel and John Zirn- . t.... :.....) ic.4.1 HS 229 42 ' School. Amount paid on schoel checks Amount paid on road checks Administration of Justice. Pay ami milage of Grand and Petit Jurors County Commissioners. Pdler Kunkle John C. Strunk P.JS. Hawk Robert Brown J. D. Fraily Bridges. Pocono Bridge Toby ha una Bridge Kerns Bridge Castle Garden Bridge Prices Bridge . . Phillips' Bridge Cherry Creek Bridge Tannersviile Bridge Plank for different Bridges Brodheads Bridge Ran&berry Bridge Stony Hin Bridge Marshall's Creek Bridge 1180 18 16 93 96 104 15 3 3 Bells Bridge Assessors. Amount paid the assessors of differ ent townships Elections. For holding fall and spring elections 442 15 Bounties. For fox and other scalps Constables. Constables return and tending court Boarding Prisoners. A. B. Smith Tip Stave. John E. Snyder Auditors. Wolf, Coolbaugh and Drake Redemptions. Amount paid on different checks 11474 115 19 1 99 9 OQ -o 18 00 .68 87 Inquisitions. Amount paid D. D. Walton, post morleui examination John Keener, Constable John Harter and Adam Smith Road Damages. Charles Shnpp, Chesnuthill Charles Andre, Stroudsburg, Jacob R. Shufer Auoii Shupp 10 00 3 00 10 37 18 92 45 63 23 24 53 15 Designating township lines between Stroud and Smithjield lownlhips. Amount paid Melchoir Spragle 55 Refunding. Amount paid on unseated lands 63 On overpnyments of duplicates 123 Amount paid Melchoir Spragle for surveying out road from Whites Tannery 40 Commissioners Clerk. Amount paiu.E. B. Dreher 262 Prothonotary and Clerk of the Courts, John Edinger 130 Court Cryer. C. W. Warnick 78 - Printing. John De Young 181 Theodore Schoch 126 STATEMENT, showing County Tax ye'r Collectors Names. Townsliipi. 1853 Williiim Jones, Wilton, Antliony H. Rorger Joseph 'Mover, Peter Meiwiue, Joseph Mover, Joseph Moyer, Samuel D. I'iphej, Emanuel G. Mosier, Charles Hilgert, Lvi F. Shupp, Philip Greenarnoyer , Charles Slmfcr, Jobialf Dow ling, Daniel Evontt, John Harter, Lvnford Atnrsh, Andrew Singer, Martin Place. Frederick Deibler, Charles W. Row, Gcmge Warner, John S. Fishcr, Charles Fjanlz, iMelchoir lleller, George Snyder, Jacob Learn. Eldred. Coolbaugh, Ehlied. Coolbaugh, Tobyhanna, Coolbnugh, Coolbaugh, M. Smithfield, M. SmitUficld, I'nradise. Polk. Tunkhannccli Stroudsburg. Coolbaugh, ChesuulLill, Eldred. Hamilton, Jackson, M. Smithfield, Price. Paradise, Pocono, Polk. Ross. Smithfield, Stroud, Tobyhanna, TunkhannocK it 1655 ISM 1657 1 385S 1 S59 ." u Henry Keenholu - STATEMENT OP ACCOSTS OF COJI XI ISSfOffEBS, TV,: T?nhfrh Tirnwn in jir.p.oimt with the County of Monroe : Cr. X AVVMW " " To caslrrcceived per checks from J an 2d 1859f to -Jan. 2d, 1860 $105 Dr John D. Frailey, in acconnt " To eash per checks from Jan. 2d 1859, to Jan-2d, 1860 $104 00 Coal, Court House, &c. Darius Dreher Wood for Jail, amount paid differ ent persons" Running Boundary lines, Barrelt Township. H. C. Lnvanaway J. C. Strunk Running County Lines between Monroe and Pike. John C. Strunk Bridge Views. 3455 53' 69 SO 00 5 00 95 00 Amount paid different persons Commonwealth Cases. Amount paid in different suits Miscellaneous. Paid Samuel Meliek, Stationary Per l-'2 of Chandelier 9 00 88 87 62 52 15 00 52 82 i Charles Warnick repairs of Court House Susan Groner, cleaning Court House Susan Tuttle, cleaning com. office John N. Stokes, Merchandize M. W. Coelbaugh, keeping bridge in repair, Miller & Mackeys, S25 per year A. Reeves Jackson, Medical atten dance to prisoners II. Hammann, binding 16 assess ment books Mnrv R Smith, cleaning in il 3 00 56 I 50 71 S4 4 75 15 23 25 00 5 00 8 00 75 ll Ul J . ' f O W 91 ' 'dS' ' lJ'mer' wor'i or counly ;u ' A. Fowler, Merchandize "J . . t-. i I : II 5 60 1 05 2 50 Jolin Leiong cleaning won nn R- s Staples & Son, Merchandize uu & Arnold, box of pens I Henry Shoemaker, Wood, Candles Hi all(i jnk I Lynford Marsh, auditing prothonata- 9 88 1 25 11 79 5 00 ry ana rcgisier s accouui J7 j g L Drake, swearing County Com . migSjonerg ami Sheriff n 1 . . . . , 1 25 I iUOseS wasillllgiuu, eawiuy nwu, 1 W. &. J. Wallace & Co., lumber 47 au C0!X' 31 Mrr's Smiley, table for jail ; .Inhn IV. Sttikt. freiirhl on assess- f - tXr-l.: . . mill r 50 35 63 1 00 I ment books 50 I A in'm Shoemaker, merchandize 15 46 48 Daniel Dreher, making case for i Prothonotary 's office 23 00 J. Henry, taking Purdens Digest, to feasant Valley R. Brown and P. Kunkle, expenses to Trenton, to view, bridges E. B. Dreher, assisting Commis sioners in lidding appeals Daniel Dreher, repairing jail and Ransbcrry bridge S. E. Southland, lamps and oil for P.mrt Mullen 50 00 00 03 00 I 44 00 75 25 14 3 3 50 6 12 14 10 2 00 Morris Smiley, chairs for Court House 8 75 1 50 James White, carpenter worti ior 8 50 Court House 4 33 Win. S. Reese, for expences for 25 33 laying out State road from Krcs- 9 75 geville, to State road at Lyn 22 56 ford Trach's, Carbon County 43 40. E. S. C. Horn, tinning Court House 41 32 Steeple 72 25 Jeremiah Williams, work at jail 85 12 Reuben Miller, 2 dozen of straps It. Huston, Merchandize, for G'ourt i House o,n, Peter Kemmerer, boarding jurors 6 ' , and Constables, in case of Com monwealth vs. Lorenzo Haines 150 46 98 2 95 1 50 2 00 8 27 17 50 59 17 37 00 6 12 124 49 120 83 J. Haj for carpet for Court House. ! Kf5inTr. interest on road ; wvr O I checks, in favor of J. Fable. &c. Luj.e Staples, services for May term Commissioners on received 329$- 31 1 1-2 per cent Commissions on paying out 3055 63 at 1 1-2 per cent V t,rti f saaui uu -n ' Examined and allowed the 6th day OU . r x r ia;n oi January, a., aouu. S.L.DRAKE, ) A. J. COOLBAUGH, Auditors. ROBERT BROWN, PETER KUNKEL, Com'rs. Atlesl E. B. Dreher, Com'rs Clerk. Balance of outstanding taxes for County purposes for 1859 and previous years 6939 97 Add to this amount balance due by Levi Slutter, late Treasurer 321 00 Add also to this amount proceeds of County taxes for 1853 and 1859 on unseated lande, which will be Daid in June I860, mak- in? a total of ' r - rt .51UUU UU 15 47 13 92 00 50 30 34 25 3260 97 Deduct from this amount for out standing checks, for 1859 and previous years 1126 77 Leaving a nett balanpe due the county, January 2nd, 1860 of 71 34 20 It may be proper to state here, that all former County Treasurers are paid off in full, and also, that there are at this time no Judgments against the county. The only indebtedness against the county, which is not embraced in the above statement, is tne ue ficit due by the County to the Common wealth, which is about 1700 00 After deducting, which would still leave a nett balance due the County of outstanding taxes over and above all indebtedness, oy tne County, up to Jan. 2nd, 1860 of 5434 30 Duplicates, with payments and balances yet due. Am't I Uahdue I . Ex- I Com- j I Dupli- lestset- Pay- era- mis- Brlance cate. j ment. I ment. fits. sions yetdne. 308 7il , S30 10 $ 30 10 tiv 59 7 5'J 7'5'J 24G74 1G81 16 fcl 116 10 1GO0 10 00 134 13 4 62 ' V 4 62 1-15 55 C2 05 62 05 12727 J 27 27 15 73 . ; 111 51 C60 (si 303 CI 171 48 135 20 855 37 755 i3 400 27 3 340 00 2W 10 163 22 10S99 54 23 . 446 9( 255 20 194 l9 , 60 21 77 42 18 70 -' ' 13 71 603 0G 290 7G 512 30 170 19 J33t?5 42 34 G79 72 110 00 4 503 72 44V, 6-2 222 00; 224 02 1343 99 448 00 . .695 99 201 01 09 10 '- 132 42 911 99 . 81 15 . ? '831 84 230 00 25 00 . 105 46. 314 34 110 00 " , 204 34 413 75 323 00 X x-..- 90 75 515 56 225 00 320 56 43G51 120 00- 310 5r 1010 13 280 00 730 13 1094 68 230 00 64 02 135 41 69 00 66 41 85 24 85 24 I $6,939 97 J By balance at Inst settlement. $6 97 108 75 03 Jan. 2d '60 by 72 days Bervioo 115 72 Balance duo R. Brown 10 69 with the County of Monroe: Cr, -. , 1 . , . .il a. on III Bv balance at last settlement 9 00 Jan. 2d 1860 by 67 days service 100 50 109t50 Jan. 2d I860 bal. due J. D. Frailey, 5 50 Dr Peter Kunkel, in account Td cash ner checks $28 50 Dr. Peter S. Hawk, in account To cash, per checks, from January 2d, 1658 ud to January. IbdU Slid uu STATEMENT showing- the State Tax Duplicates, with Payments and balancesyeTdue. Ye'rs Collectors Names. 14'2 1843 1845 I84fi 1847 1850 Aaron Driesbach Daniel Callaghan Jacob Price Daid Keller Joseph Trarh David Keller Andrew C Woodling Frederick Shupp Anthony Peters Geo. F. Uomberger John Miller Ccnrad Frable lebobod Price John Vliet John Kelly William" Jones Charles Price Henry Albert Henry Albert Abraham Transue Joseph Wilton Jude Winter Anthony H' Burger Philip McClusky Joseph Moyer Andrew L. Storm Josiah B. Snow Peter Merwine Jr. Joseph Moyer Joseph Mover Samuel D. Pipher Joel Berlin Harrison Sebring llenrv D. Bush Wayne G. Drake Thomas Altemose Charles Fetherman Barnet Kresge Ftnanubl G. Mosier William Mosteller Charles Hilgert Levi F. Shupp Philip Greenarnoyer Charles Shafer Josiah Dowling Daniel Everett John Harter Lynford Marsh Andrew Singer Martin Place Frederick Deibler Charles B. Rowe George Warner John S. Fisher Charles France Melehoir Heller George Snyder Jacob Learn Henry Keenholt Tobyhanna Coolbaugh Price Hamilton Hamilton Stroud Hamilton Polk Price Smithfield 1851 Jackson Polk Price Coolbaugh Coolbaugh Eldred Price M. Smithfield it Paradise Coolbaugh Tobyhanna Eldred lackson Coolbaugh Paradise Price Tobyhanna Coolbaugh it M. Smithfield Polk Prico Stroudsburg Stroudsburg Chesnuthill Hamilton Jackson M. Smithfield Stroud Paradise Polk Tunkhannock Stroudsburg Coolbaugh Chesnuthill Eldred Hamilton Jackson M Smithfield Price Paradise Pocono Polk Ross Smithfield Stroud Tobyhanna Tunkhannock 1853 1854 1855 IftSfi 1857 1858 1859 MELCHOIR BOSSARD, Sheriff of Monroe County, in account with said County, for the year 1859. DR. To the following Jury funds collected, as follows, to wit : To balance due on settlement of account for the year 1858 SI 3 80 Bossard v. Bellis, No. 28, Peb. term 1S56, 4 00 Williamson, Taylor & Co., vs. Saiitb, et. al. No. 47 Sept. T., 1853, 4 00 Use of Terpenning vs. Rouse, No. 12 Feb. T. 1854, 4 00 Use of Crotzer vt Daily, No. 10 Feb. T. 1357, 4 00 Storm vs. White, ct. al. No. 28, February term, 1857, 4 00 Use of Doorance vs. Brown, No. 164, May term, 156, 4 00 William vs. Rouse, No. 33, Dee. term, 1853, 4 00 Altemose vs. Huftsmitb, No. 16, Deo. term, 1854, 4 00 Krosae vs. Broadbead, No. 39, Feb. term, 1858, 4 00 Decker vs. Huston, No. 1 Dec. term, le58, 4 00 Overfield vs. Depue, No. 30, Feb. term, 1858. 4 00 Use of Place vs. Cortiight, No. 35, Sept. term, 1858, 4 00' Brodhead vs. Hawkins, No. 16, Feb. term, 1859, 4 00 Commonwealth vs. Emannel Mar shall, lornifioation and bastardy, 4 00 Commonwealth vs. Wm. & Eliza Bush, receiving stolen goods, 4 00 Commonwealth vs. John Summer, Assault and Battery, 4 00 Amount of Fines Collected. Commonwealth vs. Emanual Mar shall, fornifioation and bastardy, 5 00 John J. Barthold, violating liquor law, 10 00 John Smith, Assault and Battery, 5 00 Alexander McKiuzie, 1 00 To balance duo Sheriff Bossard, 43 30 S146 10 BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Stroudsburg Female Seminery Under the care of the Rev. J. E. MILLER and Miss M. S. MILLER: Mrs. J. E. MILLER teacher of Music. The year to be divided into three terms of 14 weeks each. TERMS. For day scholars : For all the English branches usually taught in Seminaries of the first grade, and Latin : 5, per Session. Music on the Piano, 8 per quarter. " on the Guitar, 5 for full course. Pastel Painting-, $5 Monochromatic, 4 V Material furnished. Leather Work 4 ) Six pupils will be received into the family of the Principal as bonrders, at a charge of $200, per year, for Boarding", washing", and tuition in all the English branches, Latin, and French. Half payment to be made at the beginning of each session, and the re mainder at the close. No deduction for absence, for either boar ding or day-scholars, excepting in case of sickness, or by special agreement. Pupils received at any time during the session, and charged from the time when they commence, July 28, 1859. tf. Townships. with the County of Monroe : Cr. Jan. M loou ny taw v w 28 50 1.9 days with the County of Monroe i : Cr. Balance at last settlement ou u I860 17 50 By service up to this date 65 daya 97 50 $115 00 Jan. 2 1 860, bal. due P. S. Hawk 2 00 Am't of Bal. due j Exon Com Paym'ts era- mis sions Balance yet due tlement tions S 65 31 12 35 74 41 93! 55 1014 31 948 85 782 40 215 99 84 10 515 77 119 52 204 5S S3 21 5S 55 63 20 9 31 2 (50 7 21 1 78 52 82 58 91 2 00 17 97 26 64 414 37 59 87 75 13 f55 92 21 55 24 35 5 9 31 2 60 7 21 1 78 52 82 58 91 2 00 17 97 26 64 19 II 59 87 75 13 65 92 21 55 24 35 167 49 41 94 70 41 113 62 6 19 29 49 19 03 36 54 72 01 70 65 3 16 27 53 67 90 76 97 59 22 102 30 158 98 19 37 160 30 370 34 24 92 207 58 ;167 49 74 94 515 09 497 57 96 81 67 94 79 61 219 82 106 96 70 65 109 16 72 68 il 94 10 00 55 16 127 28 115 27 6 19 29 49 19 03 41 81 72 61 70 65 3 16 27 53 67 90 76 97 71 78 I 71 1 65 5 28 75 54 76 97 71 78 12 56 472 64 ; 102 30 231 31 !l79 45 78 95j 78 95 363 30 1 160 30 313 81 166 81 259 51 '259 51 592 23 592 23 82 53 I 82 53 395 34 395 34 397 07 '397 07 97 74 J 47 74 194 12 194 12 2047 57 61 82 25 24 73 451 60 11 00 135 00 208 00 I 97 4 12 15 48 64 96 233 88 90 8 21 2 28 132 42 71 53 25'8 C6 163 SO 47 74 191 12 6 61 5 71 19 56 30 61 350 50 67 55 306 78 205 51 614 66 93 46 424 75 102 73 133 59 179 07 241 49 200 52 468 14 514 35 55 93 34 46 6 61 350 50 27 55 306 78 40 00 205 51 614 R6 48 46 424 75 102 73 133 59 45 00 179 07 241 49 200 52 468 44 514 35 55 93 34 46 S6330 88 CR By summoning Juror?, Feb. term, 1859. 815 00 By summoning Jurors, May term 1S59. 15 00 By summoning Jurors, September term. 1859. 15 00 t i Bv summoning Jurors.fDeo. term, 1859. 15 00 Additional Jurors, Dec. term, lh59. 3 00 i Costs in the following Cases set tle.(U)y the County. Commonwealth vs. John Miller, Larceny, Commonwealth vs. Simon Barry, Com. vs. James Coal, Com. vs. Peter Baker, Cota. vs. Jona and John Dotter, Commonwealth vs. Nelson, Shyler Assault and Battery, Com. vs. Frederick Schmit, Lar ceny, Com. Wm. Rsmer. Larcony, Com. vs. Lorenzo Flainos, Arson, Fees for taking Lorenzo Haines, to Philadelphia, Assistant, Fees for serving Rule in Commia eion, in the Case of tho Com monwealth vs. Enos Paul, for Fornication & Bastardy. Rule 1 00 1 12 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 50 00 20 00 issued bv Court 98 Percentage on 821 00 fines, col lected at 3 ner cent 63 r Advertising General Election, of 1659. 7.f Thirteen civil cases, tried in Court, 1 62 S14G 1 By balanoe due Sheriff Bossard, S43 30 Examined and allowed tho 7th day o January, A. D., 1800. o T. "HI? A T"TC i a t nnATn innn Auditors Jt. O . LUUJJUAUUU, J PETER KUNKEL. $ om rs' Attest,-E. B. Dreher, Com'rs. Clerk Stroudsburg, Feb. I860. 4t. Books and Stationery. THE OLD ESTABLISHED CHEAP BOOK STORE, No. 224 ffoi'th Second Struct, (Between Race and Vine Street,) Fhi laiiolplsia, Country Merchants, Booksellers, Store keepers, School Boards, Teachers and every body in want of Books and Stationery will find at this establishment a complete assort ment of English ond Classical Text Books, 1 for Colleges, Academics and Schools, wheth er public or private. Also, School and Fam ily Stationery m great variety. Besides an extensive stock of all kinds of Books, in eve ry department of Literature Family, School, and Pocket Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Bla,nk Account and Memorandum Books, Ink, Pens, Slate and Lead Pencils, Slates, Wrapping Papers, &c &c, &c, all selling at the very lowest nett cash prices. LEARY, GETZ & CO. Publishers & Booksellers, No 224 North Second Street, Philadelphia. OrParticular attention paid to all orders by mail. August 18, 1859. All Winning Farms in a delightful climate, rich soil, and secure from frosts. See advertisement, of Hammonlon Lajids in another column. REMOVAL! ! Wholesale and Hctail Soot emu S)ot MANUFAC TORY! t The subscriber respertfuly informs his cusmers and friends that he has removed his JJool ana shoe Mnufac lory to the store room formerly occupied by Joseph Sigman. in Northampton street,one door above Hamiltor street, and between Mrs. E. H. Ilaimony's Millinery and Peter Pomp's Drug Store. He has just received a large assortment of Boots and Shoes, among which are Calf Congress Boots, Enameled Congress Boots Calf Napoleon Boots, Patent Mororo Na poleon Boots, Brogans, &c. for Getlemen and Boys. Also on hand a large assortment ot bhoes for Ladies and Misses. Women s fashions ble Gaiters of every variety, made to orde at short notice. A large assortment of Chil drens Shoes always on hand. GUM Shoes of all descriptions and kinds, which he ir selling CHEAP FUH UA5j. The goods are manufactured of the best materials and in the neatest and most fash ionable manner. He employs none but the best workmen about his establishment. Thankful for the liberal patronage hereto fore received, eveiy effort will be made to merit a continuance of the same. THADDEUS SCHOCH. Easton, September 16, 1852. New Wholesale and Retail Wires & liZQJjmi STORE, Si rou5s5 si vg, Pa. jggRft The undersigned would inform Land Ijlllylords and the public generally, tha1 he continues the above business in Strouds- bur0-, in the brick building on Main street, opposite Melick's Jewelry Store, and has on hand a large stock of WINES A&D LEQUORS of all kinds and of the best quality, direct from the Custom House, which he is prepared to sell to Landlords and others on the mostrea sonahle terms. Our stock consists of French Brandv, dark and pale. Also, Peach, Black berry, Cinnamon and Ulierry Brandy; Hol land Gin, N. E. Rum; Irish, Rye and Apple Whiskey; Lisbon, Claret, Port, Sweet Mula ia, Currant and Champagne Wine, &c. &c Also, on hand a large stock of Bitters of all kinds. Demijohns, from to 5 gallons; bottles, and generally any thing that can be asked for in our line. Landlords will find it greatly to their ad vantage to deal with me. I have no hired agents to sell and distribute liquors for meat great expense, which must be paid for by the consumer. Those dealing1 with me I intend shall be satisfied with the article they get, as well as the price, and whenever they are not, I will be pleased to have them return the liquor, and make the fact known, for I in- end to make it a permanent bnsmess, and can only do so by dealing honorably. All orders sent me, by stage drivers or others, will be promptly attended to, the same as though the person was present dealing for himself. July 8, 182. P. S. POSTENS. fZZSsjSk Has permanently located iimr JpppgK self in Stroudsburg, and moved -uCLjy his offlce next door t0 )r S. Walton, and nearly opposite S. Rees's Hat & Cap store, where he is fully prepared to treat the natural teeth, and also to insert incorrupt ible artificial teeth on pivot and plate, in the latest and most improved manner. Most per sons know the danger and folly of trusting their work to the ignorant as well as the traveling dentist. It matters not how much experience a person may have, he is liable to have some failures out of a number of cases, and if the dentist lives at a distance, it is fre quently put off until it is too late to save the tooth or teeth as it may be, otherwise convenience and trouble of going so far. Hence the necessity of obtaining the services of v dentist near home. All work warranted. Something New. The public arc respectfully informed that the undersigned has opened, in the Borough of Stroudsburg, a NEW DRUG STORE, in the large four story buildin" recently erected by Messrs. Fow ler and V intemute, two doors a bove Robert Boy's Store, where he intends keeping always on hand, a large assortment of Drugs and Medicines. Paints, Oils, Var nishes, French and Common Glass, d c. The stock will also embrace FANCY NO- TIONSin endless variety, from which all tastes can lie gratified, including Perfumery, Plain and Fancy Glars Ware, Tooth, Hair and Toilet Brushes; Combs, &c. ALSO Pure WSKES AKD LIQUORS for medicinal purposes, which beer their own recommendation. Every article will be warranted pure and fresh, and will be dispensed by an assistant whose experience in the business is such as to deserve the unlimited confidence of the public. Call and see. JAMES N. DURLING, Proprietor. Stroudsburg, Dec. 3 1, I85G. Hollinshead & Detrick, DRUGGISTS AND CHEMISTS, Wholoale and Retail dealers in Drug, rf23icii:e., Eiinl, Oils, lye Stuffs, Giia, Eerf ecsiery, &v.. &:. GOTHS C HALL DHUO STORE, STROUDSBURG, PA. N. R. German and English prescrip tions carefully compounded. WM. HOLI.INSIiriAD. C. S. DETRXCK. April 8, 1858. ly. New Goods, Very Cheap. JOHN N. STOKES, having just finished his selections, is now re ceiving a choice and fashionable Sassortmetit of new and seasonable goods, to which he invites the attention of the public. Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware &c, &c, in variety, and of superior quality will be found in his store, at prices unusually low. The public are invited to call and see. No charge for showing goods. J. N. STOKES. Stroudsburg, April 26, 1859. SOAP. Fine scented Soaps for wash, ing and shaving a'so the coiebrate- shaving cream, for sale by SAM UXJUMULIUK, Stroudsburg, January 1, 1855. PRICES TO- SUIT THE TIMES. Tlio largest am! Clicapes Slock ever offered in tin City. CHABIiES W. BEAN, Wholesale Dealer IN French and German Baskets, Wood and Willoio Ware, Notions, Brushes, Oil Cloths, Cotton Laps, Wadding, ' &c, &r &c. No. 11!) Market-Street, below Second, (north side,) PHILADELPHIA. The subscriber has iust opened an entire- ' ly new and complete stock of goods of the best quality and description, to which he would re&perlfully call the attention of Mer chants and Dealers who wish to find a good article cheap for Cash. I hese goods were bought lor iNeU Uash, at the sreatlv recuced'nrices consequent upv on the stringency of the times, and believing me nnnoie sixpence io ue newer man ine "slow shilling," they are now offered to the public at prices tnal defy competition. The following are a few of the articles- always on hand : I'ails and Tubs of all kinds and qualities,-To- Pails, Salt and Sugar Boxes, Hall Bushel and Peck Measures, Well Buck-' cts, Towel Rollers, Patent head and siraiuht clothes puis, wash boards,, wooden mop handles, Grain scoops, Toy Wheelbarrows, Corn Brooms, every variety, Shoe, Paint. -Scrub, and Sweep brushes. &c. Clothes brtihes. Baskets, Willow and ratan chairs, skirt ratans. bird cages, clothes lines, bed cords, skirl cords, lie yarn Twine of all kinds, together with a large assortment of Notions ami Fancv Goods. Hosiery. Gloves, Shirts, Drawers, Threads, &c clicp from auction. These goods are all new and carefully selected, are offered at price's that cannot fail to attract attention Buyers will im'unably find it to their own internet to call before purchasing elsewhere. flCTParthular attention given to packing goods for shipment, so as to prevent dam age or excessive charges for freight IETOrders by Mail promptly attended to. CHARLES W. DEAN. 1 10 Market st , north side, below 2nd, Phila. November 18, 1858. ly. ASSOCIATION, PHILADELPHIA. A Benevolent Jnsliiulum established by spe cial Eudowmenl, for jhe Relief of the Sic: aud Distressed, afflicted icith Vriulcnt cj- Epidemic!; Diseases. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION, in view of the awful destruction of human life caus ed by Sexual diseases, and the deceptions practiced upon the unfortunate victims of such diseases Siy Quacks, several years ago directed their Consulting Surgeon, as a CHARITABLE -4CT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment of diseases, in all their forms, and to give Med ical advice gratis to all who apply by letter, with a description of their condition, (age, occupation, habits of life, &c.) and in case of extreme poverty, to FURNISH MEDI CINE FREE OF CHARGE. It is need less to add thai the Association commands the highest Medical skill of the age, and wilt furnish the most approved modern treat ment. The Directors of the Association, in their Annual Report upon the tieatment of Sexu al Diseases, express the highest satisfaction with the success which has attended the la bors of their Surgeons in the cureofSper mdtonhoja, Senural Weakness, Gonorrhoea, Gleet, Syphilis, the vice uf Onanism or Self Abuse, Diseases of the Kidneys and Blad der, &c and order a continuance of the same plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review of the past, feel assured that their labors in this sphere of benevolent effort have been of great ben efit to.tlse afflicted, especially Jo ihe young, and they have resohed to devote themselves, with renewed zeal, to this very important and much despised cause. An admirable Report on Spermatorrhoea, i.r Seminal Weakness, the '. ice of Onaism, Masturbation, or Self Abuse, and other dis eases of the Sexual Organs, by the Consult ing Surgeon, will he sent by mail (in a seal ed envelope). Jrce of charge, on receipt of lico stamps, for postage. Other Reports and Tracts on the nature and treatment of Sex ual diseases, diet, &c are eon-i.nitly being published hr gratuitous disllibution, and wiil be sent to the afllirted. Some oi the new remedies and methods of treatment dis covered during the- last year, are of great value. Addres, for Rpport or treatment. DR. J. SKI L LIN HOUGfiTON Actine Surgeon, No. 2 South Ninth street. Philadelphia, Pa. Bv order of the Directors. EZRA D HEARl'W ELL, Brest. GEO. FAIRt'KILD, Secretary. March 2-1, ISM). Iv. Stroudsburg, Oct. 22, 1857.-tf GUlYSMITH. The undersinnod respectfully in reforms the citizens of Stroudsburc: and vicinity, that ho has commenced the GuarsMBYiasjJC! busbxess, near Kautz's Blacksmith shop, on William St., ond is fully prepared to do all kinds ot work in his line, with neatness and des patch. Having had twenty years ex perience in this business, ho hopes will be an inducement for the people to givo htm a trial. Repairing of all kinds promptly attend ed to. Rifles made to order. LEWIS KEINEST1 a Stroudsburg, June 14, 1855. ; - BLANK MORTGAGES For sale at this Office
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers