A Cheerful Face. There is no greater evcry-day virtue than cheerfulness. This quality in man among men is iiko sunsbiuo to tbo day, or gentle renewing tnobturo to parched bcrbs. Tbo light of a cheerful faoe dif fuses itself and communicates the happy spirit that inspires it. The coureht tem per must sweeten in the atmo.-pherc of continuous good humor. As well might fog, and cloud, and vapor, hopo to oling to the sun-illumed landscape, as the bluer and uioro-cnasa to combat jovial speech and exhilarating laughter Ue cheerfm always. There is no path but will be ea eicr traveled no load hut will be light er no shadow on heart or brain but will lift sooner in prccnoo of a determined cheerfulness. It may, at times, scorn dif ficult for the happiest tempt red to keep the countenance of peace and contest; i ut tbe difficulty will vanish when we trucly consider that sullen gloom and past-iooute despair do nothing but multiply thorn and thicken rorrows. Ill comes to u as providentially as good, and is is uood, it wa tiubtly apply its lcsotis. Why not then cheerfully accept the ill, and thus blunt it? apparent Mine? Cberfulnetr nii.Tht to be the fruit of Dbilo.-onhv and of Christianity What is gained t.y peuvifh ness and irctfuheaS by purfer.se adueh and isulUnccssI If wo are ill, let us be cheerful by the tru-t tht wo shall oou bo in health; if misfortune befall us, let as be cheerful by hopeful visions of het tnr fortune; if death robs us of the dear ones, let us bo cheered by the thought that tbey are only gon before to the blitvful bowers where wc bbull all. meet to part do more forever. Cultivate cheer fulness, if only for personal profit You will do and bear every duty and burden better bj beina cheerful. It will he 3 our con?o:c r ;n solitude jour pa?.-port and commoudator in society. lrou will he moro sought after more trusted and es teemed for your steady chf crfuioess Gemnle cheerfulncs i- an almost ccrtaiu index of a hsppy mind and a pure good heart. New York Markets. Wednesday. January 4, 1S00. FLOUR AND MEAL Vuei.t flour, 0 400 bbls. at 85 25 a 5 :K) for uperSne "Western and State. 5.5 50 for tstra do. do So 70 a $5 13 5 for extra .-hipping 0 hio, S5 90 a $6 for trade brands do., and $5 70 a 7 20 for extra St. Louia and Gennes.ee. GRAIN Whest. 300 bushels Red State at SI 25, and 300 Jo White Ken tucky at $1 55. Corn, S,((.0 buah at 8l a UOo. for Jersey and Southern yellow, new; 95c. for old rouud yellow, and 90o. for new whit'- Southern. PROVISIONS Pork, 670 bbls. at Si 5 90 a MG I2h for Jh-s , and ?l 1 aSll 70 for Prime lrev-ed Mos are firm and on hand at 0 a 7c. Lnrd; '200 bbls. and t at 10 a 10?o. Cut Meatr are in limited demand, and are steody.- 30 hhds at 6 a 0&c. for &houidcr, and 9 a 95c. for Hams. SUGAR 325 hh. Cuba st7 7$. TA L LOW 25,000 lb. prime at K'io COFFEE Rio at 11 a It j. THE GREAT EyGLISIl REMEDY. SIR JAMES CLARKE'S Celebrated Feasale Pilis. PROTECTED BY UOYATi r AT EXT. Prepared from a presriplion of Sir J.Clarke, M. JJ. Physician juxiraorainary to uic Queen. This invaluable inwltatie is unfuiliit" in the cure of nil thci ntiinfiil opiI AanMPHiU t!ise.iMS to which lh uil inucv ('.' 1 --3 . female constitution is subject. It moderates all execs mid removes sill ubstrucBoiM, aiKi a sweetly core ns be telied on. it is pccnliarlj- suited. It w ill, m a i-horl U'e, bi jag on Uie tiionttily iH-nod with regularity. Each biillfc, price One Dollar, b ar tlic Goreraie taiiip of Croat UnlHn, to prevent eouniorfeits. Thp.e PilU should not be inlsen by females diuinr the FIRST THREE .MONTHS of PrcgiiHitcy, as nre rare to biing 011 JVliMirnrtge,&ul at any oer unsc iey are safe In all cases of Nervous and Spinal Affections, pain i thf ii.-trfc mimI ihnbs. fatigue on Mi ht exertion, palpita tion of the hcast, liryl tries and hues, these Pills w ill effect a-cuie when alt owor means ware laucu; ami al though a. povvoiful iwnoiy, do mt conjiin fiou, ca -infl..nntiinoiij-, or anything hurtful tol e conitudon FulldiiicJHiis iHlhepiipliIcisMOUiNt each paekaj:. Sole Agent for the iJliitod StnHJs wl Canada, JOB !OSKS " (Ljtel. C. B 1 Co..) llocjie er. Y. K. B. $1 00 rtnd 0 i oxlage stamps cuclosod to. nj authtirizel Agent, Will inwne r 'ioiJle. i-oni.ung ,M) pilU jy,;retirn mui I For ssute lrf Stroud tirg. by July 1. 1WJ - ly. J- K. Ul RUNG, Agent o- IJAIR D YE HAIR D YE HAIR D YE Wm. A. Batchelor's Hair Dye ! The Original and Best in the World! All others are mere imitations, aad shoulJ be aroid- cd, it y"U ! iih to escape ndieule. Gray, Jd, or Rusty Hjii Dytd instantly lo a befluti jul ayd Nat iral Urwn or Hiack, without tbe least iu fury to Hair or sM. Fifteen Medal ami Diplomas havo been awarded : t.r 1 .irtu.r since 1S30. and ver H0,000applsi- lions have been made to the Hair of life patr's uf h"" famous Hye. Win. A. DATTIELOIt'S HAIR L'YE prcniMees a color 11.it to be distinguished from nature, and is warrwntrd in i5,,rp in ihft least. However lonp It may be con tinued, and the ill effects of Red Dyes lemMlicd, the Hair inu'goraged for Life by this sph-iaini uye. Made, sold or applied (iti private rooms) at the Wig Factor v, 233 RrOHdway, New York. Sold in all cities and towns ol the bulled Mates, b Drucgists and Fancy Goods Dealers. jrTne genuine has the name and address upon a atee"l plate engraving on four sides of eaeh bor, or WILLIAM A. lJATCHEL'OR, 23U Uri-adwav. New-'ioiK. Sold by IIOLLINSHEAD & DETRICiv, Strou?burg. VIGS WIGS WICS. BACTHELOR'S WIGS and TOUPEES surpasses all. They .recigaul. ight,eas-y aiiddurBbie. Fitting tea ch..nn- no turning up M". uii otftfee head ; indeed, tin. is the onW 11 ablis Incnt M here these things aie properly undWwod I and jnade. K13 nmadwav. New-York. Dec. 3, lb- -iV- On the 22d ult., by Rev. J. 0. Thom as, Mr. Wilson Bush, and Mi Martha Browja, both of Stroui township, Monroe county, Pa. On tbe same day by the same. Mr. George EI. Orndt to Miss Caroline Bow man, both of Paradise On tho sarce daj by the same, Mr. Le Tellan Koch and Mts Sally Ann Coffman, both of Paradise. PUBLIC VENDUE. There will be void at public vendue, at the house of John Barlip, dee'd, in El dred township, Monroe county, on Saturday, January 1th, 1860, at 1 o'clock p in., the followiug Ileal Eftate, to wit: o. 1 containing CI acres, of which about 50 acres id cleared, about 12 acres of meadow; a gopd Apple Orehar. lue iint-rovementu arc a ttro story Lf.Gr 110 SE, 22 by 2 feci; frame BARN 95 it. by 55 feet with ttone stables; a Yaon House attached to the barn, 10 by H5 fit'l ; a lo Stable 20 ly 25 feet ; a never failing pring ucar the houst;; a .-trc-nui of water rans through tho proper ty. Tbe cleared land in in a good state ot oulti atiou No. 2, ooGtaiuiug about S7 acres, about 25 aero cleared, the reniaindcr good Timber land, lying on the public road leading from the Wind Gap to Smith's Gap! There i a goo J sjrin on the prop erty and a very deirubl place for build iug. Tbe land is in a ligh atate ol culti vation. No. 3 contains G2 acres and 150 perch es, about 7 aererf cleared, the remainder good Tiiiiberlaud well watered. Conditions made known on the day ol ale by tha undcrt-ined. GJSOHGE BALIP, DAVID HA KLIP, JOHN BAHL1P. Jr. WILLIAM BARLIP, JACOB BARLIP, SALLY SMITH, LYDIA SMITH, JULY ANN SMITH, SUSAN CHER. Dembcr 'J2, 1850. OYSTEK8. Families and llote .-upplied with fresh OYSTERS, in the Mudl, In-h from the Gitv, every dav. at reasonable prices. DRAKE & FELKER. S(roud?burg, December 22, l?50.-tf. Oysters & X. X. X. X. Ale. Drop in at Drake & Felkers Saloon for 0-ter ttcw- and Albany Cream Ale. "Dec 22, 185!). tf. FarsEJ L:ms fr Sale 25 italic from Philadelphia lv lli'lroad in the iStato :t Now Jersey. Soil among the best lor ARiieuittir.il purposes, being: a good loan oil. with a day bottom. The land is a lar:e tract, divided into small farms, and huiidre from all pans of the country ar' now .eltlirir and building. The orops pro dured are !ar;e and can be seen growiuo I he cli.naie is delightful, and secure from irots Terms from Si 5 to -J0 per acre, oavafde union four yerrs by instalments i'o wit V olace Leavo Vine Slreei v IimI ai Philadelphia al 7 12 A. M. I. Railroad lor i launnontoii, or address R J iJvrnes. lv leiter. llammonlon Post Orric'e, -tl.iittic Cotmtv, New Jeisey. See full ad ieriisernent in anniher enlumn. Delaware water Gar CL AhJ hi GAL SCHOOL. Eev. E. S. Howell, A. EL Principal. Tbe Academic year ol thi boar ding school for boys, begins on tbe hi.-t Monday of September, and ends on the l-i-t Thursday of Jurje. It in divided into three terms. The Drt begins on the 1st Monday of September, and coutinue sixteen ffcek?; tbesecond begins on tbe 2d Monday of January, and continues twelve Tsv(-ks the third begun on the 2d iondaj of April and continues ehveu weeks.' Aracatiou.u; two week'? at the Hol lidr.ys, and one week at the lt of April. Pupils receive r at any time. YoutU' nnn preparing themselves to be Teachers can pursue a course of study specially a dapted to that purpose. Terms Board, Wa-hins, Tuition, furnished room. froJ four dollar.i to four dollars and fifty cents per week, i "ay t-cholar- tuition, two dollars per month. September 29, lS59.-2m. BOARDING SCHOOL FOR YOUNG LADIES. Sfroutisbiirg Ffmalc SeiuSnery Under ihe care of I he Rev. J. E. MILLER and Miss M. S. MILLER: Mr.. J. E. MILLER teacher of Music, Drawing and Ornamental work. The year to he. divided into three terms ol 14 weelcs each. TERMS. For day scholure.- For a 11 "the Enili--!i branches usually taught in Seminaries of tho fir.-t grade, and Latin : $5, per Session. luusic on trie nann, o per quiiiim. " on the Guitar, 5 for full course. P.-istfd l'iiinlinir. S5 n Monochnimtitic. 4 Material furnished. I.wilhor Work 4 Six niinils will be received into the family of the. Principal as boarders, at a charge of JJ200, per year, for Boardinir, washing, and tuition in all tho English brunches, Lntin, and French. Half payment to be made at Ihe hegmning of each session, aud the re mainder at the cIo.c. . No deduction for absence, for either boar ding or day-scholars, excepting in case of sickness, or by special agreement. Pupils received at any time during the se.-pion, and charged from the time when ihey commence, July 28, 1859. tf. l V:iiiliug Farm in a delihtf;; clnnale, rich soil, and e ure from iroslb. Se adrii.ement of llammoiiton Land-j in another roluntn. l Caution. I hereby caution all persons against hunting, fibing, or going through rass, rrain or orchards upon my promises, as I am d-tcrminpd to prosecute trespassers to the full extent of the law. ELIJAH SCHUG. Stroud Up. Sept. 22, 1859. CHARLTON BURNET, Attorney at I, aw, STliOUDSBUllG, MONROE COUNTY, PA. Office on Elizabeth street, formerly oo cupied by Win. Drvif,,iBsq. ' 1 1 1 MpA Ayefs SaisapSiDI, A compound remedy, in which wc havo labored to produce the mot efrcctual alterative thai ca he made. It is a concentrated extract of Para Sarsapaiilla, o combine! with other substances of still "TT.rr rJierativo ;ower ns to allbvd an eflcctivoanridoto for the disciiscs Sarsaparillais reputed to cure. It is believed that such a rem edy is wanted by thojc who sutler frora Stru mous complaints, and that or.o which V.-;U ac complish their cure must p-ovc of i-incno ser vice to this large class of o:tr nfilictcd fellow citizens. How completely this compound will do it lias been p-.oven by experiment on many of the worst eases to bc'fouud of the following complaints : SCltOFUIA AND ScnOFL'LOCS COKPL.VIXTS, Enurnovs and Ekui'tivc Diseasks. Ui ckrs, Pniru:s, Blotches, ' Tumors, Salt Rheum, Scald Head, Syphilis sand Sypiii- TT-rm AvpPf!TIOS. MbUCURI.VI. DISEASE, -Dropsy, Neuralo'ia or. Tic Doulockkau:-:,; Deilit Dyspepsia and ll)IGESTIO, Erysipelas Rose, or St. Axth n'y's Tire, and indeed the whole cbr-j of complaints ai-isin-from Impurity or the Blood. This compound will bo found arcat pro moter of health, when taken in the spring, to ex pel the foul humors w"iich fester in the blood at that season of t!.t! year. By; the timely expul sion of them many railing di-orders are nipped in the bud. Multitudes can, by the aid of t!ii" remedy, spare themselves from the endurance of foul eruptions and ulcerous fores, through which the system will strive to rid it-elf of corruptions, if no't nsbi-tcd to do this through, tho natural channels of the body by an ni;onitive medicine. Cleanse out tho vitiated blood whenever you find its impurities bunking through tho . skin in pimples, eruptions, or tores ; "cleanse it when von find it is obstructed and slu isli in thJ Veins; cleanse it whenever it is f-jui, and your feclin-s will tell you when. Even, where, no particular disorder is felt, people enjoy better health, and live lonscr, for cleansing the blood. Keep the blood healthy, and all is well; but with this pabulum of life disordered, there can iie no Listing health. Sooner or huer something must go wrong, and the great machinery of Lie is disordered or overthrown. Sarsaparilhi has, and de. mtcs much, the repu tation of accomplishing the-e ends. But- the world has been egregiously deceived by prepara tions of it, partly-because the drug alone has not all the virtue that is claimed for it, but more be cause rnanv preparations, pretending to be con centrated extracts of it, contain hut little of the virtue of Sarsaparilhi, or any thing clfc. p During late years the puLiic have been misled by large bottles, pretending to give a quart ot Extract of Sarsaparilhi for one dollar. Most of these have been frauds upon the sick, for they not only contain little, if any, Sarsaparilla, but often no curative picvicrties whatever. Hence, hitter and painful disappointment has followed the use of the various extracts of Sarsaparilla which flood the market, until the name itself i:, justly despised, and has become synonymous with imposition and cheat. Still we call thi compound Sarsaparilla, and intend to suppl; such a remedy as shall rescue tho name from ti. load of obloquy which rc. ts upon it. And y.-. think we have'ground for bchevinc it has v'n ;iK-s which arc irreMstib'.e by the ordinary nm rr tho iii-i-ieps it is intended to cure. In order t sceu14. tiicir complete eradication from the py iMn, the remedy should be judiciously taken ;wdhig to directions on the bottle. PR1.PARED MX BR. 3. G. AYE St & CO., L O W E L h, :r A S s. i"r:cs, G3- 35otilo 5 Six ilcttlea Cor SS, Aycr's Cherry Pectoral ius won for itself such a renown for the cur" o' cry variety of Th.oat and Lv..:g Compli.ir.' .hat it is entirely unnecessary tor us to rceom. the evidence of its virtues, wherever it has bee: employed. M it has long been in constant use throughout this section, we need not do more .;; n ,w.i.-c ihe people its quality is kept up tc b .-t it cvr has been, and thn.t it may be re .1 on to do for their rciicf all it has sver been ound to do. Aycr's Cathartic Pills,. TOR THE CURE Oi' of'ivfres.f, JawrVce, Dysprpva, Ir.f'ig-sKnn l)se:.hry, Fo il Stomach, x-tys.pclas, i,adachc. tK.rs, lic tmut.'stn, Erupt.oasand S.m Diseases, Liver K-omphvi.t, Dropsy, Trtier, Tutors ana Salt Bheum, V.or.ns, Gout, Neuralgia, as a Din ner Pill, and for Purifying the Blood. Thev nresucar-coatcd, fo that the most sen;"' ive can take them pleasantly, and they are t!:. j-st aperient in the world for all the purposes jf a family physic. Price 25 cents per Bos ; Fiva Eoscs f;r $1.00. Great numbers of Chn?vmcn, Thysicians, Staresmcn, and eminent parsonages, have leu iheir names to certifv tl:'; unparalleled uciu ness of these remedies bat our space here w:l not permit the insertion of them. The Agent: below named fnrnir-h gratis our Americas Ax maxac in which ihey ans given; wiih al o fu! duscrijitions of the above complaints, and tm treatment that should be followed for their cure. Do not -.be put oil by unprincipalcd detucn with other preparations they make more pro!i; on. Demand Ayur's, and take no others, ibe sick want the best aid there is fur thein, auu they should have it. All our remedies arc for sale hy Hollinshead & Detrick, James N. Bur ling, and by all Druggists and Dealers everywhere. $200 to $500 Wanted For one vear. for whicli'S per cent, inter est will be paid, and secured by personal nronertv and real estate. Any one hav- ini tbe above sum or part of it, to loan, can find out full particulars by callimr at tbi office. liSov. 2 CONRAD Z. WARN1CK Announces to the citiz. n of tbis vicin ty, that he is prepared to take A in bro types ITlelain types A ltd ftielolvncs in tbe most appoved style of tbe art, and renectfullv solicit a pbare of your pat ronage. He bas taken rooms at the Odd Fallow'- Hall, (seoond floor) where bo is prepared to give satisfaction to all who ruav favor him with a call. PICTURES taken for from 38 cts. to S3, to uit the ttstc of patrons. Gall and . & ee epecimens. Stroudsburg, Deo. 15, 1859. A fcOLD WATCH FOR YOU. Anv neTsoo desirim: to procure a good GOLD WATCH, warrauted 18 Carat- Fine, by a sure proeps?, requiring no money and but little exertion, can no o by addressing R. MELVltf, Gift Book Store, bulletin Building, No. 1)2 South Third St, Philadelphia. November 3, 1859. 3m. NEW Express Arrangement. Tbo Hopo and tToward Express Com panys are now prepared to forward Mon ey, Valuables of any kind, Packages, &e., with their own Cars, and special Messen gers, with dispatch from Stroudsburgto ti ny part of the world. . JOHN N. STOKES, Agent, For the Hope and Howard Ex. Co' : Stroudsburg, Feb. 4. 1 858,tf. , r CHANGE OF TIME. Winter Arrangement. 4 TC Delaware, Lachawauna & Western RAIL ROAD.- 07" On and after Thursday, December 1, 1859, trains will be run as follows: lixpros S!iesgr Trains. MOVING SOUTH. The night Rxpress Train east on N. Y. & Erie Railroad arrives al Great Bend at 3:26 A. AI., and connects with the Express Train eaving Great Bend for New Tork and Phil- adelphia, al 8 00 a. m. 8 17 Due at Kcw-Milford, Due at Montrose, H Hupboltom 8 36 859 it Nicholson Factoryvillc, Abington Scran ton, Moscow, Tobyhanna Stroudsburg-, Water Gap, Columbia, . : . 9 16 " - s 9 40 f: 9 57 " - - . 10:30 " 11:17 r 11:53 " ' '' - 1:12 p. m. - 1:34 : : 1:50 " Delaware.(15 minutes todine) 2:00 Hp, (Phila'da. connection) 2;35 Britltrville, - - - .- 2:40 Washington. : : 3:13 Junction, - - . - .3:30 New York, - 7:15 Philadelphia, - - - '8;20 MOVING NORTH. Passengers from New York, leave Pier No. 2, North River at 7:30, a. m. From Phila. leave Walnut st. Wharf at 6:00 11:10 Leuve Junction, Due ut Washington : Bndgeville, Hope, (Phila. connection) Delaware, 15 min. dinner, Columbia : : Wuier Gap, -Stroudsburg, Tobyhanna, : : Moscow, - -Scrauton, Abington ' : ; Factoryville, - . -Nicholson - - ' v -Hupboltom : : Montrose, - -New tMilTord : : Great Bend, 11:28 ' 12:01 p. m. 12:05 12:20 12:44 1:01 1:15 2:45 3:19 4:05 4;42 - 4:59 5:19 5:42 u .t tt t t 6:04 " 6:22 - 6:40 " 1:45 a. m. 10:35 a. m. 11:55 " 12:35 p. m. 1:03 " 2:50 p. m. Connecting at Great Bend with Night Express west, at Accommodation Train leaves Scranton for Great Bend at Factovillo : : Nicholson : , Montrose : : Arrive at Great Bend, Connecting with tbe Dunkirk Ex press West, at : ; 3:39 And Accommodation Train west,at5:33 Returning, leaves Great Bend, 3:10 p m. Montrose : : : 4:05 " Nicholson : : 5:15 Factoiyville : : 5:55 " Due at Scranton, - - 7:15 " The Accommodation Train does not leave Scranton until affr the arrival of the Morn-ins- Train on the Lackawanna & Blooms- burg R. R. thus giving Passengers from the Wyoming Valley a direct connection ior uie West bv the morning lrain. For the accommodation of way travel on the Southern Division, a Passenger Car will be attached to the Express Freight Train leaving Scranton at 4:.iU a. in, Due at Moscow . : 6:00 " Stroudsburg at 10:30 " Junction at 2:40 P- m Returning, will leave Junction at 4:00 a. no Due at Stroudsburg at 7:4b Moscow : ; 1:10 P- m Scranton at : : 2:35 " Passengers to and from New York change cars at Junclion to and Irom liiladnipiua via. B. D. R. R., leave or take the cars at llnno. Fur Pittstnn. Kingston, and Wilkes Barre, tike Lackawanna and Bloomsbnrg R. R. at Scranton For Jessup, Archibald and n:irh,imhile.take Stupes al Scranton Tickets sold and Baggage checked through. JOHN BRISBIN, Supt Wm. N. Jcnks, Gen'l Ticket Agent. Scranton, N )vember 21, 1859. Shoe business ami Factori-s can be carried on profitably at Ilammonton See advertisement of Ilammonton Lands. Books and Stationery. THE OLD ESTABLISHED CHEAP BOOK STOSSE, Ko. 224 North Second Street, (Between Race and Vine Street,) !Pi2ilndelphia, Country Merchants, Booksellers, Store keepers, School Boards, Teachers and every body in wanl of Books and Stationery will find at this establishment a complete assort ment of English and Classical Text Books, for Colleges, Academies and Schools, wheth er publicor private AIrO, School and Fam ily Stul ionery in great variety. Besides an extensive stock ot all kinds of Books, in eve ry department of Literature Family, School, and Pocket Bibles, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, Blank Account and Memorandum Books, Ink, Pens, Slnlo and Lead Pencils, Slates, Wrapping Papers, &c, &c, &c, all ellintr at the very lownst-nett cash prices. LEARY, GETZ & CO. Publishers & Booksellers, No 224 North Second Street, Philadelphia. Q3 Particular attention paid to all orders by mail. August 13, 1959. To the owners of Horses. The undersigned announces to the cit izens of Monroe County that he is pre pared to effect tho certain cure of the followiog diseases: Spavin, Ringbone, Splint, or any bony Tumors, Swineij, Fistula, Pole Evil, and other diseases. Coll on or addrens SAMUEL L. BREES. Stroudsburg, Pa. Sept. 2!), 1850. Grape Growers ran Carry on their business most hurresslnlty at Ham monton, free from Irnsta- Some forty in yards set mil the past sensen. See auver tispinentpf Hammoiiion Lands, in another column. Will. K. Il.ivilaaid, ATTORNEY AT LAW, STROUDSBURG, MONROE CO., PA Office at James II. Walton's, Esq. oolloctions made, and business attended C with promptness and dispatch. Stroudsburg, June 26, .185V ? FSOD EOR THE MIND!4 JF YOU WAST A BOOK, j SEND TO GEORGE G. EVAIVS, 430 CIicmiiiI si reel, PHILADELPHIA .FOR il. YOU CAN GET GOOD iiPOKS, - YOU CAN GET CHOICE HOOKS, YOU CAN GET BOOKS WOKlJI ItEAi?IXG VOU CAN GF.T BOOKS IN EVERY DEPARTMENT OF LITERATURE AND A HANSO.ME TRESENT, Worth from 50 cents to 100, is given with each Book sold. In fact, the best place in the Country lo buy Books, is at GSIOKGE C. EYAW', No. 430 Chesnut Street, Philadelphia, ORIGINATOR OF THE GIFT BOOK BUSINESS, AND PROPRIETOR of Tim OLDEST AND LARGEST GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHES HtfT IN THE WORLD ! Who calls attention to the fact, that he has made such arrangements with other Publish ers and Manufacturers, that it gives bin: pleasure to oner GREATER INDUCEMENTS than ever, and such that cannot be. equaled by any other Gift Book House in the world. 1860 Gold aud Silver Watches Gold Chain, and Siik Divas Patlci'it, AND OVER 350.000 Dollars worth of Jewelry WERE GIVEN A WAY, during the six months, from Jannary to July, In59. each article ol which has been ol t lit finest quality, and has given satisfaction in every instance. All Books are Bold at the Publishers pri ces, and you can select from the Largest Stock of Books in the Coantry. SEND FOR A CLASSIFIED CATALOGUE, Which will be sent by mail, and which con tains a complete list of the most valuable standard works in every department of liter ature, comprising HISTORY, ' BIOGRAPHY, , , ' ' TRAVELS, VOYAGES, POETRY, SCIENCE. MEDICINE, THEOLOGY. CHEMISTRY, MECHANICS, GEOGRAPHY. NAVIGATION ADVENTURES, AGRICULTURE, MANUFACTURES, ARCHITECTURE. FREE MAMJNRY. NATURAL HISTORY. ODD FELLOWSHIP, ALBUMS, ANNUALS, BIBLES, PRAYER BOOKS, HYMN BOOKS, SCHOOL BOOKS, SINGING BOOKS, JUVENILE BOOKS,. WRITING PAPER, LETFER PAPER. AND ENVELOPES 3 1 Jil VKTii !S Which are given with the Books, consist o Jewelry, &c, of the finest quality and of the best manufacture, and are valued at the man ufacturers' prices, and comprise a large va riely of Ladies' and Gents' Gold and Silver Watches, Efrht-Dav time pieces and Bronze Clocks, Ladies' elegant black or plaid Silk Dress patterns, Silver-plated Tea and Coffee Setts, Cake, Fruit and Card Baskets, Tea and Ta ble spoons, Butter, fish, bread and fruit Knives, Elegant setts of Jewelry, for Ladies, includ injr Bracelets, Breastpins and Ear Rings to match, neatly nut un in boxes. Costly setts of Cameos, Mosaic, Florentine, Coral, Garnet, Turquois, Lava, and every variety of Jewelry. Gold Lockets, of all sizes, for Minature Hair. &c. Ladies' and Gents' Gold Pencil cases, with fine Gold Pens, Gents' diamond-pointed commercial and en crossing Gold pens, with silver and euony handles, in boxes. Ladies' gold neck, chateluine, watch and L'uunl chains. Gents' "old fob and vest chains. Gents' setts of Cameo, Mosaic, Florentine, enameled and engraved gold studs, bosom and sleeve buttons, cluster breastpins, with opal centre and gold chains.' Pearl pocket-knives, porte monnaies, caba and purses. Ladies' brent pins, earrings, finger rings, cuff and chemisette buttons, gold and sn ver pencils, crosses, belt slides, etc. etc of over a thousand varieties, varying from 50 cents to 25. REMEMBER THAT, BY PURCHASING BOOKS AT GEORGE G. EVANS' GIFT BOOK ESTABLISHMENT, Vnu nav no more than you would at any ..tl.pr Rook store, and you have the advant- a"e of gettin" a valuable present Willi eacn book that vou buy. SEND FOR A CATALOUGE And one trial will asstlre you of the honor able and prompt method qj transacting business. AGENTS WANTED. Anv nerson. either male or female, who desires to engage IN AN HONORABLE AND PROFITABLE EMPLOYMENT, And one that requires but little time, is re quested to address 4 GEORGE G. EVANS, No. 431) Cnesnui street, Philadelphia, Pa Originator of the Gift Bank Business, and Proprietor of the Largest ixit uoot. ja tahlishment in the World. June 30, 1659 -0m. po.xiniN IVnntistx Cliu litre oi i mint' far health. See 'advertisement o Hammonlori Lands, in another wlawh. . Scrofula or King's Evil$ is a constitutional disease; ft corruption of tho blood, by which this fluid fortes pyngd weak, and poor. Iking ut the circulation-? t pervades the whole body, and may burst out m disease on anv part of it. Ko orn is free fronj its attacks, nor ii there one which it may not destroy The scrofulous taint is variously caused bv mercurial disuse, low living, disordered or tmhcalthy food, impure air, fiUIr, aar th habits, the depressing- vices, and, above nil by the venereal infection. Whatever be us onanist it is hereditary in the constitution, descending, . "from parents to children unto the third and ,f fourth generation;" indeed, it seems to bc-thc , rod of Him who says, "I will visit the immutHf ' .''the fathers upon their children." ' - ui cornipt or ulcerous matter, which, nr the liny.. giands, swellings ; and on tbo4 tuhercks; .1 ' , This foul rorran- . surface, cmpou . VlQ Lootl depresses Uio-fc non, which Jfcndeu flI.ous constitutions cncrftics of hfe fo tlis J complaints, but-, noton'ysuner from scrj. -. .,,3tandlic at thev have far less power to w. , 4 , of other diseases: co:rfiequcutKV . """" wrlsh by disorders winch, although . Ions m tiu-ir nature arc Mm iuhucivm . this taint m the svstem. Most of tlic consu.n - tibn which decimates the human family has its-o. origin directly in this scrofulous contaminarion p. and many destructive diseases of the liver, ki..-i ucys, brain, and, indeed, ot all tac organs, ariaot toil hv the same cause. .-m One quftrter of all our people are scrofulous ; u their persons are invaded by this lurking mlea- tion, and tncir ncaitii is unuurnmieu m u. . i r-,,... iir o.-cnrti mtKt renovate tho' Wood hv an alterative medicine, and invigorate' -it bv healthv food aud exercise, fcuch a'medi-- cine wc supply in AYER'S x Coiiipoiiiid Extract of Sarsaparilla, the most effectual remedy which the medical skill of our times can devise for this every-wherfc prevailing and fatal malady It is combined fmm tlio mnt nttivfl reniedials that have been, discovered for the c: purgation of this foul disor-. der from the liLutxl, and tuo rescue oi mc sy- : tom finm its dc-t. active r oiiseauenccs. Hence . it should be employed for the cure of not onlv scrofula, but also those other affections which ari.-c from it, such as hnriTiVK and mcin uis-' bask?. St. Axtiiony's Fike. Rose, or Enr- SIPHLAS, PlMl'LES, TCSTULES, Bt-OTCnES, " Blains and 15on.s, 'Icjioks, j.etteu, anu . Salt Rncujr, Sc.vin Heap, Ringworji, Rheumatism, Syiuiii-itic and Mercurial , Diseases, Droi-sy, DYSfnesiA. Derii.ity and, indeed, all Complaints arii.nu froji. ? Vitiated or iMrcuc Blood. The popular belief in " impurity of the blood." is founded in ' truth, lor scrotuia is a uegencraiion oi uvs uiuw. Tim nnrtipiilnr liiirnnsi find virtue of illlS SarSU- - X 1IU JJ.ll H. ... J. ... J ' v .... - parilhi is to purify and regenerate this vital fluid, without wlneli found licaitn is impossioic ui j contaminated constitutions. I Ay efs Cathartic Pills, FOR ALL THE PURPOSES OF A FAKiLY PHYSIO, , are so composed that disease within the ranpc of their action can rarely withstand or evade them. . Their penetrating properties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human or ganism, correcting its diseased action, and restor ing its healthy vitalities. .As a consequence of these properties, the invalid who is howed down with pain or physical debility is astonished to. , find his health or energy restored hy a remedy . at once so simple and inviting. Not only do they cure the every-day com plaints of every body, hut al?o many forr.iid.ihle 1 and dangcroas'discascs. The agent below namcdj is pleased to furnish gratis my American Alma nac, containing certificates of their cures, and directions for their uc in the following com- plaints : Costivenrss, Heartburn, Headache arts- '! iny from a disordered Stowach, Nawra, Indiges- . tion, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of the Boicete, . Flatulency, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, - FOR THE RAI'ID CCRE OF . ,,t CongH Colds, Mnenzsi, Hoarseness, Croup, Broncliitis, incipient Consnmp-. tion, and for tiie relief of ConscriptiyG. , Patients in advanced stages of the dis-( ease. So wide is the field of its usefulness, and so numerous arc the cises of its cures, that almost even section of country abounds in persons, publicly known, who have been restored from - : alarming and even desperate diseases of tlio lungs hy its use. Yhen once tried, its superi- . ority over every otner mcuicinc oi us k;uu i iw apnarent to escape observation, and where its virtues are known, the public no longer hesitate what antidote to employ for the distressing and. dangerous affections of tho pulmonary organs tnat are iiiciiient io our ciiinaic. n nut ui.u.j , inferior remedies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained 1 friends bv everv trial, conferred benefits on tho . aillictcd they can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable to bo rt forgotten. , TREVARED RY - DE. J. C. AYBR & CO., LOWELL, MASS. tf Sold in Stroudsburg bv J imcs Dor- linr and liollinsbead & Detrielr, and by druggist- everywhere. . June 2, 1859.-1 y. Fall and Winter Goods..; Tiiosutis Vt'. E-ais & Co. rinvn now nnrn for insneclion one of the lur- rest and handsomest assortments of Ladies Dress Goods to he found in the Country, se-1 lected carefully with a view of suiting alP1 tastes. The stock will be toiiiid lo cmorace variety of goods in all prices. Among- the ' rticles to be found in their extensive estab't ishment arc Silks of all kind and prices. . Shawls in tho -west design?. , , Ctuiks the I lUcsl Paris S' tiles. Poplins, Mons. de Lni7ies, Valencifis. iinvolti( Gloves; Veils, Mils, Handkerchiefs, &c. Morning Goods, a Tull assnrlmcnt. i White Goods, in every texture. Iloisery of the he.t makers, with a, full? stock of other goods worthy a visiL'ot-in-st sprction. 5 A large portion of T. W. E. & Co's stock! riipir own imnortatioti. one of the firm vis is it hut E moo twice a veaf to make purcha ses, thus enabling t hem to offer to their cus tomers.. ie new est and most fashionable styles and textures, simultaneous with their appear-? ance in Europe They have also purchased largely this season at the auction Sjies, anil can thus afford to cive their customers the full fenefit of the depreciated prices, rcsult iricr from nxnessive irnnortntinns. Ladies and others from this vicinity, visiting the Cfty.,, win nnu unit a. cau at mis csiuousumcui., will pay them i j . 818 & 820 Cltesnut street, opposite Girard House, Philadelphia. Nov. 3, 'oD-Gt. Caution ! I heroby caution all persons againsti huntiug, U-liur, or going through grass? grain or orchards upon my premises, as am deteraiined to prosecute trespassers to tbe full estcnt of tbo law. . JOSEPH nousER Sinitbficli Uf., Aug, 1 1, 135U. . -. B- Fs;ile ill ihfsWu-e Challc s, Uitnlz, ami otner new lexiuresjr of tins season's Importations. r " Lace Goods, Embroideries, the tfevvbst.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers